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Wealth in Astrology

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Wealth in Astrology The Combinations that

Can Make You Rich!

Most people who approach the astrologer belong to one or all of
the following three categories.

The one who wants to know about health, the other who wants to
know about wealth or the third kind who wants to know about
the relationship problems. We have to agree that one cant lead a
happy life even if one of the above is missing, especially health
and wealth. Today we will have a look at some unique planetary
combinations and house significations that indicate wealth in
astrology. So if you are interested in knowing about your future
fortunes please read on.

Combinations for Wealth in

Astrology as Mentioned in the
Ancient Classical Texts
of Jyotish
These wealth causing combinations in astrology can also be called
as Dhana Yogas or Raj Yogas. But please remember that
one cant blindly give conclusions about a persons wealth just
because some of the Yogas present in the horoscope. You need to
consider the planetary strengths, aspects, conjunctions, strength
of the ascendant and most importantly stellar significance before
giving the predictions. Now, lets have a look at these Yogas.

Themost important house to consider when we are

assessing wealth in astrology is the 2nd house. The second
house of your birth chart indicates wealth, family, and
speech. So if a person has to enjoy wealth in his/her life
having a strong 2nd house and the lord of the second house is
very important. Benefic planets posited in the second house
are a good indication of wealth provided the lord of the 2nd
house is well placed too.
Thelord of the 2nd house placed in the trines or quadrants
along with the lord of the 4th and 11th house indicates great
11thhouse lord in the 2nd house, 2nd house lord in the 11th
house or both the house lords conjunct in a good house
indicates great money and riches in life.
When the lord of the second house and eleventh house get
related with the lords of the 1st, and/or 5th and/or 9th a great
Dhana Yoga is formed.
The lord of the second house conjunct with benefics or
getting a good benefic aspect or hemmed between
benefics shows great wealth.
Thelord of the ascendant placed strongly in the birth chart
with beneficial aspects and conjunctions shows a life
dominated by health, wealth, and happiness.
The major significator planets of wealth are Venus and
Jupiter. If they are placed well in the horoscope and have a
good relationship with the second house and
its lord, it shows good

Lagna lord in the second house gives wealth during his
periods or sub- periods.
LakshmiYoga is formed when the lord of the 2nd house is
powerful and the lord of the 9th house is either in its own
house or exalted identical with a quadrant or trine without
any malefic influences.
Inthe case of a man born during the daytime if the Sun, the
Moon, and the Lagna are in odd signs, and in the case of a
woman born during the night time if the Sun, the Moon, and
the Lagna are in even signs, Mahabhagya Yoga is caused.
When Jupiter and Moon are in mutual quadrants in a birth
chart GajaKesari Yoga is caused. What it means is that
Jupiter or Moon should be in the 1st,4th,7th or the 10th house
from the other.
Lord of the 2nd and 9th house in a Kendra or quadrant
indicates wealth.
in 3rd,6th,10th or 11th houses when counted from
the Moon sign, make one rich.
The conjunction of Moon and Mars produces wealth.

Indications for Wealth in

Astrology according to the
Stellar Technique of Prediction
(Popularly known as KP
According to this system, it is not a single house, but a
combination or group of houses that gives the result in life. So for
considering wealth and fortune in a persons life, we have to look
at the significator of 2nd,6th,10th and 11th houses and look for
the periods when they operate together.

posited in the constellation of the occupants in the
houses of 2,6,10 or 11 are the strongest to give wealth to a
in the Sub of the planets that signify 2,6, or 11 can
give immense riches provided they have no malefic relations
or aspects.
a malefic planet aspects the significator of the 2,6 or 11th
houses, it will cause loss of wealth.
Theplanets in the constellations of the house lords of the
2nd, 6th, and 11th can give wealth in their mixed periods.
I feel these combinations mentioned above are more than
sufficient for reference purposes if one wants to know how rich he
or she can be in his/her life. If you want to know more about
wealth and riches in your horoscope and want to know the best
time period for you in the future.
Wish you luck.

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