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Exp Toxic Pathol 2004; 55: 413431

Department of Product Safety, Regulations, Toxicology and Ecology, BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Department of Toxicologic Pathology, Bayer HealthCare AG, Wuppertal, Germany
Department of Information Technology and Databases, Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine,
Hannover, Germany
Department of Pathology, Pharmacia Italia S.p.A., Gruppo Pfizer Inc., Nerviano, Italy
Department of Pathology, Pfizer, Inc., Groton, CT, USA
Department of Toxicology, Hoffmann-LaRoche AG, Basel, Switzerland
Department of Pathology/Toxicology, 3M Pharmaceuticals, St. Paul, MN, USA
Department of Pathology, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
Department of Pathology, AstraZeneca UK, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, England

Revised guides for organ sampling and trimming in rats and mice
Part 2
A joint publication of the RITA*) and NACAD**) groups


With 65 figures

Received: February 24, 2004; Revised: March 20, 2004; Accepted: April 16, 2004

Address for correspondence: GERD MORAWIETZ, Department of Information Technology and Databases, Fraunhofer Insti-
tute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, Nikolai-Fuchs-Str. 1, 30625 Hannover, Germany; Fax: ++49 511 5350 155,

Key words: Trimming; RITA; NACAD; rat; mouse; standardization; guidelines; nasal cavity; nasopharynx; paranasal
sinus; larynx; trachea; bronchus; bronchiole; lung; testis; rete testis; epididymis; prostate; coagulating gland; seminal vesi-
cle; ovary; oviduct; uterus; uterine cervix; vagina; pituitary gland; thyroid gland; parathyroid gland; adrenal gland.

*) RITA: Registry of Industrial Toxicology Animal-data. Summary

Members: Abbott GmbH & Co KG, Ludwigshafen, Ger-
many; ALTANA Pharma AG, Hamburg, Germany; Astra- This is the second part of a series of three articles on
Zeneca, Sdertlje, Sweden and Macclesfield, England;
Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH, Hattersheim, Ger-
trimming instructions of rat and mouse protocol organs
many; BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany; Bayer Health- and tissues in regulatory type toxicity studies, covering
Care AG, Wuppertal, Germany; Boehringer Ingelheim the respiratory, male and female genital, and the en-
Pharma GmbH & Co KG, Biberach, Germany; Fraunhofer docrine systems. The article is based on the experience
Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, Han- of the European RITA and American NACAD working
nover, Germany; Hoffman-LaRoche AG, Basel, Switzer- groups and is an extended revision of trimming guides
land; Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany; Novartis Pharma published in 1995 (BAHNEMANN et al.). The optimum lo-
AG, Basel, Switzerland; Pfizer, Amboise, France; Pharma- calization for tissue preparation, the sample size, the di-
cia, Nerviano, Italy; Syngenta CTL, Macclesfield, England
rection of sectioning and the number of sections to be
**) NACAD: North American Control Animal Database. prepared is described organ by organ. These descriptions
Members: 3M Pharmaceuticals, St. Paul, MN, USA; Ado- are illustrated for each organ by a schematic drawing
lor Corporation, Malvern, PA, USA, Bayer CropScience,
Stillwell, KS, USA; Pfizer, Inc., Groton, CT, USA; Pfizer, and/or a macro-photograph showing the plane of section
Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, USA; Pharmacia, Inc., Kalamazoo, as well as a low magnification of the H&E stained slide
MI, USA; R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Insti- demonstrating the optimum end-product.
tute, Spring House, PA, USA; Schering-Plough Research The objectives of this work, as addressed in detail in
Institute, Lafayette, NJ, USA the first part (RUEHL-FEHLERT et al. 2003), are to stan-

0940-2993/04/55/06-413 $ 30.00/0 413

dardize tissue sampling and trimming, to improve the or tissue first. Trimming is performed as the next step,
comparability of historical data obtained from different either on the fresh wet tissue or, in most cases, after
studies and different laboratories, ensure the presence of fixation of the organ. Most of the gross photographs
all relevant target sites for histopathological evaluation were taken from fresh unfixed organs; shape and
and provide technical advice for preparatory techniques color may be slightly different after fixation.
during necropsy, fixation and trimming. 7. An image of a Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)
stained slide is shown for the recommended section
level (sometimes also for optional levels). Typical
Brief introduction to the use structures included in this section are indicated as
of the individual organ guides necessary. If not otherwise specified, 10% buffered
formalin is recommended as the fixative.
For each organ the following information is usually
In the descriptions the following terms are used for the
presented (for more details see part 1: RUEHL-FEHLERT et al.
determination of the trimming directions (see also fig. 2
with a schematic presentation of the related cut levels):
1. Localization: anatomical site or part of an organ transverse: perpendicular to the long axis of an organ
from which a sample should be taken (i.e. lobe). or part of an organ
2. Number of samples: number of organs (i.e. both for longitudinal vertical: in the direction of the long axis
bilateral organs) or organ pieces prepared for evalua- of the body, an organ or part of an organ in the dorsoven-
tion (not necessarily identical with the number of tral axis or parallel to it (in the text also referred to in
slides/blocks). short as longitudinal)
3. Direction: direction (plane of section) in which an longitudinal horizontal: in the direction of the long
organ should be cut at trimming or microtome sec- axis of the body, an organ or part of an organ, perpendic-
tioning. The proposed direction is shown in green ular to the dorsoventral axis (in the text also referred to in
color and optional sections (if defined) are shown in short as horizontal)
blue (see fig. 1 for an explanation of the symbols
used). By defining either the body, the whole organ or a
4. Sample size: the size (area) of an organ or part of an part of an organ (for example a liver lobe or a certain
organ which is sampled in a cassette for processing. part of the brain), as a unit of reference, it is relatively
The sample size is determined by the size of an organ simple to precisely characterize a trimming direction by
or the cassette. For optimal fixation, sample thickness using only the three above defined terms and avoiding
should not exceed 35 mm. In general, the examined therefore the vast amount of anatomical terms and con-
area should be as large as possible and should contain fusing synonyms present in literature.
the relevant anatomical structures. The tissue can be
adapted to the size of cassettes by trimming the mar- Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank
gins off. Mr. Theodor Laforme and Mrs. BRIGITTE POSCHMANN
5. Optional remarks are used to present additional in- (Bayer HealthCare AG) for the gross preparation of organs
formation, as recommended by the RITA/NACAD and histological slides; Mrs. PETRA HARTMANN, Mrs. MEIKE
groups, such as the instillation of fixative into the PETERSEN and Mrs. MARTINA NEUENHAUS (Bayer Health-
lung or the urinary bladder, reasons for optional rec- Care AG) for scanning the histological slides, Dr. GERD-
ommended sections, placements of organs in cas- PETER FEHLERT for his help in image processing; Mr. PETER
KOCH and Mr. MIRCO JAHNKE (BASF AG) for the photo
settes, etc. documentation on prostate preparation; Dr. MARTIN ROSEN-
6. Schematic drawings and/or gross photographs are BRUCH (Bayer HealthCare AG), Dr. SUSANNE RITTING-
shown indicating the plane of section. Some of the HAUSEN and Dr. HEINRICH ERNST (Fraunhofer ITEM) for
gross photographs show the organ and trimming di- their scientific advice for organ preparation in inhalation
rection in situ. However, this is just for orientation studies and Dr. PAUL DESLEX (Pfizer Centre Recherche) for
purposes and it is recommended to remove the organ providing additional photographs and slides.

Fig. 1. Symbols used in the drawings and/or gross pho-

tographs to indicate the plane of section. a: cutting level Fig. 2. Schematic presentation of the plane of section. a:
parallel to the plane of the picture, b: cutting level perpen- transverse, b: longitudinal vertical, c: longitudinal horizon-
dicular to the plane of the picture, c: cut level, 3-D. tal.

414 Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6

3 Respiratory system
3.1 Nasal cavity, Nasopharynx
and Paranasal sinus
Localizations: 1) Posterior part of upper incisors
2) Incisive papilla
3) Second palatine crest
4) First molar teeth
Number of sections: 1 (oral toxicity study: third level)
4 (inhalation study)
Direction: Transverse
Remarks: Embedded with the rostral faces
down Fig. 3.1a. Nasal cavity, rat, 4 trimming locations.

The structures of the palate and the teeth are used for
orientation to achieve transverse sections through the
nasal cavity at certain levels.
In inhalation studies, four transverse tissue levels
should be taken, because the examination of these sec-
tions at defined levels assures consistent recognition of
degenerative and proliferative lesions of all different ep-
ithelial cell types of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus.
Typically in oral toxicity studies, only the third level is
examined. Neoplastic lesions occur more frequently in
the anterior and middle portions of the nasal cavity,
whereas some non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions are
observed exclusively in the olfactory epithelium. The
third level includes respiratory and olfactory epithelial
cells. The resulting slices of tissue are embedded with Fig. 3.1b. Nasal cavity, rat, 4 trimming locations.
the rostral face down, because non-neoplastic lesions
have been found to be most severe at the more rostral
borders of the affected epithelium. Slight differences of
the cut level may occur depending on anatomical varia-
tions in different strains.
If more squamous epithelium is required for examina-
tion, a section rostral to level 1 should be performed. For
examination of the olfactory bulb, a section caudal to
level 4 is recommended.

Relevant differences between rats and mice

Mice should be trimmed in the same manner as rats.
However, in inhalation studies with very young or very Fig. 3.1c. Nasal cavity, rat,
small mice (e.g., transgenic strains), it can be difficult to location 1.
cut the nose in four levels. For those exceptions, the fol-
lowing three level-procedure is recommended:
1) Immediately posterior to the incisors,
2) At the level of the incisive papilla,
3) Through the middle of the second molar tooth.
For non-inhalation studies level 3 is recommended for

Related references
BROWN 1990, HARDISTY et al. 1999, HARKEMA 1990, Fig. 3.1d. Nasal cavity,
HARKEMA and MORGAN 1996, MORGAN 1991, POPP and rat, location 2. Nd: na-
MONTEIRO-RIVIERE 1985, URAIH and MARONPOT 1990, sopalatine (incisive) duct,
YOUNG 1981 Nl: Nasolacrimal duct.

Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6 415

Fig. 3.1e. Nasal cavity, rat, location 3. Ps: paranasal sinus. Fig. 3.1h. Nasal cavity, mouse, location 1.

Fig. 3.1f. Nasal cavity, rat, location 4. Pd: pharyngeal duct Fig. 3.1i. Nasal cavity, mouse, location 2. Ps: paranasal
(nasopharynx). sinus.

Fig. 3.1g. Nasal cavity, mouse, 3 trimming locations. Fig. 3.1j. Nasal cavity, mouse, location 3.

416 Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6

3 Respiratory system
3.2 Larynx
Localizations: 1) Base of epiglottis
2) Ventral pouch
3) Cricoid cartilage (rats only)
Number of sections: Inhalation studies: rats 3, mouse 2
Optional for rats and mice: if nec-
essary, the larynx can also be em-
bedded in one block and step sec-
tions are taken at the predilection
sites. Fig. 3.2b. Larynx, level 1. Sg: seromucinous glands at the
Oral studies: 1 base of the epiglottis.
Direction: Transverse
Remarks: Since the larynx of mice is very
small, only two pieces (level 1 and
2) are trimmed.
For oral studies the organ is cut at
level 2 to include the most sensi-
tive parts: ventral pouch and vocal
processes (medial surfaces) of
arytenoid cartilages.
Only the cranial portion of the epiglottis is removed to
ensure inclusion of the major predilection site for in-
duced lesions. This site is primarily represented by the
epithelial lining of the ventral and ventrolateral luminal
surface of the larynx (cranial to the ventral laryngeal
pouch). The remaining larynx is trimmed according to
the proposed scheme at three levels including base of
epiglottis, ventral diverticulum and cricoid cartilage. The
three pieces are embedded with the cranial cut surface
downwards. The three levels assure recognition of all Fig. 3.2c. Larynx, level 2. Vp: ventral pouch, A: processes
different epithelial cell types of the larynx and underly- of the arytenoid cartilages, U: u-shaped cartilage.
ing seromucinous glands.

See also:
Thyroid gland

Related references
LEWIS 1991, RENNE et al. 1992, SAGARTZ et al. 1992

Fig. 3.2d. Larynx, level 3. C: cricoid cartilage.

Fig. 3.2a. Larynx, in-

halation studies. Rats:
levels 13, mice: levels
1 and 2.

Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6 417

3 Respiratory system
3.3 Trachea (inhalation study)
Localization: Including the bifurcation
Number of sections: 1 (2)
Direction: Longitudinal horizontal
Optional: transverse
Remarks: Embedded in toto; careful micro-
tome sectioning until recommend-
ed cutting level is obtained.

In inhalation studies, tracheal epithelium including the

epithelial lining of the bifurcation should be examined,
because this is known as the most sensitive area to
respond to inhaled particulate irritants. For this purpose,
a longitudinal horizontal section should provide a long
distance of the epithelial surface and the tip of the carina.
For optimal estimation of e.g. mild hyperplasia, it can be
helpful to have an optional transverse section (see alter-
native trimming technique for oral toxicity study under
thyroid gland/trachea/parathyroid gland).

Related references
GOPINATH et al. 1987, SCHWARTZ et al. 1991

Fig. 3.3a. Trachea with bifurcation.

Fig. 3.3b. Trachea with bifurcation, C: carina.

418 Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6

3 Respiratory system Inhalation study: Rats
3.4 Lung
Localizations: 1) Left lobe
Oral study: Rats and mice 2) Right caudal lobe
3) Right cranial lobe
Localizations: Recommended procedure: 4) Right middle lobe
1) Left lobe 5) Accessory lobe
2) Optional: right caudal lobe Number of sections: 5
3) Optional: right cranial lobe Direction: Sections 1, 2: longitudinal horizontal
Number of sections: 1 (3) Sections 3, 5: transverse
Direction: Longitudinal horizontal Section 4: longitudinal vertical
Optional: transverse Remarks: Instillation obligatory.
Remarks: Instillation strongly recommended. Longitudinal horizontal section
Sectioning to the axis of the lobar comprising the lobar bronchus and
its main branches.
bronchus. Longitudinal section
Sample size(s) adapted to the size
comprising the lobar bronchus
of the cassette(s); preferentially,
and its main branches.
the diaphragmatic margin is
Sample size(s) adapted to the size trimmed off.
of the cassette(s). Alternative procedure: right and
Alternative procedure: left lobes (separate blocks) em-
Rat: right lobes embedded ventral bedded ventral surface down.
surface down.
Mouse: whole lung embedded,
ventral surface down. Inhalation study: Mice
Localizations: 1) Left lobe
2) Right caudal lobe
3) Right cranial lobe
4) Right middle lobe
5) Accessory lobe
Number of sections: 5
Direction: Sections 1, 2, 4, 5: longitudinal
Section 3: transverse
Remarks: Instillation obligatory. Similar
procedure as in rats, but lobes are
embedded in toto, ventral surface
down and detached from the tra-
chea. The five lobes normally fit
into one cassette.
Option: whole lung in toto (ven-
Fig. 3.4a. Lung, ventral aspect, oral study. tral surface down) without re-
moval of the trachea.
Microtome sectioning of left lobe
and right caudal lobe until lobar
bronchus and its main branches
are visible (longitudinal-horizontal
Spontaneous neoplastic pulmonary lesions are rare in
rats and arise mostly in the lung periphery whereas re-
generative hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia occur
mainly in the centroacinar region. Therefore tissue of the
lung including parenchyma, bronchiolo-alveolar junc-
tions and main bronchi should be investigated. In oral
toxicity studies, at minimum, one longitudinal section of
the left lobe should be examined. Additionally, trans-
verse sections of the right cranial and caudal lobes may
be examined. In these sections, the epithelium of the
Fig. 3.4b. Lung, ventral aspect, oral study. major bronchioles, which is one important site of lesions,

Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6 419

can be examined at its widest diameter. In inhalation Related references
studies, sections of all five lobes should be examined DUNGWORTH et al. 1992, GOPINATH et al. 1987, PLOPPER
according to the proposed scheme, which facilitates 1996, RENNE et al. 2001, RITTINGHAUSEN et al. 1992,
unambiguous identification of individual lung lobes. For SCHWARTZ et al. 1991, SMINIA et al. 1990
histological identification of proliferative lesions in the
lung, careful fixation by intratracheal instillation is
recommended, even for oral studies.

Fig. 3.4f. Lung, rat, location 1,

left lobe.

Fig. 3.4c. Lung, rat, ventral aspect, inhalation study.

Fig. 3.4g. Lung, rat,

location 2, right caudal

Fig. 3.4h. Lung, rat,

Fig. 3.4d. Lung, rat, ventral aspect, inhalation study. location 3, right cranial

Fig. 3.4i. Lung, rat,

location 4, right middle

Fig. 3.4j. Lung, rat

location 5, accessory
Fig. 3.4e. Lung, mouse, in toto (option). lobe.

420 Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6

4 Male genital system
4.1 Testis and Rete testis
Localization: Transverse, close to the rete testis
Number of sections: 2 (1 per side)
Direction: Transverse
Remarks: A transverse section containing
the area of the rete testis provides
good histology of seminiferous
tubules as well as of the rete testis.
Optional: longitudinal vertical
section containing the rete testis.

Near the capsule, focal tubules with flat or incomplete

epithelium can be found. These should not be confused
with atrophic or degenerating tubules, as they represent
tubules of the rete testis. Generally, the rete testis is very Fig. 4.1b. Testis, transverse section left, optional longitudi-
small in rodents and not well visible in the histological nal section right.
section. In mice it is slightly more prominent than in rats
and hyperplasia of the rete testis can be observed in older
animals. For inclusion of the rete testis in the histological
section orientation is given by the vasculature.
In short-term studies, fixation with Davidsons or
Bouins solutions is highly recommended to detect less
extensive toxicity.
Leydig cells (interstitial cells) are present in small
groups in the interstitium between the seminiferous
tubules. They are found in a similar distribution in all
sections proposed.

Related references
BOORMAN et al. 1990a, CHAPIN and HEINDEL 1993,
CREASY and FOSTER 2002, FERM 1987, FOLEY 2001, LAN-
NING et al. 2002, LATENDRESSE et al. 2002, RUSSELL et al.

Fig. 4.1c. Rete testis (R), rat (V: vasculature).

Fig. 4.1a. Testis, recommended transverse section (green), Fig. 4.1d. Rete testis (R), mouse (V: vasculature, L: Leydig
optional section (blue). cells).

Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6 421

4 Male genital system 4 Male genital system
4.2 Epididymis 4.3 Seminal vesicle and Coagulating gland
Number of sections: 2 (1 per side) Localization: In the mid portion
Direction: Longitudinal vertical Number of sections: 2 (1 per side)
Sample size: Whole organ Direction: Transverse
Remarks: Together with coagulating gland
It appears that the epithelium in the body of the organ
is sometimes more sensitive than in the head and tail. The coagulation gland represents the dorsocranial part
Therefore, the body should not be excluded from the in- of the prostate.
vestigation. The whole organ should be fixed and em- A transverse section should be made through the
bedded. It should be noted that some toxicants affect in widest part of seminal vesicle together with coagulating
particular the efferent ducts, which are located between gland.
testis and epididymal head. Care should be taken that
these structures are not destroyed during preparation.
Related references
Related references BOORMAN et al. 1990b, CREASY and FOSTER 2002, FERM
BOORMAN et al. 1990a, CARDY 1987, FERM 1987, HESS 1998 1987, SUWA et al. 2002

Fig. 4.2a.

Fig. 4.3a. Seminal vesicle and coagulating gland.

Fig. 4.2b. Epididymis (B: body, H: head, T: tail).

Fig. 4.3b. Seminal vesicle (Sv) and coagulating gland (Cg).

Fig. 4.2c. Epididymis (B: body, H: head, T: tail).

422 Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6

4 Male genital system After fixation, the ventral lobe is detached from the
4.4 Prostate urinary bladder and is flipped back. The urinary bladder
and seminal vesicles with coagulation glands are re-
Localization: Dorsolateral and ventral lobe moved. The two ventral lobes are separated from each
Number of sections: 1 other, but are left attached to the dorsolateral parts. The
Direction: Longitudinal horizontal after spe- dissected prostate is put into a cassette with the outer
cial preparation (see below). surfaces down; i.e. ventral face of the ventral lobes down
and dorsal face of the dorsolateral lobes down (see fig-
ures 4.4.g through 4.4.i). After histotechnical processing,
a section at the mid level of the ventral lobes is made.
The dorsocranial lobe of the prostate (i.e. coagulating
gland) is processed with the seminal vesicle.
Chemically induced or spontaneous proliferative le-
sions of the rat prostate can be found in all three lobes.
The dorsal and lateral lobes exhibit the same spectrum of
proliferative lesions. These differ from spontaneous and
induced lesions in the ventral lobe. Additionally, some
strain specific deviations in the interlobular distribution
of benign and malignant neoplasms consequently require
the assessment of all compartments. Accordingly, a lon-
gitudinal-horizontal section through the prostate com-
plex, including dorsolateral and ventral lobes, urethra
and, optionally, ureter and ductus deferens represents a
less time consuming method, applicable to routine histo-
logical processing and examination.
Fig. 4.4a. Prostate, rat, ventral aspect. Lateral lobes not visible,
dorsal lobe: only caudal part visible. Related references
BOORMAN et al. 1990b, FERM 1987, LEE and HOLLAND
1987, MITSUMORI and ELWELL 1988, SUWA et al. 2001,
SUWA et al. 2002

Fig. 4.4b. Prostate, rat, dorsal aspect.

Fig. 4.4c. Prostate.

The dorsolateral and ventral lobes that normally lie in
a vertical axis above each other (with urinary bladder
and seminal vesicle in between) are spread in a horizon- Abbreviations used in figures 4.4c to 4.4h:
tal axis and embedded with the outer aspect down into Cg: Coagulation gland
the cassette. Dd: deferent duct
Dl: dorsolateral lobe of prostate
Preparation: The group of adjacent organs consisting Dsv: Duct of seminal vesicle
of prostate, urinary bladder, seminal vesicles and coagu- Sv: Seminal vesicle
lation glands is removed (see figures 4.4.d through 4.4.f) Ub: Urinary bladder
and (if weights are not required) fixed in toto to prevent Ur: Urethra
leakage of the glandular secretions. Vl: ventral lobe of prostate

Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6 423

Fig. 4.4d. Rat, abdominal cavity, ventral aspect. In-situ lo- Fig. 4.4g. Outer aspects of freshly dissected (left) and
calization of prostate and attached organs. fixed (right) prostate.

Fig. 4.4e. The urethra is dissected. Fig. 4.4h. Inner aspects of fixed (left) and freshly dis-
sected (right) prostate. Compared to the situation in the
living animal (in situ), the ventral prostate is flipped back.

Fig. 4.4f. Removal of prostate, urinary bladder, and semi- Fig. 4.4i. The prostate lobes are embedded with the
nal vesicles as a unit. outer aspects down, i.e. the dorsolateral lobes with the
dorsal surface down, and the ventral prostate with the
ventral surface down, because this part was flipped back.

424 Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6

5 Female genital system
5.1 Ovary and Oviduct
Number of sections: 2 (1 per side and organ)
Direction: Ovary: longitudinal
Oviduct: transverse
Remarks: If ovaries are not weighed:
Ovary processed along with the
Longitudinal sections are made,
resulting in multiple transverse
sections of the oviducts.
Fig. 5.1a. Ovary and oviduct, if ovaries are not weighed.
If ovaries are weighed:
Ovaries and oviducts are separated
at necropsy.

In rats, the ovary is embedded together with the

oviduct and a central section is cut. Larger ovaries or
ovaries with masses are halved longitudinally or a slice
from the middle of the organ is taken at trimming. In
mice, the ovary is very small and therefore removed and
fixed together with the bursa to avoid preparation arti-
facts. This procedure allows the detection of bursa cysts Fig. 5.1b. Ovary (Ov), oviduct (Od)
and cystadenomas in mice. Ovarian cysts should remain and uterine horn (H), if ovaries are
intact if possible. weighed.
If the oviduct is prepared attached to the ovary, the
longitudinal cut through the ovary will result in multiple
transverse sections through the oviduct.
If the ovaries are weighed, attached tissues (ovarian
bursa, oviduct) have to be removed. In this case, the
oviduct together with the tip of the uterine horn is dis-
sected from the ovary during necropsy. The whole
oviduct in conjunction with the tip of the uterine horn is
fixed and embedded. Longitudinal sections through the
tip of the uterine horns are made, resulting in transverse
sections of the oviduct.
If the uterus is also weighed, the oviducts are detached
from the horns and put into a cassette with the ovaries.

Related references Fig. 5.1c. Ovaries (top) and oviducts (bottom). Ovarian
FERM 1987, HEINDEL and CHAPIN 1993, U.S. Food and bursa removed, oviducts separated from ovaries and uterine
Drug Administration 2000, YUAN and FOLEY, 2002 horns.

Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6 425

5 Female genital system
5.2 Uterus and Vagina
Localizations: 1 + 2) Middle region: uterine horns
3) Whole organ: uterine body and
4) Whole organ or anterior por-
tion: vagina
Number of sections: 3, 4 if uterus is separated from
vagina Fig. 5.2b. Uterus and vagina (V: vagina, C: cervix, B: body,
Direction: 1 + 2) Transverse: uterine horns H: uterine horn, Od: oviduct, Ov: ovary).
3) Longitudinal horizontal: uterine
body (corpus), cervix and vagina
Remarks: Optional: oviducts together with
the tip of the uterine horns; other
options see ovary.

The uterine body (fused part of the uterus) together

with the vagina should be placed with its dorsal aspect
on cardboard before fixation. If uterus is weighed, uter-
ine cervix and vagina are two separate specimens which
are cut longitudinally.
A horizontal section is made through the cervix and Fig. 5.2c. Uterine horn.
vagina. A transverse section is made through the middle
portion of both uterine horns. These sections cover the
relevant anatomical and functional structures of these or-
gans. In most cases, the uterine body and most of the
vagina will fit in one cassette, facilitating the interpreta-
tion of findings in the female genital tract.
The oviducts are fixed attached to the uterus when the
ovaries are weighed.

Related references
CHAPIN 1993, U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2000,
YUAN and CARLSON 1987, YUAN and FOLEY, 2002

Fig. 5.2d.
Uterine cervix.

Fig. 5.2a. Uterus and vagina, ventral aspect. Fig. 5.2e. Vagina.

426 Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6

6 Endocrine system
6.1 Pituitary gland
Localization: Sella turcica of sphenoid bone
Number of sections: 1
Direction: Transverse, parallel to the cau-
dodorsal surface of the gland.
Remarks: To avoid destruction of the pitu-
itary, fixation is recommended be-
fore removal from the skull and/or
The organ is embedded in toto
with its caudodorsal surface
down, so that the section will in- Fig. 6.1b. Skull, dorsal view. Level for optional in-situ
clude all three parts. trimming.
Optional: trimmed in situ, closely
caudal to the pituitary, caudal sur-
face embedded down.
Transverse section of decalcified

The pituitary consists of three portions: pars distalis,

pars intermedia, and pars nervosa. All three parts should
be present in one histologic section with the largest pos-
sible area.

Relevant differences between rats and mice

In mice, in situ fixation may be particularly useful to
avoid preparation artifacts and to obtain consistent
planes of section (Mahler and Elwell, 1999).

Related references
CAPEN 1996a, HEBEL and STROMBERG 1986, MAHLER and Fig. 6.1c. Pituitary gland in situ (Pn: pars nervosa, Pi: pars
ELWELL 1999, OSAMURA 1996, SATOH et al. 1997 intermedia, Pd: pars distalis, Sb: sphenoid bone).

Fig. 6.1.d. Pituitary gland, male rat, immunohistochemical

staining for prolactin: depending on the level of section, the
positive cells are not evenly distributed.

Fig. 6.1a. Pituitary gland, in situ localization, median as-

pect (Pn: pars nervosa, Pd: pars distalis, Sb: sphenoid bone).

Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6 427

6 Endocrine system
6.2 Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland,
Trachea (oral study) and Esophagus
Localization: In the area of the parathyroid gland
Number of sections: 1
Direction: If thyroid glands are not weighed:
Transverse section of trachea, eso-
phagus, thyroid and parathyroid
Optional: longitudinal horizontal
section of thyroid glands in con- Fig. 6.2a. Transverse section.
junction with trachea. A separate
transverse section of the esopha-
gus is made.

If thyroid glands are weighed:

Longitudinal horizontal (largest
cut surface), section of thyroid
and parathyroid glands.
Transverse section of trachea and
Remarks: Recuts are sometimes required to
consistently include the parathy-
roid in the section. The number of
focal lesions observed depends on
the area of thyroid examined.
Fig. 6.2b. Transverse section (T: trachea, Tg: thyroid gland,
Relevant differences between rats and mice Pg: parathyroid gland, E: esophagus).
The rat possesses only one pair of parathyroids. They
are located on the anterior and lateral aspect of the thy-
roid lobes but may vary in position.
In the mouse, the position and the number of parathy-
roids is variable. Usually, there are two parathyroid
glands located bilaterally just under the capsule near the
dorsolateral border of each thyroid lobe. They are rarely
found at the same level, sometimes one or both may be
posterior to the thyroid; they may be deeply embedded in
the thyroid tissue and there may be more than two.

Related references
BOORMAN and DELELLIS 1983, BOTTS et al. 1991,
BOTTS et al. 1994, CAPEN 1996b, CAPEN 1996c, KITTEL Fig. 6.2c. Thyroid gland, longitudinal section, with para-
et al. 1996a, KITTEL et al. 1996b, POZHARISSKI 1990 thyroid gland (Pg).

428 Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6

6 Endocrine system
6.3 Adrenal gland
Localization: Through cortex and medulla
Number of sections: 2 (1 per side)
Direction: Longitudinal (largest cut surface)
Remarks: Embedded in toto; careful micro-
tome sectioning until recommend-
ed cutting level is obtained.

Median sections of the adrenal glands (one per side)

are required in order to demonstrate a representative part
of both cortical and medullary tissues.
Fig. 6.3c. Adrenal gland, male mouse (C: cortex, M:
Relevant differences between rats and mice medulla).
The mouse adrenal differs from that of the rat by the
absence of a zona reticularis in the inner cortex and an
additional X-zone at the junction between cortex and
medulla in females which regresses with age (Nyska and
Maronpot, 1999). The adrenal gland in male mice is very
small. Therefore, careful cutting is required to obtain
medullary tissue in the section.

Related references

Fig. 6.3d. Adrenal gland, female mouse, age about 3

Fig. 6.3a. Adrenal gland. months (C: cortex, M: medulla, X: X-zone).

Fig. 6.3b. Adrenal glands.

Exp Toxic Pathol 55 (2004) 6 429

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