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508-Homeopathy Certificate PDF

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Homeopathy for

Common Ailments

Lesson 1
In this lesson, you’ll learn about the German physician Samuel
Hahnemann, how he developed the science of homeopathy, and
why it works so well. The lesson begins with a brief history,
followed by discussion of keys to understanding homeopathy.
Once you read and understand the basics, you’ll see why
homeopathy is currently regaining favor in health care.
You’ll also learn about how crucial the details of casetaking
are, as well as steps for using specific homeopathic remedies
at home.
Assignment 1 reviews several key terms with which you should
become familiar; the basic principles of why homeopathy
works; symptoms, provings, doses, and potentization; and
the homeopathic view of infectious disease. You’ll also be
introduced to casetaking and why it’s so important in deter-
mining the appropriate remedy to use.
Be sure to review the topics carefully, for you’ll be working
with these concepts as you proceed through the chapters in
your textbook.
Assignment 2 will introduce you to the homeopathic method-
ology regarding fevers, influenza, colds, coughs, sinus problems,
and conjunctivitis. You’ll begin to learn the suggested use of
specific homeopathic remedies for specific conditions. In this
assignment, you’ll review each chapter’s additional components
of general home care, casetaking questions, specific remedies,
remedy summaries, and beyond home care.

When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to
Q Explain the basic principle of the law of similars

Q Identify the various levels of the body’s defense system

Q Define homeopathic potencies and discuss the process
of potentization

Q Discuss Hering’s laws of cure

Q Discuss the proper care, handling, and storage of

homeopathic remedies

Q Discuss the homeopathic approach to fever, colds, flu,

and sinus problems

Read this introduction to Assignment 1. Then read pages xi–42
in Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines. Also, review
the link indicated in the online activities assignment.

Homeopathy: The Beginning

The science of homeopathy was created in the late 1700s by a
successful German physician and chemist, Samuel Hahnemann,
who chose to leave his orthodox practice because of the harm-
ful methods being used at that time. While translating a
leading physiologist’s work, he came across a claim that he
thought preposterous. He disproved the idea, and in the process
of testing it on himself, he rediscovered a natural and very
effective form of health care—homeopathy.
The word homeopathy was created from Greek words, and the
Latin phrase similia similibus curentur was coined to describe
the basic principle of how homeopathy works. This principle
has been noted and demonstrated since the time of Hippocrates.
While homeopathy’s rapid rise in the early 1800s helped to
fight deadly epidemics of infectious diseases such as scarlet
fever, it’s still a very effective method for addressing all types of
infections. However, an individual’s defense system resistance
is the important factor to the homeopath, as opposed to the
microbes themselves. Review pages 15–17 carefully, particu-
larly the first two paragraphs on page 16.

8 Introduction to Homeopathy
Using Homeopathy at Home
Before you consider the uses of homeopathy, make sure you
understand the terms symptoms, provings, doses, and potency,
which are key to understanding homeopathy. Pay special
attention to the unique process of potentization, which is
critical to how long and how deeply a remedy acts.

The Five Steps of Homeopathy

There are five basics steps to follow for using homeopathy at
home—casetaking, case analysis, selection of the appropriate
remedy, administration of the remedy, and observation. Each
step is important, especially casetaking.
Casetaking. By keeping a home medical record for yourself
and your family members, you’re preparing for casetaking.
Write down all your findings, including detailed symptom
descriptions, so that the person’s individual and unique state
of balance can be understood. Study the differences between
particular and general symptoms to ensure you use the terms
correctly. Your text provides some casetaking hints and offers
an outline for casetaking in acute care. Be sure to review
pages 26–29 carefully (and often) as you proceed through
the course.
Case analysis. Evaluating symptoms and analyzing the
information you collect through casetaking is a challenging
process. You’ll evaluate both the intensity and the depth of
the symptoms, using the points scale noted in the text, and
then total the points. You’ll also note any peculiar symptoms,
evaluate the modalities, and note the key symptoms. With
the analysis complete, you’ll be ready to proceed to choosing
a remedy.
Choosing a remedy. Selecting the appropriate remedy involves
matching the symptoms presented by the afflicted person with
the ones that the remedy is known to cause in healthy people.
Use the text’s modified materia medica, which contains the
general symptoms for each remedy and the clinical chapters
of the text. After reading the clinical chapter, you’ll create a
table for the key symptoms and possible remedies; then, by
reviewing the original set of notes made for casetaking and
comparing the remedies to consider, you can narrow the
choices down to the “best match.”

Lesson 1 9
Administering the remedy. For home use of homeopathy, the
lower potencies are recommended. Remember: the frequency
of the dose is more critical than the amount used. Make sure
you carefully review not only the potency information and the
available forms of remedies, but also the section on antidote
effects. In addition, study the guidelines for the proper care
of homeopathic remedies.
The remedy. For homeopathy to be effective, the fundamental
rule is simple and easy to remember: Give no more remedy
until the previous dose has ceased to act, no matter how long or
short a time that may take. That is, the best way to determine
when to repeat a dose of the remedy is by closely observing
the effects of the dose given. This section of the reading
assignment also offers some guidelines to follow for repeating
and/or changing the remedy.

A Sample Case
A hypothetical case is presented at the end of Chapter 2,
using both narrative form and the outline form for actual
casetaking. Review it carefully, referring back to the related
sections of Chapter 2, to help you apply what you’ve learned
in a very practical, “how-to” way.

Online Activities
Watch the video “What Homeopathy Is: Correcting the
Misinformation,” at
6wJRlC1EHyM. Were you familiar with any aspects of home-
opathy when you started this course? How does the information
in this video relate to your understanding and/or experience
with homeopathy so far? Write a paragraph in which you
explore your reaction to the information in this video.

10 Introduction to Homeopathy
Self-Check 1
At the end of each section of Introduction to Homeopathy, you’ll be asked to pause and
check your understanding of what you’ve just read by completing a “Self-Check” exercise.
Answering these questions will help you review what you’ve studied so far. Please complete
Self-Check 1 now.

Questions 1–10: Match the term on the left with the correct description on the right.
Indicate your answer in the space provided.

______ 1. Pathos a. Latin for “let likes be cured with likes”

______ 2. Materia medica b. Greek for “similar”

c. Greek for “suffering” or “disease”

______ 3. Potentization
d Latin for “the healing power of nature”
______ 4. Similia similibus curentur
e. Latin for “materials of medicine”
______ 5. Constitutional homeopathy
f. Homeopathic approach to caring for a “constitutional”
______ 6. Casetaking
g. Hahnemann’s method of diluting remedy substances
______ 7. Vis medicatrix naturae
h. Physical, emotional, and mental freedom
______ 8. Modalities
i. Collecting complete and accurate information about
______ 9. Homoios an illness

j. Factors that improve or aggravate a symptom

______ 10. Health


Lesson 1 11
Self-Check 1
Indicate whether each of the following statements is True or False.

______ 11. The concept of the minimum number of doses is predicated on the belief that once
healing has begun, it’s best to do nothing more but let the process continue in its
own way.

______ 12. In the homeopathic view of disease, germs are the primary cause of infections.

______ 13. During the process of casetaking, it’s important to note your impressions of the
person’s condition, making sure to phrase his or her symptoms in your own way.

______ 14. If a person is uncertain about a remedy, it’s best to use a lower potency.

______ 15. Generally, the more severe the person’s symptoms, the more often the remedy would
be repeated.

Check your answers with those on page 59.

Read this introduction to Assignment 2. Then read Chapters 3
and 4, pages 48–92, plus pages 345–346 in in Everybody’s Guide
to Homeopathic Medicines. Also, complete the online activity
as assigned.

Fever, Flu, and Colds, and

Related Conditions
For this assignment, you’ll learn about common symptoms
and infections and how to determine the nature of each. Your
textbook reminds you of the differences in outlook between
homeopathic and traditional treatment of respiratory and
other conditions.

12 Introduction to Homeopathy

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