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Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport

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Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport

Upon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to features to facilitate gas diffusion: (1) large surface areas for
answer the following questions: gas exchange (alveolar to capillary and capillary to tissue
1. Describe the basic gas diffusion principles and how they membrane) with short distances to travel, (2) substantial
affect O2 and CO2 absorption and expiration. partial pressure gradient differences, and (3) gases with
2. Compare and contrast the chemical transport advantageous diffusion properties. Transport and delivery
mechanisms of O2 and CO2 in blood. of O2 from the lungs to the tissue and vice versa for CO2
3. Describe the basic principles and clinical significances of are dependent on basic gas diffusion laws.
the O2 and CO2 dissociation curves.
4. Describe the chemical synthesis of H+ ions and their role
in the regulation of acid-base balance.
Diffusion of Gases From Regions of Higher to
5. Explain why the diffusion of O2 and that of CO2 are Lower Partial Pressure in the Lungs
considered perfusion limited and that of CO is considered
The process of gas diffusion is passive and similar whether
diffusion limited.
6. Compare and contrast factors that shift the
diffusion occurs in a gaseous or liquid state. The rate of
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. diffusion of a gas through a liquid is described by Grahams
7. Explain the clinical significance of the differences in the law, which states that the rate is directly proportional to the
oxyhemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin dissociation solubility coefficient of the gas and inversely proportional
curves. to the square root of its molecular weight. Calculation of
8. Compare and contrast the chloride shift and the Haldane the diffusion properties for O2 and CO2 reveals that CO2
effect on CO2 transport. diffuses approximately 20 times faster than O2. Rates of O2
diffusion from the lungs into blood and from blood into
tissue, and vice versa for CO2, are predicted by Ficks law of
gas diffusion (Fig. 24.2). The ratio AD:T represents the con-
ductance of a gas from the alveolus to blood. The diffusing

he respiratory and circulatory systems function capacity of the lung (DL) is its conductance (AD/T) when
together to transport oxygen (O2) from the lungs to considered for the entire lung; thus, with Ficks equation,
the tissues to sustain normal cellular activity and to DL can be calculated as follows:
transport carbon dioxide (CO2) from the tissues to the lungs Equation 24.1
for expiration. CO2, a product of active cellular metabolism,
is transported from the tissues via systemic veins to the  gas = A D (P1 P2 )
lungs, where it is expired (Fig. 24.1). To enhance uptake T
and transport of these gases between the lungs and tissues, 
V = DL (P1 P2 )
specialized mechanisms (e.g., binding of O2 and hemoglo- V
bin and HCO3 transport of CO2) have evolved that enable DL =
(P1 P2 )
O2 uptake and CO2 expiration to occur simultaneously.
Moreover, these specialized mechanisms facilitate uptake of where V gas = gas diffusion.
O2 and expiration of CO2. To understand the mechanisms Ficks law of diffusion could be used to assess the diffu-
involved in the transport of these gases, gas diffusion prop- sion properties of O2 in the lungs, except that the capillary
erties, as well as transport and delivery mechanisms, must partial pressure of oxygen cannot be measured. This limita-
be considered. tion can be overcome with the use of carbon monoxide
(CO) rather than O2. Because CO has low solubility in the
Gas Diffusion capillary membrane, the rate of CO equilibrium across the
capillary is slow, and the partial pressure of CO in capillary
Gas movement throughout the respiratory system occurs blood remains close to 0. In contrast, the solubility of CO
predominantly via diffusion. The respiratory and circulatory in blood is high. Thus the only limitation for diffusion of
systems contain several unique anatomical and physiological CO is the alveolar-capillary membrane, and thus CO is a

CHAPTER 24 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport 481

CO2 O2 useful gas for calculating DL. The capillary partial pressure
elimination uptake
Lung (P2 in Eq. 24.1) is essentially 0 for CO, and therefore DL
can be measured from the diffusion of carbon monoxide
Systemic Systemic (V CO) and the average partial pressure of CO in the
veins arteries alveolus; that is,
Equation 24.2
 = DL (P1 P2 )
DL CO = =
Pulmonary P1 P2 PACO
where DLCO = diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon
Assessment of DLCO has become a classic measurement
Metabolic Metabolic of the diffusion barrier of the alveolar-capillary membrane.
CO2 O2 It is useful in the differential diagnosis of certain obstructive
40 mL/L 50 mL/L
lung diseases, such as emphysema.

A patient with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (a restrictive lung
Systemic disease) inhales a single breath of 0.3% CO from residual
capillaries volume to total lung capacity. He holds his breath for 10
seconds and then exhales. After discarding the exhaled gas
from the dead space, a representative sample of alveolar gas
from late in exhalation is collected. The average alveolar CO
pressure is 0.1mm Hg, and 0.25mL of CO has been taken
up. The diffusion capacity for CO in this patient is
CO2 production O2 use
by cells Tissue by cells V CO
DL =
Fig. 24.1 Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Transport in
Arterial and Venous Blood. Oxygen in arterial blood is transferred 60 seconds/minute
= 0.25 mL/10 seconds
from arterial capillaries to tissues. The flow rates for O2 and CO2 are 0.1mm Hg
shown for 1L of blood. = 15 mL/minute/mm Hg

The normal range for DLCO is 20 to 30mL/minute/mm

Hg. Patients with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis have an
initial alveolar inflammatory response with subsequent scar
P1 formation within the interstitial space. The inflammation and
scar replace the alveoli and decrease the surface area for
gas diffusion to occur, which results in decreased DLCO. This
Alveolar is a classic characteristic of certain types of restrictive lung
tissue area disease.
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Exchange
in the Lung Is Perfusion Limited
P1 P2
Vgas = A D Different gases have different solubility factors. Gases that
Thickness T
are insoluble in blood (i.e., anesthetic gases such as nitrous
Fig. 24.2 According to Ficks law, diffusion of a gas across a sheet
oxide and ether) do not chemically combine with proteins
of tissue (V gas) is directly related to the surface area (A) of the tissue,
the diffusion constant (D) of the specific gas, and the partial pressure
in blood and equilibrate rapidly between alveolar gas and
difference (P1 P2) of the gas on each side of the tissue, and it is blood. The equilibration occurs in less time than the 0.75
inversely related to tissue thickness (T). seconds that the red blood cell spends in the capillary bed
(capillary transit time). The diffusion of insoluble gases
between alveolar gas and blood is considered perfusion
limited because the partial pressure of gas in the blood
leaving the capillary has reached equilibrium with alveolar
482 S E C T I O N 5 Berne & Levy Physiology

gas and is limited only by the amount of blood perfusing Diffusion limitation for O2 and CO2 would occur if red
the alveolus. In contrast, a gas that is diffusion limited, blood cells spent less than 0.25 seconds in the capillary
such as CO, has low solubility in the alveolar-capillary bed. This is occasionally the case in very fit athletes during
membrane but high solubility in blood because of its high vigorous exercise and in healthy subjects who exercise at
affinity for hemoglobin (Hgb). These features prevent the high altitude.
equilibration of CO between alveolar gas and blood during
the red blood cell transit time. Oxygen Transport
The high affinity of CO for Hgb enables large amounts
of CO to be taken up in blood with little or no appreciable Oxygen is carried in blood in two forms: dissolved O2 and
increase in its partial pressure. Gases that are chemically O2 bound to Hgb. The dissolved form is measured clinically
bound to Hgb do not exert a partial pressure in blood. in an arterial blood gas sample as the partial pressure of
Like CO, both CO2 and O2 have relatively low solubility arterial oxygen (PaO2). Only a small percentage of O2 in
in the alveolar-capillary membrane but high solubility in blood is in the dissolved form, and its contribution to
blood because of their ability to bind to Hgb. However, O2 transport under normal conditions is almost negligible.
their rate of equilibration is sufficiently rapid for complete However, dissolved O2 can become a significant factor in
equilibration to occur during the transit time of the red conditions of severe hypoxemia. Binding of O2 to Hgb
blood cell within the capillary. Equilibration for O2 and to form oxyhemoglobin within red blood cells is the
CO2 usually occurs within 0.25 seconds. Thus O2 and CO2 primary transport mechanism of O2. Hgb not bound to
transfer is normally perfusion limited. The partial pressure O2 is referred to as deoxyhemoglobin or reduced Hgb. The
of a gas that is diffusion limited (i.e., CO) does not reach O2-carrying capacity of blood is enhanced about 65 times
equilibrium with the alveolar pressure over the time that by its ability to bind to Hgb.
it spends in the capillary (Fig. 24.3). Although CO2 has
a greater rate of diffusion in blood than O2 does, it has a Hemoglobin
lower membrane-blood solubility ratio and consequently
takes approximately the same amount of time to reach Hgb is the major transport molecule for O2. The Hgb
equilibration in blood. molecule is a protein with two major components: four
nonprotein heme groups, each containing iron in the
reduced ferric (Fe+++) form, which is the site of O2 binding,
and a globin portion consisting of four polypeptide chains.
Start of End of Normal adults have two -globin chains and two -globin
capillary capillary chains (HgbA), whereas children younger than 6 months of
Alveolar age have predominantly fetal Hgb (HgbF), which consists
of two chains and two chains. This difference in the
Normal structure of HgbF increases its affinity for O2 and aids
in the transport of O2 across the placenta. In addition,
HgbF is not inhibited by 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-
O2 (normal)
DPG), a product of glycolysis; thus O2 uptake is further
Partial pressure

Binding of O2 to Hgb alters the ability of Hgb to absorb

O2 (abnormal) light. This effect of O2 on Hgb is responsible for the change
in color between oxygenated arterial blood (bright red)
and deoxygenated venous blood (dark red-bluish). Binding
and dissociation of O2 with Hgb occur in milliseconds,
thus facilitating O2 transport because red blood cells spend
only 0.75 seconds in the capillaries. There are approxi-
CO mately 280 million Hgb molecules per red blood cell,
which provides an efficient mechanism to transport O2.
Myoglobin, a protein similar in structure and function to
0 .25 .50 .75
Hgb, has only one subunit of the Hgb molecule. It aids in
Time in capillary (sec)
the transfer of O2 from blood to muscle cells and in the
Fig. 24.3 Uptake of Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Carbon Monoxide (CO), storage of O2, which is especially critical in O2-deprived
and O2 in Blood in Relation to Their Partial Pressures and the Transit conditions.
Time of the Red Blood Cell in the Capillary. For gases that are Abnormalities of the Hgb molecule occur with muta-
perfusion limited (N2O and O2), their partial pressures have equilibrated
tions in the amino acid sequence (i.e., sickle cell disease)
with alveolar pressure before exiting the capillary. In contrast, the
partial pressure of CO, a gas that is diffusion limited, does not reach or in the spatial arrangement of the globin polypeptide
equilibrium with alveolar pressure. In rare conditions, O2 uptake can chains and result in abnormal function. Compounds such
become diffusion limited. as CO, nitrites (nitric oxide), and cyanides can oxidize the
CHAPTER 24 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport 483

100 20 Decreased P50 (increased affinity)

Left shift 100 Temperature

Hemoglobin saturation (%)

90 18 PCO2

O2 content mL/100 mL (vol %)

80 16 80 2,3-DPG
% Hgb saturation

70 Right shift 14 Increased P50

60 (decreased affinity)
60 12
P50 Temperature
50 10 PCO2
40 8 20
30 6
20 4
0 20 40 60 80 100
10 2 Oxygen partial pressure (mm Hg)
0 0
Fig. 24.5 Factors that shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
to the right (decreased affinity of Hgb for O2) or to the left (increased
27 PO2 (mm Hg) affinity). 2,3-DPG, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate; PCO2, partial pressure of
carbon dioxide.
Fig. 24.4 Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve Showing the Rela-
tionship Between the Partial Pressure of Oxygen (Po2) in Blood
and the Percentage of Hemoglobin (Hgb) Binding Sites That Are Physiological Factors That Shift the
Occupied by Oxygen Molecules (Percentage Saturation). Adult
hemoglobin (HgbA) is about 50% saturated with oxygen at a PO2 of
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
27mm Hg, 90% saturated at 60mm Hg, and about 98% saturated The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve can shift in numer-
at 100mm Hg. The P50 is the partial pressure at which Hgb is 50%
saturated with O2. When the O2 dissociation curve shifts to the right,
ous clinical conditions, either to the right or to the left (Fig.
P50 increases. When the curve shifts to the left, P50 decreases. 24.5). The curve is shifted to the right when the affinity of

In the inherited homozygous condition known as sickle cell
iron molecule in the heme group and change it from the disease, affected individuals have an amino acid substitution
reduced ferrous state (Fe++) to the ferric state (Fe+++), which (valine for glutamic acid) on the chain of the Hgb molecule.
reduces the ability of O2 to bind to Hgb. This creates a sickle cell Hgb (HgbS), which, when not
bound to oxygen (deoxyhemoglobin or desaturated Hgb),
can transform into a stiff gelatinous material that distorts the
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve normal biconcave shape of the red blood cell to a crescent,
or sickle-shaped, form. This change in appearance from
In the alveoli, the majority of O2 in plasma quickly diffuses spherical to a sickle shape increases the tendency of the
into red blood cells and chemically binds to Hgb. This red blood cell to form thrombi or clots that obstruct small
process is reversible, so that Hgb quickly gives up its O2 to vessels and creates a clinical condition known as acute
tissue through passive diffusion (the concentration of O2 sickle cell episode. The symptoms of such an episode vary,
depending on the site of the obstruction (e.g., in the brain,
in Hgb decreases). The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve stroke; in the lungs, pulmonary infarction) and are commonly
illustrates the relationship between PO2 in blood and the associated with intense pain. The spleen is a common site
number of O2 molecules bound to Hgb (Fig. 24.4). The of obstruction/infarction, and the ensuing tissue damage
S shape of the curve demonstrates the dependence of Hgb compromises the immune capabilities of affected individuals
saturation on PO2, especially at partial pressures lower than and renders them susceptible to recurrent infections. In the
homozygous form, this condition is life-shortening; however,
60mm Hg. The clinical significance of the flat portion of individuals with the heterozygous form are resistant to
the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (>60mm Hg) is that malaria. Thus an individual with heterozygous alleles has a
a drop in PO2 over a wide range of partial pressures (100 survival advantage in regions of the world where malaria is
to 60mm Hg) has a minimal effect on Hgb saturation, prevalent, which may explain why the sickle cell mutation has
which remains at 90% to 100%, a level sufficient for normal been preserved through evolution. The increased affinity of
HgbF for O2 confers advantages to individuals with sickle cell
O2 transport and delivery. The clinical significance of the disease in that the cells do not desaturate as much when
steep portion (<60mm Hg) of the curve is that a large O2 is released from Hgb to the tissue and thus are less likely
amount of O2 is released from Hgb with only a small change to become deformed in the sickle shape. Sickle cell disease
in PO2, which facilitates the release and diffusion of O2 is most prevalent among individuals of African American
into tissue. The point on the curve at which Hgb is 50% descent, but it is also observed in Hispanic, Turkish, Asian,
and other ethnic groups.
saturated with O2 is called the P50, and it is 27mm Hg in
normal adults.
484 S E C T I O N 5 Berne & Levy Physiology

Hgb for O2 decreases, which enhances O2 dissociation. This

results in decreased Hgb binding to O2 at a given PO2, which CO + hemoglobin
causes the P50 to increase. When the affinity of Hgb for O2 100

Hemoglobin saturation (%)

increases, the curve is shifted to the left, which causes the
P50 to decrease. In this state, O2 dissociation and delivery to 80
tissue are inhibited. Shifts to the right or left of the dissocia-
tion curve have little effect when they occur at O2 partial 60
O2 + hemoglobin
pressures within the normal range (80 to 100mm Hg).
However, at O2 partial pressures below 60mm Hg (steep 40
part of the curve), shifts in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation
curve can dramatically influence O2 transport. 20

Hydrogen Ion Concentration and Carbon Dioxide 0

Changes in blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) shift 0 20 40 60 80 100
the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. An increase in CO2 PO2 (mm Hg)
production by tissue and its release into blood results in
Fig. 24.6 The oxyhemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin dissociation
the generation of hydrogen ions (H+) and a decrease in curves clearly illustrate the increased affinity that carbon monoxide
pH. This shifts the dissociation curve to the right, which (CO) has for Hgb, in comparison with O2.
has a beneficial effect by aiding in the release of O2 from
Hgb for diffusion into tissues. The shift to the right in the
dissociation curve is due to the decrease in pH and to a Carbon Monoxide
direct effect of CO2 on Hgb. Conversely, as blood passes CO binds to the heme group of the Hgb molecule at the
through the lungs, CO2 is exhaled, which results in an same site as O2 and forms carboxyhemoglobin (HgbCO).
increase in pH, which in turn causes the oxyhemoglobin A major difference between the ability of CO and that
dissociation curve to shift to the left. This effect of CO2 on of O2 to bind to Hgb is illustrated by a comparison of
the affinity of Hgb for O2 is known as the Bohr effect, and the oxyhemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin dissociation
it serves to enhance O2 uptake in the lungs and delivery of curves. The affinity of CO for Hgb is about 200 times
O2 to tissues. An increase in body temperature, as occurs greater than it is for O2 (Fig. 24.6). Thus small amounts of
during exercise, shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve CO can greatly influence the binding of O2 to Hgb. In the
to the right and enables more O2 to be released to tissues, presence of CO, the affinity of Hgb for O2 is enhanced.
where it is needed because the demand increases. During This causes the dissociation curve to shift to the left, which
cold weather, a decrease in body temperature, especially in further prevents the unloading and delivery of O2 to tissues.
the extremities (lips, fingers, toes, and ears), shifts the O2 As the PCO of blood approaches 1.0mm Hg, all of the
dissociation curve to the left (higher Hgb affinity). In this Hgb binding sites are occupied by CO, and Hgb is unable
instance, PaO2 may be normal, but release of O2 in these to bind to O2. This situation is not compatible with life
extremities is not facilitated. and is the cause of death in cases of CO poisoning. In
healthy individuals, HgbCO occupies about 1% to 2% of
2,3-Diphosphoglycerate the Hgb binding sites; however, in cigarette smokers and in
Mature red blood cells do not have mitochondria, and individuals who reside in high-density urban traffic areas,
therefore they depend on anaerobic glycolysis. Large quanti- occupation of Hgb binding sites can be increased to 10%.
ties of a metabolic intermediary, 2,3-DPG, are formed in Levels above 5% to 7% are considered hazardous. Treat-
red blood cells during glycolysis, and the affinity of Hgb ment of individuals with high levels of CO, such as those
for O2 decreases as 2,3-DPG levels increase. Thus the oxy- who have inhaled car exhaust or smoke from a burning
hemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the right. Although building, consists of administering high concentrations
the binding sites of 2,3-DPG and O2 differ on the Hgb of O2 to displace CO from Hgb. Increasing the ambient
molecule, binding of 2,3-DPG creates an allosteric effect pressure above atmospheric pressure, through the use of a
that inhibits the binding of O2. Conditions that increase barometric chamber, substantially increases the O2 tension,
2,3-DPG include hypoxia, decreased Hgb, and increased which promotes the dissociation of CO from Hgb. Another
pH. Decreased levels of 2,3-DPG are observed in stored gas, nitric oxide, has great affinity (200,000 times greater
blood samples and thus may present a problem to transfu- than O2) for Hgb, and it binds irreversibly to Hgb at the
sion recipients because of the greater affinity of Hgb for O2, same site that O2 does. Endothelial cells synthesize nitric
which inhibits the unloading of O2 to tissues. oxide, which has vasodilation properties. Thus nitric oxide
is used therapeutically as an inhalant in patients with pul-
Fetal Hemoglobin (HgbF) monary hypertension to reduce pressure. Although nitric
As discussed previously, HgbF has a greater affinity for O2 oxide poisoning is not common, the clinician should be
than does adult Hgb, and the oxyhemoglobin dissociation cautious when administering nitric oxide therapy for long
curve thus shifts to the left. periods. Hgb-bound CO and nitric oxide is referred to as
CHAPTER 24 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport 485

methemoglobin. Under normal conditions, about 1% to 2% Tissue hypoxia is a condition in which O2 available
of Hgb is bound to CO and nitric oxide. to cells is insufficient for maintaining adequate aerobic
metabolism. Thus anaerobic metabolism is stimulated and
Oxygen Saturation, Content, and Delivery results in the increases in levels of lactate and H+ and the
subsequent formation of lactic acid. The net result can lead
Each Hgb molecule can bind up to four O2 atoms, and to a significant decrease in blood pH. In cases of severe
each gram of Hgb can bind up to 1.34mL of O2. The term hypoxia, the extremities, toes, and fingertips may appear
O2 saturation (SO2) refers to the amount of O2 bound to blue-gray (cyanotic) because of lack of O2 and increased
Hgb in relation to the maximal amount of O2 (100% O2 deoxyhemoglobin levels. There are four major types of
capacity) that can bind Hgb. At 100% O2 capacity, the tissue hypoxia (hypoxic hypoxia, circulatory hypoxia,
heme groups of the Hgb molecules are fully saturated with anemic hypoxia, histotoxic hypoxia), discussed in detail in
O2, and at 75% O2 capacity, three of the four heme groups Chapter 23.
are occupied. Binding of O2 to each heme group increases
the affinity of the Hgb molecule to bind additional O2. The Erythropoiesis
O2 content in blood is the sum of the O2 bound to Hgb
and the dissolved O2. Oxygen content is decreased in the Tissue oxygenation depends on the concentration of Hgb
presence of increased CO2 and CO and in individuals with and thus on the number of red blood cells available in the
anemia (Fig. 24.7). circulation. Red blood cell production (erythropoiesis) in
Oxygen delivery from the lungs to tissues is dependent the bone marrow is controlled by the hormone erythro-
on several factors, including cardiac output, the Hgb poietin, which is synthesized in the kidneys by cortical
content of blood, and the ability of the lung to oxygenate interstitial cells. Although Hgb levels are normally very
the blood. Not all of the O2 carried in blood is unloaded stable, decreased O2 delivery, low Hgb concentration, and
at the tissue level. The actual O2 extracted from blood by low PaO2 stimulate the secretion of erythropoietin. This
the tissue is the difference between the arterial O2 content increases the production of red blood cells. Chronic renal
and the venous O2 content, multiplied by cardiac output. disease damages the cortical interstitial cells and thereby
Under normal conditions, Hgb leaves the tissue 75% suppresses their ability to synthesize erythropoietin. This
saturated with O2, and only about 25% is actually used by causes anemia, along with decreased Hgb because of the
tissues. Hypothermia, relaxation of skeletal muscles, and an lack of erythropoietin. Erythropoietin replacement therapy
increase in cardiac output reduce O2 extraction. Conversely, using epoetin alfa (Epogen, Procrit) or darbepoetin alfa
a decrease in cardiac output, anemia, hyperthermia, and (Aranesp) effectively increases red blood cell production.
exercise increase O2 extraction.

Carbon Dioxide Transport
Glucose Metabolism and Carbon
Dioxide Production
CO2 is produced at a rate of approximately 200mL/minute
under healthy conditions, and typically, 80 molecules of
O2 content (mL/L)

120 50% HgbCO a CO2 are expired by the lung for every 100 molecules of
50% Hgb a O2 that enter the capillary bed. The ratio of expired CO2
to O2 uptake is referred to as the respiratory exchange
80 ratio and, under normal conditions, is 0.8 (80 molecules
of CO2 to 100 molecules of O2). This ratio is similar at the
v tissue to blood compartment, where it is referred to as the
40 respiratory quotient.
The body has enhanced storage capabilities for CO2,
in comparison with O2, and hence PaO2 is much more
20 40 60 80 100
sensitive to changes in ventilation than is PaCO2. Whereas
PaO2 is dependent on several factors, in addition to alveolar
PO2 (mm Hg)
ventilation, arterial PaCO2 is solely dependent on alveolar
Fig. 24.7 A comparison of O2 content curves under three conditions ventilation and CO2 production. There is an inverse rela-
shows why carboxyhemoglobin (HgbCO) dramatically reduces the O2 tionship between alveolar ventilation and PaCO2.
transport system. Fifty percent HgbCO represents the binding of half
the circulating Hgb with carbon monoxide (CO). The 50% hemoglobin
and 50% HgbCO curves show the same decreased O2 content in Bicarbonate and Carbon Dioxide Transport
arterial blood. However, CO has a profound effect in lowering venous
partial pressure of oxygen. The arterial (a) and mixed venous (v) points In blood, CO2 is transported in red blood cells primarily
of constant cardiac output are indicated. as bicarbonate (HCO3) but also as dissolved CO2 and as
486 S E C T I O N 5 Berne & Levy Physiology


Plasma capillary

21% CO2 dissolved O2 + Hgb
CO2 O2
CO2 + HgbO2 HgbCO2 Cl
Carbonic anhydrase transport
63% CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3
Rapid hydration of CO2

CO2 plasma protein carbamino
Plasma 5%
transport Slow
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3 NaHCO3 20
5% hydration
of CO2
CO2 dissolved in plasma H2CO3 1

PCO2 directly affects

H2CO3 levels in plasma

H2CO3 = PCO2  0.0301

Fig. 24.8 Mechanisms of CO2 Transport in Blood. v . The predominant mechanism by which CO2

is transported from tissue cells to the lung is in the form of bicarbonate anion (HCO3). H2CO3, carbonic
acid; HgbO, oxyhemoglobin; NaHCO3, sodium bicarbonate; RBC, red blood cell.

carbamino protein complexes (i.e., CO2 binds to plasma synthesis of HCO3; high levels of free H+ (low pH) cause
proteins and to Hgb; Fig. 24.8). Once CO2 diffuses through the reaction to shift to the left.
the tissue and enters plasma, it quickly dissolves. The reac-
tion of CO2 with H2O to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) is Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration
the major mechanism for the generation of HCO3 in red and Acid-Base Balance
blood cells:
Equation 24.3 The H+ concentration (pH) has a dramatic effect on many
metabolic processes within cells, and regulation of pH is
CO2 + H2O  H2CO3  H+ + HCO3 essential for normal homeostasis. In the clinical setting,
The reaction normally proceeds quite slowly; however, it is blood pH is measured to assess the concentration of H+.
catalyzed within red blood cells by the enzyme carbonic The normal pH range for adults is 7.35 to 7.45 and is
anhydrase. The HCO3 diffuses out of the red blood cell in maintained by the lungs, kidneys, and chemical buffer
exchange for Cl, in a process known as the chloride shift, systems. In the respiratory system, conversion of CO2 to
which helps the cell maintain its osmotic equilibrium. This HCO3, illustrated as follows, is a major mechanism of
chemical reaction (see Fig. 24.8) is reversible and can be buffering and regulating the H+ concentration (pH):
shifted to the right to generate more HCO3 in response
to more CO2 entering the blood from tissues, or it can be Equation 24.4
shifted to the left as CO2 is exhaled in the lungs, which CO2 + H2O  H2CO3  H+ + HCO3
reduces HCO3 levels. The free H+ is quickly buffered
within the red blood cell by binding to Hgb. Buffering of (with hydrogen yielding)
H+ is critical for keeping the reaction moving toward the H+ + Hgb  H Hgb
CHAPTER 24 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport 487

As PACO2 changes, so does the concentration of HCO3 and

H2CO3, as well as PaCO2.
The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is used to calcu-
PO2 = 0
late how changes in CO2 and HCO3 affect pH:

CO2 content (mL/L)

600 PO2 = 100
Equation 24.5
log[HCO3 ]
pH = pK + 400
where = solubility. Thus
Equation 24.6
log[HCO3 ]
pH = 6.1 +
0.03 PCO2 20 40 60 80 100
PCO2 (mm Hg)
In these equations, the amount of CO2 is determined from
the PCO2 and its solubility () in solution. For plasma Fig. 24.9 Equilibrium Curves for CO2 in Arterial and Venous

at 37C, has a value of 0.03. Also, pK is the negative Blood. Venous blood can transport more CO2 than arterial blood can
logarithm of the overall dissociation constant for the reac- at any given PCO2. In comparison with the HgbO2 equilibrium curve,
the CO2 curves are essentially straight lines between a PCO2 of 20 and
tion and has a logarithmic value of 6.1 for plasma at 37C. a PCO2 of 80mm Hg. Long dashes represent the arterial equilibrium
Acute hyperventilation secondary to exercise or anxiety curve; short dashes represent the venous equilibrium curve.
reduces PCO2 and thereby causes an increase in pH (respira-
tory alkalosis). Conversely, if PCO2 increases because of
hypoventilation secondary to an overdose of a respiratory
depressant, the pH decreases (respiratory acidosis). Acid- at different sites, deoxygenated Hgb has greater affinity
base imbalances are also caused by metabolic disorders such for CO2 than oxygenated Hgb. Thus deoxygenated blood
as metabolic acidosis (e.g., lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, and (venous blood) freely takes up and transports more CO2
renal failure) and metabolic alkalosis (e.g., hypokalemia, than oxygenated arterial blood does. The deoxygenated
hypochloremia, vomiting, high doses of steroids). Hgb more readily forms carbamino compounds and also
more readily binds free H+ released during the formation of
Carbon Dioxide Dissociation Curve HCO3. The effect of changes in oxyhemoglobin saturation
on the relationship of CO2 content to PCO2 is referred to as
In contrast to O2, the dissociation curve for CO2 in blood the Haldane effect and is reversed in the lungs when O2 is
is linear and directly related to PCO2 (Fig. 24.9). The degree transported from the alveoli to red blood cells. This effect
of Hgb saturation with O2 has a major effect on the CO2 is illustrated by a shift to the left in the CO2 dissociation
dissociation curve. Although O2 and CO2 bind to Hgb curve in venous blood in comparison with arterial blood.

Key Points
1. Gases (nitrous oxide, ether, helium) that have a rapid to 90%. This ensures adequate Hgb saturation over a
rate of air-to-blood equilibration are perfusion limited. large range of PO2 values.
Gases (CO) that have a slow air-to-blood equilibration 5. The CO2 dissociation curve is linear and directly
rate are diffusion limited. Under normal conditions, related to PCO2. PCO2 is solely dependent on alveolar
O2 and CO2 exchange are perfusion limited but can be ventilation and CO2 production.
diffusion limited in some situations. 6. The CO2 to HCO3 pathway plays a critical role in
2. The major transport mechanism of O2 in blood is the regulation of H+ ions and in maintaining acid-base
within the red blood cell bound to Hgb, and for CO2, balance in the body.
it is within red blood cells in the form of HCO3. 7. Tissue oxygenation is dependent on Hgb within
3. The reversible reaction of CO2 with H2O to form red blood cells and subsequently the number (and
H2CO3, with its subsequent dissociation to HCO3 production) of red blood cells, which is controlled by
and H+, is catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase the hormone erythropoietin. Low O2 delivery, low Hgb
within red blood cells and is the major mechanism for concentration, and low PaO2 stimulate the secretion of
generation of HCO3. erythropoietin in the kidneys.
4. The O2 dissociation curve is S shaped. In the plateau 8. Tissue hypoxia occurs when insufficient amounts of O2
area (>60mm Hg), increasing or decreasing PO2 has are supplied to the tissue to conduct normal levels of
only a minimal effect on Hgb saturation from 100% aerobic metabolism.
488 S E C T I O N 5 Berne & Levy Physiology

Additional Readings Hughes JM. Assessing gas exchange. Chron Respir Dis. 2007;4:205-214.
Petersson J, Glenny RW. Gas exchange and ventilation-perfusion
Butler JP, Tsuda A. Transport of gases between the environment relationships in the lung. Eur Respir J. 2014;44:1023-1041.
and alveolitheoretical foundations. Compr Physiol. 2011;1: Sheel AW, Romer LM. Ventilation and respiratory mechanics. Compr
1301-1316. Physiol. 2012;2:1093-1142.
Calverley PMA, Koulouris NG. Flow limitation and dynamic Stickland MK, Lindinger MI, Olfert IM, etal. Pulmonary gas
hyperinflation: key concepts in modern respiratory physiology. exchange and acid-base balance during exercise. Compr Physiol.
Eur Respir J. 2005;25:186-199. 2013;3:693-739.
Hillman SS, Hancock TV, Hedrick MS. A comparative meta-analysis Whipp BJ. Physiological mechanisms dissociating pulmonary CO2
of maximal aerobic metabolism of vertebrates: implications for and O2 exchange dynamics during exercise in humans. Exp Physiol.
respiratory and cardiovascular limits to gas exchange. J Comp 2007;92:347-355.
Physiol [B]. 2013;183:167-179.

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