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Cybersecurity Workforce Preparedness: The Need For More Policy-Focused Education

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Cybersecurity Workforce Preparedness:

The Need for More Policy-Focused Education1
By Jessica L. Beyer and Sara R. Curran

With the Internet of Things, the computerization of cybersecurity workforce development. Specifically,
critical infrastructure and other essential processes, we argue that more programs are needed across
the ubiquity of computational technology has the country that produce graduates capable of
increased societal vulnerability. The complexity of answering questions such as:
cybersecurity questions has grown exponentially
as attacks from foreign powers, cybercriminals, What existing policies address pressing
cybersecurity threats? Where are there gray
and hacktivists have risen. However, as individuals
areas exploitable by malicious actors?
who can translate these politically-based technical
challenges into policy have become more essential,
Who has jurisdiction when a major cybersecurity
degree programs focusing on cybersecurity policy attack occurs?
have remained scarce.
What redundancies, contradictions, and gaps are
This report addresses the need to include revealed when examining local, state, and federal
cybersecurity policy training as a part of cybersecurity policy?

What are the legal obligations towards policymakers and companies in emergencies and
citizens, clients, or partners when companies in everyday work, working on behalf of national
or governments are faced with tackling security, managing cybersecurity-focused software
cybersecurity problems? engineers, creating cybersecurity education,
deciding company information security, and shaping
What new challenges does the Internet of cybersecurity policy. However, most working in
Things (IoT) bring to the existing domestic and this field come to it in their mid-careers and are
international policy landscapes? self-trained, creating a shortage of workers. As an
industry member who works with us stated, The
What new organizational jurisdiction issues does
IoT pose? best we can get is someone with either 80 percent
policy knowledge and 20 percent technology
What are the different cyberattack strategies of knowledge or vice versaif we could even just
foreign powers, how can we predict their use, push that to 70/30 it would be helpful.
how might we hone our attribution methods, and
how should the U.S. respond? More comprehensive degree programs and
certificate opportunities are needed that stand at
What geopolitical risk information can inform the cross-section of policy and cybersecurity
cybersecurity threat preparedness? creating opportunities for students in technical fields
and social science fields alike. These programs
What international legal agreements help and must focus on applied experiences working on
hinder tackling cybercrime, including extradition,
real problems as defined by external partners
data sharing, and investigative cooperation?
from government and industry, simulations and
scenarios, and opportunities for making public
What types of bilateral and multilateral
cybersecurity agreements exist and how arguments about cybersecurity policy to leaders
effective are they? in all sectorsgovernment (agencies and elected
officials); small, medium, and large businesses;
As U.S. commerce grows increasingly reliant on nonprofit organizations; and civil society groups.
IoT technology and the accumulation of related
data, how should the U.S. government and The Cybersecurity
corporations navigate the movement of data Workforce Shortage
within and across borders?
While one of the major areas of cybersecurity
How do we explain the patterns of cyberattack by weakness is professionals with the technical
a nation-state on another nation-state? experience to secure our critical infrastructure,
there is also a shortage of individuals who can
What lessons can be learned from other move between the technology and policy world.
countries cyber-strategies?
The individuals who can navigate between the
Individuals who can answer these questions often technology and policy worlds will be able to
occupy crucial positions, translating between translate between them, shape sound policy

based on a deep understanding of technology and Limited cybersecurity educational opportunities

connections in the technology industry, and help are the major cause of the cybersecurity
navigate overlapping jurisdictions, competencies, workforce shortage across job types, particularly
and individual rights-based concerns. for undergraduates. In addition to the general
shortage of cybersecurity programs, most
Cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly diverse existing educational programs target mid-career
field, consisting of as disparate employment professionals or individuals with undergraduate
categories as information assurance specialist, degrees in hand while Cyber Seeks research finds
computer systems analyst, information and that the majority of cybersecurity positions do not
technology manager, law enforcer, policy analyst, require an advanced professional graduate degree.
and software engineer (NICCS, n.d.; Williams, 2016).
One of the fastest growing and urgently identified There are very few undergraduate degrees in
shortages is at the nexus of cybersecurity policy cybersecurity, unless one includes information
and technology. Cyber Seek, an interactive tool assurance in computer science programs
created with support from National Initiative for programs that already are struggling to meet
Cybersecurity Education (NICE) among others, is demand. Using the University of Washingtons
meant to help address the cybersecurity workforce prestigious Computer Science & Engineering
gap through illustrating where and what type of department as an example, its degree program
cybersecurity jobs are open. As of July 2017, Cyber currently estimates that it can only admit one
Seek listed 348,975 jobs as open with a very low out of every three qualified students into the
supply of workers ready to fulfill these positions. undergraduate major because there simply is not
124,427 of these positions were under the NICE physical space to house more students. They also
Cybersecurity Workforce Framework Category of serve 5,000 non-majors annually. To attempt to
Analyze and there were 96,430 positions under admit more qualified students, they are raising
the Oversee & Govern category. Both of these money to build a larger building (Langston, 2015).
categories are precisely for individuals who can
Within computer science degree programs
navigate at the nexus of technology and policy with
where students may focus on cybersecurity
the skills defined by the NICE framework.
technology, students will be exposed to very
Limited Educational Programs little policy training. Similarly, cybersecurity
training guidelines such as those approved by
From corporate boardrooms, to the creation and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
growth of chief information officers and chief and National Security Agency (NSA) certified
information security offices, to IT managers, there National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber
is tangible evidence of the need for individuals who Defense (CAE-CD) include only one knowledge
can provide insight and advice about cybersecurity unit focused on policy. The policy knowledge
policy (Slaughter & Weingarten, 2016; Damouni, unit is meant to, provide students with an
2016). However, there are limited cybersecurity understanding of information assurance in context
education opportunities. and the rules and guidelines that control them.

It includes learning about HIPAA/FERPA, the Most other prominent cybersecurity policy courses
Computer Security Act of 1987, the Sarbanes- are offered through various centers and initiatives,
Oxley Act of 2002, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, but lack a formal degree at the end or an organized
the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act, pedagogy that links content and skills across
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, courses. For instance, such associated, but limited,
the US Patriot Act, the Americans with Disabilities courses exist at Berkeley, Harvard, MIT, Stanford,
ActSection 508, Bring your own device issues, and the University of Washington.
and two very broad categories titled State,
US, and International Standards/Jurisdiction Case Study: Washington State Higher Education
and Laws and Authorities. While many of the
Using Washington State as a case study, there
knowledge units contain very broad categories of
are six schools that are designated Department of
required informationsuch as legal information
Homeland Security (DHS) and National Security
within the Cyber Threat categorythe lack of
Agency (NSA) certified National Centers of
specificity in concept categories such as state,
Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD). To
US, and International Standards/Jurisdiction
earn this designation, they conform to standardized
make it unclear what content and skills programs
cybersecurity educational best practices. To be
should provide and what students will actually
designated as a CAE-CD school, degree programs
learn from these knowledge units.
must closely align with specific cybersecurity-
If a non-computer science student wanted to focus related knowledge units.
on cybersecurity policy, or if a computer science
Washington States six schools are: University of
student wanted to add a specialization in policy,
Washington, Bothell; University of Washington,
there are limited opportunities to do so in the U.S.
Seattle; University of Washington, Tacoma; Highline
A review of the top 20 public policy schools in the
College; City University of Seattle; and Whatcom
United States reveals that only four have science
Community College. The programs offered are
and technology programs, all at the graduate level.
listed below:
Of these, only two focus on information policy
(University of Michigan and Carnegie Mellon University of Washington, Bothell offers a M.S.
University) and of those, only Carnegie Mellon in Cyber Security Engineering program. Students
explicitly focuses on cybersecurity policy. Of the entering this program are expected to have
top 20 law schools, only Yale, Harvard, Stanford, previously obtained a B.S. in Computer Science
and NYU have any focus on information policy. and Software Engineering or equivalent.
Information schools have more cybersecurity
programs that focus on policy, but even among University of Washington, Seattle offers B.S.
information schools it is only the minority that and M.S. computer science degrees. It also
have programs, all graduate, that focus on offers a Professional & Continuing Education
cybersecurityDrexel University, Georgia Institute Program Certificate in Information Systems
of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, and Security. The certificate is designed for,
University of Pittsburg. software developers and analysts, or people

with system, database, security or network Bridging the Gap in

administration experience. The Information
Cybersecurity Policy
School has a cybersecurity track available to
both its Masters and undergraduate students There is a critical need for more professionals
that includes some policy components. versed in cybersecurity policy. While technical
training that provides boots on the ground
University of Washington, Tacoma has a Masters skills for critical infrastructure protection is deeply
of Cybersecurity & Leadership program, which is
needed, it cannot be at the expense of training
designed for individuals with at least three years
individuals who can navigate existing policy and
of work experience. It particularly focuses on
recommend appropriate solutions to pressing
training military member as they transition out
cybersecurity problems. Such individuals will fulfill
of the military.
key roles inside and outside the private sector.
We recommend a cybersecurity policy certificate
Highline College offers an Applied Bachelor of
Science degree in Cybersecurity and Forensics. model that can be shared across universities and is
The degree is open to any student but admissions available to technical and non-technical students as
preference is given to students with an A.S. well as undergraduates to graduate students.
in Computer Information Science, Information
Policy focused educational opportunities should be
Technology, or Web Development (including some
available to undergraduates, as well as graduates, so
computer information science courses).
as to more quickly create a cybersecurity workforce.
Current educational efforts across cybersecurity target
City University of Seattle offers an M.S. degree
in Information Security. Students can elect to graduate students. Even if undergraduate students
focus in Cyber Security Environment, which is never enter the cybersecurity workforce, coursework
focused on cybersecurity policy issues such as available to them will increase the cybersecurity
cyber warfare, cyber-crime, e-government, and literacy of the general population and bring information
intellectual property. security practices into other professions.

Any coursework should involve extensive applied

Whatcom Community College offers an A.S. and
a B.S. degree in cybersecurity and its program experiences, rather than only book and theoretical
is defined by the CAE-CD guidelines as well as learning. And, stakeholders in cybersecurity policy
draws upon the NICE guidelines. should be involved in the creation of coursework
and evaluation of student work. Such inclusion
With the exception of City University of Seattles would guarantee that there is no gap between what
M.S. degree in Information Security and the is taught in school and what is needed outside
University of Washingtons Information School, schools. Significant applied experience would
Washington State cybersecurity education is include working on real problems as defined by
either entirely focused on computer science-based external partners, simulations and scenarios, and
programs or Masters level degrees. opportunities for making public arguments about
cybersecurity policy.

The certificate should incorporate the National Langston, J. (2015). Microsoft dedicates $10M Gift to New UW
Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Computer Science & Engineering Building. UW Today. June 12,
Knowledge Unitsmaking students conversant
in the technology even if they were not computer 10m-gift-to-new-uw-computer-science-engineering-building/
science students. Coursework should cover the
National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers & Studies. Interactive
Policy Knowledge Unit and related units such as
National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework. Accessed
Cyber Threats. Students would not need computer
September 1, 2016 at
science degrees to understand and be conversant
in the implications of different types of attacks, such Slaughter, A. & Weingarten, E. (2016). Anne-Marie Slaughter: The
as Distributed Denial of Service attackslikewise, National Security Issue No One is Talking About. April
computer science students would be able to 12,
discuss the complexities of international Internet
governance as it relates to elements such as the Williams, T. (2016). An Inside Look at the Fast-Growing IT

Wassenaar Agreement. Industrys New and Emerging Jobs. April 5,
The certificate would allow undergraduate and growing-it-industrys-new-and-emerging-jobs-05612
graduate students to focus on cybersecurity
policy, increasing the number of professionals with Endnotes
diverse educational backgrounds with cybersecurity
1 The authors gratefully acknowledge early research support
policy expertise. A cybersecurity policy program
from Stacia Lee. We are also grateful for helpful comments
would have the additional benefit of diversifying on earlier drafts from Joyce Noonan, Agnes Kirk, Bobby
the technology workforce. Experts in increasing OBrien, Ben Merkel, the Jackson School of International
womens involvement in cybersecurity (another Studies Cybersecurity Initiative Working Group, Sarah
recognized problem) have pointed out that creating Castro, the audience members at the Wilson Center/
Jackson School Bridging the Gap Cybersecurity conference
more pathways into cybersecurity professions
in February 2017 and at the Washington Trade Alliance of
might be a way to diversify the workforce (Slaughter
Greater Seattle/Jackson School Cybersecurity conference
& Weingarten, 2016). Finally, it could help reduce in June 2017. Research for this project was supported by a
the student pressure on computer science grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the
departments, outsourcing policy related teaching to Jackson Foundation. Thank you to Jennifer Butte-Dahl and
policy expertsthereby strengthening both. Reat Kasaba for their leadership and providing the venue
to this research through the International Policy Institute.

Cyber Seek. Accessed August 1, 2017 at

Damouni, N. (2014). Exclusive: U.S. Companies Seek Cyber

Experts for Top Jobs, Board Seats. May 30, http:// The opinions expressed in this article are those solely of the author.

Jessica Beyer
Jessica Beyer is a lecturer in the
University of Washingtons Jackson
School of International Studies and co-
directs the International Policy Institutes
Cybersecurity Initiative.

Sara Curran
Sara Curran is Professor of International
Studies, Sociology, and Public Policy
The Wilson Center and Governance at the University of Washington. With Dr. Beyer, she co-
directs the International Policy Institutes
Cybersecurity Initiative.

Digital Futures Program Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

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