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Clip User Manual - Draft

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1.1 Content of the software package

The CLIP software is provided with the following material:

• Installation CD (with installation files, driver files, services, etc.)
• User Manual
• Protection system (USB or Parallel protection key)
• License Contract
• Maintenance Contract

The Maintenance contract is not mandatory. With the buying of this

program, there is a 3 months maintenance contract free of charge. Once this
period over, it is possible to hire a yearly maintenance contract, which is highly
recommended as it gives to the users full support over the program and
constant free updates due to the program improvement.

1.2 System Requirement

• Software: Windows 98, NT (Servipack 5 or superior), Windows Millenium,

Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista.
• Hardware: Intel Pentium or compatible, 1024x768 VGA screen (1280x1024
recommended), 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended), 64 MB Video Card (128
MB recommended), CD ROM device, Mouse Wheelmouse with two buttons.

1.3 Before installing CLIP

If the CLIP is going to be installed over Windows 2000, XP or Vista operating

systems, make sure you have the necessary rights of access to the following
folders for a correct installation and execution of the program:

• Folder where the CLIP will be installed.

• Windows system folder
• System register

It is highly recommended to close all other opened programs before starting

the installation.

1.4 Single Installation

A CLIP license can be installed in various different computers but it can only be
used in the computer with the key protection physically installed.

Step 1 – Key protection installation (USB or Parallel port)

In this key protection, on one side appears the TOOL name and on the other
the license number.
Installation of the key protector on the computer

The installation pack has a protection key, parallel type or USB type, just as the
ones shown hereunder.

The protection has two stickers, one on each side. On one side there is the
TOOL S.A. word and on the other side a printed number, which corresponds to
the license number that can also be found on the CD of installation.



Make sure that both numbers, the one on the protection key and the
one on the CD, coincide. Do not intend to install the program if it was not that
way as it would not work.

TOOL S.A. does not assume any responsibility in case of loosing the
protection key. If the protection key is damaged and the customer has the
maintenance contract, TOOL S.A. will repair or substitute the protection key.

Step 2 – Software Installation

The software installation has three main steps:

• CLIP program installation

• Sentinel Controller installation
• Protection key connection

a) Insert the installation CD into the computer CD-ROM device.

The CD has an auto-start system, so if the user has configured the option of
automatic execution, the installation process will start. Otherwise, check in
the CD the Program folder and select the “Install.exe” file.
b) Acceptance of conditions. Once agreed the conditions, select Next.
c) Selection of the Installation Folder. By default, the program proposes
c:\Files program\Tool software\CLIP. Once finished, select Next.
d) Selection of group of programs. A Folder is proposed in the Start menu of
the computer with the name Tool software\CLIP. Once finished, select Next.
e) Copy of the files in the computer. This process is automatic. The application
files are copied in their destination directory. The window gives through a
progress bar the installation process. The state of each individual file is also
reported as well as the space remaining free in the computer hard disk.
f) Reminder message of drivers installation. Before initiating the program, it is
necessary to install the protection key driver that can be found in the CD.
This must be done if it is the first time that the CLIP is installed. Select
Accept to follow with the installation.
g) Application installation process ended.
Finally, there is a window indicating that the installation has ended correctly.
Select the End button to terminate the process.


There is a controller that must be installed in the system so that the CLIP will
work correctly.

• Sentinel System Driver

Installation process:
- Execute the file SSD5411-32bit.EXE from the folder Sentinel System Driver
of the installation CD.
An installation assistant will be shown:

Select “Next”.

Then, the window with the license conditions appear.

Select the option: “I accept…” and press “Next”.

The window that permits to select the installation directory will be shown. It is
recommended not to modify it.

Select “Next”.

Then, the window to select the type of installation is given.

Select the option “Complete” and select “Next”.

The window informing about the beginning of the installation is given.

IMPORTANT: Check that the protection key is not connected to the

Select “Install”.

The last window will be given, informing about the end of the installation

Select “Finish” and then, the controller will be installed.


USB, Windows will show the information of the new hardware found and the
protection key will be installed.

If the protection key is a “parallel port”, Windows will not show any message.



1.5 Network Installation

The following process permits the installation of the CLIP in a network


To do the installation of the program, the protection key must NOT be

connected to the computer. To check if the installation was correctly done,
connect then the protection key.

It is not possible to use the single CLIP installation as a network. There are
specific installations for networks.

Step 1 – Key protection installation

The installation pack has a protection key, parallel type or USB type, just as the
ones shown hereunder. But these protection keys are different from the ones of
single installations.

The protection has two stickers, one on each side. On one side there is the
TOOL S.A. word and on the other side a printed number, which corresponds to
the license number that can also be found on the CD of installation.

The key protection can be connected to any operative computer connected to

the network.



Make sure that both numbers, the one on the protection key and the
one on the CD, coincide. Do not intend to install the program if it was not that
way as it would not work.

TOOL S.A. does not assume any responsibility in case of loosing the
protection key. If the protection key is damaged and the customer has the
maintenance contract, TOOL S.A. will repair or substitute the protection key.

If it is required to change the protection key from one computer to another, it is

necessary to do so with both computers disconnected.

The protection key can be connected to any computer accessible from the
network. From this computer, that can be a server, a printing server or a client
computer, the program can also be executed, but it is necessary that this
computer is switched on and connected to the network.

Step 2 – Software Installation

The installation in the computer that will act as a server, which means the
computer that will have the protection key connected, can limit itself to the
installation of the controller Sentinel System Driver described for the single
installation as well as the service Sentinel Super Pro Server explained
The installation of the program must be done in each one of the computer of
the network that will use the application.

The installation in each computer is identical as the one of the single license,
following the same steps as specified here above. In this case, it is not
necessary to install the controller in each computer.

This installation can be done to a number superior to the number of licenses

bought for the network, even though, simultaneously, it will only be possible to
use at the time the number of licenses bought for the network.

If a user tries to access to the program and it does not start, the reasons can

• There is a number of users already working with the program equivalent to

the number of licenses bought. In this case, the new user will have to wait
that some of the current users will leave the program.
• The computer that has the protection key connected is not switched on or is
not connected to the network.

Installation of the Service Sentinel Super Pro Server

Copy the directory SENTINEL SUPER PRO SERVER of the CD to the hard disk in
a folder, where it can’t be deleted easily and execute the file (never from the
CD) LOADSERV.EXE from the sub-folder WINNT.

Afterwards, select the option Install Service. If there were a message in the
which it is indicated that the file npnsrvnt.exe can’t be found, the inserted
route “Executable path”) would not be corrected. In this case, it would be
possible to write manually such route or search it with the help of the button,
and select newly the Install Service button.

The correct installation can be checked observing that, in the Control Panel/
Administrative tools/Services, the Super Pro Net service is initiated and

1.6 Program updates

The version updates and reviews of the CLIP can be received through two

• CD sent by TOOL S.A. This CD has the installation of the complete program,
as well as the controllers to be used in case of first installation in the
computer. The update process consists in installing the program in the
same directory than the one currently installed. The old jobs will not be
deleted, and can be opened with the new version. But, once opened with
the new version, they can’t be opened again with the old version.
• Updates through the TOOL SA web page ( In this case, the files
downloaded correspond to the complete program as well, but does not
include the controllers that would be necessary for installations in new
computers. The process of updating consists in installing the program in the
same directory than the current one used. The old jobs will not be deleted,
and can be opened with the new version. But, once opened with the new
version, they can’t be opened again with the old version.

• There is a mailing list that, periodically, informs about the launch of new
versions and reviews of current versions, with their current documentation
for the product improvement. If the user does not belong to such list, he
can contact TOOL S.A or write an email to in order to be
part of the mailing list.

1.7 CLIP removal

To uninstall the application from a computer, select the direct access Uninstall
from the group programs: Programs\Tool software\CLIP from the Start button
of the operating system.
Follow the instructions given in the screen.


2.1 Accelerators configuration

The program comes, by default, with the accelerators that, in our opinion, are
optimum for the work. Nevertheless, the user has the possibility to modify them
his own way.
The accelerators configuration can be found in the “View” option, followed by
the “Application options”.

2.1.1 Folders configuration

• Work folder: Different files are generated by the program. The most
important one is the Work file, with TRB extension. (ex: work.trb)
This file has to be saved in a folder.
• Cartography folder: The CLIP program uses all kind of digital cartography.
These cartography’s are converted into internal format. The index file (with
information over entities and imported pages) has KAR extension
(cartography.kar). The remaining files of the same cartography will have the
HOJ extension (plan.hoj) and contain the proper cartographic information.
• Open by default the latest work or cartography.

2.1.2 Interface configuration

Actions from the mouse buttons and the keyboard can be configured.

It is also necessary to point out that the actions can be executed not only from
the mouse button or the keyboard but also from the menu.

The CLIP comes with an interface called “by default” which has the different
actions with the associated keys that we think are more suitable.

Nevertheless, the user can configure the different keys his own way with the
option “Save as”.

• Mouse configuration
• Keyboard configuration

• Background and marks

- Background color and Rubber line

- Check marks
- Special marks

2.2 Windows, buttons bar and menus

2.2.1 Work windows

All the windows that are being viewed simultaneously are synchronized, so that
any change in one of them will affect the representation of the others.
The possible windows to be visualized are the following:

• Ground
• Elevation profile
• Cross-section
• 3D perspective
• Tacheometric profiles
• Tree structure
• Plans
• Listings

To show in the screen such windows, there are different procedures that can be

• Use the buttons bar of windows viewing. This bar has five buttons with the
which it is possible to view any of the first five windows described
previously. Such window is represented hereunder:

• Use the options from the Tree Structure window. See in the following

• Use the options pre-configured by the user. It is possible to configure and

store different viewing so that, simply by selecting the view with a name,
the windows are shown in the screen, automatically, with a size and position

To store the current view with the name, it is necessary to select over the
symbol situated at the right of the list of possible views.
In order to change the stored view, it is necessary to show the list of windows,
from the general buttons bar and select one of them.

Here is an example of a possible visualization.

2.2.2 Button bar

To activate or inactivate the buttons bar, the right button of the mouse is
pressed over the superior part of the menu application. There is then an
information, as a window, where the name of all the buttons bars associated to
a checking box are detailed.

2.3.3 Contextual menus

It allows access to the different actions to be taken. The contextual menu will
vary depending on the localization of the mouse pointer.

2.3 Pen colors, patterns, symbols and fonts configuration

In all the graphical windows of the program, there are different draws showing
the axes, the subgrades, cross-section profiles, cartography with different
elements, gutters, slopes, etc…

Each one of these lines can be drawn in the screen through a configurable pen
color, which is defined through visualization and printing properties.

In the program, it is also possible to configure different patterns. The patterns

are stretches associated to lines to be shown, for example, high tension lines,
vegetation or any other element to be customized in order to improve the

The symbols are useful as well to show, for example, different groups of
points or bases, trees or any other object.

Finally, the labeled texts of the ground axes, river names, elevation
representation text, etc are also configurable.

The program has two different places where it is possible to configure all the
elements. One of them is in the configuration of representation of the entities
corresponding to the cartography and the other one corresponding to the
representation of the entities corresponding to the geometry (axes, slope feet,
cross-sections, etc.).

• Both configurations are independent and affect the corresponding

elements in the cartography on one side and the geometry on the
other side.

The configuration of the representation, in the case of the cartography, remains

stored in the proper cartography files.

The same way, a work (TRB file) stores the configuration of the visualization
of the entities in the proper file, this way, a work opened in any computer will
have the same aspect than when it was created by its author.

The access to these options of configuration or representation is done from the

contextual menu of the Tree Structure corresponding to the cartography and
Edit job respectively.

To access to the cartographic entities representation, it is necessary to place

the mouse pointer over the text corresponding to the title of the cartography
(in the Tree Structure) and select it with the right button of the mouse.
There is then a contextual menu in which the Representation option can be

To access to the representation of the entities for the geometry, it is necessary

to place the mouse pointer over the text Edit Job (from the Tree Structure)
and select it with the right button of the mouse.

There is then a contextual menu in which the Representation option can be


The configuration options and aspects of the windows are identical in both

Here is an explanation of the different windows.

2.3.1 Pen colors

The pen color configuration window is the following:

In the inferior part of the window, there are options to access to the remaining
configurable parameters (patterns, symbols and fonts).

The pen colors configuration window is divided into different zones. In the left
side, within a list, there are all the pen colors available for the work.
The number of pen colors to be considered is unlimited. With the Add option,
the number of pen colors can be increased. Pen colors can also be imported,
through the Import option. When importing pen colors, it deletes the existing
ones and store the ones from the other work.

It is not possible to delete pen colors. This option would not make sense as it is
possible to modify any pen color or add any new one.

By pressing with the left button of the mouse over the pen color of the list, its
properties are shown in the remaining cells of the window. This way, it is
possible to see and modify all properties.

Each pen color is defined by the following parameters:

• Name: Name defining the pen color.

• Colors: Colors of representation. This screen is divided into two parts,
Screen and Printer.
• Draft: It is the aspect, by default, with the one the associated entities with a
pen color will be drawn in the screen.
In the inferior zone, the filling zones with draft parameters are configured. It
is possible to select the following typologies:
• Presentation: Improvement aspect of the pen colors. It is an elegant
termination configuration in the which complex elements in the stretches are

2.3.2 Patterns

In this part, the patterns to be assigned in the pen color presentation are
designed and managed.

The pattern configuration window is the following:

On the left side, there is a sample of the possible patterns. This list will increase
when the user will add new models. By selecting any of them, the parameters
defining such model can be viewed and modified in the remaining cells of the

To extend the list with a new model, select the Add option. At this moment,
the rest of the cells are empty of any information.

The first step to design a new model, once selected the Add option, consists in
assigning a width stretch. The width, dimensional measure, is inserted in the
Width option.

In the right superior part of the window, there is, graphically, the width and the
design of the patterns being done.

The width with a pattern is assigned to a pen color. In this window, as

explained earlier, the width is inserted in millimeters and all the elements of the
pattern are scaled proportionally.

Once assigned the width, there is a zone with white background where it is
possible to design, graphically or analytically, the pattern.

A pattern is defined by a serie of linear elements that can have different


By selecting over the list of notations, it is possible to edit the parameters of a

line. With the mouse right button, over a line in the analytical part, there is a
contextual menu that permits to:
• Delete a line.
• Elevate a line.
• Decrease a line.

To add a new line in the pattern, it is necessary to draw such line in the
graphical part with the mouse. A posteriori, it is possible to modify it

It is not possible to delete a pattern but yes to modify it or add new ones.

Patterns are stores in TRB file of the work.

2.3.3. Symbols

This chapter considers the symbols management that are being used to show
points, reopening bases, etc.

The symbols configuration window is the following:

On the left side, there is a sample of the possible symbols. Each symbol has a
draft and printing representation configuration. By selecting any of them, there
is in the right part of the window a font from the which the symbol is
considered (Font cell) and its screen and printing representation (left and right
window respectively).

To extend the list with a new symbol, select the Add option.

Once selected the button, a new symbol is created which will be identified with
a name. For that, select the identification name cell.
A posteriori, the field font is selected (from the list of selected fonts in the
work) from the which it is desired to select a character or a symbol and finally,
select from the two inferior windows the representation in the screen and
printing of such symbol.

It is also possible to configure the size of the symbol in the screen or in the
printing, modifying the field Proportions. The size 100 corresponds to the
original size of the symbol.

2.3.4 Fonts

In this chapter, the different fonts to be used in a defined work are configured.

The fonts configuration window is the following:

On the left side of the window, there are a sample of the available fonts.

Each selected font is defined by a name that identifies it and by a configuration

of screen and printing representation. By placing the mouse over any of them,
there is in the right part of the window the name of the font, its format (that
can be thin, normal, thick and very thick) and the fonts used for the
representation in the screen or printing (left and right window respectively).

The fonts are selected from a list that shows all the fonts installed in the
operating system. It is necessary to be careful if a CLIP work file (TRB) is
transmitted with non common fonts.

To extend the list with a new font, select the Add option.
Once pressed the button, a new font is created, identified with a name.

A posteriori, select the required format and finally, select, from the two inferior
windows, the fonts of representation for the screen and the printing.

2.4 Security copies and recovery files

The file with all the work information is a TRB file (except the cartography). The
name of the file is given by the user.

In order to avoid to lose information in the TRB files, from power breakdown,
computer instability for example, there is the possibility of making security
copies every X minutes.

To configure such option and time interval, menu “View” – “Application


In this window, there is the option to create a security file with x minutes
interval time.

The configuration remains activated for any work. By doing a security copy with
defined interval, there is an internal file with the TRB information. If the work is
important, it is possible that the user has to wait a few seconds before keeping
up with the work as the information is being saved internally.

 In jobs of big capacity, where the time of saving in the hard disk can be
of several seconds, it can be recommended not to activate this option
and do manually the copies of security, by copying the TRB file with
another name periodically.

Additionally to this copy, the program is able to save an independent data file
with the corresponding information in memory just in the moment of any
possible failure, so that this one would be the security copy.

The program never works with the original TRB as it makes a copy (BAK

If there is an abnormal interruption of the program, by opening it again

afterwards, the following message will be shown:

In this message, it is informed that if the “Accept” button option is selected,

the error file written at the moment of the failure will be restored, and if it was
not possible, the file saved in the defined interval by the user will be restored.

In case of positive, the program will open the copy of security and make the
following question:
It is informed that the information currently opened can be different from the
one stored in the original TRB file (the one from the beginning of the working
session), so it will be useful to save such information with another name if it is
required to check the difference between both files. It is proposed to save the
information to a TRB with the same name than the original with the BAK letters
in order to distinguish it from the first one.


The Tree Structure is a representation of the structure of a project and permits

to access to all the parts of it.

3.1 Tree Structure Window disposition

This window can be hidden or shown. When shown, it can be placed at any
place on the screen, being the user the one who selects its size and its

To initiate for the first time the application, it is required to create a new work
in order to activate the tree. To create a new work, select the option Job/New,
or select the CONTROL + N or over the corresponding button.

There are different possible actions in order to see or hide the Tree Structure.

1. With the button situated in the tool bar.

2. With the same button in the inferior part of the application.

3. With the right button of the mouse in the superior or inferior part of the
main window, where the first option will be to show or not the Tree
4. In the View option, there is also a possibility at the end of the list.
5. It can be hidden by selecting the “cross” symbol from the right superior part
of the proper window.
The place and size of the Tree Structure can be modified at any time, by
selecting the Tree Structure and moving the pointer of the mouse maintaining
the symbol pressed in order to move it and selecting the corner of the Tree
Structure and modifying it with the mouse pointer in order to change its size.

The Tree Structure use is defined by the user according to its experience and
necessity. The only recommendation we can make is to work without it when it
is not required to create new elements, only modifying the existing ones.

3.2 Tree structure information disposition

From the Tree Structure, any part of the project can be accessed.

All the data, except the cartography, are being stored in an unique file with the
TRB extension (work.trb).

As it can be seen, the Tree Structure has 5 columns.

a) Name of the entity

b) ViewA%: State of visualization of the entity
c) A%: Attenuation grade
d) Labefoot: labeling
e) Foot: Slope feet

3.3 Information Structure

Hierarchical structure based on two different working modes.

• Cartography
• Geometry or Work Edition

- Cartography
- Edit work
- Axe 1
- Stretch
- Subgrade Folder
- Land Folder
- Subgrade marks
- Axe 2
- Stretch 1
- Subgrade Folder
- Land Folder
- Subgrade marks
- Stretch 2
- Subgrade Folder
- Land Folder
- Subgrade marks


- Axe n
- Stretch
- Subgrade Folder
- Land Folder
- Subgrade marks

As it can be seen in the schema, from each Ground Axis, there is an unlimited
number of Stretches. In these stretches, different areas are being

• Subgrades folder
• Land folder
• Subgrade marks
• Characteristic lines

From the subgrade folder, it is possible to store an unlimited number of

subgrades and define a posteriori which ones will be used to define the
subgrade of the project. It is possible to draw different subgrades at the same
time and compare them.

In the Land folder, many different collections of cross-section profiles can be

stored (they don’t have to be defined with a constant interval), defining
afterwards which one is the one considered for the project. It is possible to
draw different lands at the same time and compare them.

4.1 Introduction

The CLIP program operates with specific cartographic format KAR. In order to
work with any other type of cartography, it is necessary to convert it into the
KAR format, conversion that can be done automatically with the CLIP.

The cartographic information is not stored in the TRB file but is stored in
independent files. This way, it is possible to use the same cartography with
different jobs.

A cartography is composed by several files. The index file has the KAR
extension and its name is the same than the cartography. The remaining files
are the different pages of the cartography, with HOJ extension.

As a cartography is composed by different files, it is recommended to use an

independent folder to store them.

In the option “Application Options” from the View menu, it is possible to

configure the directory by default that proposes the CLIP to store or read the
cartography. The user can ignore such directory at the time of saving or
opening cartography and select its proper directory.

4.2 Opening, creation and elimination of a cartography

If the opened work has no cartography, the title of the branch of the Tree
Structure corresponding to the Cartography is “None”, until a cartography is
loaded or created, moment where it has the name given by the user.

In order to create, insert or delete a cartography, we have to press the right

button of the mouse in the branch and choose the “Add” or “delete” option.
Then, we’ll choose the cartography or create it giving a new name (if created,
the cartography will be blank at first before introducing the data). A preview of
the cartography can be seen.
If a name of a non existing cartography is inserted, this one will be created
empty. A posteriori, it will be necessary to incorporate cartography files through
the importation process.

The user can also change the directory of the existing cartography that he
wishes to select or the directory to store the new cartography.

It is also possible to delete cartography of the hard disk from this window. It is
necessary to select the “Delete” option.

Once the new cartography loaded, a double click on the cartography branch will
automatically open it and view it on the window. If the cartography does not
appear, it is possible that the coordinates position of the cursor and the scale
are not in the surroundings of the cartography. Therefore, by pressing ALT +
“*”, the work will be centered.

Movement and information of the GROUND window

With the cartography, on the inferior part of the application, the following
information is given:

• X Coordinates of the pointer of the mouse

• Y Coordinates of the pointer of the mouse
• Rotate: Orientation of the entities represented in the window. By default,
the value will be “0”, indicating the North in the superior side. This value can
be changed analytically or graphically. But, it is important to know that the
coordinates of the entity will not vary.
Analytical: A value is inserted in the corresponding box of the turn and the
RETURN option is selected. If an unique value is inserted, the CLIP
understands that such value is measured in centesimal degrees. If the
notation gºmm’ss’’ is used, the value will be taken in astronomical degrees.
Graphical: In order to turn graphically the representation, it is necessary to
select the F12 option or the option “Position” from the “View” menu in the
superior part of the application. There will be then in the ground window a
rectangle and a vertical line indicating the observer position. The mouse
pointer will have a different representation inside the rectangle than outside.
On its outside, it will have the representation of a turning arrow, that allows
to turn the representation maintaining the left button of the mouse pressed.
The rectangle turns considering as center the center of the window. The
vertical line will move to indicate the future point of viewing of the user.
The mouse pointer, when in the rectangle, takes to form of a hand. In this
position, it is possible to move the rectangle in any XY direction but without
turning it.
Once the rectangle and the vertical line are in the required position, select
the option F12 again or the “Position” option from the “View” menu.
• Scale: The scale can be modified analytically, graphically (wheelmouse) or
with the keyboard ALT + “+” or ALT + “-“.
Analytical: A value is inserted in the corresponding box to the scale and
select the RETURN option.
Graphical: To modify graphically the scale, turn the central wheel of the
mouse in one or other direction. To reduce the scale, turn the wheel to the
front part of the mouse, the increase it, turn the opposite direction. The
center of viewing is always the one of the pointer position of the mouse, so
a change is done in the scale and in the centered movement of the viewing

 This capacity to get closer or further the viewing is very useful and can
be done in any graphical window of the program (ground, subgrade,
cross-section, etc…).

• Keyboard: The combination of the keys ALT + “+” or ALT + “-“ allows to
increase or decrease the viewing scale.

• With the Scale and Position of the View option in the superior part of the
application, a new window representing the whole work is shown. There is
also a rectangle showing the viewable portion from the ground window. By
pressing the left button of the mouse, it is possible to modify the size of the
rectangle (and consequently the scale of visualization). Close to the corners,
also in the outside, the mouse pointer has an arrow shape doing a turn. This
way it is possible to turn the rectangle by moving the mouse pointer. The
rectangle will turn considering as the center the center of itself. The vertical
line will move to indicate the future point of view of the user. If the mouse
pointer is placed inside the rectangle, the image associated to the pointer
has a hand shape and permits to move such rectangle and place it in
another position.

4.3 Cartography Importation

Importation of an external cartography of the CLIP program:

• ASR (DIGI Format)


Notes for quick importation of a cartography

1. In a new job, generate a new cartography with the Add option from the
Tree Structure Cartography contextual menu. Insert a name for the
cartography (do not write the name of an existing cartography).
2. Show again the contextual menu of the cartography and select the option
Format/Read External.
3. Select the box “File Type” for the format of the files to be imported.
4. Select the Add option and select all the files to be imported in the hard disk.
5. Select the Accept option.

The cartography is imported. To view it, double click with the left button of the
mouse over the cartography branch in the Tree Structure. A ground window will
be opened. If it is not possible to see the cartography, center it with the option
ALT + *.

This list is a non exhaustive list and can be extended to other format according
to customer’s requirements.

• The size of the files is not limited for the importation. The program will
divide the files internally.
• The program does automatically a conversion dictionary (correspondence
between the layers from the cartography as well as the classes and types).
• The original colors of the entities are being maintained. (DXF & DGN).

How to import a cartography?

Step 1 – Creation of a new empty cartography

If there is an existing cartography in the work, it is necessary to remove it with

the “Remove” option.

By creating a new cartography, a file with the following extension is created:


It is an index file that has no cartographic information. But it has the

information about the number of sheets composing the cartography, the types,
the classes, the viewing properties, the pen colors, etc…

The different files that will be imported will generate cartographic sheets
contained in files of type CARTOGRAPHY NAME.HOJ.

It does not have to exist a direct relation between the number of HOJ files and
the number of external files, except if the user decides that the importation is
done such way.

Step 2 - Add cartographic information from external file(s)

There is an option in the contextual menu of the cartography branch for

“FORMATS” → “READ EXTERNALS”. Then, it is necessary to select the type of
file to be imported and add it.
On the inferior side of the window the following information appears:

• XY Scale Factor: Number from the which the coordinates X and Y of the
different entities are being multiplied during the importation process. (to
avoid scalar problems ).
• Elevation Scale Factor: Number from the which all the cartography
entities elevations are being multiplied.
• Movement: Allow to sum up a movement to the X and Y directions to all
the cartography entities.
• Maximum page width: If the user does not wish to preserve the
correspondence in number and/or original page numeration.
• Character Set: Used by the external files of the cartography.
• Filter Line Points: During the process of external reading, in order to
import less points in each line.

The option is valid for any type of line, 2D, 3D, etc.

Once all the files selected, and all parameters are correct, select the “OK”

The importation window will have the following aspect:

The process of importation will start. The state of progress of the importation
can be seen in the right inferior part of the application through a state bar
indicating the evolution of the percentage execution.

In case of DXF files, the user can select the blocks he wants to decompose,
assigning the same elevation to all the entities decomposed, so they will be
imported as contour lines.

If they are not decomposed, the blocks will not be shown. A point with X and Y
coordinates will be imported through a CLIP symbol.

The window is divided into two parts, on the left side are all the blocks saved in
the DXF file. These blocks can be selected and marked. On the right, there is
the draw of the selected draw.

Through the buttons on the inferior part of the window, it is possible to mark or
unmark all the blocks at once.

The user has to select the blocks he wants to decompose, so that he can see
them once the cartography converted. By decomposing them, the program
assigns a same elevation to all the decomposed entities, so that there would be
imported as contour lines.

If they are not decomposed, the blocks will not be seen. But, a point with X,Y
and Z coordinates will be imported. The representation will be done using a
CLIP symbol that can be a posteriori modified.

If it is decided to decompose the blocks, there are tools for not considering the
elevation of such entities or to convert them in 2D lines, etc.
Once the cartography imported, it is necessary to open the graphical window of
the ground alignments (double click over the cartography in the Tree
Structure), if it is not opened yet.

It is possible that the first time the cartography can’t be seen. This could be
because of the pointer position (coordinates) and the scale are not in the
cartography environment. To center the work in the window, select ALT + *.

4.4 Sheets, Classes and Types management

4.4.1 Sheets

A KAR cartography is composed by different sheets. These sheets can

correspond or not with the number of external files used (DXF, DGN, etc.) The
sheets are being numbered.

The user has various options to manage such sheets.

There can be found in the contextual menu of the cartography, in the Structure
Tree, with the “Elements” option.

On the right side of this window, the framework defining the different sheets of
the cartography can be seen.

On the left side of the window, a list of the numerated sheets is displayed with
their corresponding Min and Max coordinates X and Y.

There are also two columns with the header Draw and Elevation. In these
cells are hosted a frame that can be marked or not.

• Draw: Allow the view of the corresponding sheet in the graphical ground
• Elevation: Allow to use the entities with their elevation in order to obtain
the cross-section profiles.

The cutting properties (elevation) are independent from the viewing property.
This way it is possible to obtain data for the cross-section profiles of an entity
which is not drawn and vice versa.

If the mouse button is pressed in the cell corresponding to the column Draw or
Elevation outside the frame with the selection mark, the corresponding sheet
will be drawn in white in the schema of the right part of the window.

The sheet which is shown in white can be deleted permanently (without

possibilities of recovering it) by selection the “Delete” option.

4.4.2 Classes

Normally, the cartographic information of an external file (DXF, DGN, etc.) is

being distributed in layers. (line, polyline, 2D, 3D, etc…).

With the CLIP program, the equivalent concept of layer is TYPE. The Type can
have non homogeneous entities. For example, a Type with contour lines and
texts representing the elevation could exist.

This variety of entities are named CLASSES. The number and denomination of
classes can’t be modified. Importing any external cartography, the CLIP assigns
a Class to each entity considering its characteristics. This entity belongs to a

The different CLASSES managed by CLIP are:

• Contour line: lines or polylines with the same elevation in all its points.
• 3D line: entities with points at different elevation.
• Road edge: same as 3D line but with cross-section profile indicating the
edge of an existing road in the cartography.
• 2D line: Linear entities without elevation.
• Plot: Plot management
• Text/Symbol: such as altimetric points
• Contour Line Sign
Each Class has “by default” values for its representation, visualization and use.
These values can be modified by the user.

• Pen color: Pen color associated to each Class. With DXF and DGN files, the
pen color identical to the original will be displayed.
• Screen: View or hide the entities of each Class.
• Print: Print or not the entities of each Class.
• Elevation: in order to obtain cross-section profiles. If it is not selected, the
Class will be use only in Planimetry.

4.4.3 Types

In the cartography importation, the CLIP creates as many Types as the layers
of the External files. Afterwards, Classes are being assigned to the different
entities of each Type.

It is possible to delete or add any type through the options ADD or DELETE.

By deleting a type, the entities that belong to it are not deleted. The program
shows a window in which it informs if there are entities in the type to be
deleted, these will go to a new type named GENERAL.
The window giving the different types in a cartography is the following one:

There are four subfolders in the Types option, these are General,
Text/Symbol, Symbol and Text.

The general options of each type are inserted in the General folder:

• Identity: Automatic numeration for identification of each Type.

• Description: Type description.
• Pen color: By default, an entity will adopt a pen color associated to its
• Limit Scale: Its value is 0 by default. Always viewable. Otherwise:
values at inferior or similar scales to the value indicated, the entities will be
- For values superior to the value indicated, the entities will not been
• Draw line Screen/Printer: View or not entities for each Type.
• Active elevation: Use entities with elevation for cross-section profile

In the text/symbol section, texts and symbols viewing and plotting properties
are mentioned.
The different columns that are shown have the following meaning:

• Draw Text/Symbol Screen/Printer: View or not entities of text and

symbol classes in each Type.
• Fixed Size: Fix the size of all the texts and symbols of a Type.
• Angle: Angle from the different texts.
- Absolute Angle: the text angle changes with the visualization turn.
- Relative Angle: the text angle does not change with the visualization
- Variable Angle: In case of turn over 90º, give automatically a 180º turn
(contour lines).

In the Symbol section, there are, between others, the size properties, the
symbol type, etc.
The different columns that are shown have the following meaning:

• Size: Fix the size of all the symbols of each Type.

• Symbol: List with all the symbols defined in the Representation of Symbols.
• Elevation: View or not the elevation of the cartography symbol.
• Decimal: Number of decimals for symbol elevation representation.

In the Text section are the properties of font, position, etc.

The different columns that are shown have the following meaning:

• Size: Fix the size of all the texts of each Type.

• Width factor: Each character has a different width.
• Italics: Modify all the texts from a Type with Italics format.
• Font: Indicate the used font for the Texts of a Type.
• Position: Position with coordinates and turning point.

4.4.4 External code

The option External Code is available from the cartography contextual menu.

This option allows to modify the Type and Class of the cartography imported

The window has the following information:

• External Code: Name or number of the layers of the imported files.

• Forward (Type and Class): Imported entities, with each external code of a
same Type and Class.
• New (Type and Class): Final characteristics of the Type and Class entities of
the Previous column.
• Number: Number of entities with the Previous column characteristics.
• Delete: Delete selected entities.

By selecting the Change option, the operation is executed.

4.5 Contour Lines Management

Contour lines can be managed and visualized independently from the other

To access to such management, select the option Contour Lines from the
contextual menu of the cartography in the Tree Structure.

There are three different areas:

• Colors by elevation
• Scale contour lines
• Change Elevations

4.5.1 Colors by elevation

This options permits to draw each contour line with a defined color (ranks of

The window for such option is divided into two parts. On the left side, there are
the elevation ranks and color stretches defined by the user. With the “Add” and
“Delete” options, it is possible to create more or less stretches. On the right
side, a square with “Cartography elevation” title can be found, showing the
maximum and minimum elevations of all the contour lines of the cartography.

These data can be useful for:

• Checking the elevations of the contour lines verifying that they belong to an
appropriate range of the working zone. If the elevations are null, this can
mean that some contour lines are not correct or that the sea level is reached
at some point of the cartography.
• Think about the stretching to be done.

There is also a box “Active” to permits the visualization or not of all the

• Minimum and Maximum elevation: contour lines elevation ranks to be

• Minimum and Maximum Color: Initial and final color of the contour lines
depending on their elevations.
• View: Visualization of the stretch colors.

It is then necessary to activate the View option as well as the Active option in
order to see the colors per elevation.

It is not necessary to assign stretches for all the contour lines, nor having
activated the View property for all the stretches.

Here is an example of a cartography with its colored contour lines.

4.5.2 Scale contour lines

In case of high density of contour lines, it is possible to select which contour

line(s) will be viewable and which one(s)not.
The window for such option is divided into two parts. On the left side, we can
find the scale ranks with indication of the equidistance within the viewable
contour lines and the parameter indicating which ones will be shown as Index
contour lines.

In the example showed in here above, for scales inferior to 1:2000, all contour
lines are seen, while with scales between 1:5000 and 1:10000, the thinner
contour lines have a distance of 10 meters, being Index the ones with 50
meters distance.

The user can modify this definition with the help of the buttons Add and

It is also possible to select the color with the which the index contour lines
will be shown by selecting the list of pen colors of the parameter Index contour
line. It will only be effective if there are not activated in the Colors by
Elevation option.

Finally, there is an option named “Use different Width” that permits to draw
the index contour lines with a trace width superior to the thinner lines. In this
case, it is necessary to check the corresponding box.

The wider trace will be of color if it has been stretched this way in the Colors
by Elevation option.

4.5.3 Change elevations

This option allows to modify the contour lines elevations automatically or

transform them into 2D line Class.
The user must insert the range of contour lines that he wishes to modify
through the boxes Maximum elevation and Minimum elevation. The
contour lines between both elevations can be affected by the following

• Elevation modification: New elevation = (Current elevation *A) +B.

Being A & B parameters defined by the user (B increases the current elevation
of the selected contour lines while A corrects errors from the cartography).
• Transform contour lines to 2D: contour lines from the range defined by
the user are transformed from the class contour lines to the class 2D
lines. This way, it is avoided to use such entities to obtain cross-section
profiles. .

Once selected the option to be executed, select the Process option.

4.6 Cartography exportation

CLIP permits cartography exportation to ASR & PUN formats.

To export a cartography, it is necessary to select the option Formats/Save

External from the contextual menu of the cartography, from the Tree

Selection of the Formats option, with Save External in the contextual menu.

• Export to ASR: The program generates a file for each cartography sheet
obtained from the KAR file. The numeration is always of four digits and will
correspond with the number of the sheet corresponding to the CLIP
• Export to PUN. X,Y, Z points: Export points with the cartography
elevation to an ASCII file with PUN extension. (possibility to export such file
to TOOL CURVADO). It is also possible to generate DXF file of the model.

4.7 Cartography Edition

CLIP has tools to modify, create and delete different cartographic entities. For
that, it is mandatory to know the structure of the cartographic information that
uses the program and that is explained previously (sheets, classes, types,
properties, etc.).

The cartographic edition is developed on the graphical window of the ground

alignments. This window contains as well the proper geometrical information of
the ground axes, off set elements, slope feet, etc.

To select the Cartography Edition option, double click over the corresponding
branch in the Tree Structure cartography.

In order to make sure that such mode is activated, it is possible to check:

• The text Cartography Edition appears in the title of the ground window.
• The contextual menu (mouse right button) of such window has the options:
insert 3D line, insert 2D line, etc…

It is recommended to hide the Tree Structure in order to optimize the

graphical window of the ground alignments.

4.7.1 Selection, unselecting and delete

It is necessary to select any cartographic entity before editing, modifying or

deleting it. To select an entity, press the Shift key + left button of the mouse
over the entity to be selected.

It is not possible to check nor select entities nor bases hidden by the user. The
cartographic entities can be hidden from the option Elements from the
cartography contextual menu.

The selected entity, if it is a line, will be colored with a dense white color.
Additionally, the points forming such line will also appear marked with a small
circle of white color. The active point will have associated a cross.

If a text or symbol is selected, it will have a cross to differentiate it from the


To unselect or delete it, press the right button of the mouse and choose the
option “unselect” or “delete”.
4.7.2 Lines Edition

Lines edition permits modifying the color, the elevation, convert into a different
Class, etc of the lines.

To edit a line, as mentioned previously, it is necessary to select it. Once

selected, the contextual menu will propose the following options:

• General Data

- Class: Show the current class of the selected entity. It is possible to

modify it showing a list of compatible classes with the current one and
selecting a new one. Depending on the selected class, there are some or
others parameters in the inferior part of the window.
If it is a contour line, the data of its elevation is given. This data is
editable by the user. This way, it is possible to modify an unique contour
If the class changes to a 3D line or a Road Edge, in the inferior part,
there will be the options Cut with contour lines and Cut with 3D
lines. These options make possible that this entity, being now a 3D line
while before it was a Contour Line or a 2D line can have altimetry
deduced from the remaining cartographic entities intersecting with it.
If a line has originally elevations in all its points, being a contour line or
a 3D line, and is changed to a 2D line, these elevations are inhibited
without possibility to recover them. A posteriori, it could be possible to
convert them in 3D line, obtaining the elevations of the existing
cartographic entities.
If the class is changed to Text/Symbol, in the inferior part, there is the box
With elevation. This option makes possible to convert a selected line in points
that constitute such line. These points are treated as entities Text/Symbol
that are explained a posteriori. The points can have associated a text
presenting the absolute elevation of such point.

- Type: Show the current type of the entity. It is possible to assign other
type to this entity by selecting some of the list. In such list, there are all
the types defined in the cartography. The entity will maintain its class
and its characteristics but will take the pen color of the new type.
- Pen color: show the current type of the entity. It is possible to modify
such pen color so it is independent from the pen color of the type to the
which it belongs or to the pen color of its class. But if it is modified, only
the selected entity will be modified, not the remaining entities.
- External Code: This code is similar to the layer of the selected entity
from its original source. This way, it is possible to check the name of the
layer of the DXF where was the entity. This value can be modified and is
stored in the cartography (KAR). The external code is considered by the
time to apply different dictionaries relating types with external codes.
appears in the window of edition of all entities. Its explanation is the
same in all of them.

• Edit: This option permits to modify the geometry of the line, by adding,
moving, deleting or including new points to the line.

With the option Edit point, a window with information of the X, Y and Z of the
point is given, being possible to modify any of this data numerically.

With the options Next and Previous, it is useful to select other points in the
line which is being edited. The edited point has a distinctive mark from the
others. It is also possible to select the closest point to the mouse pointer with
SHIFT + left button of the mouse.

With the option Move points, it is possible to modify its position by situating it
in the position of the mouse.

With the option Delete point, the selected point is deleted by unifying the
adjacent points through a straight segment. This option has no recovery option
so that the eliminated point is lost.

With the option Include point, it is possible to interpolate a new point within a
segment situated between two existing points of the line. To select such option,
there is a mark in the line over the interpolated point closer to the mouse
position. To accept the place of this new point, select SHIFT + left button of
the mouse.

The option Exit Route inhibits the edition mode of the points from the line.
The contextual menu is the original one and the line remains selected.

4.7.3 Texts & Symbols Edition

Both elements will be managed together, so that the same point X, Y and Z can
have an associated text with different characteristics. The same point can also
have an associated symbol.

This way, if it is only required to obtain a symbol, the associated text is null,
and inversely if what is required is a text.

The edition of a text permits to modify, between other parameters, the color,
the size, the turn, etc.

To edit a text, just as mentioned previously, it is necessary to select it.

• General data
In the superior part of the window, there are the parameters Class,
Type, Pen color and External Code explained previously.
In this case, only the class can’t be modified as there are no classes for

In the inferior part, there are other parameters modifiable by the user
and that will only affect the selected text.

These parameters are:

- Size: Size of the text.

- Width factor: factor to multiply the original width of the character. The
number inserted will be the factor by the which the original width of
each character will be multiplied. Values inferior to 1 compress the text
while values superior to 1 extend it. If the option By type is selected,
the value of the width factor associated to the type to the which the
selected text belongs is considered.
- Italics: Modify text format. The Font of the texts from a same type is
unique and can be modify only on its type.
- Position: Position with coordinates and turning point. The point, which
defines the position, can be viewed in the cartography edition and will be
the one to be selected to modify a text graphically, move it, etc.
- Angle: Absolute angle that the text forms with the horizontal (X axis).
- X,Y & elevation: Coordinates of the point of the text or symbol.
- With symbol: Associated symbol to the selected entity. A symbol is
unique within a type. It is possible to modify such symbol from the
Types branch.
- With elevation: Dispose automatically of a text representing the point
elevation. If there is also text, this will appear before the text of the
elevation. If the elevation of the point is modified, the part of the text
referring to this last parameter will change automatically.
- Text: Entity text.

• Move: graphically move the text or symbol localization. By selecting it, the
entity will move with the pointer movement dynamically. To accept and fix
the position, select SHIFT + left button of the mouse.

• Turning point: graphically turn the text or symbol localization. By selecting

such option, considering as center of turn the selected point defined in the
text or in the symbol while the other point defining the orientation is the
mouse pointer, the entity will turn. To accept and fix the position, select
SHIFT + left button of the mouse.

• Size: graphically modifies the size of the text or symbol. By selecting such
option, the size of the entity will be proportional to the distance defined
between the selection point of the text or symbol and the mouse pointer. To
accept and fix the position, select SHIFT + left button of the mouse.

4.7.4 -3D Line Insertion

This option allows to insert a new 3D line. By default, , the type number 0 is
created, called without type, that stores the new created entities.

A posteriori, it is possible to modify the type of the entity created from the
menu General Data as it has been explained earlier.

First, press the right button of the mouse to select this option. Then, select the
different points on the cartography with Shift and the left button of the mouse.
When finishing the selection of points, select the “End” option.

The 3D line will be created and will consider the elevations of the existing
entities of the cartography that have Z. These entities can be 3D lines and
contour lines. The intersection points of the new line with the existing entities
will be the ones acquired by the elevation, while the remaining points will take
the elevation through interpolation between the Z of its adjacent points.

To exit the 3D lines creation mode, it is necessary to select the option “End
insert” from the contextual menu.

4.7.5 -2D Line Insertion

This option allows to insert a new 2D line. By default, the type number 0 is
created, called without type, that stores the new created entities.
First, press the right button of the mouse to select this option. Then, select the
different points on the cartography with Shift and the left button of the mouse.
When finishing the selection of points, select the “End” option.

4.7.6 -Text/Symbol Insertion

Text/Symbol insertion with the mouse pointer localization.


The knowledge of the ground alignment geometry is essential for the good and
correct civil work realization.
5.1 Terminology

In the CLIP Program, an axis is defined as a succession of straight segments or

circular elements linked through variable transition curves.

a) Fixed element: Element with no degree of freedom, being perfectly

defined. This alignment is defined by two points (or a point with an
azimuth), with a defined radius and an input clothoid (defined by the
parameter or length) and another one of output.
Radius by three points: The CLIP permits to enter fixed alignment defined by
three points. F8. Once these three points inserted, the program calculates
automatically the radius as input data.

b) Rotating and Back Rotating: Element with one degree of freedom. It is

defined so it passes by a fixed point P or at a distance D of it. In order to fix
this element, the tangency condition is used with the previous element
(rotating) or the following one (back rotating).

c) Mobile and Special Mobile: This element has two degrees of freedom. It
is defined by its radius and by the parameters of input and output clothoids.
In order to fix this element, the tangency condition is used with its adjacent
elements. The axis can never start nor finish with a mobile segment.
Sometimes, two solutions can be possible, with a solution with one longer
development than the other one. The solution with the shorter development
is called “Special Mobile”.
d) Coupled and Couple back: These elements modify the lengths of the
previous (coupled) or posterior (couple back) element, and are defined by
their length, radius and previous and posterior clothoid parameters. They
have one degree of freedom.
e) Roundabout:
- With three points
- With a center and a radius
- With a Point and a center
- With two points and a radius

These following agreements have to be considered:

a) The axis direction defines the signs of the radius, being positives those
turning to the right according to the direction of the axis and negatives
those turning to the left.
b) The clothoid parameters are always positive.
c) The lengths of the coupled and couple back elements are positives if they
increase the element length and negatives otherwise.
d) The cross movements of the axes are positives if the axis moves towards
the right and negatives otherwise.
e) If the element is a straight line, (infinitive radius), the value of the radius is

5.2 Ground axis alignment creation

A ground axis alignment can be created with or without cartography existence.

To do a job without cartography, do the following steps:

• Open a new work with the option Job/New.

• Activate the Tree Structure. The Tree Structure will be empty of any
In the cartography, the title appears with the “None” name, as there is no

• Select a working mode in the Job Edit option, with double click over it.
As there is no cartography, the program proposes us to indicate coordinates
X and Y to manage the job. In our case, select X=0 and Y=0.
When the program asks for geographic coordinates, the following window is

In such window, the X and Y from the point can be inserted or selected with
the first button , which permits to geo-station the job for any point in the

Once accepted, the system will show the ground alignment window and it is
ready to start the job.

5.2.1 Creation of a new ground axis alignment

The contextual menu of the Axes folder is the following.

As it can be seen, the first option New permits to create a new geometry of the
ground axis. The number of ground axis alignment of a job is unlimited.

A ground axis alignment is defined by:

• Title
• Initial Reading Station: in order to begin the mileage.
• Platform Type: for norm application (Road, Urban, Railway, Channel)
• Geometry
• Roundabout: click the box only if there is the need of a roundabout

It is recommended to insert a title descriptive enough so that any other user

will know which axis it is. This title can be modified a posteriori.

The initial reading station is the one used to start the mileage of the ground
alignment, and can be modified a posteriori. The value in this field can be
negative. The final reading station is determined by the geometry calculation.

The platform type is a necessary data so that the program can apply the
current norm standards in the different aspects such as cambers, acceleration
track, etc.

To continue with our example, we insert the following data:

Title: My first axis.

Initial Reading Station: 0.
Platform Type: Road – AP – 120.

Once inserted the data, the ground axis alignment window is divided into two
parts; a graphical one and an analytical one (the space of each part is
configurable by the user).

The space reserved for each part in the ground window is configurable by the
user. By placing the mouse over the divisor line and moving it vertically, the
size will be modified.

Analytical part
• Type: Element alignment type to insert. (see terminology)
To select a type, press over the arrow or press the key corresponding to the
initial letter of the type to use. If there are types with the same initial letter,
press several times over the letter in order to pick the adequate one.
• Radius: Alignment radius. If the turn goes to the right, the sign will be
positive, otherwise, negative.
If it is require to insert an infinitive radius (straight line), press the 0 key,
the CLIP will interpret it as infinite.
There is the possibility, only for the fixed element, to supply the alignment
with three points (defining a radius) instead of a radius. This operation is
possible by pressing over the F8 option. By inserting such coordinates, the
passing point coordinates are lost as they serve to determine the radius.
• Offset: indicate the offset value to apply to the alignment. Positive if offset
to the right, negative otherwise.
• A input & output: Input and output Clothoids. (transition curves)
The corresponding parameter of the norm standard is obtained with the F7
option (option only valid for roads).
The clothoid can be inserted with its length instead of the parameter with
F11 option. The header will then change.
If the value inserted for the clothoid respects the parameters defined by the
Instruction, it will appear in a black color, otherwise, red color.
• Point 1, Point 2: X1, Y1 and X2 and Y2 coordinates of point alignments.
For a Rotating element, the coordinates of one point are necessary, the
program will ask the coordinates of point 2.
For a back rotating element, the coordinates of one point are necessary,
the program will ask the coordinates of point 1.
For a coupled with P1 or P2 element, no coordinates are required, the
header will then be changed to require length (or extension in case of P2 of
the previous segment (m) and the length of the coupled element (m).
For a back couple element to P1 or P2, no coordinates are required, the
header will then be changed to require length (or extension in case of P2 of
the following segment (m) and the length of the coupled element (m).
For the fixed segment, with the F8 option, the segment can be defined
with a point and an azimuth. The program generates a straight line of 100
meters of length, that can be modified a posteriori with a coupled element.

The first axis will consist in creating only a straight line, with the Fixed type of
alignment, with radius = 0.

The coordinates can be given by considering their numerical value in the

corresponding box or capturing it graphically in the ground.
In order to insert the data graphically, it is necessary to place the mouse
pointer in the Point 1 station and in the Point 2 station, pressing at the same
time the ALT button and the left button of the mouse.

By selecting the two coordinates graphically, the program places marks as

reference. In order to do the calculation, press F5 or the “Calculation” box.
The program calculates automatically the solution, and draws it if the solution is
acceptable with the instruction.

This process, additionally to the solution calculation, shows the singular points

The data of each singular point are:

• Length: Length of the alignment immediately anterior to the singular point.

• Reading Station: Singular point reading station.
• X & Y: Singular points coordinates.
• Azimuth: Axis azimuth in the singular point Km.
• Radius: Instantaneous Radius in the singular point Km.
• Parameter: Clothoid parameter (if the point is the end of the clothoid).

In the ground axis edition, the different elements are shown with respective
colors, by default, as expressed here under:

• Fixed element: Red color, no degree of liberty.

• Mobile element: Green color, two degrees of liberty.
• Rotating element: Yellow color, one degree of liberty.
• Coupled element: Purple color, supported in adjacent elements.

This way, to modify the trace, there is a graphical information giving an idea of
the type of alignments used and the degree of liberty of each one of them.

To save the create axis, press the right button of the mouse and select the
“Update Solution” or SHIFT + F2 .The ground axis alignment is then stored in
the Tree Structure.
To exit from the Ground Axis Alignment Edit Mode, press any other branch of
the Tree Structure or F4.

5.2.2 Usual Commands for Information Capture


Capture/select ground Working mode:
axis + Left B. Edit Job
Information of The mouse pointer must
intersection between two
ground axes
a + Left B. be placed over both axes
Report about the
Information of coordinates of the point
cartographic entity
(point, polyline, line, …)
c + Left B.
closest to the mouse
pointer in the
It is necessary to place
Information of the vertex
of a cartographic entity
c s + + Left the mouse pointer over
the vertex (breaking of
final point).
Report about the

c a
Information and capture coordinates, name and
of a base (or mark) + + Left B. color of the base or the
It is necessary to have
Capture the coordinate of selected previously the

the mouse in the cell (in the analytical
geometry of a ground + Left B. window) in which the
axis coordinates will be
The information of the
required point is obtained
It is necessary to have
Capture of a cartographic through the previous
selected previously the
coordinate in the ground commands. Without
cell (in the analytical
axis geometry pressing any keys but
window) in which the
(cartography point, with the information
coordinates will be
cartography vertex, base) window viewable, Right
B. Select 1st option of
the contextual menu



Enter and exit from the
The selected cell must be
selected ground axis
the one of the Radius.
Radius by 3 points
n The selected cell must be
the one of the Radius.

Clothoid according to the The selected cell must be
Instruction the one of the Clothoid.
Change between the

clothoid modes of
Clothoid by length
introduction by
parameter or length.
The selected cell must be
the one of the point 1 or
2. This way, it is possible
FIXED by point and
to start from a point with
azimuth or get to a point
with azimuth
Select the key when the
active cell is the

corresponding to the
Work by vertices.
coordinate of the first
point of the following
fixed alignment.

Notes: Left B. . Left button of the mouse. Right B. Right button of the mouse.

5.2.3 Buttons Bar and Ground Axis Alignment Geometry Contextual Menu

The commands are accessible from different ways: contextual menu, buttons
bar, superior part of the application, keys combination.

The buttons bar can be customized by the user regarding its disposition in the

The contextual menu and the buttons bar regarding the ground alignment are
the followings:
5.2.4 Job with different axis solutions

The program allows the user to do several solution estimations before

managing the correct design.

The CLIP program permits to have three different geometry’s of the axis
alignment and store any solution at any time. Obviously, the user will have
different solutions stored in different axes.

The three geometry’s are:

• Initial Solution: Axis solution after edition.

• Current Solution: Latest axis solution.
• Previous Solution: Previous axis solution.

See the following example:

This geometry, which is the initial, can be restored at any time as it is the
starting solution of our axis. To restore such solution, at any moment, select
the option “Initial Solution” from the contextual menu or select CONTROL +

At this moment, all the values that are given, graphically or analytically, are the
original ones, even if some elements have been deleted or added.

This first modification will consist in doing an offset of the first fixed element of
50 meters, to the right. By calculating it, it appears on the screen two solutions,
the initial one and the modified one.
The initial solution will be drawn in white color while the last one in colors,
depending on the type of alignments.

If, at this moment, the user wants to step back in order to work with the initial
solution, he can select “Initial solution” from the contextual menu, or it will
also be valid to select the option “Previous solution” as at this moment both
solutions are the same.

If a new change is made over the current solution, for example making an
offset of the same alignment of 100 meters, by calculating it, the three
solutions would be given, the initial in white color, the previous one in yellow
color and the current one in different colors, depending on the typology of the

The user can keep on trying new solutions or go back to the initial or previous

By the time of updating the solution, the “Current solution” will coincide with
the “Initial solution” and the previous one will be maintained.

When leaving the edition of the axis, only the last solution is stored.
5.2.5 Axis and its information Selection

There is always a “selected” or “active” axis (green color in the Tree Structure
and a cross in the axis).

Such axis can also be distinguished with a shaded green color in the Tree

The selected axis can be edited at any time with the F4 option or through any
of the procedures previously mentioned. It is also the axis over the which it is
possible to edit “Off Axis lines”.

To select an axis:

• Press the left button of the mouse over any branch of the Tree Structure
of the ground axis alignment. At this moment, all the graphical windows will
be updated with the data of the new selected axis. The selected axis, if not
visible, will appear in the center of the window. The mark will be placed,
more or less, in the middle of the mileage.
• Press the SHIFT option over the graphical axis to be selected.

In order to view the axis and the selected marked point information, place the
mouse pointer over this axis, press the SHIFT option together with the left
button of the mouse.
If there is more than one axis or off axis element, when selecting, it will be
placed over the one which is closer. If the SHIFT key is maintained pressed,
with the left button the following one will be selected.

By placing the mouse close to the mark of the axis in the ground window, a
window with information about the axis will be shown.

The information given is the following:

• Title: Ground axis alignment name.

• Reading Station: Mileage point of the mouse pointer.
• Displace: Measured distance perpendicularly from the mark to the ground
axis alignment. If the mark is above the axis, the value will be 0.
• Radius: Instantaneous radius in the mark position (if straight line, the value
will be infinite).
• Azimuth: Angle, measured in grades, forming a tangency vector with the
axis in the mark position considering the North.
• Initial Reading Station: Initial station of the ground axis alignment.
• Initial Movement: Movement or average distance perpendicularly to the
off-axis line in the initial station. If it is the proper axis, the value is 0.
• Final Reading Station: : Final station of the ground axis alignment.
• Final Movement: Movement or average distance perpendicularly to the
off-axis line in the final station. If it is the proper axis, the value is 0.
• X & Y: Mark point coordinates.
• Camber
• Plat. elevation: Virtual mark position platform elevation extended by the
corresponding camber.
• Sec. elevation: Type Section elevation in the mark position.
• Land elevation: Land elevation under the mark position.
• Red Elevation: Difference between the land elevation and the section
elevation at each point.
5.2.6 Movements within an axis

To travel across the axis graphically, it is necessary firstly to select it.

The movement will be shown by the position of the axis mark of selection and,
during such movement, the information will be shown in the window shown

The different ways of doing the movement are the following:

- Movement through keyboard: Keys CONTROL and or .The mark will

move 10 meters forward or backward. With the keys CONTROL and + or -, the
passing movement distance will increase or decrease.

500 + 1 -
200 + 0.5 -
100 + 0.2 -
50 + 0.1 -
20 + 0.05 -
10 By default 0.02 -
5 - 0.01 -
2 - Measured in meters Measured in meters

Through the keyboard, there is also the possibility to place the mark,
perpendicularly to the axis, at a defined magnitude and move it afterwards.

- Movement through the mouse: Select the ALT + SHIFT option and then
press the left button of the mouse.
- Select an exact Km: Selecting the axis window, right button, “Reading
Station”, or from the task bar or ALT + E

- Select singular points: Analytical window.

5.2.7 Basic operations with alignments

After executing any of the following options, it is necessary to calculate again

the axis (F5) in order to see the result of the modification.

• Add Alignment: Add a new alignment at the end of the axis. Option from
the contextual menu “Add alignment”, task bar or ALT + A.
• Delete Alignment: Delete an alignment. Option from the contextual menu
“Delete alignment”, task bar or ALT + B.
• Insert Alignment: Insert an alignment between two existing ones. Option
from the contextual menu “Insert alignment”, task bar or ALT + I .
The program will numerate again all the alignments automatically.

5.2.8 Advanced operations within the ground axis alignment

• Invert Axis: Invert the selected axis direction, being the Kmi the Kmf and
the Kmf the Kmi.

The conversion of the different alignments is done the following way:

- Fixed Alignment: Permute coordinates and radius with different sign.

- Rotating Alignment: Converted into back rotating with different sign
and radius, changing the coordinates of the passing point (P1 or P2).
- Mobile alignment: Mobile with distinct sign but same clothoid.
- Coupled alignment: Converted into back couple and vice versa.
The final result is an axis coincident with the primitive one but with opposite
• Axis Mileage Change: Contextual menu option “Change Mileage”, task bar
or SHIFT + F12. The change of mileage can be done from three positions of
the axis, these are:
- From Kmi
- From Kmf
- From the reading station in which the selection mark is.

By modifying the value of one of these Km’s, all the remaining ones are being
calculated again automatically.

In the following example, the axis mileage goes from 0 to 1+201.456.

KM init. 0+000.000
KM mark 0+503.145
KM final 1+201.456
If KM init. is modified with a value 1+000.000 for example, the result will be
the following:

KM init. 1+000.000
KM mark 1+503.145
KM final 2+201.456

If the KM of the mark is modified with a value of 1+000.000 for example, the
result will be the following one:

KM init. 0+496.855
KM mark 1+000.000
KM final 1+698.311

If the KM final is modified with a value 1+000.000 for example, the result will
be the following:

KM init. 0-201.456
KM mark 0+301.689
KM final 1+000.000
• Displace Axis: This option will apply an offset to all the alignments of the
ground alignments. Once calculated, the solution can be seen graphical and
analytically. The offset will have a positive sign if it goes to the right,
negative otherwise. Select the Contextual menu option “Displace Axis”,
task bar or SHIFT + F8.
By doing the displacement, the program modifies some alignments to fulfill the
required geometry.

In the particular case that before moving the axis there is some alignments with
offset, the program assigns to all alignments such general offset and calculate
again the coordinates and alignments radius previously offset so that the final
result is the required one.

• Fixed Alignment: There are alignments that depend on other alignments

in order to be defined and there is also alignments combinations which
solution can differ a lot from a single change of radius, parameter or
coordinates of a sole alignment.
The fixed element fulfills the following conditions, as it has no degree of
liberty and it can exists solely. For this reason it is useful to convert some
alignment into another equivalent (for the geometry) transforming it into a
fixed alignment. The program will modify and do the corresponding
calculation for, from the initial solution, the generation of a fixed
alignment defined by the radius, input and output clothoids and two
defined points by the coordinates.
In order to make the fixation, the corresponding alignment box has to be
selected, then choose the Contextual menu option “Fix Alignment”, task
bar or SHIFT + F3.
The calculation of such axis is done automatically.

In the following example, it is possible to see the result of fixing alignment 2

which is a mobile alignment. It can be seen that the new fixed element has the
coordinates of the points P1 and P2 of the singular points of the initial solution.
Therefore, in such alignment will coincide the points P1 with P s1 and P2 with

5.2.9 Alignment creation with other axis geometry support

a) Importation of an alignment tangent to an axis

This option permits the importation, in an axis, of a tangent alignment to
another axis in a defined Km.

There are four possible solutions, depending of the tangency point, being the
beginning or the end of the new alignment, and its direction, the same or the
opposite of the tangent to the axis.

For this option execution, after creating a new axis, the “import Tangent”
option is selected from the contextual menu, task bar or SHIFT + F9 .
After, select the ALT option and press the left button of the mouse; the axis
and the Km position where the tangency to the selected axis will be calculated
after choosing the correct direction and the initial and final points as well as the
“End Import Tangent” option (right button of the mouse).

By placing the mouse over the mark or pressing any of the keys mentioned
here above, a window with the data of the tangency point and the alignment
considered are given.

A posteriori, select newly the option “Import Tangent” and this one will be
calculated and transformed in a straight alignment type Fixed of length of 100

There is no specific reason to generate an alignment of 100 meters length, the

important matter is to have such alignment in order to modify it later with
coupled alignments or obtaining a length of 0 by exiting directly in clothoid or
circular curve (coupled with P1 alignment with length of the previous alignment
of 0).

Here is an example of the importation of a tangent.

b) Importation of an alignment of an existing axis to another one

This option permits the incorporation of an alignment from another axis,

selecting its direction and offset.

It is also possible to import off-axis alignments, so this option is very useful for
ramp projects.

For this option execution, after creating a new axis, the “import Tangent”
option is selected from the contextual menu, task bar or SHIFT + F10 .
After, select the ALT option and press the left button of the mouse; the axis
and the Km position where the alignment import to the selected axis will be
calculated, after choosing the correct direction, and select as well the “End
Import Alignment” option (right button of the mouse).

As an example, a normal procedure would be the following:

• Create a main axis

Entry data:

Singular points:

Median: 10 meters
Two roads: 7 meters
Interior Hard Shoulder: 1 meter
External Hard Shoulder: 2.5 meters

• Create a secondary axis

Entry Data:

Singular points:

Cross section:

One road of 7 meters for each direction.

External hard shoulders of 1.5 meters.

To show the different characteristic lines of the cross-section, use the off-axis

• Create a first junction :

- “import alignment from the main axis”
- mobile or special mobile segment
- “import alignment from the secondary axis”

As the points of tangency will be at the beginning and the end of the junction,
it is recommended to modify the mileage so that the KM of tangency with the
main stretch coincides with an exact mileage point. For example, 1+000.
It is important to watch out for direction of the axis of reference for the new
junction as well as change the mileage to an exact mileage once the junction is
5.2.10 Vertices alignment

This option permits the design of an axis with the use only of fixed and mobile
alignments, copying the coordinates X & Y of the second point of a fixed
alignment in the first point of the following alignment.

For this option, the F9 option will be selected when the active cell is the
corresponding one to the first point of the following point coordinate.

It is a way to design simple solutions quickly.

It is also possible to import ASCII files of coordinates where the program inserts
automatically a succession of fixed and mobile elements (of very small radius)
to do conductions traces.

5.2.11 Work with bases distances calculation

It is possible to have a window of information with the data of the name of

each base (from the group of active bases), minimum distance measured from
each base to the edited axis, reading station to the normal from the base to the
axis and elevation of the base.

5.2.12 Coordinates transformation

From the contextual menu of each ground axis alignment, in the Tree
Structure, there is the option of modifying the coordinates. This option permits
then to modify the position and proportion of an axis.

• Direct Transformation: transformation from the system defined as origin

into the destination one.
• Inverse Transformation: transformation from the system defined as
destination into the origin one.

5.3 Off-Axis Lines

5.3.1 Terminology

It’s a line linked to the ground axis alignment geometry used to draw different
zones of any road. For example, there are off-axis lines for axis, median, berm,
hard shoulder, road, gutter, railways, pavement, etc…

An axis alignment can have many off-axis lines and if the axis alignment is
modified, the off-axis lines will be modified as well according to the axis
alignment modification.

The off-axis lines can be created manually but there is also the possibility to
create them and modify them automatically. The different ways of generating
off-axis lines automatically will be exposed later in this manual.

Even if there are some automatisms, it is very important to know the manual
way of proceeding with the off-axis elements.

An off-axis line is defined by:

• Initial Reading Station: Mileage point of the ground axis alignment from
the which the off axis line will start.
• Initial Movement Station: Distance, measured perpendicularly to the
Initial Station of the Axis, from the which the off axis line will be drawn.
• Final Reading Station: Mileage point of the ground axis alignment from
the which the off axis line will finish.
• Final Movement Station: Distance, measured perpendicularly to the Final
Station of the Axis, from the which the off axis line will be drawn.
• Pen Color: Stretch and color of the Off-Axis line.

It is not mandatory that an off-axis line is parallel to an axis. By modifying the

parameters Init. Displ. and Fin. Displ., there are linear variations, not only in
straight line and circles but also in clothoids.

When a ground axis is created, the program generates automatically an off-axis

element to represent such geometry. Therefore, the visualization of an axis in
the ground alignment is an off-axis line.

Here is an example of a project with off-axis lines:

5.3.2 Edition

To show the Off-Axis lines option, there are three ways:

a) Selecting the corresponding axis and the F3 option .

b) Working from the ground alignment section opening the Off-Axis lines
c) Right button of the mouse over the ground axis alignment window.

It is recommended to use the table to edit off-axis lines.

The ground alignment window will be divided into two parts, the graphical part
and the off-axis line edition part (with different columns for the necessary data
for the off-axis line definition). Both parts are synchronized.

Both windows are synchronized, which means that if a defined off-axis line is
selected analytically, it will also be selected graphically.

There is an off-axis line which is generated automatically, without any

movement measures. It is the axis alignment design.

While editing the off-axis lines, it is possible to do zoom and turns, which
permit to center and get closer to the visualization of the working zone, as well
as it is possible to move the pointer over the off-axis lines in the graphic
window and also to select graphically another ground axis.

To edit off-axis lines, there is a contextual menu (right button of the mouse)
and the quick keys.
Off-axis lines menu options

• Off-axis line modification: change any data of the off-axis line from the
off-axis lines table. It is reminded that if modifying the off-axis lines, the
axis geometry will not be affected.
• Copy: The procedure of copying an off-axis line is equivalent to the creation
of a new off-axis line. To do a copy, select the option Copy or ALT + C. At
that moment, a new off-axis line is created with the same characteristics as
the previously selected off-axis line (that now is the active one).
Obviously, when a copy of an off-axis line is done, it is placed over the one
copied, and in the analytical part, the program asks confirmation for each
one of the parameters defining such off-axis line.
• Duplicate: Creation of a new off-axis line with opposite movement data
(ALT + D) or right button of the mouse and selecting the duplicate option.
This way both tracks could be represented.
• Erase: Erase permanently the off-axis line. (ALT + B) or right button of the
mouse and selecting the erase option.
• Separate: The action of separating or dividing an off-axis line consists in
creating two off-axis lines from one single off-axis line. The axis selection
mark will be placed in the point where it is required to separate and select
over the option “separate” or press ALT + S. At that time, the original off-
axis line is converted into two off-axis lines, the first one conserving the
original Kmi and, for final position, the mouse pointer position, and the
second one, the mouse pointer position as initial position and the original
Kmf as final position. The off-axis lines table is increased by one unit.
By separating an off-axis line, there is apparently no change in the line as it
remains continuous.
• Go to start: the program automatically writes the Km in which the mouse
pointer stands in the corresponding box to the initial reading station of the
selected off-axis line. (ALT + HOME) or right button of the mouse and
selecting the Go to Start option.
• Go to End: the program automatically writes the Km in which the mouse
pointer stands in the corresponding box to the final reading station of the
selected off-axis line. (ALT + END) or right button of the mouse and
selecting the Go to End option.
• Allow Extension: if an off-axis line does not cover the whole ground axis
alignment, this option permits to move the selected mark out of a defined
Km range, so that posteriori, the commands Go to Start and Go to End can
be used to modify such off-axis line. (ALT + P) or right button of the mouse
and selecting the Allow Extension option.
• Off-Axis line movements
- Start Movement: place the mark at the beginning of the selected off-axis
- End Movement: place the mark at the end of the selected off-axis line.
- Back to Movement: place the selected mark in the axis when this mark
has been moved from the axis perpendicularly.
- Reading Station: place the mark at an exact Km and with a movement
defined by the user.

5.4 Axes and/or Off-Axis Lines Intersections

This option permits to calculate the intersection point between two existing off-
axis lines.

• In the graphical ground axis alignment window, place the mouse pointer
cross close to the lines intersection.
• Press ALT + left button of the mouse.

At this moment, a window appears with the data, for each off-axis line, of the
intersection point.
In case of various intersection lines, and the details given are not from the one
required, by keeping the ALT button pressed, select the correct location of the
intersection required.

By moving the mouse or releasing the ALT key, the information window
disappears but the mark of selection remains in the place of intersection. Such
mark will be situated over one of the two off-axis lines, exactly over the one
that appears first by presenting the data of intersection.

If it is not required to change the order of presentation of the off-axis lines that
are intersecting, select SHIFT + TAB.

When the mouse is placed over the selection mark, the screen with the data of
intersection will be shown again until no other axis are being selected,
graphically or through the Tree structure.

This option is very useful for:

- Separating off-axis lines in order to delete stretches from hidden

lines (different levels roads)
- Calculation of off-axis elevation (if subgrade activated)
- Clearance gauge: When there is an intersection between two off-axis
lines corresponding to two different axes alignments with respective
subgrades, the program generates automatically a mark in each
subgrade with the axis off-axis line elevation. This option permits to
measure the elevation differences between the subgrade and these

5.5 Bases
The program has bases of reference management for user support for the
design of linear works or for listing reopening,.

A base is a point represented by a symbol located in determined coordinates.

A base is defined by:

• A name (identification)
• Coordinates(X,Y,Z)
• Coefficient: Anamorfose coefficient, being 1 by default. If it is required to
calculate automatically such coefficient, it is necessary to select, with the
right button of the mouse, over the box of the coefficient to be calculated.
There will be a contextual menu in which there is the option “Calculate
Coefficient”, or select SHIFT + F.
• Pen color
• Symbol: Image of the base. Each base can be shown with a different
• Size
• Verification box: Active or not. If active, the base is represented in the
window, otherwise not.
• Comment: A comment can be associated to the base. It is a text.

They’re can be created graphically, analytically, imported from file, etc.

It can exist many different types of bases, so it can be easy to visualize them,
to import or export them to external files, etc…

Bases are used in the calculation and transmission of job reopening.

The bases management can be graphical or analytical.

5.5.1 Create a Base Group Data

Bases are contained in different groups. At least, there must be one in order to
create or import bases.

To create a new Bases Group, select the “Add” option from the “Base Folder”
branch from the Tree Structure, or press twice the Bases branch from the Tree

If no base has been inserted, the program will ask for the name of the Bases
Group to be created and the values by default required.

There will then be a window asking for common data:

Afterwards, there is an analytical window of bases edition in which the following
columns are given:

It is reminded that, in the Tree Structure, there is a specific branch for the
bases. In this branch, the style of visualization and the degree of attenuation
can be modified.

The Bases Group has different visualization mode:

- YE: All bases can be seen at all times.

- SB: Only bases with the “V” box activated can be seen.
- NO: None of the bases can be seen.

In the contextual menu of the bases, these are the possible options:
• Exit Edit: Exit from the Bases mode.
• Add Base: New base is added at the end of the current bases list with the
mouse pointer coordinates.
• Delete Base: Delete the selected base.
• Calculate Coefficient: Calculate the corresponding anamorfose coefficient
of the base coordinates. By default the value is 1.

5.5.2 Different ways of creating and selecting a base

There are two different ways of creating a new base:

• Analytical window, with the “Add” option.

• From the ground alignment contextual menu (graphical window), with the
option “Create base” option. In this case, a base is created in the mouse
pointer position. It is possible to create a base just over a cartographic
entity coordinates or in the position of the pointer of a ground axis or off-
axis following this sequence; first, capture such point, with the emerging
window with the information of such point there is a contextual menu and
select the option “Create Base”.

To select a base:

• Access to the analytical bases group and select the corresponding base cell.
• In the graphical ground alignment window, select CONTROL + ALT + left
button of the mouse next to the base.

5.5.3 Bases files Importation and Exportation

It is possible to import and export bases to external files type ASCII.

• Bases Importation: From the Bases folder of the Tree Structure. First, it is
asked the name of the new group of Bases where the importation will be
done. Then, select an ASCII file, with BSE extension.
• Bases Exportation: This option can be selected from the Bases group, in
the Bases folder of the Tree Structure. The name of the file to generate is

Additionally to these options, the different Bases group have the following

- Edit: Open de Bases edition window.

- Remove: Delete the selected Bases group.
- Transmit to Palmtop: Send the data to the Topography Pack.
- Default values: Modify the values by default of the new added bases to
the selected group.

5.5.4 Reopen Bases ASCII files format

The file name is open but it is recommended to use the “BSE” extension.

The first line contains the text *BSE to identify the type of file.
Afterwards, there are a group of columns separated by comas; with the name
of the base, coordinates X,Y,Z, anamorfose coefficient and comments.

AUX1 , 713055.546, 4197601.242, 743.980,1.000000000, base of reference
BR1 , 712947.515, 4197319.371, 711.052,1.000000000,
BR2 , 712832.391, 4197322.851, 707.330,1.000000000,
BR3 , 712666.626, 4197238.200, 712.098,1.000000000,
BR4 , 712526.067, 4197118.037, 718.342,1.000000000,
BR5 , 712419.811, 4197147.968, 723.380,1.000000000,
BR6 , 712369.073, 4197175.936, 725.598,1.000000000,
BR7 , 712289.472, 4197231.456, 722.099,1.000000000,
BR8 , 711907.170, 4197360.304, 708.596,1.000000000,
BR9 , 711702.336, 4197444.051, 704.790,1.000000000, final base

5.6 Labels

5.6.1 Description

The CLIP program permits to label the different ground axes alignments. There
are two ways to do so:

• Globally: the same configuration for all the job axes.

• Selectively: each axis has its own configuration.

In a work, there can be axes with global configuration of labels and others with
specific configuration.

To define the global configuration, the right button of the mouse has to be
pressed over the main branch of ground axes alignments (Axes folder).
Then select the Labels option or press ALT + G.
If it is required to define, in a determined axis, a specific configuration, the
option Labels will be selected in the contextual menu or, with the selected
axis, select ALT + R.

The labeling characteristics are:

• Verification boxes
- Labels: Labeling texts or not (from singular and axis mileage points).
- Singularities: Drawing or not perpendicularly marks to the axis at the
singular points.
- Mileage labels: Drawing or not mileage labels. Only in the number of
intervals defined in the corresponding box. This means that if the
Interval in meters is 20 and the number of intervals in between labels is
5, the labeling will only be in the mileage marks corresponding to (20X5)
100 meters of variation.
- Mileage marks: Drawing or not perpendicularly marks to the axis at the
points corresponding to the selected mileage interval.
- Labels towards the center: To avoid to draw them one over another.
• Mark size in millimeters

Define length (millimeters of real plan plotting or printing) of the singular

points, interval groups mileage marks labeling and simple mileage marks.

Other option

Label size, interval in meters, Number of intervals between labels, Pen color.

The size of the texts and the marks are defined in real millimeters at the time of
the plotting. For any scale of visualization, the labels of the same size will be
seen, so that if the axes are labeled and the scale is increased, the axes will be
smaller maintaining the size of the labels. This could result negative for the
visualization, so there is the option of hiding the labels.

5.6.2 Visualization management

In the Tree Structure, each axis has a labeling state of visualization, the value
can be:

- YE: The labels associated to the axis are seen, globally or individually.
- NO: The labels associated to the axis are not being seen.

In the Axes folder, we can also consider these values:

- PE: Per axis: view the labels of all the axes with the Yes option as
“Visualization” option.
- NO: None of the axis labels can be seen, independently of the
visualization option that has been chosen.
- PA: Partial – The Axis off-axis lines and slope feet are not being viewed.
- TO: All axes with their corresponding off-axis lines are seen.

This leaves open all the possibilities regarding the labeling of all the axes of a

It is possible to modify the state of visualization of a group of axes. If an axis

has a value of visualization YE and it is required that all the axes under it in the
Tree Structure have the same properties, the key CONTROL will remain
pressed and click with the mouse left button over such property (the YE text).

Finally, the process of definition of particular labeling for an axis is explained.

The Labeling option of the contextual menu of a ground axis alignment can be
seen with the ALT + R option.
Three new variables appear:

• Global: If non activated, the considered axis will adopt independent

labeling values, defined by the parameters described earlier.
• Label: Current state of axis labeling.
• Job: State of visualization of the labels of the whole job. It corresponds with
the state of visualization of the Axes folder and, as seen previously, varies
between the PE (per axis) and NO (no label of any axis is shown).

5.7 Copy and Remove Ground axes alignments

• Copy

It is useful to copy the axes in the proper job in order to save an interesting

For this action, from the contextual menu of the axis, the option “Copy Axis”
has to be selected.

A window as the one shown hereunder is given:

- Name: the program proposes the name “Copy of …” but can be

It is important to give a descriptive name to the axis so there will be no
doubt over the geometric solution.
- Include Off-Axis Lines: activate this box or not.
- Include stretches: activate this box or not.

By enabling these last two options, a copy of the entire job done over the axis
is made, not only its geometry.

• Remove

Delete permanently and without any possibility of recovering the selected axis.

For this action, from the contextual menu of the axis, the option “Remove” has
to be selected.

There is a confirmation message before proceeding to the action.

5.8 Import and Export Ground Axis Alignment

In order to make easier the communication between such application and

others of linear work, topography, etc., the following options have been
developed in order to import and export the geometry of a ground axis of the
files of exchange. These files can be ASCII and Binaries.

• Importation of external files

In order to import an external file to CLIP, select the “Import” option in the
contextual menu of the “Axes” folder. There will be a window that permits to
select the directory, the name of the file to import and its type. It is possible to
import different files once selected from this window.

It is possible to modify the name of the axis to import before adding it to the
list, even if, a posteriori, it is possible to make such operation by selecting the
command “General Data” in the contextual menu of the considered axis.

The program asks for the file localization as well as the format of the file.

There is also the option to import the ground alignment geometry of an axis
over an existing axis, conserving this way the remaining data of the ground axis
alignment (subgrade, cross- section, etc...). This option can be found in the
Tree Structure, in each axis.

• Exportation of external files

In order to export an external file to CLIP, select the “Export” option in the
contextual menu of the considered axis.

The program asks for the file localization as well as the name of the file.

Compatible formats for the CLIP

a) ASCII format: file with ASC extension. This format has the following
- PLT1 typology. It is useful because even if the file does not have the ASC
extension, the program recognizes its typology and can import it.
- Ground axis alignment name. This name can be modified during the
importation process or a posteriori.
- Lines with corresponding singular points list with 6 fields each. There are
separated by comas. The number of decimals is variable.
axis 1
0.000000, -264.687000, -63.437000, 67.124969, 800.000000, 0.000000
476.061794, 193.192122, 38.406274, 105.008763, 800.000000, 0.000000
574.061794, 290.476865, 26.723961, 108.908059, 0.000000, 280.000000
640.625794, 356.685009, 20.377907, 100.432868, -250.000000, 129.000000
646.798011, 362.856974, 20.412130, 98.861125, -250.000000, 0.000000
713.362011, 428.990670, 27.492023, 90.385934, 0.000000, 129.000000
717.790584, 433.368840, 28.158276, 90.385934, 0.000000, 0.000000
784.354584, 498.614884, 41.071229, 81.910742, -250.000000, 129.000000
805.240658, 518.395705, 47.756549, 76.592147, -250.000000, 0.000000
871.804658, 578.098071, 77.072384, 68.116955, 0.000000, 129.000000
983.907967, 676.434000, 130.898000, 68.116955, 0.000000, 0.000000

b) PLB format: binary format, created by TOOL S.A. for the exchange of
information between users of the CLIP under MS-DOS. Each file PLB has the
information of the geometry of an axis.
The PLB file does not have information of the singular points, but the data
of entry of the project manager such as fixed, coupled, rotating, mobile

c) EJE format: file with EJE extension.

This format has the following structure:
- EJE typology
- Ground axis alignment name
- Lines with mileage point multiple of a defined interval, with 6 fields each.

Road 66
0.000000 , 438076.086 , 4179463.877 , -0.79720 , -0.60369 , 158.7389
20.000000 , 438088.160 , 4179447.933 , -0.79720 , -0.60369 , 158.7389
40.000000 , 438100.234 , 4179431.989 , -0.79720 , -0.60369 , 158.7389
60.000000 , 438112.308 , 4179416.045 , -0.79720 , -0.60369 , 158.7389
80.000000 , 438124.382 , 4179400.100 , -0.79720 , -0.60369 , 158.7389
100.000000 , 438136.456 , 4179384.156 , -0.79720 , -0.60369 , 158.7389
120.000000 , 438148.530 , 4179368.212 , -0.79720 , -0.60369 , 158.7389
140.000000 , 438160.604 , 4179352.268 , -0.79720 , -0.60369 , 158.7389
160.000000 , 438172.678 , 4179336.324 , -0.79711 , -0.60384 , 158.7276
180.000000 , 438184.957 , 4179320.538 , -0.77486 , -0.63213 , 156.4363
200.000000 , 438198.264 , 4179305.618 , -0.70898 , -0.70522 , 150.1690
220.000000 , 438213.370 , 4179292.542 , -0.59102 , -0.80667 , 140.2547
240.000000 , 438230.411 , 4179282.118 , -0.44899 , -0.89352 , 129.6436
260.000000 , 438248.941 , 4179274.652 , -0.29942 , -0.95413 , 119.3583
280.000000 , 438268.340 , 4179269.826 , -0.19279 , -0.98123 , 112.3505
300.000000 , 438288.066 , 4179266.542 , -0.14585 , -0.98932 , 109.3181
320.000000 , 438307.846 , 4179263.580 , -0.16059 , -0.98703 , 110.2678
340.000000 , 438327.463 , 4179259.711 , -0.23640 , -0.97165 , 115.1934
360.000000 , 438346.534 , 4179253.740 , -0.36943 , -0.92926 , 124.0892
380.000000 , 438364.419 , 4179244.841 , -0.51848 , -0.85510 , 134.7001
400.000000 , 438380.579 , 4179233.097 , -0.65316 , -0.75723 , 145.3111
420.000000 , 438394.568 , 4179218.835 , -0.76971 , -0.63839 , 155.9201

The fields <cos> and <sen> refers to the cosinus and sinus of the angle
formed by the tangent vector in the considered KM and the X global axis.

This file is not thought to be imported in the program, it is useful as it has

information, for each mileage point, of the system of rectangular coordinates
(X,Y) with the system defined in the axis geometry (KM, azimuth).

From the data contained in the listing, it is possible to do coordinates

calculations of points from the axis or off-axis lines. These calculations are also
done in the CLIP.

This format is used to export ground geometries to other applications designed

by users, topographic applications, etc…

d) TRB format
It corresponds to a whole work from the CLIP over Windows. It permits to
import a group of selected axes by the user from a work of CLIP Window or

By selecting the TRB file, origin of the information, a window is shown as the
one given hereunder with all the axes from the job. The user can select the
axes to be imported. Stretches with original information are also imported.
It is an excellent manner to work as a team in order to fusion all the
information from different TRB’s.

e) ALI, CEJ, POL formats

These types of files come from the ISPOL program. It is possible to import the
information of the whole project or just a part of the geometry of the axes.

f) X & Y format

This option permits to import ASCII files, with the structure detailed hereunder,
to a ground geometry.

As the points included in an ASCII file correspond to a polyline, the conversion

is done, automatically, overlapping fixed and mobile elements.

The mobile elements are inserted with a minimum curvature that permits to
reproduce the polyline (breaking line) with exactitude.

A posteriori, the user will be able to edit such geometry.

This option has been developed essentially to import coordinates files of

conduction jobs.

Format of the file X,Y.

First line. *XY
Remaining lines X and Y separated by a coma (decimal separator is a point).


5.9 Import Job

The option to import job permits to incorporate a big quantity of information in

a job in just one step.

There are two different ways to import a job in another one, import a TRB and
import a file with ENL extension, coming from the CLIP under MS-DOS.

This option is available from the contextual menu of the Tree Structure. Once
the window given, it is necessary to select the type of file to import.

• Import TRB

Select the CLIP file to incorporate all its information in the current work.

If only part of the information of the TRB needs to be added, a copy of the TRB
will have to be made and delete the parts that are not desired to be imported.

• Import ENL

This option, analogue to the previous one, permit to select a file of CLIP under
MS-DOS with ENL extension to import all its information in the current job.

There is the possibility to start a job opening a ENL file instead of a TRB, simply
by selecting this type of file in the Open window.
The ENL file itself does not have any information. It has only information of
linking with other files type DPL (ground) and CLP (stretches) from the CLIP
under MS-DOS.

5.10 Listings

Numerous listings can be edited from the CLIP program. These listings can be
selected from the ground axis contextual menu with the option “Print List”.

For each type of listing, that are explained hereunder, it is necessary to bring
series of data or user preferences.

• Input data: For all the listings, previously to the printing, there is a window
as the one of the following image asking for some parameters depending of
the type listing.

The parameters exposed now are common to all the listings, so that this
information will not be repeated afterwards.

Common parameters:

• Printer: Select the printer through the which the listing will be issued and
previewed. The printer will be from the ones installed in the operating
system of the equipment or the network.
Select the button properties to access to the configuration of the printer
without the necessity of leaving the application.
• Date: This is the date that will be printed with the listings. By default, it is
the date that the clock of the computer has configured.
• Subtitle: Independently from the axis title, it is possible to add a subtitle or
comment that the user wishes to do.

In all windows there are also three additional buttons, that permit to print
directly the listing in the selected device, preview the listing, generate a RTF file
and cancel the printing.

The generation of any listing to a RTF file permits to open and modify such
listing with a text processor. This format allows to export any listing so the text
format is not lost. Additionally, as the listing is exported in table format, it is
possible, a posteriori, to copy such table and paste it in any calculation sheet.

The RTF format accepts headers and foot page concepts that are used in the
generation of this type of files from the CLIP.

In the preliminary presentation, the user can check, previously to the printing,
the final state of the listing.

In the Input Data listing, no additional data is required. It is the document

where the entry data of the ground axis are given.

The result of the listing is shown in the following image:

• Singular points: Axis singular points listing.

The parameters window is the following:

Firstly, the Kmi and Kmf are asked in order to show only the singular points
required. These are the data shown:
- Reading Station: Km.
- Length: length of the anterior point to the singular point.
- X coordinate: X
- Y coordinate: Y
- Azimuth: angle, measured in grades, formed by the north direction and
the tangent vector in the singular point and in the direction of the axis.
- Radius: instantaneous radius of the singular point.
- Parameter: if the singular point is the end of a clothoid development.
- Center X & Y: coordinates of the circle center of the singular point

• Fixed points: listing of coordinates, radius, parameters and azimuth of the

points of the ground axis alignment or points distant from a ground axis
alignment a determined quantity. The listed points correspond to the
mileage points of the axis distant by a variable defined by the user.

Normally, the points are listed every 20 meters.

The parameters window is the following:

These are the data required:

- Reading Station:
- Interval: distance increase, over the axis, to calculate the following
station for the results calculation.
- Movement: magnitude, over the ground axis alignment normal, of the
points to be listed.
- Include singular points
Multiple Station of interval: if the box is not checked, a decimal number can
be inserted for listing presentation interval.

These are the data shown:

- Reading Station: Km.
- X coordinate: X
- Y coordinate: Y
- Azimuth: angle, measured in grades, formed by the north direction and
the tangent vector in the singular point and in the direction of the axis.
- Radius: instantaneous radius of the singular point.
- Parameter: if the singular point is the end of a clothoid development.
• Reopen from axis: The reopen of a ground axis, independently from the
use of a listing of points at constant interval and the connection with other
topographic programs can be done in two different ways:

- Stationing the equipment at some point of the ground axis or moved

from it a certain distance.
- Stationing the equipment in a reopen base.

The parameters window is the following:

The data required are:
- Reading Station: Kmi and Kmf.
- Interval: interval, in meters, to obtain the results.
- Movement: movement or distance measured perpendicularly to the axis
in order to calculate the points to be reopened.
- Station and Orientation to the axis: position and orientation of the
- Include singular points
- Multiple Station of interval: if the box is not checked, a decimal number
can be inserted for listing presentation interval.
- Angle or azimuth: defined by angle orientation or azimuth.

These are the data shown:

- Reading Station: Km.
- X coordinate: X
- Y coordinate: Y
- Angle or Azimuth
- Distance: Distance between the equipment and the point to be
- Rope
- Arrow

This is the result of the listing that will be shown:

• Reopen from bases: With this listing, the same points as the previous
listing are reopened. The difference is in the stationing of the equipment in
the field, that is done in a reopen base. The reopen bases group selected
will be used by default at each moment.

The parameters window is the following:

The data required are:
- Interval: interval, in meters, to obtain the results.
- Axis distance or movement: movement or distance measured
perpendicularly to the axis in order to calculate the points to be
- Include singular points
- Multiple Station of interval: if the box is not checked, a decimal number
can be inserted for listing presentation interval. It permits also to list the
data from an initial Km different from the one of the axis, it can be also a
- Angle or azimuth: the angles of the listing have as reference the
orientation used previously or they’re are defined by their azimuth.
- Corr. per anamorfose: If the box is checked, the anamorfose coefficients
defined in each of the bases will be used.
- Axis, stationing bases and orientation table: study of proximity of the
different reopened bases to the axis, and depending of it, propose
different stretches to reopen of the ground axis with its respective
station and orientation in such bases. This table is editable by the user,
in the bases proposed or in the number of stretches.

If it is required to add or delete stretches or lines, select CONTROL + I to insert

and CONTROL + B to delete lines.
By clicking over the cells of the Km, it will be possible to modify them and
pressing over the cells of the bases, a list of information of all the bases of the
group of bases selected will be shown. The information consists in the name,
Km and coordinates. The Km is the one calculated as the minimum distance to
the base. Once shown the window, it is possible to select the required base by
clicking over it.

This is the result of the listing that will be shown:

The first lines inform about the data of the station and orientation.
A posteriori, the following data for each point are given:

- Km
- Coordinates X and Y.
- Angles or Azimuth and Distances to the bases.
• Axis points: calculate the Km, distance, X & Y coordinates, azimuth and
radius of a point of the axis or off-axis line introducing the Km of itself. The
insertion of data is done in the following window, where all the results of the
calculation are exposed:

The user can include all the Km that he wants. Once terminated the calculation,
a listing is issued, by selecting the “Print” button, that, after a preliminary
presentation, has the following aspect:

The displacement will be positive if at the right of the axis and nnegative

• Normal to the axis: : calculate the Km, distance, X & Y coordinates of the
normal to the axis, azimuth and radius of the axis to an outside point of the

The user can insert manually the coordinates X and Y, import them from
one or various bases files or points BSE, or combine both possibilities.
The data introduction is done in the window shown hereunder, where all the
results of calculation are also given.

In the list, it is possible to add different files, cancel the ones not required
(through the key Delete or Del), delete all the points (select the Delete all
option) cancel the operation or print.

Once terminated the calculation, a listing is issued, by selecting the “Print”

button, that, after a preliminary presentation, has the following aspect:

• Distance between axes: distance of a main axis to another secondary, for

points from the main axis equidistant to a determined distance, according to
the normal to the principal or secondary axis.
The main axis, and the secondary one will be selected within the remaining
ones of the project through a listing.

The window of parameters is the following:

The data required are:

- Reading Station: Kmi and Kmf.
- Interval: interval, in meters, to obtain the results.
- Movement: Magnitude, measured according to the normal to the ground
axis, of the points to be considered (the axis will be moved such
magnitude). Positive values of the movement make reference to the
points situated at the right of the axis according to the forward direction
and negative values to the points to the left.
- Secondary Axis: list of possible secondary axis.
- Normal to the principal or secondary axis: the calculated distances are
perpendicular to an axis or another one.
The result of the listing is shown hereunder:

In the header, there are the axes considered and, in parenthesis, if the
calculation is done with the normal to the main axis or the secondary.

A posteriori, the following data are given for each Km:

- Km: Of both axes according to the calculated normal.

- Distance: Searched distance according to the selected normal.
- X and Y coordinates: Coordinates of the points that belong to both axes
corresponding with the Km’s named previously.
- Angle or Azimuth: Angle in the calculated Km.

• Intersection between axes: Data of intersections between two axes or

their off-axis lines. The intersection is done between a main axis, which is
the selected one, and a secondary one, selected from the listing.
The window of parameters is the following:

The data required are:

- Reading Station: Kmi and Kmf.
- Movement: Magnitude, measured according to the normal to the ground
axis, of the points to be considered (the axis will be moved such
magnitude). Positive values of the movement make reference to the
points situated at the right of the axis according to the forward direction
and negative values to the points to the left.
- Secondary Axis: list of possible secondary axis.
- Initial Km and movement
The result of the listing is showed hereunder:

In the header, the axes are being calculated.

A posteriori, the following data are given for each Km:

- Km: Of both axes according to the calculated normal.

- Distance: Searched distance according to the selected normal.
- X and Y coordinates: Coordinates of the points that belong to both axes
corresponding with the Km’s named previously.
- Angle or Azimuth: Angle in the calculated Km.


6.1 Introduction

Defines the elevations of the different KM of the ground axis alignment, and
consequently, of the whole cross-section.

The tools and concepts to consider by the time of projecting an elevation

profile, the subgrade, are much less than to project a ground axis alignment.

But there is a basic concept , common in the linear works project, that consists
in managing a coherence ground – elevation profile according to the national
norm standards.

This coherence, together with a good compensation of land as well as adequate

ranges of visibilities are the major difficulties that are present in the elevation
profile design.

Basic concepts and magnitudes of the subgrade profile geometry

• Composed by a group of vertices (defined by their Km and elevation or Km

and slope of the anterior alignment), linked through straight lines and
parabolic vertical agreements in the intermediate vertices defined by the Kv,
Arrow or Length.
• The curve used as vertical agreement is a parabola of second degree of the
vertical axis, tangent to such alignments.

The graphical representation of a vertical agreement is given hereunder in the

following draw:

6.2 Elevation profile Creation

As explained in the Tree Structure chapter, the information hierarchy of a

project makes that a defined ground axis has one or several stretch(es) and in
order to define each one of them, a folder of subgrades and one of lands are

In the subgrades folder, it is possible to create, delete, import, export, copy

or edit an unlimited number of subgrades.
Therefore, it is possible to:

• Do multiple solutions immediately, activating each solution when required.

• Make a graphical comparison between themselves.
• Work with a subgrade on the left side and another one on the right side.
• Dispose of a subgrade, designed by the user, defining the lower points of
the right gutter and another from the left gutter.

In order to create a new subgrade, it is previously necessary to create a new

stretch (explained in following chapter) and from the contextual menu of the
Subgrades folder, select the “New” option or “Import” option.

Here is a portion of the Tree Structure with several subgrades and the
contextual menu of Subgrades folder level.

It is possible to create subgrades without having longitudinal profile. The

obtaining of it is conditioned to dispose cross-section profiles obtained from the
field, of a digital cartography, triangles model, band model, etc.

6.2.1 Create a new subgrade

If we consider the first example given for the creation of the axis, “My first

Over such axis, a stretch will be created:

- From the Tree Structure, select with the right button over the mouse
over the axis to show the contextual menu of such axis. There will be a
group of options, from the which there will be the possibility to create a
new stretch. Select firstly the “New Stretch” option and create a new
- There will be then a window requiring the following data:
- As it can be seen, a name for the stretch is required, the initial and final
reading stations and the type of stretch (defining the cross-section to

At this moment, the stretch is created, and in it, subgrades, lands and subgrade
marks folders.

A subgrade is defined by:

• Name
• Geometry
• Pen Color

So, to create a new subgrade, select the Subgrades folder, and the “New”

The number of subgrades from this folder is unlimited.

There is then a window asking for the data of the subgrade to generate.

It is recommended to insert a title descriptive enough so that any other user

could know what it refers to. The title and the pen color can be modified a
posteriori with the command “General Data” from the contextual menu of the
created subgrade.

The initial and final Reading Stations are taken from the Ground axis alignment,
even if they can be modified afterwards.

The program creates the subgrade and opens the elevation profile graphical
window showing the subgrade given by default by the program.

The subgrade profile is generated from two different manners:

• If no land has been charged previously, the subgrade has the following
- It has only two vertices, one in Kmi of the stretch and another one in
- The elevation of both vertices will be 101 (so it does not correspond to
any horizontal line – elevation 0 or 100 for example).

• If there is a land charged previously, the subgrade has the following

- - It has only two vertices, one in Kmi of the stretch and another one in
- The elevation of both vertices will be the one of the longitudinal section.

This graphical window can be maximized, minimized, closed or re-dimensioned

just as any other window from the Windows.

To open such window or represent another subgrade profile, press twice the
left button of the mouse over the subgrade to be viewed of the contextual

Just like the ground alignment management, the inferior part of the application
shows important data about the subgrade profile.

The shaded cells in grey are only informative, the user can’t modify its value by
clicking over them, while the ones with white backgrounds, apart from
informing, are editable by the user.

The information given is:

• Red Elevation: Measure in meters of the position of the mouse pointer.

The Red elevation is the difference between the elevation between the
subgrade and the land. Positive if the subgrade is upper than the land,
negative otherwise.
• Point Slope: Slope of the point defined by the mouse pointer position.
Expressed in % and is positive if ascendant, negative otherwise.
• Alignment Slope: Alignment slope and is positive if ascendant, negative
otherwise. In case of vertical agreements, the Point slope and Alignment
slope are different.

• F & C: Real Filling and Clearing for land compensation matters. Measured in
cubical meters.
• Empty cell: For important message, such as “Overlap” for incorrect

• PK: Mouse pointer Km.

• Elevation: Mouse pointer elevation.

These two cells, apart from giving information of the Km and pointer elevation
are useful to place the pointer in the required Km and elevation.

In order to do such action, select over the Km cell and the mileage point
required will be inserted. Afterwards, select the RETURN option and insert the
elevation. Select once again RETURN and the changes in the visualization will
be made.

• EH=1/: Horizontal scale of visualization. This scale is independent from the

vertical scale.
• EV=1/: Vertical scale of visualization. This scale is independent from the
horizontal scale.

It is recommended to work with 1/10 or 1/20 vertical/horizontal scale

relations in order to optimize the project design and the plan resolution.

It is reminded that, as for any graphical window of the program, it is possible to

do a zoom with the wheel of the mouse, it is possible to centre the visualization
in any point just by clicking in such point.

The options from the contextual menu of a subgrade are the ones shown in the
following window:

6.2.2 Modification or edition of the subgrade profile geometry

In order to modify or edit a subgrade, select the “Modify” option from the
contextual menu of the subgrade.

There are two ways of modifying the geometry of an existing subgrade:

graphical or analytically.

In the graphical window, select the contextual menu pressing the right button
of the mouse.
To access to the analytical window of the subgrade, press the F4 button, or the
Edit Data option from the contextual menu or finally the corresponding button
from the subgrade buttons bar from the superior part of the application.

The subgrade window will be then divided into two parts, the graphical and
analytical parts.

The space reserved for each part, in the ground window, is configurable by the
user. By placing the mouse over the divisor line and moving it vertically, the
given size will be modified.

The horizontal dimension will be fixed by the size of the window.

By analyzing the analytical calculation window, there are several columns:

a) Analytical window
• Numeration: Numeration of each vertex (minimum two vertices). The
program assigns automatically the numeration.
• Reading Station: Vertex Km.
• Elevation: Vertex elevation. If the slope is given, the elevation will be
calculated and its color in the cell is gray.
• Slope %: Slope of the previous alignment to the vertex. Obviously the first
vertex can’t have such value, so that the corresponding cell is disabled.
• Length (L): Vertical agreement length. (meters)
• Radius (Kv): Agreement parameter. (meters)
• Height: Height.(meters)

These values can be inserted by the user or automatically by the program. If

these values are in black color, this means the user inserts the values, if in gray
color, the value has been calculated by the program.

All the operations are done in real time, representing automatically the
changes. Any change in the graphical window will have repercussion in the
analytical one.

To add new vertices at the end of the list, insert one between two existing ones
or delete those that are not required, the following options will be used:

• Add vertex: Select the ↓ arrow from the last line and a new register is
created. It is also possible to select the right button of the mouse over the
analytical window and select the “Add vertex” option.
• Insert vertex: Select the right button of the mouse over the analytical
window and select the “Insert vertex” option.
• Remove vertex: Select the right button of the mouse over the analytical
window and select the “Remove vertex” option.

The program calculates automatically and instantaneously the changes and

represents, graphically and analytically, the result.
This way, it is possible to change, for example, the length of the agreement, or
insert it with its Kv, etc…

The movement per the different vertices in the analytical table with the keys or
the mouse has immediate answer in the graphical window.

The actions to add or delete vertices analytically are done the same way.

To operate graphically, the commands of the contextual menu of the graphical

window will be used, as well as the quick shortcut keys or the buttons bar of
the elevation profile.

b) Graphical window

• Insert vertex: ALT + I. Insert a new vertex in the mouse pointer position.
All the parameters are being calculated, being pending the definition of the
vertical agreement by the user.
• Insert & Capture vertex: CONTROL + I. Insert a new vertex in the
mouse pointer position and it remains captured so that the movements of
the mouse will correspond with the ones of the vertex, calculating
automatically the different solutions.
• Capture vertex: CONTROL + S. Capture the closest vertex to the mouse
pointer. The movements of the mouse will correspond with the ones of the
vertex, calculating automatically the different solutions.

When the vertex is captured, pressing the right button of the mouse, the
contextual menu changes then. It will not change until the vertex is being
released ( ALT + S).

With a captured vertex, the following operations can be done:

• Release vertex: RETURN or left button of the mouse. With this option, the
vertex is released from the movement of the pointer considering the latest
coordinates (Km and elevation) that had the mouse pointer. The contextual
menu of elevation profile edition is enabled. By releasing the vertex, this one
adopts the closest rounded Km.
• Delete vertex: Delete the selected vertex and a new subgrade calculation
is done.
• Displace vertices: Movement of the selected vertex, positively or
negatively (useful option when modification of the ground axis alignment –
this modification changes the mileage of the axis and all the vertices will
change their positions automatically respecting the land).
By inserting as value for the displacement the difference of mileages
between the new solution and the old one, the vertices will be situated
newly in the original position.
• Fix vertex: With this option, , the input and output slopes of the common
alignments to the selected vertex are fixed. The vertex will not be able to
move graphically and will remain constant (yellow color).
If the elevation is modified, the vertex will remain at the same Km
conserving only the output slope and modifying the input slope.
• Starting position: Release the vertex in the initial position it was captured.
• Previous vertex: The previous vertex is captured and modified.
• Next vertex: : The following vertex is captured and modified.
• Land: Useful option: when working with longitudinal, locate the vertex in
the mouse pointer reading station and at the land elevation at this Km.

In order to project quickly the subgrade, it is possible to work with three

vertices at the same time. We capture a first vertex and then, press the SHIFT
option to select automatically the previous vertex and the CONTROL option to
select to next vertex. This way, it is permitted to move graphically three
consecutive vertices making much easier the work of the project

Other options (the vertex is not captured):

• Fix/Release Alignment: ALT + F. Fix or release an alignment previously

fixed. What is being fixed is the alignment slope and its elevation, not the
mileage of the vertices composing such alignment.

The alignment has a yellow color by default, indicating that it is a fixed

element. To release such alignment, select the option from the contextual
menu or shortcut keys.
If considering the move of the vertices of the initial and final alignments, the
system will only allow the movement in the prolongation of the alignment,
cutting or extending it, being the slope constant. When, graphically a new
vertex is created, instead of inserting an elevation, the slope is given, and
the system calculates the necessary elevation to secure such slope and fix
the alignment.
• Delete Alignment: ALT + B. Delete an intermediate alignment of the
subgrade. The vertices of this alignment are also deleted and substituted by
another one adopting the position of the intersection of the adjacent
alignments to the deleted one.

If there were no mathematical solution, in the interval of available Km’s, at

the intersection of such alignments, no action would be taken.
The mouse pointer must be situated in the same range of Km’s than the
alignment to be deleted, without considering the elevation. A posteriori, this
option will be activated from the contextual menu or through quick keys.
• Fix/Release Agreement: ALT + J. As it occurs with the alignments, it is
possible to fix vertical agreements. The mouse pointer must be situated in
the same range of Km’s of the vertical agreement, from the Km of the
tangent input until the Km of the tangent output. A posteriori, this option
will be activated from the contextual menu or through quick keys. The
agreement has a yellow color by default, indicating that it is a fixed element.
To release such agreement, select the option from the contextual menu or
shortcut keys.
The vertex (Km and elevation) and the vertical agreement parameter (Kv)
remain fix. Any change in the analytical window will release the agreement.

• Change land: ALT + T. If the work is done with a land, the viewable line is
the longitudinal (perpendicular cut to the land by the ground alignment
There is the possibility to show a longitudinal that does not pass necessarily
at 0 meter from the ground axis.

With this option, there is the possibility to show the land line corresponding
to the vertical that passes by:

- Left/Right hard shoulder

- Left/Right road
- Left/Right median
- Left/Right turn
- Axis. In this case, it is possible to insert a value, in meters, of the
displacement regarding the axis. Insert a value in this box, the land
shown will be the longitudinal cut by a line parallel to the axis a distance
equivalent to the inserted value. Positive values to the right of the axis
and negative ones to the left.
- Adjusted. It is used to adjust a subgrade in clearances, terrace and
widening works.
The different longitudinal can be viewed in the same window, coming from
different collections of profiles, or cartographies, each one in a color defined
by the user. These lands will not be changed by the option “Change Land”.
To view more longitudinal, activate in the Tree Structure the property Vis
of the different lands in the Lands Folder.
Anyway, the inclusion of new Characteristic lines permits to show land or
cross-section longitudinal profiles per multiple places.
• Change subgrade elevation: CONTROL + C. This option permits to
modify the elevation of all the vertices of the work globally. The program
asks for an increase that is added, with the corresponding sign, to all the
vertices, allowing to elevate or decrease globally the subgrade. The
calculation, the graphical view, the clearing and filling zones, etc such as in
all the options are done automatically.
• Invert Subgrade: This option permits to invert the order of vertices
composing the subgrade. The cross-section profiles are not being affected,
nor the longitudinal profile. This operation should be done each time an
inversion is done in the ground alignment geometry.

6.2.3 Job with different subgrade profile solutions

In the process of project of partial modification of a subgrade, multiple tests are

done until finding the required geometry.

CLIP permits to create and work with infinite number of subgrades, the user
can select afterwards the ones for the job. In the Tree Structure, the selected
subgrade will be shaded in green. The selected subgrades will be assigned to
the Right or Left Road or to the Right or Left Gutter. An indication will appear
on the left of the green box of the selected subgrade.

The remaining ones can be stored in the same Subgrades folder in the Tree
Structure. Therefore, if it is required to create a copy of any subgrade, just
click, with the right button of the mouse, in the Tree Structure over the
subgrade to copy and select the option “Copy” from the contextual menu.

Independently to this possibility, when editing the subgrade, the initial solution
is stored in memory so that after doing different modifications, it is required to
go back to the original geometry, select Initial Data from the contextual menu
of the graphical window.

The changes in a subgrade are updated automatically.

6.2.4 Subgrade profile graphical information

Three different marks in the graphical window of the subgrade give the
following information:
• Square mark (when vertex captured): CONTROL + left button of mouse.
Indicate the selected vertex and shows information such as KM, vertex
elevation, Kv, length, height and Theta (angles difference between input
and output alignments).

• Cross mark: SHIFT + left button of the mouse. Indicate Km, elevation and
slope of the mark position. This mark can be moved over the subgrade. By
collocating the mouse pointer over the cross, the information is also shown.

• ASPA mark: CONTROL + ALT + left button of the mouse. Selected

reference mark by default. Indicate the name of the mark, color, Km,
elevation, pen color representation number, subgrade elevation in marked
Km and elevation difference between mark and subgrade. This mark is also
created when there is a road superposition in ground alignment design.

It is reminded that these marks of information are configurable by the user. See
Chapter about Configuration, User Parameters.

6.2.5 Movements in subgrade geometry

In the previous paragraph, it has been explained that there is a mark, with
cross shape, linked to the edition axis and informing about the reading station,
elevation and slope of the point of the subgrade.

This mark can move in order to inform the user of such magnitudes along the

The movements of such mark will affect the visualization of the ground window
as well as the one of the transversal profile, as all the windows are linked
between themselves. The same way, the movement of the mark in the ground
or transversal window makes that the mark of the subgrade is placed in the
same Km than in these windows.
The possible movements are:

• Movement with the mouse: It is possible to move the longitudinal mark

by maintaining pressed the left button of the mouse. It is the quickest

• Decrease Reading Station: from the contextual menu or CONTROL +

←. Each pulse will move the mark 20 meters up to the beginning of the
subgrade. This measure can be modified by the user.

500 + 1 -
200 + 0.5 -
100 + 0.2 -
50 + 0.1 -
20 + 0.05 -
10 By default 0.02 -
5 - 0.01 -
2 - Measured in meters Measured in meters

• Increase Reading Station: from the contextual menu or CONTROL + → .

Each pulse will move the mark 20 meters up to the end of the subgrade.
This measure can be modified by the user.

With CONTROL + + or CONTROL + -, the pulse measure will be modified.

If the mark goes out of the window graphical environment, the program would
center the visualization automatically allowing the mark movement by the

• Initial Reading Station: Locate the mouse pointer and the visualization at
the initial Km of the subgrade. The mark associated to the subgrade remains
• Final Reading Station: Locate the mouse pointer and the visualization at
the final Km of the subgrade. The mark associated to the subgrade remains
• Go to Subgrade: CONTROL + ALT + R. Locate the mouse pointer over the
subgrade conserving the Km.
• Go to Land: CONTROL + ALT + T. Locate the mouse pointer over the
longitudinal conserving the Km.
• Nearby Mark: Locate the mouse pointer and center the visualization of the
mark of reference closest to the current position.
• Change Reading Station: ALT + E. Permits to place the cross mark in the
Km that the program requires. This way, by observing the window of
information, it is possible to know the elevation of the subgrade in the
required point of it.
6.2.6 Complementary graphics and diagrams

• Horizontal lines: Select the subgrade contextual menu, option “Horizontal

Lines” or select the button bar of the subgrade window. Through this
option, the number of horizontal lines increases in the subgrade
representation. The space in between these lines is variable and automatic,
depending on the vertical scale of representation.

• Vertical lines: Select the subgrade contextual menu, option “Vertical Lines”
or select the button bar of the subgrade profile window. Through this
option, the number of vertical lines increases in the subgrade
representation. The space in between these lines is variable and automatic,
depending on the horizontal scale of representation.
It is possible to enable the presentation of both types of lines at the same
time to close even more the frame in which the subgrade and lands are
being drawn. These windows are job windows, not necessarily for plan
• Curvature Diagram: Select the subgrade contextual menu, option
“Curvature Diagram” or select the button bar of the subgrade profile
window. The curvature diagram is very useful at the time of subgrade
projection over a road, because it is possible to see at the same time the
value and position of the different radius used in the ground alignment

This way, the problem of coherence ground – elevation profile is easily


Representation of the ground alignment elements is:

- Straight Lines: Gray color.
- Positive Radio Curves: Right turn orientation, with intense green color.
- Positive Curve Clothoid: Slight green color over the whole length of the
transition curves.
- Negative Radio Curves: Left turn orientation, with intense red color.
- Negative Curve Clothoid: Slight red color over the whole length of the
transition curves.

• Red Elevation Diagram: Select the subgrade contextual menu, option

“Red Elevation Diagram” or select the button bar of the subgrade profile
This diagram shows, graphically, the existing red elevation at each Km of
the ground axis alignment.
The Red Elevation is the elevations difference between the subgrade and
the represented land.

A new field is created, where the scale of the red elevation diagram is
shown, with value by default 100. For any new job, depending on the land
morphology, values from 100 cm to 500 cm can be adopted, so that
additionally from verifying if the subgrade is adapted to the land, the
Clearing and Filling elevation would be given.

The more horizontal is the red elevations diagram, the more adapted the
subgrade will be over the land and the smaller de land movement will be.

6.2.7 Roundabout subgrade profile automatic generation

It is possible to generate, automatically, the roundabout subgrade that is being

contained in the same plan.

Select the subgrade contextual menu, option “Roundabout Subgrade”. It is

necessary to have the subgrade marks defining passing points.

For this, it is necessary three marks of the subgrade defining the passing

To do the adjustment of the subgrade, select the order “Roundabout subgrade”

from the contextual menu.
The program, depending on the marks, adopt the best geometry possible by
emulating through vertices and parabola agreements.

6.3 Marks

Just as for the ground design, there are marks of reference for support, but in
the elevation profile window, there are only reference marks, that are not

The marks coordinates are the Km and the elevation and the mark is defined by
its Km, elevation, pen color and type of visualization. There can be generated
graphical or analytically.

To insert a mark at the mouse pointer, select the contextual menu of the
Subgrade mark and select “Edit” and “Add”, or right button of the mouse over
the Subgrade window, select the option “create mark” or CONTROL + ALT +

There will be a window with the data that it is pretended to assign to the mark.
The user can modify any of them.

At this moment, the mark will be drawn in the elevation profile window.

If the signaled point is important, it is convenient to assign a name to the mark

to identify it a posteriori or for any other user to know the meaning of such

The elements defining the mark are:

• Name of the mark
• Km: coordinates of the mark
• Elevation
• Pen color
• Symbol: representation of the mark
• Size: by default is 8.
• V: visualization or not of the mark over the screen.
• Incr. Elevation: difference between subgrade and mark elevation at the
selected Km.

For each movement of a vertex there will be, in the marks edition window, the
elevation difference in all the marks that have activated their corresponding

There is this way a real tool for gauge control over all the necessary points.
The Base Group has different visualization modes:
- YE: All bases can be seen at all times.
- SB: Only bases with the “V” box activated can be seen.
- NO: None of the bases can be seen.

From the Tree Structure, it is possible to activate the window of marks edition
by pressing over the right button of the mouse over the branch “Subgrade
marks” and selecting the option Edit.

This option is not activated until some mark is created.

There will be a window of edition in the inferior part of the ground graphical
window showing all the marks and their properties.

Gauge verification: By analyzing, in the ground graphical window, the

intersection between two off-axis lines corresponding to two axes that have
subgrades, the program generates, automatically, a mark in each subgrade,
that is the elevation of the off-axis line of the intersected axis. The information
given to the mark consists of a text indicating the name of the intersected axis
and the distances of the off-axis lines to their respective ground axes. A
posteriori, it is possible to measure the elevation differences between the
subgrade and such marks.

In the contextual menu of the subgrade profile bases, these are the possible
• Exit Edit: Exit from the Base mode.
• Paste Point: Give the values of the captured coordinates with the option
“Copy Point” from the general menu of the subgrade, to the activated
• Delete Base: Delete the selected base.
• Add Base: New base is added at the end of the current bases list (from the
mouse pointer).
• Delete by Color: Delete the marks depending of some patterns – color,
etc. By executing such option, there is a window where the differentiated
factors are inserted for the marks to be deleted.
• Delete by Symbol: Delete the marks depending of some patterns -
• Change by Value: Modify, selectively, a group of marks and give them
different characteristics.

• Paste point: This option assigns values to the coordinates captured with
the option “Copy point” of the subgrade general menu, to the active
marks. For this reason, if it is required to insert a new mark with such
coordinates, it is necessary to insert, before anything, a mark in any position
so that, a posteriori, it is possible to paste the coordinates stored in

It is important to know that, at any time, there is an active and selected mark,
with a different sign for its signaling. Over this mark, changes can be made
without entering into the Edit mode.
From the subgrade window through the Mark submenu of the contextual menu
or quick keys, it is possible to do the following actions:

• Create Mark: Create a mark at the mouse pointer position.

• Edit Mark: Permit to modify the data of a mark without the necessity of
getting in marks mode. There is a window showing the data of the selected
mark and it permits to change it.
• Delete Mark: Delete the selected mark.
• Move Mark: Move the selected mark until the pointer position.
• Edit Marks: Show or hide the analytical window of subgrade edition marks.

6.3.1 MAR Format Importation and Exportation

Subgrade marks can be exported or imported through an external file with MAR
or TIP extensions.

Select the contextual menu of the Subgrade mark and select “Import” or
“Export” options.

The format has the information of the Km of the axis, the elevation of the land
corresponding to each Km in the axis and a color code used in the old version
of the CLIP under MS-DOS. This last parameter will not be necessary.

The format has the following structure:

• First line: *MAR text.

• Second line: Number of points of the file.
• Third line and following: Series of lines (each one corresponding to a
mileage point) with two fields each. These fields will be separated by comas.
The number of decimals can vary and the magnitudes are expressed in
Here is an example of such type of file:
8.333, 6.708, 15
135.208, -7.729, 15
275.208, 5.688, 15
399.167, -5.396, 15
561.042, 4.083, 15

6.4 Subgrades profile Assignment

Just as explained in previous chapters, in the Subgrade Branch, there is the

possibility to store an unlimited number of solutions.

Select the contextual menu of the Subgrade in the Tree Structure and select
“Allocate” and the kind of subgrade to create.
There is no limitation regarding subgrade solutions design. In a linear job
stretch, we can use up to 4 subgrades such as:

• Right Road - D
• Left Road - I
• Right gutter - CD
• Left Gutter - CI

It is not necessary to define all these subgrades. In a conventional road, with

one or several lanes per circulation direction, a single subgrade is enough,
giving the elevation in the center of the road, forcing the rest of the cross-
section due to cambers, gutters, slopes, etc…
So, normally, only one subgrade will be used, the right subgrade.

If the design is about different roads design (highway), a subgrade will be

designed for each one.

In many cases, the type of works is designed with only one subgrade,
especially if it is thought , for the future, to consider the median to build an
additional track in each road without having elevation differences in the internal
sides of the new tracks.

There is also the possibility to design the gutter longitudinal to enforce, partially
or in the whole length of the vial, that the bottom point of such gutter is at an
elevation defined by the subgrade, independently of the elevation that has the
slope header or foot of the roadbed.

The application point of the elevations defined by the subgrade in the cross-
section don’t have to be the corresponding one to the ground axis. It can be
defined by the user.
To assign a subgrade to the right, left or gutters, select, in the Tree
Structure, with the right button of the mouse, over the considered subgrade
to show the contextual menu.

If no subgrade has been assigned, there will be no symbol in front of it.

Here is an explicative schemas of the different subgrades and their points of


6.5 Copy and Remove Subgrades

• Copy

It is useful to copy the subgrades in the proper job in order to save an

interesting solution.

For this action, from the contextual menu of the subgrade, the option “Copy”
has to be selected.

The copied axes are added at the end of the list of the Subgrades folder.

If the “origin” axis has assigned any subgrade, such assignation is lost during
the copying.

It is very important to modify the name of the copied subgrade to identify it

and distinguish it from the original by doing any modification.

• Remove

Delete permanently and without any possibility of recovering the selected

For this action, from the contextual menu of the subgrade, the option “Remove”
has to be selected.

There is a confirmation message before proceeding to such action.

6.6 Import and Export Subgrades

In order to facilitate the communication between this application and others of

tracing, topography, etc., the following options allowing importing and
exporting the geometry of a subgrade to exchange files are given. These files
can be ASCII and Binaries.

• Importation of external files

In order to import an external file to CLIP, select the “Import” option in the
contextual menu of the “Subgrades” folder.

The program asks for the file localization as well as the format of the file.

• Exportation of external files

In order to import an external file to CLIP, select the “Export” option in the
contextual menu of the considered subgrade.

The program asks for the file localization as well as the name of the file.

Compatible formats for the CLIP

• ASCII and ALZ formats: file with ASC extension. This format has the
following structure:
- ALZ1 typology
- Subgrade name. This name can be modified in the importation process
or afterwards at any moment during the work.
- List of lines with three fields (vertex Km, Value1-Code1, Value2-Code2).
The fields are separated by comas and the number of decimals is
The Value1-Code1 column is about the data inserted for the vertex
position (vertex elevation or alignment slope).
If Code1 is C, the Value1 will be the vertex elevation in meters, if it is P,
the Value1 will be the slope (%).
The Value2-Code2 column is about the parameter inserted for the
vertical agreement design corresponding to the vertex.
If Code2 is R, the Value2 will be Kv of the vertical agreement in meters,
if it is T, the Value2 will be the semi-length of the vertical agreement in
meters, if Code2 is F, the Value2 will be the Arrow or Height of the
vertical agreement in meters.
Main Avenue
10903.021, 684.828C, 0.000R
11200.000, 0.005P, 10000.000R
11351.458, 688.839C, 50.000T
11463.000, 688.473C, 2500.000R
11697.813, 698.682C, -3.000F
12000.000, 683.355C, -15000.000R
12220.000, 669.989C, 5000.000R
12450.000, -1.295P, 0.000R

• ALB format: binary format, created by TOOL S.A. It is not a format for
exchange with other applications. It was developped for exchange of
information between users of the CLIP under MS-DOS. Each ALB file has the
information of the axis geometry.
It’s the ideal format to send the information of a single axis to any user of
the CLIP under MS-DOS or Windows.

• RAS format: ASCII format and corresponds to the output of the definition of
an independent subgrade from the ISPOL program.

• TIP format: ASCII format with information of the KM of the axis and the
land elevation corresponding to each KM in the axis. It is not a land file itself
but it contains the longitudinal profile that can be used by applying
automatically some horizontal profiles to the elevation marked in each

The format has the following structure:

In the first line there is the text *TIP.

Afterwards, there are series of lines (each one corresponding to a mileage
point) with two fields each. These fields are separated by comas. The number
of decimals can be variable and the magnitude expressed in meters.

The fields are <KM of the axis>, <absolute elevation of the land>

Here is an example of such type of file:

11000.000000, 682.212000
11020.000000, 683.294000
11040.000000, 685.508000
11060.000000, 686.560000
11080.000000, 687.052000
11100.000000, 686.974000
11120.000000, 687.296000
11140.000000, 687.480000
11160.000000, 687.500000
11180.000000, 687.596000
11200.000000, 687.764000

By importing this file, each point of the TIP file is converted in a vertex with its
corresponding elevation. This option has been developped to make easier the
job of conductions, terrace, etc…
The TIP file can be generated in different ways in the CLIP program or can be
edited by the user through text editor.

• VOL format: ASCII file corresponding to the output of the definition of a

STRETCH of the Ispol program.

It can have one or various subgrades apart from the proper data of the type

By importing such file from the subgrades branch, only the geometry of the
subgrades included in it are acquired.

6.7 Characteristic lines. Other longitudinal profiles

The CLIP allows the view and printing of “special” longitudinal profiles of the
land or of the projected job section considering as reference different lines
associated to the type section.

There is a new stretch in the Tree Structure, named “Characteristic Lines”.

This part permits to host such longitudinal profiles calculated from determined
lines of the type cross-section. The program, by default, makes the calculation
and presents the longitudinal of the bottom of the left and right gutter (lowest
point of the gutter) even if, by default, gives the value “No” for its view.
In case there is no gutter and the section is in clearing zone, the point
mentioned is the lowest point of the platform.

The following image shows how can be the structure of some characteristic
lines in the Tree Structure.

In order to create a new longitudinal profile, select the option “New Line” from
the Characteristic Line contextual menu that comes from each stretch.

There will then be a window, as the one shown hereunder:

The following data are required:

• Land or section line: Choose if the longitudinal profile is from the land or
the projected section.
• Name: Text inserted by the user to identify the drawn line.
• Refer: Select the type of base line to generate the longitudinal profile. It
can be the left or the right margin of the section. The available lines are:
- Slope foot
- Roadbed slope foot
- Berm
- Exterior hard shoulder
- Road
- Interior hard shoulder
- Median
- Turning point
- Axis
• Pen color: Associated Pen color to represent the edition line.
• Distance: Make calculation of the correct longitudinal by the reference
selected line or a distance to it. Positive distances indicate off-set of the
reference line to the right and negative distance to the left.
• Prolongation of the platform: If the shown longitudinal is the section,
and it is exterior, it is possible to select this option to represent the
longitudinal profile of the platform prolongation with the corresponding
camber in each KM.

This is an example of the window of the longitudinal with different

characteristic lines:
6.8 Listings

Numerous listings can be edited from the CLIP program.

6.8.1 Input data

In all the listings, previously to the printing, there is a window requiring certain
parameters depending of the listing.

- Printer: selection of printer.

- Date: date of listing printing.
- Subtitle: comment given by the user.

There is also three other buttons:

- Print.
- RTF: allows to open and modify such listing with a text processor.
- Preliminary Presentation: preview the file before printing.

The generation of any listing to a RTF file allows to open and modify such
listing with text processor (for example Microsoft Word). This format allows
exportation of any listing so none of the information is lost and the format can
also be exported in table format, in order to be a posteriori copied and pasted
in calculation page such as Microsoft Excel.

The RTF format allows header and page foot concepts that are being used in
the generation of this type of files from the CLIP.
In the Preliminary presentation, the user can check, previously to the printing,
the final state of the listing.

In the Input Data, no additional data is required. The document shows the
input data of the subgrade, the vertices and vertical agreements projected.

Firstly, there is the printing of the number of vertices assigned by the program,
the reading station of each one, the slope of the previous alignment to the
vertex, length, Kv and vertical agreement arrow.

In dark black color are the data inserted by the user. The remaining data result
from the calculation.

6.8.2 Vertices

Listing of the vertices used in the subgrade design.

These are the data shown for each vertex:

- PK: Km
- Elevation: Real elevation of the vertex.
- IT/OT: Mileage point of the vertical agreement input and output
- IT/OT elevation: Elevation of the vertical agreement input and output
- E/S Slope (%): Points slopes corresponding to the vertical agreement
input and output tangents.
- Arrow/L: Length and Arrow of each vertex vertical agreement.
- Kv/Theta (%): Parameter in meters and slope difference (%) of the
vertical agreements.

6.8.3 Points to constant intersection

Listing of geometrical characteristics in subgrade points, separated by a mileage

interval defined by the user.
Apart from the general parameters, these elements are required:

• Initial and final Reading Station: Only will be printed the characteristics
of the points between both mileage points.
• Interval: Used to increase the KM of the following point to be listed.

These are the data shown for each point:

- PK: Km
- Elevation: Real elevation of the point.
- Slope (%): Subgrade slope at the selected Km.
- Radius (Cv): Vertex elevation.
- L (Kv), Arrow and Theta: Vertical agreements parameters.
6.8.4 Elevations at Axis points

Listing of elevations and slopes separated by a mileage interval defined by the


Apart from the general parameters, these elements are required:

• Initial and final Reading Station: Only will be printed the characteristics
of the points between both mileage points.
• Interval: Used to increase the KM of the following point to be listed.
• Point to point: Allows the user to insert, reading station to reading station,
the mileage points from the which it is required to print data.

These are the data shown for each point:

- PK: Km
- Elevation: Real elevation of the point.
- Slope (%): Subgrade slope at the selected Km.

6.8.5 Difference of elevation with subgrade or file

Listing that lists the difference of elevation between the selected subgrade and
another one from the subgrades folder or between the selected subgrade and a
TIP file (KM and elevations).

The parameters window is the following:

In the cell “Dif. Of elevation with”, there is a list of existing subgrades in a
range of subgrades to select one of them. There is also the option “File”.

If a subgrade is selected, it is required, additionally, the initial KM, the final KM

and an interval of calculation. If the “File” option is chosen, a corresponding TIP
file is required. It is possible to make the calculation of the difference of
elevations with a file of MAR subgrade marks, editing it the same way as a TIP

These are the data shown for each point:

- PK: Km
- File or Subgrade Elevation: Elevation of each point of the TIP file or
compared subgrade elevation.
- Axis elevation: Elevations of the points of calculation of the selected
- Track rising: Magnitudes, measures in meters, representing higher zones
of the selected subgrade than the file elevations or secondary subgrade.
- Track lowering: Magnitudes, measures in meters, representing lower
zones of the selected subgrade than the file elevations or secondary


7.1 Introduction
The land is the basis over the which the infrastructure will be implanted.

The land is a succession of cross-section profiles associated to a ground axis

alignment in a determined Km. These profiles can be in multiple KM of a
defined interval and/or in any KM defined by the user.

Each cross-section profile defines a real situation of the land over a

perpendicular line to the ground axis in a determined Km. It is composed by
land points defined by its distance to the ground axis according to the
horizontal projection and its absolute elevation.

The number of profiles defining a land, the number of existing points in each
cross-section profile and the extension of this cross-section profile is unlimited.

The geometrical system that generates the union of a ground alignment, one or
various elevation profile(s), the cross-section and the land profiles are
necessary and indispensable to do the calculation of volumes and areas,
reopening, visibilities, etc…
A model that will have loaded the land cross-section profiles will be an
independent model. The problem is then reduced to the obtaining of such
cross-section profiles and its edition.

A stretch can have many collections of transversal profiles, but only one will be
used for the calculation. The rest of the collections can be used for the
representation of different lands in the same screen, volumes between
themselves, plan emission, etc…

7.2 Cross-section profiles acquisition

The cross-section profiles can be acquired in different manners with the CLIP
program. Here are the details of the possible manners by order of simplicity:

• Manually: Inserting for each cross-section profile the distances and

elevations of the points composing it.
• Horizontal land: Simulation of a land with horizontal cross-section profiles,
with extension and elevation known by the user. It is valid also as a test or
if there are only data from the land longitudinal, as in a posterior process, it
is possible to modify the elevation of each cross-section profile with external
• External files: Exchange files that CLIP can understand, such as TER,
ASCII, etc…
• Topography: From topographic stations procedures.
• Stretch land: If an axis has cross-section profiles intercepting with the job
axis, it can be obtained, through an algorithm, cross-section profiles of the
considered axis.
• Triangle Models: Done from a triangles model obtained through a
triangulation and curving of points and lines in 3D. This module linked to the
CLIP is the TOOL CURVADO. If there are other programs that can do such
operation, it is possible to obtain cross-section profiles by importing such
model in any of the format accepted by the CLIP, such as DXF, DGN, DIGI,
• Digital Cartography: Profiles are obtained by of any digital cartography
imported to CLIP.

7.2.1 Land creation

A land is a cross-section profiles collection that does not have to be defined

with a fix interval. Each profile is composed by an undetermined number of
points. And each point is defined by its distance to the axis and its absolute
elevation. It is possible to create as many fields as required.

The distances with positive sign indicate that the points are at the right of the
axis (according to the direction of the the KM) and negative on the left of the

In order to acquire topographic information, it is necessary to create the land

previously. Once created, it is empty of any information.

From the contextual menu of the Land folder of the Tree Structure, select the
“New” option.

The following data has to be defined:

• Name: Name defining the land.

• Pen Color: Pen color representing the cross-section profiles.
• Type: There are 3 types of lands or profiles collections:
- Band land: define new cross-section profiles obtaining the information
exclusively of the remaining profiles through internal model.
- Executed Work: Used with this module for origin volume, certification,
- Draining job: Profiles collection where the cuts are deflected from the

The normal typology used is the “Band land” typology.

The number of lands to be created is unlimited. The user can view different
lands simultaneously, doing volume calculations between themselves, etc…

The different cross-section profiles linked with a stretch will be accessible from
the Tree Structure, forming a branch starting from the Land Folder.

The transversal, just as the ground design and the elevation profile, has a
graphical window independent and linked with the rest. This means that any
change of position or of ground or subgrade geometry will update,
automatically, the graphical representation of the transversal window. This
window will be used also to edit the cross-section and view the changes

In order to show the graphical window of the cross-section, click twice with the
left button of the mouse over any land in the Tree Structure or press the
“Visualize land” option from the Bar Buttons.

The active land will have the symbol Te with blue line square while the editing
land will have Te with green background.

If there is only a land in the stretch, it will have the Te symbol with a blue line
and a green background.

Just as for the ground and subgrade, the right button over the Land folder will
enable the contextual menu to create or import new lands. Also, the right
button of the mouse over any of the lands in the Tree Structure will enable a
different menu of edition.

To activate a land and use it for the calculation, press the right button of the
mouse over the land to be activated to show its contextual menu and then,
select the “Activate” option. If another land was activated, it will automatically
be deactivated.

There is also a contextual menu in the graphical window, a buttons bar and a
classical menu in the superior part of the application to make the job with the
land easier.

7.2.2 Acquisition

From the contextual menu of the Land folder of the Tree Structure, select the
“Acquire” option in order to acquire the topographic information of an existing
The following information is required:

• Initial Reading Station: First Km defining the range from which the
cross-section profiles will be obtained.
• Final Reading Station: Last Km defining the range from which the cross-
section profiles will be obtained.
• Interval: In case of continuous models, such as digital cartography or
triangulation models, it is asked to define an interval of the Km from which
the cross-section profiles will be obtained. A posteriori to this acquisition,
cross-section profiles can be obtained in Km no multiple from the interval
defined by the user. In case of acquiring from a TER file, this field is not
enabled as all the profiles stored in such file are imported.
• Band Width: Maximum width, in meters, from the axis to the exterior by
both sides, in which cross-section profiles will be acquired.
• Elevation
• Keep profiles: Land cross-section profiles data treatment previously to a
new acquisition (in case of new information obtaining, etc…). If the box is
not checked, the existing cross-section profiles will be deleted at all times in
case of new acquisition.
- Keep: In case of coincidence of Km, the profile from the existing cross-
section is conserved.
- Replace: In case of coincidence of Km, the profile from the existing
cross-section is deleted and the new one is inserted.
- Combine: In case of coincidence of Km, the profile from the new cross-
section follows the following rules:
. If there is an existing common zone between both profiles, the
old cross-section profile part is deleted, unifying both through a
vertical line.
. If there is a zone without information between both profiles, the
profiles are unified through a straight segment between the
closest points of both profiles.


- Add : Manage the points of both profiles in two different manners:

. Add points eliminating overlapped points.

Eliminating Overlapping point

. Add points without elimination of overlapped points: Sum of the

points defined in both profiles.
Without eliminating Overlapping point

Particular data:

The remaining parameters are asked, depending on the origin of the

topographic data.

The source of data is selected form the list and can be:

• Cartography: Cross-section profiles that are obtained by cutting the

selected cartographic entities. The cartography that is considered by default
is the one viewed in the ground window, even if it is possible to obtain cuts
of another one by selecting it in the File cell.
At the right of such cell, there is a box that permits to select the cartography
by browsing by the different units of the computer.
• Horizontal land: Horizontal cross-section profiles generated at the
elevation selected.
• Band lands: The data for this model are – ground axis geometry and cross-
section profiles from this axis.
This way, any land defined in a TRB can be used as Band land.
Select firstly the axis containing the land, then the corresponding stretch
and finally the land to be considered.
Band land precision – It is possible to modify the precision of the band
model. This model, based only on existing cross-section profiles is used
internally by the program when it is required to know the profile of a KM
and its precision can vary depending on the customer needs.
To major precision, slower would be the program processing.
It is possible to modify such value by accessing the Global Data window
from the contextual menu of the first branch of the Tree Structure.
The value used by default is 1, which means that internally the model is
generated by interpolating each meter of length in the axis.
• Curvado: Cross-section profiles obtained cutting the triangle model,
breaking lines, contour lines, etc.
It is possible to select the WTC file from the File cell. To the right of such
cell, there is a button that permits to select the file by browsing through the
different units of the computer.
• Import from file (TER): This option permits to import some types of files
that have cross-section profiles information. The information of these files
do not have to be given in mileage points multiple of an interval. All the
profiles will be taken in the importation.
To select such option, the field “File” is enabled, so it is necessary to insert
the name, type and location of the file.
The TER file has the information of the cross-section profiles.

Special data:

• Acquire automatically: by selecting this box, each time the ground

geometry is changed and updated, the CLIP does the loading of the new
cross-section profiles from the loaded cartography. There is also a box in
the global data of the stretch, named “Adjust to that of the axis” that
permits that the stretch acquires at all times the final reading station similar
to the ground geometry. It is necessary to have selected such option so that
the automatic acquisition is done in the totality of the axis length.
Each cross-section profiles collection can have activated or not such option.
• Adjusted to TIP file: The TIP file, that has the information over the Km
and elevations, can be used to generate horizontal cross-section profiles in
the KMs and elevations defined in it. For that, it is necessary to select such
option. At this moment, the cell in the same window where the name and
location of such file have to be indicated is enabled. These horizontal
profiles will have a defined width by the field Band Width.
• Include reading station from list of: It is possible to acquire cross-
section profiles in the KMs defined in the type section tables of Walls,
platform and or Roadbeds. For that, select such tables through marks
disposed for that reason.

Once all the parameters inserted, it is necessary to select the Accept button to
do the land acquisition operation.

7.2.3 Cross-section profiles review

This operation permits to obtain a listing of validity of the different cross-section

profiles acquired for each collection.

By selecting the option “Profiles Review” from the contextual menu of the

When selecting such option, there is a window such as the one hereunder
The different states of the cross-section profiles are:

- Without abnormality: the profiles are correct.

- Incomplete: the incomplete profiles are those with final points of the
right or left margin situated at the distance inferior to the slope foot.
Therefore, it could not measured exactly the volume of the land moved.
- Do not cover the axis: these profiles only have points in one margin
(right or left). There are considered as empty and land movements are
not considered. It is necessary to have, at least, one point in each
margin so that the program can draw the section.
- Inhibited: These profiles can be perfectly valid. This window shows that
there are inhibited as the Km of such profiles is included in the stretches
of the inhibition tables of the type section.
This option permits to know the state of all the cross-section profiles of a
land in order to do the corrections so that the measurements and
reopening listings are correct.

If it is required to view the first cross-section profile of each group of incidences

given in the window, it is necessary to do a double click, with the left button of
the mouse, in the appropriated line.

7.3 Cross-section profiles Edition

There are two manners to edit cross-section profiles:

• Independently in each cross-section profile.

• Globally in a defined interval of profiles.

7.3.1 Independent cross-section edition

To edit a cross-section profile, it is necessary to display the graphical window of

the transversal, by doing double click over the selected land.

It is reminded that the double click action enables the first option of the
contextual menu corresponding to the Tree Structure level over the one
considered. In this case, it corresponds with the Edit option of the contextual
menu of each land.
The edition of a single cross-section profile has a graphical method and an
analytical one, just as for the ground and elevation profiles.

The land edition can be done at any moment, which means that the subgrade
does not need to be defined nor the cross-section. If there were defined, there
would be seen together with the land, the executed job being modified
automatically by changing the land.

Nevertheless, it is possible to disable the draw of the cross-section if it is

required so.

If the cross-section is drawn, there will be a parallel line to the cross-section

profile indicating the position of the vegetable earth, but if such section is not
visualized, the vegetable earth will not be shown, allowing to work more
comfortably with the land.

Hereunder, there is an explanation of the transversal graphical window

management, common to all the elements of this chapter.

When this window is active, in the inferior part of the application, there are
series of data just as the ones shown here at continuation:

Elements from the bottom part of the graphical window:

• Reading Station: Reading Station of the cross-section profile. It does not

have to be a multiple of interval.
• Red elevation: The Red elevation, given with three decimals, is the
difference between the elevation between the subgrade and the land at the
current Km point of the axis. If there are no longitudinal or land in the axis,
the box remains empty. If the subgrade is over the land, this magnitude is
positive, negative otherwise.
• Land elevation: Elevation of the land, measured with three decimals, in
the axis position.
• Subgrade elevation: Elevation of the subgrade, measured with three
decimals, in the axis position.
• X & Y: Coordinates of the Km, corresponding to the cross-section profile in
the ground alignment.
• D.A.: Distance measured over the horizontal from the mouse pointer
position to the axis. As explained previously, if the distance is negative, it
corresponds to a position to the left of the axis according to the axis
direction and positive otherwise. This magnitude is given with three
decimals. This field is informative and can be modified by the user.
• Elevation: Mouse pointer elevation. Absolute elevation expressed in meters
with three decimals. This field is informative and can be modified by the
• S: Cross-section profile scale representation. This scale is the one
considered for the two axes, the one of the elevations and the one of the
distances. Being the same the scale for both axes, the cross-section profile
is seen without distortion. This field is informative and can be modified by
the user.
• Fact.: Factor to multiply the elevations in order to represent the cross-
section. By default, its value is the unity, which means that by default the
cross-section draw is not deformed. This field is informative and can be
modified by the user.

Just as in all the graphical windows, there is a contextual menu obtained with
the right button of the mouse, being pressed over any part of the window. In
the case of a cross-section profile, the contextual menu is the one shown in the
following illustration.

To move and modify the visualization in the graphical window, there are the
following possibilities:

• Just as for all the graphical windows of the program, by doing a single click
with the mouse in any place of the window, the visualization will be
centered in this point.
• With the wheel of the mouse in one direction or in the other, the scale of
representation will be modified, affecting the same way both axes of
representation. The center of visualization will coincide with the mouse
• It is possible to act over the parameters Distance, Elevation and Scale of
the inferior part of the application.
• To center the cross-section profile in the limits of the window, without
changing the scale, it is possible to select the option Center profile of the
contextual menu or buttons bar of the transversal.
Once explained the use of such window, the following subject to develop is the
land cross-section profile edition.

It is possible to add, delete and insert a point of the cross-section profile

graphical and analytically.

To display the edition analytical window, select the option Edit land of the
contextual menu. To hide it, select newly this same option.

There will be a transversal window divided into two parts, one graphical,
another analytical.

The space reserved for each part, inside the window, is configurable by the
user. By placing the mouse over the divisor line and moving it vertically, the
size is modified.

The horizontal dimension will be fixed always by the size of the window.
By analyzing the vertical window, there are three columns of data. Each line
has the information of a point of the land, so there will be as many lines as
points of the land. There is no limit referring to the number of points in the
cross-section profile.

Analytical window of cross-section profiles:

• Numeration: Numeration of each cross-section profile. A profile has to be

defined at least by two points, one on each side of the axis. It is a
consecutive number given automatically by the program.

• Axis distance: Selected point distance to the axis, measured over the
horizontal. If the distance is negative, it corresponds to a position to the left
of the axis according to its direction and positive otherwise. This magnitude
is expressed in meters with three decimals.

• Elevation: Absolute value of the point elevation, expressed in meters with

three decimals.

The axis is a reference, it is not a data inserted by the user. There is a direct
correspondence between the active cell and the graphical view, at each
moment there is a point with an associated mark.

Relative References in transversal edition: it is possible to modify, temporarily,

the origin of reference of the distances to the axis of all the points composing a
cross-section profile.

This way, it is possible to insert manually the data of a profile by measuring in a

plan of transversals and considering positive references at any time.

Once inserted the profile, it is possible to re-establish the origin (by inserting 0
in the axis corresponding box) so that the program calculates the negative and
positive values to the axis of the points situated to the left and right of itself.

This command is activated if the user introduces the numerical value of the
reference of the cell of the distance corresponding to the proper axis in the
table of analytical edition of a cross-section profile.
By activating this option, a mark is drawn in the transversal where the origin of
the distances are placed temporarily.

To move the active cell in the table, it is possible to use the keys of direction or
press with the left button of the mouse over the required cell.

There is a correspondence between the active cell and the visualization in the
graphical part, as in each moment, there will be a point with an associated
mark, with a cross.

If the table a points situated outside the graphical window is activated, this will
center the image automatically over the selected point.

Inversely, if a point is captured in the graphical window, the corresponding cell

in the table will be activated.

Any change made either in the analytical window or in the graphical window
will be automatically updated in both windows.

Before doing any other change in any land, it is necessary to select the
“update data” from the contextual menu (right button).

If the data are not updated, before leaving the cross-section profile, all
modifications can be ignored by going back to the original state of the profile, y
selecting the option “Initial Data”.

The following options are accessible from the contextual menu, quick keys and
buttons bar of the transversal:

• Capture point: (CONTROL + S). Capture an existing point graphically,

situation the mouse pointer over the point to capture. Option from the
contextual menu or CONTROL + S.
Once captured, the mouse movement coincide with the one from the point

When the point is captured, pressing the right button of the mouse, the
contextual menu changes then. It will not change until the point is being
released ( ALT + S).

While a point is captured, it is possible to modify the visualization of the

graphical window with the zoom mouse wheel option or center it with the left
button of the mouse.

Only in the case where a point is captured, the contextual menu will show
series of different options from the normal contextual menu. Such menu is the
one shown hereunder:
- Release point: ALT + S. Release the selected point.
- Delete point: Delete the selected point and recompose the cross-
section profile with adjacent points.
- Displace points: Movement of the selected point. Open new window
and ask for distance to displace the selected point and all the existing to
its right.
- Starting position: Release the point in the initial position that it was
- Previous point: The previous point is captured and modified.
- Next point: The following point is captured and modified.

Just as described in the elevation profile management with the vertices, with a
point captured, if the key SHIFT remains selected and the mouse moves, the
selected point will be the one to its left. Once released such key, the selected
goes to the original point. The same occurs with the CONTROL key option for
the point to the right.

• Insert Point: Insert a new point in the mouse pointer position. The table is
modified automatically. This option can be done from the analytical window
as there is, apart from the quick key accelerators, a contextual menu that
permits to add, insert and delete points.
• Insert Profile Point: The inserted point is converted in a captured point in
order to move it with the mouse.
• Insert profile: Insert a new profile between two existing ones (reading
station and elevation).

The Km, as told previously, does not have to be multiple of any interval. The
elevation is used as first reference as the user can acquire the data of the
points of the profile from the digital cartography, band model, etc.
• Remove profile: Remove the current profile. This option has not way back
• Invert profile: Invert profile changing the points from the right to the left
and viceversa. This option is very useful to turn back profiles taken with
error in the field with topographic methods and loaded in a land.

• Extend profile: Extend profile to the left, right or both sides in a distance
defined by the user at each side of the axis. There is also an option to
extend the width of the cross-section profiles to a Fix Distance. Through
this option, it is possible to extend the cross-section profiles a distance
measured from the last point of the profile (from right and left margin). This
way, the result of extending the profile does that the extremity point (from
the right and/or left) is found at a distance of the axis coming from the sum
of the fix distance inserted by the user and the distance of the axis of the
last point of the original profile.
The extension can be horizontal or following the land inclination in the
extremity of the profile.

There is a window as the one given hereunder, asking for the data:

• Inhibit/Disinhibit profile: Define a zone where no cross-section profiles

are required to be defined (ex: bridges, tunnels, etc...) and where no
volume calculation is necessary. These zones can be bridges, tunnels, etc.
In the inhibited profiles, visualized in the graphical window or in plans, the
slopes are not shown.
The cross-section, inhibited or not, is perfectly editable.
There is a different option to inhibit various profiles. This option is explained
in the Type Section. It consists in editing a table of inhibitions where
intervals of Kms to be inhibited are inserted.
• Displace Profile: Displace all the points from the profile horizontally and
vertically according to values inserted by the user.
Positive values indicate an horizontal displacement to the right and vertical
Negative values indicate an horizontal displacement to the left and vertical

The data inserted in a window are the ones shown in this window:

• Previous profile: View the previous land profile. Select the option
Previous profile of the buttons bar or CONTROL + ←. When the mark is
moved in the windows of the ground and elevations profiles, the visualized
cross-section profile is automatically updated.
• Next profile: View the next land profile. Select the option Next profile of
the buttons bar or CONTROL + →. When the mark is moved in the
windows of the ground and elevations profiles, the visualized cross-section
profile is automatically updated.
• Center profile: Center the visualization of the profile in the graphical
window without scale modification.
• Draw Platform: Visualization or not of the platform. When it is not being
shown, the vegetable earth is not showed either.

7.3.2 Global Edition of cross-section profiles

Edition of several cross-section profiles at the same time.

Many of the options seen in the cross-section profile edition can be used in this
chapter as well, indicating a initial Km and a final Km.

The options are found in the contextual menu of the considered land in the
Tree Structure. The menu is displayed by pressing the right button of the
mouse over the land to be edited.
• Displace: Horizontal and Vertical movement of a group of profiles.

• Extend: Extend profiles to the left, right or both sides in a distance defined
by the user at each side of the axis. The prolongation can be horizontal or
following the slope of the land at the extreme of the profiles.
There is also an option to extend the width of the cross-section profiles to a
Fix Distance. Through this option, it is possible to extend the cross-section
profiles a distance measured from the last point of the profile (from right
and left margin). This way, the result of extending the profile does that the
extremity point (from the right and/or left) is found at a distance of the axis
coming from the sum of the fix distance inserted by the user and the
distance of the axis of the last point of the original profile.
The extension can be horizontal or following the land inclination in the
extremity of the profile.

• Invert: Invert profiles changing the points from the right to the left and

• Cancel: Cancel the cross-section profiles defined between two Km.

7.4 Advanced operations with lands

7.4.1 Adjust to Subgrade

From the contextual menu, option “Adjust to Subgrade”.

Produce a vertical movement of the land (of all the cross-section profiles) to
adjust each Km to the elevation given by the subgrade.
It is possible to select between using the right or left subgrade assigned in the

It is asked the interval of the reading stations that will be modified.

7.4.2 Adjust to TIP File

From the contextual menu, option “Adjust to TIP File”.

The program asks for a file with Km’s – elevations named TIP, and the interval
of stations to be modified.

A posteriori, there is a vertical movement to all the cross-section profiles in

order to situate them at the TIP file elevation.

7.4.3 Join

From the contextual menu, option “Join”.

Make a change, in the selected land, of the platform corresponding to another


This option is used a lot in case of design of links with many ramps that start
and end in other axes. This way, volumes calculation are not duplicated and the
cross-section profile with the joined land shows perfectly the point of beginning
and pending that needs to have the subgrade.

This process can be done automatically when generating acceleration and

deceleration tracks.

As changes are made to the land, it is recommended to make a copy of it in

order no to lose the original data.

By joining, the program assigns two marks at each cross-section profile in

importing the slope feet, within the which no volume calculation will be done.

When such option is executed, the program displays a window as the following
one where all the necessary data are asked to do such process.
The given window has three fields:

• Stem: Axis with the which the junction will be made. This stretch will not
suffer any change. It will only be considered as data source to study the
influence of its platform in the land that will suffer the joining process.
• Initial Reading Station & Final Reading Station to modify: interval of profiles
to be modified.

The program finds automatically which is the stretch to be joined, according to

the reading stations inserted.

If the user modifies the initial and final reading stations by interchanging them,
in other words, joining in reverse direction, the program will search any axis
tangent and will propose the corresponding stretch.

But, the user can display the cell Stem and select, from the list, the stretch that
he wants.

It is not mandatory to do the joining in all the length. There are junctions that
must be joined only in their intermediate part with other junctions.

Once validated the data for the joining, and before doing the junction, a
window appears with the following data:

• Direction: Direct when direction of increasing Km, indirect otherwise.

• Stem Reading Station: First Km from the junction from the which data
from the platform are obtained to modify the land to be joint.
• Distance: Distance between the first station to be joint and the Km of the
• Slant: Grade difference between the azimuth of both ground axes used for
the junction. A tangent output goes linked to a null slant.

By selecting the option “Join”, there is a message informing over the reading
station in which the joining process has been stopped. This message is “The
last Reading Station modified is…”.

Once the joining done, it is possible to do another one over the same land.

It is recommended to do copies of the lands before proceeding with the joining,

so it will be possible to see both a posteriori, in order to compare them, in the
transversal and longitudinal windows.

If the joined land is the active one, its slope feet representation is modified
automatically in the ground window as well as the transversal in the land

Joining Example:
Here is the primitive state of the Junction. Ground, land and subgrade
(Longitudinal and transversal in a Km).
By doing the joining, there is a new land that implements the cross-section of
the Main Axis. Therefore, there will be also a land that will give a longitudinal
profile different to the primitive one, where the Main axis is considered.

It is then possible afterwards to design the subgrade adjusted to the junction,

ending this way the design of the junction.

By activating the new land, the slope of the junction is supported over the slope
of the Main axis. So, measurements will not be duplicated and there will be
listings of reopening adjusted to the reality.
So, the slope feet are redone, getting to the final state.

As explained earlier, there is an automatic management of the tracks

generation of acceleration and deceleration according the to National Standards
that also does the task of joining the junction, deleting the unnecessary lines of
the ground alignments. The result can be viewed in the following figure:
7.4.4 Platform substitution

Modifying the cross-section profiles substituting the zone between the slope
feet of a same stretch by a cross-section.

In the corresponding points of the slope feet, there are special marks that do
not allow the vegetable earth existence between themselves.

The process is to make, with the active cross-section profiles, a junction

between themselves.

7.4.5 Marks management in Cross-section profiles

In the land cross-section profiles, it is possible to define up to two points of the

marked profile. These points are considered as limit of a land zone representing
an existing road. It is not necessary that these two lines coincide with the
breaking points of the transversal profile.

It is considered that no vegetable earth exists between these two marks.

These marks are used also in order to design correctly to subgrade of an
existing roadbed exploitation and terrace. There are placed automatically in the
slope feet when joining are done between stretches in order no to calculate
twice the volume of the vegetable earth.

It is possible to do the following automatic operations with the marks of a


• Add Marks: It is possible to assign marks to the land profiles of a stretch

depending to their distances to the axis or through an automatic criterion.

To select such option, select “Add marks” from the land contextual menu,
from the “Process marks” option of the Tree Structure.

Initial Reading Station: First cross-section profile to modify.

Last Reading Station: Last cross-section profile to modify.


Exact: Left and right Offset marks magnitudes are asked. There are inserted in
meters. A mark at the exact defined distance is inserted, interpolating the
elevation in the land profile.
Nearby point: Left and right Offset marks magnitudes are asked. There are
inserted in meters. Marks are situated in the closest existing points to the
distance inserted to the right and to the left of the ground axis.
Automatic: The magnitude “Minimum distance” is required, in meters.
Marks are placed in the two closest points to the axis, that are not at a distance
inferior to the one inserted in the Minimum distance.
• Cancel Marks: cancel the marks of a group of profiles.
To select such option, select “Cancel marks” from the land contextual
menu, from the “Process marks” option of the Tree Structure.

• Move Marks: it is possible to move the marks from a group of profiles a

quantity to the outside or to the inside, from its current position.
To select such option, select “Move marks” from the land contextual
menu, from the “Process marks” option of the Tree Structure.

The following data are required:

Initial Reading Station: First cross-section profile to modify.

Last Reading Station: Last cross-section profile to modify.
Left Mark Offset: Magnitude measured in meters. The marks will move to the
left between the two Kms.
Right Mark Offset: Magnitude measured in meters. The marks will move to
the right between the two Kms.

The offsets are considered as positive if the new position of the mark is closer
to the axis and negative otherwise.

• Read marks from ASCII File: import marks from ASCII file. The existing
marks are deleted. To select such option, select Read File (.MTR) option
from land contextual menu, in the folder Process Marks.
By getting into such option, the following data are required:

Name: Name of the file to import. It can be selected through an auxiliary

Initial Reading Station: First cross-section profile to import.
Final Reading Station: Last cross-section profile to import.
Valid elevations: If not selected, only distances of the marks to the axis
are read and its elevation is interpolated in the land profile. If this option is
selected, the marks are situated using the distance and elevation stored in
the file.

The ASCII file must have MTR extension. The format of the file is the following:
In the first register, there is the identification of the file: *MTR
For each mileage point, there is the first register in the which the Km is given
and the number of marks. Afterwards, the marks in successive lines with the
data of distance to the axis and elevation in meters and separated by a coma.
The distance will be positive if the point is to the right of the axis, negative

<KM>, <nº>
<distance>, <elevation>
<distance>, <elevation>



0.000, 2
2.950, 299.299
-2.490, 299.249
10.000, 2
3.200, 299.099
-1.200, 299.099
20.000, 2
3.250, 298.760
-2.360 298.990

• Output to ASCII File: With this option is generated a file that stores the
marks of the edited cross-section profiles.
• To select such option, select Output to file (.MTR) option from land
contextual menu, in the folder Process Marks.
By getting into such option, the following data are required:

Initial Reading Station: First cross-section profile to export.

Last Reading Station: Last cross-section profile to export.
File Value: Value to start the mileage of the profiles stored in the new file. If
not modified, the real mileage of the cross-section profiles will be maintained.

Afterwards, the name and location of the file to generate are asked.

7.5 Copy and Remove Lands

• Copy

It is useful to copy the lands in the proper job in order to save an interesting

For this action, from the contextual menu of the axis, the option “Copy” has to
be selected.

The copied lands are added at the end of the list and there are assigned with
the same name. It is convenient then to go to “Global Data” and modify the
name and/or pen color.

• Remove

Delete permanently and without any possibility of recovering the selected land.

For this action, from the contextual menu of the land, the option “Remove”
has to be selected.

There is a confirmation message before proceeding to such action.

7.6 Import and Export Cross-Section Profiles

In order to facilitate the communication between this application and others of

design, topography, etc., there are the following options that permit to import
and export a land or a collection of cross-section profiles associated to a ground
axis. These files are ASCII.

• Importation of external files

In order to import an external file to CLIP, select the “Acquire” option in the
contextual menu of the “Land” folder. This option gives access to the following

The program asks for the file localization as well as the format of the file to be
Files of type : TER and PER can be imported. The description of such files can
be found hereafter.

• Exportation of external files

In order to export an external file to CLIP, select the “Export” option in the
contextual menu of the considered “Land” folder. The following window is then

When exporting a land to a file, the name of the file to generate is asked, as
well as the initial Km and the final Km. In the initial Km of the file, the mileage
point that will be assigned to the initial Km increasing all mileage points of the
TER file in the difference of such values is given.

By pressing over the button of the points, there is a standard window from
Windows where the route is inserted, the name of the file and its type.

Compatible formats for the CLIP

• TER Format
- First Line: *TER
- Second Line: Data of the first cross-section profile -> Km cross-section
profile, number of points of the profile, number of order of the point with
mark – 0 otherwise, number of order of the point with the second mark
– 0 otherwise,
- Group of lines (each one corresponding to a point of the profile) with
two fields each (distance to the axis and absolute elevation). These fields
are separated by comas. The number of decimals can vary and the
magnitudes are expressed in meters.
The number of lines defining the points must be exactly the same as the
number of points composing the profile.
The points are organized by their location in the cross-section profile and
from left to the right, which means that the distance of the first point will
be negative and the one of the last one positive.
- New line defining the following profile with its respective points.

So, this way, all the cross-section profiles would be defined.

-50.000, 105.000
-8.590, 105.000
-8.590, 105.000
-7.840, 104.500
-7.000, 104.920
-6.000, 105.000
-3.500, 105.000
0.000, 105.000
3.500, 105.000
6.000, 105.000
7.000, 104.920
7.840, 104.500
8.590, 105.000
8.590, 105.000
50.000, 105.000
-50.000, 105.000
-8.590, 105.000
-8.590, 105.000
-7.840, 104.500
-7.000, 104.920
-6.000, 105.000
-3.500, 105.000
0.000, 105.000
3.500, 105.000
6.000, 105.000
7.000, 104.920
7.840, 104.500
8.590, 105.000
8.590, 105.000
50.000, 105.000
-50.000, 105.000
-8.590, 105.000

• TIP Format

This format contains information of the Km of an axis and the land elevation
corresponding to each Km in the axis.

It is not a land file itself but as it has longitudinal profile, it can be considered
this way by applying automatically some horizontal profiles to the elevation
marked in each profile.

- First Line: *TIP

- Group of lines (each one corresponding to a Km) with two fields each
(mileage of the axis and land absolute elevation). The number of
decimals can vary and the magnitudes are expressed in meters.


0.000000, 105.000000
20.000000, 105.000000
40.000000, 105.000000
60.000000, 105.000000
80.000000, 105.000000
96.023000, 105.000000

• MTR Format
The MTR format consists in an ASCII file with information of the marks of the
cross-section profiles indicating the limits of the roadbed that can be exploited
from an existing road. These marks are used to do the study of terraces,
widening and clearances.

This exportation can be done also from the specific menu of the marks of the

The ASCII file must have the MTR extension. The format of the file is the

The first register is the identification of the file: *MTR

For each mileage point, there is the first register in the which the Km is given
and the number of marks. Afterwards, the marks in successive lines with the
data of distance to the axis and elevation in meters and separated by a coma.
The distance will be positive if the point is to the right of the axis, negative

<KM>, <nº>
<distance>, <elevation>
<distance>, <elevation>



0.000, 2
2.950, 299.299
-2.490, 299.249
10.000, 2
3.200, 299.099
-1.200, 299.099
20.000, 2
3.250, 298.760
-2.360 298.990

• PUN Format

This option permits to generate an ASCII file (with PUN extension) with the
information of the coordinates X, Y, Z of all the points of the cross-section

This file is susceptible to be processed with another program that permits to

triangle and curve such points. For example, the TOOL CURVADO program.

The structure of such file is the following:

Point number X Coordinate Y Coordinate Z Coordinate

Points are Absolute X Absolute Y Absolute Z
numbered coordinate. coordinate. coordinate.
The first line has the *PUN text.

The fields are separated by comas. The file is created without spaces between
the fields.

0, 410717.339, 4301298.985, 105.000
1, 410755.792, 4301283.618, 105.000
2, 410756.489, 4301283.339, 104.500
3, 410757.269, 4301283.028, 104.920
4, 410758.197, 4301282.657, 105.000
5, 410760.519, 4301281.729, 105.000
6, 410763.769, 4301280.430, 105.000
7, 410767.019, 4301279.131, 105.000
8, 410769.341, 4301278.203, 105.000
9, 410770.269, 4301277.832, 104.920
10, 410771.049, 4301277.521, 104.500
11, 410771.746, 4301277.242, 105.000
12, 410810.199, 4301261.875, 105.000
13, 410723.371, 4301314.906, 105.000
14, 410762.669, 4301301.851, 105.000
15, 410763.380, 4301301.614, 104.500
16, 410764.178, 4301301.349, 104.920
17, 410765.127, 4301301.034, 105.000
18, 410767.499, 4301300.246, 105.000

• PER Format

PER format corresponds to ASCII files created with the Ispol program with the
information of one or more cross-section profiles collections associated to a
single ground axis.

7.7 Volumes between two lands

Volumes between two lands permit the calculation of areas and clearing and
filling volumes formed by both lands.

The volume measurement is done from one selected land with the other as a
reference, which means, the selected land T1, from the which the option
“Calculate volume with another land”, is the base over the which the
second land T2 is superimposed.

If T2 is in top of T1, there will be a filling area and volume, otherwise, clearing
ones. A same profile can have both kind of areas and volumes.

In the same profile, there can be areas and volumes of clearing and filling

The volume calculation is done between the common zones of both profiles. If
a profile is unfinished, the program will end it vertically by both sides.
Data required for calculation:

• Land: With the which the volume calculation is done.

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Range of Km’s where the calculation
will be done.
• Interval: Km’s to be shown in the window, even if the calculation is done
with all profiles. If the value 0 is inserted, only the first and last Km will be
shown, which permits to obtain the accumulated of clearing and filling zones
• Correction per curvature: Enabled by default. The calculation can be
done by considering the ground axis curvature or considering that it is a
straight line. The volumes won’t be the same.

Here is a representation of the calculation window:

In the listing, with the defined interval, the areas and volumes, partials and
accumulated of clearing and filling zones are given.

Roadbed volumes comments

By doing the volume calculation between lands, the Kms of the second land are
considered. So that if there are cross-section profiles of the collection of the
second land that do not appear in the first one, there will be considered.
The program will build (only for volume calculation) such cross-section profiles
in the first land, obtaining them from the band model.

For example, if the collection of the land 1 has profiles in the Kms 0+000,
20+000 and 450235, and the collection of the second land has profiles in the
Kms 0+000, 15+000 and 30+000, the volume calculation will be done for the
cross-section profiles situated in the Kms 0+000, 15+000, 20+000, 30+000
and 45+235 of both collections.
Where there are no cross-section profiles, the program will obtain them from
the corresponding band model. Independently from that, it is possible to issue
the volume calculation by giving the listing at intervals defined by the user.

There is also an option, from the listing window, called “existing profiles” that
permits to list the volume calculation in all the common Kms. In this case, it is
not possible to select the interval of presentation.

The ideal would be that both collections would have cross-section profiles in the
same Kms.
7.8 Reclaim cross-section profiles

Just as it has been seen before in this manual, there can be different types of
lands or profiles collections.

The reclaim land can define, through series of automatisms, cross-section

profiles with different steps, slopes, etc…in order to create a stable base in
filling zones.

These profiles constitute an additional cross-section profiles stored in branches

that have a S as header. It can be different collections of reclaims profiles

Once generated the profiles, these can be edited as any other land as there are
formed by points defined by their distance to the axis and absolute elevation.
There can be exported to PUN files to process them with the TOOL CURVADO
program, there can be plotted, listed, etc…

A collection of reclaims has its own contextual menu. In it, there is a sub-menu
named “reclaims” that permits to access to the following options:

• Edit: Edit the table of parameters of generation of the reclaim by Km

(explain hereafter).
• Generate: Regenerate the reclaim profiles collection, by substituting the
current one.
• Volume calculation: Volume calculation between the profiles of the
collection of the current and the active reclaims (without considering the
vegetable earth thickness). Give partial and accumulated data of Km,
superficies and reclaim volume.

7.8.1 Creation of a reclaim collection profile

To create a new collection of profiles of reclaim, the process is identical to the

one of generating a new collection of cross-section profiles. In the data
window, where the name, pen color, etc. have to be inserted, it is necessary to
select the “reclaim” type.

Once accepted these data, the following window appears with the parameters
of automatic generation of the reclaim:
The window is divided into two parts, in the superior part, the different
stretches of reclaim generation are inserted, so it is possible to define different
typologies of reclaim depending on the mileage. In the inferior part, the
parameters necessary for each reclaim typology are inserted.

Currently, CLIP has the following typology:

Reclaim type Reclaim

Only the area between the slope foot of the left and right roadbeds are

For this typology, the following parameters have to be inserted:

- Minimum reclaim thickness: It is the minimum thickness of the land

that will be reclaimed. The program calculates , for each profile, the
critical points and generates the corresponding reclaim profile.
- Parallel to land: If this option is unmarked, the reclaim will be
generated horizontally in all its zone between the points to be reclaimed.
If marked, a reclaim land is generated.
- Only on platform: If this option is marked, the reclaim is not produced
in the zone between the slope feet, only in the vertical zone between the
platform extremities.
- Closing slope: Slope used to unify the extremities of the reclaim zone
with the active land.
Here are different examples of such type of reclaim:
Reclaim closing type 0

Reclaim stepped from a defined depth.

For this typology, the following parameters have to be inserted:

- Minimum reclaim thickness (m)

- Minimum filling height: The reclaim is only done from the zone of the
profile where the height of the build filling zone is bigger than such
- Minimum step width: The step is done in horizontal bands. Through
this parameters, the minimum width of each terrace is defined. The
maximum width is defined by the slope feet of the work.
- Step slope: The different terraces or steps are connected through
slopes of magnitude inserted by the user in this cell.
- Closing slope: There are three possibilities to finish the reclaim . The
closing slopes are common to the typology closing type 0, 1 and 2.

The closing slope type 0 extends horizontally the last step until intersecting
with the land.
The type 1 requires an additional data, the closing slope. The program
calculates the intersection of the last step with the closing slope generated from
the slope foot of the inferior filling zone.

The type 2 works with the closing slope and with a widening. Between the
closing slope and under the filling zone slope foot, there is an horizontal branch
of reclaim widening.

Reclaim type Settling 1

Reclaim stepped from a define depth with vertical slopes.

The following parameters are considered:

- Minimum reclaim thickness (m)

- Minimum land slope: The reclaim is produced only in the sides where
the cross-section profile slope is equal or bigger to the one indicated in
this cell measured in %. The land slope is calculated between the slope
- Minimum step width (m): The step is done in horizontal bands.
Through this parameters, the minimum width of each terrace is defined.
The maximum width is defined by the slope feet of the work.
- Minimum step thickness (m): The minimum height of the steps is
fixed through this parameter. There is no limit regarding the maximum
elevation. In this type, the slope between the different terraces is
- Closing slope: There are three possibilities to finish the reclaim . The
closing slopes are common to the typology closing type 0, 1 and 2.
Reclaim type Settling 2

Reclaim stepped from a defined depth controlling the minimum and maximum
heights of the steps.

The following parameters are considered:

- Minimum reclaim thickness (m)

- Minimum land slope: The reclaim is produced only in the sides where
the cross-section profile slope is equal or bigger to the one indicated in
this cell measured in %. The land slope is calculated between the slope
- Minimum step width (m): The step is done in horizontal bands.
Through this parameters, the minimum width of each terrace is defined.
The maximum width is defined by the slope feet of the work.
- Minimum step thickness (m): The minimum height of the steps is
fixed through this parameter. There is no limit regarding the maximum
elevation. In this type, the slope between the different terraces is
- Maximum step thickness: The maximum height of the steps is fixed
through this parameter.
- Step slope: It is possible to define the slope between the steps.
- Closing slope: There are three possibilities to finish the reclaim . The
closing slopes are common to the typology closing type 0, 1 and 2.

7.8.2 Reclaim volume calculation

Once defined the land to reclaim, it is possible to issue a listing of its volume
As explained earlier, a reclaim collection has its own contextual menu. In it,
there is a submenu named “reclaim” that permit to access to other options.
One of them is “Volume calculation”.

By selecting such option, there is a window such as the one given hereunder:

The following data are required to do the calculation:

• Initial Reading Station: Initial Km from the which the calculation will
start. If a Km inferior to the initial Km from the stretch is inserted, this last
one will be considered. If the inserted Km does not have a defined cross-
section profile, the calculation will be done from the first Km posterior that
will have defined the land cross-section profile.
• Final Reading Station: It is the Km where the calculation will stop. If a
Km posterior to the final Km of the stretch is inserted, this last one will be
adopted. If the inserted Km does not have cross-section profile defined, the
calculation will be done until the first Km previous to the one defined in the
land cross-section profile.
• Interval: It is the interval used to show the results in the screen. It is not
the interval used for the calculation as it is done in all the kms defined
between the two reading stations inserted, being or not multiple of the
interval or entire values.
• Correction per curvature: Enabled by default. The calculation can be
done by considering the ground axis curvature or considering that it is a
straight line. The volumes won’t be the same.
• Existing profiles: Data corresponding to the existing cross-section profiles
are inserted, independently of the multiple of interval.
Once inserted the data, select the Calculate option.

The values shown in the window correspond, for each Km, with the partial and
accumulated volumes measured in cubical meters.

The volume calculation is done between cross-section profiles defining the

reclaim and the cross-section profiles of the active land.

As for all the listings, it can be printed directly or exported to a RTF.

7.9 Listings

The listings of the cross-section profiles are available from the contextual menu
of each land, Select the option “Print list”.

7.9.1 Cross-Section Profiles listing

The listing of points from each cross-section profile. The parameters window is
the following:

The listing is given with the different cross-section profiles with the points
disposed in vertical.

The following data for each cross-section profiles are given:

• Km: Mileage point corresponding to the profile.

• Distance and elevation: Distance to the axis and absolute elevation from
each point of the profile.

This chapter gathers all the concepts seen up to now in order to form the
necessary geometry to define integrally a portion of the lineal job.
8.1 Introduction

A stretch defines the complete geometry of a linear job. As mentioned earlier, a

ground axis, one or several subgrade(s), a land and the cross-section define
totally a linear job and therefore, from these data, any volume listing,
reopening, visibility study as well as corresponding plans can be obtained.

The Tree Structure hierarchy allows that, from a single ground axis, it is
possible to create different stretches. Each one of them gives an independent
solution. Also, each stretch has the possibility to have series of subgrades,
which gives to the program the possibility to study various possibilities in a
short time.

It is reminded as well that a stretch has a Land folder where all the different
cross-section profiles are stored. One of them will be the active one, the one
with the which the calculation is done, as for example of the land movement.

All these data, unified with the cross-section definition, are the ones composing
the stretch.

In the following image, different stretches are shown in the Tree Structure.

8.2 Stretch Creation

From the Tree Structure, the stretches “comes” from a ground axis. In order to
create a new stretch, it is necessary to show the contextual menu of a ground
axis (right button of the mouse over it in the Tree Structure) and select the
option “New stretch”.
At this moment, a window will be shown asking for the necessary data to create
such stretch.

• Name: Stretch name. It is recommended to give a descriptive name.

• Initial Reading Station: Initial point of the stretch. By default, it is
proposed the initial point of the axis from the which the stretch depends.
This value can’t be inferior to the initial Km of the axis as the stretch must
have the geometrical information (ground, subgrade and cross-section) in all
its extension. It is not mandatory that the initial Km is the same as the axis,
it can be superior. Just as for the name, it can modified a posteriori. The
value in this field can be negative.
• Final Reading Station: Final point of the stretch. By default, it is proposed
the final point of the axis from the which the stretch depends. This value
can’t be inferior to the initial Km nor superior to the final Km of the axis as
the stretch must have the geometrical information (ground, subgrade and
cross-section) in all its extension. It is not mandatory that the final Km is the
same as the axis, it can be inferior. Just as for the name, it can modified a
• Type: Type of platform. In this field, it is required to insert the type cross-
section from a list. In such list, there are series of starting cross-section,
given by the program and also defined by the user, from the which the work
real section to project is defined, so that a posteriori, it is possible to define
the different transitions and variations along the design. Depending on the
type of typology selected, there will be compatible templates with such

Once created, this stretch will have to define the subgrade(s) and land(s).

8.2.1 Buttons Bar and Stretch Contextual Menu

From the Tree Structure, just as for all the other entities generated by it,
press the right button of the mouse over the selected stretch and its
contextual menu will be shown.

Other types of options for the stretch are accessible from the button bar
(coincide with the land bar), as there is a button showing, in the transversal,
different tables referring to the work section.
There is also the conventional menu, in the superior part of the application,
through the which the stretch is managed.

It is reminded that the buttons bar is configurable by the user for its disposition
in the application.

The contextual menu and buttons bar for the stretch are the following:

8.3 Cross-Section

The stretch cross-section defines the job transversal geometry along all its

The main typologies are:

• Road
• Urban
• Railway
• Channel

From the geometric place of the axis points (defined by the ground axis and the
subgrade), a platform is generated at each Km, through slopes in the active

This definition can be homogeneous in the whole stretch or variable.

The starting point is the Type section defined by a template, that will fix
general parameters such as platform width, hard shoulders, medians, side
walls, parking zone, etc…

To define the cross-section globally or variably, it is necessary to access to:

- Global data
- Cross-section tables

8.3.1 Road Stretch Global Data

To access to the definition of the Global Data of a stretch, select “Global Data”
option of the stretch contextual menu or CONTROL + U.

The window given has different folders with the information over all the
parameters of the cross-section.

This window appears distributed in different folders hosting the information

over all the parameters of the cross-section.

To select and view the content of a folder, it is necessary to select with the left
button of the mouse over the icon of the selected folder.
Depending on the resolution of the screen, it is possible that not all the icons
can be viewed at the same time. But by selecting over the icons in the upper
side, the icons go moving forward.

The General folder has the information about the stretch. Such information is
the following:

• Platform Type: Main typology of the stretch. All the other tables will
depend of this typology as there are adapted to the geometry and
parameters of this type of work. It is an informative data that can’t be
• Group: Only in case of Road and Urban. Reference of a Road or Urban
Group associated to a stretch and define by the Instruction.
This value is taken from the selected platform typology when creating the
ground axis. This value is used in different calculations in the program. The
group can be 1 or 2, depending on the type of road and its velocity limit.
• Project volume: Velocity of the project defined in the national norm.
There are used to define the minimum radius, the acceleration and
deceleration tracks, etc. The values vary from 40 to 120. This value can be
modified from the list.
• Denomination: Name of the template used as basis for the cross-section
definition. It is an informative cell.
• Stretch name: Name of the stretch. This name will appear in the different
listings that can be printed from a stretch. This value can be modified in this
• Initial and final Reading Station: Values assigned by the user by the
time of the stretch creation. The listings that can be printed from a stretch
will have as limits the Km of such values. These values can be modified in
this window.
• Active Land: Land from the which all the calculations are made. If there
are no lands in the stretch, the word “None” will appear. If there are several
ones, it is possible to select the one to be considered as active.
• Expropriation line: This parameter permits to create, for plan and
representation in the axis window, a polyline representing an expropriation
line. This line is considered as an off-axis line and its distance from the slope
feet of the axis is defined with the “Distance to the Expropriation Line”.
The pen color given to such line is configured in the Pen Color
configuration folder, from the contextual menu of the Job Edit part. Each
stretch can have drawn such line or not and can be defined with different
distances of expropriation.
• Cleared and not cleared natural land coronation line configuration
This change affects the ground representation of the slope feet and the
reopening of themselves. With this option, it is possible to decide where the
clearing and filling zones slopes are unified with the land. There can be
unified in the coronation line of the cross-section profiles or in the line
defining the vegetable earth. The criterion for clearing zones can be
different from the one of filling zones. Find hereunder the four images
illustration the different possibilities.

Not cleared clearing slope natural land Cleared clearing slope natural land

Not cleared filling slope natural land Cleared filling slope natural land
Not all the folders of the global parameters are going to be explained, but
reference to their utility will be done.

In any folder, for example here in the geology folder, there are parameters
that can be modified.

Important data

• On the left of the parameters, you can find a check box. If this box is
checked, this means the value is fixed for the whole stretch and therefore
will not appear in the cross-section tables.
• If the user wish to store a customized template, based on the data defined
in the global data window, for posterior application, select the option “Save
Template” of the contextual menu of the stretch. This template will be
available in the corresponding list from the new stretches creation window.
The new templates created by the user are stored in files with TTR
extension in the CLIP installation directory. The templates are not saved
with the TRB file, but the cross-section definition yes. The customized
templates can be copied and pasted in any other file and be this way shared
with other users.

8.3.2 Road Stretch Cross-Section Tables

To access to the definition of variable data of a stretch, select the “Edit

Section” option from the Cross-Section contextual menu or select the “Edit
Cross-Section” from the Button Bar or finally press F4.

This same button has a display list of direct access to the different tables
(geology, clearing zones, platform, etc.).
The graphical window of the cross-section is divided horizontally in two parts,
one analytical and another graphical. The space reserved for each window is
configurable by the user with the mouse.

The horizontal dimension will always be fixed by the size of the windows:

If accessing for the first time to the table or if there are no variations to take its
global data, there will be no lines. In this case, to start to insert values, it will
be necessary to select the option “Insert Row”.

Analytical window:

• Table: Composed by various columns depending of the cross-section

parameter. In these tables, the marked values as global in the Global Data
window will not be shown.
• Flag: Show different type of tables. There are arrows in the inferior left side
that helps to show all the flags when they do not fit in the screen.
• Movement Bar: If not all cells are viewable, such bar will be moved with a
horizontal scroll. The space reserved for the bar is configurable by the user,
as by placing the pointer of the mouse within the bar and the flags zone, it
is possible to configure the width of it.

The table zone has a contextual menu as the one hereunder given to do the
following operations:
• Exit: CONTROL + T. Exit from the cross-section edition mode. If there were
any change and the information has not been saved yet, a confirmation
message is given in order to save such changes.
• Import/Export: Save and take table information from an ASCII File. ASC
• Print List: Print active table. Selection of printer and preview are possible.
• Update Change: Update table modifications and modify the visualization of
the cross-section graphical window.
• Remove Change: Restore primitive values of the table. Changes made will
not have any effects.
• Insert Row: ALT + I. Insert new line in the active cell position. It is
necessary to activate, through the mouse or the keyboard, a cell before
• Delete Row: ALT + B. Delete line in the active cell position. It is necessary
to activate, through the mouse or the keyboard, a cell before proceeding.

8.3.3 Road Stretch cross-section parameters

a) Platform

Data from the Platform can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The columns corresponding to the platform table are expressed hereunder:

The Global data folder corresponding to the platform is the following:

The transition of the values between the different Km’s of the table will be done
linearly. This way, if a big variation is required to be made in the cross-section,
it is necessary to insert two consecutive KMs with mileage difference of 1 mm.

Here are details of all of the parameters:

• Left & Right Berms: Width of the external left and right berms (in
meters). A berm can be different in clearing zone and in filling zone.
• Left & Right Hard Shoulders: Width of the external left and right hard
shoulders (in meters).
• Left & Right roads: Width of the left and right roads (in meters). The road
is measured between the outside and inside white bands.
• Left & Right Inside Hard Shoulders: Width of the inside left and right
hard shoulders (in meters). The inside hard shoulders are defined in the
median width.
• Left & Right Medians: Width of the left and right medians in meters
measured from the ground axis. It shows the situation of the inside white
lines (road and inside hard shoulder separation). In case of an unique
platform, these magnitudes are null and therefore, the left and right roads
belong to the same platform.
• Left & Right Turing points: Distance between the ground axis to the
turning point of the camber of the left and right platform. Defines the
application point of the left and right subgrade. In case of an unique
platform, these magnitudes are null and the camber and subgrade are
applied in the center of the section (per ground axis).
In any of the previous data, except on the Km, it is possible not to insert the
value, which means that the data will be interpolated between the previous and
following ones of its column.

b) Medians

Data from the Median can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The columns corresponding to the table of the median can be expressed such

The Global data folder corresponding to the median is the following:

There are different topologies of medians. To select the type of median, the
listing of the cell type of the table has to be displayed.

The existing types are:

• Inferior: It is defined by a depth measured in the ground axis. This depth

is defined from the intersection of the axis line with the line unifying the
slope feet of camber of both roads(in meters) .

• Fixed Berms: This median is defined from the heads of the slope of the
inside camber of both roads.

It has two internal berms, right and left, defined by their width and slope
(%). The free space left by the berms, if existing, is completed by inserting
a gutter defined by its low point with an eccentricity regarding the ground
reopening axis and a depth regarding to the line unifying the final of both

This typology can emulate many other ones by playing with the width and
slope of each berm. For example, it is necessary to define a median that has
a branch with a width and a fixed or variable slope depending on the
mileage, and the other branch must unify the roadbed slope head with the
final of the previous branch such as it is shown in the following example

• Fixed Berm and gutter: This median is defined from the heads of the
slope of the inside camber of both roads. It has two internal berms, right
and left, defined by their width and slope (%).The free space left by the
berms, if existing, is completed by inserting a gutter defined by a slope.
From the final of both berms, decreasing lines are created to the inside of
the median with the same slope. The program will calculate automatically
the intersection point. This will only happen in the straight stretches with
cambers where the parameters from the semi-median camber turn, etc. are
identical for the left and right roads.
• Berm and gutter variable: This median is defined from the heads of the
slope of the inside camber of both roads. It has two internal berms, right
and left, defined by their width and slope (%). The free space left by these
berms, if existing, is completed by inserting a gutter defined by a branch of
slope defined by the user, created from the extremity of the lower or higher
berm, depending on the choice of the user. The closing branch will be of
variable slope, calculated by the program, to unify the extremity of the free
berm with the final point of the previous branch. The union point of both
branches, which means the lower point of the gutter, can be placed in the
center of the median (ground axis) or can be defined by inserting a value in
the parameter “Dist. Axis”. This value defines the eccentricity of the gutter
bottom regarding the ground axis.

c) Cambers

The cambers, apart for being inserted in a table, can also be generated
according to the Instruction.

The cambers from the left road and right road can be defined independently.
For that, there is a verification box in the camber global data window.

In order to generate automatically the cambers, there are two options:

• Select the “Generate automatically Cambers” option from the
contextual menu of the stretch.
• Select the “Generate” in the cross-section window.

The columns corresponding to the cambers table are exposed hereunder:

The Global data folder corresponding to the cambers is the following:

The movement between the different breaking points of the curvature diagram,
done with the CONTROL + ← and CONTROL + → keys are reflected in the
table activating automatically the corresponding cell to the Km represented in
the center of the superior geographical zone.

The horizontal and vertical scales of representation of the diagram of

curvatures can be modified by inserting the values in the corresponding boxes
situated in the right inferior part of the application.

In such zone, there are also two more boxes:

Reading Station: Indicate the corresponding reading station of the mouse

pointer. If a KM is inserted in such cell, the graphical image will center itself in
such KM without modifying the scales.
Camber: Indicate the camber coordinate of the mouse pointer position in the

d) Slopes

Data determining the slopes of the external berms and the hard shoulders can
be determined globally through the Global Data window or in a variable way
through the corresponding table.

The columns corresponding to the slopes table are exposed hereunder:

The Global data folder corresponding to the slopes is the following:

All the slopes are inserted in %, being positive if decreasing when increases the
distance to the ground axis and negative otherwise.

In the case of slopes of the berms, there are cells in the which the value can be
directly inserted.

In the case of slopes of the hard shoulder and their variation, a more complex
study is required. For this reason, there is a group of parameters to be

Cambers variation criterion’s (P=slope)

• Hard shoulder with the same slope as the road (hard shoulder =

The hard shoulder will have at all time the same transversal slope as the
road. Cases where the road has camber null due to transition between a
straight line and a curve or curves in opposite direction are included.
The Hard Shoulder Minimum value is not considered.

• Hard shoulder with P min as a minimum (criterion 1). (hard

shoulder >= P min (1)).
The minimum slope of the hard shoulder is considered. This value is unique
for the whole stretch and is determined in the global data window. The hard
shoulder will have the same slope as the road if this one is superior to P
Otherwise, the hard shoulder has always the P min when the difference of
slope between road and hard shoulder is inferior to the maximum difference
of camber between the road and the hard shoulder measured in %. This last
value is fixed in the global data window.
If this last condition is not respected, the hard shoulder slope is diminished
to conserve the maximum difference of camber between the road and the
hard shoulder.

• Hard shoulder with P min as a minimum (criterion 2). (hard

shoulder >= P min (2)).
- Criterion 1 for hard shoulder >= 1.5 meters.
- Same slope as the road for hard shoulder < 1.5 meters.

• Hard shoulder with P min as a minimum (at all times). (hard

shoulder >= P min (always)).
The hard shoulder will have the P. Min slope as minimum if the road has a
slope inferior a P min.
If the road has a slope superior a P min, the hard shoulder will have the
same slope as the road.
e) Roadbeds

We will define here the roadbed set and the subgrade variation criterion.

Data determining the roadbed set can be determined globally through the
Global Data window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The columns corresponding to the roadbeds table are exposed hereunder:

The Global data folder corresponding to the roadbeds is the following:

The parameters for the definition of the roadbed of a new job are:

• Left Slope: Roadbed slope in the left road or left part of the road in case of
an unique road. Give the horizontal magnitude of the slope measured.
• Right Slope: Roadbed slope in the right road or right part of the road in
case of a unique road. Give the horizontal magnitude of the slope measured.
• Inside slope: Roadbed slope in the inside, in the median zone. Only if we
have two roads. (in meters)
• Left Thickness: Thickness of the roadbed set in the left road or left part of
the road in case of an unique road. (in meters)
• Right Thickness: Thickness of the roadbed set in the right road or right
part of the road in case of an unique road. (in meters)

There are other parameters for the roadbed that are adapted to the projects of
reinforcement, enlargement and improvement.

Subgrade variation criterion’s

• Superior to subgrade P min. Mobile edge
The subgrade slope will be equal to P min subgrade, from the slopes table,
if the camber is inferior to such slope and parallel to the road otherwise.
There is a mobile edge in between the roads extremities. The variation
criterion, that will be shown hereafter consists in:
- In the straight lines, the edge remains in between the median
extremities or in the ground axis if there is no median.
- When the camber of the road is equal to the minimum slope of the
subgrade, the edge is at the road border.
- In the intermediate cases, the distance of the vertex of the edge to the
ground axis is interpolated linearly.

• Parallel to platform under the road and hard shoulders (Parallel)

At all times, the subgrade is parallel to the platform, in the road and hard
shoulder. The minimum value of the subgrade slope is not considered.
• Parallel to the road. For hard shoulders, P min of subgrade (Parallel
in road)
At all times the subgrade is parallel to the platform under the road. Under
the hard shoulders, a subgrade minimum slope is applied except if the
camber is superior, in this case, the subgrade under the hard shoulders will
have the same slope as the platform.

f) Gutters

Data determining the gutters can be determined globally through the Global
Data window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The columns corresponding to the roadbeds table are exposed hereunder:

The Global data folder corresponding to the gutters is the following:

For each land, defined by the geology, a different gutter can be displayed.
The list of available gutters corresponds to the one existing in the “Definition
of Gutters” of the contextual menu, defined by the user.

g) Clearing

Clearing slopes.

Data determining the clearings can be determined globally through the Global
Data window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The columns corresponding to the clearing table are exposed hereunder:

The Global data folder corresponding to the clearing is the following:

Additionally to the different types of slope in clearing zone, there is the
possibility, for any of them, to end up such slopes with specific slope,
independently from the geology, up to a height defined from its superior part.

For that, two data columns are enabled which headers are “Top Height” and
“Top Slope”.

It is important to note that if the slope of the cross-section is bigger than the
superior slope, there will never be an intersection between both and therefore,
there will not be a geometrical solution. In these cases, there will not be any
superior slope, even if the user selects one.

There are 5 different clearing slopes types. There can be selected by showing
the list in the “Type” table or in the one of the column “Global data” or “by
default” from the corresponding box of the window of global data.

By selecting one type or another, different data will be required.

The slope feet gets to the vegetable earth ground, considering that this layer is
taken off while executing the clearing operation.

In all cases, the slope is inserted as an horizontal magnitude, measured in

meters, at so much per unit.

Clearing zone slope types:

• 3 slopes: A slope for each type of land. (earth, transit, rock) The program
assigns the different slopes according to the type of land, depending of the
depth regarding the natural land inserted in the geology table.
• Slope with berms: Independent from the excavation material. Defined by a
slope, a width of berm and a height between berms. With these data, the
program defines the slope by generating the necessary stretches so that,
from the gutter edge, it reaches the ground of the vegetable earth layer.

• Earth berm – rock: Defined by different slopes depending on the land and
inserting a berm, with defined width by the user, between rock and transit
or earth.
• Slope Type: Defined by the user. The Slope Type is applied in the branch
corresponding to the stretch, and in a closing slope if the slope would not
reach to cut with the ground of the layer of the vegetable earth.
The slope type is selected between a list that is shown in the corresponding
cell by selecting this typology of clearing zone slope.

• Superior T-R berm Type: This clearing zone type, similar to the existing one
“Berm, Earth-Rock”, permits to insert a slope for the material zone type
“Earth”, another one for the material zone type “Transit” and another one
for “Rock”, with a berm between the rock and the following material. The
difference with the slope type Berm, Earth-Rock stands in the case of the
berm is placed over the material type “Rock”.
See the schemas of both types of clearing areas. The first one is of type Berm
T-R superior and the second one of type Berm Earth-Rock.

h) Filling

Filling slopes.

Data determining the fillings can be determined globally through the Global
Data window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The corresponding columns of the table of the filling zones are expressed in the
following frame:
The Global data folder corresponding to the filling zone is the following:

There are 4 different filling slopes types. There can be selected by showing the
list in the “Type” table or in the one of the column “Global data” or “by default”
from the corresponding box of the window of global data.

By selecting one type or another, different data will be required.

The slope feet gets to the vegetable earth ground, considering that this layer is
taken off while executing the filling.

In all cases, the slope is inserted as an horizontal magnitude, measured in

meters, at so much per unit.

Filling zone slope types:

• 2 slopes: Insert a superior slope starting from the roadbed slope foot up to
a height defined by the user. A posteriori, an inferior slope is applied up to
the ground of the vegetable earth layer. If the height given for the superior
slope is null, the only slope applied is the inferior one.
• Slope with berms: it is defined by a slope, a berm width and a height
between berms. With these data, the program defines the slope by
generating the necessary stretches so that, from the roadbed foot, it
reaches the ground of the vegetable earth layer.

• Slope Type: Defined by the user. The Slope Type is applied in the branch
corresponding to the stretch and a closing slope if the slope would not reach
to cut with the ground of the layer of the vegetable earth.
The slope type is selected between a list that is shown in the corresponding
cell by selecting this typology of filling zone slope.
i) Walls

The parameters describing the walls can only be defined through their
corresponding table. It does not make sense defining general characteristics of
a wall within global values from a template.

The columns corresponding to the wall table are given hereunder:

Each line defines a wall by its initial and final Km’s and by the distance of the
wall to the ground axis of these two Km’s.

There is also a cell indicating the margin, right or left, where the wall will be

Therefore, a wall can be parallel to the trace or its distance to the axis can vary
linearly between two Km’s.

The Km’s values do not have to be entire values.

j) Geology

Thickness of the vegetable earth, earth, transit and rock layers. These
thicknesses define the parallel layers to the land profile.

The definition or the name given to each one does not have to be considered
this way necessarily. Really, there are four lands to measure independently that
can be considered as other concepts such as adequate land or inadequate for
filling zones, etc…

The intermediate Km’s to the defined ones in the table are interpolated, so that,
if in the Km 0+000, a X layer thickness is defined, in the Km 0+100, the
thickness of the same material is defined as Y and in the KM 0+050 the
thickness of such layer is (X+Y)/2.

Data determining the geology can be determined globally through the Global
Data window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The columns corresponding to the geology table are expressed hereunder:

The Global data folder corresponding to the geology is the following:

As it can be seen, the concept of Rock is not defined, as it is considered to be

under of the horizon of the Transit material.

k) Inhibitions

The inhibition table is used to define work zones that don’t require cross-section
profiles (bridges, tunnels, etc...), as it will not bring any land volume calculation

By acquiring the land, with a cartography for example, the program will inhibit
the cross-section profiles between the initial Km and another one, final, that the
user will have inserted in such table (it is possible to insert as many intervals
Initial Km – Final Km as required).

The inhibition allows to restore, selectively, any cross-section profile obtained.

The initial and final Km can be exact Km such as 1+234.689 with a precision up
to 1 millimeter.

This table does not have its homologue one in the global data window.

In the inhibited profiles, the slopes will not be represented in the graphical
window nor in the plans.

l) Widening

The widening table permits to define, through Km’s, the widening assigned to
the platform.

This magnitude will be added to the left and right road of the Platform table.

It is possible to generate automatically the widening through the Instruction


For curve radius in the ground inferior to 250 meters, the widening will be:

(l²)/2-R where “l” is the length of the vehicle type (9 meters) and R the radius
of the curve.

For that, select the option “Generate Widening” from the contextual menu of
the table.

The columns corresponding to the widening table is expressed hereunder:

The Global data folder corresponding to the widening is the following:

m) Terrace

The table permits to define the thickness of the material named “Clearances” or
“selected ground” that is placed as base for the roadbed package.

This material calculation is done in the land movement calculation listing and is
defined by a layer parallel to the subgrade with a thickness defined per Km by
the user. The value of the thickness can depend as well of the type of land,
even if a profile is found at mid-way, the thickness defined for the filling zone
will always be considered, as it is bigger than the one used in the clearing

The columns corresponding to the clearances table are expressed here under:

The Global data folder corresponding to the clearing is the following:

It is also possible to select, from the General data option, the Terrace Below the
Median option, in order to cut the terrace layer under the zone of the median in
highways and freeways.

Hereunder is an image of the terrace in clearing zone of the cross-section. In

this case, from the low point of the gutter, a vertical cut is done. The thickness
defined of the terrace is placed under the roadbed, including the slopes of it.

In the following example, there is a representation of the terrace in filling zone.

In this case, the terrace is extended up to the slopes of the filling zone.

In these global values, it is possible to select the option “Terrace under the
median”. Therefore, it is permitted to cut down the layer of the terrace under
the zone of the median in highways and freeways.
Hereunder are two images of representation with the possible options.

n) Clearances

This tables permits to do lateral clearances.

These lateral clearances, measured form the separation road – hard

shoulder, are used to improve the visibility in curves or to obtain zones with
bigger clearing volume.

In the future, the clearances table will be linked to the visibility studies,
guaranteeing a defined visibility along the stretch.

It must exist an adjusted gutter to the clearing in order to give a sense to such
option. This characteristic can be configured in the gutter geometrical

These clearances will vary linearly between the different Km of the table, and
can be different to the left or to the right.
o) Security Barriers

This table permits to define the location and height of different security barriers
that can be implemented in a road of single track or in a road with two tracks

These barriers will be considered when doing the visibility study. There will also
appear drawn in the cross-section profiles in the screen and in the plan.

The columns corresponding to the security barriers table are expressed


In the table, for each stretch of barrier, it is necessary to insert the following

• Initial Read. Station: Initial mileage point of the barrier.

• Initial distance: Distance measured from the line of reference to the barrier.
The value is considered in meters. The distances can be positive or
negative. A positive distance moves the barrier to the right, while a negative
value moves the barrier to the left of the line of reference.
• Final Read. Station: Final mileage point of the barrier.
• Final distance: Distance measured from the line of reference to the barrier in
its final point. A barrier can move a constant quantity regarding the
reference line or vary linearly.
• Height: Height of the barrier measured from the coronation line of the
platform. Measured in meters.
• Reference: It is the line of reference over the which the initial and final
distances are measured for each barrier. The available lines are:
- Outside left and right: line dividing the outside hard shoulder of the road.
- Inside left and right: In case of double track, line dividing the road with
the inside hard shoulder.
- Axis.

8.3.4 Urban Stretch cross-section parameters

The different geometrical characteristics from the Road Stretch cross-section

are shown hereunder. The similar ones, such as clearing, filling, gutter, etc…)
remain valid.

It is important to remember that in order to select an Urban stretch, previously,

the created axis has to be selected as Urban.

a) Platform

Data from the Platform can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The Global data folder corresponding to the platform is the following:

The transition between the values of the different Km of the table is done
linearly. This way, if it is required to do a big change in the cross-section, it is
necessary to insert two consecutive Km with a mileage difference of 1 mm.

Here are detailed the different parameters of the urban platform:

• Left & Right Berms: Width of the external left and right berms (in
• Left & Right Cycle Lane: Lane width for bicycles or pedestrian passages
between the berm and the sidewalk (in meters).
• Left & Right Sidewalks: Width of the external left and sidewalks (in
• Left & Right Car Park: Parking zone width in meters.
• Left & Right roads: Width of the left and right roads (in meters). The road
is measured between the outside and inside white bands.
• Left & Right Central Sidewalk: Width of the central left and right
sidewalk (in meters).
• Left & Right Turing points: Distance between the ground axis to the
turning point of the camber of the left and right platform. Defines the
application point of the left and right subgrade.

In any of the previous parameters, except in the Km, it is possible not to insert
any value, which means that there will be a linear interpolation between the
previous and next element of its column.

b) Slopes

Data from the Slopes can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The Global data folder corresponding to the slope is the following:

All the slopes are inserted in %, being positive if decrease when increases the
distance to the ground axis and negative otherwise. The cambers criterion is
the same than in cases of roads, and only affect the right and left road zone.

Here are detailed the different parameters:

• Left & Right Berm Slope: Berm of the external left and right berms.
• Left & Right Cycle Lane: Lane slope for bicycles or pedestrian passages
between the berm and the sidewalk.
• Left & Right Sidewalk: Width of the external left and right sidewalks.
• Left & Right Car Park: Parking zone slope. If it is required to have the
water flowing to the road, the slope will be negative.
• Central Sidewalk Depth: Depth of the central sidewalk. (in meters). If
the value is negative, the central sidewalk will be parallel to the subgrade.

c) Roadbed

Data determining the roadbed thickness can be determined globally through the
Global Data window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The Global data folder corresponding to the roadbed is the following:

The different elements composing the urban cross-section can have different
roadbed thickness, which will affect the subgrade, which will be parallel and
with the same inclination as these elements.

Here is an image signaling the different thicknesses of the roadbed:

d) Curbs

Data determining the height of the different curbs can be determined globally
through the Global Data window or in a variable way through the corresponding

The Global data folder corresponding to the curbs is the following:

The curbs are defined as heights expressed in meters. Insert the value of the
last slope at the end of the berm (%).
e) Terrace

This table permits to define the thickness of the material called “improved
terrace or selected ground”, which is placed as a base of the roadbed set.

This material calculation is done in the land movement calculation listing and is
defined by a layer parallel to the subgrade with a thickness defined per Km by
the user. The value of the thickness can depend as well of the type of land,
even if a profile is found at mid-way, the thickness defined for the filling zone
will always be considered, as it is bigger than the one used in the clearing

In the terrace input data table, it is possible to define an extra width for the
sidewalk, cycle lane and parking zone curbs, which volumes will be calculated

8.3.5 Railway Stretch cross-section parameters

The different geometrical characteristics from the Road Stretch cross-section

are shown here under. The similar ones, such as clearing, filling, gutter, etc…)
remain valid.
Two new parameters are to be considered:

• View sleepers and tracks: Permit to view, in the cross-section profiles

window, the draw of the sleepers and tracks.
• View ballast: Permit to view the ballast in such profile.

These options are included in order to face infrastructure and superstructure

constructive projects separately.

It is possible to view the ballast without sleepers nor tracks but not these ones
without the ballast.

It is important to remember that in order to select a Railway stretch, previously,

the created axis has to be selected as Railway.

There are three main tables defining the ruling section of a railway, the Bed
Track, the Subballast and the Ballast.

a) Bed Track

The platform has to be covered by a termination layer called “Bed Track” with
transversal slopes for rain water evacuation.

Data from the Bed Track can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.
The transition between the values of the different Km in the table is done
linearly. This way, if it is required to do an important change in the cross-
section, it is necessary to insert two consecutive Km with a mileage difference
of 1 mm.

The Global data folder corresponding to the bed track is the following:

Hereunder there is a detailed description of each one of the parameters and the
following schemas for better understanding.

• Thickness: Constant value defined in meters. By default, its value is 0.3

• Slope (P%): Transversal slope definition (%) from the ground axis
position. It is build in camber from the ground axis position.
• Slope: Slope of the extremities of the Bed Track finalizing in the superior
part of the land layer.
• Criterion: There are two criterion’s regarding the edge (high point of the
Bed Track). These two criterions only have a meaning in case of double
track road.

- Fixed Edge Criterion: this criterion maintains the ballast thickness in the
external track of the curve.

The thickness of the ballast in the inside and in the outside of the tracks
will be:

With this criterion, the material of ballast used is bigger, producing an

unique point with a thickness of ballast b minimum.

- Mobile Edge Criterion: this criterion forces the thickness of the ballast to
be equal in both tracks. For this, it is necessary to move the edge
eccentrically regarding the ground axis.

The thickness of the ballast in the inside and in the outside of the tracks
will be:
The d value is equal to:

- If z/a’<p/100 then d=z*100/p

- If z/a’>p/100 then d=a’/2

In a circular curve, the distance d will be constant. In a curve with

transition, d will be variable.
This solution, even if it is not used very frequently, permits to save some

In the table of the bed track, for any of the previous data, except the KM, it
is possible not to consider such value, which means that there will be a
linear interpolation between the previous one and the next one of its

The width of the platform is calculated from the data of the sub ballast,
which is the layer immediately superior to the bed track layer. Even this
way, recommended values by the National norm are given here under and a
table with examples adapted in different projects.

PLATFORM WIDTH (M) – N.R.V. 0-2-0.0.

Project velocity 140 Km/h 160 Km/h 200 km/h 250 Km/h
NEW LINES AND Double Double track: Normal:
CURRENT LINES track: 12,9 12,9 13,3
EXTENSION WITH Unique track Unique track in
DESIGN in clearing clearing zone: 9 Minimum: 13,3
MODIFICATION zone: 9 Unique track in 12,9
Unique track filling area: 7,9
in filling
area: 7,9
IMPROVEMENT OF Double Double track:
CURRENT LINES track: 12,7 12,9
(Track renovation Unique track Unique track in
and improvement) in clearing clearing zone: 9
zone: 9 Unique track in 12,9 -
Unique track filling area: 7,9
in filling
area: 7,9

Values adapted to the different tracks:


French high velocity tracks 13,9/14,2

German high velocity tracks 13,7
Italian high velocity tracks 13,6
Belgian high velocity tracks 13,9
Madrid - Sevilla high velocity tracks 12,7/13,3
Madrid - Barcelona high velocity tracks 14

b) Sub ballast

The sub ballast is the layer between the Bed Track and the Ballast.

Data from the sub ballast can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The transition between the values of the different Km in the table is done
linearly. This way, if it is required to do an important change in the cross-
section, it is necessary to insert two consecutive Km with a mileage difference
of 1 mm.

The Global data folder corresponding to the sub ballast is the following:
Hereunder there is a detailed description of each one of the parameters and the
following schemas for better understanding.

• Thickness: Constant value defined in meters, by default, its value is 0.25

• Left & Right Width: (width of the sub ballast layer): Values, in meters,
defining the left and right widths of the crowning of the sub ballast. By
default these values are 7 meters.
• Slope: Slope of the extremities of the Sub ballast finalizing in the superior
part of the Bed Track.

Here are the recommended thicknesses in the National norm and some values
adopted in projects:


Project velocity 140 Km/h 160 Km/h 200 km/h 250 Km/h
NEW LINES AND 0 with 30 cm of 25 cm 25 cm Normal :
CURRENT LINES ballast 30 cm
DESIGN 25 cm with 25 Minimum :
MODIFICATION cm of ballast 25 cm

IMPROVEMENT OF 0 with 30 cm of 0 with 30 cm

CURRENT LINES ballast of ballast
(Track renovation
and improvement) 25 cm with 25 25 cm with 25
cm of ballast cm of ballast 25 cm -


French high velocity tracks 20

German high velocity tracks 30
Madrid - Sevilla high velocity tracks 25
Madrid - Barcelona high velocity tracks 30

Normally, the width of the sub ballast platform is a constant width, so that it
remains guaranteed a minimum width for the lateral elements, so there is
enough place for electricity tower and security and communications installations

c) Ballast

The ballast is the layer in the which stand the sleepers and is situated above
the sub ballast layer.

Data from the ballast can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The transition between the values of the different Km in the table is done
linearly. This way, if it is required to do an important change in the cross-
section, it is necessary to insert two consecutive Km with a mileage difference
of 1 mm.

The Global data folder corresponding to the ballast is the following:

• Track width interaxis (a’): Width between rail tracks axes of the same
track, measured in meters. This parameter can’t be compared with the
width between the inside faces of the rail tracks (international value of
1,435 meter).
The track width is calculated by deducing the width interaxis of track and
the width of each track.

 The parameter inserted normally in the global data from the separation
between the two tracks of a railway track is not the same as the track,
measured between the inside faces of the tracks). This parameter must
be inserted as the separation between railway tracks.

• Ballast Slope (T)

• Interaxis (E): Distance between axes of two contiguous tracks, measured
in meters. The program permits to insert, separately the magnitude of the
left and right interaxis. If the value of both interaxis is null, the program
understands that a single track is being designed.
• Shoulder: Distance measured from the axis of each rail track and the
beginning of the ballast slope.

 Sometimes this parameter is defined in the projects from the inside side
of the track instead of from the track axis. In these cases, it is necessary
to increase this value in a magnitude equivalent to half of the width of
the used track.

• Sleepers and Tracks Type. See hereunder.

See the following parameters shown in the following schemas:

Section type ballast in straight line

Section type ballast in curve

Section type double track ballast in straight line

Section type double track ballast in curve

Hereunder, are, as a summary, the parameters normally used and the

recommendations of some National norms.

BALLAST SLOPE T - N.R.V. 0-2-0.0.

PROJECT VELOCITY 140 160 200 250
Km/h Km/h Km/h Km/h
LINES EXTENSION WITH 5/4 5/4 3/2 3/2
LINES (Track renovation and 5/4 5/4 3/2 ---
High velocity line Madrid–Barcelona 3/2


PROJECT 140 Km/h 160 Km/h 200 250
30 cm w/o
EXTENSION WITH 25 cm 30 cm 30 cm
25 cm with 25
cm of subballast.
IMPROVEMENT OF 30 cm w/o 30 cm w/o
CURRENT LINES subballast. subballast.
30 cm ---
(Track renovation 25 cm with 25 25 cm with 25
and improvement) cm of subballast. cm of subballast.
High velocity line FRANCE 35
High velocity line GERMANY 30
High velocity line Madrid - Sevilla 30
High velocity line Madrid–Barcelona 35
PROJECT VELOCITY 140 Km/h 160 Km/h 200 Km/h 250
0,90 0,90 1,00 1,00
0,90 0,90 1,00 ---
renovation and


PROJECT VELOCITY 140 160 200 Km/h 250
Km/h Km/h Km/h
NEW LINES AND NORMAL 3,920 4,000 4,300 4,300
3,808 3,920 4,000 4,300
IMPROVEMENT OF NORMAL 3,808 3,920 4,000 ---
(Track renovation MINIMUM 3,808 3,808 Exceptional ---
and improvement) : 3,808


N.R.V. 0-2-0.0.
PROJECT VELOCITY 140 Km/h 160 Km/h 200 250
Km/h Km/h
NEW LINES AND Normal: Normal:
CURRENT LINES 5,300 6,000
6,000 6,000
EXTENSION WITH Minimum: Minimum:
4,900 4,900 4,900 ---
renovation and

National norm: The minimum inter axis in reading stations will be of 3.5
meters, except from the existing one between the two general tracks,
that will be maintained of the same width as in the route.
Provisional STI of infrastructure for high velocity lines.
In lines especially build for high velocity, the minimum inter axis must be
fixed in 4.5 meters. This value can be diminished, depending on the
particular characteristics of the line, up to the following values:


NEW CONSTRUCTION v ≤250 km/h 4,00 m
HIGH VELOCITY LINE 250 < v ≤300 km/h 4,20 m
LINE ADAPTED FOR v ≤230 km/h UIC 505.4
HIGH VELOCITY 230 < v ≤250 km/h 4,00 m


High velocity line FRANCE 4,20/4,5
High velocity line GERMANY 4,70
High velocity line ITALY 5,00
High velocity line BELGIUM 4,50
High velocity line Madrid - Sevilla 4,30
High velocity line Madrid–Barcelona 4,70

Sleepers definition

From the Stretch Tree Structure, select the option Definitions and then
Sleepers. The sleepers are stored in TRB files and in ruling section files TTR.
There is no limitation regarding the number of sleepers to be created, nor the
number of branches of each of them.

The window is divided in 3 different zones:

• Sleepers list: All the defined sleepers are shown in a Tree Structure. Each
of them has a name given by the user.
• Graphical window: Graphical visualization of selected sleeper and its
• Data insertion zone: Several fields to fill in to create new sleepers or
modifying the existing ones.

The sleepers managed by the application are composed by alignments or

straight line branches. A sleeper is formed by an unique succession of

Sleeper creation

From the Stretch Tree Structure, select the option Definitions and then
Sleepers. Once in the Sleeper window, select the “Add” option”.

A new Sleeper is then generated without any branches. The name of such
sleeper is assigned by default but can be changed by the user.
The following step is to define the general parameters of the sleeper. All the
parameters are inserted in millimeter:

• Denomination: Defined by the user

• Height: Ballast height from the inside face of the sleeper (t). It is the
distance between the inside face of the sleeper, the one supporting in the
ballast, and the coronation of the ballast.
• Width: Total width of the sleeper. Used only if the geometry of the sleeper
is not defined, generating a rectangular sleeper.
• Ballast Depth: Minimum width of the ballast (b). Measured between the
crowning of the sub ballast and the inside face of the sleeper in the vertical
of the axis of the low rail track.

Then, the geometry of the sleeper is inserted, that will be used only for drawing
and plan effects. The parameters Height and Ballast Depth are the ones
really used for the calculation when elaborating a cross-section in each point.

For the definition of the geometry, a coordinates axes system is considered

situating the axis Y in the center of the sleeper and the axis X parallel to the
inside part of the sleeper and the height of the parameter defined as High.

Knowing the coordinates system, the different branches constituting the sleeper
will be inserted. For that, it will be necessary to insert the coordinates of each
point belonging to the poly-line representing the sleeper. Each change done
will be shown in the graphical zone.

When the data of a branch are inserted, select the “Add” option, that, in this
case, does not create a new sleeper but validate the existing one and proposing
a new one.

To delete a sleeper, select the title in the tree structure, and, a posteriori, select
the button “Delete”. To eliminate a branch of a sleeper, such branch will be
edited and then select the “Delete” option.

It is possible to export and import the definition of the sleepers through ASCII
files. The extension, by default, is TRAV.
Sleepers are also saved in the templates of the type sections customized by the

Tracks Definition

From the Stretch Tree Structure, select the option Definitions and then
Tracks. The Tracks are stored in TRB files and in ruling section files TTR.

There is no limitation regarding the number of tracks to be created, nor the

number of branches of each of them.

The window is divided in 3 different zones:

• Tracks list: All the defined tracks are shown in a Tree Structure. Each of
them has a name given by the user.
• Graphical window: Graphical visualization of selected track and its
• Data insertion zone: Several fields to fill in to create new tracks or
modifying the existing ones.

The tracks managed by the application are composed by alignments or straight

line branches. A track is formed by an unique succession of segments.

The only parameter necessary for geometric calculation is the rail track
This parameter is being measured from the application point of the subgrade
of the design (that is always being taken in the track under it) until the
elevation where the coronation of the ballast is.

Afterwards, the track geometry is inserted, that will be used only for drawing
and plan effects. The previous parameters are the ones considered for the
calculation when elaborating the cross-section at each mileage point.

For the definition of the geometry, a coordinates axes system is considered

situating the axis Y in the center of the track and the axis X parallel to the
inside part of the sleeper and at the height of the basis of the track, a the
height defined by the parameter defined as High of the sleeper from its basis.

 This way, and only for drawing effects, the parameter to be inserted in
the ballast table named “Track width” does not correspond to the track
width (measured between the inside faces of the track lanes). This
parameter must be inserted as a separation between track axes.

Data are inserted in millimeters.

It is possible to export and import the definition of the tracks through ASCII
files. The extension, by default, is CARR.

Tracks are also saved in the templates of the type sections customized by the

8.3.6 Canal Stretch cross-section parameters

The different geometrical characteristics from the Road Stretch cross-section

are shown here under. The similar ones, such as clearing, filling, gutter, etc…
remain valid.
It is important to remember that in order to select an Canal stretch, previously,
the created axis has to be selected as Canal.

The cross-section is composed by a group of straight lines defined by their

dimension projected over the horizontal (width) and for its distance projected to
the vertical (depth). The number of stretches to use will be 8.

a) Canal Widths

Data from the Canal Width can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The Global data folder corresponding to the Canal width is the following:
The transition between the values of the different Km of the table is done
linearly. This way, if it is required to do a big change in the cross-section, it is
necessary to insert two consecutive Km with a mileage difference of 1 mm.

The Canal width is measured in meters and will always be positive.

Hereunder is an explained schemas:

b) Canal Depths

Data from the Canal depth can be determined globally through the Global Data
window or in a variable way through the corresponding table.

The Global data folder corresponding to the Canal depth is the following:
The Canal depth is measured in meters and will be positive if the branch
increases and negative otherwise.

Hereunder is an explained schemas:

8.3.7 Gutters Definition

From the Stretch Tree Structure, select the option Definitions and then Gutters,
or CONTROL + D. The Gutters are stored in TRB files and in type section files

There is no limitation regarding the number of gutters to be created, nor the

number of branches of each of them.
The window is divided in 3 different zones:

• Gutters list: All the defined Gutters are shown in a Tree Structure. Each of
them has a name given by the user.
• Graphical window: Graphical visualization of selected gutter and its
• Data insertion zone: Several fields to fill in to create new gutters or
modifying the existing ones.

The Gutters are formed by alignments or straight line branches.

Each of the branch is defined by an increase in the magnitude measured over

the horizontal and another over the vertical. The horizontal magnitudes are
always positive while the vertical can be negatives.
This way, the gutter definition is valid for the right margin as well as for the left
margin of the work, considering that the increases will be considered as
positives (right) or negatives (left)

Gutter creation

To create a new gutter, follow these steps:

1. Select the text “Gutter” in the corresponding zone in the “Gutter list” and
a posteriori select the button “add”.
2. At this moment, it is possible to modify the name of the gutter to be
included in the catalogue.
3. The boxes of “Increase Distance” and “Increase of elevation” have, by
default, the 0 value. The user must insert the corresponding values to
the first branch of the gutter.
4. Select newly the “Add” option button and it can be observe the graphical
representation of the gutter that is being defined. The numerical data of
the branch defined are viewed in the folder “Gutter list” and in the boxes
of “Increase Distance” and “Increase of elevation” are the data of the
second branch to be defined, by default (0,0).
5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated to define each branch of the gutter, and
once finalized, select the “Accept” option.

If it is required to correct the values of any branch forming a defined gutter,

it is necessary to select such branch from the “gutter list”. At this moment,
the values of such branch in the boxes “Increase Distance” and “Increase of
elevation”, boxes where the user can make the required modifications.

If it is required to add a new gutter, repeat the five previous steps.

Gutter Characteristics

The localization or position of a gutter in the cross-section was seen in the

chapter of the gutters table.
There are different branches constituting the gutter as well as important points
signaled with different marks.

• Active branch: Final point of the branch for edition in a determined

• Control point: Final point of one of the branches that will be used by the
program to determine if the cross-section is in clearing or filling in each

If any part of the gutter, until reaching the considered point of control, is under
the active land, the application will consider it in clearing and the gutter will be
considered, otherwise (above the active land), the gutter will not be considered.
• Gutter adjusted to subgrade: Adjust the gutter position to the elevation
defined by the subgrade independently of the platform.

To select such option, it is necessary to select the control box with the title
“Gutter adjusted to subgrade”.

There are 4 possible allocations for the subgrade:

- Right Road
- Left Road
- Right Gutter
- Left Gutter

If there is any subgrade with right or left gutter allocation, the gutter adjusted
to the subgrade, applied to the cross-section, will extend its first decreasing
branch until the elevation defined by this subgrade at each Km.

A posteriori, the gutter will be ended and a clearing zone slope will be assigned.
• Gutter adjusted to Clearance: This possibility defines, in the clearances
table from the type section, distances in determined mileage points doing
lateral clearings.

These lateral clearings, measured from the separation road-hard shoulder, are
used to improve the visibility in curves or in order to obtain zones of bigger
clearing volumes.

In order to have a gutter adjusted to the clearance, it is necessary to select the

option “Gutter adjusted to Clearance”. A posterior, it is necessary to decide
which branch of the ones defining the gutter will be the one absorbing the size
difference so that each Km has guaranteed the clearance defined in the
clearances table.

These clearings vary linearly between the different Km’s and can be different
from left to right.

 It is very useful to design a gutter with a final branch of slight slope. This
branch can be selected as Adjustment bar. This branch will be more or
less large depending on the distances of clearing defined.

Hereunder are given two images, generated with the 3D viewing module
included in the CLIP, showing the aspect of a curve without clearing with gutter
and another one with clearing.
Obviously, the second solution ensures bigger visibility distances.

Curve without clearing

Curve with clearing

Gutter Creation

To create a new gutter, from the Stretch Tree Structure, select the option
Definitions and then Gutters and then “Add”.

A new gutter is then generated without any branch. The title being assigned by
default is “Gutter” more a correlative number according to the number of
gutters from the Tree.

In the field name, it is possible to modify the title assigned.

The following step consists in defining the different branches constituting the
gutter. For that, it is necessary to insert a horizontal and vertical increase of the
edited branch in the corresponding fields. Each time a field is changed, the
gutter will be drawn again, adjusting itself to the graphical window.

The data are inserted in meters.

When the data of a branch have been inserted, it is necessary to select the
“Add” option, that, at this time does not create a new gutter but validate the
designed branch and proposing the following one.
To delete a gutter, check over the title in the Tree and, a posteriori, select the
“Delete” option. To erase a branch from the gutter, it is necessary to edit such
branch, and then delete it.

Gutters import and export

To create a new gutter, from the Stretch Tree Structure, select the option
Definitions and then Gutters and then “Import” or “Export” through an ASCII

By exporting Gutters, the name of the file will be asked and its extension will be

By importing a file of gutters, it is necessary to select which gutters need to be


The importation is done only in the active stretch.

8.3.8 Slope Types Definition

From the Stretch Tree Structure, select the option Definitions and then
Slopes, or CONTROL + L.

The Slopes are stored in TRB files and in ruling section files TTR.

Hereunder is the window defining the slope types window:

There is no limitation regarding the number of gutters to be created, nor the
number of branches of each of them.

The management, creation, modification and delete of slope types is done

identically than the gutter.

The parameter “top” from the window permits that, by building the section, the
slope is developed from the superior part in the connection with the land
instead of developing it from the final of the gutter (inferior part).

The top slope type is developed until cutting with the gutter. If the slope does
not get to cut the gutter, it will be extended with the closing slope inserted in
the data of the slopes table.

With the buttons of the inferior part “Import” and “Export”, it is possible to
exchange files of definition of slope types through ASCII files.

The extension, by default, of the files of slope type is TATI.

This way, it is possible to use the slope types defined by a TRB to another file.

8.4 Cambers Generation

The CLIP program is able to generate the road cambers accordingly to the
National Instruction.

In the generation, the tables Radius-Camber imposed by the Instruction are


For the application of the present norm, the camber (p) will be established
according to the following criterions:

• Group 1) Highways, fast roads and Roads C-100:

250 < R < 700 p=8

p = 8 - 7,3 (1 -
700 < R < 5000
5000 < R < 7500 p=2
7500 < R Camber

• Group 2) Roads C-20, C-60 and C-40:

50 < R < 350 p=7

p = 7 - 6,08 (1 -
350 < R < 2500
2500 < R < 3500 p=2
3500 < R Camber
• R = radius of the circular curve (m).
• P = camber (%). “

From the Stretch Tree Structure, select the option Generate Automatically and
then Cambers, then, we have the option of “Generate” or “Parameters”.

To generate automatically the cambers, select the option “Generate

cambers” from the “Generate Automatically” option contextual menu of
each one of the stretches.

The camber transition criterion’s used by CLIP are, according to the National
“The camber transition must be done with the combination of the three
following conditions:”
• Dynamical characteristics acceptable for the vehicle.
• Quick evacuation of the water from the road.
• Positive sensation and esthetic.

The camber variation requires a minimum length, so that it does not overcome
a defined maximum value of inclination that any edge of the road can have
regarding the one of the turning axis of camber.

For application of the current Norm, such inclination will be limited to a

maximum value (ip max) defined by the equation:

Ip (max) = 1,8 – 0,01 Vp

• Ip (max) = maximum inclination of any edge of the road regarding its
proper axis (%).
• Vp = project velocity (km/h)

The length of the stretch of transition of the camber Will have therefore a
minimum value defined by the equation:

L (min) = Pf – Pi/Ip (max) * B

• L (min) = minimum length of the stretch of transition of the camber (m).
• Pf = Final camber with its sign (%).
• Pi = Initial camber with its sign (%).
• B = Distance of the edge of the road to the turning axis of the camber (m).
The CLIP program considers as project velocity and as distance from
the edge of the road to the turning axis of the camber, the ones
defined in the general data of the stretch. From these values are
deduced the minimum length of camber transition.

The instruction also says that:

“The camber transition will be done in the straight alignment and immediately
before the input tangency, in a maximum length (L) of forty meters (40 m) in
roads of the group 1 and in the maximum length of twenty meters (20m) in
roads of group 2, and in the following way:

• Platform with two slopes: The camber will be maintained in the platform
side that has the same direction than the posterior camber, with transition
in the side with opposite direction to the camber.
• Road with unique slope of the same direction than the posterior
camber: the camber will be maintained until the beginning of the clothoid.
• Road with unique slope with opposite direction to the posterior
camber: Transition of the camber over the whole platform.

The camber transition will be done linearly from the point of inflexion of the
clothoid (camber null) until the camber corresponding to the circular curve
(tangency point), as long as the two percent (2%) is reached in a maximum
length of forty meters (40m), for roads of the group 1, and twenty meters
(20m) for roads of the group 2. If the previous was not possible, the camber
transition will be done in the two following stretches:

• From the point of inflexion of the clothoid (camber null) to the two percent
(2%) in a maximum length of forty meters (40m), for roads of the group 1,
and twenty meters (20m) for roads of the group 2.
• From the point of camber two percent (2%) to the camber corresponding to
the circular curve (tangency point), the camber will increase linearly.

From all this, it is possible to deduce the maximum lengths of

transition to adopt. The group (1 or 2) to the which belongs the
considered road is another data that is found in the definition of the
general data of the stretch, and therefore, the maximum lengths are
being calculated by the program automatically.

Any solution in the camber transition, from the minimum and

maximum would be acceptable. The CLIP will always use the
maximum length of transition. It is the one that, according to the
prescriptions of the Instruction, ensure a quick evacuation of the

Hereunder are the remaining characteristics from the Instruction

corresponding with the manner of generating the cambers of the
“Generally, the camber transition will be developed along the curve of transition
in ground (clothoid) in two stretches, having made the transition previously the
existing camber in the opposite direction to the definitive camber.

In the case of straight alignment unified to a circular curve, the transition of

camber will be done over the straight alignment.

In the case of two curves (2) of transition of different directions, between the
which there is a straight line with length minor than two hundreds meters
(200m) in the roads of the group 1 and one hundred and fifty meters (150m)
for the roads of group 2, the camber transition of minus two percent (-2%) to
the two percent (+2%) will be done in the maximum length of eighty meters
(80m) and forty meters (40m) respectively, centered in the straight line. The
transition of the rest of the camber will be done from the given points, linearly
up to the value of the camber corresponding to the immediate circular curve.

In the exceptional case of two curves of transition in the same direction, in

which there is a straight line with length minor of three hundreds and forty
meters (340m) in the roads of the group 1 and two hundreds and twenty
meters (220m) in the roads of the group 2, the camber will be maintained of
the two percent (2%) in the same direction than the transition curves, between
the points of curvature radius fife thousands meters (5000m) for the roads of
the group 1 and two thousands and fife hundreds meters (2500m) for the roads
of the group 2 of such curves of transition. The transition of the rest of the
camber will be done from the points indicated previously linearly until the
camber value corresponding to the immediate circular curve.

If the length of the circular curve is minor of 30 meters (30m), the stretches of
camber transition will move so that there will be a stretch of thirty meters
(30m) will constant transversal slope and equal to the corresponding camber to
the radius of the circular curve or to the radius of curvature of the clothoid, if
these ones are of vertices.

When the value of Ip (max) is incompatible with the maximum length of

transition of camber specified previously, this last condition will be the one to

Hereunder are graphs of cambers transitions according to the Instruction to

show the way that the CLIP generates such transitions:
The Instruction also indicates in the chapter “Camber Transition”, that:

“When the camber transition is done along a transition curve, its length must
respect the minimum length derived from the complying of the limitation
established in the chapter of the present norm.”

Such chapter indicates that:

“For the application of the present norm, the variation of the transversal slope
will be limited to a maximum of four percent (4%) per second for velocity
specified of the circular curve associated to a minor radius.”

If the formula of such variation is developed:

Әp/Әt = P/L*Әs/Әt = P/L*Ve/3,6 <= 4%

And, therefore:

Lmin = Ve*P/14,4


Lmin = minimum length of the clothoid in meters.

Ve = specific velocity of the circular curve associated to minor radius. Measured
in km/h.
P = Camber variation in %.

This point is also considered in the CLIP when the parameter of the clothoid is
proposed in the ground geometry edition. If the imposed clothoid by the user is
inferior, regarding its development, to the length calculated applying the
Instruction parameters, such parameter will appear in red color. It will also
appears in red if the length is inferior to the one given by the program

• Limitation of variation of the centrifuge acceleration in the horizontal plan.

• Conditions of visual perception.

The program, according to the Instruction, by generating the cambers

automatically adopts a length of transition of camber between the maximum
and minimum according to the specifications of the Instruction. By default, the
program will consider the minimum length possible of transition in order to
allow a quick evacuation of the waters.

The user, through the Cambers table of the contextual menu of the Stretch,
can access to the following parameters:
• Transition point length: if the value is inferior to the minimum value fixed
by the instruction, the program will adopt the minimum value. If it is the
value is superior to the maximum value, it takes the maximum value. (in
• Road width: Calculation of one of the minimum values of camber transition
length. Show the distance of the road edge to the turning axis of the
camber. (in meters)
• Transition value: Gives the required vanishing. By default, 2%.
• Camber Radius Table: the camber of each radius in ground alignment.

8.5 Off-Axis Lines Generation

The automatic generation of Off-Axis lines is the representation of the

characteristic lines of a linear work in the graphical window of the ground
alignment. These lines are off-axis lines, and as for any other draw, will appear
in the ground plans.

In order to choose this option, select the contextual menu of the Stretch in the
Tree Structure, option “Generate Automatically” and then “Off-Axis
The lines that can be shown are

- For the road stretch: Axis, Median, Road and Hard Shoulder.
- For the urban stretch: Axis, Inside edge, Road, Parking and Hard-
- For the railway stretch: Axis and tracks.
- For the Channel stretch: Axis and Channel width.

The data used in order to represent the lines are taken from the tables of the
stretch cross-section.

The user can configure the pen color for the representation of each of the

As the management of off-axis lines is open, it is possible that, previously to the

automatic generation there are already existing ones in the stretch, so there is
a checking box – Remove Off-axis lines generated, that, if selected, will borrow
all the existing off-axis lines before creating the new ones. Otherwise, the new
ones will be added to the existing ones.

 By creating a new axis, the system generates an off-axis line showing

the geometry of such axis. If, a posteriori, off-axis lines are generated in
a stretch created form it, it is necessary to consider that the axis would
have two off-axis lines, the primitive one and the one generated
automatically, so that in this case it is recommended to select the
checking box not to draw to off-axis elements at the same position.
Nevertheless, to draw to off-axis lines in the same position is not a
problem for the program.

The data used to show the lines are taken from the table of the
stretch cross-section.
8.6 Tracks and Acceleration and Deceleration Slopes

The CLIP program is able to calculate and generate, automatically, tracks and
acceleration and deceleration slopes between two tracks, according to the
national standards.

In the calculation are considered the main track geometry, in the ground and
elevation profile, and the project velocity of both tracks.

The system makes the calculation of the lengths of the corresponding wedge
and track by giving to the user the singular mileage points such as the
tangency of the branch, hard shoulder intersections, characteristic section of
1m, main stretch tangency Km, track final Km and final Km of the wedge.

Apart from informing over the length of the wedge and track, it is permitted to
modify these calculated values manually so that the system would build the
change according to the user requirements.

Once validated all the parameters, the main track can be seen modified,
automatically, its cross-section in order to superpose the new track from the
start of the wedge up to the point of tangency of the junction with the main
The system also generates the corresponding off-axis lines so that the deviation
remains perfectly showed in the ground representation.

In order to finalize the work, the subgrade to the junction has to be designed.

Steps to follow:

• Branch generation : alignment or tangent importation (to the main track).

• The branch mileage has to be modified (recommended) in the
tangency point (ex: Km+1000, km + 2000, etc…)
• Branch stretch generation.
• Make Track: selection from the stretch contextual menu “Generate
Automatically” and “Make Track”.

- Main stretch & Reading Station: Tangent Axis to the junction Title. It can
be an acceleration or deceleration track. The deceleration track is placed
at the tangency with the main track and the reading station is at the
beginning of the junction (Initial Reading Station). The acceleration track
is placed at the tangency with the secondary track and the reading
station is at the final of the junction (Final Reading Station).
- Create off-axis lines of the Main Stretch and branch: By activating this
box, once the lengths calculation done, the program will generate
automatically the off-axis lanes of each of the axes.

Each time a track is generated, there is a new window of generation to

calculate a new one. To finalize the tracks generation, select the button Close.

When selecting the button Accept, a window such as the one given hereunder
is showed, informing about the data and result of the track and wedge
Cells with white background are editable, so the value can be modified by the

The user can also modify directly such length without considering the
calculation. This way, tracks and wedges are generated customized without
considering the national standards.

By selecting the “Accept” option, if the option “Create the Frustum and
branch Off-Axis lines” was checked, there is a window asking for the pen
colors that will be given to the off-axis lines of the main Frustum and branch 1,
representing the lines of the axis, median, road and hard shoulder.

With this window, there is the possibility to remove the existing off-axis lines,
which is recommended to activate the first time in each branch so that the
automatic generation is complete.

The operation of generation of tracks and wedges affect the Main Frustum
section, so that, from the beginning of the wedge until the Km of tangency with
the branch, the cross-section is automatically modified in order to include the
new track.

In the generation, the off-axis elements created automatically are also affected.
In the case of the Main Frustum, there are two types of off-axis lines, the ones
in grey color and the ones in black color.

The ones given in grey color are the ones generated automatically, showing the
modifications in the cross-section of the stretch. The off-axis lines will not be
deleted in future tracks generation with other branches, even if the box
“Remove off-axis lines generated” is checked.

The ones given in black color are the ones modified or generated manually or
by other processes (off-axis lines generation) by the user. These off-axis
lines will be deleted if the box “Remove off-axis lines generated” is checked
in the generation of successive tracks with the considered stretch.

• Branch subgrade generation: To finalize the design, it is necessary to

create subgrades of the different branches. For that, it is useful to do a
joining of the land of the branch with the different Frustums and branches
that can be affected.

This way, the new longitudinal that is given serves as a guide to define with
total precision the different vertices of the subgrade.

8.7 Visibility Study

It is possible to make an automatic visibility study giving information about the

stopping distance, comparison with visibility distance and, if necessary, the
missing distance in order to respect the national standards depending on the
type of road.

In the same study the causes of visibility limitation are exposed, and the user
can modify the height and the observer and obstacle positions.

In order to access to this menu, select the “Visibility Study” option from the
stretch contextual menu.
The following parameters are required:

• Initial Reading Station: Initial Km of the study.

• Final Reading Station: Final Km of the study. The initial and final reading
stations define the selected way of the visibility study.
• Observer Height: Height over the road, in meters, at the observer
position. The by default value is 1.1 meter.
• Object Height: Object height that must divide the observer, which will be
0.2 meter by default.
• Distance to the Edge of the Road: Observer and Object Ground position
in the road being 1.5 meter by default.
• Calculation Interval: Interval used between two reading stations in the
visibility study. This will affect as well the results, as, for maximum, will
issue the listing with this equidistance between Km.
• Minimum distance: Obstacle distance in order to do the calculation.
- If there is visibility at such minimum distance and it is superior to the
stopping distance according to the national standards, the profile is
correct and the study goes to the next reading station. In the results
listing, there will be no information regarding this Km.
- If there is no visibility, the obstacle would get closer to the observer in
order to do the calculation where the visibility starts. In the results
listing, this Km would appear as its visibility is inferior to the minimum
distance. The maximum visibility distance would also be mentioned.
- At any case, if the stopping distance is inferior to the visibility, this
incidence is shown in the results.
- For the calculation of maximum visibility at each Km, a very high value is
required to be inserted in order to start the estimation from such
• Clearance: It is the distance, measured in meters from the road edge or
the slope feet, that will be considered as valid zone, as visibility factor at
each cross-section profile. It is considered that further to this distance, it
can’t be guaranteed the visibility due to buildings, factories, etc…
The “Out of Section” text will appear as a result.

If it is required to consider the whole width defined in each cross-section

profile, an equivalent or bigger number to the band width of such profiles will
be inserted.

In this image, it is possible to see that, with the traced visual, if the Clearing
parameter is being modified, the result of the visibility can be different.

With a shorter clearance, there will not be visibility for the studied distance. For
a bigger clearance, and when the visual will not be interrupted by the
orography of the cross-section profiles, yes there will be visibility.

The cross-section profiles that are “short”, because of lack in the cartography
for example, can cause distances of minor visibility, as if the visual is “out” of
them, in horizontal projection, the system alerts with the message “out”.

In order to do the calculation, the “Calculate” button must be selected. The

columns of the study that can be printed, through the “Print” button are the

• Reading Station: Km with visibility minor to the minimum distance or with

visibility inferior to the stopping distance defined by the national standards.
• Visibility: Maximum distance, in meters, to the which turns out visible the
obstacle from the indicated reading station.
• Last reading station: Last reading station from the observer position that
results from the sum of the Reading Station and the visibility.
• Stopping Distance: According to the National Standards, it is the distance
in meters traveled by a car before stopping as quickly as possible, measured
from the situation at the moment of the apparition of the object causing the
stop. Cover the distance traveled during the perception, reaction and
stopping times.
If the stopping distance is bigger than the visibility, the difference in meters
between both magnitudes is shown in red color. Even though the minimum
distance would be covered, if the stopping distance is superior to such
visibility, the difference would be shown.
• Does not comply: Text describing the reason why an equivalent visibility
to the minimum distance can’t be reached. It can be:
- Ground: The visibility is limited due to the ground alignment design. The
radius is too small or there is a Filling preventing such visibility.
- Outside the section: The visual intercepts, in ground projection, the
passage defined by the clearing line. The visibility can’t be guaranteed
out of this passage.
- Elevation profile: The visibility is limited due to the elevation design. The
Kv used is too small and therefore, the proper road is preventing the
- Median: Only in roads of double platform, the visibility can be reduced or
limited by the median zone. A message will alert in such cases.

8.8 Perspectives

As a complement to the visibility study, it is possible to obtain a virtual

perspective of the projected linear work in a point defined by the user.
It is also possible to go through the job through images and videos.

The perspective is given in a window independent to the ground, elevation

profile or cross-section ones.

To access to this option, select the option 3D at the Tool Bar. (See Chapter 11
– 3D Visualization Module).

8.9 Support. Widening and Improving.

8.9.1 Introduction

The project of widening and improving of an existing road, as well as the

support of roadbed require specific treatment, due to:

• Ground geometry: a part from improving the geometrical parameters, it is

necessary to make the most of the existing road.
• The subgrade: the project’s subgrade has to guarantee a determined
regularity , and search for the minimum consumption of material composing
the roadbed, respecting always the minimum thickness defined by the
project manager.
• The field data taking can be slow and dangerous, because the track
usually stays in use during project definition and execution.

- Ground geometry

The support case does not usually gives problems, because it adapts itself to
the existing geometry, without building new tracks nor improving existing

For widening and improving, it is necessary to emulate the existing geometry

for, starting from it, improving the linear work modifying its parameters. If we
are working over a cartography, the problem is reduced to design an axis
considering as a reference one of the two lines representing the road,
afterwards, we do an offset of such axis of half of the width of the existing

Over this axis, pertinent rectification and modifications are made.

If we take a taqueometer, the line taken in the field, that will serve as a
reference, can be either of the two bands.

- Cross-section profiles

The most important part to obtain from the field are the cross-section profiles.
The precision of each will provide us with a project of high quality, because it is
directly related to the roadbed measurement, most important part of the works

The cross-section profiles must contain the information of the existing road
edges. This is done through marks.

In a cross-section profile, there are two marks maximum, between which the
existing road will be considered, and therefore, there will not be vegetal earth.

The marks can be obtained:

. Field taken (Topography package).

. Automatically or manually situated with criterion defined in 7.4.5.
. Taken from the cartography. In CLIP, there are cartographic entities (Road
edges) that insert marks when obtaining cross-section profiles intercepting
such lines.
. Imported from TER file.

In many cases, these marks have to be offset not to consider the whole existing
road as roadbed lateral peripheral zones can be contaminated.
- The Subgrade

The subgrade design is the most important part of a support or widening and

The program allows two types of adjustment to the subgrade:

. Automatic adjustment: The program adjusts in each Km the subgrade

elevation so that the consumption of material is minimum. The final subgrade
will not have a geometry based on parabolic agreements, so that it will only be
acceptable when the road has no major deformations. It is also very useful for
roadbed volumes calculation and determine the minimum volume necessary.
. Subgrade inserted by the user: The user inserts the project subgrade. The
program will give special support to the Kms complying with the minimum
conditions of the support and don’t exceed the maximum.

There is another type of automatic adjustment that will be implemented soon

with the CLIP. This new type will consist in imposing a maximum deflection
permitted in 10 meters of road. The application generates automatically the
subgrade with the maximum deflection permitted by the user.

In a same work, it is possible to use different criterions inserting in the

corresponding table the mileage points where such change has to be made.

In this case, it is necessary to have special caution with the continuity of the
subgrade elevations.

8.9.2 Support, widening and improving parameters.

Select the Tree Structure, Global data window from the Stretch option.
The variable data are reachable, in the cross-section window, from the roadbed
Parameters to consider in this type of project:

• Support

This value can be NO (no support even if there are marks in cross-section
profiles), Echelon with (automatic) subgrade adjustment and Echelon without
subgrade adjustment (inserted by the user).

• Minimum support (Ref Min)

The support minimum thickness in meters. This thickness will be applied to the
extremities of the projected road if the mark defining the existing roadbed is
outside, and in the mark if the mark contains the width of the old road. If the
support in the road is inferior to this magnitude, no support will be provided.

• Maximum support (Ref Max)

The support maximum thickness in meters. It is used to check that no support

thickness superior to a die will be applied. . If the support in the road is
superior to this magnitude, no support will be provided.

 For maximum and minimum thickness, the hard shoulder zone isn’t
considered, only the road.

8.9.3 Echelon with adjustment

With this criterion, the inserted geometrical subgrade is not considered,

calculating the elevation of the subgrade, in each Km, so that the minimum
thickness between support marks and the extremities of the road of the new
platform is complied (Ref Min). It is also checked that the maximum thickness
for the same zone is minor or equal than Ref Max.

The program will trial the subgrade elevation so that in the critical point of the
old road, situated inside the width of the projected road, the Ref Min will be
applied, inserted by the user.

Logically, in the calculation, the new roadbed will be considered.

If the condition of support thickness condition is not complied between the

marks of the existing roadbed or there are no marks of the old roadbed defined
by the cross-section profile, we select the NO criterion, so that the subgrade
elevation is the one defined by the user.

 The final subgrade will not have a geometry based on parabolic

agreements and straight alignments, so that it will be acceptable only for
stretches of the road where such subgrade will not have big

 It is really convenient to do the first try in order to calculate, with this

criterion, the roadbed volume necessary as such value will be the
minimum required.

8.9.4 Echelon without adjustment

With this criterion the subgrade elevation inserted by the user is considered.

The program will check the Ref Min and Ref Max in all its Kms in the road zone.
If some of the conditions are not complied, there will be no support and the
criterion to use will be NO.

In order to work with this criterion, it is really important to visualize in the

subgrade graphical window the longitudinal profile of the corrected land. This
longitudinal represents the optimum subgrade to obtain, in each Km, the
minimum support with the designed roadbed.
In order to do so, it is needed to select the option “Change land” of the
subgrade contextual menu, selecting the “Adjusted Type”.
The new longitudinal appears automatically.

It is important as well to work with the Red Elevation Diagram, measured at

1 cm. This way, it will be possible to see graphically the elevation difference
between the projecting subgrade and the adjusted land.

If the diagram presents green color, we are supporting more than the indicated
in the minimum support box indication. As also, if the diagram is calibrated to
the centimeter, it can be observed the centimeters of additional thickness that
will be put.

The same way, if zones colored in red appear, it indicates the centimeters of
lack of support.

The roadbed calculation is detailed in the next chapter of the current manual.

8.10 Roadbed Volumes

The roadbed cross-section geometry is defined in the CLIP program through the
cross-section type, roadbeds, cambers and platform tables. (at each Km).

The roadbed volume is based on geometrical parameters calculation (done by

the program) such as the road superficies (m²), or the division line of the
length between the hard shoulder and the road (m). These parameters, being
multiplied by some factors provided by the user, give the volume
measurement of the different layers of the roadbed as well as the irrigation

The calculation global result permits to give details, at defined intervals by the
user, the parameters measurement and the global summary of layers and
irrigation volumes.

8.10.1 Parameters used in the roadbed volume

With the CLIP, it is possible to calculate the volume of two different types of
roadbed; the road roadbed and the urban section roadbed. Hereunder are
explained the different parameters used by the program for each type of
roadbed volume calculation, and that will be multiplied by the factors inserted
by the user.

• Parameters for road

- Left and right interior bands length: it is the length of the lines defining
the median extremities (interior white lines) between two consecutive
mileage points. If the widths of the semi-medians are null, the value of
such measurement will be null as well.
- Left and right road superficies (m²): for each, it is the sum of the road
superficies and the superficies of the corresponding interior hard
shoulder between two consecutive mileage points.
- Left or right exterior band length (m): it is the length of the separation
line between the road and the hard shoulder, to the left or the right of
the axis between two consecutive mileage points.
- Left or right hard shoulder superficies (m²): superficies of the exterior
hard shoulder to the left or right of the axis between two consecutive
mileage points. The berm is not included in the superficies.
- Roadbed volume (m³): Total roadbed volume between two consecutive
mileage points.

The lengths are measured according to the development of a line offset from
the ground alignment axis. The superficies and volumes are being calculated
accumulating the semi-sum of each of the two consecutive values, multiplied
per the distance of its gravity center.

• Parameter for urban section

This catalogue permits the volume calculation of the roadbed different layers
such as cycle lane, parking zone and road, from the left and right sides of the

The criterion and philosophy of volume calculation of this catalogue is the same
as the one of the roads, except that there are factors of superficies and length
adapted to this type of section.

Many factors have been included even if actually only these factors are being
considered to do the calculation.

- Cycle lane superficies (m²): superficies of the bicycle zone for bicycles
exterior to the left or right of the axis between two consecutive mileage
- Parking superficies (m²): parking superficies to the left or right of the
axis between two consecutive mileage points.
- Road superficies (m²): axis left and right road superficies between two
consecutive mileage points.

The superficies and volumes are being calculated accumulating the semi-sum of
each of the two consecutive values, multiplied per the distance of its gravity

8.10.2 Roadbeds Catalogue

In order to do the volume calculation of the different roadbed layers, a

catalogue is defined in which some factors (numbers) are set, depending on the
type of roadbed to use. These factors are applied by multiplying to the
measurements of the anterior matter, in order to obtain the different layers

The roadbeds catalogue is saved in the TRB file. An external file with CAT
extension can also be imported or exported.

The roadbeds catalogue included in the job can host different roadbeds, and a
stretch can be defined with several of them.

The options for roadbeds catalogue can be found in the contextual menu of the
Job Edit option in the Tree Structure.

The available options are:

• Edit: Edit the current roadbeds catalogue in order to add new roadbeds,
erase them, correct them, etc…
• Import (CAT): Import a roadbeds catalogue file with CAT extension.
• Export (CAT): Export a roadbeds catalogue file with CAT extension.
 It is possible to import several CAT files in a same work. This way, all
the stored roadbeds from the different files are gathered in a single

By selecting the following edit option, a window such as the following one is

Each roadbed is identified by a name or number, and in each one the different
layers and irrigation to be measured are set.

In the bottom part of the window there are buttons for “Add”, “Delete” and
“Copy” options for entire roadbed and other buttons for “Add”, “Delete” and
“Copy” options of the layer or active line in the same roadbed, as well as the
“Print” option.

Road Roadbed Catalogue

The headers of the columns are:

• Description: maximum 20 characters.

• F.l.b.i.i. & F.l.b.i.d. Factor to be multiplied by the left and right
interior bands length (m²): This factor must be the area, in m², of the
layer part exceeding the limit of each interior hard shoulder (overflow of the
layer through the median). As it is a constant value along the ground axis,
by multiplying it by the length of the inside bands, the volume of the layer is
obtained, due to such overflows.
• F.l.b.e.d. & F.l.b.e.i. Factor to be multiplied by the left and right
exterior bands length (m²): With this factor, the volume calculation is
done for the different layer parts that can’t be assigned directly to the roads
or hard shoulders. It will be the sum of the overflow areas exceeding the
exterior extremities of the hard shoulders and the overflow of the layers
affecting the roads and have a constant part in the hard shoulder.
Multiplying this factor by the right or left exterior band length, we have the
overflow volumes.
• F.s.c.i & F.s.c.d. Factor to be multiplied by the superficies of the left
and right roads (m): Include the interior hard shoulders. This factor
coincide with the layer thickness (if the layer affects the whole road). By
multiplying such factor by the roads superficies, we obtain the layer volume
between the interior hard shoulders extremities and the roads exterior
• F.s.a.i & F.s.a.d. Factor to be multiplied by the left or right hard
shoulder superficies (m): This factor has the same meaning than the
factor to be multiplied by the roads superficies, but for the layers affecting
the right or left hard shoulders.
• F.s.r. Factor to be multiplied by the Support superficies (m): This
factor has the same meaning than the factor to be multiplied by the roads
superficies, but is only used in Support and Widening and Improving of
existing roadbed works. The cross-section profile must have two special
marks showing the roadbed useable zone.
• Type: Its value can be Vol or Sup and is used to indicate that the line of
the roadbed definition corresponds with the layer volume or with the
irrigation superficies between the two adjacent layers. (m³ or m²).

In the summary of roadbed measurement, the text m³ or m² will be printed.

To do the superficies measurements, the previous values are inserted in m if

the multiplier is a linear measure and by 1 if it is directly a superficies.

Urban section Roadbed Catalogue

In the urban roadbeds catalogue, there are many factors. From all of them,
only the following ones will be seen:

• Description: maximum 20 characters.

• F.s.c.b.i. & F.s.c.b.d. Factor to be multiplied by the left or right
bicycle track (m): This factor coincides with the layer thickness. By
multiplying such factor by the bicycle tracks superficies, we obtain the
volume of the layer located just under such zone.
• F.s.a.p.i. & F.s.a.p.d. Factor to be multiplied by the left and right
parking zone superficies (m): This factor coincides with the layer
thickness. By multiplying such factor by the parking zone superficies, we
obtain the volume of the layer located just under such zone.
• F.s.c.i. & F.s.c.d. Factor to be multiplied by the left and right road
superficies (m): This factor coincides with the layer thickness. By
multiplying such factor by the road zone superficies, we obtain the volume
of the layer located just under such zone.

Print Roadbeds Definition Listing

In the inferior window of the existing roadbed catalogue window, there is a
“Print” version, permitting to issue the edited roadbed definition listing.

General Example

Hereunder is given an example of calculation of the factors for a type of


It is guessed that in the outside extremities of the hard shoulders the roadbed
layers are extended until to slope 1/1. It is also supposed that the subgrade is
parallel to the platform. If it was not this way, the last layer would not be
inserted, which volume would be calculated as negative as difference between
the total volume and the sum of the volumes of each layer calculated by the
program. The calculation is done for the most complete case, a highway.

The layers forming the roadbed are:

- Layer 1: Tread layer: bituminous mix.

- Layer 2: Intermediate layer: bituminous mix.
- Layer 3: Base layer: bituminous mix.
- Layer 4: Artificial graded aggregate.
- Layer 5: Artificial graded aggregate.
- Layer 6: Natural graded aggregate.

The following draw gives a schemas of this type of roadbed:

In the following draws, the right road is designed and it is guessed that the left
road is symmetric to it.

Layer 1:
This layer has a thickness of 0.06 meters and affects the roads and hard
shoulders. Therefore, the following factors to multiply by the areas of road and
hard shoulder will be obtained:

fsci = fscd = 0.06 (1)

fsai = fsad = 0.06 (2)

To make the spill situation volume calculation (3) & (4), it is necessary to insert
the areas of the triangles (3) & (4) in the factors to be multiplied by the lengths
of the inside and outside bands respectively.
Such factors are the following ones:

flbii = flbid = (0.06*0.06)/2 = 0.0018 (3)

flbei = flbed = 0.0018. (4)

Layer 2:

This layer has a thickness of 0.06 meters and affects the roads and hard
shoulders. Therefore, the following factors to multiply by the areas of road and
hard shoulder will be obtained:

fsci = fscd = 0.06 (2)

fsai = fsad = 0.06 (3)

The areas of the trapezes (1) & (4) are factors to be multiplied by the lengths
of the inside and outside bands respectively. Their values are the following
flbii = flbid = (0.06*0.06)/2 + 0.06*0.06 = 0.0054 (1)
flbei = flbed = 0.0054. (4)

Layer 3:

This layer is formed by other two from the same material, of thickness 0.08 and
0.15 meters respectively. It affects only the roads (2) & (5). It has spilling
situation in the zone of outside hard shoulders (3) & (6) and is extended until
the inside slope of the roadbed (1) & (4). The values of the factors are:

Superficies factors:

Fsci = fscd = 0.08 + 0.15 = 0.23 (2) & (5)

Fsai = fsad = 0

Length factos:

[3] = (0.2+0.11+0.11) * 0.08 + (0.08*0.08)/2 = 0.0368

[6] = (0.2+0.11+0.11+0.08+0.05) * 0.15 + (0.15*0.15)/2 = 0.0938
Flbei = flbed = [3] + [6] = 0.0368 + 0.0938 = 0.1306
[1] = (0.06+0.06) * 0.08 + (0.08*0.08)/2 = 0.0128
[3] = (0.06+0.06 +0.08) * 0.15 + (0.15*0.15)/2 = 0.0413
Flbii = flbid = [1] + [4] = 0.0128 + 0.0413 = 0.0541

Layers 4 & 5:
The Layer 4 affects the roads (2) and has spill situations until the inside slopes
and in the outside hard shoulders (1) & (3) respectively, has a thickness of 0.2
meters. The layer 5 affects only the outside hard shoulders (4) and has a spill
situation until the outside slopes of the roadbed. In this layer, it is necessary
not to consider the part of the hard shoulder occupied by the layer 3. It is
inserted as factor to multiply by the length of the external band with negative
sign (-0.1306).

This layer has a thickness of 0.23 meters. The factors of these two layers have
the following values:

Superficies factors:

fsci = fscd = 0.2 (2)

fsai = fsad = 0.23 (4)

Length factors:

Flbii = flbid = (0.06+0.06+0.08+0.15) * 0.2 +(0.2*0.2)/2 = 0.09 (1)

[3] = (0.2+0.11+0.11+0.08+0.05+0.15+0.1)*0.2+(0.2*0.2)/2 = 0.18
[5] = (0.06+0.06) *0.23 + (0.23+0.23)/2 = 0.0541
Flbei = flbed = [3] +[5] – 0.1306 = 0.1035

Layer 6:

This layer only affects the outside hard shoulders (1), taking off the part of the
layer 4 that affects the hard shoulder (-0.18) and the spill situations until the
outside slopes of the roadbed (2). Its thickness is of 0.2 meters. The values of
the factors are the following ones:

Superficies factors:

Fsci = fscd = 0
Fsai = fsad = 0.2

Length factors:
Flbii = flbid = 0
[2] = (0.06+0.06+0.08+0.15)*0.2+(0.2*0.2)/2 = 0.09
Flbei = flbed = [2] -0.18 = -0.09

In this example, it has been considered a symmetric platform regarding the

ground axis. For this reason, the factors to multiply by the superficies of hard
shoulders to the left and to the right and the factors to multiply by the outside
left and right lengths coincide. If the platform was not symmetrical, as for
example the case of a junction with left hard shoulder different than the right
shoulder, such factors would not be equivalent. If the median was null, the
lengths of the inside bands would have as value 0, so that, the roadbed of the
example would be valid as well, in the case of semi-medians that would be null.

8.10.3 Considerations over the rest of the volume

The volume method of the distinct roadbed layers considers that the layers are
parallels to the platform. Once done the volume calculation of all the layers, we
add them and calculate the difference with the roadbed total volume. In this
difference is considered the last layer not included in the catalogue. There can
also be differences due to:

- If berms are defined, there are not included in the layers but in the total
roadbed volume calculation and is included in the remaining volume
- If roadbed slopes do not coincide with those defined in order to obtain
the overflow areas, the difference is included in the remaining volume
- If the cambers criterion is different from 0 in the sections type table,
there is a breakdown between the road and the hard shoulder, that is
not conserved in the subgrade, the difference is included in the
remaining volume calculation.
- If the subgrade criterion is 0 in the roadbeds table, not being parallel the
platform and the subgrade, a wedge under the last layer is produced,
which is also included in the remaining volume calculation.
- Due to the camber, there is a wedge of small volume under the roadbed
slopes that is not being calculated. Its value is included in the remaining
volume calculation.
- The volumes generated by the factors to be multiplied by the distinct
lengths are fixed values that do not depend of the hard shoulders width
nor the possible existing walls cutting the platform. If the widths of the
hard shoulders decrease the layers overflow area, this effect is not being
considered in the layers volumes calculation. In this case, it will be
necessary to study the zone in which this exists, varying the type of

8.10.4 Widening Volume calculation with existing roadbed exploitation

If there is an exploitation of an existing roadbed, the program does the volume
calculation of the layers of the support zone, giving a rest of volume as a
difference between the layers and the support volume calculations.

In order to calculate the volume of the support zone, it is necessary to define in

the land cross-section profiles the marks delimitating the exploitation zone of
the existing roadbed.

In the cambers table, the support criterions “Echelon with adjustment” or

“Echelon without adjustment” will be used.

With the first criterion, it is not considered the geometric subgrade inserted in
the stretch, calculating the subgrade elevation in order to comply with the
minimum thickness of the new platform between the support marks and the
road extremities being Ref Min and checking that the maximum thickness for
the same zone is minor or equal to Ref Max. If this second condition is not
complied, the roadbed exploitation is not considered, considering then subgrade
without support criterion. With this second criterion, the stretch geometry
subgrade elevation is being considered, checking the conditions of Ref Min and
Ref Max. If any of these conditions are not respected, the roadbed exploitation
will not be considered and the criterion subgrade without support will be

In the roadbed measurements listing, there are two more columns:

- Support Superficies (m²): Superficies between the support marks and

between every two consecutive mileage points of the list.
- Support volume (m³): Corresponding volume of the support between
two consecutive mileage points of the list.

The rest of the measurement of the list that have been explained earlier, if
there is a support, refer to the outside zones of such support. It means that, in
the case that the road or hard shoulders are in the inside zone of the support,
such part is not included in the measurement of the corresponding superficies.

With the criterions of support echelon with and without adjustment, it is

guaranteed a minimum thickness of support, being the sum of the thickness of
the layers of the support zone.
For these layers, in the roadbeds catalogue, a layer thickness has to be inserted
in the factor to be multiplied by the support superficies.

The volume calculation module calculates the volumes of these layers from this
factor and the support superficies. A same layer can have factors from the no
support part and from the support zone, calculating the volume of the total of
the layer. If it is required to obtain apart the support zone volume calculation, it
is necessary to insert a layer that will only have factor to multiply by the
support superficies.

If there are support zones, at the total of layers volumes calculation, it is shown
also the rest of support, being the difference between the total volume of
support and the sum of the volumes of each layer in such zone (representing
the volume of the support inferior layer).

In the roadbed with existing road exploitation volume calculation, it is possible

to apply the criterion of the lengths of the left and right exterior lines
(separating the road from the hard shoulder) are being considered when such
lines are not located between two marks representing the exploitable roadbed
or considering the total length of such lines for the roadbeds volume
calculation. For this, there is an option called “Include band between
roadbed volume calculation marks from the stretch roadbed volume
calculation window”.

8.10.5 Superficies Measurement (irrigation)

For irrigation measurements, the method is similar to what has been described
up to now, with the only difference that in the factors to be multiplied by the
affected superficies, the value is 1 instead of the layer thickness and in the
factors to be multiplied by lengths, the length of the affected zone by the
irrigation is inserted, instead of the overflow superficies. In this case, it is
necessary to define the layer with Sup (m²) measurement type in order to
avoid accumulation with the volume measurement.

8.10.6 Complete layers measurement

If the roadbed layers affect the whole surface of the platform up to the roadbed
slopes, the option “Overflows automatic calculation”.

In this type of measurement, only the thickness of the roadbed distinct layers
are inserted, starting from the roadbed superior part. The program calculates
the overflows depending of the roadbed slopes inserted in the roadbeds table,
considering them as factors to be multiplied by lengths. The remaining factors
are inhibited.

The remaining factors are inhibited such as it is shown in the following window:

8.10.7 Stretch roadbed association

To associate the different roadbeds contained in the catalogue, there are two

- Define a roadbed for the whole stretch inside the global values.
In the roadbed section, there is a box with name “Roadbed Type”
where a list can be shown with the roadbeds stored in the roadbeds
- Define a roadbed inside the roadbeds table of the cross-section,
modifying the last column “ Roadbed Type”. Showing such window, all
the roadbeds of the catalogue appear. This way, it is possible to divide
the trace to assign different roadbeds between the mileage points.
8.10.8 Roadbeds measurement listing

To issue the roadbeds measurement listing corresponding to a stretch, the

option “Roadbeds Volume calculation” of the corresponding contextual
menu is selected.

The required data are:

• Initial Reading Station: First mileage point of the calculation.

• Final Reading Station: Last mileage point of the calculation.
• Interval: Interval of results presentation. Si 0 is inserted, only the final
accumulated results are given.
• Curves correction: If selected, the calculation of the justification
parameters corrected by ground axis curve will be done.
• Include band inside marks: In volume calculation of roadbed with
existing road exploitation, the criterion that the lengths of the left and right
exterior lines, separating the road from the hard shoulder, are being
considered when these lines are not situated between two marks
representing the exploitable roadbed or considering the total length of such
lines for any roadbed volume calculations can be applied.
There is for this the option “Include band situated between marks in
roadbed volume calculation”.

By selecting the “Calculate” button, the program does the measurements

listing for each interval defined and accumulated from the origin. In this listing,
the characteristic Kms in which a change in the platform width is produced are
also considered. When this listing comes to a change in the roadbed, the
distinct layers volume calculations are summed up depending on the values of
the accumulated measurements and the parameters defined for such roadbed
in the roadbed catalogue option. Afterwards, the measurements at origin are
started and the listing is being followed.

It is possible to print the listing and it is also possible to issue different

stretches global roadbeds volume calculation listings simultaneously, from the
option “Print Listings/Roadbed Volume Calculation” from the contextual
menu of the Axis of the Tree Structure.

8.11 Executed Work

8.11.1 Introduction

This module object is to facilitate the work in order to do stretch land

movements measurements, month per month. For that, it is necessary that the
road stretch have all its elements defined.

The measurements consider the natural land cross-section profiles, the project
final situation cross-section profile and the cross-section situation at the
corresponding month.

The different situations to be considered are:

• Not started: Nothing has been done.

• Cleared land: The vegetable earth has been taken off. It is considered as
cleared land the fact to have taken off the vegetable earth in the thickness
defined in the stretch data.
• In execution. Elevations: The situation is defined as a profile formed by
points, the same way as the data from the stretch land cross-section. These
points don’t have to define the current complete cross-section profile. There
are series of automatisms completing the cross-section.
• In execution. Percentages: The situation is defined by percentage of
clearing and filling zones executed.
• Unpolished: It is considered as totally done the filling zone, the clearing
zone, the gutters and the refine of the clearing zones slope.
• Crowning trimming: Same as anterior point but with land coronation
• Finish: Same as anterior but with filling areas slope refined.

Data of each situation can be inserted in different ways:

• ASCII File reading (TER): These files contain the information of the
cross-section points per their distance to the axis and their elevations.
• Cartographic entities cut: Cross-section generation with cartographic
entities with elevation data.
• TOOL Curvado program model cut: Cross-section generation with
entities with models with triangles, contour lines, breaking lines, etc…
• Stretch model: Cross-section profiles from selected band model.
• Manual introduction of data: Manual introduction of the distances and
elevation of the points.

In the cases of not started, cleared, unpolished, trimming and finish, no any
other data is necessary to define the situation of the profile.

In the “In execution. Percentages”, the volumes are being calculated by

applying the corresponding percentage to the final theoretical situation.

In the “In execution. Elevations”, it is not necessary that the profile has two
points and defined by the axis. The profile of the executed work is being
completed automatically with the land profile and the final situation of the
project, up to the slope feet.

The following criterions are being considered:

• If the extremity point elevation of the executed work is between the one of
the land and the one of the box (cross section under roadbed) for such
distance of the axis, the executed work profile is extended horizontally to
the exterior, until cutting the land or the box and from this point it keeps on
to the exterior by the box or the land, until the corresponding slope foot.
• If the extremity point elevation of the executed work is out of the elevation
limits defined by the box (cross section under roadbed) and the land, it is
extended vertically until reaching the closest line (box or land) and it keeps
on to the exterior just as in the anterior point.
• If, between two consecutive points of the executed work profile, there is a
change of clearing zone to filling zone and also both points are inside the
limits defined by the box (cross section under roadbed) and the land, the
stretch of the executed work is build in between these two points, extending
horizontally to the land and joining by the land line.
Considering the three previous criterions, it is possible to define the profile of
the executed work, giving one sole point to the elevation in which are the filling
or clearing zones, or two points if it is a profile at mid-way between both zones.
This is very useful in case of the data being taken from the electronic pad or
total station as in such case, series of lines in the field from the which the
program obtains work cross-section profiles are taken. With this procedure, the
number of points needed to be taken in the field is reduced considerably.

The following schemas gives an example of data taking through lines:

In order to do the volume calculations, the three cross-section profiles are

being considered:
• Natural land cleared: it is the land profile, without the vegetable earth
thickness. The profiles collection defined as ACTIVE is taken.
• Final project situation: This is the line formed by the earth slopes, the
gutters and the esplanade. It is being calculated from the data inserted in
the different stretch tables.
• Executed work: Line defined by the data taken in the field, and completed
by factors from the criterions previously mentioned.

In the following draw, the three lines used by the program to do the corss-
section volume calculation is given:

Three different types of listing can be obtained:

• Executed work for certification: The executed volumes coinciding with

the project final situation are being calculated. The filling or clearing
excesses are not being considered.
• Work pending execution: The calculation is done for the rest to be
executed from the project final situation.

• Actually executed work: The volume calculation is done for what really
has been executed, calculating volumes defined by the three lines. These
calculations are:
Filling excess
Clearing excess
Excess filling in clearing
Excess clearing in filling
The data of each month are being kept in the different collections of the
Executed work.

The program permits to do plan of the cross-section profiles in which the

different execution situations are being shown.

8.11.2 Executed work land creation

For the first executed work measurement, a land will be created, selecting the
type of land to be created.

The typology, as explained in previous chapters, can be a band land (normal

profiles collection), Executed Work (generate a collection of Executed Work)
and Draining Work.

By selecting “Executed Work” option, the data in the inferior part of the
window will be activated, as references of the month and year of measurement
as well as the interval chosen to work in the Executed Work module.
Once validated the data, there is a new land in the Stretch Land structure, with
different reference “OE”, with date of creation (month and year).

The created land does not contain any data. The following step is to bring the
information for the first month.

8.11.3 Data importation in the executed work cross-section profiles

The data inserted in the Executed Work module can be given from different
sources that are detailed hereunder:

• PSO File Importation

In the contextual menu of the land of the executed work, import, PSO File.
In this file, there are the data taken on the field from the PSION topography
pack. These data are composed by situations for the different work profiles
• Land Acquisition in conventional way
The profiles collection of the executed work can be obtained from cartography
cuts, WTC land model, band model, ASCII file such as TER, etc…
All these options can be found in the acquisition contextual menu.

8.11.4 Work situation modification of each cross-section profile

Executed work cross-section profiles of the distinct situation edition.

This option is in the contextual menu of the executed work, “change

By getting in this option, the situation of the edited cross-section profile is given
and the possibility to modify it through the list.

The situation of the profile is also reflected at the bottom of the window.

If the situation is “elevations”, it enables to manipulate different points

(graphically and analytically) defining such measurement. All the functions to
modify the profile are activated. Each time a change is being made, the profile
is automatically being completed with the criterions previously detailed.

If the situation is “execution in percentages”, a window shows the values of

the distinct percentages( earth clearing, rock and transit and filling zones).

In the cases of not started, cleared, unpolished, trimming and finish, no

any other data is necessary to define the situation of the profile. In the option
“execution in percentages”, values of the different percentages can be

If we load information from a file such as PSO, TER, cartography, etc…the

program modifies automatically the loaded profiles situation being then
“elevations execution”.

There is also the option “Profiles Review” from the contextual menu,
informing of the state of all the cross-section profiles of the executed work,
gathered in stretches.

There is also the option to modify the situation, of all or several executed
work land profiles. The Command “Data” from the executed work land
contextual menu allows to show the window when introducing the initial and
final KM and the new situation of such profiles.
8.11.5 New month opening

From the Tree Structure in the Executed Work, the “Next period” option.

This option does a copy of measurement of the anterior month and creates a
new land of Executed Work type with new measurements.

This new land can have associated a different pen color than the remaining
lands of Executed Work, so that it is possible to generate plans of given
cross-sections profiles, per months, all the states of execution of the work.

8.11.6 Other options

There is an interesting option names “Complete profile”, so that the program

completes the cross-section of the Executed Work inserting all the breaking
points (calculation of distance and elevation). This collection of profiles can be
export to TER file afterwards.

This option can be applied for a single profile or for a zone between two KMs.

To complete a single profile, select the “Complete profiles” option from the
Executed Work menu in the same graphical window of the profile.

To complete a group of profiles, select the option Executed Work, “Complete

profiles” of the contextual menu of the Executed Work land from the Tree

8.11.7 Executed Work measurement listing

With this module we obtain the earth and areas volume calculations from the
different stretch profiles, with the possibility of issuing listing of Actually
executed work, Executed work for certification and Work pending

In order to access to the listings, select the option “Measurements” from the
Executed Work. There are two possibilities, listing of volumes or listing of areas.

• Volume listing:

The parameters asked firstly common to all listings are:

- Printer
- Printing range
- Number of copies
- Date
- Subtitle

Additionally, the following general parameters are asked:

- Initial and final KM: Only the volume calculation between these two
points will be considered for printing.
- Interval: For partial results.
- Show areas: As an option, we can have in the listing the areas of filling
zones, clearing zones of earth, of transit or rock.
- Curve correction: The obtained areas depending of the curve and
asymmetry of the section regarding the axis are being corrected.
- Use initial volumes: Define initial quantities to be accumulated with the
ones being calculated.
- Type of listing: Work really executed, Work pending to be executed and
Work executed to be certified.

- Actually Executed Work

Volumes are measured in cubical meters and areas in square meters.

- Work Pending Execution

Volumes are measured in cubical meters and areas in square meters.

- Executed Work for certification

Volumes are measured in cubical meters and areas in square meters.

8.12 Draining works

8.12.1 Draining work creation

The CLIP program permits to obtain land profiles shifted regarding the normal
of a ground axis.

These profiles are useful to project draining works, check if there is enough
space to implant it between the subgrade and the land, etc.

The draining works are situated in the Land folder of the Stretch tree
structure, once creating a new land (type of land to create).

The typology, as explained in previous chapters, can be a band land (normal

profiles collection), Executed Work (generate a collection of Executed Work)
and Draining Work.
Once the data validated, a new land appears in the land folder, with the OD
symbols, instead of TE for normal land collections.

The first time that a draining work land is created, the program asks for the
data to insert the first one.

There is then a window as the following one, where series of data are required.

The required data in order to create a draining work are:

• Name: Name or title associated to the draining work profile.

• X1, Y1: Coordinates of a point from the cutting alignment with the land of
the draining work. ALT + left button of the mouse.
• X2, Y2: Coordinates of second point from the cutting alignment with the
land of the draining work. ALT + left button of the mouse.

By introducing these data, the corresponding KM data as well as the shifted

angle are being calculated automatically.

It is also possible to work reverse, by introducing KM data as well as the shifted

angle and the program will calculate automatically the two points of such

To work such way, it is necessary to select the option Reading Station and
Once inserted the data of the draining work, the program asks for the source
from the which the cut will be obtained with the land. The possible options are
the same than with a land acquisition with normal profiles.

By making the acquisition of the land, the draining work appears with the real
cut of the land and the road.

It is also possible to view in the ground structure the alignments

defining the draining work.

If the user does not want to see in the ground alignment these lines, the option
VIS has to be disabled in the Tree Structure.

It results quite useful to use options, explained in the Land chapter, to place in
a point a local axes system informing of the increases of elevation, distance and
slope between such origin and the mouse pointer position.

This way, information over differences of elevations between land and

subgrade, length of the draining work, slope (that, together with the volume of
calculation permits to determine the diameter in draining work, …).

The draining works from a collection of draining works can be deleted or added
through the options of “Insert and Remove profiles”. These options can be
found in the buttons bar of the cross-section and the contextual menu of the
graphical window.

In a draining works collection, all the corresponding works with a ground

alignment can be hosted. It is also possible to generate a new land for each
work, but it is not recommended in order to build a compact Tree Structure.

It is also possible to issue draining works plans together or separated to the

transversal profiles.

8.12.2 Draining works listing

It is a listing of parameters from each profiles. The parameters window is the

A part from general parameters, the following data is required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Cross-section profiles for the land between
these two mileage points will be printed.

In the listing of Draining Works for each collection of profiles is informing about
the following data:

• Name of each Draining work.

• Input and Output X & Y coordinates inserted by the user or calculated by
the system. (intersection between draining work and slope feet).
• Intersection station with the Axis.
• Intersection Coordinates with the Axis.
• shifted angle.

This option can be found in the land contextual menu of draining works in the
“Print List” option.

As all the listings, it is possible to print it, preview it or generate a RTF file (to
open it with Word).

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

8.12.3 Import and Export of Draining Works

It is possible to export and import draining works definition to ASCII files, with
OBR extension and containing the same information as in the listings.

By importing a file of this type, it will be necessary to acquire a land for each
This option can be found in the land contextual menu “Draining Works”;
“Export or Import”

8.13 Section points Export and other interesting outputs

In the Stretch contextual menu, there is an option “Output to file”, that

gathers series of possibilities at the time of exporting the geometry of the
cross-section of the work, issue comparative reports over itself, generate
intermediate files of importation for GPS, etc.

All options will be detailed hereafter.

The first option is “Export”, giving the possibility to issue PUN type, TRV and
DTA files, indicating the name of the file and the initial reading station with the
final reading station to be considered.

By selecting the option “Export”, there is a window such as the one given

By selecting the button to the right of the cell of the name of the file, there is a
Windows standard window that permits to select the directory, the name of the
file to generate and its type.

The initial and final reading stations define the zone in which the user is
interested to issue a file.

The obtained data belongs to the interval inserted in the corresponding box, if
the user wants the interval not to be an exact value, he must uncheck the
option “Interval Multiple Stations”.

If it is required that the data (only for PUN file) covers all the transversal profile
extension and not only the one between to slope feet, the option “Include
Land” will be selected.

8.13.1 PUN File Export

This option allows the generation of an ASCII file (with PUN extension) with the
information of the X,Y,Z coordinates of all the section characteristic points, in
each transversal profile defined in the active land.

The PUN file can also be made from platform breaking lines.

This file can be processed by another program permitting triangulation and

curving point, for example to TOOL CURVADO program.

In this process, it can also be generated automatically ASCII file with CNT
extension, with slope feet contour. This last file has the information that it is
possible to import directly to the TOOL CURVADO as breaking lines.

This file permits to create in the TOOL CURVADO contours for, for example,
empty a zone of the model and then substitute it by a model of a projected
work. Working this way with all the stretches, it is possible to obtain the model
of all the finalized work.

The PUN file structure is the following:

• Point Number: numbered sequentially.

• X Coordinate: Absolute X coordinate.
• Y Coordinate: Absolute Y coordinate.
• Z Coordinate: Absolute Z coordinate.
• Comment: Point identification text (road, berm, left or right hard shoulder,
gutter, etc...

Fields are being separated by comas. The file is created without spaces
between fields.
91020, 705000, 4663228.4375, 520, Land
91260, 705394.6875, 4663429.0625, 563.4375, Land
11290, 705372.8125, 4663330.3125, 561.875, Land
11291, 705369.0625, 4663320.9375, 560.625, Land
11292, 705303.75, 4663242.1875, 548.75, Land
11292, 705205, 4663217.1875, 542.5, Wall
11292, 705111.875, 4663195.3125, 534.0625, Gutter
11293, 705000, 4663153.125, 526.875, Land
11290, 705045.3125, 4663164.375, 528.125, Land
11291, 705051.25, 4663162.5, 527.8125, Left Hard shoulder
11292, 705141.875, 4663153.4375, 531.875, Left Hard shoulder
11292, 705237.8125, 4663155.9375, 531.875, Right Road
11292, 705346.875, 4663156.5625, 526.25, Right Road
11292, 705360, 4663120, 514.0625, Right Berm
11292, 705415.625, 4663121.25, 515.3125, Right Berm
11292, 705490.625, 4663122.5, 518.125, Gutter
11292, 705543.75, 4663118.75, 522.8125, Land
11292, 705661.25, 4663146.5625, 523.75, Land
11292, 705800.3125, 4663165.3125, 526.25, Land

The result of the triangulation and Curvado of some points would be the
A 3D view obtained with the TOOL CURVADO:

8.13.2 TRV File Export

This file is considered normally for work redesign and GPS system control
execution (Leica, Trimble, Topcon, etc…).

In this file type generation window, it is possible to select the road line that it is
required to issue (platform, subgrade, etc)as well as select the option “No
repetition of points”, permitting not to repeat consecutive points within a list
that have the same distance to the axis and the same elevation (for example,
the last point of the right gutter with the first point of the right clearing).

The structure of the file is the following:

1. Name of the stretch
2. Initial Reading Station
3. Final Reading Station
4. Interval between profiles

Here are the data of different cross-sections of the following form:

Register of the Reading Station:
1. Reading Station
2. Number of points of the section
Register of the point:
1. Distance to the axis
2. Elevation of the axis
3. Point identification <ABNN>
a. A type: T (Filling zone)
D (clearing zone)
C (Gutter)
S (Subgrade)
P (Platform)
E (Terrace)
b. Margin: I (Left)
D (Right)
c. NN number: Number of order from the ones of the same type
(from 00 to 99).

8.13.3 Elevations difference between type section and points file

It is possible to issue a file with the elevations differences between a work

cross-section and a BSE file. This file is a standard from TOOL which is also
used to import and export bases or points in the ground alignment.

This process allows to control easily the work execution. It is also possible to
obtain the elevations differences with the hypothetical prolongation of the
platform, conserving the camber.

The “Elevations difference” option is available in the Stretch contextual

There will be a window asking for the BSE file with the which the calculation will
be done and the name of the file where the calculation result will be written
(the extension by default of this file is DIFT).

In the same window it is possible to select if the differences of elevation will be

calculated with the section or with the extension of the section with camber in
each point.

The program calculates, for each point of the BSE file, the KM by tracing the
perpendicular from the point to the ground axis, the distance to the axis and
the elevation increase.

An example of the calculation result is the following:

Name, X, Y, elevation, Distance, Axis, Incre. Elevation

B0, 379147.629, 4212825.586, 345.476, 9.183, 5.232, 2.985
B1, 379147.629, 4212796.014, 347.236, 274.937, 7.931, -1.766
B2, 379147.629, 4212772.871, 356.000, 298.077, 8.281, -3.696
8.13.4 Axis displaced section points

This a special report of the cross-section points. This option is available from
the “Axis Points” option of the Stretch contextual menu “Output to file”.

The data can be inserted manually or through BSE points file importation.

Manually, data can be inserted in two ways;

• Giving X and Y and optionally Z.

• Giving the reading station, axis distance (+ to the right and – to the left)
and optionally Z.

Each time a point is inserted manually, the option “Add point” must be selected
in order to do the calculation of it. If the calculation is done with the data from
points BSE file, the button “Read Bases” will be selected and select the
adequate file.

The results giving by the listing are, for each inserted point:

• Point name: The one obtained from the BSE file.

• Reading Station: Axis KM where the normal is produced from the inserted
• Distance: Distance from the point to the axis measured over the normal.
• X, Y & Z: Calculation point coordinates.
• Xeje & Yeje: Axis coordinates where the normal is done from an external
• Zras: Subgrade elevation in the KM of the calculated axis.
• Inc.Z: Elevation difference between subgrade elevation and calculation
point elevation.
• Azimuth: Azimuth value in the axis in the Xeje and Yeje coordinates.
• Radius: Radius value in the axis in the Xeje and Yeje coordinates.
• Camber: Type Section camber value in the corresponding KM of the Xeje
and Yeje coordinates.

These calculation can also be referred to different elevations depending on the

“Elevations” option selection.

• Stretch subgrade elevation.

• Elevation calculated as platform extension according to the camber.
• Type section Elevation, including slopes, in each calculation point.

The results can be viewed on screen, print or export to RTF format file.
8.13.5 TIP automatic generation from BSE file

It is possible to generate TIP file from BSE file (name, x, y, z) and a ground

The program localizes the KM result of the calculation of the perpendicular of

each axis point and construct the TIP file.

This file includes information about the KM’s and the elevations, so it is possible
to obtain lists of elevations differences with subgrades.

It is also possible to import a TIP file in the subgrade in order to design

subgrades with view, in real time, of the difference of elevation between
subgrade and marks.

The option “Obtain TIP file” can be found in the Tree Structure of the
contextual menu of each axis.

8.13.6 X, Y, Z file from PKD file

It is possible to obtain , from ASCII file with the KM and axis distance
information, information about X, Y and Z as well as platform elevation (or
extension) and land elevation in these points.

The “Coordinate File” can be found in the Stretch “Output to file” option.
The input file with PKD extension, the output file of results of XYZ extension as
well as if it is needed to do the calculation of the platform or its extension are

PKD structure is:

• First line: *PKD
• Other lines: KM, elevation
XYZ structure is:
• Reading station, X, Y, section elevation, land elevation.

8.14 Listings


The listings that can be issued from the Stretch menu are:

• Land movement
• Measure Areas
• Elevation list
• Cambers list
• Reopen
- Cross section
- Slopes
- Profiles
- Platform
- Terrace
- Layers (X,Y,Z)
- Roadbed layers
- Lines
- Slope feet

The options can be found from the Stretch Tree Structure, option “Listings”.

For each type of listing that will be detailed hereunder, it is necessary to bring
series of data, parameters or user preferences.

8.14.1 Land Movement

The stretch land movement calculation can be checked from different places:

• Subgrade graphical window: Informative cells, in real time, giving

automatically total volume of clearing area and filling area. It is a rigorous
calculation, verifying at each moment all the cross-section profiles and
therefore, will coincide with the total calculated in other points of the
• Listing.
• Land movement calculation window.

This last option can be found in the Stretch contextual menu through the “Land
Movement” option.

The calculation is done with the active subgrade and land at each moment.
The required data for the calculation are:

• Initial Reading Station: KM from the which the calculation will start. If
the KM is inferior to the stretch initial KM, this last one will be considered. If
the inserted does not have a defined transversal profile, the calculation will
start from the first posterior KM with defined land transversal cross-section.
• Final Reading Station: KM from the which the calculation will end. If the
KM is posterior to the stretch final KM, this last one will be considered. If the
inserted does not have a defined transversal profile, the calculation will start
from the first anterior KM with defined land transversal cross-section.
• Interval: Interval used to represent the results in the screen. It is not the
interval to do the calculation as this one is done with all the KMs defined
between the two inserted reading stations, being or not multiple of interval
or entire numbers. If 0 is inserted as interval, the given result will be global,
calculated always with all the profiles.
• Correct by curvature: Enabled by default. The calculation can be done
considering the axis curvature or considering that is being developed by a
straight line. The volumes would not be the same.

Once the data inserted, press the “Calculate” option.

The presented values correspond, for each KM, with the partial and
accumulated volumes measured in cubical meters.

These volumes are classified in Vegetable Earth, Filling Area, Terrace,

Land clearing, Transit clearing and Rock clearing, according to the
considered geology of the corresponding table.

The areas and volumes can be exported to ASCII file for posterior treatment.
This option is available in the Stretch Land Movement option.

The file extension for volumes will be VOL and for areas ARE.

The window representing such option is:

The “Generate Areas and/or Volumes file” can have a defined name and
the information can be filtered issuing files from an initial KM to a final KM with
a defined interval in the same window as well as correction of the values per
curvature or not.

Common zone for parameters introduction for all listings

In all the listings, previous to the printing, there is a window as the following
image asking for some parameters depending on the type of listing.

• Printer: It is possible to select the printer already installed to be used. The

configuration option is also possible. There is a button “Properties” to
access to the configuration of the printer without the necessity to abandon
the application.
• Subtitle: Subtitle or comment to be added, additionally to the axis name.
• Date: Date to be printed in the listings. By default, the one configured in
the computer.

In all the windows we will find four additional buttons:

- Print: Directly print the listing.

- Preliminary presentation
- Cancel
The generation of any listing to RTF file allows to open and modify such listing
with a text processor (for example Microsoft Word). This format permits to
export any listing without losing the text format. It can also be exported to
Microsoft Excel.

The RTF format uses header and foot page concepts used in the generation of
such files from the CLIP.

In the Preliminary Presentation, the user can check, previously to the printing,
the state of the final listing. It is possible to center, get closer or further the
viewing with the mouse (through the wheelmouse), go forward or backward,
view two pages at the same time and print from this window.

In the Land Movement listing, from the Stretch contextual menu, the
following window is given:

And the following data are required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the characteristics of the
singular points between these two points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the results considering all the profiles.
• Show Areas: As an option, it is possible to have the filling zones, earth
clearing, transit clearings and rock clearings.
• Correct by curvature: By selection of this option the obtained areas are
being corrected depending on the curvature and the asymmetry of the
section regarding the ground axis.
• Existing profiles: By selection of this option, the possibility of introducing
interval is disabled. The listing will only be shown with volumes and partial
and accumulated areas, exclusively with the existing transversal profiles.
• Use initial volumes: Define initial quantities to be accumulated with the
ones being calculated.

 The superficies of occupation between land marks are not being measured,
in order to avoid duplication of its measurement in case of junctions.

The data given by the listing are:

• PK: Reading Station Mileage.

• As.Terr.: Filling Area (m²)
• Sup. Ocup.: Occupation superficies (m²)
• Volumes of the different materials (m³)
• Areas of the different materials (m³)
Note: In this draw, the area corresponding to the improved platform is not
being shown.

8.14.2 Measure Areas

This option permits to do a listing of the following data:

• Top Filling and Clearing Areas superficies

• Filling, earth, rock and transit slope superficies
• Gutter lengths
• Walls superficies
General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Correct by curvature: By selection of this option the obtained areas are
being corrected depending on the curvature and the asymmetry of the
section regarding the ground axis.
• Existing profiles: By selection of this option, the possibility of introducing
interval is disabled. The listing will only be shown with volumes and partial
and accumulated areas, exclusively with the existing transversal profiles.
• Use initial data: Define initial quantities to be accumulated with the ones
being calculated.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.

• Filling and Clearing Crowning points (m²)
• Real slope superficies of superior and interior filling areas, earth
transit and rock (m²)
• Right and left gutter lengths (m)
• Right and left walls superficies(m²)

 The superficies of the slopes between land marks are not being measured,
in order to avoid duplication of its measurement in case of joinings.

8.14.3 Elevations listing

This option permits to do a listing of the following data:

• Subgrade
• Left and right Slope foot
• Land in the ground axis
• Red elevation in the axis and in the left and right feet as difference
between the subgrade elevation and the one of each of the mentioned

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Does not exist. 20 meters are considered.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.

• Subgrade elevation (m)
• Left Slope Foot elevation (m)
• Axis elevation (m)
• Right Slope Foot elevation (m)
• Red elevation in left slope foot (m)
• Red elevation in right slope foot (m)

8.14.4 Cambers listing

This option permits to do a listing of the following data:

• Left Road Camber

• Right Road Camber
The result of the listing is given in the following window:
General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Camber point of change: By selecting this parameter, the characteristics
mileage points where camber diagram breaks are being produced are
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.

The data given by the listing are:

• PK: Reading Station Mileage.

• Left Road Camber: %
• Right Road Camber: %

The value of the camber is positive when the road inclination goes from the
axis to the hard shoulder and negative otherwise.


Listings of the characteristics point of the cross-section, points defined by X,Y

and Z or by its distance to the axis and elevation, according to the selected

8.14.5 Cross-section reopen listings

In this listing, the reopening of the characteristics points defining the cross-
section in each Km is done, indicating its distance to the axis, its elevation and
transversal slope.

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Include KM of platform change: Points from the which a change of
platform is done.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Existing profiles: Data from existing cross-section profiles, independently
of the interval multiple.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

Each KM starts in a different page.

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.

• Right Subgrade elevation (m)
• Left Subgrade elevation (m)
• Distance to the Axis, elevation and slope in each breaking point of
the cross-section, between the left and right slope feet, in the breaking
points of the slopes, platform and subgrade.

8.14.6 Profiles listing

In this listing, the reopening of the characteristics points defining the subgrade
of a road.

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Include KM of platform change: If this option is activated, all the KM’s
defined in the platform table will be included, being or not multiple of the
inserted interval. They will have the “PS” symbol.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

In case of considering the existing roadbed, the edge and interior side columns
are being substituted by the land left and right marks, limiting the zone to be

The listing shows each mileage point with the corresponding axis subgrade
elevation, distances to the axis and elevation of the breaking points of the
subgrade between the slope feet of the cross-section.

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.

• Slope foot Slope feet of the cross-section.
• Ext.Slope. Interior extremities of the cross-section slopes (final gutter)
• B. Out. Exterior sides of the platform (roadbed slope feet)
• Edge. These are the breaking points of the subgrade. If some of the points
coincide with the platform sides, the box remains empty.
• B.Ins. Interior sides of both roads. If there is no median, the box remains

8.4.17 Platform points Reopening listing

In this listing the distances to the axis and elevations of the platform points are
General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Include KM of platform change: If this option is activated, all the KM’s
defined in the platform table will be included, being or not multiple of the
inserted interval. They will have the “PS” symbol.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Existing profiles: Data from existing cross-section profiles, independently
of the interval multiple.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The listing shows each mileage point the distance to the axis and platform
elevation in different breaking points.

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.

• Slope Ins.. Interior Roadbed slope foot.
• Hard Shoulder Ins. Exterior sides of the platform (Roadbed slope foot)
• Median.
• Road.
• Hard shoulder.
• Berm.
• Foot T.F. Exterior Roadbed slope foot.

8.14.8 Slopes Reopening listing

In this listing all the slopes and gutters breaking at both sides of the road are
mentioned. Points are defined by their distance to the axis and its elevation,
informing as well of the slope of each stretch.

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Existing profiles: Data from existing cross-section profiles, independently
of the interval multiple.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The slope indicates the necessary horizontal distance in order to change the
elevation by one meter. The negative sign indicates that the slope reduces the
elevation by increasing the distance to the axis. Positive slopes indicate the

The data given by the listing are:

• Dist. Distance of the point to the axis (m).

• Elevation. Absolute elevation of the point (m).
• Slope. Slope.

8.14.9 Layers Reopening listing (X,Y)

In this listing the coordinates (X,Y and Z of the points defined by a distance to a
line of reference (axis, median, road or hard shoulder) and a depth from the
platform are detailed.

Optionally, it is possible to do the reopening of these points from bases. (it is

necessary to have a bases file)
General data required:

• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Depth: Quantity in meters to be taken off from the subgrade elevation
corrected by the camber (platform) to the distance of the line of reference
inserted in order to obtain the Z point coordinate.
• Correction by anamorphosis: If this action is activated, the
anamorphosis coefficients of each base are being considered in the
distances calculation.
• Reference line: Can be the axis, the right or left median extremity, the
right or left road extremity, the hard shoulder extremity, the right or left
interior hard shoulder extremity.
• Lines Distance: The distances to the line of reference will be positive for
exterior points to the lines and negative otherwise. If the reference line is
the axis, there will be negative to the left and positive to the right.
• Angle or Azimuth: The values of the angles in the stationing can be
referred to the North (Azimuth) o relatives to the bases, used for station
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Only Data, take off bases: Allows to issue a listing without orientations
nor distances to the bases. If there is no base with perpendicular to the
reopened axis, the “without bases” is activated automatically.

Afterwards, there is a list where the stretching the job for the reopening of the
layer, showing as a suggestion the base for the stationing and the base to place
the equipment. (by proximity criterion)

It is possible to modify the stretching by selecting directly the table.

If it is necessary to add or delete stretches or lines, select the option CONTROL

+ I or CONTROL + B.

By selecting the KM cells, it will be possible to modify data and by selecting the
bases cells, a listing with information of all the bases of the selected bases
group will be displayed. The given information is the name, the KM (calculated
as the minimum distance to the base) and the coordinates.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The data given by the listing are:

• X, Y & Elevation.
• Azimuth 1, distance 1. Azimuth 2, distance 2. For point reopening
from both stations.

8.14.10 Roadbed layers Reopening listing

In this listing up to five points per cross-section profiles defined per their
distance to the reference line and a depth regarding the roadbed.
General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Depth: Quantity in meters to be taken off from the subgrade elevation
corrected by the camber (platform) to the distance of the line of reference
inserted in order to obtain the Z point coordinate.
• Margin: Road margin. Left or right.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Prolongation of the platform: In the roadbed layers reopening, it is
possible to obtain the data from the reopened points to a distance to the
axis (or any other line), which means, of the roadbed coronation according
to distance (roads, hard shoulders, berms, roadbed slopes) and if we select
this option of prolongation of the platform, the data of such points in
the hypotheses of platform prolongation are expressed according the
camber in each KM.
• Reference line: Can be the axis, the right or left median extremity, the
right or left road extremity, the hard shoulder extremity, the right or left
interior hard shoulder extremity.
• Distance: It is possible to insert positive and negative values in the
distances of the reference lines to the reopened points. The criterion, for the
left and right margin is the following:
- Positive distances when required reopening are obtained to the right of
the reference line.
- Negative distances when required reopening are obtained to the left of
the reference line.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

8.14.11 Characteristic lines reopening listing

In the listing the coordinates X,Y,Z of the characteristic points of the cross-
section are detailed.

Optionally, it is possible to do the reopening of these points from bases. (it is

necessary to have a bases file)
General data required:

• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Correction by anamorphosis: If this action is activated, the
anamorphosis coefficients of each base are being considered in the
distances calculation.
• Type of line: Can be the axis, the interior foot, the interior hard shoulder,
the median, the road, the exterior hard shoulder, berm, roadbed slope foot
and slope foot.
• Side: Road margin. Right or left.
• Include KM of platform change: If this option is activated, all the KM’s
defined in the platform table will be included, being or not multiple of the
inserted interval. They will have the “PS” symbol.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Only Data, take off bases: Allows to issue a listing without orientations
nor distances to the bases. If there is no base with perpendicular to the
reopened axis, the “without bases” is activated automatically.
• Angle or Azimuth: The values of the angles in the stationing can be
referred to the North (Azimuth) o relatives to the bases, used for station
Afterwards, there is a list where the stretching the job for the reopening of the
line, showing as a suggestion the base for the stationing and the base to place
the equipment. (by proximity criterion)

It is possible to modify the stretching by selecting directly the table.

If it is necessary to add or delete stretches or lines, select the option CONTROL

+ I or CONTROL + B.

By selecting the KM cells, it will be possible to modify data and by selecting the
bases cells, a listing with information of all the bases of the selected bases
group will be displayed. The given information is the name, the KM (calculated
as the minimum distance to the base) and the coordinates.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The data given by the listing are:

• X, Y & Elevation.
• Azimuth 1, distance 1. Azimuth 2, distance 2. For point reopening
from both stations.

8.14.12 Slope feet reopening listing

In this listing, we can find reopening from bases of ground axis and stretch
slope feet.

It is necessary to have a bases file.

General data required:

• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Correction by anamorphosis: If this action is activated, the
anamorphosis coefficients of each base are being considered in the
distances calculation.
• Angle or Azimuth: The values of the angles in the stationing can be
referred to the North (Azimuth) o relatives to the bases, used for station

Afterwards, there is a list where the stretching the job for the reopening of the
line, showing as a suggestion the base for the stationing and two bases to place
the equipment. (by proximity criterion)

It is possible to modify the stretching by selecting directly the table.

It is also possible to modify stationing bases and orientation.

BE: Base where the stationing is done.
BO1: Anterior oriented base.
BO2: Posterior oriented base.
D1 & Az1: Distance and azimuth to the anterior oriented base.
D2 & Az2: Distance and azimuth to the posterior oriented base.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The data given by the listing are:

• Slope: Slope in the KM.

• Dist Foot: Distance of the slope foot to the axis (m).
• Elevation: Project Elevation of the slope foot (m).
• El. Real: Real land elevation.
• Dist. Distance of the base to the point.
• Azimuth. Azimuth from the base to the point.

The axis data re:

• Dist. Distance of the base to the axis.

• Azimuth. Azimuth from the base to the axis.

8.14.13 Terrace reopening listing

This listing will show the reopening of the breaking points of the terrace (road

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Include KM of platform change: If this option is activated, all the KM’s
defined in the platform table will be included, being or not multiple of the
inserted interval. They will have the “PS” symbol.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The data given by the listing are:

• B.Ext.Sup.L : Left Superior External side

• B.Ext.Inf.L : Left inferior External side
• Edge L : Left Edge
• B.Ins.R : Left interior side
• B.Ins.R : Right interior side
• Edge R : Right Edge
• B.Ext.Inf.R : Right inferior External side
• B.Ext.Sup.R : Right superior External side


General listings of land volumes, slopes reopening, etc…explained in the

Anterior Road Stretches part remain valid for Railway. The listings exclusively
developed for Railway are the following:
• Bed Track, subballast and ballast volumes measurement
• Cross-section Reopening
• Bed Track Reopening
• Subballast Reopening
• Ballast Reopening

8.14.14 Bed Track, subballast and ballast volumes measurement

In this listing, the volume is calculated for material from non excavation.

To access to this listing, select the command Print Listing/Measure

Railways from the Stretch contextual menu in the Tree Structure.

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple. If the value is 0, the listing will not include any
interval showing volume final values.
• Show Areas: As an option, it is possible to have the listing of bed track,
subballast and ballast layers areas.
• Correct by curvature: By selection of this option the obtained areas are
being corrected depending on the curvature and the asymmetry of the
section regarding the ground axis.
• Use initial volumes: Define initial quantities to be accumulated with the
ones being calculated.
• Existing profiles: By selection of this option, the possibility of introducing
interval is disabled. The listing will only be shown with volumes and partial
and accumulated areas, exclusively with the existing transversal profiles.
The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The data given by the listing are:

• Reading Station: Mileage point where the measurement is done.

• V.C.Bed Track: Bed Track layer volume.
• V.Subballast: Subballast layer volume.
• V.Ballast: Ballast volume.
• S.C.Forma: Bed Track layer profile area. (m²)
• S.Subballas: Subballast layer profile area. (m²)
• S.Ballast: Ballast layer profile area. (m²)

8.14.15 Cross-section reopening listing

In this listing, the reopening of characteristic points defining the cross-section in

each KM are done, indicating its distance to the axis, its elevation and its
transversal slope.
To access to this listing, select the command Print
Listing/Reopening/Cross-section from the Stretch contextual menu in the
Tree Structure.

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple. If the value is 0, the listing will not include any
interval showing volume final values.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
• Include KM of platform change: If this option is activated, all the KM’s
defined in the platform table will be included, being or not multiple of the
inserted interval. They will have the “PS” symbol.
• Existing profiles: Data corresponding to existing cross-section profiles are
included, independently from the interval multiple.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.

• Right Subgrade elevation (m)
• Left Subgrade elevation (m)
• Distance to the Axis, elevation and slope in each breaking point of
the cross-section, between the left and right slope feet, in each breaking
point of the cross-section between the left and the right slope foot without
including the ballast, which means in the slopes breaking points (T), Bed
Track (Platform P) and Subballast (B).
8.14.16 Bed Track reopening listing

In this listing, the reopening of the characteristic points, defining in each

mileage point, the bed track layer is done, showing its distance to the axis and
absolute elevation.

To access to this listing, select the command Print Listing/Reopening/Bed

Track from the Stretch contextual menu in the Tree Structure.

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple. If the value is 0, the listing will not include any
interval showing volume final values.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.
The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The shown data are, for each concept, its distance to the axis measured in
meters and the absolute elevation.

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.
• Slope foot L. Left slope feet
• B. Ext. L. Left Exterior side of the platform (roadbed slope feet)
• Edge. Edge. These are the breaking points of the subgrade. If some of the
points coincide with the platform sides, the box remains empty.
• B. Ext. R. Right Exterior side of the platform
• Slope foot R. Right slope feet

8.14.17 Subballast layer reopening listing

In this listing, the reopening of the characteristic points defining, in each

mileage point, the subballast is done, showing its distance to the axis, its
absolute elevation.

To access to this listing, select the command Print

Listing/Reopening/Subballast from the Stretch contextual menu in the
Tree Structure.

General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple. If the value is 0, the listing will not include any
interval showing volume final values.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The shown data are, for each concept, its distance to the axis measured in
meters and the absolute elevation.

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.

• Slope foot L. Left slope feet
• B. Ext. Iz. Left Exterior side of the platform (roadbed slope feet)
• Edge. Edge. These are the breaking points of the subgrade. If some of the
points coincide with the platform sides, the box remains empty.
• B. Ext. D. Right Exterior side of the platform
• Slope foot R. Right slope feet

8.14.18 Ballast layer reopening listing

In this listing, the reopening of the characteristic points defining, in each

mileage point, the ballast is done, showing its distance to the axis, its absolute

To access to this listing, select the command Print

Listing/Reopening/Ballast from the Stretch contextual menu in the Tree
General data required:

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Print only the data between these two
points of reference.
• Interval: Interval used to print the partial results in the mileage points
defined by interval multiple. If the value is 0, the listing will not include any
interval showing volume final values.
• Multiple Station of interval: Unchecking such box it is possible to insert a
decimal number as interval of listing presentation. It is also possible to list
the data from an initial KM different from the axis, having the possibility of
being a decimal number.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

The shown data are, for each concept, its distance to the axis measured in
meters and the absolute elevation.

The data given by the listing are:

• KM: Reading Station Mileage.

• Slope foot L. Left slope feet
• B. Ext. L. Left Exterior side of the platform (roadbed slope feet)
• Edge L. Left Edge.
• Edge R. Right Edge
• B. Ext. R. Right Exterior side of the platform
• Slope foot R. Right slope feet

The grouped listings allows the generation or printing of a big quantity of

listings related to different axes from a same window.

This option can be found from the axis folder, “Print lists”.

The grouped listings that can be issued are:

• Land movement
• Measure Areas
• Railway measure (bed track, subballast and ballast)
• Input data, fixed points and sing. points (ground)
• Input data, vertices, points to constant intersection (subgrade)

8.14.19 Land movement

General data required:

• Listing of the axes to be included in the listing: These axes will have
at least one stretch, one cross-section, a subgrade and a collection of
transversal profiles. The user can check or uncheck any of them. In the
same table it is possible to modify the initial and final reading station of
each axis as well as the interval to present the results.
• Show Areas: As an option, it is possible to have the listing of filling areas,
earth clearing, transit clearing and rock clearing areas.
• Correct by curvature: By selection of this option the obtained areas are
being corrected depending on the curvature and the asymmetry of the
section regarding the ground axis.
• Existing profiles: By selection of this option, the possibility of introducing
interval is disabled. The listing will only be shown with volumes and partial
and accumulated areas, exclusively with the existing transversal profiles.
• View: Define the units to be presented in the listing. It is possible to select
different elements shown in the window.
- Filling Subsidence
- Occupation Surface
- Vegetable Land
- Terrace
- Filling
- Earth Clearing
- Transit Clearing
- Rock Clearing

In the final part of the listing there is a summary of the movement of each axis
as well as a total per job unit typology.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

8.14.20 Measure Areas

General data required:

• Listing of the axes to be included in the listing: These axes will have
at least one stretch, one cross-section, a subgrade and a collection of
transversal profiles. The user can check or uncheck any of them. In the
same table it is possible to modify the initial and final reading station of
each axis as well as the interval to present the results.
• Correct by curvature: By selection of this option the obtained areas are
being corrected depending on the curvature and the asymmetry of the
section regarding the ground axis.
• Existing profiles: By selection of this option, the possibility of introducing
interval is disabled. The listing will only be shown with volumes and partial
and accumulated areas, exclusively with the existing transversal profiles.
• View: Define the units to be presented in the listing. It is possible to select
different elements shown in the window.
- Land Cor.
- Top Land slope
- Earth slope
- Transit slope
- Displ. Cor.
- Land left slope
- Rock slope
- Left Gutter length
- Right gutter length
- Left walls
- Right walls

In the final part of the listing there is a summary of all the parameters of each
axis as well as the total sum per job unit typology.

The result of the listing is given in the following window:

8.14.21 Railways measurements

• Listing of the axes to be included in the listing: These axes will have
at least one stretch, one cross-section, a subgrade and a collection of
transversal profiles. The user can check or uncheck any of them. In the
same table it is possible to modify the initial and final reading station of
each axis as well as the interval to present the results.
• Correct by curvature: By selection of this option the obtained areas are
being corrected depending on the curvature and the asymmetry of the
section regarding the ground axis.
• Existing profiles: By selection of this option, the possibility of introducing
interval is disabled. The listing will only be shown with volumes and partial
and accumulated areas, exclusively with the existing transversal profiles.
• Show areas: Give the areas of the different materials in each KM.
• Initial volumes: With this option it is possible to define some volumes to
be added to the calculated ones.

In the final part of the listing there is a summary of all the parameters of each
axis as well as the total sum per job unit typology.

8.14.22 Ground geometry

General data required:

• Listing of the axes to be included in the listing: These axes will have
at least one stretch, one cross-section, a subgrade and a collection of
transversal profiles. The user can check or uncheck any of them. In the
same table it is possible to modify the initial and final reading station of
each axis as well as the interval to present the results.
• Listing of input data: Issue the data of the alignments defining each axis.
Possibility to check or uncheck this option.
• Listing of singular points: Issue the calculated data of the singular points
located between the initial and final reading station, determined by the
values inserted in the table. Possibility to check or uncheck this option.
• Listing of fixed points: List of points coordinates of each axis located
between the initial and final reading station, determined by the values
inserted in the table. There is also a value for movement (positive or
negative) that can be modified in the table. Possibility to check or uncheck
this option.
• By Axis: Present consecutively the listings of input data, singular points and
fixed points of each axis.
• By listing type: Present listing organizing, firstly, all the input data of each
axis, posteriori all the singular points of each axis and finally all the fixed
points of each axis.

8.14.23 Subgrades geometry

General data required:

• Listing of the axes to be included in the listing: These axes will have
at least one stretch, one cross-section, a subgrade and a collection of
transversal profiles. The user can check or uncheck any of them. In the
same table it is possible to modify the initial and final reading station of
each axis as well as the interval to present the results. It is also possible to
modify the movement of the reopened points if the “Fixed Points Listing”
is enabled.
• Listing of input data: Print, firstly, the number of vertices assigned by the
program, the reading station of each of them, the elevation, the slope of the
anterior slope to the vertex, the length, Kv and vertical agreement arrow.
• Vertices Listing: The following data are given for each vertex:
- KM: Mileage point.
- Elevation: Real elevation of the vertex. This elevation, existing a
vertical agreement, does not correspond with the subgrade elevation.
- TE & TS: Mileage points of the input and output tangents of each
vertical agreement. In the first and last vertex, that don’t have any
vertical agreement, the same KM as the vertex is printed.
- TE & TS Elevation: Elevation of the input and output tangents of each
vertical agreement. In the first and last vertex, that don’t have any
vertical agreement, the same elevation as the vertex is printed.
- PE(%) & PS(%): Slopes of the points corresponding to the input and
output tangents of each vertical agreement. In the first and last vertex,
the slope of the vertex alignment is printed.
- Length and arrow: Lengths and arrows of the vertical agreement
corresponding to each vertex (m).
- Kv and Theta (%): Parameters in meters and slope difference in % of
the vertical agreements.
• Constant Interval points listing: The interval and the possibility of this
one being a multiple of a number or can’t be defined in between cells
corresponding to the proper window. The following data are given for each
- KM: Mileage point.
- Elevation: Subgrade elevation in the KM.
- P(%): Subgrade slope in the KM. It is not being considered in some
places where the subgrade is constant because it corresponds to a
position in a straight alignment from the output tangent of the anterior
vertex to the input tangent of the following vertex.
- Cv: Vertex elevation.
- L, Kv, Arrow & Theta (%): Vertical agreements parameters. Only in
lines with agreements.
• By Axis: Present consecutively the listings of input data, singular points and
fixed points of each axis.
• By listing type: Present listing organizing, firstly, all the input data of each
axis, posteriori all the singular points of each axis and finally all the fixed
points of each axis.

9.1 Introduction

The CLIP program permits the generation of the following plans:

• Ground Plan
• Subgrade with longitudinal profile plan (the ground can also be
automatically included).
• Cross-section plan.
• Draining works plans.

Each plan can be previewed in CLIP, directly plotted or exported to DXF file.
The version of the DXF format generated corresponds to the 12, which is the
one that gives more compatibility with the major programs of the market,
including of course AUTOCAD and MICROSTATION.

When exporting to DXF, the page size used is A1. Afterwards, in the CAD
program, it can be plotted to any page size. If it is plotted directly form CLIP, it
is possible to select the size of the paper or the required reduction-extension.

All the plans and configurations are stored in TRB file. Also, the pen colors for
plans and general pen colors are saved in the same file.

In the preview of the plans, it is possible to do a zoom through the Whellmouse

of the mouse.

In the preview, the user can check, previously to the printing, the final state of
the plan. It is allowed to center, put closer or further the viewing with the
mouse, see the next or previous plan, view two or more plans at the same time
and print from such window.

For plans exportation to DXF file, it is important to know that:

• The layers names in the DXF files of floor plans are structured and
diversified in order to have more flexibility by the time to make changes
with CAD programs.
• The texts are centered in their application point.
• The same fonts used in CLIP have been added to the DXF file in order to
have similar view and printing of the plans in the screen and in the page.
• In the longitudinal and transversal plans, the origin of the coordinates is
placed in the left inferior corner.
• In the floor plans, the axes, off sets and slopes feet and headers are
generated as a unique polyline instead of independent segments.

9.2 Pen colors configuration

The different plans are composed by a multitude of lines. These lines must be
associated to a pen color defining its screen representation and its
representation for plotting or printing.

This option can be found in the Tree Structure, Job Edit, “Pen colors Set up”.

There is a group of pen color associated by default, that the user can use or

The available options are:

- Pen color set up.
- Import file.
- Export file.

This association can be exported to an external file to TRB or importing a

configuration substituting the one of the current work.

The generated file with this option will have the name given by the user and
the CPF extension. It is possible to have several files with plans pen color
configuration as long as there are in the same directory as the CLIP.EXE.

These files can be transmitted between different users in order to homogenize

the plans output, can be copied on disks, CD, send by email, etc.

 In the case of transmitting some CPF file, the issuing and receiving parties
must ensure that the general pen colors used are the same. Otherwise, they
should transmit also the equivalent file of such pen colors.

Plans pen colors set up

By accessing to this option of Pen colors set up, there is a new window such as
the one given hereunder:
The windows is divided in two parts, the left part indicating the plan or area of
the plan to be configured and the right part with the different lines of the plan
or selected area together with the corresponding pen color association.

Each definition can be modified with the list of pen colors available on the right
of each line. The represented color of each pen color corresponds with its
screen configuration.

It is reminded that this list of pen colors is obtained with the option
Representation from the Job Edit contextual menu in the Tree Structure.

The left part plans listing or configurable zone will be modified with the time. In
the following relation appears each of them with the parameters or configurable

These parameters affect as well the pen color of the lines presented in the
different windows of the application.

Red Elevation diagram

- Positive values
- Negative values
- Axis diagram
- Stretch diagram

Curvature diagram
- Positive clothoid
- Negative clothoid
- Straight line
- Positive circumference
- Negative circumference
Cambers diagram
- Left band
- Right band
- Axis diagram
- Separators

Edited axis
- Coupled with
- Rotating
- Fixed
- Mobile
- Clothoid

- Active land
- Subgrade
- Parabolas
- Fixed element
- Thick grid
- Thin grid
- Pen color numbers

- Gutter
- Wall
- Subgrade
- Platform
- Vegetable earth
- Axis
- Terrace
- Executed Work

Slope feet
- Clearing
- Filling
- Expropriations

- Bed Track
- Subballast
- Ballast
- Railway sleeper
- Track

9.3 Plans dimension

The plans dimension is configurable according to the selected page size and its
orientation, but it is also possible to configure the margins of such page and the
height for the stamp.

From the Tree Structure, there is in the Job Edit an option called “Ground

This option manages the ground plans but has also an option of Plans
Dimension, in order to configure:

- Superior margin
- Inferior margin
- Right margin
- Left margin
- Stamp height

The margins are the separation between the cutting line (for page size
definition) and the frame of the plan.

The stamp height defines the distance between the inferior side of the frame
and the superior parallel line of such frame.

All these magnitudes are measured in real millimeters of printed plan

considering as reference DIN-A1 page.

9.4 Cross-section plans

The access to the generation and view of cross-section profiles plans with type
section can be found in the Stretch contextual menu of the Tree Structure,
“Print Cross-section Plan”.

As land profiles will be considered the one activated, with the TE symbol. The
remaining stored lands could be included as well if their properties show Vis in
the Tree Structure with YE value. These profiles will be printed or viewed
with their respective pen color.

The option of generation and view of cross-section profiles plans without type
section can be found in the Tree Structure, Land and “Print Cross-section
Plan”. All the profiles collections will be printed if the have the YE value.

Finally, the option of generation and view of deflected profiles or draining works
are located in the land of the draining work OD “Print Cross-section Plan”.

Each profile will be printed with the name or denomination of the draining

Plans are generated in real time, so it is not necessary its storage in hard disk.

Printer selection, size and page orientation

The CLIP allows the printing in any device installed with Windows O.S.
Therefore, it is possible to select the device by selecting the Change button
option. This option remains valid for any kind of plan.

By pulsing the “Change” option, all the following elements will be shown:

• Name: Name of the device to use for printing.

• Properties: Particular properties of the device.
• Copies: Number of copies to do of each plan.
• Printing Range: Print all plans or only a range of plans.
• Page position: Modify the position of the page (horizontal or vertical)
• Reduction factor: Select the type of page size to be used or reduction to
be done regarding the original.

 The label of printed scales in the plans is not modified if the sheet or the
reduction factor is changed. The label used to build the plan in paper DIN-
A1 remains the valid one, with the sales defined by the user.

Window options for cross-section profiles plans generation

• Scale X, scale Y: Drawing scales of the X & Y axes. By default: 200.

• Initial and Final Reading Station: Extension of the used stretch to
generate cross-section profiles plans. If the inserted the same value for both
field, only this mileage point will be generated.
• Interval: Define the interval, in meters, between each two drawn cross-
section profiles. By default: 20 meters.
• Existing: This option draws only existing cross-section profiles. These can
be multiple of interval or not. It is possible to enable both options, existing
ones and the ones defined by the interval. If both options are disabled, Clip
will draw those defined in the last inserted interval.
• Optimize space: If this option is checked, the program puts the profiles in
the plan so that they occupied only the necessary space without producing
cuts nor superposed profiles. What is reorganized is the rectangle delimiting
the profiles, no the profiles themselves.

The created rectangles have a fixed margin around the profile in order to avoid
any contact between themselves.
 It is possible to have strange distributions in the plans if the size between
two consecutive cross-section profiles is different.

If the inserted scales are very small, the drawn cross-section profiles will be big.
If they don’t fit, there would be a cut considering as limits the interior sides of
the plan.

If this option is unchecked, the user can choose the number of files and
columns for each plan in the “Horizontal” and “Vertical” boxes. This number
has an influence over the reserved space for each profile. In case a cross-
section profile does not fit in its reserved space, the profile will be cut.

• Comparison plan: An horizontal line and an associated label indicating the

absolute elevation of the line. When the option “Distance and land
elevation” is selected, automatically the option “Comparison Plan” will be
• Distances and elevations: Diagram under each cross-section profile
indicating the distance and the absolute elevation from each point of the
land (or platform) until the profile axis.
• Distance and platform elevation: Diagram under each cross-section
profile indicating the distance and the absolute elevation for each breaking
point of the projected work (including slopes and gutters).
• Volumes text: Draw or hide associated text to each cross-section profile
for clearing and filling zones.
• Volumes corrected by curvature: Clearing and filling zones can coincide
with the draw zones or being “corrected”. The volume calculation in CLIP
can be done considering the curvature of the ground axis or not. If we wish
that the clearing and filling areas are coherent with the volume listing
corrected by the curvature, this option has to be selected. This way, the
“manual” calculation of the volume using the given information by the plan
will be correct and coherent.

If the option Volumes Text is disabled, the option Volumes corrected by

curvature will not be available.

By pressing the “More” option, more drawing parameters appear:

• Number Size (mm): Final height of the label of the numbers over the
printed plan.
• Distance to Numbers (mm): Final distance in printed plan measured in
vertical from cross-section profile to the numbers indicating KM, red
elevation, clearing zone and filling zone.
• Elevation decimals: Number of decimals used to define points elevations.
• Volume decimals: Number of decimals used to define clearing and filling
zones elevations.
• Excess land (m): Value, measured in meters, showing the portion of the
cross-section drawn between the slope foot and the extremities.
9.5 Longitudinal profiles plans

The access to the generation and view of longitudinal profiles plans can be
found in the Subgrade contextual menu of the Tree Structure, “Print
Longitudinal Plan”.

It will considered, as active subgrade to label the vertices, the one from the
which the option “Print Longitudinal Plan” has been selected. The remaining
subgrades as well as the characteristic lines of the Subgrades folder could be
included in the plan as long as the property Vis of the Tree Structure value is

All the longitudinal profiles, from the lands, with the Vis value “YE” will be

It is possible to generate a floor plan together with the longitudinal with this
same option.

Plans are generated in real time, so it is not necessary its storage in hard disk.
Window options for longitudinal profiles plans generation

• Scale X, scale Y: Drawing scales of the X & Y axes. By default: 1000 and
100 respectively.
• Initial and Final Reading Station: Extension of the used stretch to
generate cross-section profiles plans.
• Length by plan: Defines length, measured in meters, of the drawn axis of
each plan. As orientation, in a DIN-A1, in horizontal scale 1:1000 fits 700
• Complete: By selecting this option, it is only possible to issue a complete
longitudinal plan to a DXF file.
• Factor of curvatures scales: By selecting this option, it will be drawn , in
the inferior part of the plan, the curvatures norm with vertical scale =
• Factor of cambers scales: By selecting this option, it will be drawn , in
the inferior part of the plan, the cambers diagram with vertical scale =
• Include breaks: Label singular points of the cambers diagram. Each one of
them will have an associated text indicating the KM and proper value of the
• Land: The active land can be manipulated in this option so that it is
possible to select the following values:
- Right and left hard shoulder
- Right and left road
- Right and left median
- Right and left turning point
- Axis (value in meters of the movement respecting the axis)
- Adjusted (adjusting the subgrade in Widening and improvement works)
 As it is possible to show different longitudinal at the same time
(corresponding to the lands with the Vis option), the user can copy lands
and manipulate them by moving them horizontally. This way, it is possible to
draw different longitudinal in a same plan.
• Singularities line: Draw a line in the inferior part of the plan showing the
ground singular points.
• Longitudinal marks: Draw the marks defined in the graphical design of
the active longitudinal profile.
• Ground: It can be included, automatically, the corresponding part of the
ground to each longitudinal profile portion. It can be shown in the superior
zone. All the drawn in the ground window will be shown, including close
axes, marks, symbols, etc…
• Plan: There are four different types in the plan representation. The
different options are type 0, type 1, type 2, type 3 and type 4 (more
explanation hereunder). For railway sections, by issuing a longitudinal profile
from the plan, the slopes are expressed in per thousand. The plan type 4 is
conceived for conduction works.
• Milestones: Draw milestones (drawing of different singular works such as
viaduct, etc…). Milestones will appear in the plans if this option is selected.

The milestones are drawing marks that are drawn in the longitudinal profiles.
The milestones are defined in the option “Milestones” of the contextual menu
of each stretch. By selecting this option, a window appears.

On the left side of the window, it is possible to add and delete different
milestones by pressing the right button of the mouse and selecting the option
“Add” or “Delete”. The right part of the window permits the definition, for
each milestone, of its parameter.

The possible milestones are: Engineering structure, Structure, tunnel and

top step.
For example, in the case of a type “Engineering structure”, there would be the
following fields in the right part of the window:

The engineering structure can be rectangular (defining height and width of such
structure), circular (diameter) or half point (height and width). The collection of
these engineering structures can be supported on the land, from the support
elevation or hanging from the subgrade.

In the case of a viaduct, the initial Km is defined, and a table where the lights
are shown as well as the minimum and maximum edge of each of them.
In the table, it is possible to aggregate and delete the definition of the selected
lights by choosing the offered orders with the contextual menu of such table
(right button of the mouse).
The final Km of the viaduct is calculated automatically by adding to the initial
KM all the inserted lights.

In case of top step, the initial reading station, width, edge and absolute
elevation of the step are required.

Finally, the tunnel requires data from the initial reading station, thickness from
excavation and height.

All magnitudes of the inserted data for milestones are in meters.

Hereunder is an example of longitudinal plans:

The characteristics differing from each type of plan are the following:

• Type 0: Presentation of the subgrade and land over a complete square,

reserving in the superior part a space for vertices data. This representation
is similar to the graphical window of the longitudinal.
• Type 1: Data of the vertices according to the chosen configuration by the
user. Only the active subgrade inferior part is squared.
• Type 2: Same as Type 1 but in the inferior part there are more data, such
- Gradients and slopes
- Subgrade elevation
- Land elevation
- Accumulated distances to origin
- Mileage
- Curvature diagram
- Cambers diagram
• Type 3: Same as Type 1 but in the inferior part there are more data, such
- Ramps and slopes
- Projected elevation
- Current elevation
- Elevations distances
- Mileage
- Curvature diagram
- Cambers diagram
• Type 4: Conceived to issue conduction works longitudinal. Permits to
present data with a defined interval additionally to the information in the KM
where are the vertices of the subgrade. There is information over the slopes
of each alignment, the red elevation in clearing zone or filling zone, the
subgrade elevation and land elevation, partial and accumulated distances as
well as diagram of curvature.

If there is improving zones in which the subgrade is adjusted to the existing

road, in these zones, the subgrade is not drawn and instead, a line with the
elevations calculated from the land is drawn. In the singular points line, the
zone of improvement is delimited with a line where the text “improvement” is

By pressing the “More” button, more parameters of the draw are shown.

 All the magnitudes, measured in millimeters, are applied to DIN-A1 sheet

size. By printing to any other size or with reduction factor, these magnitudes
will be affected by the corresponding reduction.

Grid of the Subgrade elevation

• Left margin: Distance from the left vertical of the frame up to the grid of
the subgrade elevation.
• Right margin: Distance from the right vertical of the frame up to the grid
of the subgrade elevation.
• Elevations boxes height: Boxes height where land and subgrade
elevation are written.
• Subgrade elevation margin: Real distance from the point of minor
elevation of the land or subgrade until the first horizontal line of the grid of
subgrade elevation.
• Minimum height: Minimum real height of the grid.
• Distance between labeled stations: Distance between reading stations
selected with thicker vertical lines and with the corresponding KM.
• Division between labeled stations: Number of divisions to checked
between two followed labeled reading stations.

Diagrams Axes

• Distance between axes: In the inferior part of the length, the cambers,
singular points and curvature norm are drawn. Each one with its
corresponding axis and separated between themselves by the selected
distance in this option.
• Superior and inferior margins of the axes: Vertical distance between
the first of these axes and the beginning of the grid, and between the third
axis and the inferior line of the frame.

Scales axes

• Left margin: In the left part of the plan three axes diagrams are drawn in
order to inform over the vertical and horizontal scales of the elevation
subgrade, cambers, etc… The left margin is the horizontal distance from the
point of union of both arms of the diagram until the beginning of the grid or
of the axes curvatures, cambers, etc…
• Axes length: Diagrams arms length (described here before)


• Big numbers size: Size of the numbers indicating the KM of the stations.
• Medium numbers size: Size of all the elements informing over the land,
subgrade and elevations of the horizontal lines of the grid.
• Small numbers size: Size of the elements informing over the curvatures
norm, singular points, cambers and diagrams scales.


• Margin with the longitudinal: Distance in vertical between the frame of

the longitudinal and the frame of the ground. Coinciding with the distance
between the ground frame and the superior line of the general frame.
• Minimum vertical margin with the frame: Margin in vertical between
the minimum frame surrounding the ground and the one really drawn. The
frame drawn is adjusted in order to comply the margin with the longitudinal.
With this data it is guaranteed a minimum interior margin of the ground
• Horizontal margin with the frame: Margin that will increase the ground
frame from the left and right.

• Superior, inferior, left and right margin: Distance between the edge of
the sheet and the line delimiting the plan.
• Stamp height: Reserved space to insert data of the plan.


• Vertical lines: Indicate if vertical lines that do not correspond with the
labeled stations have to be drawn.
• Horizontal lines: Indicate if horizontal lines with no associated elevation
have to be drawn.
• Tangents data: (KM & elevation). Labeling of such data in vertical in the
tangency points.
• Slopes data: Labeling of the alignments selecting the following options:
- Always: in all alignments.
- No short alignments: No slope labeling of the alignments where the
slope label does not fit.
- Never: No alignment labeling.
• Vertices data: Following vertices data depending on the selected option:
- Complete: In a rectangle, the following data are labeled
. Reading station
. Kv – Agreement parameter
. Vertex elevation
. Agreement length
. Vertex arrow
. Slopes difference
- Reduced: Labeling in both sides of the vertex vertical, the station and
the agreement parameter.
- No: No data of the vertices are given.
9.6 Ground Plans

The CLIP program can generate ground plans from the Tree Structure branch
call “Plans”.

These plans, as the anterior ones, are generated in real time, so no storage in
hard disk are required. Its definition is stored in TRB work file.

The possible options in the floor branch are:

- Plans dimension
- Ground plan definition
- Ground plan modification
- Ground plan printing

All the axes, off sets, slope feet, labels, symbols, etc…that are being shown in
the ground graphical window can be viewed in the corresponding plans.

For the hatching of the slope feet, it is possible to draw the slopes hatching up
to the beginning of the gutter (in clearing zone) and the berm (in filling zone)
or up to the beginning of the roadbed slope beginning.

To configure the hatching mode, it is necessary selecting the “slope feet”

option (in the Axis structure) and select, in the “slope head” the adequate
type required.
Hereunder are two images with the different types of hatchings:

Hatched slope in roadbed foot Hatched slope in berm/gutter

The ground plans branch has the properties Vis and A% to draw the marks
representing each floor plan and its attenuation, in the ground graphical

9.6.1 Plans dimension

Measures of the margins of the page for the plan and the height of the stamp.
(see 9.3)

9.6.2 Ground plan dimension

It is possible to define each ground plan manually and automatically.

Each of the ground plans are defined according the following parameters:
• Description: Text describing the plan.
• Plan number: Correlative and automatic numeration assigned by the
program to the different created ground plans.
• Central point: (Real X & Y coordinates). It is the central point of the plan.
The center of the area destined to include graphical information.
• Scale: Plane scale. Considering, as usual, the printing reference in a DIN-A1
• Turn point: Angle equivalent to the azimuth difference between the short
sides of the plan and the North.

The manual process to create a new floor plan is the following:

1. In the graphical window of the ground, the scale, turning point and the
position are modified to view the new plan. The important point is the
central point.
2. Select the option “Define Ground Plan” from the Plan contextual menu of
the Tree Structure.

In this window, all the data defining the plan are shown.

There is the option “Frame by default”, that associates the general frame and
stamp height defined in the option “Plans dimension”. If the user wants to
use other margins or pen colors, he can select the option “Own frame”, filling
up the activated parameters.

Once selected the “Accept” option, the plan remains stored.

The area with the plans graphical information, without page margin nor stamp,
is represented in the ground window.
In order to generate automatically the floor plans corresponding to an axis, the
option “Generate plan” will be selected, from the axis contextual menu, in the
Tree Structure.

Initial and final reading stations, as well as scale of each one and axis length
per plan are asked.

The relation between plan scale and length has to be coherent, the value by
default is valid (scale 1:1000 in A1 – bit more than 750 meters).

Once selected to “Accept” option, the program generates plans automatically.

The name given to the plan is the title of the axis plus “Plan nºX”, where X is
a correlative number starting from 1.

These plans, and the ones generated manually, can be modified as it will be
explained hereafter.

9.6.3 Ground plan modification

This option permits to delete and modify any generated plan.

By selecting any of the options, we have access to the data defining it and by
selecting the option “Delete”, the plan is erased permanently.

9.6.4 Ground plan printing

This option permits to select plans to view them on the screen, print them or
export them to DXF.

The printer, page, orientation and reduction can also be configured by selecting
the “Change” option.

The plans can be selected individually or selectively (CONTROL + left button of

the mouse).
It is possible to generate floor plans combining different parameters:

• In absolutes: by selecting this option, a DXF file is generated in absolute

coordinates of the selected plan or of the global plan.
• In 3D: by selecting this option, the cartographic information is exported to
3D, as well as axis lines and axis offsets.

 This way, if an urbanization is being designed, it is possible to generate a

DXF with 3D lines of the projected streets that can be read from the TOOL
URBATOOL program. This program is capable to generate a land model
with such information so that the longitudinal profiles of each collector are
being calculated rigorously, even when the collector does not intersect with
any line.

• Scale: This value is only valid if generating a DXF file of the whole work.
Indicate the precision of the file generation. A reasonable scale is 1:1000.
CHAPTER 10 - 3D View Module
The 3D module included in the CLIP program allows the user to make realistic
modulation in three dimension of the final shape of the design; static images or
digital videos can be generated. It is also possible to integrate ortophotos in the

The result of this model can be viewed generally or by axis, static images can
be generated as well as digital videos.

This module not only is an interpretation and environmental integration of the

work but a geometric analysis of the work, detecting immediately the result of
the design.

It is possible to analyze the “ground – subgrade” coordination, the velocity

study as well as the real distances of visibility, according to the National Norm,
the correct definition of the elements in transversal, cambers and subgrade of a
design, the correct connection between axes, viewing easily the elevations
errors, for example.

Basically, the module works for road types. In further versions, this option will
be enabled for the other types of platform.

But this module has the capability to adapt itself to each computer
configuration. The system can also use the virtual memory according to the
characteristics of the work and the computer.

It is possible to select different levels of quality of representation of the

textures and road lines, different qualities of global viewing as well as limiting
the field and land viewing, as well as inactivate lines, textures, cartography,
axes, etc.

 It is possible that the module has failures in the model generation due to
the small capacity of the computer (it is recommended 1 Gb RAM and PIV
with at least 2.0 Ghz). But the program ensures the integrity of the work in
TRB file.

 It is recommended to do a security copy of the job before

accessing to the 3D module.

10.1 Module access

This module is developed in another window, just like the ground, subgrade
and land management. There is a tool bar with all the available options of this

This window can be, just as the other ones, maximized, minimized or have a
size defined by the user.

To show such window, there are two ways:

1. Select the command 3D view from the contextual menu of each axis in
the Tree Structure.
2. Select the button 3D view from the buttons bar Windows.

There is also a tool bar with the 3D view title that has much of the available
options of this module.

This module is thought so that the given values by default work quickly with a
computer with the minimum recommended requirements, without the necessity
that the user acquires deep knowledge of it.

Nevertheless, it is important that the user read carefully the following chapters
before starting to use such module.

10.2 Land Model generation

The land model used by this module is based on the triangulation of 3D

entities from the loaded cartography. These entities can be 3D points, 3D lines
or contour lines.

When selecting the 3D model of a project, by default, a window is shown,

window that it is accessible from the “3D Representation options” from the
button 3D View.
This window is useful for determination of which entities will form the model,
but just 3D lines not deforming the reality will be considered (trees, buildings,
etc...). Obviously, by doing a land digital model, the 3D lines of the electric
cabling, being incorporated together with the rest of the information with
elevation, will provoke a land digital model deformed, that does not adjust itself
to the reality.

Without considering getting to these extremities, there are many layers in the
cartography that should not be used in the model elaboration, being coherent
or not with it. Cartographies that have the information from trees , edification,
etc…existence has to be unchecked for altimetry effects, even if there are
included in plans.

In the cartography management of the CLIP, the user can select classes and
types to use in order to obtain cross-section profiles. This management will be
considered by this module.

In this first window, we find three different zones:

• CLASSES: These classes or groups of entities are fixed for any cartography
and gather under their name the entities from any layer or type. So, the
entities with elevation can be gathered in contour lines, 3D lines, 3D lines
road edge and text/symbol (points per elevation). These groups or classes
can be used for 3D model generation. It is possible to select the entities to
be considered.
A Class has major category than a type or a layer, so that if a class is
inactivated, the entities of this class will not being considered even if the
layer or type is activated.
• TYPES: The types can be assimilated to DXF file layers. An active type
indicates that the entities of itself can be used for the model, only if the
class is being activated.

A type can have also two other additional properties, the reduction and the

- The reduction is defined in percentage, for information reduction from

the entities of the land model. This way, all points from each polyline
with no angular relation compliance will be eliminated. For a 0%
percentage, all the points are being considered.
- The definition is given in meters. This parameter allows to include in
the model more points than the ones defined in the cartography. So it is
possible to insert new points in between two existing ones, in order to
have breaking lines for example. This option gives prejudice the model
and effectiveness at the time of data insertion.
Both options are exclusives, if one is selected, it is not possible to work with
the other one in the same type.
If it is required that the type acts as breaking lines, it is necessary to
select a definition of themselves with a low number depending on the land
and the density of the lines.
• QUALITY: The quality permits to configure the land precision and the
viewing precision. The different options are:
- Low: Low quality land definition. Velocity of viewing and view update is
maximum. Mode by default.
- Medium: Medium quality land definition. Velocity of viewing and view
update are compensated.
- High: High quality land definition. Velocity of viewing and view update
depends on the computer characteristics.
- Automatic: Quality of viewing selected automatically considering the
computer characteristics and size of the work to be shown.
- Increasing: Valid option for medium, high and automatic qualities. This
option shows medium quality first and then high quality.

The quality operates with the reduction option so that with high quality and 0%
reduction all points form the entities are being considered.

Once agreed all the elements, select the button “Accept” and at this moment
the complete model calculation will start, including the stretches of the axes
created in the CLIP.

10.3 Stretches aspect modification

The 3D stretches aspect can be modified in the “Stretches” part of the “3D
view representation options”.

In the “Stretches” zone, the quality of the representation of the projected

work stretches is given.
The quality can be defined separately in order to define the quantity of used
cross-sections and road lines quality. This grade of quality corresponds to the
number of cross-section profiles used in the model calculation; the grade can
be either low, medium or high.

Over the basis of cross-section profiles from the active land are added,
according to the quality grade, more profiles obtained and calculated according
to the cross-section tables. The number of profiles used depend also of the
radius of the curves of the ground alignment. With minor radius, major number
of cross-section profiles, so that the triangulation has more points and the
transitions are more or less softer.
The quality of the lines corresponds to the number of segments created to
represent each of them. With low quality, larger segments can be observed
than with medium or high quality.

Minor will be the quality grade, easier and more fluid will be the movements as
the work is done with less information. The quality of the stretches has
influence over the quantity of calculations to be done to calculate the land

In the “View” part, the appearance and management of the different elements
of the road can be customized; road, slope, gutters, walls, etc…it is also
possible to configure aspects relating to the painting of the elements.

The presented window is divided into three parts:

• Visual quality: Definition of quality of the elements given before. This

quality will not affect the land (low, medium, high) but will affect the
computer performances.
• Textures: In this part, it is possible to configure the textures used for each
element of the job. This way, it is possible to select the texture to be used in
the road, gutter, median, wall and slope. By pressing over each of them, in
the right part, appears the used stretch.
There are branches associated by default for each concept, but the user can
user other ones. For that, it must select the “Change” option, there will then
be a window such as this one:
In this window there are two graphical areas. In the superior one, textures
given by the program are stored. In the inferior one, a new texture can be
The new textures must come from external files and must be drawing files with
BMP extension.
To select a new external texture, it is necessary to select the option
“External”, select the route and name of the corresponding file. This route is
stored in the proper TRB file, the stretch itself is not stored.
The values given by default can be restored at all times with the option
The changes done have immediate effect once the option “Accept” selected.
• Colors: In this part, colors that are being used are configured for fusion or
modeling with the stretches of the different elements described previously.
Colors used for each element are configured in order to obtain colors more
professional and realistic.
In order to change the color, first select the concept to be changed and
select the “Change” option. Color of the sky and the land can also be
selected. For the land, the selected color will be used to paint the land
model if there are no textures, colors by elevation nor loaded ortophoto.
The values given by default can be restored automatically, by selecting the
“Restore” option.
• Display: Define different elements to be viewed in the model. Some of the
aspects that can be configured in this part are accessible as well from other
buttons of the tool bar.
- Lines: These are being viewed together to the 3D model. 3D Lines with
elevation appear with its exact elevation and 2D lines with elevation 0. If
it is required to see only cartography lines in 3D without the model, it is
necessary to uncheck the “View solids” in the Toolbar.

Cartographic entities in 3D
Cartographic entities together with the model

- Shading: Create shading effects over the model. Each part of the model
receives a quantity of light depending of its orientation. If this option is
not activated, the model looses perspective, depth and realism.

3D model without shade

3D model with shade

- Textures: Draw or hide assigned textures to each element. In case of

uncheck, each element will be colored with the color assigned in the
“Color” option.

3D model without texture

3D model with texture

- Land colors: The user, in the CLIP cartographic management, can create
customized colors to assign, depending of the elevation, to each contour
line. These colors can be used to represent the land in 3D with the same

 It is possible to create lakes effects with the help of colors by elevation. For
that, the level line of the lake elevation (that should not have interior lines)
must be situated in an independent type (see cartography chapter). By
doing the model, the property definition with 10 or 20 meters value is
given to such type. The module will do the triangulation inside the defined
line. In the colors code, it is necessary to define such elevation only with
blue color.
The remaining parameters included in the View option will be explained in the
chapter corresponding to the movement.

10.4 Movement through the model

The movement through the model can be done in three different ways:

- Free movement
- Movement linked to the job axis
- Movement linked to different axes of the linear work


In this type of movement, the change will be done by moving the mouse over
the graphical window, maintaining pressed the left button and other keyboard
keys combination.

Orbital movement

From the second button of the toolbar of “3D view”.

The image in the button is updated in order to represent the state of the
different coordinated axes in the 3D view.

At all times the reference is the central point coinciding with the ground window
center coordinates.

 There is at all times a link between the movement in the ground window
and in the 3D view. If both windows are given in parallel, in a vertical
mosaic, it is possible to observe the effect, that sometimes permit a better
orientation within the model.

The reference point can be modified at all times by doing movements by the
ground window or the model.

Here under is given an example with both windows in the screen:

The green circle shows the turn over the reference point. By moving the cursor
to the right or to the left, the model turns only over the point of reference.

The blue circle represents at all time the horizontal plan. By moving the mouse
from upper to lower place, the angle from the which the horizontal is viewed is

If we place the viewer in the medium elevation of the model, the blue circle
appears as an horizontal line, giving the possibility to view the model upper or
under the reference elevation.

The red circle is painted orthogonally to the two anterior circles in order to
facilitate the axes positions readings.
 It is not necessary for the user to think how each mouse movement will
affect the model movement. It is recommended to do different tests moving
slowly the mouse at the beginning before getting used to this movement
effect. In very few moments, the control will be absolute.

Zoom movement

It is possible to do a close up and a bigger distance to the reference point, with

the wheel of the mouse.
This way, with the help of the wheel from the mouse type “Wheelmouse”, it is
possible to turn in one or the other direction, doing movements similar to a

Movement shift

With the combination of CONTROL key + left button of the mouse, as well as
the graphical window movement, two new additional movements are being

• Anterior combination + vertical movement. Produces the change of

reference point for others located in the vertical of the viewable. If the
movement is done upper, the new reference point will be close to the
observer location, by producing the effect of moving back in the model. The
opposite movement gives the sensation of moving forward.
• Anterior combination + horizontal movement. Produces the change of
reference point for others located situated at the same distance of the
observer and to the perpendicular of the viewable reference point. The
effect produced is like a lateral movement.

 These movements can be completed by the ones done in the gorund

window, zoom and turns.

Movement up and down

This movement permits to move the point of observation upper, up to the

maximum elevation of the model, or down, to the minimum elevation of the

This type of movement is useful when the viewing is close to the model. Its use
is done through a button of the toolbar.

It is possible to create an animation through the job axis geometry, by pressing

the button “View Stretch” of the 3D View toolbar.

The selected axis in the Tree Structure will be used. To see any other axis, it is
necessary to select it in the Tree Structure.

Here is an example of 3D view representation of a job:

Alphanumerical data of the window as well as cinematography characteristics of

the movement are configurable from the Route and View of the window “3D
representation options”.
This window is divided in different zones:

• Reading Station: Determine the initial mileage point of the route of an

axis and the used step for movement of the 3D View toolbar.
• Distances: The distance of the observer and obstacle in the route are
These magnitudes are considered for the visibility calculation.
By default, values considered are those from the norm standards.
Observer height: Measured in meters. (1,10 m)
Visibility object height: Measured in meters. (0,20 m)
• Kinematics: Define the route velocity, that can be fixed or variable.
If fixed velocity is selected, the route does not give sensation of realism but
the stopping distance is calculated for the whole route.
It is possible to change the velocity while driving through the road with
CONTROL option pressed and the wheel of the mouse.
The other option, automatic velocity, does a route that varies depending on
the different elements of the work.
There are for this case two parameters; the maximum velocity in straight
lines and the type of driving (slow, normal, fast), considered from the norm
standards. The slow driving is 10% slower than the recommended speed by
the norm and the fast driving 10% faster.
The velocity is reduced before entering the curves and increases going out
from them.
During the route, the observer view does not remain fixed in the tangent of
the mileage point at each moment, but in the curves, depending on the
radius, it goes to the inside of them. This way, the emulation of the route is
Finally, it is also possible to go through the road in the direct direction of the
traffic or in the inverse direction.
There are also from the “View” option other parameters:
KM: View or hide the text informing of the reading station of the observer in
which the animation is at any time of the routing.
Texts: View or hide texts informing of the axis title and the route velocity at
any time.
Visibility: View or hide texts informing of the available visibility and
stopping distance, according to the norm standards, in each reading station.
The stopping distance is being calculated with the selected velocity or with
the instantaneous velocity in case of “Automatic Speed” option selected.
Text borders: Change the aspect of the shown texts. By default this
propriety is active and allows that if a text is situated over a portion of the
model with similar color, this one can be read without problems.
Maximum distance in Axis view: Maximum distance shown, from the
observer reading station during the animation representation. Minor is the
quantity, minor the number of calculation done by the computer, and then,
better will be the performance.

In order to start the animation, select the “Stretch Axis View” option, with
the following possible operations, just as a normal video player:

- Play
- Pause: Stopped over the current image.
- Fast forward/Rewind: the vehicle goes forward or opposite direction,
considering the viewable point always through the direction of the
selected route.
- Step to Next/Previous reading station: When the image is paused,
it is possible to go forward or back to defined intervals, with each button
pressing. (the defined step can be found in the 3D Representation
Options, then the Route option.
- Stop
- Reverse direction: Axis route in reverse direction.

 During the route, it is possible to modify the observer viewing with the
whellmouse and the left button pressed. The effect to look to other places
while driving is emulate.

 It is also possible to do a zoom by getting the viewing closer or further to

any place only with the wheel of the wheelmouse.


This possibility permits to do animations of the route of various axes in a

continuous way (exit from a principal axis to a road junction for example) or
In order to select this option, firstly press the button “Stretch/Axis view” and
afterwards, “Stretches/Axes Sequence” of the 3D View option.

With the buttons “Add” and “Delete”, it is possible to incorporate or reduce

the number of axes of the superior part of the list.

In this list, the axes to be covered as well as the initial and final reading
stations of each of them are shown.

In order to add a new axis, it is required to select first in the Tree Structure and
then select the “Add” option. Once added, it is possible to modify the position
in the list with “Move up” and “Move Down” options.

In each axis, a part from the initial and final reading stations points of the
route, it is possible to define the observer position from two points of reference,
the road edge and or the proper axis.

If we select the reference distance to the axis, the positive magnitudes will be
understood as the observer position to the right of the axis and negative to the
left, according to the way selected.

If the reference is taken from the road edge, the positive distances will be
taken from the edge to the axis.

It is also possible to select the route direction of an axis, being direct the
increasing of the reading stations and viceversa.
 With all these options, it is possible to create animations routing all the axes
of a project. This animation can be exported, just as the normal routing, to
a digital video in AVI format.

10.5 Lighting and Atmosphere effects Perspective

The parameters for lighting and other atmospheric effects can be found in the
“Lighting and Atmosphere” option of the “3D Configuration Options”.

This part is divided in two zones:

• Configure the light vector inclination used to illuminate the model. It is

possible to illuminate the model with light from the sun or the moon and
different inclinations. (90º, 50º, 30º & 10º). The inclination is selected by
pressing in the buttons showing different Sun or Moon positions.
The light vector gives a lightning which focus goes to the infinite.
Here is an image showing the different inclinations:

Independently from the inclination, the light vector can be modified in

direction, way and intensity through the toolbar. This button has the same
appearance than the orbital movement button and its use is identical.
The movement of the mouse in the vertical permits to increase and
decrease the light intensity and the horizontal movement the light
• The second zone permits to configure atmospheric effects, such as fog and
haze, both of them with its own intensity (low, medium, high).
The fog and the haze decrease the visibility.

The representation of the model can be done through orthogonal or isometric

projection perspective. (toolbar)

In the other hand, the model viewing can be done through an orthogonal or
zenith projection perspective. This second one results more real and can be
selected through the button “Perspective” from the 3D view tool bar.
To come back to the representation system with orthogonal projection, select
the button “Orthogonal” from the same tool bar.

3D perspective view

3D orthogonal view

10.6 Ortophotos implementation

The 3D viewing module allows an ortophoto incorporation to the model, so it

can be viewed in three dimensions. The ortophoto is deformed, taking the same
geometry as the generated model, in order to be as realistic as possible.
Additionally, it can be observed with precision that showed elements in the
ortophoto are affected by the design.

To access to this option, select the “Ortophoto” option from the “3D View”

The window is divided in two graphical areas, on the left, the loaded
cartography and on the right to load the ortophoto.

1. Load the ortophoto: the module allows to charge a unique ortophoto so

far. If it is required to work with several ones, it is possible to unify them
with an external program in order to obtain a BMP file. If the ortophoto
would not be in BMP format, it is necessary to convert it firstly into a BMP

The BMP format stores the information of an image less compactly than
other formats, so that such images produce quite big files.

In order to optimize the performance of the computer, there is the

possibility to reduce the information quality, through the “Options” folder.
The file information that can be reduced is based on the following

• Resolution: percentage and represents the quantity of information over

the which the work will be done. With minor percentage, minor resolution.
This will create an fading effect by reducing the number of pixels different
from the photo.
• Color depth: Each pixel of a picture has a color. Bigger is the color depth,
more colors can be defined per pixel. This option allows to reduce such
depth. Depending on the colors of the image, the reduction effect of them
will be shown with major or minor importance. This parameter is measured
in bits by pixel.
• Texture filter quality: High or low. Quality of the final texture of the
ortophoto projected over the model.

If the computer has low characteristics, low quality has to be used in the
parameters here above mentioned.

Once selected the parameters, choose the “Open” option and the ortophoto is

There is then a window of files selection in which the route and the name of the
BMP file are inserted.
2. Ortophoto geo-referenciation: Reference of the ortophoto according to
the cartography so that, when both are placed one over the other, the
model represents exactly the image in three dimensions.

There are two ways of doing it, manually or numerically.

It is necessary to define two points in each window so that the program can
modify the size, position and turn to apply to the ortophoto to situate and
scale it correctly.

The numerical geo-reference of both parts requires the entry of both points
coordinates in the cells in the superior part of the window. For that, it is
necessary to insert the X and Y as point of reference1 and point of
reference2 in the cartography and ortophoto.

The system of local coordinated axes of the ortophoto has its beginning in
the inferior left square. The X axis is the horizontal and the Y the vertical.

The manual way consists in selecting with the mouse the points in the
graphical windows.

For that, in each window, it is possible to do extensions, reductions and

movements to get closer to the required points. In the inferior part of the
window, there are three buttons that select and inform about the viewing
mode at any time (buttons, zoom +, zoom – and movement).

Once chosen the first point of viewing in both windows, pulse the button
“Define Reference 1”. At this moment, by pressing the cartography and
ortophoto window, there will be a mark in each of them, indicating where
the first point of reference is.

It is possible to define the point 1 again, as long as the “Define Reference

1” button is active.

By pressing the button “Define Reference 2”, the second point in each
window is selected.

In the cells in the superior part of the window appears, numerically, the
coordinates of the selected points.

Once defined both points, select the “Accept” option and the computer
does all the calculation and shows the ortophoto with the model.

Here is an image of the final result graphically:

10.7 Image and video files output

The last options detailed for this module view are linked with the possibilities to
export the work to static images and digital videos.

 The possibilities the offers the work with such module go much further than
the ones that can be obtained by exporting a digital video. For example,
there is the possibility to orientate the viewing to different points while
going through the axis, the possibility to do zooms, special movements,
etc…For these reasons, it is recommended the use of such module as many
times as possible.

10.7.1 Static images creation

To create a static image of the created model, follow the steps mentioned
1. Situate the view in the window that we wish to export with the help of
the different movements detailed previously.
2. Select the button “Export BMP” for the “3D View” toolbar. Then, it is
necessary to insert the name and destination of the file to be created. By
default, the format of the created file is BMP. This format can be open by
any operating system existing currently.

10.7.2 Videos creation

To create a digital video, it is necessary to press the option “Stretch/Axis

View” to select the mode of routing that we want to export on video.

Afterwards, select the button “Export AVI” of the “3D View” tool.

The program exports the video in AVI format, but different type of
compressions are possible to be selected. All types of compressor installed in
the computer can be selected as the information generated in a video is very

In this window are all the compressors installed in the operating system of the

Each one of them has its own configurable parameters that permit to modify
different aspects such as the final quality of the video.

To access to these parameters, select the option “Configure” once selected

the compressor.

As the characteristics of each compressor are different and the number and
type of installed compressors in each computer is variable, no further
comments will be done regarding this aspect.

By pressing the “Accept” option, a window appears indicating the destination

and name of the file to be created. The extension, that is not necessary to
include, will be AVI.
Then appears a window where the size of the video to be created can be
selected. The size is composed by two dimensions, one horizontal and another
vertical. These dimensions are defined in pixels.

There are three different ways of defining the size and video generation ways:

• Window size: Create video with the same size as the current window of
the “3D View”. This size is informed in the same line. The video generation
will consider the 3D graphic acceleration of the hardware installed in case of
video card OpenGL. This is the fastest mode of digital video generation.
• User-defined Size: The user selects the size of the video independently
from the size of the “3D View” window. The video generation will only be
accelerated with video card OpenGL if it accelerates by hardware the
painting over bitmap in memory. Otherwise, this option will be much slower
than the first one.
• Preset sizes: This mode allows to select the size from an extended list.
The name of the mode is composed by a text, an horizontal size per vertical
size and proportion between width and height. This last proportion is related
with the ratio parameter informing about the relationship between the
horizontal and vertical sizes in each pixel. These sizes are the following:

PC VGA 680x480 1:1

PC VGA 800x600 1:1
PC VGA 1024x768 1:1
PC VGA 1280x1024 1:1
PAL VHS 300x600 4:3
PAL VCD 358x288 4:3
PAL SVCD 480x570 4:3
PAL DVD 720x576 16:9
PAL HDTV 1920x1080 16:9
NTSC VHS 300x600 4:3
NTSC VCD 358x288 4:3
NTSC SVCD 480x570 4:3
NTSC DVD 720x576 16:9
NTSC HDTV 1920x1080 16:9
Two more parameters appear, the FPS and Ratios.

The “Frames per second” indicate the quantity of images showed per second
in the video. More images, more quality will have the created video. Obviously,
the video will take longer to be created.

The “Ratio” indicates the proportion between the horizontal dimension and the
vertical one in each pixel in the selected video mode.

This last value can be configured or not by the user depending on the size and
mode of selected video.

Once accepted these parameters start the process of AVI file generation. The
work process appears in the state bar of the application.

 If the computer used does not comply with the minimum

requirements of the program, the video creation can last very long.
 The recommended size to do videos for viewing in video television
formats or DVD never overpass 720x576, maximum resolution for
DVD. To view results on television, it will be enough with 300x600
 It is much more easier to do reproductions directly from the CLIP
program, because, a part from the high velocity of reproduction, it
is also possible to do many other operations.


11.1 Introduction

The CLIP permits, with the different files that it generates, to use the
information to do topographic works in the field (for example reopening), or, to
receive information to process it and do tasks such as job follow-up, volume
calculations, etc.

Also, the CLIP has an option module called TOPOGRAPHY PACK that includes
series of programs valid for PSION WORKABOUT and PSION LZ64 Palmtops.

The pack for the Workabout palmtop includes two additional programs
regarding to the second one.

The finality of these topography programs is to give to the topography people

working with the CLIP and CURVADO the tools to develop their work efficiently
and with the major accuracy.

The programs for the Palmtop LZ64 are:

Taking of cross-section profiles having the reopened and staking
ground axis in the land.

Taking of tacheometers.

Taking of the state of the job.

Reopening of ground axes, off-axis elements of these axes, base
and sole points.

Additionally, for the Palmtop PSION Workabout 2M the following programs are

Follow-up and reopening of the cross-section of a stretch designed
with the CLIP. It permits to download the data of the cross-section
in the palmtop and view them while the work is done in the field. It
orientates to insert in a profile a prism. It draws the point taken
together with the transversal. At the same time of the reopening, it
is possible to take the profile. Automatic download to the CLIP ...


Taking of profiles per coordinates. It permits to take any point from
the land per coordinates and the program associates it with the
corresponding profile. It shows in a schemas the movements that
must do the prism in order to position itself in the profile. It permits
to view the transversals taken at any moment. Automatic download
to the CLIP. This method of cross-section profiles taking is slower
than the existing program PROFILES, but it does not require to have
staked the axis and it is more accurate.

11.2 Transmission

11.2.1 Bases and points

Just as it has been explained in the reopening bases and marks subject in the
ground geometry chapter, there can be different groups of reopening bases.

Obviously, each group of bases can be used as points to be reopened in the


In the contextual menu corresponding to one of these groups from the Tree
Structure, there is an option named Transmit to Palmtop.
Through this option, it is possible to transmit a file to an electronic palmtop that
has the information of the bases corresponding to such group.

The following steps have to be considered:

1. Connect the palmtop to the computer. Normally, the palmtop is connected

through a cable in the port RS-232 from the port A of the Palmtop to the
port COM1 or COM2 of the computer. In the window there is a cell where
a port from the computer is selected and the type of palmtop to be used.
The used port in the palmtop is selected from the menu Config of the
palmtop program.
2. In the program of the Palmtop (Pack for Workabout 2M) the menu Data,
the sub-menu Bases and the option Import File are opened.
3. In the palmtop, the name of the group of points is inserted. This name does
not have to coincide with the name of the group of the CLIP program. This
name will be used a posteriori in the Topography Pack to select a bases file
as active to position the station, do orientations, …A posteriori, select the
button Enter of the palmtop.
4. In the palmtop, there will be a message with the text “Waiting…”. At this
moment, select the option Transmit of the superior window.

By finishing the transmission, the following message appears in the palmtop:

File received

In the palmtop Workabout, it is possible to transmit different groups of bases,

so that one or another is used according to the necessity. The remaining groups
transmitted can be used for bases reopening (or points) contained in it.

11.2.2 Ground axes

In the contextual menu of the ground axis, in the Tree Structure, there is an
option Transmit to Palmtop.
Through this option, it will be possible to transmit the geometry of a ground
axis to an electronic palmtop.

The ground axis transmitted can be used for the reopening in the field, to
reopen points displaced from the axis, to take cross-section profiles associated
to these axes, to associate them with the cross-section file transmitted and this
way reopen such cross-section,…

The following steps have to be considered:

1. Connect the palmtop to the computer. Normally, the palmtop is connected

through a cable in the port RS-232 from the port A of the Palmtop to the
port COM1 or COM2 of the computer. In the window there is a cell where
a port from the computer is selected and the type of palmtop to be used.
The used port in the palmtop is selected from the menu Config of the
palmtop program.
2. In the program of the Palmtop (Pack for Workabout 2M) the menu Data,
the sub-menu Axes and the option Import Axis are opened.
3. In the palmtop, the number of the axis and its title are inserted. This title
does not have to coincide with the name given by the CLIP program. This
number will be used a posteriori in the Topography Pack to select an axis in
different equipment. A posteriori, select the button Enter of the palmtop.
4. In the palmtop, there will be a message with the text “Waiting…”. At this
moment, select the option Transmit of the superior window.

By finishing the transmission, the following message appears in the palmtop:

File received

In the Workabout palmtop, it is possible to transmit different axes, so that one

or another are being used, depending on the necessity of the topographer.

9.2.3 Cross-section
To transmit the cross-section of a stretch to a palmtop, access the option
Transmit profiles to Palmtop from the contextual menu of each stretch of
the Tree Structure.

The following steps have to be considered:

1. Connect the palmtop to the computer. Normally, the palmtop is connected

through a cable in the port RS-232 from the port A of the Palmtop to the
port COM1 or COM2 of the computer. In the window there is a cell where
a port from the computer is selected and the type of palmtop to be used.
The used port in the palmtop is selected from the menu Config of the
palmtop program.
2. In the program of the Palmtop (Pack for Workabout 2M) the menu Data,
the sub-menu Stretches and the option Import stretch are opened.
3. In the palmtop a number of the associated axis to the stretch is inserted.
4. In the superior window, the initial and final reading stations are inserted as
well as the interval of profiles to be transmitted.
5. Press ”Enter” in the palmtop. In the palmtop, there will be a message with
the text “Waiting…”. At this moment, select the option Transmit of the
superior window.

By finishing the transmission, the following message appears in the palmtop:

File received

11.3 Reception

11.3.1 Cross-section profiles 1

To create or extend a land associated to a road stretch the land profiles taken
previously in the field with the data collector PSION and a total station, using
the program PROFILE WITHOUT AXIS, follow the process mentioned here

1. The information of the collector is read and a file with extension .PSP is
created, with the information just as it has been obtained from the field.
2. Through this option of profiles revision, the information of the readings of
the points of the profiles from the PSP file is read and is stored in the TQE
file selected. The information is checked and adjusted. Finally, such profiles
are loaded in a stretch or in a band model with the option of loading the
land of the TQE file.

To receive the information, it is necessary to select the option Palmtop

Reading from the general menu of the program TACHEOMETRY.

In this option, the reading of the information from the Palmtop PSION is done,
creating the corresponding PSP files to the different jobs taken in the field.

The following steps must be followed:

1. Connect the palmtop to the computer. Normally, the palmtop is connected

through a cable in the port RS-232 from the port A of the Palmtop to the
port COM1 or COM2 of the computer. In the window there is a cell where
a port from the computer is selected and the type of palmtop to be used.
The used port in the palmtop is selected from the menu Config of the
palmtop program.
2. In the palmtop program (Pack for Workabout 2M) the menu Export is
opened, the sub-menu P.T.OE. from this option the data taken from the
field with the programs Profile with axis, Tacheometry and Executed
Work are transmitted.
3. In the palmtop, select the option Profiles to indicate that the data to be
transmitted are the ones obtained with the program Profile without axis.
A posteriori, select the button Enter from the palmtop.
4. In the palmtop, there will be a message with the text “Waiting…”. At this
moment, select the option Transmit of the superior window.

When this operation is over, the name of the file in which the data of the
palmtop is asked for posterior generation of profiles. This file has the PSP
extension by default and the following structure:

If it is required to obtain again the PSP files from the last transmission, select
the option Last and the names of the PSP files will be asked again.

To view the imported information, edit it, etc., it is necessary to create a new
TQE file over the one processing the data of the file PSP.

See chapter of Profiles Review for further details.

The PSP format is the following:

In the first register, the file identification *PSP is found.

All the registers starts with an identification key of 6 letters and after that the
corresponding data. Such keys can be:


DATE, ddmmyy-hh:mm

Job title


Prism Height

PRISM, <Prism height>

Considered Base Data

INSTRU, <DBV>, <AH>, <AZ>, <HA>, <CBV>, <NBV>

DBV Distance to the considered base

AH Horizontal Angle
AZ Zenithal Angle
HA Equipment Height
CBV Considered base elevation
NBV Considered base name
Profile Identification

PROFILE, <KM of the profile>

Profile Point

,<Dist.>, <Horiz. Angle>, <Zen. Angle>, <comment>

Profile Axis from left to right or right to left

LEFTAXIS, <Dist.>, <Horiz. Angle>, <Zen. Angle>, <comment>

RIGHTAXIS, <Dist.>, <Horiz. Angle>, <Zen. Angle>, <comment>

Simulated Point (Equipment position)


Detached point

DETAC, <Equipment height>

Axis correction

RECTIF, <I/D>, <Nº of point>

Profile inhibition


End of the file


11.3.2 Cross-section profiles 2

This second process permits to import a file, that will be converted into a TER
file. From the programs of the Workabout Profiles without axis and
Reopened (the program of reopening permits to take the points that will be
reopened or controlled).

The process is the following:

The option Read profile from the Palmtop is selected from the contextual
menu of any stretch from the Tree Structure.
1. Connect the palmtop to the computer. Normally, the palmtop is connected
through a cable in the port RS-232 from the port A of the Palmtop to the
port COM1 or COM2 of the computer. In the window there is a cell where
a port from the computer is selected and the type of palmtop to be used.
The used port in the palmtop is selected from the menu Config of the
palmtop program.
2. In the palmtop program (Pack for Workabout 2M) the menu Export is
opened, the sub-menu Prof. w/o axis or Compr. Real. Mov. Land. From
this option the data taken from the land are transmitted with the programs
Profile w/o axis and Reopening.
3. In the superior window, the name of a new TER file to be created and its
localization is selected.
4. A posteriori, a file to be exported from the palmtop is selected and choose
the option Enter.
5. In the palmtop, there will be a message with the text “Waiting…”. At this
moment, select the option Transmit of the superior window.

11.3.3 Executed Work

With this option, the transmission of data taken with the program of the
Executed Work of the Topography pack is done to the computer.

For that, follow the steps explained in the chapter of the manual, saving in the
computer the PSO file for each work of the Executed Work.

By doing such operation, a file with PSO extension is created, with the
information just the same way as it was taken from the field. A posteriori, with
the option load profiles from the PSO file (in the contextual menu of the
Executed Work), the different profiles are calculated and there are loaded in
the land of the Executed Work.
11.4 Profiles Review

This option is only available for the data taken with the program Profile WITH
axis from the Topography Pack.

The data of read profiles of the electronic palmtop are stored in the computer
hard disk under different files with PSP extension.

The revision of profiles stores the job data in a TQE file. Once loaded, there can
be edited, modified, visualize the profiles in ground and subgrade profile, adjust
the elevations through the ones of a bases file, etc.

To access to the option of Profiles review, it is possible to:

- Press over the button “View tacheometric profiles” from the buttons bar.
- Select the option Tacheometry|Tacheometric profiles|Review of the
superior menu of the application.

There is then a window with the last edited TQE file. If it is the first time that
this option is being accessed, the program asks for a TQE file. It will be
necessary to insert, in the selection window, the name of the new file.

It is not necessary to insert the extension of it.

The following data are required:

- Title. Description of the work.

- Initial and final reading station. Limits of the work.
- Interval. Interval from the which the profiles have been taken in the field.

The name of the PSP file to be loaded in the stretch is asked.

Once loaded the data of the PSP file, a graphic is shown in the screen as well as
a table with the readings done in the field information (reduced distances,
horizontal angles, vertical angles) and the data obtained (offset, distances to
the axis and elevations).Here is an example of such window:
The graphic part shows the ground and the subgrade profile of the cross-
section profile. In the superior part of the window, the subgrade profile of the
land profile is given, from left to right, according to the direction of the trace,
with the numeration of the points that correspond to it.

In the inferior part, the ground of the profile is shown, and the straight line of
regression of its points. In the extremities of such straight line, the direction of
the position of the total station is marked (from the which the points have been

In the inferior part of the application, the profile mileage point and the
coordinates (distance to the axis and elevation) are given of the pointer

In the analytical part of the window, the meaning of the different columns is:

1st Column

In this column, the different points taken from the field are numbered, in
the order that there were taken.

In the first line, B. Vis., that are the data of the base considered from
the total station. In the right part of the table, the name of the base and
its elevation are given.
If the number of the point is headed by the symbol , it indicates a
reference of a mark.

The number headed by the sign + or – is the point of the axis. +

indicates the routing from left to right and – the opposite.

If part of the profile was taken from a defined point, such point will not
be numbered as it does not belong to the profile, appearing in instead
the letters De and its reading. In the right part (calculus) the height of
the equipment in such defined point is given.

Height prism

Height of the prism from the which the point was taken.


It is the reduced distance from the reading station to the point of the

Ang. Horiz.

It is the horizontal angle of the reading of the point.

Ang. Vert.

It is the zenithal angle of the reading of the point.

In these first columns, the data read in the field are given. In the following
columns, the obtained results from the anterior data are given.

Deflection (Offset)

It is the distance in meters of the point of the regression straight line

obtained with all the points of the profile. If this distance is bigger than
the maximum distance defined, an asterisk (*) is put to the right of this
number, not being possible to incorporate stretches nor band models
until the error is solved.

Dist. to the axis

It is the distance in meters of the point to the profile axis (negative to

the left of the axis and positive to the right).

Point elevation.

The data of the readings of the table can be modified, being placed in the
corresponding cell and modifying the required data the same way than in the
remaining tables of the program. Additionally to the readings, it is possible to
modify the name of the base and its elevation. By modifying any data and
changing line, the profile calculation is updated.

By selecting with the right button of the mouse in this window, there is a
contextual menu with different options.


Close the current TQE to open or create a new one.

PSP file reading

The incorporation of field readings to the TQE file is done from PSP files. The
name of the PSP file to be downloaded is asked. Once validated this file, the
data are loaded in the TQE file and a table of the first one containing the data
is shown in the screen.

Adjust bases elevations

It is possible to change the bases elevations by the existing ones in a bases file
(BSE). The bases file from the which the elevations will be taken is asked. Once
validated such file, the program does the change of the stretch bases file that
exist in the bases file.

This operation permits to take the field data without knowing the bases
elevations, although it is necessary to identify them by their name to permit
such process.

Profiles review

By selecting such option, a review of all the stretch profiles is done and, in an
independent window, the irregularities of it are given. The irregularities can be:

Valid profiles to be loaded in a road stretch or a and model.

Profiles without data.

All the profiles that, having data, have a certain irregularity, such as: points
out of section, offset of any point bigger than the one defined, profiles with
less than two points and profiles without defined axis.

Save profile

To save the modifications of the profile, select this option. If the profile is
abandoned after having done modifications, it is asked if it is wanted to save or
not the profile.

Initial data

Permit to recover the previous data to the modification.

Printer listing

Permit to list by printer the input data and table calculation.

Invert profile

By selecting this option, the direction of the route of the axis is changed. This
circumstance is indicated by changing the sign marking the axis.

Put axis

By selecting this option over the point that is found in the field of edition, such
point is converted in the new point of the axis.

Put mark
It is possible to mark up to two points. These marks are equivalent to the
marks of existing roadbed exploitation for subgrade criterions 4 and 5 and the
marks that are being generated in the joining. To situate a mark in a point of
the profile, select this option over any cell of the selected point in the table. The
point that is found in the edition field remains marked. If there are already two
marks, the closest one to the one to be created is deleted, as the maximum
possible is two marks.

Maximum deflection

The maximum value acceptable of the distance to the regression straight line is
asked in order to validate a profile. If no other value has been defined
previously, 3 meters are considered.

When such value is changed, the reviewed profiles previously are not checked
again. The value is considered when it is defined, so it is recommended to
review the previous ones in the case the new distance is inferior to the previous

Once reopened the axis points in the field, the data taking with this method
does not require the use of coordinates, which make the process easier and

Insert point

Permit to insert a new point between the adjacent to the active cell of the

Delete point

Delete the corresponding point to the active cell of the table.

Movements between profiles

The remaining options permit to view the remaining cross-section profiles, next
one, previous one, etc.

Export to TER file

An ASCII file (TER) of the stretch profiles is obtained (in distances to the axis
and elevations).

In this chapter the different types of alignments that can form the axis are
being explained.

To master the ground geometry is essential as all posterior processes depend

on it.

The philosophy showed in the following sheet has been developed through
many years of practice and many dedication from the main professional in the
area of road linear work design.

A1.1. Introduction

In the CLIP program a ground axis is being defined as a succession of circular

elements or straight segments linked between themselves through transition
curves of curvature variable, tangents in their extremities with the elements
that are linked and with the condition that the curvature, in such points of
tangency, coincide with the corresponding elements. Circular elements without
an intermediate curve of transition can also be linked, in such case, the
condition of tangency will have to be respected, but not the one of curvature

Therefore, an axis is formed by one or various alignments that can be straight

elements or arches of unified circumference with transition curves.

The transition curve used by the program is the clothoid that certifies as well
that the curvature variation is linear regarding the development of itself.
Its equation is:
l: Length from the point of infinite radius until the considered one.
R: Curvature radius in the considered point.
A: Clothoid parameters. Characterized it.
With these conditions, the transition curve that links circumferences or straight
elements perfectly defined, if existing, is unique.

In order to have a solution of transition curve between two circular elements,

included such as straight elements (infinite radius), it is necessary that the two
circumferences are not concentrically placed nor the cut themselves.

They can only be linked through an clothoid arch with the conditions of
tangency and radius continuity:

• A straight element and a circumference that does not cut it.

• An inside circumference to another one that are not concentrically placed.

In the case of the linkage of a straight element with a circumference, the

clothoid arch is between the point of infinite radius of itself and the point of
radius equals to the circumference linking them.

In the case of linking two circumferences (one inside to the other one and no
concentrically), the clothoid arch is between the points of itself which radius
coincide with the ones of the circumference linking them.

The program also links automatically two outside circumferences, using the
following criterions:

• The two circumferences will be recovered in opposite directions.

• To link them, two arches of clothoid are used, tangents in their point of
infinite radius.

The following conventions will be considered:

- The route direction of the axis defines the signs of the radius, being
positives the one turning to the right according to the direction selected for
the axis and negatives the ones turning to the left.
- The clothoid parameters are always positives.
- The “coupled with” or “couple back” elements length are positives if
increasing the length of the element and negatives otherwise.
- The transversal movements (off-set) of the axis are positives if the axis is
moving to the right, according to the forward movement of it, and negatives
- If the element is a straight line (infinite radius), in the value of the radius
the value zero (0) is inserted. The program will change to the “infinite” word
- In the case of two consecutive elements turning in the same direction, the
clothoid parameters posterior to the first one and previous to the following
one are being equalized, as there are being linked by a single clothoid. In
the case of a straight element –circumference or circumference –straight
element, the clothoid parameter is being assigned to the circumference
element, not being defined the clothoids in the elements which radius is
infinite (straight element).

To do the design of a ground axis with the CLIP program, series of elements or
alignments with different grade of liberty are being used, solving out by the
conditions of tangency and curvature continuity.

The geometrical tools used for the axes design are based in the best adaptation
in the way of conceiving the linear trace for the designer.

To do a good design, it is necessary to have:

• The necessary data at the minimum cost in order to obtain the required
precision allowing an adequate decision making.
• A total master of the geometry.
• A knowledge of the norm and techniques related with the subject.
• A correct stretching.
• Do not include the problem until the precision of the data is not the most
accurate one.
• Years of experience.

Hereunder are fully detailed the different types of alignments or geometrical


A1.2 Fixed element

This type of element does not have any degree of liberty, and therefore is
totally defined.
It is being defined as an alignment that is passing by two points (or by a point
and an azimuth), with a defined radius and an input clothoid (defined by its
parameter or by its length) and another one of output. Optionally, it is possible
to give an off-set distance.


R Radius
Ae, As Parameter or length of the input and
Le, Ls output clothoids (except when R=∞)
X1, Y1 Coordinates of two passing points of
X2, Y2 the circumference
D. Off-set

The radius of the element in the axis is equal to the algebraic difference of the
radius ( R ) and the displacement (D).

By doing the linking of this type of element with their subjacent ones, the
points of tangency of such elements (Ps1 & Ps2) are obtained as well as the
developments of the input and output clothoids. If the fixed element is the first
element of the axis, Ps1 coincides with the off-axis element of P1. In the case
of being the last element of the axis, Ps2 coincides with the off-axis element of

By linking two consecutive elements of fixed type or “fixed” by the coactions of

the other elements, the program changes the parameter(s) of the clothoids in
order to do the tangency and continuity of the radius. In the case of a curve
and counter-curve (two clothoids), the relation between the two parameters of
the clothoids is maintained.

Parameters relation between two fixed elements

If the parameters of the clothoids linking the two fixed alignments are null, the
program cannot do the calculation and shows an error message.

The singular points Ps1 & Ps2 obtained by doing the calculation must ensure
that Ps1 is anterior to Ps2, according to the axis direction. If this does not
happen, there is an error of overlapping (it is obvious that there is always a
solution without overlap that will produce a loop in the axis).
In this case, the program will not consider the solution.

In order to link two fixed elements, it is necessary that the two circumferences
to be linked do not cut themselves. If this happens, the program gives a
message with a intercrossing error, indicating the quantity in which both
alignments cross themselves. In the following images the meaning of the
intercrossing between alignments turning in the same direction and in opposite
Error of intercrossing between fixed alignments turning in the same direction

Error of intercrossing between fixed alignments turning in opposite direction

Radius by three points

The CLIP program permits to insert fixed alignments defined by three points,
instead of two points and a radius. The points defining the alignment can be
captured from the graphical window of the ground, so that it will not be
necessary to key such coordinates.

For that, when the cell of the radius is being selected, press the option F8. The
headers of the columns will change, asking for the three points.

Once inserted these three points, the program will calculate the radius that
remains as input data.

It is necessary to consider that the third point defining the radius is found
between the ones defining the clockwise direction of the alignment. In the
contrary, the radius sign will be changed. If the point that defines the radius
produces a development superior to p*R, the circumference of short
development that pass by P1 and P2, not passing by then the point defining the
radius. In such case, once obtained the radius, it will be necessary to change
P1 & P2 in order to obtain the required solution.

A1.3 Rotating and back rotating elements

These types of elements have one degree of liberty. There are defined by the
way they pass by one fixed point P, or a distance (D) of it. To fix such type of
elements, the tangency condition with the previous element (rotating) or with
the following one (back rotating) is used.
The data to be inserted are the following ones:


R Radius
Ae, As Parameter or length of the input and
Le, Ls output clothoids (except when R=∞)
X1, Y1 Coordinates of the turning center point
X2, Y2 of the element.
D. Displacement of the axis regarding the
turning point.

Rotating element

Not as with the fixed elements, the radius R is defined as the radius in the axis
and the displacement D is the displacement of the axis regarding the turning
point, with the signs criterions defined previously.

By doing such calculation, the points Ps1 and Ps2 of tangency of the
circumference with their input and output clothoids are obtained. If the rotating
element is the last one of the axis, the point Ps2 coincides with the
displacement of P and if it is a back rotating element and the first element of
the axis, the point Ps1 coincides with the displacement of P.
If, by doing the calculation of the axis, the previous alignment (rotating) or the
following one (back rotating) are not fixed or do not exist, the program tells the
user of such irregularities.

Back rotating element

It can also happens that the elements with the which the tangency has to be
done are too far away or don’t have any solution, in which case the program
would tell the user of the error between the alignments.

A1.4 Mobile and special mobile elements

This type of element has two degrees of liberty. It is being defined by its radius
and by the parameters of input and output clothoids. In order to fix this type of
element, the tangency conditions with its adjacent elements are considered.
The data to be inserted are the following ones:

R Radius
Ae, As Parameter or length of the input and
Le, Ls output clothoids (except when R=∞)
By doing the calculation, the points Ps1 & Ps2 of tangency of the circumference
with their inside and outside clothoids are obtained.

The ground axis cannot start nor end with a mobile alignment. The program
tells the user of such fact by doing the calculation.

There are situations where the tangency of this type of elements with their
adjacent elements have two solutions. In order to differentiate these two
solutions, the element “special mobile” is used to differentiate the two
solutions, which is, the solution with the bigger development of the two.

In the following image the two solutions of mobile alignment are given, for a
same radius.

A1.5 Coupled with and Couple back elements

These types of elements modify the lengths of the previous element (coupled
with) o next element (couple back), and is being defined by its length, radius
and previous and next clothoids parameters. In order to extend or shorten the
alignment that is being affected, it is necessary that this one is perfectly defined
(fixed). The data to be inserted are the following ones:

R Radius
Ae, As Parameter or length of the input and
Le, Ls output clothoids (except when R=∞)
Ln±1 Length of extension of the previous
element (n-1, coupled with) or the
next one (n+1, couple back) of the
considered one (n).
Ln Length of the circumference of the
considered element.
The length of the circumference of the considered element (Ln) is modified in
the calculation to comply with the tangency conditions. Such length is only
being conserved if the element is the first one (couple back) or the last one
(coupled with) of the axis, or then, if the following element (coupled with) or
the previous one (couple back) are of the same type. This sequence of coupled
with and/or couple back is very useful in order to reproduce a linear work from
the developments of different elements of the axis and the parameters of its

Hereunder is given a schemas of the different types of coupled with and couple
back elements:

Coupled with P2

In this type, a length of extension of the previous element Ln-1 is defined, that
can be positive or negative. If such length is positive, the singular point of
tangency of the element n-1 with its output clothoid (Ps2) moves such quantity
in the axis direction, which means increasing its development in such length. If
the length is negative, the development of the element n-1 is shorten, moving
the Ps2 in the opposite direction of the axis.

The length Ln defines the development of the element n and therefore the
position of the point Ps2 of the element n, as long as it is the last alignment or
the alignment n+1 is also coupled with. It does not make sense that such value
of Ln is negative, as it would provoke an error of overlapping if it is not being
calculated again.
Coupled with P1

In this type, a length of extension of the previous element Ln-1 is defined. This
length is defined from the singular point Ps1 of the alignment n-1, obtaining
then, the Ps2 point of such alignment. The length Ln-1 must not be negative,
as it would then produce an overlap error. If Ln-1 has the 0 value, the points
Ps1 and Ps2 of the alignment Ln-1 would coincide, giving then a clothoid of

The considerations to apply for the n alignment are identical for all the types of
coupled with and couple back elements.

Couple back to P1

This type of element has the same mode of functioning as the Coupled with P2
element of the previous alignment. The considerations are the same, changing
the previous alignment by the following one, the points P1 and Ps1 by P2 and
Ps2 and the length Ln-1 by Ln+1.

Couple back to P2

This type of element has the same mode of functioning as the Coupled with P1
element of the previous alignment. The considerations are the same, changing
the previous alignment by the following one, the points P1 and Ps1 by P2 and
Ps2 and the length Ln-1 by Ln+1.
A.1.6. Roundabouts

The maximum angle development for a circumference arch in a fix alignment is

of p radians. This is produced when a fix alignment is defined where the points
P1 and P2 are distant twice the radius of the alignment, as if they are less
distant, the minimum arch will be taken as a solution.

In the other hand, two consecutive alignments can’t have the same radius, as
there would coincide both of them or would cut themselves.

One way to define a circumference with the CLIP program knowing two passing
points and the radius is through three alignments:

1. The first alignment will be fixed of radius R and pass by two points P1
and P2.
2. The second alignment will be coupled with P2 of radius Ra different from
R and with an extension of length for the alignment 1, so that its final
development overcomes half of the circumference (>p*R).
3. The third alignment can be rotating of the radius R, with a turning point
P1, defined for the first alignment.

In the previous image both cases are showed. In the first one (solution 1), the
extension of the first alignment due to the coupled alignment (alignment 2) is
null, so that the point Ps2 coincides with the inserted P2. The program will
recalculate the length of the alignment 2 in order to obtain the tangencies.
In the second case (solution 2), it has been defined the extension of the
alignment 1due to the coupled alignment so that the point Ps2 overcomes half
of the circumference. By doing such calculation, the development of the second
alignment (coupled) is null, obtaining then the required solution.

The CLIP program permits to define a circumference in three different ways:

• 3 points
• Center and radius
• Point and center
• 2 points and radius

It is only possible to define a circumference when creating a new axis. The

program generates automatically three alignments the following way:

Alignment 1: It is of fix type, radius the one inserted as data and points P1 &
P2 the west and east extremities of the circumference diameter respectively.

Alignment 2: It is of coupled with to P2 type, of infinite radius and null


Alignment 3: It is of coupled with to P2 type, radius the one inserted as data

and of development p multiplied by the radius.


A subgrade defines the elevations of the different mileage points of the ground
axis or from a point displaced from such axis in transversal direction.

In order to define the elevations of the different mileage points of the

subgrade, a succession of alignments of constant slope is used, which
intersections define the vertices of such axis. The transition between straight
alignments adjacent to a vertex is done through a parabola of second degree of
vertical axis, tangent to such straight alignments. Such parabola ensure that the
variation of the slope is constant of value 1/Kv. For positive values of Kv, there
is a concave agreement, otherwise the agreement will be convex. In the
program the values of the positive Kv will be inserted as it recognizes
automatically if it is a convex or concave agreement.

In the following image are shown the different elements defining the parabolic
The mathematical equation that defines such type of agreement is the

p( x ) = pe +
⋅x [1]

The elevation in any point of the agreement is:

x x
 1 
c ( x ) = ce + ∫ p( x ) dx = ce + ∫  pe + ⋅ x  dx
0 
kv 

c ( x ) = ce + pe ⋅ x +
⋅ x2 [2]
2 ⋅ Kv

Length (L):

It is the horizontal distance between the points of input and output

tangency. Its value is:
ps = pe + ⇒ L = ( ps − pe ) ⋅ Kv
L = Kv ⋅ θ

Tangent (T):

It is the horizontal distance between the points of tangency to the vertex

of the agreement. Its value is:

c s = c v + ps ⋅ ( L − T )
cv = ce + pe ⋅ T

[1] ⇒ ps = pe + L

c = c + p ⋅T + p ⋅ (L − T ) + ⋅ (L − T )
s e e e Kv
c = c + p ⋅L+ ⋅ (L − T )
s e e Kv

[2] ⇒ cs = ce + pe ⋅ L +
2 Kv
[3] = [4] ⇒ L = L − T ⇒ T = L
2 2
Kv ⋅ θ 2

Bisectrix (B):

It is the difference of elevations between the corresponding ones to the

vertex and the one of the subgrade in the vertex. Its value is:

x2 T2
y= ⇒B=
2 Kv 2 Kv
Kv ⋅ θ 2

In order to define the subgrade geometry, in the CLIP program, the following
data are being used:

• Vertex station: It is the mileage point of the ground axis to the which it
corresponds the vertex of parabolic agreement of the subgrade.
• Previous alignment vertex or vertex elevation: The slope of the
previous alignment to the vertex or the vertex elevation is inserted. The
program will calculate the non inserted data.
• Length, bisectrix or agreement Kv: By inserting one of these three data, the
parabolic agreement is being defined for the corresponding vertex. The
remaining two data are being calculated by the program.

The first and the last vertex of the subgrade don’t have parabolic agreement,
there are used only to define the beginning and final of the stretch, therefore, it
is only inserted the elevation of it and for the last element the elevation or
slope of the previous alignment.

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