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A Case Report On Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia With Homeopathic Remedies

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 4398-4403 Nayak C et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: Case Report


Nayak C1, Hati AK2, Dash SK2, Paital B3
Homoeopathy University, Saipura, Sanganer, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Dr. Abhin Chandra Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar, India
Deptartment of Zoology, CBSH, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology,
Bhubaneswar, India
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is characterized by proliferation of the cellular elements of the prostate. The
complications faced by elderly people need to be minimized and most of elderly don not prefer a surgical approach.
Therefore, treatment of BPH with medicines is prioritized by elderly people. The present case report adds a little to
the field that how to treat BPH cases in elderly without surgical approach but with homeopathic formulations. Case
report presented here is diagnosed case of BPH having grade III prostatomegaly on USG. Patient presented with
increased frequency of urination in feeble stream and sudden urging occasionally. Patient was treated with
homoeopathic medication and assessed using Ultrasonography, International Prostate Symptom Score, and
Uroflowmetry with significant improvement. Hence, it is suggestive that homoeopathic treatment could be effective
in the management of cases of BPH in elderly people.
Keywords: Homoeopathy, BPH, Uroflowmetry, International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), Constitutional
medicine, Organopathic medicine, Sabal serrulata.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Biswaranjan Paital QR code
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
College of Basic Science and Humanities
Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha, India

Please cite this article in press as Nayak C et al., A Case Report on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with
Homeopathic Remedies, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017; 4(11). Page 4398

IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 4398-4403 Nayak C et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: times at night, with feeble stream. Patient had a

Benign enlargement of prostate occurs after 50 years feeling as if some urine remained after urination.
[1], usually between 60 to 70 years [2]. Benign Patients other minor complaint included: pain in
Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) affects both glandular right inguinal region with mild numbness in morning.
epithelium and connective tissue stroma [2]. Benign
hyperplasia of the stroma and epithelial cells of the Patient was of average built and height with grey
prostate results in lower urinary tract symptoms hair. He was a hot patient; summer was intolerable
(LUTS) such as post-void dribbling, increased and he wanted constant fanning and liked bathing. He
urinary frequency and urgency, nocturia and weak had craving for sweets and meat.
urinary stream [3]. Frequency of urination is the
earliest symptom and other symptoms are : difficulty Patient was mild in nature but obstinate. He liked
in micturition; the stream is variable, dribbles company. He was fastidious, jovial, always hurried
towards end of micturition. Pain occurs with cystitis and hasty without any marked anxiety. The patient
or acute retention of urine. Occasionally, there is was a farmer, married and addicted to bidi. He had
retention of urine [1, 2]. On digital rectal past history of sexual excess and chickenpox. He was
examination, a non-tender, smooth, elastic, and firm operated for left-sided inguinal hernia 10 years back.
enlarged prostate is found [1]. His father died of malignant brain tumour. Patient
took allopathic medication for 1 month for the
Homeopathic system of treatment is one of symptoms related to BPH, with temporary relief only.
alternative medicines originally conceptualized by a
German allopathic physician Samuel Hahnemann in On examination- Prostate gland was enlarged; upper
late 18th century. His one of the main concepts was limit could not be reached. Both lobes equally
"let likes be treated by likes" (similia similibus enlarged, firm, elastic; median sulcus well-felt,
curentur) and there was no concept of surgical mucosa mobile.
approach initially in Homeopathy. On the other hand, Symptomatic assessment was done by IPSS score,
BPH is a male specific elderly issue and the patients Ultrasonography and Uroflowmetry were done in
at late age always do not prefer surgical approach to laboratory and presented as before and after treatment
treat it. More often, they wish to avoid this route of conditions.
surgery and are deeply inclined to take the advantage
of alternative treatment mode such as homeopathic Remedy selection
remedies. In this context, many homeopathic Considering the family history of cancer, the mental
medications are claimed to be effective against and physical general symptoms as well as presenting
certain benign tumours including BPH, albeit lack of complaints of the patient, Carcinosin was selected as
systematic literature on it make the claim groundless. the constitutional medicine and Sabal serrulata as
Therefore, the present case study was aimed to test supportive organ remedy, for the patient. Carcinosin
the effects of homeopathic remedies on a BPH case. 200 / 1 dose followed by Sabal serrulata 10 drops,
thrice a day were administered.
One previous study was undertaken to evaluate the
effects of either constitutional medicines or RESULTS:
organopathic medicines prescribed alone or After taking Carcinosin 200 and Sabal serrulata ,
constitutional medicine followed by organopathic during subsequent visits every month,the patient
medicine to the patients suffering from BPH. The reported improvement in urinary flow, frequency of
case report presented below is a part of the said study urination and other common symptoms of BPH. He
[4]. Cases treated in Homoeopathy need to be was prescribed Placebo 200 followed by Sabal
reported with evidences in order to scientifically serrulata to continue as before. After seven
establish this system as evidence-based medicine. months, the patient reported no further improvement,
Homeopathic treatment has shown good results in the when he was prescribed Staphysagria 1M/1 dose,
management of BPH as shown in the case report basing upon the mental symptoms and past history of
below, assessed through USG, Uroflowmetry and the patient (inguinal hernia was operated), besides
International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). presenting complaints, followed by Sabal serrulata
as before. During subsequent visits, the patient
MATERIALS AND METHODS: reported overall improvement, in terms of common
Case profile symptoms of BPH. During this period, his pain in
A 65 years old male presented with signs and right inguinal region also subsided. So, all medicines
symptoms of BPH for last 1 year. He had frequent were stopped. It was observed that IPPS was
urge for urine, every half an hour during day and 2-3 decreased from 21 to 9 (Table 1 and 2). Similarly, the Page 4399

IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 4398-4403 Nayak C et al ISSN 2349-7750

residual urine volume was decreased from 104 ml to increased from 6 ml/sec to 11 ml/sec. The void
11 ml (Fig. 1 and Table 3). On the other hand, the volume was also increased from 189 ml to 408 ml
maximum uroflowmetry was increased from 10 (Fig. 2).
ml/sec to 20 ml/sec. Average uroflowmetry was

Table 1: International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) of 21 before treatment.

Sl Questions to be answered None Less than Less than About once more than Almost
No once every 5 once every 2 every 2 times once every 2 always
times times times
1 Have you felt like your bladder is 0 1 2 3 5
not completely empty after 4
urination in the past month?
2 Have you had to go to the toilet 0 1 2 3 4
within 2 hours of doing so in the 5
past month ?
3 Have you had disrupted urination 1 2 3 4 5
in the past month ? 0
4 Have you found it hard to control 0 1 2 3 5
your urine in the past month ? 4
5 Have you had a case of weak 0 1 2 3 4
urinations in the past month? 5
6 Have you had to strain to initiate 1 2 3 4 5
urination in the past month? 0
None Once Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times or
7 How many times did you, on 0 1 2 4 5
average , get up to urinate at night 3
after going to bed in the past
month ?
Score: 0-7 mild, 8-19: moderate, 20-35: severe. IPSS Total score
The scores obtained for the patient for the respective IPPS option are highlighted with bold numerical values.

Table 2: International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) of 9 after treatment.

Sl Questions to be answered None Less than Less than About once more than Almost
No once every 5 once every every 2 once every 2 always
times 2 times times times
1 Have you felt like your bladder is 0 1 3 4 5
not completely empty after 2
urination in the past month?
2 Have you had to go to the toilet 0 1 2 4 5
within 2 hours of doing so in the 3
past month ?
3 Have you had disrupted urination 1 2 3 4 5
in the past month ? 0
4 Have you found it hard to control 0 2 3 4 5
your urine in the past month ? 1
5 Have you had a case of weak 0 2 3 4 5
urinations in the past month? 1
6 Have you had to strain to initiate 1 2 3 4 5
urination in the past month? 0
None Once Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times or
7 How many times did you, on 1 3 4 5
average, get up to urinate at night 0 2
after going to bed in the past
month ?
Score: 0-7 mild, 8-19: moderate, 20-35: severe. IPSS Total score
The scores obtained for the patient for the respective IPPS option are highlighted with bold numerical values. Page 4400

IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 4398-4403 Nayak C et al ISSN 2349-7750

Table 3: Ultrasound Report of whole abdomen of the patient.

Organ Before Treatment After Treatment
Liver Measures 13.5 cm, normal in size & echo texture. Measures 13.5 cm, normal in size & echo texture. No
No dilatation of IHBR/ SOL seen. dilatation of IHBR/ SOL seen.
Gall Bladder Normal in shape & wall thickness. No evidence Normal in shape & wall thickness. No evidence of any
of any calculi/ SOL noted. calculi/ SOL noted.
Common bile Measures 7 mm, proximal & mid CBD are Measures 7 mm, proximal & mid CBD are normal.
duct normal. Distal CBD could not be evaluated Distal CBD could not be evaluated properly due to over
properly due to over lying bowel gas shadow. No lying bowel gas shadow. No e/o any ductal calculus
e/o any ductal calculus noted within visualized noted within visualized segment. PV measure 12 mm,
segment. PV measure 12 mm, normal in course normal in course & calibre.
& calibre.
Spleen Measure 9.2 cm. normal in size, outline & echo Measure 9.2 cm. normal in size, outline & echo pattern
Pancreas Normal in size & echo texture. No evidence of Normal in size & echo texture. No evidence of any
any SOL/ Calcification/pancreatic duct dilatation SOL/ Calcification/pancreatic duct dilatation noted
Right kidney Measure 10.6 x 4.4 cm. Normal in size, outline Measure 10.8 x 4.5 cm. Normal in size, outline & echo
& echo texture. Cortical echo are normal with texture. Cortical echo are normal with preservation of
preservation of cortico medullary differentiation. cortico medullary differentiation. No evidence of
No evidence of calculi/ hydronephrosis or SOL calculi/ hydronephrosis or SOL noted.
Left kidney Measure 11.2 x 5.2 cm. Normal in size, outline & Measure 11.0 x 5.0 cm.Normal in size, outline & echo
echo texture. Cortical echo are normal with texture. Cortical echo are normal with preservation of
preservation of cortico medullary differentiation cortico medullary differentiation. No evidence of
. No evidence of calculi/ hydronephrosis or SOL calculi/ hydronephrosis or SOL noted.
Urinary Well defined. Mild diffuse thickening of UB wall Well defined. Mild diffuse thickening of UB wall seen.
Bladder seen. Wall thickness measures 5 mm. Post void Wall thickness measures 5 mm. Post void residual
residual urine measure 11 ml. No e/o any urine measure 11 ml. No e/o any calculi/ SOL noted
calculi/ SOL noted
Prostate Measure 5.4x4.9 x 4.5 cm (65 gms approx) Measure 5.6x4.5 x 4.5 cm (60 gms approx)
grade III prostatomegally with homogenous prostatomegally with homogenous echo texture.
echo texture. Capsule appears intact. Capsule appears intact.
Lymph Gland No retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy/ collection No retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy/ collection intact
Impression Grade III Prostatomegaly. Diffuse thickening Prostatomegaly, Diffuse thickening of UB wall with
of UB wall with Post Void Residual Urine Post Void Residual Urine volume -11 ml
volume - 104 ml

Figure 1: Ultrasonography before treatment with residual urine volume = 104 ml (A) and after treatment
with residual volume 11 ml (B). Page 4401

IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 4398-4403 Nayak C et al ISSN 2349-7750


Figure 2: Uroflometry before treatment (A) having Max flow= 10ml /sec, average flow rate =6 ml/sec and
after (B) treatment having Max flow= 22 ml /sec, average flow rate =11 ml/sec.

DISCUSSION: Foubister [6] who was the pioneer in introducing the

As evident from the prescriptions made for the medicine carcinosin in homoeopathic literature, got
treatment of the patient, two aspects have been success in treating chronic cases with this medicine,
focussed, i.e. application of constitutional medicine selected on the basis of family history of cancer.
and supported by organ remedy. Application of Based on this concept carcinosin was administered to
constitutional medicine(s) is the gold standard for the patient in the present study. In Homoeopathic
classical homoeopathy treatment of chronic cases Materia Medica books, authors like Clarke [9] and
including BPH. The selection of constitutional Boericke [10] have recommended Sabal serrulata for
medicine often is sometimes guiding by a few enlargement of prostate. Moreover, in Homoeopathic
characteristic features only. In this case, family Repertory books also, the authors such as Kent [11],
history of cancer and a few mental symptoms led to Boger [12], Murphy [13] and Shroyens [14] have
the selection of the similimum, i.e. carcinosin. The recommended for Sabal serrulata in BPH. In the
role of family history in deciding the similimum is present case, Staphysagria was prescribed as a
also supported by other authors [5, 6]. constitutional medicine, which is also recommended
for prostatic troubles by different authors such as
Secondly, many clinicians believe that besides the Kent [11], Boericke [10], Boger [12], Shroyens [14]
administration of constitutional medicine, the and Murphy [13]. Thus, all the three medicines
application of organ specific medicine, as a prescribed for the patient in the present case on the
supportive therapy, will expedite or facilitate the basis of homoeopathic literature, yielded favorable
action of the former, particularly when there are results in alleviating the symptoms related to BPH,
pathological changes in the patient. This is supported besides reducing the size of the prostate.
by the outcomes of few other studies also and stated
in a related protocol [8], where application of CONCLUSION:
constitutional medicine followed by organ remedies This case is one of the evidence-based documented
has been recommended [4, 7]. In a three arm research research studies, that shows effectiveness of
study on BPH[4], the researchers have shown that the homoeopathic treatment not only in relieving the
group of patients who received constitutional symptoms of BPH, but also in bringing favorable
medicine(s) followed by organopathic medicine changes in pathology. However, from practice point
Sabal serrulata exhibited better results than those of view, a fixed treatment protocol cannot be
received constitutional medicines or organopathic recommended for the treatment of all patients
medicine (Sabal serrulata ) alone [4]. In the present suffering from BPH. Nevertheless, if we can
case, Carcinosin 200 and Staphysagria 1M document the pre-and post-evidences in support of
supplemented with Sabal serrulata , yielded treatment of a very common disorder like BPH,
favourable outcomes not only in alleviating the showing the benefit of homoeopathic treatment, it
troublesome symptoms of the patient, but also helped will not only further strengthen the scientific back-
to bring down the pathological changes, to certain ground of Homoeopathy, enrich our literature and
extent. add to the existing professional knowledge, but also
enhance the confidence of the neophytes of
Homoeopathy [15, 16, 17]. Page 4402

IAJPS 2017, 4 (11), 4398-4403 Nayak C et al ISSN 2349-7750

ACKNOWLEDGMENT 11. Kent JT. 1995. Kents Repertory of

Contribution of Dr. Arun Kumar, M.D. (Hom.), Part- Homoeopathic Matria Medica Expanded. Second ed.
I, Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical College, New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Hospital and Research Centre, Jaipur (Constituent
College of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur) for 12. Boger CM. 1996. Boenninghausens
proof reading the article is duly acknowledged. Charactertistics Materia Medica & Repertory with
Word index. Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain
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