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Flowering and Seed Production of Aspen in Scotland During A Heavy Seed Year 720027

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Flowering and seed production of

aspen in Scotland during a heavy

seed year
1 School of Forestry, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, Edinburgh University, Mayfield Road,
Edinburgh, EH9 3JU; and Upper Park, by Aberfeldy, Perthshire, PH15 2EH, Scotland
2 Forestart, Church Farm, Hadnall, Shrewsbury, SY4 4AQ, England
3 Drumnagowan, Glen Fincastle by Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland

In 1996, profuse flowering of aspen (Populus tremula L.) occurred throughout Scotland. In
response, studies were initiated in Perthshire and Strathspey to investigate aspects of flowering, seed
production and seed storage of aspen. The proportions of clones flowering were high, averaging 72
per cent in Strathspey and 77 per cent in Perthshire. The sex ratios were 1.8 male clones to 1 female
clone in Strathspey and 1.3 male clones to 1 female clone in Perthshire, which are within the range
of ratios recorded for aspen on the Continent. Easy and reliable methods of sexing aspen trees in the
field during flowering are described. Seed production per catkin on four female clones in Tayside
ranged from six to 60 seeds per catkin. Seed production was clearly correlated with the number of
male clones in the vicinity of the female clones. A simple field technique for artificially pollinating
female flowers is described. Artificial pollination resulted in seed production averaging between 159
and 460 seeds per catkin, i.e. approximately a 12-fold increase over natural pollination. The viabil-
ity of seed from the two study areas was very high ranging from 94 to 98 per cent. The numbers of
seed per kilogram varied between 7 million and 10 million viable seeds kg1. Seed stored at 6 per
cent moisture content following rapid drying, and at 2C, retained levels of viability in excess of 95
per cent for at least one year. The results present excellent opportunities for increasing the supply of
planting stock of aspen from Scottish seed and fundamentally change current perceptions of the
ecological status of aspen in Scotland.

Introduction regeneration. Some ecologists had even begun to

It has been widely believed that aspen (Populus speculate that aspen in Scotland might have lost
tremula L.) neither flowered nor set seed success- its ability to flower as a result of climate change
fully in Scotland, and that vegetative reproduc- during the Holocene (E. Easton personal com-
tion by suckers was the only means of natural munication). Most nurseries had discounted any
Institute of Chartered Foresters, 1999 Forestry, Vol. 72, No. 1 , 1999

prospect of obtaining British seed and either notice, to investigate some basic aspects of repro-
propagated planting stock from rooted cuttings, duction in aspen during a good seed year. Seed
by tissue culture, or by using seed imported from storage trials were also carried out. The specific
eastern Europe (Jobling, 1990; Hollingsworth aims of these studies were to:
and Mason, 1991).
1 record the proportion of clones flowering;
However there is evidence that aspen does in
2 establish easy and reliable methods of sexing
fact flower and produce seed in Britain, at least
aspen trees in the field during flowering;
occasionally (Gray, 1949; Worrell, 1995a, b).
3 record sex ratios;
Grays early Forestry Commission Forest Record
4 evaluate seed production from a number of
The raising of aspen from seed, gave details of
contrasting female clones;
seed production and propagation of aspen in
5 assess the viability of pollen and the effects of
southern England. In recent years, the authors of
artificial pollination on seed production;
this paper have made several collections of viable
6 assess the viability of seed;
aspen seed from both Strathspey and Tayside
7 investigate possible methods of long-term stor-
(Scotland) and Shropshire (England). The most
age of seed and assess changes in seed viability
successful collection was from Strathspey in 1991
during storage.
when Forestart seed company and Alba Trees plc
collected enough seed to raise 60 000 trees. This The overall objective of the work was to pro-
raised interest in the prospect of seed production vide information that would assist seed collectors
in Scotland, and led to attempts to monitor flow- and nurseries in obtaining viable aspen seed.
ering more closely. This revealed that some flow-
ering of aspen in fact occurred every year in both
Strathspey and Tayside. Flowering was usually
sparse, varied radically between different clones, Methods
but a few clones flowered relatively regularly Flowering frequency and sex ratios
(Easton, 1998; R. Shearer, personal communica-
tion; I. Brodie, personal communication). Aspen occurs naturally as groups of trees referred
A further problem besetting those wishing to to as clones, which have regenerated vegeta-
establish seed supplies from British sources was tively from root suckers, usually from a single
the conventional wisdom that stated that aspen individual (Worrell, 1995a; Easton, 1998). As
seed was short-lived and could not be stored aspen is dioecious, the clones are usually single
more than a few weeks at the most (e.g. sex. A total of 52 clones in Tayside and 127 in
Anderson, 1950). However, there were increas- Strathspey/Lagganside were visited during the
ingly frequent reports from abroad that seed of period 1220 April 1996. The following informa-
aspen, American aspen (Populus tremuloides tion was recorded for each clone:
Michx.) and other Populus species could in fact whether flowering was occurring;
be stored for several years (Zasada and Dens- the sex, as determined by the morphology of
more, 1980; Fung and Hamel, 1993; Worrell, the catkins.
1995b). This led Forestart seed company to begin
seed storage trials on imported Hungarian seed In addition, because catkins were frequently
during 199295. Early trials with seed dried to beyond easy reach, features which allowed the
very low moisture contents either by air drying, sex of catkins to be determined from ground level
or in sealed containers with silica gel, and then using binoculars were recorded.
stored in a cold store, proved unsuccessful.
However in 1995, it was demonstrated that seed
Seed production
stored at 1015 per cent moisture content, and at
2C, germinated for up to 7 months, though Four profusely flowering female clones in the
with gradually reducing levels of viability. Tay/Tummel catchment, Perthshire were
In the spring of 1996, profuse flowering selected for assessing seed production. These
occurred throughout Scotland and in response to clones were selected to give a range in the number
this a number of studies were initiated, at short of male clones known to be flowering in their

proximity; from zero to approximately 30 male Seed storage

trees within 1 km of the female clones. Between 30 and 300 g of newly extracted seed
A sample of five catkins was collected from from three sources (Calvine, Perthshire; Newton-
each of these clones during the period 1119 more and Aviemore, Strathspey) were dried
June. The seed was extracted from these catkins quickly by placing them in open plastic contain-
by drawing the hairs (pappus) and seed through a ers in direct sunlight for about 30 min. The con-
sieve into the body of an industrial vacuum tainers were agitated to prevent excess heating of
cleaner (with bag removed). The seeds were the seed. This resulted in the seed being dried to
counted by placing them on squared paper and
just below 6 per cent moisture content. The lots
viewing them through a magnifying glass.
were placed in a cold store in sealed containers
and kept at 2 to 4C. Minute samples of these
Artificial pollination were extracted at intervals during this period and
set to germinate. The final germination test
Mature male catkins were collected from four
reported in this paper was carried out after 11
clones in the Tummel and Braan catchments on
months storage (11 April 1997) when 0.1 g of
18 and 19 April. These were laid out to dry on
seed of each lot was tested. Germination tests
newspaper at room temperature for 2448 h.
were carried out following standard procedures,
They were then shaken to remove the pollen onto
with seed grown on filter paper at 20C.
the paper, from where it was transferred into
plastic bags. A sample was sent for analysis of
viability using a fluorescence test at The Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew. Results
On 20 April, a branch bearing female catkins
was artificially pollinated on each of the four
female clones described above. This was carried Timing Flowering was first observed on 12
out by placing about 25 cm3 of pollen in a large April, though by this date flushing of the catkins
clear plastic sack, inserting the twigs bearing the was reasonably well advanced. On the majority
catkins into the sack and shaking the pollen of trees at this date, both male and female, some
over the catkins. Each branch typically con- catkins were fully out and others were still emerg-
sisted of about 10 twigs, each bearing 810 ing. It should be noted that 1996 was a cold spring
catkins. The branch was marked with coloured and onset of flowering was about 2 weeks later
tape. than had been observed in previous springs.
Random samples of five of these artificially There appeared to be no obvious differences
pollinated catkins were collected from each of the between the timing of flushing in the male and
clones during the period 1119 June. The seed female clones. The peak of male flowering and
was extracted from two of these catkins using the pollen production occurred during the period
extraction method detailed above. Only two 1417 April. However there was considerable
catkins were assessed because of the profuse variation between clones. Two of the male clones
amounts of seed, up to 500, contained in each (Kinloch Rannoch, Craignuisg) had shed most of
catkin. The catkins closest to the mean size of their pollen and the catkins had started to lose
catkin for each sample were assessed. their colour by 12 April, whereas others were still
emerging on 19 April.
Seed viability Proportion of clones flowering The proportion
Two bulked samples of 80 seeds (20 from each of clones flowering was similar in Perthshire and
clone) representing the naturally and artificially Strathspey/Lagganside, at 77 per cent and
pollinated seed were sown on damp potting 72 per cent respectively. This is somewhat in
compost at room temperature in a tray covered contrast to the general pattern in observed previ-
by glass. The proportion of seed germinating ous years, when there was greater abundance of
and the number of seedlings produced were trees flowering in Strathspey as opposed to
recorded. Perthshire.

Trees tended to flower profusely or not all, and more slender than female catkins. Female catkins
only a small number of clones had sparse flower- narrow over their length to a more slender tip;
ing. Trees flowering profusely were typically however they broaden gradually as they mature,
densely covered with catkins throughout the and eventually lose the slender tip as the individ-
crown; catkins were estimated as numbering sev- ual capsules separate and become more distinct.
eral tens of thousands in larger trees. Catkins The line drawings in Edlin (1985) give the best
occurred down to ground level in open grown representation of catkins among the standard
clones. No obvious pattern was observed in those texts cited above.
flowering and those not. Some relatively young The most useful feature for determining sex
clones (56 m tall) flowered, though not as pro- from a distance is that male catkins become flex-
fusely as older larger trees. Flowering was pro- ible soon after flushing and move in the wind,
fuse in both sexes, but male trees appeared to whereas female ones are stiff and motionless at
carry rather more catkins than female. this time in the season. Male catkins are also shed
en masse relatively quickly after flowering; so a
tree with large number of grey catkins on the
Sexing clones by catkin morphology
ground during AprilMay is male. Trees bearing
Male and female catkins are superficially similar catkins in May or June are obviously female.
in aspen, and difficulties were experienced ini-
tially in determining the sex of the catkins from
ground level. This was not helped by the differing Sex ratios
descriptions in standard texts. For example The female : male ratios of the clones surveyed
Mitchell (1974) describes male catkins as grey- were 1 : 1.8 in Strathspey/Lagganside and 1 : 1.3
brown in colour, Edlin (1985) as purple and Fitter in Perthshire.
et al. (1974) illustrate them as pale green-grey and
The colour of both sexes on emergence, in Seed production
those observed in this study, was a distinct dark Timing Seed became mature and dispersed dur-
red. The stigmas are red in the female and sta- ing the period 1120 June. However, spring 1996
mens red or purple/red in the males. They soon was generally cold, and flowering of many species
become hairy. The stamens turn yellow in the was delayed by approximately 714 days com-
males as the pollen is produced, while at the same pared with normal. In previous years, aspen seed
time the bracts change from green to brown and production in the Highlands has generally been
then grey. Shortly after this they are shed. The observed during the first week of June.
females lose their red after a few days and turn a
dull green. Natural pollination Seed production in natu-
The shape of catkins varies widely between rally pollinated trees varied between six and 60
clones and changes as they mature. Male catkins per catkin (Table 1). Clones with the greater
start by being rather stouter than female ones, number of flowering male trees in the vicinity had
with a broad rounded tip; but as they mature and more seeds per catkin. On the basis of the figures
shed their pollen they elongate, ultimately being in Table 1, seed collection should be concentrated

Table 1: Seed production of four contrasting female aspen clones

Clone Grid No. of male No. of seeds No. of seeds/catkin
ref. trees within per catkin following artificial
1 km (natural pollination
1. Calvine NN783669 28 60 460
2. Old Struan NN807653 15 24 159
3. Croftcat NN899524 3 17 262
4. Balmacneil NN973512 0 6 359

on those female clones that have several flower- (Table 2). Whether the catkins had been naturally
ing male trees within, say, 1 km. or artificially pollinated had no influence on
It should be noted that the weather conditions germination or seedling numbers. A loss of about
during pollination were exceptionally poor. 13 per cent of the germinated seedlings occurred.
During the period 1220 April, the weather was The causes of death were not investigated.
largely cloudy and damp; it rained significantly However it was observed that some seedlings
on 4 days and was showery on a further 3 days. failed to produce full sized cotyledon leaves and
Winds were between south-east and west and may have died for this reason.
were gale force on 18 April. The only frost was a
ground frost on 20 April. In years with better
pollination conditions seed production would Seed storage
almost certainly be better. Seed storage was remarkably successful (see
Table 3) with the viability of the three lots
Artificial pollination Seed production in artifi- remaining above 95 per cent for the entire 11-
cially pollinated catkins was dramatically higher month period. The results show that the number
than in naturally pollinated ones, varying from of seeds per kilogram lies in the range 710 mil-
between 160 and 460 seeds per catkin (Table 1). lion seed/kg.
The relatively low figure for clone 2 was largely a
result of seed dispersal having begun just before
the catkins were collected.
Artificial pollination increased seed production Discussion
by factors of between seven and 50 times, with an Ecology
average of 12. This demonstrates clearly that seed
production was limited by pollination during this The events of 1996 and the results of this study
season. The results also suggest that artificial pol- show conclusively that aspen in Scotland is capa-
lination may be an effective method of enhancing ble of widespread flowering and seed production.
seed production in aspen. Thus the suggestion that it is capable only of veg-
The pollen viability was 54 per cent approxi- etative reproduction can finally be laid to rest.
mately 3 weeks after collection, which is within Flowering was undoubtedly triggered by the
the range expected for trees (R. Atkinson, per- unusually warm and dry summer of 1995, which
sonal communication). also resulted in heavy flowering and fruiting of
many tree species. Little can be said about the
Seed viability Seed viability was very high for frequency of such major flowering and seeding
both naturally and artificially pollinated seed lots years except that they are infrequent. Nothing on

Table 2: Germination of naturally and artificially pollinated aspen seed

No. of seed No. of seed No. of seedlings
sown germinating established*
No. (%) No.(%)
Naturally pollinated seed 80 76 (95) 60 (75)
Artificially pollinated seed 80 75 (94) 62 (77)
* Assessed when first true leaves opened

Table 3: Results of germination tests on 0.1 g of seed stored for 11 months from three origins of Scottish aspen
Seed origin No. of seeds No. of seeds Germinable Dead seeds Percentage
per kg tested seeds germination
Aviemore 9 240 000 924 892 32 96.5
Calvine 10 220 000 1022 986 36 96.5
Newtonmore 7 740 000 774 761 13 98.3

the scale of 1996 has been observed previously by The female : male ratio of 1 : 1.31.8 observed
the authors; at least since 1983. However a in Scotland lies between those reported by other
farmer upon whose land one of the larger clones studies. In southern and central Italy and in the
in Strathspey is located can recall several previ- Caucasus a ratio of 1 : 1 was reported, while in
ous years when the wood went white, suggest- Norway and northern Italy ratios of 1 : 2 and 1 :
ing that major seed years have occurred in the 2.5 respectively were reported (see Worrell,
past (E. Easton, personal communication). The 1995a). No explanation for varying sex ratios is
last exceptionally warm summer similar to 1995 given in the literature on aspen. Dioecy is a char-
was 1976, and this is known to have stimulated acteristic of the Salicaceae to which aspen
seed production in a wide range of tree species. belongs. A wide range of sex ratios is reported for
The authors have observed aspen over several other members, with strong female bias reported
years in Perthshire and Strathspey. In Perthshire, in many Salix species (Ahman, 1997; Alstrom-
the typical pattern is for only a modest number of Rapaport et al., 1997), ratios close to 1 : 1 in
flowers to appear on five to six clones out of the Populus tremuloides in USA (e.g. Valentine,
30 observed. In Strathspey, flowering is usually 1975) and strong male dominance in Populus
more frequent, with several clones flowering rel- nigra var. beautifolia (Pursh) Torr. in Britain
atively reliably in the majority of years. (E. Cundall, personal communication). Mechan-
The fact that aspen can reproduce by seed in isms which lead to diverging sex ratios include
Scotland, albeit relatively infrequently, has con- the operation of sex determining genes, competi-
siderable ecological significance. First, it means tion between male and female determining
that aspen populations are not limited in their nat- pollen, preferential browsing of one sex by herbi-
ural distribution to existing clones, but are poten- vores, and lower viability of male plants (Ahman,
tially capable of colonizing new sites. As the seed 1997).
of aspen is remarkably light and mobile (similar in This study highlights the critical role of the
many characteristics to a small dandelion seed), proximity of male and female clones in relation
this colonization could take place over large dis- to seed production. Production increased
tances. This goes some way to explaining how markedly with increasing numbers of male trees
aspen has established itself on such a wide range of in the vicinity of female clones. Even where 28
remote sites including mountain crags at high ele- male trees were recorded within 1 km, seed pro-
vation, sea cliffs and on all the islands (Worrell, duction per catkin was only 16 per cent of that
1995a). Second, it has also been pointed out that achieved by artificial pollination. However it
failure to reproduce sexually will lead eventually should be noted that pollination conditions dur-
to reduced genetic diversity and poorer adaptabil- ing the spring of 1996 were remarkably poor, and
ity of populations (Easton, 1998; Ennos et al., it is likely that if weather conditions had been
1998). The results of this study suggests that there better, pollination would have been far more
is some prospect of aspen maintaining levels of successful. Observations in England have shown
genetic diversity, at least in areas where the poten- small amounts of seed being produced by trees
tial for seed production is greatest. where the nearest male is well in excess of 1 km.
However this study demonstrates only the The problems of pollination are a graphic exam-
potential for regeneration, and provides no evi- ple of the wide ranging ecological problems
dence of successful seedling establishment. It caused by the fragmentation of the native wood-
should be noted that successful germination of land resource.
aspen seed requires some fairly unusual site con-
ditions, such as disturbed or burnt over areas,
and that even in countries where it reproduces Seed production and collection
more regularly, natural regeneration is only Seed years on the scale witnessed in 1996 present
observed relatively infrequently (Brset, 1960). the opportunity to collect almost limitless quan-
Current land use in Scotland presents some for- tities of seed. Several successful collections of
midable obstacles to colonization of aspen by seed were made in 1996 and the nurseries have
natural regeneration, particularly in terms of produced many tens of thousands of aspen
dense pasture swards and high grazing levels. plants, albeit from relatively few parent clones.

This is timely considering the increased interest should encourage seed collectors, nurseries and
in planting aspen in native woodlands, and recent those planting the species to rely more on indige-
difficulties experienced in obtaining sufficient nous sources. The conventional wisdom regard-
British stock. ing the inability of Scottish aspen to produce
The germination percentages of the seed were seed, and the seed being impossible to store, has
remarkably high. This may be partly because turned out to be a myth. That these ideas should
aspen seek lacks a seed coat, and so the process by have been so widely accepted, and so easily over-
which empty seeds are produced by many other turned, is a cautionary tale. One wonders what
species cannot occur in aspen. other advances could be achieved by modest
Artificial pollination was so successful that it targeted studies of the ecology of some of our less
presents the possibility of using this means to well-researched native tree species. Aspen in
secure seed supplies during years when aspen is Scotland is not a relict species capable only of a
flowering more sparsely. A few male catkins can limited role in our forests, but a fully functional
produce a relatively large quantity of pollen; and forest tree.
artificially pollinated female catkins can produce
200500 seeds. Thus it only takes a relatively
small number of catkins to produce several thou- Acknowledgements
sand seeds. Producing plants by artificial pollina- The authors wish to thank the following people: Eric
tion may be more cost-effective than by Easton who carried out the survey of flowering in
vegetative means; especially if pollen can be Strathspey and Lagganside; Rodney Shearer of Alba
stored from year to year, as is possible with many Trees provided help and encouragement and Iain
Brodie, an inveterate aspen enthusiast, who provided
forest trees. some background information on recent flowering pat-
terns in Strathspey. The Scottish Forestry Trust con-
Seed storage tributed to supporting this study. Many local
landowners co-operated by allowing access to aspen
The results of the seed storage tests demonstrate clones. Finally wives and partners put up with being
conclusively that aspen seed can be stored with- abandoned for several weekends during the spring
out loss of viability for at least one season. It whilst this work was carried out.
appears to be important that the period of drying
should be as short as possible. The technique
described in this paper removes a further major
impediment to securing seed supplies in Britain. Ahman, I. 1997 Growth, herbivory and disease in rela-
tion to gender in Salix viminalis L. Oecologia 111,
Forest practice Alstrom-Rapaport, C., Lascoux, M. and Gullberg, U.
1997 Sex determination and sex ratio in the dioe-
This study suggests that we should pay attention cious shrub Salix viminalis L. Theor. Appl. Genet.
to the sex of the stock being planted, to ensure 94, 493497.
that a mix of male and female clones is included Anderson, M.L. 1950 Selection of Tree Species. Oliver
in schemes. Sexing could be done for vegetatively and Boyd, Edinburgh.
produced material by nursery staff sexing the Brset, O. 1960 Silviculture of aspen. Scott. For. 14,
clonal parents and selling lots with an equitable 6880.
number of males and female plants. Plants raised Easton, E.P. 1998 Genetic variation in Scottish aspen,
from seed can be assumed to have an equitable Populus tremula L. M.Phil. Thesis. University of
sex ratio. Clones of different sexes should ideally Edinburgh.
be planted within, say, 1 km of each other to Edlin, H.L. 1985 Broadleaves. Forestry Commission
Booklet No 20. HMSO, London.
ensure reasonable success in pollination. In exist- Ennos, R., Worrell, R. and Malcolm, D.C. 1998 The
ing woodland, a case can be made for locating genetic management of native species in Scotland.
isolated female clones and establishing clonal Forestry 71, 124.
material from male clones in their vicinity so as to Fitter, R., Fitter, A. and Blamey, M. 1974 The Wild
help secure seed production in the future. Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe. Collins,
The success of seed production in aspen in 1996 London.

Fung, M.Y.P. and Hamel, B.A. 1993 Aspen seed collec- ness and frequency of flowering in Populus tremu-
tion and extraction. Tree Planters Notes 44, loides. Proceedings 22nd Northeastern Forest Tree
98100. Improvement Conference, N.E. For. Exp. Sta.
Gray, W.G. 1949 The raising of aspen from seed. Durham, USA.
Forestry Commission Forest Record No 2. HMSO, Worrell, R. 1995a European aspen (Populus tremula
London, 7pp. L.): a review with particular reference to Scotland 1:
Hollingworth, M.K. and Mason, W.L. 1991 Vegetative Distribution, ecology and genetic variation. Forestry
propagation of aspen. Forestry Commission 68, 94105.
Research Information Note No 200. Forestry Worrell, R. 1995b European aspen (Populus tremula
Commission, Farnham, Surrey, 3pp. L.): a review with particular reference to Scotland 2:
Jobling, J. 1990 Poplars for wood production and Values, silviculture and utilization. Forestry 68,
amenity. Forestry Commission Bulletin No 92. 231244.
HMSO, London. Zasada, J.C. and Densmore, R. 1980 Tree Planters
Mitchell, A. 1974 A Field Guide to the Trees of Britain. Notes, Spring, 910.
Collins, London.
Valentine, F.A. 1975 Genetic control of sex ratio earli- Received 10 October 1997

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