Well Foundation: Necessary Parts or Components of Well Foundations
Well Foundation: Necessary Parts or Components of Well Foundations
Well Foundation: Necessary Parts or Components of Well Foundations
Circular wells:
Most common shape of well foundations preferably used everywhere is
circular wells. It is featured with very high structural strength and is
convenient in sinking; additionally the chances of tilting are exclusively
minimum. These circular well foundations are perfectly suitable for piers
of the single-line railway bridges and the double-lane road bridges. But
for excessively lengthier piers it turns out to be uneconomical. Thus, the
maximum diameter of circular well is principally limited to 9m.
Double-D wells:
These wells are usually employed on the piers and abutments of the
bridges that are excessively long to be accommodated on a circular well
of 9m diameter. These wells can be sunk easily. But considerable
bending moments are introduced in the steining because of difference in
pressure between outside and inside of the well. Additionally the square
corners at the partition well provide maximum resistance to sinking.
Double-octagonal wells:
These wells are considered to be better than Double-D wells in
numerous aspects. Most preferably the square corners are eliminated
such that bending stresses are reduced considerably. Additionally these
wells provide higher resistance against sinking than double-D wells
because of increased area.
Rectangular wells:
Rectangular wells are principally employed on bridge foundations with
depths up to 7m-8m. In case of larger foundations double-rectangular
wells can be used. The loading stresses at the steining are very high in
rectangular wells.