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Saptarishi Nadi Virgo Ascendant Chart 3 BW

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The text discusses astrological concepts from the Saptarishi Nadi text and provides analysis of planetary positions and charts.

It discusses the biography of Senthil Ananth and provides commentary on verses from the Saptarishi Nadi text explaining planetary positions and charts.

It discusses the Goddess asking the Sages for explanations of planetary positions in different Lagna charts and provides the chart and positions for Lagna rising in Virgo. It also discusses C.G. Rajan's analysis of the chart and deduction of the Navamsa chart.

Virgo Ascendant

Chart 3

Senthil Ananth, Singapore
Guide & Editor: Yenbeeyes
Credits: Madras Govt Oriental Library
Manuscript Supplied By: Upendra Bhadoriya

A Mission Saptarishis Initiative

Senthil Ananth hails from Dharapuram,

a town in Tamilnadu, in India. He is an

Engineer by education and works as a
Technical writer in Singapore. He is
passionate about astrology, tamil
literature, and writing. This is his first
astrological translation work under the
guidance of Shri.Yenbeeyes. Saptarishis
Astrology is proud to have such a humble
volunteer like Senthil.

n the first verse the Rishi s have stated

the position of planets of the native
and the chart is as shown below. The
entire Saptarishi Nadi is the discussion
between Goddess Parvati and the Seven
Sages (Atri, Agastya, Jayamuni, Sonignar,
Narad, Vashist, and Viswamitra). The
Goddess asks explanation for each of the
Lagna with specific position of planets.


Planetary Positions At Birth

1. When the lagna rises in Virgo with Guru and Rahu in Capricorn, Mars in Libra,
Mercury and Moon in Sagittarius, Venus and Sun in Scorpio, Saturn in Pisces and
Ketu in Cancer, tell the results of these planetary positions for the person.
The Chart as given in the book is shown below:

Note by C.G.Rajan: The planetary positions for the above rasi chart derive the following
Navamsa chart:
Mercury with Jupiter in Aries, Saturn and Rahu in Taurus, Moon in Leo and Sun in Libra,

Ketu in Scorpio and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Pisces. Note that Venus is setting and
Saturn is retrograde. See the Navamsa chart below.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:

ne beauty of C.G.Rajan is for all the charts without knowing the birth details, he is
giving the Navamsa Chart. In some charts he has even deduced the birth date and
time as well. An attempt to fix the Date and time of birth did not yield the
expected results. Readers may make an attempt. The following points may be remembered:
i. Saturn is in Pisces in Rasi chart which means he can occupy only the signs from
Cancer to Pisces in Navamsa and in no way it can get a placement in Taurus.
ii. The balance of dasa at birth is of Venus and is 17 years and 11 months and hence
Moon must be in the 1st pada of Purvashada and the position of Navamsa will be
Leo as stated by C.G.Rajan.
iii. The birth must be in the Tamil month of Kartikai or Krittika or Vrischika which is
approximately from 15th November to 14th December. Suns Navamsa position is
given as Libra for which the planet must be between 10 00 to 13 20 and in
Anuradha Nakshatra. So the date must lie between 10th and 14th (Maximum) in the
month of November. Because Sun will travel 1 per day.
iv. In the Cancer Ascendant-Chart 4, it has been stated that year of birth of the native
is 1891. In that year Saturn is in Leo and Jupiter is in Aquarius. In the present chart
Jupiter is in Capricorn and hence if we deduct 13 years from 1891, it will be 1878.
Why 13 years, it is because in this period if we count backwards Saturn would be 6
signs backwards (taking 2.5 years for movement from one sing to another) which
will be Pisces counted backwards from Leo.
v. So approximately the date of birth by referring to the Panchang, I found that on 12th
November the nakshatra was Purvashada. With all the details given above when I
tried to prepare the chart through Jhora, planetary positions were found to be
correct but the dasa balance was totally different than the one given in the verse.
Hence readers may try to investigate further. Readers can construct the chart with

27th Nov 1878, 2:14 am, Chennai just for reference.


2. When Goddess Parvathi asks Vasishta Maharishi who is praised as Gurumuni, he tells,
The child born will be a male. The house will have the entrance in the western
direction in a street that stretches towards north south direction. There will be
temples of abodes such as Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Kaali amman and Maari amman in the
northern side of the house.

Comments From Yenbeeyes:

Explanations as per Sukra Nadi in respect of the street as well as the direction:
As per Sukra Nadi a person born in Virgo Lagna Taurus Navamsa It is stated that the
house will be in a street running North-South. House will be on the eastern side. (Naturally
the entrance will be facing the west). Opposite to the house will be a barren place. Adjacent
house will be that of a handicapped person.
A part of the above description tallies for this chart.


3. He will be born in a small village that contains many gardens and flourishing
orchards, in a Brahmin family as a renowned child. Let me tell you about his father,
mother, children, siblings, wife, previous births and future births in this shastra.


haracteristics of the Father of the Native
4. We will tell about the characteristics of his father. He will be red in complexion, will
always have a thin body, (the word used here is which literally means broken pieceas the body cannot be a broken one it is translated as thin as opposed to fat) disciplined and a
virtuous person, soft in nature. He will provide food for all those who come to him.
He will befriend kings and save the poor and destitute people. He will listen to the
wise and beneficial advice from elders.

5. Father of this chart will be having authority and will be good to everyone. He will not
have any deceitful mind. He will befriend good people. He will make ornaments. He
will be prodigal and sell off his lands. He has a liking towards curd (a form of yogurt),
milk, ghee (clarified butter). He has a bold and courageous heart.

6. Father of this chart is very sharp in mind and possesses research ability. He eats
comfortable good food. He will act truthful to what he thinks and follows whatever
stated by him. He will be lascivious towards women. His body will have the Pitta
characteristic. He will be affected by rheumatism or gout. He will run his business
well in his village.

7. Father of this chart likes to devote himself to religious deeds in temple. He worships
Lord Shiva. His palm will contain Vishnu Rekha. (The Tamil word used here is
which is Mercury. As Mercury is related to Lord Vishnu this has been
translated as Vishnu Rekha). He will be like Garuda for the people who behave like
poisonous snake. Oh! Goddess, who gave birth to six faced Lord Muruga, let us reveal
more about this chart.

Comments From Yenbeeyes:

hat is the relation between Garuda, the King of eagles and the snakes? It is
available in Mahabharata-Book 1 Adi Parva. Why Garuda treats snakes as
enemy? Originally Garuda and Naga or the serpents were cousins. They were
the offspring of Sage Kashyapa. Kashyapa had two wives (though he married the 13 daughters
of Daksha Prajapati) named Kadru and Vinata. While Kadru wanted to have many children,
Vinata wanted to have few powerful sons. Rishi granted the wish of both and Kadru laid 1000
eggs which all were turned into snakes. Vinata laid two eggs of which one became Garuda
and the other became the charioteer of Sun who goes by the name Arunan . The two sisters
while playing got engaged in a bet and Vinata lost the bet and as per the bet she has to be the
slave of Kadru. Now, not only Vinata but her two off springs were also ordered to do
anything and everything by Kadru and her snake children. Garuda did not like this so he
asked the snakes themselves what he should do to relieve himself from this bondage. The
snakes ordered him to bring nectar, the elixir of immortality from heaven. Garuda stole the
same and gave it to the serpents. But by a crafty strategy, Garuda prevented them by
drinking the same and thus stood against their achieving immortality. From that point
onward, Garuda treated the snakes as his enemy and made them his food.
So here the Rishi alludes the character of the natives father as that of Garuda and tells us
that for persons who behave like the snakes, he will be a Garuda.


Siblings Of The Natives Father

8. We will tell about the co-borns of the father of the native. He will have 6 brothers.
Only 2 among them will have long life span. These 2 brothers will not stay together
and live separately and earn their living. To such a person of character, the native will
be born.



Characteristics Of The Native

9. Let us tell about the nature and characteristics of the native. He will have a thin, tall
body. He will have a fair red complexion. His body will have Pitta characteristic. He
will be learned and not think about harming anyone. He will be liked by kings who
follow justice and rightfulness. Listen to us more about this chart.

10. The native will be pure in his heart and will not have any cunningness towards others.
He will not learn Veda Sastras very much. He will not get angry. He will become rich
during the later part of his life. He will be attracted towards women and women will
also like him. He will have enmity among his relatives. He will be generous.

11. The native will be able to bring the Kings into his possession (by his charm or skills).
Will have a good heart and be affectionate with everyone else. He will be capable of
speaking skillfully. He will be lucky due to his wife. He will like flowers. He will
accumulate ancestral wealth. His gait will be of speed. He will take care of his coborns.

12. The person will have authoritative post in his village (Might be like a Panchayat
President). He will be famous and will be liked by everyone. He will know how to
differentiate good and bad deeds and has the ability to act wisely. He will be learned
and will have the tendency to help others. He will not have any lowly wishes. He will
eat nutritious food. His palm will contain the spiral lines (that resemble a wheel). He
will accumulate wealth in his later part of life.


13. The person will build a house decorated with a lot of artistic paintings. People will
listen to his words. He will help those who are in need. He will be serving God with
affection and love. He will be leading a life appreciated by his kith and kin. His words
will be respected and will be considered powerful. (Strangely this quality of the native is
repeated twice in the verse) He will be as beautiful as the Manmatha. He will be famous
and honorable family man.

Comments From Yenbeeyes:

Here the word Manmatha needs an explanation to those who have not read the various
Puranas in Hindu culture. Of course various stories are depicted in various Puranas about
Manmatha. But he was created by Brahma out of his mind. The word Man in Tamil means

mind. The verse also uses the word Citta which also means mind only. The rest of the story
of Manmatha can be read from Wikipedia or other Hindu Puranas.


14. The person will have canon teeth. The land he acquired from his ancestors will
prosper. His status will be better than his father. He will have a courageous mind and
will not have any deceitful thoughts. Oh! The one who gave birth to Lord Subramanya!
Our saying will come true.

Comments From C.G.Rajan:

The native will have a higher status than that of his father: Sun is placed in the 12th to the
Moon, the Rishi has stated like that. There is a reference to this in the Tamil Jataka
Alankaram verse 441 which reads as under:

Meaning: Count from the house where Moon is placed till the house where Sun is placed.
Divide this by three. If the remainder is one, Native will have a lesser status than that of his
father, if the remainder is two the native will have an equal status as that of his father and if
the remainder is three (here we have to take it as zero because dividing by we cannot get
three as remainder) then the status of the native will be higher to that of his father.
In this chart Moon is in Sagittarius and Sun is in Scorpio and hence the count will be 12 and
dividing by 3 we get zero which means that the native will have a higher status than that of
his father is what is stated by the Rishis.

( )


Siblings Of The Native

15. Going forward let us see about the prospects of his brothers. He will be blessed with a
brother and one sister and both will be younger to him. We will tell about the matters
relating to the younger brother of the native. Listen Parvati Matha!



Details Of Younger Brother Of The Native

16. The natives younger brother will be intelligent and capable of doing researches. He
will get the friendship of Kings. He will be secretive in nature and is capable of using
rhetorical words which will have double interpretations. He will be learned and will
cultivate and gain more grains. Listen, the begetter of the elephant headed Lord Ganesa.

17. The native's younger brother will have a reddish appearance and have a long and thin
appearance. His appearance will fall under the cittini category as per samudrika
lakshanam. He will be short tempered and he will be a good hearted person. He will
have a beautiful body like Manmadhan. He will gain from Cows and Goats. He will

have a beautiful gait and will be a firm hearted person.

Comments From C.G.Rajan:

Cittini category: The readers have to refer to Samudrika Lakshanam-2nd part Page 71. Those
who belong to this Citiini category will have a soft body, eyes will resemble that of a deer,
face will be like that of a lotus, the gait will be like that of an elephant and the voice will be
very soft.
Normally these are attributable to women. According to Samudrika Lakshana, there are four
kinds of women and they are Patumini, Cittini, Cankini and Attini.

18. Native's brother will be matured in his actions, tactical and will strategically interact
with others. He will not be close to his relations. He will live a rich and luxurious life
like that of Devendran (Indran). Let us tell more about his children. He will have only
one wife, one male child and two girl children.



Marriage Time Of The Native And Her Characteristics

19. The native's brother's wife will have a long life and we will tell more information
about her in the second part. Now let me tell about the natives marital life. In his 17th
year, he will get his spouse from the south direction. Please listen to her
Comments by C.G.Rajan:
Time of marriage of native: Venus dasa runs up to 17 years and 11 months. Venus is lord of
9th house. Moreover, he becomes kalathra karaka as well as lord of 2nd house of family.

Referring to Jataka Parijata 14th chapter 29th Sloka, Venus has got powers to bring about the
marriage. The Mercury Antardasa will be up to 10 years and 9 months. Mercury as lord of 10th
house, he is desirous of giving marriage. Hence in Venus dasa, Mercury Antardasa possibility of
marriage exists.
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
In Venus dasa the Mercury Antardasa will be for 2 years and 10 months and thereafter Ketu
Antardasa will be for 1 year 2 months. Since the balance of Venus dasa is stated as 17 years
and 11 months, Ketu Antar dasa will be from 16 years 9 months. Mercury Antardasa will be
from the age of 13 years and 11 months. However, it has been explained that Mercury
Antardasa will be at the age of 10 years and 9 months which is not acceptable.
Jataka Parijata 14th Chapter 29th Sloka: (This has already been explained under Virgo
Lagna-1st chart by me. However, I am reproducing the same for the benefit of the readers)

Meaning: If the lord of the 7th bhava be associated with Venus, its Dasa and Bhukti may lead
to marriage. Failing that, the dasa and Bhukti of the lord of the Rasi occupied by the planet
owning the 2nd bhava may have marriage producing efficacy. The Dasa and Bhukti of the
lords of the 10th and 9th bhavas come next in order. Lastly, note the planet associated with the
lord of the 7th bhava or the one occupying it. During the Dasa and Bhukti of one of these,
marriage may take place.
Also when there is a link between Lagna and the 7th house or Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord
early marriage is a possibility. Here the Lagna Lord Mercury is aspected by the 7th lord
Jupiter. Also the Chandra Lagna Lord happens to be the same Mercury and its 7th lord
becomes Jupiter.
If you apply BCP rules you will find that the 17th year is represented by 5th house wherein the
7th lord Jupiter is placed and its dispositor has gone to the 7th house. In other words there is
exchange of houses between the 5th and the 7th lords. Also the aspect of Jupiter falls on the
marriage houses of the 9th and the 11th. The same dispositor of the 7th house Jupiter going to
Capricorn, a sign indicating the South direction has brought in the wife from the South.

In transit also Jupiter will be transiting Taurus in the 17th year from where he will be
aspecting the 2nd house of family. Saturn also in transit will be in Virgo from where he will
be aspecting the natal 7th house and himself will be aspected by the transit Jupiter. Such is
the influence of the 7th house, its lord and the planet placed therein at the age of 17 of the


Characteristics Of Natives Wife

20. The native's wife will have a beautiful walk like that of a swan. She will be liked by
her husband. She will speak sweet words, will be fortunate, and will have very polite
characteristics. She will have a good heart to perform good deeds and charity.

21. The native's wife will not befriend the people with lowly characteristics. She will feed
other people and behave in such a way that others will appreciate and praise her. She
will be chaste and will be knowledgeable. We tell you that she will not have any bad
character. She will be a little short tempered.

22. When Vasishta Maharishi told this, Goddess Parvathi asked about the place where the
native's wedding will happen. Maharishi replies that the 2nd house has Mars and the 7th
house has Saturn. Hence, Parvathi Mother. (continued in next verse)


23. Because of this, his spouse will be from the south direction and the wedding will happen
in a place related to his mother. We assure that it will not happen in any of his place.
Goddess Parvathi asked, Is there a specific reason why the wedding will not happen in
his house?

Comments From Yenbeeyes:

Here the Rishi has taken the planet placed in the 2nd house and the 7th house. Mars in the 2nd
house of family indicates southern direction. Saturn from the 7th house aspecting the 4th
house of mother establishes a relationship between the marriage of the native and his
mother. Mars has got another qualification to conduct the marriage in the mothers place as
he aspects the 4th lord as well as the 7th lord Jupiter.

24. Since the relatives and kindred will have enmity with the family of the native. Goddess
Parvathi asked, Why did the relatives turn hostile?. Maharishi replied that it was due
to an act of the native's mother. Hence the wedding had to happen in another persons
Comments From Yenbeeyes:
Relatives are indicated by 4th house as also mother. In this chart the 4th lord Jupiter is
debilitated and is joined with his arch rival Rahu and also aspected by the fiery Mars who is
also lord of the 8th house. Hence, the enmity with the relatives and that too caused by the

25. Goddess Parvathi asked, Can you elaborate the reasons for the enmity that was caused
on account of the native's mother?. Maharishi said, Let me tell you about her
character. She is kind hearted towards the poor and needy. She has a pure heart, good
character and has lot of patience. In spite of such good character she was blamed

26. The native's mother will be abused. She will speak politely, she will have enmity with
her relatives, and she will feed everyone with love. She will be of reddish complexion
and have teeth resembling that of pearl. She will have a beautiful walk. She will have
faith and devotion towards superiors and elders.

27. The kith and kin of this person's mother's family will perish. A few have treated her
with scorn by raising issues on her and relatives will be against her and most of them
foster enmity. Let me tell about the previous birth of natives mother. Oh! Goddess
Parvathi, Listen.



Previous Birth Of The Natives Mother

28. Mother of this native was born in a Brahmin family in Chidambaram and was

childless. She and her husband visited sacred places. They visited a religious place
called Sethu (Rameswaram) and after taking bath in the ocean (which is considered as
sacred) performed religious deeds and worshiped Lord Shiva, who relieves them from
the sins committed during their previous birth.

29. Then both husband and wife went to the mutt (chowltry) there and while they were
happy there, let me tell you about an instance that happened which was due to their
destiny. A prostitute also arrived at the same place. The natives mother's husband (in
her previous birth) spoke sweet words and went to that prostitute.

30. Mother of this person became angry and spoke ill-words to the prostitute and insulted
her. The prostitute was very much hurt and became remorse. She got vexed and cursed
the mother of the native (in her previous birth). Listen! Oh! Goddess Parvathi.

31. The prostitute cursed her, In your next birth, you will have children and your husband will
die earlier than you, you will be hated by your relatives, you will be subjected to abuses and will
get bad name and will lead your life without your co-born.

32. Cursing her like that, the prostitute walked away from the mutt with a painful heart.
Due to this curse, the mother of this native did not have any children in her previous

33. She died before her husband in her previous birth and has taken the present life. So in
this life the curse is taking effect. We say so, Due to the enmity with their relatives,
she will conduct the marriage of her child (this native) in a village away from her own.

34. There is no prospect for the native to bear male child. He will have two female
children and they will have long life. Goddess Parvathi stopped here and asked Sage
Vasishtar, You said that there is no prospect for boy child, Can you explain regarding

35. Parvati continued to ask the reason for saying so. The Rishi replied that because of the
placement of Rahu in 5th house and the aspect of the 8th lord Mars on the 5th house, as also
because of the sins committed by the native in his previous birth, we said like that.

Comments From C.G.Rajan

Puthrakaraka Jupiter is debilitated in 5th house and is together with Rahu. This is a dosha. Lord
of a bhava placed in the Bhava, creates dosha fro the Bhava. i.e, Putrakaraka is in the putra bhava.
Please refer Sloka 26 in 15th chapter of Phaladeepika. Also, you can refer to Keeranur
Natarajan's Jataka Alankaram 590th verse.
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
Phaladeepika 15th Chapter-Verse 26:

Meaning: But others say that the Sun in the 9th, the Moon in the 4th, Mars in the 3rd, Jupiter
in the 5th, Venus in the 7th, and Saturn in the 8th will cause distress to the Bhavas concerned.
Readers would notice that in this chart Moon (karaka for mother) is in the 4th, Jupiter
(karaka for children) is in the 5th and Mercury (karaka for education) is in the 4th house.
Hence according to the above verse all these karakatwa of the Bhava concerned should be
spoiled. As far as children are concerned, the Rishi himself has stated that the 5th Bhava
indicating progeny is spoiled due to the placement of Jupiter there. What about the other
Bhavas. Let us see further and then come to a conclusion.
Jataka Alankaram Tamil By Keeranur Natarajan
Sloka 590

Meaning: This verse tells about the malefic planets placed in the 5th house. The malefics may be
single or may be conjoining another planet which may be a benefic or malefic. The blemish
occurs to the native himself if Saturn is there, to the father if Sun is there, to the mother if Moon is

there (Here probably Moon must be in Krishna Paksha), to his relations if Mercury is there
(naturally a malefic nature), to his paternal relations if Jupiter is there (must be a functional
malefic), to his progeny if Rahu is there, to his maternal uncle if Mars is there. If Jupiter is there
he will have problems of progeny is stressed in the last line.
A similar view is also found in another Tamil classic which states that when Rahu is placed
in the 5th house then that native will always be speaking poisonous words and will have no
BPHS also has a similar view which can be found in Chapter 83, Verse 8 of R.Santhanams
Pulippani Jothidam also explains this position.
Sloka 154
(5- )

Naga (Snake) Dosha (Rahu in the 5th house)
Summary: Rahu in the fifth house produces Puthra Dosha i.e. begetting children is denied
or loss of children due to Balarishta i.e. death as a child. I am telling you the remedy to
overcome this dosha. She must go round the pipal tree, then give oil bath to five virgins.
The dosha will vanish and a child will be born with good longevity.
Note: Fifth house is puthrasthanam or house of children. A malefic in this house causes
affliction. Rahu, a serpent denies children. Dosha means affliction or loss or denial. This
dosha can be removed if the lady goes round the pipal tree 108 times or 64 times or 32 or 12
times and should perform oil bath to five pure kannikas (virgins). Pure kannikas means girls

who have not attained age or puberty. She must give them mangala snanam i.e. oil bath and
give them new dress, feed them and give some money. By this the native can overcome the
dosha and become a mother. This dosha is generally referred to as Naga Dosham (Naga
means serpent).



Previous Birth Of The Native

36. Goddess Parvathi asks Rishi to brief about the sins committed by the person in the
previous birth. Vasishta Maharishi says, In his previous birth he was born in
Mahabalipuram in a saivaite family as a male child.

37. He was famous living comfortably with good/superior thoughts with land holdings,
wealth, and other fortunes. At that time as a result of the destiny arising from the
actions of previous birth, let me explain an incident that occurred in his life, Listen!
Goddess Parvathi.

38. There was a Cobra residing in the person's house. When it came out of the burrow.
The person hit it with a stick. The pregnant snake died along with the embryo and
went to the abode of Yama, the God of death. This blemish reached this person. Let us
tell about another sin committed by this person.

Comments From Yenbeeyes:

When it comes to curses, BPHS has got the clearest explanations. Refer to Sloka 9 of
Chapter 83.

Meaning: There will be no male issue due to the curse of a serpent if at birth Rahu is in the
5th house aspected by Mars.
How clearly this fits in here. There are other combinations also given and readers can refer
up to Sloka 16 which deal with the Sarpa Dosha or dosha caused on account of snake.

39. He got infatuated with a girl of Brahmin caste and had illegal sex with her and this
became a blemish. Thus two different sins were committed by him. During the last
period of his previous birth, he undertook pilgrimage to sacred and religious places and
also went to Sethu (Rameswaram).

40. After doing many donations as also giving alms and constructed a water-shed (to
quench the thirst), he died and based on the Brahma Lipi (destiny), he was born again
in this family.

41. The sins committed in the previous birth are affecting the person in this life. Maharishi
Parashara asks Vasishta Rishi, In past life he was born as a Saivaite (Follower of Lord
Siva) and now in the present life he is born as a Brahmin. Can you explain the reasons
for that?

42. Rishi Vasishta replies, this person in his previous birth visited Sethu (Rameswaram)
and performed sacred/holy bath (in the ocean there) and provided water-sheds to
quench the thirsts. Due to these reasons this person is born in a Brahmin family now.

43. Due to such good deeds, the sins committed in previous birth will not affect this
person in this birth. He will lead a superior life. Earlier we told that the sin due to
killing of the Cobra will not leave him. We will tell a remedy for removal of that


44. In the village where he was born, there would be a pipal tree near a beautiful tank in
the northern direction from where he lives. He must try to install a statue of snake

near the pipal tree and he will be blessed with a boy baby who will have a long life.

45. If you do not perform the remedy prescribed, he will not1 get male issue. If he
performs the remedy, he will have a male issue and two female children. Oh! Wife of
Lord Shiva who dresses his hair with a snake! Our predictions will come true without


Previous Birth Of The Father Of The Native
46. We will tell about the previous life of the native's father. In the auspicious or sacred
place called 'Tirupparankunram', he was born in Sengunthar family and became rich and
got devoted towards Lord Murugan and was serving Him, with his own money he
donated a chariot for the God and a beautiful garden.
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
The place mentioned as Tirupparankunram in this verse is a small township located 10
kilometers from the city of Madurai, in Tamil Nadu, South India. It is renowned for its
temple dedicated to Lord Muruga, a Hindu God who is revered by the people of Tamil Nadu.
This temple is one of the six battle fields of Lord Muruga called as Arupadai Veedu in
Tamil. The other 5 places are Tiruchendur, Palani, Swamimalai, Tiruthani and
Pazhamuthircholai. Each place has its own story associated with Lord Muruga.


Are the remedies one is to perform destined or an act of free will ? - SA

47. The natives father fed the devotees who came to the temple and was a good man on
this earth. He built a compound wall around the temple by spending lot of money and
lived without committing any sins. During his final days in life he died without any
suffering or pain.


Next Birth Of The Father Of The Native
48. Father of this native in his next birth will be born in a Brahmin family in a place called
Varanasi. He will worship lord Shiva in the second half of his life and after death will
become one of the celestials. Oh! Goddess Parvathi who gave birth to Lord Muruga, All
the predictions will come true without fail.


Time Of Death Of Parents Of The Native
49. We will tell about the demise of this natives father. When the native is in his 9th year
in the month of Aani (between 15th June and 14th July) his father will pass away.
Mother will pass away when the native is of 34 years2 in the month of Kanni (Virgo)

Use BCP (Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi) after one has used the yogas (common sense) and see that the 9th year would be the
9H being activated that year and its lord aspects it making it more active, and karaka of death aspects this 9H. The 9L
Venus conjoins with Sun (karaka of father) in the 3H of death of parents (BPS Chap 11 Shl 3). For mothers death the 34 th
year would be the 10H , its lord Mer is sitting in the 4H of mother with Moon the karaka of mother and also the 8 th lord from
4H who also disposits Ketu (exit) and this in turn is aspected by Saturn the karaka of death. Note in both cases Saturn is also
the lord of Akala Mrityu (untimely death) in this chart. - SA

(between 15th September to 14th October), which is when the Sun transits the sign
Comments from C.G.Rajan:
Death of father:
When the native is of 9 years old he will be running Venus Mahadasa and Rahu and Jupiter
Antardasa. 9th house of this chart Taurus is the Pitur Lagna (Lagna of father). The lord of
this Lagna Venus is combust as he is with the Sun which itself is a blemish. The 8th aspect
of Mars on Taurus is another blemish. The 3rd aspect of Saturn on Taurus is the third
blemish. The 7th aspect of Sun on Taurus is the 4th blemish. The 11th aspect of Ketu on Taurus
is the 5th blemish. The lord of longevity for the Pitur Lagna is Jupiter and is debilitated and
conjoins Rahu which will reduce the life of the father. Jupiter becomes the 8th lord for Taurus
and also aspects Taurus, hence the blemish to the father gets increased. Venus becomes the 6th lord
for the Pitur Lagna and is placed in the 7th house from Taurus and hence has got authority to
bring death to the father. Slokas 22 and 46 of Jataka Chandrika, 4th Sloka of Maha Dasa
chapter of Kumaraswamiyam should be taken as reference here. Hence Venus becomes the
maraka planet for the father. As per Sukra Nadi (other than Lagna Lord), there is a possibility
of death of the relative indicated by the bhava during the dasa of that bhava lord. i.e. in the dasa of the
9th lord, the relative representing that bhava which is the father here, death is likely to happen to that
relation. Hence Venus in his dasa is capable of bringing the death of the father. Rahu aspects
the Pitur Lagna lord Venus through his 11th aspect. He has conjoined the 8th lord from Pitru
Lagna, Jupiter who is debilitated. Hence as per Thuyya Keralam slokas 12th and 20th in the
chapter on 8th bhava, Rahu gets authority to bring about the death of the father during his
Antar dasa. In the month stated viz. Ani i.e. between 15th June and 14th July, the native will
be of 8 years and 7 months old. At that time Rahu Antar dasa ends and Jupiter Antar dasa
begins. Jupiter is weak, having become the 8th lord for Taurus and getting debilitated. Hence
as per Sloka 40 of Jataka Chandrika, 14th Sloka of 8th Bhava chapter of Thuyya Keralam,
Jupiter is more powerful than Rahu to inflict death during his Antar dasa.
Death of mother:
When the native is of 34 years old in the month of Purattasi which falls between 15th
September and 14th October the Mahadasa will be of Moon and the Antar dasa will be of
Sun. Since the karaka for mother is in the 4th house of mother itself, Moon gets authority to
inflict death to her. This is as per Sukra Nadi. The Lagna of the mother is the 4th house which
is Sagittarius. The 8th lord to Sagittarius is Moon and as per Thuyya Keralam 14th Sloka of
chapter on 8th Bhava Moon has got the authority to end the life of the mother. Further,
Moon has conjoined Mercury, the 10th Lord of the native. For Sagittarius Lagna, as per Jataka
Chandrika 60th Sloka, Venus is the maraka. The planet associated with Venus which is Sun
here, is also getting the authority to bring about the death of the mother as per 23rd Sloka of
Jataka Chandrika. Hence in the Mahadasa of Moon and Antar dasa of Sun, death of the

mother has been predicted.

Comments from Yenbeeyes:
Many classical references have been made in the above explanations by C.G.Rajan. I am
giving below the exact verses from Jataka Chandrika, Kumaraswamiyam. I could not locate the
exact Sloka of Sukra Nadi. Unfortunately I do not have copy of Thuyya Keralam with me.
Additionally, I am quoting some relevant verses from one more Tamil classic which goes by
the name of Chandra Kaviyam wherein we find some similarities between Jataka Chandrika
First let us work out the Dasa and Antar dasa. At the time of birth it is stated that Venus
Dasa balance is 17 years and 11 months. Working out backwards we will get the following
Antar dasas in Venus Mahadasa
From Age
10 Y 9 M
13 Y 11 M
16 Y 9 M

To Age
10 Y 9 M
13 Y 11 M
16 Y 9 M
17 Y 11 M


Antar dasa period

2 Y 10 M

Ninth year, the native will be running as per the above table Rahu as well as Jupiter Antar
dasa in Venus Maha dasa. This is the Antar dasa in which the natives father dies.
After Venus Dasa Sun dasa is of 6 years and Moon dasa is of 10 years which means Moon
dasa will start at the age of 23 years and 11 months and will end in 33 years 11 months. In
Moon dasa the last Antar dasa will be that of Sun and it will be for a period of 5 months.
Hence Sun Antardasa will begin when the native is 33 years 6 months and will end in 33
years 11 months which will be his 34th year.
Next we will take up the classical slokas referred to above.
Jataka Chandrika.
Sloka 22:

Meaning: The 8th house from Janma Lagna and the 8th house from the 8th house that is the 3rd

house are the houses of longevity. The vyaya houses or house of loss which is the 12th house
from these two houses are 7th house and 2nd house and are known as Maraka houses.

Meaning: The 2nd house is stronger in inflicting death than the 7th; planets who occupy the 2nd are
stronger in killing persons than the lords of the 2nd; those who are in conjunction with the
lord of the 2nd are still more powerful in causing death.
Sloka 46:
The actual Sloka number as per Suryanarain Raos translation are Verses 44 and 45 which
talks about Taurus Lagna. Verse Number 46 is for Gemini Lagna. Hence, I am giving below
Verses 44 and 45.
Sloka 44:

Meaning: To the person born in Taurus Lagna, Jupiter, Venus and Moon are evil planets.
Saturn and Sun are good planets. Saturn alone is capable of giving Raja Yoga to a person
born in Taurus Lagna.
Sloka 45:

Meaning: If evil planets like Jupiter and others as stated above are possessed of death
inflicting powers they will kill the native born in Taurus Lagna in their respective periods
and sub-periods.
Explanations: From the above slokas it is very clear that Jupiter and Venus are malefics to
Taurus Lagna. Jupiter as the 8th lord for Taurus Lagna which is the Lagna of father becomes
a maraka.
Kumaraswamiyam (A Tamil treatise)
Chapter on Maha Dasa

Sloka 4:

Meaning: The dasa of a debilitated planet if it comes as the 3rd dasa, if the 4th dasa is of Saturn, if the
5th dasa is of a planet which is combust or if it is Mars dasa, if the 6th dasa is of Jupiter, if the 7th dasa
is of an enemy planet, for short life-the 3rd dasa, for middle life-5th dasa and for long life 7th dasa and
the planet placed at the end of the bhava are the maraka dasas. The 6th and the 8th lords if they are
conjoined with enemy planets, dispositor of the upagrahas and other planets conjoined with
these will also be inflicting death in their dasas. The dasa of the dispositor of Ketu and the
dasa of the malefics placed in the 4th and 10th houses from Moon and the dasa of the lord of
Pachaka are also capable of giving death.
Explanations: The above verse lists various dasas of planets situated in different positions
which will bring about death of the native. As far as this chart is concerned, Taurus is to be
taken as the Lagna as it is the 9th house of father. Now the 6th lord is Venus and is combust
and aspected by Rahu by its 11th aspect makes it eligible to inflict death for a Taurus Lagna
native who is the father of the native here. Though the verse is listed under the Mahadasa
chapter, it is seen that the natives father died in Jupiter Antardasa which becomes the 6th
Antardasa in Venus Dasa.
Chandra Kavyam:
Sloka 50:


Meaning: For Taurus Lagna Moon, Jupiter and Venus are malefics. Sun and Saturn are
benefics. But Saturn alone is capable of giving benefits or Yoga.

Explanation: Taurus being a fixed Lagna the 3rd lord as well as the 8th lord are special
Marakas. Venus, though Lagna Lord becomes a maraka on account of his being the lord of 6th
also which is his Moolatrikona house. So the natives father met with his death in Venus
dasa and Jupiter Antar dasa.
Mothers death:
The classical references given for this event are Sukra Nadi, Thuyya Keralam and Jataka
Chandrika. As said earlier, the exact Sloka reference in Sukra Nadi could not be located and I
do not have copy of Thuyya Keralam. The Jataka Chandrika verse 60 is actually Verse No.
63 in Suryanarain Rows edition.
Jataka Chandrika
Sloka 63

Meaning: To the person born in Sagittarius Lagna Venus is alone evil. Sun and Mars are
productive of good. The combination of Sun and Mercury produces Rajayogam. Sani himself
does not kill even when possessed of death inflicting powers.

Meaning: Venus and other evil planets when invested with death inflicting powers, kill the
person born in Sagittarius and these results must be carefully predicted by the learned.
Sloka 23 mentioned by C.G.Rajan is actually Sloka 25

Meaning: If the periods of the planets occupying or owning death houses do not come in
time to cause death then death may happen in the Dasa of planets who are not Yogakarakas
but who are auspicious and combine with the lords of death houses; if death does not happen
in these it must be predicted in the periods of the lords of the 3rd and 8th houses.

Explanations: From the first Sloka, for the Lagna of mother which is Sagittarius, Venus
becomes a maraka. From the 2nd Sloka, it becomes clear that Sun which has joined Venus
also becomes maraka on account of its association with Venus. Also the 8th lord is capable of
bringing about death. So in the dasa of Sun and in the Antardasa of Moon mother died.



Time Of Birth Of The Native And His Next Birth

50. We will now tell about the death of the native. In his 54th year, in the month of
Sagittarius (15th December to 14th January), when the Sun is in the Sagittarius sign, on
a full moon day, his body will be affected by contraction of limbs (rheumatism) and
destroyed3. We will continue with the next birth of the native. Listen Oh! Goddess
Comments from C.G.Rajan
At the time of death of the native he will be of 53 years and one month. At that time he will
be running Rahu dasa, Venus Antar dasa. As per Sloka number 54 of Jataka Chandrika the
7th house lord Jupiter becomes a maraka. Further he is in debilitation. As per Sloka 23 of
Jataka Chandrika, planet associated with Jupiter is Rahu, and hence he is more powerful than
Jupiter to inflict death. For Virgo Lagna, lord of the 2nd house Venus is a maraka as per Jataka
Chandrika 23rd Sloka. But according to Sloka 54 Venus will not kill. However, here Venus is
combust having conjoined Sun, he gets maraka powers. Hence it is stated that for the native
Rahu dasa, Venus Antardasa will be the maraka dasa.
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
Here again, C.G.Rajan has taken reference from Jataka Chandrika only. Since the verse
numbers differ with the copy I have, I am again quoting the Sloka numbers as found in my
possession. Sloka numbers 23 and 54 are the two taken for reference. Sloka numbers 22 and 23
are given above and Sloka number 54 is actually Sloka number 56 and both the slokas
representing Virgo Lagna are reproduced with their meanings.

Use BCP and see that the 54th year would be the 6H in the cycle, its lord Saturn aspects the Lagna and lagna lord
Mercury. Saturn is karaka of death and here it is lord of Akala Mrityu (untimely death) and also Saturn is karaka of
rheumatism and is aspecting the 10L Mer, 10H is knees and rheumatism. - SA

Jataka Chandrika:
Sloka 56 & 57

Meaning: Venus, Moon, Jupiter and Mars are evil to the person born in Virgo Lagna. Venus
alone gives good. Mercury and Venus when in conjunction produce Rajayoga (57)
Sun does not kill the person himself. Mars and others who are evil kill the native. In this
way the learned should judge these results good and bad after careful consideration. (58)
Explanations: Moon dasa stated earlier, will end when the native is of 33 years and 11 months.
After that 7 years of Mars dasa will end in 40 years and 11 months. Next dasa is of Rahu and
the Antar dasa calculation will be as below:
From Age
40 Y 11 M
43 Y 7 M 12 D
46 Y 0 M 6 D
48 Y 10 M 12 D
51 Y 5 M
52 Y 5 M 18 D

To Age
43 Y 7 M 12 D
46 Y 0 M 6 D
48 Y 10 M 12 D
51 Y 5 M
52 Y 5 M 18 D
55 Y 5 M 18 D


Antar dasa period

2 Y 8 M 12 D
2 Y 4 M 24 D
2 Y 10 M 6 D
2 Y 6 M 18 D
1 Y 0 M 18 D

Hence it is confirmed that at the time of death of the native Rahu dasa, Venus Antar dasa
was running. Rahu is capable of inflicting death on account of his association with Jupiter
who is a worst malefic for Virgo Lagna on account of the tri-dosha he gets which are the
Marakathipathya (7th lord), Badhakathipathya (for dual lagna 7th lord is Badhaka) and
Kendradipathya. Majority of the classics do not ascribe malefic powers for Venus leave alone
the maraka powers which is because he owns the 9th house of Bhagya also. In Chandra
Kavyam it is stated that meaning that when a planet owns the
9th trikona or the 10th Kendra they become very powerful in producing Rajayoga even if they
have another ownership of a malefic bhava. But the association of malefic planets do not
allow the planet to produce the desired results. Here Venus is conjoined with the 12th lord of
Exit as also aspected by Rahu about whom we have discussed above. Hence Venus has given
the death of the native.


51. In a village near a sacred place where Vedas are chanted, called Chidambaram, the
native will take his next birth. He will live with authority and power. He will own
horses, elephants, soldiers and human vehicles. O! Goddess Parvathi, listen to what we
tell more!



Yoga Prospects Of The Native

52. We will tell about the yoga or fortunes of the native. Oh! Mother Parvathi. He will rule
his place from the age of 17 until his death. He will have all the wealth, fortunes, and

53. The native will construct his own house by his own efforts in his 21st year. He will help
all the people who are in need and approaches him for help. He will capture the
attention of people. In his 27th year he will get a treasure and wealth. He will retain the
ancestral property.


54. After this period he will not have any loans or debts. He will help others. In the dasa
of Moon, Goddess Lakshmi will reside in his house (meaning that he will be wealthy and
prosperous). He will lead a life of higher status than his brothers. He will have a lot of
rich food such as milk, curd, and ghee in his house. Oh Goddess Parvati! Listen to what
we are going to say more.
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
All the above Yogas are experienced by the native during his Sun and Moon Mahadasa as his
Venus dasa will be over at his 18th year. Sun is lord of 12th and Moon is lord of 11th and hence
both are malefics. So normally good results cannot be expected during these two dasas. But
how then the Rishis have stated all good results during these two dasas. Pulippani Sitthar has
got the answer. This is what is called as Asraya Phala or Placement results. Here are the two
Sloka 40:

Beneficial Results of Sun
Summary: If Sun occupies the 3 or 6th, 10th /or 11th, his family God and other Gods will stay
with him in his house and protect him (the Native). The native will be blessed with great
wisdom, intelligence, meritorious children and favor from Government. He will have good
vehicles. He will conquer all enemies and he will prove to be a friend of good people.

Note: The Author begins with the Asraya Palam i.e. the result of planets occupying various
Bhavas. He explains which are the bhavas from which a planet gives good results and the
bhavas from which it gives malefic results. These are applicable to all Lagnas.

Sloka 42:

Results on account of placement of Moon
Summary: Moon in 2, 11, Kendram (Angles 1, 4, 7, 10) and in Konam (Trines 5, 9) is good.
The native will be blessed with house, property, lands, vehicle, many milking cattle. He will
get the favor of the Government and foreign Government also. But he should not be joined
or aspected by powerful malefics.
Additionally, Sun is with the 9th lord who is a powerful trikona lord and Moon is with
Mercury Lagna as well as the 10th Kendra lord. Also the 5th house which is the 9th from 9th
house and the 6th house which is the 10th from the 9th house are also treated as Dharma,
Karma places and the lords of these houses also produce Raja Yoga. Here Saturn owns the 5th
and 6th houses and for Virgo Lagna Saturn is a Yogakaraka and he aspects the Moon and
Mercury conjunction. So the dasa of Moon from the 24th year to the 34th year should be a
fortunate dasa during which period he gets treasure, wealth etc.



Next Birth Of Mother

55. We will tell about the next birth of his mother. She will be born in a Brahmin family
in Kanchipuram. She will be having a higher status. When Vasishtar told this, Goddess
Parvathi interrupted and asked You told so many things about the native's mother in

this birth.

56. (Parvathi continues)Can you also tell why she will be born in a Brahmin family in her
next birth? Vasishtar replied that the natives mother was very devoted and was
worshipping God. So we said that she will be born in a Brahmin family. Oh Goddess
Parvathi, sister of Vishnu who measured the whole earth in a step. Listen!

Comments from Yenbeeyes:
The Rishi addresses Parvati as the wife of one who measured the whole earth in three steps.
Just for a digression I am giving the story behind this.
Lord Mahavishnu, to save his devotees from the atrocities committed by the demons had
taken incarnation in this material world time and again. His Avatar Leelas are manifold and
beyond our count. However, ten incarnations are considered as the most important ones and
they are Matsya, Koorma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parasurama, Rama, Balarama,
Krishna and Kalki.
BPHS has a separate chapter on these incarnations.
Now, in this verse, there is a reference to the Vamana Avatara which is from Jupiter. In this
avatar Lord Vishnu presents himself on earth in a dwarf form. Bali, the grandson of Prahlada
was a valorous and mighty demon King. By his penance and might, he conquered the whole
world. Indra and other Gods fearing that he and Asuras would conquer all the three worlds,
went to Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu was then born as a dwarf Vamana in the
household of a Brahmin priest. After growing up he went to Bali and requested alms. Bali
was delighted to offer him anything he requested even though his priest warned him that it
was Lord Vishnu. Vamana then requested for the amount of land that could come under his

three feet. Bali gracefully agreed. Lord Vishnu then grew in size and covered the earth and
heaven in two strides. And due to lack of space for the third foot, he put his leg on Balis head
and sent him to Patala (underground). Hence Vishnu is called here as the measurer of the

57. The native was born in Venus dasa, with a balance of 17 years and 11 months. Let us
tell you the effects of this dasa. The family of this native will have a lot of expenses.
The father of the native will expire and the relatives will turn into foes. The family
will have a lot of difficulties and frustrations due to travel.

58. In this dasa of Venus, the native will get married. He will be blessed with the
opportunity to visit the kings and gain the powers in the Government. There will be
difficulties in the minds of the native and his family. He will have brothers and their
families will expand. Whatever the native thinks will not happen and everything goes
against him. Let us tell you more details in the second part.
Some General Observations:
1. Rahus aspect:
It is worth quoting here about the 11th aspect of Rahu mentioned in Pulippani Jothidam 300 of
Rishi Pulippani. Here is the sloka No 10 of Pulippani Jothidam which Saptarishis Astrology is
currently getting it translated since few months:
Sloka 10:

In the 3rd line from the last it is mentioned that Rahu and Ketu aspect the 3rd and 11th houses from its
2. Karako Bhava Nasya i.e. Karaka destroys the Bhava
Two planets Moon and Jupiter are in the bhavas representing their karakatwa. Moon
representing mother is in the 4th house and Jupiter indicating children are in the 5th bhava.
Position of Jupiter has already been explained in the verses above taking its debilitation
position as well as the rule Karako Bhava Nasya.. One thing that has not been stated
anywhere is that Jupiter is getting Neecha bangha or cancellation of debilitation as also he
is having Parivarthana or exchange of house with Saturn. Hence the result of which would
be good though initial troubles are expected.
But for Moon this rule was not applied. Why? That should have affected the natives mother
too. Because the 4th lord Jupiter is also debilitated and aspected by the 3rd and 8th lord Mars.
But his mother lived up to his 34th year. Moon is further afflicted being subjected to
Papakartari Yoga. But Moon is aspected by Saturn who is treated as a benefic for Virgo
Lagna as per Chandra Kaviyam. He is with Mercury the Lagna Lord as well as the powerful
10th Kendra Lord. There is a rule which lays down that there is no dosha for the 10th Kendra
Lord. On account of this the rule Karako Bhava Nasya did not operate as far as mother is

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