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Department of Education: Using Appropriate Graphic Organizers in Texts Read

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Grade 4 QUARTER 3 MELC 4: Using Appropriate Graphic Organizers in Texts Read

Objectives: At the end of the broadcast, the Grade 4 learners are able to use the appropriate graphic organizers in texts


RADIO PROGRAM: Aral TarlakHenyo
DATE & TIME OF AIRING: APRIL 30, 2021 (THURSAY); 8:30-8:55 AM

LENGTH 25 Minutes

Aral Tarlakhenyo Good and lively morning grade four learners. How are you today? I am Gerlie M. Domingo
Slide No.1 ,your teacher-broadcaster in English 4, welcome to Aral Tarlakhenyo. Here on RTV Tarlac
(Remote Broadcasting in Channel 26. Simulcast over DZTC Radyo Pilipino Tarlac. Live here at Casili Elementary
Google Meet) School, Casili, Anao , Tarlac via remote live broadcast.

We are going to work on different activities together so that at the end of today’s broadcast,
Slide 2 you will be able to use appropriate graphic organizers in text read.


It is the 29th day of April, 2021. And it is exactly 8:30 in the morning. I hope you are all doing
great and are ready to learn .


Before we start our activities for today , make sure that you are in a comfortable place and free
Slide 3 from any distractions, so that you can focus on your activities and hear me loud and clear over
the radio.

Now, get your activity sheets, ballpen and be ready to listen and learn.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!


Who among you loves to eat nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables?
Who are fond of eating chips and soda?
Do you want to know the effects of these foods to your body?
Okay, Let us find out!
Slide 4
Eating nutritious foods give you energy and the nutrition you need that provide
muscle growth.

While eating junk foods can increase obesity. Obesity could more likely lead you to
experience a mood disorder like depression
Slide 5 What are the two things being compared in the passage?
Yes! You are right!
Nutritious foods and Junk foods.
Now, from the passage that we have read, what are the advantages of eating nutritious foods?
Give energy
Provide muscle growth
How about the disadvantages of eating junk foods?
You are definitely a star!
Increase obesity
Lead to depression
Alright! Before we proceed learners let me ask you one question. Who among you has a B-F-F
or a best friend forever? Do you swim in the river, pool or beach together? I’m sure many of
you are raising your hands out there.
Alright, this morning we are going to read a short story. So children, turn your activity sheets
Camera on
now on page 2.

The story is about two friends who went swimming one day. So, pay attention, children.
Let’s read the story now.
The Carabao and the Cow
Once upon a time, the cow and the carabao were very good friends. They were
together everywhere in the pasture. One day, they agreed to go to the river to swim.
Slide 6
Very early next morning, they were at the river bank. They took off their hides-
hides could still be taken off like that- and carefully laid them on the grass. Then, they
jumped into the cool water and enjoyed themselves.
Running down the riverbank, the boys started throwing pebbles at the carabao
and the cow.
Slide 7 The two were very much frightened. They each hurried up to the bank and
snatched the nearest hide. It happened that in their hurry, the carabao and the cow
exchanged hides.
Slide 8 The cow who was smaller than the carabao, put on the hide of his friend. It proved
too loose, especially under the neck.
The carabao squeezed himself into the cow’s tight hide. It was so tight that he never
squeezed himself out again.

Did you like the story children? I hope you did.
Now, let’s talk about the story again.
What is story all about children?
The Carabao and the Cow were very good friends.
What gives you the idea that the carabao and the cow were very good friends?
Very good!
They were together everywhere in the pasture.
What else?
Nice job!
Slide 9
They agreed to go to the river to swim.
Will you give me another detail that supports your main idea?
They jumped into the cool water and enjoyed themselves.
How about the last supporting detail?
You are really flying high Grade 4 learners!
The carabao and the cow exchanged hides.

Now, let’s go back to the activities that we did. What did you notice children? Yes! We used
illustrations to organize and present our answers.
Slide 10 Are they somewhat helpful to you?
Definitely! Those visuals help us to comprehend and recall information easily!

These illustrations or visuals that we used are called Graphic organizers.

Graphic Organizers are teaching and learning tools used to organize information and
Slide 11
ideas to comprehend easily.

They are used in integrating text and visuals.

Slide 12
Graphic organizers are used to show relationships and connections between concepts,
Slide 13 terms and facts.

Uses of Graphic Organizers:
Slide 14 Help visualize or present information.

Help develop cognitive skills such as critical and creative thinking.

Slide 15
Help recall prior knowledge about a subject and quickly connect it to a new information.
Slide 16
There are two forms of graphic organizers the first one is the T- CHART
Slide 17 1. T-Chart – helps organize ideas into two columns and examine two components of an
object, concept or events.
Slide 18 T-Chart is used to show causes and effects or advantages and disadvantages.
This is a T- chart.
Slide 19
This example shows comparison between eating nutritious foods and junk foods. The T-chart
Slide 20 helps you to organize two ideas, the advantages of eating nutritious foods and disadvantages of
eating junk foods.
Main Idea Web is another form of graphic organizer
Slide 21 Main Idea Web – starts with a central idea and branches out into related ideas and
details (sub-ideas); sometimes referred to as spider or semantic web.
Side 22 This type of graphic organizer is used primarily for brainstorming and generating ideas.
Slide 23 This is an example of Main Idea Web
This example shows the main idea of the story and its supporting details .The Main idea web or
Slide 24 semantic web helps you to better organize and separate your ideas based on their order of
So there, learners. The appropriate uses of graphic organizers and its different forms.
Slide 25
Are you still with me? Alright!
So, I hope you are all still with me. Now that you know the importance of graphic organizer
Slide 26
and its forms, I guess you are ready for your first activity. Turn your activity sheets on page 3.
Slide 27 Listen as I read to you the question and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank. I
will read the question twice.

1. It is a teaching and learning tool used to organize information and ideas by
integrating text and visuals, show relationships and connections between concepts for
easy comprehension.
a. Web map b. Graphic organizer c. Model chart d. Pictures

Let us check if you got the correct answer.

The correct answer is LETTER B.
Now let’s move on to the next question
2. It is a graphic organizer used to organize ideas into two columns and examine two
components of an object, concepts or events.
Slide 28
a. T-Chart b. Flow Chart c. Main idea web d. Venn Diagram
What is the correct answer?
LETTER A, is the answer
And for the last question,
3. It is a graphic organizer used primarily for brainstorming and sometimes referred to
as spider or semantic maps.
Slide 29 a. Venn Diagram b. Main idea web c. T-chart d. Flow Chart
Let’s find out if you will get a perfect score.
The answer is LETTER B
Did you get a perfect score?
Slide 30 GOOD JOB! Way to go Learners!
This time let us test how much you have learned!
Slide 31 Let’s us move on to Activity 2.
Turn your activity sheets on page 4
Identify the graphic organizers illustrated by filling in the boxes with the missing letters.
The given letters are T dash c 3 spaces and the last letter is t. What form of graphic organizer is
Slide 32 this?
Fantastic Grade 4! You got it right
It’s a T-Chart!
Slide 33 Let’s move on to the next illustration.
The given letters are s space m 2 spaces t space c space e space and the last letter is b. What do
you call this graphic organizer?
Great work learners!
The correct answer is Semantic web
Did you get a perfect score?
Slide 34
You are really on the right track my dear learners!
I believe that by this time, you already understood our lesson. To see that, let us answer our
Slide 35
next activity.
I have here a short story. Eyes on your copy and read along with me. Read it carefully because
after reading the story, you are going to fill out the T-chart with the information needed based
on what you have read. Let’s start!
Paul is a big boy. He is a hardheaded boy. Instead of playing with toys, he
Slide 36 destroys things around him. He steps on the plants in the garden. He throws his garbage
anywhere. He does not care and show concern to the environment.
One day, he learned a big lesson. Their barangay experienced heavy flood.
Because of this, he started to change his ways. He throws the garbage properly. He learns
to plant trees and care for the environment.
Now, fill out the information needed in the T-chart. Compare the things that Paul do Before
and After the Flood. Number one is done for you. I will give you time to think and write the
correct answer. But please do it quickly!
Time’s up! Let us check your answers.
Slide 37 What are the things that he does before the flood?
He steps on the plants in the garden.
He throws his garbage anywhere.
How about the things that he does after the flood?
He learned to plant trees.
He learned to care for the environment.
We’re you able to get all the correct answers?
Oh yes!!! You all did well children!
Slide 38

You are now very ready to answer our last activity. For Activity 2 turn your activity sheet on
page 6. Did you see it children? That would be your assignment. You may seek the assistance
of your parents, guardians, or sibling. Make it sure that you will send back your Activity Sheet
Slide 39
to your teachers when your parents or guardian return it to school.
If you have questions regarding today’s lessons, feel free to message us directly or comment
below. We are more than happy to answer your concerns.
And that’s our lesson for this hour. I hope you’ve learned a lot today. This has been your
Teacher Broadcaster, Gerlie M. Domingo, saying, keep safe and may the good Lord bless you
all! That’s all for today. Until next time!


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