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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



R L Dinesh1, E R K Nishok2
Discipline Head,Civil Engineering -Technology Vertical, Tata Consulting Engineers Limited, Bangalore, India
Assistant General Manager, Civil Engineering -Power Business Unit, Tata Consulting Engineers Limited, Bangalore,

In Modern Power plants are constructed with Chimneys of 275m tall for discharge of hot waste gas at high altitude level. Hot
waste gas is carried through flues made up with either brick or steel material supported on RCC wind shield. Construction of
RCC shell and flues are challenging due to its height. Quality issues due to dragging in slip forming, improper flue can
installations are the major problems faced in chimney construction works. Rectification of these problems are time consuming and
very expensive. This paper high light on the quality issues faced in few chimneys, mitigations and rectification of these problems.

Keywords: Key Chimney, Flues, Slip Form, Bearing,


1. INTRODUCTION Group-A Type 1 and the acid resistant bricks are

conforming to Class I of IS:4860 and the mortar for this
Modern power plants constructed in recent times are
brickwork is conforming to IS:4832 Part 1 - Silica type with
adopting super critical technology. They needed
potassium silicate liquid binder. Galvanized Mild steel
environmental clearances from Government body. One of
straps in vertical & horizontal direction around the brick flue
the criteria is to discharge waste gases generated by burning
are provided at 1 to 1.2 m intervals for stability of brick flue
of coal at high altitude of 275m from ground level. Hot
and to resist thermal expansion of flue. In case of single
waste gas generated in the boiler is carried through flue
brick flue air gap of minimum 100mm will be provided
cans/shafts which will be made up of steel or heat/acid
between wind shield and brick flue for air circulation.
resistance brick flue. Number of flues provided is based on
Adequate area of ventilation openings are provided in wind
the numbers of boilers exhaust connections. In power plants
shield at bottom and top of chimney for air circulation and
multiple units are connected to single RCC chimney for
heat dissipation. In case of multiple brick flues insulation on
economic reasons. These are supported by RCC Shaft
outside face of flue is necessary for keeping the air
structure. This RCC shell chimney structure, housing steel/
temperature around 40° C for human movement on the
brick flues, will resist lateral forces acting on the chimney.
platforms during maintenance. Insulation material can be
Design and construction of RCC-Chimney of 275 m is a
mineral or rock wool of required thickness to achieve the
challenging and most critical in a power plant.
desired outside temperature.
2.3 Steel flues are vertically supported at top (top hung) of
2.1 RCC Chimney consists of wind shield and flues. RC chimney or at every 40m intervals. Steel beams platforms
Wind shield is a cantilever structure housing the platforms, will be used for supporting the flues. Since steel flues
staircase, lift, aviation warning lights, gas probes and flues. suspended from top, lateral restraints are needed at regular
It is analysed and designed for gravity loads, thermal load intervals, generally at 40m intervals. Steel flues are allowed
and lateral loads. Platforms are provided at every 40m to expand freely in vertical direction due to flue gas
intervals for supporting steel flues and at every 10m temperature, which is generally at 120 to 140° C. Expansion
intervals for brick flues. Normally single brick flue is compensators are provided at platform levels. At top of
supported on RCC brackets taken from wind shield and in chimney due to gas condensation effects steel flues are
case of multiple flues they are supported on steel platforms prone to acid corrosion attack. Therefore top 10m length
beams. Size of steel/brick flue will be arrived based on the will be provided with stainless steel. Steel flues are
properties of gas flow considering exit velocity of 25 to fabricated with mild steel plates of grade E250 (410W)
28m/sec at top. quality B (Killed) and stiffeners will be fabricated out of
structural steel grade E 250 (410W) quality A-killed.
2.2 Brick flues are constructed with fire clay bricks/acid Stainless steel used for top portion of the flue will conform
resistant bricks. Fire clay bricks are conforming to IS 1526 to AISI 304L.

Volume: 05 Special Issue: 20 | ACCE : REDECON-2016 | Nov-2016, Available @ 87
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


RCC chimney supporting flue cans is very sensitive to wind
loading and mainly wind load will be governing the design.
Large openings in the RCC shell are required at ground
level for shifting of construction materials/ erection of
internal flues and entry into the RCC shaft for maintenance
during life of power plant. At 50 m level, generally called
breaching level, large openings are needed for duct entry. In
addition, smaller size openings are required for support of
intermediate platform, beams, sampling ports, ventilation
openings at various levels. In order to economize the design,
chimney shell is flared up from large diameters at lower
level to smaller diameter at 1/2 and 2/3rd height of chimney.
Above this level, diameter is kept uniform till top of
chimney. Construction of lower portions of chimney with
many large openings is challenging and in order to have
good quality of concreting generally it is preferred to have
jump-form work up to top of duct opening level and
thereafter slip form work for construction. Chimney
construction is a long duration activity and many times falls
on critical path of the project. Completion of chimney
construction in time is very crucial for light up of boiler and
commissioning. The time constraints and difficulties in
Fig -1: Slip Form assembly
installation of slip forming arrangement at breaching level,
often lead to expediting constructionactivities by adopting 3.1 Quality Issue In The Slipform Concreteing
slip form work from foundation level instead of atbreaching
Due to the presence of many openings at lower level slip
level, thereby causing, quality compromises/ issues. Slip
form is leading to quality issues in concreting. Dragging of
forming arrangement is shown in Figure-1.
wet concrete is the major issue in chimney concrete leading
to 25 to 75mm depression in concrete surface, porous
concrete, visible honeycomb on sufcae. In some portion
even reinforcement bars are exposed. These problems
experienced in few of the chimney constructions are given
in below exhibits 1 to 4.


Fig -1: Slip Form assembly

Volume: 05 Special Issue: 20 | ACCE : REDECON-2016 | Nov-2016, Available @ 88
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3.3 Precautions To Avoid Quality Issue

Initial setting time, final setting time, rate of slippage and
rate of pouring concrete are inter related in slip-forming
concrete works. For a chosen parameter others are suitably
modified to get best results in concrete quality by keeping
following aspects.
a) Concrete shall be placed in about 200 mm thick layers
uniformly in one continuous pour for the full
circumference of the shell, so that, there will be no
vertical or inclined construction joint.
b) Pour sequence shall be such, that the next layer of
concrete is placed, over the layer already placed, well
within initial setting time of the earlier pour.
c) The rate of movement of the sliding formwork shall be
Exhibit 2 such that the concrete at the bottom of the formwork
should have attained sufficient strength, so that it can
support itself and all the loads that may be imposed
upon it at that time.

3.4 Generally Following Aspects Are Considered To

Get Better Quality Of Concrete.
a) Generally final setting time shall be 5 to 6 hours.
Setting time lesser to this will lead to adhesion of
shuttering plate to concrete and when slipping occurs,
portion of concrete will come along with plate leading
to dragging.
b) Good rate of slipping shall be 100mm to 150mm per
hour. Lower to this speed will allow more time for
Exhibit 3 given lift /slip of shutter leading to more time for setting
of concrete and more adhesion to shutter plate leading
to reason for dragging.
c) Good speed of concrete pouring is 2 to 2.5m height per
day considering two shifts 10hr of each. Lower speed of
concreting will lead to concrete setting before slipping
and adhere to shuttering plate. Movement of shuttering
plate after this time will drag the concrete surface
leaving undulations. Faster to this speed also harmful
since the shuttering slip will be earlier to final setting
time of concrete.
d) In between stoppage of continuous concreting work due
to mechanical failure in the slip form system / labour
problem/ delay in concrete arrival to the spot.
Contractor shall make arrangement for stand by
Exhibit 4 equipment / additional spares so that mechanical system
problems can be addressed immediately. Skilled Labour
3.2 Reasons for dragging of wet concrete can be is very important in slip form work and contractor shall
keep stand by skilled team to address the shortage/
attributed to illness etc.
e) Slump of concrete at the time of pouring concrete shall
a) Increased setting time of concrete. be 150mm to 200mm in order to get good quality of
b) Slow Rate of slippage concrete. Slump at the location of concrete preparation
shall be kept little more keeping transportation time of
c) Slow rate of concrete pouring concrete such that at placement location slump shall be
d) In between stoppage of concreting as mentioned above.
f) Shuttering plate made up with EN8 grade steel is
e) Lower slump in concrete at the time of pouring. preferred as it is more malleable. Surface of the plate
f) Rough/ un-cleaned shuttering plates of slip form work on the concreting side shall be coated with epoxy or
polymers to minimize adhesion.
g) Twisting cleats of slip form work
Volume: 05 Special Issue: 20 | ACCE : REDECON-2016 | Nov-2016, Available @ 89
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

g) Any small steel component of shuttering arrangement outer radius of flue) are to be used to get better joints.
projecting beyond shuttering sheet shall cause dragging. Continuous inspection of quality of work is very important
Therefore this is to be checked at initial stage of slip to achieve better quality of work. In order to achieve this it
form work progress and at intervals. Any such things is necessary to have suitable access arrangement for
noticed shall be rectified immediately. Components inspection team to reach the working level at any time of
poses such problems are twisting cleats, stiffeners
construction. Therefore a access opening/ manhole at every
provided for shuttering plate.
h) During construction of chimney if dragging occurs it is platform level is to be provided along with a temporary rack
essential to stop the concreting and check the quality of & pinion lift to approach these openings quickly & safely
concrete using non-destructive testing like Ultrasonic for inspection team.
pulse velocity test. If the velocity of wave found to be
less than 4000m/sec but greater than 3000m/sec, it is 4.3 Steel Flues
necessary to rectify the quality of concrete. If the Flues are fabricated in circular segments (cylinder) and
measured Velocity of wave less than 3000m/sec it erected from top to bottom. A bigger opening is provided in
indicates that the quality of concrete is poor. chimney at bottom for transportation of segments inside
chimney and erection. For convenience in fabrication,
3.5 Rectification Of Concrete
handling, transportation and erection the length of the flue
Concrete having UPV of 3000 to 4000m/sec indicates ‘CAN’ is to be limited to 6000mm.The cans are to be
presences of porosity in the form of voids, cracks and in classified as typical flue cans, support cum restraint flue
some places loss of integrity. These areas shall be pressure cans, restraint flue cans and S.S. flue cans.
grouted using epoxy or polymer grouts to ensure structural
integrity. For areas where reinforcement is exposed, weld
Typical flue CAN will have stiffener angle 130x130x10 at
mesh to be tied to reinforcement and micro concreting to be
top and bottom with outstanding legs in horizontal plane
performed. For areas where reinforcement is not exposed,
area is to be plastered with repair mortar. UPV tests shall be serving as flanges for bolted connection.
re-conducted for acceptance.
For the concrete where the UPV is less than 3000m/sec, Support cum restraint flue can is provided at the top of each
further core test samples shall be taken at adequate number unit of flue between expansion joints. This flue can supports
of locations across full depth to study the quality and the total weight of this particular unit and transfer the load to
compressive strength for acceptance. If the strength is within the support beams through four brackets. This ‘can’ also
the acceptable limits, grouting, as mentioned above is accommodate restraint buffers for the top restraint bracket
carried out. UPV tests shall be re-conducted for acceptance. of the unit. At the end of this can, where the bracket /
If the core test results are not satisfactory, Concrete shall be
restraint buffers are provided, stiffness of CAN is increased
removed and re-done.
by providing stiffeners and local higher thickness for CAN.
Flange connection at the end of the CANs as well as
stiffeners will be provided similar to typical flue CANs.
Restraint flue can is provided at the bottom of each unit of
4.1 Brick Flues
flue immediately above the expansion joint in the case of
Brick flues are constructed on RC brackets or RC ring hung portion of the flue and at the top of the bottom
beams or on steel beams. In case of RC brackets adequate supported portion of the flue.
openings is to be provided for air circulation if the bracket is
continuous. If the bracket is not continuous, ring beam with
The total length of the Stainless Steel portion of the flue
gap between wind shield and ring beam face is provided for
air circulation. shall normally be fabricated into two cans of equal length.
The top can shall have a box shaped stiffener
4.2 Quaility Issues In Brick Flue Construction And
The supporting / restraining arrangements of the flue/duct
Remedial Measures shall be such that the movement of the flue longitudinally or
Laying of brick masonry joints is very important since they circumferentially is not restrained.
are weak points for gas leakages and joint failure. Joint on
inner periphery of flue is to be kept not more than 2mm and 4.4 QUALITY ISSUES IN STEEL FLUE
on outer periphery not more than 12mm. More the thickness INSTALLATION
more the probability of weak joint and crack may develop
over a long period leading to gas leakage and fall of bricks. It is very important to fabricate the cans with stiffeners,
Therefore skilled labour and adequate time shall be given brackets at exact designed locations and same shall be
checked before shifting to chimney for erection. If bracket
for construction of fire/acid resistant brick work. Also
location is not in proper position and not checked the
shaped bricks with required curvature (matching to inner &
Volume: 05 Special Issue: 20 | ACCE : REDECON-2016 | Nov-2016, Available @ 90
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

position before lifting, it will invite many shim plates to

keep the flue can vertical/ plumb after it is placed on the
floor beams. If not kept flue CANs in plumb, CAN bracket
will induce lateral thrust on support bearing and over a
period of time, support bearing will dislodge in its position.
These problems have been experienced in one of the
chimney which is under operation. The photos are given in
below exhibits 5 to 6.

Exhibit-7- Too many shim platesover the bearing pad

Exhibit-5- Dislodged bearing pad

Exhibit-8- Dislodged bearing pad

4.5 Rectification
Rectification of such dislodged bearings can be taken up
during boiler maintenance period. Additional brackets are
welded to existing brackets and all brackets are lifted
simultaneously using hydraulic jacks. Lift of brackets are to
be within the designed expansion compensation allowance.
After lifting the brackets, support bearings are relocated to
its postion and jacks are released. Sliding arrester in the
form of plate welded to fixed support is suggested to prevent
lateral movement beyond the fixed support.


5.1 Quality of concrete affected by dragging in slip form

concreting can be eliminated by adopting proper rate of
slippage, rate of concreting, slump based on the initial
setting and final setting time of concrete. Shuttering plate
made of EN8 grade steel is preferred. Stand by equipment
Exhibit-6 Eccentric load transfer and skilled labour force is necessary for continuous
concreting operation.

5.2 Brick flue construction shall be executed by skilled

labour with adequate time given to them.

Volume: 05 Special Issue: 20 | ACCE : REDECON-2016 | Nov-2016, Available @ 91
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

5.3 In case of steel flues fabrication of brackets, end flanges

as per design drawings are important. Quality checks of flue
cans before shifting to its position shall be done strictly and
any mistakes noticed shall be corrected at fabrication yard
only. Adequate and safe approach arrangement shall be
provided to reach all levels for inspection /supervision
during construction time.

5.4 Rectification works at higher elevations are difficult due

to approach problem, it is more time consuming and
expensive. Therefore it is very important to do proper early
planning of construction, arrange adequate construction
facility/equipment/skilled labour and quality checks.
Rectification of work at later stage or during service of
chimney will be leading to shut down of plant in addition to
being very complicated and costly activity.

Authors acknowledge the management of TATA
them for giving opportunity to publish this article.

[1] IS:4998 Criteria for design of reinforced
concrete chimneys: Part 1 – Design
criteria – 1975- Presently under revision
[2] IS:4998 Criteria for design of reinforced
concrete: Part 1 Assessment of loads-
1992 Presently under revision
[3] IS:2062 Hot rolled low, medium and high
tensile structural steel
[4] IS:8183 Bonded Mineral wool
[5] IS:3677 Unbonded rock and slag wool for
thermal insulation
[6] IS:1526 Sizes and shapes for fire bricks
[7] IS:4860 Acid resistant bricks
[8] Manoha Tall Chimneys-Design and
r,S.N Construction", Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co.Ltd., New Delhi, 1985
[9] Pinfold, "Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and
G.M Towers", View Point Publication,
Cement and Concrete Association,
U.K., 1975
[10] ACI Standard Practice for the Design and
307 - Construction of Cast-in-place
2008 reinforced concrete chimneys

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil
Engineering from Mysore University and
Master of Technology in Industrial
Structures from NIT –Suratkal. Has over 20
years’ experience in Industry and involved
in detail engineering of many power plants.

Volume: 05 Special Issue: 20 | ACCE : REDECON-2016 | Nov-2016, Available @ 92

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