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Legal Ethics Questionnaire

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November 26, 2017 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.


1. This Questionnaire contains ten (10) pages. Check and make sure
that your Questionnaire has the correct number of pages. You may
write on your Questionnaire as you answer the questions.

Read each question very carefully and write your answers in your
Bar Examination Notebook in the same order of the questions.
Answer the essay questions legibly, clearly, and concisely. Write
your answers only on the front of every page of your Notebook. If
the front pages are not sufficient, continue at the back of the first
page and so on. Start every number on a separate page, but an
answer to a sub-question under the same number may be written
continuously on the same page and on the immediately succeeding
pages until the answer is complete. Follow the numbering sequence
of the Questionnaire in your answers.

2. Your answers should demonstrate your ability to analyze the

facts, apply the pertinent laws and jurisprudence, and arrive at
sound and logical conclusions. Answers must fully explain even if
the questions do not expressly require explanations. A "Yes" or
"No" answer sans explanation or discussion will not be given full

3. Marking of your Notebook with your name or other identifying

signs or symbols extraneous to the subject matter of the questions
may be considered as cheating and may disqualify you.

Good luck!


......_ .,.. ' 'ar Examinations



Brando & Luzon Law Office had a retainer agreement with Gregory,
a businessman with shady connections. Gregory was recently
charged in the RTC in Manila with money laundering in relation to
an illegal drugs syndicate using Cable Co., his holding company, as
its money laundering conduit. The members of the Brando & Luzon
Law Office assigned to handle Gregory's account, including
yourself, were implicated in the money laundering case for their
role in the incorporation of Cable Co. and in the active management
of its business affairs.

In a bid to fortify the case against Gregory and the others, the
public prosecutor approaches you (as the least guilty person who
will qualify for a discharge as a state witness) and offers to make
you a state witness. Should you accept the offer? Explain your
answer. (5%)


Under the facts of the preceding question, assume that you had
resigned from the Brando & Luzon Law Office prior to the filing of
the money laundering case against Gregory and the others, and
that you were not implicated in the case. However, you had assisted
in handling the Cobra Co. account during your time with the law
firm. Cobra Co. was largely owned by Cable Co.

The public prosecutor handling the case against Gregory and the
others asks you, as a former member of the Brando & Luzon Law
Office, to help strengthen the case for the Government, and hints
that you may be implicated in the case if you do not cooperate.
What is your legal and ethical course of action? Explain your
answer. (5%)


Pedro Tig_as, a known toughie, asked Atty. Chloe to meet with him
in the Jollibee Restaurant in Harrison Plaza because he wanted to
seek her legal advice on an important matter. Atty. Chloe had once
before been consulted by Pedro Tigas, who had then paid her well.
When they met in Jollibee Restaurant, he confided his planned

assassination of Pepeng Taga, his rival for control of the

neighborhood in San Andres Bukid, Manila. He wanted her to
represent him should he be apprehended for the assassination.
Atty. Chloe did not agree, and left the restaurant in a hurry before
Pedro Tigas could utter anything more.

A few days afterwards, Pepeng Taga was killed near his house in
San Andres Bukid, Manila. The police follow-up team arrested
Pedro Tigas on the basis of testimony by at least two residents that
they had heard him saying two days before the killing that Pepeng
Taga would not live beyond 48 hours. Should Atty. Chloe reveal to
the police investigator what Pedro Tigas had stated to her at the
Jollibee Restaurant without violating the confidence of the latter as
a client? Explain your answer. (4%)


Assuming that the meeting between Pedro Tigas and Atty. Chloe in
Jollibee Restaurant occurred after the killing of Pepeng Taga, and in
that meeting Pedro Tigas expressly admitted to Atty. Chloe in strict
confidence as his lawyer that he had shot Pepeng Taga. Is Atty.
Chloe ethically bound to reveal the admission of Pedro Tigas to the
police investigator what Pedro Tigas had stated to her at the
Jollibee Restaurant? Explain your answer. (4/o)



Alleging that Atty. Frank had seduced her when she was only 16
years old, and that she had given birth to a baby girl as a result,
Malen filed a complaint for his disbarment seven years after the
birth of the child charging he was a grossly immorat person
unworthy and unfit to continue in the Legal Profession. In his
comment, Atty. Frank argued that the complaint for disbarment
should be dismissed because of prescription.

Explain whether or not Atty. Frank's argument is justified. (4o/o)


Beth administratively charged her former lawyer, Atty. Rawet, with

gross misconduct and gross ignorance of the law for the latter's
inadequate legal representation of her in her suit against her


neighbor. Midway during the investigation, Beth decided to migrate

to Australia. Learning about her plans, Atty. Rawet approached her
and pleaded for her understanding. He was able to persuade her to
execute an affidavit of desistance in respect of her administrative
complaint. He submitted the affidavit of desistance to the Supreme
Court, and moved to dismiss the charge against him.

Will the affidavit of desistance warrant the dismissal of the

administrative charge? Explain your answer. (4%)


Atty. Jessa was the counsel for Mr. Nolan, a cantankerous

millionaire, in the latter's personal case. Soon after the case was
submitted for decision, Mr. Nolan withdrew the files from Atty.
Jessa and informed her that he was engaging another lawyer. On
that same day, a copy of the decision in the case was received by
Atty. Jessa but she did not do anything anymore with the decision.
She did not also file a withdrawal of her appearance. Mr. Nolan's
new counsel did not file any notice of his appearance. By the time
Mr. Nolan found out about the adverse decision, his period to
appeal had lapsed.

Was the service of the decision on Atty. Jessa still effective?

Explain your answer. (4/o)


Eva consulted Atty. Doble Kara, a well-known solo practitioner, to

represent her as a probable heir to the huge estate of her late
lamented grandaunt who died without issue. After Atty. Doble Kara
perused the documents relevant to the estate presented by Eva, he
told Eva that he could not be of help to her.

A few days later, Eva learned that Atty. Doble Kara had just initiated
intestate proceedings involving the same estate in the RTC, and the
petitioner seeking appointment as administratrix was Mely, Eva's
hostile cousin and co-heir to the estate.

Eva moved to immediately disqualify Atty. Doble Kara from

representing Mely on the ground of conflict of interest, but Atty.
Doble Kara explained to the estate court that there was no conflict
of interest because he had no lawyer-client relationship with Eva.
He further indicated that Eva had not also paid him any retainer fee.


Given his explanations to the estate court, may Atty. Doble Kara
ethically represent Mely? (4%)


For services to be rendered by Atty. Hamilton as counsel for Gener

in a civil case involving the recovery of the ownership and
possession of a parcel of land with an area of 5,000 square meters,
the two of them agreed on a success fee for Atty. Hamilton of
P50,000.00 plus 500 square meters of the land. The trial court
ultimately rendered judgment in favor of Gener, and the judgment
became final and executory. After receiving P50,000.00, Atty.
Hamilton demanded the transfer to him of the promised 500 square
meters of the land.

Instead of complying, Gener brought an administrative complaint

charging Atty. Hamilton with violation of the Code of Professional
Responsibility and Art. 1491(5) of the Civil Code for demanding the
delivery of a portion of the land subject of the litigation.

Is Atty. Hamilton liable under the Code of Professional

Responsibility and the Civil Code? Explain your answer. (4/o)



You had just taken your oath as a new lawyer. The secretary of a
big university offered to get you as the university's notary public.
She explained that the faculty and students would be sent to you to
have their documentations and affidavits notarized; and that the
arrangement would be very lucrative for you. However, the
secretary wants you to share with her half of your earnings
throughout the year.

Will you agree to the arrangement proposed by the secretary of the

university? Explain your answer. (4%)


The plaintiff died during the pendency of the case in the RTC. If you
were the counsel of the plaintiff, what is the last duty you need to
discharge in behalf of the late client before your professional


engagement for the case may be deemed terminated? Explain

briefly your answer. (4%)


Sancho Mahilig went to the office of Atty. Charm to engage her legal
representation in the criminal case for adultery that the husband of
his socialite friend had brought against him in the City Prosecutor's
Office in Manila. Atty. Charm thoroughly interviewed Sancho in her
office with only Linda, the secretary/stenographer of Atty. Charm,
the only other person present. On that occasion, Sancho candidly
informed Atty. Charm about his illicit affair with the socialite wife,
and gave many details. Linda faithfully recorded the interview.

During the trial of the criminal case for adultery, the trial prosecutor
requested the court to issue a subpoena duces tecum to compel the
production of the record of the interview and a subpoena ad
testificandum to compel Linda to testify on the admission of the
affair by Sancho. Atty. Charm objected to the request on the basis
of lawyer-client confidentiality.

If you were the trial judge, how will you resolve the objection of
Atty. Charm? Justify your answer. (4o/o)


Prosecutor Regan was designated to represent the State during the

trial of an action to declare the nullity of a marriage. He realized
soon enough, however, that the counsels of the parties were very
competent and sincere in doing their work for their respective
clients. Thus, Prosecutor Regan, mindful of his large caseload of
preliminary investigations, and believing that his attendance at the
trial was superfluous, decided not to attend the trial anymore so
that he could devote more time to the work back in his office.

Explain whether or not the decision of Prosecutor Regan to miss

the trial of the action to declare the nullity of the marriage was
warranted. (4%)


Atty. Miriam rents her office space in a building owned by Winston.

Eventually, Atty. Miriam became Winston's regular legal counsel.


Because of their good relationship, Atty. Miriam did not hesitate to

borrow money from Winston. Atty. Miriam issued postdated checks
covering the interest of her loans. Unfortunately, Atty. Miriam failed
to pay her obligations to Winston. Her postdated checks with
Winston also bounced. Hence, he filed a criminal case for violation
of the Bouncing Checks Law against her.

In her counter-affidavit, Atty. Miriam averred that Winston was "a

businessman who is engaged in the real estate business, trading
and buy and sell of deficiency taxed imported cars, shark loans and
other shady deals and has many cases pending in court."

Hurt by the allegations, Winston filed a disbarment complaint

against Atty. Miriam arguing that her allegations in the counter-
affidavit constituted a breach of their confidential lawyer-client

Discuss whether or not the disclosures in Atty. Miriam's counter-

affidavit constitute a breach of fidelity towards her client. (4/o)


Atty. Anna Kirmet was one of Worry Bank's valued clients. The
bank gave her a credit card with a credit limit of P250,000.00.
Because of her extravagance, Atty. Kirmet exceeded her credit limit
and refused to pay the monthly charges as they fell due.

Hence, aside from a collection case, Worry Bank filed a disbarment

case against Atty. Kirmet. In her comment on the disbarment
complaint, Atty. Kirmet insisted that she did not violate the Code of
Professional Responsibility because her obligation to the bank was
personal in nature and had no relation to her being a lawyer.

Is Atty. Kirmet correct? Explain your answer briefly. (4%)


Define champerty. (3%)


Atty. Andy and Atty. Valeriano were classmates in law school. As

such, they developed a close friendly relationship. They agreed that
they would refer clients to each other, and whoever referred clients


would receive a commission or portion of the attorney's fees. Atty.

Andy referred a client to Atty. Valeriano, who charged the client
P100,000.00 as initial attorney's fees. Thereafter, Atty. Valeriano
sent 15/o of P100,000.00, or P15,000.00, to Atty. Andy as the latter's
referral fee.

Explain if the agreement on the referral fee is ethical. (3%)


Atty. Simplicio published the following advertisement in a local

newspaper: "Annulment of Marriage, Competent Attorney,
Reasonable Fees, Call 221-2345."

A Justice of the Supreme Court saw the advertisement and

thereafter called the attention of his colleagues. The Supreme Court
directed the Bar Confidant investigate the matter. When directed to
explain why no disciplinary action should be taken against him for
the improper advertisement, Atty. Simplicio contended that: (a) the
advertisement was not improper because his name was not
mentioned; and (b) he could not be subjected to disciplinary action
because there was no complaint filed against him.

Rule on Atty. Simplicio's contentions. (4%)


Herbert Madasalin, a 25-year old Bar candidate, surrendered his

driver's license to the security guard at the Arlegui Gate when he
entered the Malacanang compound to pray at the National Shrine of
St. Jude Thaddeus. After praying the novena to St. Jude, Herbert
went to the Arlegui Gate to retrieve his driver's license. However, he
was not able to get the license because the security guard was then
elsewhere. He returned the next day only to be told that the security
guard had misplaced the license. The security guard concerned
could not anymore remember where he had placed the license.

Herbert immediately requests your assistance in the preparation of

an affidavit of loss. His address is at 143 Zuzuaregui Street, Don
Antonio Heights, Quezon City. As his friend, prepare Herbert's
affidavit of loss. (5%)


Kyle Angelo was served with summons and a copy of the complaint
of Ciara Jane for collection of the amount of P1 ,000,000.00 as


evidenced by a promissory note signed by Kyle Angelo. She alleged

that the debt was overdue; and that Kyle Angelo refused to pay
despite repeated demands.

Kyle Angelo engaged the services of Atty. Carlos Sa bit, who

decided to file a motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of cause of
action and prescription. Atty. Carlos Sabit drafted the motion and
sent the draft to Kyle Angelo for his perusal. Kyle Angelo, being
himself a law graduate, quickly noticed that the draft did not contain
a notice of hearing.

Draft the notice of hearing that Atty. Carlos Sabit should include in
the motion to dismiss. (3%)

Believing that an onerous transfer would result in lesser taxes than
a gratuitous transfer, Nenita Villo, a widow, decided to sell her lone
asset worth P3,000,000.00 to her daughters, Andrea, Carina and
Carissa, all of legal age, gainfully employed and still unmarried.
The asset consisted of the house and the lot registered under
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 67890 of the Register of Deeds of
Paranaque City and situated at No. 3156 Bayswater Street, Metro
Ville Subdivision, Paranaque City where Nenita and her daughters
presently resided.

Nenita required her daughters to make a down payment of

P1 ,000,000.00, and the balance to be paid once the title to the
property was transferred to her daughters' names. All the taxes,
fees, and costs related to the sale would be for the account of
Nenita, while those related to the transfer of title would be paid by
Andrea, Carina and Carissa.

Draft the contract to be executed by Nenita and her daughters in

connection with the transfer of the house and lot. Omit details other
than those stated in the question. (10%)


Determine if the following advertisements by an attorney are ethical

or unethical. Explain your answer.

(a) A calling card, 2 inches x 2 inches in size, bearing the attorney's

name in bold print, office, residence and email addresses,
telephone and facsimile numbers. (2%)


(b) A business card, 3 inches x 4 inches in size, indicating the

aforementioned data with his 1 inch x 1 inch photograph. (2/o)

(c) A pictorial press release in a broadsheet newspaper made by the

attorney showing him being congratulated by the president of a
client corporation for winning a multi-million damage suit against
the company in the Supreme Court. (2/o)

(d)The same press release made in a tabloid by the attorney's

client. (2/o)

(e) A small announcement that the attorney is giving free legal

advice on November 30, 2017 published in Balita, a tabloid in
Filipino. (2/o)



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