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GOING To Oracion para Copiar

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Oraciones afirmativas

20 ejemplos de oraciones going to:

1. I am going to study. (Estudiar)
2. He is going to watch a movie. (l va a ver una pelcula)
3. She is going to think about it. (Ella lo va a pensar)
4. Are you going to come with us? (Vas a venir con nosotros?)
5. We are going to go to a party. (Nosotros vamos a ir a una fiesta)
6. They are going to buy a new house. (Ellos van a comprar una casa nueva)
7. I am not going to try a new look. (No probar una nueva imagen)
8. She is going to talk to you. (Ella va a hablar contigo)
9. Is He going to pick you up? (Va a ir l a recogerte?)
10. We are going to cook all night. (Nosotros vamos a cocinar toda la noche)
11. I am going to tell my mom (Voy a decirle a mi mam)
12. Is Charlie going to watch a movie? (Carlos va a ver una pelcula?)
13. She is not going to talk about it. (Ella no hablar sobre esto)
14. Are you going to stay with us? (se quedarn con nosotros?)
15. On Monday Mary is going to go to school. (El lunes, Mara va a ir a la escuela)
16. My family is going on vacations in summer. (Mi familia va a ir de vacaciones en
17. Are we going to go the zoo? (Vamos a ir al zoolgico?)
18. Tomorrow I am going to bring you home. (Maana te voy a traer a casa)
19. Are you going to study? (Vas a estudiar?)
20. You are not going to go to that place. (No vas a ir a ese lugar

1. Am I going to see you tomorrow? (Yo voy a verte maana?)

2. Is he going to visit her next week? (l la va a visitar la siguiente semana?)
3. Are they going to eat out tonight? (Ellos van a comer fuera esta noche?)
4. Is she going to leave for Europe on Monday? (Ella va a partir a Europa el
5. Is she going to wait me after the show? (Ella va a esperarme despus del
6. Am I going to get up early tomorrow? (Yo voy a levantarme temprano
7. Is it going to rain today? (Va a llover hoy?)
8. Are you going to study to be a lawyer? (T vas a estudiar para ser un abogado?)
9. Are we going to stay home tonight? (Nosotros vamos a quedarnos en casa en
la noche?)
10. Are they going to build a summer home? (Ellos van a construir una casa de
11. Is Jane going to start her new job next week? (Jane va a comenzar su nuevo
trabajo la prxima semana?)
12. Is Donald going to move the store to the suburbs? (Donald va a mudar la tienda
a los suburbios?)
13. Is it going to be a cood day? (Va a ser un da fresco?)
14. Are you going to do it? (T vas a hacerlo?)
15. Are they going to spend the day together? (Ellos van a pasar el da juntos?)
16. Is she going to give him a kiss? (Ella va a darle un beso?)
17. Is Lynda going to get married with me in December? (Lynda va a casarse
conmigo en diciembre?)
18. Am I going to sleep all day? (Yo voy a dormir todo el da?)
19. Is my brother going to visit us tomorrow? (Mi hermano va a visitarnos
20. Am I going to cook for her? (Yo voy a cocinar para ella?)

Oraciones afirmativas

1) I am going to stay at Holiday hotel

2) You are going to play tennis

3) He is going to study the lesson

4) Susan is going to cook pizza for lunch

5) The parrot is going to eat its food

6) John, Peter, Tom and I are going to write poems

7) You are going to dance at the club

8) They are going to travel to London

Oraciones negativas

1) I am not going to stay at Holiday hotel

2) You are not going to play tennis

3) He is not going to study the lesson

4) Susan is not going to cook pizza for lunch

5) The parrot is not going to eat its food

6) John, Peter, Tom and I are not going to write poems

7) You are not going to dance at the club

8) They are not going to travel to London


1He did the homework
2. He was playing soccer
3. She went to Italy
4. I played in classes
5. The birthday was
6. She played with her cousin
8 They participated in an activity
9. He ate too
10. She lost the race
11. The beating his teammate
12. The wise Italian
13. He had a new game
14. he won many awards
15. She played basketball in Germany
16. I walk by the seashore
17. He was in another country
18. she went to the beach at night
19. John went to the cinema to see a horror movie
20. a child outside the bank coins paid
10 Ejemplos de oraciones negativas en pasado simple:
1. I didnt like that. (Eso no me gustaba).
2. He didnt eat much. (l no comi mucho).
3. That didnt work. (Eso no funcion).
4. It didnt fit. (Eso no quedaba).
5. She didnt buy dinner. (Ella no compr la cena).
6. They didnt go to the party. (Ellos no fueron a la fiesta).
7. We didnt do it. (Nosotros no lo hicimos).
8. I didnt believe that. (Yo no cre eso).
9. She didnt practice. (Ella no practicaba).
10. He didnt study at all. (l no estudio nada).

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