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FDA Data Integrity Expectations

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The key takeaways are that data integrity is critical for patient safety and product quality. Ensuring data integrity is the responsibility of companies and helps the FDA protect public health. The presentation discusses data integrity definitions, regulations, case studies, and strategies for prevention and detection.

Data integrity refers to the completeness, consistency, and accuracy of data. It is important because ensuring data integrity is part of companies' responsibility to ensure drug safety and quality and allows the FDA to protect public health. The FDA has observed increasing CGMP violations related to data integrity.

The ALCOA principles define criteria for attributing data, ensuring data is legible, recorded contemporaneously, is original or a true copy, and is accurate. These principles help ensure data integrity.

Data Integrity Case Studies

Magaly E. Aham, VP Compliance Pharma-BioServ US, Inc

Pharmaceutical Industry Trends Conference

March 14, 2017 So Paulo, Brazil

Connecting People, Science and Regulation

Data Integrity Case Studies

All the material included in this presentation was obtained
from publicly available sources.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity

Data Integrity Case Studies

Data Integrity (DI) Definition
FDA Draft Guidance
ALCOA Definition
2015-2016 DI FDA 483s and Warning Letters Summary
Case Studies Discussion
Consequences of Non-Compliance
Data Integrity and Culture
Data Integrity and QRM

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity

Data Integrity Definition

Data Integrity is defined by the FDA new Draft Data Integrity

and Compliance Guidance for Industry as:

The Completeness, consistency, and accuracy of data. Complete,

consistent, and accurate data should be attributable, legible,
contemporaneously recorded, original or a true copy, and
accurate (ALCOA).

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 4

FDA published a draft guidance
on data integrity on April 2016.

It states In recent years, FDA

has increasingly observed
CGMP violations involving data
integrity during CGMP
inspections. This is troubling
because ensuring data
integrity is an important
component of industrys
responsibility to ensure the
safety, efficacy, and quality of
drugs, and of FDAs ability to
protect the public health

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 5

What is ALCOA?

The acronym ALCOA has been widely associated with Data

Integrity by FDA
ALCOA Meaning Explanation Comments
A Attributable Who performed an action Who did it? Source Data
and when? If a record is
changed, who did it and
L Legible Data must be recorded in Can you read it? Needs to
a permanent durable be permanent
medium and be readable
C Contemporaneous Data must be recorded Was it done in real time?
when it was performed
followed by date and
O Original Is the information the Is it original or true copy?
original data or a certified
true copy of the original
A Accurate No errors or editing Is it accurate?
performed without
Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 6
CFR Regulations Linked to Data Integrity

1. 21CFR211 Current Good Manufacturing Practices for Finished Pharmaceuticals

a) Sub Part D Equipment
i. 211.68 Automatic, Mechanical and electronic equipment

b) Sub Part F Production and Process Controls

i. 211.100 Written Procedures; Deviations

c) Sub Part I Laboratory Controls

i. 211.160 General Requirements

d) Sub Part J Records and Reports

i. 211.180 General Requirements
ii. 211.188 Batch Production and Control Records
iii. 211.194 Laboratory Records

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity

483 Inspectional Observations Summary for Drugs

Fiscal Year October 1st September 30th

Year Total 483's Total Observations Total Observations linked to DI %

2015 678 3506 887 25.30%
2016 691 3361 903 26.90%

Connecting People, Science and Regulation
Warning Letters Summary

Connecting People, Science and Regulation 9
Summary of WL linked to DI

Total excludes Compounding Pharmacies

Warning Letters listed included references to data management and data integrity citations
Data Integrity continues to be a focus of enforcement actions by FDA
FDA has refined its stated requirements for remediation of data integrity deficiencies and in many
instances are including such requirements in the Warning Letters.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation 10
Case Studies

The following case studies were taken directly from FDA

Warning Letter Reading Room. Although information is public,
we will not reveal details about company name or locations.
Both companies received FDA 483s which cited many
observations linked to Data Integrity issues among others.
Both companies responded but received Warning Letters as
the agency determined that their responses to the FDA 483
lacked sufficient corrective actions

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 11

Warning Letter Company X

1. Failure to investigate and document out-of-specification results obtained

for (b)(4), API.
For example, on Month/day/year (b)(4) lot #(b)(4) failed the assay test
with an average out-of-specification (OOS) of (b)(4)% (specification is
(b)(4)%). However, the firm released the batch using a passing retest
result without conducting an investigation.
In your response you state that the OOS could not be related to the quality
of the product because of the individual values obtained ((b)(4)% and
(b)(4)%). Your response is inadequate in that you provided no scientific
justification to support your conclusion.
All out-of-specification results must be investigated and documented.
We are concerned that you released this batch based on a passing retest
result without conducting an investigation.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 12

Observation Analysis

The FDA asked for a retrospective review of all

batches that yielded OOS results including:
Lot number
All test values reported (including OOS original
For each OOS investigation, provide evaluation
and conclusion along with established CAPAs.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 13

Warning Letter Company X Continued

2. Failure to ensure that approved test procedures for (b)(4) and (b)(4) HPLC
are followed.
For example, the inspection found no scientific justification for the
current sequence of chromatographic injections performed, which is
different to the sequence included in the approved analytical method.
Your analytical method requires that (b)(4) and then by the injection of
the samples to be tested. The inspection found that a different sample
and standard sequence was used for the assay analysis of (b)(4) lots (b)(4)
through (b)(4). Although your response to the inspectional observations
state that analysts have been retrained, we remain concerned about
current laboratory practices, in that not all injection results are being
reported. For example, the assay test for lots # failed to include all the
injection results performed as part of the chromatographic run. Your
response provides no explanation regarding why analytical results are
selectively reported.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 14

Observation Analysis

The FDA asked for a copy of the investigation

concerning the 18 lots of (b)(4), for which they did
not follow the HPLC procedure including all
individual and average assay results obtained during
the assay re-test or re-calculation.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 15

Warning Letter Company X Continued

3. Failure to have complete and reliable laboratory control records derived

from all tests conducted to ensure compliance with established specifications
and standards.
For example, the inspection revealed that your firm lacks raw data of the
sample and standard weights used for the HPLC assay of (b)(4) and
(b)(4). The only record available was an Excel spreadsheet with values
entered to calculate the final assay results. In addition, some of the HPLC
chromatographs of the lots tested were not included in the batch record.
In your response you acknowledged missing raw data, and stated that all
raw data is now required to be maintained and included as part of the
batch record.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 16

Observation Analysis

FDA stated that although Company X acknowledged

missing raw data, and stated that all raw data is now
required to be maintained and included as part of
the batch record, they made no commitment to
evaluate the extent of the problem and review all
previous batches where critical data may be missing.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 17

Warning Letter Company X Continued

4. Failure of your quality unit to review and approve all appropriate quality
related documents.

For example, the inspection revealed that the production batch records do
not include weigh tickets or printouts of the raw materials, in-process
materials, or finished APIs. The batch records also lack the dates,
amounts, and identity of the person weighing the material. We are
concerned that your quality unit is not exercising its responsibility during
the review of the production batch records to ensure the required
information is available, prior to releasing your products.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 18

Observation Analysis

Provide detail of global improvements Company X is

making to the production and quality systems to
address these issues. Include a copy of the master
batch records for (b)(4) and (b)(4) products.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 19

Warning Letter Company Y

1. Firm failed to establish an adequate quality control unit

with the responsibility and authority to approve or reject all
components, drug product containers, closures, in-process
materials, packaging material, labeling, and drug products (21
CFR 211.22(a)).

Quality unit allowed the use of adulterated (b)(4) USP API, dated
MM/DD/YR, manufactured at the ABC facility.
Quality unit approved certificates of analysis (COA) for (b)(4) and (b)(4)
API, as well as finished products, prior to conducting all quality control and
release testing. Production manager falsified the documents by signing
and dating the Prepared By and Checked By sections of the COA.
Quality unit failed to identify data integrity issues in 11 batch production
records reviewed during inspection. Production manager admitted that he
falsified the signatures of other employees in the Prepared By,
Reviewed By, Approved By, and Authorized By sections.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 20

Warning Letter Company Y

2. The firm failed to exercise appropriate controls over

computer or related systems to assure that only authorized
personnel institute changes in master production and control
records, or other records (21 CFR 211.68(b)).

Computer in quality unit area did not have controls to restrict access and
prevent unauthorized changes to data files and folders. All employees had
access to your Annual Product Review (APR) spreadsheet. The desktop
computer containing the APR was not locked.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 21

Observations Analysis

In this case, as part of the Warning Letter, FDA specifically

requested aspects under a Data Integrity Remediation
which included the following major points:

A full investigation on DI issues to include:

Investigation protocol and methodology; a summary of all
laboratories, manufacturing operations, and systems to be
covered by the assessment; and a justification for any part of
the operation proposed to be excluded.

Interviews of current and former employees to identify the

nature, scope, and root cause of data inaccuracies.
Interviews be conducted by a qualified third party.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 22

Observations Analysis

An assessment of the extent of data integrity deficiencies at

facility. Identify omissions, alterations, deletions, record
destruction, non-contemporaneous record completion, and
other deficiencies. Describe all parts of facilitys operations
in data integrity lapses were discovered.

A comprehensive retrospective evaluation of the nature of

the testing and manufacturing data integrity deficiencies.
Qualified third party with specific expertise in the area
where potential batches were identified to evaluate all data
integrity lapses.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 23

Observations Analysis

A management strategy for the firm that includes the

details of a global corrective action and preventive action
plan. Strategy to include:
Detailed corrective action plan that describes how to ensure
the reliability and completeness of all of the data generated,
including analytical data, manufacturing records, and all data
submitted to FDA.

Comprehensive description of the root causes of data

integrity lapses, including evidence that the scope and depth
of the current action plan is commensurate with the findings
of the investigation and risk assessment. Indicate whether
individuals responsible for data integrity lapses remain able
to influence CGMP-related data at the firm.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 24

Observations Analysis

Interim measures describing the actions taken or will take to

protect patients and to ensure the quality of drugs, such as
notifying customers, recalling product, conducting additional
testing, adding lots to the stability programs to assure
stability, drug application actions, and enhanced complaint

Long-term measures describing any remediation efforts and

enhancements to procedures, processes, methods, controls,
systems, management oversight, and human resources (e.g.,
training, staffing improvements) designed to ensure the
integrity of the companys data.

A status report for any of the above activities already

underway or completed.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 25

Consequences of Non-Compliance

FDA-483 Observations
Warning letters
Import alerts Prosecution (including
Withheld product approvals indictments and temporary
Cancellation of government or permanent debarment, if
contracts found guilty)
Product recalls Damage to companys
Loss of sales
Consent decree of
permanent injunction Loss of jobs
Civil money penalties Loss of Share Value
Suspension or revocation of Closing or take-over
licenses company
Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data integrity
Data Integrity and Culture

You can fix systems

You can fix processes
You can fix procedures

Can you fix people?

How do you change
How do you create

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 27

Why DI Issues Happen?

Time Pressure
Insufficient education &
understanding (WHY)
Fear for mistakes
Performance Pressure
Am told by leader
Culture or accepted

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 28

How to approach DI Breaches?

Companies need to assess what are the areas of

vulnerability within their companies in other
words application of QRM

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 29

Data Integrity Risk Factors

PREVENT - Not aware; Not trained; Culture

Data Review
- Insufficient; Not done, Not in SOP


- Not validating for intended use


- QC Lab
- Manufacturing

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity

Data Integrity Risk Factors

PREVENT Personnel (Internal/External)


Security Controls

External Sources

Documentation Control


Data Review

RESPOND Governance/Findings/Actions

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity


Personnel (Internal/External)
o State and enforce high standards of ethics and integrity by:
o Training employees on proper data handling and reporting
o Company Values and Code of Conduct
o Emphasize that everyone in the company is responsible for data

o Computerized systems should be validated for intended use
o Identify the Risks: What are the controls to Prevent Data Integrity Issues? What
are the controls to Detect Data Integrity Issues?
o Include Data Life Cycle requirements
o Identify Critical Data and Records
o Backup and Recovery

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity


Security Controls

o Protect at both the physical level (building/room) and the informational level
(network and application)
o Access Controls: users, password controls, segregation of duties
o Include Cyber Security (be protected from the outside)
External Sources

o Contractors and vendors for variety of GxP services

o Audits and Inspections should include reviews for data integrity controls
o Quality Agreements should include data integrity controls.

Documentation Control

o Managing the life of the data (initial creation, review, approval, storage, obsolete)
o Ensure policies and procedures define the requirements for both paper and
electronic data and their usage.

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity



o An independent audit program that utilizes auditors who are qualified by

education, experience and training to evaluate the quality systems used for
collecting, analyzing, reporting and retaining information and data.
o The audit program will include periodic audits to confirm adherence to
established requirements for data integrity.

Data Review

o Good Documentation Practices

o System Audit Trail: Tracks actions of System Administrator, Reviewed
periodically based on risk, Defined in Administrators SOPs
o Data Audit Trail (Tracks actions of users, reviewers, and approvers; Reviewed
when the data is reviewed; Defined in User Operational SOPs)

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity



o Develop Data Integrity Policy and Procedures to address data ownership

throughout the lifecycle
o Consider the design, operation and monitoring of processes / including
control over intentional and unintentional changes to information
o Investigate/Correct/Prevent
o If warranted, conduct an in-depth documented investigation of any alleged
instance of falsification, fabrication, or other misconduct involving data
integrity issues

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity

A Strong Quality Culture is best indicated by
what it is done when Nobody is Looking

Culture is the Cornerstone of Quality

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 36

References; FDAs Electronic Reading Room Warning Letters
atoryInformation/Guidances/UCM495891.pdf - Data Integrity and
Compliance with cGMP; Guidance for Industry

Connecting People, Science and Regulation Data Integrity 37

Muito Obrigada

Contact Info:
Magaly E Aham

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