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Annex III Technical Specifications 105 C1

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AnnexIII Technical Specification SpecialProvisionstoStandardSpecifications For ICTADConstructionandMaintenanceofRoads andBridges





The works shall be carried out in conformity with the ICTAD standard specifications for constructionandmaintenanceofRoadsandBridgesICTADPublicationnoSCA/5,1989issued under the Authority of the General manager, Road Development Authority, Ministry of highways,SriLanka. References to the Specification in the Contract Documents mean the Sri LankanICTAD Construction Specification. The Sri LankanICTAD Construction Specification is hereby incorporatedintotheContractasaContractDocumentandtheContractorwillbedeemedto havefullknowledgeofthisSpecification. Copies of the Sri LankanICTAD Construction Specification are available at the above address on payment of the relevant fee. In the event of any conflict in the Specification the following precedenceshallbeapply: 1. Part A: General Technical Specifications: ICTADStandard Specifications for ConstructionandMaintenanceofRoads&Bridges 2. Part B: Particular Technical Specifications: Special Provision to Standard Specification





101. 102. 103.

ABBREVIATIONS..................................................................................................................7 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................7 ARRANGEMENTSFORTRAFFICDURINGCONSTRUCTION ...................................................11 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................11 USINGPARTOFTHEROAD ......................................................................................................13 TEMPORARYDIVERSION ..........................................................................................................13 TRAFFICSAFETYANDCONTROL ................................................................................................13

103.1. 103.2. 103.3. 103.4. 104.

CONTROLOFWORKS ........................................................................................................14

104.1. AUTHORITYOFTHEENGINEER ..................................................................................................14 104.2. CONFORMITYWITHPLANSANDSPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................15 104.3. STANDARDS ..........................................................................................................................15 104.4. HEALTHANDSAFETY ..............................................................................................................15 104.5. PROTECTIONOFPUBLICSERVICEFACILITIES ................................................................................16 104.6. SAFETYRELATINGTOTEMPORARYSTRUCTURES...........................................................................16 104.7. SAFETYRELATINGTONAVIGABLEWATERWAYS ...........................................................................16 104.8. ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENT ..............................................................................................17 EmissionstandardvaluesforMotorVehicleExhaust....................................................................18 EmissionstandardvaluesforBlackSmokeEmissionfromboat/ship/vessel.................................18 104.9. CONSTRUCTIONPROGRAMMING ..............................................................................................21 104.10. PROGRESSMEETINGS .............................................................................................................22 104.11. RETURNSANDREPORTS ..........................................................................................................22 104.12. TELECOMMUNICATIONS ..........................................................................................................23 104.13. COMPACTIONGENERAL .......................................................................................................23 104.14. MIXING&CONTROLOFMOISTURECONTENTBEFORECOMPACTION ..............................................24 104.15. COMPACTIONEQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................24 104.16. WATERANDPOWERSUPPLYARRANGEMENTS ............................................................................24 104.17. DRAINAGEDURINGCONSTRUCTION...........................................................................................25 104.18. PREVENTIONOFDAMAGESTOEMBANKMENTS,SUBGRADELAYERS,PAVEMENTLAYERSANDSHOULDERS INPOSITION. ..........................................................................................................................................25 104.19. COMPACTIONTRIALS..............................................................................................................25 104.20. COMPACTIONCONTROL ..........................................................................................................25 104.21. DISPERSALOFHAULINGEQUIPMENT .........................................................................................26 104.22. PROTECTIONTONEWLYCONSTRUCTEDLAYERS ...........................................................................26 104.23. BRIDGECONSTRUCTIONSEQUENCE ...........................................................................................26 104.24. MATERIALSTESTINGBYINDEPENDENTLABORATORIES ..................................................................27 104.25. SPECIALANDADDITIONALTESTING ...........................................................................................27 104.26. STAFFFORMATERIALSTESTING ................................................................................................27 104.27. CODESANDSTANDARDS .........................................................................................................27 104.28. TESTRESULTSANDRECORDS ...................................................................................................27 104.29. MEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT ................................................................................................27 105. CONTROLOFMATERIALS ..................................................................................................28 SOURCESOFSUPPLYANDQUALITYREQUIREMENTS......................................................................28 STORAGEOFMATERIALS .........................................................................................................28 HANDLINGOFMATERIALS .......................................................................................................28 APPROVALOFSOURCESOFMATERIAL(ADDTHEFOLLOWING) .......................................................29 STOCKPILINGOFMATERIALS(ADDTHEFOLLOWING) ....................................................................29 Pageno:3of63 105.1. 105.2. 105.3. 105.4. 105.5.



105.6. 105.7. 105.8. 105.9. 105.10. 106.

TEMPORARYSTOCKPILINGOFMATERIALS(ADDTHEFOLLOWING)...................................................29 CONTROLTESTSONMATERIALDURINGCONSTRUCTION(ADDTHEFOLLOWING) ...............................29 MATERIALTESTING(ADDTHEFOLLOWING) ................................................................................31 APPLICABILITYOFGENERALSPECIFICATIONS(ADDTHEFOLLOWING)................................................31 PAYMENT(ADDTHEFOLLOWING).............................................................................................31

GENERALRULESFORMEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT .......................................................31

106.1. OVERHAUL ...........................................................................................................................33 106.2 MEASUREMENTOFPAVEMENTFORAREAANDVOLUMEBASEDPAYMENT........................................33 a. AreaBasis..............................................................................................................................33 b. VolumeBasis .........................................................................................................................33 106.3 SCOPEOFRATESFORDIFFERENTITEMSOFWORK .......................................................................33 106.4 FACILITIESFORVERIFICATIONOFMEASUREMENTS .......................................................................33 106.5 SELECTIONOFPAYITEMS ........................................................................................................33 106.6 SUBDIVISIONSWITHINPAYITEMS ...........................................................................................33 106.7 SUBSTANTIALCOMPLETIONOFTHEWORKS(ADDTHEFOLLOWING) ................................................33 107. 108. SIEVEDESIGNATIONS ........................................................................................................34 CONTRACTORSESTABLISHMENTONSITE .........................................................................34 OFFICE,EQUIPMENTTESTINGFACILITIESETC. .............................................................................34 LEGALRELATIONSANDRESPONSIBILITYTOTHEPUBLIC ..................................................................34 MEASUREMENT.....................................................................................................................34 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................35

108.1. 108.2. 108.3. 108.4. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113.

INFORMATIONFURNISHEDBYTHEEMPLOYER..................................................................36 WORKMANSHIPANDQUALITYCONTROL ..........................................................................36 SELECTIONOFLABOUR .....................................................................................................37 WORKEXECUTEDBYTHEEMPLOYEROROTHERCONTRACTORS........................................37 PROTECTIONOFPUBLICSERVICEFACILITIES......................................................................38 EXISTINGSERVICES.................................................................................................................38 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................38 GENERALOBLIGATIONS ..........................................................................................................39 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................39

113.1. 113.2. 114. 114.1. 114.2.


115. PROTECTIONOFTHEWORKSANDREQUIREMENTSTOBEMETBEFORECONSTRUCTIONOF NEWWORKONTOPOFCOMPLETEDWORKISCOMMENCED ........................................................39 115.1. 116. 116.1. 116.2. 116.3. 116.4. 117. 118. 117.1. 118.1. PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................40 EARTHWORKS .......................................................................................................................41 LOCALDEFECTSINPAVEMENTLAYERS .......................................................................................41 CONCRETE ............................................................................................................................42 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................42 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................42 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................42 Pageno:4of63 REMEDIALWORK ..............................................................................................................41

WATERSUPPLYARRANGEMENTS ......................................................................................42 ELECTRCITYSUPPLY...........................................................................................................42



119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129.

PAYMENTS&TOLERENCES................................................................................................42 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................43 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................43 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................44 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................44 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................44 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................45 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................45 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................46 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................46 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................46 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................47 SETTINGOUTANDCROSSSECTIONS ..........................................................................................47 MEASUREMENT&PAYMENT ...................................................................................................48 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................48 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................48 LANDFORFACILITIES ..............................................................................................................49 SOLEUSEOFFACILITIES ..........................................................................................................50 SERVICES..............................................................................................................................50 RENTEDPREMISES .................................................................................................................50 OFFICESANDFURNISHINGS .....................................................................................................50 ACCOMMODATIONFORTHEENGINEER ......................................................................................52 ENGINEERSLABORATORYANDEQUIPMENT ................................................................................54 MATERIALSTESTINGBYINDEPENDENTLABORATORIES ..................................................................54 SPECIALANDADDITIONALTESTING ...........................................................................................54 STAFFFORMATERIALSTESTING ................................................................................................54 SPECIALANDADDITIONALTESTINGPROVISIONALSUM .................................................................55 STAFFFORMATERIALSTESTINGPERSONMONTH .......................................................................55 STATIONERYFORTHEENGINEER ...............................................................................................55 PROVISIONOFHOTELACCOMMODATIONFORTHEENGINEERANDHISSTAFF ....................................56 SURVEYEQUIPMENT ..............................................................................................................57 MAINTENANCEOFENGINEERSFACILITIES ..................................................................................58 CLERICALANDTECHNICALSTAFF ...............................................................................................59 PHOTOGRAPHICRECORDS ................................................................................................43 ACCESSTOSITE .................................................................................................................43 COOPERATIONATSITE.....................................................................................................44 ROADSANDSITETOBEKEPTCLEAN..................................................................................44 SECURITYOFTHEWORKS..................................................................................................44 SUPPRESSIONOFNOICE....................................................................................................45 SAFETY..............................................................................................................................45 METHODOFWORKING .....................................................................................................46 TEMPORARYWORKS.........................................................................................................46 SETTINGOUTANDCROSSSECTIONSURVEYANDDRAWINGS ............................................47

119.1. 120.1. 121.1. 122.1. 123.1. 124.1. 125.1. 126.1. 127.1. 128.1. 129.1. 129.2. 129.3. 129.4. 130. 130.1 130.2 130.3 130.4 130.5 130.6 130.7 130.8 A) B) C) 130(15) 130(16) 130.9 130.10 130.11 130.12 130.13





130.14 131. 131.1 131.2 131.3 132. 132.1 132.2 133. 133.1 133.2 133.3 133 133.1 133.2

VEHICLESFORTHEENGINEER, ..................................................................................................60 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................61 MEASUREMENT.....................................................................................................................61 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................62 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................62 MEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT ................................................................................................62 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................62 MEASUREMENT.....................................................................................................................62 PAYMENT .............................................................................................................................63 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................59 PAYMENT..........................................................................................................................59

PROJECTSIGNBOARDS .....................................................................................................61








Addthefollowing: m metre km kilometre Sq.m squaremetre Cu.m cubicmetre cm centimetre mm millimetre gm. gram kg kilogram N Newton kN kilonewton HFL HighFloodLevel LWL LowWaterLevel WMM WetMixMacadam 102.

Addthefollowing: Aggregate Hard mineral elements of construction material mixtures, for example: sand,gravel(crushedoruncrushed)orcrushedrock Asphalt Concrete A mixture to predetermined proportions of aggregate, filler and bituminous binder material plant mix and usually placed by means of a paving machine. Asphalt Surfacing The layer or layers of asphalt concrete constructed on top of the roadbase. BackFillExcavatedmaterial,whichisplacedandcompactedintrenchesandaround foundations. BatterBoardAboardofwoodfixedtopostsatthetopofcuttingsorthebottomof embankmentswhichindicatestheslopeatwhichthecuttingorembankmentistobe constructed. BitumenAclassofblackordarkcoloured(solid,semisolid,orviscous)cementitious substances,naturalormanufactured,composedprincipallyofhighmolecularweight hydrocarbons,ofwhichasphalts,tars,pitches,andasphaltitesaretypical. Borrow Area/Borrow Pit An area, within designated boundaries, outside the PermanentWorks,approvedforthepurposeofobtainingfillorpavementmaterials. Aborrowpitistheexcavatedpitinaborrowarea.



Borrow Material Borrow material is a general term used to describe material obtainedfromaborrowpit. Boulder A rock fragment, usually rounded by weathering or abrasion, with an averagedimensionof300mmormore. Capping Layer A layer of selected fill material placed on the top of the topmost embankmentlayerorthebottomofexcavation. Chippings Chippings are single sized particles of crushed rock, crushed boulders or crushedgravelusedforsurfacedressing. CoarseAggregateCourseaggregateismaterialretainedonthe4.75mmsieve. Compliance Testing Testing of the completed works to ascertain compliance of the requirementsoftheSpecification. CutCutshallmeanallexcavatedmaterialfromtheroadprismincludingsidedrains. Cutting That portion of the road prism from where material is excavated to sub gradeorroadbedlevel. Earthworks The excavation of material from cuttings and/or the construction of embankments. Embankment That portion of the road prism composed of approved fill material, which lies above the original ground and is bounded by the side slopes, described in the Contract, extending downwards and outwards from the outer shoulder break pointsandonwhichthepavementisconstructed. FalseworkTemporarystaging&workingplatforms. FillMaterialwhichisusedfortheconstructionofembankments. FineAggregateFineaggregateismaterialpassingthe4.75mmsieve. Footway An area normally adjacent to the carriageway provided for the use by pedestrians. Formwork Temporary boarding or sheeting erected to contain concrete during placing,compactingandinitialhardeningincludingsupports. GabionsGabionsconsistofwovensteelmeshboxesormattressesfilledwithstone. Gravel Gravel is naturally occurring, rounded, granular material with an average dimension of more than 5mm and less than 300mm, (it does not apply to Gravel WearingCourses). Prime Coat A bituminous treatment applied to the surface of a newly constructed unbound road base prior to the construction of a bituminous layer or surface treatment.
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Quality Control Procedures, and/or testing, carried out prior to, or during, the construction of the Works for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the requirementsoftheSpecification. QuarryAnareawithindesignatedboundaries,approvedforthepurposeof obtainingrock. RoadBaseAlayerofmaterialofdefinedthicknessandwidthconstructedontopof the subbase, or in the absence thereof, the subgrade. A road base may extend beyondthecarriageway. RoadwayTheroadwaycomprisesthecarriageway,shouldersandmedian. Rock A mass of hard mineral material which, when excavated, requires the use of explosives,sawingorsplittingbymechanicalmeans. Riprap Unbounded stone provided to protect the surfaces of slopes and the beds ofwatercoursesfromerosionandscour. ScarifyLoosenandbreakupsoilorexistingpavementlayersbymeansofamachine fittedwithtines. Shoulder Breakpoint The point onacrosssectionatwhichtheextendedflatplanes of the surface of the shoulder and the outside slope of the fill and pavement intersect. SideDrainAlongitudinaldrainoffsetfrom,andparallelto,thecarriageway. Stabilisation The treatment of pavement materials by the addition of lime or Portlandcement. Subsurface Drain A covered drain constructed to intercept and remove subsoil water.Itincludesallpipesandfiltermaterialinthedrain. Surface Dressing The sealing or resealing of the surface of the carriageway or shouldersbymeansofoneormoresuccessiveapplicationsofbituminousbinderand chippings. Tack Coat A bituminous treatment applied to the surface of an existing bituminous layerpriortotheconstructionofanewbituminouslayer. Topsoil A surface layer of soil which contains organic matter and is capable of supportingthegrowthofvegetation. TrafficVehicles,pedestriansandanimalstravellingalongaroute. Traffic Lane Part of a carriageway intended for a single stream of traffic in one direction,whichhasnormallybeendemarcatedassuchbyroadmarkings.




California Bearing Ratio (CBR)Test method to evaluate the bearing capacity of the soil. MaximumDryDensity(MDD)Maximumdrydensityasdeterminedinthelaboratory usingStandardCompaction.

Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) Optimum moisture content as determined from moisturedensityrelationshiptestsforStandardCompaction.

DynamicConePenetrometer(DCP)DeviceforfieldcheckingofinsituCBR, AllkindsofSoilThesoiltypeincludeclay,sand,gravel,boulders,hardrocksetc. In this Specification the following terms, words or expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them. For ease of understanding certain cross sectionalandpavementstructureelementsareillustratedinandFigure2&Figure2.
Right of Way Limit of Roadbed Roadway Carriageway Shoulder Traffic Lane Traffic Lane Shoulder

Shoulder Break Point Embankment


Pavement Layers Sub-grade (Top of Fill Material) Capping Layer (if Required) Sub-grade (Bottom of Excavation)

Side Drain

Roadbed (Existing Ground under Embankment)




S u r f a c in g L a y e r s W e a r in g C o u r s e B a s e C o u r s e ( if a n y )

Road B ase

S u b -g r a d e

S u b -b a s e

C a p p in g L a y e r ( if r e q u ir e d )

Where the definition in the General Conditions of Contract differ from those in the StandardSpecificationsandSpecialprovisionstoStandardSpecifications,theformer shallapply. 103.

103.1. General Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: From the date of Commencement of the Works to the date of issue of Takingover Certificate for the whole of Works as provided for in the contract the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the uninterrupted passage of vehicles and pedestrians along the project road/right of way. The road is extensively used and dueattentionshallbepaidbytheContractortothemaintenanceandridingcomfort ofallroads/detours/diversions. Thetypesofmaintenancesituationsdescribedbelowinclude: (i) Construction and maintenance of temporary detours (away from existing roadembankment)requiredtobebuiltbecausethefullwidthoftheexisting road is under construction or where works on cross drainage structures requires the provision of a temporary detour including maintenance of the existingBridge. (ii) Construction and maintenance of temporary diversions along an existing embankment when road construction is progressing half width beyond the proposedcenterline. (iii) Maintenanceoftheexistingroadpriortocommencementofconstruction. (iv) Maintenance of completed half width of road and shoulder opened to traffic. (v) Maintenance of traffic on exposed granular layers in a carriageway under construction.
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Road Pavement Layers


TheContractorsresponsibilitiesshallincludetherectificationofanydeteriorationor damage to the road, intersections or driveways, and drainage structures; due to passageoftraffic,orrainsorflood.Thespecificlocationsofanydetourordiversions shall depend upon the Contractors method of working and the Contractor shall be deemedtohavecoveredthesameinquotinghisrates. Upon completion of a days work, or if the Works are to be left unattended, the Contractor shall leave the Works in such a condition so as to allow the safe passage of traffic. The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all regulations relatingtothetemporaryclosureofroadsinSriLanka. The Contractor shall provide and maintain for the period of construction, traffic control and safety devices including Traffic Signs, Barricade Boards, Traffic Cones, Lighting Devices etc., at all locations where work is in progress in accordance with Part II of the Manual of Traffic Control Devices, Road Development Authority, MinistryofTransportandHighways. The Contractor shall so conduct his operations as to offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to the public. He shall have under construction no greater length or amount of works than he can properly manage at a time with due regardtotherightsofthepublicinmaintainingafreeflowoftraffic.Unlessprovided otherwise in this specification all traffic shall be permitted to pass through the sections of the works, which have been completed and opened to traffic in accordancewiththecontract. Area of existing public roadway, traffic diversions or detours shall not be obstructed or used in any way by the Contractor for the dumping or stockpiling of materials, or parkingofContractorsequipment At least 15 days before commencing work on any section of the works the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his proposals for the maintenance of traffic including Working Drawings of traffic control arrangements, road signs, and any temporary road works including detailed typical cross sections of proposed detours/diversions indicating clearly the type of diversion, proposed material and thickness of pavement structure and surfacing not inferior to specifications stated hereinafter, and a program showing the time overwhichthediversionisrequiredto carrythetraffic. The Engineer may require changes to the Contractors proposals prior to approving the proposal of temporary works and program. The standard of road surfacing required may depend on the duration that the detour/diversion is required to be operational. Approval to the Contractors proposal shall not take away the Contractors obligation to provide for the uninterrupted passage of vehicles and pedestrians at all times. Where necessary the Contractor shall strengthen by the addition of pavement layers or by additional compaction or other means, any detours or diversions that may be found inadequate for traffic no extra cost to the contract. Material and equipment temporarily stored on, or adjacent to, the existing roadway shall be so placed, and the work at all times, shall be so conducted as to cause
Series100General Pageno:12of63


minimum disruption to the travelling public. Warning signs and barrels will be requiredtoseparatetheContractorsmaterialandequipmentfromthepublic. The Contractor will not be permitted to have excavations open on both sides of the roadataparticularchainagesuchthatthereisastepadjacenttopublictrafficwhich may create a danger to traffic i.e. the excavation and backfilling with subbase or base shall be flush with the existing road level on one side before excavation can proceedontheothersideoftheroad. The maximum length of oneway working controlled by stop/go boards or flagmen shall be 500 metres. This length may be further reduced if visibility is reduced at bendsonincreasedwhereappropriateattheEngineersdiscretion. DuringconstructionforoperationswhichrequireonewaytraffictheContractorshall be responsible for the removal of broken down vehicles including vehicles damaged inaccidentsandshallmaintainonewayuninterruptedtrafficflowatalltimes As an alternative or in addition to oneway working, traffic diversions may be arrangedwherethisisfeasible.SuchdiversionsshallbeapprovedbytheEngineerin conjunction with the Traffic Police. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provisionandmaintenanceofadequatesigningforthedurationofanydiversion. The Contractor shall arrange for the Traffic Police to be in attendance for traffic managementwheneverrequired. Noseparatepaymentforthemaintenanceoranyothercostsincurredwhilstutilising the diversion shall be made. All costs shall be deemed to be included in the Contractorsrates. All earth and gravel bypasses and existing gravel roads used as bypasses shall be maintained in a safe trafficable condition by the Contractor. Wherever required by the Engineer, the roads and bypasses shall be graded by motor grader or by approved means to provide a smooth riding surface free of corrugation. All pot holes shall be promptly repaired by the contractor. Drainage shall be kept in good order and the Contractor shall water the bypasses as often as is necessary to keep dustdown. 103.2. UsingPartoftheRoad Nochange. 103.3. TemporaryDiversion Nochange 103.4. TrafficSafetyandControl Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The Contractor shall, after consultation with the Engineer, all the concerned Local Authorities and Police prepare a scheme of traffic management for carrying out the Works. Such proposals shall besubmittedtotheEngineerforhisapproval,together withwrittenapproval/noobjectioncertificatesfromtheconcernedauthorities,not lessthan30daysbeforetheplannedimplementationofeachproposal.
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The Contractor shall not commence any works affecting any public highway until all approved traffic safety measures conforming to the Engineers prior approval have beenfullyimplementedtothesatisfactionoftheEngineer. The Contractor shall take necessary measures for the safety of traffic and third parties by providing, erecting and maintaining all signs, lamps, barriers, traffic control signals, road markings, etc. in a clean and legible condition, and shall position, reposition, cover or remove them as required by the progress of the Works. The barriers shall be strong. Red lanterns or warning lights shall be mounted on the barriers at nights and shall be kept lit till sunrise. If the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements, the Engineer shall order a third party to rectify the shortcomingsandshallrecoverthecostofsuchworksfromtheContractor. a. Measurement Arrangements for traffic during construction shall be measured per month for the period during which the Contractor maintains the arrangement to achieve full compliancewiththerequirementofSection103. b. Payment ThequantitiesmeasuredinmonthandtenthsofamonthwillbepaidattheContract ratepermonth. Payment will commence from the day that the Contractor commences a section of road work on bridge work which require one way traffic working or when be constructsadiversioninaccordancewithSection103. Paymentwillcontinuewhilesuchonewayworkingortrafficdiversionsareinproper operation in accordance with the Contractors programme and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Payment willceasewhennoonewayworkingortrafficdiversionsare in place. The pay item shall be deemed to include for compliance with Section 103 forasmanylocationsthattheContractorisoperatingonewayworkingordiversions fortrafficatanyonetimewhetherthisbeoneorseveral. Noadditionalpaymentwillbemadeforcompliancewiththisclause. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. 103(1) Description Provision and Maintenance of Arrangements for traffic during construction. Payunit



104.1. AuthorityoftheEngineer Nochange.




104.2. ConformitywithPlansandSpecifications Nochange. Addsubclause104.3: 104.3. Standards When materials or workmanship are required by these Specifications to meet or exceed specifically named codes or standards, it is the Contractor's responsibility to provide such specifically named codes or standards. The specified codes and standards establish the quality requirements for the various types of work to be performedandthemethodsfortestingfordeterminationthattherequiredqualityis achieved. All the codes of practice, standards and specifications applicable shall be the latest editionwithallcorrectionsandincorporationsason30daysbeforethefinaldatefor submissionofthebid. In the absence of any definite provisions in the specifications on any particular issue reference maybemadetothelatestcodesofASTMandBSstandardswhichensure an equal or higher quality than the standards mentioned. Where even these are silent, the construction and completion of the Works and relevant tests shall conform to sound engineering practice and, in case of any dispute arising out of the interpretationoftheabove,thedecisionoftheEngineershallbefinalandbindingon theContractor. 104.4. HealthandSafety The Contractor shall in addition to complying with the specific requirements of the General Conditions and with the national standards of the Government of Sri Lanka in respect of health and safety, observe and maintain standards, towards all of his employees,notlessthanthoselaiddownbyhisownnationalstandardsorstatutory regulations. He should take all reasonable steps including training and safety drill to ensure the safetyofallpersonsonthesite,whetherinhisemployornot.Safetyisparamount. The contractor shall provide all appropriate protective clothing and equipment for the work to be done and ensure its proper use. Where required safety nets, belts, belts harnesses and life belts and rescue boats shall be provided. All safety and rescueequipmentshallbefullymaintainedandavailableforuseatalltimes. The contractor shall provide and maintain in prominent and wellmarked positions all necessary firstaid equipment, medical supplies and other facilities. A sufficient number or trained personnel shall be available at all times to render first aid. A suitably equipped room shall be made available with beds and stretchers for emergency medical treatment, and a planned system for removal to hospital for authorisedpersonsrequiringfurthertreatmentshallbeprovidedbythecontractor.



ThecontractorshallreporttotheEngineerpromptlyandinwritingparticularsofany accident or unusual or unforeseen the occurrences on the site, whether likely to affectprogressoftheworkornot. No payment would be made for services under this clause as the same shall be deemedtohavebeenincludedinthegeneralobligationoftheContractor.

104.5. ProtectionofPublicServiceFacilities Immediately on receipt of the notice to commence the works, the Contractor shall make a survey to identify all surface and under ground Electric/Telephone poles, service lines viz gas/fuel pipe, water line, survey Bench Marks (BM) and other facilities etc. likely to impede/obstruct his works and shall submit a survey and chainagewiselistoftheseobstructionstotheEngineer. AnyservicesaffectedbytheWorksshallbetemporarilysupportedbytheContractor who shall also take all measures reasonably required by the various bodies to protecttheirservicesandpropertyduringtheprogressoftheworks. Noseparatepaymentshallbemadeforthesurvey,identificationandanytemporary support or protection of services, as it will be deemed to be under the general obligationoftheContractor. As directed by the Engineer, the Contractor will arrange for the relocation and/or removalofpublicservicesbytheappropriateauthority. Payment for any charges made by these authorities shall be made as shown in Section203. 104.6. SafetyRelatingtoTemporaryStructures The contractor must submit complete design calculations plans and technical details of all proposed temporary structures for the engineers prior approval before their construction commences. The Engineers approval will not relieve the contractor of anycontractualliabilities. The contractor must also ensure that all necessary safety regulations and precautions must be complied with during the erection, use and dismantling of temporary structures no separate payment will be made for temporary structures which are not scheduled in the Bill of Quantities. They will have been deemed to havebeenincludedintherateitemslistedintheBillofQuantities. 104.7. SafetyRelatingtoNavigableWaterways The Contractor shall in addition to complying with the specific requirements of the General Conditions and with the national standards of the Government of Sri Lanka in respect of navigable waterways, shall comply with all orders and directions given by the Engineer in respect of the safety of navigation and with requirements for marking watching and lighting any structure, craft or equipment which may be used intheconstructionoftheworks.
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The contractor shall not lay down or provide permanent moorings for his floating plant. The Contractors temporary moorings shall be positioned and installed to the approval of the Engineer. Prior notification of their installation shall be officially giventoallusersofthewaterway. Spoil excavated or dredged by the Contractor shall not be deposited in such locationsaswillinfillorcausesiltingupofexistinglowwaterchannels. The Contractor shall without delay raise and remove or recover any material, construction plant (floating or otherwise) or vessel belonging to or hired by him which may be sunk stranded or gone adrift in the course of construction completion or maintenance of the works, or otherwise deal with the same as the Engineer may direct. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions and measures to avoid interruption of service of the existing ferry or navigation as a consequence of his temporaryworksorconstructionofthepermanentworks. No payment would be made for services under this clause as the same shall be deemedtohavebeenincludedinthegeneralobligationoftheContractor.

104.8. EnvironmentalRequirement The Contractor shall comply, with the Environmental Monitoring guideline in accordance with the requirement of Statutes/Law of the Government of Sri Lanka and International standards. In respect of controlling damage to the environment and controlling pollution the Contractor shall be bound to follow the regulation/law of the Government ofSriLankaandanystatutorybodiesortherequirementofsuch lawsofhisownhomecountrywhicheverismorestringent (1) SpecificEnvironmentalConcerns Thespecificenvironmentalconcernsare: Emissionstoair(dust,smokeetc.) Emissionstoland(solidandliquiddomestic&industrialwasteetc.) Emissiontowater(dredgespoil,surface&foulwaterdrainageetc.) Noiseandvisualpollution These are now discussed one by one while it will be indicated to which particular contracttheyareapplicable. Emissionstoair Generationofdust The spread of wind blown soil particles derived from unpaved haulage and access roads,reclaimedareasandstockpilesofsoil,anddustfromrockhandlingmaycause





a problem during the dry season if strong winds prevail. Such dust may cause health risksforthelabourersandforthepopulationlivingnearby. As part of his obligation to minimise disturbance to other users. The Contractor is required to water unpaved roads under dry weather conditions and impose speed limitsonaccessandhaulageroads. The nature of a major earthworks operation inevitably gives rise to a dust nuisance the effects of which are to be minimized as far as practicable by watering and route and speed control of vehicles. The dust nuisance from the Contractors crushing plantistobecontrolledbytheuseofwatersprays. Airpollution Exhaust emissions caused by the use of vehicles, machinery and other engine driven equipment used by the contractors should not exceed the exhaust emission standardsassetforwardinthetablesbelow.

EmissionstandardvaluesforMotorVehicleExhaust Parameters Unit Standard determinates Value HattridgeSmokeUnit(HSU) Blacksmoke(1) 65(3) (2) g/m3 CO 24 (2) hydrocarbon percentvolume 4(4) (2) NOx 2 g/m3 180 ppm 2 g/m3 600 ppm (1) measuredattwothirdsofmaximumrotatingspeed (2) whicheverisloweroutoftwovaluesexpressedintwodifferentunits (3) For vehicles more than 5 years old, or that have completed 80,000 km the standard valueis75HSU (4) Twoandtreewheelervehicleswithenginedisplacementlessthancm3thestandard valueis5volumepercentage. EmissionstandardvaluesforBlackSmokeEmissionfromboat/ship/vessel Parametersdeterminats Unit

Blacksmoke(1) HattridgeSmokeUnit(HSU) (1) measuredattwothirdsofmaximumrotatingspeed Theambientairqualityinandaroundtheworksiteshouldmeetthestandardvalues for ambient air quality described in the following table. Regular maintenance of engines and equipment is considered to be important for reducing emission and emissions.
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Standard Value 65(3)


Ambientairqualitystandardsfordifferentcategoriesofenvironments. Concentration{g/m3] CategoryofEnvironment SO2 CO Nox SuspendedParticu Mater 500 120 5000 100 industrialandmixeduse 400 100 5000 100 commercialandmixeduse 200 80 2000 800 residentialandrural 100 30 1000 300 sensitive Thecategoryofenvironmentoftheareasurroundingtheworksitecanbecharacterizedas rural.Forambientairqualitythestandardsforresidentialandruralareasshouldtherefore bemet. Garbageseparation Allchemicalproductsmustbecollectedseparatelyfromthenormalgarbage Usedoilmustbecollectedintousedoildrums. Usedbatteriesmustbecollectedinusedbatteriesstorageforrecycling Usedoilfuelfiltersmustbecollectedinaleakagefreedrum Garbagecollectingsystem:Thelocationofthegarbagecontainerswillbesetoutintheplan oftheworkingareaandcamparea.Thegarbagefromanyvesselswillbebroughtashore. Garbage discharge: The garbage will be brought to a dedicated area approved for disposal bytheEngineer. Otherenvironmentalprocedures: Building/construction material must be ordered from the stores in the exact amountsneeded,ifpossibleintherightsize,tominimizewastage. Allmaterialmustbestoredinthecorrectway. Leftovermaterial(usable)mustbereusedorrecycled. Dischargingorchargingofchemicalsshalltakeplaceabovealeakagebin Cleaningoftools(painting)shalltakeplaceinabin,suitableforhandlingsolvents. Causingnuisanceshallbekepttoaminimum Theworkingareamustbekeptcleanandtidy Effectivemaintenanceofequipmentisdemanded. (3) Emissiontowater The Engineer is required to approve all work method associated with the excavating of soil below water level and subsequent disposal. Locations for disposal of soil excavated from belowwaterlevelinorderofpreferenceare: (1) Disposalonlandthroughhydraulicfill; (2) Disposaloncharlandifnotoccupiedforagriculture; (3) Aquaticdisposalintothedeepestchannelsoftheriver.
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Unlessapprovedotherwise,dredgedmaterialshallbedepositedonland. Landdisposal Test have revealed the presence of any toxic or polluting substance in the river bed material. the bunds or embankments for the hydraulic fill are to be of such quality that no spillsorbreachesoccur,damagingneighboringland; to prevent water logging of agricultural areas in the flood plains surrounding hydraulicfillareas,drainsshallbeconstructedaroundtheembankmentstoevacuate waterbygravitytotheriver; Aquatedisposal Theconcentrationofsuspendedsedimentintheeffluentfromtheexcavationworks, dischargedintonaturalorexistingwatercoursesshallneverexceed4,000ppm. Disposal of dredged material shall only take place on char land if not occupied for agriculturalpurposesorinthemajorriverchannelminimizingtheimpactonriverine transportandonaquatic(organismslivinginorattheriverbottom); Noiseandvisualpollution Visualpollution The contractor shall ensure all temporary works are kept neat and tidy and the site cleanedregularly. Noisepollution The Contractor, in planning his works must recognize the distinction between noise pollution as experienced by the villagers living around the works and noise hazards tothelabourworkingontheconstructionsites Inthecaseofvillagersthemainformsofnoisepollutionwillbe: piledriving crushingplant generators haulageandcompactionequipment earthandrockmovingequipmentisofconsideration. Theseactivitiesshouldbeconfinedtodaytimeoperationandnotafter10pm. In the case of Contractors labour the impact of noise pollution on operators and adjacentpersonnelcouldbemuchmoreofaproblem: Ear protectors shall be used in any environment where the noise may exceed the levelof80dB(A). Notice boards must beplacedinareaswherethenoiseexceedsthislevelandwhere earprotectorsmustbeworn.Noiselevelsshouldbemeasuredifanydoubtexists.




Spot checks shall be made by Engineer with the assistance of Department of Environment to verify whether ear protectors (a) are provided by the various contractorand(b)areinfactusedbythelabourworkinginthenoisyarea. Nopaymentwillbemadeforservicesunderthisclauseasthesameshallbedeemed tohavebeenincludedinthegeneralobligationoftheContractor. 104.9. ConstructionProgramming TheprogrammerequiredbyClause13oftheGeneralConditionsofContractshallbe updated monthly, unless agreed otherwise with the Engineer, and shall be in the form of a bar chart and time/location chart, covering all the main items of work, showing their interrelation with and interdependence on other items of work, and be laid out in a format which will permit progress of the various items to be indicated on it throughout the execution of the work. It shall be supported by a critical path network in form capable of being updated, showing all requisite operations, earliest and latest start and finish dates, durations, float and critical activities. Theprogrammeshallshowinteralia: a) ThedatesbywhichthecontractorrequiresinformationfromtheEngineerinrespect offurtherdetailedDrawingsorschedules. b) The dates by which the contractor requires instruction from the Engineer to carry outworkdescribedinthecontractasprovisionalsums. c) The dates by which the contractor will require to place any Nominated Sub contracts. d) The delivery periods and dates of arrival on site of all major plant and materials and theirrelationshipwiththeriverregime. e) The dates and periods during which the contractor will require to enter onto sites allocatedtoothercontractsintheexecutionofhisworks. f) The dates and periods set out on Drawings and described more fully in Volumes2 and3oftheParticularSpecification. The method statement required in accordance with Clause13 of the General Conditions of Contract shall include a list of major items of plant and equipment to be used, methods of movement of materials, temporary works and other like mattress. The contractor must submit working drawings as necessary withprogrammedetails. No work should be carried out on the programme submitted without the Engineers prior written approval should the contractor carry out work prior to the Engineer approvaltheEngineerwillhavetherighttowithholdpaymentforsuchwork. If the programme is to be revised by reason of the Contractor falling behind his programme,heshallproducearevisedprogrammeshowingthemodificationstothe
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originalprogrammenecessarytoensurecompletionoftheworksoranypartthereof within the time for completion as defined in Clause 13 of the Conditions of Contract or any extended time granted pursuant to Clause 43 of the Conditions of Contract. Any proposal to increase the tempo of the work must be accompanied by positive steps to increase production by providing more labour and plant on Site, or by using theavailablelabourandplantinamoreefficientmanner. FailureonthepartoftheContractortoworkaccordingtotheprogrammeorrevised programme,shallbesufficientreasonfortheEmployertotakestepsasprovidedfor in the Conditions of Contract and shall be construed as not executing the Works in accordancewiththeContract. The approval by the Engineer of any programmeshallhavenocontractualsignificance other than that the Engineer would be satisfied if the work is carried out according to such programme and that the Contractor undertakes to carry out the work in accordance with the programme, nor shall it limit the right of the Engineer to instruct theContractortovarytheprogrammeshouldcircumstancesmakethisnecessary.The above shall not be taken to limit the right of the Contractor to claim for damages or extension of time to which he may be fairly entitled to in terms of the General ConditionsofContractfordelayordisruptionofhisactivities. ShouldtheEmployerrequestandtheContractorundertaketofinishthewholeorpart of the Works ahead of the time originally required by the Contract, payment for accelerating the work shall only be made if agreed to beforehand in writing and accordingtothetermsofsuchagreement No payment would be made for services under this clause as the same shall be deemedtohavebeenincludedinthegeneralobligationoftheContractor. 104.10. ProgressMeetings Meeting will be held at intervals not exceeding one month between the Engineer and the contractor to discuss the progress of the works and any problems that may havearisen.ThecontractorshallgivetotheEngineeratthesemeetingsdetailsofhis progresstodateinrelationtotheprogramme. No payment would be made for services under this clause as the same shall be deemedtohavebeenincludedinthegeneralobligationoftheContractor. 104.11. ReturnsandReports At monthly intervals the contractor shall, in accordance with his obligations under Clause 35 of the General Conditions of Contract, supply to the Engineer, returns of labour and constructional Plant and, in addition, a schedule of the main work items in each section of the works showing progress during the previous week and proposedprogressforthecomingweekandtotalprogresstodate. At monthly intervals, and not later than the first week in every month, the contractor shall submit to the Engineer a progress report for the previous month thatshallinclude,butnotbelimitedtothefollowing:
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a programme marked up with any agreed amendments and showing the actual percentage completion of each of the main items of work, in such a way that comparison can be made with the scheduled percentage completionofeachitem. Weather and other conditions, including daily temperature range, humidity rainfall,windspeedanddirection,riverlevelsetc. Summaryofstaffandlabouremployedonthesite. Schedule of Constructional Equipment on site with dates of arrival and departureasappropriateincludingequipmentoperationalcondition.. Schedule of principal material items with dates of placing orders progress of manufacture,datesofdeliverytositeetc.

b) c) d) e)

f) Recordofsitesafety All reports, statements, returns, diagrams or drawings etc. which the contractor is required to submit to the Engineer during the progress of the works shall be furnishedinquadruplicateunlessotherwisedirected. No payment would be made for services under this clause as the same shall be deemedtohavebeenincludedinthegeneralobligationoftheContractor. 104.12. Telecommunications The Contractor shall provide and maintain telephone, fax and email and mobile telephone with necessary connections and facilities in the site office during the period of the construction and maintenance. The Contractor shall also maintain the telephonefacilitiesandpayallbillsforthewholeperiodasstatedabove. 104.13. CompactionGeneral Compaction of materials shall be carried out in layers of uniform thickness using approved compaction equipment including combinations thereof if required by the Engineertoachievethespecifiedcompaction. Compaction with rollers shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre except in super elevated and other stretches of unidirectional crossfall, wheretherollingshallcommenceattheloweredgeandprogresstowardstheupper edge. When commencing rolling from an edge, rollers shall run forward and backward along the edge several times till the edge strip becomes firm to provide lateral support. The roller shall then move inwards parallel to the centre line of the road in successive passes with the tracks made by successive passes overlapping. Rolling shallcontinuetillthespecifieddegreeofcompactionisachievedthroughout. Whenrollingisterminatedatanedge,theproceduresimilartothatforcommencing rolling at an edge shall be adopted. During rolling, the top of the layer being rolled shall be checked for levels and crossfall and any irregularities in these regards, corrected by scarifying the material in the affected area and by removing or adding materials and continuing with the rolling until the entire area being rolled has been broughttoastateofuniformanddesiredcompaction.
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104.14. Mixing&ControlofMoistureContentBeforeCompaction Before compaction is commenced (other than for bituminous mixes), each layer of uncompacted material shall be brought to a state of uniform composition, texture and moisture content by thorough mixing and addition of water or drying as required.TheContractorshallbedeemedtohavetakenaccountofthefactthatthe materials encountered may vary widely with respect to their insitu moisture contents and the moisture contents at which the materials are to be compacted as to be specified separately for each type of material. Accordingly, the materials may have to be wetted by adding water or dried to the required degree, along with intimatemixingoftheentiremassofthematerials. 104.15. CompactionEquipment Mechanical equipment shall be used for compacting materials by rolling, tamping andwateringthematerials(ifneeded)beforecompaction.Forotheroperationsuch as spreading, mixing and shaping, manually operated tools and equipment is preferred on mechanical equipment alone or a combination of two shall be used. The choice of equipment and the procedure of their use shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, upon his being satisfied about their effectiveness on the basisoftrialcompactions. It shall be understood by the Contractor that different type of materials are likely to require different kind of compaction equipment, including successive applications thereof, for achieving the specified degrees of compaction and the Contractor shall keep available a fleet of compaction equipment of the requisite kinds, sizes and number. For compacting along narrow strips e.g. along widening of pavements and in restricted areas e.g. behind bridge abutments, appropriate sized purpose made compacting equipment will be required and the same shall be provided by the Contractor. All equipment shall be of modern construction by established manufacturers and of proven efficiency and shall be operated and maintained at all times by skilled personnelinamanneracceptabletotheEngineer. 104.16. WaterandPowerSupplyArrangements TheContractorshall a. provide at his own risk and cost all water, lighting and electric power required for use in the works at such frequent locations as are necessary and shall pay all costs, fees and charges in connection therewith and allow all subcontractors free use of the same. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for his requirements of potablewater,by





c. d.

provide and maintain temporary water storage together with any distributionpiping whichmaybenecessaryandsubsequentlyremoveallinstallationstotheapprovalof theEngineers. Provide,wirefor,andconnectlightingandpowerfortheworks. Provide mechanically driven and operated water bowsers with effective spray equipment at all times to ensure that compaction can proceed without any hold up onaccountofwatering.

104.17. DrainageduringConstruction Allembankment,subgrade,shoulderandpavementlayersunderconstructionshall beprotectedfromanyaccumulationofwaterduetorainsorothercausesandfrom erosionduetoflowofwater.Allsuchlayersunderconstructionshallbeprovided withcrossfalltofacilitatesurfacerunoffand,ifnecessary,thecrossfallshallbe supplementedwithtemporarydrainstopreventaccumulationofwater. 104.18. Prevention of Damages to Embankments, Subgrade Layers, Pavement Layers and ShouldersinPosition. Excavations for new constructions and placement of materials and their in situ processingandcompactionfornewconstructionshallbedoneinsuchamannerand with such precautions as not to cause any damage to embankments, subgrade layers, shoulders and pavement layers in position including those preexisting and intendedtoformpartoftheimprovedroad. 104.19. CompactionTrials For demonstrating the efficacy of mixing and compaction equipment and the working methods proposed to be used by the Contractor for different kinds of materials, the Contractor shall carry out compaction trials before fullscale construction on the road and during construction throughout the course of the contractasrequiredbyandinclosecooperationwiththeEngineer.Basedonresults of compaction trials and construction observation, the Engineer shall reserve the right to direct the use of particular mixing and compaction equipment and methods and disallow the use of others for compacting different kinds of materials in accordancewiththesespecifications. 104.20. CompactionControl After the compaction of each layer of material, field density tests shall be done on the compacted material. For locating test points, successive compaction panels covering the entire area of work shall be designated in advance of compaction. The frequency of the tests (in terms of square metres of compacted area of each layer for which minimum one test is to be done) shall be separately specifiedfordifferent kinds of material. The test locations shall be chosen through random sampling techniques.



Acceptance of compaction by the Engineer shall be based on the mean value of 5 to 10determinationsoffielddrydensity.Themeandrydensityofasetoftestsshallbe equal to or exceeding the specified value and the standard deviation shall not exceed 4 percent of the mean dry density. If this is not satisfied the entire work to, whichthesetofdensitytestsrelatesshallbetreatedasnonacceptable. For material other than bituminous mixes, the compaction panels in which the compaction work is found as nonacceptable shall be given recompaction accompanied with scarifying and wetting/drying for the entire thickness of the compacted layer to achieve the specified degree of compaction. In case of bituminous mixes, the compaction panels in which the compaction work is found as nonacceptable shall be stripped off and relaid with fresh bituminous mix and re compacted.

104.21. DispersalofHaulingEquipment Hauling equipment bringing materials to the site of work shall be dispersed uniformly over the surface of the previously constructed layers in order to avoid rutting and uneven compaction. The materials from hauling equipment shall not be dumpedinconcentratedheapsbutdepositedasevenlydistributedlayers. 104.22. ProtectiontoNewlyConstructedLayers No traffic other than construction traffic shall be allowed on any earthwork or pavement layer until a surfacing has been applied either as single surface treatment or an asphalt concrete layer. The approval of the Engineer shall be required before traffic is allowed to pass over newly constructed road. Any defects caused by traffic passing over the construction layers shall be remedied in accordance with these Specifications. 104.23. BridgeConstructionSequence The Contractor shall programme the construction sequences for all bridges and submit a written statement thereof for the approval of the Engineer. The bridge construction sequence shall consider, as a minimum, each phase of bridge constructionwithrespecttotrafficcontroltheeffectsontheexistingbridgesandthe completedbridges.WheretheContractorproposestopartiallydemolishanexisting bridge to allow for phased construction, he shall demonstrate to the Engineers approval that the partially demolished bridge is safe for use by his equipment and otherroadusers. Thecontroloftrafficduringtheconstructionofthebridgewillbeinaccordancewith the Specification, 103. Where the bridge construction sequence has been specified ontheDrawings,theContractorshallfollowthesequencespecified.TheContractor may propose an alternative construction sequence provided he can demonstrate, in awrittenstatement,thatthesequenceisnotdetrimentaltotheWorksorroadusers inanyway.




No work shall commence on a bridge until the written consent to the construction sequence has been given by the Engineer in compliance with clause 13 of the GeneralConditionsofContract.

104.24. MaterialsTestingbyIndependentLaboratories In addition to the Site testing facilities described Sub Section 130.8, the Contractor shall be responsible for arranging for the field and offSite laboratory tests indicated as the responsibility of the Contractor in the Specifications, to be performed by testing laboratories approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for all attendance on staff from these approved testing laboratories, including if necessarytheprovisionoftransportforpersonnel,equipmentandtestspecimens. 104.25. SpecialandAdditionalTesting In addition to the testing described above, the Engineer may require further testing to be carried out. Such special and additional testing shall be arranged by the ContractorunderthedirectionoftheEngineer. 104.26. StaffforMaterialsTesting The Contractor shall provide qualified laboratory engineers, technicians, assistants, labourers, etc. to carry out sampling and testing of materials in accordance with theseSpecifications.LaboratorystaffshallbesubjecttotheapprovaloftheEngineer andbeavailabletoassisttheEngineerwithmaterialstesting,asandwhenrequired. 104.27. CodesandStandards All the codes of practice, standards and specifications applicable shall be the latest edition with all corrections and incorporations as on 30 (thirty) days before the final date for submission of the tender. The Contractor will supply two (2) copies of the codesofpractices,standards,onetotheEngineerandothertotheContractorsuse. 104.28. TestResultsandRecords The Contractor shall maintain complete records of test results which may be inspected by the Engineer at any time. All test results shall be recorded on standard forms approved by the Engineer and shall be countersigned by the Engineer. Completed forms shall clearly show the locations of samples, sampling dates and testing dates. Samples shall be numbered serially at the time of sampling. The Engineer may witness any sampling or testing carried out in the laboratory. The Contractor shall have the right to witness any sampling or testing carried out by the Engineer.OncompletionoftheContracttheoriginalcopiesofalltestresultsshallbe handedovertotheEmployer,viatheEngineer. 104.29. MeasurementandPayment No separate payment shall be made for compliance items under this section. Paymentshallbedeemedtobeincludedinthecontractorsrates.
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105.1. SourcesofSupplyandQualityRequirements Deletethetextofsubclause105.1andsubstitutethefollowing: The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all materials required to construct the Works. All material salvaged and/orremovedfromtheworksremains the property of the Government. The Contractorshallberesponsibleforthecostof replacementintheeventofunauthoriseduseorremoval. TheContractorshallberesponsibleforopeningupallquarriesandborrowareasand shall organise his method of operations so that only materials of a type and quality approvedbytheEngineershallbeselectedforuseintheWorks. TheContractorisatlibertytoselectandusematerialfromhisownsourcesproviding therequirementsofthissectionarefullymet. 105.2. StorageofMaterials Deletethetextofsubclause105.2andsubstitutethefollowing: Materialsshallbestoredinsuchamannerastoensurepreservationoftheirspecific quality and suitability for use in the Works. Stored materials shall be located so that theyarereadilyavailableforuseandcanbeeasilyinspectedbytheEngineer.Private property shall not be used for storage purposes without the written permission of theownerorlessee. Storage sites shall be free of vegetation and debris, free draining and if necessary shall be elevated. Material placed directly on the ground shall not be used in the Works unless the site has been prepared and surfaced with a 10 (ten) centimeter layerofsandorgraveltothesatisfactionoftheEngineer. Stockpiled material shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent segregation and excessive moisture content. The maximum height of stockpiles shall be limited to fivemetres. Stockpiling of the various aggregates to be used for asphalt concrete, bituminous surface treatment, penetration macadam or concrete will be permitted only in separate stockpiles for each nominal size of aggregate. These shall be separated to preventmixingofmaterials. Aggregate stockpiles for base course and subbase shall be protected from rain to preventsaturationoftheaggregateswhichwouldresultinareductioninthequality oftheplacedmaterialoradverselyaffecttheplacementofthematerial. 105.3. HandlingofMaterials Nochange.




105.4. ApprovalofSourcesofMaterial(Addthefollowing) The sources of the materials shall be selected by the Contractor, but approved by the Engineer before the materials are haulage to be used on the site. For this purpose, the Contractor shall furnish all relevant test data for representative samples from each source area as desired by the Engineer and also afford opportunitiesfortheEngineertovisitthesourcesareas. Notwithstanding approval of sources of materials, materials as brought to the work site for use in the Works shall be subject to acceptance or rejection by the Engineer basedonqualitycontrolteststobeperformedbeforeuseinconstruction. 105.5. StockpilingofMaterials(Addthefollowing) All materials brought to the Site shall be stockpiled and stored carefully at approved locations and in a systematic manner so as to prevent deterioration or mixing of different materials or contamination. Materials which have suffered contamination or deterioration due to improper storage shall not be used in Works and shall be removedfromthestockpilingarea. Thematerialsshallbefreefromforeign,organicoranyotherdeleterioussubstances such as vegetation and perishable matters, or any other substance which in the opinion of the Engineermayaffectplacingmixingandcompactionofthematerialor adversely affect the future performance of the Works. Material may be tested in stockpilesbytheEngineertochecksuitabilityforuseintheWorks. 105.6. TemporaryStockpilingofMaterials(Addthefollowing) Where the work programme is such that materials cannot be placed directly in their required position or mixing of two or more materials is required to meet the requirements of the Specification for a material the Engineer may authorise their removal into temporary stockpiles. Stockpile sites shall be to the Engineers approvalandshallbepreparedbyclearingandgradingfollowedbycompaction. The material shall be stockpiled in successive layers of approved thickness over the full stockpile areatotheapproximatedimensionsrequiredbytheEngineerandshall subsequentlybereloadedandplaced. 105.7. ControlTestsonMaterialDuringConstruction(Addthefollowing)

The Contractor shall use only such materials in construction as conform to the requirements regarding composition, grading, physical properties and engineering characteristics, as specified for different kinds of materials. For this purpose pre constructioncontroltestsshallbecarriedoutonrepresentativesamplescollectedat random of materials brought to construction site or at stockpiles on the following scale. The Engineer shall have the authority to have these tests at more frequent intervalswherequalityofamaterialisindoubt. Table1057A




TypeofMaterial Ordinaryfillfor embankment

TypeofTest Particlesizeanalysis Atterberglimits Moisture density relationship CBR Test (set of 3 specimens) Particlesizeanalysis Atterberglimits Moisture density relationship CBR test (set of 3 specimens) Particlesizeanalysis PlasticityIndex Moisture density relationship CBR Test (set of 3 specimens) Los Angeles abrasion test WaterAbsorption Particlesizeanalysis PlasticityIndex Waterabsorption Los Angeles abrasion test Bulkspecificgravity Flakinessindex

Qty.ofmaterialfor whichminimumone testoronesetof testistobedone 4000cu.m. 4000cu.m. 4000cu.m. 4000cu.m

Selectedfillfor granularcapping layer Aggregatesfor granularsubbase Aggregatesforbit roadbaseand wearingcourse

2000cu.m. 2000cu.m 2000cu.m. 2000cu.m. 500cu.m. 2000cu.m. 2000cu.m. 2000cu.m. 2000cu.m. 2000cu.m. 250cu.m. 1000cu.m. 1000cu.m. 1000cu.m.

1000cu.m. 1000cu.m. Moisture content test before compaction of materials shall be carried out on a layer bylayerbasisforeachcompactionpanelonthefollowingscale: Table1057B Areaoflayerundercompactionfor TypeofMaterials whichminimumonemoisture contenttestistobedone Ordinaryfillforembankment 1000m2 Granularcappinglayer 750m2 Aggregatesforgranularsubbase 500m2 Moisture content test shall be repeated whenever the moisture content of the material changes due to drying or wetting or if there be uncertainty (e.g. due to
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variability)intheresultsofearliertests. 105.8. MaterialTesting(Addthefollowing) The physical properties and engineering characteristics of the materials mentioned in these specifications shall be established through appropriate tests on representative samples collected in such manners and at such frequency as described in Table1057A or as directed by the Engineer. The tests shall be carried out in accordance with test methods as mentioned in these specifications or as requiredbytheEngineer. Moisture density relationship tests on fill materials, sands, soilsand mixes and aggregatesofdifferentkindshallbecarriedout(asperAASHTO:T180). 105.9. ApplicabilityofGeneralSpecifications(Addthefollowing) These General Specifications shall apply in combinations with specifications in particular for embankments, pavement layers and shoulders, etc, given separately. In case of any conflict between the General Specifications and the separate specificationsgiveninparticular,theprovisionsofthelatershallgovern. 105.10. Payment(Addthefollowing) Noseparatepaymentshallbemadeforitemsunderthissection.Paymentshallbe deemedtobeincludedintheContractorsrates. 106. GENERALRULESFORMEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT Addthefollowing: Unless stated to the contrary, any thickness, area or volume in any items of the Worksshallbemeasuredonlyonfinishedworkaftercompaction. The payments for the various items shown in the Bill of Quantities shall constitute fullcompensationforperformingalloftherequirementsoftheContractfortheitem of work as specified including furnishing all necessary materials, labour, tools, equipment,supplies,testing,andincidentals. The Contractor shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of Bill of Quantities, Contract Rates, Pay Items, Material at site, Provisional Sums, as listed below. Contractor should also fulfil with the requirement of General Conditions of Contractclause12SufficiencyofTender. BillofQuantities The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are estimated quantities and are used for the comparison of Tenders and awarding the Contract. It must be clearly understoodthatonlytheactualquantitiesofworkdoneormaterialssuppliedwillbe




measuredforpayment,andthatthebilledquantitiesmaybeincreasedordecreased asprovidedforbytheGeneralConditionsofContract. ContractRates In computing the final contract amount, payments shall be based on actual quantitiesonlyofauthorisedworkdoneinaccordancewiththeSpecificationsand/or Drawings. The tendered rates shall apply, subject to the provisions of the General ConditionsofContract,irrespectiveofwhethertheactualquantitiesaremoreorless thanthebilledquantities. The Contractor shall accept the payment provided in the Contract and represented by the prices tendered by him in the Bill of Quantities, as payment in full for executing and completing the work as specified, for procuring and furnishing all materials, labour, supervision, plant, tools and equipment, for wastage, transport, loading and offloading, handling, maintenance, temporary work, testing, quality control including process control, overheads, profit, risk and other obligations and for all other incidentals necessary for the completion of the work and maintenance duringthePeriodofMaintenance. This Clause shall be applicable in full to all pay items except as these requirements maybespecificallyamendedineachcase. In particular the Contractor shall be deemed to have included time related andfixed costs as specified in sub section108 under the appropriate items in the General and PreliminarysectionoftheBillofQuantitiesandnotinratesforworkitems. PayItems The descriptions under the pay items in the various sections of the Specifications, indicating the work to be allowed for in the tendered prices for such pay items, are for the guidance of the Contractor and do not necessarily repeat all the details of workandmaterialsrequiredbyanddescribedintheSpecifications. These descriptions shall be read in conjunction with the relevant Specifications and/or Drawings and the Contractor shall, when tendering, allow for his prices tobe inclusiveasindicatedabove. MaterialsonSite No payment will be made in any Certificate for any materials on site until such time astheyhavebeenincorporatedinthepermanentworksandapproved. ProvisionalSums The Bill of Quantities may contain certain Provisional Sums so designated and entered as a preliminary allowance to cover the cost of work, materials, goods or services tobeprovidedbytheContractorandwhichhavenotbeenfullyspecifiedor measured or to cover the cost of unforeseen items of work or contingent expenditure. Work done under a Provisional Sum shall only be executed upon a writtenorderbytheEngineerwhichordershallalsospecifythemethodofpayment.
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TheContractorshallfurnishtotheEngineersuchreceiptsorothervouchersasmaybe necessary to prove the amounts paid and, before ordering materials, shall submit to the Engineer quotations for the same for his approval. In respect of such of the works executed on a day works basis, the Contractor shall, during the continuance of such work,delivereachdaytotheEngineeranexactlistofthenames,occupationandtime of all workmen employed on such work and a statement showing the description and quantity of all materials and equipment used other than the Contractors equipment which is included in the percentage addition in accordance with such day work schedule. Each list and statement will, if correct, or when agreed, be signed by the EngineerandacopyreturnedtotheContractor. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment unless such lists and statements have been fully and punctually provided. Where the Engineer considers that for any reasontheprovisionofsuchlistswasimpracticableheshallneverthelessbeentitledto authorisepaymentforsuchworkprovidedthat,suchworkorvaluethereofshall,inhis opinion,befairandreasonable 106.1. Overhaul No overhaul on materials shall be measured or paid. The cost of haulage is deemed to be included in tendered rates for supply of materials in accordance with ConditionsofContractClauseNo.12 106.2 MeasurementofPavementforAreaandVolumeBasedPayment a. AreaBasis Addthefollowingparagraph: Dimensionsusedtodetermineareashallbemeasuredhorizontally. b. VolumeBasis Nochange. 106.3 ScopeofRatesforDifferentItemsofWork Nochange. 106.4 FacilitiesforVerificationofMeasurements Nochange. 106.5 SelectionofPayItems Nochange. 106.6 SubDivisionsWithinPayItems Nochange. 106.7 SubstantialCompletionoftheWorks(Addthefollowing) The Contractor shall note that the Engineer reserves the right not to certify the Works to be "substantially completed" as required by the General Conditions of the



Contract, unless the following portions of the Works arecompletedaccordingtothe Specifications: (a) all bituminous seal works or, where a seal is not included, the uppermost gravellayer. (b) all drains and drainage structures, for the construction of which timeous instructionsweregivenbytheEngineer. (c) finishingofallsupportorretainingstructures. Opening of individual sections or lots shall not entitle the Contractor to receive a Completion Certificate unless the sections are separately identified in the contract or qualifiesotherwiseintermsofClause46oftheConditionsofContract. 107. SIEVEDESIGNATIONS NochangestoStandardSpecifications. 108. CONTRACTORSESTABLISHMENTONSITE

108.1. Office,EquipmentTestingFacilitiesetc. It is the Contractors responsibility to acquire land for the siting of all his offices, accommodation,stores,testingfacilities,equipmentyardsandworkshopsandforall temporary works and for the reinstatement of such land on completion of the Contract to the satisfaction of the owners. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer to the siting of offices, accommodation, stores, testing facilities equipmentyardsandworkshopsbeforesuchlandisacquiredandheshallindemnify the Employer against all claims and charges in respect of the occupation, use and reinstatementoftheland. The Contractor is solely responsible for the satisfactory accommodation of all his employeesandforcomplyingwithallregulationsandrequirementsinthisrespect. 108.2. LegalrelationsandResponsibilitytothePublic The Contractor shall take the steps necessary to comply with the terms of the Conditions of Contract, particularly in respect of the insurances and indemnities required,andheshallcomplywithallregulationsofstatutoryauthorities. 108.3. Measurement TheContractorsSiteEstablishmentshallbemeasuredunderthreeitems: (a) as a lump sum for Establishing of all the facilities on or adjacent to the Site that the Contractor deems necessary for fulfilment of all his obligations under the Contract. These facilities shall include but not be limited to: Transport of plant, buildings, temporary facilities to the site, Provision and



erection of temporary buildings, office facilities on the site, Provision of access roads, hard standings etc. within construction camps, Airfares, temporary accommodation during the mobilisation phase, permits, bonds etc. necessary to establish expatriate supervisory personnel upon the site, Establishmentoftestingandprocesscontrolfacilitiesonthesite,Erectionof contract signboards, Provision of transportation facilities for supervisory, administrativeandtechnicalpersonnel,Provisionofhousingforsupervisory, administrativeandtechnicalpersonnel. The Contractors price for the lump sum shall be a true reflection of the Contractors costs taking into account the Advanced Payment and the Contractor shall provide a breakdown of the lump sum with proof of actual coststojustifythelumpsumpricetotheEngineer.Paymentformobilisation shall be made when the Contractor has established himself upon the site to thesatisfactionoftheEngineer. (b) by month or weeks for maintaining the Contractors Site Establishment for as long as necessary to execute and complete the Works. The monthly rate for maintaining the facilities shall be deemed to include for but not be limited to: Salaries, leave fares, gratuities and miscellaneous entitlements of supervisory personnel, technical personnel, surveyors, administrative personnel, security personnel, store men etc, Maintenance of offices, buildings, laboratories and transportation facilities for administrative, supervisory and technical personnel, Communications, Maintenance of housing for administrative, supervisory and technical personnel, Overheads off site, Financing charges, Compliance with the provisions of the contract whetherspecifiedorimplied. This item shall not include for maintenance or depreciation of plant, the costofwhichshallbedeemedtobeincludedintherelevantworkitem. (c) Payment for demobilisation shall be compensation in full for the costs of removing plant, equipment, facilities and personnel from the site and shall include (but not necessarily be limited to):Transport of plant, buildings, temporary facilities from the site and export if required, Dismantling and removal of all temporary facilities on the site, Airfares for repatriation of expatriate personnel, Removal of contract sign boards, Restoration of all constructioncampareastoasatisfactorycondition. 108.4. Payment Item 108(1) 108(2) 108(3)


Unit LumpSum

MaintenanceoftheContractor's Establishment Demobilisation






INFORMATIONFURNISHEDBYTHEEMPLOYER Certain information contained in these Contract documents or provided separately prior to Tender by the Employer is being offered in good faith but the type of information supplied, no guarantee can be given that any or all of the information is correctorrepresentativeoftheactualconditions. TheEmployeracceptsnoliabilityforthecorrectnessorotherwiseoftheinformation supplied or for the resulting damages, whether direct or consequential, should it prove during the course of the Contract that the information supplied is either not correct or not representative. Any reliance which the Contractor places on this information shall be at his own risk and the Contractor shall be deemed to have checkedthecorrectnessoftheinformationpriortosubmissionofhisTender. WORKMANSHIPANDQUALITYCONTROL The Contractor in responsible for producing work which conforms in quality and accuracy of detail to the requirements of the Contract see such clause 6 of General Conditions of Contract and the Contractor shall, at his own expense, institute a quality control system and provide experienced engineers, foremen, surveyors, materials technicians, other technicians and other technical staff, together with all transport, instruments and equipment, to ensure adequate supervision and quality controloftheWorksatalltimes. The cost of all supervision and quality control, including testing, carried out by the Contractor shall be deemed to be included in the rates tendered for the related itemsofwork,exceptwhereasspecificallyprovidedforintheContract. The Contractors attention is drawn to the provisions of the various sections of the Specifications regarding the minimum frequency of testing that will be required for quality control. The Contractor shall, at his own initiative, increase this frequency wherenecessarytoensureadequatecontrol. On completion of every part of the Works and submission to the Engineer for examination, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the results of all relevant tests and survey checks that he has carried out indicating compliance with the Specifications. For cement, bitumen, mild steel deformed bars, high tensile steel, prestressing materials, bearings, and similar other materials the Contractor shall furnish the manufactures test certificates to the Engineer. When required by the Engineer to carry out some essential tests at the manufactures plants or at laboratories other than thesitelaboratory,thecostofsamples,sampling,testingandfurnishingoftest certificatesshallbebornebytheContractor. The method of sampling and testing of materials shall be as required under relevant clausesstipulatedintheseSpecificationsorasapprovedbytheEngineer. The Contractor shall be required to demonstrate the adequacy of the equipment for each operation to establish its their capability to achieve the requirements to the SpecificationtothesatisfactionoftheEngineerbeforecommencementofthework.




All equipment provided shall be of proven efficiency and purpose made for the required operation and shall be operated by skilled operators and maintained at all timestoperformitsproperfunctioninamanneracceptabletotheEngineer. No equipment or personnel will be removed from Site without Consult of the Engineer[seesubclause49(1)ofGeneralConditionsofContract]. 111. SELECTIONOFLABOUR The Contractor will be expected to maximise the use of labour for all operations where it can be effectively used to attain the required standards. The Contractor is expected to show number of Labourers used each month including participation of femaleworkerifappropriateinspecificprojectareaintheformshownbelow: Month WorkDaysGenerated NumberofLabourers Male Female Total Male Female Total Initiation of Equal participation of women for the work shall be encouraged. To achieve this, the Contractor is expected to select the labour force by lottery for the local community as much as possible if the skilled people are available. Prior to recruiting the labour, the Contractor should inform the people in the surrounding area at least 5 days before the selection takes place by announcing through a public announcement system and by displaying posters in public places of the target villages(Anypersonwithinthan3kmoftheworksite).Allparticipantsofthelottery willberegisteredaspertheiridentificationcard.Twoparalleldrawswillbearranged for men and women separately, so that equal numbers of men and women are selected. The Contractor can select more people than he needs, keeping them in a reserve list, to allow for changes in the attendance. A new lottery should take place iftheworkproceedsformorethantwomonths. No Child labour shall be selected for the works; the age limitation of the child shall beinaccordancetoSriLankanLabourstandard. TheContractorisresponsiblefortrainingthelabourers. 112. WORKEXECUTEDBYTHEEMPLOYEROROTHERCONTRACTORS The Employer reserves the right to execute, on the Site, works not included in the Contract and to employ for this purpose either his own employees or other contractors(seeclause31oftheGeneralConditionsofContract) The Contractor shall ensure that neither his own operations nor the actions of his employees shall interfere with the operations of the Employer or his contractors on such works and the same obligations shall be imposed on the Employer or contractorsinrespectofworkbeingexecutedundertheContract.




The Contractor shall provide unhindered access to all parts of the Site to the Employer and authorised representatives of the Employer and of public bodies and corporations and to contractors employed by the Employer and he shall make available to such authorised persons the use of all temporary access tracks in or abouttheSite. 113. PROTECTIONOFPUBLICSERVICEFACILITIES Any work involved in moving and reinstating existing services that may be affected by the construction of the Works shall be undertaken by the appropriate statutory authority.

113.1. ExistingServices The Contractor may be ordered to carry out certain works for and on behalf of various statutory service authorities and he shall also provide, with the prior approval of the Engineer, such assistance to the various bodies as, may be authorisedbytheEngineer. No removal of or alterations to any public utility shall be carried out unless ordered bytheEngineer. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to protect, and shall provide temporary support to, existing services during construction and during relocation of suchservices. Whenever services are encountered that interferes with the execution of the works and requires moving or relocation, the Contractor shall advise the Engineer who will determinetheextentoftheworkinvolved. Anypipe,cable,conduitorotherknownserviceofanynaturewhatsoever,whichhas been damaged as a result of the Contractors operations shall be repaired and reinstated forthwith by the Contractor or by the authority concerned, all at the expenseoftheContractorandtothesatisfactionoftheEngineer. TheEmployerwillnotbeheldliableorresponsibleforanydelayincompletionofthe Works under this Contract which may occur due to any damage occurring to such servicesinconsequenceoftheContractorsoperations. 113.2. Payment The work of temporarily supporting and protecting public utility services during executionoftheWorksshallbedeemedtobeincludedintheContractorsratesand pricesandnoextrapaymentshallbemadeforthesame. The Engineer may instruct the Contractor to assist in the demolition and/or rebuilding of property within or outside the ROW. The amount of work involved shallbedeterminedonSiteandasinstructedbytheEngineer. PaymentforsuchworkshallbemadeunderaProvisionalSumandshallbebasedon theSpecialScheduleofRatesforsuchworkinforceatthetime.
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ThePayItemshallbe: ItemNo Description 113.1 Demolition/RebuildingofProperty 114.


PayUnit Prov.Sum

114.1. GeneralObligations The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to minimise nuisance during the constructionoftheworks(seeclause22ofGeneralConditionsofContract). All existing highway and roads used by vehicles of the Contractor or any of his sub contractors or suppliers of materials or plant, and similarly any new roads which are part of the Works and which are being used by traffic, shall be kept clean and clear of all dust/mud/extraneous materials dropped by the said vehicles or their tyres. Similarly, all dust/mud/extraneous materials from the Works spreading on these highwaysshallbeimmediatelyclearedbytheContractor. Clearance shall be affected immediately by manual sweeping and removal of debris, or,ifdirectedbytheEngineer,bymechanicalsweepingandclearingequipment,and all dust, mud and other debris shall be removed entirely from the road surface. Additionally, if so directed by the Engineer, the road surface shall be hosed or wateredusingsuitableequipment. Any structural damage caused to the existing roads by the Contractors constructionalplantorequipmentshallbemadegoodatContractorsexpense. 114.2. Payment All these activities shall be deemed to be the included in the Contractors rates and pricesandnoseparatepaymentwillbemadetherefore. 115. PROTECTION OF THE WORKS AND REQUIREMENTS TO BE MET BEFORE CONSTRUCTIONOFNEWWORKONTOPOFCOMPLETEDWORKISCOMMENCED The general obligations of the Contractor in terms of the Conditions of Contract CareoftheWorksshallinclude,interalia,thefollowing: i) The provision of temporary drainage works such as drains, open channels, banks etc. and the furnishing and operation of temporary pumps and such other equipment as may be necessary to adequately drain, protect and dewater the WorksandTemporaryWorks.Thiswillbeinadditiontoanypermanentdrainage works specified and installed, and in addition to any temporary drainage works specificallypaidforseparately.




ii) Careshallbeexercisednottoallowmaterialinborrowpitstobecomeexcessively wet,tokeepallcompletedlayersproperlydrained,toavoiddumpsofmaterialon completed layer work that shall inhibit surface drainage or form wet spots under andarounddumps,andtoprotectallpartsoftheWorksagainsterosionbyfloods andrain. iii) Material shall not be spread on a layer that is so wet that damage could be caused to the layer during compaction of a subsequent layer when the road is opentotraffic iv) When material is spread out on the road, it shall, during wet periods, be given a good cross fall and a light compaction on the surface with a steelwheeled roller, inordertofacilitaterunoffduringrainyweather. v) Fill and cut slopes shall be promptly repaired whenever damaged by surface water. vi) Excavations for pipe drains, culverts, service ducts and similar structures shall be adequatelyprotectedagainstpossibleingressofwaterduringrainstorms vii) All completed layer work shall be protected and maintained until the following layer is applied. Maintenance shall include immediate repair of any damage or defects which may occur and shall be repeated as often as necessary to keep the layerintactandingoodcondition. viii) Before any completed layer is primed or a following layer is constructed thereon,anydamagetotheexistinglayershallberepairedinamannerapproved by the Engineer, so that after repair, or reconstruction if necessary, it will conform in all respects to the requirements specified for that layer. All repair workshallbesubmittedtotheEngineerforinspectionbeforecoveringup. ix) The Contractor shall inform the Engineer of damage or defects to any work before repair or maintenance and the Engineer shall instruct the extent and method of repair. The previously constructed layer shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material and the Contractor shall request its inspection by the Engineerbeforeconstructionofthefollowinglayerorapplicationofaprimecoat, surfacing or surface treatment. In the case of all bituminous work in particular the existing layer shall be thoroughly broomed and all dung, clay, and other deleterious material completely removed. Where necessary the surface shall be sprayed with water before, during and after brooming to remove all foreign material. 115.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices.





REMEDIALWORK When upon examination by the Engineer any part of the Works or any plant fails to conformtotheSpecificationrequirements,orisatanystagebeforefinalacceptance damagedsothatitnolongerconformstotherequirementsoftheSpecifications,the Engineer shall instruct its complete removal and replacement, at the Contractors expense,withsatisfactorywork,plantormaterial.InspecialcasestheEngineermay instruct the Contractor to apply remedial measures in order to make good any such defects or damage. The actual remedial measures taken shall be entirely at the Contractors own cost but subject to the Engineers approval regarding the details thereof. In particular remedial measures shall ensure that the final product is in full compliance with the Specifications, shall not endanger or damage any other part of the Works and shall be carefully controlled and submitted to the Engineer for examinationwhencompletedoratanyintermediatestageasmayberequired. For the guidance of the Contractor an indication about what may be required in the morecommoncasesofdefectsordamageisgivenbelow,buttheEngineerwillinno way be bound to approve of or adhere to the measures indicated, as the actual remedialmeasureswillbedictatedbythecircumstancesofeachparticularcase.

116.1. Earthworks i) Where a cut slope has been overexcavated, reinstatement by backfilling will not normallybepermittedandtheentireslopemayneedtoberetrimmedtoobtain auniformslope ii) Where the floor of a cutting has been over excavated it will normally require backfilling and recompaction with approved material of higher quality then the cut material. All necessary measures shall be taken to drain ground water that mayaccumulateinbackfilledsections. iii) Excesswidthsoffillswillneedtobetrimmedtothedesignprofile. iv) Where erosion has occurred on the surface of cuts or fills, the damage shall be madegoodbybackfillingwithsuitablematerialandretrimming.Inmoreserious cases the slope may have to be cut back and backfilled after benching and compacted to the required standard of compaction with suitable small equipmentfollowedbyretrimming. 116.2. LocalDefectsinPavementLayers i) Where remedial measures are taken to make good localised defects the length and width of the area to be repaired by equipment shall be such as to accommodatethefullwidthoftheequipmentusedandofareasonablelengthto ensureeffectiverepair. ii) The depth to which material will have to be removed will depend on the defect andthetypeofmaterial.Gravellayerswillneedtobebrokenuptoadepthofat least 75mm and crushed stone will usually need breaking up over its full depth. Asphaltmaterialwillnormallyrequireremovalforitsfulldepth.




116.3. Concrete Defective concrete work will normally need the cutting back and complete removal of any weak or honeycombed sections and making good using approved bonding agents to bind fresh concrete to old concrete. Cracks, of permitted to remain, shall be injected with approved compounds and test cores drilled to test the efficacy of theinjectionprocess. 116.4. Payment TheContractorshallundertakeremedialworkathisownexpense. 117. WATERSUPPLYARRANGEMENTS The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurement, transportation, storage, distribution and application of water needed for constructionandotherpurposesexceptwhereotherwisespecified. Onlycleanwaterfreefromundesirableconcentrationsofdeleterioussaltsandother materialsshallbeused.AllsourcesofwaterusedshallbeapprovedbytheEngineer. The Contractor shall ensure that sufficient supply of water is at all times available to ensure that sufficient supply of water is at all times available to ensure continuity of work. 117.1. Payment No direct payment shall be made for providing water and the cost thereof shall be included in the rates tendered for the various items of work for which water is needed. 118. ELECTRCITYSUPPLY The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expense his own electrical supply and shall provide and maintain all temporary power and lighting and all associated apparatus for the duration of the Contract at his own expense. Once equipment becomes redundant, and having received the approval from the Engineer, the Contractor shall disconnect and remove said equipment and make goodanyworksdisturbedathisownexpense.

118.1. Payment Nodirectpaymentshallbemadeforprovidingelectricitysupplyandthecostthereof shall be included in the rates tendered for the various items of work for which electricityisneeded. 119. PAYMENTS&TOLERENCES




The work specified in the various sections of these Specifications shall comply with the various dimensional and other tolerances specified in each case. Where no tolerances are specified, the standard of workmanship shall be in accordance with normalgoodpractice. Where the work is not constructed in accordance with the "authorised" dimensions, plus or minus any tolerances allowed, the engineer may nevertheless in his sole discretion accept the work for payment. In such cases no payment will be made in respect of quantities of work or material in excess of those calculated from the "authorised" dimensions and where the actual dimensions are less than the "authorised"dimensions,minusanytoleranceallowed,quantitiesforpaymentshallbe basedontheactualdimensionsasconstructed. 119.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 120. PHOTOGRAPHICRECORDS The Engineer shall make photographs and other records to be agreed with the Contractor of the condition of the surfaces of the site immediately before entering upon them for the purpose of constructing the Works. Each month, the Contractor shall make a set of up to 100 digital colour photographs illustrating progress of the Works, or any other photograph that he may deem necessary for record purposes, and provide these to the Engineer for his records. The copyright of all photographs shall be vested in the Employer and the Contractor shall not use any photograph for anypurposewhatsoeverwithouttheEngineer'sapproval

120.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 121. ACCESSTOSITE The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for access to the various parts of the Site where works are to be constructed but all such accesses shall be subject to theapprovaloftheEngineer. WheretheaccesstotheSiteproposedtobeusedbytheContractorliesacrosstheland of any third party the Contractor shall produce to the Engineer the written consent of theownerandtheoccupierofthelandoverwhichtheaccessliesbeforemakinguseof thesame. TheContractorshallalsomakearecordtobeagreedbytheEngineeroftheconditions of the surfaces of any land (and of any crops on such land) over which access lies beforeheusesitforaccesspurposesandheshallkeepallsuchsurfacesinareasonable state of repair during the executing of the Works. On the termination of the




Contractor'suseofsuchaccessheshallrestoreanylands,roadsorotherpropertytoa conditionatleastequaltothatexistingbeforehisfirstentryuponthem. 121.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 122. COOPERATIONATSITE All work shall be carried out in such a way as to allow access and afford all reasonable facilities for any other contractor and his workmen and for the workmen of the Employer and any other person who may be employed in the execution and/or operation at or near the site of any work in connection with the Contract or otherwise. The Contractor shall use his best endeavours to cooperate with such persons without interfering with them and shall observe all the instructions and orders of the Engineer inthatconnection. In the preparation of his programme of work the Contractor shall at all times take full accountofandcoordinatewiththeprogrammingofworkofothercontractors. .

122.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 123. ROADSANDSITETOBEKEPTCLEAN The Contractor shall take great care and all reasonable precautions to ensure that roads andthoroughfaresusedbyhimeitherfortheconstructionoftheWorksorfor the transport of plant, labour and materials are not made dirty as a result of such construction or transport and in the event of their becoming thus dirtied in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor shall take all necessary and immediate steps tocleanthem.

123.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 124. SECURITYOFTHEWORKS The contractors responsibility for the security and safe working environment of the sitecommencesfromthetimepossessionisgiventohimbytheEmployer.



Assoonaspossibleafterpossessionhasbeengiven,theboundaryofthesiteshallbe marked out, and the contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval his proposalsformaintainingtheboundaryandthesecuritywithin. Thecontractorsproposalsshallincludeasecuritycontrolsystemwhichshallconsist ofsufficientequipmentandpersonneltopreventunauthorizedaccessandwhichcan meettheprevailingcircumstancestoensurethesafetyandsecurityofpersonsand propertyonthesite. The contractor shall erect and maintain at his own expense suitable and approval temporaryfencingandgatestoenclosecertainareasoftheworksbeingcarriedout, the office and accommodation compounds, and other areas of land as may be necessary to implement his obligations under the contract or as directed by the Engineer. All authorized persons shall be registered by the Engineer and this register shall be providedandmaintainedbythecontractor. 124.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 125. SUPPRESSIONOFNOICE TheContractorshallmakeeveryreasonableendeavourbothbymeansoftemporary works and by the use of appropriate plant or silencing devices to ensure that the level of noise resulting from the execution of the Works does not constitute a nuisance.

125.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 126. SAFETY The Engineer shall be notified by the Contractor immediately any accident occurs whether on Site or off Site in which the Contractor is directly involved which results in any injury to any person whether directly concerned with the Site or whether a thirdparty.Suchinitialnotificationmaybeverbalandshallbefollowedbyawritten comprehensivereportwithin24hoursoftheaccident. Transportation of any material by the Contractor shall be in suitable vehicles which when loaded do not cause spillage and all loads shall be suitably secured. Any vehicle




whichdoesnotcomplywiththisrequirementoranyofthelocaltrafficregulationsand lawsshallberemovedfromtheSite. 126.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 127. METHODOFWORKING The Contractor shall adopt a method of working such as to permit the satisfactory and timely completion of the Works and to limit disturbance and damage to a minimum. The Contractor shall only open up sections of the Works for which his resources are sufficient to maintain continuous and methodical progress. If in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor has not complied with the foregoing, he shall be entitled to suspend sections of the works pursuant to clause 40 of the General Conditions of Contract until other sections have been completed to a stage where risk of damage through exposure to traffic and the elements and inconvenience to public traffic has beenminimised. ConstructionalPlantusedintheexecutionoftheWorksshallbeofadesignandusedin a manner approved by the Engineer. The Engineer may at any time withdraw his approval for any method of working proposed by the Contractor and the Contractor shall immediately adopt another method of Working. If such change shall berequired to achieve satisfactory progress or workmanship, the Contractor shall have no claim againsttheEmployerforcostsincurredbyhiminchangingthemethodofworkingorin theprovisionanduseofotherplant.

127.1. Payment Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 128. TEMPORARYWORKS The Contractor shall provide, maintain and remove on completion of the Works all temporary works necessary for the construction of this permanent works. All temporary works shall be properly designed and constructed to carry such loads as may be imposed upon them and shall be safe and suitable in every respect for providing access or carrying plant or for the construction of the Works or other purposes.

128.1. Payment




Workperformedaspartoftheaboveobligationsshallnotbemeasuredandpaidfor separately and the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the Contractors rates andprices. 129. SETTINGOUTANDCROSSSECTIONSURVEYANDDRAWINGS

129.1. General The Contractors attention is drawn to the requirements of clause 18 of the General ConditionsofContractregardingsettingout. The Contractor shall check the condition of all permanent Ground Markers and shall satisfy himself that they have not been damaged or disturbed and are true in regard to position and level. Where markers have been destroyed, damaged or displaced the Contractor shall reinstate a new marker based on the markers which remain. A new marker shall not be used unless its true position and level has been established andthenewvaluesverifiedbytheEngineer. Where a marker is likely to be disturbed during construction operations the Contractorshallestablishsuitablereferencemarkersatlocationswheretheywillnot be disturbed during construction. No marker shall be covered, disturbed or destroyed before accurate reference markers have been established and the details of the position and levels of such markers have been submitted to the Engineer and approved by him. The Contractors reference markers shall be of at least the same qualityanddurabilityasthatoftheexistingmarkers. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the method of setting out he proposes to employ. To ensure beyond doubt that the complex elements of the road or structure are truly and correctly located the Contractor shall check all setting out by a different approved method. The Engineer may at any time request the Contractor tosubmitproofthathissettingouthasbeensatisfactorilychecked. Accurate control of line and level shall be provided by the Contractor at all stages of construction. In respect of the road itself control shall be at 20m intervals, or such closer intervals as may be directed, on horizontal and vertical curves. Wherever necessary, but particularly on completion of the sub grade, sub base and the base the Contractor shall reestablish stakeline pegs at sufficiently close intervals to accurately determine the edges of the base, surfacing and kerbing, guardrails and otherroadelementspermanentlyexposedtotheeye. The Contractor shall make all provisions necessary for the Engineer to check and measure the setting out of the Works and shall be in attendance to agree measurementsandlevelsbeforeconstructionworkscommence. 129.2. SettingOutandCrossSections The Contractor shall set out the centreline and establish chainage reference points which are to be marked out on site and recorded. Level Bench Marks at the both sides of the bridge shall be established and checked regularly and tied into the PermanentGroundMarkers.
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The Contractor shall survey the existing ground along cross sections to the centre line at 20m intervals, or such closer intervals as may be directed by the Engineer. Levelsshallbetakenatallchangesofslopeandallfeaturestoadistanceof5metres beyondtherightofway.Distancebetweenlevelsshallnotexceed5metres. TheContractorshallpreparecrosssectionsinAutoCADformatindicatingtheexisting road, shoulder and other features, Chainage, offset and agreed levels, to a format agreed with the Engineer. The cross sections shall be suitable for plotting to a horizontalscaleof1:50andaverticalscaleof1:20onA3sizepage. The Contractor shall complete the cross section drawings by adding the new carriageway,shoulder,ditches,sideslopesandpavementconstructionlayers Thecrosssectionsshallbethebasisformeasurementandpayment. The Contractor shall complete the setting out of the centreline within four weeks following the date of the Engineers Notice to Commence the Works. Sufficient surveyanddraftingstaffshallbeavailabletoenablethefullsettingoutoftheWorks andforthedrawingupofcrosssectionstobecompletesuchthatnodelayiscaused tothesettingoutoftheWorks. TheContractorshallemployontheWorkssufficientqualifiedsurveyorswithatleast 2 years experience in similar works and have a thorough knowledge and experience of computer methods for calculating quantities. The surveyors shall have available sufficient modern survey equipment and instruments which shall be to the Engineers approval. The Contractor shall assist and supply services of his surveyor and his team to the Engineer whenever required by the Engineer or his RepresentativesincheckingandmeasuringtheWorks. No construction work shall commence on any section of the road until the cross sectionsforthewholeofthatsectionhavebeencompleted.

129.3. Measurement&Payment No separate payment shall be made for compliance items under this section. Paymentshallbedeemedtobeincludedinthecontractorsrates. 129.4. Payment No separate payment shall be made for items under this section. Payment shall be deemedtobeincludedintheContractorsrates. 130.


130.1 Description




The Contractor shall provide offices, laboratories (with equipment), housing, vehicles, survey equipment and support staff for the Engineer and his staff as describedinAppendices2to7inclusive. For the purpose of this Clause the phrase Engineer and his staff shall be taken to describeanyofthefollowing: a) Supervisionconsultantsstaff b) RoadDevelopmentAuthority(RDA)staff The facilities shall include the provision of the land, site grading, access roads, parking facilities for vehicles, construction of buildings and all other necessary appurtenancesuchasdrainagesystems,fences,utilities,areadevelopmentetc. The Contractor shall supply furniture, fittings, equipment, labour and material as detailed in the Appendices in order to provide fully functioning and usable facilities and to provide the Engineers staff with the necessary resources for the administrationandsupervisionoftheWorks. After providing the facilities, the Contractor shall maintain them for the required durationoftheContract.Thecostofsuchmaintenanceisdeemedtobeincludedin theContractPriceandshallincludebutshallnotbelimitedtothefollowing: Keeping buildings in good repair and decorative order, and free from pests, insectsetc. Cleaningofficesandlaboratorydaily. Maintainingthegroundsaroundbuildings. Supplyingkitchenwareandcrockeryandcleaningmaterials. Supplyingtoiletandcleaningequipmentandmaterials. Providing power, drainage , telephone services, fax and Email facilities & cellelulartelephones. Servicingandrepairingallfittingsandequipmentinstalled. eg:airconditioners,fans,cookersetc. ProvideadequatesecurityforofficesandEngineerslaboratory. Upon Completion of the Works and when instructed by the Engineer the Contractor shallremovethefacilitiestothesatisfactionoftheEngineer. 130.2 LandforFacilities The Contractor shall construct the facilities on land purchased or leased by the Contractor.



Where the Contractor leases land for construction of the facilities, the Contractor shall ensure the terms of the land lease allow the use of the premises for as long as they are required and shall take into account possible extension or overrun of the Contract period and use of the facilities after the issue of the Defects Liability Certificates. The terms of the lease shall incorporate provisions whereby the ContractormayassignhisintereststotheEmployer. TheEmployermayelecttoprovidelandforfacilitiesinwhichcaseadjustmentwillbe madetotheappropriateBillofQuantities.TheEmployershallnotbe,ordeemedto be,responsibleorobligatedtoprovidelandforfacilities. 130.3 SoleUseofFacilities The facilities shall be for the sole use of the Engineer and his staff during the period of the Contract and as further required to finalise measurement, payment etc., but shall revert to the Contractor when no longer required, unless otherwise stated or directed. 130.4 Services The Contractor shall arrange, where possible, for the connection of water mains, drainage and sewerage and mains electricity to all facilities. In circumstances where location of facilities makes such connections impracticable, the Contractor shall provide and operate generators to supply adequate power and shall provide pumps tosupplywaterfromwellsorstoragetanks. Telephone services including at least one direct line shallbeprovidedasindicatedin theAppendices. 130.5 RentedPremises Rented offices and housing accommodation as an alternative to constructing buildings may be considered by the Engineer in locations where large town centres areconvenientlysituatedalongtheWorks.Rentspayableshallbeatnormalmarket rates and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The total cost for using the alternative of rented offices and/or accommodation shall be such that there is no extra cost to the Employer compared with the priced items. Payment for such accommodation would be made monthly through the monthly Certificate, on the basis of approved rent charges plus 10%. Where rented accommodation is chosen by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide and fix,thoseitemsoffurniture,equipmentandfittingsaslistedinAppendiceswhichthe Engineer shall select. In this case, the Contractor shall provide a breakdown of the relevant Bill Item detailing his rate per item of furniture. Payment shall be made on thebasisoftheratemultipliedbythenumberofitemsprovided. When rented accommodation is approved by the Engineer, a Variation Order will be issuedtocoverchangesontheabovepricingbasis. 130.6 OfficesandFurnishings Description



TheofficestobeprovidedaredescribedinAppendix2.Theofficesincludingfittings, furnishingsandequipment,shallbecompletedwithin12weeksfromthedateofthe Engineers Notice to Commence the Works. Where the Engineer approves, the Contractor may rent suitable premises in accordance with the Specifications. The officesshallremainthepropertyoftheContractoronCompletionoftheWorks. Any rented offices provided shall be available and ready for use within 6 weeks of theabovedate. The Contractor shall provide temporary office space for the period from 6 weeks from the date of the Notice to Commence the Works until completion of the permanent offices. In the event of the Contractor failing to provide such temporary or permanent office facilities the Engineer will provide suitable offices for his use and any costs may be deducted by the Employer from the Contractor in accordance withClause49.4oftheconditionsofContract. Thefittings,furnishingsandequipmenttobeprovidedintheofficesaredescribedin Appendix 2, and shall remain the property of the Contractor on completion of Works. Measurement Offices for the Engineer shall be measured as the number of each type of office provided. Furniture for the offices of the Engineer shall be measured as a lump sum item for eachcompletesetoffittings,furnishingsandequipmentprovidedforType1orType 2office. Payment Paymentforeachtypeofofficeshallincludefor: (1) Acquisitionandpaymentforlandwhetherpurchasedorleased. (2) Provision and subsequent removal of the building and access roads, hard standingandfencesetc. (3) Connection and subsequent disconnection of electricity, telephone and water servicesoralternativeprovisionofsame. (4) Provisionofdrainagesystemsforbothsewerageandsurfacewaters. (5) ReinstatementofalllandtothesatisfactionoftheEngineer. Payment for each office shall be made upon completion of each office and upon occupation by the Chief Resident Engineer/Resident Engineer and his staff to the extent that they can properly perform their duties under the Contract to the satisfactionoftheEngineer. PaymentforFurnitureforeachtypeofofficeshallincludeprocurement,deliveryand installationofalltheitemsdetailedinAppendix3. Payment for each set of Furniture provided shall be made upon satisfactory installationandacceptancebytheEngineerofallitemstobeprovided.
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The payment for offices furniture and services shall represent full and final payment for the Contract Items and Contractor shall not be entitled to any further compensation irrespective of any extension to the Contract period for whatever reason. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. Description Payunit 130(1) ProvideofficeType1 LumpSum 130(2) ProvideofficeType2 LumpSum 130(3) ProvideEngineersLaboratory LumpSum 130(4) ProvidefurnitureforOfficeType1 LumpSum 130(5) ProvideequipmentforOfficeType1 LumpSum 130(6) ProvidefurnitureforOfficeType2 LumpSum 130(7) ProvideequipmentforOfficeType2 LumpSum 130(8) ProvidefurnitureforEngineersLaboratory LumpSum 130(9) ProvideequipmentforLaboratory LumpSum 130.7 AccommodationfortheEngineer Description The accommodation to be provided for the Engineer and staff is described in Appendix 3. The furniture, fittings and equipment for each house are also detailed and listed in Appendix 3. The houses and furniture etc. remain the property of the Contractoroncontractcompletion. The accommodation together with furniture, etc., shall be complete and ready for occupationwithin12weeksfromthedateoftheEngineersnoticetoCommencethe Works. WheretheEngineerapproves,theContractormayrentsuitableaccommodation. Any rented accommodation provided shall be available and ready for occupation within6weeksoftheabovedate. Where the Contractor fails to provide the houses within the time specified, the Contractor shall provide, at no cost to the Employer, suitable hotel or other accommodation as approved by the Engineer for the site staff intended to occupy thehousesuntilsuchtimeasthehousesarereadyforoccupation.
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Measurement Accommodation for the Engineer shall be measured as the number of each type of houseprovided. Furniture, fittings, equipment etc., for the houses for the Engineer and his staff shall be measured as a lump sum item for each complete set of furniture, fittings and equipmentprovidedforeachtypeofhouse. Payment Paymentforeachtypeofhouseshallinclude: (1) Acquisitionandpaymentforland,whetherpurchasedorleased. (2) Provision and subsequent removal of building, access roads, hard standing, fencesetc. (3) Connection and subsequent disconnection of electrical, telephone and water servicesoralternativeprovisionsforsame. (4) Provisionofdrainagesystems,forbothsewerageandsurfacewater (5) ReinstatementoflandtothesatisfactionoftheEngineer. Payment for each house shall be made upon satisfactory completion of each house anduponoccupationbytheintendedresident(s). Payment for furniture, fittings, and equipment for each type of house shall include procurement,deliveryandinstallationofalltheitemsdetailedinAppendix5. Payment for each set of furniture provided will be made upon satisfactory installationandacceptancebytheEngineerofalltheitemstobeprovided. The payments for houses and furniture shall represent full and final payments for the Contract Items and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any further compensation irrespective of any extension to the Contact period for whatever reason. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. 130(10) 130(11) 130(12) 130(13)

Description ProvideType1accommodation ProvideType2accommodation Providefurniture,fittingsand equipmenttoType1accommodation Providefurniture,fittingsand equipmenttoType2accommodation

Payunit LumpSum LumpSum





130.8 EngineersLaboratoryandEquipment Description TheEngineersLaboratorytobeprovidedisdescribedinAppendix6.TheLaboratory is required for testing materials used for the Permanent Works therefore priority shallbegiventoitsconstructionandthesupplyofequipmentrequiredasdetailedin Appendix 7. The operational Laboratory facility, complete with equipment, shall be ready for use within 12 weeks from the date of the Engineers Notice to Commence theWorks. AttheendofitsusetheLaboratoryandequipmentshallbecomethepropertyofthe Contractor. a) MaterialsTestingbyIndependentLaboratories In addition to the Site testing facilities described Sub Section 130.8, the Contractor shall be responsible for arranging for the field and offSite laboratory tests indicated as the responsibility of the Contractor in the Specifications, to be performed by testing laboratories approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for all attendance on staff from these approved testing laboratories, including if necessarytheprovisionoftransportforpersonnel,equipmentandtestspecimens. b) SpecialandAdditionalTesting In addition to the testing described above, the Engineer may require further testing to be carried out. Such special and additional testing shall be arranged by the ContractorunderthedirectionoftheEngineer. c) StaffforMaterialsTesting The Contractor shall provide qualified laboratory engineers, technicians, assistants, labourers, etc. to carry out sampling and testing of materials in accordance with theseSpecifications.LaboratorystaffshallbesubjecttotheapprovaloftheEngineer andbeavailabletoassisttheEngineerwithmaterialstesting,asandwhenrequired. Measurement TheEngineersLaboratoryshallbemeasuredastheunitnumberprovided. Laboratory equipment shall be measured as a Provisional sum item for the set of equipmentprovidedandinstalledandtested. Payment PaymentfortheEngineersLaboratoryshallincludefor: (1) Acquisitionandpaymentforlandwhetherpurchasedorleased. (2) Provision and subsequent removal of the building, access road, hardstanding, fencesetc.




(3) Connection and subsequent disconnection of electrical and water services, or alternativeprovisions. (4) Provisionofdrainagesystemsforwaste,sewerageandsurfacewater. (5) ReinstatementoflandtothesatisfactionoftheEngineer. PaymentfortheEngineerslaboratoryshallbemadeuponsatisfactorycompletionof the Laboratory and upon occupation and use of the Laboratory by the Engineers Representative to the extent laboratory staff can properly perform their duties undertheContracttothesatisfactionoftheEngineer. Payment for the Laboratory Equipment shall include procurement, delivery, installation and testing of all the items listed in Appendix 9. Contractor shall maintaintheequipmentingoodserviceableorderthroughtheContractperiod. Payment for the set of Laboratory Equipment will be made upon satisfactory installation and testing and acceptance by the Engineer of all the items to be provided. The payments for the Laboratory and Equipment shall represent full and final payments for the Contract items and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any further compensation irrespective of any extension to the Contract period for whateverreason. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. Description Payunit 130(14) ProvideEngineersLaboratory Provisionalsum BuildingincludingEquipmentas perAppendix7 130(15) SpecialandAdditionalTesting Provisionalsum PersonMonth


130.9 StationeryfortheEngineer Description TheContractorshallprovidestationeryfortheEngineerandhisstaffasrequiredand duly requisitioned by authorised personnel. Stationery shall include all consumable items and shall include paper, printing materials (e.g. printer cartridges, printer ribbons, copier toner etc.)andallgeneralofficerequisites.Thisitemexcludesparts, etc., required for repair or replacement in equipment supplied by the Contractor for the offices. Such parts would be included in the Contractors obligation for maintenanceofoffices. Measurement




StationeryfortheEngineershallnotbemeasuredbutpaymentshallbebasedonthe original invoices and receipts for stationery material ordered and received by the ProjectManager/EngineersRepresentativesstaff. Payment Payment for stationery shall be the actual net invoiced price of stationery provided (with all suppliers discounts deducted) with a fixed 10 % (Ten percent) of the net invoiced price added to allow for all procurement and delivery costs incurred by the Contractor. Payment of invoiced cost with the 10 % markup shall be full payment for stationery provided and shall be made from the provisional sum item contained intheBillofQuantities. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. 130(17) Description ProvideStationeryforthe Engineer Payunit month

130.10 ProvisionofHotelAccommodationfortheEngineerandhisStaff Description The Contractor shall be responsible for providing hotel or other approved accommodation (including meals etc. but excluding alcoholic beverages) for the Resident Engineer and other staff who should be provided with housing during the mobilisation period until the housing and furnishing specified in the Contract are readyforoccupationbythestaff. ThestandardsofthehotelaccommodationshallbetotheapprovaloftheEngineer. Measurement Provision of Hotel Accommodation shall be measured as the number of manweeks of accommodation provided. Accommodation provided after the time the houses for the Engineer are due to be completed will not be measured, and shall be suppliedattheContractorsexpense. Payment Payment will be made against accommodation invoices as instructed by the Engineer. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. Description Payunit 130(18) Providehotelaccommodation ProvisionalSum forEngineersstaff



130.11 SurveyEquipment Description TheequipmenttobeprovidedisdetailedinAppendix5. The equipment shall be provided within 10 weeks from the date of the Engineers NoticetoCommencetheWorks. TheContractorshallbefullyresponsiblefortheequipmentwhichshallinclude: (a) Maintaining,calibratingandservicingequipmentasrequired. (b) Repairingalldefectsincludingaccidentaldamageasrequired. (c) Replacinganylostorstolenitems. (d) Effectinginsuranceoftheequipmentagainstdamageorloss. The equipment shall be supplied and maintained for as long as it is required including period after the Completion of construction for final measurement purposes. The equipment with the exception of consumable items shall be returned to the Contractor when no longer required by the Engineers and shall remain the property oftheContractor. Measurement Survey Equipment shall be measured as a lump sum item for complete set of instruments and items detailed in Appendix 5 satisfactorily provided, and maintained. Payment PaymentforSurveyEquipmentshallbemadeatthestatedProvisionalsumpriceand shall be payable when all the items are provided. This payment shall represent full andfinalpaymenttotheContractorfortheContractItemforthecompleteperiodof useandtheContractorshallnotbeentitledforfurthercompensationirrespectiveof anyincreasetotheContractperiodforwhateverreason. In the event the Contractor fails to maintain, repair or replace any Equipment item, the Engineer shall effect such maintenance, repairs or replacement and shall deduct thecostfrompaymentdueunderthisContractItem. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. Description Payunit 130(19) ProvideSurveyEquipment Lumpsum asperAppendix5




130.12 MaintenanceofEngineersFacilities Description The Contractor shall maintain in good decorative and working order all the buildings and the contents thereof supplied under the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsibleforsupplyingallpower,waterandtelephoneservicestoallthefacilities, andshallmeetallcostsfortheseservicesunlessotherwisestated. TheMaintenanceoftheEngineersofficesandLaboratoryshallincludedailycleaning to the satisfaction of the Engineers Representative and provisionoftoiletmaterials. CleaningofhousingisexcludedfromtheContractscope. TheContractorshallmaintainallgroundsandgardensthatsurroundthebuildingsto thesatisfactionoftheEngineer. The Contractor shall maintain in good condition, service regularly and repair or replace as required all items of furniture, fittings and equipment supplied and installedintheoffices,laboratoryandhouses. TheContractorshallprovideadequatesecuritytoguardandsecurethefacilitiesona 24hoursperdaybasis. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of all local telephone charges but shall not be responsible for the cost of any overseas calls made from telephones providedinofficesandanycallsmadefromtelephonesprovidedinhouses. The Contractor shall provide adequate number of driver, fuel, oil, insurance, license maintenance,repairsandallotherrunningandmaintenanceforvehicle. Measurement Maintenanceofeachfacilityshallbemeasuredasthenumberofweeksduringwhich maintenance for each facility is satisfactorily provided. Maintenance shall not be measuredduringanyperiodoccurringbetweentheexpirationoftheContractperiod (including awarded Extension of Time) and the date the Works are certified as complete. Measurement will be made for maintenance performed after the certified completion of the Works, during the time the facilities are required by the EngineersstaffforpostconstructionContractcompletionactivities. Payment Payment for Maintenance of each facility shall include, all labour, materials and equipmentrequiredforsatisfactorymaintenanceofthefacilitiesandshallincludeall other costs including but not limited to supply of electricity, water and telephone, cleaning, disposal of rubbish, guarding, repairing equipment and all other work required to ensure the facilities and equipment provided are in good operational order. Payitemsshallbe:
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ItemNo. 130(20) 130(21) 130(21A) 130(22) 130(23) 130(24) 130(25) Description MaintenanceofofficeType1 Includingfurniture,fittings andequipment MaintenanceofofficeType2 includingfurniture,fittings andequipment MaintenanceofEngineersLaboratory includingfurniture,fittings andequipment Maintenanceofaccommodation Type1includingfurniture, fittingsandequipment Maintenanceofaccommodation Type2includingfurniture, fittingsandequipment Maintenanceofvehicletype1 Month Includingdriver,fuel,oil,insurance, licensemaintenance,repairsand allotherrunningandmaintenance Maintenanceofvehicletype2 Month Including(boatman,)fuel,oil,insurance, licensemaintenance,repairsand allotherrunningandmaintenance Payunit Month





130.13 ClericalandTechnicalStaff Description The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with staff to assist in the administration and supervision of the Works. The staff provided shall be experienced and be capable of performing their allotted duties. Engineer shall obtain Employers prior approvalforrecruitmentofthesestaff.TheContractorshallensurethecontinuityof theservicesoftheselectedpersonnel. In particular, laboratory and survey assistants shall be capable of assisting the Engineers staff in material testing and survey work respectively and have at least five years experience in similar works. Draughtsman shall be conversant in civil works and have at least 3 years experience in AutoCAD Drafting. Secretaries and the Administrators/Clerks shall be experienced in using computers/word processors and be capable of using the latest version of Microsoft Office computer software and haveagoodcommandoftheEnglishLanguage.
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Measurement MeasurementofstafffortheEngineershallbebythenumberofweeksduringwhich each person is provided and actually works. Measurement will exclude periods during which the person is absent for any reason. Such absence shall include approvedvacation,sickleave,etc.,butnotpublicmercantileholidays. Theworkinghoursperdayandthedaysperweekshallbethesameasthoseworked by the Contractors own site personnel in similar positions plus all necessary overtimeasrequiredbytheEngineer. Payment Payment for staff shall be at the unit rate for each classification as stated in the Bill ofQuantitiesandwhichshallincludeallcostsassociatedwiththeiremployment.No additionalpaymentforanyextrahoursworkedorotherreasonswillbemade. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. Description Payunit 130(26) Workmen(classifiedunskilled) PersonMonth 130(27) Workmen(classifiedskilled) PersonMonth 130(28) SurveyAssistants(classifiedskilled) PersonMonth 130(29) Secretary PersonMonth 130(30) Administrator/Clerk PersonMonth 130(31) Office/FieldAssistant PersonMonth 130(32) Draughtsman PersonMonth 130.14 VehiclesfortheEngineer, Description The Contractor shall provide new plain coloured airconditioned motor vehicles as described in Appendix 4 for the exclusive use of the Engineer, and his staff for any purpose in connection with the Project. Each vehicle shall be to the approval of the Engineer. The vehicles shall be licensed and insured for use on the public highway with comprehensive insurance cover for any qualified driver authorised by the Engineer, together with any authorised passengers and the carriage of good or samples. For each vehicle, the Contractor shall provide a competent, qualified driver, subject to approval by Engineer, or EngineersRepresentative,holdingavalid driverslicence.TheContractorshallprovidefuel,oilandmaintenanceinconformity with the vehicle manufactures recommendations and shall clean the vehicles inside and outside as required during the period of the Contract. A suitable replacement shall be provided for any vehicle out of service for more than 24 hours. Vehicles
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shall be provided for as long as they are required by the Engineers staff including a period beyond the certified date for Completion of the Works and shall remain the propertyoftheEngineeroncompletion. Measurement Vehicles for the Engineers staff shall be measured as the number of weeks each type of vehicle is provided and maintained. Measurement shall be made during the total period the vehicles in use by the Engineers staff as instructed by the Engineer. Vehicles not provided for the full day will be measured for deduction on prorata basisofContractunitrate. Payment Payment for vehicles shall be made at the unit price for each type of vehicle as containedintheBillofQuantities.Paymentshallonlythesupplyofthevehiclecosts. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. 130(33) 130(34) 131. PROJECTSIGNBOARDS Description Provide vehicleType1 Provide vehicleType2 Payunit ProvsionalSum


131.1 Description TheContractorshallerectwheredirectedsignboardsinaformatacceptabletothe Engineer.Attheendofthedefectliabilityperiodallsuchsignsshallberemovedandthe groundreinstatedtotheapprovaloftheEngineer.Eachsignshallbeofnolessthan2m2 areaandcomprisewhiteletteringonabluebackground.Thefollowinginformationshould begivenoneachboard: ProjectTitle(ConstructionofPermanentSteelBridgesprogramme) Description&LocationoftheProject NameofFundingAgency(SpanishGovernment) NameofProjectImplementationOrganisation(UnitedNationsOffice forProjectServices(UNOPS) Contractor'sName DurationofContract 131.2 Measurement Project signboards shall be measured as the number of sign boards, satisfactorily provided,installed,maintainedandremovedthroughouttheContractperiod.




131.3 Payment Payment shall be made at the stated unit rate per signboard. The price shall be full compensationforallmaterialsandlabourrequiredtoperformtheworkdescribed. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. Description Payunit 131(1) Provideandmaintain ProjectSignBoard Number 132. PROVISIONOFINSURANCES,BONDSANDSECURITIES

132.1 Description The Contractor shall provide all necessary Insurances, Bonds, Guarantees and Securities as are required and detailed in the Tender Documents, Conditions of ContractorthisSpecification. 132.2 MeasurementandPayment Measurementshallbeasalumpsumpaymentforallexpenditurewithregardtothe provisionofInsurances,BondsandSecurities. Payment shall be made on submission of the original Insurance, Bond, Guarantee or Security or proof of payment of the same provided that the original shall be made availabletotheEngineerwithinareasonabletimeafterproofofpayment. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. Description PayUnit 132(1) ProvideallnecessaryInsurancesforworkforce LumpSum ForallRisks 132(2) ProvideallnecessaryBonds,Securities LumpSum 133. MARBLESTONEFORFOUNDATIONLAYING

133.1 Description TheContractorshallerectwheredirectedMarblestoneforfoundationlayingina formatacceptabletotheEngineer.Marblestoneshallbeofnolessthan1m2area andthestand(Stonemasonrywork)heightnolessthan2m,widthnolessthan2m thicknessnolessthan1m. 133.2 Measurement

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Marble stone with stand shall be measured as the number, satisfactorily provided, installed,maintainedthroughouttheContractperiod. 133.3 Payment Payment shall be made at the stated unit rate per Marble stone with stand. The price shall be full compensation for all materials and labour required to perform the workdescribed. Payitemsshallbe: ItemNo. Description Payunit 133(1) Provideandmaintain Marblestoneforfoundationlaying Number




SERIES200SITECLEARING CONTENTS 201. CLEARINGANDGRUBBING ..................................................................................................2 Description ......................................................................................................................... 2 PreservationofProperty .................................................................................................... 2 ConstructionMethods........................................................................................................ 2 General.................................................................................................................................... 2 Clearingandgrubbing............................................................................................................. 2 DisposalofClearedMaterial................................................................................................... 3 Measurement ..................................................................................................................... 4 Payment.............................................................................................................................. 4 Clearingandgrubbing............................................................................................................. 4 Removaloftreesandremovalofstumpsofpreviouslyfelledtrees ....................................... 5

201.1. 201.2. 201.3. .a. .b. .c. 201.4. 201.5. .a. .b. 202.

REMOVALOFEXISTINGSTRUCTURES ..................................................................................6 Description ......................................................................................................................... 6 DismantlingofStructures ................................................................................................... 6 SalvagedMaterials.............................................................................................................. 7 RemovalofFences.............................................................................................................. 7 Backfilling .......................................................................................................................... 7 Measurement ..................................................................................................................... 8 Payment.............................................................................................................................. 8

202.1. 202.2. 202.3. 202.4. 202.5. 202.6. 202.7. 203. 204.

REMOVALOFELECTRIC/TELEPHONEPOLES .........................................................................8 REMOVALOFEXISTINGPAVEMENT.....................................................................................8 Description ......................................................................................................................... 8 METHOD ............................................................................................................................. 9 MEASUREMENT .................................................................................................................. 9 PAYMENT............................................................................................................................ 9

204.1. 204.2. 204.3. 204.4.




SERIES200SITECLEARING 201. CLEARINGANDGRUBBING . Deletethewholetextofclause201andsubstitutethefollowing: 201.1. Description . This work shall consist of all clearing and grubbing necessary for the performance of the workcoveredbytheContractinaccordancewiththeSpecifications. The work shall consist of clearing and grubbing the designated areas within the right of way of all trees, dead wood, snags, vegetation, rubbish and objectionable material and shall include grubbing stumps and roots and disposing of all material resulting from the clearing and grubbing. It shall also include the demolition, removal and disposal of structures (other than those to be removed in accordance with clause 202) that obtrude into or encroach uponorobstructtheworkexceptwhereprovidedforotherwise. 201.2. PreservationofProperty . Existing roads, improvements, facilities, adjacent property, utilities, services, and trees and plants designated for preservation shall be carefully protected from injury or damage which couldresultfromtheContractorsoperations. 201.3. ConstructionMethods a. General

Generally clearing and grubbing shall be performed on the areas designated by staking or detailed in the Contract Documents. If no areas are designated in the Special Provisions or ontheDrawingstheareasshallinprinciplebeasfollows: ClearingandgrubbingshallbecarriedoutovertheareadesignatedbytheEngineer. b. Clearingandgrubbing

Whereembankmentfillistobeconstructedalltopsoilshallberemovedtoanaveragedepth of 0.15m. All surface objects, all trees, including stumps and roots, stumps and roots of previously felled trees, overhanging branches, except those trees and objects the Engineer directs to be left undisturbed, shall be cleared and grubbing subject to the following provisions: (i) Outside the limits of the earthworks these are allowed to remain provided that the top of the stumps are not more than 0.30m above ground level. However, trees within these limits shall be cut so that the stumps are in line with the natural groundlevelasfaraspracticable. (ii) In areas of embankment construction stumps and roots and solid objects shall be removed to a minimum depth of 0.5m below the top level of the subgrade or (perpendicular) below the slopes of the embankments; the removal of these materialsshallbetoanextentof1moutsidetheembankments. .





Where lined drains or ditches are to be constructed stumps and roots shall be removed to a minimum depth of 0.25m below the excavated bottom or into the shapedslope. Where the embankment fill is more than 3m high nonperishable solid objects may bepermittedtoremainprovidedthatthetopofsuchobjectsisnotmorethan0.5m abovenaturalgroundlevelandthecompactionofearthworkswillnotbehindered. In cut areas stumps and roots shall be removed to a depth of at least 0.5m below the top of the subgrade over which the pavement is to be constructed to an extent ofatleast0.5moutsidethelimitsofthebasecourse. When instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall demolish wholly or in part, removeanddisposeofallbuildings,foundation,undergroundchambers,pits,tanks, structures, fences and any other obstructions, which have not been designated to remain. Prior to demolition the Contractor shall ensure that services have been disconnected to the satisfaction of the appropriate authorities and/or owner. All holes resulting from the removal of the structures shall be backfilled with approved material compacted to 92%MDD (AASHTO 180) up to existing ground level or to suchlevelasdirectedbytheEngineer. The Contractor shall carefully dismantle such structures and stack in separate heaps.Allmaterials,whichintheopinionoftheEngineer,arenotsuitableforreuse shall be removed from the site to spoil areas. Reusable materials shall remain the property of the employer and shall be preserved and protected by the Contractor until removed by the Employer or until the expiry of the Defects Liability Period or itsequivalent.





Where, as a consequence of clearing and grubbing, fill material is required in order torestoretheoriginalgroundlevel,itshallbeacceptablefillmaterialwhichshallbe compacted to the density prescribed for layers at that depth below finished sub grade.Suchreplacementofmaterialsshallbeconsideredincidentaltoclearingand grubbing and shall not be measured for payment. Acceptable fill material for backfilling depressions or excavations shall include brick, stone and concrete debris if approved by the Engineer and this material shall be compacted in layers to achievestablebackfilltotheapprovaloftheEngineer. DisposalofClearedMaterial SaleabletimberasdesignatedbytheEngineershallbeneatlystoredinanapproved accessible place within or near the right of way as directed and shall be trimmed and staked in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate Government Agencytowhichthetimberbelongs. Unsaleable timber may be used by the Contractor for his own purposes in connectionwiththeContractalwaysprovidedthathehasascertainedandcomplied withtherequirementsoftheappropriateGovernmentAgenciesorAuthorities. Allunsaleabletimberexceptthattobeusedandallbrushes,stumps,roots,logsand other refuse from the clearing and from the grubbing operations shall be burned or bedisposedbyothermeansapprovedbytheEngineer. In such cases the Contractor will be solely responsible for making the necessary agreementsandforpayingtheresultingexpenses.








Piles of material for burning shall be placed either at or near the centre of the cleared area, or in adjacent open spaces where no damage to trees, other vegetationandadjacentpropertyshalloccur. Allburningshallbedoneinconformancewiththeregulationsandatsuchtimesand in such a manner as to prevent the fire from spreading to areas adjoining the right ofway. (iv) should the clearing and grubbing be done at a time when burning is not permitted, the Contractor shall pile all material which is to be burned outside the slope lines and at a time when burning is permitted he shall return such material to the grade andburnit. At the end of such operations the roadway and adjacent areas shall be left with a neat and finished appearance. No accumulation of burnt, half burnt or other materialshallremainonoradjacenttotherightofway.


201.4. Measurement Clearingandgrubbingwillbemeasuredonanareabasisbythesquaremetre,asindicatedin theBillsofQuantities.Theworkofclearingandgrubbingatdisposalsites,materialsites,and borrowpitsitesshallnotbepaidforwhensuchareoutsidetheareasdesignatedforclearing or grubbing and the Contractor is permitted to exercise his own option as to whether he electstousesuchdisposalsitesorborrowpitsites. Any areas occupied by an existing asphaltic concrete, concrete or sealed road or otherwise maintained area are excluded from the designated areas and shall not be included in measurementasdefinedinthissubclause. Removal of trees including stumps and roots unless otherwise specified, of girth less than 500mmshallbeconsideredasincludedinclearingandgrubbing. Removaloftreesincludingstumpsandroots,aswellasstumpsandrootsofpreviouslyfelled trees of girth greater than 500 mm shall be measured in numbers and separately assessed accordingtothesizecategoriesgivenbelow: (i) girthgreaterthanorequalto250mmandlessthan1000mm (ii) girthgreaterthanorequalto1000mmandlessthan2000mm (iii) girthgreaterthanorequalto2000mmandlessthan3000mm (iv) girthgreaterthanorequalto3000mm Fortheabovepurposethegirthshallbemeasuredasfollows: fortreesatalevelof1maboveaveragegroundlevel for stumps ofpreviouslyfelledtreesatalevelof1maboveaveragegroundlevelor incasethestumpsarelower,atthehighestlevelofthestumps. Branches of overhanging trees of girth greater than 300 mm shall be measured as directed bytheEngineer.Thegirthshallbethegirthofcut. 201.5. Payment a.





This work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit as detailed below per square metre. The rates shall be full compensation for furnishing all labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to do the work and for doing all the clearingandgrubbinginthedesignatedareasandasspecifiedintheseSpecificationsandthe Special Provisions and as directed by the Engineer including the removal and disposal of all theresultingmaterial. b. Removaloftreesandremovalofstumpsofpreviouslyfelledtrees

Payment for removal of trees and stumps shall be made at the Contract unit rates and shall be the payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Thesewillincludefelling,excavating,backfilling,handling,transportinganddisposal. PayItemsandPayUnitsshallbeasfollows: No PayItem PayUnit 201.(1)Clearingandgrubbing Sq.metre 201.(2)Removaloftrees;girth2501000mm Number 201.(3)Removaloftrees;girth10002000mm Number 201.(4)Removaloftrees;girth20003000mm Number 201.(5)Removaloftrees;girth3000mmandover Number 201.(6)Removalofstumpsofpreviouslyfelledtrees;girth250 Number 1000mm 201.(7)Removalofstumpsofpreviouslyfelledtrees;girth1000 Number 2000mm 201.(7.1)Removalofstumpsofpreviouslyfelledtrees;girth2000 Number 3000mm 201.(7.2)Removalofstumpsofpreviouslyfelledtrees;girth3000 Number mmandover 201.(7.3)Removalofoverhangingbranches;girth300mmandover Number





REMOVALOFEXISTINGSTRUCTURES DeletetheentireClauseandsubstitutewiththefollowing:

202.1. Description This work shall consist of dismantling and removing, as hereinafter set forth, existing culverts, masonry and brickwork structures, walkways, medians, kerbs and other structures such as guardrails, manholes, catch basins, inlets etc. which are in place, but interfere with the new construction and are not suitable to remain in place, and salvaging/disposing of the resulting materials. All materials obtained from dismantling shall be the property of the Employer. Culvertsandotherstructures,whicharewithintheexistinghighwayboundaryandwhichare designated to be removed, shall be removed down to the limits and extent specified hereinafterorasshownintheDrawingsorasindicatedbytheEngineer. Dismantling and removal operations shall be carried out with such equipment and in such a mannerastolevelundisturbed,adjacentpavement,structuresandanyotherspecifiedtobe leftinplace. Alloperationsnecessaryfortheremovalofanyexistingstructurewhichmightendangernew constructionshallbecompletedpriortothestartofnewwork. Dismantling of bridges and parts of bridges for reconstruction, extension, redecking and so on are included as separate items in each separate Bridges Bill of Quantities and are not included in this item. Demolition, removal and disposal of private and public buildings etc. necessary to widen the existing highway boundary to achieve the full right of way are deemedtobeincludedintheitem.Clearingandgrubbingwherenotpreviouslyremovedby theEngineerorlandoccupier. 202.2. DismantlingofStructures Thestructuresshallbedismantledcarefullyandtheresultingmaterialssoremovedasnotto causeanydamagetotheserviceablematerialstobesalvaged,thepartofthestructuretobe retainedandanyotherpropertiesorstructuresnearby. Unless otherwise specified, the superstructure portion of culverts shall be entirely removed and other parts removed to below the ground level or as necessary depending upon the interferencetheycausetothenewconstruction.Removalofoverlayingoradjacentmaterial if required in connection with the dismantling of the structures, shall be deemed to be includedinthisitem. Where existing culverts are to be rehabilitated only such part or parts of the existing structureshallberemovedasarenecessarytoprovideaproperconnectiontothenewwork. The connecting edges shall be cut, chipped and trimmed to the required lines and grades without weakening or damaging any part of the structure to be retained. Reinforcing bars which are to be left in place so as to project into new work as dowels or ties shall not be damagedduringremovalofconcrete. Pipe culverts shall be carefully removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to the pipes whereinstructedbytheEngineer.




Masonry and brick work structures shall be dismantled to the extent shown in the drawing andasdirectedbytheEngineer. All concrete pavement in carriageway designated for removal shall be broken up for ease of removalandcarriedtostockpilesatlocationsdesignatedbytheEngineer. Wheretheexistingroadsigns,kilometreposts,milepostsorguardstonesaretoberemoved they shall be carefully excavated and removed including breaking of the concrete base. The serviceable materials shall be transported and stacked at locations approved by the Engineer,andtheunserviceablematerialsshallbedisposedofasdirectedbytheEngineer 202.3. SalvagedMaterials Materials which may be used directly in the Permanent Works shall be stockpiled separately from those which require processing for reuse. The materials selected forprocessingshould be of such quality as will meet the Specifications after breaking, screening and/or mixing withbetterqualitymaterialsifnecessary.Theresponsibilityofselectingaparticularmaterial forprocessingand/orincorporatinginthePermanentWorksshallliewiththeContractor. Acceptability of the materials (after processing as the case may be) shall be determined by the Engineer and only such materials that fully satisfy the Specifications in all respects shall be permitted for incorporation in the Permanent Works. The materials failing to satisfy the Specifications may be used in the Temporary Works or may be used in the lower layers of embankmentsortofilldepressions,stumpholesetc.withtheapprovaloftheEngineer.The materialsnotrequiredbytheContractorforincorporationintheWorks,butwhichareofuse totheEmployershallbeneatlystockpiledasdirectedbytheEngineer. Structural/reinforcing steel obtained from dismantling of the existing structures shall not be considered suitable for use in the Permanent Works and shall be stored in a neat and presentable manner in locations suitable for loading. Structures or portions thereof which arespecifiedintheContractforreerectionshallbestoredinseparatestockpiles. Pipe culverts that are removed in good condition shall be cleaned and neatly stockpiled at pointsdesignatedbytheEngineer. All the products of dismantling operations which in the opinion of the Engineer cannot be used in the Works or reusedbytheEmployershallbedisposedofoutsidethehighwayright ofwayormaybespreadindeepborrowpits,asdirectedbytheEngineer. The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, building regulations etc. as prevailing in Sri Lanka. Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish, erect andmaintainsuitablebarricadestopreventpersonalinjuryordamagetoproperty. 202.4. RemovalofFences The work shall consist of removal at locations as instructed by the Engineer. The reuseable material shall be removed with due care and stacked and stored for reuse. The unusable materialanddebrisshallbetransportedanddisposedasinstructedbytheEngineer. 202.5. Backfilling As instructed by the Engineer, holes and depressions caused by dismantling operations shall be backfilled with excavated or other approved materials and thoroughly compacted to matchsurroundingareas.




202.6. Measurement The required and accepted work of dismantling and removal of the structures etc. shall be paidaslumpsumamountforeachstructure. 202.7. Payment Paymentofthelumpsumfordismantlingandremovalofstructuresshallbemade. Payment shall include full compensation for carrying out the operations described including but not limited to excavation, backfilling of excavations using approved materials, preparing andshaping,handling,sortingout,salvaging,stockpiling,disposingetc.ofmaterial. PayItemsshallbe: PayItem PayUnit 202(1) RemovalofExistingStructures(Specifythestructure) LumpSum 203. REMOVALOFELECTRIC/TELEPHONEPOLES The work of removal of electric/telephone poles, transmission pylons and/or line, where required shall be carried out by the appropriate service authority. The contractor, however, mayberequiredtoprovideassistancetosuchauthorities. PaymentforanysuchassistanceshallbepaidunderDayworks. 204. REMOVALOFEXISTINGPAVEMENT

204.1. Description This item shall consist of the removal of existing pavement (flexible or rigid) including base course, subbase and shoulders as applicable and as directed by the Engineer. Materials suitableforreuseshallbeindicatedbytheEngineerandshallbestoredasinstructedbythe EngineeratlocationsprovidedbytheContractor. The existing pavement and shoulders may consist of layers of varying thickness of the followingmaterials: blendedandnaturalsandsandsoil; bricksoling; brokenbrickandsandaggregate; herringbonebrick; brokenstoneaggregate,waterboundorbitumenpenetrated; brokenstonewithsand,waterboundorbitumenpenetrated; brokenstoneaggregate/sandbitumenpremix; rivergravel/sandbitumen/premix; sealcoatswithriverpebblechippingstone; sealcoatswithbrokenstonechipping; othercombinationsofbricks,stone,sandandbitumen.




Prior to the removal of any existing road pavement the contractor shall excavate trial pits and trenches as required by the Engineer to ascertain in detail the depth and composition of the pavementandthiscostshallbeincludedintheContractorsratesgenerally. Allbituminoussealcoats,wearingcourseandlevelingcourseshallberemoved,andifnotsuitablefor useelsewhere,shallbedisposedofbytheContractor. All bricks and suitable bricks chips shall be removed and the material may be processed for reuse whereapprovedbytheEngineer. All recovered material shall be the Contractors property. Materials the Contractor considers to be suitable for reuse in the Works shall be taken to the Contractors materials preparation areas for stockpilingandreprocessing.Theremainingunsuitablematerialshallberemovedoffsite. All recovered materials, suitable for reuse as sub base layer in the works, as approved by the Engineer are to be reused after processing, in the works and the contractor is expected to take accountofthiswhensubmittinghistender. The Engineers approval to the reuse of the material shall be granted if laboratory test results confirmsthematerialcomplieswiththeSpecificationsrequirements. 204.2. METHOD The pavement and base course may be removed by either hand or machine provided the methods used do not cause an undue wastage of material. All recovered pavement material suitable of reuse shallbehandledasspecifiedabove. 204.3. MEASUREMENT The unit of measurement for the removal of existing pavement material shall be cubic metres of bituminous wearing/leveling course, concrete slab or full pavement structure removed, as the case may be. The volume shall be measured by taking field measurements for length, width and depth of removedareaorasdirectedbytheEngineer. 204.4. PAYMENT These materials measured as provided here in above shall be paid for at the contract unit price for the items shown in BoQ. Payment shall be for full compensation for removing separating, loading, transporting and stockpiling or otherwise disposing of all materials, and for all labour, equipment, toolsandincidentalsnecessarytocompletethisitemoftheworks.Whilequotingrateforthisworkit isexpectedthatthecontractorshallincludediscountforthecostofunusablesalvagedmaterials. PayItemsshallbe: PayItem PayUnit 204(1) RemovalofExistingPavement LumpSum




SERIES400SUBBASES,BASESANDSHOULDERS CONTENTS 401. SOILSUBBASES ............................................................................................................................. 3 DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 3 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................... 3 MECHANICALSTABILISATION(BLENDING) ........................................................................................... 4 CONSTRUCTIONREQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 7 Preliminaries .............................................................................................................................. 7 PlacingandCompactionofSubbaseMaterial................................................................................ 7 DegreeofCompactionofSubbase ................................................................................................ 8 QualityControl ........................................................................................................................... 8 FinishingOperations ................................................................................................................... 8 ProtectionofSubbase ................................................................................................................. 8 MEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT ....................................................................................................... 9 Measurement ............................................................................................................................. 9 Payments ................................................................................................................................... 9

401.1. 401.2. 401.3. 401.4. a. b. c. d. e. f. 401.5. a. b. 402. 403. 404. 405.

STABILISEDSOILSUBBASESANDBASES........................................................................................... 9 SINGLESIZEDAGGREGATEBASES .................................................................................................... 9 WATERBOUNDANDDRYBOUNDMACADAMBASES ....................................................................... 9 DENSEGRADEDAGGREGATEBASES ................................................................................................ 9

405.1. DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 9 405.2. MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................. 10 CrushedRockorBoulderAggregates .................................................................................................. 10 405.3. CONSTRUCTIONREQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 11 a. PreparationofExistingSurface .................................................................................................. 11 b. SpreadingandRolling ............................................................................................................... 11 c. FieldDensityTesting ................................................................................................................. 12 d. FinishingOperationsandQualityControl .................................................................................... 12 e. Aftercare .................................................................................................................................. 12 405.4. MEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT ..................................................................................................... 12 a. Measurement ........................................................................................................................... 12 b. Payments ................................................................................................................................. 13 406. 407. 408. PENETRATIONMACADAMBASES .................................................................................................. 13 BITUMENBOUNDBASES ............................................................................................................... 13 RECONSTRUCTIONOFAGGREGATEBASES ..................................................................................... 13 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 13 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................. 13 CONSTRUCTIONREQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 13 RebuildingofExistingPavement ................................................................................................ 14 FieldDensityTesting ................................................................................................................. 14 FinishingOperationsandQualityControl .................................................................................... 14 Aftercare .................................................................................................................................. 14 MEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT ..................................................................................................... 14 Measurement ........................................................................................................................... 14 Pageno:1of15

408.1. 408.2. 408.3. a. b. c. d. 408.4. a.



b. 409.

Payments ................................................................................................................................. 14 SHOULDERCONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................... 15




SERIES400SUBBASES,BASESANDSHOULDERS 401. SOILSUBBASES DeletetheHeadingandreplacewith: SUBBASES 401.1. Description DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Thisworkshallconsistofsupplying,processing,haulingwithanyleadandlift,spreading,wateringand compacting subbase material on a existing pavement or prepared and accepted subgrade in accordancewiththespecificationsandtothelines,levels,dimensionsandcrossprofilesshownonthe drawingsorasrequiredbytheEngineerandmaintainingthefinishedsubbaseasrequired.Processing shall include, where necessary, crushing, screening, separation, blending, and any other operation necessarytoproduceamaterialconformingtotherequirementsofthisspecification. 401.2. Materials DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Thematerialsforsubbasecourseshallconsistofanyoneofthefollowings: gravel/brick aggregates or a mixture of gravel/brick aggregate and sand or a mixture of gravel/brick aggregatesandnaturallyoccurringgranularmaterialsfinerthan4.75mm. recycled materials obtained from salvaged existing pavement including gravel/brick aggregates, stone aggregates, broken concrete slabs, broken whole bricks etc. with admixture of local sand or naturally occuring granular materials finer than 4.75 mm but excluding materials mixed with bituminous binder. They shall be clean, strong, durable, of fairly cubical shape, and free of disintegrated pieces, organic and other deleterious matter and adherence coatings. The aggregate shall preferably by hydrophobic and of low porosity. Local sand or naturally occuring granular materials shall be free from vegetation, soft particles and excess clay or any other substance. The crushedstoneshallcomplywiththerequirementsinSection1708.2 Thematerialsshallbewellgradedandconformtothefollowinggradinglimits: Table4.1.1 SieveSize PercentagebyWeight Passing 50mm 100 25mm 7090 19mm 6080 9.5mm 4070 4.75mm 2560 0.075mm 015 Thesubbasematerialsshallmeetthefollowingphysicalrequirements: Thedeleterioussubstancesinthesubbasematerialshallnotexceedthefollowinglimits: Series400SubBases,BasesAndShoulders Pageno:3of15


Material %(ByWeight) Coal 1.0% Clay,Clayagglomerates 0.25% Softparticles 3.0% Shale/Chert 2.5% The fraction of the materials passing 0.425 mm sieve shall have a liquid limit less than 30 (AASHTO: T 89)andaplasticityindexnotmorethan6(AASHTO:T90). TheaggregatesshallhaveaLosAngelesabrasionloss(AASHTO:T96)ofnotmorethan40%. The materials, when tested in accordance with AASHTO: T 193, have a CBR value of not less than 40% afterfourdayssoakingwhencompactedto98%ofthemaximumdrydensityasdeterminedaccording toAASHTO:T180MethodD. Stone chips shall be prepared by breaking and/or crushing moderate to Stone. The material shall comprisehard,durableparticles,cleanandfreefromexcessthinorelongatedpieces. The bulk specific gravity of stone aggregates and recycled pavement materials shall not be less than 1.60and Waterabsorptionshallnotexceed18%. The material for gravel shall be obtained from approved sources in borrow or cut or from such other sources of supply as may be specified or approved for use from time to time. The material used shall be aggregate, as dug soils, or material obtained by blending two or more soils or soil/sand mixes referredtoasmechanicalstabilisation. The Contractors attention is drawn to the scarcity of naturally occurring subbase material ad shall make due allowance for mixing of materials in mechanical stabilisation in accordance with Section 401.3below. MaterialforsubbaseshallbeasspecifiedinSection1708.2

401.3. MechanicalStabilisation(Blending) DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: MaterialtobeStabilised Material to be stabilised shall be any naturally occurring cohesive or noncohesive soil or processed material, the properties of which can be permanently improved by the process of stabilisation to comply with the requirements of this Specification for the relevant material. It shall have a minimum coefficientofuniformityof5. Binder ThebinderusedshallbeeitherlimeorPortlandcement,whicheverisappropriateforthepropertiesof thematerialtobestabilised. Lime shall comply with the requirements of AASHTO M216. The use of unslaked lime will not be permitted. Portland cement shall comply with the requirements of AASHTO M85, Type II or equivalent ISO standardclass.TheuseofrapidhardeningPortlandcementwillnotbepermitted. Series400SubBases,BasesAndShoulders Pageno:4of15


Water The water used in mixing and curing concrete shall be tested by methods described in AASHTO test Method T26. All water shall be clean and free from salt, oil or acid, vegetable or other substance injurious to the finished product. The use of river water will be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Such approvals may be withdrawn from time to time depending on the condition of the river. MixDesignofMaterialforStabilisation OptimumMoistureContent The moisture content of the mixed material shall be the optimum for compaction by rolling determinedinaccordancewithAASHTOT180. BinderContent The binder content that is necessary to achieve the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) requirementsofthe stabilised material shall be determined on specimens compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO T180 at the optimum moisture content referredtoabove. CaliforniaBearingRatio(CBR)Requirements The minimum soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the mixed material when determined in accordance with AASHTO T193 at a density of 95% of the maximum dry density when determined in accordancewithAASHTOT180methodD,shallcomplywiththerequirementsshowninTable61. Table4011CaliforniaBearingRatio(CBR)RequirementsforMixedMaterialforStabilisation Layer Minimum CBR Subgrade 15 Subbase/GravelWearingCourse 30 Roadbase 80 ConstructionRequirementsforStabilisation Equipment The binder shall be placed and uniformly spread on the material to be stabilised at the required rate either, manually or mechanically by means of purpose made equipment approved by the Engineer/Supervisor. Mixing equipment shall be either an agricultural rotovator or purpose made rotovating equipment. The required quantity of water shall be dispensed mechanically through either an attachment on the mixingequipmentorseparatelybymeansofapurposemadewaterbowser. The material shall be compacted by the use of approved vibrating or nonvibrating rollers steel wheeledorpneumatictyredrollers. Curing equipment shall be hand held bituminous spraying equipment approved by the Engineer/Supervisor. Spreading,MixingandCompaction Imported material, which is to be stabilised, shall be mechanically spread to the required thickness by useofeitheragraderorapavingmachineinsuchamannerthatsegregationisavoided. Series400SubBases,BasesAndShoulders Pageno:5of15


Immediately prior to the application of the binder, water shallbeevenlydistributedoverthewholeof the surface to be stabilised and thoroughly mixed into the material to be stabilised. The moisture content of the mixed material shall be adjusted as necessary, either by the uniform application of waterordryingout,toachievewithin1%to+2%oftheoptimummoisturecontentwhendetermined inaccordancewithAASHTOT180. The binder shall be evenly spread at the required rate of application over the whole of the surface to bestabilisedeithermanuallyorbyapprovedmechanicalmeans. Thebindershallbemixedintothematerialtobestabiliseduntilitisevenlydistributedthroughoutthe massofthematerialusingtheequipmentspecifiedabove. Compaction shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of subsections 104.4,104.5,104.6.. The method employed shall ensure that the material can be fully compacted withoutthedevelopmentofshearplanesandthatawellcloseduncrazedfinishcanbeisachieved. A sufficient number of compacting units shall be employed to ensure that, from the time thebinderis first added, the process of spreading, applying water, mixing and compaction, shaping and final finishing,iscompletedwithin2hoursinthecaseofPortlandcementbinderand4hoursinthecaseof limebinder. ConstructionJoints Transverseandlongitudinalconstructionjointsshallbeformedbycuttingbacktheedgesofpreviously stabilisedareastoformasoundverticalface. CuringofCompletedWork Thestabilisedmaterialshallbeprotectedagainstrapiddryingoutforaminimumperiodofsevendays immediatelyuponcompletionofthework. Themethodsofcuringshallbeoneofthefollowing: 2 The application of bituminous emulsion at a rate of between 0.5 to 1.1 Kg/m of residual bitumen in accordancewiththerequirementsofAASHTO. The manual application of saturated hessian covered by impermeable polythene sheeting which shall befirmlyheldinposition.Thehessianshallbekeptwetforthewholeofthecuringperiod. TrialAreas Prior to the commencement of normal working the Contractor shall construct a trial area of not less than 1000 square metres using the materials and equipment proposed for the work to demonstrate compliancewiththerequirementsofthisClause. Defects Any remedial work, which is required to rectify defects in the completed layer, shall extend through thefulldepthofthelayerandoveranareastipulatedbytheEngineer/Supervisor. Traffic No construction equipment or road traffic shall be permitted on the completed layer until the curing periodhaselapsed. Series400SubBases,BasesAndShoulders Pageno:6of15


WeatherLimitations Insitustabilisationshallnotbeundertakeninthefollowingadverseweatherconditions: Duringwetconditions; Whenrainisimminent; Duringexcessivelywindyconditions. 401.4. ConstructionRequirements a. Preliminaries Nochange. b. PlacingandCompactionofSubbaseMaterial Addthefollowing: The improved subgrade underlying the subbase shall remain true to cross fall or super elevation and be free from any irregularities, cracks, depressions, loose materials or other local defects prior to the layingofthesubbase.Totheextentanysuchdefectsmightexisttheaffectedareasshallberedoneto the requirements of specification and to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the sub grade shall be protectedagainstanyfurtherdamageuntilcoveredbythesubbasecourse. Mixing or screening of aggregates as required to achieve the specified grading shall be done in a stacking yard. Mechanical means or a combination of manual labour and machine may do the mixing. Thematerialsshallbemixedthoroughlyanduniformlytohaveahomogenousmassalsosatisfyingthe grading requirements. During mixing, water shall be added to keep the mixed materials moist so asto preventsegregationduringtransportation. In any stretch, materials of the both halves of the road will be the same source as well as the same gradingofaggregates. The sub base materials shall be spread in layers, the compacted thickness of which shall not exceed 150mm.TheEngineer,mayagree,onsatisfactorydemonstrationbythecontractorthatforthetypeof subbasematerialsandequipmentused,layerthicknessupto200mmcanberolledtoathespecified level of uniform compaction. The spreading shall be done using methods acceptable to the Engineer. The required amount of water, predetermined from laboratory tests and field trials, shall be added if necessary and mixed thoroughly. If the material is too wet it shall be dried by aeration. The moisture contentofthesubbasematerialduringcompactionshallbeguidedbytheoptimummoisturecontent as determined according to AASHTO: T 180 Method D and as decided by the Engineer on the basis of fieldcompactiontrials. On completion of spreading and watering, the surface shall be shaped as per cross section shown in drawingandcompactedusingapprovedcompactionequipmentandprocedure Where an existing subbase layer is to be improved by the addition of a layer of material less than 100mm thick, the existing surface shall be scarified to a depth instructed by the Engineer, mixed with the imported material to form a homogeneous layer of minimum depth 100mm, recompacted to the dry density specified for the layer and formed to the lines and levels shown on the drawings or as instructedbytheEngineer.




Wheresubbaseislaidoveranexistingbituminouspavement,thesurfaceshallbepuncturedtopermit drainage through the surface. Puncturing shall create drainage holes of not less them 20 mm in diameterthoughtheexistingbitumenlayertotheunderlyingbaseat500mmcentresonagridacross theareabeingprepared. c. DegreeofCompactionofSubbase DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The subbase shall be compacted to not less than 98% of the maximum dry density (MDD) of the materialasdeterminedbyBS1377,Test13(Modified)orAASHTOT180. d. QualityControl Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: After compaction of each layer field density measurements by BS1377 test 15 and or AASHTO: T 191 will be done at the rate of one test per 300 square metre or less of compacted area. The test shall be made to the full depth of the layer. Test locations should be chosen through random sampling techniquesorasdirectedbytheEngineer. FinishingOperations Addthefollowing: Tests for conformity with the specified surface tolerances as described in Section 1601 of the specification shall be made immediately after initial compaction, and variations shall be corrected by removing or adding material as may be necessary. After final rolling, the smoothness of the course shall be checked again and any irregularity of the surface exceeding the above limits and any areas defectiveintexture,compactionorcompositionshallbecorrectedasdirectedbytheEngineer. ProtectionofSubbase DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: TheContractorshallprotectandmaintainthesubbaseathisownexpense.Maintenanceshallinclude the immediate repair of any damage or defects which may occur and shall be repeated as often as is necessary to keep the subbase continuously intact. Repairs shall be done in such a manner that will ensure restoration to an even and uniform surface and may involve scarifying, watering and recompacting. Where thesubbaseisrequiredtocarrytrafficinbothdirectionsusingpartwidthonly,theContractor shall ensure that the wheel path position is varied, by means of coning or similar traffic control measures.Ifexposuretotrafficoverapartwidthisexpectedtobeprolonged,theEngineermayorder a protective layer of not less than 100mm of subbase quality material to be spread and compacted overthepartwidthexposedtotraffic. The subbase shall be finished to give a hard dense surface throughout and free from irregularities of any kind. The finished surface levels shall vary not more than tolerances indicated in Table 16011. The deviation fromstraightedge3metreslonglaidonthesurfaceparalleltothecentrelineoratright angles to the centreline on a cross fall shall not exceed the allowable tolerances. Subbase whichdoes Series400SubBases,BasesAndShoulders Pageno:8of15




not conform to the above requirements shall be reworked, watered and thoroughly recompacted to conform. 401.5. MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The Subbase shall be measured by the cubic metres of material compacted in place and accepted. Measurement shall be based on the cross section of the sub base shown in the drawings and the actual length measured horizontally along the centreline of the surface of the road, or in case of edge widening,alongthecentrelineofthewidenedsection. b. Payments Deleteafterparagraphthreeandinsertthefollowing: Thepaymentforsubbasewillbebasedonthecontractunitrateforthecompletedworkandaccepted of the subbase which shall include full compensation for providing all materials labour, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to carry out the construction works in accordance with the specifications. ThePayitemsandPayunitswillbeasfollows: PayItem UnitofMeasurement 401(1) ProvideandplaceSubbase Cu.Metre 402. STABILISEDSOILSUBBASESANDBASES Nochange. 403. SINGLESIZEDAGGREGATEBASES Nochange. 404. WATERBOUNDANDDRYBOUNDMACADAMBASES Nochange. 405. DENSEGRADEDAGGREGATEBASES

405.1. Description DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: This work shall consist of supplying, processing, hauling, spreading, watering and compacting lower base materials on a prepared and accepted graded aggregate subbase layer in accordance with the specifications and the lines, levels, dimensions and cross profiles shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer and maintaining the finished aggregate base as required. Processing shall Series400SubBases,BasesAndShoulders Pageno:9of15


include,wherenecessary,crushingscreening,separation,blending,andanyotheroperationnecessary toproduceamaterialconformingtotherequirementsofthisspecification. 405.2. Materials Theaggregatesforthelowerbasecourseshallconsistofanyoneofthefollowing: crushedrockorbouldersfromnaturalsources crushedgravelfromnaturalsources Different kinds of materials shall not be mixed together except that sand or naturally occurring granular materials finer than 4.75 mm size can be mixed with any of these materials to meet the grading requirements. Further within any stretch of road not less than 2 km in length of both sides, onlyonekindofmaterialshallbeused. ThecontractorshallseekpriorapprovaloftheEngineerregardingthekindofmaterialsproposedtobe usedbyhimindifferentstretchesofroad.Anymateriallargerinsizethan4.75mmshallbeofcrushed aggregatewithminimumonebrokenface. The materials shall be well graded and conforming to the general requirements of sub section 1701.3 (a). and grading requirements of Table 1701 5 of sub section 1701.3 (b). and or to the following grading: CrushedRockorBoulderAggregates SieveSize 50mm 25mm 19mm 9.5mm 4.75mm 0.425mm 0.075mm CrushedGravelAggregates SieveSize PercentagebyWeight Passing 100 7090 6080 3570 2745 616 08

28mm 19mm 9.5mm 4.75mm 2.36mm 0.60mm 0.075mm Thematerialsshallbefreefromdecomposedstones,organicmatters,softparticles,excessclayorany other substance that is considered deleterious by the Engineer. The base materials shall meet the followingphysicalrequirements: The fraction of the materials passing 0.425 mm sieve shall have a liquid limit less than 30 (AASHTO: T 89)andaplasticityindexnotmorethan6(AASHTO:T90).

PercentagebyWeight Passing 100 85100 6080 3060 2040 525 05




TheaggregatesshallhaveaLosAngelesabrasionloss(AASHTO:T96)ofnotmorethan40%. The materials, when tested in accordance with AASHTO: T 193, have a CBR value of not less than 80% afterfourdayssoakingwhencompactedto98%ofthemaximumdrydensityasdeterminedaccording toAASHTO:T180MethodD.

405.3. ConstructionRequirements DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: a. PreparationofExistingSurface Prior to laying of Lower Base Course the underlying layer shall be the surface shall be brushed free of dustandextraneousmatterandshallbeshapedtruetocrossfallorsuperelevationandshallberolled asnecessarytillthesurfaceissmooth,firmandtight.Thepreparedunderlyinglayershallbeprotected againstdamageuntilcoveredbythebasecourse. Where the base course is laid over an existing bituminous pavement, the surface shall be lightly scarified and/or punctured to permit drainage through the surface where the surface shape is not adequatelycrownedintheopinionoftheEngineer,andcleanedofanyscarifiedmaterialbeforelaying the base course. During this operation the Contractor shall not damage the underlying pavement layer. Any damage to the existing underlying layer which results due to careless scarification shall be rectifiedforthwithbytheContractortotheapprovaloftheEngineerattheContractorsowncost. b. SpreadingandRolling DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The aggregate shall be spread uniformly and without segregation over the prepared surface of an underlying layer which complies with the specified requirements for the layer concerned, or over the surfacing of an existing pavement, and in quantities sufficient to ensure that after compaction the completedlayerwillcomplywithallrequirementsoflayerthickness,levels,crosssectionanddensity. Aggregateshallbespreadsuchthattheminimumthicknessofeachlayeraftercompactionshallbenot less than 100 mm. The maximum thickness will depend on the type of compaction equipment used andonthespecifiedlayerthicknessbutshallnotnormallyexceed200mmcompactedthicknessunless otherwiseagreedorinstructedbytheEngineer. In order to minimise for segregation, the material shall be kept wet during transport and spreading. The dumps of material shall be spread out to a flatsurfaced layer with a thickness suitable for mixing. Thereafter the required amount of water shall be added and the material thoroughly mixed with a suitable approved means until a uniform homogeneous mixture is achieved. The required amount of water and moisture content shall be determined by carrying out field trials but shall normally be within 2% of the predetermined optimum moisture content at the time of compaction. The material deposited on the prepared existing surface may be spread and shaped by any method which will not cause the segregation of coarse and fine particles. The Contractor shall ensure that joints in consecutivepavementlayersdonotcoincide.Allareasofsegregatedcoarseandfinematerialshallbe corrected by remixing or removing and replacing with well graded material to the approval of the Engineer. The base material shall be compacted using approved vibratory compaction equipment whosevibratorsshallfunctioncorrectlyinaccordancewiththemanufacturersinstructions. After mixing the material shall be graded to achieve the specified thickness with due allowance made for decrease in thickness due to compaction such that after compaction the surface of the aggregate




base is within the specified level tolerance. The material shall then be thoroughly compacted by meansofapprovedequipmentsothatthespecifieddensityisobtainedthroughoutthewholelayer. The rolling shall be carried out by a series of over lapping longitudinal passes working from the edge towards the centre, except on super elevated sections where the rolling shall proceed from the lower edgetothehigheredge. The finally compacted layer shall be firm and stable with a closely knit mosaic like surface texture of exposed aggregate free from surface laminations, portions exhibiting segregation of the fine and coarse aggregates, corrugations or other defects that may be detrimental to the performance of the layer.Thesurfaceshallbebrushedtoensureasurfacefreefromexcessfinesandlooseaggregate. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, the completed surface of the base is unacceptable, the surface shallberectifiedinamannerapprovedbytheEngineer. The aggregate base shall be compacted to not less than 98% of the maximum dry density of the materialasdeterminedbyBS1377,Test13(Modified)orAASHTOT180. c. FieldDensityTesting DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Thedegreeofcompactionshallbecheckedbyfielddensitymeasurements(BS1377test15orAASHTO T191)attherateofonetestforevery300Sq.msubjectedtominimumoftwoTestsforeachsectionor asdirectedbytheEngineer. d. FinishingOperationsandQualityControl Addthefollowing: On completion of the base the Contractor shall remove all windrows to facilitate proper drainage of thefinishedsurface. e. Aftercare Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The Contractor shall protect and maintain the completed base layer at his own expense until the surfacing is applied. Maintenance shall include the immediate repair of any damage or defects which may occur and shall be repeated as often as is necessary to keep the layer continuously intact and in good condition. Repairs shall be done in such a manner that will ensure restoration to an even and uniform surface. Traffic shall not be allowed directly on any unprimed base layer unless instructed or authorizedbytheEngineer. ThecompletedbaseshallbeprimedassoonaspossibleafterapprovalfromtheEngineer. 405.4. MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement DeletethisSubsectionandinsertthefollowing: The dense graded base shall be measured by the cubic metres of material compacted in place and accepted. Measurement shall be based on the cross section of the base shown in the drawings and the actual length measured horizontally along the centreline of the surface of the road, or in case of edgewidening,alongthecentrelineofthewidenedsection.





Payments The payment will be based on the contract unit rate for the completed work and accepted of the dense graded base which shall include full compensation for providing all materials, labour, tools equipmentandincidentalsnecessarytocarryouttheconstructionworkstothespecifications. ThePayitemsandPayunitswillbeasfollows: PayItem UnitofMeasurement 405(1) Provideandplace37.5(40)mm DenseGradedAggregateBase Cu.metre








Description DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: This work consists of the reconstruction of the existing bitumen surfaced pavement which requires strengthening and/or reshaping generally in confined areas or patches at locations instructed by the Engineer. Work shall be carried out by scarifying the existing pavement to the depth instructed by the Engineer, addition of approved imported aggregate and thorough mixing with existing pavement material by grader or by hand or other approved methods in small areas to ensure an unsegregated, homogeneousmaterial.

408.2. Materials DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Material for the reconstruction of existing pavements shall be aggregates which conform to the single sized aggregates or the graded aggregates as shown in Tables 1701.4 and 1705 of subsection 1701.3(b)orasinstructedbytheEngineer. The aggregate shall consist of hard durable particles of fragmented rock from a quarry approved by theEngineer,andshallbefreeofdust,organicmatter,clayandsiltoranyotherdeleteriousmatter. 408.3. ConstructionRequirements




DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: a. RebuildingofExistingPavement The existing pavement shall be sufficiently scarified to enable the existing bituminous layer to be removed. In removing the bituminous layer the Contractor shall ensure that as much of the adhering existing aggregate as possible is dislodged and left remaining to be mixed with the aggregate to be added. Where instructed by the Engineer existing material considered of poor quality shall be removed and disposed of. Extra aggregate shall then be added to the existing pavement material and thoroughly mixedeitherinplaceoralongsidetheareatobestrengthened.Compactionandsurfacefinishshallbe carried out as specified in section 405. Where graded aggregate of 37.5 (40) mm maximum size is used, the added aggregate shall be in such quantities that after compaction there shall be a minimum aggregate thickness at any place of 100 mm and the maximum compacted thickness shall not exceed 150mmunlessotherwisespecifiedoragreedbytheEngineer. Once mixed the material shall be compacted to not less than 98% of the maximum dry density of the materialasdeterminedbyBS1377,Test13(Modified)orAASHTOT180. b. FieldDensityTesting Thedegreeofcompactionshallbecheckedbyfielddensitymeasurements(BS1377test15orAASHTO T191)attherateofonetestforevery100Sq.m. c. FinishingOperationsandQualityControl Therebuiltpavementshallbefinishedtotherequirementsofsection1601. Thequalityofthematerialshallbecontrolledinaccordancewithsection1602. d. Aftercare The Contractor shall protect and maintain the completed pavement layer at his ownexpenseuntilthe following layer is applied. Maintenance shall include the immediate repair of any damage or defects which may occur and shall be repeated as often as is necessary to keep the layer continuously intact and in good condition. Repairs shall be done in such a manner that will ensure restoration to an even anduniformsurface. 408.4. MeasurementandPayment DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: a. Measurement The rebuilt aggregate layer shall be measured by the cubic metres of material compacted inplaceand accepted.MeasurementshallbebasedonthedimensionsasinstructedbytheEngineer. Scarifyingandremovalofbituminouspiecesshallbemeasuredinsquaremetresofsurfacearea. b. Payments




The payment willbebasedonthecontractunitrateforthecompletedworkoftherebuiltlayerwhich shall include full compensation for providing all materials other than those specified in the Payment Item, labour, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to carry out the construction works to the specifications. ThePayitemsandPayunitswillbeasfollows: PayItem UnitofMeasurement 408(1)Scarifyandremoveexistingbitumenlayer Sq.metre 408(2)Excavateanddisposeofsurplusmaterial Cu.metre 408(3)Provideadditionalaggregate Cu.metre 408(4)Rebuildexistingpavementlayer Cu.metre 409. SHOULDERCONSTRUCTION Nochange.




SERIES500SURFACEAPPLICATIONS CONTENTS 501. PRIMECOAT .......................................................................................................................2 Description .................................................................................................................2 Materials ....................................................................................................................2 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................................2 MeasurementandPayment........................................................................................5

501.1. 501.2. 501.3. 501.4. 502. 503. 504. 505.

TACKCOAT..........................................................................................................................7 HOTBITUMENAPPLICATIONS .............................................................................................7 SANDSEALING ....................................................................................................................7 SEALCOATTREATMENTS(SURFACEDRESSINGS) .................................................................8 Description .................................................................................................................8 Materials ....................................................................................................................8 ConstructionRequirements ...................................................................................... 10

505.1. 505.2. 505.3. 506.

ASPHALTICCONCRETESURFACING .................................................................................... 17 Description ............................................................................................................... 17 Materials .................................................................................................................. 18 MixRequirements .................................................................................................... 18 JobMixFormula ....................................................................................................... 20 ConstructionRequirements ...................................................................................... 21 MeasurementandPayment...................................................................................... 28

506.1. 506.2. 506.3. 506.4. 506.5. 506.6. 507.

COLDMIXSURFACINGS ..................................................................................................... 30 MeasurementandPayment...................................................................................... 30





SERIES500SURFACEAPPLICATIONS 501. PRIMECOAT 501.1. Description Nochange 501.2. Materials Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: a. PrimeMaterial

Theprimecoatshallconsistofpenetrationgradebitumencomplyingwithsubsection1702.1 from a source approved by the Engineer, medium curing cutback bitumen MC30, MC70 or MC250 complying with sub section 1702.2 from a source approved by the Engineer or bituminous emulsion of grade CSS1 or CSS1h complying with subsection 1702.3. The application rate of binder to be used shall be instructed by the Engineer on Site after field trials. These field trials shall be carried out by the Contractor as instructed by and under the supervisionoftheEngineerandthecostthereofshallbedeemedtobeincludedintheprime coat rates. Theobjectofthetrialsistoachievetheoptimumpenetrationandefficacyofthe primecoat. The indicative rate of spread of bituminous material for the prime coat shall be in the range 2 of0.5to1.5l/m b. MineralAggregateforblinding

The blinding layer, if any, shall be crushed rock or river sand having a grading within the limitsoftable5011.Theaggregateshallbeclean,hardandfreefromexcessivedust.Itshall containnoclay,loamorotherdeleteriousmaterial. Table5011GradingEnvelopeforSandforPrimeCoat Sievesize (mm) 4.75 2.36 1.18 .6 .3 .075 501.3. ConstructionRequirements Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:2of30 PercentagePassing (bymass) 100 80100 6095 3080 2055 1030


Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: a. WeatherLimitations

The prime coat shall be applied only when the existing surface is dry or sufficiently low in moisture to assure uniform distribution of the bituminous material, when the atmospheric temperatureisabove15oC,andwhentheweatherisnotfoggyorrainyorrain,intheopinion of the Engineer, is imminent. The temperature requirements may be waived, but only when soinstructedbytheEngineer. b. PreparationofSurface

The layer to be primed shall be cleaned of all loose and deleterious material by means of a rotary broom and/or hand brooms or other approved means. The brushing force shall be sufficient to dislodge all adhering material without damaging the pavement surface. Scale, clay and other foreign material shall be removed by hand where instructed. The exposed surface shall be kept moist up to the time of spraying. If the moisture content is too high to permit full penetration of the prime coat in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor shall delay prime coat application until the moisture content is satisfactory for full penetration as instructedbytheEngineer. Thesurfaceshallbepreparedinthismannertoexposeahardtightmosaicoflargeaggregate inthebasecourse.Hardenedimperviousfilmsorlayersofcompactedfinematerialoverthe larger aggregate shall be removed by appropriate methods which shall avoid damaging the underlyingsurfaceasapprovedbytheEngineer. Before any prime material is sprayed the layer to be primed shall be checked for compliance with the surface and other requirements specified. Any sections not complying with the specifications shall be corrected and remedial measures taken to the satisfaction of the Engineerbeforeprimingoperationsarepermitted. c. ApplicationofPrimeCoat

Primershallbeappliedbythedistributortothepreparedupperbaseatanominalof1.0litre per sq.metre(residualbitumen)butshallbewithintherange0.801.40ltirespersq.metre and temperature defined in Table 501.2 by means of a bitumen distributor or by hand sprayeroranyothermeansapprovedbytheEngineer.Theactualrateofapplicationshallbe decided by the Engineer based on the results of test areas. Sufficient prime coat shall be applied so that maximum penetration is achieved without excess asphalt remaining on the surface.TheEngineermayalterthepreviousestablishedrateofapplicationwherehedeems it necessary. Additional primer shall be applied where surface conditions indicate it to be necessary, if the Engineer so directs. No further courses shall be applied until the prime coat hasbeencuredasindicatedbelow. Thesurfacesofstructuresandtreesadjacenttotheareasbeingtreatedshallbeprotectedin such a manner as to prevent their being spattered or marred. No asphaltic material shall be ischargedintoaborrowpitorgutter. The distributor shall be functioning properly in accordance with the manufacturers instructions with all spray nozzles functioning and delivering prime coat at the same evenly




distributed rate. There shall be no leakages or drips of oil, diesel or bituminous material fromthedistributor. The total width of primed surfaceshallbe300mmwiderthanthespecifiedwidthofthefinal surfacingorandtheedgesoftheprimeshallbeparalleltothecentrelineoftheroad. The prescribed prime coat application rate may be achieved by two or more repeated applicationswhennecessarytoavoidflowofprimecoatonsteepcrossfallsorgradients. Any areas deemed by the Engineer to be deficient in prime coat after passage of the distributorshallbemadegoodbyhandlance. Spray record sheets containing details of ambient temperature, spraying temperature, areas sprayed and quantities of materials used shall be submitted by the Contractor on a daily basisforapprovalbytheEngineer. Table5012SprayingTemperaturesforPrimeCoat PrimeCoatType TemperatureDegrees Celsius MC30or45%CutbackBitumen 4070 MC70or35%CutbackBitumen 5590 MC250or25%CutbackBitumen 75110 CSS1orCSS1hEmulsion 2070 d. Aftercare

Following the prime coat application, the primed, unblinded surface shall be allowed to cure for a minimum 24 hours without being disturbed so as to allow the prime coat to fully penetratethesurfaceunlessfullpenetrationandcuringhastakenplaceintheopinionofthe Engineer in a shorter period. If after 24 hours the prime coat has not sufficiently cured to permit trafficking without being picked up, and the Contractor wishes to open the section to traffic, the Engineer shall either instruct that the area be left for a further period until the prime coat has fully penetrated and aired to allow traffic to pass or permit the Contractor to place mineral aggregate for blinding applied at a rate and in the places instructed to blot up theexcessbitumen. As soon as the primed surface has cured sufficiently or mineral aggregate for blinding has been applied to allow traffic to pass over the road without the prime coat being picked up, theroadshall,wherepracticable,beopenedtopublictrafficforaperiodof14daysorlessif agreedbytheEngineer.Duringthisperiodtheprimedareaundertrafficshallbemaintained and all damage caused by traffic shall be repaired as instructed by the Engineer at no extra cost. Thereafter the contractor shall maintain the primed surface and shall protect the surfaceuntiltheapplicationofsurfacingbytakingsuitableprecautionsincludingforexample supplyingandspreadingaprotectivelayerofsandatnoextracost. Nopaymentshallbemadeformineralaggregateforblindingwhichshallonlybeusedforthe convenienceoftheContractorinearlyopeningtheprimedareastotraffic. e. QualityControl

Samples of the bituminous material that the Contractor proposes to use, together with a statement as to their source and character shall be submitted and approved before use of Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:4of30


such material. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer or producer of the material to furnish material subject to this and all other pertinent requirements. Only satisfactory materials,sodemonstratedbyservicetests,shallbeacceptable. The Contractor shall furnish vendors certified test reports for each consignment of bituminous material supplied. The reports shall be delivered to the Engineer before permissionisgrantedforuseofthematerial.Thefurnishingofthevendorsreportsshallnot be interpreted as basis for final acceptance. All such test reports shall be subject to verificationbytestingsamplesofmaterialsreceived. Control of the quality of materials and work shall be exercised in accordance with section 1602. 501.4. MeasurementandPayment Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: a. Measurement

Themeasurementsshallbemadeononeofthefollowingthreealternativesforprimecoatas specifiedinBillofQuantities: BitumenPenetrationGrade80100cutbackusingKeroseneordieseltotheextentinstructed bytheEngineeraftertrailsonSite. The volume of bitumen and the volume of kerosene/diesel will be paid for separately according to the pay items but the total of the two volumes shall be the volume of prime coat thoroughly mixed in the correct proportions actually placed on the road calculated at the instructed rate per square metre over the area specified to be covered.




MediumcuringMC70fromanapprovedsource. The volume of MC70 will be paid as the volume actually placed on the road calculated at the instructed rate per square metre over the area specified to be covered. EmulsionCSS1orCSS1h. The volume of MC70 will be paid as the volume actually placed on the road calculated at the instructed rate per square metre over the area specified to be covered. b. Payment

Paymentwillbemadeforeitheralternative(I),(ii)or(iii)attheContractUnitratesorratefor the alternative elected and priced by the Contractor and shall include full compensation for providing all materials, mixing where required, placement, labour equipment total and incidentalstocompletetheprimecoatasspecified. PayItem PayUnit Alternative(i) 501(1)BitumenPenetrationgrade80100 Litres 501(2)Kerosene/DieselasCutter Litres OR Alternative(ii) 501(1)aPrimeCoatMC70 Litres OR Alternative(iii) 501(1)bPrimeCoatEmulsion Litres





TACKCOAT Nochange.









SEALCOATTREATMENTS(SURFACEDRESSINGS) Deletethetextofsection505andsubstitutethefollowing: 505.1. Description Surface Dressing shall be the process of spraying the surface to be dressed with bituminous binder, covering the binder with natural or crushed stone cover aggregate and rolling the resulting surface. The Contractor shall familiarise himself with the contents of the British Transport&RoadResearchLaboratoryOverseasRoadNote3AGuidetoSurfaceDressing in Tropical and SubTropical Countries hereinafter referred to as TRRLORN 3. Much of the Specification for Seal Coat Treatment is based on TRRLORN 3, including the design of the surface dressing and knowledge of the principles of the Surface Dressing Process is essential totheContractor. TherequirementforasingleordoublesurfacedressingshallbespecifiedontheDrawings. 505.2. Materials a. Binders

The bitumen binder shall consist of Penetration grade bitumen, cutback bitumen or bitumen emulsion,asspecifiedintherelevantitemoftheBillofQuantities. Bitumen binder shall comply with subsection 1702.1 form a source approved by the Employer. The grade shall be 80/100 pen unless otherwise specified in the relevant item of theBillofQuantities. Cutback bitumen binder shall comprise penetration grade 80/100 bitumen and cutter which shallbedieselorkeroseneoramixtureofbothpreparedonSite.Thetypeandproportionof cutter if required shall be instructed by the Engineer on Site, in the range 1% to 10% after design of the surface dressing in accordance with the procedures set out in Chapter 5 of TRRLORN3. Approval of the source of supply of bitumen shall be obtained from the Engineer prior to delivery of the material. The Engineer will require test certificates to confirm compliance with the specified requirements and may require samples for independent testing prior to issue of such approval. No bituminous material other than that represented by samples and testcertificatessubmittedshallbeusedbytheContractorexceptwiththewrittenconsentof the Engineer and the material shall comply in all respects with the requirements herein. Blendingofbituminousmaterialsfromdifferentrefineriesshallnotbepermittedwithoutthe knowledgeandapprovaloftheEngineer. Problems have been experienced with bitumen in some parts of Asia that relate to bitumen chemistry, in particular to undesirably high paraffin wax contents. Some penetration grade bitumensmaycomplywithstandardspecificationrequirementsbutperformbadlyinservice duetohighparaffinwaxcontentorsomeothercompositionalfactor.Bitumenproposedfor useshallbetestedtoestablishthefollowing: Viscositycharacteristicsat60and135degreescentigrade




Bitumen emulsion binder shall be quickbreaking anionic or cationic, dependent on cover aggregatetype,fromasourceapprovedbytheEngineerandhavingabitumencontent(%by weight) of not less than 60 and viscosity (Degrees Angler at 20C) between 6 and 20. The gradeshallbethatspecifiedintherelevantitemoftheBillofQuantities. b. CoverAggregate

Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT results indicate the resistance of bitumen to hardeningundertheinfluenceofheatandair) Paraffinwaxcontent(DINtestprocedure)

Cover aggregate specified in the relevant items of the Bill of Quantities shall be obtained fromasourceapprovedbytheEngineerandshallbenaturalscreenedgravelorcrushedhard rock/stone,cleanandfreefromadheringdust,achievedbywashinganddrying,oranyother detrimental substance that could impair the adhesion of bitumen and shall conform to the requirementsofsubclause1701.3CoverAggregateforsurface. For specific contracts, precoated cover aggregates shall be required as recommended in the contract drawings. Cover aggregate shall be precoated using cut back bitumen penetration grade80100intheratioof30%to70%bitumentocutterunlessotherwiseinstructedbythe Engineer. Precoating material shall be thinly and evenly applied by means of a fine pressure spray to a moving stream of aggregate or by mixing with the aggregate in an approved mixing plant so that all particles are fully coated but do not contain excess material. The coating shall be such that no material will drip from a particle of aggregate suspended between the fingers. Mixing in stockpiles will only be permitted of the Contractor can demonstrate compliance for mixing to the approval of the Engineer. Aggregate shall not containsufficientmoisturetocauseunevendistributionoftheprecoatingmaterialandshall not be used in the work until the moisture has evaporated and the precoating material has adhered effectively to the aggregate. Precoating of aggregate shall not be carried out when rain is imminent unless the aggregate is subsequently covered or unless the mixing of an adhesion agent in the precoating material has been authorised by the Engineer. In areas subject to dusty conditions, precoated aggregate shall not be stockpiled for any period longer than is necessary for moisture to dry out. When there is a visible coating of dust on theparticlestheEngineermaydirectthatportionsofthestockpilesbeprecoatedagain. Stockpiling of aggregates will be permitted only at locations approved by the Engineer. A separatestockpileshallbemadeforeachnominalsizeofaggregateateachlocation. The site of the stockpile shall be cleared of all vegetation and debris, graded and drained, and where the Engineer deems it necessary, the area shall be surfaced with a 100 mm compacted layer of approved material to prevent contamination of the lower layer of cover aggregate. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer each stockpile shall be built at least two metes highbytippinginlayersnotmorethanonemetredeepoverthewholeareaofthestockpile. The Contractor shall supply and planking or other material required in connection with movementofvehiclesoverandaboutthestockpiles. The bottom 50 mm layer of cover aggregate or any contaminated aggregate shall not be usedintheworkunlessotherwiseapprovedbytheEngineer. Stockpiles shall be kept dry from rainfall or ingress of water by covering with approved waterproof membranes and maintaining ground drainage to avoid seepage of ground water intostockpile. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:9of30


c. AdhesionAgents

Prior to the commencement of the surface dressing, the Contractor shall carry out tests under the supervision of the Engineer to determine the adhesion qualities of the aggregate and binder to be used. These adhesion tests will include, but not be limited to , the Immersion Tray Test described in Appendix 3 of TRRLORN 3. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the tests and trials indicate the need, the Engineer shall instruct the use of a proprietary adhesion agent :as admixture to the bitumen binder; to be applied along with precoatingtothecoveraggregate The Contractor shall supply and apply the specified adhesion agent in the quantities and in the manner instructed by the Engineer and in accordance with the manufactures instructions. The Contractor shall precoat cover aggregates only when instructed by the Engineer. 505.3. ConstructionRequirements a. BitumenDistributors

Operation Distributors shall be of constant volumeorpreferablyconstantpressuretype,selfpropelled, equipped with pneumatic tyres and have a minimum binder capacity of 4000 litres and each machine shall require the approval in writing of the Engineer for use in constructing the Works. Approvalwilldependonfulfillingthefollowingrequirements: Distributors shall be equipped with low range speedometer (fifth wheel) in good working condition, so located to be visible to the driver to enable him to maintain accurately the constant speed for spraying binder at the uniform specified rate. They shall be fitted with either a calibrated pressure gauge which accurately records the pressure of the bitumen at the spray bar for constant pressure distributors, or a binder pump delivery meter for constant volume distributors. Binder pumps shall be capable of maintaining constant pressureorconstantvolumeduringsprayruns. Distributors shall be fitted with burners in combination with a circulating pump capable of maintainingthebitumenwithoutoverheatingwithinthespecifiedtemperaturerangeandan accuratelycalibratedthermometerforindicatingthesprayingtemperatureofthebitumen. The spray bar shall be capable of applying bitumen binder to a minimum width of 2.30 meters with provision for application of lesser widths by closing jets. The spray bar shall have the capability of being raised and lowered to specified heights above the road and of being adjusted so that it is parallel with the road surface. The distributors shall be so designedtoallowthecirculationofhotbinderthroughthespraybarwhennotspraying. Spray bars shall be fitted with either slotted spray jets or preferably whirling spray jets, whose essential features are the ability to spray binder uniformly at the specified rate of spray, such that the speed of the distributor can be matched by the following chipping spreader during its normal chip spreading operation. If whirling spray jets are fitted the Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:10of30


spray bar shall be protected by a hood to reduce wind interference. Distributors shall be fitted with handlances with nozzle spray attachments for spraying small, inaccessible areas andtocorrectdeficienciesinthesprayrate. Prior to surface dressing operations, distributors shall be checked for leakages from spray jets and any other sources and these shall be eliminated. Distributors shall then be calibrated by a method approved by the Engineer and under his supervision, to establish uniformityoflateralsprayofbitumentowithin10%permittedvariationatanypointonthe surface from the mean spray rate. This calibration includes setting the spray bar height abovethesurfacetobesprayed,inaccordancewiththemanufacturersinstructions,soasto ensure that the designed overlap of jets is achieved. All spray jets shall be functioning so that each jet requirement has been achieved. Calibration shall be undertaken in accordance with the manufacturers instructions or in accordance with TRRLORN 3 Section 6.3 Distributor Speed Control and Calibration to establish the relationship between spray rate and road speed for constant pressure distributors and in addition, bitumen pump delivery rate and spray bar width for constant volume distributors. The distributors shall be capable of achieving a mean spray rate measured by the TRRLORN 3 Method B, which shall not vary bymorethan5%fromthespecifiedsprayrate. SafetyandMaintenance Bitumenheating,pumpingandsprayingoperationsshallbeentrustedonlytopersonnelwho have been adequately trained and who are competent in the use of the equipment. Unauthorised personnel shall not be allowed to remain in the vicinity during the above operations. Authorised personnel shall be provided with, and be required to wear, suitable protectiveclothing,i.e.overalls,heatproofgloves,boots,helmetsandgoggles. Specialcareisneededwhenchangingthetypeofbinderbeingusedinthedistributor.When changing from hot binders to bitumen emulsions, allresidualbinderinthetankandspraying system shall be drained completely and the spraying system flushed using diesel. When changing from emulsions to hot binders, all emulsion shall be drained/flushed from the distributorinordertoavoidfoamingwhenhotbinderisloaded.Whenitisnecessarytoload hot binder after using the distributor for spraying cutback bitumen, the cutback bitumen shallbedrainedcompletelyandthemanholeleftopenforsometimetoallowsolventvapour toescape. The spray bar shall be emptied of binder by blowing with air, or by diesel flushing when sprayingissuspendedforlengthyperiodsandattheendofeachdayswork. The binder shall be introduced into the distributor at a temperature equal to or just above the spraying temperature after preheating in separate tanks fitted with burners and circulating pumps for this purpose. The capacity of the decanters/preheating tank shall be sufficienttopreheatthebinderrequiredforthefulldayswork. The distributor burners shall be used onlytomakerelativelysmalladjustmentstothebinder temperature and shall not be used to raise the binder from ambient to spraying temperature. Under no circumstances shall distributor burners be operated during the spraying operation, or when the level of binder in the tank is less than 150 mm over the top of the flues, or when the distributor is moving. The need for end of day maintenance of the distributor is emphasised to reduce fire risk and to ensure its adequate performance when nextusedforbinderapplication. Maintenance of all equipment for the surface dressing operation shall be under the control of a competent senior mechanic, approved by the Engineer and fully experienced in the maintenanceofallequipmentandinthecalibrationofthebitumendistributor. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:11of30


The Contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control equipment and shall inform the engineer at least 14 days before commencing the surface dressing Work, of his detailed arrangements for traffic control. After review the Engineer will inform the Contractor in writing of his approval, subject to any modifications to the Contractors arrangements which herequiresfortrafficandconvenienceofthepublic. b. Workmanship

PreparationofSurface Surface dressing operations shall not commence until the Engineer has inspected and approved the primed base course. Major defects or damage shall be rectified by complete reworkingofthebasecourseafterremovalanddisposalofthedefectiveprimedbasecourse. Howeverifthesurfacetobetreatedcontainssmallbutlimitedholesordepressions,whichin the opinion of the Engineer require treatment, such irregularities shall be repaired by removal of all loose and defective material and replacement with a patching mixture compatible with the surrounding surface or other material approved by the Engineer, which shallbecompactedtoproduceatightsurfaceconformingwiththeadjacentarea. Irregularities which impair the riding qualities shall be corrected as instructed by the Engineer. Immediately prior to the application of binder, all loose dust and detrimental material shall be removed by sweeping and blowing by air compressor or by other means. If necessary, adhering mud and other material shall be removed by hand using wire brushes and water. Road furniture (manhole covers etc.), shall be protected from bitumen spray with adhesive paper or similar material. Kerbstones, roadside furniture and any other objects which will notbenefitfrombindersprayshallbeprotectedinamannerapprovedbytheEngineer. c. ApplicationofBinder

The application rate and spraying temperature of specified bitumen binder, cut back or emulsion shall be instructed by the Engineer on Site after design of the surface dressing, in accordance with the procedures set out in Chapter 5 of TRRLORN 3. The range of spraying temperatureforbindersisgiveninTRRLORN3Table9. TheContractorshallpresenthisdetailedprogrammeandarrangementsandmethodsforthe planning and execution of the surface dressing process to the Engineer for approval at least 28 days before he intends to commence this Work. The Contractors authorised representative shall be responsible for preparation of the programmes and arrangements and the Contractor shall not commence surface dressing until the Engineer has approved his programme. The Contractor shall base his programme on TRRLORN 3 Section 7. The Surface Dressing Process, SubSection 7.1 Planning and 7.2 The Surface Dressing Operation by selecting the activities appropriate to his particular Work Programme. The Contractor shall appoint a surface dressing supervisor approved by the Engineer who shall be fully competent to organise and implement the surface dressing operation with experience in operating all essentialequipment. All operations associated with the surface dressing process shall be described in the Contractorsarrangementsandshallincludebutnotbelimitedto: Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:12of30


method of bitumen supply, decanting, cutting back where required, heating and storing, transfertodistributorincludinglistsofequipmentandcapacities; locationandmethodofproductionofcoveraggregatesandprecoatingwithtypeandoutput ofequipment,includingcrusherswhereappropriate;and. method of performing the surface dressing process including type and capacity/weight of all mainandancillaryitemsofequipmentalongwithworkforcedetails. The Contractor shall provide, one day in advance, his following days surface dressing Work Programme, including his expected spray lengths and widths for each run with details of the quantity of cover aggregate available in approved chip spreaders standing by at the commencement of the spray run. Spraying shall not commence until sufficient cover aggregateisinthispositiontocovertheareaprogrammedforspraying. Thedistributorshallbefilledwithpreheatedbitumenbinderonthesameday,shortlybefore start of binder application. The distributor spray bar and jets shall be preheated by circulating hot binder and the jets operated for at least 10 seconds for testing. This operation shall be carried out before each spray run, offroad onto trays, or at a location where no environmental damage will be created. Jets shall be inspected by the Engineer for shape, direction, blockage or any other defects which shall be corrected before spraying is permitted. At the end of each spray run the distributor shall be driven offroad to avoid binder drippage on the pavement surface. Binder drippage from any location which may contaminate the road surface shall be sufficient for the Engineer to order removal of the offendingsourcefromtheroadwayuntilrepairsarecompleted. As emergency/temporary measures, drip protection of the pavement surface shall be provided by use of buckets/trays etc.Theseshallbeavailableforuseatalltimes,alongwith equipment for removal of binder spillages on the pavement surface, to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall carry out a trial section of surface dressing at a location instructed by theEngineertodemonstratetotheEngineerthathissurfacedressingoperationiscapableof constructing the surface dressing in accordance with the Specification. The trial length shall be minimum 200 meters using full spray bar width with full width application of cover aggregate. If the trial section of surface dressing complies with the Specification, the Contractor shall receive payment for the Work in accordance with the Contract as if it were Permanent Work. If the trial section of surface dressing fails to comply with the Specification, the Contractor shall carry out further trials until his surface dressing operation complies with the Specification. No payment will be made for trial sections that do not complywiththeSpecification. WhentheEngineerissatisfiedthattheContractoriscapableofconstructingsurfacedressing that complies with theSpecificationaftertrialsectionorsections,theContractorwillreceive permissiontocommencesurfacedressingaspermanentWorkontheroadpavement. Application of binder shall only be undertaken when the surface is dry or slightly damp, but in no circumstances when wet. If in the opinion of the Engineer rainfall is likely before the application of binder or cover aggregate or the temperature or the pavement surface has timetofallbelowthespecifiedminimumtemperatureof15C,theEngineerwillinstructthe Contractor to delay surface dressing work until weather conditions are satisfactory. Areas damaged by rainfall shall be rectified by the Contractor without additional payment, in a mannerinstructedbytheEngineer. IfintheopinionoftheEngineertheambienttemperatureistoocoldforsurfacedressing,the Contractor shall delay this operation until the temperature increases to the specified minimumlevelof15C. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:13of30


Building paper or other approved protective material shall be used at the start and finish of each spray run of sufficient width (not less than 600mm) to enable the distributor to reach its calibrated road speed with spray jets open before discharging binder onto the pavement under treatment. Ends of previous surface treatment runs shall be trimmed back to clean, straight transverse edges and these shall form the start point for subsequent runs, with completed work suitably protected as described above. Spray runs will be limited to 300 metres length initially until the Contractor demonstrates his ability to plan and execute longer lengths. Spray widths shall be calculated allowing for 150mm longitudinal overlap withadjoiningpassesandforthewidththatthefollowingchippingspreaderisabletocover. Longitudinal sprayed butt joints will not be permitted. The Contractor shall submit his spray widthandlengthproposalstotheEngineerforapproval. During spraying all passing traffic shall be stopped. If spray jets block, or the chipping spreader stops, or any other event occurs which may affect the surface treatment process, thenthespraybaroperatorimmediatelyshallstopspraying.Whenthedefectiveequipment oroperationisrectified,sprayingmayrestartwiththeEngineersapproval. The distributor shall be dipped and the binder temperature recorded before and after each spray run and spray length and width recorded on approved Record Sheets. The hot applicationrateshallbecalculatedandrecordedandcheckedagainstthespecifiedrate.The calculated actual rate shall not vary by more than 5% from the specified rate. The actual quantityofbindersprayedcorrectedto15.6Cshallbecalculated. At least eight clean preweighed metal spray trays shall be available for sampling the spray rateforeachsprayrun,tobeusedinaccordancewithTRRLORN3Section6.3MethodBif soinstructedbytheEngineer. To ensure that the spray runs are parallel with the road pavement the road centreline or edgeline shall be marked every 25 metres and a string line laid out for the distributor driver tofollowwiththeguidebarattachedtohissideofthecab. Where a second surface dressing is specified, the first surface dressing shall be left open to traffic for a minimum period of 21 days and preferably a longer period before applying the second surface dressing unless special approval is obtained from the Engineer for a shorter period. Surplus chippings shall be removed by firm handbrooming or powerbrooming beforeapplyingthesecondsurfacedressing. The spraying widths shall be so selected that the centreline joint of the second surface dressingisoffsetfromthatinthefirstsurfacedressingbyaminimum300mm. Handpouring pots or handlances shall be used to touch up carefully any parts of the first surface missed by the distributor/chipping spreader, or for the treatment of areas in which the distributor cannot operate and in this case only, chippings may be applied by an approvedmanualmethod. Areasdamagedbyexcessbitumenorspillagesofdieselorotherdeleteriousmaterialshallbe repaired by careful cutting out and removal followed by careful handpoured or handlance applicationofbinderandchippinginamannerapprovedbytheEngineer. The second surface dressing shall be undertaken when the first surface has been approved by the Engineer after all surplus chippings are removed, repairs carried out and the surface thoroughly cleaned as specified. The procedures to be followed are those specified for SurfaceDressinginthisSpecification. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:14of30


d. ApplicationofCoverAggregate

The cover aggregate shall be applied at the rate instructed by the Engineer on Site in square metres of coverage per cubic metre of loose aggregate after design of the surface dressing, inaccordancewithproceduressetoutinChapter5ofTRRLORN3. The cover aggregate shall be applied immediately after the binder is applied and with the approval of the Engineer may be applied slightly damp if not precoated to depress dust and helpadhesion.Aggregateappliedtosprayedbitumenemulsionshall,however,bedry. The cover aggregate shall be applied using approved mechanical spreaders, which shall be tailgate mounted on tipper trucks, pushed spreaders or selfpropelled spreaders, specifically manufactured for the purpose and they shall preferably be metered or any other means approved by the Engineer. They shall be capable of uniformly spreading cover aggregate at the instructed rate such that they can deliver the rate specified whilst travelling at the same speedasthebinderdistributorsduringspraying. The bitumen binder surface shall be covered with cover aggregate closely packed in one layersothatadjacentchippingsaretouchingandnobitumenbinderisleftuncovered. A sufficient number of loaded spreaders shall be available at the start of binder application to provide cover aggregate over the whole area programmed for spraying. The Contractor shall not commence spraying unless sufficient loaded spreaders are in place. Aggregate spreadingbymanualmethodswillnotbepermittedexceptincircumstanceswhere: a. mechanicalspreaderscannotoperateeffectivelyorsafely; b. additionalaggregate(backupwork)isrequired; c. breakdown of mechanical spreaders occurs during the spreading operations before stoppageofspraying; d. minorsurfacerepairsareinstructed. e. Labourbasedcontracts. The spreader shall follow the distributor at an interval not exceeding 10m for hot binder work and not exceeding 5m when using bitumen emulsion binder. A backup vehicle or other approved means shall be constantly inattendanceduringsurfacedressing,fromwhich additionalaggregatemaybehandappliedtoensurecompleteandrapidcoverage. Where an adjoining pass of the distributor is required, no aggregate shall be applied to the binderovera150200mmstripsoastopermitsubsequentoverlap. Under no circumstances will general brooming of the chipped surface be permitted. Aggregate spillage shall be removed with care and excess aggregates may be brushed off carefullyafteraminimumof3daysundertraffic,afterapprovaloftheEngineer. The cover aggregate shall be rolled with pneumatic multi tyred power rollers. Pneumatic tyred rollers shall have a wheel load in the 1000 2000kg range. Tyre pressures and sizes shall be in accordance with the manufactures recommendations and shall be the same on each axle and tyres shall be smooth and in good condition to provide uniform rolling of chippings. Engineer may approve use of smooth wheel roller having sufficient weight to embed the stone chippings into the binder without crushing them. The roller shall follow directlybehindthespreaderandshallcontinuetorollataspeedofapproximately810kph. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:15of30


Engineer shall fix the minimum number of roller passes for each coat, whichshallnotbeless than four. Each pass shall overlap the previous pass by minimum half width of roller rolling shall be continued until all cover aggregate particles are firmly bedded. Tyres / Wheels shall be in good condition and be kept clean and smooth to avoid pickup of bitumen and chippings. e. QualityControl

Bitumen The Contractor shall obtain a manufactures test certificate clearly crossreferenced to each bitumen consignment purchased for use in the Works confirming compliance of that consignment with the Specification. The Contractor shall not use any bitumen until the test certificates are received for that batch. The Contractor shall sample in the presence of the Engineer at least every 100 tonnes and every batch of bitumen after delivery to the Site in sufficient quantity to carry out one set of tests for compliance of the bitumen with the Specification. Testing will be carried out at a laboratory in ColomboandtheContractorshall arrangefortransportofthesamplesinsealedcontainerstothelaboratory. BitumenBindershallcomplywiththerequirementofsection1702. CoverAggregate The Contractor shall sample, in the presence of the Engineer initially one set of 3 representative specimens for each source of supply and subsequently when warranted by changes in the quality of aggregates for Aggregate Crushing Value or Los Angeles Abrasion 3 Value and at least every 50 m for Grading and Particle shape (flakiness & elongation). Additional samples shall be taken for testing where visible changes in the properties of the coveraggregatesareobservedbytheEngineer. Coveraggregateshallcomplywiththerequirementsofsubsection1701.3 Surfacefinish Thesurfacefinishshallconfirmtotherequirementsofthecontractonalignmentandsurface regularitysubsection1601. f. Measurement

Thequantityofbindermeasuredforpaymentofbitumenemulsionorbitumengrade80/100 pen and, if applicable, cutter shall be the actual number of litres at 15.6C used in the acceptedWorkasinstructedbytheEngineeronSite.Theconversionofbindermaterialfrom the spraying temperature at the time of measurement to the volume at 15.6C shall be carried out according to ASTM D 125056, ASTM IP Petroleum Measurement Tables. The measuredquantityshallbecalculatedastheproductoftheareasprayedandtheapplication rate instructed by the Engineer or the actual quantity sprayed on the area and accepted, whicheveristhelower. If cutback bitumen is used as binder, the quantity of binder measured for payment shall be separated into bitumen grade 80/100 pen and cutter in the proportion instructed by the Engineer for cutback bitumen. The quantities of Bitumen grade 80/100 pen and cutter so calculatedshallbepaidseparatelyattheratesintherelevantitemsintheBillofQuantities. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:16of30


Thequantityofadhesionagentmeasuredforpaymentshallbetheactualquantityinlitresat 15.6C used as instructed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer 24 hours in advance of his intention to apply the adhesion agent in the manner and quantity instructed by the Engineer so that joint measurement of the quantity used for be agreed. If theContractorfailstoinformtheEngineernopaymentwillbemadeforadhesionagent. The quantity of cover aggregate measured for payment shall be the number of cubic metres used as instructed by the Engineer on Site. The measured quantity shall be calculated as either the product of the area which received cover aggregate and the application rate instructedbytheEngineerortheactualquantityusedandaccepted,whicheveristhelower. g. Payment

Payment shall be made at the contract unit rates as per the net quantities of materials instructedbytheEngineeroractuallyusedandmeasuredforthesurfacedressingworks;per litre for supplying and applying (a) bitumen grade 80/100 pen, (b) cutter, (c) bitumen emulsion and (a) adhesion agent (Provisional Item); and per cubic metre for supply and application of cover aggregate. This prices shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, delivering and application of these materials and for all labour,equipment,toolsandincidentalsrequiredforcompletingthesurfacedressing. PayItem PayUnit 505(1) Bitumenpergrade(80100) Litre 505(2) Kerosene/dieselorotherapprovedcutter Litre 505(1)a Emulsion Litre 505(3) Adhesionagent Litre 3 505(4) 20mmchips m 505(5) 10mmchips m3 506. ASPHALTICCONCRETESURFACING 506.1. Description




Thisworkshallconsistoffurnishingmaterials,mixingatacentralmixingplant,andspreading andcompactingasphalticconcretewearingcourseonanapprovedbasecourseasandwhere shown on the Drawings and as instructed by the Engineer. The wearing course will be typicallyof50mmthicknessasspecified. 506.2. Materials Materials used shall conform to the requirements of the following, unless otherwise specified: (a) Thebitumenbindershallbe6070penetrationgradebitumentosubsection1702.1. (b) Thecoarseaggregateshallbeofnominalmaximumsize20mmandthefineaggregate shallconformtothegeneralrequirementsofsubsection1701.3(a).Whenthecoarse and fine aggregate are combined, along with filler where required, the combined gradingrequirementsshallbeasgiveninsubsection506.3forwearingCourseType3. The Contractor shall control the production of course aggregate, fine aggregate and filler for asphaltic concrete at the crushing and screening plant such that the grading of aggregates in stockpiles shall be uniform and consistent throughout the period of asphalt production and paving operations. Regular sampling of stockpiles by the Contractor shall be carried out to demonstrate the uniformity and consistency of grading of the aggregate production to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If significant changes occur to the aggregate grading during crushing and screening this will immediately effect the grading of the asphaltic concrete mix produced by the asphalt plant rendering it out of compliance with the job mix formula. Therefore the Contractor shall take immediate steps to rectify the irregularity in aggregate production and/or submit a new job mix formula based on the changed aggregate gradingsfortheapprovaloftheEngineer. Filler, where separately used in the mix, shall be cement, hydrated lime, crusher fines orotherinertmaterialtosection1706. 506.3. MixRequirements a. CombinedGradingofAggregateandBinderContent

The grading requirements for the combined aggregate and the binder content shall be as giveninTable5061forthewearingcoursestype1,2,3,4.ThewearingcourseshallbeType3 withnominalmaximumsizeofaggregate20mm.




Table 506.1 Aggregate grading, binder content and thickness requirements for wearing courses Mixclassification Wearing Wearing Wearing Wearing Course Course Course Course 1 2 3 4 ThicknessmmMax. 75 45 75 75 Min. 35 25 40 35 SieveSize mm/m 100 25.0 100 100 90100 100 19.0 80100 80100 7990 12.5 6593 7393 5680 6080 9.5 4573 5269 3565 4065 4.75 3558 3250 2349 2748 2.36 2648 2543 2040 1.18 1838 1935 1535 600 1328 1427 0519 1025 300 0820 0918 0717 150 0412 0510 0208 0509 75 Percentage binder 4.06.5 3.56.0 3.56.0 4.06.5 contentbytotalweightof mix Note ThesievesizesusedhereinareofASTMdesignation.HoweverequivalentBSsizesasgivenin Table1071ofsection107,maybeusedwiththepriorapprovaloftheEngineer. b. MixCharacteristics

The mix characteristics as determined by the Marshall Mix Designs procedure shall be as given in Table 5062(a) and 5062(b) for binder courses and for wearing courses respectively for low, medium or high traffic depending on whether the cumulative number of standard axles, for the design life of the surfacing, is less than 10,000 or between 10,000 and 1,000,000orgreaterthan1,000,000respectively. In the determination of the above, laboratory samples shall be prepared and tested as specifiedinsubsection1802.4(a). ThewearingcoursemixshallbedeterminedbyusingTable5062(b)HighTrafficcategory.




Table5062(a)BinderCourses No Description LowTraffic 1 Marshall stability Notlessthan2.25 inKN 2 Marshall flow 8to20 (0.25mm) 3 Air voids in mix 3to7 percent 4 Voids in mineral Notlessthan14 aggregatepercent Table5062(b)WearingCourses No Description LowTraffic 1 Marshall stability Notlessthan2.25 inKN 2 Marshall flow 8to20 (0.25mm) 3 Air voids in total 3to5 mix(percent) 4 Voids in mineral Notlessthan14 aggregate (percent) 506.4. JobMixFormula

MediumTraffic Notlessthan4.5 8to18 3to7 Notlessthan14

HighTraffic Notlessthan7.0 8to16 3to7 Notlessthan14

MediumTraffic Notlessthan3.33 8to18 3to5 Notlessthan14

HighTraffic Notlessthan7.0 8to16 3to5 Notlessthan14

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer in writing at least two weeks before the start of the work, the job mix formula proposed to be used by him for the work based on trial mix designs carried out in accordance with Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete (MS 2) published by the American Asphalt Institute or similar approved method which shall givethe followingdetails: (i) Asinglepercentageofaggregatepassingeachspecifiedtestsieve. (ii) Asinglepercentageofbindercontentbytotalweightoftotalmix. (iii) A single temperature at which the mix is emptied from the mixer which shall exceed 145degreesC. (iv) A single temperature at which the mix is to be delivered to the paver on the road whichshallexceed135degreesC. InadditiontheContractorshallgiventhesources,locationsofallmaterialsandthedetailsof themixdesignbasedonrequirementsgiveninTable5062(a)and(b). TheEngineershallchecktheproposedJobMixFormulaforcompliancewiththeSpecification andshallapprovethesamewhencomplianceisachieved. AllmixesproducedshallconformtothejobmixformulaapprovedbytheEngineerwithinthe rangesoftolerancesgiveninTable5063. Table5063JobMixToleranceforSingleTest Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:20of30


AggregatePassing12.5mmandlarger 8% AggregatePassing9.5mmand4.7mmsieves 7% AggregatePassing2.36mmand1.18mmsieves 6% AggregatePassing600mand300msieves 5% AggregatePassing150msieves 4% AggregatePassing75msieves 3% Bindercontentpercentweightoftotalmix 0.4% Temperatureofmixturewhenemptiedfrommixer 10C% Temperatureofmixturewhendeliveredonroad 10C% If a change in the materials or source of materials is proposed, or a change in the grading of the coarse and fine aggregate or filled occurs a new job mix formula shall be submitted and approvedbeforethemixcontainingthenewmaterialisdeliveredtosite. When unsatisfactory results or changed conditions make it necessary, the Contractor, if required,shallsubmitanewjobmixformulatotheEngineerforapproval. 506.5. ConstructionRequirements a. PreparationofExistingSurface


Where asphaltic concrete surfacings are laid over newly constructed aggregate bases, prior to construction, the surface shall be cleaned of extraneous matter and applied withaprimecoataspersection501. Where asphaltic concrete surfacings are laid on existing pavements, the surfaces of suchpavementsshallbecorrectedtotherequiredwidthandprofileasinstructed.All potholes,ruts,depressionsanddamagededges,shallbecorrectedasgiveninsections 1102 & 1103. Areas requiring reshaping and strengthening shall be corrected as per section408. On these corrected surfaces, where required, a tack coat shall be applied as per section502.



Where the mix is laid over cement concrete pavements or bridge decks, joints and cracks shall be cleaned and filled with bituminous material as approved, and any unevenness of the surface shall be corrected as required. A tack coat as per section 502shallthenbeappliedtothesurface. WeatherLimitations


The bituminous mix shall not be laid during rainy weather or when the surface on which it is laidisdamporwet. c. LimitationsDuetoEquipmentEtc.

No work shall be carried out when there is insufficient equipment for hauling, spreading, compaction and finishing or insufficient labour to ensure progress at a rate compatible with theoutputofthemixingplanttoensureacontinuouspavingoperation. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:21of30


d. Tolerancesforthewearingcoarsethicknessshallbeinaccordancewithclause1601. e. MixingPlantandthePreparationofMix ThicknessofCompactedMix

An approved mixing plant of the automatic batch type or of the continuous type shall be used for the preparation of the mix, which shall have the capacity sufficient to supply the paver continuously. The asphalt mixingplantshallgenerallycomplywithandbeoperatedin accordance with the Asphalt Plant Manual (MS3) published by the American Asphalt Institute. Themixershallbecapableofaccuratelybatchingtheaggregates,fillerandbinderandmixing same thoroughly so that the mixed material on discharge from the mixer is uniform in compositionandthatallaggregateparticlesarecompletelycoated. Batch type plants, shall be equipped with suitable means for accurately weighingofeachbin size of aggregate and the filler. The scales of such weighing mechanisms shall be calibrated at the frequencies as instructed by the Engineer using standard weights. The Contractor shallalwayshaveathandsufficientweightsforsuchcalibration. In continuous type plants the gate openings of the aggregate shall be calibrated by an approved process of weighing test samples. The bitumen feed line shall have a bypass arrangement in order that the meter can be calibrated. These calibrations shall be carried outatfrequenciesinstructedbytheEngineer. The mixing plant shall be capable of heating the aggregate and the binder separately to the appropriate temperatures. When wet aggregate is used, the plant shall have an added capacitytodrytheaggregatebeforeheating. The binder and mineral aggregate shall be heated separately to temperatures between 140 and 170 degrees C, and 150 and 170 degrees C respectively. The materials shall be mixed at temperatureswithinabsolutelimitsof145and170degreesC,evenallowingfortolerances. The plant shall, if situated in urban areas or required by the Ministry of Transport and Highways/Environmental Authority be equipped with an approved dust collector so constructed as to waste or return uniformly to the elevator all or any part of the material collected. The mixing plant shall be capable ofloadingthemixintotransportvehiclesinsuchamanner thatsegregationdoesnotoccur. Inadditiontheplantshallbeprovidedwiththefollowing: Covered protected ladders or stairways with secure hand rails in adequate number whichshallbeplacedatallpointsrequiredforaccessibilitytoalloperations. Coveringdevicesforpulleys,beltsanddrivemechanismsandothermovingparts. Ampleandunobstructedspaceonthemixingplatform. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:22of30


A clear and unobstructed passage at all times in and around the tipper loading space whichshallbekeptfreefromdrippingsfromthemixingplatform. Insulated flexible pipe connections to carry hot bitumen from the heated storage tankstothemixer. f. TransportofMix

The mix shall be transported from the mixing plant to the point of use in suitable purpose madetippingtrucks. The trucks shall be in good mechanical condition at all times. They shall have clean and smooth metal beds, that have been sprayed with water or lime solution or any other detergent solution approved by the Engineer, to prevent the mix from adhering to the beds. The amount of sprayed fluid shall however be kept to a practical minimum. All precautions shall be taken to avoid segregation of mixed materials and to ensure that they do not becomecontaminatedwithdustorforeignmatter. Any truck causing excessive segregation of bituminous material by its spring suspension or other contributing factors, or that shows oil leaks in detrimental amounts or that causes undue delays shall, upon instruction of the Engineer, be removed from the Works until such conditionsarecorrected. WheninstructedbytheEngineer,eachloadshallbecoveredwithaproperlyfastenedcanvas or other suitable material of such size as to protect the mix from the weather or dust. In order that the mix shall be delivered to the Site within the specified temperature range, duringcoldweatherorduringlonghauls,properlyfastenedinsulatingcoversshallbeused. Loadingandtransportingshallbecoordinatedsuchthatspreading,compactingandfinishing shall be completed during daylight hours unless adequate illumination, as approved by the Engineer,isprovidedbytheContractor.Workingduringdarknesswillnotbepermitted. Themixshallbedeliveredtothepaveratthesiteataminimumtemperatureof135degrees Centigrade. g. PavingPlantandLayingoftheMix

The mix shall be laid immediately after transporting, by means of approved mechanical self powered pavers. They shall be capable of spreading, finishing and providing initial compaction to the mix so that, the surfacing can be finished to the required lines, grades, levels, dimensions and cross sections intended, either over the entire width or over such other partial widths as may be practicable. The paving operation shall generally be carried out in accordance with the Asphalt Paving Manual (MS8) published by the American AsphaltInstitute. The pavers shall be equipped with receiving hoppers and spreading screws of the reversing type to place the mix evenly in front of adjustable steering devices and shall have reverse as well as forward travelling speeds. They shall also be furnished with a vibrating screed (levelling) unit equipped with suitable burners or heaters and tamping bars or vibration attachmentsalloperatinginaccordancewiththemanufacturesinstructions. The pavers shall be able to confine the edges of the pavement to true lines without the use of stationary side forms. The equipment shall include blending or joint levelling devices for smoothingandadjustinglongitudinaljointsbetweenlanes.Theassemblyshallbeadjustable




to achievethecrosssectionalshapeandleveltolerancesprescribedandshallbesodesigned andoperatedastoplacetherequiredthicknessandweightpersquaremetreofmaterial. A fully trained and experienced operator shall be in direct charge of the paver at all times. Thepaversshallbeoperatedsoastoavoiddraggingofthematerial. Thebituminousmix,afterspreading,finishingandinitialcompactionbythepaver,shallhave asmoothsurfacefreeofirregularitiescausesbydragging,tearingorgouging. During construction, if it is seen that the paver in operation leaves on the surfacing tracks or indented areas or other objectionable irregularities or segregation of mix, which cannot be satisfactorily corrected by normal operations, the use of such a paver shall be discontinued forthwithandanothersatisfactorypavershallbeprovidedbytheContractor. In narrow widths and in restricted areas where the paver cannot operate, the mix may be manually laid, in which case, care shall be taken to avoid segregation. Manually laid strips shallberolledatthesametimeasthepaverlaidworkandallowanceshallbemadeforextra compaction of these strips using appropriate approved purpose made compaction equipment. Any defects in the laid surface shall immediately be rectified before rolling commences and there shall be no unnecessary scattering back by hand of material on paver laidwork. h. CompactionProcedure

Immediately after the mix has been spread as struck off, the surface shall be checked and any irregularities adjusted. Rolling shall commence as soon as the material will support the roller without undue displacement or cracking. The mix shall then be thoroughly and uniformlycompactedbyrolling,accordingtothesequenceofrollingasgivenbelow: (i) Transversejoints (ii) Longitudinaljoints,whereapplicable (iii) Outsideedge (iv) Initialorbreakdownrolling (v) Secondorintermediaterolling (vi) Finishorfinalrolling Normally the first rolling of all joints and edges and the initial or breakdown rolling, shall all be done with static weight (tandem or three wheel) or vibratory steel wheeled tandem rollersandthesecondorintermediaterollingwithpneumatictyredrollers.Useofanyother rollers for the above purposes shall be with the priorapprovaloftheEngineer.Duringinitial or breakdown rolling, the direction of travel of the roller shall be such that the powered or driving wheel passes over the uncompacted mix first, before the driven wheel. The second intermediate rolling shall follow the initial or breakdown rolling as closely as possible while the bituminous mix is still plastic and at a temperature that will result in maximum density. The final rolling shall be accomplished with static weight tandems or vibratory tandems (withoutvibration)whilethematerialisstillwarmenoughforremovalofrollermarks. In general the type roller or roller combination to be used shall be proposed by the Contractor for the approval of the Engineer prior to the commencement of work and the rollersshallsatisfytherequirementsgivenin506.5(j). The speed of the rollers shall not exceed the limits given in table 5064 and shall be at all timesbeslowenoughtoavoiddisplacementofthehotmix. Table5064 Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:24of30


Typeofroller SteelWheeledRollers PneumaticTyredRollers VibratoryRollers

Speed(Km/hr) Breakdown Intermediate 3 5 5 5 5 5

Finish 5 8

During stages of initial, intermediate and final rolling, rolling shall commence at the low side of the spread and progress towards the higher side parallel to the centre line of the pavement.




When the roller has passed over the whole area once, any high spots or depressions which become apparent shall be corrected by either removing or by adding fresh material. The rolling shall be continued till the entire surface has been compacted adequately and the roller marks have been eliminated. Each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one half of the proceeding pass. The roller wheels shall be kept damp if required to avoid the material sticking to the wheels and being picked up. However, the quantity of waterusedforthispurposeshallbetheminimumrequiredandshallnotformpuddlesonthe areaundercompaction. When using a vibratory roller for the compaction of a surfacing the vibration shall be turned off before the roller stops when reversing direction, and turned on after it starts in the new direction. Vibratory rollers shall not be used for surfacings of thickness less than 50mm, unless otherwiseapprovedbytheEngineer. Thebreakdownandtheintermediaterollingshallbecarriedoutattemperaturenotlessthan 135degreesCand115degreesCrespectively. Thefinalrollingshallbecompletedbeforethetemperatureofthemixfallsbelow90degrees C. Rollers shall not be allowed to stand on newly laid material until 6 hours has elapsed after completionofthecompactionofthesurfacing. When the bituminous mix is spread in areas that are inaccessible to rollers such as places near kerbs and manholes etc., compaction shall be achieved by hand tampers, mechanical tampers, or small vibrating plate compactors to the approval of the Engineer. In such locationsspreadingandcompactingshallbecarriedoutpromptlybeforethemixcoolsbelow aminimumof120degreeC. The density of all samples taken from the compacted surface course shall not be less than 98% of the Marshall Density at the point appropriate to the locations. The sample densities shallbedeterminedasgiveninsubsection1802.4(c). i. j. RequirementsofCompactingEquipment NotinUse


General Generally, with each paver, a minimum of 3 rollers shall be provided by the Contractor. On small projects involving a total of less than 5000 tonnes of material theminimumrequirementsshallbeonetandemroller. All rollers shall be self propelled, capable of being reversed without backlash and equipped with power steering, dual controls allowing operation from either the right orleftside.Theyshallhavewatertankswithsprinklersystemstoensureevenwetting ofrollsortyres.

The rolling surface of the wheels of a steel wheel roller shall be checked for wear. If grooves or pits have worn into the rolling surface, the roller shall not be used on the workarea. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:26of30


Each roller shall have a calibration chart showing the relationship between depth of ballast and weight and giving the tare weight of the roller. Each roller shall be in a goodconditionandshallbeoperatedbyacompetentandexperienceddriver. (ii) SteelWheeledRollers Steel wheeled rollers (tandem or three wheel) shall weigh not less than 8 metric tonnes.Theminimumrollingpressureoftherearwheelsofeachthreewheeledroller oratleastonerollofeachtandemrollershallbe35KN/mofrollerwidth. PneumaticTyredRollers Pneumatic tyred rollers shall have not less than seven wheels (3 wheels on the front axle and four on the rear) fitted with smoothtreadcompactortyres,ofequalsizeand construction, capable of operating at inflated pressures upto 850 kN/square metre. Thewheelsshallbeabletomoveupanddownindependentlyofoneanother.Wheels shall be equally spaced along both axle lines and arranged so that tyres on one axle linetractfallsmidwaybetweenthoseontheotherwithanoverlap.Thetyresshallbe kept inflated to the manufacturers specified operating pressures with variation not exceeding 36 kN/square metre. Means shall be provided for checking and adjusting the tyre pressures on the job at all times. For each size and type of tyre used, each roller shall have charts or tabulations showing the relationship between wheel load, inflation pressure and tyre contact pressure, width and area. Each roller shall be equipped with means of adjusting its total weight by ballasting so that the load per wheel can be varied from 1,500 to 2,500 kilograms. In operation the tyre inflation pressure and the wheel load shall be adjusted, as required by the Engineer, to meet the requirements of each particular application in general the compaction of any course with a pneumatic tyred roller shall be accomplished with contact pressures as highasthematerialwillsupport. VibratoryRollers Generally Vibratory rollers shall be equipped with automatic vibration control which cutsoutthevibratorysystembeforethemachinecomestoahalt. The minimum operating weight of the roller shall be 6 tonnes and minimum drum width 0.9 m, the minimum linear drum applied force 44 KN/m and the minimum frequencyofvibration33Hz(200cycles/min). k. Joints



Both longitudinal and transverse joints in successive courses shall be staggered so as not to be one above the other. As far as practicable, longitudinal joints shall be arranged so that the joints in the top course shall be at the location of the line dividing the traffic lanes, and thetransversejointsshallbestaggeredataminimumof250mmandbestraight. Longitudinal and transverse joints shall be made in a careful manner so that well bonded sealedjointsareprovidedforthefulldepthofthecourse.Nomixtureshallbeplacedagainst previously rolled material unless the edge is trimmed vertically to line and the vertical edge applied with a very thin coating of binder just before additional mix is placed against the previouslycompactedmaterial. Paving shall be as nearly continuous as possible and rollers shall pass over the unprotected endoffreshlylaidmixonlywhenauthorisedbytheEngineer.Inallsuchcasesprovisionshall be made for a properly bonded and sealed joint with the new surface for the full depth of thecourseasspecifiedabove.Beforeplacingmixagainstthem,allcontactsurfacesofkerbs, Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:27of30


gutters, manholes, etc., shall be given a thin uniform coating of hot bitumen and the joints between these structures and the surface mix shall be effectively sealed by the subsequent spreading,finishingandcompactionoperations. l. MiscellaneousRequirements

The Contractor shall provide suitable means for keeping all small tools clean and free from accumulations of bituminous material. He shall provide and have ready for use at all times enough tarpaulins or covers, as may be directed by the Engineer, for use in any emergency such as rain, chilling wind, excessive dust or unavoidable delay, for the purpose of covering or protecting any material that may have been dumped and not spread. Generally the hot mix shall be discharged directly from the asphalt delivery trucks into paver receiving hopper unlesstheEngineerapprovesdumpingandspreadingbyhandindifficultareasnotaccessible by paver when spreading and compaction shall be carried out promptly at a minimum mix temperatureof120degreeC. m. Aftercare

Sections of the newly finished work shall be protected from traffic of any kind until the mix has sufficiently hardened. Also traffic shall normally, not be permitted over newly laid surfaces at least for twelve hours after laying or the temperature of the newly laid surfacing hasachievedtheambienttemperature. In the event any binder course is constructed initially the surface so formed shall be maintained in its finished condition until the surface course is placed thereon, and any damage caused shall be made good by the contractor. If the damage could be attributed to thenegligenceofthecontractorisitshallbecorrectedathisownexpense. n. SurfaceFinishandQualityControl

The Asphaltic Concrete Surfacings shall be finished to the requirements given in section 1601. The Contractor on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised in accordance with section1602. 506.6. MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Asphaltic Concrete Surfacings shall be measured by sq.m of mix furnished, spread, compacted, completed and accepted. Measurements shall be of the areas and thickness as shownontheDrawings,describedintheSpecificationorinstructedbytheEngineer. Deficiencies in thickness of the wearing course shall, unless an overlay is constructed at the Contractors expense, result in a proportion only of the wearing courseareabeingmeasured for payment. Proportions shall be determined in accordance with the thickness deficiencies andareaproportionsdescribedbelow. Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:28of30


Thickness of asphaltic concrete wearing course shall be determined by average calliper measurementofcores,roundedupwardstothenearestmm. Paved sections to be measured separately shall consist of each 300 lin.m section in each trafficlane.Thelastsectionineachtrafficlaneshallbe300mplusthefractionalpartof300 m remaining. Other areas such as intersections, entrances, crossovers, ramps, etc. shall be measured a one section and the thickness of each shall be determined separately. Small irregularunitareasmaybeincludedaspartofanothersection. OnecoreshallbetakenfromeachsectionbytheContractoratapprovedlocationsandinthe presenceoftheEngineer.Whenthemeasurementofthecorefromanypavedsectionisnot deficient by more than 5 mm from the specified thickness, the core will be deemed to be of thespecifiedthicknessasshownontheDrawings. When the measurement of the core from any paved section is deficient by more than 5 mm but not more than 15 mm, 2 additional cores spaced at not less than 100 m shall be taken andusedtogetherwiththefirstcoretodeterminetheaveragethicknessofsuchsection When the measurement of the core from any paved section is less than the specified thicknessbymorethan15mm,theaveragethicknessofsuchsectionshallbedeterminedby taking additional cores at not less than 5 m intervals parallel to the centreline in each direction from the affected location until, in each direction, a core is taken which is not deficient by more than 20 mm. Exploratory cores for deficient thickness will not be used in averagethicknessdeterminations. Any deficiencies in the total thickness of wearing courses shall be subject to a proportional reductionintheareaofwearingcoursemeasuredforpayment.Alternatively,theContractor shall construct all at his own expense, a wearing course overlay, if practicable in the judgement of the Engineer. Any such overlay shall be a minimum of 40 mm compacted thicknessandtothespecifiedstandardofthecourseitisoverlaying. Where the average total thickness ofwearingcourseisdeficientbymorethan5mmbutnot morethan20mm,adjustmentsshallbemadeintheareameasurementsasfollows. DeficiencyinTotalThicknessofWearingCourses DeficiencyinThicknessas ProportionofWearingCourseArea DeterminedbyCores(mm) MeasuredforPayment 0.0to5.0 100% 5.1to10.0 80% 10.1to15.0 60% 15.1to20.0 40% b. Payment

Payment for asphaltic concrete surfacing will be made at the contract unit rate for the item as measured above. The price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, for mixing and placing of the mixed material and for providing all plant, machinery, equipment, tools,labourandincidentalsnecessarytocompletetheworktothesespecifications. ThePayItemandPayUnitwillbeasfollows: Series500SurfaceApplications Pageno:29of30


PayItem 506(1)

PayUnit AsphalticConcreteSurfacingWearingCourse compactedthickness50mm AsphalticConcreteSurfacingBinderCourse compactedthickness50mm sq.m.

506(2) 507.



507.6 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The Cold mix surfacings shall be measured by the Square metres of material compacted in place and accepted. Measurement shall be based on the width shown in the cross section drawings and the actual length measured horizontally along the centreline of the surface of theroad. b. Payments

Deleteafterparagraphthreeandinsertthefollowing: ThepaymentforColdmixsurfacingwillbebasedonthecontractunitrateforthecompleted work of the Cold mix surfacing which shall include full compensation for providing all materials labour, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to carry out the construction worksinaccordancewiththespecifications. ThePayitemsandPayunitswillbeasfollows: PayItem PayUnit 507(1) ProvideandplaceColdmixsurfacing Sq.Metre




SERIES600UNPAVEDROADS CONTENTS 601 GRAVELLINGOFEARTHROADSANDREGRAVELLINGOFGRAVELROADS..................................... 2 Description......................................................................................................................... 2 Materials............................................................................................................................ 2 MechanicalStabilisation(Blending) .................................................................................... 3 ConstructionRequirements ................................................................................................ 3 MeasurementandPayment ............................................................................................... 4

601.1. 601.2. 601.3. 601.4. 601.5.





DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: This work shall consist of the placing and compacting of gravel wearing course on an existing pavement or prepared subgrade in accordance with lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross sectionsshownonthedrawingsandasinstructedbytheEngineer. 601.2. Materials DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The material for gravel wearing course shall be obtained from sources located by the contractor and approved by the Engineer or from existing pavement layers. The material used shall be aggregate, as dug soils, or material obtained by blending two or more soils or soil / sand mixes referred to as mechanicalstabilisation. The Contractors attention is drawn to the scarcity of naturally occurring gravel and shall make due allowanceformixingofmaterialsinmechanicalstabilisationinaccordancewithSection601.3below. Thematerialforgravelwearingcourseshallhavethefollowingcharacteristics: SLProperties No. LiquidLimit(LL)nottoexceed(%) Plasticity Index (PI) not to exceed (%) Plasticity Product (PP) (PI x % passing0.075)nottoexceed Maximum Dry Density not less than(kg/m3) 4 days Soaked CBR at 98% MDD notlessthan(%) TestMethod AASHTO T89 T90 T180/Bs1377. Test14 T193 Subbase 40 12 240 1750 30

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Materials of slightly higher values of PI and LL may be allowed at the discretion of the Engineer if the plasticityproductdoesnotexceed240. Series600UnpavedRoads Pageno:2of4


GradingRequirementsforSubbaseMaterial: The grading of the material shall be a smooth curve within and approximately parallel to the grading envelopegivenbelow: SieveSize(mm) 37.5 20 10 5 2.36 0.425 0.075 The Contractor shall make due allowance for mixing of materials in mechanical stabilisation when necessary. 601.3. MechanicalStabilisation(Blending) Nochange. 601.4. a. ConstructionRequirements MinimumThicknessofGravelWearingCourse DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Theminimumthicknessofgravelwearingsurfaceshallbe100mm,unlessotherwisespecified. b. PreparationofExistingSurface Nochange. c. PlacingandCompactionofGravel DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Gravel wearing course material shall be spread by means of graders or other equipment or by manual spreading as approved by the Engineer. Gravel wearing course material shall be compacted by means of selfpropelled or towed steel wheeled rollers which are capable of achieving the density requirements stipulated in this Clause. Water shall be applied by means of equipment which is capable of distributing the applied water uniformly over the surface of the layer. The gravel wearing course andgravelshouldermaterialshallbecrushedand/orscreenedatsourcetoremovealloversize material. The material shall be transported in such a way, that no segregation occurs. The material shallbespreadinlayerstoachievethespecifiedthicknessrequirement. Priortocompaction,themoisturecontentofthespreadmaterialshallbeadjustedasnecessaryeither by the uniform application of water or drying out, to achieve within 1% to +2% of the optimum moisture content when determined in accordance with by BS1377, Test 13 (Modified) or AASHTO T 180. Series600UnpavedRoads Pageno:3of4 %Passing 100 80100 5580 4060 3050 1530 515


Thematerialshallbecompactedbytheuseofapprovedrollersprogressinggraduallyfromtheoutside towards the centre of the layer, except on superelevated curves, where the rolling shall begin at the lowsideandprogresstothehighside.Eachsucceedingpassshalloverlapthepreviouspassbyatleast onethirdoftherollerwidth.Rollingshallcontinueuntiltheentirethicknessofeachlayeristhoroughly and uniformly compacted to the specified density. Any area, which is inaccessible to rolling equipment,shallbecompactedbymeansofmechanicaltampersorotherequipmentapprovedbythe Engineer. Upon completion of compaction, the surface of the completed layer shall be tightly bound, freefrommovementunderthecompactionplant,andfreefromlaminations,ridges,cracksorlooseor segregatedmaterial. Theinsitudensityofthecompletedlayershallnotbelessthan95%ofthemaximumdrydensitywhen determined in accordance with the requirements of BS1377, Test 13 (Modified) or AASHTO T180 methodD.ThedrydensityshallbedeterminedinaccordancewiththerequirementsofAASHTOT190. Alternatively, if approved by the Engineer/Supervisor, the dry density may be determined by use of a nuclear densometer which shall be accurately calibrated before use, and at intervals thereafter, againstresultsobtainedinaccordancewithAASHTOT190. d. SurfaceFinishandQualityControl NoChange. 601.5. MeasurementandPayment DeletethisSubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The Gravel wearing course shall be measured as finished and accepted work in position in Cubic metres. Volume measurements shall be based on cross section drawings and the actual length measuredparalleltothegradelineoftheroad Payments Deleteafterparagraphthreeandinsertthefollowing: ThepaymentforGravelwearingcoursewillbebasedonthecontractunitrateforthecompletedwork of the Gravel wearing course which shall include full compensation for providing all materials labour, tools,equipmentandincidentalsnecessarytocarryouttheconstructionworksinaccordancewiththe specifications. ThePayitemsandPayunitswillbeasfollows: PayItem UnitofMeasurement 401(1) ProvideandplaceGravelwearingcourse Cu.Metre




SERIES700DRAINAGECONSTRUCTION CONTENTS 701. 701.1. 701.2. 701.3. 701.4. 702. 702.1. 702.2. 702.3. 702.4. 703. 703.1. 703.2. 703.3. 703.4. 703.5. 704. 705. 705.1. 705.2. 705.3. 705.4. 706. 706.1. 706.2. 706.3. 706.4. 707. 707.1. 707.2. 707.3. 707.4. 707.5. 707.6. 707.7. ROADSIDEANDLEADAWAYSURFACEDRAINS.................................................................2 Description .................................................................................................................2 Materials ....................................................................................................................2 ConstructionRequirements. .......................................................................................2 Measurement&Payment. ..........................................................................................3 SUBSURFACEDRAINS(UNDERDRAINS) ...........................................................................4 Description .................................................................................................................4 Materials ....................................................................................................................4 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................................4 MeasurementandPayment........................................................................................4 MANHOLES,CATCHPITSANDINLETS ...............................................................................5 Description .................................................................................................................5 Materials ....................................................................................................................5 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................................5 GradeAdjustmentofExistingStructures .....................................................................5 MeasurementandPayment........................................................................................5 UNDERGROUNDPIPEDRAINS .........................................................................................6 DRAINAGEBACKFILLBEHINDEARTHRETAININGSTRUCTURES ........................................6 Description .................................................................................................................6 Materials ....................................................................................................................6 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................................6 MeasurementandPayment........................................................................................7 WEEPHOLESFOREARTHRETAININGSTRUCTURES ..........................................................8 Description .................................................................................................................8 Materials ....................................................................................................................8 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................................8 MeasurementandPayment........................................................................................8 PIPECULVERTS................................................................................................................8 Description .................................................................................................................8 Materials ....................................................................................................................9 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................................9 Jointing..................................................................................................................... 11 Backfilling ................................................................................................................. 11 Headwalls,Wingwalls,andotherancillaryworks ...................................................... 11 MeasurementandPayment...................................................................................... 11





701.1. Description Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: This work shall consist of the construction of roadside and leadaway surface drains, unlined or lined and covered where required, to dimensions grades and in positions shown in the DrawingsorinstructedbytheEngineer. 701.2. Materials Addattheendofthesubsection: (e) Thecoverslabsshallbeprecastandmeettherequirementsofsection1705. 701.3. ConstructionRequirements. a. CuttingandFormationofEarthDrains

Addattheendoftheparagraphone: Theexcavationshallbecarriedoutassection301A. b. LinedDrains

Deleteparagraphs2to4andsubstitutethefollowing: Where the lining is of precast sections, they shall be of A or B class concrete of Grade 20/20 or Grade 20/40, laid on a prepared bed to line and level. Unless otherwise instructed, the jointsshallbefilledusing1:3cementmortar. Insitu construction with concrete (A or B class concrete of Grade 20/20 or 20/40), R.R masonry or brick or block work shall be carried out as given in the Drawings and with the requirements of section1006 & 1007 or as instructed by the Engineer. Where specified, or wherefoundnecessary,theyshallbesurfacelinedwith1:3cementmortarwithneatcement finishing. Bricks, blocks or other material used shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Rubble paving with mortar jointing, where specified, shall be carried out using selected rubble, hammer dressed as necessary, to ensure proper embankment of the rubble and also to obtain a reasonable smoothness to the surface finish after the jointing with 1:3 cement mortariscompleted. Addattheendofthesubsection: c. Coverslabs

Whereitisrequiredforthelineddrainstobecovered,unlessotherwiseinstructed,theslabs shallbeofprecastconcreteofClassAorBofgrade25/20,andreinforcedasindicatedinthe Drawings. Series700DrainageConstruction Pageno:2of12


701.4. Measurement&Payment. a. Measurement.

Deleteparagraphoneandsubstitutethefollowing: The excavation for lined and unlined drains shall be measured and paid as provided in section 301A. The quoted rates shall include cost of formwork, reinforcement. Plastering withneatcementsmoothfinishingshallbemeasuredseparately. b. Payment.

DeletePayItemsandPayUnitsandsubstitutethefollowing: PayItem UnitofMeasurement 701(1) LiningofDrainswithprecastunits, classAorB20/40concreteunits Ln.metre 701(2) PrecastreinforcedCoverSlabs75mm thick,withclassAorB25/20concrete Sq.metre 701(3) PrecastreinforcedCoverSlabs100mm thick,withclassAorB25/20concrete Sq.metre 701(4) PrecastreinforcedCoverSlabs125mm thick,withclassAorB25/20concrete Sq.metre 701(5) LiningofDrainswithInsituclassAorB Grade20unreinforcedconcrete Cu.Metre 701(6) LiningofDrainswithInsituclassAorB 20reinforcedconcrete Cu.Metre 701(7) LiningofDrainswithR.R.Masonry Cu.Metre 701(8) LiningofDrainswithBrickMasonry Cu.Metre 701(9) LiningofDrainswithBlockMasonry Cu.metre 701(10) RubblePavinginDrains Sq.metre 701(11) Plastering Sq.metre






702.1. Description Nochange. 702.2. Materials Deleteparagraphtwoandsubstitutethefollowing: Unlessotherwiseinstructed,theperforatedpipetobeinstalledshallbeof150mmdiameter PVC pipe, at least 4 mm thick. The pipe shall be drilled with 4 rows of 8 mm diameter holes at 150mm centres on the bottom half of the perimeter of the pipe as shown on the Drawings. 702.3. ConstructionRequirements




Addthefollowing: The permeable material shall be laid and lightly compacted in layers not exceeding 300mm. Care shall be taken to prevent the contamination of permeable material during construction of the subsurface drains and all permeable material contaminated by soil or silt or other deleteriousmaterialshallberemovedandreplacedbytheContractorathisownexpense. WherespecifiedororderedbytheEngineer,geofabricfilterasspecifiedinSection1710shall be installed as shown on the Drawings. Filter fabric shall not be exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods and shall be protected from mechanical damage during installation andconstruction. 702.4. MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Addthefollowing: The rate for filter fabric shall include full compensation for furnishing, procuring, cutting, overlap,jointing,placingandprotectingthefabricasspecifiedaswellasforwastage. b. Payment

Addthefollowing: PayItem 702(3)Provideandplacefilterfabric

PayUnit Sq.metre






703.1. Description Nochange 703.2. Materials Deletethefirstparagraphandsubstitutethefollowing: ConcreteforprecastunitsorforinsituconstructionshallbeAorBclass,andofgrade20/20. Materials for rubble and brick or block masonry shall be as specified in section 1006 & 1007 respectively. 703.3. ConstructionRequirements Deleteparagraphs3to5andsubstitutethefollowing: Precast units, reinforced or unreinforced, shall be manufactured using concrete of Class A or Bandofgrade20/20unlessspecifiedinthedrawings.Theinstallationsofprecastunitsshall be to required lines and on prepared beds of approved soils, concrete or any other material asindicatedintheDrawingsorasinstructedbytheEngineer. Insitu construction of catchpits and manholes shall be carried out using concrete, rubble masonry, brick masonry, or block masonry, as specified or instructed on site. The concrete used shall be of Class A or B and of grade 20/40 unless specified in drawings . Rubble masonry,brickorblockmasonryshallconformtotherequirementsofsection1006and1007 respectively, Insitu construction of inlets shall be carried out using concrete of Class A or B and of grade 20/20. 703.4. GradeAdjustmentofExistingStructures Nochange. 703.5. MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Nochange. b. Payment

DeletePayItemsandPayUnitsandsubstitutethefollowing: PayItem UnitofMeasurement 703(1) Manholescastinsitu,concrete Number 703(2) Manholesrubblemasonry Number 703(3) Manholesbrickmasonry Number 703(4) Manholesblockmasonry Number 703(5) ConcreteManholereconstructed Number 703(6) RubbleManholesreconstructed Number Series700DrainageConstruction Pageno:5of12


703(7) 703(8) 703(9) 703(10) 703(11) 703(12) 703(13) 704.

BrickManholesreconstructed BlockManholesreconstructed Catchpitscastinsitu,concrete Catchpitsrubblemasonry Catchpitsbrickmasonry Catchpitsblockmasonry Inletscastinsitu,concrete

Number Number Number Number Number Number Number




705.1. Description Nochange. 705.2. Materials a. Aggregatebackfill

NoChange b. FilterMedium

Deletethesecondparagraphandsubstitutethefollowing: The back of abutment, wing wall, return wall shall be provided with a vertical layer of granularfillmaterialabout1mthicktoserveasafiltermedia. Filter shall consist of sound gravel stone, Over Burnt brick ballast and coarse sand and shall requiretheEngineersapprovalpriortouse. The filter material shall be well compacted to a firm condition and constructed along with selected granular fill materials. The small size materials shall be placed towards soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind walls to the full height. SelectedGranularFillMaterials Granular materials to be used for backfilling and bedding underneath foundation for box culvert shall be granular materials equivalent to subbase standards, Section 400 of this specification.Theextentofgranularfillingshallbeasshowninthedrawingorasdirectedby theEngineer. The aggregate and filter medium shall be free of organic material, clay or other materials whichwilladverselyaffectthefreedrainageofwater.

705.3. ConstructionRequirements Series700DrainageConstruction Pageno:6of12


Deleteparagraph2and3andsubstitutethefollowing: Back filling with filter material shall be done with approved material after concrete or masonryisfullysetandcarriedoutinsuchawayasnottocauseunduethrustonanypartof the structure. All space between foundation masonry or concrete and the sides of excavation shall be refilled to the original surface making due allowance for settlement in 150mmlooselayerseachofwhichshallbecompactedtotheEngineersapproval. The fill materials behind the structure and foundation shall be laid in layers simultaneously with the laying of filter media on each side of structure and the compaction shall be done with mechanical tampers or any other methods as approved by the Engineer to avoid displacementandunequalpressureonthestructure. Construction of embankment shall be suspended at such points to be determined by the Engineer from where embankment shall form approaches. Filling behind the structures forming a part of approaches shall be carried out on completion of the work on the main embankment.Innocasethereshalltherebeanyinterferenceofconstructionofabutments, wingsreturnwallswiththatofembankment. The sequence of filling behind abutments wing walls and return walls shall be so controlled that the assumptions made in the design are fulfilled as indicated in the relevant drawings. For example, if the earth pressure in front of the abutment is assumed in the design, the front filling shall also be done simultaneously along with the filling behind abutment, layers by layers and in case the filling behind abutment before placing the superstructures is considered not desirable, the filling behind abutment should be deferred to a later date. Wedging action against structures shall be prevented by taking special precautions and the slopes bounding the excavation for the structure shall be stepped or serrated to prevent such wedging action. Adequate numbers of weep holes as per specification Clause No. 3.12 of specification shall be provided to prevent any accumulation of water and build up of hydrostaticpressurebehindthewalls.

705.4. MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Deleteandsubstitutethefollowing: Mode of measurement for filter and bedding material shall be in cubic metre of compacted volumeasshownindrawingorasinstructedbytheEngineer b. Payment

Addthefollowing: Unitrateshallincludecostofmaterials,labourandtoolsandplants,compaction,testingand all as specified to complete the work, and shall include the cost of any necessary excavation ofunsuitablematerial. PayItem PayUnit 705(1)Excavating,asnecessary,providing, placingandcompactingapproved granularmaterialsbeneathfloorslabs Series700DrainageConstruction Pageno:7of12


ofculvertsasperdrawingsandSection 705ofspecification. 705(2) Providing,layinggranularfillerback fillingbehindabutmentandbehind wingwallsforBoxCulvertincluding compactionallcompleteasper Section705ofspecification. 705(3) Providingandfillingselectedgranular fillermaterialsbehindabutmentsand behindretainingwallsinlayersasper thedrawingsandspecificationand directionoftheEngineer. 706. WEEPHOLESFOREARTHRETAININGSTRUCTURES




706.1. Description Nochange. 706.2. Materials Deleteparagraph1andsubstitutethefollowing: Unlessotherwiseinstructed,thepipesshallmadeofPVCof75mminsidediameter. 706.3. ConstructionRequirements Nochange 706.4. MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Nochange b. Payment

DeletePayItemsandPayUnitsandsubstitutethefollowing: PayItem 706(1) Weepholesusing75mmdia.PVCpipes 706(2) Weepholes75mmdia.castinsitu 707. PIPECULVERTS

UnitofMeasurement Ln.Metre Ln.Metre

707.1. Description Series700DrainageConstruction Pageno:8of12


Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: This work shall consist of supplying, jointing, bedding of reinforced concrete pipes of the required type, diameter and length in the construction of culverts. The scope of work includes the construction of new culverts, and the extension and modification of existing drainagestructures. The work also includes the construction of headwalls, wingwalls,aprons,catchpitsandother ancillaryitemsnecessaryforcompletion.Allworkshallbecarriedouttolinesandlevelsand dimensionsshowninDrawingsorasinstructedbytheEngineer. 707.2. Materials Deleteparagraph1&2andsubstitutethefollowing: Materialsforpipeculvertsshallbe: Insertafter(c): (d) Concrete for pipe bedding of classAorB,asinstructedbytheEngineerorasspecifiedin theDrawings. 707.3. ConstructionRequirements a. Excavation

Addthefollowingatthebeginningofthissubsection: The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to safeguard the stability of all trench excavationsandensurethatthesafetyofnopersonshallbeplacedinjeopardy. Surface drainage shall be controlled by the construction of temporary earth berms and drainage channels to prevent storm water from entering the working area. No separate paymentshallbemadeforsuchtemporarydrainagemeasures. The amount by which the excavation is to exceed the proposed level of the invert of the culvertshallbesufficienttoallowforthetypeandthicknessofbeddingmaterialtobeplaced asspecifiedorasshownontheDrawings. The width of excavation shall be equal to the nominal internal diameter of the pipe plus 0.5m on each side. Where pipe culverts consist of two or more pipes next to each other the minimum spacing between each pipe shall be 300mm or half the outside pipe diameter whicheveristhegreater,uptoamaximumof900mm. Deleteparagraph4andsubstitutethefollowingtwoparagraphs: Where rock or other unyielding material is encountered it shall be removed below the foundationlevelforadepthof0.3m,or0.04mforeachmetreoffilloverthetopofthepipe whicheverisgreater,butnottoexceed0.75oftheinsidediameterofthepipe. Where the soil encountered at the designed grade is unstable, soft or spongy such material underthepipeandforawidthof0.5moneachsideofthepipe,shallberemovedtoadepth instructed by the Engineer, and replaced by sand or other selected material as instructed by theEngineertoprovideanadequatesupportforthepipe.WheninstructedbytheEngineer, theContractorshallconstructablindinglayerofconcretetoprovideasuitableworkingfloor. Series700DrainageConstruction Pageno:9of12




Addthefollowingatthebeginningofthissubclause: Construction of culverts shall begin at one end, the position of whichshallbefixedasshown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. The position of the other end of the culvert shall normally be determined by the end of the last whole unit, the top of which breaks through the fill slope. However, in the case of skew culverts or culverts with a cover less than 0.5m at the shoulder, the Engineer may instruct that the end unit be cut to the lengthandskewrequired. Any units which deform or crack, or which are not constructed to the required lines, levels and grades, or which become displaced in the process of work or during the Defects Liability Period,shallberemovedandreplacedbytheContractorathisownexpense. Precast units shall be lifted and handled by means of approved lifting devices/methods only. Liftingeyesshallbecaulkedwithasuitablemortaraftertheunitshavebeeninstalled. The Contractor shall exercise due care not to damage, overstress or displace any prefabricated culvert with his own traffic or compaction equipment and shall provide additional cover over the culverts to ensure that the culvert is adequately protected from Siteequipment. Where culverts are constructed on gradients exceeding 1 in 4 particular care shall be taken to protect excavations against storm water damage and the trenches shall be excavated to firm ground. The trenches shall be backfilled with selected gravel or concrete if it is necessarytooverexcavateinordertoobtainafirmfloor. After first completing the outlet structure, the culvert units shall be laid in the normal manner,startingfromthelowerendandplacingsuccessiveunitsfirmlyagainsteachotherto prevent subsequent movement. The lowest unit shall be securely cast into the outlet structure and thrust and anchor blocks shall be constructed as required according to the Drawings. Backfilling of trenches or around the pipes shall begin at the lower end and be carried out in horizontallayers. (I) ConcreteBedding Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The pipe shall be bedded in a continuous cradle of class A or B concrete of grade 20/40 having a minimum thickness of 0.25 times the external diameter of the pipe or 200 mm which ever is greater. The concrete shall extend up the sides of the pipes to a height of at least 10 % the external diameter or 200 mm which ever is the greater. The minimum width ofthecradleshallbetheexternaldiameterofthepipeplus0.25timestheexternaldiameter on either side and shall be constructed monolithically without horizontal construction joints. The cradle shall be such that the pipe can be seated fully in it and the pipe shall be laid on theconcretebeddingbeforetheconcreteisset. Where shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer pipes shall be fully encased in class A or B concrete of grade 20/40 (reinforced or un reinforced) of minimum thickness 200mm. Temporary supports shall be provided near the pipe ends to support the pipes duringtheplacingoftheconcrete.Theconcreteshallbeplacedinsuchawaythatallspaces under the pipe are completely filled. Poker vibrators shall be used to ensure that all spaces Series700DrainageConstruction Pageno:10of12


underandaroundthepipeareproperlyfilledwithconcrete.Concretecasingshallbecastin onecontinuousoperationuntilcompleted. (II) GranularBedding Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Granular bedding when required shall be provided by bedding the pipe in a trench of depth 0.1mplus0.3timestheexternaldiameterofthepipe.Thegranularbeddingshallbesandor any other selected fill and shall be accurately shaped by a template to fit the lower part of the pipe. The selected granular bedding shall surround the pipe up to a height of 0.1 m above the top of the pipe. In appropriate circumstances the Engineer may permit compaction of sand bedding by hydraulic compaction (flooding) subject to approval of trials carriedoutbytheContractor. 707.4. Jointing Addthefollowingatthebeginningofthissubclause: Where partial demolition is required for extension work to existing structures, the contact face shall be cut to predetermined lines and levels, loose and fragmented material removed andprojectingsteelcleanedandbentorcutasinstructedbytheEngineer.Wherenopartial demolition but only extension is required, the contact area shall be roughened and cleaned ofalldirtandlooseparticles. Where dowels are required they shall be installed with an approved type of epoxyresin grout in holes drilled into the existing structure in accordance with details shown on the Drawings. New concrete shall be bonded to the old concrete by using a cement paste or slurry or an approvedtypeofbondingagent. 707.5. Backfilling Addthefollowing: Thematerialusedforthebackfillingofthoseportionsofculvertssubjecttotrafficloadsshall be selected material of at least subbase quality or such lower quality as the Engineer may permit. The backfilling material shall be thoroughly tamped in under the flanks of the culverts to provide uniform bedding to the Engineers satisfaction. Adequate cover over the culvert shall be provided before the contractor routes his construction equipment across it. Hydraulic compaction of backfilling may be permitted in appropriate circumstances after successfultrials. 707.6. Headwalls,Wingwalls,andotherancillaryworks Nochange. 707.7. MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

DeleteParagraph1andsubstitutethefollowing: Series700DrainageConstruction Pageno:11of12


Concrete for bedding, encasement and granular aggregate bedding shall be measured in cubicmetresofmateriallaidandcompacted.Therateshallincludeshutteringifrequired. Payment for shaping and compacting of stable insitu bedding material shall be per linear metreofculvertlength. Reinforcementsteelshallbepaidbyweight b. Payment

DeletePayItemsandPayUnitsandsubstitutethefollowing: PayItem UnitofMeasurement 707(1) ConcreteBedding/Cradle Cu.Metre 707(2) GranularBedding Cu.Metre 707(3) ConcretetoEncasement Cu.Metre 707(4) ReinforcementSteeltoconcreteencasement kg 707(5) InsituBeddingmaterial Cu.Metre Ln.Metre 707(6) Reinforcedconcretepipe600mmDia 707(7) Reinforcedconcretepipe900mmDia Ln.Metre 707(8) Reinforcedconcretepipe1200mmDia Ln.Metre 707(9) Reinforcedconcretepipe2000mmDia Ln.Metre 707(10)Excavationinunclassifiedsuitablematerial andbackfilltostructures Cu.metre 707(11)Excavationinhardrock andbackfilltostructuresCu.metre 707(12)Excavationinunsuitablematerial andbackfilltostructuresCu.Metre






TOPSOILING ........................................................................................................3 Description ..................................................................................................3 Materials .....................................................................................................3 ConstructionMethods ..................................................................................3 MeasurementandPayment ..........................................................................3

801.1 801.2 801.3 801.4 802

GRASSING ...........................................................................................................4 Description ..................................................................................................4 Materials .....................................................................................................4 ConstructionRequirements ..........................................................................4 MeasurementandPayment ..........................................................................5

802.1 802.2 802.3 802.4 803 804

PLANTINGTREESSHRUBSVINESETC. ...................................................................5 RIPRAPPROTECTIONFOREMBANKMENTSSLOPES ...............................................6 Description ..................................................................................................6 Materials .....................................................................................................6

804.1 804.2 805

GABIONWALLS ...................................................................................................6 Description ..................................................................................................6 Materials .....................................................................................................6 ConstructionRequirements ..........................................................................6 MeasurementandPayment ..........................................................................8

805.1 805.2 805.3 805.4 806

PAVEDSIDEWALKS .............................................................................................8 Description ..................................................................................................8 Materials .....................................................................................................8 ConstructionRequirements ..........................................................................8 MeasurementandPayment ..........................................................................8

806.1 806.2 806.3 806.4 807

PRECASTCONCRETEKERBSANDCHANNELS ..........................................................9 Description ..................................................................................................9 Materials .....................................................................................................9 ConstructionRequirements ..........................................................................9 MeasurementandPayment ..........................................................................9

807.1 807.2 807.3 807.4 808

GUARDRAILSANDWALLS,GUARDSTONES,ANDGUIDEPOSTS ...........................10 Description ................................................................................................10 Materials ...................................................................................................10 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................10 MeasurementandPayment ........................................................................12

808.1 808.2 808.3 808.4 809 810

FENCING ...........................................................................................................12 ROADMARKINGS ..............................................................................................12 Description ................................................................................................12





810.2 810.3 810.4 811

Materials ...................................................................................................12 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................12 MeasurementandPayment ........................................................................13

ROADSIGNS......................................................................................................14 Description ................................................................................................14 Materials ...................................................................................................14 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................14 MeasurementandPayment ........................................................................15

811.1 811.2 811.3 811.4 812

BUSBAYS ..........................................................................................................15 Description ................................................................................................15 Materials ...................................................................................................15 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................15 MeasurementandPayment ........................................................................15

812.1 812.2 812.3 812.4 813

CONCRETEKERBINLETS .....................................................................................16 Description ................................................................................................16 Materials ...................................................................................................16 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................16 MeasurementandPayment ........................................................................16

813.1 813.2 813.3 813.4 814

HNADRAILS,UPRIGHTSANDENDPILASTERS .......................................................16

814.1 Description ................................................................................................16 814.2 Materials ...................................................................................................17 814.3 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................17 814.4 MeasurementandPayment ........................................................................18 815.3MeasurementandPayment .............................................................................27
SERIES800INCIDENTALCONSTRUCTIONS Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:2of29


801 801.1 TOPSOILING Description Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: This work shall consist of supply oftopsoilfurnishedandtransportedfromapprovedsources or stockpiles and spread in conformity with these specifications at locations shown on Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. Generally where topsoil is stockpiled adjacent to the Works, embankment slopes shall be topsoiled in accordance with the Engineers instructions. 801.2 Materials Nochange. 801.3 ConstructionMethods Addtoparagraph2: Where ordered by the Engineer the area to be top soiled shall be roughened by hand scarifying, or by any other means approved by the Engineer; to ensure the stability of the topsoilonthearea. Deleteparagraph3andsubstitutethefollowing: After the Engineer has approved the prepared and graded areas, topsoil shall be spread to a depth which after settlement shall not be less than 75 mm or as instructed by the Engineer. Spreading shall not be done when the ground or the topsoil is excessively wet or in a condition considered detrimental to the work. The topsoil layer shall be levelled off and raked. 801.4 MeasurementandPayment Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: a. Measurement

The quantities to be paid for shall be the number of square metres of topsoil of 100 mm loosethicknesscompletedinplaceandaccepted. b. Payment

The quantities of topsoil will be paid for at the contract unit price which shall be full compensation for transporting from stockpile and spreading material to the required thickness, levelling it off to a smooth surface, for removing any stones as specified, and for roughening the surface to be top soiled and shall including all labour equipment tools and incidentalsnecessarytocompletethework. PayitemsandPayUnitswillbeasfollows. PayItem UnitofMeasurement Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:3of29


801(1) Topsoilspreadsuppliedfrom Stockpiles(Excavatedtopsoil) 802 802.1 GRASSING Description Nochange. 802.2 Materials


Addthefollowing: c. GrassSods Grass sods shall be free from noxious weeds and diseases and shall contain a minimum of 50mmoftopsoil. d. Fertilizer The type of fertilizer to be used shall be one or more of the following and/or any other fertilizerasorderedorapprovedbytheEngineer: i) AgriculturalLime ii) SuperPhosphate iii) Limestoneammoniumnitrate The Contractor shall have the top 150mm of the prepared surfaces tested to determine the amount and type of fertilizer required for establishing proper growth conditions for the grass.Thefertilizershallbeevenlyappliedoverallsurfaceswheregrassistobeplantedand shall then be thoroughly mixed with the soil to a depth of 150mm either mechanically or manually. 802.3 ConstructionRequirements Deleteparagraph3andsubstitutethefollowing: SeedingshallbedonejustbeforeorduringtherainyseasonorasinstructedbytheEngineer. The method of seeding and application of fertiliser, water and mulch shall be subject to the approvaloftheEngineer. Deleteparagraph6andsubstitutethefollowing: SoddingshallbedonejustbeforeorduringtherainyseasonorasinstructedbytheEngineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer not less than 7 days before cutting of sods begin. Sods will be approved by the Engineer, in its original position before cutting and delivery to site. Areas to be sodded shall be given a layer of topsoil 75mm thick unless, due to the presenceofsuitablesubsoil,theEngineerordersthatthetopsoilbeomitted. The areas to be sodded shall be thoroughly watered beforehand so that they are wet to a depthofatleast150mmwhensoddingistobedone. Attheendofparagraphaddthefollowing: Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:4of29


On side slopes steeper than 2 to 1, the laying of sods shall be started from bottom to upwards. At points where water may flow over a sodded area, the upper edges of the sod strips shall beturnedintothesoilbelowtheadjacentareaandalayerofearthplacedoverthisfollowed byitsthoroughcompaction. Deletelastparagraphandsubstitutethefollowing: Where the side slope is 2 to 1 or steeper and the distance along the slope is more than 2 metres, the sods shall be staked with pegs or nails spaced approximately 500 to 1000 mm along the longitudinal axis of the sod strips. Stakes shall be driven approximately plumb throughthesodstobealmostflushwiththem. After the sods have been laid in position, the surface shall be cleaned of loose sod, excess soil and other foreign material. Thereafter a thin layer of top soil shall be scattered over the surfaceoftopdressingandtheareathoroughlymoistenedbysprinklingwithwater. The sods shall be watered by the Contractor for a period of at least four weeks after laying. Watering shall be so done as to avoid erosion and prevent damage to sodded areas by wheelsofwatertanks. The Contractor shall erect necessary warning signs and barriers, repair or replace sodded areas failing to show uniform growth of grass or damaged by his operations and shall otherwisemaintainthesodathiscostuntilfinalacceptance. 802.4 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

NoChange. b. Payment

Addthefollowing: Payment shall include for prewatering and watering the sods, replanting dead areas and for the supply and placing of timber stakes and for all other incidentals that may be required to establishanacceptablecoverandtomaintainthegrass. DeletePayItemNo.3andsubstitutethefollowing: PayItem UnitofMeasurement 802(1) Sodding(Solid) Sq.metre 802(2) Furnishandapplyfertilizer Prov.Sum 803 PLANTINGTREESSHRUBSVINESETC. NoChange.




804 804.1



Materials a. DumpedRipRap

Deletethisparagraphandsubstitutethefollowing: Stone used for dumped riprap shall be hard, durable, angular in shape and resistant to weathering and water action. Rounded stones and broken concrete will not be acceptable. The stone shall be at least 500mm in maximum dimension and more than 100mm minimum dimensionandbewellgradedbetweenthesetwolimitingdimensions. 805 805.1 GABIONWALLS Description Addthefollowing: This section covers the construction of gabion walls, mattresses and aprons for the construction of retaining walls, lining of channels, revetments and other antierosion structures. Generallygabionsshallbeflexible,galvanisedsteelwiremeshcagespackedwithrock. 805.2 Materials Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Unlessotherwisespecifiedthematerialusedshallmeetthefollowingrequirements.

(a) (b) (c)


Double twisted hexagonal mesh made of zinc coated mild steel conforming to BS 1052/1980,BS443/1982 Binding and connecting wire of 3.0 mm diameter galvanised to the same standard asthemeshwire Broken rock for filling baskets shall preferably be of sizes normally varying from about 100 mm in minimum dimension to 300 mm in maximum dimension and they shall be clean, hard and durable, free from weathered pieces and extraneous matter.Therockshallbewellgradedbetweenthetwolimitingsizes WhereindicatedontheDrawingsororderedbytheEngineer,alayeroffilterfabric, or approved equivalent material shall be placed on the prepared surface prior to the placing of the gabions. The material shall be placed as instructed in vertical strips with a minimum overlap of 300mm and shall be properly fastened to prevent anymovementorslippingduringtheplacingofgabions


ConstructionRequirements Inthesecondparagraphdelete:orrubblemasonry




Deleteparagraph3andsubstitutethefollowing. The concrete shall be of class C grade 15/40 for unreinforced base layer and class B grade 20/20forreinforcedbaselayer. Totheendofparagraph4addthefollowing: Baskets shall, where appropriate, be maintained square and with vertical sides during filling. Internaltiewiresshallbeinsertedandbasketsshallbetensioned. Deleteparagraph5andsubstitutethefollowing. The wire baskets for gabions shall be made out of double twisted hexagonal mesh. The width of gabion boxes will be 12 metres or as instructed by the Engineer. The length shall be multiples of one metre subject to a maximum of 4.0 m. The gabions will have diaphragm wallsat1.0mintervals. Thegeneralspecificationsofgabionsareafollows: Thickness (mm) 500 1000 Addthefollowing: Mattresses, which are generally only used as single layer aprons in revetments or at the entrance or exit to culverts to prevent scour and minimise erosion, shall be subdivided by diaphragms into cells having a width of 600 mm or 1.0m as specified or instructed by the Engineer. The cut edges of all mesh used in the construction of gabions, except the bottom edge of diaphragms and end panels, shall be selvedged with galvanised wire having a diameter of at least0.5mmmorethanthatofthemeshwire. Thediaphragmsandendpanelsshallbeselvedgedonthetopandverticalsidesonly. Sufficient binding and connecting wire shall be supplied with the gabion cages to perform the wiring operations in accordance to these specifications. The diameter of the wire shall beatleast3.2mm. Themethodsofassemblyshallbeinaccordancewiththemanufacturersinstructionsbutthe Contractor shall ensure that sufficient connecting wire braces are provided to prevent deformationofthecagesastheyarebeingfilledwithstone. It is essential that the corners of the gabion cages be securely wired together to provide a uniform surface and to ensure that the structure does not appear as a series of blocks or panels. Particular care shall be exercised in filling visible faces of gabion boxes, for which only selected stone of adequate size shall be used and be so prepacked that a fair faced finish is obtained. The filling of boxes shall be done in stages in order to prevent deformation and bulging. Meshtype (cmxcm) 10x12 10x12 WireDia. (mm) 2.70 2.70 Stonesize (mm) 120250 120250 D50 (mm) 190 190




The filling of mattresses shall be carried out by spreading random stones on the first layer andusingselectedstonesforthetoplayersoastopresentadrystonepitchedsurface. 805.4 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Deleteparagraph2 b. Payment

Deletepayitem805(2) 806 806.1 PAVEDSIDEWALKS Description NoChange. 806.2 Materials Delete(b)andsubstitutethefollowing: (b) Bed course material shall consist of sand, gravel, crushed stone or other approved granularmaterialof10mmmaximumsize. 806.3 ConstructionRequirements Delete(c)andsubstitutethefollowing: The precast concrete slabs as indicated in Drawings shall be laid to line and level on a prepared bed course material. The bed course material shall be spread and uniformly compacted on an approved solid foundation to a thickness of not less than 50 mm. Unless otherwiseinstructedbytheEngineer,theslabsshallbelaidsidebysidetoaclosefitandthe jointsfilledwithfinesandorcrusherdust. 806.4 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

NoChange b. Payment

DeletePayItemsandsubstitutethefollowing. PayItem 806(1) Paving(precastconcreteslabs) 806(2) Bedcoursematerial50mmthick Series800IncidentalConstructions

UnitofMeasurement Sq.metre Sq.Metre Pageno:8of29


807 807.1 PRECASTCONCRETEKERBSANDCHANNELS Description NoChange. 807.2 Materials Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Concrete for precast or cast in place units and concrete for kerbs shall be of Class A or B of grade20/20inaccordancewithSection1001. The other material used shall meet the requirements of the following, unless otherwise specified: (a) ReinforcementsteeltoSLS375orCS26 (b) Bed course material shall consist of sand, gravel, crushed stone or other approved granularmaterialof10mmmaximumsize (c) Cementmortarforjointingtosubsection1703.2 807.3 ConstructionRequirements a. PrecastConcreteUnits

Deleteparagraph3&4andsubstitutethefollowing: Where precast kerbs without the channel sections are to be used, they shall be laid over a concrete bed, 275 mm wide and of minimum thickness of 100 mm, of grade 15/40 as indicated in the Drawings. The kerb units are to be laid so that the face and the top lines conformtothelinesandgradesindicateintheDrawings.Unlessotherwiseinstructedbythe Engineerthejointspacingsbetweenkerbunitsshallbesetapproximatelytoauniformwidth of 12 mm which shall be filled with 1:3 cement mortar, thoroughly rammed and troweled to aneatfinish. 807.4 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

NoChange b. Payment

DeletePayItemsandsubstitutethefollowing. PayItem 807(1) NewKerbs(precastconcrete) 807(2) Resetkerbs(precastconcrete)

UnitofMeasurement Ln.metre Ln.metre




808 808.1



Materials Addthefollowing: (g) SteelrailwaylinessalvagedfromrailwaystoresorRDAstores.


ConstructionRequirements a. GuardRails

Deleteparagraph2&3andsubstitutethefollowing: Concretepostsshallbeofrectangulartypewithsizeof150x100andshapeasshownonthe drawing or as directed by the Engineer. Concrete shall be of grade 30 and shall comply with the specification for structural concrete work. No materials other than the essential ingredients i.e. cement, aggregates and water,shallordinarilybeusedinthemanufactureof concrete. Reinforcement shall be mild steel bars and clean, free from loose rust, loose mill scale,andforeigncoating.Bendingofbarsshallbedoneasperdrawingandinamannerthat will not injure the material. Shuttering shall be of dressed softwood timber or steel plain sheetswithtruesurfacesandedges,mortartightandstoutlybracedtogether.AndorTimber Posts, pretreated with creosote or similar protective coating approved by the Engineer, of size 150 x 100 shall be set vertically in concrete footings of grade 15/40 at intervals of 1.5 m apart. Railings made from galvanised steel of thickness not less than 8 gauge, in corrugated shape corresponding exactly with the dimensions of sections manufactured by ARMCO or similar proprietary manufacturers, shall be fixed on posts as indicated in Drawings in a manner that will result in smooth continuous tight rail closely conforming to the line and grade of the highway or as indicated in the Drawings. Laps in railings shall be parallel to the direction of flow of traffic. All cut edges shall be shop painted with approved galvanised paint using two coats. The holes for the posts shall be or sufficient size to permit proper setting of thepostsandto allowsufficientroomforbackfillingandtamping. Theholesshallbespacedtosuitthestandardlengthofguardrailsupplied. Theguardrailcompleteshallbeerectedtruetolineandlevelandtheholesshallbebackfilled with a 12:1 mixture of soil:cement only after the Engineer has signified his approval. When the backfilling is complete and the bracing removed the posts must be rigid and vertical and the guardrail true to line and level and firmly fastened to the posts. Excess material shall be disposedofasinstructedbytheEngineer. At locations instructed by the Engineer adjacent to long sheer drops ontheoutsideofbends the Contractor shall erect steel railwayline guard rail on posts at thesameheightandatthe same centres as for galvanised steel guard rail. Posts shall be erected rigidly in concrete. Steel railway lines shall be bent to the road curvature joined using purpose made plates solidlybolted. Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:10of29


b. GuardWallsandGuardStones

Deleteparagraph1andsubstitutethefollowing. Guard walls shall be reinforced concrete precast or cast insitu to dimensions given in Drawings. Guard stones shall be either reinforced concrete or cast insitu concrete or stone masonryallasshownontheDrawingsand/orasorderedbytheEngineer.Theconcreteshall be class A or B concrete of grade 20/20. Forms used for concreting shall be wood, metal, or suitablematerialandshallextendthefulldepthoftheconcrete. Deleteparagraph4&5andsubstitutethefollowing. Compaction of the concrete placed in the forms shall be by vibration. Forms shall be left in place for 24 hours or until the concrete has set sufficiently so that they could be removed without injury to the concrete placed. The finished concrete shall be kept moist for a minimumof7days.ThemethodofcuringshallbesubjecttotheapprovaloftheEngineer. c. GuidePosts

Deleteparagraph1andsubstitutethefollowing: Guard posts shall be of circular type with size and shape as shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. Concrete shall be of grade 30 and shall comply with the specification for structural concrete work. No materials other than the essential ingredients i.e.cement,aggregatesandwater,shallordinarilybeusedinthemanufactureofconcrete. Reinforcement shall be mild steel bars and clean, free from loose rust, loose mill scale, and foreign coating. Bending of bars shall be done as per drawing and in a manner that will not injurethematerial. Shuttering shall be of dressed softwood timber or steel plain sheets with true surfaces and edges,mortartightandstoutlybracedtogether. ConcreteshallbethoroughlymixedinproportionsasapprovedbytheEngineer,satisfyingits specified grade. Mixing shall be done in a mechanical mixer and be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and an uniform colour of the entire mass is obtained. If however hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer, it shall be done on a smooth watertight platform large enough to allow efficient turning over of the ingredients of concrete before and after adding water. In such cases of hand mixing the quantity of cement shall be increased by ten (10) per cent above the amount required for specified grade. The inside faces of formwork shallbesoapedoroiledtopreventadhesionofconcrete,butsuchsoaporoilshallbesuchas not to stain the concrete. Reinforcements contained in the guard post shall be placed and firmly held in correct position with specified clear cover as shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. The method of transporting and placing the concrete shall be approved by the Engineer. Concrete shall be kept in the forms for at least seven (7) days during which time it shall be kept moist and sheltered from the Sun. Posts shall not be erecteduntilfourteen(14)daysaftercastingandduringthisperiodshallnotbesubjectedto anyloadingorroughhandling.Whilestrikingofftheformworkcareshallbetakentoprevent any damage to the concrete. Any damage caused during concreting, removal of shuttering and transporting the guard posts to their place of installation shall have to be made good at the contractor's own expense. While erecting the posts necessary excavation shall be done and back filled with approved material after proper compaction so that the posts stand truly Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:11of29


vertical, in lines, grades as shown on the drawing at specified locations or as directed by the Engineer. 808.4 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

NoChange. b. Payment

DeletePayItemsandsubstitutethefollowing: PayItem 808(1) GuardRails(galvanisedsteel) 808(2) GuardRails(SteelRailwayLine) 808(3) GuardStones(concrete) 808(4) GuardStones(masonry) 808(5) GuidePosts(100mmUpvcpipe) 809 FENCING NoChange. 810 810.1 ROADMARKINGS Description


Ln.metre Ln.metre Number Number Number

Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The work shall consist of the applications of road markings including the installation of road studs on the finished paved areas of road in accordance with the Manual of Traffic Control Devices of Road Development Authority, Ministry of Transport and Highways and the Motor TrafficAct. 810.2 Materials Addatendofsubsection: Before delivery of materials to Site the Contractor shall forward certificates of origin specifying physical and chemical characteristics and the constituents of the paint from the manufacture. Before delivery or during the work the Engineer may call for any test considered necessary to the application. All such tests shall be performed at the expense of theContractorandshallbeconsideredsubsidiarytothework. 810.3 ConstructionRequirements Addthefollowing: e. Equipment




The road marking equipment shall be purpose made of approved type and manufacture and be capable of painting the markings to a uniform width within the tolerances specified without the paint running or splashing. The equipment shall be capable of painting lines of different widths by adjustment of the spray jets on the machine or by means of additional equipmentattachedtothemachine. f. SettingOut The lines, symbols, figures or marks shall be set out by means of paint spots of the same colourasthatoftheproposedfinallinesandmarks.Normallyspotsofapproximately10mm indiameterspacedat1.5mintervalsshallbesufficient. After spotting the positions of the proposed road markings are to be indicated on the road. These premarkings shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of any paintingoperations. Thepositionsofanyroadstudsshallbemarkedoutontheroadandshallbeapprovedbythe Engineerbeforetheyarefixedinposition. g. Tolerances The width of lines and other markings shall not deviate from the specified width by more than5%. The position of lines, letters, figures, arrows, reflective road studs and other markings shall notdeviatefromthetruepositionspecifiedbymorethan20mm. The alignment of any edge ofalongitudinallineshallnotdeviatefromthetruealignmentby morethan10mmin15m. The lengths of segments of broken longitudinal lines shall not deviate from the specified lengthbymorethan150mm. h. RectificationofFaultyWorkmanship IfanymaterialnotcomplyingwiththerequirementsisdeliveredtositeorusedintheWorks, or if any substandard work is carried out, such material or work shall be removed, replaced or repaired as required by the Engineer, at the Contractors own cost. Rejected traffic markings and paint that has been splashed or has dripped onto the surfacing, kerbs, structuresorothersuchsurfacesshallberemovedbytheContractorathisowncost,insuch awaythatthemarkingsorspiltpaintwillnotshowupagainlater. 810.4 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Road markings shall be measured by the actual length in linear metres for the specified widthscompletedandaccepted. Reflectingroadstudsshallbemeasuredinnumbersupplied,installedandaccepted. b. Payment




DeletePayItemsandsubstitutePayItemsbelow: PayItem 810(1) RoadMarkings Reflectorisedthermoplasticpaint 100mmwide 150mmwide 200mmwide 810(2) RoadMarkings Reflectorisedroadmarkingpaint 100mmwide 150mmwide 200mmwide 810(3) Rreflectingroadstuds 811 811.1 ROADSIGNS Description


Ln.metre Ln.metre Ln.metre

Ln.metre Ln.metre Ln.metre Number

Deletesubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: This work covers the provision and installation of permanent road signs and post assemblies as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The signs will be ground mounted and erected at the side of the road as shown on the drawings or as specified in these specifications. Prior to manufacture and fabrication of the signs, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval (and in conformity with the Motor Traffic Act), detail execution drawings and the Manual of Traffic Control Devices of the Road Development Authority, Ministry of Transport and Highways showing letter sizes, symbols and sign layout, sign panel dimension,postheightforsignstructures. 811.2 Materials Addthefollowing: e. Preservatives,PaintsandFinishes Deleteparagraph3andsubstitutethefollowing: The Retroreflective material to be supplied shall be High Intensity Grade sheeting (High Performance Wide Angle Retroreflective Sheeting) and shall be in accordance with ASTM D 495690StandardSpecificationforRetroreflectiveSheetingforTrafficControl. The material shall be supplied with a pressuresensitive or heat applied adhesive backing protected by a removable liner and shall be of the correct type for the backing surface to whichitistobeapplied. 811.3 ConstructionRequirements a. Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:14of29 MountingPosts


Deleteparagraph1andsectionsubstitutethefollowing: PostsformountingstandardtypesofroadsignshallbeasindicatedintheDrawings. 811.4 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Nochange. b. Payment PayUnit Number Number

PayItem 811(1) Provideanderectsinglepoleroadsigns 811(2) Provideanderectdoublepoleroadsigns AddtheFollowingSeries: 812 BUSBAYS 812.1 Description

ThisworkshallconsistofconstructingBusbayatlocationsofbusstoppageasdecidedbythe Engineer with proper signs in accordance with these specifications and drawings or as directedbytheEngineer.ThelengthofBusbaywilldependonstoragebaylengthofnumber of buses to be pulled in plus tolerance, which shall be 15 metre minimum for each bus or as directedbytheEngineer. 812.2 Materials Busbay shall be constructed at specified location by widening the formation level and pavement along with raised kerbs for separating it from main carriageway with shape and dimension as shown on the drawing. The materials required for various items of works involved in constructing the busbay e.g. earthwork, pavement, kerbs etc. shall be in accordancewiththeprovisionsofthisspecification. 812.3 ConstructionRequirements The various item of work involved shall be similar as specified in these specifications under differentclausesformaterials,pavement,embankment,kerb(s)fortheroadway. 812.4 MeasurementandPayment Busbay shall be constructed at locations and accepted as determined from actual counts. Earthwork, pavement work, shoulders shall be measured separately and will be paid for along with the respective items of works involved included in the BoQ. Raised kerbs are required to form a complete bus bay unit. Drainage outlet shall be provided. Payment for kerbsandDrainageoutletswillbemadethroughrespectivepayitemsintheBoQ. Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:15of29


813 813.1

CONCRETEKERBINLETS Description This work shall consist of the construction of kerb inlets to lines, levels and grades as shown ontheDrawingsorasindicatedbytheEngineer. The dimension of the inlets shall be as shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer.


Materials Concrete for precast or cast in place units and concrete for kerbs shall be of Class A or B of grade20/20aspersection1001. The other material used shall meet the requirements of the following, unless otherwise specified. (a) ReinforcementsteeltoSLS375orCS26 (b) Bed course material shall consist of sand, gravel, crushed stone or other approved materialof10mmmaximumsize (c) Cementmortarforjointingtosubsection1703.2


ConstructionRequirements The Construction requirements shall be the same as subsection 807.3 (a) & (b) for installationofkerbs.


MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Kerbinletfurnishedacceptedandplacedshallbemeasuredbythenumber. b. Payment

The payment will be based on the contract unit rate for the item which shall include full compensation for supplying and installing the kerb inlet. The rate shall also include the cost of all materials, labour, equipment tools and other incidentals necessary to complete the workstothesespecifications. PayItem UnitofMeasurement 813(1) KerbInlets Number 814 814.1 HNADRAILS,UPRIGHTSANDENDPILASTERS Description Thisworkshallconsistoftheconstructionofhandrails,uprightsandpilastersatthelocations and to the dimensions, lines and levels shown on the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:16of29


Handrailsanduprights,whicharemeantessentiallytoprotectvehiclesandpedestriansfrom fallingofftheedgeofbridgedecks,shallbepositionedawayfromthecarriagewayedgesoas nottointerferewiththenormalmovementsoftraffic. End pilasters shall be positioned at the ends of the handrails behind the movement joints, in eachcornerofthebridgedecks. 814.2 Materials Concreteusedforthecastingofhandrails,uprightsandendpilastersshallbeofGradeAorB asgiveninSection1001andasspecified. The other materials used shall meet the requirements of the following unless otherwise specified: a) ReinforcingsteeltoSLS375,CS26orBS4449 b) Cementmortarforjointingtosubsection1703.2 c) Bitumenjointfillersshallbeoftheapprovedvarieties. 814.3 ConstructionRequirements

a) HandrailsandUprights
Handrails and uprights shall consist of precast concrete post and rail jointed with insitu concrete and mortar joints. Their assembly and erection shall be as shown in the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. Concreting of posts and rails shall be in accordance with Section1001andreinforcementinaccordancewithSection1002 Posts shall be set vertical in pockets filled with concrete as shown on the Drawings or as instructedbytheEngineer. Rails shall be set parallel to the bridge deck or as instructed by the Engineer. Jointing between rails and between posts and railing shall only be carried out after the posts have set.Jointmortarandinsituconcreteshallbetrowelledtoaneatfinish. No Site drilling or cutting of precast posts and rails shall be permitted without the prior approvaloftheEngineer. b) EndPilasters End pilasters shall be precast or cast insitu using concrete of the specified grade. Their assembly and erection shall be as shown on the Drawings of as instructed by the Engineer. Forms for the concrete shall be wood, metal or suitable material and shall extend to the full depthoftheconcrete. All forms shall be free from warp and of sufficient strength to resist the pressure of the concrete without displacement. All forms shall be clean and coated with an approved oil before concrete is placed and compacted. Reinforcement shall be maintained in its correct positionduringconcreting. Concrete shall be proportioned, mixed and placed in accordance with the grade of concrete specified. Compaction of the concrete placed in the forms shall be by vibration or other acceptable methods. Forms shall be left in place for 24 hours or until the concrete has set sufficiently so that they can be removed without deformation to the concrete placed. The Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:17of29


finishedconcreteshallbekeptmoistforaminimumof7days.Themethodofcuringshallbe subjecttotheapprovaloftheEngineer. 814.4 MeasurementandPayment a. Measurement

Unlessotherwisespecified,handrailsanduprightsshallbemeasuredbythelengthinmetres ofthehandrailsandendpilastersbythenumberofeach. b. Payment

The unit rate of each item of work shall be for full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools,materialsandincidentalsnecessarytocompletetheworkasspecified. ThepayItemsandPayUnitswillbeasfollows: PayItem PayUnit 814(1) HandrailsandUprights Ln.metre 814(2) EndPilasters Number 815 BRIDGELIGHTING 815.1 GENERAL ScopeofWork The work consists of supply, delivery to site installation and putting into commission after requisitetestsfortheBridgestreetlightingservicesandassociatedsystem: Theservicescomprises Bridgelighting Approachlighting PowerconnectionfromexistingCeylonElectricityBoardsystem L.T.distributionsystemforbridge/Approachlighting. RegulationsandStandard The electrical installation shall comply with this specifications with all relevant British Standard and Code of Practice and with the Electricity Rules of the Government of Sri Lanka andinparticularwiththefollowings: CeylonElectricityBoardAuthorityrequirement LocalfirepreventionAuthorityrequirement Britishcodeofpracticecurrentatthetimeofinstallation Alllocalauthoritiesstatutorybylawofregulation. AnyspecialrequirementofChiefElectricalInspector,GovernmentofSriLanka Environment All equipment and material supplied shall be suitable for continuous operation and storage at Temperature5Cto40C RelativeHumidityupto98% Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:18of29


Attitude:Sealevel AirpollutionIndustrial(assumed) Theequipmentandmaterialsshallbesuitableforoutdooruse. Programme The Contractor shall provide at the tender stage a full detailed barchart of his proposed programme showing the number of personnel required to complete the various installation within a given time scale starting and finishing date of each activity including import of material commissioning as well as testing to suit the Authority requirement and up to date modifyorredrafttheprogrammeasnecessary. Theprogrammeshallcomplywiththeoverallcompletiondates. MaterialsandWorkmanship Allmaterialsandtheconstructionalplantshallsupplybythecontractor.Allthematerialshall be of highest quality and the suitable for its intended use and shall comply with relevant BritishStandardorotherinternationalstandardbyandbeinstalledinaccordancewithcodes ofpracticeandmanufacturesrecommendationandthespecification. All operatives shall be suitably qualified and experienced for the work they are carrying out. All workmanship shall be of highest standard and shall be upto the satisfaction of the supervising officer. The contractor shall set up his own quality control procedure to ensure that materials received on site are of the correct quality and are installed in the best workmanshiplikemanner. Poor materials and workmanship or any material workmanship found not satisfactory by the Engineerincharge shall be removed and replaced at once by the contractors at his own expenses and no extension of time will be granted as result of any delay incurred. The contractor shall implement and maintain a quality system conforming to the requirement of BS 5750 or equivalent standard approved by the purchaser, to enable full compliance with therequirementofthespecification. NameManufactures/Suppliers Not with standing that suppliers may have been named or approved by the Engineerin charge,itshallbethecontractor'sresponsibilitytoensurethatallmaterialsandcomponents areuptospecificationinrespectofmanufacturer,finishandperformance. The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that such materials are available to suit the construction programme and for ensuring that materials etc. are ordered in time to accommodatedeliverytosuitthatrequirement. Samples The engineerincharge reserves the right to call for samples of some or all materials and productstobeused. The contractor shall obtain such samples as required and submit them to the Engineerin chargewithin14(fourteen)daysofarequesttodoso. Thecontractorshallallowinhistenderforobtainingsuchsamplesasrequired. Materialtobenewandunused Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:19of29


All the materials to be supplied by the contractor under the terms of the contract shall be new. Any used or worn material shall not be used in the works. Though they may satisfy the specifications. Supervision The contractor shall employ a competent, qualified site engineer who shall be in charge of the work during all working hours and shall be the dully accredited representative of the contractorempoweredtotakeinstructionsfromtheEngineerinchargeandtoexecutesame and who must be in attendance at the premises until the whole of the works have been completed and accepted on behalf of the Client by the Engineerincharge. The construction site shall be the normal place of work for the contractor's site Engineer and during his periods of absence from site, a deputy shall be nominated and approved by the Engineerin charge. The contractors representatives shall attend meetings at site or at the offices of the professionalteamwhencalleduponsotodo. OperatingConditionsandGuarantee The contractor works shall be of such construction, manufacture and finish as to render themsuitableforoperatingthroughouttheirexpectedlifeandtomaintaindesignconditions. WorkingDrawing The contractor shall be responsible for providing fully dimensioned installation working drawings for all and very pert of the works. The working drawings shall be submitted to the Engineerinchargeforapprovalingoodtimetomeetanagreedprogrammefortheworks. Thedrawingsshallincludethefollowing: a) Detailed conduit, cables route and connection, design for street lighting poles, distributionboxesetc. b) fully detailed coordinated drawings indicating all plant, equipment, cable routes, electrical conduits pipe work that is to be installed, giving lines, levels and positions ofequipment. c) Drawingsofmanufacturedandfabricateditemsandequipment. d) Wiring diagrams showing external wiring between manufacturers equipment and controls,instrumentsandinstrumentpanelsswitchgear. InformationRequiredWithTheTender a) The tender shall submit with tender the description of all materials and equipment that he proposes to use along with their technical literature. BSS references, performancefigures,wiringdiagramanddimensionoftheequipment. b) Nameofmanufacturersofthemajoritemsbeingoffered. c) Astatementofcomplianceasthespecification. d) Confirmationthattheproposedlayoutissatisfactory. AsFittedRecordDrawings Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:20of29


The contractor shall supply to the Engineerincharge as a prerequisite to practical completion of the works, comprehensive as fitted record drawings finalized in detail and approved by Engineerincharge. The contractor shall demonstrate from time to time as required by the Engineerincharge throughout the execution of the works, that adequate and accurate records are being kept such as well ensure the ultimate completeness and accuracy of as fitted record drawing and that the record drawings themselves are being progressivelycompiledastheworkonsiteproceeds. The contractor shall submit one copy of the as fitted drawings for the Engineerincharge approvalpriortosupplyoffinalnegatives. OperatingandMaintenanceInstruction At the time of practical completion of the contract the contractor shall provide complete set at operating and maintenance instruction manuals in approved good quality ring binders with printed covers. The type, size, appearances and cover printing of the manuals shall be agreed with the Engineerincharge and samples shall be submitted for final approval before supplyingtherequirednumberofmanuals. Theoperatingandmaintenancemanualsshallcontain: a) A complete description of each mechanical and electrical system including control systems, giving its function or purpose, duties, method of operation, balancing or adjusting, related to the appropriate ''As fitted" drawings and crossreferenced as necessary. b) Instruction for any precautionary measure from time to time necessary (e.g. corrosionetc.). c) A complete set of test certificates as appropriate to the various electrical system andequipment. TestingandCommissioning: General TheprocedureforcommissioningandtestingshallbeagreedwiththeEngineerincharge. The contractor shall then conduct the tests and provide all facilities for the Architect to witness and inspect all their results, instruments and labour for those testsshallbeprovided by the contractor and records shall be made by the contractor of all tests and the results submittedtotheEngineerinchargeonapprovedtestcertificatesandtestresultsheets. Facilities shall be made available for representative of the Engineer Ceylon Electricity Board and Chief Electrical Inspector. Government of Sri Lanka to witness tests as required. A suitablequalifiedrepresentativeofthecontractorshallbeavailableforalltests. Where tests show that the plant and equipment do not function in a manner satisfactory to the Engineerincharge meeting the design parameters laid down by the Engineerincharge then the contractor shall carry out at their own expense such remedial works as may be required. ElectricalWorkTestandInspection Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:21of29


Testing of equipment at the manufacturers works prior to dispatch shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant B.S. Specifically or Code of practice and manufacturers recommendations and the contractor shall submit copies of the manufacturers test certificatestotheEngineerforapproval. ElectricalSiteTest The contractor shall carry out site tests on completed installations in accordance with the current edition of the IEE Regulations, the appropriate B.S. Specification/Code of practice, and equipment manufacturers recommendations. The tests shall include, but not be limited tothefollowing: LVCables Upon completion of a cable end or straight through joint and before connection to any equipment,aninstallationresistancetestshallbecarriedoutandaninfinityreasingobtained with a 2000 Volt Meter. A similar test shall be carried out after the expiration of an agreed period and should lower values of insulation resistance be obtained, the faulty seals shall be remadeatthecontractor'sexpenseandtothesatisfactionoftheengineerincharge. The continuity of each cable sheath shall be tested between the point at which the earthing connectionismaytotheswitchboardandthemostdistantpointoftherun. Earthing The resistance of all earth electrodes, shall be measured as laid down in BS CP 1013 (1965) andthecurrenteditionoftheIEERegulationofearthelectrodenetworksforpowerearthing shall not exceed 2 Ohms. Continuity tests using a "Ductor Ohmeter" type low voltage heavy currentinstrumentshellalsobecarriedout. VisualInspection i) A visual inspection shall be made to verify that the power installation equipment is: In compliance with the Standards quoted in this specification, Correctly selected anderected.Notvisiblydamaged. ii) Thevisualinspectionshallinclude,asrelevant Connectionofconductors, identificationofconductors selectionofconductorsforcurrentcarryingcapacityandvoltagedrop. connection of single pole devices for protection or switching in phase conductors onlytondistributioncircuitsonly) presenceoffirebarrirsandprotectionagainstthermaleffects, methods of protection against direct contract (including measurement of distance whereappropriate)i.e. 815.2 CONSTRUCTIONALREQUIREMENT LightFixture The light fittings shall comply with the relevant requirement of applicable BS including BS 4533. The light feature shall be 90W low pressure sodium lamp (SOX90W) complete with starting gears, holder, light weight glass fiber reinforced polyester housing, clear methacrylate bowl, high purity anodized aluminum reflectors. All exposed metal parts of Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:22of29


stainless steel, suitable for side entry on mast, Neoprene ring in spigotentry to prevent ingressofwaterandinsectsetc. Appropriate samples of light fixture shall be submitted prior to installation. The street light fixture shall be installed in accordance with applicable fitting layout drawing. Each fitting shallbecompletewithallaccessoriesandconsumableshallbeconsideredasoneunit. StreetLightPost Steel galvanized pole as specified in the drawings shall be fabricated and installed as per relevant code and standards and Ceylon Electricity Board standard. A junction box complete withaccessoriesandopeninglidjustabovethebaseplateofpoleshallbeprovided. The pole shall have galvanized steel base plate of 12mmthick of size 200mmx200mm with a hole of 37mm die at the center and four hole of size 20mm at the corners of the plate. The distancebetweenthepolesshallbeasspecifiedinthelayoutdrawing. Arrangement shall be provided for termination of cables at each pole complete with connectors fuse, earthling block, sealing arrangement at the entrance of the cable to avoid ingressofwaterandvermin.Thesealingofthecableatpoleshallbewaterlight. PVCInsulatedCable The cables shall be armoured/ nonarmoured as specified on the drawings/schedule, shall have600/1090voltgradePVCinsulationandshallcomplywithB.S.6004conductorsshallbe plainannealedcoppertoB.S.6360. The following colours shall identify the core of multicore PVC insulated armoured/ unarmouredcable. AC Threephase : phase:RedYellow,Blue (3/4cores) : Neutral:Black singlephase : phaseRed (2core) : neutralBlack The conductor shall be insulated with type 5 PVC complying with B.S. 6746. The cable shall be filled internally and sheathed with PVC to B.S. 6746 type 1 and where used underground or external or specified shall be single wire armoured and PVC sheathed overall. Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that cable sizes and lengths are correct and comply with the relevantstandard. JointingandTerminating a) Theoutersheathorarmourofallcablesshallbesecurelyretainedbytheuseofthe correcttypeandsizeofbrasscablegland.Suchcableglandsshallsecurelyretainthe outersheathorarmourwithoutdamagingit. b) Where cable glands are used for terminating cables within nonmetallic boxes, the earth continuity shall be maintained by a bonding strap having a resistance not higherthananequivalentlengthofcablesheathorarmour. c) Every cable core termination shall be of the sealed or compression socket type, unlessthecablei.terminatedinanapprovedconnector.





Cable core terminations shall securely contain and anchor all the wires of the conductor, and shall not impose any appreciable mechanical strain on the terminal socket,orconnector. Soldering fluxes, which remain acidic or corrosive after soldering is completed shall notbeused. The cable glands shall be secured by brass lock washers and fitted with the correct shrouds. All cable joints, termination and seals shall be made only by an experienced jointer andshallbeacceptabletotheEngineerincharge. Termination, joints and seals shall be made in full accordance with the current IEE Regulations. Joints shall be enclosed in purpose made cast iron box filled with compound and fitted with armours clamps and an electrical continuity copper strip bonded to the armouringoneithersideofthebox. Where the cable is cut during the course of installation the open ends shall be sealedimmediatelybymeansofselladhesivenonhydroscopictapeorawaxwater tightsealtomakeanairandwatertightjoint.

e) f) g) h) i)


k) Approvedtestsshallbecarriedoutonallcablesandmaterialsbeforejointing. MinimumInternalRaduofBends This shall be in accordance with the cable manufactures recommendation. For PVCinsulated cablestheminimumbendingradushallnotbelessthan8timesthecablediameter. CrossSiteInstallationofCable a) Cable shall be laid or installed in one length from terminal point to terminal point. Nothroughjointswillbepermitted,unlessauthorizedinwritingbytheEngineerin charge and then only if the need arises due to an alternation in route length necessitated by circumstances which the contractor could riot reasonably have foreseen. If any such through joint is authorized for a cable laid underground, the position shall be identified precisely over the joint, at ground level, by means of a suitable inscribed concrete cable marker. Any such joint authorized for a cable installed above ground shallbelocatedinsuchapositionastobereadilyaccessible atalltimes.Allthroughjointsshallbecoretocore(phasetophase). b) Cables shall be delivered to and handled around the site on cable drums. During installation cables shall be played out from the top of the drum, guided by supportingrunnerswherenecessaryandthedrumbrakedtoavoidoverrun,Cables shallnotbehandled,runoffdrumsorinstalledwhentheambienttemperatureisat orbelow0C. c) Thecabletrenchesshallbeexcavatedbythecontractortoensurethatthecableare laid at least at a depth of 500mm below the ground surface upon a bed of sand 150mmdeep.ThedepthoftrenchshallbeasdirectedbytheEngineerincharge. d) Cableductsshallbeprovidedunderroadsandotherpavedarea. Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:24of29


e) f) g) i) ii) iii) iv)

After approval of the lay the trench shall be backfilled by material, which has passedthrougha12mmriddle. Power cables shall belaidwithaslightsnakeformationtoensurethereisminimum strainduringexpansionandcontractionduetotemperaturevariations. Whereanumberofcables(includingsignalcables)arelaidinacommontrench: Thecablesshallbelaidinaccordancewiththeappropriatedrawing. The cables need not all be laid at 500mm below ground level (due to trench width restriction). Cables carrying power shall be a minimum of 300mm from signal and telecommunicationscables. The cable formation shall minimize crossings (to points where cables divert to locations).

h) Cabletrayshallbeusedwhilerunningcableunderthebridge. StreetLightDistributionBoard The distribution board shall be made of 18 SWG M.S. sheet and should be of suitable dimension so as to accommodate the circuit breakers, cotactor, relay, energy meter, photo cell and busbars with sufficient spacing and be spray painted with gray/white enamel paint, shall have hinged type door with best quality door handle, door locks and door latches. The distributionboardshallbeofdoubledoortypei.e.onecoverdoorinsidethroughwhichonly the knobs of MCB/MCCB, manual/auto switches etc, are accessible. The distribution board shall be suitable for outdoor mounting, dust and rain proof and shall have knockouts for conduit entry and exist at the bottom. The DB shall be installed at a height of 820mm feet above the ground with the help of MS angle embedded in the ground with CC work. A copper plateearthing block must be provided inside the board. The circuit breakers and contactor shall be AEG, SIEMENS, MITSUBISHI or of approved brand. The work shall be complete in all respect including all necessary arrangements as per drawing circuit breakers/isolators, of DB shall be designed for operation on a 240/400V, 50Hz, 3 phase, 4 wire system, Breakers shall have inverse time tripping with thermal and magnetic trip element. All circuit breaker shall be trip free and shall be of the indicating type. The panels shall have the phase clearly marked and where required, must have solid neutral buses. The panels shall be constructed as per schedule, and shall comply with relevant requirements of applicable BS including BS 4649, where applicable, and would be painted with two (2) coats of gray Duco to BS 38 IC shade, with standard concentric knockouts of required sizes all around. The panels shall have directory frames and printed directory on/in side of door. The door is to be provided with flush lock handle. AH doors are to be keyed alike, all hinges shall beconcealed. The MCB/MCCBs shall be quickmake, quickbreak type, and shall have inversetime limit characteristicswillinstantaneousmagnetictripelementsfunctioningonoverloadsabovethe normal operating range. All circuit breakers shell is tripfree. Ratings and frame sizes of breakers shall be in accordance with schedule. All lugs must be of the shoulder less mechanical type. The MCB must comply with BS 3871: part 1 (1965) category M4 (5A60A). Rated voltage 240/400V, A.C. 50Hz, interrupting capacity 4000 amp capable of providing overload and short circuit protection, through thermal and magnetic trip actions respectively, temperature rating, 400C preferably trivialized (moisture fungus corrosion treated), terminal capability upto 35mm wire. The MCCB's shall have the following symmetricalinterruptingcapacityat480VA.C.ifnotindicatedotherwise: Upto 10A : 4KA Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:25of29


10A to 60A : 14KA 70A to 200A : 22KA 200A to 500A : 30KA The continuous current ratings of individual MCBFICCB's may he varied within + 15X at the timeofinstallationwithoutanycostimplication. Earthing Materials EarthElectrode i) PipeElectrode(whereapplicable) This would be 38mm die G.I, pipe with two 3mm die holes across the diameter at every1200mmatthepipe. ii) PlateElectrode(whereapplicable) This earth electrode shall be cold roiled double copper plate 600mmx600mmx3mm havingprovisionforconnectingtheearthlead. EarthlingLead Earthling lead shall consist of copper conductor of 100% conductivity at 20C (68DF), Annsealed copper stranded with weight resistively of 0.15328 Ohmgram/m at 20C (68F) and density of 0.32117 lb/in, for meeting the requirement of BS 6360:1969 or its metric adoption.Allterminallugsshallbeofcopperandnutboltsofbrass. EarthlingBlock The earthling block shall be of solid electrolytic copper cost and machine of size and have at least 103mm dia/drilled holes for accommodating the terminal of the earth continuity conductor.Requisitenumberofbrassnutsandboltsshallalsobeprovided. EarthInspectionPit Bricks used shall be 1st class on stone chips. Only approved quality cement shall be used. Stone chip for 75mm RCC cover shall be 25mm down graded with 10mm die M.S. hook (of 50mmdia)shallbeprovidedinthecoverslab. Installation PipeElectrode Thepipeearthelectrodeshallbeburiedbelowgroundlevelat12meterbytubewellsinking method.TheearthleadfromtheDBtothemainearthelectrodeshallbeinstalledinG.I.pipe ofspecifieddiameter.Theterminalconnectedtotheearthelectrodeshalluseabrassclamp. After making the connection. The clamp shall be covered with bitumen poured hot, and covered with jute cloth. The length of pipe electrode may vary to give the maximum earth resistanceof1Ohminthedriestseason. PlateElectrode Pageno:26of29



The plate earth electrode (if applicable) shall be buried below ground level as per schedule and installed in an upright position if completely surrounded by a bed or at least 300mm of charcoal fixed with line and packed hard. Distance between any twoearth electrodes shall beatleast8meters. EarthlingLeads The earthling leads from the earth electrode shall be connected to the earthling block near DB. A double run of specified copper conductor (preferably tinned) shall be brought out of specified lead for the earth electrode through G.I. pipe from the electrode and connected to theearthblock.Thereshallbenojointinthecopperearthlead.Allearthingleadshallfollow the shortest and most direct route to earth electrode and sharp bends and joints shall be avoided. The earthling leads shall be made mechanically strong and electrically continuous withminimumofresistance. EarthInspectionPit The earth inspection pit shall be (450mmx450x450mm inside dimension) 1st class brick with finished plaster surface including the RCC pit cover (100mm thickness 1:2:40 ratio). The slab shallhavelevelsurfaceandthepitshallhavewellformedregularsides.Watercuringforthe slabandthepitshallbedoneforaminimumof6days. 815.3MeasurementandPayment a.Measurement Unless otherwise specified, Light Fixture shall be measured by the number of lighting point each. b.Payment The unit rate of this item of work shall be for full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools,materialsandincidentalsnecessarytocompletetheworkasspecified. ThepayItemsandPayUnitswillbeasfollows: PayItem PayUnit 815(1) LightingPoint Number 816. RELOCATIONOFPUBLICUTILITIES 816.1 Description This work covers all the requirements for the relocation of public utilities. The Contractors attentionisbroughttotherequirementsoftherelocationofallexistingutilitiesandservices. The Contractor shall carefully liase with all the concerned authorities for the remova1 of exiting services, all necessary temporary arrangements and final relocation and installation oftheutilities. 816.2 Materials Thematerialusedinbothtemporaryandpermanentworksassociatedwiththerelocationof utilities shall meet the requirements of the respective authorities. The Engineer will liase Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:27of29


with the Authorities on all matters relating to necessary diversion and relocation works, but the Contractor shall retain full responsibility for coordinating the implementation of all relocationworkwhichshallbeanintegralcomponentoftheWorks. 816.3 ConstructionRequirement The Contractor should note that all utility companies have been notified of the scope of the Works and the necessity for the removal and relocation of power lines, cables as well as water and gas mains. The concerned authorities will undertake Works for the relocation of existing utilities during the Works programme but the Contractor may also be required to undertakeworksinoperationsinvolvingtherelocationofexistingutilities.Theprecisedetails of individual requirements will be agreed upon between the interested parties after the awardofContractandsuchdetailsshallbereflectedintheprogrammetobesubmitted.The Contractors attention is brought to the need to cooperation with concerned Utility authorities. In particular, the Contractor shall prepare in his working schedule a realistic programmeallowingreasonabletimesfortheremovalandrelocationofutilitylines,forboth commencement and completion times, which shall be based on advance negotiations and agreements with the respective authorities allowing reasonable time in all cases for the carrying out of this work. The programme to be furnished for the whole the works and shall takeaccountallnegotiationsandagreementsonallsuchmatters. The Contractor shall adopt construction methods that will make allowance for the removal and relocation of existing utilities in accordance with the specifications of the respective authoritiesaswellastheinstructionoftheEngineer.TheContractorshallproposefulldetails for the works that are affected by the removal and relocation of all utilities. Such proposals shall take into account the Contractors full obligations for the Works as well as the minimal disruptiontoutilityservices. 816.4 MeasurementandPayment Measurement and payment for the removal and relocation of some existing utility services may be made on the basis of Prime Cost (P.C.) item allowed for all such works. Such payments will cover for possible payments to be made by the Contractor to the concerned authorities for work operations undertaken by the authorities in connection with the works for relocation of existing utilities. The Contractor shall indicate in the Tender the percentage adjustment required for the use of the P.C. item which shall cover all the Contractors obligations for implementing this work item. Where appropriate, the Engineer may also orderworkfortheremovalandrelocationofutilitiesservicesonaForceAccountBasis.Such payments shall be full compensation for complying with this section of the Specification, ConditionsofContractforthewholeoftheWorks. Payitems PayUnit 816(1)RelocationofPublicUtilitiesProvisionalSum plus%AllowanceforOverheads,etc.ontheProvisionalSumtobeinsertedbytheContractor PrimeCost Series800IncidentalConstructions Pageno:28of29





SERIES900RIGIDPAVEMENTS CONTENTS 900 RIGIDPAVEMENTS ..............................................................................................................2

901 CementConcretePavement............................................................................................2 901.1 Description .................................................................................................................2 901.2 Materials,mixrequirementsandtestingforquality ....................................................2 901.3 ConstructionRequirements ........................................................................................5 901.4 MeasurementandPayment...................................................................................... 11




SERIES900RIGIDPAVEMENTS 900 901 901.1 RIGIDPAVEMENTS CementConcretePavement Description Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: This section covers the specification of materials for, and the construction of, unreinforced and reinforced concrete pavement slabs. The concrete pavement shall be constructed to the dimensionsandcrosssectionalprofilesshowninthecontractdrawings. 901.2 Materials,mixrequirementsandtestingforquality Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: The contractor shall submit the details and material sources of all the materials to the Engineer for the approval. Samples shall be submitted to the Engineer, and when approved by him all materials used in the work shall all respects be equal thereto. If alternative materialsareproposed,28daysnotificationisrequiredfortheapproval. All concrete for use in pavements shall comply with BS 5328, except where otherwise specifiedinthisclause. a. Cement

The cement shall be Ordinary Portland Cement complying with the requirements of BS 12 or AASHTOM85orSLS107. b. Aggregates

Coarse&fineaggregatesshallcomplywiththerequirementsinsubsection1701.2 c. Water

WaterformixingandcuringshallcomplywithSLS522. d. Reinforcement

Steelreinforcementshallcomplywithanyofthefollowingstandardsandbeinprefabricated sheetsorbarsassembledonsiteandbefreefromoil,dirt,looserustorscale. Steelfabricinflatsheets BS4483 HotrolledsteelbarsGrade250 BS4449 HotrolledsteelbarsGrade460 BS4449 Coldworkedsteelbars BS4461 When deformed bars are used they shall confirm to type 2 bond classification of BS 4449 & BS4461. e. DowelBars

Dowel bars shall be Grade 250 steel complying with BS 4449 and shall be free from oil, dirt, loose rust or scale. They shall be straight, free of burrs or other irregularities and the sliding ends sawn or, if approved by the Engineer, cropped cleanly with no protrusions outside the normaldiameterofthebar.






Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, tie bars in transverse or longitudinal joints shall be Grade 250 steel or Grade 460 deformed steel bars complying with BS 4449 or BS 4461. Tie bars shall be free from oil, dirt, loose rust and scale. Tie bars which are to be cranked and laterstraightenedshallbeofmildsteel. g. Admixtures

AnairentrainingadmixturecomplyingwiththerequirementsofBS5075Part2shallbeused in the concrete. In addition, water reducing retarding admixtures complying with BS 5075 Part 1 may also be used with the approval of the Engineer. Admixtures containing Calcium Chlorideshallnotbeused. h. ExpansionJointFillerBoard

The expansion joint filler board shall be of either cork or fibrous compressible material complyingwitheitherAASHTOM153orAASHTOM213.Alternativelyabondedcombination ofrigidandcompressiblematerialapprovedbytheEngineer,shallbeused. i. JointSealants

Joint seals shall consist of hot or cold applied elastomeric type sealant or preformed compression sealant. Hot applied sealant shall comply with the requirements of AASHTO M 282 or ASTM D3406 or D3569. Cold applied elastomeric type sealant shall comply with AASHTO M282 or BS 5212 Preformed compression seals shall be made of polychloroprene elastomerscomplyingwithBS2752andASTMD2628. j. Class&StrengthofConcrete

Concrete shall be of class A confirming to sub sections of this series and shall be designed to have a minimum compressive strength of 25 N/Sqm at 28 days. The water content shall be the minimum required to provide the agreed workability for full compaction of the concrete to the required density, as determined by trial mixes or other means approved by the Engineer,andmaximumfreewatercementratioshallbe0.5. k. Maximumsizeandgradingofaggregate

The nominal size of coarse aggregate shall not exceed 40mm. When the spacing between longitudinal reinforcement is less than 90mm, the nominal size of coarse aggregate shall not exceed20mm. l. ComplianceTesting

ConcreteStrength Sampling and testing and compliance for the specified characteristic strength of the designed mixes shall be in accordance with BS 5328, except that it shall be at the following rateofsamplingandtestingandwiththefollowingrequirements. 150 mm concrete cubes shall be made and cured in pairs and tested in accordance with BS 1881 from concrete delivered to the paving plant, each pair being from different delivery of concrete.Atleastonepairofcubesshallbemadeforeach600Sqmofconcreteslabandnot lessthan6pairsshallbemadeeachdayforeachtypeofmix.Forareaslessthan600Sqm,at least 4 cubes shall be made for each 100 Sqm or less. This rate of sampling and testing may bereducedattheEngineersdiscretion. Forareasof600Sqmormore,onecubeofeachpairshallbetestedincompressionat7days and the other at 28 days after mixing. Groups of four consecutive results from single cubes tested at 28 days shall be used for assessing the strength for compliance with BS 5328. For areas less than 600 Sqm, two cubes shall be tested at 7 days and two tested at 28 days and assessedasinBS5328. Series900RigidPavements Pageno:3of12


TheratioRbetween7and28daystrengthsshallbeestablishedforthemixtobeusedinthe slab by testing pairs of cubes at each age on at least 6 batches of the trial mix. The average strengthofthe7daypairofcubesshallbedividedbytheaveragestrengthofthe28daypair of cubes for each batch and the ratio R shall be the average of these six values. The ratio R shallbeexpressedtothreedecimalplaces. If during the construction of the trial length or during normal working the average value of any 4 consecutive 7 day test results falls below the strengths given in Table 7 Day Cube Strengths then the cement content of the concrete shall without extra payment, be increased by 5% by mass or by an amount agreed by the Engineer. The increased cement content shall be maintained at least until the four corresponding 28 days have been assessed. If the cement content is increased, the concrete mix shall be adjusted to maintain therequiredworkability. TABLE:7DayCubeStrengths GradeofConcrete 40 30 25 20 15 10 Workability The workability of the concrete at the point of placing shall enable the concrete to be fully compactedandfinishedwithoutundueflow.Theoptimumworkabilityforthemixtosuitthe paving plant being used shall be determined by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The workability shall be determined by the Compacting Factor Test, or the VeBe test or alternatively by the Slump test, all in accordance with BS 1881, at the minimum rate of one determination per 300 Sqm of slab laid or 6 times per day. For areas less than 300 Sqm the rate shall be at least one determination to each 20 m length of slab or at least 3 times per day.Testsforworkabilityshallbecarriedoutatthepointofplacing,inconjunctionwithtests for strength and any tests for air content. The workability shall be maintained at the optimumwithinthefollowingtolerances. CompactionFactor(CF) Slump VeBe 0.03 20mm 3Secs or as agreed by the Engi neer as a result oftrialmixes OPCMixesRavailableN/Sq mm 43R 33R 27.5R 22R 17R 10R OPC Mixes R availableN/Sqmm 31 24 19 15 12 7.5 not

Any alteration to the optimum workability necessitated by a change in conditions shall be agreedbeforehandbytheEngineer. If any determination of workability gives a result outside the tolerance a further test shallbe madeimmediatelyonthenextavailableloadofconcrete.Theaverageofthetwoconsecutive results and the difference between them shall be calculated. If the average is not within the 0.03(CF) or 10mm (slump) or 3 Secs (VeBe) of the optimum value or the difference is Series900RigidPavements Pageno:4of12


greaterthan0.06forCFor20mmforslumpor6SecsfoVeBeorothervalueagreedwiththe Engineer,subsequentsamplesshallbetakenfromthenextloads,whichshallnotbeallowed todischargeintotheWorksuntilcompliancewiththespecificationhasbeenestablished. TrialMixes The Contractor shall carryout laboratory trials of designed mixes with the materials from all sources to be used in the contract. Trial mixes shall be made in the presence of the Engineer or his representative and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. They shall be repeatedifnecessaryuntiltheproportionsthatwillproduceaconcretewhichcompliesinall respectswiththisspecificationhavebeendetermined. The proportions determined as a result of the laboratory trial mixes may be adjusted if necessaryduringtheconstructionofthetriallength.Thereafterneitherthematerialsnorthe mixproportionsshallbevariedinanywayexceptthewrittenapprovaloftheEngineer. Any changes in sources of materials or mix proportions that are proposed by the Contractor during the course of the Works shall be assessed by making laboratory trial mixes and the construction of a further trial length, unless approval is given by the Engineer for minor adjustments. 901.3 ConstructionRequirements Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Subgraderequirements The concrete pavement shall be placed on an approved subbase of approved type and thickness. The subbase may be of natural soil confirming to section 401 or of stabilised soils confirming to section 402. The subbase may also be of graded granular material to that of gradedaggregatebasetosection405. SeparationMembrane A separation membrane shall be used between jointed reinforced concrete surface slabs or unreinforced concrete surface slabs and the subbase. Separation membranes shall be impermeable plastic sheeting 125 m thick laid flat without creases. Where an overlap of plastic sheets is necessary this shall be at least 300mm. There shall be no standing water on orunderthemembranewhentheconcreteisplaceduponit. SteelReinforcement Lapsinlongitudinalbarsshallbenotlessthan35timesbardiameteror450mmwhicheveris greater.Lapsinanytransversereinforcementshallbeaminimumof300mm. The reinforcement shall be fixed on approved metal supports and retained in position at the required depth below the finished surface and distance from the edge of the slab so as to ensurethattherequiredcoverisachieved.Reinforcementassembledonsiteshallbetied,or firmly fixed, by a procedure agreed with the Engineer, at sufficient intersections to provide theaboverigidity. Unless otherwise described in contract, any transverse bars shall be at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the carriageway.The transverse reinforcement in the centre of each slab widthshallbeaminimumof12mmdiameterbarsat600mmcentresinreinforcedconcrete slabs. This reinforcement shall be at least 600 mm longer than one third of the width of the slab and be lapped to other transverse reinforcement bars, or be continuous across the whole width of the slab. Transverse reinforcement shall terminate at 125 25 mm from the




edgesoftheslabandlongitudinaljoint.Thelongitudinalreinforcementshallterminate300 50mmfromanytransversejoint. TransverseJoints Transversejointsshallbecontraction,expansionorwarpingjointsconstructedatthespacing describedinthecontract.Joinsinthesurfaceslab,roadbaseandsubbaseshallbestaggered sothattheyarenotcoincidentverticallyandatleast1mapart. Transverse joints shall be straight within the following tolerances along the intended line of the joint, which is the straight line transverse to the longitudinal axis of the carriageway at thepositionagreedbytheEngineer,orasdescribedinthecontract. (i) Deviationofthefillerboardorbottomcrackinducerfromtheintendedline ofthejointshallbenotgreaterthan10mm. (ii) The best fit straight line through the joint groove as constructed shall not bemorethan25mmfromtheintendedlineofthejoint. (iii) Deviations of the joint groove from the best fit straight line of the joint shallbenotgreaterthan10mm. (iv) When top groove formers and bottom crack inducers are used, the joint groove as constructed shall be located vertically above the bottom crack inducerwithinahorizontaltoleranceof25mm Transverse joints on each side of a longitudinal joint shall be in line with each other of the sametypeandwidth. ContractionJoints Contraction joint shall consist of a sawn joint groove or a wet formed joint groove, dowel barsandasealinggroove. ExpansionJoint Expansionjointshallconsistofajointfillerboard,dowelbarsandasealinggroove. The filler board shall be positioned vertically within the prefabricated joint assemblies along the line of the joint. The joint filler board together with the sealing groove shall provide a complete separation of adjacent slabs and any spaces around dowel bars and between the subbase and the filler board shall be packed with a suitable compressible material after fixingthejointassembly. WarpingJoints Warping joint shall consist of a sawn joint groove or a wet formed joint groove, dowel bars andasealinggroove. ConstructionJoints Construction joints made at the end of a working day in unreinforced concrete slabs and jointed reinforced concrete slabs shall be expansion joints or contraction joints. In the event of mechanical break down in concreting machinery, or at the onset of adverse weather, emergency joints may be formed at not less than 2.5 m from preceding or succeeding joint position. Emergency joints in unreinforced concrete slabs shall be either expansion or contraction joint. Emergency joints in reinforced concrete slabs shall be made by positioning a stop end formwork sufficiently rigid to ensure that dowel bars, tie bars or reinforcement will be held in position in compliance with the specification, and placed in such a position thatitpermitsthelongitudinalreinforcementtoprojectthroughthejointforadistanceofat least750mm. Series900RigidPavements Pageno:6of12


Construction joints in continuously reinforced concrete slabs at the end of the day or in an emergencyshallnotbeconstructedwithin1.5mofanylapinthelongitudinalreinforcement without the approval of the Engineer. The stop end formwork shall be sufficiently rigid to ensure that the longitudinal reinforcement and the tie bars which project through the joint areheldinthecorrectposition. LongitudinalJoints Longitudinal joints shall be wet formed or constructed in surface slabs between or at the centre of traffic lanes within theallowablepositioninthecontract.Jointsinthesurfaceslab, road base or subbase shall be staggered so that they are not coincident vertically and are at least 300 mm apart. The positions of all longitudinal joints in any slab shall be agreed by the Engineer prior to construction of the slab. Longitudinal joints shall be constructed in the positionsagreedbytheEngineerwithinthefollowingtolerances. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Deviations of the bottom crack inducer from the intended line of the joint, paralleltotheaxisoftheroadshallbenotgreaterthan13mm. The joint groove shall be located vertically above the bottom crack inducerswithinahorizontaltoleranceof25mm. The best fit line along the constructed joint groove, shall be not more than 25mmfromtheintendedlineofthejoint. Deviations of the joint groove from the best fitlineofthejointshallbenot greaterthan10mm.

Tie bars may be replaced by continuous transverse reinforcement across the joints in continuouslyreinforcedconcreteslabswhichareconstructedinmorethanonelanewidthin operation, provided that the transverse reinforcement is a minimum of 12 mm dia. bars at 600mmcentres. LongitudinalConstructionJoints Longitudinal construction joints between separate slabs shall have tie bars with a joint groove. Alternatively, if split forms are used, the transverse reinforcement, if 12 mm diameter or more, may be continued across the joint for a minimum of 500 mm or 30 times thediameterofthetransversereinforcementbars,whicheveristhegreater.Ajointgrooveis not required in construction joints in continuously reinforced concrete road bases. Where the edge of the concrete slab is damaged it shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineerbeforetheadjacentslabisconstructed. DowelBars Dowel bars shall be supported on cradles in fabricated joint assemblies positioned prior to constructionoftheslab.Cradlessupportingthedowelbarsshallnotextendacrossthelineof the joint. For contraction joints in slabs constructed in two layers, as an alternative to prefabricated assemblies, dowel bars may be mechanically inserted with vibration into the bottom layer of the plastic concrete by a method which ensures full recompaction of the concretearoundthedowelbars. Dowelbarsshallbepositionedatthemiddepthfromthesurfaceleveloftheslab,20mm. Theyshallbealignedparalleltothefinishedsurfaceoftheslab. Dowelbarsshallbecoveredbyathinplasticsheathforatleasttwothirdsofthelengthfrom one end for dowel bars in contraction joints or half the length plus 50mm for expansion




joints. The sheath shall be tough, durable and of an average thickness not greater than 1.25 mm. For expansion joints, a closely fitting cap 100 mm long consisting water proofed card board or an approved synthetic material shall be placed over sheathed end of each dowel bar. An expansion space equal in length to the thickness of the joint filler board shall b formed betweentheendofthecapandtheendofthedowelbar. TieBars Tie bars and reinforcement projecting across a longitudinal joint shall be protected from corrosionfor75mmeachsideofthejointbyasuitableprotectivecoating.Inthecasewhere the bars are cranked for construction joints and later straightened any damage to the protectionshallbemadegoodbeforeadjacentconcreteislaid. JointGrooves Joint grooves shall be formed or sawn in the surface slabs to promote cracks at the required positions. Transverse joint grooves shall either be sawn in the hardened concrete or wet formed in plastic concrete. Longitudinal joint grooves shall be wet formed in plastic concrete. Sawn Transverse Joint Grooves Sawing shall be undertaken as soon as possible after the concrete has hardened sufficiently to enable a sharp edged groove to be produced without disrupting the concrete and before random cracks develop in the slab. The groves shall be betweenand1/3ofthespecifiedwidthnotlessthan3mm. Wetformed Transverse Joint Groves Grooves shall be formed in the plastic concrete, prior to the final regulation and finishing of the surface, either by vibrating a metal blade into the concrete to the required depth and inserting a groove former into the groove, or the groove former may be vibrated vertically into the plastic concrete. The disturbed concrete shall be fully recompacted aroundtheformeroneachsideandthesurfaceregulated.Howeverifthe groove is wider than 15 mm, surface regularity shall be achieved by removing disturbed concrete. The groove former shall then remain in the correct position, alignment and depth below the surface, until temporary or permanent sealing is carried out. The groove former shallbemadeofanapprovedrigidmaterialofawidthnotgreaterthantherequiredwidthof the sealing groove. It shall be smooth sided with rounded protrusions no greater than 3mm. Any removable part of the groove former may be tapered with a maximum difference in widthof2mmin20mmdepth. Wetformed Longitudinal Joint Groves Groove forming sealing strips for longitudinal joints shall be of firm compressible strips of ethylene vinyl acetate foam of minimum density of 90 kg/m3, or synthetic rubber, or similar material and shall be approved by the Engineer. They shall have a minimum thickness of 5 mm and shall be sufficiently rigid to remain vertical and straight in the concrete without curving or stretching. They shall be inserted or fixed continuously along the joint. The depth of groove forming sealing strips for construction jointsshallbenotlessthan25mm. JointFillerBoard Joint filler board for expansion joints and manhole and gully slab joints shall be of thickness 25 mm or the thickness described in the contract, within a tolerance of 1.5 mm, of a firm compressible material or a bonded combination of compressible and rigid materials of sufficient rigidity to resist deformation during the passage of the concrete paving plant. The depthofthejointfillerboardformanholeandgullyslabsshallbethefulldepthofthesealing Series900RigidPavements Pageno:8of12


groove.Thedepthofthefillerboardforexpansionjointshallbeasdescribedinthecontract. Holes for dowel bars shall be accurately bored or punched out to form a sliding fit for the sheatheddowelbar. PreparationandSealingofJointGrooves Jointsshallnotbesealedwithin14daysafterconstruction. The part of the grove former used to form the sealing groove or any temporary seal shall be removed cleanly without damaging the joint arises to a minimum depth of 25 mm, where compressionsealsareusedorotherwisetothedepthshownincontractforappliedsealants. The sealing grooves shall be cleaned out immediately after sawing. The sides of the joint sealing groove shall be scoured by dry abrasive blasting. Alternatively, when compression seals are used, the sides of the groove may be ground or wire brushed. For hot and cold applied sealants, compressible caulking material, debonding strip or tape or cord compatible with the sealant, of suitablesizetofillthewidthofthesealinggroove,shallbefirmlypacked or stuck in the bottom of the sealing groove. All grooves shall be cleaned of any dirt or loose material by air blasting with filtered, oil free filtered air. The groove shall be clean and dry atthetimeofprimingandsealing. When hot or cold applied sealants are used, an appropriate primer shall be used and it shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. The sealant shall be applied within the minimum and maximum drying times of the primer recommended by the manufacturer. Hot applied sealants shall be heated in and applied from thermostatically controlled, indirectly heated dispenser with a recirculating pump. The sealant shall not be heated to a temperature higher than the safe heating temperature nor for a period longer than safe heating period, as specified by the manufacturer. The dispenser shall be cleaned out at the endoftheeachdayandreheatedmaterialsshallnotbeused. The components of cold applied sealants shall be thoroughly mixed in the correct proportions in accordance with the manufacturers instructions using an automatic metering and mixing dispenser approved by the Engineer or, for hand application, using a power operatedpaddlemixerforsufficienttimetoproduceahomogeneousmixwithoutentrapped air.Assoonaspossibleaftermixingandwithintheworklifeofthesealant,thematerialshall be dispensed in to the joint or applied using a caulking gun, to the correct level below the concrete surface. The tackfree time shall be achieved within 3 hours for machine dispensed material,orwithin12hoursforhandappliedsealants. When performed compression seals are used, the width of the seal shall be selected in relation to the width of the sealing groove, the bay lengths and manufacturers recommendations so that the estimated maximum width of the joint opening shall be not more than 70% of the original width of the seal. Compression seals shall be inserted into the grooves without prior extension or rotation and where recommended by the manufacturer, with a lubricant adhesive which is compatible with the seal and the concrete. The adhesive shall be applied to both sides of the sealing groove or the seal or to both. The seal shall be positioned with its axis perpendicular to the concrete surface. Excess adhesive on the top of thesealshallberemoved. Delivery,StorageandBatchingofConcretingMaterials Cement shall be kept dry and used in the order in which it is delivered to the site. Bulk cement shall be stored in purpose made silos. Bagged cement shall be stored under dry weather proof covers on raised floors. Each consignment shall be kept separate and distinct and used in the order in which it is delivered to the Site. No cement shall be stored on Site forlongerthan3months. Series900RigidPavements Pageno:9of12


Aggregate shall be delivered to and stored on the site in separate nominal single sizes of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. . Fine aggregate shall have been deposited at the site of mixing for at least 8 hours before use. If the contractor proposes to blend aggregate from two separate sources, he shall obtain the Engineers prior approval for the blending process and for the arrangements for inspection during the course of the work. The bases of stockpiles shall be suitably surfaced to prevent contamination of the aggregate. Aggregates brought to the site shall be kept free from contact with deleterious matter. Aggregates shall bemeasuredbymassandprovisionshallbemadeforbatchingeachnominalsizeorblendof aggregateseparately,tothetolerancesspecifiedinBS5328. ProportioningtheMix The constituents of the mix shall be batched by weight to the accuracy required in BS 5328. Allowance for any variation shall be made so that the specified maximum water cement ratioisnotexceedednorthecementcontentreducedbelowtheminimumspecified. CalibrationofMeasuringEquipment A Certificate of Calibration verifying the accuracy of the equipment used for measuring the quantities of the constituents of the concrete mix shall be provided by the Contractor when required by the Engineer and each time the batching and mixing plant is commissioned for use. Mixingconcrete Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, concrete shall be mixed on Site in a stationary batchtypemixerincompliancewithBS5328.Thedrumsorbladesofmixershallbeoperated at the speed used for testing, in accordance with BS 3963 for mix proportions required, within a tolerance of 1 revolution per minute. and the blades shall be replaced when it is no longer possible to maintain the tolerances by adjustment The rated output of the batching and mixing plant shall exceed by at least a third the amount of concrete that is required at a constant rate to achieve planned rate of progress. All mixing drums or pans, which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes, shall be thoroughly cleaned before anyfreshconcreteismixedinthem. The airentraining agent shall be added at the mixer, by an apparatus capable of dispensing the correct dose within the limits given in BS 5328, into the mixing water, so as to ensure uniformdistributionoftheagentthroughoutthebatchduringmixing. Following the addition of water, the concrete shall be mixed for at least the minimum time recommendedbythemanufacturerofthemixingplantpriortodischargefromthemixer. TransportingConcrete The freshly mixed concrete shall be covered during transit and while awaiting discharge to prevent wetting by rain or evaporation of moisture. It shall be transported and delivered so thatsegregationorlossoftheconstituentmaterialsisreducedtotheminimum. Concretespreading&compaction The concrete shall be spread uniformly without segregation or varying degree of pre compaction, by conveyor, chute or by other means approved by the Engineer. The concrete shall be struck off by a screed so that the average and differential surcharge is sufficient to ensurethataftercompactionthesurfaceistobetherequiredlevels.




The concrete shall be compacted by vibrating finishing beams. In addition, internal porker vibration shall be used for slabs thicker than 200mm and may be usedforlesserthicknesses. When used, the porkers shall be at points not more than 500mm apart over the whole area oftheslab,andadjacenttothesideformsortheedgeofthepreviouslyconstructedslab. After the final regulation of the surface of the slab and before application of the curing membrane the surface of the concrete slabs to be used as running surfaces shall be brush texturedinadirectionatrightanglestothelongitudinalaxisofthecarriageway.Thebrushed surface texture shall be applied evenly across the slab in one direction by the use of approvedwirebrushnotlessthan450mmwide. Curing Immediately after the application of the surface texture described the surface and sides of the slab shall be cured by the application of an approved curing compound. Alternatively, small areas may be cured by the use of polythene sheeting in accordance with the instructionsoftheEngineer.Curingshallbecarriedoutforaminimumperiodof7days TrialLength At least 14 days prior to the construction of the trial length of concrete pavement the Contractor shall submit for the Engineers approval a detailed description of the proposed materials, plant, equipment & construction methods. No trials of new materials, plant, equipment or construction methods; nor any development of them shall be permitted either during the construction of the trial length or in any subsequent paving work, unless they form part of further approved trials. The Contractor shall demonstrate the materials, plant, equipment and methods of construction that are proposed for concrete paving, by first constructing 100m long for mechanised construction and at least 20m for hand guided methods. At least two transverse joints inclusive of an expansion joint and one longitudinal joint shall be constructed and assessed in the trial length. The trial length shall comply with thespecificationinallrespects. ConstructionbyMachine The concrete pavement shall be constructed by either fixed form or by slip form paving plant, in a continuous process. The slab may be constructed in either one or two layers. In two layer construction the thickness of the top layer shall not be less than 50mm or twice the maximum size of the coarse aggregate, which ever is the greater, and shall be at least 15mmthickerthanthedepthofthegrooveformer,ifused. 901.4 MeasurementandPayment Deletethissubsectionandsubstitutethefollowing: Measurement Concrete pavements shall be measured as finished work in position in square metres of surface area. There shall not be separate measurement for the reinforcement nor formwork and deemed to be included in the rate for the concrete. Joints shall be measured separately inlinearmetresasspecified. Payment Payment shall be based on the contract unit rate for each item of completed and accepted work, which shall include full compensation for materials inclusive of reinforcement & formwork, labour, equipment, transport, hire charges and incidentals necessary to complete thework. Series900RigidPavements Pageno:11of12


ThePayitemsandPayUnitsshallbe: PayItem 901(1)ConcretePavement 901(2)Expansionjointasdetailedindrawings 901(3)Contractionjointasdetailedindrawings


Sqm m m



UNOPS LKOC New Thondamannaru Bridge Construction Programme

Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs


CONTENTS 1001. CONCRETE FOR STRUCTURES....................................................................... 1002 Description ................................................................................................ 1002 Materials.................................................................................................... 1002 Classification & uses of concrete .............................................................. 1002 Proportioning of Materials ......................................................................... 1002 Grade of Concrete..................................................................................... 1004 Workability of Concrete ............................................................................. 1005 Testing of Concrete for Acceptance.......................................................... 1006 Mixing of Concrete .................................................................................... 1009 Placing and Compaction of Concrete........................................................ 1011 Underwater Concreting ............................................................................. 1016 Curing of Concreting ................................................................................. 1016 Measurement and payment ...................................................................... 1017 Description ................................................................................................ 1018 Materials.................................................................................................... 1018 Construction Requirements....................................................................... 1019 Measurement & Payment.......................................................................... 1020 DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................... 1021 MATERIALS.............................................................................................. 1022 WORKMANSHIP....................................................................................... 1028 TENSIONING............................................................................................ 1030 JOINTS IN CONSTRUCTION WITH PRE-CAST UNITS.......................... 1032 GROUTING............................................................................................... 1032 TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND ERECTION OF UNITS:............... 1034 QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................ 1034 SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION:................................................................. 1037 MEASUREMENT: ..................................................................................... 1037 PAYMENT:................................................................................................ 1037 a) Description ............................................................................................ 1038 .1 Coffer Dam/ Artificial Island.................................................................. 1038 Materials.................................................................................................... 1042 Manufacturing and protective requirements for piles ................................ 1044 Construction requirements of driven piles................................................. 1044 Construction requirements of cast insitu piles (bored piles)...................... 1044 Description ............................................................................................... 1071

1001.1. 1001.2. 1001.3. 1001.4. 1001.5. 1001.6. 1001.7. 1001.8. 1001.9. 1001.10. 1001.11. 1001.13 1002. 1002.1. 1002.2. 1002.3. 1002.4. 1003. 1003.1. 1003.2. 1003.3. 1003.4. 1003.5. 1003.6. 1003.7. 1003.8. 1003.9. 1003.10. 1003.11. 1004 1004.1 1004.1 1004.2 1004.3 1004.4 1004.5 1005 1006. 1007. 1008. 1005.1


PRESTRESSING FOR STRUCTURES............................................................... 1021

PILE FOUNDATIONS FOR STRUCTURES........................................................ 1038

WELL FOUNDATIONS FOR STRUCTURES ..................................................... 1071 RANDOM RUBBLE MASONRY.......................................................................... 1071 BRICK WORK AND BLOCK WORK FOR STRUCTURES ................................ 1071 FORMWORK FOR STRUCTURES ..................................................................... 1071

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1009. 1010 1011

BRIDGE EXPANSION JOINTS ........................................................................... 1071 BRIDGE BEARINGS .......................................................................................... 1073 WEARING COURSE ........................................................................................... 1077

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs



1001.1.Description No change. 1001.2.Materials Add to the end of the paragraph the following:Supply of materials: UNOPS shall supply of basic construction materials such as Cement, and necessary formwork materials except propping/supporting materials binding wires, nails to the contractor at site. All necessary formwork materials shall be black laminated plywood. Contractor shall transport the all materials from the stock yard to the batching plant yard (for production of concrete by their own batching plant,) and finally pouring site to pour concrete including all other necessary local transports. Supply of all other materials related to the mixing of concrete such as Metal, Sand, Admixture/Reterders, fresh water, ice if required to control the concrete temperature and required tools and equipments shall be provided by the Contractor. Contractor shall be responsible for preparing, fitting, fixing and installation of the formworks. Contractor shall supply the all necessary tools, equipments and materials for the fitting/fixing of the form works/ scaffoldings. The contractor shall be responsible to transport the concrete from the batching plant to the casting location by their own transit mixer/truck. The pouring of concrete shall be commenced by Contractor including all necessary labours and equipments, tools etc, complete. Before start to produce concrete, contractor must be ensuring that all the equipments are in working condition e.g. transit mixer/ pump car etc, & all other necessary equipments. An official material requisition form shall be designed and singed & submit to the project office approval stated that all the equipments are working condition. Contractor shall be responsible for the payment of concrete volume If any wastage of concrete due to breakage of the necessary equipments/ plants and any negligence of the contractor during pouring of concrete. A stand by equipments must be available/ arranged at site during concrete to avoid this payment. 1001.3.Classification & uses of concrete Add to the end of the paragraph the following:Unless otherwise described in the Contract, concrete shall be a Class A designed mix. 1001.4.Proportioning of Materials Delete subsections (d), and substitute with the following:a) When designing the concrete mix, the Contractor shall consider the following conditions:

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

1) Strength The class of the concrete is to be as shown on the Drawings. The class is the specified characteristic cylinder strength at 28 days. Concrete mixes shall be designed to comply with Specifications Sub Section 1001.7. 2) Water/Cement Ratio The ratio of free water to cement shall be as indicated for the respective class in Table 1001-5-A. More over for concrete in barriers, edge beams and bridge decks directly exposed to traffic or concrete in pile caps or abutments in contact with the ground, the water cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45, unless approved by the Engineer. 3) Cement Content The minimum cement content shall be as indicated for the respective class in Table 1001-5-A. The maximum cement content shall not exceed 500 kg/m3 unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer. 4) Minimum Filler Content Filler content (fine aggregate less than 0.25 mm and cement) shall not be less than as follows (except for mass concrete). Maximum coarse aggregate size (mm) Minimum filler content (kg/m3 of concrete) 5) Coarse Aggregate The maximum size of coarse aggregate will generally be stated on the Drawings; either 40 mm or 20 mm, in accordance with Sub Section 1701.2 of ICTAD, Standard Specifications for construction and maintenance of Roads and Bridges. Grading and quality is to comply with the requirements of Table 1701-1 of Sub Section 1701.2 of ICTAD Standard Specifications for construction and maintenance of Roads and Bridges. 6) Fine Aggregate The grading and quality is to comply with the requirements of Sub Section 1701.2 of ICTAD Standard Specifications for construction and maintenance of Roads and Bridges. 7) Workability The concrete shall be of suitable workability to comply with Specifications Sub Section 1001.6. b) Trial Mixes After the Contractor has received approval for the cement and aggregate to be used, he shall prepare trial mixes with concrete of designed proportions to prove and establish workability, strength, water cement/ratio, surface criteria etc. Methods of transporting fresh concrete and the compaction equipment shall be considered. The trial mixes shall be made and compacted in the presence of the Engineer, using the same type of plant and equipment as will be used for the Works. 20 435 40 350

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From each trial mix, cylinders or cubes shall be made and tested in accordance with Specifications Sub Section 1001.7. From the same mix as that from which the test specimens are made, the workability of the concrete shall be determined by the slump test in accordance with Specifications Sub Section 1001.6. The remainder of the mix shall be cast in a wooden mould and compacted. After 24 hours the sides of the mould shall be struck and the surface examined in order to satisfy the Engineer that an acceptable surface can be obtained with the mix. The trial mix proportions should be approved if the required strength is obtained from tests carried out in accordance with Specifications Sub Section 1001.7., and the consistency and surface is to the satisfaction of the Engineer. When a mix has been approved, no variations shall be made in the mix proportions, or in the type, size, grading zone or source, of any of the constituents without the consent of the Engineer, who may require further trial mixes to be made before any such variations are approved. Until the results of trial mixes for a particular class have been approved by the Engineer, no concrete of the relevant class shall be placed in the Works. When the Contractor intends to purchase factory-made precast concrete units, trial mixes may be dispensed with provided that evidence is given to satisfy the Engineer that the factory regularly produces concrete which complies with the Specifications. The evidence shall include details of mix proportions, water/cement ratios, slump tests and strengths obtained at 28 days. The contractor shall submit for the Engineers approval, prior to the supply of any designed mix, the following information:(a) Appropriate existing data as evidence of satisfactory previous performance for target mean strength, current margin, and workability and water/cement ratio or full details of tests on trial mixes. (b) Quantities of each material per cubic metre, of fully compacted concrete. The current margin for a concrete mix shall be 1.64 times the standard deviation of cube tests on at least 40 separate batches of concrete of similar proportions and produced over a period not exceeding 6 months, by the same plant under similar supervision, but not less than one third of the characteristic strength up to Grade 15 or 7.5 N/Sqm for concrete of grade 20 or above. 1001.5.Grade of Concrete Add the following:Concrete for use in the various elements of structures shall be as shown in Table 1001-5A and as specified on the Drawings.

TABLE 1001-5-A

The compressive strength of concrete (Cylinder Strength) have been assumed as follows:
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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Pre-stressed concrete: fc = 50 N/mm (Grade 60, Cube Strength) Curb, Deck slab, RCC Girder fc = 30 N/mm (Grade 37, Cube Strength) Parapets footpath slab, Approach slab fc = 25 N/mm (Grade 31, Cube Strength) Concrete for Bored cast insitu pile fc = 30 N/mm (Grade 37, Cube Strength) Pile Cap: fc = 30 N/mm (Grade 37, Cube Strength) Concrete for piers, abutments and foundation: fc = 30 N/mm (Grade 37, Cube Strength) Cement Concrete Block: fc = 20 N/mm2 (Grade 25, Cube Strength) Mass Cement Concrete: fc = 15 N/mm2 (Grade 19, Cube Strength) Concrete Class Concrete Characteristic Strength (N/mm2 @ 28 days) Cylinder Cube (150 mm) (150 x 300 mm)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 13 19 25 31 37 44 50 56 60

Maximum free water/cemen t ratio

0.60 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.42 0.42 0.42

Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate (mm)

40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20

Minimum Cement Content (Kg/m3)

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

210 240 250 275 300 325 325 350 350 375 375 400 400 425 425 450 450 475

Where, fc is the compressive strength at 28 days. Note: Concrete strength quoted in Table 1001-5-A is the 28 days compressive cylinder strength as well as cube strength. 1001.6.Workability of Concrete Delete subsection, substitute with the following :The workability of the fresh concrete shall be such that the concrete is suitable for the conditions of handling and placing so that after compaction it surrounds all reinforcement, tendons and ducts and completely fills the formwork. Workability shall be measured for each batch or at such times as directed by the Engineer using one of the following tests in accordance with BS 1881 and shall be within the following limits of required values. Slump Compacting factor 25 mm or one third of the required value, which ever is the greater. 0.03 where the required value is 0.90 or more. 0.04 where the required value is between 0.80 and 0.90 0.05 where the required value 0.80 or less. 3 seconds or one fifth of the required value, which ever is the greater.


Typical values of workability are tabulated below.

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Description of workability Very low Low Medium High

Compacting Factor 0.78 0.85 0.92 0.95

Slump 0 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 100 100 - 175

Unless otherwise specified in the contract, very low workability shall be confined to high strength vibrated concrete, carried out under controlled conditions and for RCC slabs and beams, foundations, columns, etc. low workability shall be used. 1001.7.Testing of Concrete for Acceptance Delete subsection, substitute with the following:i) General The Contractor shall assume the full responsibility for the quality of the concrete conforming to these Specifications and this responsibility shall not be relieved by the testing carried out and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall thus at his own discretion establish additional testing procedures as necessary. ii) Control of Concrete Production 1) Materials Materials used shall be tested in accordance with Sub Section 1001.2. 2) Plant and Equipment Batching plants will be tested by the Contractor in a manor approved by the Engineer before any major concrete casting and at any other time if requested by the Engineer. 3) Fresh Concrete The frequency of slump tests shall be as directed by the Engineer, with at least one test per 25 m of concrete. iii) Control of Strength 1) Sampling and Testing Cube tests may be substituted for cylinder tests if acceptable to both the Engineer and the Contractor. If cube tests are adopted, the concrete characteristic strengths shall be as shown in Table 1001-5-A. All other requirements of the Specifications shall equally apply to cubes or cylinders. The Contractor shall take samples of the concrete for testing. The number, frequency and location shall be decided by the Engineer. A minimum of 3 concrete cubes/cylinders should be taken for each days casting, or for every 15 m of concrete cast in large pours. The slump of concrete samples shall be measured in accordance with Specifications Sub Section 1001.6.

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2) Strength Requirement The results of the testing shall conform to the strength requirements according to British standard BS-5400: Part 7, as given below, or to any mathematically correct statistical test for each casting section. iv) Characteristic strength The characteristic strength of concrete is the 28 days strength below which not more than 5% of the test results may be expected to fall. v) Target Mean Strength The concrete mix shall be designed to have a mean strength greater than the required characteristic strength by at least the current margin. The current margin for each particular type of concrete mix shall be determined; it may be taken as having the smaller of the values given by (1) or (2) below. 1) 1.64 times the standard deviation of tests on at least 100 separate batches of concrete of nominally similar proportions of similar materials and produced over a period not exceeding 12 months by the same plant under similar supervision, but not less than 2.5 N/mm2 for concrete of grade 10 or 3.75 N/mm2 for concrete of grade 15 or above. 1.64 times the standard deviation of tests on at least 40 separate batches of concrete of nominally similar proportions of similar materials and produced over a period exceeding 5 days but not exceeding 6 months by the same plant under similar supervision, but not less than 5 N/mm2 for concrete of grade 10 or 7.5 N/mm2 for concrete of grade 15 or above.


Where there are no or insufficient data to satisfy (1) or (2) above, the current margin for the initial mix design should be taken as shown in table 1001-7-A for corresponding strength classes. This margin should be used as the current margin only until sufficient data are available to satisfy (1) or (2) above. However, when the required characteristic strength approaches the maximum permissible strength of concrete made with a particular aggregate. A smaller margin may be permitted by the Engineer for initial mix design.

Table 1001-7-a Specified characteristic Strength, MPa 35 Target Mean Strength, MPa 50 Current Margin, MPa 15

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30 25 20 15 10 vi) Testing Plan

45 40 30 25 20

15 15 10 10 10

Each cube shall be made from a single sample taken from randomly selected batches of concrete. The samples shall be taken at the point of discharge from the mixer or, in the case of ready-mixed concrete, at the point of discharge from the delivery vehicle. Compliance with the specified characteristic strength may be assumed if: 1) The average strength determined from any group of three consecutive test cubes exceeds the specified characteristic strength by not less than 0.5 times the current margin, and 2) Each individual test result is greater than 85% of the specified characteristic strength. If only one cube result fails to meet the second requirement (2) then that result may be considered to represent only the particular batch of concrete from which that cube was taken provided the average strength of the group satisfies the first requirement. If more than one cube in a group fails to meet the second requirement or if the average strength of any group of three consecutive test cubes fails to meet the first requirement then all the concrete in all the batches represented by all such cubes shall be deemed not to comply with the strength requirements. For the purposes of this sub-section, the batches of concrete represented by a group of three consecutive test cubes shall include the batches from which samples were taken to make the first and the last cubes in the group of three, together with all the intervening batches. vii) Action to be taken in the event of Non-Compliance with the Testing Plan. When the average strength of three consecutive test cubes fails to meet the first requirement in (vi), above, the mix proportions of subsequent batches of concrete should be modified to increase the strength. The action to be taken in respect of the concrete which is represented by the test-cubes which fail to meet either of the requirements shall be determined by the Engineer. This may range from qualified acceptance in less severe cases, to rejection and removal in the most severe cases. The Engineer may also require the Contractor at his own expenses to prove statistically the strength, by boring out cores and testing them according to a programme approved by the Engineer. The age of the concrete and degree of hardening at the time of the new testing shall be considered. The equivalent cylinder/cube strength shall comply the minimum characteristic strength or as decided by the Engineer. viii) Control of Hardening If the Contractor wants to remove forms and scaffolding earlier than specified herein, extra test specimens shall be cast by the Contractor in accordance with the instruction of

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the Engineer. These specimens shall be tested the day before removal of the form. On the basis of the test results the Engineer shall take the final decision on the time for the removal of forms. For prestressed concrete, extra test specimens shall be cast by the Contractor in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer, to determine the time for tensioning the tendons. On the basis of the test results, the Engineer shall decide upon the time for prestressing the concrete. 1001.8.Mixing of Concrete Delete subsections (d) and substitute with the following :d) Central Plant Mixers These mixers shall be of approved drum type capable of combining the aggregate, cement and water into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass within the specified mixing period and of discharging the mixture without segregation. Central plant mixers shall be equipped with an acceptable timing device that will not permit the batch to be discharged until the specified mixing time has elapsed. The water system for a central mixer shall be either a calibrated measuring tank or a meter and shall not necessarily be an integral part of the mixer. The mixers shall be cleaned at suitable intervals. They shall be examined daily for changes in interior condition. The pick up and throw-over blades in the drum shall be replaced when they have lost 10% of their depth. In addition to the requirements for mixers at local sites detailed above, central plant mixers which have a capacity of between 2 and 5 cubic metres, or greater than 5 cubic metres, should have a minimum mixing time of 90 and 120 seconds respectively, provided tests indicate that the concrete produced is equivalent in strength and uniformity to that attained as stated in the preceding paragraphs. Mixed concrete shall be transported from the central mixing plant to the site of work in agitator trucks or, upon written permission of the Engineer, in non-agitator trucks. Delivery of concrete shall be so regulated that placing is at a continuous rate unless delayed by the placing operations. The intervals between delivery of batches shall not be so great as to allow the concrete in place to harden partially, and in no case shall such an interval exceed 30 minutes. Add additional section as follows: f) Agitator Trucks Unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Engineer, agitator trucks shall have watertight revolving drums suitably mounted and shall be capable of transporting and discharging the concrete without segregation. The agitating speed of the drum shall not be less than two or more than six revolutions per minute. The volume of mixed concrete permitted in the drum shall not exceed the manufacturers rating nor exceed 80% the gross volume of the drum. Upon approval by the Engineer, open-top, revolving-blade truck mixers may be used in lieu of agitating trucks for transportation of central plant mixed concrete.

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UNOPS LKOC New Thondamannaru Bridge Construction Programme

Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Gross volume of agitator bodies expressed in cubic feet or cubic metres shall be supplied by the mixer manufacturer. The interval between introduction of water into the mixer drum and final discharge of the concrete from the agitator shall not exceed 45 minutes. During this interval the mix shall be agitated continuously. g) Non-Agitator Trucks Bodies of non-agitating equipment shall be smooth, water-tight metal containers equipped with gates that will permit control of the discharge of the concrete. Covers shall be provided when needed for protection against the weather. The non-agitating equipment shall permit delivery of the concrete to the site of the work in a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass with a satisfactory degree of discharge. Uniformity shall be satisfactory if samples from the one-quarter and three quarter points of the load do not differ by more than 30 mm in slump. Discharge of concrete shall be completed within 30 minutes after the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregate. h) Truck or Transit Mixers These shall be equipped with electrically actuated counters by which the number of revolutions of the drum or blades may readily be verified and the counters shall be actuated at the commencement of mixing operations at designated mixing speeds. The mixer when loaded shall not be filled to more than 60% of the drum gross volume. The mixer shall be capable of combining the ingredients of the concrete into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass and of discharging the concrete with a satisfactory degree of uniformity. Except when intended for use exclusively as agitators, truck mixers shall be provided with a water measuring device to measure accurately the quantity of water for each batch. The delivered amount of water shall be within plus or minus 1% of the indicated amount. Truck mixers may be used for complete mixing at the batch plant and as truck agitators for delivery of concrete to job sites, or they may be used for complete mixing of the concrete at the job site. They shall either be a closed watertight revolving drum or an open top revolving blade or paddle type. The amount of mixing shall be designated in number of revolutions of the mixer drum. When a truck mixer is used for complete mixing, each batch of concrete shall be mixed for between 70 and 100 revolutions of the drum or blades at the rate of rotation designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as the mixing speed. Such designation shall appear on a metal plate attached to the mixer. If the batch is at least 0.5 cubic metres less than guaranteed capacity, the number of revolutions at mixing speed may be reduced to not less than 50. Mixing in excess of 100 revolutions shall be at the agitating speed. All materials, including the mixing water, shall be in the mixer drum before actuating the revolution counter which will indicate the number of revolutions of the drum or blades. When wash water (flush water) is used as a portion of the mixing water for the succeeding batch, it shall be accurately measured and taken into account in determining the amount of additional mixing water required. When wash water is carried on the truck mixer, it shall be carried in a compartment separate from the one used for carrying or measuring the mixing water. The Engineer will specify the amount of wash or flush water, when permitted any may specify a dry drum if wash water is used without measurement or without supervision. When a truck is used for complete mixing at the batch plant, mixing operations shall begin within 30 minutes after the cement has been added to the aggregate. After mixing, the

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

truck mixer shall be used as an agitator, when transporting concrete, at the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as agitating speed. Concrete discharge shall be completed within 45 minutes after the addition of the cement to the aggregates. Each batch of concrete delivered at the job site shall be accompanied by a time slip issued at the batching plant, bearing the time of departure there from. When the truck mixer is used for the complete mixing of the concrete at the job site, the mixing operation shall begin within 30 minutes after the cement has been added to the aggregates. The rate of discharge of the plastic concrete from the mixer drum shall be controlled by the speed of rotation of the drum in the discharge direction with the discharge gate fully open. 1001.9. Placing and Compaction of Concrete Delete subsection, substitute with the following:The temperature of concrete at the time of placing shall not exceed 35oC. In preparation for the placing of concrete all sawdust, chips and other construction debris and extraneous matter shall be removed from the interior of forms. Struts, stays and braces, serving temporarily to hold the forms in correct shape and alignment, pending the placing of concrete at their locations, shall be removed when the concrete placing has reached an elevation rendering their service unnecessary. These temporary members shall be entirely removed from the forms and not buried in the concrete. Concrete must reach its final position in the forms within 20 minutes of the completion of mixing, or as directed by the Engineer. Concrete shall be placed so as to avoid segregation (from lower gradient to upper gradient) of the materials and the displacement of the reinforcement. The use of long troughs, chutes and pipes for conveying concrete from the mixer to the forms shall be permitted only on written authorisation of the Engineer. In case an inferior quality of concrete is produced by the use of such conveyors, the Engineer may order discontinuance of their use and the institution of a satisfactory method of placing. Open troughs and chutes shall be of metal or metal lined. Where long steep slopes are required, the chutes shall be equipped with baffles or be in short lengths that reverse the direction of movement. All chutes, troughs and pipes shall be kept clean and free from coatings of hardened concrete by thoroughly flushing with water after each run. Water used for flushing shall be discharged clear of the structure. When placing operations would involve dropping the concrete more than 1.5 m, it shall be deposited through sheet metal or other approved pipes. As far as practicable, the pipes shall be kept full of concrete during placing and their lower ends shall be kept buried in the newly placed concrete. After initial set of the concrete, the forms shall not be jarred and no strain shall be placed on the ends of reinforcement bars which project. Concrete, during and immediately after depositing, shall be thoroughly compacted. The compaction shall be done by mechanical vibration subject of the following provisions: 1) The vibration shall be internal unless special authorisation of other methods is given by the Engineer or as provided herein.

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

2) Vibrators shall be of a type and design approved by the Engineer. They shall be capable of transmitting vibration to the concrete at frequencies of not less than 4,500 impulses per minute. 3) The intensity of vibration shall be such as to visibly affect a mass of concrete of 20 mm slump over a radius of at least 450 mm. 4) The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of vibrators to properly compact each batch immediately after it is placed in the forms. 5) Vibrators shall be manipulated to thoroughly work the concrete around the reinforcement and embedded fixtures, and into the corners and angles of the forms. Vibration shall be applied at the point of deposit and in the area of freshly deposited concrete. The vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn from the concrete slowly. The vibration shall be of sufficient duration and intensity to thoroughly compact the concrete, but shall not be continued so as to cause segregation. Vibration shall not be continued at any one point to the extent that localised areas of grout are formed. Application of vibrators shall be at points uniformly spaced and not further apart than twice the radius over which the vibration is visibly effective. 6) Vibration shall not be applied directly or through the reinforcement to sections or layers of concrete which have hardened to the degree that the concrete ceases to be plastic under vibration. It shall not be used to make concrete flow in the forms over distances so great as to cause segregation, and vibrators shall not be used to transport concrete in the forms. 7) Vibration shall be supplemented by such spading as is necessary to ensure smooth surfaces and dense concrete along form surfaces and in corners and locations impossible to reach with the vibrators. 8) The provisions of this Section shall also apply to precast piling, concrete cribbing and other precast members except that, if approved by the Engineer, the manufacturers methods of vibration may be used. Concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers not more than 600 mm thick except as hereinafter provided. When less than a complete layer is placed in one operation, it shall be terminated in a vertical bulkhead. Each layer shall be placed and compacted before the preceding batch has taken initial set to prevent injury to the green concrete and avoid surfaces of separation between the batches. Each layer shall be compacted so as to avoid the formation of a construction joint with a preceding layer which has not taken initial set. When the placing of concrete is temporarily discontinued, the concrete, after becoming firm enough to retain its form, shall be cleaned of laitance and other objectionable material to a sufficient depth to expose sound concrete. To avoid visible joints as far as possible upon exposed faces, the top surface of the concrete adjacent to the forms shall be smoothed with a trowel. Where a feather edge might be produced at a construction joint, as in the sloped top surface of a wing wall, an inset form shall be used to produce a blocked out portion in the preceding layer which shall produce an edge thickness of not less than 150 mm in the succeeding layer. Work shall not be discontinued within 450 mm of the top of any face, unless provision has been made for a coping less then 450 mm thick, in which case, if permitted by the Engineer, a construction joint may be made at the under side of the coping.

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Immediately following the discontinuance of placing concrete all accumulations of mortar splashed upon the reinforcement steel and the surfaces of forms shall be removed. Dried mortar chips and dust shall not be puddled into the unset concrete. If the accumulations are not removed prior to the concrete becoming set, care shall be exercised not to injure or break the concrete-steel bond at and near the surface of the concrete, while cleaning the reinforcement steel. For simple spans, concrete shall preferably be deposited by beginning at the centre of the span and working from the centre toward the ends. Concrete in girders shall be deposited uniformly for the full length of the girder and brought up evenly in horizontal layers. For continuous spans, the concrete placing sequence shall be as shown on the plans or agreed on by the Engineer. Concrete in slab and girder haunches less than 1.0 metre in height shall be placed at the same time as that in the girder stem. Concrete in slab spans shall be placed in one continuous operation for each span unless otherwise provided. Concrete in T-beam or deck girder spans may be placed in one continuous operation if permitted by the Engineer. Concrete in columns and pier shafts shall be placed in one continuous operation, unless otherwise directed. Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, no concrete shall be placed in the superstructure until the column forms have been stripped sufficiently to determine the character of the concrete in the columns. The load of the superstructure shall not be applied to the supporting structures until they have been in place at least 14 days, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Pneumatic placing of concrete shall be permitted only if authorised by the Engineer. The equipment shall be so arranged that vibration does not damage freshly placed concrete. Where concrete is conveyed and placed by pneumatic means the equipment shall be suitable in kind and adequate in capacity for the work. The machine shall be located as close as practicable to the place of deposit. The position of the discharge end of the line shall not be more than 3 metres from the point of deposit. The discharge lines shall be horizontal or inclined upwards from the machine. At the conclusion of placement the entire equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned. Placement of concrete by pumping shall be permitted only if authorised by the Engineer. The equipment shall be so arranged that vibrations do not damage freshly placed concrete. Where concrete is conveyed and placed by mechanically applied pressure, the equipment shall be suitable in kind and adequate in capacity for the work. The operation of the pump shall be such that a continuous stream of concrete without air pockets is produced. When pumping is completed, the concrete remaining in the pipeline, if it is to be used, shall be ejected in such a manner that there is not contamination of the concrete or separation of the ingredients. After this operation, the entire equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned. Add additional Paragraph as follows: Perforations and Embedment of Special Devices

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

The Contractor is responsible for determining in advance of making any concrete pours, all requirements for perforation of concrete sections or embedment therein of special devices of other trades, such as conduits, pipes, weep holes, drainage pipes, fastenings, etc. Any concrete poured without prior provision having been made, shall be subject to correction at the Contractors expense. Special devices to be embedded:

Expansion joints Drain outlets including fixing bolts for down pipes Bolts and inserts for sign posts Bolts and inserts for various purposes regarding inspection and maintenance as directed by the Engineer

Other devices not mentioned above shall be shown on the Drawings, or directed by the Engineer. The inserts and fittings should conform to Sections 5.9 and 5.10 of this Specification. Finishing Concrete Surfaces One of the following types of finishing shall be applied to concrete surfaces: Type A Concrete Deck Immediately after placing concrete, concrete decks shall be struck off using templates to provide proper crowns and shall be finished smooth to the correct levels. Finish shall be slightly but uniformly roughened by brushing. The finished surface shall not vary more then 10 mm from a 3 metre straight edge placed in any direction on the roadway. Deviation from the grade line shall not be more than + 30 mm in any 20 metre length. Type B - Kerb and Sidewalk Surface Exposed faces of kerbs and sidewalks shall be finished to true lines and grades. The kerb surface shall be wood floated to a smooth but not slippery finish. Sidewalk surfaces shall be slightly but uniformly roughened by brushing. Type C - Ordinary Finish An ordinary finish is defined as the finish left on a surface after the removal of the forms when all holes left by form ties have been filled, and any minor surface defects have been repaired. The surface shall be true and even, free from depressions or projections. The concrete in bridge seats, caps, and tops of walls shall be struck off with a straight edge and floated to true grade. Under no circumstances shall the use of mortar topping for concrete surfaces be permitted. Type D - Rubbed Finish After the removal of forms the rubbing of concrete shall be started as soon as its condition permits. Immediately before starting this work the concrete shall be kept thoroughly saturated with water for a minimum period of three hours. Sufficient time shall have elapsed before the wetting down to allow the mortar used in patching to have thoroughly set. A medium coarse carborundum stone shall be used for rubbing a small amount of mortar on the face. The mortar used shall be composed of cement and fine aggregate

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

mixed in the same proportions as that used in the concrete being finished. Rubbing shall be continued until all form marks, projections, and irregularities have been removed, all voids filled, and a uniform surface has been obtained. The paste produced by this rubbing shall be left in place at this time. The final finish shall be obtained by rubbing with a fine carborundum stone and water until the entire surface is of a smooth texture and uniform colour. After the final rubbing has been completed and the surface has dried, burlap shall be used to remove loose powder. The final surface shall be free from unsound patches, paste, powder and objectionable marks. Type E - Bush hammer Finish Bush hammering shall be carried out by treating the surface with an approved heavy duty power hammer fitted with a multi-point tool which shall be operated over the surface to remove 5 to 6 mm of concrete paste and expose maximum areas of coarse aggregate. Aggregate left embedded shall not be fractured or loose. 25 mm wide bands at all corners and arises shall be left as cast. The finish surface shall be even and of uniform appearance and shall be washed with water upon completion. Type F - Ribbed Finish Ribs shall be vertical and to the dimensions shown on the Drawings. The direction of the grain of the timber forming the ribs shall be vertical. Type G Prestressed Concrete Girder Surface Exposed faces of Prestressed Girder (i.e. Bottom and side surface) shall be finished to true lines and grades. The Prestressed Girder surface (i.e. Bottom and side surface) shall be wood floated to a smooth and slippery finish. Top surfaces shall be slightly but uniformly roughened by brushing.

Construction Joints A) General Construction joints shall be made only where located on the plans or shown in the pouring schedule, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. If not detailed on the plans, or in the case of emergency, construction joints shall be placed as directed by the Engineer. Shear keys or inclined reinforcement shall be used where necessary to transmit shear or bond the two sections together. B) Bonding Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete which has hardened, the forms shall be re tightened. The surface of the hardened concrete shall be roughened as required by the Engineer, in a manner that does not leave loosened particles of aggregate or damaged concrete at the surface. It shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter and laitance, and saturated with water. To ensure an excess of mortar at the juncture of the hardened and the newly deposited concrete, the cleaned and saturated surfaces, including vertical and inclined surfaces, no grout shall be used at the interface of new and old concrete. The Placing of concrete shall be carried continuously from joint to joint. The

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

face edges of all joints which are exposed to view shall be carefully finished true to line and elevation. 1001.10. Underwater Concreting Delete subsection, substitute with the following:Concrete shall not be deposited in water except with the approval of the Engineer and under his immediate supervision; and in this case the method of placing shall be as defined in this Section. Concrete placed under water shall be carefully placed in a compact mass, in its final position, by means of a tremie tube and shall not be disturbed after being deposited. Special care must be exercised to maintain still water at the point of deposit. Concrete shall not be placed in running water. The method of depositing concrete shall be so regulated as to produce approximately horizontal surfaces. Concrete seals shall be placed in one continuous operation. When a tremie tube or pipe is used, it shall consist of a tube or pipe not less than 150 mm in diameter. All joints in the tube shall be watertight. The means of supporting the tremie tube shall be such as to permit free movement of the discharge end over the entire top of the concrete and to permit its being lowered rapidly when necessary to choke off or retard the flow. The tremie tube shall be filled by a method that prevents washing of the concrete. The discharge end shall be completely submerged in concrete at all times and the tremie tube shall be kept full. Concrete slump shall not be less than 200 mm. Dewatering shall proceed only when the concrete seal is considered strong enough to withstand any pressure to be exerted upon it. This time shall be decided by the Engineer. All laitance or other unsatisfactory material shall be removed from the exposed surface by scraping, jetting, chipping or other means, which do not injure the seal unduly. 1001.11. Curing of Concreting Add additional section as follows: Removal of Scaffolding and Formwork Forms and scaffolding shall not be removed without the approval of the Engineer. The Engineers approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his Contract responsibilities. Any kentledge blocks and bracing shall be removed at the same time as the forms and in no case shall any portion of the wood forms be left in the concrete. Forms used on exposed vertical faces shall remain in place for periods which shall be determined by the Engineer and normally not less than 3 days. Supporting scaffolding and forms under slabs, beams and girders shall normally remain in place until the full required strength of the concrete has been obtained. If a shorter period is requested, this may be permitted by the Engineer. In such case, special test specimens (see Section 1001.7) shall be cast to monitor the hardening. All structures shall be fully stripped before adjacent structures are cast. Repair of Concrete As soon as the form has been stripped, the Contractor shall advise the Engineer who shall inspect the concrete before any improvement of the surface takes place. All wire or metal devices used for securing the formwork which project from or appear on the surface

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

of the finished concrete shall be removed or cut back to at least a depth equal to the required reinforcement cover. All holes and pockets so formed shall be painted with an epoxy bonding agent and prior to filing with cement mortar mixed in the same proportions as the fine aggregate to cement of the concrete mix used for that particular section of the structure. Excessive honeycombing shall be sufficient to cause rejection of portions of the structure containing this honeycombing. The Contractor, on receipt of written orders from the Engineer, shall remove and rebuild such portions of the structure at his own expense. Smaller honeycombing and other defects can be repaired using epoxy grout if permitted by the Engineer. Structural, maintenance and aesthetical points of view shall be taken into consideration before such approval, if any, may be given. The method of repair shall be approved by the Engineer and an extension of period for a certain part of the performance bond may be required. 1001.13 a. Measurement and payment Measurement

This work shall be measured as the volume in cubic metres of concrete of the specified strength placed and finished complete and accepted. Volumes shall be computed from the dimensions shown on the Drawings or as ordered by the Engineer. No deductions shall be made from the measured quantities for drainage, openings or pipes less than 300mm in diameter, conduits, chamfers, reinforcing bars, expansion/Construction joints or pile heads embedded in the concrete. No measurements shall be considered for transportation from batching plant to casting location or preparing, fitting, fixing of formworks/ scaffolding deemed to be inclusive to the unit rate. b. Payment

Payment will be at the contract unit rate for each class of concrete and shall be full compensation of labour, formwork preparation, fittings/fixing, tools, plants and other, curing etc complete and incidental required to complete the work except the cement and formwork plywood materials. Contractor shall supply necessary coarse aggregate (Metal), sand, water, ice where necessary, retarder, temporary supports/ propping etc complete. All basic construction materials such as Cement, and form works shall be supplied by UNOPS from stock yard and contractor shall be responsible for local carriage from stock yard to the mixing plant and pouring i/c labour to the structural member to complete the job. Pay Items shall be: Pay item 1001 (1) Description Pouring of concrete at Pile, Pile/Pier Cap including the labour and necessary equipments, plants/ materials. Except supply of Cement and form works plywood materials. The unit rate is inclusive of the labour & necessary equipments for fitting/fixing of scaffolding and formworks preparing, fittings/fixing Pay unit Cubic metre

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

1001 (2)

1001 (3)

with appropriate supply of scaffolding/ propping and water leakage arrangements etc complete Pouring of concrete at Abutment, wing wall, back wall, approach slab, deck slab, curbs/utility ducts, rails and rail posts, Prestressed Girder etc. including the labour and necessary equipments, plants/ materials Except supply of Cement, and form work plywoord materials. The unit rate is inclusive of the labour & necessary equipments for fitting/fixing of scaffolding and formworks preparing, fittings/fixing with appropriate supply of scaffolding/ propping and water leakage arrangements etc complete Pouring of concrete for ancillary works (Drains, drain cover slab, footpath cover slab, guard post, etc. including the labour and necessary equipments, plants/ materials Except supply of Cement, and form works plywood materials. The unit rate is inclusive of the labour & necessary equipments for fitting/fixing of scaffolding and formworks preparing, fittings/fixing with appropriate supply of scaffolding/ propping and water leakage arrangements etc complete

Cubic metre

Cubic metre


1002.1.Description No change. 1002.2.Materials Supply of materials: UNOPS shall supply of reinforcement steel bars to the contractor at site Contractor shall transport the materials from reinforcement stock yard to fabrication location and all other necessary local transports, supply all materials related to the fabrications including binding wires of the reinforcing bars, required nails, tools and equipments. Delete subsections (d) and (e), and substitute with the following :(d) Hot rolled and cold worked steel bars shall comply with BS 4449 except that no bar shall contain a flash weld. Hard drawn mild steel wire shall comply with BS 4482.


Add additional section as follows: (f) Steel fabric reinforcement shall comply with BS 4483 and shall be delivered to site in flat mats or pre-bent.

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs


Ordering Material

The name of the proposed supplier (or suppliers) of the reinforcement shall be submitted as soon as possible to the Engineer for his approval. The Contractor shall also submit all relevant data on the steel required by the Engineer, such as breaking strength, yield strength, characteristics on elongation, chemical composition etc. Copies of orders placed shall be submitted to the Engineer. Bar reinforcement shall be transported in standard bundles, tagged and marked in accordance with the Code of Standard Practice of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. No steel shall be delivered without a manufacturers certificate guaranteeing the yield stress, which shall be submitted to the Engineer. The steel shall be stored on Site and marked in a way that later enables identification of the steel corresponding to each certificate. (h) Tests

In addition to those data on steel to be submitted by the Contractor, specified test results for rebar brought on site shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall cut out steel samples as directed by the Engineer and these samples shall be tested according to the Engineers instructions by an approved Testing Institution. Expenses incurred in connection with cutting out, transporting and testing of the samples shall be paid for by the Contractor. In general, two samples shall be tested from each 50 tons of a particular size of reinforcement delivered to the site. 1002.3.Construction Requirements a. Protection & Storage No change. b. Cutting & Bending Add to end of paragraph the following :No Secondary straitening and bending of HTS bars will be allowed. Stirrups and tie bars shall be bent around a pin having a diameter not less than four times the minimum thickness of the bar. Bends for other bars, where full tension in the bar may occur, shall be made around a pin having a diameter not less than twenty times the bar diameter. The bars shall be cut and bent within the tolerances given in BS 4466. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct fit of the bars and the achievement of the required cover as given on the Drawings or established by the Engineer. c. Placing & fixing of reinforcement Delete the sentence of the first paragraph: As far barmaximum tensile stress and substitute the following :-



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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Reinforcement shall be furnished in the lengths indicated on the Drawings. When the Contractor wishes to use more splices than are indicated and/or necessary, the Contractor shall furnish Working Drawings to the Engineer for approval in accordance with the guidelines provided on the Contract Drawings. If such additional splices are approved, the extra weight occasioned by such splices shall not be included in the measurement of reinforcement for payment. All splices for high yield deformed steel bars and mild steel plain steel bars shall have lap lengths as shown on the Drawings. Lap splices shall generally be located at points of minimum tension in bars. Except where otherwise shown on the Drawings lap splices shall be made with the bars placed in contact and securely wired together. Delete the 3rd paragraph and substitute the following :Substitutions of bars shall be permitted only with specific authorisation by the Engineer and at the expense of the Contractor. If bars are substituted they shall have a cross sectional area equivalent to the design area, or larger. If substitutions of bars are permitted, the Contractor shall produce working drawings and reinforcing detailing at his own expense and to the approval of the Engineer. d) Binding Wire: Reinforcement binding wire shall be 24 BWG galvanized iron wire. 1002.4.Measurement & Payment a. Measurement Delete the sentence of the paragraph: Wastage over laps,rate for reinforcement and substitute the following :In computing the weight to be measured, the theoretical weights of bars of the cross section shown on the Drawings or authorized shall be used. The weight shall be calculated based on a constant mass of 0.00785 kg/mm per metre run. The computed weight shall not include the extra material incurred when bars larger than those specified are used, or the extra material necessary for splices when bars shorter than those specified are used with the permission of the Engineer, or the weight of any devices used to support or fasten the reinforcement in the correct position including any necessary chairs. b. Payment

Payment shall be allowed for lap splices not shown when the bars are longer than 12 metres. Only one lap splice per every started 12 metres will be paid for. The payment shall be full compensation for the fabrication, placing of the reinforcement excluding the supply of Reinforcing bars but including all binding materials, spacer bars, Support (Be-bar chair), cutting, and bending, labour, and equipment, tools, cleaning of the re-bars / foreign materials and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Pay item 1002 (1) Description Transport the materials from reinforcement stock yard to fabrication location, Cutting, bending, fabrication, placing/ installation the reinforcing steel bars in position for Pile works Pay unit Tonnes

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

1002 (2)

1002 (3)

by using of necessary equipments , excluding supply of reinforcing steel bars as drawing for all diameter Transport the materials from reinforcement stock yard to fabrication location, Cutting, bending, fabrication, placing the reinforcing steel bars in position for Pile cap by using of necessary equipments works excluding supply of reinforcing steel bars as drawing for all diameter Transport the materials from reinforcement stock yard to fabrication location, Cutting, bending, fabrication placing the reinforcing steel bars in position for Abutment, wing wall, back walls or any vertical walls by using of necessary equipments, excluding supply of reinforcing steel bars as drawing for all diameter Transport the materials from reinforcement stock yard to fabrication location, Cutting, bending, fabrication, placing/ installation the reinforcing steel bars in position for Deck, approach slab, curbs, rail post/rail bar and any horizontal members by using of necessary equipments, excluding supply of reinforcing steel bars as drawing for all diameter Transport the materials from reinforcement stock yard to fabrication location, Cutting, bending, fabrication, placing/ installation the reinforcing steel bars in position for Ancillary works (Drain, all covers), guard, Pile works by using of necessary equipments, excluding supply of reinforcing steel bars as drawing for all diameter



1002 (4)


1002 (5)



Delete all sections and add these following sections: 1003.1. DESCRIPTION

This work shall consist of prestressing precast or cast-on-place concrete by furnishing, placing and tensioning of prestressing steel in accordance with details shown on the drawing and as specified in these specifications and the special provisions. It includes prestressing by post-tensioning methods. This work shall include the furnishing and installation of any appurtenant items necessary for the particular prestressing system to be used, including but not limited to ducts, anchorage assemblies and grout used for pressure grouting ducts. For cast-in-place prestressed concrete, the term "member" as used in this Section shall be considered to mean the concrete that is to be prestressed. When members are to be constructed with part of the reinforcement pretensioned and part post-tensioned, the applicable requirement of this specification shall apply to each method.

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Construction of prestressed concrete members of highway bridges requires extensive and thorough knowledge of the science and technique involved and shall be entrusted only to qualified engineers with adequate practical experience in this field of bridge engineering and who are capable of ensuring proper execution of work. It shall be ensured that such an engineer is always present during the prestressing operation of the structural members. Concreting for the construction of prestressed concrete members of highway bridges shall conform to the requirements of Clause 1001 "Concrete Works" and Clause 1002 "Steel Reinforcement for Structures" in so far as the requirements of these Clauses apply and are not specifically modified by requirements set forth herein. 1003.2. MATERIALS

1003.2.1 Supply of Materials Material to be supplied by the Employer (UNOPS) at site specified in the Special Provisions: Elastomeric bearings and its accessories High strength strand for Prestressing Tendons. Ducts, support accessories, couplers, air vents for Pre-stressing Anchorages Form works and props (Full set of scaffoldings)

Contractor shall be responsible for local transportation from the stock yard to working place for the issued materials by the Employer and Material to be supplied by the Contractor are: 1003.2.2 High early strength cement and admixtures for grout Grout fittings Other incidental materials as required by the plans or specifications. Handling and Storage of Materials

Elastomeric Bearings

The elastomeric bearings and their metal components shall be stored clear of the ground in a storage shed until required for installation. Particular care shall be taken to prevent damage to the stainless steel surfaces of the bearings and the teflon coated bearing pads. The protective wrapping around the stainless steel surfaces and teflon coated bearing pads shall not be removed until immediately prior to the installation of the bearings or shall not be removed at all if so directed by the Engineer in the field.

The anchorages shall be stored clear of the ground in an storage shed until the anchorages or their components are required for installation. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to the high tensile steel anchorages and in particular the formation of nicks, bruises or other surface damage.
High Strength Strand

High strength strand shall be stored clear of the ground in a storage shed. The protective packing around the reless packs shall not be removed until the strand is required for the

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

fabrication of the cables. The high strength strand shall at all times be protected from corrosion and contamination by oil, dirt or other materials which may adversely affect the performance of the cables.

Ducts, couplers and air vents shall be stored clear of the ground in a storage shed until required for installation. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to the ducts or their components, making sure that no change occurs in the cross-sectioned shape of the ducts and duct components.
Void Forms

Void forms shall be stored clear of the ground in a storage shed until the forms are required for installation. The void forms shall be handled with care in order to prevent weakening of the forms by physical damage.
Replacement of Damaged Materials

Material supplied by UNOPS to the Contractor, which in the opinion of the Engineer has been damaged or otherwise rendered unusable by improper storage or handling by the Contractor, shall be replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense.

Notwithstanding the reference to the falsework having to be supported on piling as per Section Falsework of the "Specifications for Reinforced Concrete", the use of steel scaffolding on mud sills will be permitted. In the event that the Contractor elects to use steel scaffolding on mud sills, the Engineer will require that selected parts of the falsework be tested to the estimated dead load plus construction load in order to establish anticipated settlement. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with all pertinent data required for the determination of the construction loads. Unless there is a marked difference in the ground conditions under the structure, one test load will be required only for falsework supported on natural ground and one test load for falsework supported on fill. The test loads shall not be carried out too far in advance of the concrete placing operations to preclude the possibility of a change in the state of the natural ground and fill from that at the time of the tests. In the event that a change in the state of the natural ground or fill does take place between the time of the test and concrete placing operations, the Engineer may require that the load test be repeated. The falsework shall be arranged to provide uniform bearing pressure from the mud sills to the supporting ground or fill to preclude the possibility of differential settlement of the falsework. The field test loading of steel scaffolding on mud sills to establish anticipated settlement shall in no way relieve the Contractor of the requirement to have the falsework designed by a Registered Professional Engineer. The cutting or stepping of the bridge slopes to facilitate the placing of mud sills shall be kept to a minimum, and the level surface required for placing the steel scaffolding shall be obtained by means of timber cribs. All cuts or steps in the slopes which may be permitted by the Engineer to facilitate the erection of falsework shall be backfilled to the original cross-section and compaction by the Contractor at his own expense after the removal of the falsework.

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Where required by plans or Special Provisions, the Contractor shall provide openings in the falsework for highway or railway traffic to clearances as shown on the plans. The openings in the falsework shall be designed and constructed so that the falsework will be stable if subjected to impact by vehicles. No vehicles will be allowed through a falsework unless a properly designed and constructed opening is provided. In addition to the requirements for falsework removal, falsework shall not be removed until the Engineer is satisfied that the stressing operations have been satisfactorily carried out. All damage to the structure resulting from the removal of the falsework shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

All Form work shall be of waterproof Plywood or steel and shall be built mortar tight and rigid enough to maintain the concrete in position during placing, compacting, setting and hardening. The Form work shall be rigidly constructed, supported on a firm bearing base, and braced so as to retain its shape and position and shall be set to the specified lines and levels. The props shall be on firm ground over the compacted Coffer Dam and over the minimum 10mm thick steel plates or timber plank of adequate size to avoid any uneven settlement during concreting operation. A design of Proping/shuttering materials calculation must be submitted by the contractor for approval before start the formworks. Metal ties or anchorages or P cones within the form shall be constructed to permit their removal to a depth of 50mm from the face without disturbing the concrete, and shall be of such design that the size of the cavity left is minimized. In any case Timber Form works shall NOT be allowed to use. Steel Form work shall be rigid with no surface blemish that will impair the quality of finish of the concrete surface. Forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar from concrete. Molding strips shall be placed in the corners of forms to produce edges on permanently exposed concrete surfaces as shown on the drawings. Except where otherwise directed, all forms shall be coated with oil on the concrete face side. The oil used must be non-staining and have no adverse effect on paint or any other finish. All Form work shall be approved by the Engineer before placing of concrete commences. 1003.2.1 Prestressing Tendons

Prestressing tendons shall be high tensile seven-wire strand shall conform to the requirements of the following specifications. Strand Uncoated seven-wire strand shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M203 (ASTM A416 85 Low-Relaxation) shall apply when specified.

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All prestressing steel shall be protected against physical damage and rust or other results of corrosion at all times from manufacture to grouting. Prestressing steel shall also be free of deleterious material such as grease, oil, wax or paint. Prestressing steel that has sustained physical damage at any time shall be rejected. The development of pitting or other results of corrosion, other than rust stain, shall be cause for rejection. Prestressing steel shall be packaged in containers or shipping forms for the protection of the strand against physical damage and corrosion during shipping and storage. A corrosion inhibitor which prevents rust or other results of corrosion shall be placed in the package or form, or shall be incorporated in a corrosion inhibitor carrier type packaging material, or when permitted by the Engineer, may be applied directly to the steel. The corrosion inhibitor shall have no deleterious effect on the steel or concrete or bond strength of steel to concrete or grout. Packaging or forms damaged from any cause shall be immediately replaced or restored to original condition. The shipping package or form shall be clearly marked with a statement that the package contains high-tensile prestressing steel and the type or corrosion inhibitor used, including the date packaged. Special care will be taken by the Contractor to store the H. T. steel wires under suitable shed as approved by the Engineer. He or his authorised representative shall always have an easy access to the store yard for inspecting the H.T. wire/strands and satisfying themselves regarding the condition thereof. The Contractor shall scrupulously follow any modifications suggested by them. All high tensile steel for prestressing work shall be stored about 30 cm clear of he ground and protected from the weather, from splashes of any other liquid. It shall also be invariably wrapped in gunny cloth, tarpaper or any other suitable wrapping material that are chemically neutral. If it is required to be stored at site it shall be suitably covered. Suitable and effective protection of the prestressing steel against corrosion and any other mechanical damage shall be ensured. The prestressing steel shall be protected from the splashes of the cutting operation of any oxy-acetylene torch or arc welding processes in the vicinity. In no circumstances any prestressing tendons after manufacture be subjected to any welding operation or on site heat treatment or metallic coating such as galvanizing. As and when required by the Engineer, the contractor shall arrange to get the necessary tests carried out at no extra cost to the Department to ensure that the physical characteristics have not been impaired in any way. Stock piling of H.T. steel in the open at the work site will not be allowed under any circumstances. 1003.2.2 Post - Tensioning Anchorages and Couplers

All anchorage and couplers shall develop at least 95 percent of the minimum specified ultimate strength of the prestressing steel, when tested in an unbonded state, without exceeding anticipated set. The coupling of tendons shall not reduce the elongation at rupture below the requirements of the tendon itself. Couplers and/or coupler components shall be enclosed in housings long enough to permit the necessary movements. Couplers for tendons shall be used only at locations specifically indicated and/or approved by the Engineer. Couplers shall not be used at points of sharp tendon curvature. Bonded Systems Bond transfer lengths between anchorage and the zone where full prestressing force is required under service and ultimate loads shall normally be sufficient to develop the

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minimum specified ultimate strength of the prestressing steel. When anchorages or couplers are located at critical sections under ultimate load, the ultimate strength require of the bonded tendons shall not exceed the ultimate capacity of the tendon assembly, including the anchorage or coupler, tested in an unbonded state. Housings shall be designed so that complete grouting of all of the coupler components will be accomplished during grouting of tendons. Any anchorage devices with or without distribution plates required, as defined in the AASHTO standard specifications for Highway Bridges and any supplementary reinforcement required in the local zone of the anchorage, as defined in the AASHTO "Guide specifications for design and construction of segmental concrete bridges". 1003.2.3 Identification and Testing

All strands to be shipped to the site shall be assigned a lot number and tagged for identification purposes. Anchorage assemblies to be shipped shall be likewise identified. Each reel of strand reinforcement shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's certificate of compliance, a mill certificate, and a test report. The mill certificate and test report, crosssectional area, yield and ultimate strengths, elongation at rupture, modulus of elasticity, and the stress strain curve for the actual prestressing steel intended for use. All values certified shall be based on test values and nominal sectional areas of the material being certified. The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer for verification testing the samples described in the following sub-articles selected from each lot. If ordered by the Engineer, the Inspector shall make the selection of samples at the manufacturers plant. All samples submitted shall be representative of the lot to be furnished and in the case of strand, shall be taken from the same master roll. The actual strength of the prestressing steel shall not be less than specified by the applicable ASTM Standard, and shall be determined by tests of representative samples of the tendon material in conformance with ASTM Standards. All of the materials specified for testing shall be supplied free of cost and shall be delivered in time for tests to be made well in advance of anticipated time of use. Post-tensioning Method Tendons: The following lengths shall be furnished for each 20 ton, or portion thereof, lot of material used in the work. For strand to be furnished with fittings - 150 cm between near ends of fittings. All anchorages, end fittings, couplers and exposed tendons, which will not be encased in concrete or grout in the completed work, shall be permanently protected against corrosion. Except for anchorage devices without distribution plates which are tested in accordance with the AASHTO standard specifications for Highway Bridges, the Contractor shall furnish for testing, one specimen of each size of prestressing tendon, including couplings, of the selected type, with end fittings and anchorage assembly attached, for strength tests only. These specimens shall be 1.5 metre in clear length, measured between ends of

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fittings. If the results of the test indicate the necessity of check tests, additional specimens shall be furnished without cost. When dynamic testing is required, the Contractor shall perform the testing and shall furnish certified copies of test results that indicate conformance with the specified requirements prior to installation of anchorages couplers. For prestressing systems previously tested and approved on projects having the same tendon configuration, the Engineer may not require complete tendon samples provided there is no change in the material, design, or details previously approved. Shop drawings or prestressing details shall identify the project on which approval was obtained, otherwise testing shall be conducted. 1003.2.4 Corrosion Inhibitor:

Corrosion inhibitor shall consist of a vapor phase inhibitor (VPI) powder conforming to the provisions of Federal Specification MIL-P-3420 or as otherwise approved by the Engineer. When approved, water-soluble oil may be used on tendons as a corrosion inhibitor. 1003.2.5 Ducts:

Ducts used to provide holes or voids in the concrete for the placement of post-tensioned bonded tendons may be either formed with removable cores or may consist of rigid or semi-rigid ducts that are cast in to the concrete. Ducts formed with removable cores shall be formed with no constrictions which would tend to block the passage of grout. All coring materials shall be removed. Ducts formed by sheath left in place shall be a type that will not permit the intrusion of cement paste. They shall transfer bond stresses as required and shall retain shape under the weight of the concrete and shall have sufficient strength to maintain their correct alignment without visible wobble during placement of concrete. Metal Ducts: Sheathing for ducts shall be metal, except as provided herein. Such ducts shall be galvanized ferrous metal and shall be fabricated with either welded or interlocked seams. Galvanizing of welded seams will not be required. Rigid ducts shall have smooth inner walls and shall be capable of being curved to the proper configuration without crimping or flattening. Semi-rigid ducts shall be corrugated and when tendons are to be inserted after the concrete has been placed their minimum wall thickness shall be as follows: 26 gauge for ducts less than or equal to 2 - 16 mm diameter, 24 gauge for ducts greater than 2 - 16 mm diameter. When bar tendons are preassembled with such ducts, the duct thickness shall not be less than 31 gauge. Duct Area: The inside diameter of ducts shall be at least 6 mm larger than the nominal diameter of single strand tendons, or in the case of multiple strand tendons, the inside cross-sectional area of the sheathing shall be at least two times the net area of the prestressing steel. When tendons are to be placed by the pull through method, the duct area shall be at least 2-1/2 times the net are of the prestressing steel. Duct Fittings:

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Coupling and transition fittings for ducts formed by sheathing shall be of ferrous metal and shall be cement paste intrusion proof and of sufficient strength to prevent distortion or displacement of the ducts during concrete placement. All ducts or anchorage assemblies shall be provided with pipes or other suitable connections at each end of the duct for the injection of grout after prestressing. As specified in "Vents and Drains", duct shall also be provided with ports for venting or grouting at high points and for draining at intermediate low points. Vent and drain pipe shall be 12 mm minimum diameter standard pipe or suitable plastic pipe. Connection to ducts shall be made with metallic or plastic structural fasteners. The vents and drains shall be morter tight, taped as necessary, and shall provide means for injection of grout through the vents and for sealing to prevent leakage of grout. 1003.2.6 Grout Material for use in making grout that is to be placed in the ducts after tendons are posttensioned shall conform to the following: (1) Portland Cement Portland cement shall conform to one of the following: Specifications for Portland Cement - AASHTO M 85, Types 1, 2 or 3. Cement used for grouting shall be fresh and shall not contain any lumps or other indication or hydration or "pack set". Water The water used in the grout shall be potable, clean and free of injurious quantities of substances known to be harmful to Portland cement, or prestressing steel. Admixtures Admixtures, if used, shall impart the properties of low water content, good flowability, minimum bleed and moderate expansion. They shall contain no chemicals in quantities that may have harmful effect on the prestressing steel or cement. Admixtures which, at the dosage used, contain chlorides in excess of 0.005 percent of weight of the cement used or contain any fluorides, sulphites, and nitrates shall not be used. When a grout-expanding admixture is required, or is used at the Contractor's option, it shall be well dispersed through the other admixtures and shall produce a 2 to 6 percent unrestrained expansion the grout. mount of admixture to obtain desired amount of expansion shall be determined by tests. If the source of manufacture or brand of either admixture of cement changes after testing, new test shall be conducted to determine proper proportions. All admixtures shall be used in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. Prestressing steel bars, may be obtained from the manufacturers in straight condition. Any small adjustments necessary because of site conditions shall be made by bending in a normal type bar bender. Bars shall not be bent when their temperature is less than 10oC. 1003.3. 1003.3.1 WORKMANSHIP Cleaning:



All prestressing steel shall be free from loose mild scale, rust, oil, grease or any other harmful matter at the time of its placing in the member. A slight film of rust is not necessarily harmful and may improve bond.

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Cleaning of the steel may be carried out by immersion in suitable solvent solutions, wire brushing, or passing through a pressure box containing carborundum power. 1003.3.2 Straightening:

As far as possible prestressing wire shall be obtained form the manufacturers in coils having diameter of not less than 350 times the diameter of the wire itself, so that the wire springs back straight on being uncoiled. If due to smaller diameter of the coil or any other reason it does not happen the wire shall be straightened before use. 1003.3.3 Placement:

1003.3.3.1 Ducts Ducts shall be rigidly supported at the proper locations in the forms by ties to reinforcing steel which are adequate to prevent displacement during concrete placement. Supplementary support bars shall be used where needed to maintain proper alignment of the duct. Hold-down ties to the forms shall be used when the buoyancy of the ducts in the fluid concrete would lift the reinforcing steel. Joints between sections of duct shall be coupled with positive connections which do not result in angle changes at the joints and will prevent the intrusion of cement paste. After placing of ducts, reinforcement and forming is complete, an inspection shall be made to locate possible duct damage. All unintentional holes or openings in the duct must be repaired prior to concrete placing. Grout openings and vents must be securely anchored to the duct and to either the forms or to reinforcing steel to prevent displacement during concrete placing operations. After installation in the forms, the ends of ducts shall at all times be covered as necessary to prevent the entry of water or debris. Vents and Drains All ducts for continuous structures shall be vented at the high points of the duct profile, except where the curvature is small, as in continuous slabs, and at additional locations as shown on the drawings. Where freezing conditions can be anticipated prior to grouting, drains shall be installed at low point in ducts where needed to prevent the accumulation of water. Low-point drains shall remain open until grouting is started. The ends of vents and drains shall be removed one inch below the surface of the concrete after grouting has been completed and the void filled with mortar. 1003.3.3.2 Prestressing Steel For Post-Tensioning: All prestressing steel preassembled in ducts and installed prior to the placement of concrete shall be accurately placed and held in position during concrete placement. When the prestressing steel is installed after the concrete has been placed, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the ducts are free of water and debris immediately prior to installation of the steel. The total number of strands in an individual tendon may be pulled into the duct as a unit, or the individual strand may be pulled or pushed through the duct. Anchorage devices or block-out templates for anchorages shall be set and held so that their axis coincides with the axis of the tendon and anchor plates are normal in all

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directions to the tendon. The prestressing steel shall be distributed so that the force in each girder steam is equal or as required by the drawings, except as provided herein. For box girders with more than two girder stems, at the Contractor's option, the prestressing force may vary up to 5 percent from the theoretical required force per girder stem provided the required total force in the superstructure is obtained and the force is distributed symmetrically about the centerline of the typical section. 1003.3.4 Cutting

Suitable mechanical or flame cutters shall do all cutting to length and trimming of ends. When a flame cutter is used, care shall be taken to ensure that the flame does not come in contact with other stressed steel. In post-tensioning, ends of prestressing steel projecting beyond the anchorages shall be cut after the grout has set. 1003.3.5 Welding

Welding of prestressing steel shall not be permitted. 1003.3.6 Protection on Work

Prestressing steel installed in members prior to placing and curing of the concrete, or installed in the duct but not grouted within the time limit specified below, shall be continuously protected against rust or other corrosion by means of a corrosion inhibitor placed in the ducts or directly applied to the steel. The prestressing steel shall be so protected until grouted or encased in concrete. Prestressing steel installed and tensioned in members after placing and curing of the concrete and grouted within the time limit specified below will not require the use of a corrosion inhibitor described herein and rust which may form during the interval between tendon installation and grouting will not be cause for rejection of the steel. The permissible interval between tendon installation and grouting without use of a corrosion inhibitor for various exposure conditions shall be as follows: Very Damp Atmosphere or over saltwater (Humidity > 70%) 7 days Moderate Atmosphere (Humidity from 40% to 70%) 15 days Very Dry Atmosphere (Humidity < 40%) 20 days After tendons are placed in ducts, the opening at the ends of the ducts shall be sealed to prevent entry of moisture. When steam curing is used, steel for post-tensioning shall not be installed until the steam curing is completed. Whenever electric welding is performed on or near members containing prestressing steel, the welding ground shall be attached directly to the steel being welded. All prestressing steel and hardware shall be protected from weld spatter or other damage. 1003.3.7 Anchorages

Anchor cones, blocks and plates shall be positioned and maintained during concreting so that the centre line of the duct passes axially through the anchorage assembly. All bearing surfaces of the anchorages shall be clean prior to concreting and tensioning. Adequate provision shall be made for protection of the anchorage against corrosion. 1003.4. 1003.4.1 TENSIONING General Tensioning Requirements

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Prestressing steel shall be tensioned by hydraulic jacks so as to produce the forces shown on the drawings or on the approved working drawing with appropriate allowances for all losses. Losses to be provided for shall be as specified in Division I, AASHTO standard specifications for Highway Bridge. For post-tensioned work the losses shall also include the anchor set loss appropriate for the anchorage system employed. The maximum temporary stress (jacking stress) and the stress in the steel before loss due to creep and shrinkage shall not exceed the values allowed in Division I, AASTO standard specification for Highway Bridge. The method of tensioning employed shall be following as specified or approved: Post-tensioning in which the reinforcing tendons are installed in voids or ducts within the concrete and are stressed and anchored against the concrete after the development of the required concrete strength. As a final operation under this method, the voids or ducts are pressure-grouted. During stressing of strand, individual wire failures may be accepted by the Engineer, provided not more than one wire in any strand is broken and the area of broken wires does not exceed 2 percent of the total area of the prestressing steel in the member. Concrete Strength: Prestressing forces shall not be applied or transferred to the concrete until the concrete has attained the strength specified for initial stressing. In addition, cast-in-place concrete for other than segmentally constructed bridges shall not be post-tensioned until at least 10 days after the last concrete has been placed in the member to be post-tensioned. Prestressing Equipment: Hydraulic jacks used to stress tendons shall be capable of providing and sustaining the necessary forces and shall be equipped with either a pressure gauge or a load cell for determining the jacking stress. The jacking system shall provide an independent means by which the tendon elongation can be measured. The pressure gauge shall have an accurately reading dial at least 150 mm in diameter or a digital display and each jack and its gauge shall be calibrated as a unit with the cylinder extension in the approximate position that it will be at final jacking force and shall be accompanied by a certified calibration chart or curve. The load cell shall be calibrated and shall be provided with an indicator by means of which the prestressing force in the tendon may be determined. The range of the load cell shall be such that the lower 10 percent of the manufacturer's rated capacity will not be used in determining the jacking stress. When approved by the Engineer, calibrated proving rings may be used in lieu of load cells. Recalibration of gauges shall be repeated at least annually and whenever gauge pressures and elongation indicate materially different stresses. Only oxygen flame or mechanical cutting devices shall be used to cut strand after installation in the member or after stressing. Electric arc welders shall not be used. Sequence of Stressing: When the sequence of stressing individual tendons is not otherwise specified, the stressing of post-tensioning tendons and the release of pretensioned tendons shall be done in a sequence that produces a minimum of eccentric force in the member. Measurement of Stress: The Contractor shall provide a record of gauge pressures and tendon elongations for each tendon for review and approval by the Engineer. Elongations shall be measured to an accuracy of 1.6 mm. Stressing tails of post-tensioned tendons shall not be cut off until

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the stressing records have been approved. The stress in tendons during tensioning shall be determined by the gauge or load cell readings and shall be verified with the measured elongations. Calculations of anticipated elongations shall utilize the modulus of elasticity, based on nominal area, as furnished by the manufacturer for the lot of steel being tensioned, or as determined by a bench test of strand use in the work. All tendons shall be tensioned to a preliminary force as necessary to eliminate any takeup in the tensioning system before elongation readings are started. This preliminary force shall be between 5 and 25 percent of the final jacking force. The initial force shall be measured by a dynamometer by the approved method, so that its amount can be used as a check against elongation as computed and as measured. Each strand shall be marked prior to final stressing to permit measurement of elongation and to insure that all anchor wedges set properly. It is anticipated that there may be discrepancy in indicated stress between jack gauge pressure and elongation. In such event, the loads used, as indicated by the gauge pressure, shall produce a slight over-stress rather that under-stress. When a discrepancy between gauge pressure and elongation of more than 5 percent in tendons over 15 metre long or 7 percent in tendons of 15 metre or less in length occurs, the entire operation shall be carefully checked and the source of error determined and corrected before proceeding further. 1003.4.2 Post-Tensioning Method Requirements

Prior to post-tensioning any member, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the prestressing steel is free and unbounded in the duct. All strands in each tendon, except for those in ducts with not more than four strands, shall be stressed simultaneously with a multi-strand jack. Tensioning shall be accomplished so as to provide the forces and elongations specified in above. Except as provided herein or when shown on the drawings or on the approved working drawings, tendons in continuous post-tensioned members shall be tensioned by jacking at each end of the tendon. For straight tendons and when one end stressing is shown on the drawings, tensioning may be performed by jacking from one end or both ends of the tendon at the option of the Contractor. 1003.5. JOINTS IN CONSTRUCTION WITH PRE-CAST UNITS Joints between a series of precast concrete units which are to be prestressed together by post-tensioning shall be such as to ensure even transfer of compression from one unit to another. Whatever be the method of jointing, the holes of the prestressing steel shall be accurately made and shall meet one another in true alignment at ends. Jigs shall always be used. Care shall be taken to ensure that the jointing material does not enter the duct or presses the sheath against the prestressing steel. The contractor shall submit the construction procedure as per specification and approved by the Engineer. Jointing by application of mortar on the face of a unit and then placing another unit against it shall not be permitted. 1003.6. 1003.6.1 GROUTING General

When the post-tensioning method is used, the prestressing steel shall be provided with permanent protection and shall be bonded to the concrete by completely filling the void

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space between the duct and the tendon with grout. 1003.6.2 Preparation of Ducts

All ducts shall be clean and free of deleterious materials that would impair bonding or interfere with grouting procedures. Ducts with concrete wall (cored ducts) shall be flush to ensure that the concrete is thoroughly wetted. Metal ducts shall be flushed if necessary to remove deleterious material. Water used for flushing ducts may contain slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or quicklime (calcium oxide) in the amount of 10 gm per litre. After flushing, all water shall be blown out of the duct with oil-free compressed air. 1003.6.3 Equipment

The grouting equipment shall include a mixer capable of continuous mechanical mixing which will produce a grout free of lumps and undispersed cement, a grout pump and stand-by flushing equipment with water supply. The equipment shall be able to pump the mixed grout in a manner that will comply with all requirements. Accessory equipment that will provide for accurate solid and liquid measures shall be provided to batch all materials. The pump shall be a positive displacement type and be able to produce an outlet pressure of at least 1.0 N/mm2. The pump should have seals adequate to prevent introduction of oil, air or other foreign substance into the grout and to prevent loss of grout or water. A pressure gauge having a full-scale reading of no greater than 2.0 N/mm2 shall be placed at some point in the grout line between the pump outlet and the duct inlet. The grouting equipment shall contain a screen having clear openings of 3.0 mm maximum size to screen the grout prior to its introduction into the grout pump. If a grout with a thixotropic additive is used, a screen opening of 5.0 mm is satisfactory. This screen shall be easily accessible for inspection and cleaning. The grouting equipment shall utilize gravity feed to the pump inlet from a hopper attached to and directly over it. The hopper must be kept at least partially full of grout at all times during the pumping operation to prevent air from being drawn into the post-tensioning duct. Under normal conditions, the grouting equipment shall be capable of continuously grouting the largest tendon on the project in no more than 20 minutes. 1003.6.4 Mixing of Grout:

Water shall be added to the mixer first, followed by Portland cement and admixture or a required by the admixture manufacturer. Mixing shall be of such duration as to obtain a uniform, thoroughly blended grout, without excessive temperature increase or loss of expansive properties of the admixture. The grout shall be continuously agitated until it is pumped. Water shall not be added to increase grout flowability that has been decreased by delayed use of the grout. Proportions of materials shall be based on tests made on the grout before grouting is begun, or may be selected based on prior documented experience with similar materials and equipment and under comparable field conditions (weather, temperature etc.). The water content shall be the minimum necessary for proper placement and when Type I or II cement is used shall not exceed a water-cement ration of 0.45. The water content required for Type III cement shall be established for a particular brand based on tests.

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The Engineer in accordance with the U.S. Crops of Engineers Method CRD-C79 may determine the pumpability of the grout. When this method is used, the efflux time of the grout sample immediately after mixing shall not be less than 11 seconds. The flow cone test does not apply to grout which incorporates a thixotropic additive. 1003.6.5 Injection of Grout:

All grout and high-point vent openings shall be open when grouting starts. Grout shall be allowed to flow from the first vent after the inlet pipe until any residual flushing water or entrapped air has been removed, at which time the vent should be capped or otherwise closed. Remaining vents shall be closed in sequence in the same manner. The pumping pressure at the tendon inlet shall not exceed 1.7 N/mm2 (250 psi). If the actual grouting pressure exceeds the maximum recommended pumping pressure, grout may be injected at any vent that has been, or is ready to be capped as long as a one-way flow of grout is maintained. If this procedure is used, the vent which is to be used for injection shall be fitted with a positive shutoff. When one-way flow of grout cannot be maintained, the grout shall be immediately flushed out of the duct with water. Grout shall be pumped through the duct and continuously wasted at the outlet pipe until no visible slugs of water or air are ejected and the efflux time of the ejected grout, as measured by a flow cone test, if used, is not less than that of the injected grout. To ensure that the tendon remains filled with grout, the outlet shall then be closed and the pumping pressure allowed to build to a minimum of 0.5 N/mm2 (75 psi) before the inlet vent is closed. Plugs, caps or valves thus required shall not be removed or opened until the grout has set. 1003.6.6 Temperature Considerations:

When temperatures are below 0oC, duct shall be kept free of water to avoid damage due to freezing. The temperature of the concrete shall be 1.7oC or higher from the time of grouting until job cured 50 mm cubes of grout reach a minimum compressive strength of 5.5 N/mm2 (800 Psi) Grout shall not be above 32oC during mixing or pumping. If necessary, the mixing water shall be cooled. 1003.7. TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND ERECTION OF UNITS:

Precast concrete I girders shall be constructed as Cast in situ over the Coffer Dam supported on the Pier Caps. Hence, any transportation, storage and erection shall not be required. The bottom shuttering shall not allowed to open until gain the strength to sustain the dead load and an approval shall be required from Engineer for such operation. 1003.8.QUALITY CONTROL The specifications given hereunder shall be strictly followed for quality assurance of prestress concrete works. 1003.8.1 a) Prestressing: In all methods of tensioning, the stress induced in the tendons shall be determined by measurement of elongation and also independently by direct measurement of force using a pressure gauge or other means. The two determinations shall check

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b) c)



f) g)


each other and the theoretical values within a tolerance of 3%. Calculations for elongations and gauge readings must include appropriate allowances for frictions, strand wire slippage and other factors as applicable. Wire failure in tendons: Failure of wires in a post tensioning tendon is acceptable provided the total area of wire failure is not more than 2 percent of the total area of tendon in any member and also provided the Engineer is satisfied that the failure is not symptomatic of more extensive distress condition. If the total area failure exceeds 2%, representative samples from the whole batch shall be got tested again. The high tensile steel shall be used further, only if the test results are found satisfactory. Prior to stringing of strands, bottom forms shall be inspected for cleanliness and accuracy of alignment. Form surfaces to be in contact with concrete must be treated with an effective release agent. Special care must be exercised to prevent contamination of strands from release agents grease or other coatings. The alignment and position of ducts within the member is critical. Short kinks and wobbles shall be avoided. The trajectory of ducts shall not depart from the curve or straight lines shown in the approved drawing by more than 1 in 240. The cable position shall not deviate by more than 5mm from the designed trajectory vertically. The area and alignment of ducts shall be such that tendons are free to move within them and there shall be sufficient area left out to permit free passage of grout. The inside cross sectional area of the duct shall be at least twice the net area of the prestressing steel. Schedule and sequence of tensioning tendons shall be as shown in the drawings. The rate of applications of load shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommended procedure for post tensioning. Slip must be measured at each end and the extension for the total length. Anchorage: Anchorage devices for all posts tensioning systems must be aligned with the direction of the axes of the tendons at the point attachment. Concrete surfaces, against which the anchorage devices bear, must be normal to this line of direction. Accurate measurement of anchorage losses due to slippage or other causes shall be made and compared with the assumed losses shown in the post tensioning schedule and when necessary, adjustments or corrections shall be made in the operation. Cracking:


The principal objective of prestressing is the application of sufficient forces to concrete so that members can be cast and placed in service without cracks. Some hair line cracks which may form during casting or curing, if superficial, have no detrimental effect, on the structural capacity of member. However to prevent any possible corrosion through hair cracks deterioration of concrete suitable surface treatment approved by the Engineer shall be given to the exposed surface. The following precautions shall be taken by contractor to avoid cracking. i) Ensure proper curing ii) Release side forms as soon as practicable iii) Use hoop steel around tendons near ends of beams iv) Handle only from designated pick up points v) Take adequate care during storage, transportation and reaction. 1003.8.3 Inspection and Records:

In general, the scope of inspections to be performed in prestressing work shall include the following: i) Identification examination acceptance and laboratory testing of materials. ii) Inspection and recording of tensioning.

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iii) iv)

Inspecting of beds and forms prior to concreting Checking of dimensions of members, position of tendons, reinforcing steel, other incorporated material, opening, blackout, etc. v) Continual inspection of batching, mixing, converting, placing, compacting, finishing and curing of concrete. vi) Preparation of concrete specimens for tests and performing of tests for slump, air content, cube strength etc. vii) General observations of casting site, equipment, working conditions, weather and other items affecting product. viii) final inspection of finished member. Record Keeping:


In order to establish evidence of proper manufacture and quality of prestressed concrete members, a system of records as mentioned below shall be maintained by the contractor. Two copies of the records shall be made and one copy duly signed by the contractor shall be handed over to the Engineer. i) Each prestressed concrete member shall be identified by bed and date cast and an identification number which should be referenced to tensioning records, concreting records, cube strength records, keeping these records shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Submission of certified test reports for materials such as high tensile steel brought by the contractor is the responsibility of the contractor. These reports shall show that the materials comply with the applicable specifications. An accurate record of tensioning operation shall be kept. This record shall include, but not be limited to the following: a) Date of tensioning. b) Casting identification. c) Description, identification and number of members. d) Manufacturer, size and class of tendon. e) Identification of jacking equipment. f) The actual net elongation of each tendon with allowance made for elastic shortening of member. g) Data on and date of grouting. h) Any unforeseen problems encountered during tensioning such as wire breakage, excessive slippage or other factors having an influence on the net stress. Records of concrete operation and test shall be kept so that the following data will be recorded for each member or each group of members cast on one bed. a) Date, time and duration of casting. b) Mix proportion. c) Mixing water corrections. d) Identification of casting bed and members. e) Cube identification. f) Ambient temperature, weather condition and concrete temperature. g) Slump. h) Method and duration of steam curing, if proposed. i) Strength at prestressing. j) 28 days cube strength. All jacking and load measuring equipment shall be calibrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Calibration data shall shown the following: a) Date of calibration. b) Agency or laboratory performing calibration. c) Method of calibration.





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A curve showing the full range of calibration with gauge readings plotted against actual load.


Dimensional Tolerance

The permissible dimensional tolerances are as given below: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) In the length of member Flange width Depth Flange thickness Web thickness + 20 mm; - 20 mm + 10 mm; - 10 mm + 10 mm + 8 mm; - 4 mm + 8 mm

Camber deviation from design camber + 20 mm; - 20 mm Position of tendons (in vertical plane) + 5 mm; - 5 mm Bottom width + 10 mm; - 10 mm Bottom thickness + 8 mm; - 4 mm Position of handling devices + 150 mm; - 150 mm Squareness of alignments (vertical + 10 mm and horizontal alignment) - 10 mm Tolerances against items (a), (j) and (k) are for 50 m lengths. For other lengths they shall be proportional. The contractor shall ensure the dimensions of the member within the above tolerances. In case of PSC members not complying with the dimensional requirements within the tolerances, remedial measures as required by the Engineer shall be carried out. If the measures as required by the Engineer are not achieved the PSC member is liable to be rejected. 1003.9. SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION:

Detailed guidelines for safety in construction of prestressed Concrete Bridge Works is included in section 3.19 of these specifications. The contractor shall strictly follow these guidelines and as directed by the Engineer without limiting his responsibility against safety of structures and construction personnel.

1003.10.MEASUREMENT: High tensile tendons used in prestressed concrete shall be measured as the length of tendons actually used in finished work. From the length so measured its weight shall be calculated in tonnes. Anchorage devices, ducts or metal sheath spacers and grouting shall be deemed to be included in the item of high tensile steel and shall not be measured separately. 1003.11. PAYMENT: The unit rate for high tensile steel shall cover the cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant required for fixing, placing, tensioning, anchoring, and grouting the high tensile steel in the pre-stressed cement concrete as shown on the drawings and as per clause of specification. The cost of anchoring devices and ducts or metal sheath and grouting shall also be included in this rate.

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Pay Item Description No. 1003 Providing and laying H.T. tendons, of required diameter in fabricated sheaths including necessary joineries of approved quality including supplying, fitting, fixing in position, spacers, anchorage's etc., stressing the cables with standard jacks complete including grouting the duct with cement slurry all as per drawing and specification and to the Engineer direction.

Unit of Measurement Tonne



1004.1 a) Description Piling shall conform in all respect with the principles contained in BS 8004. Unless otherwise stated, concrete, reinforcement and formwork shall be in accordance with the requirements in specifications on the concrete structures. In the event of that the provisions of other specifications clauses cause ambiguity or conflict with the requirements of these specifications clauses, the later shall take precedence unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Add to end of this Sub Section the followings :Piles through water and soft upper soil layers shall be provided with a permanent steel casing if shown on the Drawings. The pile boring shall be carried out using a temporary steel casing bored to the pile toe or to a level approved by the Engineer if permanent steel casing not specified. The temporary casing shall be withdrawn. Under certain circumstances the Contractor may be permitted to bore all or part of the pile without casing under water or use drilling fluid to stabilise the borehole as referred to in Sub Section 1004.2. The piles shall be concreted and reinforced to resist pile loads and horizontal forces on the pile caps according to the Drawings and these Specifications. 1004.1 .1 Coffer Dam/ Artificial Island DESCRIPTION: This work shall consist of the construction, material excavation within, dewatering, maintenance and removal of cofferdams in accordance with the specifications at locations designated in the Plans or in the Contract. The work will be classified as follows: (a) Cofferdam. This item shall consist of providing a method for the purpose of constructing, in the dry, a specific foundation or other component of a structure in accordance with Contract requirements. This may involve the design, construction, maintenance, and removal of a watertight structure or may involve alternate methods of de-watering and stabilizing the specific site. Construction of foundation seals per Contract or as required per Contractor plans and schedule of

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operations is also within the scope of work for the Cofferdam item. The Contractor shall obtain any and all necessary permits or clearances for alternate methods. A cofferdam may have only two or three sides depending upon the particular location and the Contractors design. Cofferdam Excavation, Earth. This item shall consist of all material excavated within the pay limits as set forth in these specifications or indicated on the Plans except solid rock, mortared stone masonry, concrete, and boulders measuring 0.5cubic meters (yards) or more. Cofferdam Excavation, Rock. This item shall consist of all solid rock materials excavated within the pay limits as set forth in these specifications or indicated on the Plans, including all solid rock, mortared stone masonry, concrete, and boulders measuring 0.5 cubic meters (yards) or more. MATERIALS: Gravel/ soil may be used for the construction of cofferdam as per design and approved by Engineer. Concrete used in a cofferdam foundation seal shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 20 MPa (3000 psi) and shall conform to the requirements of Section 1001. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: When the cast insitu piles are to be pitched in water, an earthen/sand Coffer dam where possible shall be constructed raising the site of work, so as to make the construction in the dry. The area of Cofferdam/island in these cases should be sufficient enough to allow adequate working space, at least 2 times the outer dimension of the pile cap. The soil forming the island shall be such as not to impede the sinking of the casing. Cofferdam/ Islands shall be protected against scour and the top level shall be sufficiently above the anticipated water level during the construction period so that it is safe against wave or tidal action. The top surface of the island shall be adequately leveled and casing placed. The Contractor shall construct the diversion channel, if found necessary, from site conditions. In case of any deep or fast flowing water where an island may not be possible, the casing may be, floated and lowered in its final position with the help of necessary equipment. The locations and elevations for excavation shall be as indicated on the Plans. The Engineer may order to removal of poor foundation material below the normal designated elevation and replacement with an approved material. All suitable excess excavated material shall be used in the formation of embankments as indicated on the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer. The material shall be hauled and disposed of with no additional compensation to the Contractor. PRESERVATION OF CHANNEL: Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans or ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor, in performing the excavation, shall confine excavating operations to the site of the proposed structure and to the limits of the cofferdam. The natural stream bed shall not be disturbed without permission of the Engineer. COFFERDAMS:

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The Contractor shall prepare detailed plans and as schedule of operations for each cofferdam specified in the Contract. Unless otherwise noted in the Contract Documents, the design and structural details of the cofferdam structure or alternative dewatering and stabilizing method shall be signed, stamped, and dated by a qualified Professional Engineer (Structural or Civil) registered in the Institute of Engineers. The Professional Engineer is responsible for ensuring that the proposed cofferdam meets the following criteria: (a) the design is structurally stable for all conditions to been countered (e.g., soils, water, forces, and loadings); the design and details conform with the Contract and the applicable AASHTO requirements in the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges; the design and details are in conformance with applicable safety codes; the size and shape are adequate to construct the foundation and structural components specified; the cofferdam is adequately watertight for proper performance of the work; and any foundation seal is adequate to achieve its design function Cofferdam edges should be erosion free and adequate protected by Sand filled gunny sacs Cofferdam should be constructed as per sequences of the piling construction activities and guidance by Engineer.


(c) (d)


(f) (g) (h)

One copy of the plans and schedule of operations shall be submitted to the Project Manager for UNOPS use. The submittal shall include plan, elevation and section details indicating the following: (a) (b) the waterway; information regarding the cofferdam and any foundation seal indicate if a seal is required to ensure the structural integrity of the cofferdam during dewatering and foundation construction and inspection; substructure location; dimensions of any temporary restrictions that are to be placed in the waterway, e.g. barges, lines, earth dams, causeways, temporary diversion channels and access bridging; the location, dimensions, clearances, and other relevant information for any temporary scaffolding or netting; dewatered heads, taking into consideration fluctuations of water levels; details for screening, pumping and filtering discharge; a statement as to whether or not any equipment will be removed at night; and

(c) (d)


(f) (g) (h)

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a schedule or sequence of operations - include placement of the foundation seal, time from placement to dewatering, and foundation construction and inspection.

The Contractor will be responsible for performing the work in accordance with the submitted details and schedule of operations. All welding shall be performed in accordance with BS code. Cofferdam construction shall conform to AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, Division II, Section 1.4. Cofferdams shall be constructed so as to protect freshly placed concrete against damage from sudden rising of the water level and to prevent damage to the foundation or other structural component by erosion. The cofferdam shall be constructed so that no timber, bracing, or forms will extend into the foundation or other structural component. In the event the Contractor elects to place fill material in the stream to facilitate access to, or be part of, a cofferdam operation, it shall be clean stone fill. PUMPING: Pumping from or dewatering of the interior of any cofferdam enclosure shall be performed so that disturbance of the subsoil or freshly placed concrete will not occur. Dewatering of a sealed cofferdam will be in conformance with the Contractors sequence or schedule of operations. Pumping during the construction of a foundation or other structural component shall be from a suitable sump separated from the concrete work. INSPECTION OF FOUNDATION PIT: Immediately following the completion of each foundation pit, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, who shall approve the depth of the pit and the nature of the foundation before the placement of the concrete. MEASUREMENT. The quantity to be measured for payment will be on a lump sum basis for each cofferdam segments specified on the Plans, profile or in the Contract. PAYMENT: The accepted quantity of Cofferdam will be paid for at the Contract lump sum price, which price shall be full compensation for the preparation of detailed plans and schedule of operations, performing the work specified, and the furnishing of all labor, tools, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to complete the work, including the cost of altering the cofferdam, foundation seals, sheeting, bracing, dewatering, installation and maintenance of siltation and sedimentation control measures for treating cofferdam discharge, incidentals necessary for properly constructing the foundation or structural component, maintaining the cofferdam in a dewatered condition, and removing the cofferdam when no longer required. Payment for Cofferdam will be made as follows: A payment of 75% of the lump sum bid price will be made when excavation within the limits of the structural unit is completed, and the cofferdam has been successfully dewatered. Pay item Description Pay unit

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1004.1.1 (1)

1004.1.1 (2)

1004.1.1 (3)

Lump sum payment for Cofferdam construction for Segment-1 including supply of all materials, tools, equipments, maintain the scour free & dry conditions during construction period etc. complete as per the design and drawing and profile and satisfaction of Engineer. The payments shall be Segment length x Lump sum of 75% Lump sum payment for Cofferdam construction for Segment-2 including supply of all materials, tools, equipments, maintain the scour free & dry conditions during construction period etc. complete as per the design and drawing and profile and satisfaction of Engineer. The payments shall be Segment length x Lump sum of 75% Lump sum payment for Cofferdam construction for Segment-3 including supply of all materials, tools, equipments, maintain the scour free & dry conditions during construction period etc. complete as per the design and drawing and profile and satisfaction of Engineer. The payments shall be Segment length x Lump sum of 75% The remaining 25% of the lump sum bid price will be made when the cofferdam has been completely removed and excavated to the original position of the river bed before cofferdam constructed. However, in the event the Engineer (by written order) requires a Cofferdam to be left in place, the Contractor will be paid only for the documented cost of the cofferdam material left in place excluding any costs associated with the foundation seal.

Lump sum-1

Lump sum-2

Lump sum-3

1004.1.1 (4)

Lump sum-4

1004.2 Materials Add to additional Section as follows :(f) Drilling Fluid

The following sub section shall be complied with if bentonite mud is used to stabilise the boreholes: i) Supply The Contractor shall obtain a certificate from the manufacturer of the bentonite powder, showing the properties of the consignment delivered to the site. This certificate shall be made available to the Engineer on request. The properties to be given by the

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manufacturer are the apparent viscosity range (in centipoises) and the gel strength range for solids in water. Any other material proposed by the Contractor for the drilling fluid shall be approved by the Engineer. ii) Mixing Bentonite and any other material shall be mixed thoroughly with clean water to make a suspension which shall maintain the stability of the pile excavation for the period necessary to place concrete and complete construction. Where saline or chemically contaminated groundwater occurs, special precautions shall be taken to modify the bentonite in fresh water so as to render it suitable in all respects for the construction of piles. iii) Tests The frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and procedure of sampling shall be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of the work. The frequency may subsequently be varied as required depending on the consistency of the results obtained. The control tests shall cover the determination of density, viscosity, gel strength and pH values. The Contractor shall supply all equipment and experienced operators required to carry out tests on the drilling mud. No additional payment shall be made for these tests which shall be considered as an essential part of the drilling operations. (g) Steel Casing This part of the Specifications only deals with the permanent steel casing. For steel casing used during boring of the pile see Section 1004.5, Construction Methods. When permanent steel casing is shown on the Drawings, the steel shall conform to the AASHTO Standard Specification M 183-79 (ASTM A36) or equivalent. The minimum thickness of the permanent steel casing shall be 10 mm. The minimum length shall be from 100 mm above the bottom of the pile cap to 5 metre under the riverbed or into firm strata. If the permanent casing is used in the boring operation or if the handling and transport require a greater thickness to avoid deformation or buckling, the increase in thickness shall be provided by the Contractor at his own expense. The steel casing shall be furnished in appropriate lengths and the joints shall be approved by the Engineer. The casing shall be handled and stored in a manner that shall prevent buckling and other deformation as well as accumulation of dirt, oil and paint. When placed in the work it shall be free from dirt, oil, grease, paint, mill scale and loose or thick rust. The outside surface of the permanent casing of piles to river piers, for the depth indicated on the Drawings from the underside of the pile cap shall receive two coats of anti-corrosion tar type paint. The paint shall be approved by the Engineer and its application shall follow the manufacturer's instructions. (h) Length of Piles

The basic length of pile and its diameter is shown on drawings. The final length shall be

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decided by the Engineer on the basis of study of the results of initial load test on piles and on the basis of actually boring data observed on site for individual pile. Test piles shall be installed as directed by the Engineer at selected locations at each bridge site. 1004.3 Manufacturing and protective requirements for piles No change 1004.4 Construction requirements of driven piles No change 1004.5 Construction requirements of cast insitu piles (bored piles) Delete Sub Section and subslitute with the following:1004.5.1 a) General The Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of construction methods for the piles do not result in the contamination of the concrete, by sectional reduction, breaking during pulling of temporary casings or in construction of neighbouring piles. i) Assumed Procedure The following construction procedure has been assumed in the tender design. The final construction procedure shall be as approved by the Engineer prior to commencing piling operations. 1. Place permanent steel casing, if required, in position and embed casing toe into river bed or firm strata. If no permanent steel casing is specified a sufficient length of temporary steel casing shall be used to stabilise the upper part of the borehole. Bore and excavate inside the steel casing down to casing toe level, or to a level approved, and continue excavation to final pile tip level using either temporary casing under water, or using drilling mud. The fluid level inside casings shall at all times be at least 2 metres higher than outside the casings. Carefully clean up all mud or sedimentation from the bottom of borehole. Place reinforcement cage, inspection pipes etc. Concrete continuously under water, or drilling fluid, by use of the tremie method. Withdraw the temporary boring casing concurrently with concreting to the instructed level. After hardening, break out the top section of the concrete pile to reach sound concrete. the Engineer that his proposed pile shafts being weakened by by washing out of cement, by any other way, including the CONSTRUCTION METHOD


3. 4. 5. 6.


ii) Approval of Construction Method

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In the tender, the Contractor shall describe the construction method he proposes, including name of proposed Sub-contractor (if any), information on boring equipment, materials, and methods of work and control of quality. After the Contract has been awarded, the Contractor shall prepare a detailed programme and establish a procedure for the pile construction. The detailed programme shall contain all required information on materials, equipment, methods of work etc. and be approved in writing by the Engineer. Such approval shall not, however, relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for pile construction. The import of any boring equipment or materials by the Contractor, before he has received the Engineers approval of proposed construction methods, shall be at the Contractors risk. b) Setting Out Piles The contractor shall be required to employ an approved Licensed Surveyor who will set up the positions of the piles as shown in the pile layout plans of the detail design. The contractor will be responsible for the accuracy of location and positioning of each pile. Any errors in setting out and any consequential loss to the Employer will be made good by the contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The contractor shall preserve the pegs set out by the Surveyor. Should any peg be displaced or lost it must be replaced by a Licensed Surveyor to the approval of the Engineer. Upon completion of all piling works, the contractor shall produce as-Built drawings showing the positions of all piles as installed. The positions of piles shall be verified by a Licensed Surveyor. The Contractor shall check the casing position for each pile during and immediately after placing the casing, and agree it with the Engineer. c) Diameter of Piles The diameter of a pile shall be not less than the specified diameter. d) Tolerances Position: The pile heads shall be positioned as shown on the Drawings within a maximum deviation of 75 mm in either direction from its design position. Verticality: For Bored cast-in-situ the maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from the vertical at any level is 1 in 100. The contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of Engineer the pile verticality in within the allowable tolerance. Correction: Should piles be installed outside these tolerances affecting the design of the structures, the contractor shall propose remedial design and carry out immediate remedial measure to the approval of the Engineer. If any addition fund is required and shall be borne by Contractor. The Contractor shall provide suitable equipment, such as an inverted pendulum, to check the verticality of the boreholes at intervals during drilling and prior to concreting. e) Person in Charge The piling work is to be carried out by full time operators and supervisory staff who must be experienced in the installation of the proposed type of piles.

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The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, written evidence to show that the persons who will be engaged in the works have such experience. f) Pilling Equipments and Accessories The equipment and accessories must be capable of safely, speedily and efficiently installing piles to the design requirements at the project site. Sufficient units of equipments and accessories must be provided to keep to the agreed construction schedule. g) Sequence of Installation of working piles The Engineer reserves the absolute right and the Contractor shall recognise such right to direct the installation of working piles in any sequences the Engineer deems necessary for the satisfactory completion of the works. h) Forcible correction Not permitted Where piles have not been positioned within the specified limits no method of forcible correction will be permitted. e) Boring i) Methods Contractor shall carry out the works in accordance with a method statement which has been approved the Engineer. This method statement shall include inter dia., length of temporary casing, details of the constituent materials of any drilling fluid used for stabilisation, the method of inspection, details of concrete mix, concreting method, the minimum time between the completion of one pile and commencement of the next and the pattern of construction. Unless otherwise described in the specifications, reinforcement and concrete shall comply with the requirements in specifications on concrete for structures. The contractor shall ensure that damages dose not occur to completed piles through his method of working. The contractor shall submit to the Engineer a pile installation programme. The proposed sequences and timing of the pile installation shall be such that the installation works shall not cause any damages to adjacent piles. Piling works shall not commence until approval of the engineer has been obtained. Method of excavation shall be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Water or air jetting for boring of the piles shall not be allowed. ii) Boring Near Recently Cast Piles Piles shall not be bored so close to other piles which have recently been cast and which contain workable or unset concrete so that a flow of concrete could be induced from or damage caused to any of the piles. Boring and excavation for a pile shall not be commenced until 24 hours after completion of any pile within a radius of 6 metres, centre to centre. iii) Stability of bore by Temporary Casing method

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Where the use of a temporary casing is required to maintain the stability of a bore, the bottom of casing shall be kept a minimum of one (1) meter or more below the unstable strata to prevent the inflow of soil and formation of cavities in the surrounding ground. Temporary casing of approved quality or an approved alternative method shall be used to maintain the stability of pile excavations, which might otherwise collapse. Temporary casings shall be free from significant distortion. They shall be of uniform cross-section throughout each continuous length. During concreting they shall be free from internal projections and encrusted concrete which might prevent the proper formation of piles. If temporary casings are damaged during installation in a manner which prevents the proper formation of the pile, such casings shall be with drawn from the bore before concrete placed, repaired if necessary, or other action taken as may be approved to continue the construction of the pile. iv) Stability of Pile Excavation Using Drilling Fluid It is held that the Contractor has allowed in the unit rate of the pile for the implementation of all necessary measures, including the provision of all materials, labour and plant, for maintaining the stability of sides of boreholes during bored pile installation and successful completion of the piles. The Contractor shall submit his proposed methods for agreement prior to commencement of boring operations. Irrespective of the presence of ground water, the sides of all boreholes shall be kept intact and no loose material shall be permitted to fall into the bottom of the boreholes. The Contractors boring equipment shall be able to sink a steel casing to support the sides of all boring. If the sides of boreholes are found to be not table, temporary steel casing shall be driven into stable stratum. The borehole shall be filled with drilling fluid (Bentonite) to a level sufficiently to stabilise the boreholes. If ground water is found in any hole in sufficient quantity or gushing out as to affect boring operations or excavations and removal of soil from the boreholes, or the sides of boreholes collapse, then a steel casing of appropriate size an length in conjunction with stabilising fluid or any other alternative of sufficient strength shall be used to support the sides of the borehole and permit boring operations to proceed smoothly and safely. The proposed drilling fluid mix must be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Excavation should not be exposed to the atmosphere longer than is necessary and shall be covered at all times when work is in progress. Pile excavation shall be cast within 24 hours unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer. In the event of rapid loss of drilling fluid from the borehole excavation and caused instability of bore, the excavation shall be backfilled with out delay or other appropriate and approved remedial measures taken by the Contractor like installing temporary casing prior to resuming boring at that location. v) Disposal of Excavated Material No excavated material shall be dumped into the river or any connecting waterway without the written approval of the Engineer. Excavated material shall be removed from site and dumped either beyond areas affected by dredging, or taken to the Contractors approved dumping areas on land. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for costs involved in removing the excavated material to spoil. In disposal of unwanted drilling fluid, the Contractor shall comply with the relevant government regulations and propose a proper disposal method to be approved by Engineer. vi) Pumping from Boreholes

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Pumping from a borehole shall not be permitted unless a casing has been placed into a stable stratum which prevents the flow of water from other strata in significant quantities into the boring, or unless it can be shown that pumping will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding soil or property. vii) Obstructions Where boulders or other obstructions render it impossible to bore the pile, excavation operations inside pile casing as directed by the Engineer shall be carried out to remove obstructions and the Contractor shall be reimbursed for such operations only when the largest dimension of the obstruction exceeds 500 mm and the obstruction is found more than 2 metres below river bed. This reimbursement shall be paid either by day work basis or actual expenditures depend on possible lower cost. A log sheet for labour and equipments used must be recorded to claim such reimbursements. viii) Unexpected Ground Conditions The Contractor shall report immediately to the Engineer any circumstances which indicate that in the Contractor's opinion the ground conditions differ from those expected by him from his interpretation of the site investigation reports. ix) Boring Records A record of all piles installed shall be kept by the contractor and signed by the Engineer representative/Engineer and a copy of the record of the work done each day shall be given to the Engineer within 24 hours. The form of record shall first be approved by the Engineer before piling works commence. Any comments by the Engineer shall be incorporated into the form. All unexpected boring or installation conditions shall be noted in the records. Two (2) bound sets of collated and certified (by the contractors Project Engineer) piling records of all piles shall be submitted by the contractor to the Engineer after completion of the piling works. During the boring of the pile, the Contractor shall compile a 'boring log' indicating depths and types of the various soil layers encountered. Disturbed samples shall be submitted to the Engineer as requested. The Contractor shall allow for carrying out sampling and tests to check soil strengths as required by the Engineer. Submission of the pile record shall be as follows: 1. Name of supervisor 2. Pile forming equipment including Rig no. 3. Length, Diameter and reference number of the borehole 4. Existing ground level 5. Cut-off level, rock level (Hard Rock only-RQD 75%), pile toe level 6. Length of pile 7. Log of materials encountered and level of change in strata and where boring stops 8. Speed of boring through soil or Rock shall be recorded for every meter of drilling 9. Depth bored and detail inclination or displacement of the pile during boring and date of inspection 10. Length of reinforcement casing, reinforcement details 11. Water table below ground level 12. Levels where seepage occurs

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13. Results of tests on soils 14. Results of tests concrete cubes (Slump tests) 15. Length of Temporary casing if used 16. Date and actual volume of concrete placed in piles, time starts and complete 17. Concrete level after each truck of concrete 18. Details of all inspections 19. Details of all obstructions, delays and other interruptions 20. Signature of Resident Engineer or his representative 21. Weather condition 22. Method of casing (Wet/dry tremie) 23. Date and time boring start and complete and speed of drilling 24. Type of stabilising fluid 25. Collapse of bore or loss of drilling fluid 26. Cavities or Slump zone encountered. x) Final Pile Toe Level The final pile toe level shall be as indicated on the Drawing or as instructed by the Engineer after due consideration of the Contractor's proposals, boring logs and test results. The final toe level of other piles may subsequently be altered according to the results of the test loadings detailed in Sub Section B (Pile TEST LOADING) of section 1004.5. xi) Inspection and Cleaning Bottom of Excavation Where practicable, all pile excavations shall be inspected for their full length before concreting. The Contractor shall provide all the apparatus necessary for the inspection. Inspection shall be carried out either from the ground level or below ground level at the sole discretion of the Engineer prior to concrete being placed in the borehole. For such inspection to be carried out safely, the Contractor shall provide all facilities and assistance to enable the said inspection to be done. In the course of inspection any loose or soft material in the borehole which is likely to affect the performance of the pile shall be removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In the case of inspection from ground level, the base of the boring shall be inspected by approved method for wet hole and by means of light for dry hole to ensure that all loose, disturbed and/or remoulded soil removed and that the sides of the boring will remain stable during the subsequent concrete operations. The verticality and position of the boring shall be checked to ensure that they meet the specified tolerances. Inspection below ground level shall be carried out for the piles with shafts of 760 mm diameter and above. For this purpose the Contractor shall, apart from providing other safety measures, also provide the required facilities such as an approved type of a steel safety case with an air-line, lifting cable and hoists, gas detector, lights etc. to enable descent into and ascent from the borehole to be carried out safely with out any danger to life. In this regard the safety precautions described in BS 8008:1996 Safety precautions and procedures for the construction and descent of machine-bored shafts for piling and other purpose shall generally be followed, unless otherwise directed by Engineer. The time between final excavation and bottom cleaning and the start of concreting shall be kept as short as possible and shall not exceed 6 hours. To achieve this, the final 2 metres of excavation shall not start until all preparations for cleaning, reinforcing and concreting are finished. In case of unexpected delay the Contractor shall dump sand or gravel in the bore to 2 metres above toe level. On completion of the drilling an interval is

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required, to allow the fine materials to settle (15 minutes unless otherwise approved by the Engineer). Thereafter the bottom of the excavation shall be carefully cleaned of mud, sedimentation and other soft material by an approved method. The Contractor shall show, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, that the bottom of the excavation is clean. Sedimentation tests shall be carried out by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer. If boring without casing, the diameter of the boring hole for a representative number of piles shall be measured by calliper prior to the placing of concrete. The verticality of boreholes will be checked as directed by the Engineer. These measurements shall be done by the Contractor using approved equipment and no reimbursement shall be made. xii) Rock Coring/Boring Rock boring is the part of the contractor activities during piling works. Rock coring shall means of coring of sound bedrock using a coring bucket or approved method. The used of Chisel shall not be permitted. Coring of rock other than two items specified below shall not be considered as coring in rock and only be considered as boring in soil. Rock socket length Cavity roof (in limestone formation)

Coring of inclined rock surface, limestone pinnacles, cavities and soil below boulder/ floater shall be considered as boring in soil. Socket length shall be measured from the flattened horizontal bedrock surface. This flat horizontal surface shall be probe using Kelly bar or steel bar at a minimum of five positions over the borehole to confirm sound bedrock for socketing. The length of socketing shall be considered from while Rock Quality Designation (RQD) value is more than 75% in incremental fashion. Unless otherwise shall be considered boring in soil. The socekting minimum length shall be 1 (One) times Diameter of Pile. Contractor shall arrange for testing the RQD value for the confirmation to the design requirement. While socketing/boring can not accomplish for 1x D ( 1 times diameter of pile) or any other reason, then contractor required to arrange for Dowelling to fix the pile toe. A separate unit rate shall be considered. Engineer may request for rock boring more than 1x D while the pile penetration depth becomes less than design length or any other reason due to unforeseen soil strata changes with out change of agreed unit rate. xiii) Cleaning out Upon completion of boring the excavation shall be cleaned of all loose, disturbed and or remoulded soil and sediment soil to expose a firm base of undisturbed material using a suitable and effective method to be approved by Engineer. xiv) Continuity of construction A pile constructed in a stable soil with out the use of temporary casing or other support shall be bored and concreted with out prolonged delay to ensure that the soil characteristics are not significantly altered. xv) Surface water

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All boreholes shall be protected from the possibility of any surface water entering the hole from time to tiem and until the hole completed and ready for concreting. Xvi) Drilling fluid and Soil Tests Minimum frequencies of testing are as follows: Fresh drilling fluid Drilling fluid taken from the bottom of the pile before concreting Recycle drilling fluid taken from desending machine Drilling fluid left in the bored hole for more than 12 hours

The frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and procedure of sampling shall be proposed by the contractor and agreed by the Engineer before the commencement of the work. The frequency may subsequently be varies with the approval of the Engineer. Control tests for density shall be carried out daily on the drilling fluid using suitable apparatus. The measuring device shall be calibrated to read within 0.01 g/ml. The results shall be within the ranges as follows: Tests for Bentonite Drilling Fluids

Propery to be measured Density Fluid loss Viscosity

Compliance measured at 200C

values Test Method/Apparatus Mud density balance 30 minutes test Marsh Cone method Fann Viscometer Shearometer Fann Viscometer Screen PH indicator paper stips or electrical PH meter

Less than 1.1 g/ml Less than 40 ml 30 to 90 seconds or less than 20cP Shear Strength (10 minutes 1.4-10 M/m2 or gel strength 4-40 N/m2 Sand Contents Less than 5% PH 9.5 to 12

Note: Where the Fann Viscometer is used, the fluid sample should be screened by 300 m sieving before testing. Tests for drilling fluid other than bentonite have to be approved before use. f) Placing Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be free from rust and mud and not be placed until inspected and accepted. Reinforcement cages shall be sufficiently rigid to ensure that they remain at their correct level during the lifting and placing of the concrete and the extraction of temporary lining tubes. Reinforcement shall be maintained in its correct position during concreting of the pile. The minimum cover to all reinforcement shall not be less than 75 mm unless stated otherwise. Concrete spacer shall be provided at every 3 meter interval, size and minimum yield strength of reinforcement shall be as specified in the drawing. Details by which the Contractor plans to ensure the correct cover to and position of the reinforcement shall be approved by Engineer. The main longitudinal reinforcement bars in piles not exceeding 12 meters in length shall be in one continuous length unless otherwise specified. In piles longer than 12 meters and required to be reinforced throughout their full lengths when specified, joints with

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staggered laps of alternate bars will be permitted in main longitudinal bars at 12 metre nominal intervals unless otherwise specified in the drawings. Joints of reinforcement bars shall comply with the specific requirements of BS 8110 clause 3.12.8 The contractor shall submit for approval a method statement on the manner by which he intends to lower reinforcement cages into pile shafts. Where tack welding is carried out on pile reinforcement of the purpose of hoisting, such welding shall be located witin the top 100 mm of each reinforcement cage. If required by the Engineer, reinforcement cages shall be flushed with freash water to remove accumulated salts or other deposits immediately prior to lowering into the pile shaft. g) Placing Concrete i) Approval No concreting shall take place before the bottom of the excavation has been cleaned, the borehole inspected and approval obtained in writing from the Engineer. The method for placing concrete requires to be approved and conform with the following: The method of placing and the workability of the concrete shall be such that a continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross section is formed. The concrete shall be placed continuously, and without such interruption as would allow the previously placed batch to have hardened. In this respect the Contractor shall submit details of his contingency plans, standby plant etc. to be utilised in the event of an equipment failure. The use of pumped concrete and the methods in its use shall be approved. The Contractor shall take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the concrete to avoid arching of the concrete in a casing. No spoil, liquid or other foreign matter shall be allowed to contaminate the concrete.

ii) Workability of Concrete Slump measured at the time of discharge into the pile boring shall be in accordance with the following Table Piling Mix Workability Slump Typical Conditions of Use Minimum (mm) Range (mm) Placed into water-free unlined or permanently lined bore of 600 mm diameter or over, or where casting level lies below temporary casing: reinforcement widely spaced, leaving ample room for free movement of concrete between bars. Where reinforcement is not spaced widely; where cut-off level of concrete is within


75 - 150


100 - 200

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temporary casing; where pile bore is waterfree and the diameter is less than 600 mm. 150 or 200 Where concrete is to be placed by tremie under water or drilling mud or by pumping


iii) Placing Concrete in Wet Hole Immediately after the boring for the pile has been completed, approval to commence concreting shall be sought and, when this has been obtained, concreting shall start forthwith and continue without interruption. All concrete for cast-in-situ piles shall be compacted to produce a dense homogeneous mass by a method agreed by the Engineer. Concrete to be placed under water or drilling fluid shall be placed by tremie in accordance with BS 8004 Clauses and and shall not be discharged freely into the water or drilling fluid. Where discrepancies arise, the provisions of this specification shall precedence. Alternative methods of placing concrete such as the use of a drop bottom bucket or hose from a concrete pump will not be accepted by the Engineer. At no stage concrete be permitted to discharge freely into drilling fluid. Before placing concrete, the Contractor shall ensure that there is no accumulation of silt, other material, or heavily contaminated bentonite suspension at the base of the boring, which could impair the free flow of concrete from the pipe of the tremie. A sample of the bentonite suspension shall be taken from the base of the boring using an approved sampling device. If the specific gravity of the suspension exceeds 1.25, the placing of concrete shall not proceed. In this event the Contractor shall modify or replace the drilling fluid to meet the requirements of this specification. The tremie concrete pipe shall consist of a series of metal pipes with internal diameter not less than 250mm. The receiving hopper shall have a capacity at least equal to that of the pipe it feeds. At all times, a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within the pipe to ensure that the pressure from the concrete exceeds that from the water or drilling fluid. It shall be so designed that external projections are minimised, allowing the tremie to pass through reinforcing cages without causing damage. The internal face of the pipe of the tremie shall be free from projections. The concrete shall be a rich coherent mix of high workability in accordance with Sub Section 1004.2 and shall be placed in such a manner that segregation does not occur. During and after concreting, care shall be taken to avoid damage to the concrete from pumping and dewatering operations. The hopper and pipe of the tremie shall be clean and watertight throughout. The pipe shall extend to the base of the boring and a sliding plug or barrier shall be placed in the pipe to prevent direct contact between the first charge of concrete in the pipe of the tremie and the water or drilling fluid. The pipe shall at all times penetrate the concrete, which has previously been placed and shall not be withdrawn from the concrete until completion of concreting. The bottom of the tremie pipe shall be kept at least 1.5 metres under the surface of concrete once that amount of concrete has been placed. At all times a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within the pipe to ensure that the pressure from it exceeds that from the water or drilling fluid. The tremie pipe shall be withdrawn upward gently behind the concrete level, and shall not be subject to any shock

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ot violent movement either in dislodging the concrete within the pipe or for any other reason. Concrete placement shall be halted should a delay or breakdown occur during the concreting operation which in the opinion of the Engineer, could cause a cold joint, entrapment of latency in the tremie concrete, or otherwise lead to defective concrete. Before the remainder of the pile shaft can be concreted, the pile shall be dewatered and the top surface of the tremie concrete cut back to sound concrete and cleaned of all laitance and weak concrete. The remainder of the pile shall either be cast by tremie or in the dry, as directed by Engineer. If this remainder work can not be carried out due to construction difficulty, the contractor will need to construct a replacement pile. If required to strengthen the remainder pile by H pile or any other method, the relevant cost shall be borne by contractor. The concrete for each pile shall be from same source. The contractor is to ensure that the supply from whatever source (whether site-mixed or ready mixed) is of sufficient quantity so that concrete for each pile shall be placed with out such interruption. All holes bored shall be concreted within same day. In the event of rain, the contractor is to provide adequate shelter to keep the hole dry and to concrete under cover. The actual volume of concrete used for each pile must be measured with the calculated volume required. If the differences between thse two volumes indicates a possible necking, the Contractor shall propose and carry out appropriate tests an measures to the approval of the Engineer to ensure the adequacy of the pile. h) Extraction of Temporary Casing Temporary casings shall be extracted while the concrete within them remains sufficiently workable to ensure that the concrete is not lifted and the resultant pile is continuous and full section. Temporary casings shall be extracted in not more than 2 hours after concreting has completed. When casings and lining are withdrawn as concreting proceeds, a sufficient head of concrete shall be maintained to prevent the entry of ground water which may cause reduction of cross section of the pile. No concrete shall be placed after bottom of the casing or lining has been lifted above the concete. Concrete shall be placed continuously as the casing is extracted until the desire head of concrete is obtained. Adequate precautions shall be taken in all cases where the withdrawal of casing could result in excess heads of water or drilling fluid. Excess pressure heads are caused by displacemjent of water or fluid by concrete as the concrte flows into its final position against the wall of the shaft. Precautions such as the use of two or more discontinuous lengths of casing (double casing) shall be deemed an acceptable method of construction in this case. i) Workability of Concrete The method of placing and the workability of concrete shall be such that a continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross section is formed. The method of placing shall be approved by Engineer. The contractor shall take all precautions in the design of the mix an dthe placement of concrete to avoid arching of the concrete in the pile shaft. No spoil, liquid or other deleterious matter shall be allowed to contaminate the concrete. ii) Concrete Level

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When the casing is being extracted a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within it to ensure that pressure from external water, drilling fluid or soil is exceeded and that the pile is neither reduced in section nor contaminated. The toe of the temporary casing shall be kept a minimum of 2 metres under the outlet of the tremie. No concrete shall be placed in the boring once the bottom of the casing has been lifted above the top of the concrete; it shall be placed continuously as the casing is extracted until the desired head of concrete is obtained. Adequate precautions shall be taken in all cases where excess heads of water or drilling fluid could be caused as the casing is withdrawn because of the displacement of water or fluid by the concrete as it flows into its final position against the walls of the shaft. The top of the pile shall be brought above the required cut-off level by an amount sufficient to ensure a sound concrete at cut-off level and the surplus removed to ensure satisfactory bonding of the pile haed to the structure. The pile top shall after clean cutting be embedded 100 mm in the foundation, unless otherwise specified in the drawings. On completion of concreting, the remaining empty bore shall be backfilled with sand or lean concrete unless otherwise agreed by Engineer. iii) Vibrating Extractors The use of vibrating casing extractors shall be permitted. iv) Reinforcement Cage During concreting and pulling the casing, the reinforcement cage shall be secured against uplift and the top shall be kept under close inspection. v) Stripping Pile Head and Bonding The piles shall be constructed to a sufficient height above the required cut-off levels (Overcast) to ensure the all concrete at and below is homogeneous and free of laitance and deleterious matter. The contractor be required to provide adequate reinforcement with sufficient length to project above cut-off levels so can be that the reinforcement can be bonded in the capping beams/ Pile cap. After completion of piling, the contractor shall excavate and cut back the piles as necessary to verify the ct-off levels and to give accurate details of the pile positions as compared with the positions indicated on the pile layout plans of the details drawings. Defective concrete in the pile heads shall be cut away and mede good with new concrete well bonded to the concrete in pile head. If the pile is under cast, it shall be built-up with new concrete and a permanent casing. The pile head breaking equipment and method statement shall be approved by Engineer before commencement. i) Temporary Support The Contractor shall ensure that free standing piles are temporarily braced or stayed immediately after driving to prevent loosening of the piles in the ground and to ensure that no damage resulting from oscillation, vibration or movement of any free-standing pile length can occur. ii) Pile acceptance Criteria The target termination depth, required socket length, concrete strength and the required working pile capacities are shown in the Drawings. The actual termination depths and

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socket lengths shall be agreed with the Engineer based on the review of the conditions encountered during boring and prior to commencement of concreting. Pile shall be meet tolerance requirements as specified and satisfy the integrity tests as specified. iii) Measures in Case of Rejected Piles If any pile is found unsatisfactory by any reason either non-release of chisel or bucket or in the opinion of the Engineer for utilization in the structure it shall be cut off below the pile cap if so ordered by the Engineer. The pile shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer. All extra expenses shall be borne by the Contractor and payment shall be made on the basis that no replacement pile had to be provided for the unsatisfactory pile. When the safe bearing value of any pile is found by test to be less than the design load, longer piles or additional piles shall be installed as ordered in writing by the Engineer j) Measurement and Payment a) Measurement Boring of piles shall be measured in metre for completed and accepted works. The boring shall be measured from the Toe of the pile up-to existing/original Bed level (cofferdam level shall not be considered) of the Rivers as per the approved design and drawings. In case the boring commenced by using coffer-dam; then the length of boring from the coffer dam to the existing river bed shall not be considered as pay item. Concrete in the piles is to be measured by multiplying the cross-sectional areas of the pile ordered by the length of piles as cast up to cut-off level as shown in the drawing, no deduction shall be made for volume of steel. No measurement shall be made for cutting or building up of pile head up to cut-off level. The pile head breaking shall be not measured separately for payment. Boring shall be commenced from the Coffer dam constructed by Employer (UNOPS). The cost of boring shall not inclusive of cofferdam/ artificial island or any barge. The reinforcement of concrete piles is to be measured in tonnes and shall be paid separately under clause 1002. Cover blocks, binding wires or other materials required for binding or supporting of reinforcement shall not to be measured. Permanent steel casing shall be measured in meter length accepted and approved. The temporary casing up to 6.0 meter shall not be considered as pay item. b) Payment The concrete and reinforcement shall be supplied by the Employer (UNOPS) as per clause 1001 and 1002 of specifications. The rates for boring shall include the costs of dressing, levelling and compaction of the area necessary for movement of pile driving rig and other machinery. The rates of boring shall cover all the necessary items of work required to complete the pile foundation work including bringing the necessary plant and piling platform for piles to the site, necessary setting out works, movement of piling equipment from one pile location to the other. The rate shall also include for bringing and providing all labour and material necessary for complete work including fencing and other precautionary

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measures to be taken during construction of pile foundation. The rates shall also including bottom cleaning as specified. The rates for boring shall include cost of boring through all sorts of strata including hard rock, lime stones (RQD minimum 75% where applicable, all jetting, drilling and /or all other works required to obtain specified penetration pile. The unit rate for permanent steel casing shall include cost of all materials, fixing in positions including costs of all necessary labour and incidental as per required diameter and depth all as specified to complete the work. The unit rate for temporary steel casing shall be considered if exceed 6.0 meter as per instruction of Engineer include all cost of providing and fixing in position and extraction of casing after completion of work including all necessary labour and incidental as per required diameter all as specified to complete the work. Pay item 1004(1) Description of Item Pay Unit Boring in all types of soil/Sand/gravel/ lime stone/ Linear Metre boulder/ Rock including 1XD (Equivalent to pile diameter) to hard Rock socketing of minimum RQD 75% for cast-in-situ reinforced concrete bored piles in accordance with Section 1004.5. Cost includes supply, fixing and removal of 6 m (minimum) temporary steel casing. The labour and necessary equipments for Pouring of concrete shall be paid separately under clause 1001 (1) and fabrication, installation & fixing of steel re-bar casing shall be paid separately under clause 1002. Rock boring for doweling works up to 5m depth/or more to moderately hard rock minimum 75% RQD and filling by G30 concrete with 02 nos. 25mm rebar as per instruction of Engineering in charge Linear Metre a) 125mm~150mm dia on existing ground Linear Metre b) 125mm~150mm dia in water Rock boring for doweling works up to 5m depth/or more to moderately hard rock minimum 75% RQD and filling by G30 concrete with 01 no. 32mm rebar as per instruction of Engineering in charge a) 50mm dia on existing ground Vertical Piles a) Up to 20 meter length i) 600mm dia ii) 750mm dia iii) 1000mm dia iv) 1200mm dia b) i) ii) iii) iv) c) 20m to 30m length 600mm dia 750mm dia 1000mm dia 1200mm dia above 30m length Linear Metre



Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre

Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre

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i) ii) iii) iv) 1004(2)

600mm dia 750mm dia 1000mm dia 1200mm dia

Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre

Providing and fixing in position additional temporary steel casing in Cast-in-situ piling in Abutment and piers in accordance with Section 1004.5 and as per direction of the Engineer. Extra length to 6m allowed for in item 1004(1) above. i) ii) iii) iv) 600mm dia 750mm dia 1000mm dia 1200mm dia Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre


Providing and fixing in position of permanent steel casing with specified depth in Cast-in-situ piling in Abutment and piers as per specification section 1004.5 and direction of the Engineer. i) ii) iii) iv) 600mm dia 750mm dia 1000mm dia 1200mm dia Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre Linear metre

B) a)


1) General This Section deals with the testing of a pile by the application of an axial load or force i.e for Static Load test. It covers vertical piles tested in compression. 2) Definitions

i) Allowable Load The load which may be safely applied to a pile after taking into account its ultimate bearing capacity, negative friction, pile spacing, overall bearing capacity of the ground below and allowable settlement. ii) Compression Pile A pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to penetrate further into the ground. iii) Kentledge The dead weight used in a loading test. iv) Maintained Load Test

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A loading test in which each increment of load is held constant either for a defined period of time or until the rate of movement (settlement or uplift) falls to a specified value. v) Pilot Pile A pile installed before the commencement of the main piling works or a specific part of the works for the purpose of establishing the suitability of the chosen type of pile and for confirming its design, dimensions and bearing capacity. Pilot piles may be utilized as working piles, subject to the Engineers approval. vi) Proof Load A load applied to a selected pile to confirm that it is suitable for the load at the settlement specified. A proof load should not normally exceed 250% of the working load on a pile except in circumstances where Special Provisions are provided for the testing of precast piles driven to a set. In these circumstances, 300% is specified. vii) Reaction System The arrangement of kentledge, piles, anchors or rafts that provides a resistance against which the pile is tested. viii) Tension Pile A pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to be extracted from the ground. ix) Test Pile Any pile to which a test loading is, or is to be, applied. x) Ultimate Bearing Capacity The load at which the resistance of the soil becomes fully mobilised. xi) Working Load The load which the pile is designed to carry. xii) Working Pile One of the piles forming the foundation of a structure. b) Supervision

All tests shall be carried out only under the direction of an experienced and competent supervisor conversant with the test equipment and test procedure. All personnel operating the test equipment shall have been trained in its use. c) Safety Precautions

1) General

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When preparing for, conducting and dismantling a pile test the Contractor shall carry out the requirement of the various regulations and other statutory instruments that are applicable to the work for the provision and maintenance of safe working conditions, and shall in addition make such other provision as may be necessary to safeguard against any hazards that are involved in the testing or preparations for testing. 2) Kentledge Where kentledge is used the Contractor shall construct the foundations for the kentledge and any cribwork, beams or other supporting structure in such a manner that there will not be differential settlement, bending or deflexion of an amount that constitutes a hazard to safety or impairs the efficiency of the operation. The kentledge shall be adequately bonded, tied or otherwise held together to prevent it falling apart, or becoming unstable because of deflection of the supports. The weight of kentledge shall be greater than the maximum test load and if the weight is estimated from the density and volume of the constituent materials an adequate factor of safety against error shall be allowed. 3) Tension Piles and Ground Anchors Where tension piles or ground anchors are used the Contractor shall ensure that the load is correctly transmitted to all the tie rods or bolts. The extension of rods by welding shall not be permitted unless it is known that the steel will not be reduced in strength by welding. The bond stresses of the rods in tension shall not exceed normal permissible bond stresses for the type of steel and grade of concrete used. 4) Testing Equipment In all cases the Contractor shall ensure that when the hydraulic jack and load measuring device are mounted on the pile head the whole system shall be stable up to the maximum load to be applied. Means shall be provided to enable dial gauges to be read from a position clear of the kentledge stack or test frame so that failure in any part of the system due to overloading, buckling, loss of hydraulic pressure will not constitute a hazard to personnel. The hydraulic jack, pump, hoses, pipes, couplings and other apparatus to be operated under hydraulic pressure shall be capable of withstanding a test pressure of 1.5 times the maximum working pressure without leaking. The maximum test load or test pressure expressed as a reading on the gauge in use shall be displayed and all operators shall be made aware of this limit. d) Construction of a Pilot Pile to be Test Loaded 1) Notice of Construction

The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 48 hours notice of the commencement of construction of any pilot pile, which is to be test loaded. 2) Method of Construction Each pilot test pile shall be constructed in a manner similar to that to be used for the construction of the working piles, and by the use of similar equipment and materials. Any variation shall only be permitted with prior approval. Extra reinforcement and concrete of increased strength shall be permitted in the shafts of pilot piles at the discretion of the Engineer. 3) Boring or Driving Record

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For each pilot pile which is to be tested a detailed record of the soils encountered during boring, or of the progress during driving shall be made and submitted to the Engineer daily not later than noon on the next working day. 4) Cut-Off Level The pile shaft shall terminate at the normal cut-off level, or at a level required by the Engineer. The pile shaft shall be extended where necessary above the cut-off level of working piles so that gauges and other apparatus to be used in the testing process are not damaged by water or falling debris. 5) Pile Head for Compression Tests For a pile that is tested in compression, the pile head or cap shall be formed to give a plane surface which is normal to the axis of the pile, sufficiently large to accommodate the loading and settlement-measuring equipment and adequately reinforced or protected to prevent damage from the concentrated application of load from the loading equipment. e) Preparation of a Working Pile to be Tested If a test is required on a working pile the Contractor shall cut down or otherwise prepare the pile for testing as required by the Engineer in accordance with SL. 4 and 5 of Sub Sections d of section B. f) Reaction Systems 1) Compression Tests Compression tests shall be carried out using kentledge, tension piles or specially constructed anchorages. Where kentledge is to be used, it shall be supported on cribwork disposed around the pile head so that its centre of gravity is on the axis of the pile. The bearing pressure under supporting cribs shall be such as to ensure stability of the kentledge stack. Kentledge shall not be carried directly on the pile head, except when directed by the Engineer. 2) Working Piles Where working piles are used as reaction piles their movement shall be measured to within an accuracy of 0.5 mm. 3) Spacing Where kentledge is used for loading vertical piles in compression, the distance from the edge of the test pile to the nearest part of the crib supporting the kentledge stack in contact with the ground shall be not less than 1.3 metres. The centre to centre spacing of vertical reaction piles, including working piles used as reaction piles, from a test pile shall be not less than three times the diameter of the test pile or the reaction piles or 2 metres, whichever is the greatest. 4) Adequate Reaction The size, length and number of the piles or anchors, or the area of the rafts, shall be adequate to transmit the maximum test load to the ground in a safe manner without excessive movement or influence on the test pile.

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

5) Care of Piles The method employed in the installation of any reaction piles, anchors or rafts shall be such as to prevent damage to any test pile or working pile. 6) Loading Arrangement The loading arrangement used shall be designed to transfer safely to the test pile the maximum load required in testing. Full details shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to any work related to the testing process being carried out on the Site. g) Equipment for Applying Load The equipment used for applying load shall consist of one or more hydraulic rams or jacks with the total capacity of the jacks being at least equal to the required maximum load. The jack or jacks shall be arranged in conjunction with the reaction system to deliver an axial load to the test pile. The complete system shall be capable of transferring the maximum load required for the test. h) Measurement of Load Suitable approved measuring devices for determining the load on the pile shall be supplied by the Contractor. Certificates of calibration shall be supplied to the Engineer. In addition, large diameter (i.e. exceeding 1.2 metre) test piles shall be instrumented at 5 different depths to measure the load distribution along the piles. The instrumentation shall consist of both a mechanical system and strain gauges for measuring the pile deformation. The mechanical system shall consist of 6 mm steel rods or high tensile steel wires gauge No. 23, placed in steel tubes down to the various depths, and connected to dial gauges at the top. The strain gauges shall be of a stable type, wholly protected by a steel capsule. They shall be welded to the steel reinforcement, 2 gauges at each depth. The Engineer shall approve the type of gauges to be used and other details on the instrumentation. i) Adjustability of Loading Equipment The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a smooth increase of load or to maintain each load constant at the required stages of a maintained loading test. j) Measuring Movement of Pile Heads 1) General In a maintained load test movement of the pile head shall be measured by two of the methods as described below. One method for settlement measurements, the other method for control. 2) Levelling Method An optical or any other levelling method by reference to an external datum may be used. Where a level and staff are used, the level and scale of the staff shall be chosen to enable readings to be made to within an accuracy of 0.5 mm. A scale attached to the pile or pile cap may be used instead of a levelling staff. At least two datum points shall be established on permanent objects or other well-founded structures, or deep datum points shall be installed. Each datum point shall be situated so that only one setting up of the level is needed. No datum point shall be affected by the test loading or other operations

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

on the site. Where another method of levelling is proposed this shall be approved in writing. 3) Independent Reference Frame An independent reference frame may be set up to permit measurement of the movement of the pile. The supports for the frame shall be founded in such a manner and at such a distance from the test pile, kentledge support cribs, reaction piles, anchorages and rafts that movements of the ground in the vicinity of the equipment do not cause movement of the reference frame during the testing. Check observations of any movements of the reference frame shall be made and a check shall be made of the movement of the pile head relative to an external datum during the progress of the test. In no case shall the supports be less than three test pile diameters or 2 metres, whichever is the greater, from the centre of the test pile. The measurement of pile movement shall be made by two dial gauges rigidly mounted on the reference frame that bear on surfaces normal to the pile axis fixed to the pile cap or head. Alternatively the gauges may be fixed to the pile and bear on surfaces on the reference frame. The dial gauges shall be placed in diametrically opposed positions and be equidistant from the pile axis. The dial gauges shall enable readings to be made to within an accuracy of 0.1 mm. The reference frames shall be protected from sun and wind. 4) Other Methods The Contractor may submit for approval any other method for measuring the movement of pile heads. k) Protection of Testing Equipment 1) Protection from Weather Throughout the test period all equipment for measuring load and movement shall be protected from the weather. 2) Prevention of Disturbance Construction equipment and persons who are not involved in the testing process shall be kept at a sufficient distance from the test to avoid disturbance to the measurement apparatus. l) Supervision 1) Notice of Test The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 24 hours notice of the commencement of the test. 2) Records During the progress of a test, the testing equipment and all records of the test as required in Sub Section n (Presentation of Results, Schedule of Recorded Data) of Section 1004.5 shall be available for inspection by the Engineer. m) Test Procedure 1) Proof Test by Maintained Load Test The maximum load, which shall be applied in a proof test, is shown on the Drawings. The loading and unloading shall be carried out in stages as shown in Table 1004-5-A or as required by the Engineer. Following each application of an increment of load the load

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shall be held for not less than the period shown in Table 1004-5-A or until the rate of settlement is less than 0.25 mm/hour and is slowing down. The rate of settlement shall be calculated from the slope of the curve obtained by plotting values of settlement versus time and drawing a smooth curve through the points. Each stage of unloading shall proceed after the expiry of the period shown in Table 10045-A. For any period when the load is constant, time and settlement shall be recorded immediately on reaching the load and at approximately 15 minute intervals for 1 hour, at 30 minute intervals between 1 hour and 4 hours, and at 1 hour intervals between 4 hours and 12 hours after the application of the increment of load. The Engineer may require that the full loading, or any portion of the loading, be maintained on the pile for periods longer than shown in Table 1004-5-A. Table 1004-5-A
Loading Sequence Load as Percentage of Working Load Bored Piles Driven Piles 25 50 50 75 100 75 50 25 0 100 125 125 175 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 100 125 150 125 100 50 0 150 200 250 275 300 275 250 225 200 150 100 50 0 Minimum Time of Holding Load 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour 6 hours 1 hour 6 hour 1 hour 24 hours 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour Proof Road


Presentation of Results

1) Results to be Submitted Results shall be submitted as:

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A summary in writing to the Engineer, unless otherwise directed, within 24 hours of the completion of the test, which shall give for a proof test by maintained load for each stage of loading, the period for which the load was held, the load and the maximum settlement or uplift recorded. The completed schedule of recorded data as given below within seven days of the completion of the test.


2) Schedule of Recorded Data The Contractor shall provide information about the tested pile in accordance with the following schedule where applicable. i) General 1) Site location 2) Contract identification 3) Proposed structure 4) Date of test ii) Pile Details 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Identification (number and location of the test pile) Ground level at pile position Head level as which test load is applied Type of pile Length in ground Level in ground Level of toe Details of Permanent casing

iii) Installation Details 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Dates and times of boring, driving and concreting of test pile and adjacent piles Date and time of casting concrete Driven length of pile or temporary casing at final set Hammer type, size or weight Dolly and packing, type and condition before and after driving Driving log (depth, blows per 250 mm, interruptions or breaks in driving) At final set and at redrive set, for drop or single acting hammers, the length of the drop or stroke, for diesel hammers the length of the stroke and the blows per minutes, for double-acting hammers the number of blows per minute Condition of pile head or temporary casing after driving


iv) Test Procedure 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Weight of kentledge Tension pile, ground anchor or compression pile details Plan of test arrangement showing position and distances of kentledge supports, rafts, tension or compression piles and reference frame to test pile Jack capacity Method of Load measurement Method(s) of penetration measurement Relevant dates and times

v) Test Results

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

1) 2)

In tabular form In graphical form: loads plotted against movements and time

o) Completion of a Test 1) Measuring Equipment On completion of a test all equipment and measuring devices shall be dismantled, checked and either stored so that they are available for use in further tests or removed from the Site. 2) Kentledge Kentledge and its supporting structure shall be removed from the test pile and stored so that they are available for use in further tests or removed from the Site. 3) Temporary Piles On completion of a preliminary test, temporary tension piles shall be cut off below ground level, removed from the Site and the ground made good with approved material as specified. p) Measurment The method of measurement for initial and routine load test shall be in numbers of pile tested as per specifications. q) Payment Rates for initial testing of pilot piles for vertical compression/ static load test shall cover complete installation and casting of test pile up to specified depth and all necessary work including earth excavation up to cut-off level, for loading, supplying and fixing of testing instruments recording the results, and unloading, dismantling and clearing the site. These rates shall be inclusive of all plant/equipment, material and labour necessary for any part of the works and submission of test results as specified. Rates for routine static load test on working piles already driven shall cover cutting of pile head up to test levels, earth excavation, all necessary wok for making arrangements for loading, supplying and fixing of testing instruments, recording the results, and making all arrangements for unloading, dismantling and clearing the site. All these rates shall also cover all materials and labour necessary for any part of the works and submission of test results as specified. Pay items 1004(4) Carrying out initial vertical load test (Static) on pilot cast-in-situ pile Unit

Number (Each)

1004(5) Carrying out Routine vertical load test (Static) on working cast-in-situ pile 1004.6 Sonic Integrity Test 1) Descriptions

Number (Each)

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Non-Destructive Testing is to be performed by the Employer through RDA professionals or any reputed organization appointed by the Engineer on a number of constructed working piles at the location of each abutment and pier position of a structure to verify the integrity of the installed piles. The apparatus for the Integrity Test shall be selected and arranged by the testing organization. Tests shall be carried out only under the direction of experienced and competent professionals conversant with the test equipment and test procedure. Test piles are to be selected by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide detailed records as recorded during installation of each pile which is to be tested. The Contractor shall cut down all pile heads at the cut-off level or otherwise prepare the pile for testing as required by the Engineer. The pile head shall be formed to give a plane surface which is normal to the axis of the pile. Sonic Integrity Testing is a quick method to check the continuity of installed foundation piles. This method detects pile defects like cracks, soil intrusion and variations in diameter. The final pile length can also be checked. If any pile after Integrity Test is found unsatisfactory in the opinion of the Engineer for utilisation in the structure, the pile shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer. All extra expenses shall be borne by the Contractor and payment shall be made in accordance with sub section 1004.3(A)(i) of the Specifications. 2) Measurement and Payment

Sonic Integrity Test described in the Specifications, shall be carried out by the BRRL or any approved organization professionals and the necessary charges made by the testing authorities for performing the tests will be made by the Contractor and the amount, shall be reimbursed to the Contractor by the Employer from the Provisional Sum as indicated in the Bill of Quantities. The Contractor should include all costs associated with the Integrity Tests including all taxes, overhead and profit under Contractors mark up of BoQ item. Pay items 1004(6) Provision for Integrity Tests 1004.7 Pile Records Add the following after the 2nd paragraph:In case of cast insitu pile the Contractor shall keep records as indicated below of the installation of each pile and shall submit two signed copies of these records to the Engineer not later than noon of the next working day after the pile is installed. The signed records shall form a record of the work. The following data are required: a) Pile location b) Pile reference number c) Pile type d) Nominal cross-sectional dimensions or diameter e) Length of preformed pile f) Date and time of driving or redriving g) Ground level at commencement of installation of pile h) Working level i) Pile toe level Unit Number

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

j) k) l) m) n) o)

Type, weight, drop and mechanical condition of hammer and equivalent information for other equipment Number and type of packing used and type and condition of dolly used during driving the pile Set of pile in mm per 10 blows or number of blows per 250 mm of penetration If required, the sets taken at intervals during the last 3 metres of driving If required, temporary compression of ground and pile from time of a marked increase in driving resistance until pile reaches its final level All information regarding obstructions delays and other interruptions to the sequence of work

1004.8 Pile Dynamic Tests


High-strain dynamic testing is performed by obtaining and analyzing records of shaft force and velocity under drop weight impacts for evaluations of shaft load carrying capacity, structural integrity, and load-movement and shaft-soil load transfer relationships. Testing procedures shall conform to the ASTM D 4945 specification unless as otherwise noted below. The following are specifications and instructions for high-strain dynamic testing of drilled and cast-in-place foundation shafts. This work shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for conducting high-strain dynamic tests on drilled and cast-in-place shafts (hereafter each noted as test shaft). The Contractor shall be required to supply material and labor as hereinafter specified and including prior to, during, and after the load test. High-strain dynamic tests (herein also called dynamic tests) are non-destructive quick tests. It is intended that the test shaft be left in a condition suitable for use in production.

The Contractor shall supply all materials and equipment required to prepare the test shaft, dynamically test it, and return the test shaft to a condition suitable for use in the finished structure. Equipment and procedures required to perform the test include but are not limited to: If a permanent casing is not used as a feature to construct the test shaft, then a shaft top extension, consisting of a thin walled casing or equivalent, shall be used to extend the test shaft by length equal to two diameters. This top length, defined as the test area must be exposed and readily accessible by the Testing Engineer at the time of the test. If the top of the test shaft is below grade, then the Contractor shall have equipment available to remove surrounding soil (creating a safe working environment) so as to completely expose a test area as described above. Windows on possibly four opposite sides of the test shaft may have to be cut off in the steel casing to reach the concrete. Means to insure flat, level, (axial to test shaft) and solid concrete shaft top. Concrete should be level with, or above the casing. A drop weight in the range of one to two percent (1 - 2%) of the anticipated test shaft capacity, or as determined by the Engineer. The impacting surface of the drop weight should have an area between 70 and 130% of the test shaft top area. The shape of the ram weight should be as regular as possible (square, round, hexagonal, etc).

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

A guide allowing variable drop heights typically between 1 to 2 m, or as determined by the Engineer. A t top cushion consisting of new sheets of plywood with total thickness between 50 to 150 mm, or as determined by the Engineer. If protruding reinforcing bars are present, the Contractor has the option to incorporate the reinforcing steel in the test area. Upon successful completion of the dynamic test, the surrounding concrete can then be removed as to make the foundation suitable for use in the structure. If the Contractor selects not to incorporate the steel in such a manner as described above, then a steel beam or pipe (cross sectional area approximately 20% of the shaft cross sectional area) shall be supplied with sufficient length such that the ram impact will not interfere with the reinforcing bars. Steel striker plates and plywood cushion must also be sized so that they cover as much of the impact area as possible. One (1) kW of 115 Volt AC power.

Surveyors' transit, laser light, or equivalent for measurements of pile set under each impact.

It is the Contractors responsibility to employ and compensate a specialized dynamic testing firm. Dynamic testing is to be performed by an independent specialist from a firm with a minimum of five (5) years experience in dynamic testing. The actual dynamic test shall be conducted and/or supervised by a Licensed Professional Engineer with at least two (2) years of dynamic testing experience or who has achieved Basic Level or better on the Foundation QC High Strain Dynamic Pile Testing Examination. Selection of the firm must be acceptable by the Engineer. The independent dynamic testing firm must supply the following testing instrumentation in addition to that outlined in ASTM specification D 4945-00 Section 5: Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) manufactured by Pile Dynamics, Inc., model PAK, PAX or PAL or equivalent. Four calibrated strain transducers. Four calibrated accelerometers.

Prior to performing the dynamic test, the Testing Engineer must be provided with soil borings, shaft installation records, concrete properties (strength, etc.) and details regarding the anticipated dynamic loading equipment. The test Engineer is required to perform wave equation analyses (using GRLWEAP software by Pile Dynamics, Inc. or equivalent) to determine the suitability of the proposed dynamic load testing equipment and an acceptable range of ram drop heights so as not to cause damage in the test shaft during the test.

The test shaft shall be constructed using approved installation techniques. If a permanent casing is not required, then the upper length equal to two shaft diameters, noted as the "test area", must be cased in a thin wall tube or equivalent as

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

noted above. Casing of this test area must be made as a continuation of the construction of the test shaft. There should not be soil contamination or nonuniformities in the concrete located within or below the test area. Test shaft top concrete shall be made level to the casing and smoothed. Prior to testing time, the Contractor shall make the shaft test area length completely accessible to the Testing Engineer. Prior to the test, four "windows" (approximate size of 150 by 150 mm diametrically opposite of each other will be located and removed from the casing, if appropriate, or an entire band of the casing removed to expose a smooth concrete surface for attachment of the sensors. Sensors are typically attached at least one diameter below the shaft top. Sensors might be attached to the steel if the impedance percentage of the steel is relatively high, and if the permanent casing is relatively long (extending several diameters below the sensors). In cases where casing is not present, the Testing Engineer, or Contractor under the direction of the testing Engineer, shall smooth (by grinding) areas around the pile circumference such that proper sensor attachment can be accomplished. Sensors shall be attached by the Testing Engineer ot at the direction of the Testing Engineer to the exposed concrete or steel casing in a secure manner as to prevent slippage under impact. Shaft top should be examined to insure concrete is flush with or above the casing. Apply plywood cushion and then striker plate to the shaft top. If reinforcing protrudes from the shaft top, then the steel beam or pipe (used to transfer the impact to the shaft top) should be secured in such a manner as not to move under impact. At least two (2) hammer impacts should be applied to the top of the shaft. First drop height should be minimal to allow the Testing Engineer to assess the testing equipment, the driving system and stresses on the foundation. Subsequent impacts can then be applied by utilizing sequentially higher drop heights until either stresses in the foundation are excessive or the shaft permanent set for the applied impact exceeds 2.5 mm. Upon completion of the test, it is the Contractors' responsibility to return the shaft to acceptable production condition.



It is the Testing Engineers' responsibility to submit a timely report of the testing results. In addition to the field results, results from at least one (1) CAPWAP analysis or equivalent shall be submitted. CAPWAP analyses shall be performed by an Engineer that has achieved Advanced Level or better on the Foundation QC High Strain Dynamic Pile Testing Examination. The report must also provide the following: Wave Equation analysis results obtained prior to testing. CAPWAP (or equivalent) analysis results.

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

For each impact the maximum measured force, maximum calculated tension force, transferred energy to the sensor location, corresponding stresses, and the Case Method bearing capacity. Assessment of the test results both with respect to pile capacity and integrity.



The high strain dynamic testing procedure shall be considered as any material, labor, equipment, etc. required above and beyond the requirements of the installation of the foundation to be tested. This item should include everything necessary to test the shaft, under direction from the Engineer. All costs associated with the normal production of the test shaft are measured and paid for elsewhere in the contract documents.

The complete and accepted "High Strain Dynamic Load Test" shall be paid for at the contract price bid for "High Strain Dynamic Load Test", each. This shall constitute full compensation for all costs incurred during the procurement, installation, conducting of test, and subsequent removal of test equipment. Payments shall be made under: Pay Item: High Strain Dynamic Load Test Pay Unit: Each



Description No change.

Materials Delete section: (b) Steel for reinforcements and substitute the following :(b) Steel for reinforcement to SLS 375, CS 26 or BS 4449.



No change



No change



No change



1009.1 Description No Change 1009.2 Materials

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Supply of expansion joints shall be done by Employer (UNOPS) and contractor shall responsible to be installing the expansion joints as per drawings at the expansion joint location on slab and abutments

1009.3 Construction Requirements a) No change


Delete and substitute the following:-

Similar to open joints filled expansion joints shall be constructed where shown in the drawings. The filler shall be in correct position when the concrete on one side of the joint is placed. After removal of the form, concrete on the other side shall be placed. The specified thickness of premoulded filler shall be provided at locations of expansion joints where shown in the drawing. The material shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M33 (ASTM D994) and as approved by the Engineer. The filler shall consist of large pieces as far as possible and assembly of small pieces to make up the required size shall not be permitted. The premoulded filler shall be placed in correct position before concrete is placed against the filler. The material shall form part of the joint and while concreting, care shall be taken to prevent the filler material from being displaced. After the work is completed, the exposed face of the joint shall be cleaned of all loose material sticking to it. Where shown on the drawings, the joints shall be sealed with joint seals in accordance with the details shown on the drawings and provisions in these specifications. The joint seals shall consist of recess in the joint filler which shall be filled with asphalt layer, bitumen or rubber bitumen or similar compound specially manufactured for sealing joints in concrete as approved by the Engineer. The sealed joint shall comply with the following requirements: i) ii) iii) The seal shall be in planned position. The seal shall satisfactorily resist the intrusion of foreign material and water. The seal shall provide bump-free passage of traffic.

The premoulded filler in the joint shall be raked down to the specified depth as shown in the drawing and to the profile of the finished road surface. All foreign matter shall be removed from the recess to its bottom. At least 72 hours prior to installing the joint seal, the contractor shall repair all spalls, fractures, breaks, or voids in the concrete surface of the joint recess. Immediately prior to placing the seal, the joint shall be cleaned with air jet to remove all residue and foreign matter and the joint surface shall be surface dry. Seals of approved compound shall then be placed to completely fill up the prepared recess in the joint. (c) Joints provided with steelwork

Add to the end of the section the following :-

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Where proprietary expansion joints are used in bridge decks, the storage and installation of joints, jointing materials, sealants and other associated items shall be in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Different joint systems shall not, except with the approval of the Engineer, be combined at one end of a deck. 1009.4 Measurement and payment

Measurement: No change
b) Payment: The payment for expansion joints shall include for installation except the supply of materials for expansion joints but including all labour, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified in the drawings. Description Labour cost for Installation of Expansion Joint with out supply of materials Pay Unit Linear Metre

Pay item 1009 (1)



Delete and substitute the following:Description The work shall consist of furnishing and fixing in position of bearings in accordance with the details shown on the drawings to the requirements of these specifications and the applicable requirements of British Standards BS 5400: Part 9: Bridge Bearing or AASHTO M 251 of the AASHTO Standard Specifications of Highway Bridges. The term "Elastomeric bearing" in this specification shall refer to bearing consisting of one or more elastomer slabs bonded to metal plates during manufacture so as to form a sandwich arrangement and caters for translation and/or rotation of superstructure by elastic deformation of elastomer. 1010.2.Materials Employer (UNOPS) shall supply the Elastomeric bearing to the Contractor and contractor shall responsible to be placed the Bearing as per drawings over the bearing plinth on Pier caps and Abutments. 1010.2.1 Properties of the Elastomer The elastomer to be used for bearing shall be made from chloroprene rubber only satisfying to the requirements of these specifications. Grades of raw elastomer of proven use in elastomer bearings with low crystallization rates and adequate shelf life (e.g. Neoprene WRT, Bayprene 110 or equivalent) shall be used. No reclaimed elastomer or vulcanized wastage shall ne used. The raw elastomer content of the compound shall not be lower than 60% and the ash content shall not exceed 5%. Elastomer having all properties as given following table shall be used. Elastomer shall high environmental resistance compatible with conditions of use. The adhesion strength to steel plates shall not be less than 7 KN/m. Shear modulus of elastomer bearing shall

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Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

not be less than 0.80 Mpa nor greater than 1.20 Mpa. The raw elastomer shall be Virgin Neoprene (polychloroprene). The elastomer compound whose nominal hardness falls within the ranges of 46-55, 56-65 and 66-75 are classified as types A, B and C respectively. The elastomer compound shall meet the minimum requirements of Tables 1010(1) When test specimens are cut from the finished product, the physical properties shall be permitted to vary from those specified in Tables 1010(1) by 10 percent. 1010.2.2 Steel Laminates Steel laminates used for reinforcement shall be made from rolled mild steel conforming to ASTM A36 or A570, Grade 36 or Grade 40. The laminates shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 16 gage. The steel plates separating the elastomeric layers will be completely bonded by vulcanization to the elastomeric material on all surfaces using special metal to rubber bonding adhesive. 1010.2.3 Bond The vulcanized bond between fabric and reinforcement shall have a minimum peel strength of 5.2 KN/m Steel laminated bearings shall develop a minimum peel strength of 7.0 KN/m2. Peel strength tests shall be performed by ASTM D429 Method B. Table 1010(1)Neoprene Quality Control Tests
Test Method D 2240 D 412 Properties of Elastomer PHYSICAL Hardness (Shore A Durometer) Minimum Tensile Strength Minimum Ultimate Elongation ACCELERATED AGEING 70 hours at 100C 1C Maximum change in Durometer Hardness Maximum change in Tensile Strength Maximum change in Ultimate Elongation COMPRESSION SET 22 Hours @ 100oC, Maximum OZONE RESISTANCE Test after 100 hours at 100 pphm ozone in air by volume, 20% strain, 38oC 1oC Unit IRHD N/mm2/ MPa 0% Type A 50 5 15.52 400 Type B 60 5 15.52 350 Type C 70 5 15.52 300

D 573

IRHD % %

15 -15 -40

15 -15 -40

15 -15 -40

D 395 Method B D 1149




No Cracks

No Cracks

No Cracks

1010.3 Specification for Fabrication a) Bearing with steel laminates shall be cast as a single unit in a mould and vulcanised under heat and pressure. Casting of elements in separate units and subsequent bonding shall not be permitted, nor shall cutting from large size cast be permitted. Bearings of similar size to be used in particular bridge project shall be produced by


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identical process and in one lot as far as practicable. Phased production may only be resorted to when the total number of bearings is large enough. c) The moulds used shall have standard surface finish adequate to produce bearings free from any surface blemishes. Steel plates for laminates shall be sand blasted, clean of all mill scales and shall be free from all contaminants prior to bonding by vulcanisation. Rusted plates with pitting shall not be used. All edges of plates shall be rounded. Spacers used in mould to ensure cover and location of laminates shall be of maximum size and number practicable. Care shall be taken to ensure uniform vulcanising conditions and homogeneity of elastomer through the surface and body of bearings.



Fabrication Tolerances Laminated bearings shall be built to the specified dimension within the following tolerances: Overall Height Design Thickness 32mm or less Design Thickness over 32mm Overall Horizontal Dimensions Thickness of Individual Layers of Elastomer At any point within the bearings Parallelism with Opposite Face Top and bottom Sides Position of Exposed Connection Members Holes, slots or inserts Edge Cover Embedded laminates or connection members Thickness Top and bottom cover layer (if required)

2 3

-0,+3mm -0,+6mm -0,+6mm

20% of design value, maximum 3mm 1 in 200 1 in 50 3mm

-0,+3mm -0, the smaller of 1.5mm and +20% of the nominal cover layer thickness

1010.4 Drawings The Contractor shall supply and fix in position and maintain the bearings strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs of this contract. 1010.5 Acceptance Specification a) The manufacturer shall have at his plant all the test facilities required for the process and acceptance control tests. The test facilities and their operation shall be open to inspection by the Engineer on demand. The certificates on testing of Bridge bearings obtained from any National Standard Testing Institute of Sri Lanka and or

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RDA approved Testing Institute by the manufacturer will be acceptable. b) Acceptance testing shall be commenced with the prior submittal of testing programme by the manufacturer to the Engineer and after obtaining his approval. The manufacturer of the bearings shall have not less than 5 (five) years successful experience in manufacturing similar type and capacity bearings.


1010.6 Quality Control Certificate A lot under acceptance shall comprise all bearings, including a pair of extra test bearings of equal or near equal size produced under identical conditions of manufacture to be supplied for a particular project. The manufacturer shall certify for each lot of bearing under acceptance: that an adequate system of continuous quality control was operated in his plant. that the entire process remained in control during the production of the lot of bearings under acceptance as verified from the quality control records/charts which shall be open to inspection of the Engineer on demand. a certified copy of results of process control testing done on samples of elastomer used in the production of the lot shall be appended and shall include at least the following information: Composition of the compound - raw elastomer and ash content, the grade of raw elastomer used (including name, source, age on shelf). Test results of hardness, tensile strength, elongation at break, compression set, accelerated ageing, etc. 1010.7 Certificate and Markings Bearing shall be transported to bridge site after final acceptance by Engineer and shall be accompanied by an authenticated copy of the certificate to that effect. An information card giving the following details for the bearing, duly certified by the manufacturer shall also be appended. Name of manufacturer Date of manufacture Elastomer grade used Bearing dimensions Production batch no Acceptance lot no Date of testing Specific bridge location Explanation of marking used on the bearing

All bearing shall have suitable index markings identifying the information as given above. The markings shall be made in indelible ink or flexible paint and if practicable should be visible after installation. The top of the bearing and direction of installation shall be indicated. 1010.8 Installation

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UNOPS LKOC New Thondamannaru Bridge Construction Programme

Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Bearings shall be installed and grouted according to the supplier's instruction and as shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer. Care shall be taken in packing, transportation, storage and handling to avoid any mechanical damage, contamination with oil, grease and dirt, undue exposure to sunlight and weather. Installation of multiple bearings one behind the other on a single line of support shall be of identical dimensions. Bearings shall be placed between true horizontal surfaces (maximum tolerance 0.2% perpendicular to load) and at true plan position of their centre lines marked on receiving surfaces (maximum tolerance 3 mm). Concrete surfaces shall be free from local irregularities (maximum tolerance 1 mm in height). For cast in place concrete construction of superstructure, where bearings are installed prior to its concreting, the forms around the bearings shall be soft enough for easy removal. Forms shall also fit the bearings snugly and prevent any leakage of mortar grout. Any mortar contaminating the bearings during concreting shall be completely removed before setting. a) Maintenance After installation routine maintenance inspection of all bearings shall be made till the expiry of the maintenance period to check for any surface cracking or signs of damage, deterioration or distress. Damaged bearings shall be replaced immediately. To avoid difference in stiffness, all adjacent bearings on the same line of support shall also be replaced. 1010.9 Measurement The quantities of elastomer bearings shall be measured in number of each type of finished dimension completed and accepted by Engineer. 1010.10 Payment The work measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit price of Each number of bridge bearings as shown in the Bill of Quantities. The payment shall be full compensation of concrete plinths, mortar beds, levelling etc. complete as per drawing and direction of Engineer and incidentals necessary to complete the work except the supply of Elastomeric Bearing. Pay item 1010(1) Placing/fixing of Elastomeric Bearings except supply of Bearing 1011 WEARING COURSE a) Description This work shall consist of providing wearing course to be laid over the deck slab of structures either in cement concrete or in asphaltic surface as indicated on the drawings. Newly constructed concrete deck structure shall have integrally cast concrete wearing Unit Number

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UNOPS LKOC New Thondamannaru Bridge Construction Programme

Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

course. In rehabilitating structures where wearing course is required to be laid on the existing concrete deck the same shall be in asphaltic surfacing. In both the cases the finished deck level at top of wearing course shall be in line and level with the adjacent road way level unless otherwise specifically mentioned on the drawing. b) Thickness The shape and size of wearing course shall be in conformity with the camber and thickness as shown on the drawings, but in no case the thickness shall be less than 40 mm at any location. c) Concrete Wearing Course i) Materials The materials for the concrete wearing course shall conform to those mentioned under the specification Section 1001. The grade of concrete shall be Grade 35(Cylinder Strength) and shall conform to specifications. ii) Method of Laying The cement concrete wearing shall be cast while the structural concrete for the deck is green and has been levelled as shown in the drawing. The concrete for the wearing course shall be laid and finished to line and level as shown in the drawing. It is to be ensured to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the concrete of the wearing course when set gets a firm grip with structural concrete and becomes integral thereto. iii) Method of Measurement The concrete for wearing course shall be measured in cubic metres as per specification Section 1001. d) Asphaltic Wearing Course i) Description This work shall consist of the construction of hot-mixed, hot-laid, bituminous mixture conforming to the requirements of this section, spread and compacted in layers on a tack coat on bridge deck of concrete slab in conformity with the lines grade and cross sections shown in the drawings and as directed by the Engineer. ii) Materials Materials shall be in accordance with specification Sub Section 506.2. The gradation of the combined graded aggregate and mineral for the wearing asphalt surface shall be as specified in specification Sub Section 506.3 Bituminous material for tack coat shall be cut back asphalt as per specification Sub Section 506.2 iii) Job-Mix Formula of Asphalt Concrete The method of job mix shall be as per specification Sub Section 506.4 iv) Construction Method

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UNOPS LKOC New Thondamannaru Bridge Construction Programme

Amendments to Standard Specification Series 1000 - Bridge Designs

Reference is made to specification Sub Section 506.5 and the following shall be added thereto. Tack coat shall be provided prior to laying of the wearing course as per specification Sub Section 502. v) Method of Measurement Measurement of asphaltic wearing course shall be as per specification Sub Section 506.6. e) Measurement and Payment Measurement and payment of wearing courses for concrete and asphaltic concrete already scheduled under Sub Section 506 of specification.

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