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Does the Earth Rotate ? NO !

William Westfield (William Edgell)


In compiling this book I have endeavoured to explain my theory of a stationary Earth and a
travelling Sun, as a contradiction to the present day teachings of Astronomers, in the most simple
and concise manner possible.

My intention is to place all my facts in simple language, thus enabling the youngest of readers to
understand my proofs and arguments.

For thirty years I have been studying and experimenting on this interesting subject, I now claim
to be able to prove conclusively that we are living on a stationary earth and enjoying the
multitude of benefits of a travelling sun.

It will be helpful for readers to remember that, according to history, the theory of a rotating Earth
was first introduced by Copernicus and Galilio, the Italian astronomers, in the year 1639, Galilio
was, I read, imprisoned for propogating his theory, it being alleged to be against the teachings of
the Bible.

One important feature in connection with my theory of the solution of this great problem, is its
consistency with the teachings of the Great Book. The nature of my observations and
investigations are such, that the conclusions I have arrived at are the results of an inventive and
scientific train of thought, rather than the results of orthodox education. It would appear that
many of the calculations of distances, and many of the gigantic figures also, given by the
astronomers, have been handled very loosely. They seem to have accepted many of such without
testing them.

Ideas nearly three centuries old have become so deeply rooted that it is difficult to convince
every one, even though proof absolutely conclusive can be produced, as to the rightness of my
claim. Nevertheless, I believe that when the responsible officials of the Educational Departments
have had an opportunity of considering my case, which I am desirous of demonstrating before
them at as early a date as possible, may I ask, why deny me of this opportunity? They will be in a
position to so alter the teachings in the schools, as to make the studies compatible with reason, in
the process of which they will be able to effect considerable economies in the presumably heavy
expenditure of this department.

In modern times, astronomers have concentrated largely on discovering new bodies in the
heavens foretelling future happenings with regard to Comets, etc., with a large measure of
success, all praise is due to them on this account. I submit, however, their success in this
direction is due to a stationary Earth from which they can constantly view the Heavens and the
ingraids of bodies contained therein.
I trust that readers will ponder over the matter contained in this book, and I am confident the
arguments submitted by me will convince them that my theory is the correct one. Having
accepted it as such, the time will not be far distant when all Educational Authorities will supplant
the present incorrect teachings in the schools and colleges, with the only practical theory, vis.: a
stationary Earth and travelling Sun.


Truth will always win.

Sir O.Lodge, in the Daily Chronicle, on October 17th, 1927, informed us that each day grows
longer by 1/240,000,000 part of a second. He also says: "All the same, these fractions mount up,
and in centuries to come the Day will become so lengthened that it will be longer than the

First of all, there is no means whatever of even arriving at a two-hundredth part of a second.
Secondly, it would take 657,534 years, to make the Day one second longer, instead of a Month.

I invite Sir Oliver and the readers to Check my figures, and I ask, is the statement compatible
with reason?

It is generally accepted that the famous Pole Star, by the aid of which mariners navigate their
vessels, is a fixture.

The angle at which the Pole Star stands to London is 51 degrees, to Frome, Somerset, which is
in the vicinity where most of my calculations and observations have been taken, at an angle of 51
degrees, at Newcastle 55 degrees, New Zealand 40 degrees, Edinburgh 56 degrees, and
Spitzbergen 77 degrees.

The distance from London to the North Pole, we are informed, is approximately 3000 miles.

To arrive at the altitude of the Pole Star therefore, is an easy matter, by a simple mathematical
calculation. Working to a scale of half inch to every thousand miles, we shall discover that the
distance from London to the Pole Star is approximately 4,500 miles.

The most effective test of the accuracy of my figures will be found by using a tripod test, the
angle to London being 51 degrees, to Asia 52 degrees, and Columbia, Canada 53 degrees.
Note the places mentioned are all in the Northern Hemisphere, as it is termed by the astronomers.

By working to the aforementioned scale my previous figures are proved to be correct.

Astronomers' given distance to the Pole Star from London is 3,680,000,000,000,000 miles.

Readers, please test these fantastic figures.

Again, you will observe that the least movement of the Earth would destroy both angles to the
fixed Pole Star in the heavens, as above. Also each one of the 4,811 angles referred to on the
next page. After such a test, is the Earth Rotation theory worth consideration ?

There are 4,811 towns, etc., mentioned in the school book with the angle given to the famous
Pole Star at each place.

I have selected a few names as bellow, and readers can fix a tube directed to the Star at each of
these places named, or, of course, to any of the 4,811 places, and view this famous Pole Star, as I
view it in my garden. I hope they will do so as I feel sure it will convince the readers without a
shadow of a doubt that no movement of the Earth takes place.

Frome 51 degrees (only seven miles from my garden), Warminster 51 degrees, Wincanton
51 degrees, Weston-super-Mare 51 degrees, Weymouth 50 degrees, Bath 51 degrees,
Bournemouth 51 degrees, Southampton 51 degrees, Exeter 50 degrees, Sidmouth 50
degrees, Glastonbury 50 degrees, Devizes 50 degrees, Taunton 51 degrees, Bridgwater 51
degrees, Ilfracombe 51 degrees, Swindon 51 degrees, Reading 51 degrees, Sailsbury 51
degrees, Torquay 53 degrees, Bedminster, (Bristol)51 degrees, Dorchester 50 degrees,
Cardiff 51 degrees, New Zealand 40 degrees, South Victoria 37 degrees, Gilots Island 1
degree, Margo Island 1 degree, and Molusees Island 1 degree.

Astronomers often speak of the equator as a place of mystery. It is 0 degree. Readers will
observe that the last eight places mentioned above are practically on the equator, "Astronomers'
term." As stated elsewhere, the Pole Star is nearly horizontal to these eight places.

For a period of two years, I have had a tube, 3ft 6ins. in length and in. in diameter, fixed to a
stand in my garden. Not the slightest movement can take place. On ascertaining the position of
the Pole Star I was able to view the Star continually on any night over that period.

The spherical shape earth, we are told, is tearing round on its axis at the rate of 18 miles per
second, and also in its Orbit it is travelling at a rate of 10 miles per second.

What will puzzle the reader and what puzzled me was, how I could view the Star constantly
under such conditions.

I communicated with several Astronomers at various times, and one of the replies was, that
owing to the tremendous distance to the Pole Star, 3,680,000,000,000,000, miles, the tube may
continually point to it, in spite of the two terrific movements of the earth. I want to definitely
state here, the Astronomers' figures are absurd in the light of practical calculations. Secondly,
size and distance make no difference whatever. The fixed tube, in. in diameter and 3 ft. 6 ins.
long, is simplicity itself and absolutely reliable, and it would betray the smallest possible
movement of the earth.

Reverting again to page 8, readers will note that some of the towns mentioned are very small.
Population of Warminster is 5,000 and only thirteen miles distant from here.

Now, if the Sun is a fixture, the same as the Pole Star, may I ask, why is it the angle to the Sun is
given from London and no other place?

Again, why are three angles given to the Sun from London, viz.: 15 degrees, 23 degrees, and
62 degrees?

You will observe that the fixed Sun theory is absolutely absurd.

Illustration on Page 24 will convince you also that sunset cannot be obtained by the Earth's

Writing in the Evening Times and Echo, Bristol, June 29th, 1927, Dr. Andrew Cromellin says:-
"It is admitted by astronomers that there is something acting on the Moon or the Earth that we
know nothing about at present. It is thought that the rate at which the Earth spins is not uniform -
at times it seems a little slower than at others."

Investigation on this question might be greatly helped if we could predict exactly the moon's
place. The prediction of the moon's place is not at present perfect, in spite of all the greatest
Mathematicians during the last three centuries.

In the school book, Longman's Geographical Series, book II, page 10, it states:-"As the Earth
turns on its Axis from West to East at an Absolutely Uniform Rate, every meridian is bought
successively in front of the Sun every day."

Please note, that after nearly three centuries, we have the most eminent Astronomer in England,
of Greenwich Observatory, absolutely contradicting the school book as to The Uniform Rate the
Earth is supposed to spin. Readers, is the Earth Rotation theory compatible with reason?

If we take an orange, and stick an ordinary knitting needle through the centre, allowing the head
of the needle to project two inches, at the end of which we will stick a pea to represent the Pole
Star, some idea of the immence discrepancy in the astronomers' calculations can be grasped,
when in comparison, instead of the pea or Pole Star being two inches from the orange, they
assert it to be over 17,000 miles. Readers please test these figures.

One million miles is sixty times farther than the distance from London to Australia.

It is astonishing that Astronomers give such absurd figures representing the distance from
London to the Pole Star, while at the same time they tell us that the diameter of the Earth is only
7912 miles, furthermore, it is known to them that there are places on this comparatively small
Earth which are nearly horizontal with the Star.

Now if they are correct in their given figures representing the diameter of the Earth, then the Pole
Star, being directly overhead of such places, cannot possibly be such an enormous distance from
the Earth, as they would have us believe.

The angle from Para to the Pole Star is 1 degree, thus Para will be nearly horizontal to the Star.
Now if Para is approximately 10,000 miles distant from the North Pole, therefore the distance
from Para to the Star can only be approximately 11,000 miles. Para is practically what the
Astronomers term "on the Equator."

I explained my method of viewing the Pole Star, sending a chart along to another Astronomer.
The very poor attempt to reply to my reasoning was as follows:-

He stated: "You may illustrate the rotation of the Earth theory by means of a cart-wheel and axle,
and your tube. Tie a small tube, say six inches long, in such a manner, to the outer end of one of
the spokes, that when you look through the tube, you will view the far end of the axle. Now no
matter how you turn the wheel you will always see the end of the axle, which represents the Pole

Very plausable answer and as equally adroit. The object representing the Pole Star must be fixed
at an angle of 51 degrees, and of course not on the axis.

The experiment under these conditions will not work right for the Astronomer, quite the reverse,
for we find by moving the wheel the slightest distance, the object representing the Pole Star is
lost to our view. Please test for yourself.

I again communicated with the Astronomer giving the results of my investigations with this
illustration, but no further reply was forthcoming.

The rotation of an umbrella was another illustration similar to the cart-wheel, and equally as

A noted astronomer, writing in the Westminster Gazette, London, on April, 1924, told us that the
Astronomical Society intended holding a conference to decide as to whether a part of the Earth is
flat or not.

Evidently, some members of the Society have doubts as to its shape, if so, what about the
measurements? also the weight of the Earth as given by Astronomers?

Page 15 is a sketch of a man viewing an object representing the Pole Star through a tube, you
will note that the tube is dead on the Star. If the Earth moved only a quarter of an inch, part of
the Star must be lost to view, as sketched on page 16.
I have proved the Pole Star to be less than 5,000 miles distant, but even if it were as far as the
Astronomers estimate, it would make no difference with regard to the continual visability of the
Star under the conditions previously mentioned.

You may test this for yourself, by fixing a steel disk to represent the star as large and as far away
as you choose. The size of the disc will depend upon the distance you may be sighting from. If
you move the tube only a quarter-of-an-inch in whatever direction you please, you will lose sight
of part of the disc. This illustration can be conducted on a larger or smaller scale, the result is

On page 16 you will observe a diagram with a disc three feet in diameter and 100 yards distant,
and another representing a disc nine feet in diameter and 300 yards distant, both were directly
covered by the tube and both are lost sight of at the same time. This is a practical illustration and
if tried will convince the most sceptical that the Earth cannot move at all.

Before developing any further arguments and proofs of a stationary Earth, I claim that the Pole
Star experiments absolutely proves my case.

The fantastic figures 3,680,000,000,000,000, given by Astronomers, as the distance from London
to the Pole Star, may be useful to them for mystifying purposes, but practical scientific
calculations overthrow such impossible and absurd assertions.

According to present-day teachings, there are two movements of the earth, one on its Axis, from
B to A, and the other round its Orbit. The Orbit we are told is 360 million miles round, and
efforts are made by Astronomers to explain how Day and Night and Seasons function, based on
the theory of a rotating Earth, travelling round its Orbit. See page 24, sunset cannot be obtained
as illustration below.

The first movement referred to, from B to A, is at the rate of 18 miles per second, the second
movement, round the Orbit, is more than 10 miles a second.

Now before we examine these sensational figures, I just want to remind readers of the position of
the Sun as we know it to be.
My House faces South-East and is built on mother Earth, as shown, Earth (morning), June 21st.
In the evening of the same day, the Sun is at the back of my house, North-West, Sun (evening).
These are facts each of us know to be true. If this change of position of the Sun takes place by
rotation of the Earth, the Earth must needs travel round 180 million miles to X in one day. Please
see school illustration, page 32, and note Astronomers say that it takes from June to December
for the earth to travel half-way round the Orbit. Readers will agree with me that it must be the
Sun that travels over the fixed Earth. May I ask, should not the school illustration be withdrawn
from the school book?

We will take July 3rd, see sketch of my house, page 57, from which I have taken a large number
of observations, faces South-East; at Sunrise the Sun appears South-East, and at Sunset will be
observed in the West, gradually receding towards North-West at the back of my house, where he
becomes hidden from view.

I have referred to this at this juncture in order to receive the imagination of readers on this phase.

It is necessary for me to quote some more figures in order for me to develop the case.

Astronomers tell us that at 8 a.m. on January 3rd, the Earth reaches that point in its Orbit where it
appears nearest to the Sun.

From January the Earth will slowly recede being at its mean distance 92,843,000 miles on April
1st, and its greatest distance 94,400,000 miles two hours before noon on July 3rd.

First of all, the readers will observe a serious contradiction of what we all know to be the actual
facts, the position is just the reverse to the statement, that is, the Sun is nearest to us in Summer.
Secondly, how does this work out with regard to the Pole Star. If the Earth and my garden
thereon, moved two inches, the angle of 51 degrees to the famous Star would be destroyed,
and I could not view the Pole Star through a fixed tube.

Again, each of the 4811 angles to the Pole Star, given in the school book would be destroyed

The school book states: besides spinning round on its Axis, the Earth is at the same time
sweeping through space round the Sun and Orbit, more than 50 miles in every 5 seconds. This
means that while the Astronomer Royal and others were viewing the alleged fixed Sun from 5.30
to 7.10 a.m., they were carried 60,000 miles through space, which is more than four times the
distance from London to New Zealand, not counting the daily rotation. Please test these
enormous figures.
May I ask, how could anyone view the Sun through a telescope while being carried through
space at such a terrific speed? Is the Earth rotation theory reasonable?

A fixed Earth only enabled us to view the Eclipse in the Sun on the date named.

The angle to the Pole Star at South Victoria is 37 degrees. May I ask, how can the angle be taken
if on space continually, as on page 20? Is the rotation theory compatible with reason?

Will the reader now refer to the sketch, page 20 and note that D, representing South Victoria, is
continually underneath the globe which Astronomers inform us represents the Earth, 7912 miles
in diameter, C and E are the same.

Now on July 3rd they tell us the Earth slopes towards the Sun, as illustrated, rotating at the rate
of 18 miles per second. Now you will notice the globe leaning on one side at the angle given in
the illustration, and you will see England or B only rotates from A to B, the position marked B is
supposed to be night, although B dose not pass the centre XY of the Earth: hence, England dose
not pass out of view of the Sun in July.

Therefore, if the Astronomers' theory is correct; then we should experience all daylight.

If the Earth rotated perpendicularly then B would rotate to F. That will not work right for the

We are forced back once again to the theory of a Stationary Earth and a Travelling Sun.

Again, several places on the South Antartic Circle according to the Astronomers' theory, would
only rotate from C to E, Therefore, could not get any sun-light for several days in July, also D,
representing the position of South Victoria would be in total darkness in July.

Another anamoly arises here, South Victoria would be directly underneath, and according to
Astronomers on space continually. Is it compatible with reason?

If the reader will examine the School Globe he will notice that England is in the Northern
Hemisphere (Astronomers' term), as also is Siberia, Canada and other places.

The Astronomers tell us that the Earth completes one revolution on its Axis every 24 hours, that
the Sun is continually shining but as the Globular Earth rotates, only half can, and dose receive
the heat and light as per illustration on next page.
What are the facts? We find the Northern part of Norway, down to Tronjeim, known as the land
of the midnight Sun, receives Sunlight continually, night and day for 14 days in June, (see X spot
on Sketch). How does the other places fare? England, Poland and Russia, Which are on the same
side of the globe, they do not experience continuous Sunlight.

Readers, note the X on the diagram represents Norway and the other two dark spots Poland and
England. The school illustration (No. 6) representing half Globe receiving daylight, and the other
half in darkness is therefore incorrect. This Phenomena is to be explained in the following

Norway being a mountainous country and the travelling Sun reaches such an angle at this time of
the year which enables one to view it continuously day and night.

The shape and altitude of the surrounding mountains would be a factor in producing this effect.

Day and Night, as we experience it, could not function with a rotating Earth and a fixed Sun.


You will be assisted to grasp the theory by now considering that wonderful illuminating body the

The Astronomers tell us and scholars are taught that the Sun is stationary in the centre of the
Earth's Orbit, that it is 330.000 times greater than the Earth.

Earth not drawn to scale as it would not be as large as a needle's point.

The Eminent Astronomer, Sir Norman Lockyer, compared the Earth the size of a pea, to that of
the Sun as a 2 feet in diameter.

As an illustration, if you roll a pea across your table, it does not elevate the pea to the ceiling.

We, however, find ourselves almost horizontal to the Sun at sunset, the Earth is then in position
as above.

May I ask, how can the Earth reach this position by rotation?

Angle to Sun, 62 degrees.

Astronomers assert that the sun is directly over the tropic of cancer on July 3rd.

Working to scale, the Sun is 40,000,000 miles distant from X, which, as readers will see, Xis
drawn directly overhead of spot below, representing the Earth midday. on July 3rd.

Astronomers say that the Earth gets nearer and nearer to the Sun each day from July 3rd to
January 3rd. If so, the Earth must rotate towards the left hand to get nearer to the Sun. Then how
can we get sunset?

Again, how can sunset be obtained with a circular movement of the Earth as illustrated on page

If the pea, Sir Norman Lockyer's term of the earth, rotates towards the right hand, the pea will
get further away from the Sun, and even then, how can sunset be obtained? Please hold book
upright when reading.

Astronomy teaches us the Sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, I contend that it would be
utterly impassible for the Sun, if 330,000 times greater than the Earth; we should be absolutely
flooded with sunlight and heat, no matter in what part of the Earth we should be.

we could not experience day and night nor could we get seasons under such conditions.

The distance from the Earth to the Sun, we are taught, is 94,400,000 on July 3rd, that it is
practically perpendicular over the Tropic of Cancer at an angle of 62 degrees to London.

Assuming the diameter of the earth to be 7,912 miles and the Sun to be at an angle of 62 degrees
to London, the distance of the Sun cannot exceed 10,000 miles.

You will, I am sure, appreciate the vast difference between 94,400,000 miles the Astronomers'
estimate, and my estimate of less than 10,000 miles (see illustration on page 29); it is quiet easy
to work it out, and I trust readers will do so.

I want now to draw your attention to a blatant contradiction by Astronomers.

They tell us that at mid-day on January 3rd, the Earth reaches that point in its Orbit where it
approached nearest to the Sun, it is then 91,843,000 miles distant. They contend also from that
day the Earth will gradually recede, being at its mean distance 92,843,000 miles on April 1st, and
at its greatest distance of 94,400,000 miles, two hours before noon on July 3rd.

Any reader may observe the Sun approaching gradually nearer every day from January to July,
and vice versa, and yet the absurd paradox is published in school books, and broadcasted all over
the World.

That the Sun can be nearer to the Earth by varying distances up to 2,557,000 miles, in spite of the
fact that the light and heat we receive is such, that we all know it is winter, will require some

I should like to draw readers' attention to the Pole Star once again. It is stationary and at an angle
of 51 degrees to London. Therefore the least movement of the Earth destroy the angle each
time the movement takes place.
We can always view the Pole Star at 51 degrees to London, 51 degrees to Frome, Somerset,
only seven miles from my garden.

The Pole Star is stationary and a compass made to function with this one Special Star, is the only
means whereby we are able to travel the pathless ocean and desert. No matter in what part of the
world we may be, the hand of the compass points almost directly to the star.

Undoubtedly the hand of providence provided the ways and means for the human to find his way
on long journeys, on land and water.

I can imagine a critical reader asking if the Earth is fixed, to what is it fixed. To this I would
reply, we all agree the Pole Star must be a fixture, to what is it fixed.

Regarding the Sun, I contend that I can prove it is travelling, according to present day teachings
it is a fixture. I might say, then to what is the Sun Fixed. The diagram on Page 29 will enable the
reader to understand my point.

On March the 10th, 1927, there appeared in the "Daily Chronicle." London, a statement from a
noted Astronomer to the effect that the Sun is 1,000,000 times greater than the Earth. Sir Norman
Lockyer gives it as 330,000 times greater than the Earth.

Writing in the "Bristol Times & Mirror" on May 28th, 1927, a noted Bristol Astronomer referred
to the moon as apparently slightly greater than the Sun. The School Book gives the Moon's
diameter as 2160 miles only. Readers please note the discrepancy.

From observations of the sun, I am of the opinion it is less than 10 miles in diameter. There is, of
course, no means of measuring it.

To arrive at the altitude of the Sun, the same scientific calculations can be operated as in the case
of the Pole Star.

The diameter of the Earth is given as 7,912 miles, the Sun is at an angle of 62 degrees and,
Astronomers say, directly over the tropic of cancer on July 3rd. By once more working to a scale
of half inch to 1,000 miles and using a simple mathematical calculation, we find that the sun
cannot be more than 9,500 miles distant from the Earth.

Once again the colossal figures 93,000,000 given by Astronomers as the distance from the Earth
to the Sun, is hopelessly wrecked. By reference to the diagram on Page 29, again readers will see
that at an angle of 62 degrees to London, and a distance of 93 million miles from London to the
Sun, the Earth on June 21st, in order for us to experience Sunset, would have to take a swift
upward movement of 80 million miles from Sunset, and a downward movement of 80 million
miles from Sunset to Sunrise on June 22nd.

Letter X on diagram (page 29) denotes the position of the Earth horizontal with the Sun at Sunset
on June 21st, in accordance with the school books.

I have used the same simple but very effective method to arrive at what I contend to be the
distance from the Earth to the Sun.

By means of a darkened glass, and my tube, I find that contrary to the results of my observations
of the Pole Star, the Sun passes out of view in 1 minutes.

Now, if the Stationary Pole Star can be viewed at any minute, or any night, then it is a certainty
that the stationary Sun as Astronomers inform us it is, would also be able to be viewed likewise.

Astronomers inform us that the Sun is a fixture in the Heavens, and that the Earth rotates once
every 24 hours, in addition to a bodily movement round its Orbit which they say takes one year
to complete, see sketch below. They attribute the Seasons to this movement. The distance round
its supposed Orbit is 360 million miles so that from January to June the Earth travels 180 million
miles which works out roughly, one million miles daily, or sixty eight times the distance from
London to Australia, this is in addition to the daily rotation.

If the reader will examine the sketch and compare it with the position of the Sun, as we actually
see it, say on June 21st, he will notice that it is identical with my contention namely, that in order
for the earth to be in position consistent with the Astronomers' theory, it would first of all be
necessary for it to complete the journey round its Orbit in one day, instead of taking one year to
accomplish (see illustration, page 17). Secondly, it would have to rise to the extent of 80 million
miles to bring it horizontal with the Sun at Sunset. Further, from Sunset to Sunrise on June 22nd,
it would have to drop to the extent of 80 million miles (see illustration, page 29).
It will be found an easy matter to test this in the readers' own garden, whether in England, New
Zealand, or elsewhere, by first of all ascertaining the exact position of the house and garden, and
observe the direction in which the sun travels. See sketch Page 32.

If the Astronomer had contended that the Earth made one revolution in twelve months, there
would be a semblance of reason, for under those conditions, with a stationary Sun, the half of the
Earth facing the Sun, would be experiencing Summer, while the other half would be
experiencing Winter; they would then fail to account for Day and Night, even with this

E on the sketch is England, L, Labrador, Noth America.

Again we will examine the School Globe and we find England, Labrador, Canada, Siberia and
other places are in the same circle, or the same Latitude, North, therefore should experience the
same climatic conditions daily. We are, however, aware of the contrast between the climate of
these various countries.

Such a state of affairs can only exist and be accounted for by my calculations, that in Summer,
the travelling over of a stationary Earth, the Sun passes nearer to us in summer and farther away
from us in Winter.

Readers will observe that from December 21st, the Sun begins to travel nearer to us each day,
until June 21st. The heat is absorbed by the Earth as we approach that day, until we find the Sun
almost directly overhead. Even after the Sun has travelled from us, towards New Zealand, say in
August and September, we often experience hot weather, which can be accounted for by the fact,
that the heat accumulated and stored up, as it were, radiates out from the Earth.

I have mentioned New Zealand in the paragraph, we all know that when it is midsummer in
England it is midwinter in New Zealand, and visa versa. The Sun in his travels. passes over one
place to the other.

From June 21st he begins to travel nearer and nearer to New Zealand, every day and night for six
months, until it finally arrives in a position almost directly overhead, it is then midsummer in
New Zealand. Meanwhile, as the Sun gradually comes upon us, until we reach December 1st,
which is known as midwinter.

You will agree, I think, that this is the most reasonable theory of the functioning of Summer and
Winter, as we experience it in the two named places.


Once again I wish too refresh the reader's memory to illustration page 24 wherein the spot or pea
representing the Earth (Mid-day), cannot be moved, either towards the left hand, the right hand,
or a circular movement, in fact, it cannot be moved in any direction whatever, to reach Sunset.
Now if the reader was playing a game of drafts, and he found himself in the position that he
could not make another movement without losing the game, he would give his opponent credit
for having won the game. I therefore rely on the reader giving me credit for proving my case,
vis.: that Sunset from Mid-day, July 3rd, or any day, cannot be obtained by rotation or movement
of the Earth.

Astronomers inform us that the Earth tilts at a different angle in June to that of December. The
Earth, according to them, is quite mobile, it appears to make these movements and nobody
notices them.

They attempt to bring these and other anomolies and contradictions into line, by saying that
because the atmosphere is travelling with the Earth, these movements are not noticeable to us.

To revert to the alleged varying tilt of the Earth. What effect would this have on my house, or the
reader's house, or better still, by way of illustration, the Houses of Parliament, or other such

In my own case the spirit-level and plumb rule was used when my house was built, and I have no
reason to believe any alteration has taken place in the base.

The pity of it is that such erroneous teachings should be inculcated into the minds of the young
people in the schools and colleges.

You will do well by considering now the position of the people in New Zealand in relation to a
rotating globular Earth. By referring to the illustration on the next page you will observe
according to the Astronomers' theory the position of the man in New Zealand at 12 o'clock

What reply could a teacher or schoolmaster give to an enquiring pupil if he was asked the
following question:-

You have just informed us that New Zealand is directly underneath England at 12 o'clock to-day.
Now what is the position of the school in New Zealand?

There is no sensible answer to be given. The Earth is not globular nor is it rotating. The
Astronomer Royal at a lecture some time ago, said a man may be upside-down for a time and not
be conscious of it. I desire inform readers, however, that if the Earth Rotates once only in 24
hours, as the Astronomers claim it does, people in New Zealand would be upsidedown for
several hours, moreover the position of the people in South Victoria (page 20) is such that they
would be in that position continually. Again, the angle at which the Pole stands to New Zealand
is 40 degrees. How is it taken in this position?

In reply to what I describe as an awkward question I put to an Astronomer on this subject in

1916, he said the term "Up" means "Down", and "Down" means "Up" with all Astronomers. I
leave readers to judge as to whether such a reply is satisfactory to any intelligent person.
If the reader will refer to diagram 5, he will notice two figures, representing observers, one
viewing the Pole Star and the other the Sun. Now after continuous experiments, I discover that
whilst the pole Star can be always viewed, the Sun passes from view in 1 minutes. Surely this
is a weighty argument in favour of my contention that the Earth is Stationary and the Sun
travelling, for, if the Star by the aid of a tube is visable continually, then the Sun, if stationary,
would also be visable under the same conditions.


Contrary to the imagination of most people, the Sun dose not sink in a perpendicular fashion, it
takes a sort of sweep from West towards North-West, as diagram No. 6 denotes. It will be
observed that the curve shows a slight upward tendency at the end.

The Pole Star always Keeps at one altitude, 51 degrees to London. The Sun would be the same
if it is fixed in the heavens.

This is the position of the sun just before it disappears from view, it was taken in my garden from
7.30 to 8.0 p.m., on June 21st (old time).

In the school book three angles are given to the Sun from London, vis: 15 degrees, 23 degrees
and 62 degrees. Why give three, if fixed, and one only to the fixed Star?

Is the fixed Sun theory compatible with reason?

It is very remarkable how easy the rays of the Sun can be obstructed. The diagram No. 35
represents the Sun in a position behind a hill or mountain. Suppose an observer be at position A,
B, C, the one watching from A will lose sight of the sun first, the one at B will be next, and the
one at C will be able to view the Sun considerably longer than those at A and B.

Over a distance of only a mile, the Sun may be visable to people in one place and yet have
disappeared from others.

The Sun disappears gradually as it travels on its journey to other parts of the Earth, such as
Australia and New Zealand, and in this manner the the people get the Sun 12 hours earlier or
later. countries situated intermediately get it five or six hours earlier or later than we in England,
according to the position of the country in which they live.

I contend that the Earth is not spherical in shape and whilst it would be absurd to conjecture the
exact size and shape, we are all aware that explorers have endeavoured to penetrate the ice
barriers, but in whatever direction they have proceeded, we know that the intense cold and these
terrific ice barriers have prevented them from progressing beyond certain limits. It is reasonable
to conclude therefore that the shape of the Earth reasonable a plate surrounded by intensely could
regions, which makes it impossible for any living creature to exist.

Readers may ask why is it, if the Earth is flat or plate-shaped, that the Sun can only be viewed
periodically as it were, that the amount of light and heat vary, both in intensity and duration, the
answer is illustrated by the sketch on page 43.

The altitude of travelling bodies in the heavens is very deceptive. For instance, the reader may
observe an aeroplane flying at a great speed and height; as it comes towards the spot where you
are standing you will notice the tremendous height at which it is flying, but as it will appear to
get lower and lower, and if there are any trees in the vicinity, it will appear ultimately to rest on
the top of them.

We will assume in order to illustrate this point, that the aeroplane was 265 yards overhead, and
seven minutes elapsed before it appeared to be on top of the trees, by going at ordinary speed it
would have travelled about ten miles.

Now multiply 265 yards by 5,000 making the height 750 miles, we will also multiply the
distance of ten miles at which the flying machine appeared to be resting on top of the trees by
5,000 making 50,000 miles. In order to provide an object to represent the Sun you will also have
to imagine 5,000 times larger than the aeroplane. By increasing the sizes and distances in this
illustration, a parallel may be drawn with the travelling Sun.

Assuming the Sun to be at an altitude of 750 miles high at mid-day, and having travelled a
distance of 50,000 miles, at a very much lower altitude than it actually is. It would, in fact,
appear to have sunk to the level of the tops of the trees.

The diagram on next page is the angle in proportion to the size of the Sun and distance which it
is supposed to have travelled.


You will note that the angle is very slight, almost horizontal, whereas, in fact, working to scale
the Sun is 750 miles high and 250 miles in diameter, but from observations for 30 years, I
consider the Sun is less than 10 miles in diameter. There is of course no means of measuring the

It is therefore a reasonable deduction to draw from this illustration, at the angle of which the
observer may be sighting, creates an optical delusion.
The thousands upon thousands of hills, mountains, towns, villages intervening between the
figures above, representing a person, and the Sun, in addition to other causes mentioned, are
sufficient reason why the Sun is easily hid from our view, and prevents us from seeing a glimmer
of light from it. If these mountains were transparent, we could of course view the Sun.

The Sun is continually travelling, varying its course from time to time, which accounts for day
and night, also the seasons.

I contend that I have proved the Sun is not such a colossal body as the Astronomers tell us,
neither is it such an enormous distance from the Earth.

That the deciding factors controlling the functioning of Day and Night, also the Seasons are:-(1)
The variation of the Sun's course; (2) The variation of the Sun's Altitude; (3) The ever-increasing
and decreasing angles, of which the Sun may be, in relation to the Earth; (4) Intervening hills,
mountains, towns, and villages.

In addition to the hills and mountains referred to above, which we are aware exists, and are
above Sea level, there is also the outside edge of this Fixed Earth, which nobody has ever
viewed, and probably the Creator never intended for the outside border to be explored.

The outside edge of the Earth may stand much higher than the highest mountain or observatory
known to us, the Sun can, therefore, be easily hidden from our view, by night in England, while
at the same time, the Sun may be on view, sideways or otherwise, in other countries, and vice-

I might say, that according to Astronomers' measurements, the Sun is 40,000,000 miles beyond
the extreme outside edge of the Earth. See pages 24 and 25.

Whilst it would be absurd to give definite particulars or details as to the exact shape of the Earth,
it would be equally absurd to attempt to give the exact distance from London to the outside edge
of the farther than the Astronomers estimate.

It is reasonable to believe that the outside border of this stationary Earth is a barrier of ice and
snow, for in whatever direction one may travel, such unendurable climate is experienced as to
make it impossible to exist. The could increases in intensity the farther one travels towards the
outside edge of the Earth, due to the outside being surrounded by space, this being the case, then
one can understand why it is always below freezing point; there is no means by which the heat of
the Sun can be stored.
Undoubtedly there is a centre point to the Earth and no doubt nature ordained that the fixed Pole
Star should be the guiding Star to mariners and travellers.

In order to force home my arguments, I have produced a sketch on next page representing the
exact position of the Sun in its relation to the Earth, as observed from my garden.

Astronomers, as a rule, argue in terms which disregard our own place of habitation as being part
of the Earth, but rather as a place apart. I am of the opinion however, that one can make the
reasoning more clear by using one's own garden as a case in point.

Readers, you are aware the above illustration gives the exact position of mother Earth, in relation
to the Sun as we experience it, at mid-day and sunset on June 21stm and sunrise on June 22nd.
The school book says this change of the Earth's position takes place by the Earth's rotation, let us
analyze this assertion, it is absolutely absurd.

May I ask. If you roll a pea or orange across your kitchen table, how can it elevate the pea or
orange to the ceiling? How can the Earth at mid-day, by rotation, if only 7912 in diameter,
elevate to position as shown- Earth sunset?

Again, to carry out the Astronomers' assertions, you will observe the Earth has passed the Sun
twice from June 21st midday to sunrise June 22nd,

This is an absolute contradiction of the school book illustration of the Earth's journey round the
Orbit. It is shown there that as from June to December the Earth passes the Sun once only. (page

Having dealt with the three distinct movements of the Earth, which must take place if
Astronomers' assertions are correct, may I suggest to readers to consider the results of such
antagonistic movements of the Earth. The terrific currents of air would alone make it impossible
for any living creature to survive.

It is scientific fact that when a solid body is rotated all parts tend to fly away from the centre,
therefore, since the hardest steel will not stand a strain of more than 125 tons to the square inch,
the Earth would have been rent to smithereens were it a fact that it rotates at the terrific speed of
1,080 miles per minute, and fleeing through space round the orbit at 10 miles per second.

Will the reader now consider this fundamental natural law in its relation to the Astronomers'
theory of movements of the universe.
The distance from London to New Zealand is 13,740 miles, the position of New Zealand we are
told is, in accordance with the theory of a globular world, directly underneath England.

Vessels travel backwards and forwards at regular periods. It is quite certain that if the sea forms
part of the huge globe, then the vessels on their journey must be continually dipping as it were, in
fact, working to a scale of 3-8 inch to the thousand miles the first 4,580 miles from London
would be nearly level, the second 4,580 miles would be navigated with the vessel in a
perpendicular position, and the last 4,500 miles would be completed with the vessel keel
upwards and directly underneath the Earth, as on previous page.

We all realize how absurd this sounds, and yet it is an absolute correct conclusion, if we believe
what the Astronomers tell us. May I ask; why teach children untruths? Truth will always win.

As an alleged proof of the curvature of the Earth and sea, Astronomers submit the illustration on
next page.

A vessel travelling from Bournemouth to Swanage, for example, a distance of eight miles, will
gradually pass from our view, as it reaches a distance of about a mile. The hull disappearing first,
they claim that this is a sure proof that the sea is curved.

Let us introduce a telescope and we shall be able to again sight the vessel. If, therefore, one may
continue this observation of the vessel by the aid of a telescope, then the illustration put forward
by Astronomers falls to the ground. Were it the curvature causing the obstruction, the telescope
would be useless as the reader will readily grasp.

The diagram gives the correct angle, working to a scale, and readers will observe that from B,
representing an observer at Bournemouth, to S, representing Swanage, there is a slight upward
curve. Now how dose this tally with the Astronomers' assertions? If we analyze it, we shall
discover it to be entirely opposite. Any object above the eye line between B and S is wholly
visable at B, therefore, the whole of the vessel should be more distinct, according to the
Astronomers' own theory.

That the vessel even at a short distance, is lost to our vision, hull first, is correct, but it is due to
other causes than the school book teaches us.

It is due firstly, to the ever-prevailing mist on the surface of the Sea; secondly, to the limitation
on visual observance with the naked eye; thirdly, to the natural law, referred to previously;
fourthly, to the varying angle at which the observer may be sighting it as the vessel travels
farther away.

In the year 1904, an experiment was tried by measuring six miles of the Bedford Canal, it was
found to be quite level. Not only was it measured, but by the aid of a specially constructed and
costly apparatus, a photograph was taken with a large sheet drawn across the canal six miles
distant, and held up at right angles to the surface of the water. The whole sheet was shown in the
picture as also was the shadow which was cast on the water by the sheet. To obtain this result,
the water must have been absolutely level.
Here again the reader will do well to reason out this problem.

Assuming the Earth to be travelling from West to East, at the terrific speed of eighteen miles per
second, bearing in mind also the two other alleged movements of the Earth , combined with these
movements a terrific hurricane develops in a direction, powerful enough to almost lift us off our
feet, uproot gigantic trees, etc. Where should we poor weak creatures be?

I fear the end of the World, that we hear a great deal of talk about from time to time, would be on
us. On each occasion when I have entered into a controversy with Astronomers, they have
contended that the air or atmosphere is carried with the Earth, thus nullifying all consciousness
of the movements of the Earth. Several have gone so far as to say that an enclosed railway
carriage can be taken as an example. The air in the compartment travelling with the train
destroys the consciousness of any movement, excepting of course, when one looks through the
window at the object outside. What piffle ! The air or atmosphere on the unenclosed Earth is not
bound to the Earth, and therefore would not travel round with it. By what and to what is the air
harnessed, if it travels round with the Earth? As a matter of fact, the disturbance caused by the
rotation of the Earth would be so terrific that nothing could possibly exist.

Yet another alleged proof of the Earth's rotation is put forward by Astronomers. It lies in the fact,
they contend, that one may commence a journey from London travelling due East all the time
ultimately returning to the starting point. The direction and countries through which one must
travel to perform this feat are as follows:-

From London to Berlin on to Asia, China from thence to Japan, the farthest point on land. One
would then proceed across the Pacific to Vancouver, on to Newfoundland, and finally across the
Atlantic to London.

The weakness of this argument will be manifest to the youngest or dullest intellect, I think.

When the traveller reaches Japan the direction he takes cannot be Eastward, or else the compass
would be useless. This can be proved by consulting a map or globe of the universe.

What happens is this, the diagram No. 1 represents the direction which the traveller would take.
Arrow 1 we will assume is the vessel leaving London, sailing by the compass due East; after
travelling five or six thousand miles the North Pole and Star will have been passed. The compass
will then point back as to No.3 arrow, instead of pointing ahead as No. 2 arrow.

Supporters of the rotation theory conclude that as the compass will now point back to No. 3
arrow, as it were, instead of No. 2, which was the direction prior to the vessel passing the North
Pole and Star, the rotation of the globular Earth, they say, has altered the position of the vessel
on reaching point E of arrow No. 2. The solution of this problem is not in the rotation of the
Earth however, it is because the vessel has passed the point known as the North Pole Star by
which the compass functions, in consequence of which, the compass must point back. Again,
supposing a vessel is anchored at the Port of London at 6.0 a.m., pointing due East as No.1
arrow, then at 6.0 p.m. the vessel should be pointing due West, if the student is to support the
rotation theory. Of course, no movement of Earth takes place.

The diagram above represents a compass, readers will observe the mark on the case. Now
assuming the Earth makes one complete revolution in 24 hours, the case and mark thereon
should be carried round also, to a position pointing South in twelve hours.

Of course no movement takes place, the hand of the compass and the mark on the case points in
the same direction continually.

I asked a noted Astronomer to kindly explain to me how the angle of 40 degrees to Pole Star was
taken at New Zealand (see page 37), he then referred to a man at the equator, etc. I then informed
him of eight places, given in the school book, angles to 1 degree, which was practically on the
Equator (Astronomers' term), and the inhabitants could, of course, view the Pole Star at these
places as I view the Star in my garden, except that the Star would be nearly horizontal to them.
As usual--no reply was forthcoming.

The diagram on the next page depicts an airman bombing a building from his aeroplane at a great
altitude. This is another illustration of the unreasonable theory of a rotating globular Earth.
Readers will remember it takes about ten seconds for the bomb to reach the building from the
aeroplane one mile up. Multiply eighteen miles by ten and it will give you the distance which the
house will have travelled with the Earth according to Astronomers, as readers will observe, the
bomb would pitch 180 miles distant from the house. Is the rotation theory compatible with

If our Earth rotated the use of artillery in modern warfare would be impossible as the rifle or shot
gun for sport. It would be impossible to sight them, or to use range finders to do so.

To Return now to the town in which I live. In 1917 a thundercloud burst, and over a radius of
about 2 miles we received a deluge of rain. The places outside of the radius, however, were
bone dry.

Now assuming the Earth to be travelling through space round the Orbit at the speed of 10 miles
per second, how-on-earth could they escape the "storm",; moreover, we in our town should have
"Whizzed" clear of it in one second.
The reader will undoubtedly consider these very simple matters, but let me assure you, they are
too difficult for Astronomers to explain away, based on the theory to a rotating globular Earth.

Aeroplane one mile from Earth dropping a Bomb on my house.

This illustration alone will convince you that the Earth on which this chimney is fixed does not
move at all.

The diagram above represents a chimney built on Mother Earth. It will, of course, be travelling at
the same speed as the Earth, eighteen miles per second, according to present teachings.

Imagine a heavy weight, 1,000 tons, released;

We shall know where to find it, when it reaches the ground, almost directly under the place
where it was released; but, according to astronomy, we should have to search for it some 72
miles distant, assuming it takes 4 seconds for it to complete the journey from the top of the
chimney to the ground.

An object can be dropped in an enclosed railway carriage, travelling at its maximum speed and it
will fall vertically, because the air is carried along inside the carriage, But if an object is thrown
up from on open truck, say 24 feet high, travelling equally as fast, it will drop at a considerable
distance to the rear, proving in the one case, the air or atmosphere is travelling with the train, in
the case of the latter, the air is not travelling with the Earth.


I have seen an Astronomer with a heavy weight secured to the end of a rope about 12 feet long,
He swung the weight round and round in the air till he was nearly exhausted, and claim the
experiment as a proof of the Earth's Rotation.

The same person then swung a bucket round and round, out of perpendicular, with a small
quantity of water in the bucket, as a proof of the Earth's Rotation, I invited him to fill the bucket
nearly full of water, but he did not take my advice, Both experiments, as you will see, is
absolutely absurd.


On October 20th 1927, Sir O. Lodge, the eminent Astronomer, in a lecture on falling bodies,
explained that, if we toss up an obstacle in a railway carriage when travelling, the obstacle which
may be of stone or otherwise would fall direct to the hand again, this is correct, as the air and
obstacle is carried by mechanical power inside the carriage. He also mentioned a motor car for
the same experiment. I therefore on the following day of the lecture tried the experiment several
times in an open motor car, travelling at thirty miles per hour, by throwing up a stone about 24
feet high from above the hand, in each case the stone did not return to my hand, dropping at the
rear of the car. I invite Sir Oliver to try the experiment for himself. I might say that I tried it
years ago with the same result.

Sir Oliver will need practice to throw a stone so high and straight, owing to the strong air caused
by the swift travelling car. The stone can, however, be easily trapped straight up to height given

Astronomers often refer to the spinning top as proof of the Earth's rotation, where after being
wound up by manual power and set in motion, the top will spin when leaning on one side. The
alleged rotation of the Earth has nothing to do with the spinning or the top would not cease to

Boys are often seen whipping a top on the pavement and making it spin, when the boy ceases
whipping, the top falls on its side to the pavement; the boy's power had caused the top to spin.

A rider on horse-back when galloping often observe a swarm of flies hovering close over the
horse's head, and the writer's attention has been called to this in relation to the Earth Rotation
theory. If the flies had been a good height above the horse's head, the air would not have been
affected by the moving horse, and the flies could not have kept pace with the horse.

On a clam day with not sufficient air to ruffle the leaves on the trees, and standing on a railway
platform, the express passes through swiftly, compelling us to move back from the edge of the
platform, and Astronomers say-if you then throw from the carriage window, on obstacle, you
will find a difficulty in so doing, and they try to link up this difficulty with the Rotation theory.
May I ask? What has this to do with the alleged Earth Rotation theory, as it was calm before and
after the express had passed through-it was of course mechanical power that caused the air to be
so strong for the moment or two.

Toss an orange when on deck of a moving steamer, is often spoken of in relation to the Earth
Rotation theory, as it is said the orange will return to the hand again. If the orange is thrown
straight up, say 24 feet or so high, where the air is not affected by the moving steamer, as
previously pointed out, the orange will not return to the hand.

I will mention that kite flying was a pastime in my boyhood, and I remember telling my school-
master, when lecturing on the Earth Rotation theory, that I did not think my kite could fly under
such swift movements of the Earth, the only reply I received was a "smile."

Throughout my whole life of experimenting, I have not found one single point in support of the
Earth Rotation theory.

Great importance is attached to Foucault's Pendulum, as it is termed, which was conducted in
Paris in 1851. The Astronomers and school books assert it to be sure proof of the Earth's rotation.

On close examination, and by devising experiments on a smaller scale, I find several flaws in this
alleged confirmation of the Earth's rotation.

In the first place the Pantheon in Paris, from which the wire 200 feet in length was suspended, is
built on the Earth. This is the determining factor of the cause of the heavy ball, one foot in
diameter and fastened to the wire, apparently deviating from its course after being set in motion,
say the supporters of the rotation theory.

Now readers, if the apparent circular course taken by the ball, after it was set in motion, was the
result of the Earth's Rotation, why was it necessary to start it? and why did it not oscillate

It is necessary again to direct your attention to the other alleged movements of the Earth. I refer
now to the journey round an orbit 360 million miles, at the speed of 10 miles each second. Surely
this terrific travelling would have a deterrent effect on the oscillating ball.

The sketch No. 20 on previous page, represents a pendulum 6 feet in length, it is quite free and
will swing to and fro, backwards and forwards. By starting it on an irregular course I noticed
after a few seconds it travelled for about two hours in a perfectly straight line, it then ceased to
move at all. I have also tried this experiment on a larger scale from a high building of 47 feet,
with precisely the same results. If it were possible to try it on the scale at the Pantheon, 200 feet
high, there would be no difference, the pendulum would travel in a perfectly straight line.

In summing up on this alleged proof let me emphasize this fact. If Foucault's experiment depends
upon a rotary Earth for its effects, then why is it necessary to start the pendulum in the first
place. Secondly, why dose the pendulum ultimately cease to move at all.

Undoubtedly whilst considering the arguments submitted in this book, the mind of the reader has
turned to Sir Issac Newton, whose name has been handed down to posterity. He it was that
discovered this mysterious law, that the apple would fall from the tree downwards.

It seems to me quite unnecessary to use the term "Law of Gravitation",; when we know that
bodies heavier than air, must fall to the Earth.

Aeroplanes are not termed gravity machines. They are very often described as Heavier than Air
Machines, which, of course, is the correct term to use.
Immediately the artificial means, whereby the aeroplane is kept elevated and travelling, is
destroyed, then the Heavier than Air Machine crashes to the ground, because of the reason which
the term implies. It is not a question of any attraction powers contained in the Earth.

The following experiment will prove this, see illustration on the next page, it depicts a
gentleman smoking a cigar. He is gently blowing the smoke against a could pane of glass in
winter time. due to the low temperature, the smoke becomes dampened and incidentally slightly
heavier than air, giving it a tendency to descend. It dries very quickly, however, becomes lighter
than air again, and consequently ascends into the air.

Arguing with a Scientist on this point one day he remarked, I fear you have not studied the law
of gravitation, for everything has a tendency to fall to the ground, by the attraction of the Earth. I
put it to him if his contention was correct, why did the smoke ascend instead of descending as
the cigar would if let fall.

The illustration on next page is taken from a book in my possession, supposed to explain
Newton's theory that all bodies fall towards the centre of the Earth at C; that is from A to C, D to
C, and B to C.

Astronomers inform us that the Earth is the Shape of an orange and 7912 miles in diameter. if so,
there is from A to C, and also from B to C, 3,956 miles of solid earth and rock. Now no one has
penetrated through the crust of the Earth, for even the deepest of mines is not ten miles, and I
contend that no person can possibly say that the Earth is even fifty miles or 7,912 miles through.

Newton informs us that a body a D will fall towards C. This position is equivalent to a person
stood on the Earth in his own garden (which is impossible as previously proved) and certainly he
feels no attraction there. Moreover, a body at D is in precisely the same position as a coin held at
the side of an orange or even your kitchen wall, and the coin being heavier than air naturally falls
perpendicularly to the floor when released. That is a body at D will fall to E, and not towards C.
Newton says New Zealand is at B, but has anybody known a body to fall upwards, and it must
certainly do so if the Earth is Globular. Surely Newton's theory is incorrect, as reason alone leads
us to the fact that bodies cannot fall in any direction except perpendicularly.

Astronomers estimate the diameter of the Moon to be 2,160 miles and that of the Earth 7,912

The journey of the moon round the Earth they assert is at the rate of 37 miles a minute, whilst in
its supposed journey round the Sun, the Earth travels 1,080 miles per minute. Now assuming the
shadow cast by the Earth on the Moon to be equal to half its (the Earth's) diameter as the shadow
would tend to converge, readers will perceive it to be impossible for an eclipse to last longer than
seven minutes.

We are aware, however, that it is quite a common occurrence for an eclipse of the Moon to last
several hours.

We shall have to search for more practical causes, therefore, than those given by Astronomers,
viz.; the rotation of the Globular Earth.

It is well known that there are dark bodies in the heavens, and periodical movements of such
bodies would create phenomena similar to what we understand as the eclipse of the Moon.


The steady pulsation of the ocean which we know as the ebb and flow of the tide, is caused by
the rotation of the Earth, say Astronomers.

I venture to suggest there would be very little element of steadiness, were the tilting Earth
whirling round, as they assert.

Whilst I contend it is impossible for any human being to say definitely what causes this
mysterious advancing and receding movement of the sea, it is within the realms of possibility
that the varying temperatures of the water creates a rise and fall sufficient to account for the

It should be borne in mind, that the variation in the tidal rise of water at England and New
Zealand is only 27 feet, on a distance of 13,740 miles, which equals an elevation or drop of 1-8
inch in every 5 miles, which is, of course, practically level. Readers please test these figures.

Here is another positive proof that the earth cannot rotate. In the Desert of Sahara, the length
from east to west is 3,000 miles, its average breath 900 miles, and its area, 2,000,000 square
miles. Rain falls on this desert at intervals only of five to ten or twenty years. If the earth rotates
over 1,000,000 miles daily, and in addition makes another movement round the orbit and sun
yearly, how can this large desert escape the rain from the heavens for years at a stretch, while
other places receive the rain regularly? Why? It is because this desert is a fixture, and is not
favoured by rain from the heavens, like other places, owing to geographical conditions.

It is a mistaken idea, and very prevalent one, to suppose that without great observations and
complicated mechanical devices one cannot study and experiment

I contend that the most reliable sources of proofs and arguments will be found in one's own
garden and with the aid of a tube such as I have mentioned in previous pages, it is quite simple
but very reliable.

Present-day Astronomers and educational authorities still continue to teach a theory which I
claim to have proved to be incorrect. Not only is it incorrect from a scientific point of view, but
if readers care to search the Bible, from the beginning to the end, they will not find one word to
support the theory of a rotating Earth. On the contrary, they will discover a great number of
verses in various parts bearing out my theory of a Stationary Earth and Travelling Sun.

Therefore, in conclusion, I feel it to be my duty to propagate these ideas in every conceivable

method possible, hoping and trusting to be given an opportunity of demonstrating my theory
before the Government Educational Authorities, with an Astronomical expert present. May I ask,
why deny me this opportunity?

If I can prove that the present day theory is wrong, and I am quite confident of the result, at least
it will be the means of repairing a serious defect in the education of our children.

Psalm XIX. verse 4. "In them hath he set a Tabernacle for the Sun"; verse 5-"Which is as a
bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race"; verse 6-"His
going forth is from the end of the heaven, and there is nothing hid from the heat there'of."



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