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Effect of Ploidy and Seed Mass On The Emergence and Early Vigour of Ryegrass

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CSIRO PUBLISHING Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2003, 43, 481–486

The effects of ploidy and seed mass on the emergence and early vigour
of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars

K. F. SmithA,B, N. M. McFarlaneA, V. M. CroftA, P. J. TriggA and G. A. KearneyA

ADepartment of Primary Industries, Pastoral and Veterinary Institute,
Private Bag 105, Hamilton, Vic. 3300, Australia.
BAuthor for correspondence; e-mail:

Abstract. Genetic variation for seed mass and components of early vigour were measured on 120 seedlings of each
of 18 diploid and 27 tetraploid perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars. Seeds of tetraploid cultivars were
on average heavier (3.8 mg) than seed of diploid cultivars (2.4 mg). However, there was variation for mean seed
mass both within and between ploidy classes and within cultivars. The components of early vigour measured on
each of the seedlings were: date of emergence, leaf appearance rate, seedling height (10 days after germination),
leaf length and width and dry matter at 33 days after emergence. Mean seed mass of a cultivar was significantly
(P<0.05) positively correlated with seedling height, leaf length, leaf width, shoot length and shoot mass. Individual
seed mass within a cultivar was significantly associated with all components of early vigour, except the date of
emergence of the second true leaf. There was no difference in the rate of emergence of tetraploid and diploid
cultivars, although tetraploid cultivars tended to have longer and wider leaves, greater seedling lengths and fewer
leaves and tillers than diploid cultivars. There was also evidence of genetic variation for seedling vigour components
in perennial ryegrass after seed mass and ploidy effects had been removed during analysis. These data suggest that
seed mass has a large positive effect on early vigour of both diploid and tetraploid cultivars of perennial ryegrass
and that, in the absence of any specific knowledge of the early vigour characteristics of a given cultivar, seed mass
could be used as a surrogate when choosing between cultivars with similar adaptation and performance.

Introduction species such as capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) and

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is the most Vulpia spp. Competition with weed species has been shown
important perennial grass species sown in temperate to be a major factor in the establishment of new pasture
agriculture. In nature, the species exists as a diploid swards and improvements in early vigour of sown species
(2n = 2x = 14); however, it is possible to induce tetraploidy can lead to more reliable pasture establishment.
(2n = 4x = 28) in perennial ryegrass through the use of In Russian wild ryegrass [Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.)
colchicine (Morgan 1976). The induction of tetraploidy in Nevski], tetraploid seedlings have been shown to emerge
perennial ryegrasses leads to changes in the morphology of more rapidly and to be larger than diploid seedlings (Berdahl
plants, such as increased seed mass (Sugiyama 1998), and Rees 1997). The interaction between ploidy and early
increased cell size (Wilkins and Sabanci 1990), increases in vigour has received little attention in perennial ryegrass.
the size of leaves and tillers (Neuteboom et al. 1988; Smith However, seed mass has been shown to be related to
et al. 2001) and a decrease in the rate of leaf and tiller emergence and aspects of early vigour in the diploid
appearance (Neuteboom et al. 1988; Smith et al. 2001). perennial ryegrass cultivar S24 (Arnott 1969, 1975). Small
Tetraploid cultivars of perennial ryegrass are not widely seeds of perennial ryegrass cv. S24 had lower leaf and root
sown in Australia, although with several cultivars weights and a reduced ability to emerge when sown at depth,
commercially available their use is likely to increase, as it has compared with large seeds (Arnott 1975). In general terms,
done in Europe where tetraploid cultivars are widely sown the emergence and early vigour of grass seedlings are related
due to their generally higher forage quality than that of to seed mass, potential mesocotyl and coleoptile elongation,
diploids (Castle and Watson 1971; Smith et al. 2001). These and subsequent growth rates. Although variation in seed mass
increases in forage quality have led to increases in milk has been shown to explain a large proportion of the variation
(Castle and Watson 1971) and meat production (Vipond in early vigour observed in sand bluestem (Andropogon halii
et al. 1993, 1997) when combined with appropriate grazing Hack) (Glewen and Vogel 1984) and a number of temperate
management. cereal species (López-Castañeda et al. 1996), in both these
During the establishment of new pastures, perennial instances there was genetic variation for early vigour that was
ryegrass seedlings often experience competition from annual independent of variation in seed weight. It is possible to

© CSIRO 2003 10.1071/EA01130 0816-1089/03/050481

482 Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture K. F. Smith et al.

increase the seedling vigour without increasing seed mass seedling were also measured. The shoots of each seedling were then
through selection for shoot characteristics in the seedling of dried overnight at 100°C and the dry matter of the seedlings recorded.
a number of grass species, such as tall fescue (Festuca Statistical analysis
arundinacea Schreb.) (Faulkner et al. 1982), sand bluestem Data from the experiment were analysed using the residual
(Glewen and Vogel 1985) and bread wheat (Triticum maximum likelihood (REML) procedure in Genstat 5.4 (Genstat 5
aestivum L.) (Rebetzke and Richards 1999).
This paper presents the results of an experiment where the Table 1. Origin, ploidy, mean seed weight and range in seed
influence of seed mass and genotype on the emergence and weight (mg) of perennial ryegrass cultivars used in the seedling
vigour experiment
early vigour of a number of diploid and tetraploid perennial
ryegrass cultivars was measured.
Cultivar Ploidy Origin Mean Range
Materials and methods Aries 2x New Zealand 2.34 0.7–4.1
Germplasm Banks 2x New Zealand 2.41 0.9–3.9
A total of 18 diploid and 27 tetraploid cultivars was used in the Dobson 2x New Zealand 2.55 1.1–4.4
experiment. A full list of cultivars, ploidy and country of origin is given Ellett 2x New Zealand 2.65 0.7–4.7
in Table 1. All seed had been certified from commercial seed production Embassy 2x New Zealand 2.29 0.7–3.9
paddocks and had been cleaned and graded using standard commercial
Fennema 2x Germany 2.36 0.8–4.0
practices. After accession, all samples were stored at low temperature
Fitzroy 2x Australia 2.43 1.1–4.7
(4°C) and low humidity before the experiment. Wherever possible, seed
was acquired that had been harvested in the season just before the Grasslands Nui 2x New Zealand 2.51 1.2–4.2
experiment. However, all cultivars were tested for germination before Jumbo 2x Denmark 1.92 1.0–3.2
the experiment and only those cultivars with greater than 90% Kangaroo Valley (early) 2x Australia 2.33 0.8–3.6
germination after 14 days were chosen for inclusion in the experiment. Kangaroo Valley (mid) 2x Australia 2.22 0.8–3.6
For each cultivar, 120 seeds were randomly selected and weighed into Kangaroo Valley (late) 2x Australia 1.71 0.7–3.3
individual Eppendorf tubes to maintain the identity of each seedling. Matilda 2x Australia 2.36 0.7–5.3
Moy 2x United Kingdom 2.59 0.8–4.9
Samson 2x New Zealand 2.46 1.2–4.3
For each cultivar, 24 plastic pots (100 mm diameter) were numbered
Vedette 2x New Zealand 2.58 1.2–4.3
and filled with coarse river sand up to within 15 mm from the rim. Five
seeds were equally spaced around the perimeter of each pot, starting Victorian 2x Australia 2.01 1.1–3.5
from a known point with sowing positions marked on the rim of the pot. Yatsyn1 2x New Zealand 3.01 1.2–5.0
The identity of each individual seed was noted to allow comparison to (Diploid mean) (2.38)
the individual seed weights measured earlier. A further 10 mm of coarse AberClair 4x United Kingdom 4.15 1.6–6.5
sand was then added onto each pot. After seedling emergence was AberGem 4x United Kingdom 5.85 2.2–10.0
recorded, 1 or 2 seedlings were removed from each pot to give AberOnyx 4x United Kingdom 3.60 1.1–6.7
3 seedlings per pot. AberOscar 4x United Kingdom 5.06 2.2–7.9
Experimental design and randomisation Anaconda 4x Netherlands 3.73 1.5–6.6
Pots were allocated across 6 blocks, with 4 replicates of each block BarLP7201 4x Netherlands 4.44 1.7–7.2
in a latinised row–column design. One pot of each cultivar was placed Barfort 4x Netherlands 3.58 1.5–6.6
in each block × replicate combination. The experiment was located in Barmedia 4x Netherlands 3.78 1.6–6.0
glasshouse unit at the Pastoral and Veterinary Institute, Hamilton, in the Elgon 4x Netherlands 3.34 1.0–5.9
autumn of 1999. Minimum temperatures in the glasshouse did not go Fetione 4x Netherlands 3.71 1.6–5.9
below 15°C and evaporative cooling was used to keep maximum Greengold 4x Ireland 3.15 1.4–5.8
temperatures to no greater than 30°C. Pots were watered twice daily, Gwendal 4x France 2.58 1.2–3.9
once with water, and once with a complete nutrient solution Herbus 4x Denmark 3.08 1.0–4.8
(Smith 1999).
Impala 4x Netherlands 4.19 1.7–6.5
Plant measurements Mandat 4x Germany 3.45 1.3–5.6
Emergence. After sowing, pots were observed twice daily as before Meradonna 4x Belgium 3.40 1.3–6.3
and the number of days taken for each seedling to emerge was recorded. Nevis 4x New Zealand 5.64 2.8–8.3
Leaf appearance. Seedlings were observed daily and the time of Pastoral 4x France 3.29 1.6–5.4
emergence of the first and second leaves on each seedling was recorded Rosalin 4x Netherlands 3.49 1.3–5.5
as the number of days after sowing. Sarsfield 4x Ireland 3.81 1.8–5.5
Seedling length. At 10 days after emergence (when the first true leaf SwTerry 4x Sweden 3.67 1.5–5.4
had appeared), the lengths of the seedlings were measured. The Tarpan 4x Czech Republic 4.16 1.6–6.6
seedlings were then left undisturbed until the harvest (33–37 days after Tetramax 4x Denmark 3.44 1.3–5.5
Tivoli 4x Denmark 3.24 1.4–5.5
Harvest data Triton 4x Netherlands 3.56 1.3–11.8
Seedlings were harvested 33–37 days after emergence and the date Yatsuboku 4x Japan 3.45 1.5–5.8
of harvest for each seedling was noted. All seedlings in a pot and all pots Yatsunami 4x Japan 2.93 1.7–4.5
within a block were harvested on a given day. (Tetraploid mean) (3.77)
At harvesting the number of leaves and tillers of each seedling were
counted and recorded. The length and width of the 3rd leaf of each l.s.d. (P = 0.05) 0.281
Effect of seed mass and genotype on early vigour of ryegrass Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 483

Committee 1997). The model used for analysis was a mixed model with Variation in seedling vigour components among perennial
seed mass and ploidy (with cultivars nested within ploidy levels) ryegrass cultivars within ploidy classes, after adjustment
analysed as fixed terms for all traits other than the analysis of seed mass.
Seedling age at harvest was used as a covariate during analysis.
for effects of seed mass
Experimental design parameters such as blocks, replicates, rows, The estimates for components of seedling vigour of
columns and day of harvest were analysed as random terms. ploidy and cultivar after adjustment for seed mass are
presented in Table 3. These data show that there is still
Results significant variation among perennial ryegrass for
Seed mass components of early vigour after the major influence of
Seeds of all cultivars were highly viable, with germination variation for seed mass is taken into account. For instance,
greater than 90% (data not shown). Tetraploid seeds (mean the estimates for shoot weight ranged from 56.9 mg
3.8 mg) were on average heavier than diploid seeds (mean (Aberclair) to 82.9 mg (Kangaroo Valley early), as would be
2.4 mg) (P<0.01). However, there was variation for seed expected from the inconsistent differences among cultivars
mass both among and within cultivars and ploidy classes for seed mass and the variation within cultivars (Table 1).
(Table 1). For instance, seeds of the diploid cultivar Yatsyn1 The estimates reveal an overlap between tetraploid and
had a mean mass (3.0 mg) similar to the mean of all diploid diploid cultivars for seedling vigour and seedling vigour
seeds but the mass of individual Yatsyn1 seeds ranged from components. This result demonstrates the influence of seed
1.2 to 5.0 mg. Similar results were obtained with tetraploid mass on the apparent variation for seedling vigour observed
cultivars [e.g. the cultivar Tetramax (mean 3.4 mg) had seeds among the cultivars. For instance, the diploid cultivars
with masses from 1.3 to 5.3 mg]. Victorian and Yatsyn1 had adjusted means for seedling mass
Phenotypic variation in seedling vigour components that were not significantly different from each other (63.3 v.
of perennial ryegrass cultivars 62.9 mg), whereas the raw means were different by some
There was significant variation observed for each of the 20 mg (43.4 v. 61.9 mg). This result is explained by the fact
seedling vigour traits both within and among cultivars. that Yatsyn1 had the largest seeds of any of the diploid
The phenotypic correlations among the cultivar mean cultivars, yet its seedling mass was only average for diploid
values for each of the seedling vigour traits are presented in cultivars before adjusting for the effects of seed mass. In
Table 2. Seed mass was significantly (P<0.01) correlated contrast to this result, the cultivar Kangaroo Valley (early)
with leaf length, leaf width, seedling length and shoot dry had relatively small seeds and seedlings with high masses;
matter. The final shoot weight of the seedlings of a cultivar therefore, its adjusted mean was also high.
was also positively correlated with leaf length, leaf width,
and seedling length. The rate of emergence of seedlings was
Effects of seed mass on seedling vigour of diverse perennial
not significantly (P>0.05) correlated with the weight of
ryegrass cultivars
seedlings at the end of the experiment.
The mass of an individual seed was a major determinant
Analysis of cultivar, seed mass and ploidy effects on early of all of the components of early vigour of perennial ryegrass
vigour components that were measured in this experiment, with the exception of
Significant ploidy and/or cultivar effects were observed the number of days taken for the second true leaf to appear.
for all components of seedling vigour, except for the date of Data on the causes of variation in the mass of perennial
the appearance of the second leaf (data not shown). Seed ryegrass seeds are limited as most researchers have focussed
mass had a positive effect on all of the vigour traits. on measuring yield per unit area. However, both genetic and

Table 2. Phenotypic correlations between cultivar mean values for seedling vigour traits in perennial ryegrass

Seed Emergence Leaf Leaf Leaf Tiller Shoot Shoot Leaf-1 Leaf-2
weight length width number number length weight appearance appearance

Seed weight — 0.02 0.52** 0.68*** –0.05 –0.26 0.80*** 0.65*** –0.16 –0.02
Emergence — –0.05 –0.09 –0.02 –0.04 –0.05 0.05 0.30* –0.31*
Leaf length — 0.81*** 0.04 –0.46** 0.47** 0.54** –0.13 0.24
Leaf width — 0.02 –0.52** 0.53** 0.53** –0.06 0.18
Leaf number — 0.48** 0.05 0.00 –0.32* –0.04
Tiller number — –0.03 0.03 –0.30* –0.07
Shoot length — 0.61*** –0.27 0.06
Shoot weight — –0.24 0.07
Leaf-1 appearance — 0.02
Leaf-2 appearance —

*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001.

484 Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture K. F. Smith et al.

environmental factors have been shown to influence the seed (Elgersma 1990a, 1990b). The seed mass of the cultivars
mass of perennial ryegrass cultivars in the Netherlands tended to be higher when the seed had been produced in
(Elgersma 1990a, 1990b). In that research the seed mass of more favourable environmental conditions, although the
cultivars was poorly correlated with seed yield per hectare as ranking of the cultivars for seed mass was similar across all
seed yield was more related to seed number than seed mass environments.

Table 3. Means for early vigour components of perennial ryegrass cultivars adjusted for seed size and ploidy (from REML analyses with
seed size and ploidy fitted as fixed effects)

Cultivar Shoot DM Emergence Height 10 days Leaf 1 No. of 3rd-leaf 3rd-leaf No. of
(mg) (days) post-emergence (days) leaves length width tillers
(cm) (cm) (mm)
Aries 71.3 5.7 9.1 11.4 4.0 23.6 3.4 3.0
Banks 65.8 5.6 9.1 11.3 4.0 24.5 3.4 2.8
Dobson 64.3 6.1 9.5 11.3 4.0 26.5 3.6 2.6
Ellett 64.3 5.7 8.7 11.1 3.9 25.1 3.5 2.6
Embassy 69.2 6.1 9.3 11.1 3.9 25.0 3.4 3.2
Fennema 70.7 5.4 8.5 10.8 4.0 23.5 3.3 2.7
Fitzroy 68.5 6.3 8.5 11.3 4.0 25.0 3.4 2.9
Grasslands Nui 62.1 6.4 9.0 11.6 3.9 25.3 3.4 2.3
Jumbo 81.1 6.8 8.9 11.5 4.1 26.3 3.5 2.8
Kangaroo Valley (early) 82.9 6.4 8.8 11.3 4.0 24.6 3.4 2.7
Kangaroo Valley (mid) 68.0 6.3 8.6 11.5 4.0 23.2 3.4 2.9
Kangaroo Valley (late) 68.9 6.6 8.7 11.3 4.0 23.6 3.2 2.8
Matilda 68.2 6.7 8.8 11.4 3.9 25.0 3.5 2.7
Moy 67.6 5.9 8.4 11.2 4.0 24.0 3.4 3.0
Samson 66.2 7.1 8.4 11.5 4.0 24.9 3.4 2.7
Vedette 64.9 5.8 9.1 11.2 4.0 24.9 3.3 2.8
Victorian 63.3 6.5 9.0 11.7 3.9 23.3 3.3 2.9
Yatsyn1 62.9 6.1 9.0 11.3 3.9 23.5 3.2 2.8
AberClair 56.9 6.2 8.4 11.2 3.9 23.0 3.4 2.5
AberGem 58.6 6.4 8.8 11.7 3.9 23.5 3.4 2.4
AberOnyx 63.2 6.7 9.0 11.6 4.0 24.2 3.5 2.4
AberOscar 76.6 5.9 9.0 11.2 4.0 25.2 3.6 2.9
Anaconda 70.8 5.7 9.2 11.1 4.0 25.4 3.2 3.1
BarLP7201 66.8 6.9 8.9 11.5 4.0 21.7 3.2 3.2
Barfort 76.5 6.2 8.5 11.3 3.9 24.0 3.4 2.8
Barmedia 65.2 5.9 9.3 11.3 4.0 23.5 3.3 2.9
Elgon 67.5 5.2 8.6 10.9 4.0 25.0 3.4 2.7
Fetione 67.6 5.6 8.8 11.1 4.0 25.5 3.4 2.7
Greengold 71.7 6.0 9.5 11.2 3.9 24.4 3.4 2.8
Gwendal 69.9 6.5 8.7 11.4 4.0 25.5 3.7 3.0
Herbus 72.3 7.2 8.7 11.6 4.0 24.8 3.4 2.9
Impala 74.7 5.7 9.4 11.2 4.0 26.5 3.7 3.0
Mandat 65.3 8.2 8.3 11.6 4.0 26.0 3.6 2.6
Meradonna 65.6 5.5 8.8 11.3 4.0 24.0 3.2 2.9
Nevis 56.5 5.8 8.8 11.2 3.9 24.1 3.5 2.4
Pastoral 67.0 5.8 8.8 11.2 4.0 23.0 3.4 2.8
Rosalin 77.3 6.4 8.8 11.6 3.9 22.2 3.2 3.0
Sarsfield 70.9 7.1 9.1 11.6 4.0 25.2 3.5 2.6
SwTerry 70.1 6.6 9.0 11.1 4.1 24.8 3.3 3.0
Tarpan 66.2 5.6 8.8 11.2 3.9 24.3 3.4 2.8
Tetramax 68.0 5.7 8.9 11.2 3.9 26.2 3.5 2.8
Tivoli 67.4 5.4 8.9 11.0 4.0 26.1 3.9 2.7
Triton 69.2 5.5 9.4 11.3 4.0 25.9 3.6 3.0
Yatsuboku 66.1 7.7 8.8 11.7 4.0 25.9 3.9 2.5
Yatsunami 79.6 5.6 9.4 11.0 4.1 26.9 3.7 3.1
l.s.d. (P = 0.05) 3.60 0.32 0.25 0.16 0.08 0.92 0.19 0.18
Effect of seed mass and genotype on early vigour of ryegrass Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 485

There is evidence that variation in seed mass within a Variation in early vigour independent of seed mass effects
perennial ryegrass cultivar is associated with the position of Although seed mass was an important determinant of
a developing seed within a spikelet (Anslow 1964) and seedling vigour components, there was considerable
interactions between seeds within a spikelet (Warringa et al. variation in the adjusted means of cultivars for all seedling
1998a). This variation within spikelets has been shown to be vigour traits after the effect of seed mass was taken into
more important than variation among spikelets on a head account. There is relatively little information on the genetic
(Warringa et al. 1998b). variation that exists in grass species for seedling vigour
components after the effects of seed mass have been
Effects of ploidy on seedling vigour removed. Variation in embryo size has been shown to be an
In this experiment tetraploid seedlings tended to be important determinant of early vigour among a number of
heavier and have larger leaves than diploids. This effect of cereal species (López-Castañeda et al. 1996) and seedling
ploidy was shown largely to be associated with the increased leaf breadth has been shown to be an effective selection
seed mass of tetraploid cultivars compared with diploid criterion to increase the early vigour of bread wheat
cultivars, although there was considerable variation and (Rebetzke and Richards 1999). Genetic variation in seedling
overlap between the mean seed mass of diploid and vigour independent of seed mass has been observed in
tetraploid cultivars. Similar effects have been observed in seedling yield of sand bluestem (Glewen and Vogel 1984)
Russian wild ryegrass, where seeds of induced tetraploid and in early tiller development in tall fescue (Lewis and
cultivars were heavier and resulted in heavier seedlings with Garcia 1979).
larger leaves than diploid cultivars (Berdahl and Rees 1997).
Ploidy was shown to have effects on shoot characters such Practical implications
as leaf length, leaf width, mesocotyl length and number of Large variations in seed mass were measured among
tillers. The results obtained in this experiment were commercial seed lines of a number of diploid and tetraploid
consistent with those obtained with mature perennial perennial ryegrass cultivars and this variation in seed mass
ryegrass plants (Neuteboom et al. 1988; Smith et al. 2001) was strongly associated with differences in seedling vigour
or with seedlings of other species (Berdahl and Rees 1997), components. Reduction in the thousand-seed mass of
with tetraploid plants tending to have fewer tillers and larger perennial ryegrass seed crops grown under stress conditions
leaves than diploid plants. such as late sowing has also recently been shown to reduce
The broad range of tetraploid and diploid cultivars sown the seedling vigour of the seeds when sown under a range of
in this experiment has demonstrated that there is variability conditions (Cookson et al. 2001). These data demonstrate
both within and between ploidy classes for both seed mass that a higher mean seed mass of perennial ryegrass could be
and seedling vigour traits. The causes of this variation are used to discriminate among seed lots within a cultivar when
poorly understood. However, induced polyploidy is known to purchasing seeds or among cultivars with similar agronomic
increase the cell size and volume of plant species. This is adaptation but contrasting thousand-seed mass.
known as the ‘Gigas’ effect and it is possible that genetic During pasture establishment about 90% of those grass
effects on auxin concentrations, cell wall extensibility and seedlings that germinate die within 3 months of sowing
cell size between and within diploid and tetraploid perennial (Charles 1961), reflecting the intense within- and
ryegrass cultivars may explain part of this variation. Wilkins among-species competition that grass seedlings face in a
and Sabanci (1990) measured the size and shape of leaf newly established sward. Recent data from Australia (Waller
epidermal cells of 6 diploid perennial ryegrass populations et al. 1999) and New Zealand (Sanders et al. 1989) suggest
and the tetraploid cv. Tove. The diploids varied in cell length that seedling recruitment by perennial ryegrass may be a
by 26% and cell width by 9% and on average the cells of more important mechanism of maintaining perennial
cv. Tove were 25% longer and 12% wider than the ryegrass density than previously thought, especially under
highest-ranking diploid, although there was an overlap some grazing regimes. There is also an increasing move
between the largest cells in the highest-ranking diploid towards oversowing to introduce new cultivars to renovate
populations and cv. Tove. swards. In both of these instances, newly germinated
As both cell expansion and cell multiplication have been perennial ryegrass seedlings will have to compete with both
shown to be important in leaf expansion in Lolium (Volenec annual and perennial sown species and weeds.
and Nelson 1981) and the differences in cell dimensions Shoot characteristics such as coleoptile tiller development
observed in diploid perennial ryegrass appear to be under the (Lewis and Garcia 1979) and coleoptile and mesocotyl
control of specific genes rather than variations in DNA length and thickness (Andrews et al. 1997) have been shown
content (Wilkins and Sabanci 1990), it is possible that the to be important characteristics related to the early vigour of
variation in seedling growth observed in this experiment was forage grass species, especially in stress environments. Our
due to differences in a range of genetic factors among data demonstrate that when seed mass effects are removed
cultivars within ploidy classes. there is still considerable variation for a range of seedling
486 Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture K. F. Smith et al.

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Rebetzke and Richards 1999) have shown that the variation 12th general meeting of the European Grassland Federation’.
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