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Computer Validation Standards

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Journal of Validation Technology

Computer-Related System Validation
Barbara Mullendore
Kenneth G. Chapman
Drumbeat Dimensions, Inc.
Robert W. Stotz, Ph.D.
Validation Technologies, Inc.
Jay H. King
LifeScan, a Johnson & Johnson Company
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
I n t ro d u c t i o n
his Preamble by the Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee (IVT/SC) i n t r o-
duces the second in a series of new proposed validation standards that are available to reviewers
of manuscripts intended for publication in the Journal of Validation Te c h n o l o g y and the Journal of
G X P Compliance (formerly the Journal of cGMP C o m p l i a n c e ). It will also be useful to practitioners
worldwide who develop, implement, validate, and maintain systems used to automate manufacturing
processes, or to otherwise influence the ultimate quality, safety, or efficacy of drug substances or drug
products. The focus of this proposed standard is the pharmaceutical industry.
Regulations, Guidance Documents, and Standards
What are the differences between regulations, guidance documents, and standards? In the United States, cur-
rent Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations evolve only through due process and are considered bind-
ing and legally substantive, which means that violation represents a criminal act. Food and Drug A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
(FDA) guidance documents and guidelines do not necessarily evolve through due process and are no more
legally binding than are industrial guidance documents. Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European
Community (EC), counterpart of U.S. GMPs, are also portrayed as non-binding; however, such rules in the
European Union (EU) and, after a few years, FDA Guidance Documents and Guidelines in the U.S. all com-
monly become treated as de facto law.
In the directly related subject area of software validation, professional organizations like the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) have demonstrated the value of setting standards. Rapid evolu-
tion and implementation of computer technology in todays pharmaceutical operations call for considerable
focus on the validation of computer-related systems. As with process validation, numerous guidance docu-
ments, guidelines, published articles, and even regulations have appeared in recent years on the subject of
computer-related system validation, most of which have relied on IEEE standards for the software portion of
this important subject.
Style of the IVT Proposed Validation Standard
Afundamental need the IVT/SC intends to meet with its new p r o p o s e d standards stems from the fact that
most regulations today call for written policies and procedures to address their every aspect. Thus, the IVT
p r o p o s e d validation standards format includes statements that can be excised and used directly, or with minor
editing in company policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). All IVT p r o p o s e d standards are
available on the companys web site at
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
Most pharmaceutical firms like to have lists of succinct, unambiguous, and specific rules about quality
assurance against which to audit. It is preferable for such rules to contain imperative verbs like shall,
will, and must rather than passive verbs like should, may, and can to avoid interpretive debates
with auditees. Standards usually satisfy this need, whereas guidance documents often do not. However, it is
also important for those who are to follow the rules to have access to some interpretive documents that
accompany and explain the rules. Thus, FDA provides a Preamble to each of its regulations. Similarly, the
IVT/SC plans to accompany each p r o p o s e d validation standard with a Preamble like this one, to amplify the
rationale behind the rules contained.
As will be explained, many finalized and draft standards/guidelines covering validation of computer-relat-
ed systems have emerged in the past 20 years. Why is this p r o p o s e d standard needed? The IVT/SC believes
VS-2 is needed and will be potentially useful for the following reasons. VS-2:
B Is designed to be comprehensive, contemporary, and consistent in its technical content as well as in its
updating and optimization of the use and definition of key terms
B Uniquely separates its succinct standards statements from preamble-type explanation and elaboration
about what those standards mean and how they were derived
B Addresses all three GXP components (GMP, GLP, and GCP), rather than just one or two
B Provides commonality of terms and principles with other IVT/SC p r o p o s e d validation standards, pro-
moting a more cohesive understanding and approach to validation of all types
Contents of the Proposed Validation Standard
Each IVT proposed validation standard is separate from its Preamble and contains six sections:
I. Policy Standards Statements that indicate what is required
II. Practice Standards Statements that describe how to achieve requirements
III. Acronyms Definition of each acronym used in the document
IV. Glossary Definition of key terms, which are highlighted and asterisked (*) when first used in the
p r o p o s e d validation standard
V. Regulatory Excerpts Regulatory language related to each standard
VI. Useful References Bibliography of selected technical references
Future Proposed Validation Standards by IVT/SC
The IVT/SC authors plan to deliver several new sets of IVT p r o p o s e d standards for publication in the
Journal of Validation Technology over the next few years. Future p r o p o s e d standards in preparation or under
consideration include the following (not necessarily in the order of proposed publication):
B Validation of Analytical Test Methods
B Aseptic Pharmaceutical Process Validation
B Biopharmaceutical Process Validation
B Medical Device Process Validation
B Equipment Cleaning Validation
B Water Treatment System Validation
B Terminal Sterilization Validation
Already published was the Proposed Validation Standard VS-1: Non-Aseptic Pharmaceutical Processes.
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
When FDAs GMPs were proposed in 1977, two of its chief architects, Bud Loftus and Ted Byers, lec-
tured that the GMPs were designed to reflect what the better-managed (not the best-managed) firms were
already doing. Their point was clear: FDA did not want its proposed regulations to demand practices that
were out of reach for most firms at that time. The IVT/SC has taken note of that successful experience and
will attempt to structure all its p r o p o s e d validation standards to reflect practices that are reasonable, achiev-
able, and verifiable. Where cutting edge technology or practice comes to bear, the merits of such technolo-
gy or practice will be discussed in this accompanying Preamble, but not in the p r o p o s e d validation standards.
Some Specific Points About the Proposed Computerized System Validation Standard
B On the Subject of GXP
Just about every school of thought relative to validation includes the standard approach of Installation
Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ). This approach is pri-
marily pharmaceutical GMP-driven and is appropriate for process, cleaning, utility, and other types of valida-
tion, as well as computer system validation in a production setting where automated systems are used to con-
trol operating processes and are validated within the larger context of the entire automated system. In some
cases however, there may be difficulty in applying the IQ/OQ/PQ methodology to information systems in a
non-shop-floor environment, such as the pharmaceutical research arena. An additional complicating factor is
added to the computer validation process when these information systems are developed internally rather than
purchased, either as a whole or in part. A d d i t i o n a l l y, many commercial software packages require extensive
configuration. In an attempt to address the factor of internal development and configuration, some companies
have borrowed from the medical device arena by including a design qualification or Design Verification and
Review (DVR) in their computer system validation methodology.
L a s t l y, since the use of information systems
is often not a part of repeatable production processes, the PQ portion of the standard methodology often does
not really fit. (This statement excludes such things as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and embedded
chips that are normally validated along with the equipment they control, and for which the IQ/OQ/PQ
approach is appropriate.)
The terms IQ, OQ, and PQ are used in this standard for consistency with other I V T p r o p o s e d s t a n d a r d s ,
and also because these terms are the most widely used in Industry. It may be appropriate, however, to build
flexibility into the testing methodology and protocols that accommodate non-shop-floor information systems.
Although the basic principles of computer validation and associated activities apply across all regulatory
arenas, they are more firmly established within the GMP arena at present. Therefore, there is typically a slant
toward GMP with respect to guidance regarding the execution of these basic principles.
B On the Subject of Part 11
The broad topic and details associated with 21 CFR Part 11, Electronic Records/Electronic Signatures are
beyond the scope of this p r o p o s e d standard. However, since most GXP requirements include records and sig-
natures, and since Part 11 includes validation of all automated systems concerned as its first requirement, it
appears axiomatic that the two subjects are about to merge into one. The IVT/SC will consider publishing a
future p r o p o s e d validation standard, if it appears needed.
B Overview of Computer-Related Systems Validation
Since 1983, many useful guidance documents, books, and technical articles, plus a limited number of reg-
ulations, have appeared addressing Computer-Related Systems Validation (CRSV). One of the earliest
addressed specifically to the pharmaceutical industry was The Bluebook by Rick Garwood and Paul Motise
in 1983.
The Bluebook emphasized software validation and software quality, subjects that have received con-
siderable attention in most subsequent CRSV guidance documents.
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
IEEEs software standards present a comprehensive set of logically devised and ordered standards for
developing and maintaining software and systems via good quality engineering practices and adequate
checks and balances throughout the lifecycle.
Prior to this lifecycle perspective, computer system validation
(as well as validation in general) was largely considered to be solely an exercise in testing the resulting soft-
ware or system. IEEEs approach helped to advance the understanding that the process of actually develop-
ing the software and system must include good quality practices as well, otherwise testing would simply
reveal problems and initiate rework, resulting in a patchwork quilt of mended code and configuration.
Likewise, these good quality practices must continue into the maintenance phase of the system to ensure that
its stable state is retained, and that the system remains robust and maintainable. Thus, IEEEs treatment of
software testing, quality, and validation, including use of the lifecycle approach, has contributed substantial-
ly to the development of subsequent CRSV guidelines and standards.
The Validation Master Plan
The system-specific Validation Master Plan (VMP) is a master document that begins with the initiation of
any computer system validation project. Although the V M P is specifically called for by most contemporary
draft and approved validation guidelines, it has become a confusing term because two basic definitions exist;
both are used by different (and sometimes even the same) regulatory officials. One definition calls for the
V M P to be project-oriented, as in this and other I V T p r o p o s e d validation standards. The other definition
describes a more global document embracing a firms overall validation philosophy.
Most pharmaceutical firms use policies and/or SOPs to address such global matters individually. IVT/SC
finds the second (global) VMP definition workable, but cumbersome and inefficient. To minimize confusion,
a firm should clearly define its use of the term VMP (e.g., by written policy or SOP), while ensuring that
global and project-related matters are both adequately covered in some way. For firms preferring the global
VMP, a term such as Validation Project Plan can be used in place of the VMP defined in VS-2.
The Source Code Controversy and Dynamic Path Analysis
FDAs initial insistence upon the user firm possessing copies of original source code presumably stemmed
from the stance that source code equals procedures, and must therefore be in the total control of the user firm.
Having the source code on hand may be useful in instances where the supplier goes out of business or oth-
erwise can no longer support the software. In this case, possessing the source code could enable the user firm
to troubleshoot, modify, and otherwise maintain the software until a viable replacement could be imple-
mented. Of course, this assumes the available expertise to do so.
However, this assurance can also be accomplished by other means, such as maintaining source code avail-
ability via use of an escrow account or other similar arrangement, affording the same protection with a more
feasible (and less costly) solution. This option also allows for the available code to be kept current, without
additional cost and logistical complications. In any case, most software suppliers are not willing to provide
copies of source code unless the software is developed expressly for a given firm. A review of more recent
computer-related FDA observations reveals that this pseudo-requirement of actual possession of the code
is no longer expected. An exception obviously being if the code is actually developed by, or customized for,
the user firm, in which case the firm would possess it, and the code must be adequately documented.
In the early stages, the FDAexpected suppliers and user firms to perform dynamic path analysis on all code,
w h i c h has been proven to be mathematically impossible (see F i g u re 1) .
It is since understood that quality must
be built into the software and cannot be tested in, no matter how many paths are documented and analyzed.
These new understandings came largely from a paradigm shift that occurred from the early 1980s to the early
1990s. During this time, the software industry proved sensitive to the functional needs of its clients in the phar-
maceutical industry and migrated steadily from mostly customized source code to mostly Commercial Off - t h e -
Shelf (COTS) software. With this transition, the emphasis of software vendor quality audits also shifted subtly
from dwelling on details of how specific programs were developed to focusing on the suppliers basic software
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
development process itself. When a supplier is producing hundreds or even thousands of the same version of a
configurable program annually, users no longer need, nor have the opportunity, to inspect each line of code.
Instead, the emphasis must be redirected to judging market performance and system functionality, including
reliability of all relevant configuration options. Audits of the software producer, when it is possible to conduct
such audits, now commonly involve ensuring that reliable software development practices, including change
controls, exist and are being followed.
Figure 3
CRSV V-Shaped Lifecycle (GAMP-2)
User Requirements
Hardware Design
Acceptance Testing
Software Design
Software Integration
System Acceptance
Testing Functional Specification
Testing URS
Testing Hardware Specification
Software Module
Software Module
Review and Test
Figure 1
The Art of Software Testing
> 20 Times
Unique paths
from A to B =
100 trillion
To write, execute, and
verify a test case every five
minutes would require
about one billion years
each path.
IF/DO loop for a
simple program
with about 10-20
Figure 2
Basic Framework for Specification,
Design, and Testing (GAMP-1)
related to
System Build
related to
related to
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
During the same transition era, the need to, the practicality of, and the rationale for possessing a suppli-
ers source code diminished. Having access to all original and customized source code remained vital to a
sound validation program; but even suggesting that Bill Gates should share his source code with customers
worldwide would earn only a chuckle.
In 1986, taking a leaf from IEEE, the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PMA) incorporated a
waterfall lifecycle to portray validation of computerized systems in its Validation Concepts for Computer
Systems Used in the Manufacture of Drug Products.
Nine years later, the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA)
included an enhanced waterfall lifecycle in its Technical Report No. 18.
In 1996, the GAMP Forum pub-
lished the GAMP Supplier Guide, Version 2
which added a V-shaped lifecycle to waterfall versions. The V-
shaped lifecycle adds the powerful feature of associating test plans directly with functional specifications as
those specifications are created (see Figure 2). The GAMP Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in
Pharmaceutical Manufacture, Version 3.0
appeared in 1998 offering an enhanced V-shaped lifecycle (see
Figure 3) plus a new X-shaped lifecycle (see Figure 4) that associates supplier activities with user activities
in the validation process.
All of the above guidelines originated by Industry have contributed significantly to understanding, by
pharmaceutical firms and by suppliers, of how to cope with validation requirements for systems that are
based on swiftly-evolving new technology. Although variations exist, all versions of the lifecycle modules
involve the same fundamentals and are compatible with each other.
Figure 4
X-Model (GAMP-3)
Ongoing Support
Established QMS
for OTS Product
Suppliers Product
Design and
Managed By
QMS: Quality Management System OTS: Off-the-Shelf
As-Built or
Supplier OTS Build
Validation Planning
Validation Reporting
OTS Hardware and
Software Design
OTS Functional
Factory Acceptance
OTS On-Site Tests
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
The Phases of a Typical Waterfall Lifecycle Model
ASystem Lifecycle (SLC) is composed of phases during which a computer system is conceptualized, cre-
ated, implemented, maintained, and finally retired (see Figure 5). Each phase will yield key deliverables. It
is important to acknowledge that when iterative development, Rapid Application Development (RAD), or
prototyping techniques, are used within a project, there may be overlap, merging, or repetition of phases,
sometimes resulting in a model referred to as the spiral. However, the basic requirements of the SLC must
not change.
The following are typical SLC phases:
Figure 5
Computer-Related System Lifecycle Model
0 Plan Validation
O Define Computer-
Related System
O Select
System Vendors
O Design
O Construct
O Integrate and Install
O Qualify
O Evaluate Computer-
Related System in
Its Operating
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
0 Planning
The planning phase is the initial phase of a project. The need for a system is identified, and there must be
an understanding of the business case and processes that will be supported by the system. The scope of the
project, the risks involved, business benefits, alternate approaches, and current technologies are examined. A
high-level conceptual design of the proposed system is developed. The required resources for the project are
estimated in a work plan for the computer system/application initiative. The current experience and training
of all project team participants should be verified. The regulatory impact of the system must be understood,
and validation activities must be included in the planning phase for regulated systems. Key deliverables
yielded from the planning phase typically include a business case, project work plan, and project quality plan.
If the system is regulated, the system validation plan is typically started in this phase, but cannot be com-
pleted until system requirements are fully defined.
O Requirements Analysis
The requirements analysis phase encompasses both the functional requirements of the system from the
users perspective and the technical requirements from the developers and implementers perspective.
Functional requirements identify the expected capabilities of the system, capturing what the system will do
without defining how it will do it. Technical requirements identify the technical conditions necessary for
proper operation of the system. Key deliverables yielded from the requirements analysis phase typically
Figure 6
Design Phase of Lifecycle Model
O Design
O Construct
O Integrate and
Construct and
Test Hardware
Develop and
Test Software
Integrate and Test Computerized System
Commission Computerized System
Integrate and Install Computerized System
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
include the functional requirements specification and the technical requirements specification. Failure to ade-
quately define the functional requirements at the beginning of a project is universally recognized as the most
frequent reason for failure involving computer system design and/or validation.
O Design
The intent of the design phase is to capture how the requirements will be met (see F i g u re 6). The func-
tional and technical requirements identified during the requirements analysis phase are translated so that
the proposed system can be described in terms of physical components, such as database tables and pro-
gram components (i.e, windows, buttons, etc.). All of the application prompts, events, constraints, and
actions are designed. All reports and business forms are designed. Program modules, messages, and inter-
faces are designed. In a client-server system, application partitioning is defined. The data requirements
identified in the requirements analysis phase are transformed into logical and physical structures to be
used by developers and database administrators, which include the database tables, views, and constraint
definitions. The physical database design includes creating indexes, laying out files, de-normalizing tables
(when applicable), and developing replication, as well as backup and recovery strategies. The physical
characteristics of the database are captured in the Data Definition Language (DDL) that is used to create
the physical structures. To accomplish this definition, the design document typically includes both text and
If a vendor-supplied application is chosen, detailed design documentation can be limited to aspects con-
structed or configured by the user firm, although the complete design documentation should be verified dur-
ing the supplier audit. Key deliverables yielded from the design phase typically include the detailed design
specification. Additionally, a draft of the technical operations manual for the system is often started during
this phase.
O Development
Construction of the software takes place in the development phase. All work units (modules, windows,
reports, etc.) are fully developed. Each piece of code created as part of the application is debugged so that pro-
cessing or logic errors, as well as invalid or inefficient designs, can be identified and corrected. Work units are
integrated, resulting in a fully functional application, which is then configured in an environment that is repre-
sentative of the target production environment. The key deliverable yielded from the development phase is the
application source code or suppliers application code customized/configured with the user firms parameters.
O Testing
During the testing phase, verification is performed to ensure that the application flow, user and system
interfaces, controls, and error processing are technically correct and in alignment with functional require-
ments. Testing is documented via organized test protocols, and a final report of the test results is produced.
Testing documentation is signed and dated by the tester(s). Key deliverables yielded from the testing phase
typically include the executed technical/functional test protocols and a final report.
O Implementation
The implementation phase comprises the activities required to coordinate the controlled and successful
roll-out of the system into the production computing environment. Training takes place for technical support
personnel, as well as the users of the system. Service level agreements are established with technical infra-
structure personnel with respect to system availability, backup, and restoration, etc. Installation and data
migration/conversion plans are developed. The implementation takes place, and a post-implementation
review is conducted. Key deliverables yielded from the implementation phase typically include a production
version of the application code, implementation instructions, training materials and records, service level
agreements, system release authorization, and finalized user and operations manuals.
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
O Maintenance
The maintenance phase spans the duration of time between the initial production implementation and the
retirement of the system. The validated state of the system is preserved during this phase via use of good
change control and configuration management practice, as well as a robust problem reporting and resolution
process. A change history is maintained for the system and revalidation/requalification takes place when
required. Key deliverables yielded from the maintenance phase typically include the system change history
and associated documentation, problem logs, maintenance logs, security logs, and system logs.
O Retirement
The retirement phase addresses the retirement of a system from active use by the firm. When a system
is retired, consideration must be given to the application source code concerning how it will be phased out,
how data will be converted if applicable, how it will be stored, and how it will be available for retrieval if
required. Key deliverables yielded from the retirement phase typically include documentation covering the
storage requirements for application source code and data, the retrieval process to be followed, and any
hardware or other software dependencies, as well as the process by which the application will be removed
from operational status including any data conversion activity, along with a schedule of execution dates
and approval.
Traceability Between Phase Deliverables
There should be a correlation between the elements of the various phase deliverables/validation docu-
ments; for example, the correlation between the functional requirements and the test cases that challenge
them. This correlation can be demonstrated by using a traceability matrix. This matrix facilitates mainte-
nance of the cross-referencing between requirements, the corresponding design elements, and the test
cases that challenge them, as well as between the design and the code.
1 0
During the design phase, the trace-
ability matrix can help facilitate design review since correlation of requirements to design can unearth
mismatches and omissions. A d d i t i o n a l l y, completing the traceability matrix can help ensure adequate test
coverage in the testing phase. In the systems maintenance phase, if any of the requirements or design ele-
ments need to be updated due to a change, it is easy to determine what other documents are affected and/or
what tests must be re-executed once the change takes place. In short, the usefulness of the traceability
matrix cannot be overstated.
Qualification and Change Control of Infrastructure Architecture
Another important aspect of a comprehensive system validation is the qualification and continuous stable
state of the infrastructure architecture on which the system resides and depends (eg., servers, network, com-
munications devices, etc.) Since these are typically housed in a data center and maintained by infrastructure
operations personnel, it can be easy to neglect them; however, they are integral parts of the overall system
and therefore must be included in the lifecycle validation activities. Since the infrastructure architecture often
supports many systems, rather than performing qualifications associated with each system, it can be benefi-
cial to perform them centrally on a regular basis (supported by change control) and reference the infrastruc-
ture qualification in each system validation package.
It is essential that good communication, effective technology transfer, and support transition measures
exist between those who develop software and those who are to later manage and control it.
FDAand Industry have agreed from the beginning that CRSV should be regarded as continuing through-
out the lifecycle of a system until its eventual retirement. With the primary focus on critical system func-
tionality and availability, statistical trend analyses and trend controls can be useful, especially in the first year
of active use by the firm. During the maintenance phase of the system, the periodic assessments, change con-
trol, and revalidation maintain the stable state of the system to ensure its stability, robustness, and ongoing
proper functionality.
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
Acronym Definitions and Glossary
Computer system validation has proven to be a complex subject, a clear understanding of which depends
largely on use of a common language by everyone concerned. Thus, the authors have attempted to provide a
glossary that reflects the clearest and most accurate possible contemporary definitions. Moreover, the defin-
ition of each term has been developed in a way that will enable the term to have the identical meaning when
it is used in any IVT p r o p o s e d validation standard.
See Figure 7 for the details of the customer-supplier relationship during specification and testing. For a
computer-related system overview, see Figure 8. As with all of its proposed validation standards, the
Institute of Validation Technology invites questions and comments from our readers.
Figure 7
Customer-Supplier Relationship During Specification and Testing
Automated Performance Qualification
System Acceptance Testing
[OQ of Computer/PLC]
(Customer and Supplier)
Hardware Acceptance Testing
[IQ of Computer/PLC]
(Customer and Supplier)
Software Integration Testing
Software Module Testing
User Testing of the
Test Functional
Test Hardware
Review and test
Core Modules
User Requirements
(Customer and Supplier)
Hardware Design
(Customer and Supplier)
Software Design
(Customer and Supplier)
Software Module
0 System Definition
Functional Requirements
Physical Specifications
O Validation Project Plan
O Software Quality Assurance
Assure Structural Integrity
Assure Future Support
O Qualifications
Installation Qualification (IQ)
Operational Qualification (OQ)
Performance Qualification (PQ)
(Functional Testing Full System)
O Results Evaluation Report
Approve Results
O Maintenance Change Control
Periodic Review and Revalidation
Security, Training, and Certification
Figure 8
Computer-Related System Validation
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
1. Proposed Validation Standard VS-1: Non-Aseptic Pharmaceutical Processes. Journal of Validation Technology. Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 502-
521. Feb. 2000.
2. Medical Devices: Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) Final Rule; Quality System Regulation. 1996.
3. Garwood, R. and Motise, P. FDAs Guide to Inspection of Computerized Systems in Drug Processing. Reference Materials and training
aids for investigators. ( The Blue Book). Feb. 2000.
4. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Standards Collection: Software Engineering. 1994 Edition.
5. Myers, G.J., Ed. The Art of Software Testing. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1979.
6. Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. Validation Concepts for Computer Systems Used in the Manufacture of Drug Products.
Pharmaceutical Technology. Vol. 10(5). 1987. pp. 24-34.
7. Parenteral Drug Association. Validation of Computer-Related Systems: Technical Report No. 18. Journal of Pharmaceutical
Technology. Vol. 49(S1). S1-S17.
8. GAMP Forum. Supplier Guide: Version 2.0. May 1996.
9. International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering. GAMP Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in Pharmaceutical
Manufacture: Version 3.0. Vols. 1-2. March 1998.
10. FDA. Guidance for Industry: General Principles of Software Validation. Draft Guidance Version 1.1. June 9, 1997.
Suggested Reading
TickIT. A Guide to Software Quality Management System (Using 9001:1994) The TickIT Guide. ISBN 0-580, Issue 3.0, 1994.
Parenteral Drug Association. Validation of Computer-Related Systems: Technical Report #18. PDAJournal of Pharmaceutical Science
and Technology. 49 (S1), S1-S17.
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering. G A M P Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in Pharmaceutical Manufacture.
1 (1) User Guide. Mar. 1998.
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering. G A M P Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in Pharmaceutical Manufacture .
1 (2) Supplier Guide. Mar. 1998.
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering. G A M P Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in Pharmaceutical Manufacture.
Vol. 2. Best Practice for Users and Suppliers. Mar. 1998.
Parenteral Drug Association. Validation and Qualification of Computerized Laboratory Data Acquisition Systems, Technical Report
#31. PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. 53 (4).
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
Computer-Related System Validation
he following proposed standard is intended to reflect desirable contemporary practices, are not bind-
ing in any way, and can be modified to suit a firms specific needs. The proposed standard incorporates
imperative verbs (e.g., shall, will, must) to provide users with unambiguous quality assurance auditing
tools, and are prefaced by a Preamble that provides rationale for several of the more complex concepts. T h e
proposed standard is also directed toward users that may, or may not, be part of a larger corporation.
Terms that are bold and asterisked (*) the first time they are used are defined in Section IV Glossary.
POL 2.1
Every Computerized System* with functions that can directly or indirectly affect product quality or
cause product misshipments is to be identified as a New System* or Legacy System* and Validated*.
Throughout these proposed validation standards, all references to computerized systems apply to such
systems and include Computer-Related Systems*.
POL 2.2
One or more Computerized System Validation Team (CSVT) members shall be available to each site hav-
ing one or more computerized system. The team shall define and direct validation-related Computerized
System Validation (CSV) activities, have an identified team leader, and include Qualified* representa-
tion from at least each of the following groups:
B The Quality Authority*
B Computer validation experts
B Computer hardware experts
B Software experts
B Users of the computerized system
POL 2.3
Responsibilities of the CSVT leader shall include ensuring that all outside consultants, hardware and soft-
ware Suppliers,* and system integrators understand their responsibilities and provide documented cre-
dentials that are Verified.*
POL 2.4
A System-Specific Validation Master Plan (VMP)* is to be developed for each CSV project that
describes, defines, or refers to documents that describe or define at least the following:
B System Functional Requirements*
B System Functional Specifications*
B System, hardware, and software design specifications
B Planned validation activities
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
B Major resource requirements
B Team member responsibilities
B Validation document management plans including the use of a traceability matrix to ensure/document
traceability between requirements, design, and testing
B Installation Qualification (IQ)* and Operational Qualification (OQ)* reports covering all relevant
software and hardware
B Plans for updating all SOPs affected by the project
B Change control procedures
POL 2.5
Validation documents must all be approved by the quality authority and by an authorized representative
from the business function (eg., Production) that the validated system will support.
POL 2.6
There shall be written instructions (e.g., SOPs and/or policies) for computer and computer-related sys-
tems that are designed to:
B Ensure data input accuracy
B Establish the adequacy of both functional and structural quality of all software
B Provide documented Performance Qualification (PQ)* of the installed system(s)
B Implement human and environmental system security
B Provide validated backup, contingency, error handling, and recovery plans
B Maintain ongoing change control to address all significant planned and unplanned changes to any part
of the system
POL 2.7
Revalidation* procedures are to be established that: (1) include, as part of ongoing change control mea-
sures, assessments to determine when revalidation is required and (2) provide for documented annual
reviews of each computerized system to further ensure that revalidation is conducted when required.
PROC 2.a [ref. POL 2.1]
Amaster list is to be maintained that identifies every on-site computerized system and includes: (1) its clas-
sification as either new or legacy and (2) its validation status as either validated or being validated.
PROC 2.b [ref. POL 2.6]
Practices must be in place to verify or otherwise ensure that all critical quality-related data entries made
by human beings are accurate.
PROC 2.c [ref. POL 2.6]
The following validation documents, company-wide and/or system-specific, are to be available and main-
tained that apply to every computerized system, whether new or legacy:
B System definition
B Corporate/enterprise-level master validation plan
B System-specific validation master plan
B Functional requirements
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
B Performance qualification task report
B System security plan physical and electronic
B Error-handling plan
B Backup, contingency, and recovery plans
B Change control and maintenance plans
B Traceability matrix
PROC 2.d [ref. POL 2.6]
The following validation documents shall also be available and maintained to cover every large, new
computerized system:
B User requirements
B Computerized system design specifications
B Hardware design specifications
B Software design specifications
B Installation qualification
B Operational qualification
PROC 2.e [ref. POL 2.6]
Documented system security measures must be established that protect the validated system against such
actions as:
B Unauthorized access to computer hardware and software
B Unauthorized changes and damage to or loss of data
B Sharing of access rights, such as passwords
PROC 2.f [ref. POL 2.6]
Written contingency, backup, and restoration plans are to be audited and/or tested periodically.
PROC 2.g [ref. POLS 2.3, 2.6]
Outside services related to any computerized system must be covered by written contracts, under which
contractors and other outside employees are subject to all internal security and change control measures
identified in this proposed validation standard.
PROC 2.h [ref. POL 2.7]
Revalidation of a computerized system shall consist of repeating any or all of the original validation process-
es and shall occur when need is indicated by: (1) results and review following any change to software, hard-
ware, or procedures related to the system or (2) results of an annual or other review of the system.
API Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
BPC Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical
COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
CRSV Computer-Related System Validation
CSV Computer System Validation
CSVT Computer System Validation Team
IT Information Technology
OQ Operational Qualification
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
PQ Performance Qualification
SLC System Lifecycle
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
VMP Validation Master Plan (system-specific)
IQ Installation Qualification
IV. Glossary
POL 2.1 Computerized System a computer system plus the controlled function that it operates or
POL 2.1 Computer-Related System one or more computerized system and the relevant operating
POL 2.4 Functional Requirements statements that describe the functions a computer-related system
must be capable of performing (also referred to as User Requirements).
POL 2.4 Functional Specifications statements of how the computerized system, including its soft-
ware, will satisfy functional requirements of the computerized system.
POL 2.4 Installation Qualification (IQ) documented verification that the equipment, system, or
subsystem has been properly installed and adheres to applicable codes and approved design
intentions: and that supplier recommendations have been suitably addressed.
POL-2.1 Legacy System (as applied to Computerized Systems) a computerized system installed and
successfully operated prior to a specific date identified by the firm.
POL-2.1 New System (as applied to Computerized Systems) a computerized system installed on or
after a specific date identified by the firm (see Legacy System).
POL-2.4 Operational Qualification (OQ) documented verification that the equipment, system, or
subsystem performs as specified throughout representative or anticipated operating ranges.
(Note: Overlap between IQ and OQ often occurs and is considered allowable.)
POL-2.6 Performance Qualification (PQ) documented evidence that the defined process or system
functions as intended and produces intended results under normal operating conditions at
simulated or actual commercial scale.
POL-2.2 Qualified (when applied to a person) sufficiently trained in procedures and skills with doc-
umented evidence of competence to perform assigned tasks.
P O L - 2 . 2 Q u a l i ty A u t h o r i ty one or more persons who, collectively, have formal responsibilities for
specified quality-related operations, such as approval of manufacturing materials, release of fin-
ished products for sale, review and approval of documents, adjudication of quality assurance
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
investigations, and review of certain records. Titles of Quality Authority principals vary through-
out the world; for example, in the United States, the term the q.c. unit is all-embracing; in the
EU and Canada, the head of Quality Control has some of the responsibilities, while a Qualified
Person has others; terms such as Responsible Head (or Person) and Quality Assurance (and/or
Control) Department are also used in other areas.
POL-2.7 Revalidation repetition of the validation process or a specific portion of it, including total
process/system review, and/or requalification of those portions of the automated process/sys-
tem potentially affected by a change.
POL-2.3 Supplier a merchant firm that manufactures or sells materials. For the purpose of the sup-
plier approval process, each supplier site that produces the material of interest requires sepa-
rate approval.
POL-2.4 System-Specific Validation Master Plan (VMP) a comprehensive, project-oriented action
plan that includes or references all protocols, key SOPs and policies, existing validation task
reports, and other relevant materials on which the specific system or process validation effort
will be based. The plan also identifies resources to be allocated, specific personnel training
and qualification requirements if relevant, organizational structure and responsibilities of the
validation team, and planned schedules. The validation project plan is subject to periodic revi-
sion and is maintained by the CSVT.
POL-2.1 Validated the establishment of documented evidence, which provides a high degree of
assurance, that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predeter-
mined specifications and quality characteristics.
POL-2.3 Verified confirmed or authenticated by human review and inspection or by direct observa-
tion (dual witnessing). Human verification is not required when automated systems are pro-
vided and validated that achieve the verification function.
AUS Australia EC European Community
CAN Canada US United States
ECAx11 European Community Annex 11 WHO World Health Organization
Where a computer is used in connection with any procedure or process associated with the produc-
tion of therapeutic goods, the computer systemshould meet the requirements of this Code for those
manual functions which it replaces.
The development, implementation, and operation of a computer system should be carefully docu-
mentedand each step proven to achieve its written objective
Software development should follow the principles of Australian Standard AS 3563: Software
Quality Management System
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
Acontrol document should be prepared specifying the objectives of a proposed computer system, the
data to be entered and stored, the flow of data, the information to be produced, the limits of any vari-
ables and the operatingand test programs
Any change to an existing computer system should be made in accordance with a defined change con-
trol procedure which should document the details of each change made, its purpose, and its date of
effect, and should provide for a check to confirm that the change has been applied correctly.
Where development has progressed to a point, where the system cannot readily be assessed by read-
ing the control, and development documents together, a new control documentshould be prepared
Data collected directly from manufacturing or monitoring equipment should be checked by verifying
circuits or software to confirm that it has been accurately and reliably transferred.
Similarly, data or control signals transmitted from a computer to equipment involved in the manu-
facturing process should be checked to ensure accuracy and reliability.
The entry of critical an authorized personshould require independent verification and
release for use by a second authorised person.
methods of preventing unauthorized entry should be available
The computer system should create a complete record (audit trail) of all entries and amendments to
the database.
The recovery procedure to be followed in the event of a system breakdown should be defined in writ-
The computer system should be able to provide printed copies of relevant data and information...
Records should be available for the following aspects of a computer system validation:
B Protocol for validation
B General description of the system, the components, and the operating characteristics
B Diagrams of hardware layout/interaction
B List of programs with a brief description of each
B System logic diagrams or other schematic form for software packages
B Current configuration for hardware and software
B Review of historical logs of hardware and software for development, start-up, and normal
run periods
B Records of evaluation data to demonstrate system does as intended (verification stage and
ongoing monitoring)
B Range of limits for operating variables
B Details of formal change control procedure
B Records of operator training
B Details of access security levels/controls
B Procedure for ongoing evaluation
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
[E]quipment...shall a manner that...permits it to function in accordance with
its intended use.
5.4 [C]omputerized systems...are routinely calibrated, inspected, or checked according to
a written program designed to assure proper performance...
[P]remisesshall be designed, constructed and maintained in a manner that...permits the opera-
tions therein to be performed underorderly conditions
10 Where necessary, separate rooms are provided to protect analytical instruments and
associated control systems from vibration, electrical interference, and contact with
excessive moisture or other external factors.
4.26. There should be written proceduresforvalidation
4.9 Data may be recorded by electronic data processing systems, photographic, or other reliable
means, but detailed procedures relating to the system in use should be available, and the accura-
cy of the records should be checked. If documentation is handled by electronic data processing
methods, only authorized persons should be able to enter or modify data in the computer, and
there should be a record of changes and deletions; access should be restricted by passwords or
other means, and the result of entry of critical data should be independently checked. Batch
records electronically stored should be protected by backup transfer on magnetic tape, microfilm,
paper, or other means. It is particularly important that the data are readily available throughout
the period of retention.
[E]quipment [should be sited]where extraneous factors cannot interface with the system.
A written detailed description of the system should[include] principles, objectives, security
measures scope[,]main featuresand how it interacts with other systems and procedures.
Thesoftware should [be] produced in accordance with a system of Quality Assurance.
The system should includebuilt-in checks of correct entry and processing of data.
Before a system using a computer isuse[d], it should betested and confirmed asachieving
the desired results. If a manual system is being replaced, the two should be run in parallel for a
time, as a part of this testing and validation.
Data should only be entered or amended by [authorized persons]. [M]ethods of deterring unau-
thorized entry of data include the use of keys, pass cards, personal codes and restricted access to
computer terminals. There should be a defined procedure for the issue, cancellation, and alter-
[i 5.4]
[i 10]
May 2001 Volume 7, Number 3
Proposed Validation Standard VS-2
ation of authorization to enter and amend data, including the changing of personal passwords.
Consideration should be given to systems allowing for recording of attempts to access by unau-
thorized persons.
When critical data are...entered manually...there should be an additional check [of] accuracy
[which] may a second operator or ...validated electronic means.
Alterations to a system or to a computer program should only be made in accordance with a
defined procedure which should include provision for validating, checking, approval, and imple-
menting the change. Such an alteration should only be implemented with the agreement of the
person responsible for the part of the system concerned, and the alteration should be recorded.
Every significant modification should be validated.
[I]t should be possible to obtain clear printed copies of electronically stored data.
Data should be secured by physical or electronic means against willful or accidental damage, in
accordance with Item 4.9. of the Guide. Stored data should be checked for accessibility, durability,
and accuracy. If changes are proposed to the computer equipment or its programs, the above men-
tioned checks should be performed at a frequency appropriate to the storage medium being used
Data should be protected by backing-up at regular intervals. Back-up data should be stored at
a separate[,] secure location.
There should beadequate alternative (arrangements) for systemsin the event of a breakdown.
The time required to bring [them] into use should be related to theurgency of the need to use
[P]rocedures to be followed if the system fails or breaks down should be defined and validated.
[F]ailures and remedial action taken should be recorded.
Aprocedure should be established to record and analyze errors and [effect] corrective action
When outside agencies are used to provide a computer service, there should be a formal agree-
ment including a clear statement of responsibilities
When the release of batches[uses a] computerized system, the system should allow only a
Qualified Person to release the batches and should clearly identify and record the person
releasing the batches.
211.68 Automatic, mechanical, and electronic equipment
(b) Appropriate controls shall be exercised over computer or related systems to assure that
changes in master production and control records or other records are instituted only by autho-
rized personnel. Input to and output from the computer or related system of formulas or other
records or data shall be checked for accuracy. A backup file of data entered into the computer or
related system shall be maintained except where certain data, such as calculations performed in
connection with laboratory analysis, are eliminated by computerization or other automated
Journal of Validation Technology
Institute of Validation Technology Standards Committee
processes. In such instances, a written record of the program shall be maintained along with
appropriate validation data. Hard copy or alternative systems, such as duplicates, tapes, or micro-
film, designed to assure that backup data are exact and complete and that it is secure from alter-
ation, inadvertent erasures, or loss shall be maintained.
11.10 Controls for Closed Systems
(a) Validation of systems to ensure accuracy, reliability, consistent intended performance, and the
ability to discern invalid or altered records.
Data may be recorded by electronic data-processing systems, photographic, or other reliable
means. Master formulae and detailed standard operating procedures relating to the system in use
should be available, and the accuracy of the records should be checked. If documentation is han-
dled by electronic data-processing methods, only authorized persons should be able to enter or
modify data in the computer, and there should be a record of changes and deletions; access
should be restricted by passwords or other means and the entry of critical data should be inde-
pendently checked. Batch records electronically stored should be protected by backup transfer on
magnetic tape, microfilm, paper print-outs, or other means. It is particularly important that, dur-
ing the period of retention, the data is readily available.
11.10 (a)

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