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Syllable Counting

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The key takeaways are that the lesson teaches students to count the number of syllables in words with 1, 2, or 3 syllables and the teacher models clapping out syllables.

The objective is for students to be able to count the number of syllables in words with 1, 2, or 3 syllables in small groups with 75% accuracy.

This lesson addresses the PA Standard CC.1.1.K.C about demonstrating understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds.

EDR 317/318 Lesson Plan Template for SLO

(40 points)


Katelyn Stout
November 8, 2017 & November 9, 2017
Lesson Day
Syllable Counting (ELA Groups)
24 Students (Groups of 3-5)

How will this lesson support the learning goal?

Why is counting syllables in a word important?
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
(1 point)

(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
Students will be able to count the number of syllables in words with 1, 2, or 3
(2 points)
syllables in small ELA groups with 75% accuracy.
Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the objective(s) of Note: That is the second exposure to syllable counting, so students are not
this lesson that will support progress toward the learning goal. expected to master this skill right away.
The teacher will keep a chart with each students name on it and the word
Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher will do or they clapped, number of syllables it had, and their response.
accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be measured), and target a
specific outcome. Please refer to the SLO User Guide for the ABCD
method or I CAN statements that can be used as a guide.

PA Standards (2 points) CC.1.1.K.C- Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
(phonemes). Recognize and produce rhyming words. Count, pronounce, blend, or and segment syllables in spoken words. Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and
final sound (phonemes) in the three-phoneme (CVC) words.

ISTE Standards (if applicable) n/a

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 1

Good morning friends! Today, we are done with rhyming and are going to learn
Anticipatory Set
something new!
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
(3 points)
We are going to learn about syllables and play a fun game to help us with this!
2 minutes
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why todays Syllables are parts of a word. So, words can have more than one syllable. It is how
lesson is important to them as learners? you break the word up when you say it.
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson topic?
How will you build on students prior knowledge? So, if I say the word paper, I would clap out the syllables like this /pa/ (clap) /per/
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill? (clap). I clapped twice so paper has 2 syllables. Clap along with me for paper so
you can try it too! As a class clap /pa/ /per/.
Provide very detailed steps.
Friends, that was awesome! Now lets try another one. My next word is gum. Let
me clap the syllables. /gum/ (clap). So, gum has 1 syllable. Can you clap this one
with me? /gum/ (clap)

Thank you, friends, that was awesome! Are we ready to try some more to practice?

Instructional Activities T will begin by handing students a pre-cut circle from the Syllable Counting
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; PDF.
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) T will keep two for herself and begin by modeling. T will say, Alright
(10 points) friends, eyes up here. I am going to begin with my picture. I have a barn.
10 minutes When I say the word barn, I say /barn/ (T must clap the syllable). Since I
only clapped once, barn has 1 syllable. Lets clap it together. T and
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new concepts? students clap once while saying the word barn. So, I will put it in the cup
How will you model or provide explicit instruction? You MUST include labeled 1. Can someone show me which one is the number one?
a teacher think-aloud using student-friendly language here. o Students should point to the 1. And T will say, Yes! That is the 1!
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as they Straight line down and then were done. Thats the number one!
apply the new concept? How will you allow them to practice (with (reinforcing math number recognition briefly as well)
teacher support)? T should do the second picture too as another example before allowing
students to try on their own. (Make sure that this is not a 1 syllable word)
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these T chooses one student to go first. The student will begin by saying what
concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you monitor picture he/she has. If the student does not know what the picture is, T should
and provide feedback? tell him/her. Then, T asks if student can clap out the syllables. After they are
finished, T asks students to give a thumbs up if they agree, or a thumbs down
Provide very detailed steps and include teacher talk where appropriate. if they disagree

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 2

Alright friends, we will start at this end of the table. Pick any card from here
and tell us what the picture is. If you dont know, I will tell you what it is.
Then, you can clap out the syllables. .
o Note- Only for two lowest groups: After giving each student a
picture, model each one of the students pictures with them as a
group. (For example, if a student has hay, the teacher will say,
Friends, if (students name) has hay, we clap out the syllables like
this. /hay/ (clap). Lets do it with me. /hay/ (clap). The teacher and
whole group will participate in each students pictures, before
having a chance to do it on their own just for extra practice and
o Then, If the student is correct, T asks others in the group to clap
along the second time clapping the correct number of syllables and
has student place picture in the corresponding cup.
o Or, If the student is incorrect, T will ask the group to clap with her
and model the correct number of syllables. After doing it together, T
will ask student how many times they clapped and have student put
the picture in the corresponding cup.
T will go through as many as possible and repeat the steps until there is 2
minutes remaining in the specific center.
o If students in the higher two F&P groups are mastering the skill
quicker than expected and seem to need an extra step, instead of
giving a thumbs up or down, T will tell students to hold the number
of fingers up that corresponds to the number of syllables in a word.
So, for example, if a word has two syllables, a student would hold
up two fingers when asked.

(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
Friends, we did wonderful today! We will have so much more practice with syllables,
(3 points)
so dont worry! We will be experts in no time. All you must remember is that words
<1 minute are made up of syllables. Thank you friends for doing such a great job today! Its so
How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson? important to learn about syllables because it will help us become great spellers! You
How will you restate the teaching point or ask students to do so and friends have all been doing such a great job at trying to spell words, and this will
clarify key concepts? help us even more!
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson?

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 3

Differentiation Below Level- For my two lowest groups, the teacher will model the first example,
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) like planned, but then also after giving each student a picture, model each one of the
(2 points) students pictures with them as a group. (For example, if a student has hay, the
teacher will say, Friends, if (students name) has hay, we clap out the syllables like
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose
this. /hay/ (clap). Lets do it with me. /hay/ (clap). The teacher and whole group will
academic development is below or above the current grade level?
participate in each students pictures, before having a chance to do it on their own
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or
just for extra practice and scaffolding.
learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs of all of
your students?
How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including English
Above Level- If students in the higher two F&P groups are mastering the skill
Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic, cultural, and
quicker than expected and seem to need an extra step, instead of giving a thumbs up
experiential resources that they bring to their learning?
or down, T will tell students to hold the number of fingers up that corresponds to the
How will your lesson promote creative and critical thinking and
number of syllables in a word. So, for example, if a word has two syllables, a student
would hold up two fingers when asked.

Accommodations ** (see note below)

Student A- Academically, Student A is nowhere near ready to learn syllables without
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
major scaffolding from the teacher. Each time it is his turn, the teacher will have him
(2 points)
name the picture and then tell him to clap along with the teacher to count the
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to increase syllables. After this, the process will go on as normal with the whole group clapping
curriculum access for students identified with special education needs out the syllables of the word together again.
or 504?
Describe how these accommodations align with the current
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as applicable
(avoid using actual names of students).

To support students who are struggling with this concept, the teacher will have
Modifications**(see note below)
students participate in clapping as a group, but making sure she say, Listen closely as
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
we clap these syllables together. If it comes to a students turn who is legitimately
(2 points)
struggling, the teacher will clap the picture card out with her once, and then have the
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance group do it as a whole. The teacher will scaffold so that in a couple of turns, the child
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the participation will hopefully try to do it by his/herself and listen closely to the word as they say it.
of students identified with special education needs?

Assessment (Formal or Informal)

Informal Assessment- T will require each student to participate in giving a thumbs
(1f: Assessing Student Learning)
up or thumbs down after each student notes how many syllables a given word is. T
(3 points)
RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 4
How will you and the students assess where the learning objectives,
will observe all students thumbs. If a student repeatedly gives an incorrect answer,
listed above, were met?
the teacher will note that.
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is aligned
to the above objective(s). Formal Assessment- T will have a chart that has each students name on it, and 1, 2,
and 3 syllable boxes. The teacher will mark each childs response in the 1, 2, or 3
syllable column with a check mark if they got it correct, or an X if they answered it
incorrectly. After instruction, the teacher will look over the chart and decide which
students met 75% accuracy and which did not. As well as look back at any
comments the teacher may have made.

Overall, I think my lesson went really well! I was nervous about how I would
Reflection on Instruction
effectively teach syllables, because I feel like its a tough concept to explain. When
(8 points)
talking to my mentor teacher after my lesson, she too said that it was tough
At the conclusion of the lesson you should reflect on the lesson. The sometimes to teach this skill because its something that can get mixed up so easily
reflection should go beyond simply answering the question Was this a with the other skills students are learning at the same time. For example, students are
good lesson? Below are some questions to assist you in your reflective starting to sound out words and parts of the words when writing in their writers
process (Danielson, 2008): notebook. I had one child when clapping out syllables, clap out every sound she
o What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your heard. This stopped after I reminded her that syllables are parts of words, not all the
students have met or are progressing towards the learning sounds she hears, and that seemed to help her.
o View student work samples. What do they reveal about the My students engagement in the lesson was pretty high. Most of the students were
students level of engagement and comprehension? actively participating in giving a thumbs up or thumbs down at all times. In my first
o What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if you group, I had a student who was just consistently moving around and testing his
teach this lesson in the future? What misconceptions, if any, do boundaries. When I asked him to clap out the syllables, he would clap, but not say
you need to clarify before teaching the next lesson? the parts. Even after I asked him to say them aloud, he whispered them in a voice
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and why? that I could not understand. He also rarely held a thumbs up or down unless I
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, and redirected his attention and asked him specifically to show me his thumbs. After
your use of physical space. To what extent did these contribute conferencing after the fact, if I were to do this again, I would give him words with 4
to student learning? or more syllables to clap out and have them each time he was up. This would
o Comment on different aspects of your instructional delivery hopefully challenge him and keep him on task more. Although I had to redirect him
(e.g., activities, grouping of students, materials/resources often, I did not feel like it affected the others in the group.
utilized). To what extent were they effective?
In my second group, I had a girl who was constantly looking around at other
students thumbs before putting hers up. Meanwhile, the second group overall had a
more difficult time grasping the concept, so I decided based on these two factors that
I would have the single student clap out the syllables, then the whole group clap
them together and then have them give a thumbs up or down. I figured scaffolding it
this way would allow students more practice which then hopefully they would be
more comfortable.
RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 5
There were a couple of other changes I would make as well. One change, would have
occurred after a couple of times after one student continuously got a one syllable
word. He made a comment about how he hasnt gotten anything other than one
syllable, but at the time I did not think of purposely giving him one that was not a
one syllable word. Another thing I would change, which I changed in my lesson
plan, would be my closure. I had originally planned that students would clap out the
syllables in their names. However, with 10 minute centers, in the moment, I decided
that it was better to just practice with pictures at this point. In the first group, I was
not able to tie in the closure. With the second group, though, my closure was precise
and under a minute, so as much as I got the point across and ensured them that there
would be more practice if they werent as confident, it did not take up much time.
With my next two groups, I will make sure that I implement this new closure versus
the old one. Despite these changes, I did not stray from the original intent of the
lesson plan. We focused very heavily on syllables for that 10 minutes.

While being set up at the rainbow table is helpful so that I can see all of my students,
the containers that I had students putting the pictures in continuously needed to be
moved due to the seating. I dont think this affected my students comprehension at
all, but in regards to the physical space, I could consider this for next time and
maybe have two sets of containers for each side of the table. Since my groups were
predetermined due to leveling, the groups were all on similar ability levels. Each
group had 5 students and I considered it manageable to get through at least a couple
pictures for each student even with that large of a small group.

The resource I found off Teachers Pay Teachers, were just images, but I thought they
were useful. I really liked the variety of pictures it offered. My mentor teacher and I
are keeping this activity to put out as an independent center once students have more
exposure to clapping out syllables. Although I am always warned to watch that the
resources on Teachers Pay Teachers align to the correct standards, since I only used
the picture cards, the skill being taught was predetermined and correlated with the
ELA curriculum.

The lesson went really well and I am pleased with my students performance. I truly
feel as though my confidence continues to increase after teaching these lessons and I
am learning so much about how to be conscious about my language towards

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 6

**Accommodations and Modifications
Students with disabilities may need accommodations or modifications to their educational program to participate in the general curriculum. Both are essential to consider when
planning an equitable educational experience for students with disabilities. Accommodations refer to changes in how a student learns the material but they do not change
knowledge content. With accommodations, a student receives the SAME education as other children, but the student can access content or express knowledge in different ways.
Modifications refer to changes of what is taught or what students with disabilities are expected to learn. This may include adaptations made to instruction and assessment that
change or reduce learning expectations. (Please refer to the SLO User Guide and SLO template for additional explanation.)

When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material based on the accommodations or modifications
listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct connection within the Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activity, and Closure section of the lesson plan template.

Student Name Word 1 syllable 2 syllable 3 syllable Accuracy

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 7

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