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What Is Urban Morphology Supposed To Be About PDF

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What is urban morphology supposed to be about?

Specialization and the growth of a


Pre-publication proof
Published in Urban Morphology 17(2) 128-131

Karl Kropf, Urban Morphology Research Group, School of Geography, Earth and
Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK and Built Form
Resource Ltd, UK. E-mail:, and Sylvain Malfroy, Ecole
dingnieurs et darchitectes de Fribourg, CP 32, Boulevard de Prolles 80, 1700 Fribourg,
Switzerland. E-mail:

Michael Conzens keynote address at last year's ISUF conference in Delft triggered a vibrant
discussion on what urban morphology is about. The trigger was the definition of urban
morphology that Conzen gave in his address: urban morphology is the study of the built form
of cities, and it seeks to explain the layout and spatial composition of urban structures and
open spaces, their material character and symbolic meaning, in light of the forces that have
created, expanded, diversified, and transformed them (Conzen, 2012).

That urban morphology deals with the built form of cities is probably an acceptable starting
point for most purposes within the discipline, but such a statement should not be
misunderstood as circumscribing the proper scientific object of urban morphology. What urban
morphology strives to disclose is not the built form of cities as such, but the genesis or
engendering process of this form. Yet there is a puzzle in the claim that urban morphology is
concerned with morphogenetic processes when the built form of cities is generally considered
to be the result of human agency. This is the crux of the matter. Does the shaping process of
cities include both human agency and a kind of causal (or structural) determinism, which
remains to be explained? If so, urban design could no longer be considered as an expression
of free will but should be explored as a transaction with a range of natural laws of which at
present we fail to be fully aware. If it is the business of some more general study such as
urban history or urban geography to understand the whole interaction of human agency and
morphogenetic processes, we suggest that it is the task of urban morphology to specialize in
the analysis of morphogenetic processes. In so doing, urban morphology would assume the
role of an auxiliary discipline to urban history or geography. It would not tell us the whole
story about the ways in which cities became what they are, but it would shed very specific light
on some structural conditions for the creation and transformation of built forms.

Some difficulties arise in Conzens definition when he speaks of explanation. It is not clear
whether explanation here has the strict meaning of disclosing the causes or is a synonym for
understanding. One needs to distinguish between (1) the explanation of a fact or an event in
relation to its causes or certain regularities or laws and (2) the understanding of it in relation
to the purposes of individual or collective agents (Stegmller, 1983). The definition proposed
by Conzen becomes ambiguous, when summarizing, on the one hand, the explanandum as
being the layout and spatial composition of urban structures and open spaces, their material
character and symbolic meaning and, on the other, the explanans as being the forces that
have created, expanded, diversified, and transformed them. The forces may include non-
human agents, constraints on human agents or unconscious acts of human agents, but the
symbolic meaning necessarily requires human agency or, to be more exact, human
intentionality. Thus, Conzens definition compels urban morphologists to mix explicative and
exegetical methods with the result that they turn back to the general historical approach and
fail to deepen the specific concern to which they first wanted to commit themselves. The
question at issue here is not whether symbolic meaning plays any role in the shaping of the
built form of cities, but whether urban morphology as a specialized discipline should include
meaning within the aspects of urban form on which it focuses. It is not the core business of
urban morphology to analyse the relationship between built forms and the symbolic purposes
of builders, but precisely to disclose those aspects of urban form that escape the awareness of
the agents that influence such form. For instance, burgage cycles (M. R. G. Conzen, 1960) or
insulization processes (Caniggia and Maffei, 2001) are not consciously shaped. Such
processes cannot be taken as having been sought intentionally. Despite this, it remains a
great achievement of urban morphology to have identified the various stages of the
morphogenetic process of such configurations. The issue of meaning in the shaping of built
forms belongs rather to urban semiology, semiotics or urban iconography, because the only
category of signs with which urban morphology should operate are indices as opposed to
icons or symbols, to use Peirces terminology (Atkin, 2010). To be clear, indices are signs
with a causal relation with their objects, such as physical traces or animal tracks. In this
respect the built environment is an enormous set of indices of the human activity that created
them. One of the tasks of urban morphology is to aid us in our attempt to read those indices.

Our attempt to focus narrowly on the specific topic of urban morphology should not be
misinterpreted as a lack of sensitivity toward the complexity of the forces that have created,
expanded, diversified, and transformed built forms. It is an attempt to neutralize the current
vagueness of the topic of urban morphology. We feel it is important to make the leading
hypothesis of urban morphology as explicit as possible in order to allow a constructive debate.
To exclude meaning and symbolism from urban morphology is categorically not a refusal to
acknowledge their importance as aspects of urban form. It is more a kind of division of
labour for the advancement of knowledge. We fear that a definition of urban morphology as
wide as Conzens seems to impede the emergence of a constructive exchange of ideas more
than it serves to integrate the variety of points of view.

In responding to Conzens view that meaning is integral to understanding urban form it is

helpful to refer to morphology in linguistics. In linguistics, morphology excludes meaning. It is
concerned not with the content of language but with the formal characteristics of the system of
sounds and/or symbols, the elements of the system and how they combine to provide the
means for expressing content.

By implication, if linguistics offers a useful parallel, urban morphology should not be concerned
with meaning but with the formal characteristics of the elements of urban form. It should
establish what the elements are and to which categories they belong, as well as to identify the
patterns of relationships between the elements, considered both as individual entities and
instances of general kinds. What are the common, underlying regularities in the construction
of urban form that provide a means for accommodating human needs? Are there different
regularities in different cultures at different times?

It remains open to discussion whether urban morphology can maintain this kind of abstract
analytical approach and still incorporate meaning. A possible solution may be to look at it in
terms of the processes of formation and transformation. In principle, perception, intention and
interpretation are fundamental elements in the socio-cultural processes that lead to the
creation and growth of the built environment. To understand the generation of urban form it is
crucial to understand the underlying ideas that inform it. The study by Joseph Rykwert (1988)
of The idea of a town shows how the physical form of Roman towns and the process of their
formation are deeply rooted in specific cultural content conceptions of cosmic order. In a
slightly different way, for Caniggia and Maffei (2001) the organic conception of a building as an
intuitive idea is essential to the typological process and the evolution of urban form.

As another example, the diversity and local persistence of building types as explored by Scheer
(2010), also illustrates the central role of ideas and perceptions in the process of development
and the resulting character of urban form. The choice of particular types (for example, the
Boston triple decker, the suburban office building, the English terraced house or the suburban
villa) is driven in large part by the cultural content of the types what they mean to people.
So, anecdotally, in rural England it is often difficult to get planning permission for flats if they
are labelled as such (irrespective of the physical form they take) because they are considered
to be urban and so inappropriate in rural locations. It is almost enough to use the word flat
to set communities and planning officers against a proposal. The word conjures up images in
people's mind that affect their judgement.

However, from the perspective of linguistic morphology, this is to drift into the realms of
narrative and meaning and so beyond the scope of morphology. It is the equivalent of talking
about connotation and cultural bias in the composition of a particular story. Those issues are
not central to the underlying structure of the language.

To be more precise, the fact of meaning signification is central to morphology in linguistics

but at a generic level. For example, the specific cultural content of the words cat, dog, pig
and politician is not relevant to morphology. We only need to know enough about meaning to
determine that they are all substantives or nouns. From there we can begin to work out their
role within the system, for example their typical relationships with verbs and adjectives. We
can also work out various regularities of construction. For instance, the morpheme s is used
to form plurals: cat, cats; dog, dogs; and politician is composed of two morphemes, politic
and ician, as in magician. The fact that it might be possible to communicate meaning about
dogs, pigs or politicians by juxtaposition is irrelevant to morphology.

Another point in the comparison of urban morphology and linguistics is the distinction between
meaning and use The primary role of words (and morphemes) in language is to convey
meaning. As Wittgenstein (1967) would say, for language, meaning is use. By contrast, the
primary purpose of built form is to provide physical shelter and otherwise physically
accommodate human activities. That puts meaning a further step away as a consideration for
morphology. To test this point, one might ask, is it the job of urban morphology to explain the
meaning of the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Alhambra in Granada or Washington DC? Or is it
rather to explain how those forms have been generated in terms of the elements of which they
are made, the internal relations between the elements, the relation of the whole to the larger
structures of which they are a part and the generic processes involved in their formation? We
might then go on to ask the equivalent of how the plural is formed in each case. How are
elements put together to accommodate some particular generic function or other, for example
separation of public and private space?

Is this issue then more about our expectation of what urban morphology is supposed to be
about? Is it that we have assumed urban morphology should cover a much wider remit than
linguistic morphology? Should urban morphology be equally limited in its scope? Alternatively,
it might be said that we need to identify more clearly sub-disciplines within the field of urban
morphology, as argued, for example, in Kropf (2011). One way or another it is worthwhile
testing how true the analogy is between linguistics and urban morphology. It seems clear
that what is lumped together under the term urban morphology includes a much wider range
of subjects than linguistic morphology. The main field of linguistics is traditionally divided into
three sub-fields: syntax, semantics and pragmatics, though these have broadened over the
years into more general areas of structure (including syntax and morphology) and meaning
(including semantics and pragmatics), as well as extended to include the evolution of language
and its relation to socio-cultural context. This subdivision is, of course, the basis of our initial
point. Meaning is dealt with in one sub-field of linguistics and morphology in another.

So if linguistic morphology is a sub-field within linguistics in the same way that biological
morphology is a sub-field within biology, the comparison begins to beg the question of which
larger field urban morphology is supposed to be a part. There seems to be no equivalent to
the general fields of linguistics or biology for the built environment. Geography is far too
broad, while architecture, archaeology and urban history are too limited. Efforts at neologisms
in this direction have not fared well. It might be said that the lack of an obvious home for
urban morphology explains why pioneers such as M. R. G. Conzen, Muratori and Caniggia
sought to cover so much under one umbrella.

From whichever direction it is viewed, however, the common feature is that broad subjects
such as biology, linguistics and the built environment benefit from specialist investigation and
the formation of specialist sub-fields (Toulmin, 1972). If urban morphology is to grow and
thrive it is our view that we must foster and promote the formation of those sub-fields. The
first step in that direction is to identify what the sub-fields should be and consolidate current
understanding around them. An initial suggestion based on the focus of existing research and
comparisons with both linguistics and biology is that the sub-disciplines might be:
The generic aspects and elements of form and their specific properties
Generic and specific structure and relationships
Regularities of development
Evolution and diversification of form
Socio-physical performance
In the same way that even linguistics does not say all there is to say about language, it should
be obvious that this list in no way encompasses all there is to say about the built environment.
To reinforce the point, our aim is not to narrow down the subject but to recognize that
specialization is a sign of maturity. We are at a point where we face the growing pains of
separating out the specialisms. The challenge is to do so without losing track of the
connections between them so that we can always reintegrate their findings around the unifying
aspect of form.


Atkin, A (2010) Peirce's theory of signs, Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy

( accessed 15 June 2013.
Caniggia, G. and Maffei, G. L. (2001) Architectural composition and building typology:
interpreting basic building (Alinea, Firenze).
Conzen, M. P. (2012) Experiments in cross-cultural urban morphology, unpublished keynote
address presented at the Nineteenth International Seminar on Urban Form, Delft, The
Netherlands, 2 October.
Conzen, M. R. G. (1960) Alnwick, Northumberland: a study in town-plan analysis Institute of
British Geographers Publication 27 (George Philip, London).
Kropf, K. (2011) Urbanism, politics and language: the role of urban morphology, Urban
Morphology 15, 157-60.
Rykwert, J. (1988) The idea of a town: the anthropology of urban form in Rome, Italy and the
ancient world (MIT Press, Cambridge MA).
Scheer, B. (2010) The evolution of urban form: typology for planners and architects (American
Planning Association, Chicago).
Stegmller, W. (1983), Erklrung - Begrndung Kausalitt (Springer, Berlin).
Toulmin, S. (1972) Human understanding (Clarendon Press, Oxford).
Wittgenstein, L. (1967) Philosophical investigations (Blackwell, Oxford).

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