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RAMAN Chapter 18 Part 11

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Dr. Nizam M.

Chemistry Department
Islamic University of Gaza

Ch 18
Raman Spectroscopy
When radiation passes through a transparent medium,
the species present scatter a fraction of the beam in all
In 1928, the Indian physicist C. V. Raman discovered
- The visible wavelength of a small fraction of the
radiation scattered by certain molecules differs from
that of the incident beam.
- Furthermore that the shifts in wavelength depend upon
the chemical structure of the molecules responsible for
the scattering.

Sir Chandrashekhara Venkata Raman

November 7, 1888-November
21, 1970
Won the Noble Prize in 1930
for Physics
Discovered the "Raman
Besides Discovering the
Raman Effect, He studied
extensively in X-Ray
Diffractions, Acoustics,
Optics, Dielectrics,
Ultrasonics, Photo electricity,
and colloidal particles.

Raman Spectroscopy

The theory of Raman scattering shows that the

phenomenon results from the same type of quantized
vibrational changes that are associated with infrared
Thus, the difference in wavelength between the
incident and scattered visible radiation corresponds to
wavelengths in the mid-infrared region.
The Raman scattering spectrum and infrared
absorption spectrum for a given species often
resemble one another quite closely.

Raman Spectroscopy

An important advantage of Raman spectra over

infrared lies in the fact that water does not cause
interference; indeed, Raman spectra can be obtained
from aqueous solutions.
In addition, glass or quartz cells can be employed, thus
avoiding the inconvenience of working with sodium
chloride or other atmospherically unstable window


Raman spectra are acquired by irradiating a sample with
a powerful laser source of visible or near-infrared
monochromatic radiation.
During irradiation, the spectrum of the scattered radiation
is measured at some angle (often 90 deg) with a suitable
At the very most, the intensities of Raman lines are 0.001
% of the intensity of the source; as a consequence, their
detection and measurement are somewhat more difficult
than are infrared spectra.

Light Scattering Phenomenon

When radiation passes through a transparent
medium, the species present in that medium
scatter a fraction of the beam in all directions.

Scattering of Radiation
The fraction of radiation transmitted at all angles from its
original path.

Transmission of radiation in matter can be pictured as:

A momentary retention of the radiant energy by atoms, ions, or
molecules followed by reemission of the radiation in all directions
as the particles return to their original state.
With atomic or molecular particles that are small relative to the
wavelength of the radiation, destructive interference removes
most but not all of the reemitted radiation except the radiation that
travels in the original direction of the beam; the path of the beam
appears to be unaltered as a consequence of the interaction.

Careful observation, however, reveals that:

A very small fraction of the radiation is transmitted at all angles from the
original path and that the intensity of this scattered radiation increases
with particle size.
Types of Scattering:
Rayleigh scattering
Scattering by molecules or aggregates of molecules with dimensions
significantly smaller than the wavelength of the radiation.
Its intensity is proportional to:
- The inverse fourth power of the wavelength (.
- The dimensions of the scattering particles.
The square of the polarizability of the particles.
An everyday manifestation of Rayleigh scattering is the blue color of
the sky, which results from greater scattering of the shorter
wavelengths of the visible spectrum.

The blue color of the sky is caused by the scattering of

sunlight off the molecules of the atmosphere.
This scattering, called, is more effective at short
wavelengths (the blue end of the visible spectrum).
Therefore the light scattered down to the earth at a large
angle with respect to the direction of the sun's light is
predominantly in the blue end of the spectrum.

Scattering by Large Molecules :

With particles of colloidal diamensions, scattering is

sufficiently intense to be seen by naked eye (Tyndal

Used to determine the size and shape of polymer

molecules and colloidal particles.
Raman Scattering
The Raman scattering effect differs from ordinary
scattering in that part of the scattered radiation suffers
quantized frequency changes.
These changes are the result of vibrational energy level
transitions that occur in the molecules as a consequence of
the polarization process.

Basic Physical Realization

Illuminate a specimen with laser light (e.g. 532nm)
Scattered (no absorbed) Light in two forms
Elastic (Rayleigh) scattered = incident
InElastic (Raman) scattered incident
Light Experiences a Raman Shift in Wave Length.

Raman vs. Rayleigh

Raman Intensity is About 0.1 ppm of the Incoming

Laser Intensity

Inelastic Light Scattering Mechanisms

Raman Shift Can be:
To Longer WaveLengths (Stokes Scattering)
Loses Energy Predominant Raman Shift
To Shorter WaveLengths (AntiStokes Scattering)
Gains Energy Subordinate Raman Shift

Raman Stokes Scattering

Raman AntiStokes Scattering

Raman Spectroscopy: photon interpretation

Raman effect is a 2-photon scattering process
These processes are inelastic scattering:
Stokes scattering: energy lost by photon:

(( ))

Photon in

Photon out

No vibration


Anti-Stokes scattering: energy gained by photon:

(( ))

Photon in

Photon out


No vibration

But dominant process is elastic scattering:

Rayleigh scattering

Photon in

Photon out

No vibration

No vibration

If incident photon energy E; vibration energy v, then

in terms of energy, photon out has energy:
E-v Stokes scattering
E+v anti-Stokes scattering
E Rayleigh scattering

Representation in terms of energy levels:

Arrow up = laser photon in; Arrow down = Raman scattering out

Excitation of Raman Spectra: Summery

A Raman spectrum can be obtained by irradiating a
sample of carbon tetrachloride (Fig 18-2) with an
intense beam of an argon ion laser having a wavelength
of 488.0 nm (20492 cm-1).
The emitted radiation is of three types:
1. Stokes scattering
2. Anti-stokes scattering
3. Rayleigh scattering

Excitation of Raman Spectra

The abscissa of Raman spectrum is the wavenumber
shift , which is defined as the difference in
wavenumbers (cm-1) between the observed radiation
and that of the source.
For CCl4 three peaks are found on both sides of the
Rayleigh peak and that the pattern of shifts on each side
is identical (Fig. 18-2).
Anti-Stokes lines are appreciably less intense than the
corresponding Stokes lines. For this reason, only the
Stokes part of a spectrum is generally used.
The magnitude of Raman shifts are independent of the
wavelength of excitation.

Mechanism of Raman and

Rayleigh Scattering
The heavy arrow on the far left (bold black up arrow)
depicts the energy change in the molecule when it
interacts with a photon.
The increase in energy is equal to the energy of the
photon h.
The second and narrower arrow (thin black up arrow)
shows the type of change that would occur if the
molecule is in the first vibrational level of the electronic
ground state.

Mechanism of Raman and Rayleigh Scattering

The middle set of arrows (the first two blue arrows)

depicts the changes that produce Rayleigh scattering.
The energy changes that produce stokes and antiStokes emission are depicted on the right (the last two
blue arrows).
The two differ from the Rayleigh radiation by frequencies
corresponding to E, the energy of the first vibrational
level of the ground state.

If the bond were infrared active, the energy of its

absorption would also be E.
Thus, the Raman frequency shift and the infrared
absorption peak frequency are identical.

Mechanism of Raman and Rayleigh Scattering

The relative populations of the two upper energy states

are such that Stokes emission is much favored over antiStokes.
Rayleigh scattering has a considerably higher
probability of occurring than Raman because the most
probable event is the energy transfer to molecules in the
ground state and reemission by the return of these
molecules to the ground state.
The ratio of anti-Stokes to Stokes intensities will
increase with temperature because a larger fraction of
the molecules will be in the first vibrationally excited
state under these circumstances.

Raman vs. I.R

For a given bond, the energy shifts observed in a
Raman experiment should be identical to the energies of
its infrared absorption bands,
provided that the vibrational modes involved are active
toward both infrared absorption and Raman scattering.

The differences between a Raman spectrum and an

infrared spectrum are not surprising.
Infrared absorption requires that a vibrational mode of the
molecule have a change in dipole moment or charge
distribution associated with it.

Raman vs. I.R

In contrast, scattering involves a momentary distortion

of the electrons distributed around a bond in a
molecule, followed by reemission of the radiation as the
bond returns to its normal state.
In its distorted form, the molecule is temporarily
polarized; that is, it develops momentarily an induced
dipole that disappears upon relaxation and reemission.
The Raman activity of a given vibrational mode may
differ markedly from its infrared activity.

Selection rule for Raman spectrum

Vibration is active if it has a change in polarizability, .
Polarizability is the ease of distortion of a bond.
For Raman-active vibrations, the incident radiation does
not cause a change in the dipole moment of the molecule,
but instead a change in polarizability.
In starting the vibration going, the electric field of the
radiation at time t, E, induces a separation of charge (i.e.
between the nuclear protons and the bonding electrons).
This is called the induced dipole moment, P. (Dont confuse
it with the molecules dipole moment, or change in dipole
moment, because this is often zero).

Factors affect Polarizability

1- Atomic number Z:
P the amount of electrons,
Electrons become less control by nuclear charge.

2- Bond Length:
P Bond Length
3- Atomic or Molecular Size:
P Size,
4- Molecular orientation with respect to an electric field
Parallel or perpendicular (Exp: Parallel has more effect)
5- Bond Strength (Bond order):
P 1/strength of bondC=C, and CC, CN bonds are strong scatterers, bonds
undergo polarization.
6- Electronegativity difference:
P 1/ difference in electronegativity
7- Covalent bonds more polarizable than ionic bonds.

Raman Scattering is Stronger from Some Vibrations

than from Others
Stretching bands often stronger than bending ones
Symmetric bands often stronger than anti-symmetric
Symmetric stretches undergo greater changes in
polarization, and are stronger in Raman than
asymmetric stretches.
Crystalline materials often have stronger Raman bands
than non-crystalline materials

Homoneuclear molecules such as Cl2 , N2 and , H2 , are

polarizable (vary periodically in phase with the stretching
vibrations and increases with separation), so they are
Raman active.
For molecules with a center of symmetry, no IR active
transitions are Raman active and vice versa
Symmetric molecules
IR-active vibrations are not Raman-active.
Raman-active vibrations are not IR-active.


Raman active
IR inactive

Raman inactive
IR active

Symmetrical stretch

Asymmetric stretch

Bending mode

IR active: change of dipole moment

Raman active: change in electronic polarizability


Raman-active and Non-Raman-active Vibrations

Symmetric Stretching of CO2
1=1340 cm-1


No change in dipole moment IR inactive

Change in polarizability Raman active

Asymmetric Stretching of CO2

2= 2350 cm-1


Change so much in dipole moment IR active

Non-change in polarizability Raman inactive

Raman-active and Non-Raman-active Vibrations

Symmetric Stretching of CS2


No change in dipole moment non-IR activity

Change in polarizability Raman activity

Raman-active and Non-Raman-active Vibrations

Asymmetric Stretching of CS2


Change so much in dipole moment IR activity

Non-change in polarizability Raman inactivity

Raman-active and Non-Raman-active Vibrations

Bending of CS2


Change so much in dipole moment IR activity

Non-change in polarizability Raman inactivity

Intensity of Normal Raman Peaks

The intensity or power of a normal Raman peak
depends in a complex way upon
The polarizability of the molecule:
The intensity of the source,
The concentration of the active group.

The power of Raman emission increases with the fourth

power of the frequency of the source; however,
advantage can seldom be taken of this relationship
because of the likelihood that ultraviolet irradiation will
cause photodecomposition.
Raman intensities are usually directly proportional to
the concentration of the active species.

Raman Depolarization Ratios

Polarizability: describes a molecular property having
to do with the deformability of a bond.
Polarization: is a property of a beam of radiation and
describes the plane in which the radiation vibrates.

Raman spectra are excited by plane-polarized


The scattered radiation is found to be polarized to

various degrees depending upon the type of vibration
responsible for the scattering.

Light Scattering, Depolarization Ratio &

Molecular Orientation

Asymmetric Sample

Incident laser


When Raman spectra are excited by plane-polarized radiation, by

using a laser source, the scattered radiation is found to be
polarized to various degrees depending on the type of vibration
responsible for the scattering.
The nature of this effect is illustrated in the previous Figure,
where radiation from a laser source is shown as being polarized in
the yz plane.
Part of the resulting scattered radiation is shown as being
polarized parallel to the original beam, that is, in the xz plane; the
intensity of this radiation is symbolized by the subscript .
The remainder of the scattered beam is polarized in the xy plane,
which is perpendicular to the polarization of the original beam;
the intensity of this perpendicularly polarized radiation is shown
by the subscript .

Raman Depolarization Ratios

The depolarization ratio p is defined as


Experimentally, the depolarization ratio may be

obtained by inserting a polarizer between the sample
and the monochromator. The depolarization ratio is
dependent upon the symmetry of the vibrations
responsible for scattering.

Depolarization ratio of a vibrational mode in the Raman

may give information about the symmetry of a vibration.

p = depolarization ratio for polarized light = Iy/Iz = I/I||

This is different from the depolarization ratio for unpolarized light, see Infrared and Raman SpectraPart A.,
K. Nakamoto 5th Ed. Wiley 1997. Pp. 97-101.

0 p <0.75; Raman line is polarized (p). Vibration is totally symmetric

p = 0.75. Raman line is depolarized (dp). Vibration is not totally symmetric.


Raman Depolarization Ratios

Polarized band: p = < 0.75 for totally
symmetric modes.
Depolarized band: p = 0.75
nonsymmetrical vibrational modes


Anomalously polarized band: p = > 0.75

for vibrational modes

Raman Polarized Spectra of SO2


Light Scattering, Depolarization Ratio &

Molecular Orientation (III)
= 75%

459cm-1 Symmetric
314, 218cm-1 Asymmetric


314 218

Raman Shift /cm-1

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