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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6



Technical Specification for the 1ST Special Survey of

STX HN1245-1246

Vessels Names:
HN1245 Hellas Explorer
HN1246 Hellas Enterprise


Prepared by: Technical Department Document Number: 02/12

Reviewed Kostas Drivas 1-3 Igias & Ak. Themistokleous St.
by: Tech. Fleet Manager 18536 Piraeus
Antonios Georgantziss Greece
Technical Superintendent
Lefteris Maroulakis
Technical Superintendent
Nikos Stathakis
Technical Superintendent
Approved Kostas Vlachos Date: September 2012
by: Chief Operating Officer Piraeus

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................8
1.1 PREAMBLE ......................................................................................................................................8
1.2 MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................................................................ 12
1.3 SAFETY........................................................................................................................................... 14
2 GENERAL SERVICES ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.1 VESSELS CLEANING REMOVAL OF OILY WATER/SEDIMENTS.................................... 16
2.1.1 SLOP WATER ........................................................................................................................ 16
2.1.2 SEDIMENTS ON DECK ......................................................................................................... 16
2.1.3 ENGINE ROOM BILGE HOLDING TANK AND WASTE OIL .......................................... 17
2.1.4 ENGINE ROOM SLUDGE TANK ......................................................................................... 17
2.1.5 SUPPLY OF PORTABLE PUMPING EQUIPMENT ............................................................ 17
2.2 GAS FREE CERTIFICATE............................................................................................................. 17
2.3 FIRE-PROTECTION & COOLING WATER SUPPLY ................................................................. 18
2.3.1 FIRE WATCHMEN ................................................................................................................. 18
2.3.2 FIRE LINES ............................................................................................................................. 18
2.4 WHARFAGE ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 TUGBOATS PILOTAGE RIGGERS ........................................................................................ 19
2.5.1 TUGBOATS ............................................................................................................................ 19
2.5.2 PILOTAGE .............................................................................................................................. 20
2.5.3 Riggers assistance, mooring and un-mooring lines .................................................................. 20
2.6 LAUNCH SERVICE ....................................................................................................................... 20
2.7 DIVERS ASSISTANCE .................................................................................................................. 20
2.8 KEEL & BILGE BLOCK ADJUSTMENT ..................................................................................... 20
2.9 POWER TO THE VESSEL ............................................................................................................. 21
2.9.1 SHORE POWER ...................................................................................................................... 21
2.9.2 EXTERNAL GENERATOR SET............................................................................................ 21
2.10 FRESH ............................................................................................................................................. 22
2.11 WATER SUPPLY ............................................................................................................................ 22
2.12 GARBAGE & REFUGE .................................................................................................................. 22
2.13 COMPRESSED AIR ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.14 TELEPHONE SERVICE ................................................................................................................. 22
2.15 CRANE SERVICES ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.16 VENTILATION AND TANK VENTILATORS ............................................................................. 23
2.17 TEMPORARY LIGHTING ............................................................................................................. 23
2.18 HEATING LAMPS SUPPLY .......................................................................................................... 23
2.19 BOTTOM PLUGS ........................................................................................................................... 23
2.20 BALLASTING AND DEBALLASTING ........................................................................................ 24
2.20.1 De-ballasting ............................................................................................................................ 24
2.20.2 Ballasting ................................................................................................................................. 24
2.21 WOODEN PLUGS / SCUPPER OUTLETS ................................................................................... 24
2.21.1 Deck Scuppers .......................................................................................................................... 24
2.21.2 Cooling water overboard discharges ........................................................................................ 24
2.22 SEWAGE CONNECTION .............................................................................................................. 24
2.23 GANGWAY..................................................................................................................................... 25
2.24 STAGING ........................................................................................................................................ 25
2.24.1 Normal staging ......................................................................................................................... 25
2.24.2 Hanging staging ....................................................................................................................... 25
2.25 CLEANING ..................................................................................................................................... 25
3 DRYDOCKING ....................................................................................................................................... 26
3.1 FIRST AND LAST DAY IN DRY dock ....................................................................................... 26
3.2 INTERMEDIATE DAYS IN DRY DOCK ................................................................................... 26
4 SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING ...................................................................................... 27
4.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 EXTERNAL HULL TREATMENT / CLEANING / BLASTING .................................................. 28
4.2.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Top Sides.................................................................................................................................. 29
4.2.3 Vertical sides including boottop area ....................................................................................... 29
4.2.4 Flat Bottom .............................................................................................................................. 29
4.2.5 Oily Spots ................................................................................................................................. 30
4.3 EXTERNAL HULL COATING (for 60 months protection under normal trade) ............................ 30
4.3.1 Top sides .................................................................................................................................. 30

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

4.3.2 Vertical sides including boottop area ....................................................................................... 31

4.3.3 Flat Bottom (up to the bilge keels) ........................................................................................... 31
4.3.4 Vessels Marks ......................................................................................................................... 32
4.3.5 Vessels name, IMO number and Port of Registry ................................................................... 32
4.3.6 Rudder Trunk ........................................................................................................................... 32
4.3.7 ICCP Epoxy coated surfaces on external hull .......................................................................... 32
5 DRYDOCK WORKS .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.1 RUDDER ......................................................................................................................................... 34
5.1.1 Staging to be erected ................................................................................................................ 34
5.1.2 Rudder stock clearances ........................................................................................................... 34
5.1.3 Rudder & Rudder Horn Plugs .................................................................................................. 35
5.1.4 Rudder blade to be removed (if necessary) .......................................................................... 35
5.1.5 Rudder stock bush and bearing disc to be renewed (rudder carrier) (if necessary) ................ 36
5.1.6 Crack repair on the rudder plate ............................................................................................... 36
5.1.7 Rudder Horn Crack Repair ....................................................................................................... 36
5.1.8 Rudder Blade Air Test.............................................................................................................. 37
5.2 PROPELLER ................................................................................................................................... 37
5.2.1 Propeller in situ polishing ........................................................................................................ 37
5.2.2 Propeller to be removed from the shaft and laid on the bottom of the dock (if necessary) ..... 37
5.2.3 Propeller damage repair ........................................................................................................... 38
5.2.4 Propeller damage replacement .............................................................................................. 38
5.3 TAILSHAFT AND STERN TUBE ................................................................................................. 39
5.3.1 Propeller Shaft Rope Guard (remove and refit)........................................................................ 39
5.3.2 Fabrication of new rope guard.................................................................................................. 41
5.3.3 Shaft clearances and poker gauge measurement ...................................................................... 41
5.3.4 Tailshaft forward and aft seals to be dismantled in situ ........................................................... 41
5.3.5 Tailshaft to be removed/ withdrawn (if necessary) ................................................................ 41
5.3.6 Intermediate block bearing opening ...................................................................................... 42
5.3.7 Fabrication of stern tube aft bush (if necessary) ..................................................................... 42
5.3.8 Fabrication of stern tube forward bush (if necessary) ............................................................ 43
5.3.9 Coupling bolts and nuts ............................................................................................................ 43
5.3.10 Dismantling of aft and forward seal assemblies ....................................................................... 43
5.3.11 Re-metaling of stern tube bushes ............................................................................................. 43
5.4 ANCHORS AND CHAINS AND WINDLASS .......................................................................... 44
5.4.1 Range anchors chain cable ....................................................................................................... 44
5.4.2 Anchor chain length to be turned end to end ............................................................................ 44
5.4.3 Renew of one length of anchor chain cable .............................................................................. 44
5.4.4 Renew lead plugs ..................................................................................................................... 45
5.4.5 Weld stud links ....................................................................................................................... 45
5.5 CHAIN LOCKERS ........................................................................................................................ 45
5.6 SEA CHESTS AND STRAINERS ............................................................................................ 45
5.6.1 Sea chests treatment and preservation external areas ............................................................ 46
5.6.2 Sea chests treatment and preservation internal areas (strainers)............................................ 46
5.6.3 Sea chests fabrication of new sea water suction filter .............................................................. 46
5.6.4 Strainer body to be removed to the workshop .......................................................................... 46
5.7 SEA VALVES ............................................................................................................................... 47
5.7.1 Sea valves inspection and overhaul .......................................................................................... 47
5.7.2 Overboard valves distant pieces NDT UT thickness measurements ..................................... 49
5.8 HULL SURVEY (CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY REQUIREMENTS) ......................................... 50
5.8.1 Hull Overall Survey Requirements ....................................................................................... 50
5.8.2 Close up survey requirements .................................................................................................. 50
5.8.3 Fuel bunker tank ....................................................................................................................... 50
5.8.4 Fresh water tank ....................................................................................................................... 50
5.8.5 Void spaces .............................................................................................................................. 50
5.9 HULL NDT Testing (Classification Society Requirements)............................................................ 50
REQUIREMENTS) ..................................................................................................................................... 51
6 MACHINERY ......................................................................................................................................... 52
6.1 MAIN ENGINE ............................................................................................................................... 52
6.2 TURBOCHARGER (1 unit) .......................................................................................................... 52
6.2.1 Turbocharger dismantling, cleaning and overhaul ................................................................... 52
6.2.2 Chemical cleaning of turbine casing ........................................................................................ 52
6.2.3 Main engine exhaust silencer ................................................................................................... 52

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

6.2.4 Turbocharger shaft build up .................................................................................................. 52

6.2.5 Turbocharger turbine nozzle ring and cover ring .................................................................. 52
6.3 SEA WATER CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS (vertical motors) ............................................................. 52
6.3.1 Overhaul in place ..................................................................................................................... 52
6.3.2 Overhaul in workshop .............................................................................................................. 53
6.3.3 Corrosion/erosion on pump casing and casing cover ............................................................... 53
6.4 STEERING GEAR SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 54
6.4.1 STEERING GEAR CLEARANCES MEASUREMENT ..................................................... 54
6.4.2 STEERING GEAR REPLACEMENT OF THE ACTUATOR SEALS ........................... 54
6.5 ELECTRIC MOTORS ..................................................................................................................... 55
6.6 MAIN ENGINE AUXILIARY BLOWERS (2) ............................................................................. 56
6.6.1 Fan Overhaul in place ........................................................................................................... 56
6.6.2 Fan Overhaul in workshop .................................................................................................... 56
6.7 AUXILIARY BOILER MOUNTINGS OVERHAUL AND SURVEY .......................................... 56
6.7.1 Cost Quotation for the above listed works ............................................................................... 57
6.7.2 Auxiliary boiler safety valves survey and testing ..................................................................... 58
6.8 EXHAUST GAS BOILER ............................................................................................................... 58
6.8.1 Cost Quotation for the above listed works ............................................................................... 59
6.8.2 Exhaust gas boiler safety valves survey and testing - workshop .............................................. 59
6.8.3 Exhaust gas boiler safety valves survey and testing - onboard ................................................ 59
6.9 AIR RECEIVERS SAFETY VALVES .......................................................................................... 60
6.9.1 Main air receivers safety valves .............................................................................................. 60
6.9.2 Deck Service air receivers safety valves .............................................................................. 60
6.9.3 Aux. air receivers safety valve .............................................................................................. 60
6.10 HEAT EXCHANGERS/COOLERS ................................................................................................ 60
6.10.1 HFO PURIFIER HEATER FOR AUX. BOILER CAPACITY 6.27M2 ............................ 60
6.10.2 DUMP CONDENSER / DRAIN COOLER (1) CAPACITY 16M2 ................................. 61
6.11 DECK MACHINERY (WINDLASS WINCHES) ....................................................................... 61
6.11.1 Anchor windlass - Brake bank renewal .................................................................................... 61
6.11.2 Build Up The Worn Chain Guide of Both Anchor Chain Compressor (Cable Lifter) ............ 61
7 PIPING AND VALVES .......................................................................................................................... 62
7.1 CARGO AND BALLAST VALVES............................................................................................... 62
7.2 PIPING RENEWALS (CARGO AREA) ......................................................................................... 64
7.2.1 Engine Room Piping Renewal ............................................................................................... 65
7.3 SLOP TANK HEATING COILS PRESSURE TEST ................................................................... 66
7.4 CARGO TANK PRESSURE/VACUUM RELIEF VALVES ........................................................... 66
7.5 SLOPS / RESIDUE TANKS PRESSURE / VACUUM RELIEF VALVES .............................. 66
7.6 VAPOR LINE PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER ....................................................................... 67
7.7 CARGO TANK HEATERS PRESSURE TEST ........................................................................... 67
7.8 INERT GAS SYSTEM .................................................................................................................... 68
7.8.1 Non return valve on main IG line ............................................................................................. 68
7.8.2 INERT GAS LINE PRESSURE TEST ................................................................................. 68
7.9 CARGO TANK LEVEL GAUGING SYSTEM .............................................................................. 68
7.10 ENGINE ROOM VALVES ............................................................................................................. 68
7.11 PIPING RENEWALS GENERAL DECK .................................................................................... 69
7.12 PIPING RENEWALS GENERAL ENGINE ROOM ................................................................... 69
8 STEEL REPAIRS .................................................................................................................................... 70
8.1 UNIT PRICES GENERAL STEEL REPAIRS ............................................................................. 71
8.1.1 Main deck steel work ............................................................................................................... 71
8.1.2 Ballast & Void tanks steel work ............................................................................................. 71
8.1.3 External shell plating renewal (plane) ...................................................................................... 71
8.1.4 External shell plating renewal (2-plane curvature) ................................................................... 71
9 GENERAL & MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ............................................................................................ 72
9.1 LIFE BOAT AND DAVIT TESTING ............................................................................................. 72
9.1.1 Life boat davit testing (1.1 on winches and brakes) ................................................................. 72
9.1.2 Life boat on-load release mechanism ....................................................................................... 73
9.1.3 Life boat over-load testing ....................................................................................................... 73
9.1.4 Life boat examination and air cylinders pressure test .............................................................. 73
9.2 SHIPS CRANES ............................................................................................................................. 73
9.2.1 Hose Handling Crane ............................................................................................................... 73
9.2.2 Provision Crane ........................................................................................................................ 74
9.2.3 Engine room overhead crane .................................................................................................... 74
9.3 OILY BILGE TANK ....................................................................................................................... 74

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

9.4 MAIN ALTERNATORS ................................................................................................................. 75

9.4.1 In situ chemical cleaning .......................................................................................................... 75
9.4.2 Chemical cleaning with withdrawal of rotors .......................................................................... 75
9.5 ACCOMMODATION LADDERS .................................................................................................. 76
9.5.1 Stbd Accommodation repair ................................................................................................... 76
9.6 WHARF LADDER .......................................................................................................................... 76
9.7 MANIFOLD DRIP TRAYS............................................................................................................. 77
9.8 BUNKER TANK CLEANING CLASS EXAMINATION .......................................................... 77
9.9.1 Covers dismantled for internal inspection (in situ) .................................................................. 78
9.10 BUNKER LINES PRESSURE TEST .............................................................................................. 78
9.11 CARGO PIPING PRESSURE TESTING ..................................................................................... 79
9.12 MAIN FIRE LINE ON DECK PRESSURE TEST ....................................................................... 79
9.12.1 MAIN FIRE LINE ON DECK VALVES OVERHAUL ...................................................... 79
9.13 MAIN FOAM LINE ON DECK ...................................................................................................... 80
9.13.1 MAIN FOAM LINE ON DECK VALVES OVERHAUL.................................................... 80
9.14 SUCTION BELL MOUTHS OF WBTS.......................................................................................... 80
9.15 MAIN SWITCHBOARD ................................................................................................................. 81
9.15.1 Main Switchboard Cleaning ..................................................................................................... 81
9.15.2 Main Switchboard Testing ....................................................................................................... 81
9.16 EMERGENCY SWITCHBOARD ................................................................................................... 82
9.16.1 Emergency Switchboard Cleaning ........................................................................................... 82
9.16.2 Emergency Switchboard Testing .............................................................................................. 82
9.17 DISTRIBUTION AND STARTER PANELS CLEANING/TIGHTENING ................................ 82
9.18 CHAIN AND LIFTING BLOCKS LOAD TEST ............................................................................ 83
10 GENERAL & MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ........................................................................................ 84
10.2 SEA WATER COOLING DECK SEAL TANK MODIFICATION ......................................... 84
10.3 WORN CLOSED CHOCK TO BE BUILT UP ......................................................................... 84
HANDLING CRANE AND PROVISION CRANE) ............................................................................. 85
MANIFOLDS AREAS ............................................................................................................................... 85
10.6 INCINERATOR FURNACE TO BE REBUILT ......................................................................... 85
10.7 FUNNEL MARK ............................................................................................................................. 85
10.8 ECDIS INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................... 88
10.9 FABRICATION OF GARBAGE BOXES .................................................................................... 88

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


Hull Number & Names HN1245 Hellas Explorer

HN1246 Hellas Enterprise

TYPE Single Screw, Diesel Motor, crude/product oil/chemical carrier oil

tanker, Double Hull, Fully Segregated Ballast Tanks
CLASS Society HN1245 Det Norske Veritas
HN1246 Det Norske Veritas

CLASS Notation +IA1, Tanker for Chemical and Oil, ESP, E0, VCS-2, BIS,

IMO Numbers HN1245 : 9397456

HN1246 : 9397468

Flag & Port of Registry HN1245: Piraeus/Greece

HN1246: Valetta/Malta


Republic of Korea

Year Built HN1245 : 2008-01

HN1246 : 2008-04

Call Sign HN1245: SVBP7

HN1246: 9HA3151

Propulsion Machinery STX MAN B&W 6S50MC-C MK7, MCR OUTPUT 9480
KW/127 RPM

Power Generation 3 D/G STX MAN B&W 6L23/30

Shore Power Voltage 440V/60Hz 3 Phase

Cargo Pumps Hydraulic Framo pumps. The vessel does not have a PUMP room
(12 x 600 M3 + 2 x 300 M3 (Slop))
Ballast Pumps Hydraulic Framo Pumps (2x750 m3)



Manager & Contact Consolidated Marine Management Inc.

Details Address: 1-3 Igias & Ak. Themistokleous
185 36 Piraeus
Telephone: +30 210 4595 100
Fax: + 30 210 4287 334-5

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Tonnage ITC 69 Net: 13607

ITC 69 Gross: 29968
DWT summer draft HN1245: 51257.4 Tons
HN1246: 51245.9 Tons

Lightship ~ 10069.5 Metric tons

Loa 183 m

Lbp 173.9 m

Breadth moulded 32.23 m

Depth moulded 19.13 m

Summer Draft 12.87 m

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6



These specifications are for the dry-docking, repairs and/or alterations to the above
named vessel, and are to cover the furnishing of all labour, material and equipment
necessary to complete the work items outlined in same, unless otherwise specifically
directed. The Shipyard or its subcontractors must not deviate from these specifications
without the written consent of the Owners Representative who is the sole representative
and only authorised person to make changes and approve deviations. The shipyard shall
be referred to throughout as the contractor. Consolidated Marine Management (CMM) is
the manager of the vessel and the owners representative.
1. The Manager makes no warranty as to any space aboard said vessel being free from
inflammable or toxic substances. Prior to commencing the repairs or alterations and as
often thereafter as may deemed necessary, the Contractor shall satisfy himself by
actual tests made by a certified chemist that all of the spaces in the vessel are
sufficiently free of inflammable or toxic substances to safely permit the carrying out of
the work required by these specifications and/or additional work orders and/or works
that are necessary to be performed from the shipyard in order to enable the completion
of other requested works from the owner.
2. All repairs and alterations specified herein are to be carried out and completed by the
Contractor to meet the requirements of Owners, the Classification Society and the Flag
State Authority. All workmanship and material is to be of the best quality throughout
and any dispute or difference or opinion as to the interpretation of these specifications
or regarding the quality of material or workmanship shall be left to the decision of the
Manager or his accredited Representative, whose decision shall be final and binding
on both parties. Should any workmanship or material prove defective, the Contractor
shall replace same properly at his expense within the time quoted.
3. The work herein specified is to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Owners
Representative and the Representative of the Classification Society and in line with
good shipyard standards and practices.
4. Should the Contractor find it necessary to remove or shift any parts of the vessel or her
fittings or stores, fuel, water, etc. or should temporary repairs be necessary for the
removal of the vessel to Contractors yard for the purpose of carrying out the work
specified herein, the same shall be done by Contractor at his expense. The Contractor
shall make all such removals good. Should any portion of the vessel or her equipment
require alteration in order to carry out the work, even though not specifically
mentioned herein, the Contractor shall make such alterations at his own expense. Also
restore to original condition of completion of works. A plan shall be prepared in
advance from the Contractor and be accepted and signed from the Managers
representative before any such required temporary repairs and/or works commence.
5. Any structural parts specified to be removed which can be restored to their original
condition by fairing, and any parts specified for removal which can be faired in place
to the satisfaction of all the surveyors, will be accepted. On the other hand, any parts
broken in removal or fairing is to be renewed by the Contractor at his own expense.
6. Any tanks or compartments affected by repairs specified hereunder shall, upon
completion of said repairs, be proven water tight or oil tight, clean and ready to receive
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

cargo as the case may be, to the satisfaction of Classification Society and Owners
7. In case any of the vessels machinery, equipment, or fittings is used by the Contractor
for any purpose whatsoever, he shall be responsible for their reconditioning, if
necessary, and shall make good any damage resulting from such use. Instruments, if
any, to be calibrated prior to use.

8. This contract shall become effective upon arrival of the vessel at the premises of the
Contractor, and until the completion of same, the Contractor shall be responsible for
wharfage, towage, pilotage, dockage, shifting and mooring the vessel, dock trial, and
all expenses for water for testing and refilling tanks or boilers. Also disposal of same if
required. The Contractor shall also furnish electricity for power and lighting at the
voltages specified herein, garbage disposal, compressed air, sewage connections, water
service for fire lines and refrigeration system, and crane service for owners stores and
equipment as required. Upon completion of repairs, the Contractor shall fill all of the
ships fresh water tanks, including boilers, with fresh water at his own expenses, as
required by the Owner.
9. Any particulars of the work specified herein are given only for the guidance of the
Contractor, who will be held responsible for securing all necessary dimensions and
details, the intent of these specifications being to restore the vessel to first class
condition, based on internationally accepted standards.
10. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the ship or any of her
fittings, or equipment or movable stores. Acts of God or other causes over which the
Contractor has no control or could not take any precautions are to be excluded.

11. The Contractor shall have adequate & proper insurance covering any State
requirements applicable & all relevant national, local & port regulations, it being
expressly understood that all workmen engaged upon the work hereunder shall, at all
times, be employees of the Contractor & not of the Owner.
The minimum limit of liability cover required by C.M.M. is US$ 5,000,000 (Five Million
United States Dollars).
12. The Contractors time and liability is to commence at the time when the vessel is all
fast to the Contractors yard, pier, or other location specified herein, and to cease only
when all work specified herein has been completed to the satisfaction of the Owners or
their accredited Representative, and when all of the Contractors equipment and all
rubbish have been removed from the vessel.
13. If the work contracted for herein is not completed within the time stipulated herein, the
Contractor shall pay, as liquidated damages, for every whole day or fraction thereof,
the sum of US$ 12,000, subject, however, to any delays which may reasonable result
from acts or orders of Governmental Representatives, fire or other causes entirely
beyond the control of the Contractor.
14. There shall be no departure from these specifications unless directed by the Owners or
their authorised Representative. The authorised representative shall be the attending
Technical Superintendent. The Owner shall have the right during the performance of
this work to make alterations, providing such alterations are taken in hand before the
particular work requiring changing is commenced, and also providing such alterations
will not increase the cost.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

15. No extra compensation or added time for any additions or alterations will be allowed
unless there shall be a written order from the Owners authorised Representative for
such additions or alterations before same are commenced.
16. The Contractor is to deliver the vessel safely afloat at his yard to the Owners, after
completion of the repairs and alterations specified herein, with tanks clean and vessel
ready for cargo of loading oil. All parts and compartments of the ship where work is
performed by the Contractor are to be cleaned by the Contractor, including bilge and
fuel tanks at the Contractors expense to the Owners satisfaction.
17. Tender must specify the time required by the Contractor, in Continuous Running days,
to complete the repairs to the vessel as set forth in specification. The tender is to be
submitted in strict compliance with the specification and all completion times and
prices requested shall be given. All deviation, commissions and assumptions, not in
conformance with the specification shall be explained in detail in the tender, together
with the reason for these changes. The sole decision as to the validity and / or
acceptability of these changes shall be the Owners. Tenders are to be addressed to
CONSOLIDATED MARINE MANAGEMENT Inc., and are to be drawn in the
following form:
I, or we, hereby agree to faithfully carry out and complete all the repairs, renewals
and alterations to M/T HELLAS EXPLORER as set twiceh in specifications and to
abide by all the conditions expressed or implied therein and to complete the same
in ________________C.R. days, of which ______________ days will be in dry-dock
18. Payment terms to be as follows:
25% within 30 days of re-delivery,
25% within 60 days of re-delivery,
25% within 90 days of re-delivery and
25% within 120 days of re-delivery
19. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids without prejudice on the cost or
any other item contained herein.
20. The Owner reserves the right to delete, alter or add additional items of work
throughout this contract.
21. The Owner reserves the right to carry out normal ships maintenance by ships crew
during the period of this contract.
22. The Contractor agrees to notify promptly C.M.M. of any accident of whatsoever
nature, arising out of or in any way connected with the performance of this contract,
whether said accident occurs aboard ship, ashore, dockside, or afloat alongside, and
regardless of whether the accident involves an employee of Contractor and/or its
Subcontractors, of C.M.M., or any other individual, his property of equipment or the
property or equipment of C.M.M., or of any other company, and further agrees to
furnish C.M.M. with copy of all reports prepared by the Contractor in connection with
such accident or incident.
The Contractor agrees to use his best efforts to prevent accidents or injuries to, or death of,
its own employees, the employees of the ship owner and other persons and to prevent
damage to the vessel or its appliances or the portion thereof upon which work is to be
done. Daily safety meetings are to be held between C.M.M. and the Contractor.
23. The Contractor covenants and agrees to fully defend, protect, identify, hold harmless
and render whole the Company, its officers, directors, employees and agents, from and
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

against each and every claim, demand or cause of action and any liability, cost,
expense (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees and expenses incurred
in defence of the Company, its officers directors, employees and agents), for damage
or loss in connection therewith, which may be made or asserted by (or against)
Contractor, Contractors officers, directors, employees and agents, or which may be
made or asserted by (or against) any subcontractor, subcontractors officers, directors
and agents, or which may be made or asserted by (or against) any third party, third
partys officers, directors, employees and agents, or on account of personal injury or
death or property damage caused by, arising out of, or in any way accidental to, or in
connection with the performance of the work hereunder whether such personal injury
or death or property damage (or liability therefore) was caused by the sole negligence
of the Company, the Contractor, any subcontractor or any third party (and any of their
respective officers, directors, employees and agents), or by the strict liability of the
Company (and any of its officers, directors, employees and agents), whether such
liability for personal injury or death or property damage, with or without fault imposed
on any theory of strict liability by operation of law.

24. Delays and cancellations - If the vessel is delayed more than 15 days, the Owners are
free to cancel the contract and complete the repair elsewhere and paying only for work
carried out.

25. The yard is responsible for the ships safety during the yard stay.
26. The Contractor is liable for any damage to the ship or owner supplied materials
intended for the repairs during the stay at the yard, which is caused by the yard or any
of its subcontractors. Such damage to be repaired at the yards account.
27. The yard to indemnify and hold harmless the ship, the Owners and ships/Owners
personnel against any and all claims arising from injury to workmen or any other
person, suffered on or around the ship. The owners have no responsibility for any
injuries caused to any of the shipyards employees or its subcontractors while they are
onboard or in the vicinity of the vessel, whatever the reason for the injury might be,
unless such a loss or damage was caused by infringement by the owners of the
applicable national and international rules, standards and regulations, particularly with
regard to safety.

28. Governing Law and Arbitration

28.1 This contract shall be governed by the English Law and if any dispute should
arise in connection with the interpretation or fulfilment of this contract, same shall be
decided by arbitration in the city of London and shall be referred to a single Arbitrator
to be appointed by the parties hereto. If the parties cannot agree upon the appointment
of the single Arbitrator the dispute shall be settled by three Arbitrators, each party
appointing one Arbitrator, the third party appointed by London Maritime Arbitration

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

28.2 If either of the appointed Arbitrators refuses or is incapable of acting the party
who appointed him, shall appoint a new Arbitrator in his place.

28.3 If any party fails to appoint an Arbitrator for two weeks after the one party having
appointed his Arbitrator has sent the party making default notice by mail , cable or
telex to make the appointment , the party appointing the third Arbitrator , shall appoint
an Arbitrator on behalf of the party making default.

28.4 The award rendered by the Arbitration Court shall be final and binding upon the
parties and may if necessary enforced by the Court or any other competent Authority
in the same manner as a judgment in the Court of Justice.

29. Reference to Expert

Either party may refer the dispute to an indented person agreed by the parties or in
default of agreement within fourteen (14) days of the dispute notice , to an
independent person , experienced as a Marine Surveyor nominated by the head office
of the vessel s Classification Society (the Expert) with a request that the expert
make a report on the technical issues within twenty eight (28) days of receiving the
The cost and expenses of the Expert shall be borne equally by the Principal and the

30. Tenders submitted shall be using the same, reference numbers and sequence as
included in these documents. All correspondence to the awarded Contractor and final
invoicing shall be based on the same numbering.


(a) All or any costs of cleaning which will be necessary as a result of opening machinery
and parts, pumps, heat exchangers, valves and fittings, electrical equipment, etc., for
work detailed in the specification is to be included in the tender and this allowance should
also apply to cleaning of areas adjacent to the items. Any extra that may be required
because of additional work will be subject to separate order issued by Owners
(b) Upon the vessels arrival at the shipyard, representatives from shipyard, vessel and
Owner will inspect the vessel to assess standard of cleanliness and thereafter at regular
intervals throughout repair period to ensure that all debris, garbage, etc., are being
cleared. Pollution should be avoided at all times and under any circumstances. CMM is
an ISO 9001/14001 approved company and expects contractors to respect the
standards and to follow as possible.
(c) Staging not specifically stated, but where same is obviously required should be
allowed for. Same will apply to lighting, ventilation and removal of debris.
(d) Any damage by the main Contractor, or Sub-Contractor employed by the Contractor,
of whatever nature or cause, resulting in injury, material damage, loss of use, delay, or
any other expense, shall be made good by the Contractor at no cost/delay to the Owner.
(e) To avoid soiling of alleyways, etc. where shipyard employees have to pass to gain
access to repair locations, temporary protection in the form of cardboard paper or vinyl
sheet to be supplied by shipyard for duration of repair period.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

(f) Any water which may collect in the engine room bilges as a result of removal of
piping, draining of heat exchangers, etc., is to be removed by pumping out using shipyard
portable pumps and hoses and Contractors labor.
(g) Upon receipt of the order awarding the dry-docking and repairs of the vessel, the
successful shipyard will prepare a Work Schedule Program covering repair specification
content together with any additional repair items forwarded by the Owner. The Owners
Representative will at his discretion attend the repair establishment approximately 1 to 2
days prior to vessels arrival and will discuss work schedule with regard to present
specifications extra items, cancellations, spare parts delivery, etc. Upon completion of
discussions, a finalized schedule will be prepared and every effort must be made to
adhere to same.
(h) Contractor is to supply and deliver to the owners representative before vessels
departure four (4) sets of all readings and calibrations taken pertaining to propulsion
machinery, auxiliaries, stern tube / shaft, anchor chains, rudder etc. as will be indicated.
(i) During the work progress, the Contractor will be at least once per week provide a
DRAFT invoice including all the works, which are completed, and/or pending. The draft
is for reference in order to control the progress and avoid any major disagreements after
work completion. Upon completion of all works and before vessels departure one (1)
original and four (4) copies of repair account to be forwarded to the owners
representative / C.M.M., Technical Dpt. for approval.
(j) Costs of any or all of foregoing not included in individual items should be clearly
stated. Necessary overtime or other allowances/limitations for work specified to be
included in the given tender. Separate invoicing will not be accepted and cost increase for
given jobs will not be accepted.
(k) Any additions or cancellations made by the attending Owners Representative which
may increase or decrease the final repair invoice are to be cost evaluated at pro-rata to
unit price indicated on original cost breakdown submitted. Work put in hand not
previously covered in the specifications shall be charged in accordance with prevailing
tariff rates, which are to be supplied to this office concurrently with quotation. Estimated
prices for extra work must be given to Owners Representative within twenty-four (24)
hours of receipt of written request from Owners Representative. No work to commence
without owners representative approval and signature.
(l) There is to be appointed a shipyard repair manager to have overall control over the
project and to liaise with the owners representative.
(m) There is to be a daily meeting of at least the ship repair manager and the
owners representative to discuss progress of repairs. It is advisable to have the safety
officers and the senior personnel from both owners and shipyard present in this meeting.

(n) The Owner requests that the accounts are made out in the same sequence as Owners
specification and that the heading and corresponding number is repeated for each type
of repairs for bookkeeping purposes. Costs shall be given in breakdown form and not
lump sum i.e., separate price for each job per job number and item as therein specified.
Any exclusions or exceptions should be clearly indicated.

(o) The Contractor may call upon subcontractors to carry out specified work or additional
work. The Owners shall be informed whenever subcontractors are engaged in the repair
working advance and in writing. The owners reserve the right to reject the use of external
subcontractors upon examination of their quality certification.
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

(p) Both Contractor and its intended to be used Subcontractors shall submit together with
their tender their quality certificates (ISO9001 & 14001, OHSAS18001) to the Owner.
(q) An inspection plan to be prepared from the Contractor based on the list of works to be
executed, where verification testing, inspection, final acceptance, activities are to be
planned. The plan should also reflect the necessary acceptance criteria and procedures to
be used. In general, no job shall be considered finished until a successful test has been
performed to show acceptable workmanship and/or proper functioning. Job to be signed
off on completion sheet specifying job description, tests carried out and accepted by
yards quality manager/control and Owners representative.

(r) Classification Society representatives shall be informed of all work and the yard is
responsible to call them in for surveying all items concerning the class. Survey schedule
to be arranged in cooperation with Owners representative.


The Contractor is to take all necessary precautions to prevent any explosions, flooding
etc., as follows:
1. Furnish qualified fire watchmen and safety engineer during entire stay of
vessel in Yard while undergoing repairs.
2. To be a meeting daily to discuss amongst other things any safety issues and
work progress as well as any other issue affecting safety.
3. When main sea water piping, etc., are disassembled, special precautions must
be taken to ensure that all valves connecting to the shell of the vessel are secured
closed when vessel not on dry-dock. If necessary, placing watchmen on this duty.
When any overboard discharge valves, etc., are removed to the shop, no ballast is to be
placed in vessel. Always notify Owners Representative, Master of the vessel and / or
Chief Engineer when vessels valves are removed which are connected to the skin of
the vessel whether the vessel is in drydock or not.
4. Special precautions are to be taken when men are working on electric motors,
panels, lines etc., to ensure that disconnecting switches are opened and clearly marked
MEN WORKING ON THIS CIRCUIT. No work is to be started on electrical
systems until approved by vessels Chief Engineer.
5. When men are working in compartments with CO2 fire protection installed,
special precautions must be taken to prevent accidental opening of supply valves and
directional valves. (The gang release boxes for these compartments should be clearly
the remote tripping releases disconnected. Same to be restored to original condition
upon completion of works with prior agreement of Owners Representative.

6. Confined spaces are to be checked for being gas-free and to contain sufficient
oxygen, prior to allowing workmen to enter same. Relevant permits to be posted at the
entrance of the subject space on a daily basis (Safe to Enter signs). Same to be
displayed on the gas free certificate daily. In no way does the issue of gas free
certificates relieve the Yard of their responsibility to monitor and maintain the vessel
in a safe and gas free condition at all times. Should the presence of dangerous and/or
explosive gas be reported by the Chemist or by ships staff, all work must cease
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

immediately and not be resumed until the compartments or systems in question have
been cleared and a new certificate is issued, stating that all is free from explosive
and/or dangerous gases.
7. Valves inspection plates are to be opened and all flanges are to be removed
from dead end pipe lines. No welding or burning to commence on cargo pipe lines
until a chemists Certificate has been issued certifying pipe lines to be safe for
welding, burning and any other hot work.
8. When removing inspection plates from valves or blank flanges from dead end
cargo lines, or performing other removals in way of cargo tanks or pipe lines (prior to
issuing of gas-free certificate stating that pipe lines are gas-free and safe for men and
OPERATION. Also to collect and contain any oil/water contained.
9. If the Shipyard in effecting the specified repairs utilizes any of the vessels
equipment, it is to be understood by the Contractor that he assumes the responsibility
for the use of the equipment and the operations undertaken.
10. Yard is to arrange flashlights from an independent power source or brilliant
luminous arrow shaped signs which clearly show the escape route. This in order to
enable men working in engine, boiler, tanks and other confined spaces, to escape in
case of fire, explosion or power failure. For engine and boiler room, two escape routes
to be so marked.
11. Staging methods shall comply with the standards of the appropriate
governmental agency, and / or normal safe working practices.
12. All work performed on safety equipment shall meet all SOLAS and Panama
flag requirements as a minimum.
13. The Master will be provided with a list of phone numbers upon arrival for
contacting emergency facilities on a 24-hour basis (weekends included).
14. Shipyard is to provide the Master with a Walkie Talkie radio operating on the
shipyard frequencies, if walkie talkie radios are used by the shipyard, to be used as
back-up emergency communications with the Shipyard in the event of an emergency
and / or the loss of shipboard telephones.
15. Before double berthing operations involving present vessel can take place, the
Master and Repair Superintendent shall be given sufficient notice and information so
the Master can determine:
(a) the operation is safe, and
(b) the vessel is Gas Free in accordance with Port Regulations with a copy of the
certificate to Master and

(c) mooring arrangements are secure, and

(d) a contingency plan is discussed for responding to incidents that could threaten
the vessel,
(e) adequate facilities exist for passing between the vessels and the dock

(f) Potential damages to newly applied coating on the vessels vertical side from
both tug boats and/or fenders.
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

17. Temporary lighting and welding cables must be supported by other means than the
electric cable. If the temporary lighting passes through a hole on deck, a chafing guard
must be placed between the deck and the electric cable.
18. Whilst in the shipyard or the drydock, smoking by shipyard personnel or
subcontractors will be allowed only in designated areas on the main deck. Smoking
is to be banned in all other locations. The shipyard will provide adequate
cigarette butt receptacles at these locations in addition to warning labels.
19. All personnel while working must wear on or around the vessel hard hats and
safety gear on or around the vessel while she is in the shipyard or drydock.
20. ASBESTOS: No asbestos material is present onboard this vessel.

21. The contactor yard warrants that it is an ISPS approved organization.

Copy of certificate to be give to the ships master.


Any additional services for facilities, not specifically mentioned in this specification, which
may be required by the Contractor or the local Port Authorities for the safe and expedient
fulfilment of this item are to be clearly specified in your tender and a price or prices for the
same indicated.


The vessel will arrive in the shipyard with cargo tanks, pipelines, etc., cleaned and in all
respects in a gas free condition. Slops will be discharged before arrival in the shipyard.

In case this is not possible, please quote for the following:


Estimated 100 tons of slop water to be discharged

Quoted Cost/ton of slops discharged.............................


In case there are any sediments on deck to be disposed ashore. Certificate to be issued for the
above effect upon completion of all works.

Quoted Cost/ton of sediments......................

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


Estimate 10 tons to be pumped ashore via Ships International Shore connection using ships
bilge pump. In case this is not possible, portable submerged pump to be supplied from the
shipyard together with associated piping.

Quoted Cost/ton.......................................


Please quote for removal of engine room sludge from the sludge tank per ton. Sludge to be
removed from the manhole.

Quoted Cost/ton.......................................

For the above mentioned jobs (2.1.1/2/3, price to be given as price per unit/or ton including all
associated costs (piping, required cabling, flexible piping, etc)


Fitting /removing and suitable containment ashore to be provided for removing water and/or
oily water from machinery spaces. Cost will include operating power and any required
supervision from the Contractors side.

Quoted Cost for discharged ton

Quoted cost for installing and removing..........
Quoted Cost per day..........................................


From the time of delivery of the vessel to the Shipyard and until departure from the Shipyard
upon satisfactory completion of all repairs, the Contractor is to comply with all conditions and
provision stipulated in the Owners Terms and conditions.
The Contractor is requested to list the item prices for the following facilities and services
All Cargo Tanks, heating coils, cargo piping system, cargo venting systems, etc. are to be
tested by an approved chemist as required by Harbour and Port Regulation and a Gas Free
Certificate for men and fire to be issued before any work is commenced. The vessel does
have a Pump room.

Three copies of the Certificate are to be made available:

1. One copy to Master
2. One copy to Owners representative
3. One copy for display at top of Gangway

Notices clearly identifying ships condition to be prominently displayed.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

The certificate has to declare the condition of all spaces where work may be carried out and
must be signed by the Chemist.
This certificate will in no way relieve the Repair Contractor from his responsibility for full
compliance with the provision of this Item of Dry-dock and Repair Specification.
During the vessels entire stay in the Shipyards or repair berth, Chemist has to test all tanks,
daily. Any variation in the condition of the vessel is to be brought to the attention of the
Owners Representative.
After changes of ballast, disconnection of pipelines or valves or other circumstances which
affect the Gas Free position of the vessel, the Chemist is required to re-examine before further
work in affected spaces is undertaken.
Bunker Tanks containing fuel oil are to be distinctly marked by painting a white stripe across
the deck indicating location of bulkheads and stencilled:
As the cargo tanks are fully coated, no welding or burning should be allowed on the main
deck unless it is part of assigned work to avoid damages to the tank coatings.
No hydrostatic testing should be performed to any cargo line or to individual tanks or groups
of cargo tanks until Hot work is completed inside and in way of cargo tanks.
No anodes are fitted in the cargo tanks of the vessel.

Quoted Cost / initial certificate...............................

Quoted Cost / additional certificates.......................

Above quote is to include all costs relating to the issue of Gas - Free Certificates by Local
Governmental Authority Chemist.



Contractor has to arrange for Fire-Watchman services as required by Shipyard Regulations

and Port Authorities either the ship is afloat or in Dry-dock throughout repair period (cost for
extra fire lines to be stated as well).
Please specify number of fire-watchmen to be charged per day.

Quoted Cost for fire watchman attendance per day ...........................


a. Supply of additional fire lines (pressurised from the shore), connected to the shores main
supply line and maintained throughout the repair period.

Quoted Cost for each additional fire line per day..

b. Connect-up hoses to the ships main fire sea water line and supply salt water under 10
kg/cm2 pressure for fire fighting, refrigerating/air conditioning plant and for hydraulic oil
cooler while vessel is in Dry-dock. Disconnect same after completion and remove hoses.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Quoted Cost / con/discoc..................................

Quoted Cost / day for fire protection........
Quoted Cost / day for refrigerating plant/hydraulic cooler.................................
c. Connect-up hoses to the ships main fire sea water line and supply salt water under pressure
for fire fighting and refrigerating/air conditioning plant while vessel is at the Contractors
pier. Disconnect same after completion and remove hoses (if required).

Quoted Cost / connection/disconnection..................................

Quoted Cost / day for fire protection............................


Provide safe repair berth, with necessary facilities for the work specified and secure the vessel
alongside throughout the repair period.

Quoted Cost / day.................................


The following vessel movements are expected to take place during the vessels stay at the
Contractors yard, throughout the repair period.

a. Entering and mooring of the vessel upon arrival at the Contractors pier (from anchorage
to yard and securing alongside repair berth).
b. Shifting the vessel from the Contractors pier/repair berth into Dry-dock.
c. Shifting the vessel from the Dry-dock to the Contractors pier/repair berth, upon the
satisfactory completion of all repairs.
Un-mooring the vessel upon departure from the Contractors Yard after the satisfactory
completion of all repairs

Note: Any deviations from the above specified movements of the vessel must be specifically
indicated in the tender and reflected in the item price (e.g. the vessel entering directly into
Dry-dock upon arrival or leaving directly from Dry-dock upon departure).
Owner or his agent, if so desired, may arrange for and assume charges for the tugboats at any
one or more of the above specified movements in which case this item will be cancelled or
amended as required for the full and proper credit reduction in the item price, based on the
above quoted rates.

Additional vessel movements from the ones specified above that might have to be performed
for yards convenience and/or other vessels in the repair yard re-arrangement will not be
accepted to be invoiced to the owner.


Arrange for and provide the necessary services of tugboats to assist the vessel at the
operations/movements as described above.
Number of tug boats and total hours used will be based on the vessels bridge log book.
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Please specify total number of tug hours for each of the above movements.
Quoted Cost/tug hour..............................


Furnish services of a qualified Pilot to assist the Vessel for the shifting operations described
above, if so required by Port authorities and Yard regulations.

Quoted Cost/shift..............................

2.5.3 Riggers assistance, mooring and un-mooring lines

Provide the necessary services of line handlers and/or riggers for handling the vessels
mooring lines at each of the movements listed above. Number of riggers to be used is
shipyards responsibility in order to ensure the vessels safety and might vary depending on
the repair yards facilities.

Quoted Cost for riggers assistance for each of the vessels movements described above


Quote the cost for Launch service (if required) from the Contractors repair yard to the vessel,
expected to be anchored outside the repair yard.

Quoted Cost/round trip.......................


Quote for divers assistance during shifting of the vessel to the Dry-dock and at Contractors
pier if requested by Owners Representative.

Quoted Cost/hour................................


The Contractor shall specify desired Docking draft and trim, state max block load and arrange
docking blocks according to the Docking Plan (will be submitted when the contract is signed).
Strict compliance with the docking plan should be observed.
The keel blocks must be placed along the entire CL and along the longitudinal bulkheads in
way of side. With regard to the stability, blocks are to be forward and aft of the cargo spaces
in line with the longitudinal bulkheads.
The longitudinal spacing of the blocks shall always be at least twice the dimension of blocks
in the ships fore and aft direction. The shores and blocks shall be checked daily and hardened

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

up as required. Effort should be made to ensure that bottom plugs of tanks are not blocked by
docking blocks. Owners will not require shifting of blocks for hull painting.
The Shipyard must advise the following directly after the job assignment:
a. Dimensions of dock and the clearance between Docks sides from ships sides
b. Dimensions of blocks to be used, material on top of the blocks and height clearance under
the vessel.
c. Arrangement of blocks including any planned block shifting.

Shifting and block removals will be only allowed if it is necessary for strength reasons or
better time schedule or is requested by the Owner representative for coating.
Allow labour to remove blocking for examination and/or coating (separately covered) in way
of keel or bilge strake plating.

Quoted Cost/ keel blocks................................

Quoted Cost/ bilge blocks................................


Connect cables and supply necessary electric power (shore power or external generator)
Ship electric power requirements: 440 volts A.C. 60 HZ 3 Phase. Maximum current 600A
Note: Please advise if power to be supplied is different than the above.

The final cost is calculated from the total consumption verified by Owners Representative
and Shipyards based on the counter indications. There is a kwh counter available onboard on
the shore connection.


Estimate one connection/disconnections for the vessels stay in the repair yard.

Quoted Cost / connection/disconnection.................................

Quoted Cost /kWh............................................


Please quote for supplying external generator (250 KW), connected to the vessels shore
power connection.

Quoted Cost / connection/disconnection.................................

Quoted Cost per generator per day

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

2.10 FRESH


Connect-up hoses and supply fresh water for ships use during works and testing purposes if
requested from Owners Representative.

Quoted Cost / connection/disconnection..............

Quoted Cost / ton......................................
Note: The final prices will be adjusted to the actual consumption as indicated and verified by
meters at the above quoted rate prices.


Garbage from galley and other compartments to be removed from the deck and disposed to
shore facilities upon request of the vessels Masters.
Certificate to that effect to be issued and be included in the final certificate binder that will be
delivered on the vessel.
Quoted Cost / day...................................
Quoted Cost / ton.....................................


Make all necessary arrangements, connect hoses and supply clean and dry compressed air at
a constant pressure of 7 kg/cm2 to vessel where indicated by Owners Representative (Engine
room or Deck works or other purposes). Disconnect and remove hoses after completion.
Quoted Cost / connection/disconnection..............
Quoted Cost / day..................................................


Make the necessary arrangements and place one shore telephone set for the vessel for local
use only (located in the ships office).

Quoted Cost / connection/disconnection..............


Furnish labour and material for loading and unloading ship spares, provisions and stores when
required and requested by the Owners Representative. No charge will be accepted without
written confirmations undersigned by Owners Representative.
Quoted Cost /hour (crane & operator).....................

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


In the event that ventilation in some areas is requested by Owners, quote for labour and
material to provide same.

In case continuous ventilation supply is part of the Contractors safety procedures for tank and
confined spaces entry and/or work, this is to be stated in your tender

Quoted Cost/ connection/disconnection.........................

Quoted Cost/ventilator/day.............................................


Furnish labour and material to supply in work areas temporary lighting where requested by
Owners Representative.
Quoted Cost/ connection/disconnection....................................
Quoted Cost/tank (set of lamps)or compartment/day.................


Heating portable lamps to be supplied, if so requested by Owners Representative

Quoted Cost/lamp or set of lamps..............................................


The Contractor shall remove bottom plugs as will be indicated by the vessel's chief officer
(total number for ballast tanks 9 bottom plugs).
After re-installation all bottom plugs which have been removed are to be vacuum tested
before flooding of the dry dock to demonstrate that they will not leak when the vessel is re-
When removed, plugs to be kept in the custody of Chief Officer and to be removed/refitted in
the presence of Chief Officer.
Unless specific instructions are given by the Owners Representative, Engine Room and Fuel
Tank plugs are not to be removed.

Quoted Cost / plug...............................................

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


2.20.1 De-ballasting

The vessel has only clean ballast. De-ballasting may be carried out by gravity through sea
chests and bottom plugs. In case the above is not permitted, Contractor has to state costs and
means for de-ballasting by using Yard pumps and equipment to disposal to shore facility.
Quoted Cost / connection/disconnection.............
Quoted Cost for de-ballasting/ ton.......................

2.20.2 Ballasting

Connect relative pipes and supply ballast water by Contractors pumps upon Owners
Representative request prior to re-floating and when the vessel is still in dry-dock. The ballast
water after the vessel is dry-docked should be the same with the quantity that the vessel had
when entered into the Drydock and the floating/docking plan shall be approved from the
In case ballast water will be supplied from the air vent pipes, after removing the vent heads,
the quoted cost to include this action as well. Separate invoicing will not be accepted.

Quoted Cost / connection/disconnection.............

Quoted Cost for ballasting/ ton.............................


2.21.1 Deck Scuppers

Deck scupper plugs to be supplied and fitted prior to the commencement of Hull treatment
and removed when paint is dry.

Quoted Cost / plug/scupper...................................

2.21.2 Cooling water overboard discharges

Cooling water overboard discharges and other discharges which will be in use while the
vessel is in the dry dock to be plugged with extension pipes, discharging to the dock bottom.

Quoted Cost/extension pipe


Quote for fitting of sewage connections and disposal of sewage and waste from bathrooms
and galley into shore disposal system (grey water only).

Quoted Cost/ connection/disconnection ..

Quoted Cost/ per day.

Note: Please specify yard policy on discharge of grey water.

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Quote for fitting of appropriate gangways while vessel is in dry-dock and/or lay berth and
removal upon completion. Gangway to be adequately illuminated at night.
If rails have been removed in order to fit the gangway, those must be re-welded and fitted
after completion without any additional charge.

Quoted Cost/gangway..................................


2.24.1 Normal staging

Please quote prices for erecting staging required for structural renewals, pipe testing and/or
fabrication cleaning, inspection and/or other jobs if any. Also specify in detail the length and
width for the staging that will be erected inside Cargo tanks where necessary and other places.
Given prices shall include fitting and removal of staging from ship.
On Main Deck Quoted Cost/ m3 ...................................
In Engine room Quoted Cost/ m3 ..................................
In Cargo tanks Quoted Cost/ m3..................................
In Void Spaces Quoted Cost/ m3..................................
In Ballast tanks Quoted Cost/ m3..................................
On Dry-dock Quoted Cost/ m3..................................

2.24.2 Hanging staging

Please quote prices for hanging staging to be used on difficult to access/reach areas.

Quoted Cost / running m2..................................


On completion of repairs, deck, tank and engine room areas that have been contaminated
during the vessels stay at the Contractors repair yard, to be generally cleaned clear of debris.
Local cleaning in way of repaired and/or areas that repairs have taken place to be include in
each individual quotation (relevant work items).
In case areas have been damaged an/or over sprayed from works carried out in the
Contractors facilities from Contractors workforce, these are to be restored to its original
condition at the Contractors expense and supplied materials.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The vessel must be dry-docked and inspected for unforeseen damages to the hull, rudder,
propeller and bilge keels.
All jobs included in this specification as well as thorough examination of the entire hull,
bottom inspection, cleaning, painting and all specified repairs to the underwater body as well
as any unforeseen damages shall be completed and accepted from the owners representative
before the vessels undocking.
Upon satisfactory completion of all specified work and with the approval of the Owners
Representative, the vessel shall be un-docked.
The Contractor shall supply the vessel, prior to departure from the Shipyard, an original and
four (4) copy of a Dry-dock report with all information on repairs/measurements performed
by the shipyard during the vessels stay in the drydock as well as the days alongside in the
Contractors berth.
Price shall include block arrangements, diver assistance if required, and any other ancillary
work per yard practice.


Quoted cost/per day.........................


Quoted Cost/day......................................

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


After the completion of each stage (blasting, sweeping, scraping, etc.) and before painting,
area will be inspected and approved by Owners Representative and Painting company
representative (including dry film thickness measurements).
All the hull paints shall be Owners supply.

The surface preparation and the application of paint shall be in accordance with the paint
manufacturers recommendations and the requirements of the Manufacturers
Representative who will be present all that time (paint maker product data sheets are to be
strictly followed.

The entire exterior surface of the hull, keel to rail, stern to bow including rudder and
propeller shall be thoroughly cleaned by high pressure ( minimum 300 bar) fresh water to
remove all scale, loose paint back to firm edge, marine growth, salt crystals and other
foreign substances. Sufficient hose length and access shall be provided to enable jet nozzles
to be not more than 30 cm from hull surface. After HPFW cleaning the salt content on the
hulls surface shall not be more than 50 mg/m2.
Areas contaminated with oil or grease shall be degreased using soluble detergent
compatible with paint in use and thoroughly rinsed.

All blasting shall be done by clean grit or other suitable material used by the shipyard
propelled by clean, dry, oil free air. During blasting the Contractor shall close off all
ventilators, doors, sea valves inlets, etc. to prevent the ingress of grit.
Abrasive material shall be new and not recycled.
Effective precaution shall be taken to prevent grit entering rudder and propeller shaft
The sides of the vessel shall be protected (handrails on deck) with suitable material in order
to protect the main deck from being contaminated with abrasive material (plywood or
No blasting shall take place in the vicinity of wet paint or in the vicinity of the vessel (same
dry dock) after blasting for this vessel will have been completed and steel surfaces cleaned
(dry air, fresh water hose down washing).
If blasted surfaces have rusted prior to painting, then re-blasting will be required.

Prior to painting, ships side scuppers shall be plugged and any overboard discharges in use
shall be carried clear of hull via plugs fitted with hose, pipes or equivalent which conduits
shall be carried down to the dock bottom. Allow for access as required. Paint shall be
applied only to perfectly dry surfaces, free from dust, salt crystal fouling, loose paint,
cleaning residue and other impurities in accordance with paint manufacturers
When more than one coat is specified, subsequent coats shall not be applied until preceding
coat has sufficient curing/drying time in accordance with the time interval recommended by
the paint manufacturer. The same applies for immersion time upon completion of the
underwater bodys coating work.
If condensation appears on the outer shell of blasted tanks the Owners Representative
should be consulted regarding the draining of such tanks before recoating commences.
Where blasting is carried out edges of existing paints are to be feathered to allow
for proper bonding of new paint + to ensure all loose paints is removed. Feathering
can be achieved by either blasting or disc papering.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Dry film thickness measurements shall be carried out prior to application of each coating.
Obtained values significantly lower (15%) than the design values described in these
specifications, will require additional coating with the same paint until design values have
been reached. In such cases additional paint will have to be supplied from the Contractor at
his account.
Cost increase from delays resulting (additional days in the dry dock, delayed delivery, etc.)
from wrong application of the coating system, resulting into re-application of the same coat
will not be accepted from the Owner.
The paint manufacturers representative and paint data sheets requirements are to be
followed to ensure correct surface preparation and paint application. The paint
manufacturers recommendations with respect to spray equipment pressure, nozzle tip size,
spray angle and paint film thickness will be strictly adhered to. Film thickness shall be
continuously monitored to ensure that over thickness and under thickness is held to a
minimum. Sags, runs, spray dusts and overspray shall be avoided or brushed out. If not,
Owners Representative reserves the right to require re-blasting and refinishing of affected
area. All anodes and transducers as well as propeller shall be protected against paint by
grease soft soap or masking tape.

Since the new IMO rules antifouling paints are to be used, the classification society will
need to issue an antifouling statement of compliance certificate. This will confirm
compliance with the new IMO rules for antifouling paints. Any requirements of the Class
surveyor should be adhered to during the hull treatment and paint application to allow the
issuance of such a certificate


4.2.1 General

Table with external areas

Area (both sides) Square Meters
Top Sides, from deep loading to deck 2600 m2
rails/upper shear strake
Vertical Sides, incl. Boottop, from deep load 4850 m2
line down to the bilge keel, including rudder
and bilge keels),
Flat Bottom (up to bilge keel areas) 3700 m2

All external areas to be HPFW washed with minimum pressure of 300 bars.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Please quote cost for the items listed in the following table (Hull Treatment)

Cost per square meter Flat Bottom Vertical Sides Top Sides
Hose down with fresh water
High Pressure Washing (min 300
Hand Scrapping
Washing Oil Stains
Grit Sweep Blasting *
Grit Blasting SA1 (continuous)*
Grit Blasting SA1 (spot)*
Grit Blasting SA2(continuous)*
Grit Blasting SA2(spot)*

* In case there is any limitation on the minimum area to be blasted, or thickness in microns of
the existing coat that will have to be removed, such is to be stated in your tender.

4.2.2 Top Sides

To be treated as follows with the sequence indicated:

Topside Percentage Area m2
HPFW Washing 100% 2600

Spot SA2 5% ~ 130

Spot SA1 15% ~ 390
Hosing down with FW 100% 2600

4.2.3 Vertical sides including boottop area

To be treated as follows with the sequence indicated:

Vertical side Percentage Area m2
Hard Scrapping 100
HPFW Washing 100% 4850
Spot SA2 20% 970
Spot SA1 40% 1940
Hosing down with FW 100% 4850

4.2.4 Flat Bottom

To be treated as follows with the sequence indicated:

Vertical side Percentage Area m2
Hard Scrapping 100
HPFW Washing 100% 3700
Spot SA2 3% 111
Spot SA1 6% 222
Hosing down with FW 100% 3700

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

4.2.5 Oily Spots

Oily spots to be cleaned with chemical supplied by Owners, after HPFW washing and
washed again with H.P.F.W. jet.
Top Sides 50 m2
Vertical Sides 50 m2

4.3 EXTERNAL HULL COATING (for 60 months protection under normal trade)

Please quote cost for the items listed in the following table (Hull Treatment)
Cost per square meter Flat Bottom Vertical Sides Top Sides
Touch Up conventional up to 150
Touch Up SPC up to 150 mic
Touch Up SPC up to 100 mic

Each Full Coat up to 60 mic

Each Full Coat up to 80 mic
Each Full Coat up to 150 mic

4.3.1 Top sides

To be coated as follows
Topside (upper Microns Percentage Area (2600 m2)
area) DFT
1xTouch Up 150 10% 260
Jotamastic 87

1xTouch Up Safeguard 100 10% 260

universal ES, red

1xFull Coat 60 100% 2600

Hardtop flexi. Orange

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

4.3.2 Vertical sides including boottop area

To be coated as follows
Side bottom (from Microns Percentage Area (4150 m2)
bilge keel to DFT
scantling draft)
1xTouch Up 150 42% 2037 m2
Jotamastic 87

1xTouch Up 150 42% 2037 m2

Safeguard universal ES,

1xFull Coat 150 100% 4850 m2

A/F Seaquantum
classic S. Light Red

1xFull Coat 150 100% 4850 m2

A/F seaquantum
classic S. Dark Red

4.3.3 Flat Bottom (up to the bilge keels)

To be coated as follows
Flat Bottom Microns Percentage Area (3700 m2)
1xTouch Up 150 8% 296
Jotamastic 87

1xTouch Up 150 8% 296

Safequard universal
ES. red

1xFull Coat 80 100% 3700

A/F seamate light

1xFull Coat 80 100% 3700

A/F seamate dark

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

4.3.4 Vessels Marks

The items listed below, upon completion of coating work of the external areas and the
drying time as described in the makers product data sheets to be repainted with two (2)
coats of white chlorinated rubber paint. All these are marked (by means of welding) from
construction to allow for class survey underwater inspection in lieu of dry-docking and no
additional tracing is required.

Bulkhead marks on both sides

Draft marks (forward, mid ship & aft on both sides)
Plimsoll marks (load line) on both sides
Manifolds on both sides
Bottom plug location
Overboard discharges on both sides
Sea chest location on both sides (5)
Bulbous Bow Marks on both sides
Tug marks on both sides

Quoted Cost for repainting of the areas described above (lump sum price)........

4.3.5 Vessels name, IMO number and Port of Registry

Vessels name HELLAS XXXXXXXX on bow port and starboard, and her name
"HELLAS XXXXXXXX" as well as the port of registry XXXXXXX on stern to be
repainted with two (2) coats of hard drying white paint (no tracing needed).

The IMO Number XXXXXXXX on the transom to be repainted with two (2) coats of
hard drying white paint (no tracing needed).

Quoted Cost for repainting of the items described above..................................

4.3.6 Rudder Trunk

The whole area (allow for 20 m2) shall be blasted to SA2 standard and full specification
coating as the vertical sides (lower part) to be applied.

Quoted Cos (lump sum).

4.3.7 ICCP Epoxy coated surfaces on external hull

a. Epoxy damaged areas around the ICCP anodes (fwd & aft, P&S) to be blasted to SA2
standard and epoxy putty/filler to be applied. Allow for 4 m2 that will require repair.
The anodes poles to be protected so that will not be damaged from abrasive material neither
will be over sprayed with paint.

Quoted Cost

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

b. Prior to coating of hull, impressed current anodes (titanium material) and impressed current
reference electrodes (zinc material) to be covered with grease. Anodes shall be cleaned prior
to undocking. These are located fwd and aft on the vessel, one set per side. No other
maintenance will be required. All staging, lighting to be included in your quotations

Quoted Cost..........................................

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6



The vessel is fitted with a semi-spade, semi-balanced rudder with the following particulars:
TYPE: Semi spade
WEIGHT: 38070 Kg
RUDDER AREA: 42.16 m2
Lifting Tube: Steel Pipe STPG 200A Sch 160
O-Ring Diameter for upper pintle: 12 mm x 348 (Synthetic Rubber)
O-Ring Diameter for lower pintle: 15 mm x 565 (Synthetic Rubber)
Dimensions: 9200 mm height, Upper length 6250 mm, Lower length 5000 mm

Rudder Stock
Material: Forged steel with carbon content < 0.23%
Stock Sleeve: SUS316 L
Nominal Diameter 490 mm
Weight: 11576 kg
Upper Pintle: Forged Steel, DNV Grade
Lower Pintle: Forged Steel, DNV Grade
Upper pintle sleeve material: SUS316
Lower pintle sleeve material: SUS316

5.1.1 Staging to be erected

Staging with the following dimensions to be erected on the dry dock bottom:
Tower 11m x 7m x 3m (2 sets, one for each side of the rudder).

Quoted Cost.

5.1.2 Rudder stock clearances

Rudder stock clearances (rudder carrier), upper and lower pintle clearances to be taken and a
report shall be issued.
The covers of the rudder carrier shall be opened in order to enable access to the rudder carrier
bush (bronze material) and take the required measurements.
Clearances of the jumping stoppers (2) to be recorded and reported

Quoted Cost.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

5.1.3 Rudder & Rudder Horn Plugs

Rudder (4) and rudder horn plugs (1) to be opened up for inspection. Upon completion, plugs
to be re-fitted and verified sealed dry with vacuum testing

Quoted Cost.

5.1.4 Rudder blade to be removed (if necessary)

Rudder blade to be disconnected from the rudder stock lowered to the dock bottom and
transported to the workshop if necessary.
Rudder stock to rudder coupling bolts to be renewed with new ones fabricated at the
Contractors yard.
At re-assembly all sealing o-rings to be replaced with new ones supplied from the yard.
Upon completion, all installation shall be re-assembled.
In order to remove the rudder the following jobs will have to be performed: Upper pintle to be removed and bush to be renewed (if necessary)

The upper pintles nut to be loosed and pintle to be removed.

New bush shall be fabricated from the yard and fitted on the rudder.
Upon completion the upper pintle shall be re-fitted and secured.
The upper pintle can be withdrawn on top of the rudder.
The surface of the pintles steel liner shall be polished.

Quoted Cost (material yards supply).. Lower pintle to be removed and bush to be renewed

The lower pintles nut to be loosed and pintle to be removed.

New bush shall be fabricated from the yard and fitted on the rudder.
The surface of the pintles steel liner shall be polished.
Upon completion the lower pintle shall be re-fitted and secured.
In order to provide access on the top of the pintle the portable plate of the rudder has to be
removed (gouged out and re-welded upon completion of the works)

Present material of both bushes is Phenolic Resin (HFG-LITE CR510)

Upper pintle bush dimensions OD=360 mm, L=457 mm, ID=330mm
Lower pintle bush dimensions OD=580 mm, L=710 mm, ID=540 mm )
Fitting method by shrink fitting

Quoted Cost (material yards supply)..

Quoted Cost for job 5.1.4, excluding separate costs included in 5.1.4 a & b

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

5.1.5 Rudder stock bush and bearing disc to be renewed (rudder carrier) (if necessary)

The bush of the rudder stock in way of the rudder carrier to be renewed with yards supplied
new material.
In order to replace these two items the top cover of the rudder carrier shall be dismantled.
Rudder Stock Bush (supplied in halves)
Material: synthetic material Thordon
External diameter: 586 mm
Internal Diameter: 531 mm
Height: 370 mm
Grease holes and oil grooves will have to be fabricated based on the original drawing

Rudder Carrier Bearing Disc (supplied in halves)

Material: synthetic material Thordon
External diameter: 1020 mm
Internal diameter: 586 mm
Height: 25 mm
Grease holes and oil grooves will have to be fabricated based on the original drawing

a. Quoted cost for bush renewal (material yards supply)..

b. Quoted cost for rudder carrier bearing disc renewal (material yards supply)

5.1.6 Crack repair on the rudder plate

Possible cracks on the blades surface to be repaired by arc gouging and re-welding (allow
three pass). Electrodes to be used shall be low hydrogen.
Cracks next to casting material will have to be pre-heated to the requirements of the
Classification Society.

Quoted cost for 300 mm crack repair..

5.1.7 Rudder Horn Crack Repair

Possible cracks on the rudder horn: Area to be blasted to SA2 (allow for 3 m2) and checked
for cracks with a suitable NDT method (dye penetrant or magnetic particle).
Allow for two (2) meters of surface crack detection.

Cracks to be arc gouged and re-welded using low hydrogen electrodes. Complete area will
require pre-heating and post-heating in accordance with the requirements of the Classification

a. Quoted cost for NDT crack detection

b. Quoted cost for 300 mm crack repair

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

5.1.8 Rudder Blade Air Test

Air test to be carried on the rudder (0.15 kgf/cm2) in case water is found inside the blade or
extensive steel repairs are carried out.
Suitable air connection piece and pressure gauge connection shall be supplied from the yard
and welded on the rudder. Upon completion of the air test, these two pieces to be removed
and remains to be welded. Final tightness on these two points to be checked by dye penetrant.

Quoted cost..



DRG N0 6208000 (M-44)
DIAM. 6,000 mm
PITCH 4.2272 M
No of BLADES 4 R.H.
WEIGHT 14,590 tonnes
AREA EXPANDED = 13.4586 m2

5.2.1 Propeller in situ polishing

The propeller shall be super polished in-situ to 4 microns RZ. Removal is not necessary in this
Fish oil shall be applied on completion of the works.
Staging shall be erected on both sides of the propeller. Allow for two towers of 10m x 6 m x
During hull painting, the propeller should be covered to protect it from paint overspray
(plastic film protection, canvas or other).

Quoted cost..

5.2.2 Propeller to be removed from the shaft and laid on the bottom of the dock (if

The propeller shall be withdrawn from the propeller shaft (high pressure oil injection system
using the hydraulic nut) and laid on the bottom of the dock. Propeller shaft nut and propeller
cap will have to be removed as well.
Local heating of the propeller boss is not permitted.
Super polishing as described in 5.2.1paragraph to be carried out to the same specified
standard and conditions.
Blade roots and/or trailing edges to be NDT tested for crack detection (allow for ten (10)
meters of dye penetrant testing.

The cone of the propeller shaft to be NDT magnetic particle tested for crack detection in
accordance with the requirements of the Classification society. Allow for an area of 1000 mm
length by 430 mm in diameter. Complete report to be issued upon the completion.
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

The whole installation shall be re-assembled at completion of the above specified works (to
the satisfaction of Owners Representative and Class Surveyor, propeller cap cone to be
reassembled and filled with fresh tallow).

Quoted cost.

5.2.3 Propeller damage repair

In case of damage at the edge of the propeller blades, our intention is the damage to be
repaired and finish as necessary to the owner representative and class satisfaction.
Swallow cracks are to be removed by grinding and the surrounding area smoothened.
Deeper cracks shall be repaired with a method proposed from the yard and approved both
from the Classification Society and the Owners representative.
Crack repair to be confirmed being brought to an acceptable condition with a NDT method
(Magnetic Particles)

a. Swallow cracks (~ 100 mm) Quoted cost..

b. Deep Cracks (>20 mm in depth) Quoted cost

5.2.4 Propeller damage replacement

In case the fitted propeller is damaged to an extent that cannot be repaired; spare propeller
will supplied by the owner for replacement.
The new propeller must be finished and machined as required to the owner representative and
class satisfaction.
The hubs internal area of the new propeller has to be machined and/or polished in order to
achieve contact quality with the existing shafts cone higher than 70% (blue ink test shall be
carried out in order to verify proper contact).
In case machining for achieving proper contact cannot be performed in situ, the propeller
shaft to be dismantled and transported to the workshop where preparation and verification
shall take place.
On completion of all works, the shaft is to be re-installed, temporary hull opening to be closed
and new propeller to be re-fitted (to the satisfaction of Owners Representative and Class
Surveyor, fairwater cone to be reassembled and filled with fresh tallow)

Quoted Cost...........................................

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6




SERIAL No : X-36450


SERIAL No : X-36450



DIAMETER : 565 mm
LENGTH : 7,624 mm
WEIGHT : 14.6 tonnes
MATERIAL Forged steel with TS> 600 N/mm2

DIAMETER : 465 mm
LENGTH : 10500 mm
WEIGHT : 15.023 tonnes
FWD FLANGE: 10 coupling bolts
AFT FLANGE: 10 coupling bolts
MATERIAL Forged steel with TS> 600 N/mm2
COUPLING BOLTS MATERIAL AFT : Forged steel with TS> 600 N/mm2
COUPLING BOLTS MATERIALFED : Forged steel with TS> 600 N/mm2
COUPLING BOLTS AFT: D=85 mm, Length 323 mm
COUPLING BOLTS FWD: D=85 mm, Length 374 mm

Staging to be erected around the stern boss, both port and starboard in order to provide access
to the aft seal, rope guard and propeller shaft cone.

5.3.1 Propeller Shaft Rope Guard (remove and refit)

The propeller shaft guard shall be removed, blasted and painting according to vertical side
painting scheme.
Anodes to be replaced with new ones supplied from the yard (allow four pieces 3 kg each).
Rope cutting blades to be renewed with new ones supplied from the yard (allow for 6 pieces).
Bolts and nuts to be used shall be made from stainless steel.
Upon completion, all installation shall be fitted back in order.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Quoted cost.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

5.3.2 Fabrication of new rope guard

New rope guard to be fabricated. Allow for 12 mm plating thickness to be used. Painting,
anodes and cutting blades shall be same as paragraph 5.3.1.
Upon fabrication and painting shall be fitted back in order.

Quoted cost..

5.3.3 Shaft clearances and poker gauge measurement

Poker gauge measurements to be taken and recorded of the tail shaft aft liner in two positions
(top and bottom) using the special gauge (supplied from the vessel).
Shaft clearances shall be taken as well (by means of filler gauge) on both forward and aft bush
of the propeller shaft. Measurement at each location shall be taken at four points (top, bottom,
port & starboard). Report with measurements shall be issued to the owner at completion of

Quoted Cost

5.3.4 Tailshaft forward and aft seals to be dismantled in situ

Tail shaft aft and forward seals to be dismantled in situ. The oil in the stern tube will be
drained by the ships crew. Cleaning of the chrome liners in way of the sealing surfaces shall
be done if necessary in situ. Replacement of the sealing rings using the bonding method by
makers specialist (assistance to be provided from the yard).
Seal rings will be supplied from the owner.
The distance ring available on the aft seal shall be removed so that the new seals seal on clear
liner surface and skimming of the liner is not needed.
Upon completion of work, the stern tube will be refilled with new oil (owner supply) and the
seals will be examined for leakage when subjected to full header and tank pressure.

a. Quoted Cost/Aft seal............................

b. Quoted Cost/Fwd seal

5.3.5 Tailshaft to be removed/ withdrawn (if necessary)

Intermediate shaft shall be de-coupled both from the main engine and the propeller shaft and
placed inside the vessel.
Intermediate bearing cover shall be dismantled and placed in the vessel.
For removal of the intermediate shaft the shaft earthing device need to be dismantled (to be
done by ships crew).
Propeller shaft shall be removed/ withdrawn in the vessel (special care to be given when
moving the tail shaft through the stern tube bearing bushes).

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

An opening on the vessels side (1700x1200 mm) shall be cut for permitting the propeller
shafts removal from the vessel.
Propeller shaft to be transported to the workshop and NDT tested as per Class requirements.
Complete reinstallation after completion and hull side repair.
Taishaft aft and forward seals shall be dismantled as required in paragraph 5.3.4.
Proper sealing rings to the correct diameter to be fitted (not bonded method on both seals).
Before the propeller shaft is re-inserted, both bushes to be cleaned.
Upon re-installation and coupling of the shafting system, the alignment to be checked by
means of bearing reaction (jack up) as described in the Shaft Alignment Specification
drawing which is available onboard the vessel.
Shims insertion in way of the intermediate bearing foundation based on the results of the jack
up measurement.
Upon completion of all works, the complete installation shall be re-assembled and temporary
hull opening to be closed to the satisfaction of both the Class Surveyor and Owners

Fitting and re-installation of shafting and the propellers on the shaft to be attended from both
the Class Surveyor and Owners representative.
Upon completion of all works, tightness shall be verified for leakage when subjected to full
header and tank pressure.

Quoted cost

5.3.6 Intermediate block bearing opening

Intermediate bearing block shall be opened up for inspection by Owners Representative and
Class Surveyor and refitted afterwards. The intermediate bearing is oil collar type by
Kobelco Marine Eng.

Quoted Cost

5.3.7 Fabrication of stern tube aft bush (if necessary)

In case the propeller shaft is withdrawn and the aft bush needs to be replaced, the following
works will have to be done.
Removal of the existing bush
Fabrication of new bush based on the original drawings (weight 896 kg, length 1150
mm, external diameter 679 to 673 mm, internal diameter 565.9 mm. Machining of all
details to be as shown on the original drawing.
Fitting of the newly fabricated aft stern tube bush

Quoted Cost.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

5.3.8 Fabrication of stern tube forward bush (if necessary)

In case the propeller shaft is withdrawn and the forward bush needs to be replaced, the
following works will have to be done.
Removal of the existing bush
Fabrication of new bush based on the original drawings (weight 284 kg, length 350
mm, external diameter 679 to 673 mm, internal diameter 567.9 mm. Machining of all
details to be as shown on the original drawing.
Fitting of the newly fabricated aft stern tube bush

Quoted Cost.

5.3.9 Coupling bolts and nuts

If required quote for coupling bolts and nuts transportation to the workshop and dressing up of
threading. 10 reamer bolts of diameter 85 mm connect intermediate shaft to propeller shaft
and 10 reamer bolts of diameter 85 mm connect intermediate shaft to main engine flywheel.

Quoted Cost..........................................

5.3.10 Dismantling of aft and forward seal assemblies

In association with item d, tail shaft aft and forward seal assemblies to be dismantled and
transported into the workshop. Polishing or skimming the chrome liners in way of the sealing
surfaces and replacement of the sealing rings according to the attached table and instructions.
Seal rings will be Owners supply.
Refit on vessel, adjust to shaft centre and secure. The distance piece in way of aft seal will be
removed before fitting of the new seals.

Quoted Cost............................................

5.3.11 Re-metaling of stern tube bushes

In case required, remove for remetalling and machining the stern tube bearing bushes
(material cast iron lined white metal) to Owners Representative request and refit in good
order after treatment

a. Quoted Cost/aft bush............................

b. Quoted Cost/forward bush

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The vessel is equipped with two plus one spare anchor with the following particulars:

TYPE : High holding power anchor

MATERIAL : Cast Steel
WEIGHT : 6.525 tonnes each

The anchor chain cable provided on the vessel is as follows:


TOTAL LENGTH : 632.5 m
PORT : 11 lengths 302.5 m
STB : 12 lengths 330.0 m
CHAIN LINKS : diameter 73 mm
WEIGHT : 71.18 tonnes

5.4.1 Range anchors chain cable

Furnish labour and material to range both anchors and chains on the dry-dock bottom for class
Chain to be high pressure fresh water washed and coated with tar epoxy coat.
Chain length to be white painted (number of links same with number of length)
Windlass is hydraulic driven. In order to be able to operate the hydraulic driven system, sea
water supply should be provided for cooling through the fire line connection.
Anchors to be disconnected from bitter end and secured. After completion of works, restore
anchor and chains properly.
Report with measurements (calibration records) shall be issued to the owner. Any defects
discovered while calibrating the chain cable to be brought up to the owners attention.

Quoted Cost..........................

5.4.2 Anchor chain length to be turned end to end

Upon ranging of both anchor chain lengths on the bottom of the dry-dock, before re-installing
onboard, chain length to be turned end to end.

Quoted Cost...........................

5.4.3 Renew of one length of anchor chain cable

Renew if so requested one length of chain with Owners supplied chain and Kenter shackles.

Quoted Cost/length.............................

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

5.4.4 Renew lead plugs

Renew where necessary lead plugs in Kenter shackles. Lead plugs dimensions: Diameter
22 x 35 mm and Diameter. 30 x 40 mm (spare plugs available onboard)

Quoted Cost/plug................................

5.4.5 Weld stud links

Furnish labour and material to weld any broken stud links found. One side welding using low
hydrogen electrodes.

Quoted Cost/stud................................


After laying the anchor chain cable at the bottom of the drydock, the following to be done:
Both chain lockers bottom to be cleaned from mud. Mud to be taken ashore. Estimate
one ton per each locker.
All area (without erecting staging) to be high pressure fresh water washed. Upon
cleaning is finished all drains to be removed and bottom/false bottom of chain locker
to be cleaned.
Lower part of the chain locker (bottom and up to mans height without power tooled to
ST3 standard.
The power tooled area to be coated with two layers of tar epoxy (~ 300 mic)to be
Furnish necessary labour and material to clean/scrap both lockers.

Quoted Cost/locker.


The vessel is fitted with three (5) sea- chests, arranged as follows:

Engine Room low suction: 1 sea chest Stbd side 2 gratings 500x600 mm each (~
15 m2)
Engine Room high suction: 1 sea chest Port side 2 gratings 500x600 mm each (~
15 m2)
Ballast tanks: 2 sea chests 1420x 1420 mm in No3P and No3S Water ballast tanks (~
20 m2)
Emergency fire pump sea chest: 1 sea chest round grating diameter 480 mm (~ 2

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

5.6.1 Sea chests treatment and preservation external areas

The following to be done for each of the above described sea chests:
All grids to be opened and cleaned (hinged type)
Grids to be high pressure fresh water washed
Overboard valve stem to be protected
Sea chest area to be fully grit blasted to SA2 standard (100%)
Sea chests including grids to be painted with the same spec as per the vertical side. Two stripe
coats to be applied on all edges.
On completion, all grids to be re-installed and secured in place with yards supplied stainless
steel bolts, split pins and washers SUS316 .
Sea chest anodes to be replaced with yards supplied material (allow for total 60 kgs of

Staging, lighting and ventilation for the above described job shall be included in your

Quoted Cost.

5.6.2 Sea chests treatment and preservation internal areas (strainers)

Strainer covers to be opened (strainer barrel) and strainer filters to be removed and cleaned.
Internal areas of strainer barrel to be treated as follows:
Coating broken down areas to be Grit blasted to SA2 and coating with tar epoxy paint
(owners supply), 3x150 mic. One stripe coat after each coat to be applied as well.
Allow for two m2 per strainer

Quoted Cost..

5.6.3 Sea chests fabrication of new sea water suction filter

New sea water suction strainer (basket) to fabricated . H1357mm x B846mm.

Material SUS304.

Quoted Cost..

5.6.4 Strainer body to be removed to the workshop

Strainer body to be transported to the workshop and a glass flake type coating (corrocoating
or equivalent) to be applied after blasting to SA 2. Upon completion complete installation to
be re-assembled.

Quoted Cost/strainer body

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


5.7.1 Sea valves inspection and overhaul

Sea valves are found in the engine room and the ballast tanks. All the valves will be opened
for cleaning/overhaul/repairs in place and class survey. Tightness of valves shall be confirmed
and made well if necessary during undocking (see attached list).

Please quote for the following items in the attached table.

a. Furnish labour and material to open up in place the sea valves in Engine Room and Ballast
tanks. The butterfly valves must be removed aside. The valves to be cleaned, inspected, two
coats apexior applied and reassembled. All gaskets to be replaced with yard supplied gaskets.
Grind the seats and dress up body rings of globe and gate valves. Replace seat rings of
butterfly valves (owner supplied spares). Valves to be inspected by class surveyor before

b. Alternative. Furnish labor and material to remove the valves from Engine Room and/or
ballast tanks to the shore workshop.

Disconnect bolts and remove valve. Allow for each valve to be disassembled for inspection of
valve spindle, disc, valve seat ring and removal of driving unit.

Allow for fitting Owners supplied seat ring and spindle O ring seals (for B/F valves).

On completion of reassembly, the valves are to be hydrotested to 15 kg/cm2. Allowance is to

be made for supply of any blanks required for testing.

On return to vessel, refit using new Yard supplied gaskets, nuts and bolts. The valve operation
is to be finally tested in conjunction with ships staff. Valves to be inspected by class surveyor
before closure
These items are to be done in conjunction with any associated pipeline repairs.
All staging, lighting and ventilation to be included in your quotations

c. In addition to item b - allow for grit blasting body internals to SA-2 and glass flaking
(Yard supplied materials).

d. Allow for removing defective seat in shop, and machining new one from stainless steel or
bronze material (yard supplied). After fitting, machine and lapping. On completion, assemble,
and test from both sides, to ensure seal.

Before undocking all valves shall be checked for proper functioning.

In case floor plating in the engine room are moved for access purposes, these are to be re-
fitted upon completion of works.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


LOCATION Ship V/V SIZE TYPE Cost Cost Cost Cost

side mark (a) (b) (c) (d)
1 valve
Boiler blow down ovbd P SF48 20K-40A SC
2 After Draft P DRH4 16K-40A L
3 Gray water ovrbd(Port) P WSO1 10K-125A SC
4 Sewage direct ovbd (P) P SG13 10K-65A SC
Oily Water separator CHK-
5 overboard P BG51 16K-40A BC
Fire & Bilge AND Fire CHK-
6 & CSSW overboard P BG32 10K-200A SC
7 High S/C S.W. Inlet (P) P SW01 10K-500A FLG-SC
8 High S/C Steam blow (P) P ST37 16K-40A BC
9 IGG Scrubber drain ovbd S SW66 10K-350A FLG-SC
10 Gray water ovbd (S) S WS03 10K-125A SC
11 Main CSW ovbd S SW26 10K-300A FLG-SC
12 FW Generator S.W. ovbd S SW37 10K-100A SC
13 Low S/C S.W. Inlet (P) S SW02 10K-500A FLG-SC
14 Low S/C Steam blow (P) S ST36 16K-40A BC

Emergency Fire pump sea FD541 10K-125 Globe

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

chest valve
Steam service to Emerg. Globe
Fire pump sea chest 16K-25 valve
1 Draft gauge forward FPT DF001 10K-50A valve
DF003 Gate
2 Draft gauge middle No 3S 10K-50A valve
DF002 Gate
3 Draft gauge middle No 3P 10K-50A valve
4 Deck water seal drain No 4S IG091 10K-80A valve
Compressed air purge Globe
5 WBSC No 3S BA504 16K-25A valve
Compressed air purge Globe
6 WBSC No 3P BA503 16K-25A valve
Water Ballast sea chest Butterfl
7 valve (S) No 3S BA023 10K-400A y
Water Ballast sea chest Butterfl
8 valve (P) No 3P BA022 10K-300A y
Overboard discharge of Butterfl
9 ballast system (S) No 3S BA021 10K-300A y
Overboard discharge of Butterfl
10 ballast system (P) No 3P BA020 10K-300A y
Emergency Bilge suction Angle
1 valve BG-73 5K-250A valve

5.7.2 Overboard valves distant pieces NDT UT thickness measurements

For each of the above listed overboard valves, NDT ultrasonic thickness measurements to be
taken at each pipes distant piece, fitted between the overboard valve and the side shell
Allow for four points of ultrasonic thickness measurement for each distant piece.
Total number of pieces, as well as location and dimensions are given on the table above.

Quoted cost per overboard piece..

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The yard is to provide assistance with respect to ventilation and lighting in order to perform
required class surveys at the request of the Owners representative.

5.8.1 Hull Overall Survey Requirements

All cargo & ballast tanks, void spaces and spaces bounding cargo tanks to be visually

5.8.2 Close up survey requirements

The following areas shall be close up inspected from the Class Surveyor:
All web frames in one ballast tank
Knuckle area and the upper part of one web frame in each remaining ballast tank
One deck transverse in two cargo holds
One transverse bulkhead in all ballast tanks
Lower part of a transverse bulkhead in two cargo tanks

5.8.3 Fuel bunker tank

One bunker tank is to be opened and cleaned from sludge in order to permit access in order to
be inspected from the class surveyor.
Allow for two tons of sludge required to be removed from the tank.

Quoted cost for sludge removal

5.8.4 Fresh water tank

One fresh water tank shall be opened in order to be inspected from the class surveyor.

5.8.5 Void spaces

All void spaces on the upper part of the transverse bulkheads of cargo tanks. Total number of
void spaces nineteen.

5.9 HULL NDT Testing (Classification Society Requirements)

The following areas to be NDT ultrasonic thickness measured in line with the requirements of
the Classification society.
The UTM Company shall be approved from the attending Classification society.
Upon completion of all measurements, a report shall be issued to the owner

Areas to be examined as follows:

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

All main deck plating within amidships 0.5L of the cargo area
One transverse section within amidships 0.5L
Plating in two wind and water strakes outside amidships 0.5L
Internals in forepeak and afterpeak tanks, including plating and stiffeners of forepeak
and afterpeak tank bulkheads

Quoted Cost



The following listed items to be witnessed from the attending Class surveyor and are to be
done before the vessels arrival at the repair yard.
Water height shall be up to the top of entrance hatches or the top of air vent heads, whichever
is higher.

Areas to be examined:
All ballast tank boundaries
All cargo tank boundaries

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6




TYPE : 6 S 60 MC-C (Direct reversing, turbocharged, two (2) stroke, single acting)
MCR : 18,420 BHP at 105 RPM

6.2 TURBOCHARGER (1 unit)

TYPE : TCA66-20

6.2.1 Turbocharger dismantling, cleaning and overhaul

6.2.2 Chemical cleaning of turbine casing

6.2.3 Main engine exhaust silencer

6.2.4 Turbocharger shaft build up

6.2.5 Turbocharger turbine nozzle ring and cover ring

6.3 SEA WATER CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS (vertical motors)

The following jobs may be executed. Please quote in the attached table.

6.3.1 Overhaul in place

Furnish labour and material to remove and disconnect electric motor from the pump,
disassemble the pump, inspect the impeller, examine casing and wear rings. Carry out
complete cleaning and overhauling.

Upon completion of examination and / or repair, reassemble pump in good order with
Owners supplied spares. Contractor shall supply all packing material except special ones
which should be provided by Owners. Check pump / driver alignment.
Mechanical seal will be supplied from the owner.
Test runs the pump under normal load to prove good operating condition.

Quoted cost table see below)....

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

6.3.2 Overhaul in workshop

After the motor will have been removed and the pump disassembled the pump casing and
casing cover to be transported to workshop, casing and cover to be sandblasted and the
CORROCOATING process to be used. Please specify procedure if different than this.
Upon completion and overhaul as per paragraph 6.3.1, the complete pump is to be re-
assembled and function tested to the satisfaction of the chief engineer.

Quoted cost per pump table see below

6.3.3 Corrosion/erosion on pump casing and casing cover

In case erosion is discovered, please quote for repairing the pump casing and cover body by a
suitable welding method or built up with a glass flake compound. All casings are bronze

Quote cost per pump (table see below)..





Type DB250VI02/1 SVS-200F C200VI01 CNL 80-80/200

Capacity 600 m3/h 275 m3/h 300 m3/h 62 m3/h

Total Head 20 m WG 100 m WG 45 m WG 42 m

Power 55 KW 132 KW 75 KW 21.4KW

PRM 1800 1800 1800 3510

Table with sea water pump details

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

QUOTED COST /PUMP/TASK for jobs described in 6.3.1, 6.3.2 & 6.3.3

PUMP\TASK 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3

Main cooling sea
water pump (2
Bilge fire & g/s
pumps (2 pieces)
I.G.G. Scrubber
Cooling S. W.
FW Generator
Ejector Pump





Take clearance measurements and report results.

Quoted Cost................................


Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to replace steering gear actuator seals.
Seals owners supplied.

Quoted Cost .

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


Allow for labour and material for the following electrical motors to be generally overhauled
as follows:

5.5.1 Motors to be opened up for cleaning and inspection. All ball bearings to be renewed
with Owners supplied spares. Upon completion the motors shall be tested in place.
5.5.2 Insulation to be checked and re-varnish/baking to be carried out (motor transported to
the workshop)
5.5.3 Rewinding of burnt motor (workshop) and dynamic balancing of rotor with impeller
5.5.4 Dynamic balancing of rotor with impeller
5.5.5 Metal spray and machine to suit the bearing size at housing. In case metal spray is
not feasible at the yard, this is to be stated in your tender. The method to be followed in this
case shall be fabrication of new steel sleeve and fitting on the existing housing to the
dimensions of the shaft.

QUOTED COST / MOTOR/ TASK as listed above,

No MOTOR MAKER KW/RPM PC 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5

1 ME Aux. Blower ABB 51.75/3558 2
2 HPP Motors ABB 420/1787 2
3 Boiler forced ABB 63 / 1776 1
draft fan MARINE
4 IGS Blower ABB 86 / 3565 2
motors MARINE
5 Engine Room GROUP 15 /1750 4
Supply Fans INTERN
6 Air Condition ABB 86.25/ 1776 2
7 Steering Gear ABB 52 / 3545 2
8 M/E L.O. PUMP HYOSUN 75 / 1773 2
9 L/T C.F.W. HYOSUN 75 / 1773 2
10 MAIN C.S.W. HYOSUN 55 / 1770 2

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


Maker: HMMCO
Model HAA-334/80N
Air Capacity 1.92/3.9 m3/SEC
RPM 3558
Maker ABB
Power 51.75 KW
Voltage 440
Weight/Set 340Kg

6.6.1 Fan Overhaul in place

In connection with motor overhaul 6.5.1 the fan shall be dismantled and overhauled in
place. Spares will be supplied from the owner.
Upon completion all installation is to be re-assembled as was the original condition.

Quoted Cost

6.6.2 Fan Overhaul in workshop

In connection with motor overhaul 6.5.1 the fan is to be dismantled and transported to the
workshop. Blades are to be cleaned and rotor to be dynamically balanced.
Upon completion all installation is to be re-assembled as was the original condition.

Quoted Cost


TYPE : MB0502AES18
MAX. CAPACITY : 18 .000 kgr/h

1. Furnish all labour, material, and equipment to open in place the following boiler mountings
for overhaul and inspection. All valves opened up are to be examined by Owners
Representative and Surveyor.
All valves are to be disassembled and valve lids lapped in and proved by marking blue to
the satisfaction of Chief Engineer. All studs and / or gland bolt threads are to be die nutted
using correct dies, then coated with Yard supplied anti-seize compound.

Upon reassembly, all gland packing and bonnet gaskets to be renewed using Yards supplied
materials approved by Chief Engineer. All insulation damaged during removal or repairs is to

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

be renewed with ASBESTOS FREE material. All valves shall be examined to satisfaction of
Chief Engineer and Classification Society Surveyor prior to reassembly.
Only those valves specifically designated by the Owners Representative shall be dealt with.
2. Allow for removing the valves ashore for repairs. Refit with new gaskets and nuts / bolts
(yard supplied). Allow for pressure testing on completion of repairs. Allow for machining
valve seat and lids.
3. Also allow for spindle renewals on the following valves using stainless steel material, if
applicable. Material will be yards supplied and spindle will have to be machined to the exact
original dimensions.
4. Allow for removing defective seat in shop, and machining new one from stainless steel
material (yard supplied). After fitting, machine and lapping. On completion, assemble, and
test from both sides, to ensure seal.

6.7.1 Cost Quotation for the above listed works

Please provide a PRICE LIST for the above works with respect to various sizes of stop and
check valves as following table.

Valve Pos Qty Model Size (mm) 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4
/No /Type
Main steam valve V2 1 JIS F7314 20K 200A
Feed water inlet V3 2 JIS F7314 20K 65A
Feed water inlet V4 2 JIS F7473 20K 65A
check valve
Scum valve V5 1 JIS F7410 16K 40A
Water level gauge V6 4 JIS F7303 16K 20A
Sampling valve V7 1 JIS F7388 20K 6A
Air valve V8 1 JIS F7388 20K 6A
Pressure gauge valve V9 1 JIS F7388 20K 6A
Low water level V10 2 JIS F7303 16K 25A
switch v/v
Circulation check V11 1 JIS F7473 20K 65A
valve (outlet)
Circulation check V12 1 JIS F7314 20K 100A
valve (inlet)
Blow down valve V13 2 JIS F7409 16K 40A
Max. pressure switch V14 1 JIS F7388 20K 6A
By-pass valve V15 1 JIS F7410 16K 25A
Water level V16 2 JIS F7303 16K 25A
regulation valve
Atomizing steam V19 1 JIS F7410 16K 15A
Furnace drain valve V21 1 JIS F7363 5K 65A
Drain valve for DPT V22 2 10
Smoke uptake drain V23 1 JIS F7363 5K 65A
Furnace measure V30 1 JIS F7388 20K 6A

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

6.7.2 Auxiliary boiler safety valves survey and testing

a. Allow for removing two (2) safety valves and transport to work shop. Allow for
dismantling the valves. Allow for machining and lapping in discs and seats. Allow for re-
assembling, testing and setting to relieve at designated pressure. Allow to transport valves
back to the vessel and install using yard supplied gaskets.
Allow for testing and setting after boiler pressure is raised, at the presence of the attending
Class surveyor.
Valve is full lift-spring valve 20K-80/100A Set pressure 9 kg/cm2
Quoted Cost.........................

b. As an alternative allow for opening in place the safety valves, grind and lap in to
satisfaction of Chief Engineer. Reclose the valves in good order. Valve is full lift-spring valve
20K-80/100A Set pressure 9 kg/cm2

Quoted Cost/valve......................


CAPACITY :1100 kg/h

a. Furnish all labour, material, and equipment to open in place the following boiler mountings
for overhaul and inspection. All valves opened up are to be examined by Owners
Representative and Surveyor.
All valves are to be disassembled and valve lids lapped in and proved by marking blue to
the satisfaction of Chief Engineer. All studs and / or gland bolt threads are to be die nutted
using correct dies, then coated with Yard supplied anti-seize compound.

Upon reassembly, all gland packing and bonnet gaskets to be renewed using Yards supplied
materials approved by Chief Engineer. All insulation damaged during removal or repairs is to
be renewed with ASBESTOS FREE material. All valves shall be examined to satisfaction of
Chief Engineer and Classification Society Surveyor prior to reassembly.
Only those valves specifically designated by the Owners Representative shall be dealt with.
b. Allow for removing the valves ashore for repairs. Refit with new gaskets and nuts / bolts
(yard supplied). Allow for pressure testing on completion of repairs. Allow for machining
valve seat and lids.
c. Also allow for spindle renewals on the following valves using stainless steel material, if
applicable. Material will be yards supplied and spindle will have to be machined to the exact
original dimensions.
d.Allow for removing defective seat in shop, and machining new one from stainless steel
material (yard supplied). After fitting, machine and lapping. On completion, assemble, and
test from both sides, to ensure seal.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

6.8.1 Cost Quotation for the above listed works

Please provide a PRICE LIST for the above works with respect to various sizes of stop and
check valves as following table.

Valve Pos Qty Model Size (mm) 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4
/No /Type
Air vent valve 1 JIS F7421 20K 6A
Root valve for press. 1 JIS F7421 20K 6A
Root valve 2 JIS F7388 20K 6A
Drain valve for soot 1 JIS F7303 16K 156A

6.8.2 Exhaust gas boiler safety valves survey and testing - workshop

Allow for removing the two (2) safety valves and transport to work shop. Allow for
dismantling the valves. Allow for machining and lapping in discs and seats. Allow for re-
assembling, testing and setting to relieve at designated pressure.
Allow to transport valves back to the vessel and install using Yard supplied gaskets. Allow for
testing and setting after boiler pressure is raised (after delivery).
Valves are full bore single spring type with size 40A x 65A Set pressure 12 kg/cm2

Quoted Cost/valve.........................

6.8.3 Exhaust gas boiler safety valves survey and testing - onboard

As an alternative allow for opening in place the safety valves, grind and lap in to satisfaction
of Chief Engineer. Re-assemble the valves in good order upon completion of all works.
Valves are to be tested and set to the correct pressure.
Valves are full bore single spring type with size 40A x 65A Set pressure 12 kg/cm2

Quoted Cost/valve........................

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


6.9.1 Main air receivers safety valves

Safety valves (2) shall be removed to the workshop, opened up and overhauled, pressure
tested and sealed at the presence of the attending Class surveyor. Upon completion everything
shall be fitted back in order.
Valves are full bore single spring type with size 30K-20/25A Setting pressure 33K

Quoted cost....

6.9.2 Deck Service air receivers safety valves

Safety valve shall be removed to the workshop, opened up and overhauled, pressure tested
and sealed at the presence of the attending Class surveyor. Upon completion everything shall
be fitted back in order.
Valves are full bore single spring type with size 10K-20/25A Setting pressure 7.7K

Quoted cost....

6.9.3 Aux. air receivers safety valve

Safety valve (1) shall be removed to the workshop, opened up and overhauled, pressure tested
and sealed at the presence of the attending Class surveyor. Upon completion everything shall
be fitted back in order.
Valve is full bore single spring type with size 30K-20/25A Setting pressure 33K

Quoted cost....



The vessel is fitted with two 6.27 m2 Aux. Boiler fuel oil heater (plate/shell and tube) with
the following specification:
Maker: Donghwa Entec
Tube type
Operating pressure HFO 20 Kgf/cm2
Operating pressure steam 7 kgf/cm2

Heater shall be removed from the vessel to the workshop, chemically cleaned and pressure
tested from the fuel oil side to 30 kgf/cm2. All gaskets and sealing rings shall be renewed
with yard supplied materials.

Quoted cost/unit.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The vessel is fitted with Dump Condenser/Drain Cooler sea water cooled (16 m2) with
the following specification:
Maker: Donghwa Entec
Shell/Tube type
Operating pressure S.W (tube) 2.0 kg/cm2
Weight empty 809 kg
The Condenser shall be removed from the vessel to the workshop, chemically cleaned and
pressure tested (9 kgf/cm2) from the steam side.

Quoted cost/unit.


6.11.1 Anchor windlass - Brake bank renewal


Furnish labour, material and equipment to carry out repairs to the port and starboard anchor
windlasses as follows:
Allow for complete removal of brake bands on the above units.
Diameter of brake band is 1.3 m.
Allow for transportation of brake bands to the workshop for lining renewal with ship
furnished material including countersunk screws / nuts.
Chip and prime coat the steel bands prior to installing new brake and lining. Return the unit to
the vessel and reassemble.

Quoted cost/band brake.

6.11.2 Build Up The Worn Chain Guide of Both Anchor Chain Compressor (Cable Lifter)

Provide labours, material and equipment to build up the worn chain guide of both
anchor chain compressor (cable Lifter).

For your information see attached photos

Quoted cost /

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6



The vessel is fitted with cargo valves with the following specification
Maker: ACE Valve (Korea)
Pressure Rating: JIS 16K (Kgf/cm2)
Standard: Butterfly
Material Body: Cast steel CS480,
Material Seat: Teflon PTFE
Dimensions and numbers as the following table

Cargo valves table

Nominal diameter Quantity onboard
100A 3 pieces
125A 4 pieces
150A 41 pieces
200A 5 pieces
300A 1 piece
350A 24 pieces

The vessel is fitted with ballast valves with the following specification
Maker: ACE Valve (Korea)
Pressure Rating: JIS 5K (Kgf/cm2)
Standard: Butterfly
Material Body: Cast steel CS480,FCD450
Material Seat: NBR
Dimensions are 250A to 350A

Furnish labour and material to dismantle B/F valves on deck, cargo and ballast tanks and
engine room for inspection.
Allow for disconnecting and blanking supply and return hydraulic lines where applicable
(Valves marked remote control have hydraulic actuator to be dismantled).
Disconnect bolts and remove valve aside.
Any hydraulic oil spilt is to be immediately cleaned up.
Allow for each valve to be cleaned and disassembled for inspection of valve spindle, disc,
valve seat ring and removal of driving unit (transportation to the workshop)
Allow for fitting Owners supplied seat ring and spindle O ring seals.
Refit using new Yard supplied gaskets, nuts and bolts (same quality as the existing ones).
Reconnect all hydraulic lines and bleed system. The valve operation is to be finally tested
with the co-operation of ships staff.
These items are to be done in conjunction with any associated pipeline repairs.
Allow for rigging and dismantling staging to a height of one meter at each location.
Supply lighting and ventilation.
Care to be taken during transportation that no hydraulic parts are damaged.
Actual number and type will be indicated from the attending owners representative upon the
vessels arrival.

Please quote cost for the following types of work related to cargo valves.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

a. In-Situ: Furnish labour and material to dismantle butterfly valves on deck and cargo
tanks, for inspection and overhaul. After inspection by Owners representative valve is to be
completely re-fitted in place and connected to its hydraulic actuator, if applicable.

b. Removal to workshop: In addition to item A, and in case the owners representative

request the transportation of the valve to the workshop, such id to be dismantled, overhauled
with owners supplied seat rings and sealing o-rings and upon re-assembly to be pressure
tested at 10 kgf/cm2.
New gaskets, bolts and nuts shall be supplied from the yard (gaskets need to be ring type
and teflon type material in way of any cargo lines).

c. In addition to item A & B allow for welding repair of the valve disc/stem assembly if

d. In addition to item A & B allow for fabrication of new stem of SUS304 material with
diameter of 35 mm, machined based on the original available onboard. Length shall be ~ 330

Quoted cost per A, B, C & D cases

Valves expected to be opened at dry-docking


o1 Crossover valves on deck at manifold (manual) 12 350
1 CO121,CO122,CO123,CO124,CO125,CO126,
2 Manifold valves on deck (manual) 12 350

3 Cargo pump discharge valves on deck (remote 2 250

control) OD 375,376

4 Master croup valves OD: 8 350



CO032, CO051

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


Furnish labour and material to remove and renew pipe sections as required and outlined
below. Removed pipe work becomes Contractors property.
Quotations are to include new gaskets, nuts, bolts (material Yards supply) and testing prior to
fitting. Allow for supplying new flanges (in case existing ones can be used that will be
decided on the spot from the attending owners representative).
Temporary lighting and ventilation shall be provided. Allow for staging and clamp renewals
as directed.
Where the repaired pipes are plasticized (polyethylene coated), the disturbed coating should
be repaired by appropriate method. In case damages are caused from the yards workers on
rubber coated piping, the yard is to complete recoat the pipe, after full blasting. All other
repaired pipes to be internally coated as the existed lines.

Fabricated spools shall be pressure tested (fresh water) in the shop, after welding is completed
and before the pipe is painted, to a pressure of 1.5 times the design pressure of the subject

Upon the installation is completed on the vessel, piping is to be tested using vessels pumps
and any leaks or defects arising from the repairs are to be rectified at Contractors expense.
Any re-testing is also at Contractors expense. It is Yards responsibility that hot work in
nearby spaces will not be interrupted in case of any accidental spillage with oil.

Allow for local cleaning before commencing and after breaking connections. Allow for
removing with Yard supplied equipment, any water / oil which collects in work areas,
estimate at three (3) bbls per space.

Where the specification calls for removal of hydraulic valves for access, the following

1) Valves to be removed in good order and placed in a position to allow ships staff to inspect
2) Allow for disconnecting and blanking off the lines and immediate cleaning up of any spilt
hydraulic oil.
3) No disconnection is to be made until the ships staff is informed and have isolated these
4) Allow for staging to a height of 1 meter at each location. Valves to be refitted on
completion using Yard supplied gaskets, nuts and bolts.
5) After reconnecting hydraulic lines, the system is to be bled and proper operation to be
6) Before operating any system, such is to be flushed with the used medium to the
satisfaction of the attending owners representative.

When an allowance is made for butterfly valves to be transported ashore for repairs these
items are to be done in conjunction with any associated pipeline repairs.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Piping specification is as follows:

System Pipe material Dimension Pressure Flanges
& Thickness rating (max
1 Hydraulic oil SMLS CARBON ND125A, 274 bar JIS
main pipe on STEEL Sch 160
deck & indoor
2 Hydraulic oil DUPLEX ND40A, 274 bar JIS
branch pipe on STAINLESS STEEL Sch 160
upper deck
3 Hydraulic oil SMLS CARBON ND40A, 274 bar JIS
branch pipe in STEEL Sch 160
4 Hydraulic oil ERW STAINLESS ND125A 6 bar JIS
return pipe on STEEL Sch 40
5 Hydraulic oil ERW CARBON ND40A 6 bar JIS
return in door STEEL >42MM Sch 40
6 Pilot pipe on DUPLEX 18
deck & in door STAINLESS STEEL
7 Control tube SUS316 MULTI- 12MM
for deck CORE (1.0T)

Piping shall be renewed to the specification described above. Described job shall include all
details included in paragraph 7.2

A. Quoted Cost per meter of pipe for each of the size..

B. Quoted Cost per couple of flanges for each size..

7.2.1 Engine Room Piping Renewal

A. Quoted Cost per meter of pipe for each of the size..

B. Quoted Cost per couple of flanges for each size..

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


Heating coils in each of the slop tanks to be pressure tested to class surveyor and owner
representative satisfaction.
Working pressure 9.0 Kg/cm2 Pressure testing at 13.5 Kg/cm2.
Testing medium fresh water.
Connection point on deck by removing fitted blind flanges with ND65A.

Quote cost/Tank


Furnish labour, material and equipment to dismantle and transport to shore workshop 12
pieces of pressure/vacuum valves.
Valves shall be dismantled, cleaned and casing to be checked for coating damage. Pressure
seat and vacuum seat shall be inspected for damages.
Upon completion the valves to be tested and calibrated both for pressure and for vacuum in
the presence of Classification Surveyor and Owner's Representative.
Report shall be issued given to the Owners representative.


TYPE : HS-ISO- VAC, Body: cast iron, Internals: Stainless steel
PRESS : 1800 mm WG
VACUUM : 350 mm WG
Main Dimensions : DN 100mm, H:485mm, B:387mm. Flange details : JIS 5K200A

Upon completion of inspection and testing, PV valves are to be re-fitted back

Allow for staging of 2 meters height to be fitted for each PV valve.

Quoted Cost/valve.


Furnish labour, material and equipment to dismantle and transport to shore workshop 3 pieces
of pressure/vacuum valves.
Valves shall be dismantled, cleaned and casing to be checked for coating damage. Pressure
seat and vacuum seat shall be inspected for damages.
Upon completion the valves to be tested and calibrated both for pressure and for vacuum in
the presence of Classification Surveyor and Owner's Representative.
Report shall be issued given to the Owners representative.


TYPE : HS-ISO- VAC, Body: cast iron, Internals: Stainless steel
PRESS : 1800 mm WG
VACUUM : 350 mm WG
Main Dimensions : DN 80mm, H:466mm, B:387mm. Flange details : JIS 5K180A

Upon completion of inspection and testing, PV valves are to be re-fitted back

Allow for staging of 2 meters height to be fitted for each PV valve.

Quoted Cost/valve.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The vessel is fitted with a pressure vacuum breaker with the following particulars:
Pressure (in vertical position): 1890 mm WG
Vacuum (in vertical position): 630 mm WG
Height: 2290 mm
Diameter: 539 mm
Filled with 50/50 glycol/water mixture

The glycol/water mixture shall be drained and the top cover shall be removed. The breaker
shall be cleaned internally and upon completion the cover to be refitted and unit to be re-filled
with owners supplied glycol/water mixture.
Allow for two meters staging to be erected around the PV breaker.

Quoted Cost


The vessel is fitted with twelve (12) - Framo Sunrod- cargo heaters (steam heating vertical
type) with the following specification:

No 1 P&S No 2, 3, 4,5 & 6 P&S Tank cleaning

heater (tube
Heater type HE400/10000 HE500/10000
Heating capacity 700 KW at 200 1250 KW at 300 m3/h
Heating medium Saturated Steam or hot water
Temperature 100 C
cargo side
Temperature 185 C
heating medium
Design pressure 10 bar
(steam side)
Design pressure 14 bar
(cargo side)
Total weight 340 kg 500 kg

Connecting spools to cargo heater (cargo side) to be removed and blanked as appropriate
(supply and return piping 100A). The cargo heater shall be pressure tested at 15 barg from the
cargo side (testing medium fresh water).
Upon completion of testing, testing medium shall be drained and the whole installation shall
be refitted back in order.
No staging is necessary.
Cargo side instrumentation shall not be removed during testing to design pressure.

Quoted cost per heater

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The vessel is fitted with a dedicated inert gas generator, manufactured from MOSS INERT
GAS SYSTEMS with capacity of 4500 m3/h, comprising from the following units:
Burner/scrubber unit (height 3600 mm)
Combustion Air Blower
Deck Seal Tank (height 3200 mm diameter 1100mm)
Pressure/Vacuum Breaker
Associated piping and fittings (main IG line 300/200A)

7.8.1 Non return valve on main IG line

Valve tag number IG64, Diameter 300A, Swing check valve

The valve shall be dismantled and transported to the workshop. Valve shall be opened up and
overhauled with spares supplied from the owner.
Upon completion the valve shall be pressure tested to ensure tightness at 0.2 kgf/cm2.
The valves particulars are as follows:
JIS 5K slip on flanges (SS41 material)
Body material cast iron
Seat material: Teflon
Upon completion, the valve shall be fitted back in position with new gaskets and bolts/nuts
supplied from the yard.

Quoted Cost


The IG line to be pressure tested at 0.3 bar Pressure test shall be carried against closed valves
and further blanking except the connection point for the pressure test is not necessary. Inert
Gas Line design pressure 0.2 bar.
Testing medium shall be air.

Quoted Cost.


Provide assistance to makers service engineer to inspect and calibrate the installed level
gauging system for cargo tanks.
Estimate to need one man for two days(scheduled eight working hours per day) assistance.

Quoted Cost per man per day.


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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


Please provide us with price list for piping repairs on main deck per dimension. Delivered
pipes shall refer to primed condition and not coated. Staging shall not be included.
Small new pipes bellow 6 inches to be fabricating with hot galvanized pipe.

Quote cost per diameter per meter (sizes from 25A to 300A)


Please provide us with price list for piping repairs in the engine room per dimension.
Delivered pipes shall refer to primed condition and not coated. Staging shall not be included.
Small new pipes bellow 6 inches to be fabricating with hot galvanized pipe.

Quote cost per diameter per meter (sizes from 25A to 300A)

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The following specifications concern steel repairs and alterations in cargo, void and ballast
tanks, on main deck or external shell. Each item is analytically specified and accompanied by
respective drawings. Offers should clarify the quoted cost per item, including labour,
equipment, material and the related scaffolding as specified herein.

Any extra repairs, which may result after Class surveyors inspection and as indicated by
Owners Representative should be performed and completed without delay. Wherever extra
requested work can be performed in conjunction with the specified work herein, using the
same staging, no extra staging cost will be accepted.

The extra repairs will be charged at a rate based on the price unit, excluding the staging.
Unless the volume of the extra requested steel repairs is significant, the total repairs time
should not extend. However, the steel repairs time will extend due to the additional tonnage
according to the Yards production rate. Overtime hours will not be accepted for steel repairs
unless so determined by Owners Representative.

The total working time for the steel repairs should be estimated in conjunction with the
vessels dry-docking and the other works specified in the previous paragraphs.

General Requirements for hull steel repairs

1.Welding consumable: as per the approved WPS from the Classification society.

2.Fillet welding size, 6.5 mm leg length.

3.Edge preparation: V one side welding with ceramic backing or X with full length back
gouging. Maximum permissible gap as per the approved WPS or IACS standard

4.100% vacuum test (leak testing) to be carried on the side shell butt joints.

5.100% NDT Ultrasonic examination to be carried on all welded joints and seams. The
company which will carry the NDT examination to be approved from the Classification

6.Other requirements:
Condition of the Classification Society (ABS or DNV)
Dry Dock (as applicable)
ABS or DNV Survey
Fire watch during hot work
Chemist to certify gas free atmosphere for hot work
Temporary lighting necessary for the execution of works and removal of
Necessary staging (inside and outside) for performing the partial renew and
inspection of the works (including removing)
Ventilation as required
Protection of the cargo tank insulation system in such areas that is likely to be
mechanically damaged from the ongoing partial renew work.
Contractor to renew steel in the above tank as detailed described above.

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Cleaning of the cargo hold area after the completion of the works from all
created dirt during the partial renew work


Steel work includes equipment and material, ventilation and lighting, excluding staging and
non destructive testing. In case the yard surcharge work after normal working hours, such is to
be stated in your tender.
Upon completion of all steel repairs, affected spaces shall be cleaned

8.1.1 Main deck steel work

Quoted Cost/kg

8.1.2 Ballast & Void tanks steel work

Quoted Cost/kg

8.1.3 External shell plating renewal (plane)

Quoted Cost/Kg

8.1.4 External shell plating renewal (2-plane curvature)

Quoted Cost/Kg

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6



Life Boat Particulars

Maker Wuxi Hai Hong Boat Making Co,Ltd.
Model 6.5 m Totally Enclosed Lifeboat HH65T
Hooks On load hydrostatic release
Hook distance 6.10 m
Construction Fire protected type
Fire retardant unsaturated polyester resins GRP
Capacity 28 persons
Weight empty (incl. fuel 3320 kg
& equipment)
Total davit load (28 per) 5420 kg

Life Boat Davit Particulars

Maker Oriental Inspection & Service Co.,Ltd
Model HGD-057-24
Winch type (rescue) BWE-08-180
Winch type (l/boat) BWE-08-030
Disengaging Gear TOR ON LOAD

Calculation of weight for testing of davit and boat

Weight of L/B & Equipment 3320 kg
Weight of crew (28 x 75) 2100 kg 2100 kg

Total Weight = 5420 X 0.10 (10% 542 kg

Sum (weights to be 2642 kg
placed in the

9.1.1 Life boat davit testing (1.1 on winches and brakes)

Test with properly calibrated weight to be carried on both P&S davits and winches. Test shall
be dynamic, testing the winch brake at maximum lowering speed. The test shall be carried
with a suspended weight of 6270 kg from both davits.
Testing shall be carried at the presence of the attending Class surveyor to his satisfaction.
Testing shall be carried out from an approved from the maker service company. In
conjunction, annual thorough examination of the davit shall also be carried out and reported.
At completion a service report to be issued to the owners representative.

Quoted Cost (per life boat)

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

9.1.2 Life boat on-load release mechanism

The on-load release mechanism of each life boat (fore and aft) shall be serviced and
overhauled from an approved from the maker service company (5-yearly thorough
examination of release gear, in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1206).
At completion a service report to be issued to the owners representative.

Quoted Cost (per life boat)..

9.1.3 Life boat over-load testing

Upon completion of the on-load release mechanism overhaul, overload test shall be carried on
each life boat. Test weight to be placed in the boat shall be properly calibrated.
Testing weight for each life boat shall be 2642 kg.
The boat shall be suspended from a properly fabricated jig, just above the water surface and
be released with means of the on-load release mechanism.
Testing shall be carried at the presence and to the satisfaction of the attending Class Surveyor.
Report shall be issued on completion of all works.

Quoted Cost (per life boat)

9.1.4 Life boat examination and air cylinders pressure test

Each life boat shall be overall examined from an approved from the maker service company
and a service report shall be issued..
Air cylinders installed in each life boat (3 pieces of 45 L each) shall be removed from the
boat, 5-yearly inspected and hydraulically pressure tested to the requirements of the maker.
Report shall be issued on completion of all works

Quoted Cost (per life boat)


9.2.1 Hose Handling Crane

Load test to be performed to the satisfaction of class surveyor.

Yard shall supply calibrated weights or load cell to perform this test.
Safe working load 10 metric tons and testing load is 12.5 metric tons.

Quoted cost .

Page 73
Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6 Hose Handling Crane Luffing Cylinder

Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to remove and overhaul Luffing cylinder.
Spare parts owners supplied.
Weight about1900 Kg. Staging is required.

Quoted cost .

9.2.2 Provision Crane

Load test to be performed to the satisfaction of class surveyor.

Yard shall supply calibrated weights or load cell to perform this test.
Safe working load 3.0 metric tons and Proof load is 3.75 metric tons.

Quoted cost

9.2.3 Engine room overhead crane

Load test to be performed to the satisfaction of class surveyor.

Yard shall supply calibrated weights or load cell to perform this test.
Safe working load 2.0 metric tons and Proof load is 2.5 metric tons.

Quoted cost


The oily bilge tank manhole shall be opened up and oil residues to be removed and cleaned.
Cleaning by means of final mapping is required. All sediments shall be removed.
Estimate 5 tons amount of sludge.
Certificate to be given to the C/E upon completion to show amount removed and such
is to be included in the final report binder.

Quoted cost

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The vessel is fitted with three air cooled alternators (size 440V 740 KW) with the following

Maker Hyundai Heavy Industries, Industrial & Power Systems

Rating 1500 KVA (diesel engine driven)
Type HFC7 568-14k- REV1
Type of enclosure IP23
Exciting system Self exciting brushless
Rotor Cylindrical rotor
Insulation class F
Voltage AC450
Current 1924.5 A
Frequency 60 Hz
Speed 720 rpm
Rotor weight ~ 2395 kgr
Dimension of shaft Nominal diameter 230 mm, length 2382 mm (forged steel)

9.4.1 In situ chemical cleaning

Three alternators to be chemically cleaned in-situ, without dismantling, only by opening the
side access covers.

Quoted Cost..

9.4.2 Chemical cleaning with withdrawal of rotors

Three alternators to be chemically cleaned with withdrawal of rotors, if found

Rotors shall be removed to the workshop and thoroughly inspected and chemically cleaned.
Upon completion, all units shall be fitted back in order.

Quoted Cost

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The vessel is fitted with two accommodation ladders with the following specification.
Weight 670 kg
Length 13780 mm
Steps 39

Static load test shall be carried out with 75 kgs placed on each step. (39x75 = 2925 Kg) The
ladder shall be opened to the side of the vessel and rest in horizontal position in parallel with
The aggregate weight shall be either water containers, calibrated sand bags or other suitable
method, acceptable from the attending Class Surveyor.

Quoted Cost per Ladder

9.5.1 Stbd Accommodation repair

Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to repair port accommodation ladder.
Three ladders step have been temporary repaired and renewal is needed.
Also ladder is slight deformed to be repaired.

Quoted cost .


The vessel is fitted with one wharf ladder with the following specification.
Weight 460 kg
Length 12135 mm
Steps 34

Static load test shall be carried out with 75 kgs placed on each step. (34x75 = 2550 Kg) The
ladder shall be opened to the side of the vessel and rest in horizontal position in parallel with
The aggregate weight shall be either water containers, calibrated sand bags or other suitable
method, acceptable from the attending Class Surveyor.

Quoted Cost per Ladder

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


There are 52 pieces open gratings fitted onboard at manifold spill trays. Material SUS304L.
All pieces shall be removed from the vessel and transported to the painting/hull treatment
All pieces shall be grit blasted and hot dip galvanized. Upon completion, everything shall be
installed back in order.
The size of the installed drip trays is as follows:

Size of grating :
1820mm x 990mm x 25mm thickness x 22 pieces
1820mm x 980mm x 25mm thickness x 1 piece
1820mm x 305mm x 25mm thickness x 1 piece
1820mm x 255mm x 25mm thickness x 1 piece
1820mm x 1030mm x 25mm thickness x 1 piece

Quoted Cost.


HFO BUNK. TK( No.2S) to be cleaned from sludge residue in order to be internally
examined from the attending Class surveyor.
Allow for one ton of sludge to be removed from the tank.
Ventilation and lighting shall be included in your tender.
The tanks capacity is 343.5m3.

Quoted Cost

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6



The vessel is fitted with a steam heater for tank cleaning operations, located in the heater
room, forward of the accommodation bulkhead.
The design pressure of the tank cleaning line is 12.5 kg/cm2.
The specification of the TC heater (tube & shell side) is as follows:

Maker Dong Hwa Entec

Shell side (steam) operating pres. 7 kg
Tube side (sea water) operating pres. 16 kg
Flow rate steam 11180.6 kg/h
Flow rate sea water 120m3/hr
Inlet temp steam 161 C
Inlet temp sea water 20 C
Outlet temp steam 90 C
Outlet temp sea water 75 C

9.9.1 Covers dismantled for internal inspection (in situ)

Both covers shall be dismantled from the main heater body in order to enable internal
inspection of the heater.
Allow for dismantling both supply and return pipe spools from both shell and tube side in
order to enable the removal of the covers.
Upon completion of the inspection, covers shall be fitted back in place.

Quoted cost


The vessel is fitted with HFO and DO lines from the manifolds until the forward part of the
accommodation. The piping specification is as follows:
Material STPG370E sch 40 STPG370E sch 40
Design Pressure 5 kgf/cm2 5 kgf/cm2
Test Pressure 7.5 kgf/cm2 7.5 kgf/cm2
Main Line Dimension 150A 100A

Pressure test shall be performed at 4.5 kgf/cm2 on both lines.

Allow for providing blank flanges at the pressure test termination points (3x 150A points for
HFO line and 2x100A points for DO lines). Connection points to piping shall be arranged
through the manifolds.
All intermediate valves shall be kept in open position.
Upon completion of testing everything shall be fitted back in order.

Quoted Cost
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


The vessel is provided with cargo lines on deck. The specification of piping is as shown on
the following table:

Cargo Oil Line

Design Pressure 15.5 kgf/cm2
Nominal Diameter From 400A to 40A
Segregations Four (4)
Material SUS316L-E #10S
Test Pressure 20.258 Kgf/cm2

Upon completion of all welding work on cargo piping, all cargo lines to be pressure tested at
the above described pressure.
Connection point shall be at the manifolds for all segregations and all piping shall be tested.
Intermediate valves shall be kept in open position and final point on piping shall be blanked
with yard supplied blind flanges.
No machinery such as cargo pumps, heater or other shall be pressurised during testing and
shall be properly isolated with yard supplied material.
Number and size of required blind flanges shall be decided based on the actual piping
Testing of piping shall include all piping from manifolds until the last valve of each branch
before its entry to the cargo tanks (points to be blanked with yard supplied blind flanges).
Upon completion of testing everything shall be fitted back in order.

Quoted Cost.


The vessel is fitted with main fire line located on upper deck, made of steel (STPG370E)
scd 40 having main diameter of 150A/125A.
Design pressure of the system is 15 kgf/cm2.
The line shall be pressure tested at the above described pressure using yard supplied
connection test and isolating flanges.
The fire line shall be isolated from main piping coming from the engine room (valve FO-505
located into Foam Room in the accommodation) with a blind flange. Test connection shall
be at any of the hydrants located on upper deck.
During testing all isolation valves shall be left in open position.
Upon completion of testing everything shall be fitted back in order.

Quoted Cost.


The main fire line is fitted with five isolation valves (ND250-100A) made of cast iron body
and BC seat.
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Allow for removing one isolation valve to the workshop for overhauling with owners
supplied material.
Valve shall be dismantled and overhauled. Upon re-assembly shall be pressure tested to
15kgf.cm2 from one side.

Quoted Cost per valve..


The vessel is fitted with main foam line located on upper deck, made of steel (STPG370E)
having main diameter of 250A/150A.
Design pressure of the system is 15 kgf/cm2.
The line shall be pressure tested at the above described pressure using yard supplied
connection test and isolating flanges.
The foam line shall be isolated from main piping coming from the engine room (valve FM504
located in Foam Room at the accommodation) with a blind flange. Test connection shall be
at any of the hydrants located on upper deck.
During testing all isolation valves shall be left in open position.
Upon completion of testing everything shall be fitted back in order.

Quoted Cost.


The main foam line is fitted with five isolation valves (ND150A) made of cast iron body and
BC seat.
Allow for removing one isolation valve to the workshop for overhauling with owners
supplied material.
Valve shall be dismantled and overhauled. Upon re-assembly shall be pressure tested to
9kgf.cm2 from one side.

Quoted Cost per valve..


The vessel is fitted with eight double bottom ballast tanks (four per side) plus two peak tanks.
Also eight top side bottom ballast tanks (four per side) Suction and discharge lines are 200A
nominal diameter.
Suction bell mouths to be removed in order to enable inspection of the plate underneath.
Upon inspection, everything shall be fitted back in order.

Quoted cost per suction bell mouth..

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6



In case erosion or pitting is discovered beneath the suction bell mouth such is to be built up
welded using low hydrogen electrodes.
Allow for 500 mm of continuous length up to five passes. Upon completion of welding, the
build up areas are to be flush grinded to the original plate.

Quoted Cost per repair area


9.15 Main switch

The particulars of the main switchboard are as attached

9.15.1 Main Switchboard Cleaning

The shut down of all power supply to the vessel is to be arranged at a mutually convenient
time between the Owners Representative, ship staff and shipyard.

Allow for the work to be carried out during periods in which shipyard and ship staff work will
not be affected.
Clean switchboard using low pressure filtered dry air and industrial vacuum cleaners.
Present for survey to the owners representative and the classification surveyor

Quoted Cost.

9.15.2 Main Switchboard Testing

Main switchboard with safety devices and electrical installation (under voltage, over current
etc.) shall be tested from the yard using yards supplied labour and testing equipment.
All switch gear, contactors, protective devices and ACB's are to be checked and tested for
correct trip setting and operation. Open up automatic circuit breakers and inspect contacts.
Circuit breakers (3) shall be dismantled and transported ashore. Complete test, cleaning,
inspection performance tested.
Upon completion all switchboard and bus bars connections shall be retightened.
All tests shall be carried at the presence of the attending Class surveyor and to the
requirements of the Classification Society.

Quoted Cost

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


9.16 Emergency
switch board.pdf
The particulars of the emergency switchboard are as attached.

9.16.1 Emergency Switchboard Cleaning

Allow for the work to be carried out during periods in which shipyard and ship staff work will
not be affected.
Clean switchboard using low pressure filtered dry air and industrial vacuum cleaners.
Present for survey to the owners representative and the classification surveyor

Quoted Cost.

9.16.2 Emergency Switchboard Testing

Emergency switchboard with safety devices and electrical installation (under voltage, over
current etc.) shall be tested from the yard using yards supplied labour and testing equipment.
All switch gear, contactors, protective devices and ACB's are to be checked and tested for
correct trip setting and operation. Open up automatic circuit breakers and inspect contacts.
Circuit breakers (2) shall be dismantled and transported ashore. Complete test, cleaning,
inspection performance tested.
Upon completion all switchboard and bus bars connections shall be retightened.
All tests shall be carried at the presence of the attending Class surveyor and to the
requirements of the Classification Society.

Quoted Cost


Electrical (starters or distribution) panels (440V or 220V) in the engine room or other places
of the vessel shall be cleaned using low pressure filtered dry air and industrial vacuum
Allow for the work to be carried out during periods in which shipyard and ship staff work will
not be affected.
Cleaning standard shall be the same as for the main switchboard.
Estimate average size of electrical panel 1.5m x 2.0 m x 0.4m.

Quoted Cost per panel..

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


Chain and lifting blocks with capacity greater than 1.0 ton (up to 5 tons maximum) shall be
load tested to a test load of 1.25 times the nominal weight.
Blocks that cannot be removed from the permanently installed lifting beams, shall be tested in
place. Others shall be transported at the yards workshop, unless testing can be carried
Upon completion of testing, detailed test report including the serial number of each tested
block shall be issued to the owners representative.

Quoted Cost per 1 ton block

Quoted Cost per 3 ton block
Quoted Cost per 5 ton block

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6




The objective is to modify existing piping of both black and grey systems in order to be able
to control discharges while in port and special areas (prohibit all discharges while in port).
The line diagram of the required modification is given on the attached line diagram. Allow for
two additional valves to be fitted (125A at 10k) and approximately the following piping:
P Side Grey Water: Estimate 6 m of DN125 sch.40 galvanised pipe including six supports
S Side Grey Water: Estimate 6m of DN125 sch. 40 galvanised pipe including six supports
Branch pieces and flanges shall be supplied from the repair yard as necessary for the complete
installation of the required specification.

10.1 con gray to

ovbd line.pdf
Bolts, nuts, U bolts & gaskets shall all be supplied from the repair yard.

Quoted Cost


The objective is to modify existing piping of Deck water sea water cooling system to
supplied also from the main sea water cooling system.
Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to fabricate and connect cooling sea
water line to discharge line of Deck Seal Pumps discharge line.
Materials needed pipe 40A five (5) meter length with relative flanges and two globe
valves 5K40A

10.2 deck seal sw

line modification.pdf
See attached drawing

Quoted Cost.


Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to repair / build up by welding created
grooves at mooring Closed Chock.

Quoted Cost.
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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6



Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to renew all flexible hydraulic hoses on
Hose Handling Crane and on two Provision Crane.

Quoted Cost.



Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to permanent marking by bead welding
the SWL of the pad eyes beneath the manifolds areas (port & stbd). Total 9X2=18

Quoted Cost/per location.


Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to rebuilt furnace of incinerator.

Quoted Cost .


The companys logo (shown below) shall be marked on the funnel.

The funnel external areas P&S shall be high pressure fresh water washed prior to punching
and or coating.
Marking of the layout shall be done by hard punching.
The funnel areas that will be re-coated shall be surface treated with sandpaper in order to
allow for mechanical adhesion between the old and new coat.
The new logo shall be painted with three coats of owners supplied paint.
Staging shall be erected on both sides of the funnel. Estimate for 8m height by 4 m length.

Quoted Cost..

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Funnel mark arrangement Starboard side (funnel dimensions from HN1856)

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6

Funnel mark arrangement

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Technical Specification for the 1st Special Survey of STX HN 1245-6


ECDIS System will be retrofitted by makers. Provide all labour, material and electrical
connections in order to install system .

Quoted Cost/per location.


Provide all labor, material and equipment in order to fabricate four (4) Garbage Boxes .
Material Stainless Steel plate thickness 2 mm.
Dimensions as per attached sketch/photo.

Quoted Cost/per unit.

Page 88

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