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1. From Windows, run Setup.exe from the CD-ROM. One way to do this is to
use Window Explorer® to navigate to the CD-ROM drive and double-
clicking on the Setup.exe file. Also, the Run command under the Start
button can be used to type d:\Setup.exe, where d: should be substituted by
the actual letter for the CD-ROM drive.
2. The setup program will initially copy some temporary files. After this step
has been completed, you will be prompted to start the software installation
by clicking on the OK button. You can also cancel the installation program
by clicking on the Exit button.
3. If you clicked OK, the next screen will contain the options to Exit, to
change the installation directory, and to install the software to the specified
4. By clicking the Change Directory button, you will have the option to
change the directory where the software will be installed. The selected hard
drive must have at least 40 MB of free space.
5. After the installation directory has been set, click the button with the
computer and disk graphic to start the software installation. The installation
software will then copy the required files to the specified installation
directory and the Windows® system directory, and will update the registry.
6. During the installation process, you may be prompted about whether to
overwrite an existing file with a new file from the installation program. The
typical situation when this message is displayed is when the setup program
detects a “.dll” file with the same name as the one about to be installed. In
many cases, the file being written by the installation program is a more
recent version of the dll in the computer and could replace the existing file.
If you are unsure, you may skip overwriting the file; however, there is a
chance that the benefit-cost software may not operate properly.
7. After all of the files have been copied and the registry updated, the
installation program will display a window that indicates that the software
installed correctly. Click the OK button and the installation program will
close. Before running the model for the first time, be sure to restart your
8. As part of the installation process, a new item, “Tornado and Hurricane
Shelter Mitigation,” will be added to the Windows® taskbar Start button
Programs menu. Selecting this item from the menu will display a rollover
list that will give you access to the Benefit Cost Model, the Benefit Cost
Model Help feature, the User’s Guide (in PDF format), and a copy of the
Evaluation Checklist from Appendix B (also in PDF format). If you would
like to create a shortcut to the model on your desktop, right-click on Benefit
Cost Model in the rollover list, drag the icon to your desktop, release the
mouse button, and choose Create Shortcut Here from the displayed menu.
1. Under the Windows® taskbar Start button, select Settings and then Control
2. In the Control Panel window, double-click the Add/Remove Programs
3. In the Add/Remove Programs window, on the Install/Uninstall tab, select
Tornado and Hurricane Shelter Mitigation from the displayed list, and click
the Add/Remove button.
4. The uninstall procedure will remove all files and directories installed by the
install program. It will also remove Tornado and Hurricane Shelter
Mitigation from the Programs menu. You may be prompted about
removing shared files. Usually you do not uninstall shared files, since other
programs may require those files. You may also be notified if there is a
problem deleting certain files or directories.
5. A window will indicate when the software has been completely