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December 2015 Newsletter

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December 2015

Community Carol Sing

The 6th Annual Community Carol Sing will be
held on Saturday, December 19, at 7 p.m.
Stefanie Busch is overseeing the Festive
Christmas Cookie Reception held after the carol
singing. Call her at 720-6951 in case YOU can
bake some cookies for this special program.
Our guest performers are Luke Honeck,
tenor, and the Winds of Time Recorder
Ensemble. Luke will be singing pieces from
Messiah and the well-known Ave Maria by
Franz Schubert. The recorder group will play
several selections from different time periods.
Also, we are fortunate that our organist and
choir director, Tamara McCoy, and Mary
Bustamante will be singing a very special song,
Breath of Heaven. Tamara will also be helping
to play carols this year.
We do hope you will plan
to come to this sparkling
event with friends and
family. As always, admission
is free but donations are
most welcome.

Concert Series Update

The Anchorage Lutheran Concert Series
programs have been very entertaining and well
attended this fall. Beginning last September with
a vocal and trumpet recital, and having jazz,
classical organ, a brass ensemble and an unusual
pairing of oboe, flute, bassoon and marimba this
fall, the programs have been attracting 100+
people from our Anchorage community.
Donations have been a blessing to the
performers and to the church.
Upcoming programs in the spring of 2016
include Bel Canto of Alaska, the Glacier Brass,
and Tamara McCoy performing as part of an
international tour in Alaska and Europe with
guitarist Valerie Hartzell. And we are already
booking performers for the fall 2016/spring
2017 season.

unrecognizable, useless,
crushed and broken
has been, and
continues to be,
restored. That
is what we
and living
among us
and the
restoration of

Tin Soldiers
Tin soldiers have been around a very long
time. The toy soldier pieces are considered a part
of Americana and folk art that is collected. The
older tin soldiers were a solid cast from tin or
lead or pewter. Those soft metals were easy to
bend or crush, destroying the features and
making the soldiers unrecognizable from how
they looked when first cast. Not unlike each of
us: first cast in the image of God, we fell and
Gods image within us is, well, many time
1 John 4:9 This is how God showed his love
among us: He sent his one and only son into the
world that we might live through him.

As tin soldiers, no life is in us; there is only

death...until one tin soldier came among us who
looked the same and was the same in almost
every way. Yet he was different. All the people
who met him thought he was just another tin
soldier who had been created, was soft, was easy
to bend, crush and destroy but this soldier was
different. He was fully alive inside and he was
fully God. He brought life back to us and restored
the relationship that had disappeared. What was

My fellow brothers and

sisters in Christ Jesus, we as tin
soldiers still are soft and easy to destroy. But
because now Christ fills us up, we are being
changed daily from the inside. We have been
restored, forgiven, refreshed and renewed
through Jesus and his birth. As we reflect on
Christmas and all the bright and shiny outward
appearances of the world, may we see clearly
that outward appearance is not eternal and will
pass away. Let us show to others what Jesus has
done for us and all the world. Jesus has invited us
as he dwells in us to share his love with those
that live around us.
You want to change the world? You want to
make a difference in a persons life? Love them
as God has shown his love to you.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you as

one of Jesus servants. May the Christmas season
for you hold great joy in Jesus.
God Bless,

Pastor Andy

Anchorage Lutheran Church:

Happy December! I pray your Advent has
been a blessed one so far, and that you are
eagerly awaiting both Christmas and the
return of our Good King Jesus. We celebrate,
because salvation has been won, and salvation
is coming to be completed! Thanks be to Jesus!
This is the time of the year when we find
ourselves celebrating the most. Keep it up!
Celebrate the many gifts God has given
us in the here and now of family, of
friendship, of food, and of course, ugly
Christmas sweaters. Attend parties, sing
carols, watch silly Christmas films,
attend worship services, pray, and
rejoice, because our God is good!
And as you celebrate the holidays
and get gifts for your loved ones, allow
me to ask you this: have you ever
contemplated what to get your Lord for
Christmas? Certainly He needs nothing from
you, and certainly He has already given you
everything you have as a free gift. However, is
there something God might love to receive
from you?
Well, this year, I have a suggestion! Listen
to what Paul wrote in his letter to the church in
So if there is any encouragement in Christ,
any comfort from love, any participation in
the Spirit, any affection and sympathy,
complete my joy by being of the same mind,
having the same love, being in full accord
and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish
ambition or conceit, but in humility count
others more significant than yourselves. Let
each of you look not only to his own
interests, but also to the interests of others.
Have this mind among yourselves, which is
yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in
the form of God, did not count equality with
God a thing to be grasped, but emptied
himself, by taking the form of a servant,
being born in the likeness of men. And being
found in human form, he humbled himself by
becoming obedient to the point of death,
even death on a cross. Therefore God has

highly exalted him and bestowed on him the

name that is above every name, so that at
the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in
heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil.
Friends, our Gods desire is that we would seek
to follow Him and make His mind
and His heart our own. Jesus invites
us here to look for ways to exercise
humility by looking after the
interests of others and what
better time to do this than the
season when we celebrate how He
looked after our interests at great
expense to Himself!
So, in loving response and living
worship to Jesus, lets all take some
time to examine our hearts and see where we
could humbly work through problems we
might have with others. Lets look for
opportunities to follow our forgiving God and
forgive the wrongs others have done us. Lets
look for chances to count others more
significant than ourselves and sacrificially love
them. Lets look for how we could work
towards unity with our brothers and sisters in
Christ. Lets look into our families, our work,
our congregation, our neighborhood, our
community, and our world. What a powerful
picture we would give to the world of a humble
God! What a great gift of worship this would be
to our King! Lets prayerfully embark on this
journey, moved by His boundless love for us.
As you seek to follow Him who is in charge,
our Lord Jesus, and as you celebrate all He has
done for you this Advent and Christmas
season, Stacey and I want to wish you all a very
merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Love in Jesus,

Pastor Harrison

Were having
a jolly time
in Family
The time to celebrate our Lords birth has
arrived! Decorations are going up, parties are
being planned, children are compiling lists, and
we are preparing our hearts to worship our God
in a deeper way. As all of this goes on we are
reminded that some do not know Christ Jesus,
we are reminded of our blessings and the love we have around us. I have a challenge for you
this holiday season. Choose several people in your community, the cashier at the grocery
store, your mailman, a waiter or waitress whom you have come to know, a barista, people who
you see on a weekly basis. Leave them encouraging cards or a small gift once or twice. Let
them know you love them because Jesus loves them. Make a point this Christmas to share
Jesuss love, the love he died to share.
We have so many exciting things happening in family ministry this season! Between youth
group, advent services, Sunday school and confirmation, we are a busy bunch!
Sunday school started the year with the story of Joseph and moved on to Moses. During Advent
the children will be learning about John the Baptist, the angel Gabriel and of course the birth of
Jesus. Each Sunday we light our advent candle and talk about the meaning. Sunday December
20th we will be having a birthday party for Jesus! We are asking parents to bring a party dish to
share! We will be opening up the classroom dividers and having our party as one big group! We
light the fourth advent candle at 9:45, the party starts at 10!
Youth Group meets just about every Wednesday from 6pm-7:30 except during advent, we meet
at 6:30 instead of 6. Once a month we do a service project. In honor of Veterans Day the youth
made 25 prayer bags for the VA office. The bags consisted of baked goods, candy, nuts, and a
card. The VA office was surprised and grateful for the gifts. Wednesday December 9th we will be
putting together gift bags for homeless teens! Tuesday December 15th at 6:30 we will be having
our youth group Christmas party at the Buschs house! No youth group Wednesday the 16th. If
your youth is attending the party please send him/her with a gift for our white elephant gift
exchange. There will games, food and baking! Please contact me for driving instructions!

Confimration is well under way! Our wonderfully dedicated confirmands will have their third
retreat on December 12th at 5:30. We will be contuining in our Lutheran Life journal, units 5-7.
Dinner starts at 5:30. Instead of breaking for dessert, we will wait until the end of class and have
a small party! Wear a silly Christmas swearter or outfit! We are doing a service project in
Tuesday December 22nd. The children will be helping out with the moble food pantry at Hope
Lutheran Church on Northern Lights. Please have your youth there by 4:30.
First Communion will take place on December 13th for those who took the class in November.
Please contact me as soon as you can and let me know which service you will be attending so
we can plan accordingly.
Lastly I would like to address our Angel Tree! The Sunday school classes have put together an
Angel Tree for children of prisoners. The gifts are on behalf of the incarcerated parent. Most of
these children are in Juneau so we will need to mail the gift to them. The angel tree is set up in
the narthex December 6thDecember 20th. Please consider the act of kindess as part of your
Christmas good-doing. Some of these children have not seen their parent in years, what a
blessing it wil be to receive a gift from them! The process is pretty sinple,
choose a child (or two), contact their caregiver to ensure the information
you have received is correct, buy a gift and mail it out! Please let me
know if you have any questions!
I wish you all a very merry Christmas with love and many blessings. Its
a pleasure serving our Lord God here at ALC.

Rachel Goodell
Director of Fmaily Ministry

Letter of Thanks
Rick McCafferty
LIM-Native Ministries

This is to the
congregation and everyone
that is involved in making
Anchorage Lutheran Church feel like home.
Thank you so much for letting my wife, Jane, and
me be a part of the ALC family. We have felt
nothing but love and welcomed here at ALC. I
personally want to thank all of you for
supporting me in my seminary education with
Concordia Seminary, so that I can study to
become a Lutheran pastor.
My wife and I are Inupiaq Eskimos. I am
originally from Kotzebue, Alaska and my wife is
originally from Brevig Mission, Alaska outside of
Nome. I am a retired Correctional Officer for the
State of Alaska, Department of Corrections (DOC)
and my wife works for Cook Inlet Tribal Council
While working for DOC, I witnessed three
generations of Native men and three generations
of Native women go through our correctional
system. I saw how domestic violence is a
generational curse that is handed down through
our Native people. This hit a core in me, as I grew
up in a home with domestic violence. YHWH has
called me to work with those that have Wounds
of the Heart.
I am very grateful to all of you here at ALC for
supporting me in this ministry. THANK YOU so
much for your open arms and warm hospitality.
Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas Party
The annual
Womens Guild
Christmas party and
luncheon will be held at
Carol Dragers home on
Saturday, December 12,
beginning at 11:00 a.m. All
ladies of the congregation
are invited to attend.
Lunch will be provided by Carol and fellow
LWML members. We will be taking part in
the local community Toys-for-Tots program
again this year. If you are interested in
supporting this program, please bring along
an unwrapped gift/s for any age child.
Should you care to participate in the
Christmas tree ornament exchange, bring an
anonymous gift-wrapped ornament to trade.
Please join us for this festive occasion of
Christmas caroling and good fellowship.
Carol guarantees to have a least one
decorated tree in every room of the house!
4812 Potter Crest Circle, 338-1430.

ALC Choir
If you havent been a part of a church choir for a
long time, you may want to join our choir at
Anchorage Lutheran. We meet on Wednesday
evenings and sing at scheduled times at the 8:30
traditional service. Our new director, Tamara
McCoy, is a trained and accomplished singer and,
while teaching interesting anthems and songs,
gives wonderful how-to-sing advice. Our choir,
small and mighty, sounds fuller and blended due
to her lead. We have a good time of fellowship
too. Please consider joining us. All voices are

Dear Fellow Disciples of Anchorage Lutheran,

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Kathy and I did. The Holiday Season has always
been a special time of year for me. Obviously, it
starts at Thanksgiving and goes through New
Years. As a kid this time of the year was all about
being thankful, family get-togethers, special
meals, cousins that I hadnt seen for some time
coming home, friends coming home from college,
Christmas parties, Christmas caroling, Christmas
pageants, church, decorating the tree, shoveling
snow, ice skating, sleigh rides, Santa Claus,
candy, home-made fudge, home-made ice cream,
buying gifts, getting presents, toys, etc., etc., etc.,
and of course the baby Jesus. We never had much
money, so getting and giving gifts was not as big
a deal for us as it was for other kids.
Consequently, we became content with whatever
gifts we got. Instead, my mom and dad focused
their attention on establishing traditions for us
kids that were fun, and centered on the family
and the birth of Jesus. We grew to count on these
same traditions year after year. Its always fun
for me to hear what traditions others had during
the Holiday Season as they were growing up.
The funny thing about traditions though is
that time changes as does family dynamics
and it gets very difficult to keep honoring
the same traditions over and over.
When I got married, Kathy grew up
with different Christmas traditions
than I did, so we had to find a way to
marry our traditions together too.
When I started a new family, there
were old traditions that I wanted to
keep, but I also wanted to establish some
of our own family traditions. When the kids
grew up and got married, spouses entered the
picture with their own sets of traditions and now
there were times when we had to share the kids
with in-laws, so we might not see them all the
time like we would like to. And of course when
the kids started families of their own they
wanted to establish their own sets of traditions.
So one thing has been obvious, even though our
Christmas traditions that I had growing up
seemed set in concrete, as I got older and time
moved on I had to be very flexible with respect
to my traditions because they were changing a

lot. As I look back on it though, that has added a

lot of spice to my life.
One thing has always remained constant at
Christmas though, the story of the birth of Jesus.
It has always been the one thing that has tied my
family together and it brings peace and comfort
to know that the baby Jesus would grow up to be
my Savior and in a few months I will be able to
celebrate that and the Easter Traditions that are
always changing, too.
I pray that all of you have a very Christ-filled
Christmas. May the baby Jesus bring you comfort
and peace.
Merry Christmas!!!

Terry Callies,
Licensed Deacon and President
Anchorage Lutheran Church

This year many churches and charitable

organizations are experiencing some challenging
financial times as donations and charitable
contributions are down significantly. We are
experiencing the same thing at Anchorage
Lutheran. It is compounded a bit more for us
because we are coming out of the summer
season when giving is traditionally down
anyway and we have moved into winter
when expenses increase. We usually
catch up in the wintertime so I would
encourage all of you to consider the
blessings that God has given you and
consider increasing your giving to Gods
mission and ministry here as the 2015
year closes out.
I have begun teaching a class that mentors/
disciples parents to be more involved and
effective in the spiritual up-bringing of their kids.
We have only had two sessions so far, but I have
room for two more couples and it would be easy
for you to catch up. Right now we are meeting at
1:00 p.m. on Tuesdays at the church, but would
be willing to move that to a more convenient
time if you are interested in attending. If
interested, contact Terry Callies at 242-5714
(cell) or

Michelle Ritchie
Greetings on behalf of the people of The Gambia,
I want to thank so many of you who have
opened your hearts to those in need across the
globe. I was honored and blessed to be able to
speak at the Womens Guild luncheon six weeks
ago. I have to tell you that God is working in so
many amazing ways as I plan my next trip to
Gambia. I am very blessed and humbled that God
allows me to do this work serving his people in
some very remote areas in Africa. This work is so
much bigger than one American nurse and one
Gambian professor who had a dream of helping his
people. This kind of work takes a large team of
people working together to get necessary aid to
our clinic in the Gambia. It takes people who take
the time to pray for those in need, it takes
compassionate hearts who offer generous gifts of
money to bring food, vitamins, and much needed
medicine to those who are dying from lack of
access to these things we so often take for granted
in our own lives. It takes people like you who
shower their love and support on people you will
never meet except in a photograph.
You listened to their needs and have responded
so generously. I am blessed beyond words and
want to thank you for the $3500 you graciously
gave to help me make that initial trip to Africa. I
also am so grateful for the generosity of the ladies
who heard the stories of the people and the needs
of the three clinic sites. From one luncheon you
raised $600 and my Gambia account continues to
grow. This will be used to get much needed
medicines like antibiotics to those who are dying
from disease and starvation. Especially the
children. Your generosity will provide them a
better and healthier life. My hope and prayer is to
continue this workyour worknot just on my
next trip to the Gambia, but in the years to come.
You are the hands and feet of Jesus. You give
generously, love those who you will likely never
meet, and provide hope to those living in hopeless
situations who may not know the love of Jesus.
Through you and your work, they will know Jesus
and their children will be healthier.
You make more of a difference than you will
ever know. Thank you again for your love, prayers,
and support of this brand new mission in Africa. I

will keep you posted on when I plan to return to

Africa and what your new goals will be. You helped
me and the team take the first baby step to see if
this would even be possible. God is working to
open more doors and allow us to serve and love
more of His people. Our little church is doing
amazing work in reaching out to others. I pray that
you have peace, love, and happiness this holiday
season and in the years to come.
Thank you so very much and God bless you!

Allison Chandler, School Administrator


Last month 28 of our K-8 students presented

Alice @ Wonderland. This quirky twist on a
classic tale saw a modern Alice work her way
through Wonderland, meeting familiar characters.
Alice was often frustrated and confused with her
lack of technology, no sense of direction, and what
seemed like a different set of expectations for this
strange place. Alice asked for help along the way,
but didnt seem to find anyone who was too
helpful. As with the classic tale, all worked out in
the end, Alice made it home, and she had cellular
service once again.
I was struck by the parallels in our own lives.
We, at times are frustrated with our situation,
confused, wondering where to go, and not always
having the right tools to figure it all out. We may
ask for help, but do we ask the right people?
Hopefully we are able to find the right people who
can help guide us to the love of Christ and our
heavenly Father. The ultimate goal, like Alices, is
to make it home, to our Fathers house.
The most significant part of this parallel is the
understanding that we are completely clueless and
without a sense of direction on our own. Gods
Word is amazing, but it takes people of God to
share, encourage, and to help bring it to life
through words and actions.
We are working to fulfill this role every day
through our school ministry. May your own efforts
and opportunities this month help others come to
know they are precious and loved children of God.

Nunapitchuk Mission 2015

May 31 to June 5, 2015
A LOVE that never ends
Deuteronomy 6:5
Report to Congregation
Mission Team from Anchorage Lutheran
Church: Pastor Harrison Parker, Rachel
Goodell, David Ritchie, Andrea and Zachary
Chang, Joe and Jahna Pollock;
from Alaska Mission for Christ: David Grosz


three day Bible School for all ages
Sunday evening worship at Nunapitchuk
Moravian Church
daily breakfast for children and families
bicycle jamboree
evening young adult basketball and devotions
community program at Moravian Church
meetings with Pastor Coolidge and leaders of
Nunapitchuk Moravian church
informal outreach and visitation
discussion with Russian Orthodox
Bishop David and Father Phillip of
local congregation
Mission Sunday at ALC on June 7, 2015

Population of Nunapitchuk (2011 AK DOL

Average Daily Attendance at Bible School:

Total Attending Bible School:

Total Budgeted Expenses:

Total Actual Expenses (cash outlay):

Total Actual Cost (including in-kind





expenses by type
charter airfare
scheduled airfare
food (for children & team)
crafts & music
supplies (totes, etc)
bicycle repair
LKSD building use


additional insured certificate




$ 1960
(7 tickets donated
by airline miles)
$ 1960
$ 6411

The purpose of the mission is to proclaim
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and pray for the
Holy Spirit to work among the people there.
Mark 16:15. This ministry is a partnership with
the Nunapitchuk Moravian Church which
invites us to the village each year. 2015 was
the tenth consecutive year of ministry in
Nunapitchuk for Anchorage Lutheran Church,
sharing the Word of God and celebrating the
hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Since inception, 46 missionaries (including
15 teens) have made 93 trips to the village. Of
those, over 50% of the missionaries have
returned for multiple years. We pray that in
coming years, if it is Gods Will, the Holy Spirit
will continue to move people to go.

1. The financial situation is stable. Seed
money in the Nunapitchuk account is
maintained from year to year in order to
forward fund the mission. As of 10-31-15,
there was $6165.53 in the Nunapitchuk
Mission account, ostensibly sufficient to fully
fund a 2016 mission. Air travel is the largest
expense, and donation of air mileage tickets
for the Anchorage/Bethel leg significantly
reduces cash requirements.

2. In order to simplify and streamline the

mission, as well as to ensure sustainability, we
have employed a new delivery model since
2011, taking a smaller team and working
more closely with local parents, interested
adults, and the Nunapitchuk Moravian Church
congregation. Local volunteers working along
side us provide a more meaningful Bible
School experience for the children.

3. The steering committee has worked over

the years to build leadership capacity and to
recruit a diverse, balanced team. While new
leadership is vital to the sustainability of the
mission, this need must be balanced with
seasoned leadership with connections and
strong relationships in the village. Ideally,
there will be a transitional year with coleaders, and commitment from new leadership
for many years of service.

4. Prior to ALC involvement, Pastor Phil

Hillenbrand and Beautiful Savior Lutheran
Church, Mequon, Wisconsin, led this mission
for five years. Additionally, for four years,
Funny River Community Lutheran Church
partnered with ALC in the mission. Alaska
Mission for Christ (AMC) is also a partner. All
of these entities may be available to partner
for the 2016 mission.

5. As a result of declining funding to AMC,

David Grosz is no longer employed by AMC or
operating as the Missionary to SW Alaska.
Notwithstanding, David has expressed an
interest in joining the team next year
depending on his circumstances. David has
been a critical member of the team for the last
five years.

6. Pastor Arthur Coolidge, longtime pastor of

the Moravian Church in Nunapitchuk, was
transferred to the village of Manokotak in
September. The Nunapitchuk Moravian
Church is currently being served by lay leaders
with no pastor assigned.
7. The local school, school board and village
elders are critical partners in this mission.
8. Our principal point of contact in the
village, George Andrew, recently suffered a
serious stroke. The extent of his recovery
remains unknown.
9. If ALC commits to the mission for 2016,
planning should begin in January.

All thanks and praise to God for allowing us to:

GO to Nunapitchuk
SERVE the villagers
BLESS the children
SHARE the love of Jesus and
CELEBRATE the hope we have in Christ

submitted by Joe Pollock on behalf of the mission

team, November 2015

Lutheran Social Services

of Alaska
Alan Budahl, Executive Director, LSSA
1303 W. 33rd Avenue
Christmas Stockings

It is a tradition to present Christmas

stockings to the families with young children
who visit our food pantry during the month of
December. Thank you to all the groups and
individuals that make stockings for this ministry.
We ask that you include a story or activity book
about Jesus birth in the stockings. If you need
instructions or a template of the pattern please
contact the LSSA office.
Neighborhood Gift

This year all the Neighborhood Gift sites will

again come together at the Sullivan Arena for
distribution of toys and meals on Tuesday,
December 15th and Wednesday, December 16th.
We have divided the city by zip codes as to which
day families will shop. Eagle River residents
food and gifts will be distributed on Wednesday,
December 16th only at Harvest Christian
Fellowship. You can sign up to volunteer at
Community Rewards

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to

help earn dollars for LSSA just by shopping with
your Fred Meyer Rewards Card. If you haven't
signed up, join the program by linking your Fred
Meyers Rewards Card to Lutheran Social
Services of Alaska at
community rewards. You still will receive the
Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates at the
same time you are helping LSSA.
Also when purchasing on please
use Amazon Smiles and choose LSSA as we
receive rebates on your purchases through
Save the Date
December 15th and 16th
Set up and distribution for Neighborhood Gift,
Sullivan Arena

Guest Ministry
Kathy Callies, Guest Ministry Coordinator
Merry and blessed Christmas! It is so exciting
to prepare for the coming of Jesus as a babe in the
manger, and to also prepare for his 2nd coming!
I am so thankful for the guest ministry team
and I take this time to say thank you to all the
faithful servants who serve in this most
important ministry with me! I am so excited to
have so many opportunities to welcome friends
and family and guests to worship this Christmas
time! Thank you for your hospitality!
In the November Newsletter, I touched on
First Impressions and how important it is to give
a warm and friendly welcome to Gods House. I
would now like to add a bit more to that.
I continue to encourage the Guest Ministry
Team to also de-greet (as I call it) after the
service. This is the time when we have more time
to visit with the guests and to introduce them to
others. Did you know that the ten minutes after the
service is over, is the time when Guests have time
to evaluate the friendliness of the congregation? Do
we as a congregation walk the talk and reach out
to the people we have not yet met? Or do we just
get together with our friends and family in our
closed circles, and the guests are standing alone
and ignored? Way too often, I have seen that after
services, and I pray to God that He gives each of us
the eyes to see those He has sent and that we offer
His love and friendship to them.
This Christmas, we will be blessed with many
guests and visitors. I know we are a friendly
congregation to one another, but I pray we will
look around, and when we see someone we do not
know yet, or someone standing alone, please take
the time to introduce yourself. When we are warm
and caring and friendly, this will be our invitation
to them to come again. Each time they come back,
they will be able to hear the Word of God. It is my
prayer, He will touch their lives in such a powerful
Isnt it exciting that God gives us this gift of
hospitality, and we have this awesome opportunity
to make a difference for Him! All of us, (not just
the greeters), it is for all of us to welcome guests
and visitors with His love!
Merry Christmas! Come Lord Jesus, Come!

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