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Atmospheric characteristics
The main part of the radiance measured from high flying aircraft or satellite s
form multiple scattering in the atmosphere. Therefore, the remaining signal is
interpreted in terms of suspensions only after a careful correction for the
spherical contribution. For this reason the varying optical parameters of
atmosphere enter the radioactive transfer calculations' (Fischer J, 1989).
Before we study the effects of solar radiation and atmospheric properties, we
shall consider the mass quantities which determine the spectral upward
radiance. The source of the short wave radiation field in. atmosphere is the
Sun emitting' in a broad spectral range.
The extraterrestrial irradiance at the top of the atmosphere, the solar constant,
depends, on the black body emission of the Sun's Photosphere and on
scattering and,absorption process in the Sun's chromosphere.
Important-Fraunhofer lines caused by the strong absorption in the Sun's

chromosphere show some prominent drops in the spectral distribution of the

solar radiation. The top of the earth's atmosphere to be between 0.4 and 0.8
J.1m as determined by Necked and Labs.

Atmospheric Interactions with Electromagnetic Radiation
All electromagnetic radiation detected, by a remote sensor has to pass through
the atmosphere twice, before and after its interaction with earth's atmosphere.
This passage will alter the speed, frequency, intensity, spectral distr1bution, and
direction of the radiation. As a result atmospheric scattering and absorption
occur (Curran, 1988) these effects are most severe in visible and infrared
wavelengths, the range between crucial in remote sensing.
During the transmission of energy through the atmosphere light interacts with the
Gases and particulate matter in a process called atmospheric scattering, The two
major processes in scattering are selective scattering and non-selective scattering.
Rayleigh, Mie and Raman scattering are of selective type.
Non selective scattering is independent of wavelength. It is produced by particles
whose radii exceed 10mm, such as, water droplets and ice fragments present the
clouds. This type of scattering reduces the contrast of the image. While passing
through the atmosphere, electromagnetic radiation is scattered and absorbed by
gasses and particulates.
Besides the major gaseous components like molecular nitrogen and oxygen, other
constituents like water vapor methane, hydrogen, helium and nitrogen compounds
play an important role in modifying the incident radiation and reflected radiation.
This causes a reduction in the image contrast and introduces radiometric errors.
Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the atmosphere is transparent
are called atmospheric windows.
The image contrast and introduces radiometric errors. Regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum in which the atmosphere is transparent are called
atmospheric windows.
The atmosphere is practically transparent in the visible region of the
electromagnetic spectrum and therefore many of the satellite based remote
sensing sensors are designed to collect data in this region.
Some of the commonly used atmospheric windows are 0.38 - 0.72 Jl /m ~.

(visit), 0.72 -3.00 Film (near infrared and middle infrc0.72 -3.00 film (near
infrared and middle infra red) and 8.00 -: 4.00 J/m (thermal infrared). Fig.
2.10. Shows relative scatter a
Type of Size of Type of Scatter particles Effect of scatter
scatter effective effective on visible And
atmospheric atmospheric near visible
particles wavelength
Rayleigh Smaller than Gas Molecule 'absorbs
high energy Affects short
wavelength molecules
radiation and visible
of radiation Re-emits. Skylight. wavelengths,
scatter is inversely resulting in haze
Proportional to in photography,
fourth power and blue skies.
of wavelength..
Mie Same size as spherical
the particles Affects all visible
Physical scattering
wavelength fumes and under over cast skies
of radiation dust
Non Larger than Water Affects all visible
selective wavelength droplets and
Physical scattering by equally resulting
of radiation dust clouds and fog white fog and

Raman any any Photon has collision

with molecule
resulting in a loss or
gain in energy ;this
can decrease or
increase wavelength
Ozone is a trace gas in the atmosphere mainly confined to stratospheric heights
between 20 and 40 km with a maximum concentration near 25 km.
At these levels, ozone dominates the short wave radiation budget, while at
other heights its influence is nearly negligible.
The Chappuis band of ozone in the visible is the only ozone band used to detect
the oceanic constituents from space.
The transmission of the chlorophyll fluorescence to the top of the atmosphere is
hindered through the absorption by water vapour and molecular oxygen in their
vibration action bands.
In order to study the selective gaseous -absorption in the radiative transfer
calculations the transmission functions of O2 and H2O are computed from
absorption line parameters by explored through the areas of Lorentz s theory of
collision broadening.
The contribution from resonance broadening is negligible in the spectral region
considered .also the Doppler line broadening which is small when compared to
Lorentz line widths is neglected since the area absorption takes place in the
atmosphere below 40km.
The transmission functions are averaged over, 1 nm wavelength intervals. The
reduction in the solar flux due to absorption and scattering, by a clear mid-
latitude summer atmosphere.
Response studies for the, temperature and pressure dependence of the
transmission function has been performed and shows only a weak influence for
the Temperature effect. The pressure impact is not negligible and has to be
accounted for.
Air molecules are small compared to the wavelength of the incoming sunlight.
Hence, the extinction through molecular scattering can be determined with
Rayleigh theory. The necessary property for the determination of the scattering
coefficient of the vertical profile of the atmospheric pressure has been here
estimated after (Hunt, the molecular scattering within the atmosphere depends
mainly on pressure, the scattering coefficient can be estimated by climatological

Atmospheric spectral turbidity variations are caused by variations in aerosol

concentration, composition and size distribution. The vertical distribution of the
aerosols is taken from (Adler and Ken, 1963).

The phase functions of aerosols are nearly wavelength independent within the
visible and near infrared. For the radiative transfer calculations the scattering
functions are estimated by Mie theory.

The range of atmospheric turbidity values used to study the effects of aerosol
scattering on the measured spectral radiances correspond to horizontal
visibilities at the surface between 6 and 88 km.

Atmospheric constituents like water vapour, carbon dioxide, and ozone are the
primary absorbers of electromagnetic energy. The regions of the electromagnetic
spectrum in which atmospheric absorption is low are called atmospheric
'windows' and it b through these 'windows' that remote sensing of the earth's
surface is made.
The atmospheric windows are not totally free from atmospheric absorption as
gases and suspended particles in the atmosphere absorb certain amount of
radiation from ground objects, resulting in a decrease in radiation at the sensor.
These effects are variable in space and time and often necessitate the
atmospheric correction of remotely sensed data


When electromagnetic energy is incident on any feature of earth's surface, such
as water body, various fractions of energy get reflected, absorbed and
transmitted as shown in Fig. 2.13. Applying the. principle of conservation of
energy, the relationship can be expressed as:
EI (A) = ER (A) + EA (A) + ET (A)

EI = Incident energy

ER= Reflected energy

EA = Absorbed energy

and, ET = Transmitted energy

All energy components are functions of wavelength, (I). In remote sensing, the amount
of reflected energy ER(A) is more important than the absorbed and transmitted energies.
Therefore, it is convenient to rearrange these terms as

ER (A) = E1 (A) - [EA (A) + ET (A)]

This equation is called balance equation. From this mathematical equation, two
important points can be drawn as
ER (A) /E1 (A) = E1 (A) /E1(A) [(EA (A)/E1(A) +ET(A) /E1(A)]
According to principles of physics, it is known that
ER (A)/E1(A) ; EA(A) /E1(A) AND ET(A) /E1(A) are called reflectance , absorbance and
transmittance, and can be denoted as p(A.), (A.) and Y(A). Simply, it can be
understood, that the measure of-how much electromagnetic radiation is reflected
off a surface is called its reflectance.
The reflectance range lies between 0 and 1. A measure of 1.0 means that 100% of
the incident radiation is reflected off the surface, and a measure of '0' means that
0% is reflected. The reflectance characteristics are quantified by "spectral
reflectance, pA which is expressed as the following ratio.
PA = energy of wavelength A reflected from the object
energy of wavelength A incident upon the object

which is rewritten as pa = 1 - (a) + (a)

Since, almost all earth surface features are very .opaque in nature, the transmittance
Y(A.) can be neglected. According to Kirchoff's law of physics, the absorbance is taken
as Emissivity (). Therefore Eq. (2.12) becomes:
pa = 1 - (A)

Eq. (2.13) is the fundamental equation by which the conceptual design of remote
sensing technology is built. If ( (A) is a zero, then p(A.), that is, the reflectance
is one, which means, the total energy incident on the object is reflected and
recorded by sensing systems.
The classical example of this type of object is snow (white object). If (A) is
zero , then p(A ) is one then A = 0 indicating what ever the energy incident on
the object is completely absorbed by the that object therefore the reflectance
varies from 0 ( black body ) to 1 ( white body ).Secondly, from the wavelength
dependency of the energy components, it is evident that even within a given
feature type, the proportion of reflected, absorbed, and transmitted energies may
vary at different wavelengths.
Thus two features which are indistinguishable in one spectral range, may exhibit
a marked contrast in another wavelength band. Because many remote sensing
systems operate in the wavelength regions in which reflected energy
predominates, the reflectance properties of terrestrial features are very
Spectral reflectance curves

A basic assumption made in remote sensing is that a specific target has an

individual and characteristic manner of interacting with incident radiation. The
manner of interaction is described by the spectral response of the target.
The spectral reflectance curves describe-the spectral response of a target in a
particular wavelength region of electromagnetic spectrum, which, in, turn
depends upon certain factors, namely, orientation of the sun (solar azimuth), the
height of the Sun in the sky (solar elevation angle), the direction in which the
sensor is pointing relative to nadir (the look angle) (Fig. 2.14), and nature of the
target, that is, state of health of vegetation.
Every object on the surface of the earth has its unique spectral reflectance. Fig
shows the average spectral reflectance curves for three typical earths Features:
vegetation, soil and water.
The spectral reflectance curves for vigorous vegetation manifests the "Peak-and-
valley" configuration. The valleys in the visible portion of the spectrum are
indicative of pigments in plant leaves. Dips in reflectance (Fig. 2.15) that can be
seen at wavelengths of 0.65mm, 1.4 mm and 1.9 mm are attributable to
absorption-of water by leaves. The soil curve shows a more regular variation of
reflectance. Factors that evidently affect soil reflectance are moisture, content,
soil texture, surface roughness, and presence of organic matter.
The term spectral signature can also be used for spectral reflectance curves.
Spectral signature is a set of characteristics by which a material or an object
may be identified on any satellite image or photograph within the given range
of wavelengths. Sometimes, spectral signatures are used to denote the
spectral response of a target.
The characteristic spectral reflectance curve Fig. 2.15 for water shows that
from about 0.5 m, a reduction in Reflectance with increasing wavelength,
so that in the near infrared range, the reflectance of deep, clear water is
virtually a zero (Mather, 1987). Spectral reflectance curves for water at
different depths. Concentration and the colour of the sediment. Experimental
studies in the field and the laboratory as well as experience with multi
spectral remote sensing have shown the specific targets are characterized by
an individual spectral response:

The measure of how much electromagnetic radiation is reflected off a

surface is called its reflectance, which is a number between 0 and 1.0.

A measure of 1.0 means the 100% of the incident radiation is reflected off the
surface, and a measure of 0 means that 0% is reflected.

In the case of first-surface reflection, this measure is called the spectral

reflectance, which will be designated here as. RS (A). The A in parentheses
indicates that spectral reflectance is a function of a wavelength. The reason that
RS (A) is a function of a wavelength is that the complex index of refraction of
the reflecting surface material is dependent on a wavelength.

The term complex means of electromagnetic radiation with the top layer of
sand grains on the beach, when an incident ray of electromagnetic radiation
strikes an air/grain interface, part of the ray is reflected and part at it is
transmitted into the sand grain.
For a sand grain with complex index of refraction N(A} = n(A)[1 - ik(A.)],
the spectral reflectance is expressed by Fresnel's equation (Jenkins and White

rS(A)= [n(A)-l]2 +n2(1e)k2(A.) g (, )

[n(A) + If + n2 (le)k2 (Ie)

r5 (A) = spectral reflectance of one reflecting grain (0 -1). RS (A ) :s. 1
m(A) = intrinsic spectral index of refraction of the grain
k(A) =. Intrinsic spectral index of absorption of the grain
g( , ) = generally non zero function of the angle of incidence () and angle of
observation ( ) with respect to the macroscopic surface
The average RS (A) for all the grains in the beach from which electromagnetic
radiation is reflected is defined as the volume reflectance of the beach, RS(A).
The total reflectance of the beach, RT(A) is the averaged sum of the spectral
and volume reflectance, as follows:

The dependence of RS (A ) and RV(A) are markedly different, as demonstrated

in Fig.2.18 for the case of a uniform grain size and varying wavelength. Three
important observations can be summarized from the above discussion on the
beautiful beach island.

The spectral locations of absorption bands depend on chemical composition of

the material; for example, quartz and calcite absorption bands in the thermal
infrared wavelength region have different spectral locations because Si and 0
ions in quartz are connected by a .spring" with a different bond strength than
that of the. Spring" connecting Ca and 0 ions in calcite.
The brightness, or magnitude, of the spectral reflectance depends primarily on
the size of the reflecting grains.
Absorption bands appear as reflectance minima in transparent materials (such
as quartz and calcite in the visible wavelength region), whereas absorption
bands appear as reflectance maxima in opaque materials.

Note that when we use the terms transparent or opaque to explain optical
behavior, we must designate both a wavelength region and the material because
the complex index of refraction of any material is generally non-constant over a
large range of wavelength.

To consider the effect on reflectance of mixing several minerals together. The

following equation demonstrates the estimation for the spectral reflectance of
mixed particulate sample at wavelength A
R T (A ) = f iRi t (A)

Where f1 = fraction or percentage of the ith mineral constituent covering the

sample surface, where
fi = 1.0
n= total number of mineral constituents in the particulate sample
R t (A) = spectral reflectance and volume reflectance at wavelength I for the I
the mineral consituent

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