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Petitioners vs. vs. Respondents: First Division

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[G.R. No. L-64159. September 10, 1985.]

CIRCLE S. DURAN and ANTERO S. GASPAR , petitioners, vs.

and RESTITUTO TIANGCO , respondents.


RELOVA , J : p

The respondent then Court of Appeals rendered judgment, modifying the

decision of the then Court of First Instance of Rizal, which reads as follows:
"(1) the complaint of the plaintiffs (herein petitioners) is hereby DISMISSED;

(2) the defendants-appellants spouses Erlinda B. Marcelo Tiangco and

Restituto Tiangco (herein private respondents) are hereby declared the lawful owners
of the two (2) parcels of land and all the improvements thereon including the 12-door
apartment thereon described in the complaint, in the counterclaim in the cross-claim,
and in the Sheriff's Certificate of Sale;
(3) the plaintiffs-appellants and the defendant-appellee Fe S. Duran are
hereby ordered to deliver to (the Tiangcos) the two parcels of land and all the
improvements thereon including the 12-door apartment thereon, subject matter of the
complaint, counterclaim, and cross-claim, and in the Sheriff's Certificate of Sale;
(4) the plaintiffs-appellants and the defendant-appellee Fe S. Duran are
hereby ordered to pay solidarily to the Tiangcos the sum of Two Thousand Four
Hundred Pesos (P2,400) a month from May 16, 1972 until delivery of possession of the
properties in question to said Tiangco spouses, representing rentals collected by
plaintiffs-appellants and defendant-appellee Fe S. Duran;
(5) the plaintiffs-appellants and defendant-appellee Fe S. Duran are hereby
ordered to pay solidarily to the spouses Tiangco the sum of Twenty Thousand Pesos
(P20,000) as damages for attorney's fees, and the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos
(P25,000) for moral damages, and the costs." (pp. 149-150, Rollo).
The antecedent facts showed that petitioner Circe S. Duran owned two (2)
parcels of land (Lots 5 and 6, Block A, Psd 32780) covered by Transfer Certi cate of
Title No. 1647 of the Register of Deeds of Caloocan City which she had purchased from
the Moja Estate. She left the Philippines in June 1954 and returned in May 1966.
On May 13, 1963, a Deed of Sale of the two lots mentioned above was made in
favor of Circe's mother, Fe S. Duran who, on December 3, 1965, mortgaged the same
property to private respondent Erlinda B. Marcelo-Tiangco. When petitioner Circe S.
Duran came to know about the mortgage made by her mother, she wrote the Register
of Deeds of Caloocan City informing the latter that she had not given her mother any
authority to sell or mortgage any of her properties in the Philippines. Failing to get an
answer from the registrar, she returned to the Philippines. Meanwhile, when her mother,
Fe S. Duran, failed to redeem the mortgage properties, foreclosure proceedings were
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initiated by private respondent Erlinda B. Marcelo-Tiangco and, ultimately, the sale by
the sheriff and the issuance of Certificate of Sale in favor of the latter.

Petitioner Circe S. Duran claims that the Deed of Sale in favor of her mother Fe S.
Duran is a forgery, saying that at the time of its execution in 1963 she was in the United
States. On the other hand, the adverse party alleges that the signatures of Circe S.
Duran in the said Deed are genuine and, consequently, the mortgage made by Fe S.
Duran in favor of private respondent is valid.
With respect to the issue as to whether the signature of petitioner Circe S. Duran
in the Deed of Sale is a forgery or not, respondent appellate court held the same to be
genuine because there is the presumption of regularity in the case of a public document
and "the fact that Circe has not been able to satisfactorily prove that she was in the
United States at the time the deed was executed in 1963. Her return in 1966 does not
prove she was not here also in 1963, and that she did not leave shortly after 1963. She
should have presented her old passport, not her new one. But even if the signatures
were a forgery, and the sale would be regarded as void, still it is Our opinion that the
Deed of Mortgage is VALID, with respect to the mortgagees, the defendants-
appellants. While it is true that under Art. 2086 of the Civil Code, it is essential that the
mortgagor be the absolute owner of the property mortgaged, and while as between the
daughter and the mother, it was the daughter who still owned the lots, STILL insofar as
innocent third persons are concerned the owner was already the mother (Fe S. Duran)
inasmuch as she had already become the registered owner (Transfer Certi cates of
Title Nos. 2418 and 2419). The mortgagee had the right to rely upon what appeared in
the certi cate of title, and did not have to inquire further. If the rule were otherwise, the
e cacy and conclusiveness of Torrens Certi cate of Titles would be futile and
nugatory. Thus the rule is simple: the fraudulent and forged document of sale may
become the root of a valid title if the certi cate has already been transferred from the
name of the true owner to the name indicated by the forger (See De la Cruz v. Fabie, 35
Phil. 144; Blondeau, et al. v. Nano et al., 61 Phil. 625; Fule et al. v. Legare et al., 7 SCRA
351; see also Sec. 55 of Act No. 496, the Land Registration Act). The fact that at the
time of the foreclosure sale proceedings (1970-72) the mortgagees may have already
known of the plaintiffs' claim is immaterial. What is important is that at the time the
mortgage was executed, the mortgagees in good faith actually believed Fe S. Duran to
be the owner, as evidenced by the registration of the property in the name of said Fe S.
Duran (pp. 146-147, Rollo)." LLpr

In elevating the judgment of the respondent appellate court to Us for review,

petitioners discussed questions of law which, in effect and substance, raised only one
issue and that is whether private respondent Erlinda B. Marcelo-Tiangco was a buyer in
good faith and for value.
Guided by previous decisions of this Court, good faith consists in the
possessor's belief that the person from whom he received the thing was the owner of
the same and could convey his title (Arriola vs. Gomez dela Serna, 14 Phil. 627). Good
faith, while it is always to be presumed in the absence of proof to the contrary, requires
a well-founded belief that the person from whom title was received was himself the
owner of the land, with the right to convey it (Santiago vs. Cruz, 19 Phil. 148). There is
good faith where there is an honest intention to abstain from taking any
unconscientious advantage from another (Fule vs. Legare, 7 SCRA 351). Otherwise
stated, good faith is the opposite of fraud and it refers to the state of mind which is
manifested by the acts of the individual concerned. In the case at bar, private
respondents, in good faith relied on the certificate of title in the name of Fe S. Duran and
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as aptly stated by respondent appellate court "[e]ven on the supposition that the sale
was void, the general rule that the direct result of a previous illegal contract cannot be
valid (on the theory that the spring cannot rise higher than its source) cannot apply here
for We are confronted with the functionings of the Torrens System of Registration. The
doctrine to follow is simple enough: a fraudulent or forged document of sale may
become the ROOT of a valid title if the certi cate of title has already been transferred
from the name of the true owner to the name of the forger or the name indicated by the
forger." (p. 147, Rollo)
Thus, where innocent third persons relying on the correctness of the certi cate
of title issued, acquire rights over the property, the court cannot disregard such rights
and order the total cancellation of the certi cate for that would impair public
con dence in the certi cate of title; otherwise everyone dealing with property
registered under the torrens system would have to inquire in every instance as to
whether the title had been regularly or irregularly issued by the court. Indeed, this is
contrary to the evident purpose of the law. Every person dealing with registered land
may safely rely on the correctness of the certi cate of title issued therefor and the law
will in no way oblige him to go behind the certi cate to determine the condition of the
property. Stated differently, an innocent purchaser for value relying on a torrens title
issued is protected. A mortgagee has the right to rely on what appears in the certi cate
of title and, in the absence of anything to excite suspicion, he is under no obligation to
look beyond the certi cate and investigate the title of the mortgagor appearing on the
face of said certificate.
Likewise, We take note of the nding and observation of respondent appellate
court in that petitioners were guilty of estoppel by laches "in not bringing the case to
court within a reasonable period. Antero Gaspar, husband of Circe, was in the
Philippines in 1964 to construct the apartment on the disputed lots. This was testi ed
to by Circe herself (tsn., p. 41, Nov. 27, 1973). In the process of construction,
speci cally in the matter of obtaining a building permit, he could have discovered that
the deed of sale sought to be set aside had been executed on May 13, 1963 (the
building permit needed an application by the apparent owner of the land, namely, Circe's
mother, Fe S. Duran). And then again both plaintiffs could have intervened in the
foreclosure suit but they did not. They kept silent until almost the last moment when
they nally decided, shortly before the sheriff's sale, to le a third-party claim. Clearly,
the plaintiffs can be faulted for their estoppel by laches." (p. 148, Rollo)

IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, We nd the petition without merit and hereby

AFFIRMED in toto the decision of respondent appellate court promulgated on August
12, 1981.
Teehankee (Chairman), Melencio-Herrera, Plana, Gutierrez, Jr., De la Fuente and
Patajo, JJ., concur.

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