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Enfermedad de Chagas

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Review Article

DanL. Longo, M.D., Editor

Chagas Disease
Caryn Bern, M.D., M.P.H.

From Global Health Sciences, Depart- hagas disease is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma
ment of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, cruzi, which is transmitted when the infected feces of the triatomine vector
University of California, San Francisco,
School of Medicine, San Francisco. Ad- are inoculated through a bite site or through an intact mucous membrane
dress reprint requests to Dr. Bern at the of the mammalian host (Fig.1).2 Vectorborne transmission is limited to areas of
Department of Epidemiology and Biosta- North America, Central America, and South America. Both in endemic and in
tistics, UCSF, 550 16th St., San Francisco,
CA 94158, or at nonendemic areas, other infection routes include transfusion, organ and bone mar-
row transplantation, and congenital transmission. Outbreaks attributed to contami-
N Engl J Med 2015;373:456-66.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1410150 nated food or drink have been reported in northern South America, where trans-
Copyright 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. mission cycles involving wild vector populations and mammalian reservoir hosts
are prominent.3 Infection is lifelong in the absence of effective treatment. The most
important consequence of T. cruzi infection is cardiomyopathy, which occurs in 20 to
30% of infected persons.4

Epidemiol o gy
The global epidemiologic profile of Chagas disease is the result of two major forces:
domestic vectorborne transmission over the lifetime of the current population of
Latin America and large-scale rural-to-urban migration over the past 50 years
(Fig.2).2,4 The most epidemiologically important vectors live in the cracks in mud
walls and thatched roofs of rustic rural houses. Inhabitants of infested houses are
repeatedly exposed to the vector and parasite over many years. Stercorarian trans-
mission (i.e., transmission through the feces of an infected vector) is relatively inef-
ficient: the incidence of T. cruzi infection is generally estimated to be less than 1% per
year.6,7 The highest estimated incidence is 4% per year, in the hyperendemic Boliv-
ian Chaco.8 In an endemic setting, continued transmission over time results in a
pattern of increasing prevalence of both infection and cardiomyopathy with in-
creasing age.8,9 Over the past several decades, millions of infected persons have
moved from endemic rural villages to Latin American cities, and hundreds of thou-
sands now live in the United States, Spain, and other countries outside Latin
Latin America has made substantial progress toward the control of Chagas dis-
ease.4 The estimated global prevalence of T. cruzi infection declined from 18 million
in 1991, when the first regional control initiative began, to 5.7 million in 2010.2,4,5
The Pan American Health Organization has certified the interruption of transmission
by domestic vectors in several countries in South America and in Central America.12,13
Serologic screening for T. cruzi is conducted in most blood banks in endemic Latin
American countries and the United States, and some countries have systematic
screening for congenital Chagas disease. Nevertheless, Chagas disease remains the
most important parasitic disease in the Western Hemisphere, with an estimated
disease burden, as measured by disability-adjusted life-years, that is 7.5 times as
great as that of malaria.14

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Chagas Disease

Triatomine vector takes a blood meal

Trypomastigotes differentiate into
and ingests trypomastigotes
epimastigotes, which replicate in midgut

enter bloodstream


differentiate into
Trypomastigotes trypomastigotes
infect other cells in the hindgut
Intracellular amastigotes and are excreted
transform into trypomastigotes, in the feces
followed by rupture of the host cell


differentiate into Trypomastigotes
amastigotes excreted with feces
and replicate enter through
bite wound or
mucous membrane

invade nucleated cells

Figure 1. Life Cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi.

The life cycle of T. cruzi begins when the triatomine vector ingests circulating trypomastigotes in a blood meal from an infected mam-
malian host. Trypomastigotes transform into epimastigotes, the main invertebrate replicating stage, in the midgut of the vector. Epimas-
tigotes migrate to the hindgut and differentiate into infective metacyclic trypomastigotes, which are excreted with the feces of the vec-
tor. Metacyclic trypomastigotes enter through a bite wound or through an intact mucous membrane of the mammalian host and invade
many types of nucleated cells. In the cytoplasm, trypomastigotes differentiate into the intracellular amastigote form, which replicates
with a doubling time of approximately 12 hours over a period of 4 to 5 days. At the end of this period, the amastigotes transform into
trypomastigotes, the host cell ruptures, and the trypomastigotes are released into the circulation. The circulating parasites can then in-
vade new cells and initiate new replicative cycles and are available to infect vectors that feed on the host. The figure is from Bern.1

Although the United States has established en- tries, it is estimated that 300,000 infected immi-
zootic cycles across the southern states, with in- grants reside in the United States.10 Locally ac-
fected vectors and mammalian hosts such as rac- quired vectorborne infection has been documented
coons, opossums, wood rats, and domestic dogs, in a handful of cases over the past 60 years and
the majority of infected U.S. residents are Latin has been inferred in blood donors for whom ac-
American immigrants who were infected in their quisition of the infection in Latin America has
home countries.10,15 On the basis of the size of been ruled out or judged to be unlikely.15-17 Direct
the Latin American immigrant population and the assessments of prevalence in the United States are
estimates of T. cruzi prevalence in their home coun- sparse and have been restricted to small-scale sur-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Prevalence of T. cruzi Infection

No data
Very low (<0.1%)
Low (0.10.9%)
Moderate (1.02.9%)
High (3.0% or higher)

Figure 2. Estimated Prevalences of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection.

Shown are the prevalences at the national level, calculated on the basis of published data.5 Transmission is concen-
trated in areas with domestic vector infestation and therefore shows strong spatial clustering. However, because in-
fection is lifelong in the absence of treatment, the prevalence reflects past transmission over decades and human
migration patterns. Existing data are insufficient to allow mapping at the subnational level.

veys or case series in populations chosen because acute phase is microscopically detectable para-
of an anticipated high risk (e.g., Latin American sitemia (Table 1). Symptoms are usually mild and
immigrants with nonischemic heart disease).18,19 nonspecific and include fever, malaise, hepato-
Because of low levels of awareness among health splenomegaly, and atypical lymphocytosis. In rare
care providers, cases of Chagas cardiomyopathy cases, a skin nodule (chagoma) or painless pro-
are underrecognized, and women at risk for con- longed eyelid edema (Romaas sign) may indi-
genital transmission to their infants are rarely cate the site of inoculation. The vast majority of
screened.20,21 acute infections are never detected. In less than
1% of infections, the acute phase is severe and
life-threatening because of meningoencephalitis
Cl inic a l Fe at ur e s a nd
Patho gene sis or myocarditis.23 Outbreaks of orally transmitted
T. cruzi infection (i.e., transmitted in food or drink
The incubation period after vectorborne transmis- that is contaminated with vector feces) appear to
sion is 1 to 2 weeks (Fig. 3).4 The hallmark of the be associated with a higher incidence of myocar-

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Chagas Disease

ditis and a higher case-fatality rate than vector-

borne infections.3
In persons who survive the acute phase, the
cell-mediated immune response controls parasite
replication, symptoms resolve spontaneously, and
patent parasitemia disappears in 4 to 8 weeks.4 12 weeks
Persons then pass into the chronic phase of T. cruzi
infection. Most persons remain asymptomatic but
are infected for life. It is estimated that 20 to 30% Acute phase
of infected persons have progression over the Positive smear
course of years to decades to chronic Chagas Positive culture
Positive PCR result Romaas
cardiomyopathy.4,24 The earliest signs are typically sign
conduction-system defects, especially right bundle-
branch block or left anterior fascicular block.24
Multiform premature ventricular contractions are 48 weeks
another early sign, but they may be missed with-
out ambulatory electrocardiographic (ECG) moni-
toring. Chagas cardiomyopathy is highly arrhyth- Chronic phase
mogenic and is characterized by sinus and Negative smear
junctional bradycardias, atrial fibrillation or flut- Positive PCR result in 2070%
of infected persons
ter, atrioventricular blocks, and nonsustained or
Diagnosis based on
sustained ventricular tachycardia.2,4,24 Affected pa-
serologic testing
tients eventually have progression to dilated car-
diomyopathy and congestive heart failure. Left-
ventricular aneurysms are common in advanced
Chagas cardiomyopathy.25 Patients may have Indeterminate form
strokes or other thromboembolic events as a No signs or symptoms
result of thrombus formation in the dilated left
2030% of infected persons
ventricle or aneurysm.25 Infected persons without have disease progression
overt cardiomyopathy may have subtle abnormali- over years to decades
7080% of infected
ties on echocardiography or autonomic testing, persons have the
but the prognostic value of these signs is un- indeterminate form Determinate form
known. Retrospective cohort data from infected throughout life Chagas cardiomyopathy,
blood donors in Brazil showed an annual rate of gastrointestinal Chagas
disease, or both
progression to cardiomyopathy of 1.85% per year.26
Although the pathogenesis of Chagas cardio-
myopathy is incompletely understood, a consensus Figure 3. Phases of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection.
has emerged that parasite persistence is central The acute phase of T. cruzi infection is characterized by microscopically de-
to the disease, which lends a new urgency to the tectable parasitemia lasting 8 to 12 weeks. Diagnosis during the chronic
phase of infection relies on serologic assays. Persons with chronic T. cruzi
search for antitrypanosomal treatment with high infection but without signs or symptoms of Chagas disease are considered
efficacy during the chronic phase.2,27,28 Evidence to have the indeterminate form of the disease. It is estimated that 20 to
suggests that the inflammatory immune response 30% of people who initially have the indeterminate form of Chagas disease
of the host is the most important determinant of have progression over a period of years or decades to clinically evident car-
progression, with T. cruzi strain virulence and tis- diac disease, gastrointestinal disease, or both. The figure is adapted from
sue tropism as possible contributory factors.27,29
A range of autoantibodies have been detected in
patients with cardiomyopathy, but the role of these
autoantibodies in pathogenesis is unknown.30 Sur- T-cellmediated immunity maintains parasite rep-
vival during the acute phase requires an inflam- lication in check.31 However, a failure to down-
matory response involving innate immune cells regulate the inflammatory response, maintained
and macrophages activated by interferon- and by parasite persistence and influenced by both
tumor necrosis factor , and in the chronic phase, host and parasite factors, appears to play a pre-

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Table 1. Diagnosis and Management of Chagas Disease.*

Phase or Form Clinical Features Diagnosis of Infection Antitrypanosomal Drug Efficacy Other Management
Acute infection Usually mild, nonspecific symptoms; Positive blood smear or PCR; 80100% (AIII) Supportive; severe disease is more fre-
myocarditis or meningoencephalitis >99% of infections are quent in young infants and in per-
in rare cases undetected sons with immunosuppression,
and when transmission is oral
Congenital infection Asymptomatic or mild, nonspecific Positive blood smear or PCR; 80100% (AII) Supportive as needed
symptoms; myocarditis, meningoen- positive IgG serologic
cephalitis, or respiratory distress in test (performed only at

rare cases 9 months or later)

Early chronic infection Asymptomatic; ECG usually shows no Positive IgG serologic test; Estimated 60% (AI [<12 yr of age]; Yearly cardiac evaluation
(children 18 yr of age) abnormalities suggestive of Chagas PCR often positive AIII [1218 yr of age])
Chronic infection (adults) Asymptomatic; ECG shows no abnor- Positive IgG serologic test; Unknown; may decrease progression Yearly cardiac evaluation, monitor for
malities suggestive of Chagas car- PCR variably positive to cardiomyopathy (CIII) gastrointestinal symptoms
Chagas cardiomyopathy ECG abnormalities suggestive of Positive IgG serologic test; Unknown; may decrease progression Effective cardiac management im-
Chagas cardiomyopathy, arrhyth- PCR variably positive (CIII in absence of advanced disease) proves survival and quality of life;
mias, syncope, left-ventricular dys- heart transplantation for end-stage
function, congestive heart failure disease
Gastrointestinal Chagas Dysfunction followed by dilatation of Positive IgG serologic test; No evidence of efficacy; may decrease Yearly cardiac evaluation; medical
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

disease esophagus, colon, or both PCR variably positive progression to cardiomyopathy (CIII) management for mild to moderate

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disease, surgical management for

advanced disease

n engl j med 373; July 30, 2015

Reactivation in hosts with Acute myocarditis, CNS abscesses, skin Positive blood smear or in- Curative efficacy unknown but presumed Serial monitoring after transplantation;
immunosuppression chagomas, atypical manifestations creasing parasite load de- low; decreases parasitemia and provide most effective available an-
tected by means of qPCR symptoms, prolongs survival (AII) tiretroviral or immunosuppressive

Copyright 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

m e dic i n e

in serial specimens regimen

* CNS denotes central nervous system, ECG electrocardiography, PCR polymerase chain reaction, and qPCR quantitative PCR.
Grades reflecting an assessment of the strength and quality of the treatment recommendations are provided in parentheses; the grades are in accordance with recommendations pub-
lished by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and are expressed with the use of Infectious Diseases Society of America quality-of-evidence standards.22 The strength of the
evidence is indicated with a letter grade: a grade of A indicates that strong evidence of both efficacy and substantial clinical benefit supports recommendation for use, and the treat-
ment should always be offered; a grade of C denotes that evidence for efficacy is insufficient to support a recommendation for or against use or that evidence for efficacy might not
outweigh adverse consequences or cost of treatment under consideration, and the treatment should be considered optional. The quality of evidence is graded on a scale of I to III.
I denotes evidence from at least one properly designed, randomized clinical trial; II denotes evidence from at least one well-designed clinical trial without randomization, from cohort
or case-controlled analytic studies (preferably from more than one center), or from multiple time-series studies, or dramatic results from uncontrolled experiments; and III denotes evi-
dence from the opinions of respected authorities on the basis of clinical experience, descriptive studies, or reports from expert committees.

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Chagas Disease

dominant role in pathogenesis.28,29,31 Investiga- abscesses, or both.40 The second most commonly
tors have observed that the prevalence of severe reported manifestation is acute myocarditis, which
Chagas cardiomyopathy has fallen in areas with is sometimes superimposed on preexisting chron-
effective vector control and postulate that repeated ic cardiomyopathy. Less common manifestations
superinfection due to ongoing vector exposure include skin lesions and parasitic invasion of the
sustains the tissue antigen load and the conse- peritoneum, stomach, or intestine.
quent inflammatory response at a higher chron- The survival of patients who undergo heart
ic level, which promotes cardiac damage.32 In an transplantation for end-stage Chagas cardiomy-
experimental model, mice superinfected with opathy is equal to or longer than that of patients
the same or a different parasite strain had more who undergo transplantation for idiopathic or
frequent severe ECG changes than those infect- ischemic cardiomyopathy, and in prospectively
ed only once.33 monitored patients who have undergone trans-
Gastrointestinal Chagas disease predominantly plantation, T. cruzi reactivation is a rare cause of
affects the esophagus, colon, or both and results death.41,42 T. cruzi reactivation should be consid-
from damage to intramural neurons.34,35 The man- ered in the differential diagnosis of febrile epi-
ifestations of esophageal disease range from sodes and apparent rejection crises. In addition
asymptomatic motility disorders and mild acha- to fever and acute myocarditis in the transplanted
lasia to severe megaesophagus, with symptoms heart, symptoms may include panniculitis. Cen-
including dysphagia, odynophagia, esophageal re- tral nervous system involvement is much less
flux, weight loss, aspiration, cough, and regurgi- frequent among transplant recipients with reac-
tation.34 Megacolon is characterized by prolonged tivation than among patients with HIVT. cruzi
constipation and may give rise to fecaloma, vol- coinfection.43
vulus, and bowel ischemia. Gastrointestinal Chagas
disease is less frequent than Chagas cardiomy- L a bor at or y Di agnosis
opathy and is more common in the Southern Cone
of South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Para- In the acute phase, motile trypomastigotes can
guay, Uruguay, and parts of Brazil) than in north- be detected by means of microscopic examina-
ern South America, Central America, and Mexico. tion of fresh anticoagulated blood or buffy coat.
This geographic pattern is thought to result from Parasites may also be visualized on blood smears
differences in the predominant T. cruzi geno- stained with Giemsa or other stains and can be
types.36 However, within individual study sites, grown with the use of hemoculture in a special-
no strain differences have been detected between ized medium. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
infections with and infections without gastroin- is a sensitive diagnostic tool in the acute phase
testinal manifestations.37 and is the best test for early detection of infec-
tion in the recipient of an organ from an in-
fected donor or after accidental exposure.44 Early
T. cru zi in the
Im muno c ompromised Hos t in life, congenital Chagas disease is an acute in-
fection, and similar diagnostic methods are used.23
Acute infection in organ recipients has several Sampling on several occasions during the first
distinctive features, including a prolonged incu- months of life increases sensitivity but may not
bation period and a more severe clinical spectrum be acceptable to parents. For at-risk infants in
that can include acute myocarditis and congestive whom Chagas disease has not been diagnosed
heart failure.38 Reactivation of chronic T. cruzi in- at birth, conventional serologic testing is recom-
fection occurs primarily in patients who have un- mended after 9 months, when transferred mater-
dergone organ transplantation39 and in adults with nal antibody has disappeared.23
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)T. cruzi The diagnosis of chronic infection relies on
coinfection.40 In both these populations, the risk IgG serologic testing, most commonly with the
of reactivation is related to the severity of immu- use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
nosuppression. (ELISA) or immunofluorescent antibody assay
In a longitudinal study involving patients with (IFA). No single assay for chronic T. cruzi infec-
HIV coinfection, approximately 20% had reactiva- tion has high enough sensitivity and specificity
tion, most commonly meningoencephalitis, brain to be used alone; positive results of two tests,

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preferably based on different antigens (e.g., whole- rashes that respond to antihistamines (Table2).51-55
parasite lysate and recombinant antigens), are Severe or exfoliative dermatitis or dermatitis as-
required for confirmation.4,45 Inevitably, a propor- sociated with fever and lymphadenopathy should
tion of persons tested will have discordant results prompt immediate interruption of treatment. A
of the two assays and will need further testing dose-dependent peripheral neuropathy sometimes
to determine their infection status. A number of occurs late in the course of therapy and neces-
reference laboratories are located in Latin Amer- sitates immediate cessation of treatment; it is
ica and Europe. In the United States, the Centers nearly always reversible, but it may last for months.
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers Bone marrow suppression is rare and should
reference laboratory testing (contact information prompt immediate interruption of treatment.
is provided below). Nifurtimox, a nitrofuran, inhibits pyruvic acid
T. cruzi PCR is increasingly used as a research synthesis and disrupts T. cruzi carbohydrate me-
and monitoring tool. The sensitivity of PCR in the tabolism. Gastrointestinal side effects (anorexia,
chronic phase of Chagas disease is highly vari- weight loss, nausea, and vomiting) occur in up to
able and depends on specimen volume and pro- 70% of patients.56,57 Neurologic toxic effects in-
cessing, population characteristics, and PCR prim- clude irritability, insomnia, disorientation, and
ers and methods.46 Negative PCR results do not tremors. Rare but more serious side effects in-
prove that infection is absent. Systematic moni- clude paresthesias, polyneuropathy, and periph-
toring by means of PCR of serial blood specimens eral neuritis. Both nifurtimox and benznidazole
is required for the early recognition of acute or- have a better side-effect profile in young children
gan-derived T. cruzi infection; timely treatment than in adolescents or adults.60,61 A recent pharma-
can be lifesaving.44 Quantitative PCR assays are cokinetic study showed significantly faster benz-
useful in monitoring for reactivation (e.g., after nidazole elimination in younger age groups than
heart transplantation); a positive PCR result does in older patients, which led to lower drug levels
not prove that reactivation has occurred, but a in the younger patients.62 The good efficacy of the
rising parasite load over time is the earliest and drug in children despite the lower levels in blood
most sensitive indicator.47,48 Rigorously standard- raises the possibility that lower benznidazole
ized quantitative PCR has been used recently as doses in adolescents and adults might maintain
a primary outcome in two clinical trials of new efficacy while decreasing serious side effects.62
drug candidates.49,50 In patients with acute Chagas disease and in
those with early congenital Chagas disease, both
benznidazole and nifurtimox reduce the severity
A n t i t r y pa nosom a l T r e atmen t
of symptoms, shorten the clinical course of illness,
Nifurtimox and benznidazole, the only drugs with and reduce the duration of parasitemia; the cure
proven efficacy against T. cruzi infection, are not rate in the acute phase is estimated to be 80 to
currently approved by the Food and Drug Ad- 90%.63 Until the 1990s, only the acute phase of
ministration but can be obtained from the CDC the infection was thought to be responsive to
and used under investigational protocols. Consul- antiparasitic therapy. However, in the 1990s, two
tations should be sought through the Parasitic placebo-controlled trials of benznidazole involv-
Diseases Public Inquiries line (404-718-4745, or ing children with chronic T. cruzi infection showed, the CDC Drug Service (404- cure rates of approximately 60%, on the basis of
639-3670), or the CDC Emergency Operations conversion to negative serologic test results 3 to
Center (770-488-7100). Access varies outside the 4 years after treatment.60,61 Follow-up studies have
United States; questions can be addressed to the suggested that the earlier in life children are
World Health Organization ( treated, the higher the rate of conversion from
home_treatment/en/). positive to negative results of serologic assays
Benznidazole, a nitroimidazole derivative, is (negative seroconversion).64,65 Together with grow-
considered to be the first-line treatment, on the ing clinical experience across Latin America,
basis of a better side-effect profile than nifurti- these studies prompted a major change in man-
mox, as well as a more extensive evidence base agement of the infection in children, making
for efficacy.22 The most frequently observed ad- early diagnosis and antitrypanosomal drug ther-
verse effects are dermatologic usually mild apy the standard of care throughout the region.

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Chagas Disease

Over the past 15 years, there has been a Table 2. Dosage Regimens and Frequencies of Adverse Effects Associated
growing movement toward broader treatment of with Benznidazole and Nifurtimox Use.
chronically infected adults, including those with
early cardiomyopathy.22,66-68 Most experts now Benznidazole
believe that the majority of patients with chronic Dosage regimen*
T. cruzi infection should be offered treatment, with Age <12 yr: 57.5 mg/kg per day orally in 2 divided doses for 60 days
exclusion criteria such as an upper age limit of Age 12 yr: 57 mg/kg per day orally in 2 divided doses for 60 days
50 or 55 years and the presence of advanced ir- Side effects in adults
reversible cardiomyopathy.45,67,68 This change in Allergic dermatitis (frequent: 29 to 50%)
standards of practice is based in part on nonran- Paresthesia (frequent: 0 to 30%)
domized, nonblinded longitudinal studies that Peripheral neuropathy (frequent: 0 to 30%)
have shown significantly decreased progression Anorexia and weight loss (frequent: 5 to 40%)
of cardiomyopathy and a trend to decreased mor- Nausea or vomiting (infrequent: 0 to 5%)
tality among adults treated with benznidazole, as
Leukopenia (rare: <1%)
compared with untreated patients.53,69 The Benzni-
Thrombocytopenia (rare: <1%)
dazole Evaluation for Interrupting Trypanosomia-
Early discontinuation because of side effects (frequent: 7 to 20%)
sis (BENEFIT) trial ( number,
NCT00123916), a large, multicenter, double-blind,
randomized, placebo-controlled trial of benzni- Dosage regimen
dazole for the treatment of patients with mild- Age 10 yr: 1520 mg/kg per day orally in 3 or 4 divided doses for 90 days
to-moderate Chagas cardiomyopathy, is nearing Age 1116 yr: 12.515 mg/kg per day orally in 3 or 4 divided doses for 90 days
completion in 2015. The primary outcome mea- Age 17 yr: 810 mg/kg per day orally in 3 or 4 divided doses for 90 days
sure in the BENEFIT trial is clinical progression Side effects in adults
of cardiomyopathy.70 Observational studies have Anorexia and weight loss (very frequent: 50 to 75%)
also confirmed that women treated before preg- Nausea (frequent: 15 to 50%)
nancy are significantly less likely than untreated Vomiting (frequent: 15 to 26%)
women to transmit the infection to their off- Abdominal discomfort (frequent: 12 to 40%)
spring, which provides additional impetus for Headache (frequent: 13 to 70%)
the treatment of girls and nonpregnant women Dizziness or vertigo (frequent: 12 to 33%)
of reproductive age.22,71
Mood changes (frequent: 10 to 49%)
Trials of new drug candidates have been
Insomnia (frequent: 10 to 54%)
sparse and impeded by the lack of a sensitive,
Myalgia (frequent: 13 to 30%)
practical test of cure.45,68,72 Conventional serologic
markers respond very slowly after treatment; the Peripheral neuropathy (infrequent: 2 to 5%)
time to negative seroconversion is measured in Decreased short-term memory (infrequent: 6 to 14%)
years to decades and is said to be inversely pro- Leukopenia (rare: <1%)
portional to the pretreatment duration of infection Early discontinuation because of side effects (frequent: 6 to 40%)
(for which age is often used as the proxy).63 In the
* This is the standard regimen in published recommendations.22 Some investi-
two trials involving children, negative seroconver- gators treat adults with 300 mg per day for 60 days, regardless of body weight,49
sion, as assessed with the use of conventional whereas others use an upper limit of 300 mg per day but prolong treatment
tests, had not occurred in any treated children to complete the total dose corresponding to 5 mg per kilogram per day for
60 days.24
by the end of the 3-year and 4-year follow-up pe- The frequencies (in parentheses) are based on published data.51-57
riods; the assessment of primary end points relied If the dermatitis is severe, exfoliative, or associated with fever, discontinue
on experimental assays that measured lytic anti- treatment with the drug. The StevensJohnson syndrome has been reported
in association with benznidazole treatment.
bodies.60,61 These assays are technically challeng- The symptom necessitates discontinuation of treatment with the drug.
ing and are not currently available for clinical use. There are no published recommendations regarding an upper dose limit. The
Recent randomized clinical trials of two related standard nifurtimox dosing schedule for human African trypanosomiasis is 15 mg
per kilogram per day for 10 days (in combination with efluornithine).58 Dosing
azole compounds in the treatment of T. cruzi regimens of up to 30 mg per kilogram per day in multiple 21-day cycles have
infected adults used quantitative PCR results as been used in trials for neuroblastoma involving children.59 Some adverse ef-
the primary end point.49,50 In a trial of the anti- fects appear to be related to length of treatment rather than daily dose; regi-
mens from 60 days to 120 days have been used.56,57 Because of the side ef-
fungal drug posaconazole, the enrollment crite- fects, only 50 to 60% of adult patients complete the entire treatment course.56
ria included positive pretreatment PCR results.49

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Parasitemia was suppressed at the end of posacon- gas cardiomyopathy, careful monitoring is required
azole treatment, but it returned to detectable lev- when digoxin or beta-blockers are used. Cardiac
els in 80% (high-dose group) to 90% (low-dose transplantation is an effective method of managing
group) of patients at 12 months. In contrast, Chagas cardiomyopathy with refractory heart
only 6% of patients who completed the 60-day failure; systematic posttransplantation PCR mon-
benznidazole course had positive PCR results at itoring enables early diagnosis and treatment of
any time after treatment. Similar results have been T. cruzi reactivation.42
reported from a trial of the ravuconazole prodrug The management of gastrointestinal Chagas
E1224 ( number, NCT01489228), disease is similar to that for idiopathic achalasia
in which the frequency of positive PCR results or megacolon.34 Esophageal symptoms may be
after 12 months was substantially higher among mitigated by drugs that relax the sphincter or by
patients who received the ravuconazole prodrug laparoscopic myotomy. The early stages of colonic
than it was among patients who received benz- involvement may respond to high-fiber diets and
nidazole.50 These results, although disappointing laxatives or enemas. The late stages of megaesoph-
in terms of new drug candidates, provide strong agus and megacolon may mandate surgical resec-
support for the use of quantitative PCR as an out- tion.34 Antitrypanosomal treatment is not thought
come measure in clinical trials: although negative to influence the progression of gastrointestinal
results do not constitute proof of cure, positive Chagas disease.22
results provide timely, unequivocal evidence of
treatment failure. Debate continues regarding oth- C onclusions
er potential tests of response to treatment, includ-
ing lytic antibody assays, other novel serologic Chagas disease remains an important cause of
tests, and cellular immune assays.68,72,73 illness and premature death. Better drug regi-
mens and rigorously conducted drug trials are
needed to enable the effective management of
M a nagemen t of the Chronic
Sequel a e of T. cru zi Infec t ion chronic T. cruzi infection in the millions of peo-
ple who have it. Progress has been made in the
Yearly cardiac evaluations, including 12-lead ECG, past 5 years toward improving the evidence base
are recommended for all persons with T. cruzi for the treatment of Chagas disease in adults.
infection, regardless of whether they have com- Two randomized, double-blind trials of new drug
pleted a course of antitrypanosomal treatment.22 candidates have been completed, and they have
Cardiac symptoms or ECG abnormalities should validated the use of molecular methods as timely
prompt a more in-depth cardiac workup, includ- indicators of treatment failure; the search for a
ing echocardiography, ambulatory ECG monitor- true test of cure continues.
ing, and electrophysiological studies, as appro- Despite progress in the control of domestic
priate.4,24 In general, management follows the vector infestation since 1991, difficult challenges
established practices for other causes of heart remain. New strategies are needed for the most
disease.74 Sinus node dysfunction and high-grade highly endemic areas, especially the Gran Chaco,
atrioventricular blocks occur frequently in Cha- where rapid domestic reinfestation is the rule and
gas cardiomyopathy and may be indications for resistance to insecticides is increasingly evident.76
pacemaker implantation. Although trial data are In areas with extensive sylvatic infestation, such
lacking, most cardiologists with expertise in as the Amazon Basin, elimination of the vectors
Chagas disease prefer amiodarone as the first- is impossible, and new methods need to be im-
line drug for ventricular arrhythmias and support plemented and maintained to prevent vectorborne
a role for implantable cardioverterdefibrillators and oral transmission.77
as an additional method of treatment in these Dr. Bern reports receiving consulting fees from Chemogroup.
patients.4,74,75 Congestive heart failure is managed No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
in accordance with standard guidelines.4,74 Because Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
of the bradyarrhythmias that are common in Cha- full text of this article at

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