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Dimba Chakra Saptarishis Astrology BW

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Shree Durgaparameshwari Prasanna

Dimba Chakra
Acharya Dr. V.Kumar
Bangalore, India
Copy Editor: M. Imran, Pakistan

[The writer deserves much applause for he just took a

one line request from SA and prepared this wonderful
treatise and has probably become the first scribe to
write on Dimba Chakra in English. May the Rishis
guide him to write on Chakras a territory which
the best of scholars avoid. SA Editor.]

he technique of prediction in
Astrology is a complex
phenomenon. It demands not
Acharya V Kumar has been a only a thorough knowledge of both basic
and advanced principles of Astrology but
researcher in astrology with more than 11 of
also an intelligent application of these
his research papers being published in
principles in synthesizing the final result.
various journals on Astrology & Vastu. He
has obtained PhD in Vaasthu during Although there are hundreds of classics
Nov.2010 from OIUCM at Colombo, Sri dealing with various aspects of natal
Lanka. His journey started in 1989 & now horoscopy, it is nearly impossible for an
he teaches Astrology at AIFAS, Bangalore. average practitioner to master all the
He has done M.A in Astrology and M.A in wisdom contained in those classics.
Philosophy & Religion. He has received
several honors & in 2008 he was honored Our Maharishis of yore who were adepts
as Pracharya In Astrology And Vaasthu by in the science of astrology have devised
AIFAS, New Delhi through Bangalore
many shortcut tools and techniques as an
chapter II.
aid to improving the accuracy of
prediction and presented them in various
classics on predictive astrology. Almost
every such technique employs a specially
designed chart or a diagram in which is
incorporated all the astrological elements
necessary to adopt that technique. The Dimba Chakra is one such tool.

This article deals with the relevant information on this special tool available in natal
horoscopy. The efficacy of Dimba Chakra has been tested and verified by applying it to
many horoscopes and many astounding results have been found in these cases. Some of
those case studies are also discussed in this article for the benefit of the readers.

What is Dimba Chakra

he word dimb in Sanskrit means a young child . In Hindi, it also means
small baby . Thus, Dimba Chakra may be described as an orderly
arrangement of the 27 stars in the shape of a child with each body part ruling a
certain number of stars.

According to Sloka 1 and 2 of chapter 14 of Jataka Bharanam , the Dimba Chakra in the shape
of a child is to be made by allotting the 27 stars (Ashwini to Revathi, Abhijit excluded) to
different body parts of a child commencing from the forehead with the star in which the planet
Sun is posited at the time of birth of a native. The distribution of stars to various body parts
is depicted in the following diagram :

1 Please see page 496 of A concise Sanskrit- English Dictionary by V.V. Bhide, published by Gian Publishing House,
New Delhi, 1990.
2 Page 303 of The Standard Dictionary of the Hindi Language by Prof. R.C. Pathak, published by Bhargava Book
Depot, Varanasi, September 1992.
3 Jatakaabharanam or Jataka Bharanam is an astrological treatise written by Pandit Dhundiraja . Original Sanskrit

text translated into English by G.C. Sharma, is published by Sagar Publications, New Delhi. For this article, pages 156
to 159 of the 1998 edition of Jatakaabharanam has been referred.
4 This diagram is modified and adopted from the one presented in page 859 of Maansaagri by Harji. It is translated in
to English by P.K. Vasudev and published by Sagar Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
Forehead, 3 stars

Face, 3 stars

Two shoulders, 2 Stars


13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Chest Region , 5 stars

Navel, 1 star
Two Arms, 2 stars (1each)
Sex organ, 1 star
Two hands, 2 stars (1each)

Two thighs, 2 stars (1 each)

Two feet, 6 stars (3 each)

The name Dimba Chakra is found only in two classical discourses of jyotish, viz.; Jataka
Bharanam and Hora Ratnam. The distribution of stars (i.e. constellations) as discussed in
Hora Ratnam differs from the one described above. Instead of 2 stars in the two knees and
6 stars in two feet as described above, Balabhadra (author of Hora Ratnam) assigns 6 stars
to the two knees and last two stars to the two feet. However, the results indicated in both
the classics are almost unique.

The Dimba Chakra can also be drawn in the form of a table by indicating the number of
stars allotted to each limb. In this article, Tabular Dimba Chakra is used, rather than
pictorial Dimba Chakra. For example, if Sun is assumed to be posited in Ashwini in
Aries, then the Dimba Chakra in tabular form would be as follows:
Dimba Chakra when Sun is in Ashwini star
Body-Part Numbers of stars From (star ) To (star)
Fore-head 3 Ashwini Krittika
Face 3 Rohini Aridra
Shoulders 2 Punarvasu Pushya
Chest region 5 Aslesha Hastha
Navel 1 Chitta Chitta
Arms 2 Swathi Vishaka
Sex organs 1 Anuradha Anuradha
Hands 2 Jyestha Moola
Thighs 2 Poorvaashada Uttarashada
Feet 6 Shravana Revathi

Once this table is drawn, locating the body-part in which the Janma Nakshatra falls
becomes very easy. This tabular form is only adopted in this article.

Some Similar Chakras

part from the Dimba Chakra, it has been observed that many similar chakras,
called by different names, are also in vogue in predictive astrology. Navagraha
Purushakara Chakra in Maan Saagari, Janma Nakshatra Nara Chakra in Poorva
Parashariyam, and Nara chakra in Garuda Purana are quite identical to Dimba
Chakra. It is pertinent to note that the application of these chakras is also similar in

For the benefit of the readers, a table of comparison between these chakras is presented

Comparison of Dimba Chakra with other similar Chakras

Name of the Authors Reference Name of Purpose Method of drawing
Classical Text Name chakra the chakra
1 Jataka Dhundiraja Chap. 14, Dimba General The method of
Bharanam Sl. 1 to 12 Chakra Predictions drawing the chakra
on the is already described
native above
2 Hora Ratnam Bala Bhadra Chap. 2, Dimba Ibid Ibid
Sl. 714 -727 Chakra
3 Garuda Purana - Chap. 60, Nara Ibid The distribution of
Sl. 18 to20 Chakra stars is same as in
Jataka Bharanam
except that instead
of sex organs and
two thighs, buttocks
and two knees have
been allotted 1 star
and 2 stars
4 Poorva Unknown Chap. 7 Janma General The distribution of
Parashariyam (Published Part II, Nakshatra Predictions stars is same as in
by Sl. 74 to 80 Nara and Jataka Bharanam
Saraswathi Chakra Longevity except that instead
Mahal of the of 2 stars in arms and
Library, native 5 stars in chest, 2
Thanjavur ) stars in knees and 5
stars in stomach
have been allotted.
5 Maan Saagari Harji Chap. 4, Navagraha General The Surya
Section 35, Purusha Predictions Purushaakara
Sl. 1 to 35 aakaara on the Chakra is same as
chakras native. Dimba Chakra of
(one each Surya Horaratnam and its
for 9 Purushaaka utility is as per
planets ) ra chakra is Poorva
used to Parashariyam, as
assess indicated above. The
longevity as chakras for other
well. planets are based on
the star in which
they are posited in
birth chart and the
allotment of stars
varies for each of

Besides, it has also been observed that in Mantreshwaras Phaladeepika (Chapter 26, slokas
35 to 40) and Narasimha Daivagnas Jaataka Saara Deepa (Slokas 45 to 51 of chapter 80),
Anga Chakras have been described for each of the Navagrahas starting from Sun.
Although the shapes of these chakras are similar to that of Dimba Chakra, the method of
drawing these chakras and their utility is different. They are drawn based on natal Moon
and are applied exclusively in delineating the transit results of planets. In Uttara
Kalamritha by Kalidasa (Khanda VIII), certain other chakras like the Dasa Chakra, the
Dasee Chakra, the Gramaarvana Chakra, etc. have also been described the shapes of which
broadly resemble the Dimba Chakra. But, they are drawn by different methods and are
applied for different purposes as well. In Stri Jataka by Yavanacharya, a similar chakra has
also described. The method of drawing this chakra is also based on the star in which Sun
is posited in the natal chart. But, the allotment of number of stars to different body parts
is different from that of Dimba Chakra. Some of the body parts for instance; shoulders,
arms, hands, and thighs are not included in this chakra. Moreover, its purpose is also
different. It is used to understand the marital happiness of a female through her horoscope.

It is clear from the above discussion that many chakras, drawn based on the natal
position of Sun and Moon, are closely akin to the Dimba Chakra described in Jataka
Bharanam and Hora Ratnam. Although these chakras resemble Dimba Chakra, their
discussion is not included in this write-up, because their very nomenclature suggests
different purpose and utility. In this article, the versions of Dimba Chakra of Jataka
Bharanam and Hora Ratnam have been adopted and applied on select case studies.

How to Draw and Use Dimba Chakra

he Dimba chakra is mainly used for making general predictions on the life of a
native. The technique of making general predictions on the life of a native using
Dimba Chakra is relatively simple when compared with any other methods
employed in predictive astrology. The techniques are enumerated in the following steps:

Step-1: Cast the birth chart of native by using the correct date, time and the place of birth.

Step-2: Find the stars (i.e. nakshatras) where Sun and Moon are posited in the natal

Step-3: Starting from the star where Sun is posited, assign 27 stars to the body parts in
the following sequence: first 3 stars in the forehead, followed by 3 in the face, then 2 in
the shoulders, 5 in the chest, 1 in the navel, 2 in the arms, 1 in the sex organ, 2 in the
hands, 2 in the thighs and last 6 stars in the feet.

Step-4: Identify the body part where janma nakshatra (the star where natal Moon be
posited) falls in the Dimba Chakra.

Step-5: Predict the results indicated in the classics for the respective part of the body.

In order to facilitate the application of the Dimba Chakra with ease, the results of the
Janma Nakshatra falling in different parts of the body are furnished below for ready use 5.
5 These are compiled from Jatakaabharanam (translated into English by Girish Chandra Sharma), and Hora Ratnam
(translated in to English by Late R. Santhanam). The author of this article is grateful to the writers and publishers of
these classics.
Results of Janma Nakshatra falling in different Body Parts
Body Part Results
Forehead The native will be endowed with good gems, gold, attractive
clothes, different marks of honour such as fly whisk (chaamar),
umbrella, etc. Gets a place of distinction in his group. The
person will lead a rich life with various paraphernalia.
Face The native enjoys sweet foods, gets comforts of beds and seats
(i.e., will live in a well furnished home), is a good speaker,
remains cheerful and has a smile on his face.
Shoulders The native is like a jewel in his family, has prominent
shoulders, is famous for celebrating great functions, has prowess
(or is valorous), extremely brave and generous, will give gifts to
festivals of temples, etc.
Arms The native will leave his own country (hometown) and earn
wide fame in some foreign lands. He is very arrogant, heroic,
proud and valorous.
Hands The native will be an eloquent speaker, be bereft of virtues, be
an examiner of commodities and precious stones, is teller of lies
and speaker of truth both. That is, he lacks honesty in speech
and is skilled and experienced in talking according to the
suitability of time.
Chest The native is equal to a king in his family. He is of good
Region character or disposition, enjoys great fame and is well versed in
Navel The native is of forgiving disposition, be timid in respect of
undertakings related to war (i.e., will lack fighting spirit), be an
expert in arts, religious-minded and generous.
Sex organs The native will be of enviable beauty, is lascivious or lustful,
performs good and pious deeds , has interest in music and
dance, skilled and experienced in the arts and wins excellent
Thighs The person will move in many countries and make many kinds
of publicity there, is enthusiastic in his work, volatile or fickle,
weak bodied, deceitful and a liar, (according to Jataka Bharanam
Knees The person will move in many countries, will be unstable due to

6The word Saadhukarma has been used to indicate good and pious deeds in both Jatakaabharanam and Hora
enthusiasm in sexual love, weak-bodied, wicked and devoid of
truthfulness (according to Hora Ratnam only).
Feet The native may adopt agriculture as his profession, does little
religious deeds, is fearless of his enemies, will abandon his
duties (i.e., be undutiful), and is engaged in some service.

The following points must be kept in mind while analyzing and interpreting the results
indicated above.

1. All the results indicated for a particular body-part may not be realized. But, at least one of
the above results would be surely applicable to a particular nativity.

2. The results mentioned above must be judiciously applied and interpreted depending up on the
natives personal background as they are only indicative in nature.

3. As already stated in the introduction, Dimba Chakra is a shortcut tool for snapshot
prediction without resorting to any detailed analysis of the horoscope. The classics do not
mention whether the results of Dimba Chakra are modified by other planetary influences in
the chart or not. But, in scribes personal view, if there are any strong and overriding
planetary influences like Yogas, Arishtas, Doshas, Avayogas, etc., in the horoscope
affecting a particular sphere of life of the native then general indications of Dimba Chakra
shall get modified to that extent and the effect of such overriding influences shall be felt at
least during the Dasa/Bhukthi of the concerned planets.

Case Studies

ow, let us examine a few natal horoscopes in the light of above techniques.
These horoscopes have been chosen arbitrarily only to demonstrate the
application and efficacy of prediction using Dimba Chakra. The birth details of
the nativities are furnished below in Table No. 1.

Table No. 1
Birth Details of Select Nativities for Dimba Chakra
Case Native Birth Date Birth Time Place of Birth
No dd-mm-yy
1 Female 30-10-1970 06:30 AM Bangalore
2 Male 01-11-1959 06:24 PM Bangalore
3 Female 17-01-1952 12:30 PM Thiruvarur
4 Male 27-08-1959 03:30 PM Salem
5 Dhirubhai Ambani 28-12-1932 06:37 AM Veraval
6 Prof. Krishnamurthy 01-11-1908 12:11 PM Tiruvaiyaru
7 Ms. Jayalalitha 24-02-1948 03:00 PM Palakkad
8 L.K. Advani 08-11-1927 09:20 AM Hyderabad
9 Sachin Tendulkar 24-04-1973 02:25 PM Bombay

Case No. 1

This is the horoscope of a female born on 30-10-1970. Sun is posited in Swathi and Moon
is also posited in Swathi in her natal chart. The Dimba Chakra (in the tabular form) is
drawn for this native as follows:

Body-Part Numbers of Stars From (star ) To (star)

(Case No. 1) allotted
Forehead 3 Swathi Anuradha
Face 3 Jyeshta Poorvashada
Shoulders 2 Uttarashada Shravana
Chest region 5 Dhanishta Revathi
Navel 1 Ashwini Ashwini
Arms 2 Bharani Krittika
Sex organs 1 Rohini Rohini
Hands 2 Mrigasira Aridra
Thighs 2 Punarvasu Pushya
Feet 6 Aslesha Chitta

As the natives natal Moon is posited in the same star as that of natal Sun (i.e., Swathi),
her janma nakshatra falls in forehead in the Dimba Chakra.

Case No. 2

This is the horoscope of a male born on November 1, 1959. The Sun is posited in Swathi
nakshatra. Moon is also posited in the same sign, but in Vishaka nakshatra.

As the natives natal Moon is posited in the second star (Vishaka) from that of natal Sun
(i.e., Swathi), his janma nakshatra also falls in forehead in the Dimba Chakra.
Note: The Dimba Chakra for this native of Case No. 2 is same as the one drawn above
for the female nativity of Case No. 1.

Analysis of results for Case No. 1 and 2

These horoscopes pertain to a couple who are happily married for the last 22 years. The
janma nakshatras of both these nativities fall in forehead in Dimba Chakra. As per the
table of results given above they will be endowed with good gems, gold, attractive
clothes, different marks of honour such as fly whisk (chaamar), umbrella, etc., get a place
of distinction in their group and will lead a rich life with various paraphernalia.

The lady (case no. 1) was born as the second child to her parents. She is the only daughter
to her parents with the other three siblings being sons. Her father has three brothers, out
of which the last one got married only after this lady was married and the remaining two
of her uncle did not have any daughters till her marriage at the age of 19 years. As such,
she literally reigned as the pet princess in the whole family till her marriage. In fact, she
was nicknamed as Parrot by envious relatives because of the profuse petting by her
family members. In other words, she got a place of distinction in her family. Although her
parents were not wealthy, she was provided with all material comforts that she wished
for as long as she remained in her parents home.

The male native (case no. 2) was born as the second son to his parents, in a poor family.
He was contrastingly different right from his younger days. As a silent boy who kept to
himself without interacting much with others and being very aggressive when
provoked, he was usually seen with awe and carefully handled with trepidation by all the
family members. His parents had 6 children, 2 sons and 4 daughters. Out of these, the
native was the only child in the family who was sent to a day-college for his studies. His
elder brother attended an evening college for continuation of his studies and others were
not sent to college at all. Soon after completing education, he got a job in a Central
Government department in which he is still serving. The native happens to be the only
government official among his kith and kin. He has shown keen interest in literature,
especially poetry, since his high school days. Later, he has inclined towards study of
Philosophy and Vedic sciences including Yoga, Astrology, Vaasthu, etc. At present, he is
an amateur astrologer as well.

Although both (the natives of Case 1 and 2) opened their eyes in humble circumstances,
yet their financial position has been improved day by day after wedding. Now they are
leading a comfortable life. Furthermore, both the natives have got a place of distinction
in their families, are treated with respect and honour and are materially comfortable.
Thus, many of the above predictions indicated in the jyotish classics are remarkably

Case No. 3

This case illustrates Dimba Chakra for a female, who was born on 17-01-1952. Her radical
Sun is posited in Uttarashada-2 in Capricorn, while Moon is domiciled in Uttara
Phalguni-1 in Leo.

Body-Part Numbers of stars From (star ) To (star)

(Case No. 3) allotted
Forehead 3 Uttarashada Danishta
Face 3 Satabisha Uttarabhadra
Shoulders 2 Revathi Ashwini
Chest region 5 Bharani Ardra
Navel 1 Punarvasu Punarvasu
Arms 2 Pushya Aslesha
Sex organs 1 Makha Makha
Hands 2 Poorva Phalguni Uttara Phalguni
Thighs 2 Hastha Chitta
Feet 6 Swathi Poorvashada

As the natives natal Moon is posited in Uttara Phalguni, her janma nakshatra falls in the
hands in the Dimba chakra. As per the table of results given above, the native will be an
eloquent speaker, bereft of virtues, an examiner of commodities and precious stones, teller of
lies and speaker of truth both. That is, she lacks honesty in speech and is skilled and
experienced in talking according to the suitability of time.

The author has known this native as a colleague for the past 30 years. She is garrulous and
very talkative. She was nicknamed as a chatter-box in office. She is known not only for
her argumentative nature, but also for diplomacy.

Although she is born in an orthodox Hindu Brahmin family, she has chosen not to marry
any male against the wishes of all her family members due to her independent nature.
But, she has had an affair with a married man at about 27 years of age which lasted for
more than a decade. Later on, at about 47 years of age, she also had a living-in
relationship with another married man who had deserted his family and children. This
relationship is still continuing.
The above mentioned facts pertaining to her provide ample proof to the correctness of
the results indicated in the classics.

Case No. 4

This is the horoscope of a male born on 27-08-1959. Sun is posited in Makha 4th pada in
Leo and Moon is posited in Rohini 4th pada in Taurus, in his natal chart.

Body-Part Numbers of stars From (star ) To (star)

(Case No. 4) allotted
Forehead 3 Makha Uttara
Face 3 Hastha Swathi
Shoulders 2 Vishaka Anuradha
Chest region 5 Jyeshta Shravana
Navel 1 Danishta Danishta
Arms 2 Satabisha Poorva Bhadra
Sex organs 1 Uttara Bhadra Uttara Bhadra
Hands 2 Revathi Ashwini
Thighs 2 Bharani Krittika
Feet 6 Rohini Aslesha

As the natives natal Moon is posited in Rohini, his janma nakshatra falls in the feet in
the Dimba Chakra. As per the table of results given above, the native adopts agriculture as
his profession, does little religious deeds, is fearless of his enemies, will abandon his duties (i.e., be
undutiful), is engaged in some service.

This native is known to be brave and daring since his school days. As he grew up, he
became more and more bold and fearless of others. As he was brought up by his uncle and
aunt with not much love lost between them, but only to prevent his harassment at the
hands of his step-mother, he being an emotionally suppressed child seems to have
developed a grudge to retaliate as a grown up adult against any oppression by anybody on

After being married to a girl from a relatively wealthy family, his desire to enjoy life
made him to resort to the habit of drinking, etc. which was initially resisted but tacitly
accepted later on by his wife.
After some years, he developed an extra-marital relationship with a married woman in
the neighbourhood and started partially neglecting his family, thus abandoning his duties as
a husband and a father to his children.

He was born in a weavers family. He works in the same line in a relatively difficult job
as a marketing agent for a few producers of cotton fabrics. Thus, many of the indicated
results are seen to be applicable to this case.

Case No. 5

This is the horoscope of Late Sri Dhirubhai Ambani, who has established a business
empire of his own in India. He was born in Sagittarius Ascendant with Sun posited in
Moola in Sagittarius and Moon is also posited in the same sign in Poorvashada star in his
natal chart.

Body-Part Numbers of stars From (star ) To (star)

(Case No. 5) allotted
Forehead 3 Moola Uttararashada
Face 3 Shravana Satabisha
Shoulders 2 Poorva bhadra Uttarabhadra
Chest region 5 Revathi Ashwini
Navel 1 Mrigasira Mrigasira
Arms 2 Aridra Punarvasu
Sex organs 1 Pushya Pushya
Hands 2 Aslesha Makha
Thighs 2 Poorva Phalguni Uttaraphalguni
Feet 6 Hastha Jyeshta

The natal Moon which is posited in Poorvashada, falls in the forehead in Dimba Chakra.
The results of janma nakshatra falling in forehead has already been indicated.

We all know that the native made a mark of his own in business sector in India and
became one of the richest industrialists in the world. It is needless to emphasize that he
had all the luxuries like gems and gold. He owned a cloth-mill himself. He was respected
even by many of the bureaucrats in the country. In short, he lived a rich mans life with
various paraphernalia as indicated in the classics.

Case No. 6
This is the horoscope of renowned astrologer Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy, who introduced
the Krishnamuthy Padhdhathi (KP) a novel way of reading and forecasting horoscopes.
He was born in Capricorn ascendant with Sun posited in Swathi in Libra and Moon
posited in Shravana. The Dimba Chakra for this native is same as the one drawn for case
No. 1 and 2 discussed above.

As the natives radical Moon is posited in Shravana, the janma nakshatra falls in
shoulders in the Dimba chakra. As per the table of results given above, the native is like a
jewel in his family, has elevated shoulders, is famous for celebrating great functions, has prowess
(or is valorous), extremely brave and generous, will give gifts to festivals of temples, etc,. It is a
fact that he was a rare jewel born in his family who dedicated his life to the cause of
astrology and produced KP system. No doubt, the native is a jewel in the family of
astrologers. K.S. Krishnamurthy had the courage to challenge the then prevailing system of
astrological prediction which he considered to be fallacious. He also had a conviction to
find a better system which he did. He was a highly religious person being an upasaka of
Lord Uchchishta Maha Ganapathy. He attributed all his success to the blessings of His
Holiness Sri Kanchi Shankaracharya Swamiji. He was a very generous personality who has
revealed all the secrets that he discovered in the field of astrology for the benefit of
mankind. Thus, in this case also most of the results indicated are remarkably true.

Case No. 7

This is the horoscope of Ms. Jayalalitha, the former Chief Minister of Tamilnadu (state
of India). She was born in Gemini ascendant with Sun posited in Satabisha in Aquarius
and Moon posited in Makha in Leo.

Body-Part Numbers of stars From (star ) To (star)

(Case No. 7) allotted
Fore-head 3 Satabisha Uttarabhadra
Face 3 Revathi Bharani
Shoulders 2 Krittika Rohini
Chest region 5 Mrigasira Aslesha
Navel 1 Makha Makha
Arms 2 Poorva Phalguni Uttaraphalguni
Sex organs 1 Hastha Hastha
Hands 2 Chitta Swathi
Thighs 2 Vishaka Anuradha
Feet 6 Jyeshta Danishta

As the natal Moon of the native is posited in Makha, her janma nakshatra falls in navel
in her Dimba Chakra. As per the table of results given above, the native is of forgiving
disposition, is timid in respect of undertakings related to war (i.e., will lack fighting spirit), will be
an expert in arts, religious-minded and generous. Almost all these results are applicable in this

She has displayed the quality of forgiving her political enemies on a couple of occasions
in the past during the elections and had taken them as her allies again. Her timidity and
lack of fighting spirit were apparently visible from her public appearance with bullet-
proof robes and armed body guards even as a Chief Minister. It is a known fact that she
was a celebrity in Tamil cinema before entering politics and was very popular as an artist.
Also, she is religious-minded and has generously donated (including an elephant) to a
particular temple in Kerala on a couple of occasions.

Case No. 8

This is the horoscope of Sri. L. K. Advani, one of the illustrious national leaders of BJP.
He is born in Scorpio Ascendant with Sun in Vishaka 1st pada in Libra and Moon in
Ashwini 2nd pada in Aries. The Dimba Chakra of this native is as follows:

Body-Part Numbers of stars From (star ) To (star)

(Case No. 8) allotted
Fore-head 3 Vishaka Jyeshta
Face 3 Moola Uttarashada
Shoulders 2 Shravana Dhanishta
Chest region 5 Satabisha Ashwini
Navel 1 Bharani Bharani
Arms 2 Krittika Rohini
Sex organs 1 Mrigasira Mrigasira
Hands 2 Aridra Punarvasu
Thighs 2 Pushya Aslesha
Feet 6 Makha Swathi

As the natal Moon of the native is posited in Ashwini, the janma nakshatra falls in the
chest in Dimba chakra. As per the table of results given above, the native is equal to a king
in his family. He is of good character or disposition, enjoys great fame and is well versed in
shastras. He is a popular leader in Indian politics. He has a straight forward nature and is
of a pleasing character disposition. He held the office of Home Minister and Deputy Prime
Minister of India during the BJP regime. As such, he enjoys very good fame in the

Case No. 9

This is the horoscope of our Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar, the famous cricketer of
India. He was born in Leo Ascendant with Sun posited in Ashwini in Aries and Moon
posited in Poorvashada in Sagittarius.

The Dimba Chakra of the native is same as the one drawn and shown above as an
example for the tabular form of Dimba Chakra.

As the natal Moon is posited in Poorvashada, the janma nakshatra falls in thighs in the
Dimba Chakra of the native. As per the table of results given above, the person will move in
many countries and get fame. The native is enthusiastic in his work, volatile or fickle, weak
bodied, deceitful and a liar. The first two results are explicitly seen in this case. As an
internationally renowned cricketer he has toured many countries for playing cricket and has
brought pride to India and himself as well. He is an enthusiastic player who has surpassed
many records in the history of cricket and hence, can be called as a living legend.


t is evident from the above discussion that the Dimba Chakra is a simple and
effective tool in easily predicting certain aspects pertaining to the individuals based
on their natal charts. As already discussed above, a judicious application of the
results indicated in the classics is necessary. Also, all the results cannot be predicted to all
the nativities and the results are to be predicted keeping in mind the background of the
individual for whom the predictions are being made.

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