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Be Productive: Gain An Extra Hour A Day

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P ROFESSIONAL PRODUCTIVITY commitment, to think about what you

need to do and see everything you
might have missed. Think into the

Be Productive future to plan ahead. Keep your eye on

the details as well as the big picture.
When you do, things will occur to you
G a i n a n e x t r a h o u r a d a y. that reminds me I ought to do so-and-so.
Then write it down. Dont try to keep
by David Allen your agreements with key people in your list of things to do in your head.
your life. I suggest you do that once a The problem is that as soon as you get


free efficiency and pro-
ductivity and get things done
week. If you want the freedom to have
fun, why reserve that for once a year?
about 10 things in your head, you lose
perspectiveand with it any thoughts
of strategy or tactics. You need to keep
with less effort by staying focused on Ten-Step Weekly Discipline everything in some objectively review-
both the big picture and important details. Weekly, work through these 10 steps: able form outside of your head.
Stop obsessing over the sky-is-falling 1. Collect your loose papers. Round Getting your act together will gain
doom and gloom. Get a grip. The only up all scraps of paperbusiness cards, you one hour a day. Most of this gain
way to relax is to deal with what your receipts, meeting notesand put them will come from dealing with matters as
attention is wrapped around. When in your in-tray. soon as they arisefor instance,
youre stressed out, overwhelmed, 2. Process your in-basket. Pick each answering an e-mail when it arrives
upset, and reactive, you cant focus item out of your in-tray in turn and rather than looking at it, putting it off,
and focus is the key to productivity. make quick decisions. Is it actionable? then having to deal with it later. Sorting
Obey the two-minute rule. Adhering If so, whats the next action? If not, is it out the big stuff will free your mind,
to this rule adds six months to your life. something you want to keep? Then file your psychic RAM, to be creative
If the next action takes less than two it in the relevant list. because you stop the little nagging
minutes, do it straight-away. When 3. Look over your calendar for out- things from getting in the way.
youre overwhelmed, blitz through sev- standing action items and bring them Now tie up loose ends on less-urgent
eral two-minute actions, rapidly regain- matters. Everybody has a backlog of to-
ing control. If your next action depends do items. Shake out that list and go
on someone elses action, it goes on a after the most strategic itemswhich
waiting for list. If actions have more ones take the least amount of effort? Is
than one step, call them projects. All there anything youll have to do at
projects should have at least one associ- some point anyway? Revaluate and
ated action. If you lack time or inclina- potentially renegotiate your agreements
tion to pursue them this year, they go with yourself, and with other people.
on a list called, someday maybe. Get with your key partners in work and
Make information accessible. in life and think hard about what mat-
Overhaul your filing system. Files tersand what doesnt matter.
should be swivel distance from your You have more to do than you can
desk. Forget fancy categories and sub- forward if they are still important. possibly do. You just need to feel good
divisions. You need an A to Z reference 4. Write down new projects, action about your choices. You can only feel
system using folders and a labeller. items, waiting for items. good about what you are not doing
Something mystical happens when you 5. Review outcome lists. Evaluate the when you know what youre not doing.
label files, folders and other things. An status of each project, goal and outcome. Creating an organizing system that cap-
in-basket enables you to corral stuff so 6. Review next action lists. Tick off tures the whims of the outer environment
your brain can focus on one thing at a each completed action. Look for helps you do the best you can with
time. But it is not all just about trans- reminders of further actions. what youve got by controlling your
forming your life through labels and 7. Browse through work in progress inner environment. Every decision to act
listsit is what lists get you to focus and update lists of new actions, com- is an intuitive one. The challenge is to
on. Youre getting things done because pletions and waiting for items. migrate form hoping it is the right choice
youre seeing them done. You are in 8. Review someday maybe lists, to trusting that its the right choice.
control, relaxed, and inspired. looking for any projects that have I suggest that you choose actions in
Review regularly. The weekly review become active and transfer them to the the moment based on four criteria: con-
captures fine details of what you need projects list. Delete any dead items. text, time, energy and priority. Context
to do. Once a week, schedule a weekly 9. Review waiting for lists. Record refers to the location, setting, and the
review, perhaps two hours on Friday, any follow-up actions. Check them off resources available. The time and energy
although you might do this midweek as you complete them. available determines the kind of work
or on the weekend. Try playing back- 10. Be creative and courageous. Add to youre willing and able to do. And then
ground music while you do this. your system any new, wonderful, priority refers to What is the best thing for
Go on vacation with a clear con- harebrained, thought-provoking, risk- me to be doing now? PE
science and a clear desk. You tend to taking ideas that have occurred to you.
David Allen is founder of David Allen & Co, a con-
feel best about your job one week Once you get used to this weekly sulting group, and cofounder of Actioneer Inc, a soft-
before a holiday because youre clear- discipline of organizing yourself, you ware company in timesaving tools, and author of
ing up, cleaning up, clarifying, identify- have no trouble living that way. The Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
(Viking, 2001). Email
ing things that would fall apart if you key is getting into the habit of once a
didnt handle them, renegotiating all week reviewing every loose end, every ACTION: Gain an extra hour a day.

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