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NIH Public Access

Author Manuscript
Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Published in final edited form as:

Ann Intern Med. 2008 March 18; 148(6): 427434.

Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment without Dementia in the

United States
Brenda L. Plassman, PhD, Kenneth M. Langa, MD, PhD, Gwenith G. Fisher, PhD, Steven G.
Heeringa, PhD, David R. Weir, PhD, Mary Beth Ofstedal, PhD, James R. Burke, MD, PhD,
Michael D. Hurd, PhD, Guy G. Potter, PhD, Willard L. Rodgers, PhD, David C. Steffens, MD,
MHS, John J. McArdle, PhD, Robert J. Willis, PhD, and Robert B. Wallace, MD
From Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina; University of Michigan and Veterans
Affairs Center for Practice Management and Outcomes Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan; RAND
Corporation, Santa Monica, California; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California;
and University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

BackgroundCognitive impairment without dementia is associated with increased risk for
disability, increased health care costs, and progression to dementia. There are no population-based
prevalence estimates of this condition in the United States.
ObjectiveTo estimate the prevalence of cognitive impairment without dementia in the United
States and determine longitudinal cognitive and mortality outcomes.
DesignLongitudinal study from July 2001 to March 2005.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Requests for Single Reprints: Brenda L. Plassman, PhD, 905 West Main Street, Suite 25-D, Box 41, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC 27701; e-mail, E-mail:
Author Contributions: Conception and design: B.L. Plassman, K.M. Langa, G.G. Fisher, S.G. Heeringa, D.R. Weir, M.B. Ofstedal,
J.R. Burke, M.D. Hurd, G.G. Potter, W.L. Rodgers, D.C. Steffens, R.J. Willis, R.B. Wallace.
Analysis and interpretation of the data: B.L. Plassman, K.M. Langa, G.G. Fisher, S.G. Heeringa, D.R. Weir, M.B. Ofstedal, J.R. Burke,
M.D. Hurd, G.G. Potter, W.L. Rodgers, D.C. Steffens, J.J. McArdle, R.B. Wallace.
Drafting of the article: B.L. Plassman, K.M. Langa, G.G. Fisher.
Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content: B.L. Plassman, K.M. Langa, G.G. Fisher, S.G. Heeringa, D.R. Weir,
M.B. Ofstedal, J.R. Burke, M.D. Hurd, G.G. Potter, W.L. Rodgers, D.C. Steffens, J.J. McArdle, R.J. Willis, R.B. Wallace.
Final approval of the article: B.L. Plassman, K.M. Langa, G.G. Fisher, S.G. Heeringa, D.R. Weir, M.B. Ofstedal, J.R. Burke, M.D. Hurd,
G.G. Potter, W.L. Rodgers, D.C. Steffens, J.J. McArdle, R.J. Willis, R.B. Wallace.
Statistical expertise: B.L. Plassman, K.M. Langa, G.G. Fisher, S.G. Heeringa, D.R. Weir, M.D. Hurd, J.J. McArdle, W.L. Rodgers.
Obtaining of funding: B.L. Plassman, K.M. Langa, S.G. Heeringa, D.R. Weir, M.B. Ofstedal, M.D. Hurd, W.L. Rodgers, R.J. Willis,
R.B. Wallace.
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: B.L. Plassman, G.G. Fisher, S.G. Heeringa, J.R. Burke, G.G. Potter, D.C. Steffens.
Collection and assembly of data: B.L. Plassman, K.M. Langa, G.G. Fisher, M.B. Ofstedal, J.R. Burke, G.G. Potter, D.C. Steffens, R.B.
Potential Financial Conflicts of Interest: None disclosed.
Reproducible Research Statement: The study protocol and data are available on the HRS Web site
( The statistical code is available to interested readers by contacting Dr.
Heeringa (e-mail, or Dr. Fisher (e-mail,
Current author addresses and author contributions are available at
Current Author Addresses: Drs. Plassman, Potter, and Steffens: 905 West Main Street, Box 41, Suite 25-D, Durham, NC 27701.
Dr. Langa: 300 North Ingalls Building, Room 7E01, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0429.
Drs. Fisher, Heeringa, Weir, Ofstedal, and Willis: 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
Dr. Burke: Box 2900, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710.
Dr. Hurd: 1776 Main Street, PO Box 2138, Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138.
Dr. Rodgers: 2050 West 22nd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405.
Dr. McArdle: 3620 South McClintock Avenue, SGM 501, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1061.
Dr. Wallace: 200 Hawkins Drive, C21-N GH, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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SettingIn-home assessment for cognitive impairment.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

ParticipantsParticipants in ADAMS (Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study) who were age
71 years or older drawn from the nationally representative HRS (Health and Retirement Study). Of
1770 selected individuals, 856 completed initial assessment, and of 241 selected individuals, 180
completed 16- to 18-month follow-up assessment.
MeasurementsAssessments, including neuropsychological testing, neurologic examination,
and clinical and medical history, were used to assign a diagnosis of normal cognition, cognitive
impairment without dementia, or dementia. National prevalence rates were estimated by using a
population-weighted sample.
ResultsIn 2002, an estimated 5.4 million people (22.2%) in the United States age 71 years or
older had cognitive impairment without dementia. Prominent subtypes included prodromal
Alzheimer disease (8.2%) and cerebrovascular disease (5.7%). Among participants who completed
follow-up assessments, 11.7% with cognitive impairment without dementia progressed to dementia
annually, whereas those with subtypes of prodromal Alzheimer disease and stroke progressed at
annual rates of 17% to 20%. The annual death rate was 8% among those with cognitive impairment
without dementia and almost 15% among those with cognitive impairment due to medical conditions.

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LimitationsOnly 56% of the nondeceased target sample completed the initial assessment.
Population sampling weights were derived to adjust for at least some of the potential bias due to
nonresponse and attrition.
ConclusionCognitive impairment without dementia is more prevalent in the United States than
dementia, and its subtypes vary in prevalence and outcomes.
Cognitive impairment that does not reach the threshold for dementia diagnosis is associated
with increased risk for progression to dementia in most studies, with progression rates of 10%
to 15% per year compared with 1% to 2.5% among cognitively healthy older adults (13).
However, even among those without dementia, cognitive impairment contributes to decreased
quality of life, increased neuropsychiatric symptoms, and increased disability (4,5), as well as
increased health care costs (6,7). All of these negative outcomes make accurate national
estimates of the prevalence of cognitive impairment without dementia essential for determining
the full societal impact of cognitive impairment on patients, families, and health care programs.
However, previous estimates of the prevalence of this condition from regional and non-U.S.
samples have varied from 3% to 29% (810), a range that is most likely due to differences in
diagnostic criteria and sample characteristics. Estimates of the total number of people with
cognitive impairment without dementia in the United States are not available.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

We conducted ADAMS (Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study) to determine the national
prevalence of dementia and cognitive impairment without dementia in the United States. We
previously (11) reported our estimates of the prevalence of dementia. In this article, we report
prevalence rates from what we believe to be the first population-based study of cognitive
impairment without dementia to include individuals from all regions of the country, as well as
rates of progression from cognitive impairment without dementia to dementia and death.

We drew the ADAMS sample from the larger HRS (Health and Retirement Study), an ongoing
nationally representative cohort study of individuals born before 1954 that was designed to
investigate the health, social, and economic implications of aging in the U.S. population (12
14). The HRS began in 1992, and the current sample includes approximately 22 000

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The ADAMS sample began with a stratified random subsample of 1770 individuals age 70
years or older from 5 cognitive strata based on participants scores on a self-reported or proxyreported cognitive measure (15) from the most recent HRS interview (either 2000 or 2002).
We further stratified the 3 highest cognitive strata by age (age 70 to 79 years vs. 80 years)
and sex to ensure adequate numbers in each subgroup. Full details of the ADAMS sample
design and selection procedures are described elsewhere (16,17). The ADAMS initial
assessments occurred between July 2001 and December 2003, on average, 13.3 months (SD,
6.9) after the HRS interview. Thus, participants were 71 years of age or older at the initial
As part of the ADAMS assessment, proxies (usually a spouse or adult child) provided
information about the participants cognitive and functional decline, neuropsychiatric
symptoms, and medical history. Use of proxies to collect this information is preferred, because
self-reporting of this type of information may not be reliable, particularly among cognitively
impaired individuals.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

The Figure summarizes the number of participants at each phase of the study; additional details
on participation rates are reported elsewhere (17). A total of 856 individuals, 56% of the
nondeceased target sample, participated in all phases of the dementia assessment. A major
concern in ADAMS, as in similar population-based studies, is the potential for selective
nonparticipation to bias prevalence estimates. However, because the ADAMS sample was
derived from the HRS sample, a wide range of health and social information was available to
assess and correct for potential selection bias due to nonparticipation in our sample. Using
logistic regression, we modeled the probability that a sample individual participated in the
ADAMS assessment as a function of covariates, such as age, sex, education, marital status,
HRS cognition scores, nursing home residency, and indicators of past or existing major health
conditions. We used the results of this response propensity analysis to develop nonresponse
adjustments to the ADAMS sample selection weights (18). We then constructed population
sample weights to take into account the probabilities of selection in the stratified sample design
and to adjust for differential nonparticipation in ADAMS (16).
The ADAMS data are publicly available and can be obtained from the HRS Web site
( The institutional review boards at Duke University Medical
Center and the University of Michigan approved all study procedures, and study participants
or their surrogates provided informed consent.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

A nurse and a neuropsychology technician assessed all participants at their residence for
cognitive impairment. The full details of the assessment and diagnostic procedures are
described elsewhere (17). In brief, the following information about the participant was
collected from a knowledgeable informant: chronological history of cognitive symptoms,
medical history, current medications, current neuropsychiatric symptoms, measures of severity
of cognitive and functional impairment, and family history of memory problems. During the
assessment, the participant completed a battery of neuropsychological measures; a selfreported depression measure; a standardized neurologic examination; a blood pressure
measurement; collection of buccal DNA samples for apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotyping;
and a 7-minute, videotaped segment covering portions of the cognitive status and neurologic
examinations. Specific assessment measures reported here are the Mini-Mental State
Examination (19) and the Dementia Severity Rating Scale (20). The Dementia Severity Rating
Scale is completed by an informant and assesses the presence and severity of impairment in
12 cognitive and functional domains. Scores range from 0 to 54, with higher scores reflecting
more impairment. We also sought medical record releases to obtain relevant neuroimaging and
laboratory results from participants physicians.
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A consensus expert panel of neuropsychologists, neurologists, geropsychiatrists, and internists

reviewed all information collected during the in-home assessment and assigned final diagnoses.
The consensus panel reviewed each case and assigned a diagnosis in 2 stages, first without and
then with medical records. For most cases, the consensus panel reached agreement with little
discussion; however, diagnostic agreement was more challenging for participants with little or
no education or with substantial sensory or physical impairment. The medical records often
provided the necessary neuroimaging results to change a diagnosis from possible Alzheimer
disease or vascular dementia to probable Alzheimer disease or vascular dementia. Except for
these situations, the diagnoses seldom changed after the consensus panel reviewed the
additional information in the medical records.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Diagnoses were divided within the 3 general categories: normal cognitive function, cognitive
impairment without dementia, and dementia. The consensus panel used clinical judgment to
assign the final diagnosis, based on the following criteria. Dementia diagnosis was based on
guidelines from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Revised Third
Edition (21), and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition
(22); diagnoses of Alzheimer disease and other types of dementia were based on currently
accepted criteria (2326). The definition of cognitive impairment without dementia and its
subtypes has been developed over 17 years, primarily on the basis of the accumulated clinical
experience of a group of researchers common to ADAMS and 3 other epidemiologic studies
of dementia (2729). Before ADAMS, we operationalized the definition for cognitive
impairment without dementia on the basis of analyses of both neuropsychological data and an
objective measure of daily function from participants with this diagnosis in our other studies
(27,28). We defined cognitive impairment without dementia as mild cognitive or functional
impairment, reported by the participant or informant, that did not meet criteria for dementia
(that is, Dementia Severity Rating Scale score of 6 to 11), or performance on
neuropsychological measures that was both below expectation and at least 1.5 SDs below
published norms on any test.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

To reflect the variation in clinical presentation and potential differences in the cause of the
impairment we used 12 diagnostic subcategories for cognitive impairment without dementia,
unspecified cognitive impairment without dementia: prodromal Alzheimer disease, amnestic
mild cognitive impairment (30,31), vascular cognitive impairment without dementia, stroke,
medical conditions or sensory impairment, neurologic conditions, depression, other psychiatric
disorders, low baseline intellect or learning disorder, past alcohol abuse, and current alcohol
abuse (Appendix Table 1, available at In population-based samples, few
individuals meet the criteria typically used for amnestic mild cognitive impairment (30,31).
For this reason, we used the additional category of prodromal Alzheimer disease, defined as
cognitive impairment without dementia with a pattern of clinical symptoms or performance on
neuropsychological testing suggestive of prodromal Alzheimer disease and no other medical
or neuropsychiatric conditions present to preclude an eventual diagnosis of Alzheimer disease.
To show that cognitive impairment is often the consequence of more than 1 pathologic process,
we assigned a primary and secondary diagnosis denoting these multiple causes when
We selected a subset of ADAMS participants (Figure) to undergo a follow-up assessment
approximately 16 to 18 months after the initial assessment. Participants were chosen if they
received an initial diagnosis of cognitive impairment without dementia or if they received an
initial diagnosis of normal cognition or dementia and the consensus panel thought the findings
from the initial assessment were ambiguous and that longitudinal follow-up would help clarify
the diagnosis. We used the same assessment protocol for both the initial and follow-up

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Statistical Analysis

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Using the ADAMS sample weights described previously, we computed estimates for the
national prevalence of cognitive impairment without dementia and its most common subtypes
in 2002. We then estimated the number of individuals age 71 years or older with these
conditions in the United States in 2002 by using the ADAMS sample weights. We compared
characteristics of the major subtypes by using analysis of variance and chi-square tests adjusted
for the HRS complex sample design. Initially, we used Rao chi-square tests adjusted for the
HRS complex sample design to compare rates of survival and follow-up cognitive outcomes
among the 4 most frequent subtypes of cognitive impairment without dementia.
To examine the characteristics associated with cognitive impairment without dementia and its
progression to dementia, we used logistic regression to assess the association of age, years of
education, sex (male = 1; female = 0), race (black = 1; white = 0; other ethnic and racial groups
were excluded because of small sample sizes), and APOE genotype (presence of 4 allele = 1;
absence = 0).
We conducted all analyses by using SAS software, version 9.1.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, North
Carolina), and the special survey procedures, which account for the influence of weighting and
the other features of the complex sample design on the SEs and CIs of sample estimates, as
well as the values of test statistics.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Role of the Funding Source

The National Institute on Aging had no role in the collection, management, analysis, and
interpretation of the data or the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.

Table 1 shows characteristics of the 856 ADAMS participants, stratified by cognitive status.
The cognitive impairment without dementia group comprised individuals who were well
distributed across education levels and age ranges and included 36 participants age 90 years
or older. Mean age increased from the normal cognition group to the cognitive impairment
without dementia and dementia groups, whereas the mean level of education progressively
decreased across these groups. The Mini-Mental State Examination score (19) progressively
declined from the normal cognition group to the cognitive impairment without dementia group
to the dementia group, whereas the Dementia Severity Rating Scale (20) score progressively
increased across these groups.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Table 2 shows the frequency and characteristics of the subtypes of cognitive impairment
without dementia. Patients with the 4 most frequent subtypes (prodromal Alzheimer disease,
medical conditions, stroke, and vascular cognitive impairment without dementia) were similar
in age, years of education, Mini-Mental State Examination score, and Dementia Severity
Rating Scale score. However, women were more frequent in the medical conditions group than
in the 3 other most common subtypes (chi-square, 12.17; P = 0.004).
Table 3 shows the national prevalence estimates for cognitive impairment without dementia
and its more frequent subtypes, stratified by 9- or 10-year age ranges. It also reports the
estimated number of individuals with cognitive impairment without dementia in the United
States for the same groups. We estimated that 5.4 million people age 71 years or older had
cognitive impairment without dementia in 2002, whereas an estimated 2.0 million had
prodromal Alzheimer disease. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the diagnostic criteria
for cognitive impairment without dementia, we explored how the prevalence estimates for
dementia would change if we considered some of those with a diagnosis of cognitive
impairment without dementia at the initial assessment to have had dementia at baseline. For
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these analyses, we considered all individuals who progressed to dementia at the follow-up visit
to have had dementia at baseline, whereas all those who progressed to Alzheimer disease were
considered to have Alzheimer disease at baseline. Because estimates of the prevalence of
cognitive impairment without dementia for persons younger than age 71 years are not available,
we used rates of dementia for persons age 60 to 71 years from other studies (32,33) and
combined them with estimates from this study and our previous research (11). This resulted in
an estimate of almost 4.7 million individuals age 60 years or older with dementia in the United
States, up from our previous estimate of 3.8 million, and a total of 3.3 million with Alzheimer
disease, up from 2.5 million (11).
In a logistic regression model, cognitive impairment without dementia was more likely in older
persons (odds ratio [OR], 1.13 [95% CI, 1.09 to 1.17] per year) and men (OR, 1.62 [CI, 1.09
to 2.41]) and less likely in those with more years of education (OR, 0.89 [CI, 0.84 to 0.94] per
year). Among those with prodromal Alzheimer disease, 48.3% had at least 1 APOE 4 allele,
a rate higher than that in the 3 other most common subtypes (chi-square, 12.23; P = 0.007).
However, the presence of an APOE 4 allele was not significantly related in the model to the
odds of cognitive impairment, including all subtypes (OR, 1.56 [CI, 0.92 to 2.67]). Race was
not significantly associated with cognitive impairment without dementia (OR, 1.29 [CI, 0.66
to 2.54]).

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Appendix Tables 2 to 4 (available at present unweighted values from Tables

1 to 3, respectively.
We reassessed participants, on average, 17.04 months (SD, 1.62) after their initial assessment.
In a logistic regression model, progression from cognitive impairment without dementia to
dementia at follow-up was more probable among older individuals (OR, 1.08 [CI, 1.02 to 1.14]
per year) and less probable among those with more years of education (OR, 0.88 [CI, 0.81 to
0.96] per year). Men tended to be less likely to progress to dementia (OR, 0.37 [CI, 0.13 to
1.05]). Neither race (OR, 0.46 [CI, 0.16 to 1.27]) nor presence of an APOE 4 allele (OR, 1.33
[CI, 0.55 to 3.23]) was significantly associated with progression to dementia.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Table 4 summarizes the outcomes of the follow-up assessments for the most frequent subtypes
of cognitive impairment without dementia. On follow-up, 80.4% of participants were again
classified as having cognitive impairment without dementia or had progressed to dementia.
The annualized rate of progression to dementia was about 12%, whereas the rate of progression
was 17% to 20% per year in the prodromal Alzheimer disease and stroke groups. Given the
small sample sizes, differences in cognitive outcomes (chi-square, 14.84; P = 0.062) and
mortality outcomes (chi-square, 4.19; P = 0.24) among the 4 most frequent subtypes did not
reach standard significance levels. The 4 participants with amnestic mild cognitive impairment
at baseline remained cognitively impaired without dementia at follow-up. Among those who
had progressed to dementia at follow-up, 83% had Alzheimer disease, 16.7% had possible
vascular dementia, and 0.4% had dementia of undetermined cause.

The ADAMS has produced the first prevalence estimates of cognitive impairment without
dementia and its major subtypes in a nationally representative sample in the United States. We
estimate that 22.2% (about 5.4 million) of individuals in the United States age 71 years or older
have cognitive impairment without dementia. These results suggest that the number of
individuals with cognitive impairment without dementia in the United States is about 70%
higher than that with dementia, based on our previous estimate (11) of 3.4 million individuals
in this age group in the United States with dementia. In the 71- to 79-year age group, 16% had
cognitive impairment without dementia, whereas an additional 5% had dementia (11),

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suggesting that more than 1 of 5 individuals in this age group has cognitive impairment. Overall,
individuals with cognitive impairment without dementia progressed to dementia at a rate of
about 12% per year, but the annual rate of progression ranged from 2% to 20% across the
various subtypes. The overall annual mortality rate was 8%, but it ranged from 0% to almost
15% across the various subtypes of cognitive impairment without dementia.
To date, no other estimates of the number of individuals with cognitive impairment without
dementia in the United States are available to compare with these ADAMS estimates
(MEDLINE search for English-language articles to December 2007). Reviews often report the
prevalence of cognitive impairment without dementia as ranging from 5% to 29% (9,10). Even
so, estimates from the few available U.S. regional and Canadian samples report prevalence
rates for cognitive impairment without dementia of 17% to 23% (3436), closely bracketing
the ADAMS estimate of 22.2%. Selected European population studies using different criteria
for cognitive impairment without dementia report prevalence rates ranging from 21% to 27%

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Our findings suggest that cognitive impairment without dementia due to chronic medical
conditions accounts for about 24% of all cognitive impairment without dementia in the United
States. Previous research suggests that individuals with this condition are less likely to be seen
at university clinics for memory disorders (39) and may be excluded from clinical trials (31)
even though numerous epidemiologic studies have reported an association between some of
these medical conditions (for example, diabetes and heart failure) and cognitive impairment
(40). This large group may be the most underdiagnosed subtype of cognitive impairment
without dementia, and their cognitive impairment may get relatively less attention from
medical providers as the treatment of their primary health issues takes priority.
Previous epidemiologic research (41) has noted variation across subtypes of cognitive
impairment without dementia in rates of prevalence, progression to dementia, and mortality,
which shows that cognitive impairment without dementia is a heterogeneous condition with
multiple causes. Accurately distinguishing among subtypes of cognitive impairment without
dementia will become more important as effective treatments are developed.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

No single set of consensus criteria for cognitive impairment without dementia is currently
available. This has led to debate about the appropriate classification of individuals in the zone
between normal cognition and dementia, which has implications for the interpretation of our
results. Whereas some research groups have pointed to clinical, neuropathologic, and
functional neuroimaging evidence to suggest that individuals with mild impairment constitute
a distinct group in transition from normal cognition to dementia (42), others have suggested
that those with mild impairment actually have early dementia (43). When we assessed the effect
on the prevalence rate of dementia after classifying some participants with cognitive
impairment without dementia to have had dementia at baseline, the prevalence rate for
Alzheimer disease increased but was still substantially less than the higher estimates of 4.5
million (44,45) and 5 million with Alzheimer disease (46) reported by other studies.
Limitations of ADAMS include possible response bias from a participation rate that was lower
than we hoped for. To minimize response bias, we used archived information from past
interviews to develop response propensity models and associated weighting adjustments. The
range of available measures used in these models probably captured most of the major factors
that could statistically significantly contribute to selection bias in our population estimates. As
proof of this, our calculations showed that the total size of the population age 71 years or older
in 2002 using the ADAMS sample weights closely matched the population estimates from the
U.S. Census Bureau (47). Diagnostic errors may have occurred because of inaccuracies in the
diagnostic criteria and in the assignment of the diagnosis by the consensus panel. The criteria

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for both cognitive impairment without dementia and its subtypes are in the developmental
stages and require further validation (48,49). The diagnostic subtypes are loosely defined and
rely substantially on clinical judgment. They may not truly reflect different causes or predict
prognosis. However, just as the criteria for several other neuropsychiatric conditions have
evolved over time, we expect that these criteria will be refined after additional investigation
to further characterize clinical phenotypes, identification of specific biological markers, and
longer follow-up periods to determine outcomes. We attempted to minimize variability in the
assignment of the clinical diagnosis within this study by using assessment teams based at a
single site that used methods established in our previous epidemiologic studies and by using
1 expert case review panel.

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Our findings show that cognitive impairment without dementia affects a very large segment
of the elderly population. The heterogeneous presentation of symptoms and outcomes in these
individuals implies varied underlying causes that may provide opportunities for prevention
strategies on several fronts. Prevention strategies may include programs targeting stroke
prevention, cardiovascular risk factor reduction (for example, exercise and nutrition), and
similar proactive approaches to education and management of chronic medical conditions.
Positive gains from these strategies may reduce the prevalence of cognitive impairment without
dementia and may have marked benefits for public health. Future longitudinal research using
data from HRS and ADAMS, as well as from other studies of aging, may identify interventions
that reduce the prevalence of cognitive impairment without dementia and benefit patients,
families, and our aging society.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the scientific and clinical input of the other members of the consensus conference
panel: Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer, PhD; John C.S. Breitner, MD; Norman L. Foster, MD; Bruno Giordani, PhD;
Hugh Hendrie, MB, ChB, DSc; and Frederick W. Unverzagt, PhD. Drs. Breitner and Welsh-Bohmer were involved
in the early planning and development of ADAMS and in obtaining the project funding. The authors also acknowledge
the invaluable contributions of the ADAMS participants and the research staff at Duke University Medical Center and
the University of Michigan.
Grant Support: By the National Institute on Aging (U01 AG09740). Dr. Langa was supported by National Institute
on Aging grants K08 AG019180 and R01 AG027010 and a Paul Beeson Physician Faculty Scholars award.


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NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Figure. Study flow diagram

ADAMS = Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study.

Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

Plassman et al.

Page 13

Table 1

Characteristics of Baseline ADAMS Sample*

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

All Dementia

All Cognitive
Impairment without

All Normal Cognition

308 (100)

241 (100)

307 (100)

Mean Mini-Mental State Examination

score (SD)

15.94 (4.27)

24.75 (3.27)

27.84 (2.99)

Mean Dementia Severity Rating Scale

score (SD)

22.13 (8.50)

6.17 (4.78)

1.59 (2.86)

Mean age, y

84.45 (4.06)

80.92 (5.90)

77.37 (6.69)

Men, n (%)

95 (31.5)

119 (44.9)

141 (39.1)

10.33 (2.46)

10.81 (3.46)

12.36 (4.16)

Non-Hispanic white

218 (83.4)

157 (84.2)

238 (89.0)

Non-Hispanic black

67 (12.4)

52 (10.4)

40 (5.7)


23 (4.2)

32 (5.4)

29 (5.4)


Total participants, n (%)

Mean education (SD), y

Race/ethnicity, n (%)

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Values for n are unweighted. Means and percentages are weighted and calculated within columns. Because of missing data, the total number for the
Mini-Mental State Examination is 814 and the total number for Dementia Severity Rating Scale is 808. Totals do not all add up to 100% because of
rounding. ADAMS = Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

10 (5.2)
4 (2.8)
6 (1.7)
8 (1.4)

Neurologic conditions

Amnestic mild cognitive impairment

Past or current alcohol abuse

Low baseline intellect or presence of

learning disorders
80.92 (5.90)

81.12 (4.66)

76.89 (1.34)

82.45 (12.52)

82.71 (6.71)

80.21 (3.59)

78.63 (6.25)

81.04 (5.41)

80.28 (5.96)

81.88 (5.94)

Mean Age (SD), y

10.81 (3.46)

3.06 (1.91)

10.58 (2.78)

12.59 (3.56)

8.59 (5.29)

11.21 (3.60)

11.10 (3.39)

11.78 (3.07)

10.51 (2.81)

10.97 (3.58)

Education (SD),

24.75 (3.27)

16.51 (2.64)

25.37 (1.92)

25.72 (0.93)

27.00 (2.89)

23.67 (1.25)

25.80 (2.98)

25.70 (3.45)

24.63 (2.77)

24.13 (3.44)

Mean MiniMental State

Score (SD)








6.17 (4.78)

2.52 (1.64)

8.20 (2.89)

12.08 (5.93)

8.08 (5.19)

7.98 (5.92)

5.20 (4.61)

6.25 (5.82)

7.08 (4.97)


4.86 (3.94)


Men, %

Mean Dementia
Severity Rating
Scale Score (SD)

Persons in the medical conditions subgroup were more likely to be female (P = 0.004).

Values for n are unweighted. Means and percentages are weighted and are calculated within columns. Some subtypes are grouped together because of small sample sizes. Means or percentages are
compared among the 4 most frequent cognitive impairment without dementia subtypes.

241 (100)

10 (5.1)

Depression and other psychiatric


34 (15.5)

20 (10.1)

55 (23.9)

Medical conditions

Vascular cognitive impairment without


94 (34.2)

Frequency, n (%)

Prodromal Alzheimer disease

Cognitive Impairment without

Dementia Subtype after Initial


Table 2

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Frequencies and Estimated Population Characteristics for Cognitive Impairment without Dementia Subtypes*
Plassman et al.
Page 14

Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

22.2 (18.725.7)

5.43 (4.576.29)

0.73 (0.480.98)

2.41 (2.002.81)

2.29 (1.652.94)

Estimate (95%

8.2 (6.510.0)

22.4 (11.932.9)

9.7 (6.413.1)

5.5 (2.68.4)

(95% CI), %

2.01 (1.592.45)

0.42 (0.220.62)

0.80 (0.5281.081)

0.79 (0.371.20)

Estimate (95%

Prodromal Alzheimer Disease (n = 98)

5.7 (3.87.6)

2.9 (0.06.3)

10.1 (6.413.9)

3.5 (1.45.6)

(95% CI), %

1.39 (0.931.86)

0.05 (0.00.12)

0.83 (0.531.15)

0.50 (0.200.80)

Estimate (95%

Vascular Cognitive Impairment

without Dementia and Stroke (n = 54)

5.3 (2.68.0)

9.2 (0.218.2)

5.4 (2.18.7)

4.7 (1.28.5)

(95% CI), %

Prodromal Alzheimer Disease includes amnestic mild cognitive impairment subtype. The 3 right columns are a subset of the column All Cognitive Impairment without Dementia. The percentages
across rows for these 3 subgroups do not equal the percentage for the All Cognitive Impairment without Dementia group because the latter group includes additional subgroups not presented in the

1.30 (0.641.96)

0.17 (0.000.34)

0.45 (0.170.72)

0.674 (0.171.22)

Estimate (95%

Medical Conditions (n = 55)

Proportions are weighted. Population estimates in millions (and their CIs) were calculated by using the Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study population sampling weights.

39.0 (25.752.2)

29.2 (24.334.1)

90 y

16.0 (11.520.5)

(95% CI), %

All Cognitive Impairment without

Dementia (n = 241)

8089 y

7179 y


NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Table 3

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Estimated National Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment without Dementia, by Age Categories*

Plassman et al.
Page 15

Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Follow-up completed, n

Total participants, n

Follow-up Outcome

16.7 3.5
11.7 2.5

Rate (SE), %

Annualized rate (SE),


63.8 6.1

Rate (SE), %

Rate (SE), %

Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.
10.2 2.2
8.0 2.2

Rate (SE), %

Annualized rate (SE),


6.4 3.2

8.9 4.0

10.0 2.8



18.4 4.0

53.7 8.0


20.1 5.5

27.9 7.4




Prodromal Alzheimer Disease

14.9 2.3

20.6 1.8


7.4 1.4


37.0 6.8


54.4 6.5


6.0 2.4

8.6 3.4



Medical Conditions

Diagnosis at Initial Assessment

4.4 0.7

4.4 0.7

30.4 11.0

7.0 0.6

83.8 7.0


6.1 4.9

9.3 7.3




11.6 1.4

11.6 1.4

16.7 8.2


13.6 7.9

61.5 11.2


17.1 3.5

24.9 5.0




4.9 0.6

12.1 4.0

85.3 4.1


1.9 0.9

2.6 1.3




Values for n are unweighted. Percentages are weighted sample-based estimates of the change that occurred in the population that the sample represented. Percentages for Death and No visit were
calculated by column using the total number of participants. Percentages for Dementia, Cognitive Impairment without Dementia, and Normal were calculated by column using the number of
patients who completed follow-up assessment. Rate (%) is based on outcome at 16 to 18 months of follow-up. Annualized rate for dementia was based on prorating to a 12-month interval the percentage
that progressed to dementia. The annualized rate for the deceased is the percentage of those who died within 12 months of initial assessment. All remaining Cognitive Impairment without Dementia
subtypes are included in Other.


Participants, n


11.7 2.7

Participants, n

No visit


Rate (SE), %

Follow-up not completed, n

19.6 4.2

Participants, n



Participants, n

Cognitive impairment without dementia




All Cognitive

Participants, n


NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Table 4

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Outcomes of Cognitive Impairment without Dementia at Follow-up Assessment*

Plassman et al.
Page 16

Plassman et al.

Page 17

Appendix Table 1

Categories and Definitions of Cognitive Impairment without Dementia*

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

NIH-PA Author Manuscript



Unspecified cognitive impairment

without dementia

Meets criteria for cognitive impairment without dementia, but pattern of clinical symptoms and medical
history do not fit criteria for other subtypes.

Prodromal Alzheimer disease

Pattern of clinical symptoms or performance on neuropsychological testing suggestive of prodromal

Alzheimer disease (typically gradual onset of impairment in the areas of memory and executive
function); no other medical or neuropsychiatric conditions present to preclude an eventual Alzheimer
disease diagnosis.

Amnestic mild cognitive impairment

Memory symptom as noted by a Dementia Severity Rating Scale Memory item score greater than 2; at
least 1.5 SD below mean on Wechsler Memory Scale Revised Logical Memory II or Delayed Recall
on CERAD Word List Delayed Recall; MMSE score of at least 24; memory domain score on CDR of
0.5 and overall CDR score less than 1.0; and symptoms not due to major depression (adapted from
reference 31).

Vascular cognitive impairment

without dementia

Cognitive or functional impairment that had a gradual onset, seems to progress, and includes inconsistent
memory performance or slowed processing speed. These problems occur in the presence of clinically
significant cardiovascular or cerebrovascular conditions, but are not temporally linked to a single stroke
or transient ischemic attack.


Cognitive or functional deficits and a history of stroke or focal neurologic signs consistent with a stroke.

Medical conditions or sensory


Cognitive or functional impairment due to medical conditions or sensory impairment, such as heart
disease, lung disease, renal disease, sleep apnea, and other primarily chronic illnesses. Sensory
impairments include clinically significant loss of vision or hearing.

Neurologic conditions

Cognitive or functional impairment in the presence of a neurologic condition, such as Parkinson disease,
traumatic brain injury, or other conditions affecting the central nervous system. Pattern of cognitive
impairment is consistent with that expected for the specific condition, and impairment is not due solely
to motor impairment from the neurologic conditions.


Cognitive or functional impairment in the presence of reported symptoms consistent with major

Other psychiatric disorders

Cognitive or functional impairment in the presence of a neuropsychiatric disorder, such as bipolar

disorder, schizophrenia, or characteristics of personality disorder.

Past alcohol abuse

Cognitive or functional impairment in the presence of a history of alcohol abuse at least 6 months before.

Current alcohol abuse

Cognitive or functional impairment in the presence of ongoing alcohol abuse less than 6 months before.

Low baseline intellect or presence of a

learning disorder

Cognitive or functional impairment that is thought to be consistent with the individuals adult baseline
function level. Performance on neuropsychological measures is impaired because of lifelong low
intellect or a learning disorder.

Cognitive decline from a previous higher level of function is implied for all other subtypes except the low baseline intellect or presence of learning
disorder group. CDR = Clinical Dementia Rating scale; CERAD = Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer Disease; MMSE = Mini-Mental
State Examination.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

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Page 18

Appendix Table 2

Characteristics of Baseline ADAMS Sample*

NIH-PA Author Manuscript


All Dementia

Total participants, n (%)

308 (100)

All Cognitive
Impairment without

241 (100)

All Normal Cognition

307 (100)

Mean Mini-Mental State Examination

(SD) score

14.34 (6.37)

22.94 (4.24)

26.99 (2.91)

Mean Dementia Severity Rating Scale

(SD) score

23.14 (13.19)

6.40 (5.41)

1.83 (2.68)

Mean age (SD), y

85.35 (6.87)

81.42 (6.91)

77.93 (5.35)

Men, n (%)

95 (30.8)

119 (49.4)

141 (45.9)

9.47 (4.25)

8.95 (4.59)

11.53 (3.77)

Non-Hispanic white

218 (70.8)

157 (65.1)

238 (77.5)

Non-Hispanic black

67 (21.8)

52 (21.6)

40 (13.0)


23 (7.5)

32 (13.3)

29 (9.5)

Mean education (SD), y

Race/ethnicity, n (%)

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Values for n are unweighted. Percentages are unweighted. Unweighted percentages do not represent the population. Because of missing data, the total
number for the Mini-Mental State Examination is 814 and the total number for Dementia Severity Rating Scale is 808. Totals do not all add up to 100%
because of rounding. ADAMS = Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

10 (4.1)
4 (1.7)
6 (2.5)
8 (3.3)

Neurologic conditions

Amnestic mild cognitive impairment

Past or current alcohol abuse

Low baseline intellect or presence of

learning disorders
81.42 (6.91)

79.00 (8.05)

77.33 (2.88)

79.75 (9.22)

82.20 (6.18)

79.00 (3.83)

79.45 (6.53)

80.50 (6.72)

80.62 (7.05)

83.35 (6.99)

Mean Age (SD),


8.95 (4.59)

3.00 (3.21)

6.33 (5.72)

11.50 (3.32)

9.60 (3.81)

8.70 (4.24)

9.90 (3.95)

9.94 (4.07)

8.95 (4.03)

8.90 (5.06)

Education (SD),

22.94 (4.24)

17.25 (4.59)

23.60 (3.85)

25.50 (1.00)

26.00 (3.46)

23.20 (1.93)

24.50 (2.89)

23.53 (4.52)

23.39 (3.79)

22.12 (4.41)

Mean MiniMental State

Score (SD)











Male Sex, %

6.40 (5.41)

2.86 (2.97)

8.50 (7.40)

11.00 (4.24)

7.38 (5.63)

8.33 (6.24)

6.09 (5.04)

5.91 (5.25)

7.11 (5.53)

5.70 (5.31)

Mean Dementia
Severity Rating
Scale Score (SD)

Values for n are unweighted. Percentages are unweighted and are calculated within columns. Unweighted percentages do not represent the population. Some subtypes are grouped together because of
small sample sizes.

241 (100.0)

10 (4.1)

Depression and other psychiatric


34 (14.1)

20 (8.3)

55 (22.8)

Medical conditions

Vascular cognitive impairment without


94 (39.0)

Frequency, n (%)

Prodromal Alzheimer disease

Cognitive Impairment without

Dementia Diagnosis after Initial


NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Appendix Table 3

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Frequencies and Percentages for Cognitive Impairment without Dementia Subtypes*

Plassman et al.
Page 19

Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

Plassman et al.

Page 20

Appendix Table 4

Subtypes of Cognitive Impairment without Dementia, by Age Categories (Unweighted)*

NIH-PA Author Manuscript


All Cognitive
Impairment without
Dementia, n

Disease, n

Vascular Cognitive
Impairment without
Dementia and Stroke,

Medical Conditions, n

7179 y





8089 y











90 y

Values for n are unweighted.

Prodromal Alzheimer Disease includes mild cognitive impairment subtype. The 3 right columns are subsets of All Cognitive Impairment without
Dementia. The sums of these 3 subgroups do not equal the total for the All Cognitive Impairment without Dementia group because the latter group
includes additional subgroups not presented in the table.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Ann Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 April 20.

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