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Pairing of Opposite Houses

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Pairing of Opposite Houses – 1

November 9, 2016 - - Leave a Comment

The 12 houses

The 12 houses in a horoscope signify all the areas of life of an individual. Starting from the Ascendant,
which functions as the focal point, the significations of the 12 houses flow in a natural order according as
the life of a person begins and unfolds stage by stage with the passage of time starting from birth. No
house is more important and none is less important than any other. Grading or drawing up a priority list
would be improper, if not fallacious. Depending upon the native’s individual perceptions certain areas of
life signified by certain houses may seem to be more important than others which may not be universally

A proper understanding of the roles of houses and an effective use of their significations is essential for
better accuracy in prediction. Although the role of planets and signs in the fructification of events in one’s
life cannot be undermined, the houses function as the rudimentary canvas on which the pictures of life
are painted by the planets and signs which are driven latently by the invisible Karmic force.

The use of opposite houses in prediction is the subject matter of this paper.

Interlinks Between Houses

It is an irrefutable fact that all the houses in a horoscope are interconnected with one other. Moreso, that
some houses are more intimately interconnected while simultaneously being less connected to other
houses. Based on such interlinks only, the 12 houses have been classified as Kendras, Trikonas,
Dustanas, Upachayas, Panaparas, Apoklimas, Marakus, Badhakas, etc

The 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses have been called Dustanas (3rd house is excluded by some) for
primary reason that they negate the influences of either a Kendra or a Trikona by being the 12th house
from a Kendra or a Trikona. That is they cause losses to a Kendra or Trikona by signifying certain
adverse areas of one’s life such as enemies, disease, disturbances, expenditure, losses, etc.

The houses included in each of these groupings signify a common pattern of results. For example, the
3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses have been called Dustanas (3rd house is excluded by some) for the
primary reason that they negate the influences of either a Kendra or a Trikona by being the 12th house
from a Kendra or a Trikona. That is, they cause losses to a Kendra or Trikona by signifying certain
adverse areas of one’s life such as enemies, disease, disturbances, expenditure, losses etc. Although
these four houses are grouped together due to the common and adverse nature of their significations, the
influence of each house is exclusive as their individual significations happen to be different. Similar is the
case with other groupings as well.
However, it is pertinent to note that even among the houses falling in a particular group some houses are
more closely related to one another than others. Let us take the Dustanas again. They generally signify
certain unpleasant areas of one’s life. But, even out of these four Dustanas, the 6th is more closely
related to the 12th than the 8th or the 3rd. The cure from a serious disease may necessitate
hospitalization which involves expenditure as well (12th house) and any redemption from debt (6th house)
involves repayment (or expenditure) or loss without any consequential benefit while in most cases the
adverse influence of enemies (6th house) would be directly responsible for unwanted expenses and
financial losses in many ways.

The 3rd house signifying one’s effort and loss of happiness (12th from the 4th) and the 8th house
signifying expenditure of luck or Prarabdha (12th from the 9th) indicate the longevity or the time span
within which one’s Karmic debt is to be paid back through suffering or otherwise (8th and 8th from the

Looking at this link from the esoteric point of view, the 6th house signifies runa (Karmic debt) from which
one has to get redeemed in this life so as to attain Moksha (freedom from the present birth) signified by
the 12th house. The 3rd house signifying one’s effort and loss of happiness (12th from the 4th) and the
8th house signifying expenditure of luck or Prarabdha (12th from the 9th) indicate the longevity or the time
span within which one’s Karmic debt is to be paid back through suffering or otherwise (8th and 8th from
the 8th). Obviously, the interlink between 6th (runa or Karmic debt) and the 12th (Moksha or redemption
of debt) is of prime importance while the effort or loss of happiness (3rd house) and the time factor or
sufferings (8th house) are secondary in nature.

When all the houses in a horoscope are examined with an eye on such subtler links, it is seen that pairing
opposite houses and analyzing them provides better insights into a nativity as the opposite houses have a
special mutual impact on each other.

Opposite Signs

Everything in Nature exists in opposite pairs or duality — day and night, good and bad, Purusha and
Prakriti, etc. Despite their opposite natures, they exhibit harmony and balance on the earth. The natal
chart is no different. In the Zodiac, the signs in Samasaptaka or in opposite positions are of the same
nature and gender as shown in Figure 1.
Aries opposes Libra and both are odd, male and movable signs. Taurus opposes Scorpio and both are
even, feminine and fixed signs.

Gemini opposes Sagittarius and both are odd, male and dual signs. Cancer opposes Capricorn and both
are even, male and movable signs.

Leo opposes Aquarius and both are odd, male and fixed signs. Virgo opposes Pisces and both are even,
female and dual signs. It must also be noted that the Tattwa (element) ruled by the opposite signs are not
the same but are friendly in nature. Each of these natures connotes a particular pattern of energy inherent
in the sign. Similar natures undoubtedly exhibit similar energies.

Now, let us examine the opposite houses of the natural Zodiac in the light of the Law of Magnetism which
states that “like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other”. That means, similar magnetic
energies are mutually repulsive while the opposites ones are mutually attracted to each other. As the
opposite houses in the Zodiac possess the same qualities they naturally tend to create repulsive
influences which would give rise to conflict. At the same time, because their elements are friendly, they
would inherently work towards establishing a harmonious balance rather than ending up with discord,
unless other predominant influences adversely affect and destabilize them.

Pairing Opposite Houses

The nature of opposite houses in a horoscope are same as that of the signs of the Zodiac. By the
opposite house is meant the 7th house from any house. As such, in addition to their house significations
they also possess the qualities pertaining to the signs falling in these houses. Therefore, the
Samasaptaka Bhavas or houses do have a common area of interlink by being similar in their sign
significations. But, the very fact that they are similar also means that they tend to create mutual
challenges in respect of the significations of the concerned houses due to the intrinsic repulsion between
the signs falling in the Bhavas. However, all the prevailing aspects related to Bhava analysis such as the
significations of houses and their lords, their inter-relationship, planets posited in or aspecting the houses
and their lords, the significations of the planets influencing the houses etc., would contribute to the final
effects caused by the specific combinations in a particular chart.

We get 6 pairs of houses in a horoscope by grouping the opposite ones. They are the Ascendant-7th,
2nd-8th, 3rd-9th, 4th-10th, 5th-11th and 6th-12th. These pairs work in unison or in discord, as the case
may be and mutually complementary each other while offering their results to the native. Hence, by
examining these pairs together for their influences, we would be able to get a clear picture of both the
supportive and detrimental influences in the fructification of the results of these houses. Usually, if
mutually friendly planets are in Samasaptaka Bhavas, they facilitate each other’s results and would be
favourable to the native while the inimical disposition of planets may thwart each other’s influences and
have a tendency to cause inauspicious results. Therefore, when the 12 houses in a horoscope are
analysed in pairs of opposite houses instead of individually, they yield more person-specific results in
respect of the concerned houses due to their synthetic influence.

Now the question is why is importance given to the 7th house aspect alone ? Astronomically, when two
planets are 1800 apart, they are capable of casting their full energies mutually on each other as they fall
in a straight line and under such a condition no intervention would be caused by any other planet. Such
an interlink being one to one, it is considered to be the strongest aspect and fully potent to yield results.

Role of Opposite Houses

In order to understand the role of opposite houses in a chart, the concept of planetary aspects must be
understood. According to Brihat Jataka, Chapter 2 Sloka 13, all planets aspect the 7th house from them
and the planets posited therein, while Mars, Jupiter and Saturn possess additional special aspects on 4th
and 8th, 5th and 9th and 3rd and 10th respectively. Now the question is why is importance given to the
7th house aspect alone? Astronomically, when two planets are 1800 apart, they are capable of casting
their full energies mutually on each other as they fall in a straight line and under such a condition no
intervention would be caused by any other planet. Such an interlink being one to one, it is considered to
be the strongest aspect and fully potent to yield results.

However, it should be noted that the concept of ‘opposition’ is seen differently in Vedic astrology when
compared to Western astrology. According to Vedic astrology, planets posited in Samasaptaka are
expected to offer auspicious or inauspicious results depending on whether they are benefic or malefic. In
deciding this, the functional nature of the planets is also taken into account essentially. Even while
matching charts for marriage, if the Janma Rasis of both the boy and the girl are in Samasaptaka, it is
said to give auspicious results such as happiness, wealth, children, affection and intimacy between the

But in Western astrology, opposition is considered to be adverse in nature and is indicative of tension
irrespective of whether the planets are benefic or malefic by nature or lordship. In the words of C.E.O.
Carter, a pioneer in western astrology:

The opposition is a passive configuration. It tends to make the native an instrument in the hands of
others, either conscious or unconscious. If the horoscope is of a generally passive type this condition may
be easily accepted; but in the case of a vigorous individual the influence of the opposition may lead to
constant friction and struggle…In some maps it denotes pliancy and opportunism”.

Thus, irrespective of the actual nature of results, it is significant to note that according to both Vedic and
Western systems of astrology the opposite houses and planets posited therein are capable of influencing
each other mutually. Here, the way of working of aspects is to be remembered. As the principle goes, the
aspected planet goes into the control of the aspecting planet. As such, mutual aspects have mutually
supportive or detrimental influences depending upon the relationship between the concerned planets.
Even in the case of a single planet posited in a house its 7th house aspect is supposed to yield very
significant results. That is why the planets and houses which are 1800 apart in a chart are very important
in prediction.

Courtesy: Modern Astrology (Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar)

Pairing Of Opposite Houses -II

December 7, 2016 - - Leave a Comment

The Ascendant and 7th house signify the native and one’s spouse respectively and all about the
relationship between the couple. The 7th house also connotes the nature of the interaction of the native
with other associates or business partners in daily life in various capacities such as a teacher-student,
employer-employee etc.

Chart 1 : Female: Born October 30, 1970 at 06h. 30 m. at 12 N 55, 79 E 11.

At a subtler spiritual level, the Ascendant signifies the creation of an egoistic self in the material world for
the fructification of its Karmic influences and the 7th house connotes the role of one’s inner-self
(commonly known as alter ego) in shaping the destiny in store for one. Accordingly, one’s spouse is
generally considered to be one’s complementary half, without whose regenerative and transformational
influence the individual’s life is deemed to be incomplete in the material plane. That is why in Hindu
tradition “marriage is considered to be the sacred bond which is supposed to last for many lives”. The
concept of Ardhanareshwara epitomizes this bond between the dual facets of human existence as man
and woman.

The Ascendant is Libra whose lord Venus is retrograde in the 2nd house (Kutumbastana). The Ascendant
is occupied by Jupiter (3rd and 6th lord), Mercury (9th and 12th lord), Sun (11th lord) and the Moon (10th
lord). Saturn, the lord of the 4th (Sukhastana) and 5th (Putrastana), is in the 7th with Digbala in his sign of
debilitation but retrograde. As such, he gets the strength of an exalted planet as per Uttarakalamrita
(Chap.2, Sloka 6). The 7th lord Mars is in the 12th and is retrograde aspecting the 6th and 7th houses.
Rahu is in the 5th and works as the agent of Saturn. Ketu is in the 11th and acts as the agent of the Sun,
his sign-dispositor. Thus, the influence of all the planets in the chart is centered around the Ascendant
and the 7th house in a predominant manner. This implies that for this native, marriage and married life
are of prime importance as all spheres of activity but her life are centred around her own self and her
spouse. Metaphysically, the position of the Sun (soul), Moon (body and present life) and Jupiter (Jeeva)
in the Ascendant and their collective aspect on 7th house indicates that this is a classic example of a
native destined to find the mission and meaning of her present life.

The Yogakaraka Saturn despite being in his sign of debilitation (Aries) creates a Neechabhanga Raja
Yoga being in a Kendra from the both the Ascendant and the Moon. Mars (the lord of Saturn’s debilitation
sign) aspects Saturn from 12th house which causes cancellation of debilitation. Saturn is retrograde in
Neechastana and has Digbala which empowers him and enables him to offer fully the results which he
has to deliver in the horoscope. Saturn’s strong placement in the 7th house, a lord of Sukhastana and
Poorvapunyastana, and his aspect on the Ascendant, 4th (happiness) and 9th (luck and Prarabdha
Karma) indicates that the native’s spouse in her present birth has a direct link to her Poorvapunya.
Besides, the fact that there is an interlink between the 5th (love), 7th and 9th houses which guarantees
not only very good growth in life after marriage but also appreciably intimate love towards husband and
good attachment with her children.

Out of the four planets in the Ascendant, three are mutual friends (Sun, Moon and Jupiter) while the
fourth, Mercury is in a friend’s sign. Jupiter and Mercury possess Digbala in the Ascendant and they are
supposed to do good to the native by warding off Doshas in the horoscope. The Badhaka Sun being
weak in his sign of debilitation, the Badhaka effect is reduced. Being born on a New Moon Day, the moon
is considered as malefic. Malefic Moon as the lord of a Kendra (10th). In the Ascendant is also good.
Saturn, being the Yogakaraka, his influence on Ascendant is benefic. As a result. the native is endowed
with the skills and tendencies (4th and 5th houses and Mercury) required to get adopted to the
environment of the husband after her marriage . Though married at an early age when just about 19
years, the native involved herself in discharging her duties towards her ailing mother-in-law taking very
good care (Moon ) of her and managing all house-hold chores very well. She has excelled as a house-
wife getting applause from all her relatives for her good work because of the influence of Jupiter on the
Ascendant as the lord of 3rd house (effort) and 6th houses (services).

But, despite the Yogakaraka aspect of Saturn on the Ascendant being benefic and not withstanding the
fact that the native gets happiness (4th) and love (5th) from her husband (Yogakaraka placed in 7th), the
mutual aspect of planets in the Ascendant and 7th being inimical ( except of Mercury), there always would
exist a certain amount of discord in the relationship between the couple. Out of the five planets in the 1-7
axis, Mercury and Jupiter have Digbala as also Saturn. As these planets are endowed with additional
strength it induces a feeling of maintaining self-respect even with the spouse and a sort of egoistic
approach in their mutual interactions. Consequently, both partners have the habit of sticking to their guns
over any issue which results in frequent bickerings between them, often on flimsy grounds, especially due
to speech and matters of food (Ascendant lord Venus retrograde in 2nd) and expenditure and comfort
(7th lord Mars retrograde in 12th).
The egoistic nature of the couple is accentuated by both Libra and Aries being odd signs and masculine
in nature which fuels a sort of repulsion during any discussion between them and frequently attempts to
destabilize their intimacy. But the mutually friendly aspect of Saturn and Mercury (9th lord) works as a
saving grace and finally brings about an agreeable consensus. Also, the native’s Ascendant Libra is ruled
by the element air while that of her 7th house (spouse) is fire (Aries). Fire and air being friendly in nature,
inspiteof marked differences in their basic approaches to life, one is capable of supporting the other and
eventually, each quarrel creates a better understanding and a closer level of intimacy between them
instead of discord or dissatisfaction.

In Navamsa also, both the Ascendant and 7th house are unafflicted which means that the relationship
between the couple would be a normal one without any significant adverse influence.

The strong aspect of Yogakaraka Saturn from the 7th on the Ascendant (self), 4th (Sukha) and 9th
(Bhagya) and the aspect of the 7th lord Mars on the 7th augurs well for the native and fosters good
understanding between the couple. Even though there would be repeated bickering between them, the
native would not take them seriously and hence married life would continue without any serious issues
and the saying.”All is well that ends well” applies to the native who would finally feel good in her
relationship with her spouse.

The general pattern of interaction of the native with others would also be usually good due the
predominance of more benefic influences on the 7th house. Yet, the native would prefer to maintain her
association well with only those who respond favorably to her point of view and respect her sentiments
rather than with others who either contradict her or try to outsmart her.

Thus, it could be seen that when the Ascendant and 7th house are analysed as a pair instead of as
individual ones, one gets deeper insights into the related areas. pairing of houses is essential in
prediction for improved accuracy.

Important Points
While analyzing the pairs of opposite houses the following points need to be borne in mind:-

(a) The mutual aspects of plans posited in opposite houses create mutually supportive or agreeable
results or detrimental influential depending upon the relationship between the concerned planets. If
mutually friendly planets are involved, the results would be favourable to the native while inimical
disposition of planets would cause inauspicious results.

(b) Even in the case of a single planets posited on a house which is vacant, such an aspect yields very
significant results.

(c) The presence of multiple opposing influences involving many houses in a chart indicates a life of
many ups and downs.

(d) Absence of any opposition means that the native would not attempt to assess or try to evaluate the
consequences before acting upon situations encountered by him concerning those houses.

(e) Generally, opposition enables one to see the other side of any issue. Hence the individual in whose
nativity there are no opposing pairs of houses may not be open to others viewpoint or may be less
inclines to confront people face-to-face and would prefer to meet problems indirectly.
(f) In charts with opposing influences involving certain houses, at a given moment of time both the houses
are at work simultaneously and as a result, a synergic force of both the houses would be felt.

(g) If planetary conjunctions or multiple aspects are involved in either one or both the opposite houses,
the results of such houses would generally be very important and need to be probed with extra caution.

(h) The impact of opposite houses is more about compromise, co-operation or confrontation, as the case
may be, in respect of the results of the concerned houses which are specific to attendant conditions in a
particular horoscope.

Courtesy: Modern Astrology(Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar)

Pairing Of Opposite Houses IIIA

January 6, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

Second and Eighth Houses

A complete and comprehensive view of the horoscope can be obtained only if all the Bhavas are judged
by taking into consideration their inter-connected roles in the chart instead of looking for the influences on
an isolated Bhava. This series discusses the technique of analyzing the influence of the 12 Bhavas by
pairing them with six sets of opposites. The inter-link between the Ascendant and the 7th house has been
discussed earlier. The subtle link between the 2nd and 8th houses will be examined next.


The significations of the 2nd house according to classical works are: Dhana vriddhi (improvement in
finance). Kutumbha ( family), eye (right eye for a male and left eye for female), (Vidya) primary education,
(Vitta) wealth, (Vaak) speech, Swa (effort for attaining riches), Vastra (dress), Annapana (food and drink).
Asya (face), tongue, mind, nails. Satyasatya (honesty), Adrishta (luck) etc.

The significations of the 8th house are: Wounds due to weapons, chronic illness, impediments to
endeavours (Karya Vigna) sorrow and miseries (Klesha), defeat or humiliation (Parabhava), longevity
(Ayush), Mangalya (in a female chart), Randhara (a weak or vulnerable point, a hole or an aperture),
Malinadhi (filth, sadness etc), Apavadha (blame), Marana ( death)and Asuchi (impurity).

It is evident from these significations that these two homes govern at a primary level many important and
secret facets of a native’s life including longevity and death. The karakattwas of one Bhava are
intertwined so well with those of the other than a one to one correspondence exists between most of them
as will be evident front the discussion that follows. As such, a care of the influences on both these houses
together would certainly reveal some of the most sought-after providential secrets of an individual’s life
such as the possibilities of acquiring wealth and riches, causes for unexpected problems like blame,
chronic illness, misfortunes, miseries, time and mode of death etc.

Two Basic Principles

In general, while studying the significations of the houses in a horoscope, two basic points must be kept
in mind. The first one is that although each house has multiple significations, all of them do not manifest
in the same dimension of life. Some of them influence the material areas while some results would be
experienced only mentally and some others would be relevant only to the spiritual realms of life.
Sometimes, it is possible that a few Karakattwas simultaneously operate in more than one dimension as
well. To illustrate, out of the significations of the 2nd house wealth, food and eating habits, eye,
document, relate more to the material dimension while family, learning, relate more to the mental
dimension. Vak siddhi is a spiritual attainment rather than a physical or mental one. The significations like
riches, etc., have their link to more than one dimension of life.

Human life is multi-faceted in nature and the same individual functions as a parent,
spouse, servant, boss etc., depending on the need of the hour and one’s age.
Although each of these facets is basically governed by a separate house, its actual
functioning is dependent on the other personal resources of the native signified by
other houses in the chart. As such, there exists an inter-link among the various
houses at different levels. Hence, among the multiple Karakattwas assigned to a
house, a few of them only are specific to that particular house and not all.
The second point that needs to be remembered is the inter-links among the houses in a chart. Human life
is multi-faceted in nature and the same individual functions as a parent, spouse, servant, boss etc.,
depending on the need of the hour and one’s age. Although each of these facets is basically governed by
a separate house, its actual functioning is dependent on the other personal resources of the native
signified by other houses in the chart. As such, there exists an inter-link among the various houses at
different levels so as to practically cover all the possibilities in all areas of life. Hence, among the multiple
Karakattwas assigned to a house, a few of them only are specific to that particular house and not all
Karakattwas assigned to it is unique to it and some of them are repeated in other houses also because
they would be extending their ramifications into multiple houses in the chart. To illustrate, consider the
significations of the 8th house itself. For judging sadness and sorrow of the native, the influences in the
4th house (Sukastana) are more important while for judging defeat or humiliation, the influences on the
Ascendant and 6th houses are more important. For judging longevity and death, the influences on the
2nd and 7th houses are equally important.

These two principles are applicable to significations of all the 12 houses.

Therefore, these multi-level effects of Bhava Karakattwas need to be examined and understood clearly by
proper analysis and synthesis even before examining the effects of interlinks between the pairs of
opposite houses for achieving better depth and accuracy in prediction.

Courtesy: MODERN ASTROLOGY (Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar)

Pairing Of Opposite Houses – IIIB

January 9, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

Pairing in Prediction

The 2nd and 8th houses are generally called Marakastana (house of death) and Ayustana (house of
longevity) respectively. The 8th house is a house of secrecy also. Longevity and mode of death, being the
ultimate secrets of an individual’s life, are aptly assigned to it. The 2nd house, being the one opposite the
8th house, is rightly named as the death-causing house. As such, the influence of planets in or on the 8th
house (signifying longevity and mode of death) either accelerates or retards the speed of death signified
by the 2nd house(Marakastana) depending on other attendant conditions. Conversely, the planets posited
in 2nd house also directly influence longevity and Niryana (nature of exit from this world) of the native.
The 8th house (being the 12th from the 9th) signifies loss of luck (Bhagya) for the native which could
result in unexpected problems in life.

At a subtler spiritual level, the 2nd house works as the vehicle for the creative force represented by the
Ascendant and signifies the form of expression of the creative self in the material world through the
medium of speech, family members, dietary habits, longing for wealth etc. The 8th house which is
opposite (Samasaptaka) the 2nd works in unison with it (or sometimes against it depending on the
influences in a particular chart) by generating the results primarily arising out of the influences of the 2nd
house. The 8th house also signifies one’s secret destiny in the physical plane which is actually shaped by
the hidden effects of the 2nd house. If the 2nd house could be considered to be the manifestation of a
modified physical self working as the mode of operation of the Ascendant, the 8th house would connote
the subsistence of that new facet of self through mutually complementary influences. In other words, the
8th house also signifies self-committed mistakes, either knowingly or unknowingly.

For example, the significations of the 2nd house such as family, food etc., have a direct link to the
longevity of the native, signified by the 8th house. The dietary habits of a person combined with the type
and quality of the food or potable liquids one regularly consumes either enhance or affect his longevity
because food is the primary source of supplying energy to the body, although strength and stamina can
be developed by other means as well. The condition of one’s finance also influences one’s food habits. A
generally affluent life-style or a good flow of finance supports rich qualitative food habits while paucity of
funds would offer restraints and force the native to adopt economical measures and resort to lower
standards of food habits which might indirectly affect health and longevity.

Also, it is pertinent to note that if a person frequently changes his food habits it results in frequent
problems in his health which adversely affect his longevity causing a reduction in his life-span. It is seen
in that the health of people who have been used to a particular pattern of life-style and habits in their
younger years is affected badly and serious sufferings are caused in old age when they change their life-
style and eating habits due to a change in their financial status. Usually, one who maintains restraint over
his food habits even when he can afford more or one who maintains fairly good and stable dietary habits
without resorting to such changes would succeed in shielding oneself from health problems. At least it
may help in preventing major health problems created by erratic food habits. But, most people fall prey to
circumstances and automatically make changes in their lifestyles, either on their own volition or goaded
by others.

The environment within one’s family has a bearing on one’s mental makeup. The
very urge to live longer predominates in a favourable environment while in adverse
conditions the native would many-a-time wish for getting his longevity terminated as
early as possible. Such dejection caused by unhappy family environment (2nd
house) might push him to attempt suicide or wish for forced termination of his
longevity (8th house).
Not only that, the environment within one’s family has bearing on one’s mental makeup. The very urge to
live longer predominates in a favourable environment while in adverse conditions the native would many
a time wish for getting his longevity terminated as early as possible. Such dejection caused by an
unhappy family environment (2nd house) might push him to attempt suicide or wish for forced termination
of his longevity (8th house).
The 2nd house rules wealth and the 8th house signifies unexpected money or wealth inherited from
parents. Usually Rahu in the 2nd house is said to cause Akasmika Dhana Yoga (a product of Adhrishta)
which augurs well for getting unexpected money or riches. A mutually favourable link between the 2nd
and 8th houses would promote Dhana and wealth, usually from unexpected quarters or from a secret or
hidden source especially when the link is fostered by natural benefics as Yoga forming planets in these
houses. Even Rahu in the 8th could give unexpected money which would be by unfair means such as
bribes, graft, kick-backs etc.

The honesty of a person in olden days was judged on the credibility of his speech. Vak (speech), signified
by the 2nd house, was also given a lot of importance in judging a person’s ethical standards. It was
deemed to be an irreparable disgrace if one’s credibility of speech was lost or if one was unable to
maintain one’s oral commitments. There were instances of people resorting to even suicide (8th house)
due to such disgrace. The scriptures very clearly advocate ethics in all our actions concerned with our
body (kaya), speech (vacha) and mind (manasa). But, with the changing times this has also been steadily
eroding day by day and it is less often seen in the people of the present generation.

Another very important fact about the 2nd and 8th houses is that they are highly sensitive to Kuja Dosha
and Sarpa or Naga Dosha. If Mars, Rahu or Ketu are in these two houses they show abnormally more
potent Doshas causing significant inauspicious results in the Bhava related areas. If there is any affliction
to both these houses and their lords along with the Ascendant and the 7th houses by other natural
malefics in the chart, the Dosha gets further intensified and it causes some havoc in the life of the native
by either depriving one of a partner, child etc., or causing an unexpected end to such relationships.

Thus, an analysis of the 2nd and 8th houses as a pair provides clear clues to unravel the providential
secrets which prepare the native(at least mentally) towards expecting the normally unexpected results in
such important areas of one’s life as family, spouse, sorrow and miseries, wealth, riches and longevity.

Chart 1: Male: Born February 18, 1970 at 20h. 15m. at 13 N, 77 E 35.

The Ascendant in Chart 1 is Virgo. Badhaka Jupiter is in the 2nd in an inimical sign. Mars (3rd and 8th
lord) is in Badhakastana and aspects the Ascendant, 2nd and 10th houses. Saturn as a natural malefic
and as the 5th and 6th lord is in the 8th also in an inimical sign and aspects the 2nd, 5th and 10th
houses. thus both the 2nd , and 8th houses are occupied by inimical planets and there is mutually a
neutral 2-8 axis between Jupiter and Saturn.

The native is a surgeon by profession and his wife is also a doctor. The adverse influence of Mars and
Saturn on the 2nd and 8th housed has resulted in lack of good understanding between them. The native’s
wife is dissatisfied with him as she feels that he is not putting in the required effort?(3rd house ) for their
growth. The basic bone of contention is that the native is interested more in a stable income through good
employment (6th lord Saturn aspects 10th house) while his wife wants him to practice independently.
Also, the additional negative influence by Jupiter has ensured theta the native is not so comfortable with
his other family members as well. He got separated from his mother and younger brothers immediately
after his marriage bowing to the pressure from his wife though on talking terms with them.

The native’s wife has suddenly stopped her private medical practice and joined a course to continue her
studies, thus causing a strain in the financial position of the family in Venus Dasa Mars Bhukti from
August 2014 because of the affliction from Mars to the 2nd house (finance) from the 7th house, the
Badhakasthana, ruling the wife.

Although both the 2nd and 8th houses are afflicted individually, when considered as a pair the gravity of
their afflictions gets mitigated due to the mutual neutral aspects between Saturn and Jupiter and this
helps the native in remaining passive to his wife’s provocation and managing the issues in family and
finance without complicating them further avoiding any serious strains thereby.

The influence of inimical planets in both the 2nd and 8th houses deprives the native of getting any
ancestral property or unexpected money which he cannot hope to get anytime in his life.
Chart 2: Male: Born May 23, 1984 at 15h. 40m. at 13 N, 77 E 35.

The Ascendant lord Mercury is in the 8th house in Chart 2. The 2nd house is occupied by 5th and 6th lord
Saturn and 3rd and 8th lord Mars. Both planets are retrograde. The Ascendant lord Mercury in the 8th
house (house of longevity) receives the aspect of retrograde Jupiter who is a Badhaka as well as Maraka.
Mercury is also aspected by both Mars and Saturn from the 2nd house (Maraka stana). Thus, both the
2nd and 8th houses get heavily afflicted together with the Ascendant lord. The longevity of the native is
severely affected therefore. Death occurred on 5-2-1999 in Jupiter Dasa Venus Bhukti.

In this case, the influences on both the 2nd and 8th houses have worked in unison, one complementing
the other. Despite the powerful aspect of Jupiter (a first rate natural malefic) who is well posited in the
chart in his Moolatrikona Rasi and in a Kendra from the Ascendant, the native’s longevity is curtailed
because Jupiter himself happens to be both Badhaka and Maraka for the nativity. His aspect on the 8th
house (longevity) and Mercury (Ascendant lord) has not provided any relief. Rather , he has been more
harmful to the native. Even the aspect of Saturn(the significator for longevity) on the Ascendant lord and
the house of longevity (8th) could not save the native from Alpayu or short life not only because of his
own retrogression but also due to his malefic conjunction with retrograde Mars who rules both the
houses of longevity (3rd and 8th) in the chart.

Thus it could be seen that when we analyse the 2nd and 8th houses as a pair instead of individually we
get deeper insights into the respective portfolios held by them.

Pairing Of Opposite Houses – IV A

February 6, 2017 - - Leave a Comment
Destiny and Free-will

The third pair of opposite houses, the 3rd and the 9th deals primarily with the inter-link between a native’s
luck and the efforts put forth by him towards its fructification. In other words, this pair of houses indicates
not only as to what is in store in this life for an individual owing to his Prarabdha (shown by the 9th house
as Bhagya) but also the ways and means in which his luck unfolds through his efforts and actions
(indicated by the 3rd house).

Third House for Effort

The 3rd house signifies human effort through the arms, their strength (Parakrama), intelligence and
creativity, skill and aptitude for doing any work and the nature of work courage, younger brothers and
sisters, short journeys, longevity, written communication, done, etc. The 3rd house also indicates the
manner in which a person uses his arms i.e., whether in the proper way and for the right purpose or
otherwise. The 3rd house is also the significator of sexual prowess and conjugal pleasures.

The 3rd house signifies human effort through the arms, their strength(Parakrama), courage, younger
brothers and sisters, short journeys, longevity, written communication, intelligence and creativity, skill and
aptitude for doing any work and the nature of work done, etc. The third house also indicates the manner
in which a person uses his arms i.e.whether in the proper way and for the right purpose or otherwise. The
3rd house is also the significator of sexual prowess and conjugal pleasures.

The 3rd house of the Zodiac is Gemini, an airy sign. It is symbolised by the duality of twins and is ruled by
Mercury signifying intelligence and worldly knowledge. Thus, Gemini connotes the imaginative material
world (maya loka) visualized by the mind (airy) and the phenomenal existence of dualities in Nature. As
such, the sign also signifies worldly knowledge as perceived by one’s intelligence and the means of using
that knowledge in achieving material success. In a particular nativity, the 3rd house imbibes these basic
attributes as well. Therefore, it can be deduced from the 3rd house of a horoscope as to whether a native
would try boldly to change his fate or if he tends to accept meekly what is pre-destined.

The fact that the 3rd house is an Upachaya house implies that the actual nature of the activities of a
native, whether they are oriented towards progress or not, can be known by assessing the influences on
the 3rd house. The 3rd house, being the 11th from 5th, indicates gains from knowledge. In other words,
whether a native would put his knowledge to gainful use or not can be clearly inferred from the 3rd house.
It often indicates the manner in which a person utilizes the strength, energy and knowledge possessed by

Role of Ninth House

The significations of the 9th house include one’s virtue, Providential luck, pilgrimages and visits to holy
places, penance, reverence to elders and the like, conduct, purity of mind, divine worship, long-distance
travel, religious observances and celebrations, paternal wealth, father, Dharma and faith, Guru, mentor,
teacher etc.

The 9th house of the Zodiac is Sagittarius, a fiery sign, ruled by Jupiter. It is also a dual sign. The fiery
nature of Dhanus, with the Divine Grace of Jupiter working as a catalyst for change, paves the way for the
transformation of the native in the direction of his destiny (Bhagya). It enables one to enjoy Providential
luck by activating the ‘hunter’ in one and prods one to seek and fight for all that is destined for one in this
life. The duality of the sign provides the much-needed dexterity to achieve one’s purpose.

These characteristics of Sagittarius are also imbibed by the 9th house in a horoscope which actually
manifests as the native’s personal approach to life in general. As a result, the Dharma (path) adopted by
any individual is always guided by a staunch belief in his own philosophy of life, the roots of which can
only be traced to his Prarabdha.

In fact, a native may be said to learn the first principles of his ideology (Dharma) from his father and then
only from his Guru and others. Also, the 9th house signifies the native’s amenability or otherwise to
disciplines such as Japa and other religious observances which work towards the conditioning of his
unconscious mind on which the imprints of his past lives are etched. Thus, the 9th house reflects not only
the luck of the native as borne out from his Prarabdha but also his principles and ideals in life together
with a clue as to what extent he will practice them practically so as to either support or thwart the fruition
of his luck or Bhagya.

Third and Ninth House Subtle Link Conditions

 If the 9th lord or the 9th house and 3rd lord/3rdhouse are mutually supportive without any other
malefic influence, then it means that the native’s luck and effort generally go well with each other. Or
his deeds and actions are oriented towards realising his Prarabdha in the predestined way which is
generally good for achieving name, fame, recognition and honour. It also indicates that the behaviour
of the native will be similar to that of his grand or great grand parents or the native will physically
and/or mentally resemble or behave like them.
 If the 9th lord is in his own house or otherwise strong, it indicates that the native has the blessings of
his Pitrus and that their status and deeds were good as a result of which the native would get good
opportunities in his present life and could cash in on them.
 If the 3rd and the 9th houses or lords are mutually afflicting each other, it means that the native’s
ancestors lived in cruel ways and did bad deeds in their old age and refused to make amends for their
bad deeds. Hence, their next generations are suffering. As the native is born in such a clan or family
tree, he would also be destined to suffer with less or meagre comforts.
 Benefic influences on the 3rd house without any influences on the 9th house indicate that the native
would do right deeds or put in right efforts to improve his luck. A benefic in the 9th house without any
adverse influence of the 3rd indicates that the native’s luck is good and even though he does
improper deeds at times, he would still remain comfortable. If both 3rd and 9th houses have benefic
influences without any affliction, then the native would be very lucky in life and automatically gets
good opportunities to enjoy his luck.
 If both the 3rd and the 9th houses are occupied or influenced by malefic planets without any benefic
influence, neither the native’s luck is good nor would he try to change it .In other words, his efforts
and deeds would make him reap his past Karmic fruits by enduring pain and suffering with multiple
 If the 3rd house is afflicted and the 9th house has benefic influences, the native would get
Providential support for his negative deeds and also efforts.
 If the 9th house is afflicted and the 3rd house has benefic influences, then the native will not be lucky
enough; but, he would try to put in good efforts and perform good deeds due to his Poorva Janma
Vasana (past life propensities) and pending Sanchita Karmas if the 5th house simultaneously has
either no affliction or comes only under benefic influences. Otherwise, with all the best efforts success
would always be eluding the native in almost all spheres of life.
 If both benefic and malefic influences (mixed influences) are present in both the 3rd and the 9th
houses, it indicates that the native is destined to have a troubled life due to his efforts being not in
tune with his luck. But, when mixed influences are there in either the 3rd or the 9th house, it indicates
problems and sufferings due to mismatch of effort with luck or vice-versa.
 Especially if Rahu and Ketu are in 3-9 axis, it is good for thoughtfulness. The native becomes good in
literature (Sahitya). If Rahu is in the 9th house, it indicates influence of Pitrus as a result of which the
native imbibes unorthodox nature, abnormal courage etc., because of its impact on the 3rd house.
Even if lords of these houses are not well placed, the native would do something special and get
applause from others. If Rahu is in the 3rd and Ketu is in the 9th, it is of the 2nd grade and the native
will be aspiring to do something special mentally and it will make him retract and slow down by
inducing a philosophical approach in his thoughts such as being careful, not wanting to aspire for
more, being Dharmic or religious, not being dogmatic or at the other end of the spectrum, it may
embolden the native to try something unethically negative and make him indulge in unlawful activities
as well

Courtesy: MODERN ASTROLOGY (Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar )

Pairing Of Opposite Houses IV B

February 8, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

Subtle Interlink

The Tattwas of opposite houses are not same. But, they are friendly in nature. That means, in principle,
as a pair the opposite houses mutually support each other unless influenced otherwise. The actual effects
depend on the influences on these houses. If a mutually benefic relationship is established between the
opposite houses, then they work in unison and in the absence of it, they tend to create discord while a
mixture of both benefic and malefic influences would cause results of a corresponding nature in their
respective ruling periods. The 3rd and 9th houses are no exceptions to this principle.

For example, it may so happen that the native’s younger co-borns and father together may either support
or thwart the native in the realization of his luck depending on the nature of influences on the
corresponding houses.

Chart 1: Male: Born January 13, 1985 at 5h. 50m. at 13 N, 77 E 35.

Jupiter, the lord of the Ascendant and the 4th house (house of education, possessions, happiness, etc) is
debilitated in Chart 1. Mars (5th and 12th lord) and Venus (6th and 11th lord) are conjoined in the 3rd
house and aspect the 9th house. The 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn also aspects the 9th house from the 12th.
The 9th lord Sun is well-placed in the Ascendant in a friendly sign.

Here, both the 3rd and 9th houses are influenced by a combination of planets who are inimical to each
other as also functional malefics without any relieving aspects. The simultaneous aspect of Mars and
Saturn on the 9th afflicts it badly and the aspect of natural benefic Venus does not help because of his
lordship as it creates an expectation of comfort, luxury and enjoyment in life which are not supported by
the influence of both Mars and Saturn as well as the debilitation of Jupiter. As a result, the native tends to
become unhappy with whatever offer he gets.

Mercury (7th and 10th lord) causes Budha Aditya Yoga along with 9th lord Sun in the Ascendant
bestowing the native with intelligence and sharpness of mind. But, Mercury as Badhaka and ruling the
10th house creates adverse results by goading the native to expect too much in his profession. As a
result, the native after completion of his education rejected whatever small offers he got as he hoped for a
better one. But, he was not lucky enough as the 8th lord Moon is in the 10th and Mars aspects it from the
3rd house. Thus, in this horoscope, the native’s effort and luck do not synchronize and hence, as
Providence would have it, he would continue to be unhappy and dissatisfied in a few important areas of
his life like education and profession.

Chart 2: Rahul Dravid: Born November 1,1973 at 10h.58m at 22 N 43, 75 E 51

The Ascendant in Chart 2 is Pisces of a cricket player. Retrograde Saturn (lord of the 11th and 12th
houses) is in the 3rd in a friendly sign. Mars (2nd cum 9th lord), is in the 9th in his own house. There is a
mutual aspect between Saturn and Mars. Both these planets are not influenced by any other planet by
way of conjunction or aspect. The 5th lord Moon is in the Ascendant in a friendly sign.

Although Mars is a natural malefic, he works as a benefic not only as the lord of the 9th house, the
highest Trikona, (2nd lordship is neutral) but also as he is a friend of the Ascendant lord Jupiter. The
occupation of the 9th lord in own house and 5th lord in the Ascendant in a friendly sign ensures that the
native’s luck, as well as Poorva Punya, support him in this life. Saturn, the planet in 3rd house, signifying
effort (shrama), sweat and toil connected with the 3rd and 11th houses signifying shoulders, has
facilitated the native in acquiring excellent skills of using his arms effectively as a result of which his
batting technique was considered to be very sound and strong and it has been amply demonstrated by
him in many matches under very critical circumstances for which he was considered as a ‘wall’ against
any bowler. As such, in this case, it can be seen that the native’s luck has supported his efforts. But, the
rate of success when compared to his talent is relatively less due to the occupation of natural malefics in
the 3-9 axis, especially Mars and Saturn, as their mutual aspects have reduced his luck partially.

Thus, by examining the 3rd and 9th houses as a pair, the nature of the interlink between effort and luck in
a nativity can be clearly identified.

Courtesy: MODERN ASTROLOGY (Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar )

Pairing of Opposite Houses – Part V

March 10, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

The next pair of opposite houses to be discussed in this series is of two of the four pivotal
Kendras(quadrants) viz., the 4th (Sukastana) and the 10th houses (Karmastana). The Kendras (1, 4,
7,10) are called so because they work as the main pillars of a horoscope providing the much needed
support for stability and growth in the life of a person.They are described as ‘Vishnustanas’, meaning that
they are the houses responsible for the sustenance of a native under all odds. Of these, the 4th is more
powerful than the Ascendant while the 7th is stronger than the 4th and the 10th is the strongest of all. The
4th and 10th houses are the principal contributors towards the improvement of the basic quality of life and
they constitute the most powerful opposite pair of houses in a chart.

Fourth House

The 4th house primarily signifies Matru (mother), motherland, Sukha (general happiness of life),
Bandu(relatives), Griham(house), Go(cattle), Nidhi(wealth and other possessions), Kshetram (landed
property), Vahana (vehicles) and anything that is acquired from the mother like one’s mother tongue,
motherland, the heart, formal education that one would get in life, peace of mind, nadir(patala) etc. In
female charts, the 4th signifies the chastity of the woman.

It is needless to emphasize that these significations are the key factors for anyone. The role of the mother
in shaping the life of a person is a sacrificial one and has been held in the highest esteem since time
immemorial, for which she has been equated with the first glimpse of God one sees on the earth (Maatru
Devo Bhava). The whole future life of a person rests on the upbringing by the parents, more so by the
mother. Also, a life without wealth and happiness would be a punishment for any normal human being
unless one is basically an ascetic by nature. In present day living conditions, possessions like landed
property, vehicles etc., are the basic needs of all. Lack of proper education and knowledge incapacitates
a person. That is why the Gurukula system was in vogue in the past and thousands of educational
institutions offering a wide variety of courses are flourishing even today. As such, it is an indisputable fact
that the 4th house is one of the main pillars of destiny in any chart.

Cancer, the 4th sign of the Zodiac, is a movable watery sign ruled by the Moon who signifies the mother
and the mind. Both these are more prone to emotions. The element of water also stands for desires and
emotions. In the world of physical manifestation, individual perceptions coloured by one’s emotions play a
very significant role in all spheres of life. One’s sensitivity is triggered by emotions causing quick changes
in moods and the mental make-up which would ultimately either support or affect one’s Suka, the feeling
of happiness signified by the 4th house. These moods and emotions directly influence not only the deeds
and actions of an individual but also the quality of the final results as well. This aspect of the 4th house
also works at a subtler level.

Tenth House

The primary significations of the 10th house include Karma(profession or means of livelihood, one’s
actions), Rajya (royalty, kingship, authority), Manam (name, fame, reputation, status, honour, etc), Rina
(debts), Pravasa (living in foreign land, immigration etc.,), Vyomastana (zenith, Akasha, sky) and gains
from father (2nd from the 9th) etc.

There is a saying Udyogam Purusha Lakshanam, meaning that the very identity of a man is his
profession. Thus, in a male nativity, the 10th house is the most important quadrant. Also, the 10th being
the house depicting Karma (action) of the individual, it indicates the path by following which a native is
expected to reap the fruits of his Karmic destiny in his present birth. As such, any planet occupying 10th
house without afflictions facilitates the fruition of one’s Karma by performing the activity related to that
planet. But, if there is affliction to a planet in the 10th house it means that either the native is being
obstructed or prevented from working towards his Providential goal or his destiny itself is to suffer without
proper recognition and stability in life.

The 6th house indicates one’s Rina, both Karmic and material. The 11th house (being 6th from the 6th)
also indicates everything that is obtained in this life out of this Rina including diseases, loans, enmity etc.,
if the 1st, 6th and 11th houses are inter-connected. The 10th house (being the 12th from 11th) indicates
the loss of such Rina or expending such Rina by the Karma (actions) performed in this birth if there is a
simultaneous link to either the 5th or the 9th house. Alternatively, if no such link exists between the 10th
house and Poorvapunyastana or Bhagyastana (5th or 9th house) one’s actions could be sowing the seed
for future experiences in which case it becomes Agami Karma and creates fresh Rina. This is also the
reason why a favourable link between the 6th, 10th and 11th houses along with Raja Yogas involving
Trikonas is desirable for conferring a high level in one’s profession.

The 10th house of the Zodiac is Capricorn owned by Saturn who is also the Karma Karaka. Saturn as a
Karmic planet is believed to be a pay-master who keeps an account of the past debts (Rina), sins and
other deeds of both the native as well as that of his forefathers. Depending on his role in a particular
chart, Saturn either provides or deprives the native of the energy that is needed to wipe out all the
accumulated debts (Rina) or makes the native endure his sufferings born out of past Karma. As an earthy
movable sign, Capricorn connotes the practical implications of Karmic actions and their impact in making
the native restless and instigating him to seek success in many ways which results in lack of fixity of
purpose in everything he does. These significations are also reflected in the 10th house.

Thus, the 10th house is of prime importance and is considered to be the strongest pillar of life being not
only the focal point of all actions and the consequential quality of a person’s present life but also because
it deals with their Karmic implication and paves way for further evolution of the soul of the individual.

Subtle Interlink

The inter-link between the 4th and 10th houses is so subtle that their roles are almost fused together.
Generally, wealth and other comforts like acquiring one’s own vehicle, house etc., (4th) flourish very well
by the background support of one’s professional position, power, authority and status (10th). The Suka
(comfort level) of a person also depends directly on the Rajya (royalty or authority) possessed by him.
Thus, the 4th house generally receives the effects generated by the 10th house.

But, in some areas, the significations of the the 4th house work as the basic source for generating the
results of the 10th house. For example, consider the profession and education of a person. Generally,
one wishes to adopt a profession which has a direct dependency on the type of academic education
acquired by him mainly because he is equipped with the requisite knowledge for the purpose through
such education. But, often we find that the jobs being performed by a vast majority of people are not
related to their academic education at all. The reason is, unless the 4th house or the 4th lord establishes
a connection with the 10th house or the 10th lord or vice versa, one would not be able to use his
academic education directly in his profession. Similarly, unless a person has peace of mind in the house
fostered by motherly care he cannot perform his work properly.

In many areas, both these houses work complementary to each other. For example, once one gets a
good job, one’s focus shifts to acquiring material comforts using one’s position, power and authority. Only
when material comforts are achieved he feels happy and satisfied. Most of the successful people claim
that ‘sky is the limit’ for human achievements implying that there is no barrier practically. Even
astrologically. the 10th house signifies the sky (zenith) up to which one can rise if well supported by one’s
Karma (both past and present) while the 4th house is the abyss (nadir) to which one falls from the sky if
severely affected by one’s Karma. Also, when a person falls from the heights of glory (10th), it is the
mother who first feels more for the fall and wishes the very best for one besides providing all help
possible, even if one is an unruly and sinful child (4th).

Not only that. Usually, many have some dissatisfaction or the other in life. Although the actual reason for
it can be traced only by examining the afflictions to various houses in a chart, the adverse influences on
either the 4th or the 10th house will provide a clue as to whether a person is basically happy or not when
both these houses are studied together.

If the 4th and the 10th houses are analysed together as a pair, special insights can be obtained which
otherwise are not possible.

Chart 1: Aishwarya Rai: Born November 1, 1973 at 4h.05m. at 12 N 52, 74 E 50.

Chart 1 is of a famous actress. The 4th house is occupied by Venus (2nd and 9th lord), the Moon (11th
lord) and Rahu. The 4th lord (also the 7th lord) Jupiter is in the 5th house in debilitation. Retrograde
Saturn (5th and 6th lord) and Ketu are in the 10th house. The 10th lord (also Ascendant lord) is in the 3rd
house and is retrograde. The 8th and 3rd lord Mars who is also retrograde is in the 8th aspecting

The occupation of the 10th house by two retrograde malefics afflicts the 10th house severely. The 10th
lord is in a Dustana indicating loss of Sukha (12th from 4th) and is aspected by a retrograde malefic Mars
who is also the 8th lord. All these adverse influences on the 10th house and its lord are not at all
favourable and should have resulted in a totally unhappy professional career. But the conjunction of
Venus and Moon in the 4th house creates a benefic interlink between the 2nd, 9th and 11th houses and
the combined aspect of these planets on the 10th produces a Yoga in profession. Rahu in Sagittarius is
said to give generally good results which helps in mitigating the adverse influences.

Also, Jupiter (4th cum 7th lord) is in the 5th house in debilitation and aspects the 9th and 11th houses
creating a link between two Kendras and two Trikonas. Despite being both Badhaka and Maraka with
strong Kendradhipati Dosha, Jupiter’s occupation of Neecha Rasi, in a Trikona and in ascending state
(Aroha) reduces the adverse effects considerably and supports the 11th house to some extent for
fulfillment of her desires, but not fully.

As the planetary influences in the 10th house are not wholly supportive, having chosen a career in films
being a celebrity as Miss World 1994, Aishwarya has only a few good films to her credit. Her acting career
is not distinguished and the level of professional success is relatively less when compared with many
other actresses

in Indian cinema. The influences from 4th house on the 10th house are more responsible for whatever
success she has been able to get.

Chart 2: Ram Jethmalani: Born September 14, 1923 at 16h. 12m. at 25 N 23, 68 E 21.

Chart 2 is of Ram Jethmalani, the famous lawyer and politician. The Ascendant lord Saturn (also the 2nd
lord) is with the 9th lord Mercury (also the 6th lord) in the highest Trikona (9th). This conjunction is a very
benefic one because Mercury is in his exaltation sign and his friend Saturn joins him in Bhagyastana
making the native generally very lucky.
The 4th house is vacant. Jupiter (3rd cum 12th lord) and the Moon (7th lord) are in the 10th house
producing a strong Gajakesari Yoga while they aspect the 4th house jointly. There are no other aspects
on the 4th house. The 4th cum 11th lord Mars aspects the 11th house and helps in fulfillment of desires
with Badha (problems).

The benefic influences of Jupiter and the Moon on the 4th house from the 10th house has conferred the
native a good education in law and ensured that be uses his education in his profession. The Yoga
involving Jupiter has given him a very good reputation as a successful lawyer besides supporting him in
getting elected as an MP in the Rajya Sabha.

Courtesy: Modern Astrology (Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar)

Pairing of Opposite Houses – VI

March 28, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

Origin of Present Birth

The 5th house in a chart is the central fulcrum among the trines which exerts its direct influence on the
Ascendant (birth of the self) on one side and the 9th house (signifying his luck and Prarabdha) on the
other. In other words, the 5th house indicates the source from which the present birth emanates while the
9th house governs the resources which a native has brought forward with him in the form of luck
(Prarabdha) in this life. Also the 5th house (being the 12th from 6th) signifies the loss of runas or
expending of the debts of past lives. As such, the planets influencing the 5th house create the necessary
ground for achieving the Prarabdha (luck) indicated by the 9th house, the realization of which would be
one of the main purposes of birth.

Jupiter who is the embodiment Divine Grace is the significator for both the 5th and 9th houses. His
benefic influence on both these houses simultaneously either by aspect or position would enable the
native to achieve fulfillment in this life to a great extent. Here, it needs to be pointed out that although
Jupiter as Putrakaraka being in the 5th creates some anxiety in that area for some time, the problem will
not persist for long and he surely grants at least one Karma putra to the native who will be available for
releasing him from the links of this present birth by performing his antyeshti(last rites) which is one of the
primary purposes of begetting a child. As such, this does not hinder the native from achieving his goals in
other areas in any way. Jupiter influencing the 5th house favourably bestows Mantrasiddhi, a natural
inclination to worship God and observe religious practices etc., which facilitate not only the furtherance of
the progress of the Soul but also in deriving peace and happiness in this life.

The 5th house of the natural Zodiac is Leo. Its symbol (lion) stands for the fully developed and dominant
male principle. The lion, with its primary role as the seed for procreation, is analogous to the Sun, the
ruler of Leo, who is the centre of vital energy which feeds the soul (Atma). Thus, metaphysically, the sign
Leo connotes the power of the Karmic actions (poorvapunya) impinging on the Atma working as the seed
for one’s future lives. The fiery nature of the sign indicates the ability for transformation of the soul based
on the Karmic imprints while the fixity of the sign alludes to the firmness of Karmic fruits which cannot be
avoided. All these characteristics of the sign are also inherent in the 5th house of any chart.

Eleventh House for Achievements

The 11th house signifies fulfillment of all desires (Ishta Siddhi), success in all undertakings (Sarvabhista
agama/karyasiddhi), gains/profits(labha), income or all kinds of receipts (aya), elder co-borns (Jyestha
bhrata), left ear (vama karna), daughter-in-law/son-in- law (7th from the 5th) etc.

In general, any planet owning the 11th house or occupying it is good (except Ketu). The association of the
lord of any house with the 11th house and or its lord (without any afflictions) indicates the fulfillment of the
objectives and desires of the native in the respective area of life through the relationship concerned.
Primarily, the planets in the 11th house indicate the manner in which gains and fulfillment are possible
and also the relationships facilitating such gains in life. But, if there is a malefic combination (Ava Yoga) in
the house due to planets which are badly placed (debilitated, in inimical sign, combust, retrograde in own
house, etc..) or afflicted (placed with/ aspected by malefics), good results cannot be pronounced without a
proper examination of the attendant conditions. For example, if Mars is in the 11th house for a Cancer
Ascendant, it implies that the native would seek to fulfill his dreams through his children with the support
of his profession. If such Mars is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu or other inimical planets like Saturn, then it
indicates suffering through children and profession.

The 11th being the highest Upachaya house, any planet in it supports the growth of the native. As such,
almost all planets give auspicious results when in this house and help attain desired objectives in life. But,
for this, it is very necessary that there should not be any mutual afflictions among the planets involved.
Also, the nature of the planet posited in the house (benefic or malefic both by its basic nature and
functionality in the chart), which helps in achieving the objectives, affects the way in which the fulfillment
is actually achieved. Malefics would contribute to an element of adversity while benefics would the pave
way for smooth success.
Also, it is pertinent to note that 11th house is the Badhaka house for movable Ascendants. Hence, the
11th lord along with the planets in the 11th house are capable of creating problems to the natives born in
movable signs as Ascendants. Such a condition implies that the native is destined to face problems in
achieving his goals and that he must be ready to struggle and put in extra effort without which it may not
be possible to achieve them. But according to Pulippani Jothidam (SI. 52 and 53), if Badhaka is in trines
for movable and fixed Ascendants the Badha gets cancelled and the native would only experience
benefic results. In my opinion, this can happen only if 11th lord is in 5th or 9th house (5th from the 5th)
because the 11th happens to be 6th from the 6th and the 5th house (as 12th to 6th) facilitates dispensing
with the run as signified by 6th house (6th from the 6th house).

For example, if the Ascendant is Cancer and Venus in Scorpio or Pisces it would give good results.
Similar is the case, if the Ascendant is Libra and the Sun is in Aquarius or Gemini. Even Saturn in Leo or
Sagittarius will do good to a native of Aries Ascendant, although only in the latter part of his life.

The 11th house of the Zodiac is Aquarius symbolized by a pot, a pot of luck. What it contains can only be
known when its lid is opened and not before that because it might be filled with hidden wealth (nidhi) or
partly filled or empty also. As such, Aquarius introduces an element of secrecy in the realization of one’s
goals. The fixity of Aquarius alludes to the fixed quantity of the providential reserve in the pot while its airy
nature connotes the necessity for a serious research to unveil the reserve. These characteristics are
inherently seen in the 11th house of any chart. Also, the key to open the lid of Aquarius is primarily vested
with its opposite sign i.e., Leo which carries the Karmic seed as Poorvapunya. If Leo and Aquarius (5th
and 11th) are mutually inter-linked in a native’s horoscope by way of planetary associations, the lid opens
easily and confers results during the Dasa periods of the concerned planets, with the nature of interlink
and that of the involved planets characterizing the nature of results.

Chart1: Swami Chinmayananda: Born May 8, 1916 at 7h . 10m. at 9 N 59, 70 E 18

Chart 1 is of Swami Chinmayananda. The following features may be noted.

i) The occupation of Mars (Ascendant and 6th lord) in the house of luck (9th) along with 9th lord (Moon)
activates the Prarabdha of the native to his advantage, being a friendly conjunction in a trine with
cancellation of debilitation for Mars. The mystic planet Ketu conjoining them ensures that the native’s luck
is through Moksha Gnana.

(ii) The 10th lord Sun getting exalted in the 6th house goads the native to adopt service (6th) through
Atma Vidya (Sun) as his profession.

(iii) The crowning impact is the occupation of the 5th house by the most benefic planet Jupiter (ruling
spirituality) in his own house which confirms that his Poorva punya is excellent. Jupiter’s aspect on a
vacant 11th house transfers the positive effect to that house to grant Ishta Siddhi and fulfillment.

(iv)The position of Mercury, the 8th and 11th lord in the 7th (Kendra), in Parivartana with the 7th lord
Venus (a friend) ably supports fulfillment (11th) through the acquisition of secret knowledge (8th).

(v)The simultaneous aspect of Mercury and Jupiter on the Ascendant has greatly helped the native in
acquiring both worldly knowledge and spiritual wisdom. As a result, although he started his career as a
journalist (Mercury), Providence pushed him into the mystic science and enabled him to achieve
excellence in spirituality (Jupiter).

Chart2: V. P. Singh: Born June 25, 1931 at 7h .04 m.25 N 28, 89 E 32

Chart 2 is of V.P.Singh, a former Prime Minister of India. The 5th house is aspected by 5th lord Mars (who
is also Yogakaraka for the Ascendant) and Jupiter (9th and 6th lord) who is occupying his exaltation sign
in Ascendant with Digbala.
These twin friendly aspects, indicate that his Poorva Punya was excellent due to which he was born in a
royal family.

The 11th house is occupied by Venus (4th and 11th lord) in own house, aspecting the 5th house which
activated the Providential reserve of the 5th house and paved the way for achieving Ishta Siddhi. But
Venus, being the Badhaka for Cancer Ascendant, has not granted him full satisfaction which is evident
from the fact that although he had held key posts such as Member of Parliament. CM of UP, Union
Minister for Defence and Finance, etc., he had also resigned from these posts on many occasions due to
various reasons. Even as the Prime Minister of India, his Ministry had to resign after about 15 months in
office and he could not complete even one full term as prime minister This is because of the one way link
from the 11th to the 5th house without any direct reciprocation from the 5 th to the 11th house.

Thus it could be seen that analyzing the 5th and 11th houses together provides deeper insight into the
native’s past life reserves and their role in achieving luck and success in this life.

Courtesy:Modern Astrology (Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar)


Pairing of Opposite Houses – Part VII A

March 31, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

Three Categories
There are three main categories of horoscopes. These with more number of benefic Yogas than malefic
ones which make the concerned natives very lucky are Yoga Jatakas. If the planetary combinations
clearly indicate that the natives are born to either experience more pain and punishment than pleasure or
to repay their past Karmic debts in the present life, they are Runa Jatakas. The horoscopes with a mixture
of mediocre Yogas and Avayogas alternating frequently causing both good and bad results and
conferring the native with generally average results in almost all spheres of life are Mishra Jatakas.

Sixth and Twelfth Houses

The last pair of opposite houses (6th and 12 th) has a primary relationship to the Rina Jatakas as the 6th
bouse rales Runas (Karmic debts) and 12th house governs Runamochana (freedom from debts).
Examining these two houses together gives clear ernes the pending Runas from past lives and their
clearance or otherwise in this life. This paper explores this relationship in detail beginning with an
understanding of the pending Runas from the 6th house.

Pending Dues

The important significations of 6th house include Roga (diseases). Rue.2 debt). Shatru (enemy), Mathula
(maternal uncle), Antaka (killer), Shanka (doubts or mistrust), Vrana (injuries, ulcer, tumor, etc), Sapathni
maatharam (step-mother). Vigna (impediment, obstacle), etc., The 6th house also signifies service or
servants i.e., it indicates whether the native himself will work as a servant or will do all his work himself or
will get it done by his servants. Even the faithfulness or morality of the servants can be determined from
the 6th house. Apart from these, one’s success in competitive examinations, the punishments awarded to
a native depending on whether the deeds performed by him are good or bad etc., can be judged from this

The 6th house being the 2nd from the 5th indicates the wealth from the past. It is a staunch belief based
on Karma Theory that the sins committed by us in our past lives only return to us in the form of Badhas
(afflictions) such as disease, etc in the present life (Poorva janma kritham paapam vyaadhi roopena
badhyathe). As such, the main significations of the 6th house like diseases, debts and enemies are the
wealth acquired by us from our past lives. In other words, 6th house indicates all that we owe to others or
all that we have to get back from others in this life. As a corollary, the 6th house would also indicate all
types of sufferings to be undergone by us in the form of diseases and other types of Badhas (troubles) for
the acts of sin and various kinds of retribution we have to suffer from our enemies due to the seed of
enmity sown by us in past lives.

Actually, the nature of effects either benefic or malefic would indicate the nature of pending Runas which
get activated by the influence of various planets on 6th house or the influence of 6th lord on other houses
or both. The source of problems and the nature of impact created by adversaries, who happen to be past
Karmic links to such troubles in this life, can be known by assessing the inter-link of the 6th house and the
6th lord with other houses in the chart. For example, if the 5th lord is in the 6th house, one’s own children
would be behaving like enemies. Similarly, the 4th or 9th lord in the 6th house would make the mother or
the father respectively of the native behave like an enemy. If these planets are afflicted, the relationship
gets strained more. On the same lines, if the 7th lord is in the 6th, it would affect the relationship with the
spouse severely and if the 7th house is also afflicted, it could lead to separation itself. If the 6th lord gets
into a benefic house like the 4th, it would make the native get entangled in loans for enjoying the comfort
of owning a vehicle or house depending on the other associated houses and planets.

Courtesy: Modern Astrology(Dr.Revathi Vee Kumar)

Pairing of Opposite Houses – Part VII B
April 3, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

Saturnine Connection

In this connection, it is pertinent to point out that the 3rd house signifying one’s efforts also indicates the
Karmic effects of the pending Runas (being 10th from 6th). As such, if the 3rd house is directly influenced
by the Karmakaraka Saturn either by aspect or occupancy, the native would be a hard working person
trying sincerely to get rid of all his Runas and hence, he would be a Karma Yogi in this birth. Therefore,
the afflictions to the 6th house, if any, will be rectified by such a Saturn in the 3rd house. But, if the 3rd
house is also simultaneously afflicted by malefic planets, the native will be helplessly enduring the pain
and suffering unable to do anything to counteract them or may add to his problems by committing
unwanted mistakes in the name of self-effort.

Also, according to basic principles of prediction, if malefic planets occupy any house, they affect the
significations of that house. But, the occupancy of 6th house by malefic planets causes good results to
the native because they tend to negate the basically adverse significations of the house such as disease,
debts, enemies etc., which in turn is good for the native. Conversely, the position of benefic planets in the
6th house does not augur well for the native as they tend to increase the adverse signfications of the
house. As such, if benefics are posited in the 6th house it is an indication that the native has some
unfinished Runas(debts) to be dispensed with in this present life while the presence of malefic planets
reduces the adversities in life. It is important to note that a combination of both benefics and malefics in
the 6th house would be a source of other types of trouble (like diseases, enemies, servants, etc)
stemming from the lordship and natural significations of the associated planets.
The 6th house is an Upachayastana in the sense that the overall growth of a person is directly dependent
on the nature of influences from it. Obviously, the growth of an individual will be definitely affected either
by a sickly constitution of the body or by the obstructive or destructive intervention of his adversaries as a
result of which he would land in financial difficulties like loans while the absence of such inauspicious
results would surely support growth. Virgo, the 6th house of the Zodiac, is ruled by Mercury signifying
worldly knowledge that is essential for achieving material success. The symbol of the sign – a virgin
standing in a boat holding a sickle in one hand and corn in another — signifies the process of harvesting
the fruits of the seeds sown in the past. Materially, it signifies the craftsmanship of business and the
ability to separate the husk from the grain and to use the grain for improving one’s life. Spiritually, it
symbolizes the harvest of experiences in the physical plane of manifestation resulting out of past Karma
and the preliminary evolutionary stage of differentiating and understanding the good from the bad. Virgo
also symbolizes the temptations of life stemming from the love of the fruit of harvesting. The 6th house of
a horoscope also has the imprints of these impulses in the effective end results.

Release from Karmic Debts

The significations of the 12th house include Vyaya (loss or expenditure), Papa (sin/evil), Patana (fall),
Moksha (emancipation), Vama- ambakam (left eye), Sthanabhramsa (loss or dis- appearence of position),
Vikala (loss of limbs or physical injuries, depression or sorrow), Viraya (wasteful expenditure), Ayana
sayana stana (bed comforts comforts in last part of life), Pitru vyasanam(anxiety due to father).
Bandhanam ( captivity), Karagruham (prison). Paradesha vasa (foreign residence) etc. The 12th house
also rules the end of life, new environment, hospitalization and confinement extra-marital relationships

A critical examination of the significations of the 12th house reveals that it facilitates the (re)payment of all
types of pending debts and dues in this life to whom the native owes as a result of his past life Karmic
relationships. It is generally said: Runaanubandha roopena Pasu Patni Suta Alaya, meaning that the
intimate family relationships such as children and spouse, the wealth of cattle one gets (which was the
primary means of assessing one’s wealth in olden days) and the very event of taking birth in a particular
family lineage are all due to ones past Karmic debts only. Not only that. It is a common belief among
those who subscribe to the Karma theory that almost all our relatives and acquaintances who come in
contact with us in this present life do so because of their past life links with us and that they get
connected to us in one way or the other depending on the nature of the Karmic Runas. As such, a native
is destined to get rid of the Runas either by way of undergoing losses on account of them or by incurring
expenditures to support or foster such relationships or otherwise. That is the reason why, the actual
results of the 12th house are dependent on its relationship with other houses in the chart and it
does not act independently or in isolation. For example, if the 9th lord gets posited in 12th, the loss or
expenditure would be due to one’s father or for observing religious ceremonies and if the 5th lord goes to
the 12th, the expenditure could be due to children born out of one’s poorva puny a. If the 8th lord goes to
the 12th and gets afflicted there, it could lead to losses due to gambling, speculation, mutual fund
investments etc. The 10th lord in the 12th with affliction causes loss of job, loss of position due to
departmental proceedings, punishment if a government employee, wasteful expenditure related to job etc.

Dustana cum Mokshastana

The 12th house is grouped under many heads because of its multifarious impacts in the life of a native. It
is a Dustana (inauspicious house) in the sense that it signifies the negative results such as loss and
expenditures, loss of position, loss of limbs or physical injuries or ! moving to a new environment etc,. But,
being a Mokshastana (house of attaining self- | realization), the 12th house leads a native to the most
wanted relief from the pangs of not only rebirth but also freedom from the present birth by exhausting the
Runas. It is also considered to be a Leenastana (hidden house) as it governs many hidden aspects of the
life of a native like sex habits, secret or anti-social activities like looting, arson, rape, kidnapping,
smuggling, blackmailing, imprisonment etc., especially if afflicted very strongly by many malefic planets

Pisces, the 12th sign of the natural Zodiac, is symbolized by a pair of fish with the tail of one ending at the
head of another. The fish being a cleanser of the sea, this symbol for the last sign connotes cleansing the
soul in the sea of life through the cycle of births and deaths. It also indicates the end of the cycle of
experience or the end of the pilgrimage of the soul for its evolution in the present incarnation as well as
the desire to leave the physical world entirely and slipping out of the physical body or going back to
Mother Earth from which the body was created for the material journey. The 12th house also carries
these imprints of the end of life and Moksha.

Karmic Balance Sheet

The inter-link between the 6th and 12th houses in a horoscope indicates ‘all that is received and or
returned in this life by an individual along with what is pending for his future at the end of the present birth
in all three planes of existence viz., material, psychic and spiritual. That is, these two houses together
provide what may be called as the Trial Balance or Balance Sheet of the Karmic experiences a native
undergoes in a particular birth. While the 6ih house reveals the details of Karmic dues or debts, diseases
or enemies, servitude or success in competitions etc., the 12th indicates the clearance of such Karmic
debts either by undergoing losses or expenditure caused by them or by enduring pain or punishment,
pleasure or sorrow etc., due to them. Besides, the marital bed-comfort or discomfort, extra-marital
relationships etc., occurring on account of pending past Karmic influences would also be revealed by
these houses. A careful examination of the combinations related to these two houses and their inter-links
with other houses in the chart provide vital clues to the residual effects of this birth if only the synthesis is
proper. Although the details of the actual experiences in the different areas of life are to be read from all
the 12 houses in a horoscope, their gross summary or the resultant effect can be assessed by examining
the 6th and 12th houses together.

Twelfth Lordship

In the case of planets having dual lordship, the actual nature of the 12th lordship is decided based on its
other lordship as the 12th house is considered to be a neutral one. That is. if a benefic planet owns a
good house also along with the 12th lordship, it is generally considered to be a benefic and vice versa
This neutrality of 12th lordship also explain its subtle link with other houses in a chart. But if the 12th lord
is in the 12th itself, some special results such


 12th house being the 10th from the 3rd, it is good for the younger co-borns of the native.
 12th house being the 9th from 4th and the 4th from the 9th, it is favorable for both the mother and
father of the native respectively.
 If the 12th lord is with benefic planets in the 12th, it gives a religious bent of mind and makes the
native spent liberally on religious pursuits besides making him virtuous and interested in spirituality.
 If the 12th lord is afflicted by malefics planets in the 12th , one will become restless and would always
be roaming about unnecessarily. If the 12th lord is weak also, the native will be mentally disturbed
and destined to be unfortunate in life.
Ketu in the 12th house is said to give Moksha. According to Brihat Parasa Hora(Chap:25, sloka 10), a
native will attain final emancipation if there is a benefic in the 12th house with 12th lord exalted and
conjoined with or aspected by a benefic.

Pairing of Opposite Houses – Part VIII

May 2, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

The Sixth and Twelfth House Pair

The 6th and 12th houses provide the basic clues not only to the pending Runas but also whether a native is
destined to get rid of them or not in the present birth either by performing the deeds suitable to pay back the past
life debts or by enduring the pains and Treasures arising due to them. The following points would be very useful in
assessing the 6th and 12th houses as a pair.

Any planet in the 6th aspects the 12th house directly and vice versa. A benefic in the 6th not only increases the
negative significance of the house but also connects them to the 12th house thereby forcing the native to incur
losses and expenditure even by taking loans due to such problems. On the contrary, a malefic in the 6th would
restrict the negative results of the 6th house. But, its aspect on the 12th activates discomforts like loss of sleep,
loss of limbs, loss of position etc., depending on the other adverse influences prevailing in the 12th house itself.
A malefic occupying the 12th house itself would cause an affliction to the house which could result in disturbed
sleep, etc although its aspect on the 6th is not negative as any malefic aspect on the 6th could result in either
dispensing with a pending debt or containing it.

Contrarily, a benefic in the 12th is deemed to be a source of desirable expenditure which is generally not
considered to be an adverse influence at all unless it is the lord of the Ascendant itself.

•A simultaneous occupation of either only malefics or benefics in both the 6th and 12th houses is desirable
because it would ensure a fairly smooth redemption of Karmic Runas with

malefics restricting adverse effects and benefics offering no obstruction to the transfer of influences from one
house to the other and facilitating the necessary expenditure without any difficulty

•A combination of both benefic and malefic planets in either the 6th and 12th house or a malefic in one house
aspected by a benefic in another would simultaneously afflict both the houses and create problems of health,
financial issues etc., and make it worse for the native by causing unwanted lossess and expenditure along with
hospitalisation loss of mental peace etc.

•The conjunction of the 6th and 12th lords in either of the houses (or in the 8th as well is said from a Vipareeta
RaiaYoga. According to Phaladeepika (Chap.6), if the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses occupy the 6th house it
is Harsha Yoga when the native will be blessed with happiness and good fortune and a strong constitution. He will
conquer his enemies and will hesitate to indulge in sinful deeds. He will become a friend of the illustrious and men
of class. He will be wealthy, splendourous, famous and will have friends and sons (Sloka 63). If this conjunction
occurs in the 12th house it is called as Vimala Yoga and such a native will be frugal in his expenses and clever in
saving money. He will be endowed with good behaviour, will enjoy happiness, will be independent, will follow a
respectable profession or conduct and will be well known for his good qualities (Sloka 69). The reason given for
such an opposite effect is that the lord of an inauspicious house when disposed in another inauspicious one
becomes so weak that he loses his evil character and assumes the role of a strong benefic to produce excellent
results of an opposite nature.

•The horoscopes in which there are more planets in 6-12 axis (which cause afflictions to benefic houses) indicate
that such natives are born to either experience more pain and punishment than pleasures or to repay their past
Karmic debts in this life, even by suffering humiliation at the hands of others or by being forced to give others
whatever they have with their possessions being forcibly taken from them.

•The aspect of the 6th lord on the 12th paves way for redemption of pending Karmic Runas through the source
indicated by the planet owning the 6th house and the house occupied by it while the aspect of the 12th lord on the
6th house may obstruct such redemption through the positional impact of the planet owning the 12th.

•An exchange of signs or Nakshatras by the lords of the 6th and the 12th would also be favourable for dispensing
with the Runas. In this case, the challenges and problems created by the 6th house or lord are absorbed well by
the 12th house or lord and finally, the native ends up with freedom from problems even at the cost of extra
expense. For example, the Roga (disease) created by the 6th house/lord is easily got treated in a hospital, of
course, after spending on the hospital bills.
•The special influence of Jupiter in these houses needs separate mention. While the position of Jupiter in the 6th is
sure to create unwanted expenses towards court cases/legal battles, its influence on the 12th house (aspect or
occupancy) helps to a great extent in either spending money and getting wishes fulfilled or confers unexpected
wealth to the native through fair and lawful means.

•Generally, it is said that if 6th and 12th lords are conjoined any where in the chart, the native will get wealth in
the latter part of his life.

•It is important that the 12th lord should be in a Kendra or Trikona with a Kendra or Trikona lord for good results.
But, this is not applicable to the 6th lord. If the 6th lord is with Kendra or Trikona lords in Kendra/Kona, the 6th
house works more effectively by creating more problems and disturbances to the native.

•The occupation of Rahu or Ketu of the 6th house creates some special effects. As Ketu brings in the past Karmic
fruits to this life and Rahu distributes these fruits to the native through the house tenanted by them in the chart,
their position in the 6-12 axis creates a mutual interlink between the Run as and their redemption in this life. If
either of these planets is conjoined with other planets in the 6th and aspect the 12th, the Runas are redeemed by
the native himself though with enough sufferings. But, if the conjunction takes place in the 12th house with Ketu
there, it makes the native a restless and wandering spirit forcing him to leave his place/country of birth and he
may lose all his ancestral property and change his residence and profession. However, Ketu in the 12th provides
mitigation of evil sins denoted by Rahu and signifies salvation by detachment. Ketu would also assist the native in
restricting past Karmic effects by working as the balancing power along with Rahu. The aspect of 12th lord on 12th
with Ketu there would render better support for evolution and emancipation.

Chart 1: M.G Ramachandran: Born January 17, 1917 at 9h.15m at Kandy (7 N 18, 80 E 38)
The chart of Late Dr. M.G.Ramachandran who was chief mister of Tamil Nadu is an example of almost all the
planets causing both good and bad results simultaneously. Despite being a famous and popular personality in
society, he did have problems in his private life. But they were overshadowed by his commitment to public welfare
and achievements in his political career. The following salient features may be noted.

•The ascendant is Aquarius whose lord Saturn is in the 6th house in retrogression and aspects the three evil
houses, namely, 3rd, 8th and 12th. This establishes a link among all the Dustanas from the 6th house through a
single planet who happens to be the lord of both the Ascendant and the 12th houses. The Moon, the 6th lord is
occupying the 9th house (Prarabdha). This means that the chart is mainly a Runa Jathaka and that the native was
born to clear his Runas through service i.e., to serve others to get rid if all his past Karmic debts in this life. This
prompted the native to implement many social welfare measures for the poor and aged people as the Chief
Minister of the State. His inner urge for service (Saturn in 6th) was very evident from such activities . Even at the
personal level, he was known for for his donations to the needy. Probably, that is why he was called as Makkal
Thilagam or savior of the people.

•The lords of the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th and 10th houses are conjoined in the 12th house and are in mutual aspect with
retrograde Ascendant lord. This implies that the native was destined to suffer significant losses in the areas of
marriage (7th) and children (5th) as a result of his Karmic influences (3rd, 8th and l0th).

•The aspect of the first rate benefic Jupiter from the 3rd house (being the lord of the 2nd and 11th houses) on the
11th house (Ishtasiddhi) where the 4th and 9th lord Venus is posited, indicates that the native’s efforts were
rightly oriented towards achieving desired happiness(4th), realization of his Prarabdha(9th) and the fulfillment
(11th) of his mission in his present life. But, Venus being the Badhaka and its affliction by natural malefic Rahu in
the 11th house did not allow the native to sail through easily. The affliction to Venus who signifies happiness and
luck or Prarabdha appears to have greatly reduced the level of his contentment and made him long for better
Providential support as a result of which he resorted to seeking the blessings of Divinity during the latter part of his
life, though he grew up initially in the corridors of atheism and was groomed as such by his mentors.

•The conjunction of Mercury, Sun and Mars in the 12th also creates simultaneously both good and bad results. The
Poorvapunya and Putrastana is affected and rendered weak by the 5th lord in the 12th house along with affliction
of 5th house from Ketu which denied him children although the aspect of the 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter on 7th
house granted him a few marriages despite the 7th lord occupying the 12th house. This is a clear sign of enduring
his past Karmic influences and expending them.

•Vipareeta Raja Yogas (Harsha and Vimala) are present in the chart because of the inter-links among the planets in
the 6th and the 12th houses. The fact that the other lordships of these Yoga-forming planets are of benefic houses
such as his self, Karma and Poorvapunyastanas, and the 9th lord (Prarabdha) in the 11th house, clearly indicate
that the native was ‘a child of destiny’ and prove the superseding power of Providence in shaping the life of the
native as a result of which he could rise up to a very high level in society with name and fame despite being born in
an ordinary family. But, the Badhaka influence of Venus and its affliction by Rahu had always been a thorn in the
bed of roses as a result of which he had to frequently face and surmount difficulties posed by his own colleagues
and associates either in politics or in cinema.

•It is pertinent to note that the 3rd house is directly influenced by the aspect of Karma Karaka Saturn. As such, the
native was a hard working person trying sincerely to get rid of all his Runas in this birth. Therefore, the afflictions
to the 6th house, if any, are rectified by the same Saturn influencing the 3rd house. But, because the 3rd is also
simultaneously afflicted by the aspect of the other planets, the native was enduring the pain and suffering in his
personal areas by sublimating them into acts of service.

•During the last years of his life, the native’s health suffered severely due to paralytic attacks and he was a living
vegetable for quite a long time before breathing his last. This was mainly due to: (i) weak Poorvapunya and
afflicted Prarabdha (ii) mutual aspects of Mars and Saturn along 6-12 axis (iii) Retrogression of the Ascendant lord
in 6th (Roga) and his aspect on the 8th house and (iv) Moon (dispositor of Ascendant lord) occupying the

Thus, in Chart 1, past Karmic influences were primarily responsible for not only his achievements in public life but
also for all his personal sufferings.

Chart 2: Male: Born November 26, 1962 at 14 h. 15 m. at 13 N, 77 E 35

The following points are may be noted in Chart 2 as significant.

•The Ascendant is Pisces and its lord Jupiter is occupying the 12th house. This is a basic indication that the native is
destined to expend himself and experience notable losses in this life. The Ascendant lord Jupiter is aspected by
debilitated Mars (2nd and 9th lord) from the 5th house. Despite Mars being a benefic by lordship and his position
in the 5th house is interconnecting the Trikonas, both his conjunction with Rahu and getting aspected by Saturn,
the 12th lord, make him more inauspicious while his aspect on the Ascendant lord increases the affliction to the
present life of the native.

•Jupiter (Ascendant and Karma lord), the Sun (soul), Saturn (Karma Karaka and lord of Ishtasiddhi in D-l) are all
debilitated in Navamsa rendering the soul weak and paving the way for the onslaught of past Karmas in the
present life.

•There is the conjunction of Badhaka 7th lord Mercury and the lord of Runastana Sun with the lord of
Poorvapunyastana (Moon) in the house of luck/Prarabdha (9th house) which is also aspected by natural Karma
Karaka Saturn (lord of 11th and 12th houses in the chart). This combination clearly indicates that for this native
there are pending past Karmic debts related to the portfolios of marriage and children which are to be endured
and repaid in the present birth.

•The deep combustion of the 4th and 7th lord Mercury in the 6th lord Sun in the Bhagyastana has deprived the
native of any significant happiness in life besides spoiling the prospects of marriage. The conjunction of debilitated
Moon as lord of Poorvapunyastana with these planets worsens the situation.

•The afflicted 2nd and 9th lord Mars is in Rasi Parivartana with afflicted 5th lord Moon and both are in their
debilitation signs. As the auspicious Yogas formed by these planets are destroyed clue to their debilitation (Uttara
Kalamrita Sloka 2, Chapter 4), this sort of Neecha Sambandha to both the houses signifying the Prarabda and
Poorvapunya of the native is also a clear sign of past Karmic misdeeds for which the native has to make amends in
this life. As such, this combination has not only prevented the native from acquiring a family of his own but also
resulted in depriving the native of any children.

•The retrogression of the 3rd (effort) and 8th (misfortunes) lord in his own house in the 8th creates more
adversities due to some mysterious Providential influence and goads him to commit mistakes which provide an
easy ground for the play of fate. As a result, the native who was holding an executive post in a central government
PSU suddenly resigned his job and has chosen to live like an ascetic keeping himself away from the main stream of
life at the early age of 47 years.

•The Ascendant is aspected by the 11th and 12th lord Saturn. This brings the Ascendant under the inauspicious
sway of Saturn. As a result, the native has chosen to remain a bachelor to lake care of his unmarried elder sister.

In Chart 2, it should be noted that not a single planet is fully benefic. Hence, it can be rightly called a Runa Jataka.

Dustana Lords in Dustanas

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra gives the following results for the disposition of Dustana lords in the 6th and the 12th

(i) 6th lord in 6th – The native will have enmity with his kinsmen. But, he will be friendly to others and will enjoy
mediocre happiness in matters like wealth.

(ii) 8th lord in 6th – The native will win over his enemies, be affected by diseases and during childhood, will incur
danger through snakes and water.
(iii)12th lord in 6th – The native will incur enmity with his own men, be given to anger, be sinful and miserable.

(iv)6th lord in 12th – The native will always spend on vices, be hostile to learned people and will torture living

(v)8th lord in 12th – The native will spend on evil deeds and will have a short life. More so, if there is additionally a
malefic in the said house.

(vi)12th lord in 12th – The native will face heavy expenditure and will not have physical felicity, be irritable and

According to Parasara, the lords of the 6th and 12th are not good even when they occupy their own houses.
Therefore, it means that the effects of Harsha and Vimala Yogas will be felt only when the conjunction of other
Dustana lords take place in these two houses.

to be continued…

Pairing of Opposite Houses – Part IXA

May 8, 2017 - - Leave a Comment

Deeper insights

We have seen so far in this series that if we analyse the opposite houses of a horoscope as pairs instead
of as individual ones we can achieve improved accuracy in prediction with deeper insights (both material
and spiritual) into the different areas of life of the individual. This technique has yet another application
which needs to be discussed before concluding this series. That is, it is possible to identify with some
clarity both the purpose of the present life of an individual and its accomplishment (or otherwise) by
examining all the 6 pairs of opposite houses together. This is discussed in detail in this part.

According to Phaladeepika(chap 14, Sloka 26-27),

धधधधधधधधधधधधधधध धध धधधधधधधधधधधधधधध धधधधधधधधधधधध धधधधधधधध |

धधधधधधधधध धधधधधधधधधधधधधधधधधध धध धधधधधध धधधधधधधधध ||

meaning, it is the lord of the 9th house that tells all about a native’s past birth, while all information about
his future birth is revealed by the planet owning the 5th. the particular caste, the country and the quarter
or direction of the individual in his past and future births should be guessed from the two respective
planets refers to above.

Knowing Karmic Imprints

According to Vedic philosophy, it is a basic fact that the birth of every individual takes place with some
specific purpose like enjoying the fruits of one’s good deeds done in past lives,enduring pain and
punishment for sins committed, repaying one’s karmic debts, facilitating the manifestation, evolution ot
completion of the journey of other related souls etc., . As a result of the Karmic impacts made by the
relationships that existed int heir past lives and each other’s doings in earlier births, people get
reconnected in the present life with changed circumstances so that their activities in this life facilitate the
settling of pending scores. Also, it is a widely accepted belief that every human being is reborn in a
particular family tree with a certain type of socio-economic and environmental conditions to fulfill his
strongest unfinished desire in the previous birth subject to his eligibility to get that dream realized based
upon his Karmic account. This means that the experiences in the present life are directly related to the
nature of his past Karma. In spiritual astrology, an effort is made to understand these Karmic imprints
based on the birth chart.

According to Saravali, (Chap 3, Sloka 26-27), one’s past merits should be estimated from the 9th house.
Also, the late Sri. J.N.Bhasin, an illustrious author on astrology, adds the following note to his translation
of Slokas 35 to 39 of Chapter 3 of Sarvarta Chintamani:

… The capacity to understand and know the future is given by the excellence of the
5th house and its lord for the 5th house relates to “future ” as distinct from the 9th house which
relates to the past (having crossed the horizon before birth).

…. the 5th house indicates the source (Sanchita Karma) from which the birth emanates
and hence, one’s future depends on the 5th house. That is, if the 5th house is strong with benefic
influences, it indicates a good future while its affliction by malefic influences portends problems
and miseries.

Taking a cue from these, one can try to find the past Karmic imprints in a horoscope. The 5th house
signifies one’s Poorvapunya. It is the house signifying not only the sum and substance of all the past
Karmic actions of an individual but also their fruits to be enjoyed in future births. In other words, the 5th
house indicates the source (Sanchita Karma) from which the birth emanates and hence, one’s future
depends on the 5th house. That is, if the 5th house is strong with benefic influences, it indicates a good
future while its affliction by malefic influences portends problems and miseries. Also, as already discussed
the 9th house signifies one’s luck and Prarabdha which happen to be a part of the original resources
which a native brings forward with him at birth to enjoy in the present life. That is, what a particular native
is destined to get in this life based on his past Karma is governed by the 9th house. In other words, 9th
house indicates as to what is in store for a native in this life based on the past deeds. Hence, it has been
pointed out earlier in this series that the 5th house is the central fulcrum among the trines which exerts its
direct influence on the Ascendant (birth of the self) on one side and the 9th house (signifying his luck and
Prarabdha) on the other.

Applying the same analogy, it can be concluded that the 5th house from any house would indicate the
source from which the results of a house originate (or the cause for a particular nature/type of results)
while the 9th house from it indicates as to what can be expected in respect of that house in the present
birth. That is the reason why more importance is given to the Trikonas in spiritual astrology. Thus, by
examining the houses in trine to a particular house we can understand the Karmic imprints on that house.
(Incidentally, this is the reason why prediction is made based on the occupation of planets in all 3 Trikona
Rasis in Nadi system of astrology. these Purushartas i.e., the purpose or meaning for being born as a
human being. Please study and compare the significations of the opposite pairs in the following Table.

Table of Purushartas of Opposite Houses

…. Dharma and Kama mutually oppose each other while Artha and Moksha mutually
oppose each other. Besides, these sets of houses are mutually exclusive and there is no interlink
between them. That is, Dharma and Kama do not get interconnected with Artha and Moksha in this
scheme of evaluation.

It may be noted from the Table that out of the 6 pairs of opposite houses, three pairs belong to Dharma
and Kama while the remaining three pairs signify Artha and Moksha. Also, Dharma and Kama mutually
oppose each other while Artha and Moksha mutually oppose each other. Besides, these sets of houses
are mutually exclusive and there is no interlink between them. That is, Dharma and Kama do not get
interconnected with Artha and Moksha in this scheme of evaluation. That is, the group of houses
signifying Dharma and Kama (1, 5, 9 and 3, 7, 11) do not have a Karmic bearing on the other group
signifying Artha and Moksha (2, 6, 10 and 4, 8, 12) being mutually exclusive to each other. However, the
houses within a group have a Karmic connectivity at subtler levels because in most of the cases a fusion
in the results occurs due to the direct aspect of planets posited in the opposite houses. Therefore, the
practical path of one’s life can be identified by assessing and understanding the impact created by the
missing inter-links, dormant or inactive areas, the mutually unfavorable and lop-sided influences, most-
emphasized houses etc., among the different houses of a chart.
But. now the question is, how to find out all this? The following guidelines would be very useful in this

1) If a particular house is vacant and unoccupied without the aspect of any planet on it and if
simultaneously its lord is also weak (debilitated, combust etc..) then it is to be considered as a dormant or
inactive house. The significations of such houses will not generally cause any sort of impact in the life of
the native.

2) If a house is having the influence (occupation or aspect) of one or two planets irrespective of whether
they are benefic or malefic in nature, then it gets activated even if its lord is weak and it causes some
significant impact on the concerned areas of life.

3) If the lord of a house is strong even without any influences on the house(s) ruled by it and
it simultaneously is supported by the Karaka of the concerned area of life, then the natural significations
common to both the planets would also have some significant impact on the life of the native.

4) If there is a concentration of more number of planets in a house by way of either occupation or aspect,
then some areas of life related to that house get extra boost either for good or far bad depending on
whether the influences are favourable or not. If the benefic influence or more, it would give good results
and vice versa. Such most-emphasized influences need to be understood clearly and if adverse and lop
sided in effect, proper remedial action has to be taken .

5) It may so happen that sometimes, the influences on the opposite houses may be mutually favourable
or unfavourable and hence, they support or oppose the related significations of the concerned houses

6) If it so happens the houses related to a particular Purushartha become dormant or inactive, then they
may not have any interlinks with other houses in the chart unless its lord strongly establishes some
contact with other houses by way of conjunction or aspect with other houses or planets. If no such
interlinks exist either through the house or its lord, then the significations of such houses need not be
worried about at all because they would be practically non-existent in the life of the native.

Thus, while assessing a chart for knowing the purpose of the present life of the native, first the group to
which each of the houses belongs to is to be found out. Then, the nature of interlinks between all pairs of
houses are to be studied and conclusions must be drawn based on whether the pairs of houses are
active or dormant, over-emphasized or lop-sided or normal, mutually favourable or unfavourable etc.

Courtesy: Modern Astrology(Dr.Revathi Vee Kumar)

Pairing of Opposite Houses – Part IX B

May 11, 2017 - - Leave a Comment
Accomplishment of Life’s Purpose

In general, the mutually supportive pairs associated with the Ascendant and 11th houses or their lords
would naturally help in the realization of dreams, desires, goals and aspirations in the concerned area of
life and create fulfillment and this would further pave the way for the progress of the soul also. But, the
adverse effects of the lop-sided ones, the missing links and the dormant ones would either create bottle-
necks or cause delay/slippage in fulfillment of desires and hence, they have to be identified properly and
suitable corrective actions must be taken for achieving the purpose of the material manifestation of the

Not only that. Often, the accomplishment of goals is linked to the clearance of past Karmic debts which
can be understood through the assessment of the last pair of opposite houses i.e., 6th and 12th being the
significators of the two most important houses of spirituality, namely, Runa (the Karmic debt) and Runa
Mochana or Moksha (freedom from such debts)in the present birth. In other words, they relate to the
evolution and emancipation of the soul of the native through enduring the Karma or experiencing it or by
paying back the Karmic debt. As already said, Runa signifies either what we have to get from others or to
give back to others based on our past Karmic links and relationships. But, Moksha signifies clearing all
the debts and making the give and take either equal or zero i.e., what one has to either get back or give
back is nothing. Meaning, that there is nothing left for experiencing in the material plane and that the
native is ready for ascending to higher planes. After such continuous ascension from one higher world to
another, the native’s soul is said to reach its ultimate destiny i.e., returning to the source from which it
manifested in the grosser world. Hence, the clearing of debts in each birth is very important for the overall
evolution of the soul l£ the next level of manifestation. Incidentally, as already mentioned in this series,
the occupation of a house-lord in the 12th from his own house or in the 12th house of the chart may also
help in clearing of past Karmic debts.
Now, to understand these concepts better, the horoscope of my Manasa Guru Dr. B. V. Raman, who
dedicated his whole life to the cause of astrology and is primarily responsible for popularising it
throughout the world in the 20th century would be a good example.

This horoscope has already been discussed extensively in various journals and books. A discussion by S.
Rajagopala Iyer is included by Dr. Raman in book Notable Horoscopes which is to be considered as the
most authentic one because it has Dr.Raman’s personal approval. Keeping this fact in mind, I am
restricting my discussion only to the identification of the purpose of his life in the present birth and
whether his mission was achieved or not by using the principles outlined in this article.

Chart 1:Dr. B.V. Raman: Born August 8, 1912 at 19 h. 42 m. at 13 N 77 E 35.

The following key points are to be noted in the preliminary analysis;

(a) All the 12 houses in the chart are active and there is no dormant or inactive one because the the 2nd,
4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th houses are occupied by planets, houses 1 and 12 are aspected by planets
while the lords of vacant houses 3,5,9 and 11 are strong and occupy Kendras with their Bhava Karakas
also well placed in Kendras. This means that the personality of the native was a well balanced one and
that he accorded importance to all areas of life without neglecting any of them.

(b) Out of the Trikona houses, the houses forming the Dharma Trikona (1,5,9) are not occupied by any
planet while the remaining three trikonas (Artha – 2,6,10, Kama – 3,7,11 and Moksha – 4,8,12) are
occupied by 3 planets each. This means that the activities of the native were focused more towards
achieving Artha, Kama and Moksha Purushartas. That is, the native gave equal importance to them while
his desire for being religious (Dharma) was not that pronounced (neither adverse nor overtly active) in his
present life. In other words, he preferred to be more an activity oriented person rather than showing off
with false religious make up like wearing saffron robes, anointing the body with kumkum or sacred ash.
etc. He normally chose to wear simple clothing without any pomp and show with white shirts and a dhoti,
the traditional dress of most South Indians unless the place, etiquette and weather conditions warranted a
change in his attire.

(c) The horoscope has some strong and special influences on the 1-7 and 4-10 axes. The occupation of 3
planets (Venus, Mars and retrograde Mercury of the 7th with the aspect of Saturn and Mars on the
Ascendant (which is vacant) makes these houses more active in the present life.

Venus as Yogakaraka, Mars as karmadhipati and Mercury as the lord of Poorvapunya have
collectively supported the native in getting many good associates in his pioneering activities. But, at the
same time, with Venus as Badhaka and Mercury as 8th lord, the native was also destined to face troubles
and disturbances from not only his associates and opponents but also his own people at every important
stage of his life. In this connection, it should be noted that the 5th and 9th houses from both the
Ascendant and 7th house are unoccupied by any planets; but, all planets posited in the 7th house own
the 5th or 9th house from either the Ascendant or the 7th house. This indicates that the results caused by
the influences on 1-7 axis have past Karmic imprints as well.

(d) The occupation of Saturn and Moon in 4th and Jupiter in 10th house causes another special impact in
the horoscope. The conjunction of Saturn (Ascendant and 12th lord) with the Moon (6th lord) creates a
conviction in the native to serve society. The occupation of Jupiter in the 10th aspected by the 3rd and
10th lord Mars emboldened him to choose an area of traditional wisdom as his career and livelihood. The
mutual aspects of these planets in 4-10 axis create a synergic effect of fusing the impact of all the
associated planets because Jupiter and the Moon are mutually friendly and Jupiter and Saturn are neutral
to each other. The occupation of Saturn and Jupiter in friendly signs with the Moon in his exaltation sign
make the results more pronounced in the area of profession and render it stronger than any other area of
his life.

The occupation of Rahu (unconventional research) in the 5th from the 10th and Sun (Atma) in the 9th
from the 10th and the controlling aspect of Jupiter (Jeeva) on both these planets indicate that the native’s
choice of astrology (research in Atmavidya) as his career was an election of Providence. Also, the
conjunction of Mercury and Mars in the 7th and their aspect on both the Ascendant and the 10th is an
indication of the Karmic role of his paternal grandfather in shaping his destiny.

(e) Another special feature is that the Sun, the Moon, Ketu and the Ascendant are all influencing the
Moksha Trikona of the native which means that the present birth of the native was an evolutionary step
towards Final Emancipation of his soul.

Purpose of Present life

As can be seen from the above discussion, the 4-10 axis is the strongest in the horoscope with synergic
effects from 4 out of 9 planets which strongly guide and influence the goals, aspirations and purpose of
the present birth . This means that the native was born to serve society (6th) and seek happiness (4th)
through his choice of a career (10th) in the traditional wisdom of Atma Vidya (Sun, Jupiter and Saturn).
He championed the cause of astrology ‘to procure its rightful place in the hierarchy of sciences’ and his
main aim was ‘to eschew Astrology from charlatanry and to refute the stale objections against Astrology
raised in some scientific quarters through his writings‘.

The aspect of Mars (3rd and 10th lord) on the 10th made him a prolific writer as well with the support of
Mercury in the 7th aspecting the Ascendant.
Accomplishment of Life’s Purpose

Jupiter being the lord of Ishtasiddhi (11th fulfillment) is in a mutually friendly aspect with the Moon (lord of
service) who is exalted in Sukhasthana (4th) in conjunction with Saturn (Ascendant and 12th lord). The
aspect of another friendly planet Mars as the lord of 3rd (effort) and 10th (actions) on Jupiter in the 10th
indicates that his efforts were oriented in the right direction for achieving his goals. This means that the
native’s mission was well accomplished in this birth and that he found happiness in what he was doing.
Also, the position of Jupiter in the 10th house (Karma) and aspect by 6th and 12th lords on it indicate that
the native had expended his Runas brought forward in this birth and paved the way for the furtherance of
his spiritual evolution.

Thus, it can be seen that analyzing a horoscope using all 6 pairs of opposite houses is highly useful in
leading one to the right conclusion in identifying both the purpose of life in the present birth as well as in
assessing its accomplishment.

Courtesy: Modern Astrology(Dr.Revathi Vee Kumar)

Continued from:Pairing of Opposite Houses – Part IXA

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