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Applications of
centrifugally-cast alloy piping and pipe fittings
in onshore and offshore
oil and gas production

G. L. Swales
ARSM, BSc, FIM, C.Eng.
is a consultant to the Nickel Development Institute
European Technical Information Centre, Birmingham, England


The petrochemical and oil refining divisions of major oil companies have for many years been extensive users of
centrifugally-cast alloy pipe and tube mainly, though by no means exclusively, for high-temperature furnace tubes in
steam hydrocarbon reforming furnaces for production of hydrogen, ammonia, methanol synthesis gas and in stream
cracking furnaces for olefin production.
On the contrary, the oil and gas production sectors have until the last few years made very little use of centricast pipe and
tube; notable exceptions are the fairly extensive use of centricast bodies in austenitic and duplex stainless steels for barrel
pumps for water injection service and centricast aluminum bronze spools for rising mains for seawater pumps on offshore
platforms. However, in recent years there have been cases where centricast heavy wall alloy tubes and pipes have been used
with considerable economic benefit and in some cases have substantially eased heavy wall pipe availability/delivery
problems, particularly where relatively small quantities of pipe are involved. Such applications have, to date, included
onshore flowlines, stainless subsea manifolds in duplex stainless steel, Christmas tree flow loops in martensitic stainless steel
and topside production and test manifolds, in medium nickel alloys.
An important development emanating from pipe foundries is the production of internally-clad steel pipe using
centrifugal casting techniques. Production of bimetallic pipe by centricasting is itself not a new technique, formerly having
been applied to high-temperature petrochemical furnace tubes to obtain the best combination of external corrosion
resistance and pressure-containing capability at high temperature. In the last few years, however, centricast piping with
corrosion-resistant alloy internal cladding has been commercially developed and, equally important, clad fittings are now
available. Cast carbon steel (API X52, X60, X65) pipe with internal cladding of C276, 316L, Alloy 825 and Alloy 625
have been used for flowlines either for geothermal plant or oilfield application.

1. PRODUCTION OF CENTRIFUGALLY-CAST PIPE give long flanged spools. (see Figure 17.)
AND FITTINGS Pipe fittings such as weld neck flanges, extended flanged
nozzles, tees and reducers are rapidly produced by verticle
Centrifugal casting to produce pipes, tubes and tubular centrifugal casting. (Figure 2) (Figure 3b)
components is a long-established method of making high- Whereas for high temperature applications of centrifugally-
integrity castings and has been extensivley applied to cast cast pipe in heat-resisting austenitic alloys for petrochemical
irons, carbon and low-alloy steels, copper-base alloys, furnaces, heat-treatment is not normally applied for
ferritic, martensitic, duplex and austentic stainless steels, corrosion-resisting applications, centrifugally-cast pipe and
high performance corrosion-resisting and heat-resisting steels, fittings in corrosion-resistant alloys must normally be heat-
medium and high-nickel alloys, cobalt-base alloys, etc. treated to confer optimum corrosion resistance. The optimum
There are two basic forms of centrifugal casting: heat treatment depends on the alloy, but for austenitic steels
(a) Horizontal axis spinning and nickel alloys it generally involves a solution-quench
(b) Vertical axis spinning anneal; in the case of some alloys, e.g. cast Alloy 825, a
Both involve casting molten metal into rapidly rotating second thermal stabilization heat treatment at about 940C is
moulds or dies. Which process is used depends on the L/D recomended to obtain the best combination of corrosion
ratio and in some cases the wall thickness and specific appli- resistance and strength.
cation. As a broad generalization the vertical centrispinning For most practical purposes, the general corrosion resis-
process would be chosen where L/D<2. (Reference 1) tance of properly heat treated centrifugally-cast austentic and
Metal moulds are nowadays used exclusively for production duplex stainless steels in the type of anaerobic enviroment
of long tubes or pipes up to e.g. 4-6m length by horizontal encountered in the oil and gas production can be regarded as
spinning. Figure 1 shows a batch of heavy wall CF3M pipes being of the same order as wrought equivalents. However,
delivered for a North Sea project. there is evidence that increasing grain size has a strong neg-
Vertical spinning may involve metal dies, graphite dies, sand etive effect on hydrogen embrittlement/sulphide stress crack-
or ceramic moulds inserted in the metal die to enable the ing resistance of ferritic, martensitic and duplex stainless
formation of profiles on the outer surface. Figure 2 shows sev- steels. Consequently, in assessing the suitability of such
eral examples of vertically-spun castings in duplex and aus- steels in centricast form for severe sour service or where
tentic steels for oil industry applications. Balls for ball valves cathodic charging of hydrogen may occur as in cathodically
are now regularly produced as vertically-spun castings (Figure protected installations, the higher grain size of centrifugally-
3a) and vertical centrispinning (e.g. rings and flanges) up to cast steels compared with their wrought equivalents should be
about 3m diameter are not uncommon. Some foundries have taken into account and specific test data on the centricast
adopted vertical spinning techniques to the production or tee alloy referred to.
fittings (Figure 3b) and even for manifold sections incor- In the case of cast medium and high-nickel alloys there
porating four or more integrally cast outlets. (See Figure 3c.) have been frequent references in corrosion literature to cases
Two main characteristics of centrifugal castings, namely the where static castings, e.g. pumps and valve bodies, have
essentially directional solidification in metal moulds and the shown significantly inferior performance compared with
high centrifugal force, combine to ensure a high degree of adjacent wrought piping of corresponding composition, par-
soundness. Nonmetalic inclusions are forced towards the bore ticularly in very aggressive chemical industry acid environ-
and any microshrinkage is confined to the immediate bore ments. Many such cases refer to ACI-CN-7M, a relativley
zone which is removed by machining. An exceptionally high high-carbon, unstabilized Alloy 20 but some also refer to
degree of soundness and cleanliness through the pipe wall is higher nickel alloys such as CW 12WM, a standard cast Alloy
acheived; experience shows that if die penetrant test on outer C type material which until recently has not been subjected to
and bore surface are satisfactory then the probability of any the evolutionary developments that have markedly benefitted
internal defects is extremely low. There is no significant the corresponding wrought grades. Incorrect or ineffective
difference between longitudinal and transverse properties and heat treatment is responsible for some of these cases while
even through-thickness properties in centricast pipe. others result from bad casting quality, e.g. sand inclusions,
Because centricast pipe and tube are normally bore-machined gas porosity and shrinkage porosity. However, many of the
as an integral part of production, cast pipe can be supplied to current standard cast corrosion-resistant alloys are just direct
much tighter tolerances on wall thickness, ID and roundness cast versions or early corresponding wrought alloys instead
than wrought seamless or longitudally welded pipe. Advantage of being specifically formulated to give an optimum combi-
can be taken of these tighter tolerances in piping designs with nation of corrosion resistance, mechanical properties, casta-
some potential weight and cost saving. Similarily in bility and weldability.
fabrication, advantage can be taken of the tighter tolerances, In Section 4 of this paper, reference is made to the develop-
for example, in fabricating items such as manifolds, which if ment of a specific cast Alloy 825 specification which has
they are to be pigged, may have to be fabricated to stringent been successfully used for heavy wall centrifugally-cast
plug gauge tolerances; accurate fit-up for GTAW root welding manifolds on North Sea platforms; Huey test data on this
and orbital GTAW welding is readily achieved. alloy indicate the resistance to intergranular corrosion is
The maximum length of horizontally-spun tubes/pipes comparable to that for wrought Alloy 825.
depends on diameter and wall thickness but from many Gossett (Reference 2) reviews improved versions of CN-
producers 4/5m lengths are available in diameters from 100mm 7M and cast Alloy C from corrosion resistance and
to 600mm and in some cases, even longer (6m) pipes are weldability standpoints, particularly in the context of static
produced. and castings.
Horizontal centrifugal casting can be adapted to cast an Centrifugal castings, because of their intrinsic cleanliness,
integral flange on long tubes (or an upset for making a generally show better corrosion performance than that of
screwed-tube joint); two single flanged tubes can be welded to static castings but nevertheless there is a need to incorporate

information available on optimum composition ranges, process Single side welds in internally-clad pipe can be made by
variables and heat treatment into national and international adapting one of two basic procedures:
specifications for centrifugally-cast corrosion-resistant alloy 1) A root is prepared entirely of a clad layer, which is
pipe and fittings. welded by GTAW using a filler of matching or over-match-
ing corrosion resistance. A GTAW reinforcing bead may be
added and the joint then completed with SMAW using alloy
2. PRODUCTION OF PIPE FITTINGS FROM electrodes suitable for dissimilar welding. With clad alloys
CENTRICAST STOCK such as Alloy 625, C276, the weld metal would match the
clad layer. In other cases, overmatching filler (e.g. 625)
Fittings such as elbows, reducers and tees can be made from would be used.
centrifugal-cast pipe stock by normal hot-forming techniques 2) The weld preparation and welding the root are the same
in some alloys, and in some cases, cold-forming techniques for as method (1). A buffer layer of low C iron is applied on top
tee and elbow manufacture have been successfully applied. of the root weld. The weld is then completed using C steel
Figure 4 shows fittings forged from centifugally-cast billets in consumables.
stainless steel. Induction bending can be applied to centricast Generally, Method 1 is preferred.
tubes in a range of materials: Figure 15 shows Christmas tree Figure 6 is a macrophotograph of weld procedure qualifi-
flow loops in centricast CA6NM (UNS J91540) 13 Cr/4 Mo cation side bend test specimens for a weld in the material
high-strength martenistic stainless steel tube, formed by in- illustrated in Figure 5, and using Method 1 above. The weld
duction bending techniques. is made with GTAW welding with ER NiCrMo 3 filler wire
Attempts to produce multibranched manifold sections in a with the remainder of the joint completed by SMAW welding
duplex stainless by hot extrusion techniques have not, to date, with E NiCrMo 3 electrodes.
been successful. However, tees in this material are readily Figure 7 shows a selection of a clad tee manufactured by
produced from centricast pipe stock. cold forming centricast clad piping (X52 base - CF3M clad
Centrifugal-cast billets can be used as feedstock for layer).
production of wrought tube by extrusion, hot and cold Small-diameter wrought clad pipe can be produced by
pilgering methods. pilgering larger diameter centricast clad pipe. 1" OD clad
tube (X52 with Alloy 825 clad layer) has been made by
reducing 4" OD centricast feedstock.
Figure 8 shows approximate cost comparisons between
3. PRODUCTION OF BIMETALLIC (INTERNALLY solid centricast Alloy 825 pipe and centricast bimetallic pipe
Horizontal centrifugal casting has been adapted to the produc-
tion of internally-clad pipe which is finding increasing use in
oil and gas production. It is not, however, a particularly new 4. MECHANICAL PROPERTY DESIGN CODE
technology. Steel cylinders lined with abrasion-resistant CONSIDERATIONS
materials and bearing bushes lined with antifriction materials
have been centricast for many years and petrochemical re-
Although it is generally accepted that centrifugally-cast
former tubes in 35 Ni/25 Cr/Nb alloy with an external 6mm
pipe will usually meet higher minimum UTS and 0.2% proof
layer of 50 Cr/50 Ni/Nb alloy to resist fuel ash corrosion were
strength requirements than a corresponding static casting,
in use at least a decade ago. In the last few years, however,
this, with a few exceptions, is not taken into account in codes
application of centricast clad pipe with corrosion-resistant clad
and specifications (cf.ASTM A451 and A743/744). This
layers has been developed, particularly in oil and gas
may change when more specific standards for centrifugally-
production and geothermal processing and, with growing
cast pipe are available for various materials. In ANSI/ASME
emphasis on subsea completions, interest in clad piping for
B31.3Code for pressure piping: Chemical Plant and Petro-
subsea manifolds is increasing rapidly. One of the factors
leum Refinery Piping, which is the code currently most
stimulating this interest is the availability of clad fittings such
widely used for process piping on offshore platforms or
as bends produced by induction bending and forged tees, at
onshore processing installation, no particular account is
least in some alloy combinations. Since valves, weld neck
generally taken of the high degree of soundness inherent in
flanges and some sizes of tees can be readily internally clad by
centrifugally-cast pipe when, as is the normal practice, the
modern weld overlaying techniques, all major components for
bore is machined. This machining removes the shallow
totally clad piping systems for at least some of the clad/base
interdendritic porosity confined to the immediate bore which
metal combinations listed in Table 1 are available.
is characteristic of as-cast centrifugal castings. In
Basically, centricast clad pipe is produced by casting the
ANSI/ASME B31.3 a casting factor Ec of 0.8 is applied in
outer steel shell, putting a molten slag into the shell and then
computing maximum allowable design stresses, irrespective
pouring the alloy layer through the molten slag. After any
of whether the casting is a complex static casting or a simple
required heat treatment, the clad tubes are then pull-bored
centrifugal-cast pipe or cylinder.
internally to a definite ID.
This factor Ec can be progressively increased to 1.0 (see
Because the clad pipe is bore machined it does mean that the
Table 2) for both static and centrifugal castings by machining
accurate fit-up, vitally important for single side welding of
all surfaces, applying dye-penetrant testing to all surfaces
clad pipe, can be readily achieved. Centricast clad pipe is
and either 100% radiographic or ultrasonic testing.
normally available in the OD range 100-400mm; typical
Ultrasonic testing is not realistically applicable to cast aus-
lengths are 4m but this is dependent on diameter and longer
tentic alloys so in order to obtain an Ec of 1.0 centrifugally-
lengths have been produced at diameters 8" and higher.
cast pipe must be fully radiographed. Experience shows that
Figure 5 is a photograph of 6" OD API 5L-X645 pipe inter-
with centrifugally-cast pipe machined inside and out and dye-
nally clad with 3mm of Alloy 625. penetrant tested to confirm the bore microshrinkage has been

completely removed is, if anything, less likely to have below A790 UNS S31260 which has 100,000mm UTS. As shown in
surface defects than wrought pipes; the latter can have lami- Table 3b, centricast pipes to A872 J93550 are, in conse-
nations for example, which may remain undetected until the quence, accorded a lower minimum allowable design value
pipe is cut up and prepared for welding fabrication and at than the equivalent wrought grade. On the basis of general
worst may be manifest as lamellar tearing in subsequent European experience, penalizing the centricast form in this
inspections of welded-on branches etc. In spite of the high way is, perhaps, not justified. In Europe some high Cr, high N
degree of internal soundness inherent in centrifugal castings, modifications of J93550, designed to give maximum corrosion
because of characteristic solidification mode, fully machined resistance (Zeron 100*, Fermanel*), have also high strength in
pipe, tested by DPI to show complete freedom from surface both centricast and wrought forms.
defects, still suffers a 10% penalty in design stress, unless the API Specifications 5LCCRA Line Pipe, accepts centrifugal
pipe is 100% radiographed. casting as a production route and covers two types of duplex
In the case of the cast austentic grades CPF3 and CPF3M, stainless steel Grade LC-65-2205 (S31803/J93183) and
the 10% loss due to a 0.9% Ec is largely compensated, in com- Grade LC-65-2506 (S31260/J93550). The property re-
parison to equivalent wrought grades, by higher allowable quirements for the 22% Cr grade are the same as required by
stress values. A872 and A790 for cast and wrought pipe. For the 25% Cr
Each indivdual wrought alloy/cast equivalent comparison grade the minimum UTS requirement at 95,000 psi is midway
has to be considered on its merits. This will be illustrated with between that for A872 (J93550) and A790 (S31260).
reference to the four classes of cast and wrought materials:
(i) Cast austenitic stainless steel vs wrought equivalents
e.g. CPF3:3M vs 304L:316L. (iii) ALLOY 825
(ii) Cast duplex steels vs wrought duplex stainless steels.
(iii) Cast Alloy 825 vs Wrought Alloy 825. Cast Alloy 825 differs from wrought Alloy 825 on two counts:
(iv) Cast Alloy 625 vs Wrought Alloy 625. (a) The cast alloy is niobium stabilized whereas the wrought
alloy is Ti stabilized. This is because Ti is not a particularly
(i) AUSTENITIC STEELS desirable addition element for castings. Niobium has benefits
as a cast Alloy 825 addition element in the context of welda-
Table 3A compares the minimum ASTM specification prop- bility.
erties and ANSI/ASME B31.3 design stresses for 304L and (b)Wrought Alloy 825 pipe and plate for welded pipe manu-
316L and their cast equivalents, ASTM A451CF3 and CF3M facture are normally given a thermal stabilizing mill anneal at
respectively. In spite of the fact that no distinction is made in about 900-920C where cast Alloy 825 is normally solution
the specification between static and centrifugal castings, the treated at 1150-1200C followed by a thermal stabilizing
cast steel properties and resultant ANSI 31.3 design stresses anneal at 920-940C.
are usually higher than the corresponding wrought alloys at Table 3C compares the minimum proof and UTS properties
the design temperatures (circa 250F) likely to be considered of centricast Alloy 825 with those of welded Alloy 825 pipe
in topside process piping on offshore platforms. This, in (ASTM B705) and hot finished Alloy 825 tube and pipe
practice, largely offsets the penalty applied to cast pipe (10%) (ASTM B423).
if 100% radiography is not carried out. There is no ASTM specification for Alloy 825 centrifugally-
In mid-1988, API Specification 5LC covering Corrosion- cast pipe at present but the minimum values in Table 3c are
Resisting Alloy Line Pipe was issued. Centrifugal casting is an justified by data from mechanical property tests on 54 heats
acceptable pipe production method in this specification and from three foundries.
the minimum property requirements for Grade LC-30-1812 for These data, obtained on the basis of four precontract com-
3161-/CF3M type piping are the same as those given for mercial trial heats and fifty commercial heats in the production
CF3M in Table 3a. of the manifolds depicted in Figure 10, are presented in
histogram Figure 9.
(ii) DUPLEX STAINLESS STEELS It will be seen from Table 3c that the cast alloy pipe
matches the minimum proof of B705 welded pipe and is
In April 1987, an ASTM Specification A872-87, Centrifugally higher than that for B423 seamless wrought pipe and tube.
Cast Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe, covering one The minimum UTS of the cast Alloy 825 pipe matches that of
22% Cr grade (UNS J93183) and one 25% Cr grade (UNS the B423 seamless pipe. However, in the ANSI/ASME B31.3
J93550), was issued. Piping Code and the Norwegian Piping Code TBK6, the
As shown in Table 3, the 22% Cr grade (UNS J93183) steel criteria for determining maximum allowable design stresses
is directly comparable in minimum properties to those of the in such cases are such that the 0.2% proof strength is the
corresponding wrought grade A790 (UNS S31803) now ex- controlling factor for materials having low proof strength/
tensively used in oil and gas production and in consequence UTS ratios such as Alloy 825.
ANSI/ASME B31.3 maximum allowable design stresses are Consequently centrifugally-cast Alloy 825 pipe, heat treated
the same for both forms. as above, could be considered on a par with B705 welded pipe
In the case of the 25% Cr grade (UNS J93550) the minimum as far as design stresses to ANSI/ASME B31.3 are concerned
properties stated in A872 are identical to those for the 22% Cr and exhibit advantage over seamless hot-finished Alloy 825
grade which does not reflect the fact that the higher Cr grades tube to ASTM B423.
are generally stronger than the 22% Cr grade. API Specification 5LC-CRA line pipe covers Alloy 825 pipe
In Europe, before the introduction of A872, centrifugally- and theoretically centricast pipe is acceptable in this
cast pipe in UNS J93550 type alloys was regularly made to specification. However, the composition requirements in this
100,000 psi UTS minimum, compared with 90,000 in A872. specification are those for wrought material, i.e. titanium-sta-
The corresponding wrought grade to A872 (UNS J93550) is bilized material. As referred to earlier, a niobium-stabilized

* Trademarks

version is desirable for castings for reasons of casting quality pipe and forged set-on branch fittings and Grayloc flanges for
and weldability. a North Sea oil platform.
Figure 10(b) illustrates one of the two 16" production
manifolds fabricated from centrifugally-cast run pipe (38mm),
(iv) ALLOY 625 forged set-in swept branches and flanges for a gas platform in
the southern North Sea.
Alloy 625 is one alloy where the centricast pipe form has
The difference in construction methods is illustrated quite
significantly lower strength and hence lower allowable design
clearly by the insert pictures in Figures 10(a) and 10(b).
stress values than wrought pipe, particularly when cast pipe is
Since cast austenitic alloys are not really amendable to ultra-
compared with ASTM B705 welded pipe and ASTM B444
sonic examination for critical defect detection, and radiogra-
Grade 1 seamless pipe (Table 3d). This is partially explained
phy of set-on branch welds is not really practicable, some end
by the fact that the centricast pipe is normally supplied in the
users require the form of construction depicted in Figure
solution-treated condition, whereas ASTM B705 and ASTM
10(b) to facilitate radiographic examination of the branch at-
B444 Grade 1 pipe are mill-annealed.
tachment welds. In the case of the manifolds illustrated in
The minimum guaranteed 0.2% proof strength of centricast
Figure 10(a), the Ec factor was 0.9 whereas for the case
Alloy 625 matches that of B444 Grade 2 which is also solution
illustrated in 10(b), the Ec factor was 1.0, the run pipe being
annealed, but the UTS is considerably lower. Because of the
100% radiographed. In both cases welding consumables with
relatively low UTS of cast pipe, its allowable design stress to
overmatching corrosion resistance and strength were used
ANSI B31.3 is based on UTS whereas for B444 Grade 2 the
(AWS - ER NiCrMo3 + E NiCrMo3). Since the manifolds
design stress is 0.2% proof strength-controlled resulting in a
shown in Figure 10(b) were to be pigged, stringent plug
higher value for wrought pipe.
gauge tolerances were stipulated. The relatively tight toler-
Of course, where Alloy 625 is used for the internal layer
ances on ID and roundness obtained on a bore-machined cast
for clad pipe, the strength factor does not apply since most
pipe were particularly advantageous to the fabricator in
codes neglect the clad layer in design calculations. achieving tight plug-gauge tolerances for the finished
5. REVIEW OF CURRENT APPLICATIONS Topside production manifolds usually only require rela-
tively short total lengths of heavy wall piping (e.g. 30-100m)
and when specified in wrought special alloys can sometimes
introduce procurement problems since production of small
Although centrifugal casting has been used for a number of years runs of specials can be disruptive to wrought pipe mill pro-
for making barrel pump bodies, lined cylinders, pump wear rings duction schedules and delivery may be protracted. Further-
and seawater pump rising mains in aluminum bronze, the first more, manifolds are usually specified for relatively early
major application of centrifugally-cast pipe in oilfield service was delivery in the construction program and the time available
probably the use in the early Eighties of about 9km of 8" for materials procurement and fabrication is often severely
Schedule 120 centrifugally-cast flowlines in 13% Cr steel for a restricted. In this context the flexibility of a centrifugally-
gas gathering system in the Arun gasfield, northern Sumatra, fol- cast alloy pipe foundry can be advantageous in the case of
lowed by a smaller one in Algeria. short procurement lead times or emergency purchasing.
The significant applications of centrifugally-cast pipe in the The tight tolerances to which cast alloy heavy wall pipe can
North Sea oilfields which came to the author's attention in 1983/4 be produced, because of machining being an inherent part of
(excluding aluminum bronze pump rising main spools) were for production, may result in benefits in design, fabrication and
24" heavy wall pipe in 19/10/Nb (CF8C) UNS J92710 stainless weight control; these factors combine with cost and delivery
steel for manifold and pipe systems in gas condensate service on a factors to make consideration of centricast alloy pipe worth-
Norwegian sector platform and 6" 22/5/3 N duplex stainless steel while for heavy alloy manifold construction.
(UNS J93183) pipe for the construction of a subsea manifold in Centrifugally-cast alloy manifolds are currently under
the United Kingdom sector. consideration for other North Sea projects in solid Alloy 825
Since that time, usage in the North Sea has developed to include
or in Alloy 825 clad steel.
alloy topside manifolds on oil and gas platforms, general alloy
heavy wall piping spools and more recently, centrifugallycast clad
pipe for a subsea manifold currently under construction.
This and other applications, which indicate steadily growing
acceptance of centrifugally-cast pipe in oil and gas production, (b) Flowlines
will be briefly described. Figure 11 shows part of the flowline system fabricated from
about 9,000m 8" Sched 120 centrifugally-cast 13% Cr mar-
(a) Production and test manifolds tenistic stainless steel in a gas gathering system in Indonesia
On a number of oil and gas platforms in the United Kingdom handling wet gas containing 13-15% CO 2 , 50-100 ppm H 2 S,

sector of the North Sea, wrought Alloy 825 has been with well pressures and temperatures of 45,000 psi and 190 C
extensively used for process piping between the well and the respectively. This application and its metallurgical background
oil/gas/water separators where justified by consideration of is described as in some detail by Matsui et al (Reference 3).
detailed corrosion/erosion conditions, e.g. fluid temperature, Smaller quantities of centricast 13% Cr are also used in an
velocity and flow regime, CO 2 , H 2 S water and chloride Algerian natural gasfield.
content, pH, etc. This steel has good resistance to corrosion/erosion by wet
On one oil platform and one southern North Sea gas CO 2 but may in some circumstances be susceptible to sulphide
platform, centrifugally-cast heavy wall pipe in Alloy 825 was stress corrosion cracking when even small amounts of H 2 S are
successfully used with significant economic practical and present. In this case strict control on hardness of pipe and
delivery benefits over manifolds fabricated from seamless or weld zones was maintained to circumvent SSC. Centrifugally-
welded heavy wall pipes. cast duplex stainless (J93183) has somewhat better tolerance
Figure 10(a) shows 10" test manifolds (32mm wall) and 16" for H 2 S and is now under consideration for this type of
production manifolds (32mm wall) and 16" production mani- application and has, in fact, been used for flowlines in
folds (22mm wall) fabricated from centrifugally-cast run geothermal facilities, where corrosion considerations gen-

erally have close similarities with those for wet sour gas. of proprietary 6% Mo stainless steels. The technique, referred
Centricast X60 flowlines lined with CF3M stainless have to earlier, of producing flanged spools by joining two half-
been used in geothermal service in the United States and spool centricastings, each having an integral cast flange, has
where more severe corrosive flowline service is apparent, been widely used in practice. Figure 16 shows automatic pro-
centrifugally-cast clad pipe with nickel alloy lining comes duction welding of centricast nickel aluminum bronze pump
into reckoning. For example X60 piping clad with 2mm of column spools; GTAW welding with helium shielding gas
C276, produced by centricasting is being used by an oil and GMAW welding with argon-helium mixtures are
company in the US for geothermal flowlines while another preferred procedures for joining such components. There
US oil company is evaluating centricast Alloy 625-clad sour have been recorded service failures of aluminum bronze
gas flowlines. pump riser spools fabricated from plate owing to de-
aluminification of the weld zone, the spools splitting open
along the longitudinal welds due to severe reduction in strength
(c) Subsea manifolds of the weld zone. It should be noted that this phenomena is well
In 1984, centrifugally-cast 22/5/3 duplex stainles steel (UNS known in welded aluminum bronze castings (Reference 4). The
J93183) was used for the construction of a subsea manifold in susceptability of welded aluminum bronze to de-alumini-
the UK sector of the North Sea. This is illustrated in Figure fication can be markedly reduced by heat treatment and this is
12. One consideration which has to be taken into account in strongly recommended for centricast aluminum bronze spools.
the use of duplex steel in subsea applications; irrespective of The normal heat treatment, which is 6 hours at 675-715C, can
whether the material is wrought or cast, is the possibility of be readily applied to the circumferential welds in the centricast
cathodically charging the steel with hydrogen and consequent spools by local heat treatment using electrical resistance
embrittlement if cathodic protection at high negative heating.
potentials is applied. This might occur for example if the
carbon steel supporting structure was protected at the normal General pipe spool fabrication
carbon steel protection potential and was in electrical contact Figure 17 shows some of the heavy wall pipe in centrifu-
with duplex steel. gally-cast CF3M (316L equivalent) pipe consignment depicted
Such considerations, however, do not apply to another case in Figure 1, fabricated into pipe spools in conjunction with
in the UK sector of the North Sea where 6" centrifugally-cast normal wrought fittings for a recently constructed platform in
bimetal pipe is being used currently in the construction of the UK sector. This was free issue by the project management
manifold piping for a subsea template. (Figure 13 a & b). For team as part of 316L material packages to pipe spool
the straight run pipe, centricast bimetallic pipe with X-52 subcontractors who were generally unaware of any difference
backing steel and 3mm minimum internal cladding of Alloy in form of supply. Figure 18 shows a number of spools in
625 is utilized; the tees are in solid Alloy 625 and the weld centricast Alloy 825 with cast fittings and sweep bends
neck flanges are in forged carbon steel, overlaid in the bore produced by induction bending of centricast pipe for a project
and on the flange face and groove with Alloy 625 using in China.
synergic pulsed MIG deposition techniques. It is understood
that this bimetallic centricast pipe approach is under consid-
eration for at least one other subsea manifold in the UK MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS

(d) Christmas tree piping

Centrifugally-cast small-diameter pipe in CA6NM (13 Cr/4 Barrel pump bodies
Ni/Mo) (UNS J91540) martensitic stainless steel has been Barrel pumps are generally, though not exclusively, used
used for Christmas tree piping for a number of North Sea for injection of deaerated seawater in the North Sea. Barrel
projects. Figure 14 shows flow loops fabricated from induc- pump bodies are conveniently fabricated from a vertically
tion-bent CA6NM pipes and other spools in the same material centrispun barrel and vertically spun nozzles with integral
undergoing local postweld heat treatment, and Figure 15 flanges, which are then welded into the barrel (Figure 2). For
shows some of these spools in position on a subsea tree. some of the earlier projects, 316L water injection pumps were
Specific attention has to be given to the two-stage postweld used but for a number of years 25/5/Mo duplex stainless steel
temperature heat treatment necessary to meet the hardness re- pumps (J93255) have become standard; proprietary versions
quirements of NACE MR 0175. with higher Cr, Ni, N, Mo contents are now being used.
Flow loops for subsea Christmas trees have been produced Pump wear rings
in centricast bimetal pipe (X52 and Alloy 625 cladding) in Centrifugal cast stock is an obvious suitable starting stock for
connection with the subsea production project referred to in the production of pumpwear rings in a wide range of materials,
the previous section. including Ni-Cr-Mn-N steels, nickel-copper aluminum alloys,
nickel-base alloys, austenitic and duplex stainless steels, etc.
(e) Seawater pump rising main spools
Centrifugal-casting of spools for service of seawater pump Ball valve balls
rising mains on offshore platforms has been an established Centrispinning is an excellent way of producing balls for ball
production route for several years. Such components have valves, mainly in stainless steel CF3M. See Figure 3. Most
generally been produced in nickel aluminum bronzes (e.g. foundries produce the component by vertical spinning, though at
UNS C95500, UNS C95800) but some consideration has least one has developed a horizontal spinning technique, for
been given to producing pump columns in centricast versions small-diameter balls.

CONCLUSIONS kindly provided information and illustrations, and to the

various oil companies mentioned in the individual photogra-
(a) During the past five years a significant number of varied phy acknowledgements who kindly gave permission for
applications of centricast alloy pipe and pipe fittings indicates photographs of their equipment or installations to be used.
opportunities where, from technical, availability and cost Lake & Elliot Paramount Ltd, United Kingdom
considerations, centricast products may provide a viable Firth Vickers Foundry Ltd, United Kingdom
approach in piping selection. This viability becomes most Pose-Marre Edelstahilwerke GmbH, West Germany
evident for heavy wall pipe. Manoir Industries, France
(b) Some current codes of practice, e.g. ANSI B31.3, do not Kubota Ltd, Japan
acknowledge any difference between centricast pipe and static Schmidt and Clemens GmbH & Co., West Germany
castings of varied complexity and section in assigning mini- Spun Alloys, United Kingdom
mum strengths for design value computation and in soundness
(cf Quality Factor Ec) whereas experience suggests differently.
A 100% radiographic requirement of centricast pipe in order to REFERENCES
raise the casting quality (Ec) from 0.9 to 1.0 is considered
rather stringent for large pipe orders in austenitic materials 1. P.G.Nixon Centrispun components in FMN
which cannot be ultrasonically tested, particularly when duplex stainless steel.
consideration is taken of the fact that by its very nature, Stainless Steel Industry N 84
centricast pipe bored, skimmed and DP tested (Ec 0.9 has March, 1987
an extremely low propensity to internal defects in the wall of
the pipe. 2. J.L.Gossett New and improved high-nickel
Relaxation of this requirement, say, to random spot radiog- alloy castings.
raphy as a quality control measure, could further improve the NACE Corrosion '88, paper 322
economics of cast pipe.
3. M.Matsui et al The developement of high-strength
12% Cr centrifugally-cast pipe for
sour gas gathering systems.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS NACE Corrosion '83 paper 54

The author is indebted to the Nickel Development Institute 4. E.A.Culpan & G.Rose Corrosion behaviour of cast nickel
for publishing this paper. The opinions expressed are those of aluminum bronze in seawater.
the author and are not necessarily those of the Institute. British Corrosion Journal 1979
Grateful acknowledgement is given to the following pro- Vol. 14, N 3
ducers of centricast pipe and centricast components, who

Table 1

Backing steel Clad layer

API5L X65) CF3M stainless steel

X60) Alloy C276
X52) Alloy 825
Duplex stainless steel
(UNS J93183, J93550)
Alloy 625

Centricast bimetallic pipe combinations of interest in oil and gas production.

Table 2
ANSI B31.3 code for pressure piping chemical plant and refinery piping.
Basic casting quality factor for centrifugal-cast pipe (Ec) = 0.8.
Increased casting quality factors for supplementary quality control.


(a) Machine all surfaces to specified standard 0.85

(b) Apply MPI to magnetic materials or DPI to nonmagnetic materials 0.85

(c) Machine as in (a) and MPI or DPI as in (b) 0.90

(d) Radiograph or UST 100% 0.95

(e) Machine as in (a) and radiograph or UST as in (d) 1.00

(f) DPI or MPI as in (b) and radiograph or UST as in (d) 1.00

Increased casting quality factor Ec for supplementary quality control.

Table 3a
Comparison of strength and ANSI B31.3 design values for wrought vs cast austenitic steels

Alloy Normal ASTM Specified minimum properties ANSI B31.3 Design stresses KSI
designation composition specification Up to
UTS Proof (0.2%) Elongn 200F 300F 400F 500F 600F 700F

Cast alloy 19 Cr A451

CPF3 9 Ni (A744/743) 70 485 30 205 35 20.0 20.0 19.7 17.6 16.0 15.6 15.1
(UNS J92700) 0.03 C max (Static)
Wrought 19 Cr A312
alloy 304L 9 Ni A269 70 485 25 171 40 16.7 16.7 16.7 15.8 14.8 14.0 13.3
(UNS S30403) 0.03 C max A358
Cast alloy 17 Cr A451
CPF3M 10 Ni (A744/743) 70 485 30 205 39 20.0 18.0 17.4 16.6 16.0 15.4 14.6
(UNS J92800) 2.5 Mo (Static)
0.03 C max
Wrought 16 Cr A312
alloy 316L 12 Ni A269 70 485 25 171 40 16.7 16.7 16.7 15.5 14.4 13.5 12.9
(UNS S31603) 2.5 Mo A358
0.03 C max

Table 3b
Comparisons of properties and ANSI 31.3 design stresses for corresponding wrought and cast duplex
stainless steels

Alloy designation Nominal ASTM ANSI B31.3 design

Minimum specified properties
composition /API stresses at temperatures
specifications UTS Proof strength Elong up to 100F
Centrifugally-cast 22 Cr A872 90 620 65 450 25 30.0 207
22/5/3/N duplex 5 Ni
steel pipe 3 Mo API 5LC 90 620
(UNS J93183) 0.17 N LC-65
0.03 C max 2205
Wrought 22/5/3/N 22 Cr A789 90 620 65 450 25 30.0 207
duplex steel pipe 5 Ni A790
(UNS S31803) 3 Mo
0.15 N API-5LC
0.03 C max LC-65- 90 620 65 450
Centrifugally-cast 25 Cr A872 90 690 65 450 20 30.0 207
25/5/3/N/Cu 6 Ni
duplex steel pipe 2.5 Mo
(UNS J93550) 1 Cu max API-5LC
0.03 C max LC-65- 95 656 65 450 25
0.1 N 2506
Wrought 25/5/3/N/Cu 25.5 Cr A789 110 760 80 550 15 36.7 253
duplex steel pipe 5.5 Ni A790
(UNS S32550) 3.4 Mo
2.0 Cu
0.18 N
0.04 C max
Wrought 25/6/1.5N 25 Cr A789 100 690 65 450 25 33.3 230
duplex steel pipe 6 Ni A790
(UNS S31200) 1.6 Mo
0.17 N
0.03 C max
Wrought 25/6.5/3/N 25 Cr A789 100 690 65 450 25 33.3 230
(UNS 31260) pipe 6 Ni A790
3 Mo
0.5 Cu API-5LC
0.2 N LC-65- 95 620 65 450 25
0.03 C max 2506
0.3 W

Table 3c
Comparison of strength and ANSI B31.3 design values for wrought Alloy 825 (UNS N08825) pipe and
centrifugally-cast Alloy 825
Alloy designation Nominal ASTM Minimum specified properties ANSI B31.3 design
composition specifications UTS 0.2% proof stress up to 100F
Centrispun Alloy 825 Ni 41
(Solution treated at Cr 21.5
1200C followed by Mo 3.0 75,000 520 35,000 241 23,333 160.7
annealing at 940C) Cu 2.25
C (max) 0.04
Nb 0.9
Wrought Alloy 825 Ni 41
(UNS N08825) Cr 21.5
(Pipe welded from plate. Mo 3.0 B705 85,000 586 35,000 241 23,333 160.7
Mill annealed) Cu 2.25
C (max) 0.05
Ti 0.9
Wrought Alloy 825 Ni 41
(UNS N08825) Cr 21.5
(Hot finished tube/pipe. Mo 3.0 B423 75,000 520 25,000 172 16,666 115
Mill annealed) Cu 2.25
C 0.05
Ti 0.9

Table 3d
Comparison of strength and ANSI B31.3 design values for wrought and cast Alloy 625 pipe
Minimum specified properties ANSI B31.3 design stress
Alloy UNS No 0.2% proof UTS Elongation, % up to 100F
Centricast Alloy 625* 40 276 75 520 30 min 25.0
Sol. annealed
Wrought Alloy 625
seamless pipe B444 UNS N06625
Annealed Grade 1 60 414 120 827 30 min 40
Sol. treated Grade 2 40 276 100 690 26.7
Wrought Alloy 625 pipe UNS N06625 60 414 120 827 30 min 40
(welded) AST B705
*Manufacturer's minimum guaranteed values

Courtesy Lake & Elliot Paramount

Figure 1 Batch of heavy wall centricast CF3M pipe destined
for an offshore platform in the North Sea.

2(a) 2(b)
Courtesy Firth Vickers Ltd.

Figure 2 Vertical centrifugal-cast components for

oilfield service
(a) Barrel pump body for water injection pump,fabricated
from three vertical centrispinning in 25/5/2 duplex.
(b) Centrispun venturi castings in CF3M.
(c) Reducers in 25/5/2 duplex stainless.
(d) Weld neck flange in duplex stainless steel.
2(c) 2(d)

Courtesy Schmidt and Clemens Courtesy Manoir Industries, Usine du Manior Courtesy Manior Industries

Figure 3a Balls for ball valves, vertically centrispun Figure 3b Tee fitting in Alloy 625 Figure 3c Manifold section with four
in CF3M stainless steel. produced by vertical integral outlets produced
spinning techniques. by vertical centrifugal
castinq techniques.

Courtesy BL K

Figure 4 Pipe fittings in high ferrite 20/10 stainless. Elbows,

tees and reducers forged from centricast pipe stock.

Courtesy Kubota Courtesy Scomark Engineering

Figure 5 Section of centricast bimetallic pipe. Outer pipe 6" Figure 6 Macrophotograph of side bends of weld made in the
OD. API 5L X65. Clad layer 3mm of Alloy 625. pipe shown in Figure 5. ER NiCrMo 3 filler wire and
E NiCrMo 3 electrodes used throughout.

Figure 7 Section of clad tee made by cold bulge-forming of centricast bimetallic pipe (X52 base metal, CF3M clad layer).

Figure 10a Figure 10b

Courtesy Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd. Courtesy BP Petrolium Developments, Scomark Engineering

10(a) 10" x 16" production manifolds fabricated from centrifugally-cast Alloy 825 pipe for an oil production platform in the North Sea.
Inset shows set-on branch construction.

10(b) One of two 16" production manifolds fabricated from centrifugally-cast Alloy 825 for a gas platform in the southern North Sea.
Inset shows set-in, swept-branch construction.

Courtesy Kubota and Mobil

Figure 11 8" flowline in centrifugally-cast 13% Cr

martensitic steel in gas gathering
system in Indonesia.

Courtesy Kubota

Figure 12 Flowline spools for geothermal plant fabricated from centricast

clad pipe (X65 pipe - C276 cladding).

Courtesy Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd. and Highland Fabricators

Figure 13a Early stages of fabrication of 6" subsea template manifold centricast clad pipe. (X52 pipe clad layer
3mm Alloy 625) for North Sea project.
Figure 13b End view of subsea template
incorporating clad piping depicted in
Figure 13a. The production piping
systems at centre and left of picture
are in alloy-clad pipe.

Courtesy Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd. and Highland Fbabricators

Courtesy Cameron IronWorks

Figure 15 Piping illustrated in Figure 16

installed on tree assembly.

Figure 14 Christmas tree piping spools

fabricated from CA6NM
Courtesy Lahe & Elliot Paramount and Scomark Engineering undergoing local postweld heat

Figure 16 Automatic girth welding of

nickel aluminum bronze
pump riser spools formed
from two centricast half
spools with integral flanges.
Courtesy Spunalloy Ltd. and Schomark Engineering Ltd.

Figure 17 One of a
large number of 316L/
CF3M pipe spools
fabricated from CF3M
pipe shown in Figure 1
and wrought 316L fittings
for a North Sea project.
Courtesy Spunalloy Ltd. and Schomark Engineering Ltd.

Figure 18 Pipe spools in centricast Alloy 825 pipe

with cast fittings, induction-bent sweep
bends produced from centricast pipe for a
project in the Far East.
Curtesy Schmidt and Clemens

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