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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering



Submitted by:

BS ChE 3 Group VII

Montealegre, Robert Kier L.

Sison, Bren A.

Torres, Clark Ivan V.

Valdez, Loisroi R.

Yepes, Anna Lyn

Submitted to:

Engr. Milagros Cabangon


Pulp and Paper Industry 1

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 3
Objectives ________________________________________________________________ 3
Brief History ______________________________________________________________ 4
Pulp _______________________________________________________________________ 5
Composition of Cellulose _______________________________________ 5
Kinds of Wood Pulp ______________________________________________ 9
Mechanical Pulping _____________________________________________ 12
Sulfite Pulping _________________________________________________ 17
Kraft Pulping ____________________________________________________ 29
Pulp Manufacturing Companies _________________________________ 39
Paper _____________________________________________________________________ 40
Types of Paper __________________________________________________ 40
Manufacturing Process of Paper _________________________________ 41
Paper Manufacturing Companies ________________________________ 46
Cardboard ________________________________________________________________ 47
Types of Cardboard _____________________________________________ 49
Manufacturing Process of Cardboard ____________________________ 51
Cardboard Manufacturing Companies ___________________________ 55
References _______________________________________________________________ 56

Pulp and Paper Industry 2

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Paper is a material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or
other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as
wrapping material. It is an incredibly versatile substance made from naturally
occurring plant fibers called cellulose.

From the finest quality paper through to the thickest, strongest

corrugated carton, this renewable resource is the same: the wood must first be
shredded and mixed with water to make pulp. The pulp is then refined, cleaned
and agitated before being pumped onto a moving screen or mesh. As the pulp
travels along the screen, excess water is drained away and recycled. A paper
sheet made from interlocking cellulose fibres begins to form. As it moves
through the papermaking machine it is pressed between huge rollers to extract
water and subsequently through heated rollers to remove any remaining water.
Once the paper has been dried and pressed and depending upon its end use, it
may be finished with coatings or other additives which ensure uniform
smoothness and thickness.

The word "paper" is etymologically derived from Latin papyrus, which

comes from the Greek (papuros), the word for the Cyperus
papyrus plant. Papyrus is a thick, paper-like material produced from the pith
of the Cyperus papyrus plant, which was used inancient Egypt and
other Mediterranean cultures for writing before the introduction of paper into
the Middle East and Europe. Although the word paper is etymologically derived
from papyrus, the two are produced very differently and the development of the
first is distinct from the development of the second. Papyrus is a lamination of
natural plant fibres, while paper is manufactured from fibres whose properties
have been changed by maceration.

General Objective

To enumerate the different Pulp processing and Paper production

Specific Objective

To identify different paper products and enumerate their manufacturing

To enumerate the equipment and unit processes/operations involved in
the pulp and paper industry

Pulp and Paper Industry 3

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Before paper was invented, rst there was papyrus where the word
paper was actually derived from. It appeared between 2500 and 2000 B.C. It
was made from a tall reed called papyrus which grows along the Nile River in
Egypt. The strips from the reed were glued together with starch.

The birth of paper took place under the Chinese Han Dynasty in AD
105 when a court ocial named Tsai Lun invented a papermaking process
which primarily used rags (textile waste) as the raw material with which to
make paper. These Chinese papermaking techniques spread across Asia,
Middle East and Europe in AD 610.

By 1390, papermaking was rst documented on German soil when the

Nuremberg councilor Ulman Stromer commissioned a paper mill.

The advantages of mill-based papermaking spread throughout Europe in

the 15th and 16th centuries. In Germany, by the end of the 16th century there
were 190 mills.

Technical progress continued throughout the 17th century. The

invention of the Hollander beater' conrmed the Dutch as being at the
forefront of papermaking technology. The initial model built, by J.N.L. Robert
in1798, was the rst at-screen papermaking machine. The design was further
developed in England, mostly by Donking and the Fourdrinier
brothers. Additionally, the French chemist Claude-Louis Bertholett invented
the chemical bleaching of pulp in 1785. The French Revolutionaries were
probably the rst to use really white paper.

Wood based paper emerged and mechanization increased in 19th

century. Saxon Friedrich Gottlob Keller invented a wood-grinding machine
which produced ground wood pulp suitable for papermaking. This milestone
was soon followed by an alternative way to turn wood into paper: chemical pulp
was rst patented in 1854 by Hugh Burgers and Charles Watt. Flat screen and
cylinder machines were rst seen in the 19th century. (SCP PAPIER, 2010)

Full-scale Industrialization was observed during the 19th century.

Innovation has also led to greater specialization by paper makers, such as
LWC- lightweight coated paper.

Pulp and Paper Industry 4

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Lignin Cellulose

Lignin is derived from the Latin word

Lignum, meaning wood. It is one of the
most abundant organic polymers on Earth,
exceeded only by cellulose. Lignin constitutes
30% of non-fossil organic carbon and 20-35%
of the dry mass of wood (Stryer, Berg, John,
& Gatto, 2015). Lignin was first mentioned in
1813 by the Swiss botanist A. P. de Candolle,
who described it as a fibrous, tasteless
material, insoluble in water and alcohol but
soluble in weak alkaline solutions, and which
can be precipitated from solution using acid.

Chemical Composition

The composition of lignin varies from species to species. An example from

composition of aspen sample is 63.4% carbon, 5.9% hydrogen, 0.7% ash, and
30% oxygen (by difference), corresponding approximately to the formula
(C31H34O11)n. as a biopolymer, lignin is unusual because of its heterogeneity
and lack of a defined primary structure (Stryer, Berg, John, & Gatto, 2015). Its
most commonly noted function is the support through strengthening wood
(mainly composed of xylem cells and lignified sclerenchyma fibers) in vascular
plants. Global production of lignin is around 1.1 M metric tons per year and is
used in a wide range of low volume, niche applications where the form but not
the quality is important.

- Biological function

Lignin fills the space in the cell wall between cellulose, hemicellulose and
pectin components, especially in xylem tracheids, vessel elements and sclereid
cells (Boerjan, Ralph, & Baucher, 2003). It is covalently linked to hemicellulose
and therefor cross-links different plant polysaccharides, conferring mechanical
strength to the cell wall and by extension the plant as a whole. It is particularly

Pulp and Paper Industry 5

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

abundant in compression wood but scarce in tension woods, which are types of
reaction wood.

Global production of lignin is around 1.1 M metric tons per year and is
used in a wide range of low volume, niche applications where the form but not
the quality is important.

- Biological function

Lignin fills the space in the cell wall between cellulose, hemicellulose and
pectin components, especially in xylem tracheids, vessel elements and sclereid
cells (Boerjan, Ralph, & Baucher, 2003). It is covalently linked to hemicellulose
and therefor cross-links different plant polysaccharides, conferring mechanical
strength to the cell wall and by extension the plant as a whole. It is particularly
abundant in compression wood but scarce in tension woods, which are types of
reaction wood.

- Ecological function

Lignin plays a significant role in the carbon cycle, sequestering

atmospheric carbon into living tissues of woody perennial vegetation. Lignin is
one of the most slowly decomposing components of dead vegetation,
contributing a major fraction of the material that becomes humus as it
decomposes (Austin & Austin, 1984). The resulting soil humus, in general,
increases the photosynthetic productivity of plant communities growing on a
site as the site transitions from distributed mineral soil through the stages of
ecological succession, by providing increased cation exchange capacity in the

Pulp and Paper Industry 6

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

soil and expanding the capacity of moisture retention between flood and
drought conditions (Felder & Rousseau, 2005).

- Economic significance

Highly lignified wood is durable and therefore a good raw material for
many applications. It is also an excellent fuel, since lignin yields more energy
when burned than cellulose (Freudenberg & Nash, 1968). Mechanical or high
yield pulp used to make newsprint contains most of the lignin originally
present in the wood. This lignin is responsible for newsprints yellowing with
age. Lignin must be removed from the pulp before high-quality bleached paper
can be manufactured.

In sulphite pulping, lignin is removed from wood pulp as sulfonates.

These lignosulfonates have several uses (Smith, 2012):

- Dispersants in high performance cement applications, water

treatment formulations and textile dyes.
- Additives in specialty oil field formations and agricultural chemicals.
- Raw materials for several chemicals, such as vanillin, DMSO, ethanol,
xylitol sugar, and humic acid
- Environmentally sustainable dust suppression agent for roads

Alpha Cellulose

Alpha cellulose has the highest

degree of polymerization and is the most
stable. Is the major component of wood
and paper pulp. It may be separated
from the other components by soaking
the pulp in a 17.5% solution of NaOH.
The pure white, alpha cellulose is
insoluble and can be filtered from the
solution and washed prior to use in the
production of paper or cellulosic polymer
(Austin & Austin, 1984)s. A high percent
of alpha cellulose in paper will provides a
stable, permanent material. Linen and
cotton contain high proportions of alpha cellulose. Paper pulp that is high in
alpha cellulose can be identified using Graff C stain, which will stain pinkish

Pulp and Paper Industry 7

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

red. Examples of common paper fibers that are high in alpha cellulose include
cotton, flax, ramie and kozo. Alpha cellulose pulp can be created from wood
pulps using extended sulfite, or mercerized Kraft pulping method.


A hemicellulose (also known as polyose) is any of several heteropolymers

(matrix polysaccharides), such as arabinoxylans, present along with cellulose
in almost all part cell walls. While cellulose is crystalline, strong, and resistant
to hydrolysis, hemicellulose has a random, amorphous structure with little
strength. It is easily hydrolyzed by dilute acid or base as well as myriad
hemicellulose enzymes (Stryer, Berg, John, & Gatto, 2015). Hemicellulose are
embedded in the cell walls of plants, sometimes in chains that form a ground
they bind with pectin to cellulose to form network of cross-linked fibers.

Hemicellulose found in hardwood trees is predominantly xylan with some

glucomannan, while in softwoods it is mainly rich in galactoglucoannan and
contains only a small amount of xylan (Sjostrom, 1993). The average molecular
weight is lower than that of cellulose at less than 300,000, as opposed to the
100,000 average molecular weight reported for cellulose (Stryer, Berg, John, &
Gatto, 2015).

- Composition

Hemicellulose includes xylan, glucoronoxylan, arabinoxylan,

glucomannan, and xyloglucan. These polysaccharides contain many different
sugar monomers. In contrast, cellulose contains only anhydrous glucose. For
instance, besides glucose, sugar monomers in hemicellulose can include
xylose, mannose, galactose, rhamnose, and arabinose (Boerjan, Ralph, &
Baucher, 2003). Hemicelluloses contain most of the D-pentose sugars, and
occasionally small amounts of L-sugars as well. Xylose is in most cases the
sugar monomers present in the largest amount, although in softwoods

Pulp and Paper Industry 8

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

mannose can be the most abundant sugar. Not only regular sugars can be
found in hemicellulose, but also their acidified form, for instance glucuronic
acid and galacturonic acid can be present (Stryer, Berg, John, & Gatto, 2015).

- Hemicellulose structure

Unlike cellulose, hemicellulose (also a polysaccharide) consist of shorter

chains 500-3,000 sugar units as opposed to 7,000-15,000 glucose molecules
per polymer (Boerjan, Ralph, & Baucher, 2003) seen in cellulose. In addition,
hemicellulose is a branched of polymer, while cellulose is unbranched.

Kinds of Wood Pulp

Pulp and Paper Industry 9

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Mechanical Pulp

This is obtained without chemical treatment of pulp. The chief woods

employed are of the soft, coniferous species such as spruce and balsam. After
arrival in the mill, the wood is slashed and debarked. It is then ready to be
ground, which is done in water to remove heat in friction and to float the fibers
away (Sappi Tube, 2011).

The uses of mechanical pulp are restricted to cheaper grades of paper

and board. The eventual deterioration that occurs in paper made from
mechanical pulp is due to the chemical decomposition of the non-cellulosic
portion of the wood.

Thermo-Mechanical Pulp (TMP)

Thermo-mechanical pulp is pulp produced by processing wood chip

using heat and a mechanical refining movement. It is a two stage process
where the logs are first stripped of their bark and converted into small chips
(Stryer, Berg, John, & Gatto, 2015). These chips have a moisture content of
around 25-30% and a mechanical force is applied to the wood chips in a
crushing or grinding action which generates heat and water vapor and softens
the lignin thus separating the individual fibers. The pulp is then screened and
cleaned; any clumps of fiber are reprocessed. This process give a high yield of
fibers from the timber (around 95%) and as the lignin has not been removed,
the fibers are hard and rigid.

Chemi-Thermo-Mechanical Pulp (CTMP)

Wood chips can be pretreated with sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide,

sodium sulfite and other chemical prior to refining with equipment similar to a
mechanical mill. The conditions of the chemical treatment are much less
vigorous (lower temperature, shorter time, less extreme pH) than in a chemical
pulping process since the goal is to make the fibers easier to refine, not to
remove lignin as in a fully chemical process (Smith, 2012).

Recycled Pulp

Recycled pulp is also called de-inked pulp (DIP). DIP is recycled paper
which has been processed by chemicals, thus removing printing inks and other
unwanted elements and freed the paper fibers. The process is called deinking.

Pulp and Paper Industry 10

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Chemical Pulp

These are essentially pure cellulose because the unwanted and

unsuitable lignin and the other non-cellulosic components of the wood have
been dissolved away by treatment. Because of it, chemical pulps are superior to
mechanical for fine papermaking.

Sulfite pulp
The common sulfite process consists of the digestion of the
wood with a solution of magnesium, ammonium, or calcium
disulfide, with free sulfur dioxide present. Sulfite process involves
2 types of reaction (Smith, 2012):
1. The hydrolytic splitting of the cellulose and;
2. The reaction of the lignin with the bisulfate
a. Acid sulfite under acidic conditions, the object is
to solubilize lignin through the addition of
hydrophillicsulfonate groups (sulfonation)
b. Neutral sulfite most often neutral sulfite pulping is
used in association with mechanical pulping (Neutral Sulfite
Semi Chemical-NSSC). The purpose here is mainly to
soften the lignin.
C. Alkaline sulfite the goal is sulfonation and

Sulfate pulp

Process for conversion of wood into wood pulp consisting of almost pure
cellulose fibers. It entails treatment of wood chips with liquor, which break the
bonds that link lignin to the cellulose through a cooking process.

- Kraft Process (Kraft in German means strong)

This is the most common pulping method employed by Philippine
mill. A chemical method for the production of wood pulp that
employs a solution of caustic soda and sodium sulfide as the liquor
in which the pulpwood is cooked in order to loosen the fibers.

Soda pulp

Pulp and Paper Industry 11

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

It is very similar to that sulfate pulp, both being alkaline processes. The
wood used is of the deciduous variety. The black liquor from the soda pulp
contains about 16% total solids and 4.5% total alkali. Most of the latter is
sodium carbonate, the remainder being free sodium hydroxide (Smith, 2012).

The insoluble impurities are allowed to settle out and the liquor is then
causticized by adding slaked lime prepared from the recovered CaCO 3.

Manufacturing Process of Mechanical Pulping

Pulp and Paper Industry 12

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Equipment Process Description Unit Processes and


A debarker is a
machine used to
Debarking process
strip or removed
of removing barks
bark from logs
from the timber
before processing.
1. Debarker Machine

A chipper is a
machine used to
chip whole trees,
branches, debris,
mulch, and other
types of foliage.
Chipper range size
2. Chipper from smaller hand-
fed unit used in Chipping process
domestic and of turning debarked
agricultural woods into finer
applications to woodchops
mobile, whole-tree
chippers used to
chip slash and
residue in
commercial, logging,
and forestry
operations (Sappi
Tube, 2011).

Pulp and Paper Industry 13

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

It is used to filter
and separate
different sizes of raw
and crushed rock. It
can vary greatly in
its number of Filtering process
components and of separating large
3. Screener conveyors (Smith, wood chips from
2012). It is basically small wood chips.
a set of box frames
with varying sized
scree meshes
clamped and
tensioned in the

Pulp washers are

essential to fiberline
performance as the
pulp needs to be
washed at almost all
stages of the Washing
process. The Application of water
4. Washer washing result at for getting the fiber
one stage affects all
the subsequent
stages (Sappi Tube,

Pulp and Paper Industry 14

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

It is used mainly for

handling waste
paper are fitted with
special devices for
removing unwanted
contraries such as
wire, plastic, paper
Blending process
chips, staples
of stirring the
(Austin & Austin,
mixture and
1984). The pulp
commonly used
5. Hydrapulper mass created begins
together with
to look like thick
filtering while
porridge. It operates
constantly spinning.
automatically and
when the
process is complete
it discharges the
pulp into large
storage tanks.

Dewaterer _ Dewatering is the

basically of an open removal of water
_ with arrangements from solid material
for the collection of or soil by wet
the products. classification,
filtration, or similar
6. Dewaterer processes.

Pulp and Paper Industry 15

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Molders are used for

creating materials of
Molding process of
desired shape
shaping the pulp
(Smith, 2012).
into any shape
based on its purpose

7. Molder


Pulp and Paper Industry 16

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Sulfite pulping dominated the industry from the late 1800s to the mid-
1900s, but the method used during this era was limited by the types of wood
which could be pulped and the pollution created by discharging untreated
waste cooking liquor into waterways. Newer methods have overcome many of
these problems, but sulfite pulping is now a small segment of the pulp market.
Although sulfite pulping usually uses acid digestion, both neutral and basic
variations exist.

The sulfite process produces wood pulp which is almost pure cellulose
fibers by using various salts of sulfurous acid to extract the lignin from wood
chips in large pressure vessels called digesters. The salts used in the pulping
process are either sulfites (SO32), or bisulfites (HSO3), depending on the pH.
The counter ion can be sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+),
magnesium (Mg2+) or ammonium (NH4+).


The use of wood to make pulp for paper began with the development of
mechanical pulping in Germany by F.G. Keller in the 1840s. Chemical
processes quickly followed, first with J. Roths use of sulfurous acid to treat
wood, followed by Benjamin Chew Tilghmans US patent on the use of calcium
bisulfite, Ca(HSO3)2, to pulp wood in 1867. Almost a decade later in 1874 the
first commercial sulfite process|sulfite pulp mill was built in Sweden. It used
magnesium as the counter ion and was based on work by Carl Daniel Ekman.

By 1900 sulfite pulping had become the dominant means of producing

wood pulp, surpassing mechanical pulping methods. The competing chemical
pulping process, the sulfate or kraft process was developed by Carl F. Dahl in
1879 and the first kraft mill started (in Sweden) in 1890. The invention of the
recovery boiler by G.H. Tomlinson in the early 1930s allowed kraft mills to
recycle almost all of their pulping chemicals. This, along with the ability of the
kraft process to accept a wider variety of types of wood and produce stronger
fibers made the kraft process the dominant pulping process starting in the
1940s. Sulfite pulps now account for less than 10% of the total chemical pulp
production and the number of sulfite mills continues to decrease.

Pulp and Paper Industry 17

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Magnesium was the standard counter ion until calcium replaced it in the
1950s. Sulfite pulping was the dominant process for making wood pulp until it
was surpassed by the kraft process in the 1940s. Sulfite pulps now account for
less than 10% of the total chemical pulp production.

Type of Process Sulfite Pulp (Acid)

Coniferous; must be of good color and free of

phenolic compounds
Cellulosic material
Spruce Hemlock tree

Balsam tree

Pulp and Paper Industry 18

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Principal reaction in

Composition of 7% by weight of SO2, of which 4.5% is combined as

cooking liquor sulfurous acid and 2.5% as calcium or Mg(HSO3)2.
Cooking 1 t of pulp requires 175-220 kg of SO2
and 55-68 kg of MgO.

Time: 6-12 h;
Cooking conditions
Temp: 125-160C or higher;

Pressure: 620-755 kPa

Chemical recovery SO2 relief gas recovered; magnesium liquor

recovered and reused after wood digestion and
pulp washing

Pulp characteristics Dull white color; easily bleached; fibers weaker

than kraft

White grades: book paper, bread wrap, fruit tissue,

Typical paper

sanitary tissue

Book paper Bread wrap

Pulp and Paper Industry 19

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Fruit tissue Sanitary tissue


Dissolving pulp is used in production of regenerated cellulose. The

cellulose is dissolved in an organic solvent and processed to regenerate the
cellulose fibers in different forms.

The 90-92 % cellulose content sulfite pulps are used mostly to make
textiles (like rayon) and cellophane. The 96-% cellulose content sulfate pulps
are used to make rayon yarn for industrial products such as tire cord, rayon
staple for high-quality fabrics, and various acetate and other specialty

As a raw material of cellulose derivatives, dissolving pulp is used in

carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), methyl cellulose (MC), hydroxypropyl cellulose
(HPC), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), etc.

Since dissolving pulp is highly refined, it is a product of high whiteness

with few impurities making it suitable in specialty paper-related products such
as filter paper and vulcanized fiber.

Cellulose powder is dissolving pulp that has undergone acid hydrolysis,

been mechanically disintegrated and made into fine powder.

This pulp is used as a filler for urea-formaldehyde resins and melamine

resin products.

Pulp and Paper Industry 20

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Unlike alkaline pulping, the purpose of sulfite pulping is not heavy lignin

The common sulfite process consists of the digestion of the wood with a
solution of magnesium, ammonium, or calcium disulfide, with free sulfur
dioxide present.

Sulfite process involves 2 types of reactions:

a. The hydrolytic splitting of the cellulose

b. The reaction of lignin with bisulfate

i. Acid sulfite
Under acidic conditions, the object is to solubilize lignin
through the addition of hydrophillic sulfonate groups (sulfonation).

ii. Neutral sulfite

Most often neutral sulfite pulping is used in association with
mechanical pulping (Neutral Sulfite Semi Chemical-NSSC). The
purpose here is mainly to soften the lignin.

iii. Alkaline sulfite

The goal is sulfonation and fragmentation.

Pulp and Paper Industry 21

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


The pulping liquor for most sulfite mills is made by burning sulfur with
the correct amount of oxygen to give sulfur dioxide, which is then absorbed
into water to give sulfurous acid.

S + O2 SO2

SO2 + H2O H2SO3

Care must be taken to avoid the formation of sulfur trioxide since it gives
undesired sulfuric acid when it is dissolved in water.

2 SO2 + O2 2SO3

SO3 + H2O H2SO4

Sulfuric acid is undesirable since it promotes hydrolysis of cellulose

without contributing to delignification.

The cooking liquor is prepared by adding the counter ions as hydroxides

or carbonates. The relative amounts of each species present in the liquid
depend largely on the relative amounts of sulfurous used. For monovalent (Na+,
K+ and NH4+) hydroxides, MOH:

Pulp and Paper Industry 22

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering



For divalent (Ca2+, Mg2+) carbonates, MCO3:

MCO3 + 2H2SO3 M(HSO3)2 + CO2 + H2O

M(HSO3)2 + MCO3 2 MSO3 + CO2 + H2O


Sulfite pulping is carried out between pH 1.5 and 5, depending on the

counterion to sulfite (bisulfite) and the ratio of base to sulfurous acid. The pulp
is in contact with the pulping chemicals for 4 to 14 hours and at temperatures
ranging from 130 to 160C (266 to 320F) again depending on the chemicals

Most of the intermediates involved in delignification in sulfite pulping are

resonance-stabilized carbocations formed either by protonation of carbon-
carbon double bonds or acidic cleavage of ether bonds which connect many of
the constituents of lignin. It is the latter reaction which is responsible for most
lignin degradation in the sulfite process. The electrophilic carbocations react
with bisulfite ions (HSO3) to give sulfonates.

R-O-R + H+ R+ + ROH

R+ + HSO3 R-SO3H

The sulfite process does not degrade lignin to the same extent that the
kraft process does and the lignosulfonates from the sulfite process are useful

Pulp and Paper Industry 23

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Pulp and Paper; Overview of Production Stages


Pulp and Paper Industry 24

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

It is the process of removing barks from the
timber woods. The present trend in the wood and
pulp industry is to debark and size the logs on the
site of the lumbering operations, then ship the pulp
chips and logs to their respective processing facilities
off-site. A debarker is a machine used to strip or
remove bark from logs before processing.


It is the process of turning
debarked woods into finer woodchips.
The objective is to fissure chips along
the grain, improving the penetration
of cooking liquor for efficient
delignification. A chipper is a machine
used to chip whole trees, branches,
debris, mulch and other types of
foliage. Chipper

It is the process of separating large wood
chips from small wood chips. The more
uniform chip and higher yields result in fewer
cooks for the same amount of pulp and may
also result in reduced energy consumption in
both the digester and the evaporator in
chemical pulping. A screen is used to filter and
separate different sizes of raw and different
sizes of raw and crushed rock. Screen

Pulp and Paper Industry 25

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

It is the application of water
for getting the fiber. Pulp
washers are essential to fiber line
performance as the pulp needs to
be washed at almost all stages of
the process. The washing result
at one stage affects all the
subsequent stages.
Pulp washers

It is the process of extracting lignin from wood chips. Pulp digester is used
for extracting lignin from wood chips in order to get only the fiber needed for
the production of pulp. Here, the wood chips with water is treated with the acid
sulfite liquor.

It is the process of stirring the mixture and commonly used together with
filtering while constantly spinning. Hydrapulpers, used mainly for handling
waste paper, are fitted with special devices for removing unwanted contraries
such as wire, plastic, paper clips, etc.

When the bales of wood pulp or waste paper arrive at the paper mill, they
are loaded onto a conveyor and passed into a circular tank containing water.
This has a very powerful agitator at the bottom which breaks up the bales into
small pieces.

It is the process of getting the pulp by passing a pair of filtering cloths and
belts through a system of rollers. Filters are used to get the pulp, which is then
transported to the rollers to flatten it for storage. The pulp product here is
commonly used for paper.

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


The spent cooking liquor from sulfite pulping is usually called brown
liquor, but the terms red liquor, thick liquor and sulfite liquor are also used
(compared to black liquor in the kraft process). Pulp washers, using
countercurrent flow, remove the spent cooking chemicals and degraded lignin
and hemicellulose. The extracted brown liquor is concentrated, in multiple
effect evaporators. The concentrated brown liquor can be burned in the
recovery boiler to generate steam and recover the inorganic chemicals for reuse
in the pulping process or it can be neutralized to recover the useful byproducts
of pulping. Recent developments in Chemrecs black liquor gasification process,
adapting the technology to use in the sulfite pulping process, could make
second generation biofuels production an alternative to the conventional
recovery boiler technology.

The sulfite process can use calcium, ammonium, magnesium or sodium

as a base.


Initially calcium was the preferred base because it was cheap and
convenient to use as it obtained as inexpensive calcium carbonate. However, no
recovery system is available for this base, so most calcium base mills either
have ceased operation or have converted to sodium, magnesium or ammonium
for which recovery systems are available. For calcium based liquor, the gas is
passed through towers packed with limestone with water flowing down through
the tower.

Because of the limited solubility of calcium bisulfites Ca(HSO3)2, the pH

of the liquor is very low (about 2) and free sulfurous acid is present. This
usually is called acid sulfite process. Because solution of Na, Mg and NH4
bisulfite are all soluble at pH 4.5, the current practice is to pulp at higher pH,
which is usually called bi-sulfite pulping. Extremely long cooking times(7-10h)
are necessary with acid sulfites whereas 4-5h is sufficient with bi-sulfites.


Ammonia-based processes do not allow recovery of the pulping chemicals

since ammonia or ammonium salts are oxidized to nitrogen and nitrogen oxides

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

when burned. As long as aqueous NH3 remains low ion price, this process will
be attractive.


The recovery process used in magnesium-based sulfite pulping the

Magnefite process is well developed. The concentrated brown liquor is burned
in a recovery boiler, producing magnesium oxide and sulfur dioxide, both of
which are recovered from the flue gases. Magnesium oxide is recovered in a wet
scrubber to give a slurry of magnesium hydroxide.

MgO + H2O Mg(OH)2

This magnesium hydroxide slurry is then used in another scrubber to

absorb sulfur dioxide from the flue gases producing a magnesium bisulfite
solution that is clarified, filtered and used as the pulping liquor.

Mg(OH)2 + 2 SO2 Mg(HSO3)2


Sodium base is the easiest to prepare (NaCO3 or NaOH usually is used

as the make-up chemicals) and gives the highest quality pulp; however,
recovery processes though available, are complicated and expensive. Sodium-
based processes use a recovery system similar to that used in the kraft
recovery process, except that there is no lime cycle.

Comparison of bases for sulfite pulping

Property Calcium Magnesium Sodium Ammonium

SO2 Complex Relatively Simple Simple

absorption simple

pH range for <2 <2 0-14 0-14


Rate of Intermediate Intermediate Slow Fast


Level of Moderate Moderate Low Slow

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Scaling High Moderate Low Slow


Ease of Difficult Simple Complex Simple


Recovery of No Yes Yes No


Recovery of No Yes Yes Yes


In Kraft pulping, white liquor, a water solution of sodium sulphide and
sodium hydroxide, is used under high temperature and pressure to chemically
dissolve the lignin that binds the cellulose fibres of the wood together. After the
wood chips are subjected to this digestion, the wood pulp is washed, screened
and dried to unbleached pulp or further delignified in an oxygen stage and
bleached in a bleach plant (Biermann, 1996). The inclusion of a bleaching step
depends upon the intended use of the product.

The remainder of the Kraft processes are designed to recover chemicals

and heat. The spent cooking liquor, containing process chemicals and water
and spent chemicals from the wood, is combined with pulp wash water to form
what is called black liquor (Stryer, Berg, John, & Gatto, 2015). This black
liquor is concentrated through evaporation and then combusted in a recovery
furnace, where heat from the combustion of organics is recovered for process
use and for the generation of electrical power; inorganic chemicals are
recovered as molten smelt (Austin & Austin, 1984).

Water and quicklime are used to convert this smelt back to white liquor
in a causticising tank. The lime mud that precipitates from the tank is calcined
in a lime kiln to regenerate quicklime. Kraft recovery systems may also receive
spent liquor from neutral sulphite semi-chemical pulping mills (Smith, 2012).

Pulp and Paper Industry 29

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering



CELLULOSIC RAW MATERIAL Almost any kind of wood, soft or


PRINCIPAL REACTION IN Hydrolysis of lignin to alcohols and

DIGESTER acids and mercaptans are also

Chemical Reaction:


R-R + Na2S Thiol

COMPOSITION OF COOKING 12. 5% NaOH solution, Na2S and

LIQUOR Na2CO3, Typical Analysis of Solids:
58.6% NaOH, 27.1% Na2S, 14.3%

COOKING CONDITIONS Reaction Time: 2-5 hours

Temperature: 160-180 degrees


Pressure: 100-124kPa

CHEMICAL RECOVERY Chemical losses from system are

replenished with salt cake

PULP CHARACTERISTICS Brown color difficult to bleach, strong

fibers, resistant to mechanical

TYPICAL PAPER Strong brown bag and wrapping

multi-wall bags, gumming paper,
strong white paper from bleached
kraft, paper boards, cartons milk
bottles and corrugated boards

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Department of Chemical Engineering


Plant Lay-Out for Kraft Pulp Manufacturing


Wood received at a pulp mill may be in several different forms, depending

on the pulping process and the origin of the raw material. It may be received as
bolts (short logs) of round wood with the bark still attached, as chips about the
size of a half-dollar that may have been produced from sawmill or veneer mill
waste or pre-chipped from debarked round wood elsewhere, or as waste
sawdust in the case of some pulping processes.

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Department of Chemical Engineering


Wood is delivered to the kraft mill in one of two

ways: whole logs and sawmill chips (residuals
from sawmills). The logs have their bark
removed, either by passing through a drum
debarker or by being treated in a hydraulic
debarker. The drum debarker, which consists
of a slightly inclined, rotating drum is best
suited to small diameter logs (Austin & Austin,
Drum Debarker
1984). The hydraulic debarker, which uses
high pressure water jets, can handle large diameter logs. The removed bark is a
good fuel, and is normally burnt in a boiler for generating steam (Smith, 2012).
Sometimes, the wood arrives at the plant already chipped, meaning that this
step is unnecessary.

Chipping and Screening

The debarked wood bolts are then chipped in a

chipper if the pulping process calls for chemical
digestion. After debarking, the logs are chipped by a
chipper into suitable size pieces and screened to
remove overlarge chips. Common wood chips used in
pulp production are 12-25 mm long and 2-10mm
thick. The thickness determines the speed and the
thoroughness of the impregnation of the cooking chemicals into the wood chip
(Biermann, 1996).


In impregnation process, the chip from the chip bin is wetted and
preheated with steam. Cavities inside the fresh wood chips are partly filled with
liquid and air. The steam treatment of the steaming vessel causes the air to
expand and about 25% of the air to be expelled from the chips (Austin &
Austin, 1984).

In the impregnation tower the cooking liquor penetrates into the capillary
structure of the chips and low temperature chemical reactions with the wood

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

begin. The impregnation can be done before or after the chips enter the digester
and is normally done below 100 degrees Celsius (Sappi Tube, 2011). The
cooking liquor consists of a mixture of white liquor, water in chips, condensed
steam and weak black liquor. A good impregnation is important to get a
homogenous cook and low rejects (Smith, 2012).


The digestion is where the main part of the delignification takes place.
Here the chips are mixed with "white liquor" (a solution of sodium hydroxide
and sodium sulphide), heated to increase the reaction rate and then
disintegrated into fibres by 'blowing' - subjecting them to a sudden decrease in
pressure. This process is, like any chemical reaction, affected by time,
temperature and concentration of chemical reactants (Smith, 2012). Time and
temperature can be traded off against each other to a certain extent, but to
achieve reasonable cooking times it is necessary to have temperatures of about
150 - 165oC, so pressure cookers are used (Austin & Austin, 1984). However,
if the temperature is too high then the chips are delignified unevenly, so a
balance must be achieved.

There are two different cooking systems; batch and continuous. In batch
cooking, chips and white liquor are charged to a pressure vessel and are then
heated with steam to a set temperature for a set time. When the correct
delignification has been achieved, the cook is "blown" (the pressure is suddenly
released so that the cooked chips disintegrate into fibres). In the continuous

process, chips and white liquor are fed

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

continuously to the top of a tall pressure vessel. The chips move down the
'digester' by gravity (as a plug) to be finally blown from the bottom of the vessel.
The cooking time cannot be varied in this case (it is set by the production rate)
and only the temperature and the chemical charge can be controlled.


Pulp Washing

The pulp from the blow tank is washed to remove the black liquor
from the pulp. There are several types of washers, including counter-
current vacuum, diffusion, rotary pressure, horizontal belt filters,
chemiwashers, wash press, and dilution/extraction (Sappi Tube, 2011).
The black liquor extracted from this process is diluted with wash water,
and so is called weak black liquor.

Most of them rely on displacing

the dissolved solids (inorganic and
organic) in a pulp mat by hot water, but
some use pressing to squeeze out the
chemicals with the liquid. An old, but
still common method is to use a drum,
covered by a wire mesh, which rotates in
a diluted suspension of the fibres. The
fibres form a mat on the drum, and
showers of hot water are then sprayed
onto the fibre mat (Smith, 2012).


The pulp is produced as slurry after removal of spent cooking

chemicals and dissolved wood organics. Bleaching is then used to
remove further lignin to make the pulp whiter. Bleaching is usually done
in different steps using a combination of chlorine dioxide and oxygen-
based chemicals. The vast majority of the pulp is bleached.

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Oxygen Delignification

In oxygen delignification, washed pulp is treated with a

highly alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide and oxygen in a
pressurized vessel. All dissolved lignin and other organics are
recovered in the black liquor and returned to the chemical
recovery system. This process removes about half of the lignin
remaining after the cooking process, so that the Kappa number of
the oxygen delignified pulp is typically 12-18 for softwood
(Biermann, 1996).

Final Bleaching

A number of bleaching agents may be used for final

bleaching including chlorine gas, chlorine dioxide, sodium
hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, and oxygen. Between leaching
treatments, a strong alkali (usually sodium hydroxide) is used to
extract the dissolved lignin from the surface of the fibers (Smith,


The black liquor from the pulp
washing contains 15-17% solids, and this
needs to be concentrated to about 60-70%
solids before it can be burnt in the
recovery furnace. "Spill liquors" may also
be recovered from various places in the
mill, and these dilute liquors supply
further amounts of water, which needs to
be evaporated (Sappi Tube, 2011).

Evaporation is carried out using multiple effects, normally 5 to 7

effects in series. In systems of this type, the vapour obtained in one
evaporator effect becomes the heating steam for the next effect. Process
steam enters the system at effect no. 1, while the vapour from the last

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Department of Chemical Engineering

effect is condensed, producing a vacuum in the latter effects (Austin &

Austin, 1984).

Black liquor evaporation consumes a substantial part of the heat

energy required in the kraft process. However, it is much more efficient
to carry out this evaporation in multiple effect evaporators than in the
subsequent recovery boiler. Because of this, there has been a constant
effort to try to reach higher liquor solids from the evaporators (Biermann,
1996). The limit is set by the increase in viscocity and boiling point that
takes place when the solids increase.

Combustion of the black liquor in the recovery boiler

The recovery boiler burns the
organic material in the concentrated
black liquor, at the same time reducing
the oxidised sulphur compounds to
sulphide. The burning of the organics
generates high pressure steam in the
boiler, which is normally passed through
a turbine, generating electricity. The low
pressure steam, which is exhausted from
the turbine, is then used for process
heat in the pulpmill and papermill.

A modern recovery boiler is a complex and expensive chemical

reactor, and the chemical reactions taking place inside it are many and
complicated. The inorganic material is recovered as molten salts (a
'smelt'), which is then dissolved in dilute alkali. The resulting liquor is
called 'green liquor' and consists mainly of sodium carbonate and
sodium sulphide.

To compensate for chemicals that are being lost in the pulp mill
cycle, sodium and sulphur chemicals are added to the black liquor before
combustion. Traditionally, sodium sulphate has been the normal 'make-
up' chemical, supplying both sodium and sulphur. However, modern
mills only lose small amounts of sulphur, and it has become necessary to
partially use 'sulphur free' make-up chemicals in form of caustic (NaOH)
or soda ash (Na2CO3).

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

The following reactions very simply explain the combustion of the

combustible organic compounds:

C + O2 CO2 + heat
2C + O2 2CO + heat
CO + O2 CO2 + heat
2H2 + O2 2H2O + heat

In conjunction with the above combustion the following chemical

reactions are also occurring:

H2S + 1O2 SO2 + H2O

Na2O + SO2 + O2 Na2SO4
NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3 + H2O
Na2O + CO2 Na2CO3
SO2 + O2 SO3

The chemical transformation that takes place in the recovery boiler

is not just due to combustion, but also involves the reduction of sodium
sulfate to sodium sulfide. The main reaction is:
Na2SO4 + 2C + heat Na2S + 2CO2

This reaction consumes heat, i.e. it is endothermic. Since sodium

sulfate does not help in the cooking process, it is important to obtain
maximum reduction of sulfate into sulfide within the recovery boiler. The
'green liquor' (a solution of the Na2CO3 and Na2S - the non-volatile
combustion components) is then causticised as the first step to Na 2CO3

As well as dissolved
sodium based chemicals
(Na2CO3, Na2S and smaller
amounts of NaOH, Na2SO4 and
NaCl), the green liquor also
contains small amounts of
suspended solids, called
dregs. This material mostly

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

consists of unburned carbon and insoluble metal hydroxides. To avoid

problems in the causticising and lime burning processes, these dregs
must be removed as much as possible. This can be done either using a
gravity clarifier.

In essence, clarifiers are large circular tanks so sized that the

liquid rise rate is slower than the terminal velocity of the settling
particles. A typical rise rate is 0.5 m/h. The dregs particles collect in the
bottom of the clarifier and are then raked by a very slowly rotating
scraper to a central removal point. The thickened dregs are washed to
remove dissolved chemicals and are then discharged, normally to the
sewer or to landfill. The dilute alkali solution resulting from the wash is

Clarified green liquor and burned lime (calcium oxide) are fed
continuously in metered amounts into a reaction vessel, called a
slaker. The calcium oxide reacts with the water in an exothermic
reaction to form calcium hydroxide or milk-oflime:
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2 + heat
The slaker also contains a classifier section which removes
unreacted particles (grit). These are taken to landfill. After slaking, the
slurry is carried through a series of agitated tanks, which provide the
retention time for the causticising reaction as shown below:
Ca(OH)2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2NaOH

As with all chemical reactions, an equilibrium exists between the

reactants and the products. The causticising reaction is also relatively
slow (while the slaking reaction is fast), so in order to achieve close to
equilibrium in a reasonable time, a high temperature (about 100 oC) is
maintained. The overall reaction for the slaking and causticizing
reactions are:
CaO + Na2CO3 + H2O CaCO3 + 2NaOH + heat

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Special Pulp Manufacturing Incorporated

Address: 358 Quezon Ave., Sta. Mesa

Heights, Quezon City

Henkel Philippines Incorporated

Address: LSL Building Diode St. Lisp

1- Brgy. Diezmo, Cabuyao, Laguna

Simor Abaca Products Corporation

Address: 121 Paseo de Legazpi Village

Makati, Philippines

United Pulp and Paper Corporation

Address: Km 48, MacArthur

Highway, Calumpit, Bulacan

Trust International Paper Corporation

Address: TEPCO Special Economic Zone, Mabalacat, Pampanga,


Pulp Specialties Philippines

Address: L. Cabiling Road, Albuera, Leyte Philippines

Pulp and Paper Industry 39

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Printing papers of wide variety.
Wrapping papers for the protection of goods and merchandise. This
includes wax and kraft papers.
Writing paper suitable for stationery requirements. This includes ledger,
bank, and bond paper.
Blotting papers containing little or no size.
Drawing papers usually with rough surfaces used by artists and
designers, including cartridge paper.
Handmade papers including most decorative papers, Ingres
papers, Japanese paper and tissues, all characterized by lack of grain
Specialty papers including cigarette paper, toilet tissue, and other
industrial papers. (Johnson, 1978)
Tissue paper
Coated Papers

Specialty papers are often coated with wax or plastic materials to impart
special properties such as printability or resistance to fluids. Functional
coatings are especially important for
food products.

Specialty Papers

There are hundreds of uses for papers

and as many hundreds of types
produced, all classified according to
their broad use. Special industrial
papers are those not falling into the
specific broader-use categories, and
among them are the following: cigarette; filter; glassine; food containers such
as paper plates, cans, cups, and wrappers coated with plastic or aluminum foil
to preserve flavor and texture, prevent contamination, or inhibit moisture;
vegetable parchment; wallpaper and surface-waxed paper. (Austin & Austin,

Pulp and Paper Industry 40

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


I. Equipment
Fourdrinier Machine

The very dilute stock from the foregoing operations, containing approximately
% fiber, is first sent through screens to the head box from which it flows
through a calibrated sluice onto a moving, endless wire screen. The pulp fibers
remain on the screen, while a great portion of the water drains through. As the
screen moves along, it has a sidewise shaking motion which serves to orient
some of the fibers and to give better felting action and more strength to the
sheet. While still on the screen, the paper passes over suction boxes to remove
water and under a dandy roll which smooths the top sheet. Rubeer deckle
straps along the sides of the screen serve to form the edges of the paper.

From the wire, the paper is transferred to the first felt blanket, which
carries it through a series of press rolls, where more water is removed and the
paper given a watermark if so desired. Leaving the first felt, the paper passes
through steel smoothing rolls and is picked up by the second felt, which carries
it through a series of drying rolls heated internally by steam. The paper enters
the rolls with a moisture content of 60 to 70% and leaves them 90 to 94% dry.
Sizing may be applied on the sheet at this point, in which case it must pass
through another series of drying rolls before entering the calendar stack, which
is a series of smooth, heavy, steel rolls which impart the final surface to the
paper. The resulting product, finished paper, is wound on the reel. The
enormous quantity of water used makes it necessary to recirculate as much of

Pulp and Paper Industry 41

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

it as possible for economical operation. The operation of a Fourdrinier is a

complex procedure. One of the major problems is making suitable allowance in
the speed of the various rolls for the shrinkage of the paper as it dries. The
operating speeds of the machine vary from 60 to 1800 m/s. The control of the
temperatures, speeds, and consistencies of the parts of the paper machine is
very complex, and had always been viewed as an art until computer control
became available. Now computer control makes possible far less production of
nonspecification paper; far fewer web breakes which produce paper that must
be rerun (broke); and faster and easier changing of one grade of paper to

another. Computer control has been most satisfactory.

Paper machines may be divided into three general types:

- Fourdrinier machines
- Twin-wire formiers
- Multi-ply formers
By far the most common type of paper machine in use today is Fourdrinier. In
this former, stock is drained on a moving horizontal screen called a fabric. It

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

consists of a stock distribution system; headbox; forming section; press

section; dryer section; calendar stack; and reel.

In twin-wire formers, the stock is filtered between two fabrics.

Multi-ply formers are used in the production of paperboard. The most common
type is cylinder formers. These consist of a series of screen covered cylinders,
each rotating in a vat of dilute paper stock. Web formation occurs on the
screen as a result of suction inside the cylinder which removes the filtrate.

II. Parts of the Paper Machine

1. The Headbox
Stock leaving the flow distributor
passes through a headbox before the
filtration process begins. The major
functions of the headbox are: to assure
uniform distribution of flow across the
paper machine; to provide velocity
control of the jet leaving the headbox
by the pressure in the headbox; and
break up of pulp flocs by turbulence
within the headbox. These functions
are achieved by causing the stock to flow through several rotating perforated
rolls within the headbox or, in modern headboxes, past stationary flow
elements. After passing through these turbulence-generating elements, the
stock is accelerated in a sharply converging orifice called a slice. On leaving the
slice, the stock becomes a free jet, which then impinges upon the forming
screen to begin the filtration process
of forming.

2. Forming Section
The Fourdrinier table of a paper
machine consists of foils, table rolls,
breast roll, couch roll, suction
boxes, wire rolls, and other parts.

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Department of Chemical Engineering

The fabric on which the sheet of fibre is formed is a finely woven synthetic
fabric of strands made of specially fine drawn and filaments, woven into a
screen. Various types of weave are used to obtain maximum fabric life and to
reduce wire marking on the wet sheet.

The foils are located under the forming wire. In addition to supporting the wire,
the negative pressure created in the expanding nip on the underside of the
fabric, causing drainage of the water through the wire. Older paper machines
sometimes use table rolls for this purpose. However, most modern paper
machines now use foils.

After the foil section on the forming table, the moving fabric passes over a
series of vacuum boxes and then over a couch roll. Often, a dandy roll is
located on top of the forming fabric over the suction boxes. This is a light open
structured roll covered with wire cloth, resting lightly upon the surface of the
sheet. Its function is to flatten the top surface of the sheet and improve the
finish. A pattern on the dandy roll may leave translucent patterns on the wet
paper, in the form of names, insignia or designs. These are called watermarks.

The last roll over in the forming section is called the couch roll. It is a suction
roll to remove further water.

3. The Press Section

The press section mechanically squeezes water from the wet web, increasing
the solids content of the sheet of paper. It also reduces the bulk or thickness of
the paper. This compaction assists in subsequent bonding of fibres.

4. The Dryer
Paper leaves the press section and enters the dryer at a consistency of 40-45%.
The dryer causes further water removal by evaporation. A typical dryer section
consists of from 40 to 70 steam-heated dryer cylinders. The sheet is held in
intimate contact with the heated surfaces by
means of dryer felts.

5. Calendering
After the dryer, the paper web is passed
through a calender stack. This is a vertical
stack of solid iron rolls which impart

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Department of Chemical Engineering

successively higher compression cycles to the paper as the paper passes

downward through the stack. The function of the calender stack is to reduce
the thickness and to impart a smooth surface to the paper web for good

6. Reel
After the calender stack, the paper web is wound into a large roll at the end of
the paper machine, called a reel. The calendering and reeling operations are
the last part of the continuous paper machine.

7. Winder
When reels are wound to full size, the web is transferred to a new spool,
without machine shut down. The full reel is transferred by a crane to a winder
where it is unwound and slit into rolls based on customer specifications. In
newsprint mills, the rolls then goes to the wrapping station, and then into

8. Coating

High gloss papers are produced by coating the paper surface with a pigment-
binder compound, either on-machine or off-machine. The pigment consists of
mineral particles having platelet shapes, e.g. clays.

9. Supercalendering
Coated papers are passed through an off-line supercalender made up of hard
and soft rolls. These impart gloss to the coated surface.

10. Converting
This term describes further operations after papermaking to make products
from paper. Usually these are carried out in separate converting plants, but
some converting may be done in a paper mill, e.g. production and packaging of
sheets from continuous webs.

Water Removal
As is evident, much of the paper machine is devoted to water removal, taking
consistency from 0.5-1% to greater than 90%. The relative amount of water
removed in each section is shown in Figure 5. The cost of water removal at

Pulp and Paper Industry 45

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

each section is shown in Figure 6. As is evident, the cost of water removal

increases down the machine, with a particularly large increase at the dryer.
Accordingly, as much water as possible must be removed in the forming and
pressing sections. (Fiberlab, 2013)


Established 1980, this is Veco Papers
production department. We employ
around 300 to 500 employees at a given
time. Located in the city of Muntinlupa,
Veco Paper has one of the most modern manufacturing facilities in the country
today. Its printing equipment is handled by some of the most competent people
in the industry today. Veco Paper employees have been instrumental to the
companys success. Their dedication to quality and customer satisfaction had
earned Veco paper a good reputation in the industry.

Manila Sales Office:

499 E.T. Yuchengco Street, Binondo, Manila
Trunk Line: 242-1001 to 07 (Connecting all Depts.)
Fax (632) 242-0707

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Sterling Paper has a variety of products from

albums and notebooks including other school and
office essentials such as envelopes, folders and
pad papers. Novelty items like coinbanks,
autographs, scrapbooks to mention a few are also available in the market.
Sterling has also ventured into the packaging business producing paper cups
for big food chains nationwide

Double A Paper operates an advanced pulp and paper

manufacturer manufacturing facility, producing many
types of quality writing and printing papers. We have
widely established our network with many factory mills
and our network offices include domestic and overseas
branches all over the world. We have our head office situated in the middle of
downtown area in Bangkok and other big cities across world.

Contact Person: Michelle Inocencio (CDE)

Tel: +(63) 917 528 7479
Email :

Cardboard is a generic term for a heavy-duty paper of various strengths,
ranging from a simple arrangement of a single thick sheet of paper to complex
configurations featuring multiple corrugated and uncorrugated layers. It is a
A material similar to thick, stiff paper, that is made of pressed paper pulp or pa
sted sheets of paper. It is used formaking cartons and signs

The first commercial, but not corrugated, box out of paperboard was
made in England by Sir Malcolm Thornhill

Pulp and Paper Industry 47

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

The Scottish-born Robert Gair invented the pre-
cut cardboard or paperboard box in 1890 flat pieces manufactured in
bulk that folded into boxes. Gair's invention came about as a result of an
accident: he was a Brooklyn printer and paper-bag maker during the
1870s, and one day, while he was printing an order of seed bags, a metal
ruler normally used to crease bags shifted in position and cut them. Gair
discovered that by cutting and creasing in one operation he could make
prefabricated paperboard boxes. Applying this idea to corrugated
boxboard was a straightforward development when the material became
available around the turn of the twentieth century
Kellogg Company
It is an American Multinational food manufacturing company established
in 1906. They were the first to utilize cardboard boxes as cereal cartons.
Corrugated (also called pleated) paper was patented in England and used
as a liner for tall hats, but corrugated boxboard was not patented and
used as a shipping material until 20 December 1871. The patent was
issued to Albert Jones of New York City for single-sided (single-face)
corrugated board. Jones used the corrugated board for wrapping bottles
and glass lantern chimneys. The first machine for producing large
quantities of corrugated board was built in 1874 by G. Smyth, and in the
same year Oliver Long improved upon Jones's design by inventing
corrugated board with liner sheets on both sides. This was corrugated
cardboard as we know it today.


1. Storage
One of the mainstream purpose of cardboards are for storage of
things. Due to its heavy-duty properties, it is suitable for storing
things for periods of time.
2. Book binding
They are used as the hard covering of books, also playing the
role of protecting the pages of the book.
3. Food Distribution

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

The dawn of the production of cardboards has made way to the

use of it as food packaging. It is mainly used for cereal boxes, milk
and juice cartons and other various products.
4. Product Packaging
Cardboards are widely used as finished final packaging for
various products like perfumes, food, shoes and more.

1. Card Stock

Card stock, also called cover stock or pasteboard, is a paper

stock that is thicker and more durable than normal writing or
printing paper, but thinner and more flexible than other forms
of paperboard.
Card stock is often used for business cards, postcards, playing cards,
catalogue covers, scrapbooking, and other uses which require higher
durability than regular paper. The texture is usually smooth, but can
be textured, metallic, or glossy. When card stock is labeled as cover
stock it often has a coated finish on one side or both sides to
produce a glossy look and smooth texture, especially in use for the
printing of business cards and book covers.

2. Paperboard
Paperboard is a thick paper-based material. While there is no rigid
differentiation between paper and paperboard, paperboard is
generally thicker than paper.

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

Containerboard, used in the production of corrugated fiberboard.

Folding boxboard, made up of multiple layers of chemical and
mechanical pulp.
Solid bleached board is made purely from bleached chemical pulp and
usually has a mineral or synthetic pigment.
Solid unbleached board is typically made of unbleached chemical pulp.
White lined chipboard is typically made from layers of waste
paper or recycled fibers, most often with two to three layers of coating on
the top and one layer on the reverse side. Because of its recycled content it
will be grey from the inside.
Binder's board, a paperboard used in bookbinding for
making hardcovers.

3. Corrugated fiberboard
Corrugated fiberboard is a material consisting of a fluted corrugated
sheet and one or two flat linerboards. It is made on "flute lamination
machines" or "corrugators" and is used in the manufacture
of shipping containers and corrugated boxes.
The corrugated medium and linerboard board both are made of
kraft containerboard, a paperboard material usually over 0.01 inches
(0.25 mm) thick. Corrugated fiberboard and paperboard are
sometimes called corrugated cardboard, although cardboard might be
any heavy paper-pulp based board.

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering



Using powerful fork-lifts, skilled equipment operators select, move, and

load rolls of kraft paper at one end of the corrugator.
One roll of medium is loaded to run through the corrugating rolls, and a
roll of liner is fed into the corrugator to be joined with the corrugated
medium. Liner from another roll travels up over the corrugating rolls
along a flat structure called the bridge. This liner will be glued to the
corrugated medium later in the process.
For a large production run, additional rolls are loaded into automatic
splicers. Sensitive detectors check the rolls of paper feeding into the
corrugator. When a roll is nearly empty, the corrugator control system
starts a splicer, and paper from the new roll is joined to the end of the
paper going through the machine. Thus, production of corrugated
cardboard is continuous, and no production speed is lost.
The medium to be corrugated is fed into the giant, electrically driven
rollers of the corrugator, first through the preheating rollers and then
into the corrugating rolls. Steam at 175 to 180 pounds of pressure per
square inch (psi) is forced through both sets of rollers, and, as the paper
passes through them, temperatures reach 350 to 365
degrees Fahrenheit (177 to 185 degrees Celsius).
The corrugating rolls are covered with flutes horizontal, parallel ridges
like the teeth of massively wide gears. When the hot paper passes
between the corrugating rolls, the flutes trap and bend it, forming the
middle part of a sheet of corrugated cardboard. Each corrugating
machine has interchangeable corrugating rolls featuring different flute
sizes. Installing a different flute size in the corrugator changes the width
of the corrugated medium.
The medium travels next to a set of rollers called the single-facer glue
station. Here, one layer of liner is glued to the medium. Starch glue is
carefully applied to the corrugated edges of the medium, and the first
layer of liner is added. From the single-facer, the medium and liner go to
the double-backer glue station where the other layer of liner from the
bridge is added following the same procedure. Continuing through the
corrugator, the cardboard passes over steam-heated plates that cure the

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


How does the Corrugator work?

Single Layer Corrugated Cardboard Production Line

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

1 2 3 2 1 5 6

1. paper mill roll stand

2. corrugated cardboard preheater
3. corrugated cardboard single facer
4. feeding overbridge conveyor
5. NC single paper cutter
6. stacking machine

Double Layer Corrugated Cardboard Production Line

1 paper mill roll stand 8 drying and shaping system

2 corrugated cardboard preheater 9 main driving system
3 corrugated cardboard single facer 10 corrugated cardboard slitter
4 glue coating machine scorer
5 escalator 11 corrugated cardboard cutting
6 corrugated cardboard conveyor 12 corrugated cardboard stacking
7 rectification and tension machine machine

Folding, Trimming and Printing

At the end of corrugator, a slitter-scorer trims the cardboard and cuts it

into large sheets called box blanks. Box blanks pop out of the slitter-
scorer like wide slices of toast and slide into an automatic stacker that
loads them onto a large, rolling platform. From here, they will be

Pulp and Paper Industry 53

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College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

transported to the other machines that will convert them into finished
containers. Skilled production workers use a computer terminal and
printer to prepare a job ticket for each stack of box blanks produced by
the corrugator. With the job ticket, workers can route the stack to the
right fabrication machines, called flexos (the name is short for
flexographic machine). A flexo is a wide, flat machine that processes box
Printing dies and die-cutting patterns are prepared in a pattern shop on
large, flexible sheets of rubber or tin. The dies and patterns are loaded
onto the large rollers in the flexo, and the box blanks are automatically
fed through it. As each blank passes through the rollers of the flexo, it is
trimmed, printed, cut, scored, and, in a printer-folder-gluer, folded and
glued to form a box. From the flexo, the finished boxes are automatically
stacked and sent to a banding machine to be wrapped for shipping.
Other equipment in a corrugating plant includes stand-alone die-cutters,
die-cutters with print stations, and machines known as curtain coaters
that apply a wax coating to fruit, vegetable, and meat containers. Box
blanks requiring only simple, one-color printing and die-cutting can be
run through a stand-alone die-cutter, print station, and curtain coater to
produce water- or grease-resistant containers.

Folding Machine

Pulp and Paper Industry 54

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering




720 Gen. Luis St. 167 Caloocan City

Malinta Corrugated Boxes Mfg. Corp.

B-2 L-1, Langkaan 1, Dasmarias, Cavite
Laguna Century Corrugated Boxes Corp.

Creative Corrugated Boxes Corporation


Valenzuela Packaging Container Corporation

600 G Benito Hao St. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Pulp and Paper Industry 55

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering

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