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User Guide: GMID

User Guide
Global Market Information Database (GMID)

The Global Market Information Database (GMID) is an integrated on-line information system providing key
business intelligence on countries, companies, markets and consumers. This user guide explains how to
use the system. The following topics are covered:

Familiarising yourself with the home page ..............................................................................2

Free-text searching .....................................................................................................................3
Effective free-text search tips ............................................................................................................2
Menu-driven searching...............................................................................................................4
Understanding results list..........................................................................................................5
Report builder................................................................................................................................5
Modifying search terms..............................................................................................................7
Modifying search results............................................................................................................8
Analysis tools..............................................................................................................................9
Output features .........................................................................................................................11
Saving your results...................................................................................................................12
Retrieving searches ..................................................................................................................12
Data definitions .........................................................................................................................13

Euromonitor International 1
User Guide: GMID

1. Familiarising yourself with the homepage

Text search box

Free-text search criteria are entered in a text
box. Check boxes are used to select the
information required
Market reports
Company profiles and shares
Sources of information

Menu search trees

There are two menu search trees, geography
and category.

Saved searches
Access saved searches.

About GMID
An introduction to GMID.

About Euromonitor
A background to Euromonitor International.

User guide
Access this document.

Email the GMID helpdesk with any
data-related questions.

Contact us
Contact details for Euromonitors regional

Whats new
Updates on the latest research and functionality.

Euromonitor International 2
User Guide: GMID

2. Text searching
Enter your search terms in the free-text search
To speed up the search uncheck boxes to
deselect data types
e.g. If you want Statistics, deselect Market
reports, Companies and shares and Sources

Title searches for market reports with key

words in the title. e.g. Yoghurt will not highlight
the World Market For Dairy Products report

Text searches for sections of a market

report with key words in the body of the text.
Searching for Yoghurt produces 392 hits

Click Run Search for a results list.

Effective free-text search tips

The free-text search feature allows the standard Boolean terms AND, OR and AND NOT, defaulting to
AND if no explicit term is supplied. It supports phrase matching using quotation marks ("), and wildcard
matching using the asterisk character (*).

1. Simple searching
Most searches can be fulfilled with a simple list of keywords you require in your results. For example,
canned food France will return only data containing the above words. This is equivalent to searching for
canned AND food AND France

We advise against searching with only a common single term such as 'food' or 'USA' as the number of
matches returned will be extremely high. It is better to qualify your search as in Food USA.
Note that search terms are not case-sensitive.

To search for optional words use OR in the search. For example, canned OR frozen returns data containing
either canned or frozen. It is best to combine optional and required searches using AND and OR with
brackets. For example, canned AND (France OR Germany)

If brackets are omitted, 'AND' is resolved before 'OR', which may not produce the results you want. For
example, canned OR frozen AND food is interpreted as canned OR (frozen AND food). To prevent
ambiguity, explicitly specify the resolution order using brackets: (canned OR frozen) AND food

2. Excluding terms
You can exclude results by placing AND NOT in front of them, so: canned AND food AND France AND
NOT volume will return the same as the first search phrase described above, but exclude any results
containing the word volume.

3. Phrase matching
You can search for a phrase by including it within speech marks: canned food AND France returns only
data containing "Canned Food" as a phrase; this is more specific and should return fewer matches than:
canned AND food AND France

4. Wild card searching

You can use the asterisk * to indicate an ambiguous start or end of a word, for instance France AND tele*
returns telephone and televisions in France. This is useful for searching regardless of tense or plurality.

Note that text searching is accent sensitive so you will need to include these or type part of the word/s in
question without accents (eg type 'este lauder' or 'lauder' not 'estee lauder).

Euromonitor International 3
User Guide: GMID

3. Menu-driven searching
There are two menus to select from: geography
and category. The menus are expandable by
clicking [+].

Select geography
Select the World, a region or a country from the
expandable geography tree.

Double-click a region to search for regional

total plus individual country data.
Click once on a region to search for regional
total only.
Click [+] to expand without selecting
Click once on a country to select or deselect
an individual country

Hyperlinks allow selection of countries belonging

to recognised economic regions: APEC,
ASEAN, Commonwealth, EU, EuroZone, G8,
Mercosur, NAFTA, NAM, OECD

Select category
Displays all available categories. Icons indicate
the information available at each level. If there
is no icon shown, there is no data available at
this level. However, data will be available for
Statistics Companies and shares
Market reports Sources

Double-click to select category total and all

Click [+] to expand without selecting
Click once on category to select or de-
select single items.

Run search
Click here to run a search without previewing
selection criteria

Search summary
Click here to preview a summary of your
selection. Click Search to proceed to results
page or click Modify selection to alter your
search criterion.

Euromonitor International 4
User Guide: GMID

Menu-driven search [continued]

Filter categories Menu tree filtered to find fish

Use the text box at the bottom of the menu tree
to locate information of interest quickly. Type
your search term and click filter categories to
view all categories where the word appears.
Select the information of interest as above.

Clear filter
This button clears the filtered menu and returns
to the full category menu tree. It does not clear
selections any that have been made. Continue
to add to your selection by choosing a new
search term in the text box and clicking filter

Clear search
Clears all selections from all menu trees

Euromonitor International 5
User Guide: GMID

4. Understanding results list

. results list provides a summary of data

The Results list
types matching your search criteria:
Market reports
Market share and performance indicators
Company profiles
Opens a table of contents for a market report

Quick access to results

If you are interested in a single piece of
information click the underlined text to go
directly to information of interest. Data is
presented in an interactive format.

Multiple selections
Use the check boxes to make multiple
selections, then choose how you wish to view
the information
Load data
If your selection is from the statistics menu data
can be loaded in an interactive format.
On-screen analysis functions allow you to
manipulate and recalculate data.

Load data into a combined report

Load data into a pdf document
These are static summaries of the information
you have chosen.

Output statistics to Excel

If your selection is from the statistics menu, data
can be loaded directly into Excel.

Report builder
This feature allows you to select data from all
data type menus and build a customised report.
Check the boxes of interest and click Build
report to generate a report

Select all
Checks all boxes in the results list

Reports archive
Allows you to view previous editions of
published reports.

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User Guide: GMID

5. Modifying search terms

Refine search Refine search

Free-text searches can be modified using the
Refine search function. Change your free-
text search terms and click Run Search

Modify search
Menu-driven searches can by altered using the
Modify search button. It returns to the
geography and category menu screens,
allowing new selections to be added or

New search
Clears menu screens to run new search.

Modify search

Euromonitor International 7
User Guide: GMID

6. Modifying search results

Change selection
Use the drop down boxes to change information
displayed in your results table. All other search
criterion remains unchanged.
Add/remove geography change the countries selected
Add/remove categories change the categories

Related data
Use the drop down boxes to view content related
to your search selection.

Market reports
Quick link to market reports and lifestyle reports
related to the countries and categories in your
results table. You can jump to sections of interest
using the Table of contents. Company profiles

Socio-economic data
Quick link to key socio-economic data related to
the countries selected in your results table.

Information sources
View related information sources related to the
datatypes selected in your results table.

Company profiles
View key company information for leading national
brand owning companies and detailed profiles of
top multinationals. Use tabs to view key events,
corporate summary, financials, employees, market Country profiles
share and subsidiaries.

Country profiles
Access a political and economic summary of a
country. Click for quick cross-country

Original search
Return to the results listing page.

Euromonitor International 8
User Guide: GMID

7. Analysis tools
There are on-screen analysis tools which allow you to manipulate and re-calculate statistics

View per capita trends Data viewed by country

Click this icon to divide every cell by
the population in that country.

View per household trends

Click this icon to divide every cell by
the number of households in that

Group data by type

The focus of the data (whether it is
viewed by country or category) can
be changed easily by selecting
clicking this icon. This will change
the axis of the table.

Sum selected rows

Use check boxes to select which rows
to sum and create unique totals by
summing data

Calculate data as % of current row Data viewed by category

Use check box to select a row and
express all other data in the table as a %
Time series
Change the time series of the data set.

Select currency
Convert local currency to euro, JPY or US$.

View value data at constant prices to take out the
effect of inflation. Use the drop down box to select
a base year for constant prices, or select current
price. The default is current price

Select data type

Use the drop down box to view volume and/or value

Select growth
Quantify growth patterns. Analyse growth year-on-
year, across a selected period or use growth Creating unique totals

Period growth is the total growth, expressed in

percentage terms, across either the forecasted or
historic period.

Year-on-year growth is the yearly annual growth,

expressed in percentage terms.

Growth index is the cumulative growth for either the

historic or forecasted period, expressed as an index
where the base year of the historic or forecasted
period = 100
Euromonitor International 9
Rank data
Click the year column heading to rank all data in a
chosen year.
User Guide: GMID

Analysis tools [continued]

Market shares and performance indicators
View market share, sales or net profit data for leading multinationals and top national companies by
clicking on the relevant tab at the top of your results screen. Click on the company name to view a company

Ranking by year
Companies are ranked by data in current year.
You can choose to rank by an earlier year by
clicking on the year column header.

Rankings by country of origin

Click country name to group results by a

Related rankings
Change your selection to look at national,
regional or world performance rankings.

Select currency
Currency data is presented in US$. You can
change the currency to Euro or to local

Select related sales ranking

Top companies are ranked by total sales as a
default. Data can by ranked by other sales
related criteria by selecting from the drop down
Sales growth
Sales per employee

Select related profit rankings

Top companies are ranked by total net profit as
a default. Data can by ranked by other profit
related criteria by selecting from the drop down
Total net profit
Profit growth
Profit per employee

Euromonitor International 10
User Guide: GMID

8. Output features

Printer friendly
Display a printer friendly version of your results. Select File and Print to print what
you see on your screen.

Your spreadsheet can be exported into Excel for further manipulation or for
incorporation into reports and presentations.

Save search
Click here to save your search on the system for future use.

Create a PDF of your results. You must have Adobe Acrobat installed to perform this

View report
View the report in full.

Euromonitor International 11
User Guide: GMID

9. Saving your results

Click the disk icon on your results page

to save results.

Your searches can be named and saved in

your personal file or made available to all
GMID users in your organisation.

10. Retrieving searches

Click Saved Searches on the main menu

to view saved searches.

Show my searches
Access searches you have saved for

Show my organisations searches

Access searches saved to be seen by your

Saved searches can be sorted by name,

category or date of search. You can also use
the free text facility - enter any part of the
name of a previously saved search and click

Deleting searches
Check boxes to delete saved searches when
they are no longer useful.

Download a saved search

Click on the search name to open a saved

Euromonitor International 12
User Guide: GMID

11. Data Definitions

Constant prices Value trends with inflation excluded, also called "real terms".

Current prices Value trends with inflation included, also called "nominal prices".

"Growth index" Cumulative growth (or decline) for either the historic or forecast period, expressed as an
index where the base year of the historic or forecast period = 100.

"Period growth" Total growth, expressed in percentage terms, across either the historic or forecast period.

"Year-on-year growth" Yearly (annual) growth, expressed in percentage terms.

"Compound annual growth (CAGR)" Annual average growth, expressed in percentage terms, for either
the historic or forecast period.

"Tonnes" Euromonitor reports metric tonnes, where 1 tonne = 1,000 kilos

Ex rates Exchange rates.

US$ (fixed ex rate) US dollar data converted from local currency using same latest year exchange rate
for each year of the historic period. US dollar trend calculated from this data will therefore be exactly the
same as the local currency trend.

US$ (y-o-y ex rates) US dollar data converted from local currency using exchange rates for each year of
the historic period. US dollar trend calculated from this data will therefore include effect of exchange rate

JPY (fixed ex rate) Japanese yen data converted from local currency using same latest year exchange
rate for each year of the historic period. Japanese yen trend calculated from this data will therefore be
exactly the same as the local currency trend.

JPY (y-o-y ex rates) Japanese yen data converted from local currency using exchange rates for each
year of the historic period. Japanese yen trend calculated from this data will therefore include effect of
exchange rate fluctuations.

Euro (fixed ex rate) Euro data converted from local currency using same latest year exchange rate for
each year of the historic period. Euro trend calculated from this data will therefore be exactly the same as
the local currency trend.

Euro (y-o-y ex rates) Euro data converted from local currency using exchange rates for each year of the
historic period. Euro trend calculated from this data will therefore include effect of exchange rate fluctuations.

rsp Retail selling price - retail selling price, ie sales at end price to consumer, including retailer and
wholesaler mark-ups and sales tax (except in US and Canada) and excise taxes.

NBO National brand owner, ie producer (companys own brand or under license) or distributor of brand.

GBO Global brand owner, ie ultimate owner of brand.

LBN Local brand name, ie brand recorded by Euromonitor analysts at country product level this may
or may not extend to variant level depending on detail of source data available.

Nominal prices Value trends with inflation included, also called "current prices".

Real terms Value trends with inflation excluded, often called "constant prices".

Off-trade Sales through retail outlets (typically used in reference to sales of alcoholic drinks).

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