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Guidelines and Procedures For Research

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Approved by Jimma University Senate on its

deliberations of March, 2012

Office of Senior Director for Research,

Community Based Education and Graduate




Approved by Jimma University Senate on its

deliberations of March, 2012

Office of Senior Director for Research, Community

Based Education and Graduate Studies
Guidelines and Procedures for Research, Jimma University

April, 2012

This booklet of guidelines and Procedures for Research is produced by Jimma University,
Publication & Extension Office.

Copyright Jimma University, Publication and Extension Office. All rights reserved.

This book or any part(s) cannot be reproduced in any form without written permission from the

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. i

Preface................................................................................................................................ iii

Background ..........................................................................................................................1

1.1 Guidelines in prioritizing research agenda ....................................................................1

1.2 Planning the research process ........................................................................................2

1.2.1 Conditions to initiate a research project ..................................................................2

1.2.2 Research proposal submission, review and declaration for funding .......................3

1.2.3. Research proposal registration and publicity .........................................................5

1.2.4 Research funding and follow up..............................................................................6

1.2.5 Reporting of research progress ................................................................................7

1.2.6 Exit mechanism of projects .....................................................................................9

1.3 Administration and management of research funding ...................................................9

1.4 Engagement of staff in research, reward and remuneration mechanism .....................12

1.4.1 Engagement of staff in research ............................................................................12

1.4.2 Research allowance and load ................................................................................13

1.4.3 Reward, remuneration and recognition mechanism ..............................................13

1.4.3 Reward, remuneration and recognition mechanism ..............................................14

1.5 Research innovative fund .............................................................................................15

1.5.1 Awards for young researchers and for women researchers...................................16

1.5.2 Funding of Research innovative fund projects ......................................................17

1.5.3 Resource sharing in research .................................................................................17

1.6 Criteria to Establish Research Institute ........................................................................19

1.7 Research and publication misconduct ..........................................................................21

1.7.1 Processes of inquiry, investigation and time frame...............................................22

1.7.2 Investigation ..........................................................................................................24


Annex 1. Thematic area of Jimma University developed in consultation with stake

holders and policy makers ..............................................................................................27

Annex 2. Standard Format for the preparation of Research Proposals ..........................28

Annex 3. Proposal Evaluation guideline to be filled by each review team member......33

Annex 4. Ethical clearance guidelines ...........................................................................36

Annex 5. Research contract agreement form for JU sponsored projects (To be signed
by the researchers and Colleges/institutes/university representative for research) ........37

Annex 6. Guiding principles to make contract agreement with other partner institutions41

Annex 7. Registration of the research project ................................................................42

Annex 8. Guidelines for M & E of research undertakings ............................................44

Annex 9. Format for Progress report ..............................................................................45

Annex 10. Guideline for reviewing progress report (to be filled by the researcher) .....50

Annex 11. Guidelines for writing Terminal Reports .....................................................53

Annex 12. The review form for terminal report (to be filled by the reviewers) ............54

Annex 13. Research work load ....................................................................................57

Annex 14. Procedure for selection of best researcher: ..................................................58

Annex 15. Evaluation criteria to nominate best researcher award ................................59

Annex 16. The award offered to the best researcher individual or team. ......................61

Annex 17. Accelerated promotion .................................................................................62

Annex 18. Remuneration for research paper and progress report reviewers, RERB, EB63

Annex 19. Research Innovative funding ........................................................................64

Annex 20. Transport Services ........................................................................................65


Public Universities like Jimma University are established with the mandate to address core
academic activities such as teaching, research and to deliver services to the community. Jimma
University aspires to be the leading higher education institution in these three mandate areas.
The university is now exerting efforts towards improving the research capacity and contributes
in solving societal problems. For this end, the university has set out policy direction that will
guide to integrate the fragmented research activities and foster research in solving societal
problems. This guidelines and procedures is developed by the office of senior director for
research, community based education and postgraduate studies. The guidelines and procedures
for the research emanated from the policy document on Research, CBE and PGs which was
endorsed by the senate of the university in August 2009. This research guideline and procedure
is formulated to guide Jimma University researchers, and other collaborators in proposing
research projects, implementing and reporting of the research findings. It is our believe that,
the policy makers, researchers, students and funding agencies will find this information valuable
and serve as a reference material whenever one wants to engage and support research activities
at Jimma University. Colleges /Institutes, and the concerned office have to play their
responsibility in implementing research activities according to these guidelines and procedures.
We believe that, the guide line and procedure is dynamic in nature which should be ready to
accommodate emerging and contemporary issue. The colleges/institutes has to take record of
the difficulties they may face while implementing these procedures and guideline, so that in
future they can be incorporated when the guidelines and procedures are revised. The Senior
Directorate of Research, Community Based Education and Postgraduate Studies of Jimma
University acknowledges the inputs from research and Ethical review board of the
Colleges/Institutes and the senate at large during the preparation of the draft document and
individuals who in one way or another contributed to the production of the final document.
Their efforts are highly appreciated and we look forward for their continued support.

Berhanu Belay (Ph.D)

Senior Director for Research, Community Based Education and Post Graduate Studies

April, 2012

Guidelines and Procedures for Research


The guidelines for research undertakings at JU emanate from the policy document
prepared to manage research, community based education (CBE) and postgraduate
studies (PGS). The guidelines constituted a set of procedures that will define methods
or course of action selected to guide and determine present and future decisions in the
university in relation to research, CBE and PGSs. The guidelines have been divided
into a series of related sub-sections, avoiding redundancy, ambiguity and
contradiction. The sub-sections address guidelines for: research priority setting; the
research process; duties and responsibilities of each research functional units; staff
engagement in research, reward and remuneration mechanism; administration and
management of research funding; as well as resources sharing, institutionalizing
research, and involving PG students in research, research centers establishment,
research misconduct, research innovative fund (RIF) for young and women
researchers to foster research culture in JU.

1.1 Guidelines in prioritizing research agenda

Background: JU intends to improve the capacity of its Colleges/institutes by

arranging training in a prioritized rating of collage research agendas. Individual
research agendas need to be categorized into thematic area. The ranking of themes is
also a requisite that could help in prioritizing funding, research project evaluation and
approval. The research priority is required to serve in short, medium and long-term
time frames. Funding at JU is strictly based on thematic and priority areas for
research. The priority setting of research shall abide the following guiding principles:

1.1.1 Contribution to national and regional development objectives and goals as

judged from development policies and strategies of the country in solving
national and regional problems.
1.1.2 Past research performance of the colleges/institutes/university and guided by
constraint analyses showing gaps and severity of the problem and where
opportunities are there for improvement to bridge the gap through research.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

1.1.3 Capability and feasibility in implementation of the research project in the

context of JUs objectives in terms of availability of trained workforce,
materials, physical and financial capacities.
1.1.4 Anticipated research impacts in terms of its contribution to the achievement
of: the goals of the university; enhancement of the teaching-learning process,
production, and adoption; expansion of new, appropriate and essential
information, knowledge and technology; and improvement to the quality of
our social life.
1.1.5 The research priority shall be in line with the strategic plan of JU- to transform
research at JU. The priority and thematic areas of Colleges/institutes shall feed
into JU goals and objectives.
1.1.6 Each colleges/institutes thereby shall formulate a thematic and priority
research agenda for the short (1-5 years), medium (6-10 years) and long term
(>10 years).

1.2 Planning the research process

Background: The research process includes activities that pass through a series of
steps in order to receive permission and funding to go ahead with a proposed research
project. This process includes pre-award, post-award and termination phases. Reviews
of available documents and JU internal and external environments study have shown
that JU researchers are dissatisfied with the lengthy research process. Consequently,
they are hesitant to initiate new research projects. JU research administrators feel that
researchers only want to conduct their research with little consideration of liquidation,
reporting and abiding to financial regulations. These expressed challenges have
provoked the outlining of procedure and guidelines within which the responsibility of
each functional unit in the research process in relation to span of time required in each
unit is clearly set and defined.

1.2.1 Conditions to initiate a research project

The following issues shall be considered, while developing/initiating project


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Guidelines and Procedures for Research Research initiation shall be set based on the thematic and priority area of the
colleges/institutes and university (as stated in the Annex 1). All research grants applications shall be made following the format for
application of research grant (Annex 2). The guideline for preparing proposal assisted by external sources shall be in
line with the formats of the funding agency if available. If the funding agency
does not provide guideline or format, the JU format for proposal writing shall
be used.

1.2.2 Research proposal submission, review and declaration for


Guidelines to submit new project proposal for review and declaration of fund are: There shall be calls for funding research on a competitive base in the months
of July to September every year. The submission of research proposals shall
be due three months after the call is posted. Call for research proposals shall be announced by the office of
colleges/institutes research and GS coordinator, who is also the chairman of
the research and ethical review board of the colleges/institutes. Research proposals shall be submitted both electronically and in hard copy
to the chairman of research and ethical review board of the specific
colleges/institutes. The Research and ethical review board of the respective colleges/institutes
shall not consider a research grant application from a person who is already
a receipt of a grant from the same board/JU, unless and until which time the
board/JU has accepted a satisfactory final report for completed projects on
the previous grant or accepted progress report for ongoing projects. The Research and ethical review board of the respective colleges/institutes
shall not accept research proposals presented by a single researcher. The
proposals should be prepared and submitted by two or more researchers to
compete for funding. The research project shall be evaluated based on guidelines for evaluation of
research proposals (as stated in Annex 3).

Jiimma University, 2012 3

Guidelines and Procedures for Research The researchers shall present their proposal in open defense and the
comments from the open defense shall be used as input in the decision to
approve or reject the research proposal. No proposal is approved without
research open defense for treasury funded projects. The research and ethical review board will review all proposals presented in
an open defense. In the case of a proposal being beyond the profession of a
review board, expert(s) in the field shall be invited to join the team in ad-hoc
bases for the specific project. If ethical clearance is required to approve and run a project, the proposal
could be administered based on guidelines as stated in Annex 4. The
feedback from research and ethical board shall be completed in one months
time from the final date of submission. Research and ethical review boards shall be named by the individual
Colleges/institutes. Duties and responsibilities of the colleges/institutes
research and ethical review board are presented in Part 3.4 of this report.
The research and ethical review board shall complete the review process in
consideration of Ethical and Technical matters of the proposal. Colleges/institutes research and ethical review board shall give its findings
in writing directly to the researchers. The findings could be one of two
responses: modification or rejection of the proposal.

a) If it needs modification the researchers shall submit the amended research

proposal within 10 days time, from the date on which comment was
delivered. The complete proposal including adjusted modifications will
be submitted to the colleges/institutes research and PG coordinator.
b) If the research proposal is rejected, the PI can request an oral or written
clarification. If the researchers are not satisfied with the decision, they can
appeal to the respective dean or senior director for research, CBE and PG
studies. The dean/senior director, upon review of the proposal will return
to the research and ethical review board committee with
recommendations or endorse the rejection. This is the sole method of
appeal for rejected proposals.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research The research and ethical review board shall check whether comments have
been properly included. The board shall provide a certificate for
incorporating the comments and recommend for registration of the research
project. Colleges/institutes or JU research and PG coordination office issue a
certificate of funding to the winning researchers.

1.2.3. Research proposal registration and publicity There shall be entry workshops to inform and publicize the initiation of the
research project (treasury and externally funded projects) or the projects that
have been approved shall be made public to the university and
colleges/institutes community. There shall be a signing of project contract between researcher and
Colleges/institutes/university using appropriate format (Annex 5). Collaborative research and research funded outside JU shall be registered and
agreement shall be signed between PIs, donor and JU indicating the role of
each parties, benefit sharing, and equipment ownership and patenting issues
based on the guiding principles as stated in Annex 6. The research projects (external or internal funded) shall be registered both at
JU and respective colleges/institutes and given a serial number indicating
colleges/institutes code, department code, registration year and project number
(Annex 7). The senior director for Research, CBE and PG or colleges/institutes research
and PG coordinator shall notify the approval of the project to the finance
office and facilitate the implementation of the project with all concerned units. All financial matters shall operate according to the budget indicated on the
project document unless specific operational exceptions are authorized by
office of senior director for Research, CBE and PG or the office of the
coordinator for Research and PG of respective Colleges/institutes. The research proposals are not funded if staffs are on study leave for training
(for their dissertation research.) The staff on study leave is not funded if they

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

initiate other research projects or projects which are part of the dissertation
research except in exceptional cases decided by President.

1.2.4 Research funding and follow up Research funding shall be in two phases. The researcher shall be given half of
the research funds allocated for the running and expendable costs in the first
phase to operate the SET (survey, experiment and trial). The remaining fund
shall be released based on the proper conduct of the SET half way between the
duration of the project, as indicated in the proposal, when the progress report
is approved by office of the senior director for Research, CBE and PG and/or
the office of research and PG coordinator of respective Colleges/institutes. Research and ethical review board shall arrange periodical monitoring and
evaluations (M&E) of the project to know that the research is properly handled
as planned in the research protocol. These M&Es are also an opportunity for
the review boards to provide appropriate technical assistance to the project if
needed (Annex 8). The office of the senior director for research, CBE and PG and research and
ethical review board of the respective Colleges/institutes shall carry out an
interim, post-evaluation or a monitoring mission. The researchers shall
provide any document or information, including access to research protocol, to
assist with the evaluation or monitoring mission and evaluation. The M&E shall be done in a form of field visits, quarterly progress and
terminal reports to ensure proper research conduct, as per the research
protocol. Once a research project is approved by the research and ethical review board
and budget is secured, the researcher cannot change the place of work, work
plan, methodology or objective of the study unless he/she informs the research
and ethical review board in writing and the change is approved in writing from
the board. Senior director for research, CBE and PG and/or Colleges/institutes
coordinator for research and PG shall hold Annual or bi-Annual scientific
conferences where results of research activities in all departments will be

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

presented. Funds for such conferences will be budgeted and approved through
the Research and Ethical Review Board of Colleges/institutes. If a PI should leave JU, without completing his/her research work, he/she
should delegate a co-investigator who can act as PI until the original PI

1.2.5 Reporting of research progress The PI shall submit a quarterly and terminal report that includes all technical
and financial information regarding the research. The PI shall produce a brief progress report (technical and financial) to get
second round research funding using the appropriate format (Annex 9). The PI funded by external sources are also obliged to present progress and
terminal reports following appropriate format (Annex 9) or using a format
developed by a funding agency. These reports shall be submitted to and
reviewed by the JU or Colleges/institutes Ethical Review Board. The progress report shall be reviewed and evaluated by the research and PG
coordinators or senior director based on the guidelines for reviewing (Annex
10). The terminal report (including technical and financial information) shall be
reported for evaluation and documentation using the appropriate format
(Annex 11). The terminal report shall be reviewed and evaluated by the research and
ethical review board or invited reviewers based on the guidelines for
reviewing (Annex 12). The feedback from the research and ethical review board on progress and
terminal reports shall be communicated to the PI to accommodate comments
and then submitted to the senior director or colleges/institutes research and PG
coordinator. Recommendations for continued funding of projects or the acceptance of the
terminal report depends on previous satisfactory receipts of progress and
quarterly reports as judged by colleges/institutes research and ethical review

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

board or senior director for Research, CBE and PG. The externally funded
projects which are accepted by the funding agency could be accepted for a
continued funding. The PI shall submit to the colleges/institutes three bound copies of the final
result (terminal report) and settle financial matters. Failure to submit these
documents may result in, the denial of future grants and the research will be
denied clearance when leaving the university in any manner (scholarship,
transfer, pension, etc). The terminal report shall be registered and information shall be made public
to staff, students and stakeholders. In order to keep track and records of research activities at JU, projects
funded by other funding agencies will also be required to submit terminal and
progress reports to the respective colleges/institutes coordinator for research,
and PG and Senior director for Research, CBE and PG. The PI shall acknowledge the financial assistance from the university or any
other source and include this acknowledgment in an appropriate position in all
related published works. PIs failing to submit progress or terminal reports within one month for
treasury funded projects after the required time of reporting will be notified
(warned) by research office and then obliged to refund all funds used or
supposed to have been used during the research period. The research projects shall have a period to accomplish the project. The
researchers that have gone beyond the research period without justifiable
reason will not have this work recognized as part of their research load. No
extra funding or load extensions shall be given for a research project that has
been extended without justifiable cause. A project extension is allowed when there is justifiable reason and it is
approved by the colleges/institutes research and ethical review board or senior
director for Research, CBE and PG. The researcher should apply one month
prior to the requested extension to allow time for processing and approval.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

1.2.6 Exit mechanism of projects The vehicles, equipment, chemicals and documents born from the research
project shall be transferred to the department/colleges/institutes/JU at the
completion of the project to ensure the sustainability and support of research,
the teaching and learning efforts of the colleges/institutes and the university. The Vehicle which are not bought in the name of Jimma University, shall be
decided by the pre-agreement made between the funder and JU as stimulated
in the project document The findings of the research projects upon project completion shall be
presented to the appropriate research venue or to the annual research
conference. Any publications from the research project shall be registered, displayed and
deposited in the respective colleges/institutes library. The publications that
may arise from the research project shall be submitted to the senior director or
colleges/institutes coordinators for research and PG and deposited in the
University library The experience from the research project shall be documented and passed to
the appropriate academic unit and serve as a learning ground.

1.3 Administration and management of research funding

Background: The PI is responsible in managing projects including: management of

the project within the funding limit, adherence to reporting requirement, and
assurance of the demands of sponsor. JU financial regulations will be notified when
significant changes have been made to the project. The research fund shall be used
effectively and efficiently and adhere to the following procedures:
1.3.1. Grants solicited by researchers, departments or colleges/institutes and
non-treasury grant sources will be charged a flat rate of 15% of the
total grant to meet overhead costs (expenses not immediately
associated to goods and services) when it is appropriate.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

1.3.2. The overhead cost will be used to cover administrative costs, to

provide incentive for researchers, and to promote research capacity of
the university.
1.3.3. The PI is responsible for fiscal management of the awarded projects,
including but not limited to the regular monitoring of the project
budget throughout the life time of the project.
1.3.4. Expendable items and compulsory expenses that happen in the field
shall be available within two months of request to the researchers or
the researchers shall be provided with cash to buy the expendable and
compulsory expenses subject to liquidation in two phases.
1.3.5. The research coordination office shall allocate purchasers dedicated to
providing supplies to make sure the research inputs are timely availed
1.3.6. Non-expendable items shall be purchased by university property
management and be available to the research work within two months
since request has been presented to the colleges/institutes/JU.
1.3.7. JU shall make available some expendable items (equipment, chemicals
reagents, drugs, and stationery materials) which can be deducted from
the projects budget to ensure that the researchers have access to the
items on time.
1.3.8. JU shall also outsource some expendable items and laboratory
equipment to ensure the availability of the items on time.
1.3.9. The researcher shall strictly adhere to the cost breakdown indicated in
the approved project document. The transfer of moneys from one
budget heading to another is not allowed unless the project gets
permission from the colleges/institutes research and ethical review
board or the funding agency.
1.3.10. In cases when budget shortage may arises which hinders the
progression of the activities, the investigator shall apply to the
colleges/institutes research and ethical review board with concrete
evidences and the board may allow for a maximum of 10% of a project
budget heading to be transferred to the requested budget heading.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

1.3.11. Revenues generated from research activities, such as sales of research

produce, shall be the revenue of the colleges/institutes or university
and they will be used solely to enhance research.
1.3.12. JU shall commit 10% of the research budget, such as treasury and
internal revenue, to be distributed as annual research grants, training to
improve research competitiveness and dissemination of research
1.3.13. If, for any reason, a research project is discontinued and if the work is
not properly carried out within the planned time table, the researcher is
required to return all fixed assets purchased to run the project and the
unutilized money to the university.
1.3.14. All equipment purchased through research grants shall be the property
of JU and must be returned to the university upon completion or
termination of the project.
1.3.15. Equipment bought through university research grants or external
sources (vehicles, equipment and any supplies) are the property of JU
and shall therefore be entered in to the appropriate university
record/ledger book.
1.3.16. Mega projects that have involved two or more Colleges/institutes shall
have a project coordinator and an interdepartmental project
implementation team. This coordinator and team will be supervised by
office of senior director for research, CBE and GS. Similarly, mega
projects that involve two or more departments in colleges/institutes
will have a project coordinator which will be supervised by
colleges/institutes research and GS coordinators.
1.3.17. Mega projects are externally funded project or thematic research
project /program that involve more than 5 researchers and acquired
more than 100,000 USD. The researcher can acquire the fund from two
or more projects
1.3.18. Projects shall be funded with no budget ceiling provided that the
project has been properly planned and the research project activities
are relevant to be funded. The researchers shall produce current price

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quotations for each of the project budget items allocated to the research

1.4 Engagement of staff in research, reward and remuneration


Background: A primary mandate of JU is to encourages staff and student research by

ensuring that staff and students involved in research are rewarded materially and
morally within the context of scientific professionalism. Placing a rewarding
mechanism shall improve the quality of research and raise research culture
contributing to the overall promotion of JU as a renowned research university. To do
this, JU should adopt and mainstream different modalities including making research
parameters part and parcel of various human resource development policies, setting
and implementing enabling regulations and guidelines and providing rewards and
recognition for outstanding, innovative, young and women researchers. This shall be
addressed through adopting the following procedures:

1.4.1 Engagement of staff in research All research staff should devote 75% and 25% of their work load in research
and academics respectively, as stipulated in senate legislation. All academic staff should devote 25 % of their work time towards research
and 75% of their work time towards teaching, as stated in senate legislation. Switching a teaching staff to a research staff should be based on the number of
research projects run by the staff. A teaching staff that has two or more
research projects as PI and 3 research projects as co-investigator is eligible to
switch from teaching to research staff. The Dean of the colleges/institutes shall ensure that all staff of the
colleges/institutes is fully involved in the research and maintains a good
balance between teaching, research and community services. The academic and research load of staff is as stipulated in senate legislature. If
a staff member is not involved in research or not supervising research projects
of PG or no justifiable reason not to initiate research projects, a letter of

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

warning will be sent through the colleges/institutes dean in consultation with

colleges/institutes coordinator for research and PG. The respective dean, with
the approval of the Vice President for Academics, Research and Students
Affair can terminate the contract of any staff not abiding after two warnings. The recruitment of expatriate staff shall also consider the research experience,
merit and capacity of candidates for research to realize the research objective
of the university.

1.4.2 Research allowance and load Payment of subsistence allowance/per-diem to researchers shall be in line with
the budget specified in the research grant and/or as agreed upon by the funding
agency and JU. Salary and per diem for research supportive staff shall be based on the pay list
specified in the approved proposal by funding agency and JU. The salary , per-diem and other payments shall be based on the financial
regulation of the government for research projects funded by the treasury The members of JU staff conducting research are not paid salaries from their
research grants. However, there shall be summer payment from the research
budget approved by the funding agency when a researcher is engaged on
research work during their summer vacation period. Researchers credit load evaluation shall be made by considering the role of
the academic staff in the respective project as well as the nature and time
requirements of the research project. The workload for research will be
implemented in consideration with Annex 13.

1.4.3 Reward, remuneration and recognition mechanism Staff and students in a team or individual bases involved in research with
outstanding research performance and merit will be awarded during the
annual research symposium day or other venue as determined by the senior
director for research, CBE and PG. The reward scheme shall, highlight four aspects of the JU research
community: one best researcher in the colleges/institutes, one best female
researcher in the colleges/institutes, one best department in running research

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

in a colleges/institutes and one best PG student that has completed research

in a colleges/institutes. The application and nomination procedure for awards is indicated in a
guideline (Annex 14). The research reward shall be based on the relevance of research projects and
the quality of research outputs (Annex 15). The colleges/institutes research and ethical review board shall evaluate and
select the outstanding researchers at colleges/institutes level to be rewarded
during annual research conference and the best nominees in each category
will be presented to the colleges/institutes dean for final approval. The awards shall be recognition certificates for the researcher. They will
also provide material and financial rewards to enhance research culture
(Annex 16). The academic/research staff with outstanding research merit shall also be
sponsored to attend national conferences or sponsored to participate on local
research related training (Annex 16). The university shall also consider an extra-ordinary academic promotion to
any of the academic ranks having successfully published in reputable
journals (Annex17). The award shall consider research outputs recorded in the previous budget
year (From Hamle 1 to Sene 30 in Ethiopian Calendar) Researchers involved in the critical reviewing of research proposals and
reports (progress and terminal) shall be offered incentives. The incentive
modalities are detailed in Annex 18.

1.4.3 Reward, remuneration and recognition mechanism Staff and students in a team or individual bases involved in research with
outstanding research performance and merit will be awarded during the annual
research symposium day. The reward scheme shall, highlight four aspects of the JU research
community: one best researcher in the colleges/institutes, one best female
researcher in the colleges/institutes, one best department in running research

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

in a colleges/institutes and one best PG student that has completed research

in a colleges/institutes. The application and nomination procedure for awards is indicated in a
guideline (Annex 14). The research reward shall be based on the relevance of research projects and
the quality of research outputs (Annex 15). The colleges/institutes research and ethical review board shall evaluate and
select the outstanding researchers at colleges/institutes level to be rewarded
during annual research conference and the best nominees in each category
will be presented to the colleges/institutes dean for final approval. The awards shall be recognition certificates for the researcher. They will also
provide material and financial rewards to enhance research culture (Annex
16). The academic/research staff with outstanding research merit shall also be
sponsored to attend national conferences or sponsored to participate on local
research related training (Annex 16). The university shall also consider an extra-ordinary academic promotion to
any of the academic ranks having successfully published in reputable
journals (Annex17). The award shall consider research outputs recorded in the previous budget
year (From Hamle 1 to Sene 30 in Ethiopian Calendar) Researchers involved in the critical reviewing of research proposals and
reports (progress and terminal) shall be offered incentives. The incentive
modalities are detailed in Annex 18.

1.5 Research innovative fund

Background: Supported by the treasury fund there will be the Research Innovative
Fund (RIF). The president of the university shall announce the fixed budget kept for
RIF. This fund will be made available to stimulate young and women staff as well as
staff who are proposing extraordinary and innovative research projects successfully.
RIF is designed to initiate the creation of new products, services, technology or

Jiimma University, 2012 15

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

processes. Its aim is to advance the JU research communitys capacity to develop

innovations that can be commercialized and provide economic stimulus in the
community. Turning our research results into viable commercial opportunities can be
one of the most motivating and rewarding aspects of innovation. The fund shall be
given to best proposals on a competitive basis within each category of funding.

1.5.1 Awards for young researchers and for women researchers The applicant shall be a young staff member below lecturer in academic
position or a woman in any academic position. The research project should be in line with the research theme and priority
areas of JU as stated in Annex 1. The applicant shall follow the standard formats for proposal development
(Annex 2). The application time for this award shall be in July to September and
submitted to the senior director for research, CBE and Graduate studies. The review, monitoring, evaluation, exit strategy, financial administration and
reporting procedures are as stated in section 1.2. The grant shall be administered under the office of senior director for research,
CBE and PG. The colleges/institutes research and ethical reviewer board shall
be assigned to review the research proposal by the same office based on the
discipline of the research project or an ad hoc review board shall be named by
senior director for research, CBE and graduate studies for multi-disciplinary
projects that will involve different Colleges/institutes. The review process shall follow the same procedure stated in section 1.2. The candidate that has won the award shall be notified a month after
submitting an application. The president of JU shall announce the winner of the research fund within the
second quarter of the budget year.

Jiimma University, 2012 16

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

1.5.2 Funding of Research innovative fund projects

5.2.1. The researchers can apply for RIFs when their proposals are original
and thought to bring about paradigm shifts in the generation of
technology, information and knowledge (Annex 19).
5.2.2. The applicant shall follow the standards formats for proposal
development (Annex 2).
5.2.3. The research project should be in line with the research theme and
priority areas of JU as stated in Annex 1.
5.2.4. The application time for such award shall be July to September and
submitted to JU senior director for research, CBE and PG office. The
review, monitoring, evaluation, exit strategy, financial administration
and reporting procedures are as stated in section 1.2.
5.2.5. The senior director for research, CBE and PG office shall administer
the grant and reviewers shall be assigned by the same office in
accordance with the discipline of the research project. The review
process shall follow the same procedure stated in section 1.2.
5.2.6. The president of JU shall announce the winner of the research fund
during the time of awarding best students of the year in each academic
year or during Annual Research Conferences or any convenient time of
the years determined by the office of senior directors for research, CBE
and PG studies.

1.5.3 Resource sharing in research

Background: Resources in the context of research could include laboratory space and
facilities, field research centers/sites, land for crop and animal trials, data and cars to
undertake research. Resource sharing procedure is aimed at creating transparency in
the allocation and utilization of research resources and hastens resource sharing
among researchers, departments, schools and Colleges/institutes. The resource sharing
potential is addressed under the following premises:

Jiimma University, 2012 17

Guidelines and Procedures for Research The research facilities obtained from the treasury and non-treasury belongs
to the university and is subject to sharing if it is necessary and not
jeopardizing the intended project and unit. Resource sharing ensures all research facilities are utilized fully and to
their maximum potential. As a resource sharing exercise, a data center shall be in place and
procedure in accessing the data by researchers and the general public shall
be developed. There shall be a central laboratory that will be equipped with state of the
art lab equipment and the policy and procedures to get access of the lab
equipment and facility shall be developed. There shall be a common service provider unit which will be shared
among researchers that will include transport services, equipment
maintenance workshops, word-processing, and data summary and analysis
services. The transport budget of research projects shall be transferred to the
university on condition that the university is able to provide the
transportation services required for the research activity. If this is not
possible, the researchers can be allowed to hire an external transport
service as long as there is a tagged budget for the transport in the research
project. The vehicles allocated for undertaking research shall be in a pool system
and the guidelines to use the cars are based on the principles stated in
Annex 20. The research outputs shall be shared among Colleges/institutes to ensure
the dissemination of knowledge and information. Revenues generated from research activities such as sales of research
produce shall be the property of the Colleges/institutes or university and be
used to improve future research undertakings. The budget allocation to Colleges/institutes shall be made every budget
year based on the priority and thematic areas for research, the number of

Jiimma University, 2012 18

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

projects and the past performance of the colleges/institutes for which the
formula budget is being developed and utilized.

1.6 Criteria to Establish Research Institute

Background: Research institute is a unit devoted to advance research which is not

covered by academic unit (department, school, college/institute) which can also spell
out clearly the research thematic areas. The establishment of the research Institute
should contribute to JU vision and mission. The following points should be
considered when contemplating a research institute in JU.

1.6.1. The primary academic and research activities of the university are
conducted by departments, schools, and Colleges/institutes. Research
institute should be created only when there is a strong case to be made for
why the academic mission of the university cannot be achieved within
existing structures.
1.6.2. The establishment of research institute should ensure cost efficiency and
effectiveness on the premise that once a research institute is approved it
requires office, budget and other resources. It should be a means that
attracts resources rather than depletion of resources.
1.6.3. The minimum staff required to initiate a research institute shall be five or
more staff with a qualification of M.Sc /M.A or above
1.6.4. Research institute should be designed to boost center of excellence, which
makes the institute unique in doing things differently and created to further
the wealth of experiences acquired from past experiences.
1.6.5. The staff of research institute should devote their time for research (75%)
and for teaching and learning (25%). If the above facts are met a proposal
that will consider the following points shall be developed.
1.6.6. Proposal in establishing research institution should be prepared and which
should include: The background that justifies the benefits and showing the means
in filling the gap by creating research institute.

Jiimma University, 2012 19

Guidelines and Procedures for Research The proposal should include the objectives and expected output
by creating the research institute. Organizational structure should be properly spelled out and
demonstrate that the new stricture is in line with the university
structure and avoiding overlapping. The offices and the duties, responsibilities and term of office
should be demonstrated in the proposal. Thematic areas of the research institute based on gap analyses
and the national policies and relevant international trends should
be demonstrated. The thematic areas of the research institute
should feed into the university or colleges/institutes thematic
areas. The proposal should spell out the disciplines involved in running
the thematic areas.
1.6.7. Thematic areas should be identified based on gap analyses and the themes
should be superimposed with department, school and colleges/institutes
thematic areas and identify if there is overlap. The creation of research
institute is allowed if there is no overlap or redundancy of duty and
responsibility of the existing academic unit and anticipated research
1.6.8. The research institute should demonstrate a multidisciplinary team to run
the project. The proposal should indicate the academic units involved in the
activities of the research institute
1.6.9. No intake and graduation of students is expected, rather supports students
from other disciplines and research student recruiting mechanism shall be
worked out. The institute is expected to excel in advancing research
1.6.10. Research institute could be initiated from the department or school or
colleges/institutes or top management and supported with a clear proposal
that justifies the establishment of the research Institute. The proposal to
initiate research institute can be presented to the Vice president for
Academic, Research and Students affairs if the anticipated institute

Jiimma University, 2012 20

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

involves two or more Colleges/institutes or to the colleges/institutes

dean/director and then to the Vice president for academic, research and
student affairs if the anticipated research institute involves two or more
departments in a college/institute.
1.6.11. The proposal shall be evaluated by the research and ethical review board of
the colleges/institutes and approved by the academic commission or the
research and publication committee of the university against the above
checklists depending on the mix of disciplines.
1.6.12. The team evaluating the proposal shall present the findings and
recommendations to the university to senate shall decide on the fate of the
research institute.
1.6.13. If the senate has decided positively in the establishment of the institute, the
president shall declare the approval of the creation of the research institute
with relevant resources and appointment of the officials to run the research
1.6.14. The research institute can be combined or dissolved if deemed necessary by
the senate/ executive committee of the university depending on the

1.7 Research and publication misconduct

Background: Research misconduct refers to fabrication, falsification, plagiarism,

faulty order of authorship or other practices that seriously deviate from the accepted
scientific practices for proposing, conducting and reporting research. A commitment to
truth, objectivity, and honesty should guide everyone engaged in research at JU. This
does not include, however, honest errors or honest differences in interpretation and/or
judgment of data. Allegations of misconduct occurring outside the research setting are
excluded from this policy as are allegations of conduct in the context of research that
would not affect the integrity of research (for example, misallocation of funds, sexual
harassment, illegal discrimination, or academic misconduct that is not research
misconduct). All JU staff has a responsibility to foster intellectual honesty and

Jiimma University, 2012 21

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

integrality and do not tolerate research misconduct. The research misconduct policy
applies to all research activities, internally or externally funded, taking place under the
auspices of JU. This policy applies to any individual paid by, holding an appointment
from, or affiliated with JU such as staff members, post-doctoral fellows, trainees,
technicians and other staff members, guest researchers, graduate students and
undergraduate students. The consequences of failing to abide by these shall be
addressed in the JU discipline policy outlined as follows:

1.7.1 Processes of inquiry, investigation and time frame

1) Inquiry

Inquiry consists of preliminary information gathering and fact-finding to

determine whether an allegation or an apparent instance of misconduct has
substance. The outcome of the inquiry will determine whether or not an
investigation is to be conducted.
a Every JU staff involved in any aspect of research at JU must encourage
integrity in research, appropriately assign credit and responsibility for
research, maintain careful research records, and establish and follow well-
defined research protocols.
b Any individual or academic unit who believes an act of misconduct has
occurred or is occurring should notify the act to the dean of the
colleges/institutes or the Vice president for academic and research of JU.
Reporting such concern in good faith shall serve the colleges/institutes and
university and shall not jeopardize the reporting individuals employment
c After making an allegation of research misconduct, a complainant shall
have no further role in connection with any research misconduct
proceedings that may follow, except as a witness when appropriate.
d The Vice president for academic, research and students affairs or the dean
of the colleges/institutes can form a committee/ the research and Ethical
review board that have the required expertise to initiate enquiries and

Jiimma University, 2012 22

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

inform for the vice president for academics, research and students affairs
or the dean on the proceedings.
e The accused individual shall be informed of the allegations against him or
her and invited to comment on them. The accused individual shall be
provided with the draft inquiry report and given a chance to comment on
the findings.
f The individuals who brought the complaint shall be protected. JU staff
shall not be retaliated in any way when lodging complainants, acting as
witnesses, or serving on inquiry committees.
g The inquiry and/or investigation committee (research and Ethical review
board) shall interview any individuals identified as relevant to the case,
including individuals who raised the concern.
h JU staff shall, upon request, provide evidence and information relevant to
an allegation of research misconduct to the authorities, an inquiry
committee, an investigation committee, or other JU officials involved in
the research misconduct proceeding.
i Neither the complainant nor the respondent, nor any JU staff shall disclose
or make public the identity of complainants, respondents, or members of
any inquiry or investigation committee. No records or evidence from
which research subjects might be identified shall be released during the
j No finding of research misconduct shall be made unless supported by a
preponderance of evidence gathered and evaluated under the framework of
this policy.
k The final report, including a recommendation as to whether or not a full
investigation is warranted, must be submitted to the Vice president for
academic, research and students affairs or dean of the colleges/institutes
and copied to senior director within 60 days of receipt of the allegation.
The final report shall include any comments provided by the accused in
response to the draft report.
l The documentation should include the information reviewed including the
summary, the interviews conducted, and the conclusion reached -

Jiimma University, 2012 23

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

indicating whether the Vice president for academic, research and students
affairs or the dean believes an investigation is warranted.
m The final inquiry report and supporting documentation must be held in the
deans office and/ or for three years.
n Unless the Vice president for academic, research and students affairs or the
dean has further concerns, the Vice president for academic, research and
students affairs or deans recommendation shall decide on whether an
internal investigation is warranted.
o If the inquiry committees report concluded that the allegation do not
satisfy the criteria calling for a full investigation, the Vice president for
academic, research and students affairs or the dean shall provide a written
notice to the respondent. This document shall also include the coordinator
of research and PG, a summary of the compliant and a reminder of the
confidentiality of the policy. The research misconduct proceeding shall
then be terminated.

1.7.2 Investigation

An investigation is the formal examination and evaluation of relevant facts to

determine whether or not the alleged misconduct has taken place. If the
inquiry leads to the conclusion that an investigation is necessary, it will be
guided by the following considerations:

a The formal investigation should begin within 30 days of the completed

inquiry. The investigation should be completed and final report sent to the
Vice president for academic, research and students affairs or the Dean
within 90 days. Any delay from this time frame should be communicated
to the Vice president for academic, research and students affairs or the
dean in which case, it may be necessary for the Vice president for
academic, research and students affairs or the dean to request a time
b The investigation process must be thorough, fair and protective of the
confidentiality and reputability of all participants.

Jiimma University, 2012 24

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

c The investigation should normally include an examination of all

documentations including, but not limited to, relevant research data and
proposals, field notes/research journals, publications, correspondence and
memoranda of telephone calls.
d Anyone making accusations, those accused and anyone who is identified
as having information related to the accusations shall be interviewed.
Complete written summaries of each interview should be provided to the
individuals being questioned and any comments should be appended to the
summary if the interviewer agrees. The summaries shall remain with Vice
president for academic, research and students affairs or the dean of the
e All significant issues should be investigated until the committee is
reasonably certain that all necessary and available information were
f All the draft written finding reports should be made available to the
accused. Where identified, those who made the allegation should also
receive the portions of the draft report which concerns their roles or
opinions in the investigation. Any comments on the draft from the accuser
or accused should be appended to the final report.
g In addition to interview summary and comments by the accused and
accuser on the draft report, the final report should include:
g.1. A description of the policies and procedures followed and how and
from whom relevant information was obtained.

g.2. The bases of allegations and a summary the committees findings

on said allegations.

h If the Vice president for academic, research and students affairs or Dean
considers that sanctions are warranted, they have the authority to impose
any sanctions that he or she determines to be fair and reasonable under the
circumstances, up to and including the termination of the university
employees, expulsion of a student from the university and/or termination
of the guilty parties contracts.

Jiimma University, 2012 25

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

i The determination as to whether discipline is to be imposed is governed by

existing policies. The Vice president for academic, research and students
affairs or Dean will refer cases to significant units (research and Ethical
review board of Colleges/institutes). The recommended actions may taken
based on the severity of the problem such that:
i.1 Withdrawal or correction of all pending or published abstracts and
papers emanating from the research where research misconduct
was found.
i.2 Removal of the guilty party(s) from the particular project, letter of
reprimand, special monitoring of future work, probation,
suspension, salary reduction, or initiation of steps leading to
possible rank reduction of the promotion or termination of
i.3 Potential restitution of funds.
i.4 A combination of actions

Jiimma University, 2012 26

Guidelines and Procedures for Research


Annex 1. Thematic area of Jimma University developed in consultation with

stake holders and policy makers

Enhancing Food Security, Improving Farm Earnings and Nutritional Status of

the community by caring for the natural resource base

Diagnosis of major Health problems, determinates of health, quality of health

care and population growth

Environment, ecology and climate change, mitigation and adaptation and

Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development

A closer look of Quality of Education to invigorate livelihood and

development in Ethiopia

Social Justice, Human rights, Governance and Democracy a means to improve


Studies towards Poverty reduction, inequality and Development, Micro -

financing and Change Management

Engineering and Technology Testing and Adaptation (Water and sanitation,

Renewable and sustainable Energy, construction materials and ICT divides)

Science for sustainability of community livelihood and development

Crosscutting themes

Jiimma University, 2012 27

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 2. Standard Format for the preparation of Research Proposals1

1. Cover page:2

2. Research Project Title:3

3. Signatures:


Principal investigator JU or Colleges/institutes coordinator for Research GS

4. Executive summary of the project (optional):4

5. Research work and publication to date (if any)5

The proposals should not be longer than 15 pages, single spaced and 12 cpi, including all the footnotes.

This should include the title, Investigators name, title of the investigators and co-investigators and address, Department,
colleges/institutes, Month and year

Keep the title of the project short and simple. The title should clearly describe the basic objectives of the proposed project and
reflect the nature of the proposed work. The title of the project once approved cannot be changed or modified unless there is
permission from the Research and Ethical Review Board (RERB) of the colleges/institutes.

Give a short summary, maximum 400 words, of the proposed project, sufficiently informative for other scientists who are not
necessarily in your field of expertise. This summary should contain a problem statement of the project, followed by the
objectives and a brief description of how these will be accomplished and it is suggested that you write this item last

List all your major publications, especially those related to your proposed research project. Give all information available
about your articles in press. Provide information about the scientific work at your institution in the area of the proposed research
project; also mention any present or planned cooperation research with other institutions. Give your participation in workshops,
seminars, conferences if any etc. You can also attach Your CV,

Jiimma University, 2012 28

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

6. Background and Justification:6

7. Objectives of the project:7

8. Hypothesis (Optional):

9. Review of literature (optional)8

Discuss the historical development of events regarding the topic you are interested to study. Describe basic
assumptions/concerns that led you to study this topic. Include information on the likely contribution to knowledge
or practice that the research will make and its place in current debate/theory. Describe the gaps that the proposed research is
intended to fill. The proposal should also show how the result of the research will be able to reach the end users and bring
socio-economic developments.

State the specific (short-term) objectives of the project and how they relate to the general (long-term) objectives and the
questions that the project will attempt to answer. Specific objectives must be clearly stated to ensure monitoring and
evaluation of the project. The objectives should be measurable and each of the objectives should be addressed in the
materials and methods.

Refers to an account of what has been published on a related topic by accredited scholars and researchers and what he/she
is intended to do. It should survey the existing state of knowledge that supports in proposing this very research project.

Jiimma University, 2012 29

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

10. Materials and Methods:9,10,11,12

11) Expected output/outcome:13

Describe the location, physiographic, climate, geology and soils, population, production systems, etc. and the contents may depend on the
discipline of concern;

Describe methods that persuade the reader/reviewer that the researcher is an expert on the subject matter. It should
provide sampling method and frame, it provide the research design, procedures of data collection and analysis of data, the
soft wares to be used if any

Research design: Provide details on your experimental design/ plans for surveys, experiments and trials indicating,
replications, statistical models, and statistical methods to be used to analyses data

Research plan:

The plan should clearly show the different phases of the project. Describe here what will be done (observation work,
laboratory experiments, participant observation, surveys etc) and how it will be done including the following points:

a) Methods and activities to be carried out to solve the problems and answer questions stated above. Which parameters
will be studied and which measurements will be taken; which data will be collected and how.

b) Criteria for choosing sites and samples, sampling frame and methods and sample sizes. Provide source of germ plasm
for life science experiments.

c) Describe your field trial design (if appropriate). In some cases you may find it necessary to include diagram, and if
you do, please refer to that diagram in this space.

d) Analysis of data: Describe the statistical methods that you will use to analyses the data
e) Materials: List materials that will be required for laboratory experiments, field work and computing facilities
f) Analysis of data: Describe the statistical methods that you will use to analyses the data and also describe the statistical
packages to be used in analyzing your data.
Indicates the anticipated outputs by running this project. Which research questions could be answered by doing this SET
and what output is expected at the end of the project for dissemination and the beneficiaries from the project. The expected
output should spell out and tally with the objectives project that has been set.

Jiimma University, 2012 30

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

12) Time schedule:14

Activity Schedule

13) Duration:15

14. References:16

15. Collaborating researchers and institutions if any:17

16. Facilities and funding18

This should indicate the activity and when the activity to be done. Therefore, in the first column note the major activities and
in the second column, indicate during which months/dates you will be engaged in the activities.

Number of months or years of project can stay for funding supported with time frame. It will help to budget funds for that
duration and drawing a monitoring and evaluation schedule.

Provide the references which support the information provided in 6 and 8.

Indicate researchers from other institutions or department collaborating in the execution of the research project)

The facilities would include:

- Equipment and facilities: List here equipment and facilities, etc, necessary for your project which will be provided by the
institution and sponsor. The proposed budget should delineate the complete committed cost of the project, identifying the amount
requested from the sponsor and other cost that JU commits to pay. The cost committed in terms of kind and time contribution
should be valued and indicated in the budget.

Jiimma University, 2012 31

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

17. Budget:19

18. Consent form (If applicable)20


The budget items must be relevant to the proposed research plan and should be justified. It may include the following

a) Equipment: Specify and describe each item, and give to the best of your knowledge: manufacturer,
model/type, accessories if needed. Give a realistic estimate of the cost for each item

b) Expendable supplies: List categories and significant items of expendable supplies (glassware, solvents,
hormones, feed, reagents, medicaments, gloves etc) and give a cost estimate for each category.

c) Literature: List categories of literature (e.g. reprints, and photocopies) or documentation, and give a cost
estimate for each category. Also recommended subscriptions to journals or membership in a scientific
society publishing a journal

d) Local travel costs: Local travel costs for sample collection, field visits, participant observation, surveys
etc are included in this category. Travel costs can also include costs associated with conferences and
scientific meetings. The travel cost may include to researchers, drivers, fuel, oil, field technicians and

e) Manpower costs: They include manual and skilled labor costs which are necessary for the execution of
the project

Encompasses risk, benefits and confidentiality (When required, that depends on

Jiimma University, 2012 32

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 3. Proposal Evaluation guideline to be filled by each review team member

Proposals are funded when they meet the set criteria. The criteria are listed below with its
weight. Proposals with higher overall score are considered for funding. And the proposals that
have scored below 50% may not be funded. Three reviewers shall be involved to review a project
and the average of the three evaluators will serve to decide on the funding of the projects. The
research and ethical board of the colleges/institutes shall provide weights to the projects by
considering the open defense and the incorporation of the comments during open defense.

Title of the project------------------ ------------------ ------------------- ------------------------- ------------------

------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I. Relevance and degree of research priority in relation to JU list of research priority and themes
that demonstrates responsiveness to national and regional needs (30 %)

------------------ Highly appropriate (25-30)

------------------ Moderately appropriate (15-24)

------------------ Inappropriate (< 15)

Score ----------------------()

II. Scientific quality and contents of the project (25 %))

a. Justification, hypotheses, gaps and objectives- Is the objective and gap clearly stated,
is the priority clear, and objective achievable, is the proposal well reasoned out (6)
------------------ Highly appropriate (5-6)
------------------ Moderately appropriate (3-4)
------------------- inappropriate (<3)
Score ---------------------- ()
b. Methodology (Design, Method, Statistics, analyses), It should be proper, well
designed and related to all objectives(10)
------------------ Highly appropriate (9-10)
------------------ Moderately appropriate (5-8)
------------------ inappropriate (<5)
Score ----------------------()
c. Expected output, Indicates the anticipated outputs by running this project. Which research questions
could be answered by doing this SET and what output is expected at the end of the project for
dissemination and the beneficiaries from the project. The expected output should spell out and tally with
the objectives that has been set (4)
------------------ Highly appropriate (4)

Jiimma University, 2012 33

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

------------------ Moderately Appropriate (2-3)

------------------ Inappropriate (<2)
Score ----------------------()
d. Technology/information/knowledge dissemination strategy (5)
------------------ Highly appropriate (4-5)
------------------ Moderately appropriate (2.5 -3)
------------------ inappropriate (<2.5)
Score ----------------------()
III. Technical feasibility (level of experience, availability of resources, time and budget and
applicants are scientifically and technically capable and realistic in budgeting) (20%)
------------------ Highly appropriate (18-20)
------------------ Moderately appropriate (10-17)
------------------ inappropriate (<10)
Score ----------------------
IV. Degree of collaboration, multi-disciplinary and team (Institute, colleges/institutes,
department) (15%))
----------------- Highly appropriate Involved more than 4 disciplines (11-15)
------------------ Moderately appropriate involved 2-4 (7.5-10)
------------------ in appropriate 1 discipline (<7.5)
Score ----------------------()
V. Attainable within specified period (1-3 years) (10%))
------------------ Highly appropriate (8-10)
------------------ Moderately appropriate (5-8)
------------------ Inappropriate (<5)

Total score ----------------------()

If the total score is 50 and above and if you believe the project is worth funding with appropriate
modifications, please give your comments to make improvement in the space provided;

a. Introduction and Objectives

Methodology --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jiimma University, 2012 34

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Expected output; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Project plan vis- -vis implementation and budget

Technology dissemination strategy ------------------------------------------------------
Additional comments -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reviewers Name ----------------------------------Signature-----------------------------Date ----------

Jiimma University, 2012 35

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 4. Ethical clearance guidelines

The ethical clearance shall follow a review guide developed by ETHIOPIAN


Jiimma University, 2012 36

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 5. Research contract agreement form for JU sponsored projects (To be

signed by the researchers and Colleges/institutes/university
representative for research)

Colleges/institutes of ---------------------------, /JU (hereinafter referred to as the




(Hereinafter referred to as the Researcher)

Whereas, the Colleges/institutes/JU allotted Birr _________/________________________________

________________/ the researcher is desirous to undertake the Research project entitled:

______________________________ as per the attached project document.

Therefore, it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the parties here to as follows.



The Researcher shall:-

1.1 Undertake the project in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement.

1.2 Submit progress, final and financial reports in accordance with Article 4 of this agreement

1.3 Present a paper in annual research conference of colleges/institutes/university or other Scientific


1.4 Submit a copy of publications, journals, policy briefs to the colleges/institutes/university



The university agrees to allocate a sum of Birr ______, __________________________.

Jiimma University, 2012 37

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

__________________/ to the Researcher in the research period commencing this day of


The fund shall be administered through the coordinator of research, and Graduate program of
colleges/institutes of -----------------------------------------------------/research, CBE and Graduate studies
senior director of university.



Dismemberment of the fund shall be made as follows:

3.1. Birr_____/ __________________________________________________________/ shall be

released to the Researcher within 5 days after the signing of this Agreement.

3.2 The preceding provision, dismebersement of funds shall be made in accordance with the budget
breakdown in the project document and based on the presentation of financial statement of
previously released funds, and/or according to a procedure to be agreed up on between office of /
the coordinator of research and Graduate program colleges/institutes of ---------------------------------
--------------------/research, CBE and Graduate studies senior director of JU.



4.1 The researcher shall submit the progress and financial reports every three months, and final report
after the completion of this agreement to the office of the colleges/institutes research and ethical
review board coordinator/ research, and Graduate studies senior director of JU.

4.2 After the research is completed, the researcher must present the results to the university

4.3 The Researcher is encouraged to submit the report to the local and international journal for a better
local utilization of the results to the end user

4.4. The researcher shall also commit to prepare policy briefs for a better use of the research output to
the end users.

Jiimma University, 2012 38

Guidelines and Procedures for Research



5.1 The fund granted shall be utilized in accordance with the budget breakdown presented in the
project document

5.2 The Researcher shall not utilize the funds for purposes other than what is stated in the attached
project document

5.3 Utilized funds shall be either earmarked for the continuation of the same research/project for the
next stage of its development with the consent of the colleges/institutes/university, or shall be
returned to the university.

5.4 After the completion of this agreement, any equipment of material acquired from this research
fund shall be the property of the colleges/institutes/university.



7.1 Any major change such as in the objectives, methodology, work plan etc. in the project document
shall be reported and get approval in research and ethical review board of the colleges/institutes /senior
director for research, CBE and graduate program of the university.



The following acts shall be considered as breach of agreement:-

8.1 Utilization of the fund granted partially or wholly for purposes other than what is stated in the
project document.

8.2 Failure in submission of progress and final report that has included technical and financial

8.3. Failure to submit the publications and proceeding s aroused from the funded research project to the
colleges/institutes library and research coordination office of the colleges/institutes and JU.

8.4. Failure to present the research results in annual research conferences of colleges/institutes and

Jiimma University, 2012 39

Guidelines and Procedures for Research



9.1 The Researcher shall be liable partially or wholly if there exists a breach of agreement pursuant to
Article 8 of this agreement.

9.2 The researcher shall be liable for non performance of his/her responsibilities stated in this

9.3 Breach of agreement will lead to termination of the fund or any other measures as the case may be.



This agreement shall come in to force on the date of its signature this day of


For the colleges/institutes/university The


Name ____________________ Name ________________

Signature ___________________ Signature _____________

Date _____________________ Date __________________


Name _______________________ Name ______________________

Signature ____________________ Signature _________________

Jiimma University, 2012 40

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 6. Guiding principles to make contract agreement with other partner


The contract agreement with partner institutions shall be developed by JU and partner
institution guided by the following principle,

a. The project shall be under the thematic and priority areas of JU and
devoted in meeting the research strategic issues of JU as stipulated in
JU strategic plan and research policy of JU.

b. The implementation of project shall be monitored and evaluated in

both the university and partner institution system.

c. The project shall commit to submit progress, annual and terminal

reports to the colleges/institutes/ university and also present the
findings in the annual research conferences of

d. The project shall commit to submit the publications, proceedings and

other out puts aroused from the research project for respective
colleges/institutes library and research coordination offices of the

e. The financial administration shall be based on the project document

agreed between JU and partner institution.

f. The data generated from the project shall be administered through the
university system.

g. Based on the above principles the university/colleges/institutes

representative and the partner institution shall sign MOU.

Jiimma University, 2012 41

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 7. Registration of the research project

The research projects be it funded from the treasury or non-treasury shall be

registered at the colleges/institutes and university level with a serial number. The
research proposals shall be serially coded and registered proceeded with
colleges/institutes code, department code, year of registration (last two digits) and
project number. The code shall be assigned in alphabetical order for colleges/institutes
in a university and departments in colleges/institutes. The title of the project shall be
written in front of the serial code. The following could be an example to serially
register a project.

If there is a project from the colleges/institutes of Agriculture, Department of Animal

sciences, approved in 2010 and being the first project in that year for the department,
it will have the following serial number with a project title written in front of the
serial number indicated as follows.

AgVm/AnSc/10/1. Assessment of the Dairy production system in the south

western part of Ethiopia

The Colleges/institutes and departments code could be as follows;

1. Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (AgVm)

1. Agricultural Economics(AgEco)

2. Animal Sciences (AnSc)

3. Natural resources Management (NRM)

4. Plant Sciences and Horticulture (PlSc)

5. Post harvest management (PHT)

6. Rural development (RD)

7. Veterinary Medicine (VM)

2. Business and Economics (BECO)

1. Accounting (AC)

2. Economics (ECO)

Jiimma University, 2012 42

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

3. Management (Man)

4. Banking and Finance (Baf)

3. Engineering and Technology (ET)

1. Civil Engineering

2. Electrical Engineering

3. Mechanical Engineering

4. Computer Sciences

5. Biomedical Engineering

6. Information Sciences

7. Information technology

8. Water Engineering

4. Natural Sciences (NS)

1. Biology

2. Chemistry

3. Mathematics

4. Sports

5. Statistics

6. Physics

5. Public Health and Medical Sciences (PHMS)

6. Social Sciences and Law (SSL)

Jiimma University, 2012 43

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 8. Guidelines for M & E of research undertakings

M& E is mainly designed to play a supportive role in the conduct of research. The
implementation of M& E in JU is to verify the status of research activities, to identify
problems encountered in the process of implementing research project, to take immediate
measures, and to present challenges to the respective management for those not solved during
field follow-up. The M&E is regularly done by the colleges/institutes research and ethical
review board. The colleges/institutes RERB shall develop a check list for monitoring and
evaluating a project that suites a discipline in question. The research and ethical review board
shall undertake a periodical M&E in various forms such that;

a. The board shall review quarterly, progress and terminal report and write a
report whether the conduct of the research is in line with the project proposal
and protocol of the project.

b. The board shall arrange a field visit and check data log books, data record
books and check the data collected as per the research proposal.

c. The board also shall check whether the research project is undertaken in the
time frame as documented in the proposal.

d. The board shall monitor the management and utilization of financial and
physical resources to the planned project

e. The board shall write a report and provide a feed back to the researcher, the
department where the research project is based and dean of the

f. The researcher shall send a response letter to department, dean of the

colleges/institutes and RERB of the colleges/institutes stating the
arrangements made to improve the research undertaking.

g. The researcher failing to report as per the recommendations of the RERB

shall not be getting a financial support to continue the project and will
account the expenses born for the research.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 9. Format for Progress report

1. Code and title of the project:

2. Project management /Organization/ co-ordination/colleges/institutes:

a. Name of principal investigator/project coordinator (Department,


b. Research and team member (s) in the university (if any) and their specific role in
the research project:

c. Other partner/collaborating organizations (outside JU) with addresses of contact

person (s) and their role in the project:

Name Profession Department Faculty/Colleges/institutes Specific e-mail


3. Project duration and period:

4. Reporting period:

Jiimma University, 2012 45

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

5. Funding

a. Source of funding

b. Amount (In phases if any)

6. Fund utilized: indicate the amount of money utilized for the reporting period

Period covered ---------------------------- To ---------------------------------------

Sr. Items Amount Fund Total Fund Balance

No brought received fund in expended
forward 1 2
this 4

period 3

1 Expendable

2 Equipment

3 Literature and

4 Local travel and


5 Honorarium

6 Personnel

7 Other expenses
( specify if any)
Amount in Birr which was brought forward if the project is on-going
The break down should be as shown in the budget approved for the reporting
period and it is a fund came in this period
This amount is the sum of the amounts in the third and fourth columns
Fund expended is the fund in column five less the expense stated in column
The balance should reconcile with approved budget. If there is over
expenditure, there has to be a clear justification.

Jiimma University, 2012 46

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

7. Objectives of the project

a. General

b. Specific objectives:

8. Work plan used for the current reporting period (state briefly the work plan for the
project until the current reporting is made).

9. Achievements/progress: Indicate also which objectives have been addressed:

Project output description (give the highlights of the work done during the
reporting period): Include detailed summaries of the work carried out and results
obtained to permit informed critical scientific assessments of the work by the
respective committee and peer reviewers. If possible the results could be presented
in tabular or graph form. Summaries should be complete in themselves as brief as
possible; consistent with clarity (a maximum of two pages is required). Interpret
new findings (both positive and negative) in terms of the objective of the project
and state if they are expected to increase (or degrease) the duration, total costs
and/or the likelihood of the success of the project.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

10. Problems encountered (state any major problems encountered while conducting
the research): Describe advances and/or problems encountered towards the
completion of the plan of work for this reporting period.

11. Measures to be taken :

12. Summary of scientific results obtained

a. Publications in interventional scientific journals, local journals and congress

proceedings 21

b. List submitted, accepted, in press, and published papers, leaflets, proceedings,


please attach full papers

c. Presentation in conferences/seminars 22

d. Any special contribution of the project

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

e. Training and extension 23

f. Development activities

13. Work plan (description of the work plan for the next funding, including the
research time table):

14. Financial expenditure (detailed expenditure for the upcoming research period)24

15. Additional remarks

attach if there are publications such as manuals produced
indicate if there was a training and extension activity
This has to be filled in consultation with the finance office of the university

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 10. Guideline for reviewing progress report (to be filled by the

A. General evaluation
Editorial quality
Lay out
Quality of references
Comment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B. Administration information
1. Project title and code

2. Principal investigator and co-investigators and colleges/institutes/department

3. Project duration and period

i. Reporting period (Phase)

Jiimma University, 2012 50

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

4. Sources of fund and amount in each phase

C. Technical
1. The extent of the objectives achieved as per the project document

Comments :

2. Method used: Is the research methodology for this report sufficiently



3. Work plan: Is the work plan achieved as per the research document?


4. Results: Are the results well described and can be repeated in this report?


5. Scientific results (Publications, seminars, workshops, training): Are the

scientific results sufficient in line with the plan?

Comments :

Jiimma University, 2012 51

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

6. The work plan: Is the future plan realistic and achievable?


7. Fund utilization: Is the fund utilized as per the previous plan?


8. Recommendations: What is recommendation of this report for future funding

Accept the report without change
Accept the report with minor change
Accept the report with major revision
Not accepted, that needs re-writing
9. Reasons for the recommendation
1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reviewer------------------------------------ Signatures ---------------------Date ----------

Jiimma University, 2012 52

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 11. Guidelines for writing Terminal Reports

Research report content: A research report should include the following headings:



Table of content

List of figures

List of symbols



Literature review:

Methodology: Experimental details:

Results and discussion:

Conclusions and recommendations:


Tables, Plates and Figures should either be included in the text at the appropriate
place or they should be at the end of the text after references


Report formats:

All headings should be left justified

Line spacing should be single spaced and font size should be 12 cpi

Left margin should be 1.5 Inch and 1 inch on all other sides

Typing should be both sides of A4 pages

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 12. The review form for terminal report (to be filled by the reviewers) 25

1. General comments (comments on: the worth of the Knowledge /technology

package/generated, sufficiency of information generated, and conclusion

2. Comments on the content and organization of the report (this refers to the report
format, editorial quality, layout, length, adherence to fonts, line spacing,
margin etc)

3. Comment on the abstract: Does the abstract adequately summarize the report?

4) Comments on the introduction and objective section: Does the introduction

sufficiently detailed for this form of research? Are the research objectives clear
and do they reflect what has been achieved in the research?

The research report should be sent to the reviewers in addition to the proposal to ascertain that the proposal is in line with the

terminal reports

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

5. Comments on the methods section: Is the research method sufficiently described

and are the experimental details well described and can they be repeated?

6. Comments on the results section: Are the results well presented?

7. Comments on the discussion section: Is the discussion of the results accurate and

8. Conclusions and recommendations: Are the conclusions and recommendations

relevant and consistent with the analyses, are the conclusions and recommendations
match with research objectives?

9. Comments on the references: Are the references relevant, exhaustive and up-to

10. Comments on the project plan vis- -vis implementation and budget utilization?

11. Any additional comments

Jiimma University, 2012 55

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

12. The reviewer should show his comment in the following rates as justified from the
comments at

each section

i. Accept without modification

ii. Accept with minor modification as per the comments
iii. Accept with major modification as per the comments
iv. Reject the report to be done again as per the comments
13. The justifiable reasons for the section forwarded by the reviewer

Jiimma University, 2012 56

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 13. Research work load

Research project shall involve proposal writing, approval of the research project, piloting,
conducting the research, data entry, cleaning and analyses, report writing and
dissemination. These activities should be given a value and accounted in the academic
work load. The work load shall be based on the nature of the work and expressed in terms
of credit hour equivalent (CrhrE). The work load should follow the following principles
and guidelines.

1. The research project should be reviewed and registered in JU system to account

for a work load and the researchers role in the research undertaking should be
specified in the research project.

2. The work load for research projects is considered during the project life time as
stated in the approved proposal and projects beyond the life time will not have a
work load accounted for, unless it has been given extension with justifiable reason
by the colleges/institutes Research and Ethical review board.

3. Since an Academic Staff is expected to spend about 25% of the time in

research, an Academic Staff with continuous and approved research is
required to have a full teaching load of only 9 LEHs. In case where more than
one academic staff members are involved in research project, the three LEHs
shall be shared among the researchers. The duration of every research project
shall be determined by the appropriate office of the university.

4. Research load is accounted when the research project has a progress or terminal
or quarterly report to Research and ethical review board of the colleges/institutes
or office of Research, CBE and PG of JU and has positively evaluated and
accepted letter for the report.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 14. Procedure for selection of best researcher:

1. The Senior director for research, CBE and PGS requests Colleges/institutes to
nominate individual (s) to forward candidates based on the guideline (Annex 15).
2. A researcher could be nominated by peers or, apply personally to the Department
for the award and staff shall be notified to compete for the award in notice board.
3. The selection of best researcher at department level is to be carried out by
Department committee and one best researcher shall be a department candidate
for the award.
4. Outcome of the selection together with the minutes of Department committee will
be submitted to the coordinator for Research and Graduate Programs of the
respective Colleges/institutes.
5. The selection of the best researcher at colleges/institutes level is to be carried out
by the colleges/institutes Research review board coordinated by the coordinator
for Research and Graduate studies.
6. A nomination made by each Research review board together with the minutes of
the discussion during the selection process is forwarded to the Academic
Commission of respective Colleges/institutes for approval.
7. The name of a candidate for the research award of colleges/institutes and relevant
documents will be submitted to the Senior director for research, CBE and PG.
8. The Sr. director for research, CBE and PGS in consultation with the Vice
President for Research and Academic affairs will set up an independent Ad hoc
Committee if necessary to scrutinize the selection process.
9. The Ad hoc committee will submit the candidates for the award to the Vice
president for Academic, research and student affairs who will again present the
results to the executive committee or the senate for Approval.
10. The university will finally create a forum to recognize the Best Researcher of the

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 15. Evaluation criteria to nominate best researcher award

The direction of JU to cultivate research culture is through placing incentive and reward
mechanisms. Best researchers shall be nominated in each department,
colleges/institutes and at JU level every year. The Colleges/institutes and university at
large shall identify and reward outstanding researchers. To select best researchers,
research activities or publications or scientific innovations will be considered. The
procedures for nominating the best researchers are as follows;

1. Best Publication owner

Name of the candidate _____________Department________________


S.No Criteria Score

1 Have published two or more articles in a year in 50
reputable journal and appear as first/senior author at
least in one article (one article for females) or have
invented three new technology as approved by the
patent office of Ministry of Ethiopian Science and
2 Demonstrated active participation as a member in 10
the editorial committee of the journal or proceedings
3 Disseminate his article/innovations for policy 20
makers in national or international forum ( research
for action)
4 Have served as organizing committee member in 10
scientific conferences
5 Presented a public lecture/ seminar/ Scientific 10

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2. Best grant Owner

Name of the candidate____________________ Department _______________


S.NO Criteria Score

1 Get a grant of >=50, 000 USD(30,000 USD for 30
female or young researchers) on priority areas of JU
from all the projects the researcher wins
2 Have a participatory mega project( encompass 30
multidisciplinary team and students)
3 Benefit of the grant to the community (intervention, 20
job opportunity)
4 Secured more than one grant 20

3. Departments or research projects who have more than 2 candidates either in

research activities or publications will be awarded a certificate.
4. Best PG student award

Sr. No Criteria Score

The quality of the thesis as evaluated by the

1 examiners board 40

2 The quality of the thesis as evaluated by the 40

Research and Ethical review board

3 Paper published from the thesis in a 20

reputable journal

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 16. The award offered to the best researcher individual or team.

1. The best researcher and the department that exceeded 75% and female that
exceeded 65% shall be awarded
2. The individuals to be awarded as best researcher shall be based on staff number.
Colleges/institutes with researchers with more than 600 academic qualifications
with a lecturer and above can award two researchers. Colleges/institutes with
academic staff less than 600 will be awarded one academic staff.
3. The award for the best researcher staff shall be 5,000 for individual researcher,
2000 birr for female researcher, trophy and certificate to the departments, 1000
birr for PG students
4. The best researcher (s) shall also be offered a certificate of recognition during the
annual research conference
5. The best and female researchers recognized for the award shall be sponsored to
participate two national conferences that will cover registration fee, per diem and
transport expenses or the best researchers could be sponsored to participate for
research skill training up to two weeks in the country.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 17. Accelerated promotion

Researcher with outstanding research output is entitled to accelerated promotion as

stated in Senate legislation number for the position of Assistant
and Associate professor, respectively. For this purpose:

1. Every two extra publication achieved over and above the required point for
publication in a given academic rank shall be considered equivalent to a
year of effective teaching.

2. However, a candidate for promotion should at least fulfill 75% of the

required service years for a rank and score 85 % weighted average on all
evaluations (students, departmental and colleagues evaluation).

Jiimma University, 2012 62

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 18. Remuneration for research paper and progress report reviewers,

The Research, Ethical review board is mandated to review research proposals, review
progress reports, monitor and evaluate the conduct of the research and review
terminal reports. The board is responsible to give an ethical clearance, when it is
required. The member of review board shall be offered incentive based on the type of
work. This incentive may not be lucrative but the professional obligation is more than
the incentive.

1. A member of the Journal review board shall be paid a lump sum of 500 birr
per month.
2. The review board shall be assigned based on Research merit and 50% or less
member of the editorial shall have Assistant professor in academic rank.
3. A member of the research and ethical review board shall be paid a lump sum
of 400 birr per month
4. A reviewer who is a member of a research and ethical review or invited
reviewer shall be paid 200 birr for monitoring and evaluating a project (s) and
spending a day in field/lab supervision. The proposals should include M & E
costs. The per diem for M& E shall be paid as per government rate and
proposals will have a budget for M& E.
5. The review of terminal report shall be at two stages. The reviewer shall be
given a manuscript and provide comments to the researcher. The reviewer is
also expected to check whether the comments have been included as per the
initial comment by the reviewer. The payment is effected by presenting two of
the report.
6. The member of the research review board shall be offered a customized
training to discharge the duties in research review process.

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 19. Research Innovative funding

A research project is categorized us innovative to secure the RIF in staff innovation

1. New and original in scope
2. Expected to bring paradigm shift and brake through technologies
3. Expected to bring change in short period
4. Intend to develop the indigenous knowledge
5. Research endeavor that could advance to center of excellence
6. Research endeavor that will produce new tools, methodologies and
7. Research project that addresses emerging issues and contribute in the
recognition of the university

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Guidelines and Procedures for Research

Annex 20. Transport Services

Background: Research culture in JU is not well cultivated. A number of reasons could be cited for
poor research endeavor. Heavy academic load with massive expansion of programs and a limited
research funding from the treasury and limited support in terms of transportation are some of the
reasons. The university recognizes the need for supporting researchers in terms of funding and
transport services. The university believes earmarked cars for research are needed. The demand for
transport and the number of cars assigned is not matching, that has necessitated putting in place a guide
for proper use of transport services.


1. The transport services is rendered provided that the research project has been approved and
registered in office of Senior director for research, CBE and PG.
2. The senior Director for research, CBE and PG shall write a letter to the transport and
maintenance department to avail the transport service for the approved and registered projects.
3. Transport service for research is provided when research report is delivered, on time to the
office of Senior director for research, CBE and PG
4. Transport service for research purpose will be rendered at the radius up to 150 km from Jimma
unless there is a justifiable reason to get transport service beyond 150 km radius
5. Transport service is rendered provided that the research activity in the proposal has been
approved and commitment has been entered to deliver transport services
6. The transport service could be offered, if transport is not covered by public transport and in a
situation where loading of research equipment and materials is required.


1. Transport services to attained research conference shall not be available.
2. Transport service is not offered when the service can be obtained from the public transport
3. No transport services for research projects that have not been reviewed and registered in the
JU research system
1. The research funding such as fuel and lubricant, maintenance cost, per-diem of driver will be
born from the project.
2. The research budget tagged to fuel and lubricants in the project shall be transferred to JU
transport and maintain ace service department and the same department will provide fuel and
lubricant for the projects till the money transferred for fuel and lubricant is available. The
transport and maintainace service department shall notify the PI to avail additional funds for

Jiimma University, 2012 65

Guidelines and Procedures for Research

fuels and lubricant, if PI extends the request for transport services beyond the depletion of
allocated money.
3. The projects having funds from non-treasury should pay the transport services charge as
indicated in the research proposal that has covered the fuel, maintenance and service charge.
The treasury funded projects will not pay the maintenance fees.
4. The driver assigned to serve for the project shall submit a report to the office in relation to
service report that included distance covered, fuel used and services provided to the car during
the service period.
1. The transport service from JU is offered for a situation where it may not be convenient to use
public transport services.
2. Researchers in need of transport service should submit the application form for transport to
senior director for research, CBE and PG a week before the planned travel schedule.
1. The rule is subject to modification as compelled by circumstances and availability of
2. The office of research is mandated to interpret and implement this rule.

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