HRT 202 Theory Notes PDF
HRT 202 Theory Notes PDF
HRT 202 Theory Notes PDF
), II Semester 2013-14
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Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS,Shimoga; ;94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
13. Elements of landscape gardens
14. Types and styles of gardens
1. History of Floriculture and Landscape 15. Garden features
Gardening in India.
16. Garden Adornments
2. Scope and importance of ornamental 17. Indoor gardening and
crops; Industrial importance of
Ornamental plants & Commercial 18. Bonsai
flowers in India and abroad.
3. Role of ornamentals in pollution
1. Advanced Commercial Floriculture S.K.
4. Classification of flower crops. Bhatacharjee & L.C. De
2. Chrysanthemum in India by M.A. Kher
5-10. Production technology of flower crops
under protected and open cultivation. 3. Commercial Floriculture by S. Prasad/ U.
i. Rose 4. Commercial Flowers Vol.1& Vol.2 Edited
ii. Carnation by T.K. Bose, L.P. Yadav, P.Pal, P. Das. &
V.A. Parthasarathy
iii. Gerbera
5. Complete Gardening in India by
iv. Anthurium Gopalaswami Iyengar
6. Floriculture Technology, Trades and
v. Gladiolus
Trends by J. Prakash and K.R. Bhandaly
vi. Tuberose 7. Floriculture and Landscaping by T.K.
vii. Jasmine Bose, R.G. Maiti, R.S. Dhua and P.Das
8. Floriculture -At Glance by Desh Raj
viii. Chrysanthemum
9. Floriculture in India by Dr. G.S.
ix. Crossandra Randhawa and A. Mukhopadhyay
10. Pests of Floriculture crops and their control
x. Marigold
by Pulluri Ramesh
xi. China aster 11. Protected cultivation of Roses by Dr. T.
Venkatesh Reddy, & Dr. C.G. Nagaraja
11. Post harvest handling of cut flowers 12. Roses Amitabha Muchopadhyay
12. Principles and planning of landscape 13. The Rose in India by B.P. Pal
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Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The history of gardening in India is as old as its The lotus was a popular flower and was
civilization. regarded by both the Hindus and the
Buddhists as a symbol of purity. The flower
The first evidence of an ornamental plant, the grows in mud but is free from any mud-
Pipal (Ficus religiosa), comes from a seal sticking, as no dirt can stick to it.
Mohen-jo-daro of the third millennium B.C.
In the Mahabharata it is mentioned that,
Another seal from Harappa of the same period Bhima brought a lotus for his consort which
depicts a tree similar to that of a weeping had one thousand petals, glowing like sun and
willow (Salix babylonica). with sweet heavenly fragrance which could
The Aryans of the Vedic period were great prolong youth and revive beauty.
lovers of trees and flowers. The Aryans developed some wishful thinking
The lotus has been mentioned frequently in the in the form of Kalpavriksha, the wish-
Sanskrit scriptures of Vedic times. granting tree and Kalpalata, a similar
The Atharva Veda mentions the Asvatha (Pipal)
or Ficus religiosa. The faith goes that anybody, standing
under these creepers or trees, wishing
The Rig Veda also refers to this tree when it anything from jewellary, beautiful
describes a tree with fair foliage. clothing, good food, or even beautiful
The epics of the Aryans- the Ramayana and maidens, would get the same.
the Mahabharata, believed to have been One sculpture depicting such a tree dating back
compiled during 500 B.C., mention about to the third century B.C. and now preserved in
gardens, trees and flowers. the Kolkata Museum was identified as the
In the Ramayana it has been narrated that the banyan tree.
palaces had nice gardens with numerous Another legend of that time also makes
flowers and shady groves.It is frequently interesting reading. According to the
mentioned that lakes were full of lotuses. legendary story,
Every Indian must be known about the Once Lord Vishnu was bathing in a
Asokavana where Sita was held in captivity lake on earth when a lotus bloomed
by Ravana, the demon king. This grove was and from within came out Pitamaha
composed mostly of Asoka (Saraca indica) Brahma, who claimed that the lotus
trees. was the prettiest flower one had ever
The Mahabharata the Sabhaparva of these epic,
detailed descriptions have been given of the Although Vishnu agreed that, it was a
pleasure gardens, parks and lakes around the beautiful flower; he guided Brahma to
palaces in Indraprastha. his own paradise Vaikuntha and
showed him a rose bloom as pale as
Both the epics mention the following trees and
moonbeam and full of sweet
fragrance. Brahma had to change his
Ficus benghalensis, F. religiosa, Saraca view and accept the rose as the
indica, Michelia champaca, Terminalia prettiest bloom in the universe.
arjuna, Butea monosperma, Mesua ferrea
The association of different trees with the life
(Nagkesara), Cassia fistula, Shorea
robusta (Sal), Palmyra palm (Botassus of Lord Buddha is well known.
flabellifer), Screwpine (Pandanus), The Buddha was born under the Asoka
Bignonia and Oleander. (Saraca indica) tree. The other trees
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
such as Sal (Shorea robusta) and Plaksha hundred gardens around Delhi and more
(Butea monosperma) were also there. elsewhere.
The Buddha attained his Babur was a great lover of flowers and
enlightenment under a Pipal tree, gardens. He laid out a garden at Agra, now
Spread his new teachings under shady known as Rambagh.
banyans and mango trees and Babur is credited with the introduction of
Breathed his last in a Sal (Shorea Persian rose in India.
robusta) grove. Akbar (1556-1605 A.D.) built a new capital at
The great Emperor Asoka adopted Fatehpur Sikri, complete with gardens, trees
arboriculture as one of his state policies. and flowers. He was the first Mughal to enter
Kashmir and established a garden i.e., Nasim
He encouraged the planting of avenue trees. Bagh, close to the Dal Lake. The tomb
garden of Akbar at Sikandra is an example of
His son Prince Mahendra took a sapling of the
great Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa) and planted it the gardening art during that period.
at Anuradhapur in Sri Lanka. Jehangir (1605-1627 A.D.) was also a great
admirer of gardens and flowers and so was his
The pipal was regarded as a sacred tree even
famous wife Nur Jahan. The gardens at
before the birth of the Buddha.
Shalimar, Achhabal and Verinag in Kashmir
Vatsayana (about 300-400 A.D.) in his book were created by him. The tomb at Itimad-ud-
Kamasutra gives a glimpse of the joyful civic Daulah in Agra, in memory of his father-in-
life of that period. He narrates four kinds of law, was also his creation.
Shah Jahan (1627-1658 A.D.) also established
1. Pramododyan - meant for the several beautiful gardens. He built the Red
enjoyment of the royal couples; Fort in Delhi which had a beautiful garden.
The gardens around Taj Mahal in Agra, in
2. Udyan - where the kings played chess,
memory of his beloved queen Mumtaz
enjoyed the dances of the maids and
Mahal was also his creation.
jokes of the court jesters;
The best garden created by Shah Jahan was
3. Brikshavatika- the garden where
the Shalimar garden in Lahore (Pakistan).
high-placed persons in the kings
court enjoyed life with Sher Shah Suri (1540-1544 A.D.), who ruled for
courtesans; and a short period after defeating Babur,
constructed the famous Grand Trunk Road
4. Nandanavana- which was dedicated
and planted avenue trees on both sides.
to Lord Krishna.
The Nawabs of Oudh also established a
Vatsayana also described the duties of a
number of gardens in their empire, especially
virtuous wife.
in Lucknow. One of these was Sikandar
It is said that a loyal and affectionate wife Bagh which was established by the last
should lay out a garden around the house. Nawab Wajid Ali Shah (1847-1856 A.D.),
which is now the National Botanical
Besides, the garden should be planted with
Research Institute.
jasmine, Tabernaemontana coronaria, China
rose, etc. The Rajput in India also established several
A good housewife should also construct
arbours and seats in the gardens. The garden at Amber Fort near Jaipur
was started by Man Singh (1590-1615
Before the Mughals came to India there was a
A.D.) and completed by Jai Singh II
long blank in the gardening history of India,
(1699-1743 A.D.). This beautiful
with the exception of Firoz Tughlaq (1351-
garden is laid in three terraces and has
1388 A.D.) who developed about twelve
a lake.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The wealth of any nation is linked with the
health of its people. FLORICULTURE
Unless we can ensure the healthy development
of our citizens, especially the younger
generation, by providing them for open India has a long tradition of floriculture. As it is
breathing places through bio-aesthetic an ancient creative skill with imagination and
planning and landscape gardening, we cannot an advanced science that played a very
expect to build up a healthy society and important role in the course of human
prosperous nation. civilization and its social development.
In most part of the country, flower growing is
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: carried out on small holdings and commercial
The art and science of analysis, planning, floriculture has assumed importance only in
design, management, preservation and rehabilitation the recent past.
of the land. This includes site planning, garden Traditionally, flowers have been grown in India
design, environmental restoration, town or urban in the open fields, where they have been
planning, park and recreation planning, regional exposed to both biotic and abiotic stresses.
planning and historic preservation. Hence, the quality is not up to the standards.
OR However, in the era of globalization, the
It is the design of outdoor and public spaces to produce has to be of International quality and
achieve environmental, socio-behavioral and/or globally competitive, as there is lot of demand
aesthetic outcomes. for different floricultural products in the
export market. The modern floriculture will
It involves the systematic investigation of meet the above demand of the present days
existing social, ecological and geological conditions consumers.
and processes in the landscape and the design of
interventions that will produce the desired outcome. Definition:
The scope of the profession includes: Floriculture can be defined as a specialized
Urban design; branch of horticulture which deals not only with the
Site planning; cultivation of flowers, foliage, climbers, trees, shrubs, cacti,
Town or urban planning; succulents, etc., but also with their marketing and
Environmental restoration; production of value-added products from them
Parks and recreation planning;
Visual resource management; green
infrastructure planning and provision; Floriculture can also be defined as a discipline
Private estate and residence landscape master of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering
planning and design; and ornamental plants for gardens and floristry, comprising
All at varying scales of design, planning and the floral industry. It includes bedding plants, flowering
management. plants, foliage plants or house plants, cut greens and
A practitioner in the profession of landscape
architecture is called a Landscape Architect. The floriculture business is growing in the
world at around 6-10 % per annum.
A Landscape Architect is a person involved in the
planning, design and sometimes direction of a In spite of a long tradition of floriculture,
landscape, garden, or distinct space. The India's share in the International market for
professional practice is known as Landscape these flowers is negligible (at present it is <
Architecture. 0.70 %).
Landscape architecture was not commonly During the last few years, taking an advantage
recognized in developed nations as a distinct of the incentives offered by the Government of
profession until the early twentieth century. India, a number of Floriculture units were
established in India for producing and
****** exporting flowers to the developed countries.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Most of them are located near Mumbai, Pune, arrangements/decorations for bouquets
Bengaluru, Hyderabad and New Delhi and are preparation and for floral boskets, have
getting the technical know-how from Dutch as increased substantially and its share of the
well as Israeli Consultants. total trade has also improved.
Tamilnadu is the leader in floriculture followed The sale of loose flowers of Jasmine,
by Karnataka, accounting for 75% of India's Crossandra, Marigold, China Aster,
total flower production and the state is having Chrysanthemums, Berlaria and Gaillardia
the highest area under both modern and etc., are a roaring busyness in south India.
traditional flowers.
The present trend in floriculture is for
The country's first and the only Digital Flower making dry flowers, extraction of natural
Auction Centre is located in Bengaluru, colours and essential oils.
running by Karnataka Agro Industrial
There is lot of demand for good quality
Corporation (KAIC) at Hebbal.
flower seeds and ornamental planting
Besides food and nutritional security, At present the global ornamental crop
the aesthetic value is also equally important for industry is worth about US$ 70 billion.
our daily lively hood as well as for environmental
purity. The global consumption of the flowers is
about US$ 35 billion.
Floriculture is important from the following
point of view; More than three lakhs hectare area is
1. Economic point of view under flower production in different
2. Aesthetic point of view countries of the world.
3. Social point of view Floriculture generates self employment
opportunities round the year. The
1. ECONOMIC POINT OF VIEW: employment opportunities in the field are
Floriculture is a fast emerging major varied such as.
venture in the world, especially as a i. One can join the floriculture field as
potential money-spinner for many farm/estate managers, plantation experts,
countries in world. supervisors and project coordinators and so
Many flowers and ornamental plants are on.
being grown for domestic as well as for ii. Teaching, Research and Extension scientists/
export market will provide more teachers are some other avenues of
return/unit area than any other employment in all SAUs and NARS.
agricultural/horticultural crops.
iii. Marketing of Floriculture products for different
For example in markets such as Delhi and ventures is emerging as a potential segment of
Mumbai and other metros a single spike of this field.
gladiolus and gerbera cutflower may sell
upto Rs. 3-5 in Kharif and Rs. 5-10/spike in iv. Besides, one can also work as consultant,
landscape architect etc with proper training.
v. One can also work as entrepreneur and offer
Gestation period of flower crop is very less
employment to others.
compared to other crops.
vi. In addition to these careers which involve
Modern-day floriculture refers to the
research and actual growing of crops.
production of high-value cutflowers such
as rose, gladiolus, carnation, mums, vii. Floriculture also provides service career
orchids, tuberose, anthurium, lilium, opportunities which include such jobs like
gerbera etc,. floral designers, grounds keepers, landscape
designers, architects and horticultural
Now days, growing of these cutflower
crops, suited for flower
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
temperate countries during the winter Floriculture products posses 25-30 time
season, when the demand is in peak more foreign exchange earning ability than
because of important winter festivals like cereals or any other
Christmas, New Year Day and Valentines agricultural/horticultural products.
Floriculture is capable of attracting and
Labour cost is very low in India, nearly 10- retaining large number of progressive
15 times cheaper than that of similar farmers / entrepreneurs.
employees in the Netherlands, Israel and
Due to ample sunlight and optimum
temperature during winter, it does not
The Government of India has identified require artificial lighting or heating for green
floriculture as Extreme Focus Thrust Area house production of cutflowers.
for export during IX plan.
The Government of India has identified
With the implementation of GATT product specific zones for selective research
agreement European nations has brought and development (Table-1) of floriculture.
down the import duty on floricultural
APEDA and GOK have established four
products, which at present is 15 %.
flower auction centers including one in
The International market is growing @ 8-10 Bengaluru, Noida (UP), Mumbai and New
% annually. The International demand is Delhi.
around Rs. 90,000 crore/ year and domestic
APEDA also has setup a marketing center at
market at 20-25 %. Hence, the scope to
Aalsmeer (The Netherlands) to promote
enter floriculture industry in India is
Indian produce.
Table-1: Products specific intensive
The Govt. of India has setup the
floriculture zones in India:
infrastructure for floriculture industry in
major cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Sl.No. Zone Flower crops
Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Pune etc. 1 Area around : Rose, Carnation,
Delhi, UP and Chrysanthemum,
APEDA is giving financial assistance to Punjab Gladiolus
some extent for various activities connected 2 Area around : Rose, Carnation,
with export of floriculture products. Bengaluru Chrysanthemum,
Ornamental Foliage
Easy bank financing for hi-tech floriculture. Plants and Seeds
100 per cent export oriented units (EOUs) 3 Area around : Orchids, Anthurium
Trivendrum and Foliage Plants
are located in and around Hyderabad
4 Area around Rose, Carnation,
(Andra Pradesh), Bengaluru, Hosur,
Pune / Gladiolus, Dahlia,
Doddaballapur, Devanahalli (Karnataka) in Nashik Chrysanthemum, Aster
south and Gurgaun (Haryana) in north, and Tuberose
Lonavala and Pune (Maharashtra) in West. 5 North Eastern : Orchids, Gladiolus,
region Liliums, Gerbera, Salvia,
For 100 % EOUs the government has
including Anthurium and other
allowed to sale 50 per cent of produce in Sikkim Foliage Plants
domestic markets. 6 Area around : Lotus, Tuberose,
100 per cent tax exemption has given on Kolkata Jasmine,
Chrysanthemum and
implements / raw materials used in
7 Area around : Gladiolus, Lilies
The rules and regulations related to import Srinagar Carnation and Rose
and exports have been minimized. 8 Area around Gladiolus, Other
Solan, H.P. Bulbous Plants and
Singapore is the nearest International Seeds
standard flower auction centre, helpful for 9 Area around : Jasmine, Tuberose,
Indian exports. Coimbatore Chrysanthemum, Rose,
including Carnation and Orchids
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Indias share in the total world export Germany is the single largest market
being less than 1%. accounting for nearly 25 % of the world
The new markets for Indian flowers may imports.
be Japan, Northern America, South East
Asia and the Gulf countries. PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION OF FLOWERS
Indias geographical location particularly
its proximity to a developing Far East The consumption of floriculture products is
offers a tremendous competitive linked to the GDP of the countries. Developed
advantage. countries with high per capita income
obviously are the major consuming markets.
Now the floriculture has become one of
the extreme focus segments for With rising income, consumption of
development of export by the Government floricultural products is on the increase both in
of India. developed and developing countries.
Developing countries have only 6% share It is estimated that, the Global demand for
in the world market. This help in floricultural products is growing @ 8-10 %.
increasing the export from India which is
In India the demand for cut flowers and pot
otherwise negligible.
plants is growing @ 20-25 %.
Sl. Cut flowers Sl. Pot plants OTHER AGENCIES FOR EXPORT:
No. No.
1. Rose 1. Ficus In recent times, the Indian government
has done a lot for promotion of exports of
2. Chrysanthemum 2. Dracaena
floriculture products.
3. Tulip 3. Kalanchoe
4. Lily 4. Chrysanthemum The Government has identified
5. Carnation 5. Begonia floriculture industry as thrust focus area
for export.
6. Gerbera 6. Hedera
7. Freesia 7. Azalea The import duty on seeds, bulbs, cuttings
8. Cymbidium 8. Saintpaulia etc. has reduced to zero and that to on
goods for green house items, seed
9. Alstroemeria 9. Hydrangea
development machinery has been brought
10. Limonium 10. Spathiphyllum
down to 25%.
INDIAN SCENARIO Income tax and other tax concessions have
In India, floriculture industry comprises, been granted to new floriculture exporting
Flower trade, Production of nursery plants and
potted plants, The eighth five year plan also contains a
Seed and bulb production, Micro propagation provision of Rs. 320 million to boost
and horticulture and floriculture.
Extraction of essential oils and natural Reduction in the tariff from 55 to 10 % on
pigments. import of live plants and other plant
bulbs, root, cut flowers and other
The import of flower seeds and tissue
Europe is the largest market for floricultural culture material of any plant origin is now
products. Among the major importing allowed without an import permit.
countries Germany, USA, France, U.K and
The Agricultural and Processed Food
Netherlands together accounts for nearly 64
Product Export Development Authority
% of the world imports.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Floricultural products are classified as per the c) Yellow or orange: Antirrhinum, Marigold
International trade of Classification (ITC) are as Calendula, Zinnia, Gaillardia, Rose, Gladiolus,
follows. Carnation, etc.
1. Bulbs, Tubers and Tuberous roots d) Red pink: Antirrhinum, Rose, Gladiolus,
Carnation, Gerbera, Dahlia, etc.
2. Live plants: Includes trees, shrubs, bushes,
rooted cuttings and slips. 3) Based on purpose of Growing
3. Cut flowers and flower buds: fresh or a) Rockery: Ageratum, Alyssum, Brachycome,
dried, dyed, bleached etc., Phlox, Portulaca, Linum, Nemesia, Saponaria,
4. Cut foliage, branches and other parts Godetia, Euphorbia, etc.
(other than flowers or buds) of trees, b) Hanging basket: Dwarf Ageratum, Petunia,
shrubs,bushes and other plants i.e. twigs, Portulaca, Verbena, Torenia, Begonia.
grasses, shoots etc.
c) Edging of beds or path: Dwarf Ageratum,
5. Masses, lichens & grasses, fresh or dried, Alyssum, Brachycome, Dianthus, Nigella,
bleached: Portulaca, Pansy etc.
6. Dry flowers d) Fragrant flowers: Sweet Alyssum, Sweet
Sultan, Sweet pea, Stock, Phlox, Carnation,
7. Pigments (Natural colours)
Rose, Jasmine, Tuberose, etc.
8. Essential oils e) Bedding purpose: Dahlia, Marigold, Phlox,
9. Prepared/processed food products like Verbena, Carnation, Petunia, Ice Plant, Candy
gulkand, gulroghan, pankhuri etc Tuft, Balsam, Portulaca, etc.
10. Seed production of different seasonals f) Aromatic: Rose, Jasmine, Tuberose etc.,
g) For pots: Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Dahlia,
Rose, Antirrhinum, Petunia, Agloenema,
1) Based on Season of growing Alocasia, Anthurium, Orchids, Aralia,
Begonia, Chlorophytum, Dracaena, etc.
a) Summer season annuals :
h) For loose flowers: Marigold, Jasmine,
Zinnia, Kochia, Portulaca, Tithonia, Gaillardia, Crossandra, Barlaria, Chrysanthemums, China
Gomphrena, Sunflower, Daisy, etc. Asters, Sunflowers, Zinnia, Gaillardia, Rose,
Dahlia, etc.
b) Rainy season annuals :
i) For Dry flowers: Statice, Helichrysum,
Balsam, Cocks comb, Celosia, Gaillardia, etc. Acroclinum, Gomphrena, Limonium,
c) Winter season annuals : Marigold, Rose, Ladys Lace, Nigella, etc.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Along with this 100 g of rose mixture o The weeds not only consume water and
(complex) has to be given. Normally twice a nutrients but also act as hosts for a
year i.e. after each pruning. number of diseases and pests.
First dose 15 days after pruning o Manual method is effective, if it is done
(when the new growth has started) properly and frequently.
Second dose After the first flush is o However, chemical method is
over. economical, convenient and efficient
Third dose After second flush is in eradicating weeds by one or two
over, before the spring blooming. applications.
FYM 05-10 kg / bush
Eg: 2, 4-D @ 2 kg 1600 liter per hectare
The fertilizers should be applied 20 25
(before flowering) controls broad
cm away from the stem.
leaved weeds.
Liquid fertilizers
Are also been practices through fertilizers for Nitrofan @ 9 lb a.i. / acre
spray hardening the limp stem and getting
good blooms for exhibition purpose. PRUNING:
Dissolve Potassium nitrate @ 680 g, ammonium
sulphate @ 340 g and potassium phosphate @ Pruning refers to the removal of certain portion
170 g in 96 gallon of water & applied @ 0.5 of the plant.
gallon / plant . It is an important operation for maintenance of
Micronutrients like Rose mixture / multiplex, floriferousness and
etc. are given through foliar spray To improve the quality of flowers along with
o 7.09 g Potassium sulphate vigor of roses.
o 14.17 g Ammonium sulphate
o 28.35 g Potassium nitrate in 3.79 litres of The pruning consists of two operations:
water and may be applied @ 1.36 ml / liter
of water. 1) Thinning: Thinning comprises removal of old,
weak, dry, twiggy and diseased stems and
MULCHING: branches from the point of start.
2) Shortening: Means shortening of the remaining
Mulches are used for a number of purposes on shoots, aims to cutting down the last years
rose beds or in green houses.They conserve; growth to a desirable height.
Soil moisture
Suppress the weeds
i. To remove the unproductive growth, because
Keep the soil somewhat cooler in rose plant bears flowers on a new shoot.
summer months ii. To ensure production of large number of
Results in improvement of growth strong and healthy shoots.
and flowering of roses. iii. To improve the flower production with
For mulching well decomposed quality.
garden compost, FYM, peat straw, iv. Pruning will force the eye bud to produce the
saw dust, ground or whole corn cobs, strongest shoot.
Black polythene sheets (0-18 mm v. It keeps the rose bush in proper shape and
thickness). size.
vi. To allow light and air to reach the centre of the
WEED CONTROL: rose bush.
vii. To facilitate various cultural operations like
o Weeds pose very serious problems in hoeing, weeding, soil scraping, sterilization,
rose cultivation. manuring so also harvesting the long and
straight stems.
viii. To rejuvenate the old plants. Cut off the old
plants from the base to get strong shoots.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
TIME OF PRUNING: While making the cut care should be taken not
The purpose of pruning will not serve, if it is to make it too high above the eye (bud) as
done at the wrong time. there may be chance of die back of shoot.
Sufficient time must be allowed for the new On the other hand if the cut is very nearer to
shoots to mature and flower. the bud, it may die due to want of sap flow.
Late pruning delays flowering as well as reduce So cut one inch above the bud.
the production considerably. It is absolutely necessary to cut the sharp end
The best time for pruning in rose is the period clean because the broken tissues, bruises or
when the activity of the rose plant is least and hanging shreds of bark will invite for
the plant is at dormant to near dormant stage. infestation of pests & diseases.
Pruning time will depends entirely on the All the cut ends should be pasted with cane
climate condition of the region. sealer (copper fungicide) against the attack of
In temperate climate it is normally done in fungus and cane boring insects.
Within a fortnight after pruning new flush of
Over a large area in India (Indo-Gangetic growth will start and within 45 days of
plains) pruning is done only once in a year. pruning new flowers are ready for harvesting.
The most usual time for pruning is during
October-November after rains are well over
and the cold season is approaching. The intensity of pruning markedly influences
The staggering of pruning at weekly interval the growth and flowering of roses depending upon the
from September end to October end will extent and level of shortening. There are three types of
provide a regular supply of flowers pruning practiced in rose viz.
throughout the winter. 1. Light pruning :
2. Moderate pruning :
In some regions pruning is practiced twice a
3. Hard pruning :
year, i.e. in May and October for monsoon and
winter flowering, respectively.
1. Light pruning:
Dried and dead branches are trimmed
Every rose stems has eyes (buds) alternating on Cut either at the 2nd or 3rd eye bud
opposite sides in the leaf axils (usually immediately below the flower bearing
outward and inward). stalk.
Removing of tips upto 2-3 buds and is
The basic rule in pruning is always to make the
practiced in standard roses, climbers
cut about half a centimeter above a vigorous
and ramblers.
bud that finds in the direction one desires the
new shoot to grow. 2. Moderate pruning:
Healthy shoots are pruned back to 45-
Since the rose bush has to be kept open in the
60cm from the base.
Commonly practiced in floribundas and
The cut is made at an outward growing bud in HT roses.
standard roses as well as in floribundas. 3. Hard pruning:
Where as in climbing roses the pruning is done Here keeping only three or four shoots
at a bud pointing more or less upward. of the last year growth and heading
back at about three or four eyes from
Always encourage outward bud to expose the the base.
center open. Practiced for rejuvenation of old bushes
Whichever the bud is selected the cut should be and weak plants
slightly slant. As the horizontal cut retains Pruning is done by leaving 10-30cm
moisture / sap and therefore, is liable to cause from the bud joint.
fungal growth,
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
6. Defoliation:
Under special conditions it is
followed, but it has reported that
removal of leaves from rose plants
1. Thinning: will increase number of blind
Removal of the undesirable
growth like inward growth, weak It will force the plants to produce
stems, blind shoots, crowded growth and flowering during
growth. desired period.
2. De-suckering: 7. Use of growth substances:
The operation of removal of To some extent some growth
suckers from root stock i.e. the regulators like GA3 and retardants
shoots produced below the bud like CCC are used to get more
union on rootstocks is called de- number of flowers with good
suckering. quality.
3. Pinching: GA3 @ 250ppm has been found to
increase the stalk length, flower
Removal of a part of terminal
size and reduce number of blind
growing portion of stem is called
8. Removal of faded flowers:
It is done to reduce the plant
height and to promote auxiliary If the opened blooms are not
branching. removed intime, there is chance of
developing fruits bearing seeds.
Pinching of blind shoot is
beneficial to increase flowering. Once the hips are formed and
reach the advanced stage of
4. Disbudding:
development, growth and
Removal of undesirable buds is flowering are severally reduced
known as disbudding. during the season;
Keeping only the central bud and Cutting of faded flowers will force
removal of others cause to produce strong lateral shoots
development of a quality bloom. which will produce good quality
It is done in standard/HT roses to
reduce number of flowers. HARVESTING:
5. Removal of young vegetative shoots: The stage at which flowers should be cut, either
for decoration or for cut flower dispatch is the
This practice is also known as de-
tight bud stage.
shooting. It is generally followed
in HT roses. When the bud shows full color but the petals
have not yet started unfolding.
Young vegetative shoots
developing from the axils of Harvesting at this stage will help the flower to
leaves of basal and lateral shoots last longer in vases or during transportation
are removed to allow only one for better retention of colour and freshness.
terminal shoots.
The optimum stage may varying slightly
It is important from the point of depending on cultivar and one has to
stalk length. experience to judge the right stage for cutting.
Because a flower bud of a red cultivar when cut
at a little early stage may fail to open later.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The dripper line of the irrigation system are
placed on the ground between the two rows,
this prevent the dripper line becoming empty Depending upon the growth and potentiality of
and keep the water temperature low and the a cultivar the number of basal shoots are
dripper line out the reach of direct sunlight. formed.
A capacity of 2 liters per hour is preferred as Per plant 2 to 3 well-formed shoots are allowed
the chance of congestion is smaller. to continue growing, if more shoots were
formed it is recommended for bending out of
By using a drip system, a wet (water) column is
these shoots.
created through which the roots grow.
This way a plant has got the use of more active
Place the drippers by planting in the jiffy pot,
leaf canopy to supply enough energy for
after 2-3 weeks when the roots are growing out
development of a heavy crop with first quality
of the jiffy pot into the potting soil replace them
approximately 1 - 5 cm from the jiffy pot.
1. Bud Capping: The flower buds are
BENDING IN ROSES: inserted with nylon a cap which helps for
increasing bud size, avoids damage in
After planting, shoots will develop quickly.
transportation and maintains the
Only after the flower bud becomes clearly microclimate in package.
visible the shoots are bend-out towards the path
and the flowers are removed, this process is HARVESTING AND YIELD:
known as bending.
Yield starts 4-5 months after planting.
Since the plants grow about 40 cm above the Harvest the flower buds at tight bud stage for
ground, it is possible to bend down the stems longer distance.
deeply. Stem length vary from 40-90cm.
Be careful not to break the shoots, the plant At harvest it often was practice to cut back to
should remain capable of transporting sugars the first 5-leaf stage.
from these areas to the new developing shoots.
Hence, it is recommended for cutting back to
The shoots should be bending down so the just above the original cutting.
grafting place or, if a cutting is used, the old top
of the cutting will become the top of the plant. The length of the remaining stem decides the
number of shoots (flower stems) which will
The flower buds on these bend-out shoots have grow back.
to be removed. This system allows the leaves to
continue their production of energy. If too much (4-6 cm) stem is left, many shoots
are formed of a poor quality. Therefore it is
When the dominating primary shoots (apical advised to cut back to 1 cm.
dominance) is removed, causing the plant to
respond by developing more basal buds. After 1 to 1.5 year the rose bush is cut back to
approximately 10 cm above the original
In the plant hormonal changes take place, which cutting, so creating a new top. Now again
promote shoot development (balance only 1-cm stem is left after harvest.
cytokinins/ auxins).
Flower yield ranges from 100-150 stems, 200-
After cutting or bending out results in an 225 and 250-350 stems per m2 in large hybrid
increased cytokine level, causing buds to break. tea, medium types and small and sprays,
The shoots formed are producing auxins, so respectively.
restoring the hormonal balance in the plant.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
i) Disbudded inflorescence
II. LARGE FLOWERED TYPES ii) Spray inflorescence
Loose flowers
1. Incurved regular The outer ray florets
Potted/bed plants
curve upwards and inwards towards the
disc florets to forma globular shape. Ex:
Snow ball, Sonar Bangla, Chandrama.
The number of species under the genus
2. Incurve irregular The outer ray florets
Chrysanthemum varied from 100-200.
incurve loosely and irregularly and do not
from a ball as in case of regular. Some important species are: n=9 (2n=18 to 90)
1. Chrysanthemum boreale :Abura
3. Refluxed The outer ray florets curved
outwards and downward away from the
2. C. carinatum : Tricolor chrysanthemum
centre so that only their upper surface is
3. C.coronarium:Garland chrysanthemum
seen. Ex: Cresta, City Beauty, Golden
4. C.cinerariifolium:Dalmatian pyrethrum
Rule, Day dream, Peach blossom, Sweet
5. C. rubellum sturdy species used for
breeding of hardy cultivars.
4. Intermediate The inner florets incurved 6. C. satsumense : Satsuma-nogiku
and outer florets are refluxed, they are 7. C. sinensis- One of the sourses of
intermediate in shape to incurved and todays florists mums.
refluxed. Ex: John Reid, Lady Hope town. 8. C. sibiricum is one of the parents for
Korean hybrids.
5. Spider The outer ray florets are large,
9. C. coccineunm :Painted daisy
elongated, tubular and curved to form a
10. C. indicum : Chinese/ Japanese mums
hook or coil like structure at the tip of the
11. C. morifolium : Florists chrysamthemum
petals. Ex: Rupasi Bangla, Mahatma
C. morifolium is a hybrid species
and is the result of repeated cycles of
6. Quill The outer ray florets are inter-specific crossing among
elongated, straight and tubular like a quill elemental species extending over a
with tips open but not flattened. period of 2500 years.
7. Exhibition - The outer florets are refluxed Plants are perennial.
and inner florets incurred, the ray florets CULTIVARS
are generally twisted, irregularly More than 15000 cultivars are listed in Japan
overlapped each other and looks alone.
attractive. The National Chrysanthemum Society of
Britain lists over 6000 cultivars.
8. Ball type Ray florets are straight and
radiated in all directions to give a In India also more than 500 cultivars.
complete ball shape.
III. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON PLANT Chrysanthemum can be propagated
GROWTH both by vegetative and sexual
1. Standards plants with single flower, Maintain the purity of cultivar seeds
other buds are removed if arise from are used to develop hybrids.
the laterals and produce big flower.
2. Spray The main apex bud is removed VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION
and lateral buds are allowed. 1. SUCKERS:
3. Pot mums Small flowered mums with Suckers arise from the underground stem and
6-9 height are beautiful in decorating these are separated and planted in prepared
the places. nursery beds during January for stock plants.
Regular pinching is performed in these plants
Cut flowers
for vigorous and profuse branching.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Some of these stock plants are used for
preparation of cuttings. Chrysanthemum requires well prepared soil
for proper growth and development.
The first pinching is performed in April,
The field should be ploughed 2 to3 times
followed by monthly pinching up to June.
before preparing the beds and leveled well.
After 3rd pinching in June, cuttings are taken A basal dose of well decomposed FYM should
from these mother plants. be applied @ 5kg/meter square.
2. CUTTINGS Addition of peat or organic matter improves
the soil structure & helps in the development
Terminal Cuttings:
of the plant.
Cuttings of 5-7 cm in length are taken Proper soil sterilization with carbendazim
form healthy stock plants in June. should be done before planting to avoid soil
The cuttings are prepared removing borne diseases.
basal leaves and reducing the leaf area
of remaining leaves to half. CLIMATIC REQUIREMENT
The basal portions (less than half inch) Light and temperature are the two
of cuttings are dipped rooting important environmental factors
hormone (1000 ppm solution of IBA) influencing the growth and flowering.
for better rooting. As far as light is concerned, both
Sometimes the lower portion of photoperiod and the intensity have
cuttings is treated with some copper profound effects on growth and
fungicide to avoid fungal growth. flowering of chrysanthemum.
These rooted cuttings are ready for It is a short-day plant normally initiates
planting in the field. and flowers during September to
December under South Indian conditions.
3. Micro propagation Hence, planting during April-May is
4. Grafting recommended.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Single pinching is done, if two flowers are
Staking is necessary to keep plants erect
desired, whereas double pinching is done
and to maintain proper shape of plants
for four flowers.
and bloom.
In spray chrysanthemum numerous small Stakes are prepared mostly from bamboo
to medium sized flowers are produced, sticks.
therefore, two pinchings are required to WEED CONTROL:
encourage lateral growth. Weeding and hoeing are generally done
manually as and when required, normally 8-
As a general rule rooted cuttings are
10 times yearly.
pinched two weeks after planting or
approximately 100 days before full bloom. GREEN HOUSE CULTIVATION
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Flower quality and yield can be improved by The lower leaves are stripped off up to 15-20
the use of regulators. cm and bundled in units of 5 stems and
The plant starts flowering from 3rd months secured with a rubber band.
onwards. GA3 50 ppm can be sprayed at 30, PACKING
45 and 60 days after planting to increase the Most often standard chrysanthemum are
yield. placed in sleeves and packed in display boxes
PESTS AND DISEASES measuring 91 x 43 x 15cm.
Aphids, thrips, leaf miners and mites They are placed in the boxes according to the
are the common insects attacking grades.
chrysanthemum. For bulk packing of the spray
DISEASES chrysanthemums, 10, 15 or 20 stems are placed
Cercospora leaf spot, Alternaria leaf in sleeves according to the grades.
spot, Fusarium stem rot and Powdery Six sleeves, three at each end, are generally
mildew are the common diseases
packed in each box, measuring 80 x 50 x 23cm.
attacking chrysanthemums.
Decorative types are harvested when the Chrysanthemum cut flowers can be wrapped in
petals in the centre of the topmost flower plastics and stored dry for 6 to 8 weeks at a
is almost fully developed. temperature of 0.5oC.
In standards, harvesting is generally done Temperature for truck shipments across the
when outer ray florets ceases to further country ranged between 2o and 4oC.
The stems in the buckets (after grading) are
Pot-mums are sent to the market with
given a cut using sharp blade and pre cooled
half to fully opened flowers.
at 1C minimum of 2 hours before packing.
Spray mums are generally harvested at
the two thirds to three-fourths open Chrysanthemum can be stored for 3-6 weeks
stage; standard mums at the three-fourths period at 0-3C.
to full open stage of development.
Yield start from 3-4 months after VASE LIFE
planting. The use of proper preservative solution
Main crop duration 6 months. throughout the period of post-harvest handing
Ratoon crop 4 months. Total duration is very important to prolong the life of cut
(6+4) 10 months. flowers.
YIELD Dipping of the stem for a very short period (5
1. Main crop : 9-10t/ha. seconds) in 1200-4800 ppm silver nitrate or
2. Ratoon crop : 4-5 t/ha. soaking the stems in 1000 ppm silver nitrate
3. Sprays- 1, 00,000 stems can be obtained from for 10 minutes.
one ha. Addition of 2 % sucrose to silver nitrate was
GRADING It increased the vase-life from 12 days to 20
Chrysanthemums are graded based on the stem days.
length, flower appearance, number of flowers, EXPORT STANDARDS FOR CHRYSANTHEMUM:
stem straightness, colour and freshness of Parameter Standard Spray Dwarf
flowers. Stem Length 88-100 cm 75-88 cm 25-38 cm
Standard chrysanthemum is graded into Blue, Weight 30g/stem (90cm) 30g/stem (85 cm)
Red, Green and Yellow, whereas spray types 15g/stem(30 cm)
are graded into Gold, Silver and Bronze based # of flowers Only 1 flower 10 flowers 10-12 flowers
on the quality parameters. With 5 buds with 5-8 buds
In Dutch market, spray chrysanthemums are
graded into extra grade and shorter grade.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Vitrification in carnation
PROPAGATION: A problem will encounter during the
Carnation may be propagated by both In-vitro culture of carnation due to the
sexual and asexual methods. formation of abnormal leaves and
VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION stem with thickened and translucent
CUTTING structures.
Using soft terminal cuttings is the Shoots with such abnormal leaves
common method of multiplication usually turn brown and failed to root
used by commercial growers in the rooting medium.
throughout the world. Vitrification in carnation tissues, by
Cuttings of 10-15 cm with 3-4 nodes transfer from solid to liquid medium
weighing around 10g are ideal for was accompanied by decreased lignin
multiplication. content.
Rooting hormone such as IBA at
500ppm is used prior to planting of PLANTING AND AFTERCARE:
cuttings for rooting.
Terminal cuttings give rise to good Carnation plants are planted in different
plants. Cuttings can be stored at 0oC spacing normally, 30-45 plants per sqm is
before planting for several weeks. considered to be ideal.
Cuttings are spaced at 5 cm apart and Different spacings 15x8cm, 15x15cm, 15x20cm
intermittent misting should be used and 15x10cm, are followed. Alternate normal
for good rooting. method of transplanting wherein the plants
Cuttings normally develop good root are planted firmly to soil, carnation,
system within 21 days. Shallow planting is followed. Deep planting
The rooting medium should be sterilized should be avoided.
before planting. Shading should be given in the beginning of the
Drenching with fungicide is ideal to crop for few days.
control fungal problem during Care should be taken to maintain the humidity
rooting. to prevent plants from drying.
Layering is done in pots or directly in
the ground.
The layering generally roots earlier Carnation crop has the tendency to bend
than the cuttings. unless supported properly. Hence the crop
Ground layering was found to be needs support while growing.
most suitable method. Good support material is metallic wire woven
GRAFTING with nylon mesh.
65 to 70 % success At every two meters the wire should be
Union was completed in 15 days. supported with poles.
The poles at both the ends of bed should be
Almost all parts of the plant may be
used as explants in carnation except Metallic wire is tied around the bed along the
length with the support from supporting
the root.
Across the bed, nylon wires are woven like
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
For an optimum support, an increasing width
of the meshes can be used bottom net can be of Disbudding refers to removal of side buds so
7.5x7.5cm /10x10cm, then two nets of that the central/terminal bud receives
12.5x12.5cm and the upper most can be maximum food for the full development.
4 5 layers of nets are to be laid before
planting. Removal of lateral buds.
For every 2.5 to 3.0 m wires to be supported Main flower bud alone left.
with poles.
First net should be fixed at 12 cm above soil.
Place remaining nets over first net 15 cm apart. Terminal or main buds are removed to
encourage more number of side
Best time for disbudding when
Pinching refers to breaking out tip of budding apical bud is 15 mm in diameter.
and encouraging growth of side shoots.
Essential for Standards. MANURING:
4-6 well grown laterals are allowed. No inorganic fertilizers in first 3 weeks after
At six pairs of leaf first pinching has to be
done. Fertilizer application of 40g N, 20g P and 10g
K, in addition to 5kg of well decomposed FYM
First pinching done 3 -4 weeks after planting. /m2 will increase the yield of flowers. OR
Depending upon the need of crop spread it is 250 : 80 : 200 : 125 : 400 g / m2 / yr N,
classified into, P2O5, K2O, Ca, Mg application in 24 splits once
Single, in 15 days.
One and half and
Double pinches. IRRIGATION:
Over watering and poor drainage causes root
Ideal time for pinching is morning. death and stunted growth.
When the plant attains 6 nodes, the Water logging would cause deprival of
first pinch is given. oxygen to plants.
The growing medium should be evenly moist.
5 -7 cm of apical portion has to be
pinched off. For proper establishing of the cuttings misting
is require
This would give rise to 4-6 lateral
Drip irrigation can be followed after 3-4 weeks
of planting
2. ONE AND HALF PINCH Water requirement : 4 -5 l / m2/ day
After single pinched shoots flower, Optimum moisture : 300 -500 tension
half of side shoots are pinched off.
2-3 of these lateral shoots are pinched PHYSIOLOGICAL DISORDER
Cultivars with too many petals are susceptible
All the lateral shoots are pinched off.
to calyx splitting.
i.e., 3 - 4 weeks after first pinch
Pinching is done at 4 well developed Due to fluctuation in temperature and
pairs of leaves environmental conditions also influences calyx
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
water every two days during the vegetative Always add 7 10 ml commercial
stage encourages better foliage. bleach/Sodium Hypochlorite solutions in one
Once flowering commences. litre water i.e. 1% solution.
It has a maximum vase life of 7 to 8 days.
o N:P:K 15:8:35 at the rate of 1.5 g/l
water/day. Frequent re-cutting of stem ends is suggested.
The flowers are relatively insensitive to
o Boron deficiency causes base of young
leaves to turn black coloured.
A good flower has stalk length of 45 55cm,
Zinc deficiency symptoms can be identified and diameter of flower is 10 12cm.
with the C-shaped leaf structure caused by
Gerbera Cups - The packaging solution to
chlorosis on one half of the leaf blade which
ceases to expand, while the other half of the protect the gerbera flower
leaf is normal.
FLOWERS: Aphids, Greenhouse Whitefly, Leaf Miner,
Mites, Thrips,
Gerbera is a 24-30 months crop.
Crown Rot: Caused by Phytophthora
The first flowers are produced 7-8 weeks after cryptogea results in wilting disease of
plantation. Gerbera, Crown of the plant becomes
Harvesting is done when the two outer rows black.
of the disc florets are fully expanded and Root knot Nematode: Yellowing of leaves;
perpendicular to the stalk. nodules on roots.
The average yield is 240 flowers per sqm (6-7 Botrytis: Occurs especially when the
plants/sqm). relative humidity of the air is more than
The flowers are harvested when 2 3 whorls 92% for two hours in the morning gray
of stamens have entirely been developed; this spots on the flower petals rot in the heart
will decide the vase life of flowers. of flower.
Pluck the flowers in the morning or late in the NEVER APPLY THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS
evening or during the day when temperature ON GERBERA:
is low.
Pluck the flower from the plant rather than Trade Name Consistent
cutting them. Hostathion Triazophos
Tilt Propiconazole
Cut the heel of the stem by giving an angular Contaf Hexconazole
cut. Cypermethrin
Pack the flowers in a box with following +Triazophos
dimensions. Polytrin Profenophos
Immediately after harvesting, flowers put in Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb
water and kept for four hours at 7 to 8oC Ridomil
The cut flowers can be stored dry at 2oC in
moisture proof retentive boxes for two days Flower bent Loss of cell turgidity and
If stored wet at 4 to 5oC, the flowers can be under nutrition (lack of
kept for 5 to 7 days. Calcium)
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 ; II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013-14
V Ai Awz zs
Pre-harvest stem break High root 9. Copper : Chlorosis in younger leaves;
pressure and high humidity flower develops bad.
in the air. 10. Molybdenum: Chlorosis on the edges of leaves.
Premature wilting of Gerbera flower 11. Boron : Bases of younger leaves are
Cloudy weather followed by bright sun black colored.
or carbohydrate depletion.
Double-faced Gerbera flower A Control measure
physiological disorder caused by
imbalance of nutrients. Chelated sources (like Microsole, Tracel, Micnelf)
Too much growth too little flower buds. of these microelements as a foliar spray
Non-uniform flower blooming @@@@
Physical injury to flower stem/pest
Short stem length High salinity level,
moisture stress, low soil temp.
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
(Gladiolus spp. Iridaceae) DISTRIBUTION:
There are around 200
INTRODUCTION: species scattered
throughout Tropical and South Africa and
Mediterranean region.
It is said to be the Queen of bulbous
flower crops and commonly known as It is said to be in cultivation since 1578. It was
Sword Lily or Corn flag. first introduced into France & soon after, it
spread to England, Germany, Holland &
The name gladiolus was originally coined
North America.
by Pliny the Elder.
No species is known to be native of India.
Gladiolus (Tournefort.) L. takes its name
from the Latin word Gladius meaning a In India it was introduced during British
sword, because of sword- like shape of period.
its foliage.
Gladiolus L. belongs to the family Iridaceae.
Gladiolus is an important florist crop, Basic chromosome number is n=15.
most popular as cut flower in the Ploidy in the genus ranges from diploid
domestic and International market. (2n=30) to dodecaploid (2n=180)
In Netherlands, it ranks next only to tulip The modern garden gladiolus is a complex of
in commercial importance at least 12 species and most of the cvrs are
tetraploids (2n=60) & highly heterozygous,
It is relatively easy to grow and also they will not breed true to the type if grown
suitable for bedding and exhibition. from seeds.
The fascinating spikes bear a large SPECIES:
number of florets which exhibit varying
sizes and forms; with smooth, ruffled, There are about 226 recorded species
deeply crinkled or laciniated tepals. scattered in Republic of South Africa.
The flower spikes are used in flower The genus Gladiolus has further been
arrangements, in bouquets and for indoor divided into four sections.
Section I: Euglandiolus which includes 100
Grandiflorus and Primulinus types look species.
very attractive in mixed flower borders.
Section II: Habea includes 12 spp.
Spikes of gladiolus have good keeping
Section III: Schweiggeria, includes only
quality and can be transported to long
two species.
Section IV: Homoglossum, includes 5-6
Its flowers open in acropetal succession,
one by one and spike lasts for 1 to 3
weeks in ordinary vase water, depending
upon the season and variety.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The requirement of the corms per hectare Gladiolus takes 60-120 days to produce
is roughly 1, 50,000-2, 00,000. spikes.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
LECTURE -11 Some portions of the flowers are also used for
the production of perfumed hair oil and
(Jasminum spp.)
The world famous jasmine oil is extracted from
the flowers of the Spanish jasmine (J.
grandiflorum). Nearly 50% of worlds famous
INTRODUCTION: jasmine oil is produced from France and the
Jasmine (Jasminum spp.) is one of the oldest rest is contributed by Belgium, Netherlands,
Italy, Turkey, Morocco and Tunisia.
fragrant flowers.
The jasmine oil is considered unique as it
Jasmine being one of the
blends well with other floral extracts to make
important commercial high grade perfumes and cosmetics.
flower crops is cultivated
in India.
Among the large number of species existing
It belongs to the family
only three species have attained importance in
Oleaceae. commercial cultivation.
As many as forty species of their genus are
The Arabian or Tuscan jasmine (J. sambac) -
known to be in India. native of the East Indies.
Important Species are The Royal jasmine or common white jasmine
1. Jasminum auriculatum : Vasantha Mallige or Poet's jasmine (J. officinale) -Persian origin.
2. Jasminum grandiflorum : The Spanish jasmine or Catalonion jasmine (J.
Jajimallige/Jathimalli (or) Pitchi (or) grandiflorum)
Spanish Jasmine Cooke (1905) stated that J officinale is a native
3. Jasminum sambac : Gundu mallige of Kashmir.
/Malligai / Arabian jasmine / Adorn in central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran,
Tuscan jasmine Nepal etc.
4. Jasminum pubescens (multiflorum) - In India it is being grown in 8000 hectare area.
Kakada India exports to Sri Lanka, Singapore,
Malaysia and Gulf countries
USES AND IMPORTANCE: Historic evidences show that even 200-500
They are mainly grown as climbers, shrubs and years ago, the jasmines were extensively used
rarely as pot plants. for hair ornamentation by the women in
Jasmine flowers, known for their fragrance are
used for making garland.
Garlands are being used for personal adorning by
Though jasmines are distributed in tropical
women and in religious offerings.
and subtropical countries of the world,
Flowers and buds used, bouquets, vent/veni
preparation. No. of species are centered around India,
China and Malaysia
Production of perfumed oils and attars.
Among these, about 40 species are reported to
The world famous jasmine oil is extracted from
Spanish jasmine (J. grandiflorum). occur in India. Some of the important are as
The essential oil extracted from the flowers is of
high value as starting material for the perfume 1. J. auriculatum India
industry. 2. J. grandiflorm Subtropical Himalayan
There is tremendous scope for the development region
of jasmine essential oil industry for export. 3. J. sambac India
4. J. mulfiflorum India
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
There are no standard grades available for EXTRACTION OF JASMINE CONCRETE:
Jasmine concrete obtained from Jasminum
The flowers may be graded according to the
grandiflorum (Jathi Malli/Pitchi) is a wax like
corolla tube length, bud size, shape and
substance containing the natural flower
perfume together with some plant waxes,
albumin and colouring matter.
The natural perfume is available in very small
Packing should be functional, economical and quantity (0.25%) in jasmine flowers in the form
attractive besides being acceptable in markets.
of volatile oil.
Harvested flower should be given cold The usual and simple method of steam
treatment before packing. distillation for the extraction of the volatile oil
Corrugated cardboard boxes are the proper could not be adopted in this case as jasmines
packing materials for distant market. do not yield the perfume oil on steam
The growers also use small bags made out of distillation.
fertilizer bag material to bring flowers of Hence, the solvent extraction method is
jasmine to the market. practiced in which the principle is that the
Wholesalers pack flowers in bamboo baskets. odoriferous substances of the flower are
allowed to be absorbed by a highly volatile
They are packed so as to maintain some
solvent and then the solvent is evaporated
moisture and air circulation in the baskets.
leaving the odoriferous principles.
Water is sprinkled on the newspapers
covering the inside of the basket.
The top is covered with paper again and
closed with a bamboo basket cover or gunny For extraction of concrete, only freshly picked
stack which is stitched at the edges. fully opened flowers are required.
YIELD: Jathimalli flowers open in the evening between
Flower and concrete yield in jasmines vary 5-7 p.m.
considerably according to the species and
The fully opened flowers have to be picked in
cultivars and management practices.
the early morning preferably before 9.30 a.m.,
The flower yield and concrete recovery in
three important species of jasmine are: Delay in picking flowers after 9.30 a.m. results
in gradual reduction of concrete yield.
Species Flower Concrete Shelf Picking the flowers after 11.00 a.m. will
yield recovery (%) life of considerably reduce the yield and quality of
(kg/ha) flowers concrete especially in the hot climate.
J.auriculatum 4636 0.28 to 0.36 28-30
Therefore, it is essential to pick the fully opened
(13.44 to 28.24 hrs
9022 flowers in the morning before it becomes hot.
J.grandiflorum 4329 0.25 to 0.32 24 hrs The flowers should be harvested and
(13.85 to 29.42 transported in clean baskets or cloth bags.
10144 kg/ha)
The flowers should be picked in such a way
J. sambac 739 0.14 to 0.19 28-30
that at the time of picking, the sweat, dirt etc.,
(1.18 to 15.44 hrs
8129 of the picking personal do not contaminate
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
them. The contamination will reflect in the The complete extraction of the perfume from the
quality of the concrete. flowers can also be ensured by slowly rotating
the container having the flowers and solvent for
While picking and transporting care should be
about 20 minutes in the rotary type of extractor.
taken not to damage the flowers.
Mixing Hexane 2 litres / kg of flowers for 30 minutes Wide spectrum of colour, shape, size and good
keeping quality.
Rotate the container slowly for 20 minutes in the Marigold is also known as Friendship Flower
rotary type of extractor. in the United States.
Perfume substance along with wax and pigments In language of flowers, marigold, in general,
dissolved in Hexane. means anxiety but despair or grief, in
STEP II EVAPORATION: African marigold represents vulgar minds
Perfume laden solvent is led into the evaporator French marigold is a symbol of jealousy.
Evaporation at a constant temperature of 75oC USES:
Vapour of the solvent condemned into liquid for Used for garland, veni and other
recycling decorations.
The long stemmed flowers used for vase
Liquid (Perfume, wax & pigments) is distilled in a
vacuum distillation unit for complete removal of
solvent in the still It is highly suitable as bedding plant, in
an herbaceous border, also as shrubbery
Floral concrete settled in the still in the form of molten in landscaping.
wax French marigold is ideal for rockery,
edging, hanging baskets and window
Cooled and Stored in glass (or) aluminum containers boxes.
Have medicinal properties to cure boils
and carbuncles.
Floral extract is used as a blood purifier
and cure for bleeding piles.
Good remedy for eye diseases and ulcers.
Some species of Tagetes are used for
essential oil extraction.
The Pigments (Xanthophylls) are used as
a natural colour to intensify yellow
colour of egg yolk and broiler skin, flesh
and also for fish.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Xanthophylls are the major carotenoid Flowers are small, either single or double
fraction in the flower petals. The flower colour varies from yellow to
Lutein accounts for 80 90% of total mahogany red.
xanthophylls content. In India the cultivation of T. erecta and T.
patula are dominant.
Used for colouring the food stuffs, textile
industries and pharmaceuticals.
Tagetes patula contain essential oil which
can readily be extracted by steam Genetics:
distillation. Towner 1961 compiled the species of Tagetes
The oil has a pronounced odour and acts based on their chromosome number is as follows
as a repellent to flies. Diploid species - 2n :
Trap crop -It is highly effective in Tagetes erecta - 24
reducing the population of nematodes Tetraploid species - 4n : T.
under control and also attracts the fruit patula - 48
borers in many vegetables, fruits and
ornamental plants. MALE STERILITY:
ORIGIN AND HISTORY There are two types of male sterility is observed by
Goldsmith during 1968 in marigold viz.,
The name Tagetes was given after 1. Apetalous
Tages, a demigod, known for his beauty. 2. Double flowered.
African marigold was first introduced into Apetalous male sterility is more preferred to full
Spain early in the 16th century and double flowers.
became popular in Southern Europe Because the second one is prone to break down
under the name, Rose of the Indies. This and it gives few disc florets at later stages
plant was reintroduced into Europe in which, may be due to the age of the plant or
1535 under the name, Flos Africonus by environmental factors.
Emperor Charles V. Apetalous flowers are less attractive to
pollinating insects.
It continued to be so called until well upto Male sterility is governed by recessive gene and
the 18th century, although it was correctly is incorporated into seed parent.
figured as Plantas tagetes indica in Fuchs It is maintained by crossing the heterozygous
Herbal of 1547 (Genders, 1971). plants with the sterile ones.
It is native of central and Southern
America, especially Mexico. BREEDING:
There are about 33 species of the genus Self incompatible and cross pollinated crop.
Tagetes. Some of the important are as follows The ratio of CP to SP is 35:65
Hence, flowers of marigold can be had About 10 cm long cuttings are made and
almost throughout the year. treated with seradix No.1.
The cuttings are planted in the sand to
SOIL REQUIREMENT: strike roots easily and plants thus raised
Marigold can be successfully cultivated are used for bedding and pot planting.
on a wide variety of soils.
However, a soil that is deep fertile and TRANSPLANTING OF SEEDLINGS:
sandy loam, friable having well water Marigold seedlings will be easily
holding capacity, well drained and near established after transplanting in the field
to neutral in reaction without much mortality.
pH of 7.0-7.5 is most desirable. At the time of transplanting, seedlings of
one month old with 3-4 true leaves have
PREPARATION OF SOIL: to be selected for proper establishment
Land should be well prepared by and higher yield.
ploughing 2-3 times and 50 tones of well Aged seedling should not be selected.
decomposed farmyard manure should be Transplant should be done early in the
well mixed. morning or late in the evening. One side
Beds of convenient size are made to of the ridges formed.
facilitate irrigation and other cultural After transplanting, a light irrigation has
operations. to be given.
Marigold is propagated by both In general Tagetes erecta requires wider
methods i.e., spacing than T. patula. However a wide
1. Seeds range is practiced all over the country for
2. Cuttings. higher yield. They are as follows,
BY SEEDS: Tagetes erecta Tagetes patula
Crop raised from seeds is taller than the 1) 40 x 40cm 1) 20 x 20cm
vegetatively propagated one and 2) 45 x 30cm 2) 30 x 30cm
vigorous and heavy bloomer; thus, it is 3) 60 x 45cm
preferred over cuttings.
For better seed germination, optimum MANURES AND FERTILIZERS:
temperature range between 18 to 30oC
is required. To get highest flower yield, 100 kg N, 100
Seed rate of 1.5 kg is required for one kg P2O5 and 100 kg K2O should be mixed
hectare area. at the time of preparation of land.
Seeds of marigold can be sown in pots, Remaining 100 kg N per ha should be
seed boxes or on flat or raised nursery applied in 2 splits @ 30 and 40 days after
beds. transplanted.
Nursery beds of 3 x 1 m size are
thoroughly prepared and mixed with 10
kg of well decomposed farmyard
3-4 manual weeding are required
during the entire growth period.
manure per sq m
BY CUTTINGS: It takes about 55-60 days to complete
This method is commonly followed for vegetative growth and to enter into
reproductive phase.
maintaining the purity of varieties.
Normally, the presence of adventitious Season of planting determines the
roots along the stem helps in the frequency of irrigation.
establishment of cuttings. If rainfall is normal and well
distributed, irrigation is not frequently
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
1. Damping off (Rhizoctonia solani) Seed MFP can be extracted from the meal with warm
treatment with capton @ 0.5% (50-55oC) water.
2. Collor rot: (Rhizoctonia solani): Seed Petals were separated from the rest of the
treatment with capton @ 0.5%. flower and extracted in a soxhlet apparatus
Phytophthora sp. Pythium sp. Sclerotium rolfsi with methanol.
3. Leaf spot (Alternaria tagetica) Spray with Blitox
@ 0.4% or Cercospora spp. Bavistin @ 0.1% @@@@@
4. Blight (Colletotrichum capsia) DM 45 @ 0.2%
5. Inflorescence blight (Alternaria zinnac) DM 45 @
0.2% or Bavistin @ 0.1%
6. Powdery mildew (Oidium sp.) Spray with
calixin, sulfex @ 0.2% (WS) @ 0.2%
Viral diseases: Marigold is infected by CMV, Aster
yellow virus
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
They are used for making artistic garlands, East Godavari, Guntur, Chittoor and Krishna
floral ornaments, bouquets and buttonholes. districts of Andhra Pradesh;
The long flower spikes are excellent cut Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and
flowers for table decoration. Pune and Thane in Maharashtra.
The variegated ones with beautiful golden
stripes on foliage margins are very attractive SPECIES AND
and suitable for garden display. VARIETIES:
The fleshy, white, tubular flowers emit a There are about fifteen species under the
strong odour and hence are cultivated on a genus Polianthes, of which twelve species
large scale in some parts of the world for the have been reported from Mexico and Central
extraction of highly valued natural flower oil, America.
the tuberose oil.
Of these, nine species have white flowers, one
The tuberose oil contains methyl benzoate, is white and red and two are red.
methyl anthranilate, benzyl alcohol, benzyl
Except Polianthes tuberosa L., all the others are
benzoate, butryic acid, phenyl acetic acid,
found growing wild.
methyl salicylate, eugenol, geraniol, nerol
both free and as acetates, farnesol, methyl
vanillin and piperomel. Polianthes tuberosa L.:
An erect herb, 60-120 cm high with stout and
The leaves, flowers, bulbs and roots are short bulbs
reported to contain sterols, triterpenes,
Leaves basal, 6-9 in number, 30-45 cm long,
carbohydrates, saponins and traces of
alkaloids. about 1.3 cm wide, linear, bright green,
reddish near the base,
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The crop is best suited for cultivation in tropical PROPAGATION:
to subtropical and temperate climates.
Tuberoses are propagated by bulbs, bulblets
The crop is reported to flower profusely and seeds.
throughout the year, if the climate is mild and
Multiplication by bulb-segments and in vitro
free from extremes of high and low
micro propagation from scale stem-sections
is also possible.
A temperature range from 20-30C is
Propagation by bulbs is the most common
considered ideal for this crop.
method practiced for the commercial
If the temperature is above 40C, the spike multiplication of tuberoses.
length and quality of the flowers are affected.
The bulbs remain dormant during the winter
Very low temperature and frost will damage months in places where the temperature is
the plants and flowers. low and,
Tuberoses grow well in a sunny situation. If early planting is desired, the dormancy can
be successfully broken by dipping the bulbs
Although the plant is photosensitive, exposure
in 4% Thiourea solution for one hour.
to a day-length of about 16 hours appreciably
promotes vegetative growth and enhances the Ethylene chlorohydrins can also be used for
emergence of the first flower-spike by 10 days. breaking the dormancy.
The length of the flower-spike also increases The bulbs are separated from the clumps by
under long days. rubbing off the loose scales and the long
roots should also be removed.
Spindle-shaped bulbs with a diameter of 2.6
Tuberoses are generally planted in February-
to 3 cm size are used for planting.
March in the plains and April-May in the hills.
However, if the bulbs are very large they may
The bulbs can also be planted during July-
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Loose flowers are transported in poly bags to LIFTING, CURING AND STORAGE OF BULBS:
the nearby whole sale market.
Bulbs reach maturity at the cessation
The flower spikes are graded according to spike of flowering when the leaves become
length, length of the flowering zone and yellow and dry during winter
quality of individual flowers (February-March) in North India.
Bunched in round bundles each having about At this stage, irrigation is withheld
and the soil is allowed to dry.
50-100 spikes
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
China aster is one of the most popular of all The first change in the flower type was the
the garden annuals grown throughout the development of the central florets, which led
world. to quelled flowers.
Used for flower arrangement and religious The German developed the German aster or
offerings. double cultivar.
Used commercially as cut flowers for interior Comet types introduced in 1886 replaced the
decorations. quelled types.
Introduction of new branching types in 1893in
It is best flower in bouquets and other flower
arrangements. the USA.
The dwarf Pompon and Lilliput types can be China aster is normally a winter season
grown in window boxes and herbaceous flowering annual.
borders The day temperature of 10-12oC is
favorable to develop large size flowers.
The colour is well developed in the
Popularity is increasing in and around cities temperature range of 20-30oC during day
due to its short duration and bewitching and 15-17o C during night with relative
colors. humidity 50-60%.
In India it is widely grown in Karnataka, It needs sufficient sun light for both better
Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Maharashtra. growth and flowering.
Its accounting for 6 % of the total area and 8.8 It needs limited rains, 500-700mm spread
% of the total flower production in Karnataka over from June to September, followed by
state. provision of frequent but light irrigations.
It can be grown in various agro climate zones. Heavy and torrential rains cause fungal
disease like leaf spot and wilt.
It is also suitable for growing as intercrop in
coconut gardens and orchards also.
Cheaply available cut flower.
It can be mixed with other cut flowers for China aster prefers to grow in an open
making bouquets. sunny location.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The crop is susceptible to more water After sowing, the beds should be watered
logging; hence well drained red loamy gently with a rose can.
soils are required.
The pH should be around 6.8-7.5. TRANSPLANTING:
Heavy soils with high calcium content are Aster seedlings are usually transplanted
not suitable. when they have developed about three to
four leaves.
Area Growing season Seedlings at too early or late stages should
be avoided and usually seedlings are
1. Bengaluru ( KNK) Through out the year
ready for transplanting within 30 - 45
May June
September- October
(with irrigation facility) The seedlings are hardened sufficiently
2. Pune (MHR) June July before planting.
October- November
The transplanting should be done
3. West Bengal First week of October
preferably during early morning or
4. Delhi ( like places) August, September
evenings to avoid bright sunlight.
Pinching of main shoot at one month after
transplanting promotes growth and
Pinching delays first flowering by 8-12
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
There are three basic types of Anthurium The plants enter the generative phase
flowers characterized by the transformation of
vegetative buds to floral buds in the leaf axils.
The sequence of a new leaf and emergence of
They have the most common flower is more or less maintained from then
heart shape, the spathe lobes onwards.
often overlap.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
GROWING ENVIRONMENT below it, so that the light levels at the plant
growth can be modified depending upon the
Diurnal temperature, light and humidity play a ambient light conditions.
major role in the growth and flowering of Anthurium can be shaded with saran or with
Anthuriums. UV stabilized agro shade nets for providing
DIURNAL TEMPERATURE uniform shading.
The shade nets can be operated manually by
For a luxuriant growth the cultivated
closely watching the external light intensity.
Anthurium (A. andreanum and A.
scherzerianum) required 18.3oC during night RELATIVE HUMIDITY
Anthurium thrives well in areas having high
A higher night temperature of 21.2 to 23.9 oC is relative humidity levels, which are common in
essential for initiation of flowering. coastal areas of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Anthurium cannot tolerate freezing Pradesh and Maharashtra, high rainfall areas
temperature. At the same time Anthuriums do of Western, Eastern Ghats and North Eastern
not prefer temperatures above 35 oC. hilly regions.
If the temperature exceeds 35 degree centigrade The optimum relative humidity levels range
coupled with low relative humidity leaf
from 50 to 85% and at humidity levels less
scorching is common.
than 50%, the vegetative growth is slower and
the flower development is poor.
Anthurium is basically a shade loving plant. FLORAL DEVELOPMENT
During summer where the light intensity is The elongation of the stem bearing the
more, Anthurium plants are provided with 75
spadix begins about one month after
to 80% shade allowing only 20-25% of light to expansion of the subtending leaf.
reach the plants.
This is subtending by a showy leaf-like
The range of light intensity that suits structure called a spathe.
Anthurium cultivation is 20,000 to 25,000 lux.
The cycle of the leaf and flower emergence
Higher light intensity coupled with low varies with the season.
relative humidity and poor shading often
results in scorching of young leaves and 3 to 8 flowers per plant per year can be
immature flower buds. expected.
In places with moderate climate where the The Anthurium flower is a spadix or
light intensity is not so high, the plants can be inflorescence spike, cylindrical in shape,
provided with 65 to 75% shade. bearing up to 250-300 inconspicuous
bisexual flowers arranged in a series of
Anthuriums are tropical plants, requiring high
The spadix and spathe are borne on a
temperature and relative humidity.
leafless stem or peduncle.
Anthuriums have a moderate to low light
requirement and require 75 to 80% shade. Commercial flower harvesting takes place
when approximately three quarters of the
To ensure the highest possible production
stigmas along the spadix have become
during winter the shading should be removed
at the onset of winter.
In commercial practice it is advisable to have
50% shade net on the top and a 25% shade net
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Control Reduce fertilization and leach soils India has a rich wealth of coconut plantations
thoroughly. Check roots for damage and throughout southern India, the byproducts of
possibility of secondary infection by fungus or which can be exploited for Anthurium.
The coconut waste generated from the
3) Lack of flowering industry and in the trade can be collected and
washed repeatedly to wash of the excess salts
Symptoms Mature plants produce many
especially sodium chloride.
leaves but few flowers. No flowers on the
lateral shoots. The coconut waste is allowed to decompose
Control Increase light level to 1800-2500 foot- by using microbial (Pleurotus sp.) inoculation
candles. Maintain higher light intensity as to the stock of coconut husk/coco-coir/coir
long as leaves do not develop symptoms dust.
mentioned in 1) above.
Anthurium requires a highly organic, well
Anthurium especially the miniature type, A.
aerated medium with good water retention. scherzerianum and its hybrids have to be
However, the secret of success for commercial grown in pots to use them as potted plants.
cultivation is to have good drainage in the
When young the plants can be planted in
medium used. smaller pots (4) and as they grow they can be
An ideal medium for pots or ground potting shifted to bigger pots (6 to 10 diameter).
should have the following properties;
Depending on the plant size, the pots have to
Good water holding Must provide good
be arranged in such a way that the foliage
capacity. anchorage.
does not overlap with the leaves of adjacent
High porosity. Should have optimum pH
(5.0) and EC (0.6m B). IN BEDS
When planting
Good aeration. Good structure and texture. is done in soil,
Low salt concentration (especially Na2, Cl and Ca2+ the plants
have to be
Various natural derivatives, which
grown in 1.00
satisfy the above conditions, were tried to grow
meter wide
Anthuriums commercially. The range of media
raised beds
that were used so far includes;
with gentle slope, which facilitates good
Sugarcane bagasse Saw dust
Coffee leaf mould Tree bark
The beds have to be raised approximately 30cm
Spent ground coffee Chicken manure
in height which gets compressed due to
Coffee husk Ground nut shells frequent irrigation and other cultural
Cured coffee pulp Peat practices.
Coffee parchment Wood shavings The beds are prepared by digging about 2 feet
Rock wool Brick, gravel, rubble etc deep and filling the pits with the chosen
growing medium.
In many Anthurium growing countries,
The dug out soil is thoroughly mixed with
coconut husk and coco-peat have become the
chosen growing medium and is used as top
most popular media for Anthurium cultivation.
layer to create the raised beds.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
sprinklers or through the Drip irrigation auxins (IBA & NAA) hastens the sprouting
system. and rooting.
Depending on the nutrient status of the Vegetative propagation by terminal cuttings
medium, the following combinations of and stem sections are very slow.
nutrients are supplied through irrigation
water by many commercial growers. 2. BY SUCKERS
Conventionally Anthuriums are propagated by Such multiple shoots may be with or without
seeds. roots and they can be separated from mother
plant and planted in individual pots.
Anthurium can be very easily grown by seeds,
but it is an extremely slow process. The suckering capacity can be improved by
The berries (fruit of Anthurium) pop out exogenous application of growth regulators
extremely slow process. like BAP (@75 ppm) at monthly interval.
The seed (sometimes two) is enveloped by Anthurium starts producing suckers once they
juicy, mucilaginous pulp which depending attain an age of 12-16 months.
needs to be removed completely before
The time required from pollination to the Anthuriums are highly amenable for in-vitro
maturity of the seeds is about 6-7 months. propagation using different parts as explants.
Seeds cannot be stored and this should be sown
Anthurium flowers are harvested when the
The flowering starts after two years.
spathe is completely unfurls and the spadix is
Seed propagated cultivars are poor in well developed.
Development of true flowers on the spadix is
In fact, there may be a great variation in flower also used as a criterion for harvesting the
production, colour and shape. blooms.
Depending upon the type of medium used the When one third of the flowers on the spadix
seeds will germinate in 10 to 40 days. mature, change of colour can be observed that
The seedlings can be transferred to individual moves from base to tip of spadix at that stage
pots when they attain 3-4 leaf stage. the flowers are harvested.
Harvesting has to be done during cooler parts
of the day i.e. early morning or late evening.
The flowers are cut below leaving 2cm stem on
Anthurium can be vegetatively propagated the plant & kept in the bucket containing
through cuttings obtained from fully grown water.
plants. Flowers are graded according to the length of
Since, the vegetative growth is slow; the plants the stalk and diameter of the spathe
require at least 3-4 years to elongate and to The flower stalk length varies from 25 to 50cm.
produce 5-6 nodes and internodes.
Depending upon the cultural practices,
Cuttings can be made by cutting just below the planting density and variety, 5 to 10 flowers
node, so that each cutting has single eye or can be obtained per plant per year.
bud in it. An average yield of 2,25, 000 blooms of
The buds sprout in 20-30 days from the cuttings exportable quality can be obtained per
treated with growth hormones especially, the hectares per year.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Individual flowers are packed with water o The plants are occasionally infested by
aphids, scale insects, mites, thrips, mole
vials filled with water with preservative
cricket and beetles.
o Dimethoate (0.3 per cent) is effective to
Flowers are packed so as not to touch each
control aphids.
other or the ends of the box.
Scale insects attack leaves and stems and
White foam rubber cushions are used to
weaken the plants by sucking the plant
support the spadix.
sap.Malathion (0.1 per cent) spray controls
If flowers are layered, 4cm thick plastic them
sheeting is inserted between the layers.
White cellulose shredding is used around DISEASE:
the ends, particularly in the winter, when Bacterial Diseases
foam peanuts or other white foam pieces Soft rot (Erwinia carotovora subsp. Carotovora),
may be included in the box for insulation. Xanthomonas blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv.
PACKAGING Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides),
Anthurium packaging is into boxes of white Phytophthora leaf spot,
surfaced corrugated cardboard, Flower blight, and
The lids which have been printed with 3-colour Root rot (Phytophthora parasitica)
logos and lettering. Nematode:
European Carton Sizes-100x20x10cm, 100 x 40 x Burrowing nematode decline (Radopholus similis)
12 cm and 100 x 40 x 14.5 cm
In Hawaii standard master cartons are 43 x 23 x
11 inches and contain smaller boxes inside,
called trays.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Each bunch should be of same size, weight and Flowers such as gerbera, orchids, anthurium,
quality before marketing them. and standard chrysanthemum are packed
Mostly grading is done on the basis of
appearance, harvesting maturity, blemishes or Dendrobium and anthurium are kept moist by
injuries due to disease, attack of insects or putting them in specially designed vials filled
pests, colour and size of the bud, straightness, with water or in moist wool.
strength and length of the stem. The bunches are held in polyethylene sleeves or
The flowers should look fresh, harvested at the buds are wrapped in corrugated paper to
right maturity, free from pests and diseases; protect them from mechanical damage.
Stem should be straight, free from side shoots
and should be strong enough to hold the The method of packing depends on crop,
flower erect. flower, method of transport and market.
The foliage should be free from physiological
The principle of packing is to keep the flowers
disorders such as bent neck (in roses), tip
bending (in gladiolus), stem break (in gerbera) for long time and retain quality by lowering
and calyx splitting (in carnation) etc. the rate of transpiration and cell division
during transportation and storage.
There are no uniform common standards for
flowers in the world; many countries have The ideal packing should be air tight, moisture
developed their own grading systems based proof and strong enough to withstand
upon the market requirements. handling, transport and staking.
Corrugated fiber board boxes possessing
isothermic properties, light in weight and
reusable are generally suitable.
The dimension of packing boxes depends on
stem length, type of flower, efficient
utilization of space in the cargo, refrigerated
trucks, etc.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Mechanical TRANSPORT:
Injuries (Cuts,
bruises, mechanical, The flowers are usually transported by air and
punctures, abrasions) by refrigerated vans.
Unfavourable environment. For short distance and local markets, transport
through rail or non-refrigerated insulated
Exposure to harmful gases.
trucks can be used.
Enables transport.
The flowers such as gladiolus, snapdragon,
2. Preservation antirrhinum and freesia which show bending
of tips should be hold vertically during
Quality and shelf life (prevents moisture transport.
3. Presentation SENESCENCE:
Display of Info about the product/ Loss of dry matter due to hydrolysis of
communication & advertizing, trade mark macromolecules such as starch, sugars,
proteins and nucleic acid.
Market penetration & competitiveness
Break down of starch into sugars which are
Value Addition - silent salesman transported to the flowers.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Clematis, Artichoke (Cynara scolymus), Dahlia, Bleeding heart, Corn flower, Golden rod,
Larkspur (Delphinium ajacis), Digitalis Alyssum, Buttercup, Bachelors button,
(Foxglove), Fennel, Kochia (Silver Cypress), Hydrangea Anemone, Butterfly weed, Daffodil,
Lavender, Liatris, Lovein-a-mist, Poppy, Lily-of-the-valley, Azalea, Celosia, Delphinium,
Chinese lantern (Physalis), Mignonette (Reseda Phlox, Queen Anns lace, Salvia, Sweet pea
lutea), Reed mace, Zea mays, Rose buds,
Lavender, Zinnia, Artemesia, Astilbeetc,.
8. POLYSET DRYING: Adiantum, Nephrolepis, Golden fern, Silver fern
3 Borax Hygroscopic, bleaches petals if wires are pushed into it so that the flower
stored for long time, tends to remains upright.
become lumpy after absorbing
Desiccant is then gently and gradually poured
moisture, drying will take 2 to
all around and over so as to fill all the crevices
10 days. If flower remain in
in between the petals without disturbing the
borax too long, they become
shape of flower. Flowers are covered up to a
brittle and lose their petals.
cm on top.
4 Sand Cheapest, easy to handle,
heavy and does not react with Flower such as bougainvillea, candytuft,
water vapour. It neither forms perennial chrysanthemum, pompon dahlia,
lumps nor bleaches the plant gerbera, marigold, rose, limonium etc. can be
materials embedded in it. Since dried with their own stems.
heavier, it takes longer time for Embedding in such cases is done in deep
drying (4 days to 2 weeks) containers so as to accommodate the plant
5 Alum Double sulphate of Aluminium material without disturbing its shape and
and Potassium. form. These embedded materials are kept at
room temperature in a well ventilated room
CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD EMBEDDING till the plant material gets completely dried.
Advantages :
1. Fineness: - The material should be very fine (0.02- No shrinkage of petals
0.2mm) to fill the crevices and Disadvantages :
cavities present in flower and Takes longer time for dehydration
Weather dependant.
completely envelope them leaving no
gaps. 6. Embedding and drying in sun
2. Inertness to water vapour: - It should not react After embedding, the containers are daily
with water vapour released during drying, as well exposed to sun. Containers are shifted under a roof
as with floral parts and form lumps. during the evening and again brought to sun in the
Eg:- Borax and alum tend to form lumps when Advantage:
damp, sometime they harden and crack.
o Rapid dehydration as compared to earlier
3. Optimum weight:- Very light weight powders are method.
not suitable, since these are difficult to handle and Disadvantage:
leave gaps during embedding. o Weather dependant.
Flowers like gerbera, zinnia and
4. Non bleaching: - Drying material should be free
chrysanthemum dried well with minimum shrinkage
from any type of salt and chemical. Strongly
when sun dried after placing them in a box containing
hygroscopic material should be avoided as it
sand. This takes 4-5 days for drying.
bleaches plant material.
5. Embedding and drying in room
After dehydration, the containers are tilted for
For flowers with weak stems, stems are cut
removing the desiccants over and around the
about 2.5 cm from the base of the flower.
If stem is too soft, a thin but strong wire of 5 cm
The dried flowers are either picked up by hand
length is inserted from the back in the center
or by tweezers; cleaned by inverting them and
of the flower after removing the flower stalk.
tapping the stems with fingers slowly and
Such flower can be easily dried in shallow
earthenware or metallic trays.
Remaining desiccants are finally removed with
About 5 cm layer of the desiccant is made at the
the help of fine hair painting brush.
bottom of the container and flower stems and
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Unbelievably fast
Procedure: The container with the embedded plant
Quality product
material is kept in the hot air oven at a controlled
temperature for appropriate time. Disadvantages: Costly method.
Advantages : VACUUM DRYING:
Faster dehydration Principle:
Temperature can be maintained The embedded material may be dehydrated
Independent from weather conditions under vacuum.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
or immersion in
Principle :-
Freeze drying is a dehydration process that Air drying preserves Lavender
causes vaporization of water directly from a fragrance
solid ice crystal state to a vapour state without Air drying with Mollucella
passing through normal liquid state. glycerin
Flowers suited for freeze drying include Air drying with Rose
carnation, Antirrhinum and roses. glycerin
Air drying Allium, Helipterum,
Advantages : Texture, structure, shape, size, colour etc Leucodendron, Mimosa,
are similar to fresh ones. Gomphrena, Verbena
Disadvantages : Microwave oven Spray carnation
High cost of equipment Microwave oven Chrysanthemum (small)
Electrical energy consumption. drying
Microwave oven Iris, Orchids, Sweet
Equipment maintenance cost is higher drying William, Tulip
Requires precise processing techniques.
Though expensive, freeze drying is becoming GLYCERIN TREATMENT:
very popular in U.S. to preserve special
It refers to replacing the moisture content in a
occasion flowers. Brides often choose freeze
flower with a mixture of glycerin and water. Here the
drying to preserve their wedding bouquets.
flower is actually preserved and not dried.
Vacuum drying temperature had more effect
Two types of glycerin treatments
on rose and carnation flowers than freezing
temperature. Lower vacuum drying 1. Systemic treatment: - It allows the plant to absorb
temperature (27 0C) resulted in flower with the glycerin through the stems naturally.
colour closer to fresh and control flowers, 2. Immersion treatment: - Here glycerin is forced
while higher vacuum drying temperature
through the stems under pressure.
(470C) resulted in lower moisture content and
stronger/stiffer petals but more changes in Flowers suited: - Caspia, Ming, Tree fern,
colour. Salal.
Retains natural shape and
It is suited for foliages. flexibility
Skeletonizing is a process of removing Lasts indefinitely
soft tissue by soaking in water or Disadvantages: Preservation destroys natural colour/
alkali solution for 7-10 days. colour changes; Therefore dyes are used to
produce a wide array of choices; Dried
The decayed tissue is removed by
materials will have greasy feeling.
using a paint brush and washed.
E.g.: Peepal leaves
Maple, Bells- of-Ireland, Mexican, Orange
blossom , Oak , Beech, Cherry,
Eucalyptus, Magnolia, Japanese Fatsia,
Methods Crops
Mistletoe, Ferns, Mahonia, Salal, Camellia,
Air drying with silica Anemone, Freezia, Ivy, Rhododendron, Hydrangea
gel Zinnia, Narcissus
Borax/Alum drying Snapdragon, cosmea,
Drying with sand Dahlia
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
3. Arrangements (with dried plant Potpourri material should have a strong natural
materials and dried flowers) and colour or be a light enough shade to absorb
non-toxic dyes.
4. Floral handicrafts (Specialized/ low
volume) Material should be dry (maximum moisture
content of 7 per cent), resistant to mould, non
Dried flowers and plant parts in bulk toxic, free from noxious odours, of a low bulk
This is the high volume, well established end of density and sufficiently robust to withstand
the business. Varieties shipped under this mechanical blending.
classification include globe amaranth, celosia, U.K. is the biggest potpourri market for Indian
marigold, agro waste products as well as assembled raw balk materials.
flowers, exotics and material for liners and fillers used
in flower arrangements. Assembled flowers consist of
a number of parts of one or more sorts of flowers.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Examples are wreaths, topiaries and swags. Exotics : Consists of a group of plants and
plant materials which originate from
Indian cottage industries are well developed in various tropical and subtropical
handicrafts. regions of the world. Indian Exotics
Examples of common products used in India: include Lotus heads (Seed head from
Nymphea species), palm spears (palm
Cotton pods, Exotic grasses and leaf material, leaf cut into spear shapes) and okra
large pine cones (Pinus sp), Unfurling fern fronds, pods.
dried capsicums (C. annum, C. frutescens), Barks and
twigs, Ornamental gourds (Cucurbita pepo), Seed pods 4. Floral handicraft
and heads. Handicraft products have served to generate
b. Dried flower arrangements: new demand for dried flower products. This segment
includes items such as:
High income private hotels and retail uses.
Dried items offer the arranger more flexibility Collages
than do fresh flowers. As a result creative Flowers pictures
possibilities are greater. Cards and covers (press-dried
flower and foliage)
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
9. Fernery:
LECTURE-18 It is a structure where different types of
ferns are grown or maintained for
LANDSCAPE GARDENING scientific or commercial purpose.
10. Archidorium:
It is a structure where different species
1. Landscape gardening:
of orchids are grown or maintained
It is a branch of floriculture which deals for scientific or economic purpose.
with the study of ornamental
gardening or garden features. 11. Archeology:
It is a branch of floriculture which deals
with different species and varieties of
Bringing an area or piece of land into a orchids.
garden by utilizing naturally existing
features like undulations, terraces and 12. Bio-aesthetic planner:
plain surface so as to look to have He can be described as a master artist
more naturalistic effect than artificial who uses the whole country as his
in order to imitate nature canvas and his paints are the rich
2. Ornamental gardening: colours of red, blue, orange and white
of the different flowers.
It may be defined as a place for growing
plants exhibits various forms of plant Suggestions for implementing the principles of
life, which are consciously directed for gardening:
ornamental or practical use.
3. Landscape architecture:
1. The first and the foremost thing are not to
It is a combination of art and science and imitate another garden which has secured a
it deals with the study of ornamental prize in a competition.
or landscape gardening.
2. One has to develop ones own design giving
4. Landscape architect: due consideration to the local conditions.
Person who plans, designs and executes 3. One more mistake which is commonly made is
a work of landscaping is referred as to plant many more specimens than a garden
landscape architect. can accommodate causing overcrowding.
5. Arboriculture: 4. In a landscape garden any difference in levels
It is a branch of science which deals with has to be taken advantage of, but in a perfectly
the cultivation of trees. flat land it will be costly to create artificial
6. Arborist: undulations.
An arborist is a person who cultivates 5. In each garden there should be atleast one
and conducts research on tree species. feature or if there be a second these two
should harmonize with each other.
7. Gardner:
Any person who maintains or involved 6. Before planning a design one must be sure for
in carrying out day to day operation what purpose the garden is utility or beauty
in the garden or a person who or both.
establish and maintains the garden
The glazed structure used for
maintaining/growing different plant
species or displayed for scientific In theory, everyone would like to have a perfect
study or commercial cultivation with plot of land, but in actual practice the plot
or without environmental controlling available for gardening, in three out of five
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
cases, either will not be in a good site or the Unity has to be achieved from various angles.
shape and size will not be ideal.
o First, the unity of style, feeling and
A good designer is one who will make best use function between the house and the
of such a site. garden has to be achieved.
- As has already been stated, land with o Secondly, the different components of
natural undulations should never be the gardens should merge
leveled, but rather the differences in harmoniously with each other.
levels should be utilized with
o The aim is to give the visitor an overall
impression of the garden rather than
- Fencing, should be such that it looks blowing up some special features.
natural as far as practicable and it
o The last point, which is also very
should not obstruct any natural view.
important, is to achieve some
For example, if there is natural forest
harmony between the landscape
scenery or a hillock just outside the
outside and the garden.
boundary it should be incorporated in
the garden design in a thoughtful o A garden laid out in complete defiance
manner so that it appears to be a part of the local conditions may look
of the garden. exotic, but is not a successful garden.
As for example, cacti planted in a
2. AXIS:
seashore garden is completely out of
This is an imaginary line in any garden around place as these are inhabitants of dry
which the garden is created striking a balance. localities.
In a formal garden, the central line is the axis. o To achieve a unity between the house
and the garden it is a common
At the end of an axis, generally there will be a
practice to train creepers on the front
focal point, although other architectural
porch which cover the rudeness of the
features such as bird-bath or sundial can also
masonry work and also bring the
be erected at about the midpoint.
house closer to nature.
o For the same reasons, foundation
3. FOCAL POINT: plantings are also done. A foundation
In every garden there is a centre of attraction planting broadly means the planting
which is generally an architectural feature of bushy plants near the foundation of
the house.
focused as a point of interest such as statue,
fountain, rockery etc. 6. SPACE:
A focal point is one of the elements of good The aim of every garden design should be such
landscape design. that the garden should appear larger than its
4. MASS EFFECT: actual size.
The use of one general form of plant material in One way of achieving this is to keep vast open
large numbers in one place is done to have spaces, preferably center lawn and restrict the
mass effect. plantings in the periphery, normally avoiding
any planting in the centre.
To see that such mass arrangements do not
become monotonous, the sizes of masses But if any planting has to be done in the centre
should be varied. the choice should be a tree which branches at a
higher level on the trunk (or the lower
5. UNITY: branches are removed) and not a bushy shrub.
Unity in a garden is very important as when Such planting will not abstract the view or
this is achieved it will improve the artistic look make the garden appear smaller than its size.
of the garden.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
In a landscape garden, there should not be any A tiny pool in the midst of a large lawn also
hard and fast divisional lines. looks disproportionate.
It is better to have an adhoc design first and As the morning sun is vital for all flowers, the
then try it out on the actual spot. If the design designer has to take this into account while
looks appealing as well as pleasing, it is planning.
implemented. In most parts of India the garden design should
When a shrubbery border has to be planted the be planned in such a way that in the afternoon
outer design is marked by arranging a rubber it is possible to sit in a shaded place from
hose or thick wet rope in different designs on where the best part of the garden should be
the spot and the one which looks best is visible.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The second type of time is the seasonal
changes in the year. In a temperate country, the garden changes
colour very sharply and contrastingly from
A good planner must roughly take into account
one season to the other thus symbolizing
the seasonal movement of the sun and where
mobility or movement.
the shade and light are likely to fall during the
different parts of the season. As for example, As for example, many trees in the temperate
a lawn in Delhi which receives shade during regions attire themselves with wonderful hues
the early parts of the day in the winter will not due to the changes in their leaf colour in the
grow or remain patchy. A good and autumn.
knowledgeable Gardner is he/she who can
In most parts of Tropical India, though these
visualize such eventualities.
contrasting changes cannot be achieved, it is
The third time, which most people overlook or possible to bring in some subtle changes.
cannot visualize, is the fact as to what shape
For example, to create some symbol of
and proportion the shrubs and trees will attain
movement trees such as Bengal or
in the years to come.
Indian almond (Terminalia catapa) which
Often we can see sickly and lanky shrubs changes its leaf colour into striking red
growing near the trunk of a large tree, because twice annually before falling.
of lack of light and possibly nutrients also.
Lagerstroemia flos-reginae which also
The shrubs were planted when the tree was a changes the colour of the leaves to
sapling, without visualizing what would coppery shade in the autumn before
happen to them when the tree attained its full shedding.
Madhuca indica and Ficus religiosa, the
The right type of tree should be planted at the new foliage of these appearing as
proper place so that shade is obtained during coppery red in the spring, should be
the hot days, at the appropriate time. planted in some parts of the garden.
This, in addition, improves the
A tendency on the part of an amateur Gardner
The movement and cluttering of birds also
is to create a riot of colours by
bring life and mobility to the garden, though
indiscriminately planting flowering annuals of
sometimes some birds may become a menace.
all shades. This practice is not desirable.
Moreover, such riot of colours has only Large trees and bird-baths attract birds. For the
temporary effect. smaller birds, the safety of shrubberies is
needed to protect them from large predator
In a landscape garden, the permanent backdrop
is the green tones of the various trees and
shrubs. Some plants, bearing berries, such as Ficus
infectoria and Syzygium cumini (Syn. Eugenia
It is possible to lay out a garden with fine tone
jambolana), can also be planted in some remote
of entirely white or yellow flowers, but at the
corners though they may not look very
same time making it charming also.
Another important point is that it is better to
Flowering trees such as Bombax malabaricum
have masses of a single colour against a
(silk cotton) or Erythrina also attract birds
mixture of colours.
when in bloom.
A bud of roses containing only a single colour
The seasonal flowers will bring in the motion
of say red, yellow, or pink has a much softer
and movement of colourful butterflies.
tone and beauty than a rose bed containing a
mixture of colours. Fountains or even a lawn sprinkler and streams
in a garden also serve the objective of
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
stones or earth mounds or both will look quite of deciduous trees should
appropriate in a flat garden. predominate.
The usual features to break the monotony of a
flat garden are a well, a water-basin made of ii. Inner Tea Garden
stone in the shape of an urn, stones lying close
to the ground. Contains the tea house.
The tea house of the classical
In a flat garden, the principle is to avoid strong
time was nothing but a small
vertical lines represented by tall pines.
straw hut with an outside
waiting place,
(3) Tea Garden:
The tea garden is laid out based on certain A small side room for
principles and customs of the Japanese tea washing the utensils, and the
main ceremonial tea house
ceremony and hence needs a considerable
itself having a capacity to
space of at least about 200 square metres, for accommodate only five
its designing. persons.
Since the performance of the tea ceremony
The entire path to the tea
needs an atmosphere of intimacy it is essential house is paved with stones or
that the garden be enclosed by a fence. studded with stepping-stone.
To protect the tea house from the noise of the
The inner garden is a
outer world, the tea gardens are divided into
subdued area and hence
an outer garden (soto-roji) and inner garden evergreen trees casting more
(uchi-roji). shadows are used here.
The entrance to the tea house
i. Outer Tea Garden is through a low-door so that
It is comparatively a narrow area, the guests have to enter in a
with a waiting place where the bending posture, simulating
guests are supposed to wait until respect and humility.
the master of the house appears to
welcome them. (4) Passage Garden:
This waiting place has a water- The passage gardens, the Roji-niwa, are those
basin for the convenience of the which are laid in narrow passage, as for
guests who can wash their hands example a narrow space between two houses
and a stone lantern for or approaches to buildings.
illumination, but in present days
this serves more as a decoration As such areas are generally narrow, the garden
piece. lay-out should be simple and not over
A stone path, usually of stepping-
stones, leads to the inner garden. In such gardens there should be hardly any
ornaments such as lanterns, basins or other
The inner garden is also separated man-made features.
from the outer garden by a rustic
fence and a gate made of light The common features of a passage garden are a
material. few key rocks, slabs of stones, and only a
The outer garden will have simple couple of types of plant.
plantings and stone groupings. Bushy shrubs and trees are unsuitable in a
The outer garden should be passage garden; instead, plants with open
exposed to sun and hence planting form and slender shapes are selected.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The new Bandstand and its surroundings; and The garden has many features
The nursery area. The sunken garden is most
The topiary work in the garden is
The park was established in 1874 by J.D. Sim
most interesting which attracts the
after whom it was named.
attention of any visitor.
This park in the Nilgiri Hills is the center of
The childrens corner,
attraction for the people of Coonoor and
Wellington. Greenhouses,
The park is spread over an area of 15 hectares
at an altitude of about 1,740 m above the sea Hibiscus varietal collection,
level. Large stretches of lawns, and
Some of the important features of the garden are Rosary is also important features of
the garden.
The terraces with winding paths,
beds of annuals,
a pond with two islands, The park has a total area of 10 hectares. The
Arches and pergolas training creepers. park was actually laid out in 1909.
The park has a good collection of roses, trees The park has, Terrace gardens, Lawns,
of ornamental as well as economic value,
Childrens park, A sunken garden,
shrubs, and creepers.
A good collection of roses, chrysanthemums,
trees and shrubs.
5. BOTANIC GARDEN, COIMBATORE (TAMIL The park is a centre for supplying ornamental
NADU) plants.
The botanic garden situated on the campus of
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. KOLKATA (WEST BENGAL)
The layout in the garden is a harmony between
Actually speaking, the garden is not situated in
the formal and the informal designs.
Kolkata proper, but is in the twin city of
In the background of this garden is a bluish- Howrah, on the opposite side of the river
green hill range which ahs been incorporated Hoogly.
in the designing of different garden features.
The garden was established in 1787 on a 150
It was established in 1908 by the Department of hectare land. It ranks among the great
Agriculture, Madras. botanical gardens of the world and is the seat
of the Botanical Survey of India.
The main function of the garden is to rise and
maintain trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, etc., The garden was established on the suggestion
which are useful from economic as well as of Robert Kyd, an army man.
ornamental and bio-aesthetic point of view.
The garden meets the needs of public, scientist
The giant 200-year-old banyan tree (Ficus
and government department in the supply of
The large collection of palms in the Palmetum
with a pond in the foreground.
The garden has 26 lakes.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
A large pond houses good collections of 10) The aquatic garden is housed in two pools
water-lilies. consisting of species of Nymphaeaceae and
Rockeries and rock garden other submerged acquatics.
Lily ponds, a large independent 11) The Herbarium and seed section contains
Sunken garden, and a long beautiful pergola 30,000 herbarium sheets
with a rich collection of creepers and climbers, 12) The garden has about 1,800 botanical species
A huge open lawn, representing regions such as Burma, Malaysia,
Childrens corner, Central Asia, Japan, North and South
America, Europe, and Africa.
The largest collection of trees, shrubs, and
creepers including some hybrids developed in
this garden by the famous horticulturist, S. 10. NATIONAL BOTANICAL RESEARCH
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The garden was taken over by the East India There is a large collection of roses also.
Company in 1817. Greenhouses with collection of
orchids, cacti, succulents and ferns.
The well-known botanists such as Falconer,
Jameson and Duthie worked in this garden. The pergolas are laden with fine
The garden mainly conducts research on sub-
tropical fruits. There are a large number of trees,
especially cypress (Cupressus) which
The garden has a good collection of fruit trees.
are clipped in the topiary style. The
The collection of ornamental plants such as garden remains open for about a
trees, shrubs, cacti and succulents are also month for the general visitors during
worth mentioning. the winter months when the seasonal
flowers are in full bloom.
12. RASHTRAPATI BHAVAN GARDEN, NEW This garden is popularly referred to as
DELHI Mughal Gardens.
Rashtrapati Bhavan is the official residence of 13. BUDDHA JAYANTI PARK, NEW DELHI
the President of India and one of the largest
buildings of its kind in the world. It was To commemorate the 2500th birth anniversary
completed in 1929. of Lord Buddha a park was laid out in the
rugged and rockery Ridge of New Delhi
The architecture of the palace is a mixture of
which turned out to be one of the best laid-out
Indian and Western style.
landscape gardens in the country.
The garden inside this palace was laid on the
pattern of Mughal gardens with conventional The garden is of about 30 hectares in size.
arrangement of squares, terraces, water
channels, etc. Important feature of this garden are:
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
This garden on the outskirts of the The original name of the place Panchapura or
town Anantnag was built by Nur Punjpur has association with the five Pandavas
Jahan in 1620. of our epic Mahabarata.
The spring at Achabal is the largest It is one of the best preserved gardens of north
in Kashmir, which flows through India and is famous for its beauty.
this garden traversed by three The garden is uniquely laidout in an area of 25
aqueducts. hectares and is divided into six terraces.
Along the central aqueduct there As customary with all Mughal gardens, this
are two large tanks and the upper garden is also encircled by an embattled wall.
one of these has a wooden pavilion
constructed on a wooden base. Along these paths there are lawns, flower beds,
trimmed hedges, rows and bottle palms and
There are six vertical waterfalls in many other ornamental shrubs and trees.
the garden, three on the upper part
and three in the lower. There is a good collection of fruit trees,
especially of mango, litchi, and sapota.
The banks of the tanks and the
canals are lined with stone and There are three magnificent buildings the
these abound in fish. Shish Mahal, the Rang Mahal, and the Jal
There is a ruin of hammom (Turkish
bath) and some other buildings.
The garden has a good collection
of different fruit trees besides the Rose is a very important ornamental flower for
large majestic Chenars. its beauty, elegance, grace, as well as
The garden has an area of 10 hectares and
This garden constructed by Dara contains more than 36,000 roses of all types
Shikoh, the eldest son of Shah including hybrid tea, floribunda, polyanthas,
Jahan, is situated about 48 km miniatures, climbers and standards.
from Srinagar. The Chandigarh rose garden is situated in the
There are magnificent Chenars in centre of the city on a 15 hectare plot.
this garden; the girth of one of the It is designed to contain about 60,000 roses
tree measures about 16.2 m. when completed.
The garden was divided in two It is also contemplated to collect about 5,000
parts which were connected by a outstanding cultivars of roses.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The garden is situated in a valley and a natural 20. SAYAJI PARK, BARODA (GUJARAT)
stream runs through it.
The Sayaji Park in Baroda is named after its
A section will be developed as a moonlight founder the former Maharaja Sayajirao III who
garden planted with only pure-white scented established it in 1879 over an area of 40
roses. hectares.
At present about 1,500 named roses are there in The garden is a beautiful belt of greenery in the
the museum. otherwise dry climatic region of Baroda.
Although the ambitious plans and targets of the The garden has about 8,000 various ornamental
garden have not yet been fulfilled, still this trees with rare plants such as Hyphaene
garden is a wonderful place to visit. thebaica, the branching palm, forming an
avenue in one corner.
19. MANDOR GARDEN, JODHPUR (RAJASTHAN) This formal portion of the garden has the
arbour like bandstand, paved walks, lush
This garden is situated about 5 km away from green lawns, four fountains. The park has a
the heart of Jodhpur. zoo also with rare animals such as white tiger.
It is one of the most beautifully laid-out
landscape gardens in our country but
unfortunately many people do not know
about it.
The credit of laying the garden goes to Raja
Abhai Singh (1724 1749 A.D.).
It is highly creditable that such a beautiful
garden has been laid out in the desert region
of Rajasthan.
The garden is fairly large in size and terraces
have been constructed on the slopes of the
hillocks to extent the garden up to the peaks.
The large spaces provided under lawn, the
flower beds, trees, and shrubs add beauty to
the garden.
There are fountains fitted with coloured lights
which are run on a payment of Rs. 20 per
hour. The tea stall situated at a higher terrace
adds beauty to the garden.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
The wood is treated with preservative and These are nothing but large bowl-shaped
painted with moisture-proof chemicals. containers, generally made of concrete, fixed
over a pillar or column which is about one
The chair or bench should have an appropriate metre tall.
design. For example, a chrome seated chair will
look completely out of place in the midst of Water is stored in the bowl for the birds to come
woodland scenery. Similarly, rustic furniture in and drink or bath in it.
front a modern sophisticated house may be Birds baths should be constructed at a quiet
completely out of place. corner of the garden.
Iron or stone or concrete seats get easily heated
in the summer and become cool in the winter
thus making them uncomfortable to seat. 4. SUNDIALS
But for durability and to prevent from damage A sundial has many roles to play in a garden.
and theft concrete or stone seats are preferable It can be used as a focal point in a garden, can
in Public Park. form a center-piece of a formal flower bed and
Though iron furniture is also durable it is more can be placed in the center or at the end of the
likely to be stolen because of the value of metal lawn and at the junction or termination of a
unless firmly fixed. path.
2. ORNAMENTAL TUBS, URNS AND VASES A sundial is also a good feature in a sunken
These add beauty to a garden.
The sundial should be positioned in a place
Plants displayed in ornamental tubs or urns at where the shadow from a tree or building does
suitable places look beautiful. not fall for a long duration, otherwise the
feature becomes meaningless.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
There should be free access to the base of the
column, so that one can closely observe the dial. These are highly sought-after garden
The column of the sundial should be fixed
firmly in the ground and is generally made of The lanterns should preferably be carved in
bricks, tiles, stones, or a combination of these stone and should be low and decorative as the
without a mortar coating to look more artistic. Japanese would prefer.
The column may be cylindrical or square faced
The top is generally square where the sundial with ornamental carvings.
with the compass is fixed.
Similarly, the fire box should also be carved in
This is also made of stone or concrete. In an ornamental manner.
western countries, metal sundial plates with
The roof may be broad-roofed, commonly called
compass are available for sale. Even dials for Snow View or Yukimi, so called because it
specific districts are available there. gives a charming effect to the landscape when it
In India one has to get it made with the digits. is snow-bound.
The digits can be carved on the cement or the Obviously these types of lanterns are made of
stone itself. white stone or white marble and are suitable for
Before fixing the dial, the movement of the sun areas having a snowfall.
should be observed and then the dial is screwed There is no harm even if these are preferred in a
to the base. tropical country especially near to pool.
The height of the column should not exceed 60- The narrow-roofed or Kasuga lanterns have a
90 cm or the dial will not be visible easily. six facet fire box.
Hundreds of these lanterns are found in the
Live sundials made of living plants complete
Kasuga temple near the town of Nara in Japan
with the figures, compass etc., in the form of
and hence the name.
topiary can be seen in some western countries.
Many people also fix decorative metal lanterns
over ornamental columns or pillars, also of
The lanterns should be positioned in suitable
These are nothing but huge clocks, generally
places near the house or near a stream or pool.
operated by electricity, having huge hands for
showing the seconds, minutes, and hours.
The machinery of the clock is concealed in an 7. ORNAMENTAL STONES
underground chamber with only the hands
Ornamental stone pillars or pieces of rounded
showing above he ground against a dial of
form or other abstract designs, if properly
carpet bedding plants or flower beds.
placed, improves the look of any garden to a
A carpet bedding of green plants (E.g., Pilea great extent.
muscosa, Sedum) with figures made of red The stones can be placed near lily pools, along
plants (e.g., Alternanthera, Iresine sp.) or vice- or in the midst of streams and waterfalls.
versa looks quite ornamental.
Large ornamental pieces can also be placed at
Similar effects can be obtained by various the doorway and other suitable places.
coloured flowering annuals. The problem with The Japanese create most artistic stone gardens
annuals is that these are to be replaced with pieces of stones.
seasonally, whereas carpet bedding plants are of
First a large bed of crushed stone is made which
permanent nature.
is raked artistically to create ripples to simulate
Instead of living plants the dial can be decorated sea, over which single large piece of stone or a
with various coloured (natural or artificially group of stones are placed artistically at
coloured) pebbles also. intervals.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
1. Major elements : plants and water
GARDEN DESIGNS 2. Minor elements : Stones, bricks, tiles, tar,
metal, grass, plastic, wood, sculpture etc.,
The planning of a garden is an art. A garden 3. Other elements : Light, sound, smell,
architect should learn enough of geology, geography, touch, food etc.,
garden history, styles of gardening, and above all Major elements:
should have a profound knowledge about plants.
Basic Principles of Landscaping / General Principles Classification of plants based on utilities and
functional value:
of Garden Design:
1. Aesthetic purpose:
1. Simplicity: a) Avenue planting- flower parade
Garden design should be simple. b) Ground planting
c) Shrubbery, rockery, topiary, hedges,
It should not have scope for under edges
complexity. d) Potted plant, flower beds, boarders
Visitors should catch entire effect. e) Ground cover
Visitors should know purpose of garden f) Water garden
design/plan. 2. Functional purpose:
2. Ideal garden should have space i.e. over a) Control pollution
crowding of plants should be avoided.
b) Reduces noise
3. Judicious uses of more number of
varieties/species of plants, instead of going c) Control soil erosion
for few plants go for more number of plants d) Wind break
because it serves two purposes. e) Deciduous plants can utilize to
a) Increases aesthetic beauty. increase temperature during winter
b) Serves the scientific purpose.
4. Garden path/ drive should not too straight Criteria for selection of plants:
and long. Morphological character should be considered
5. Garden should layout for owners comfort and while selecting the plants;
convenience. Height of the plant
6. Natural grade of greens taken in to Types of branches- upright, drooping,
consideration. horizontal
7. All garden features should be accommodated Spread and width of the plant
in proper place in a proportionate manner, Form of the plat
careful selection of plant and also increase
Type of plant- evergreen, deciduous
beauty of garden.
Colour of the plant
8. It should comfortable to living (Private
garden). Texture of the plant- smooth, rough
9. It should serve perfect place for passing Flowering time of the plant
leisure time. 1. WATER: water has the ability to change form, at low
10. Easy to maintain to carry out all intercultural temperature water freezes, evaporates at
operations. high temperature and liquefies at
moderate temperature
11. When we say garden is complete garden
should look beautiful and should give i. Aesthetic use:
pleasant look to the garden.
Water falls- cascade type,
fountains, streams, lakes, ponds,
Nappe, Chadar, chute.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
i. Grouping/selection of drought
tolerant plant, trees, shrubs,
annuals, cacti and succulents
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
its own merit, separate one component of a ii. Aralia: Different species.
garden from the other (e.g., the vegetable iii. Barleria: Different species with their
garden from the flower garden). beautiful flowers subject themselves to be
Screen the ugly and unwanted spots such as trimmed to beautiful hedges; plants are 60-
manure pits, lavatory, servants quarters, etc., 100 cm high. Rooted cuttings are planted
in the garden. 20-25 cm apart.
iv. Bauhinia acuminata: It can be trimmed to a
Criteria for selecting a hedge plant: In a
nice hedge, which looks more beautiful
garden a hedge is planted with two purposes:
with its white flowers.
(a) Protective, which means protection v. Bougainvillea: B. spectabilis, B. glabra, Mrs.
against theft, trespass, wind. etc., and Fraser, Partha, and some other cultivars
(b) Ornamental purposes or screening. form good protective as well as ornamental
For protection a hedge plant should have the hedges withstanding frequent trimming
following characteristics planting is done at 60-90 cm spacing.
vi. Caesalpinia pulcherrima: It should be pruned
Quick growing, hardy, including drought-
tall; harder pruning forces it to ageing
resistant character, thorny, dense, should
faster. The plant flowers freely.
respond to frequent pruning and clipping
vii. Carissa carandas: A thorny bushy shrub
and can be raised quickly by seeds or
which is used as an effective protective
hedge. Seeds are sown 60-75 cm apart in
Though attractive foliage and flower is not single rows. Cuttings also root easily.
a criterion in this category, definitely these viii. Clearodendron inerme: It is most suitable for
characters will be an added attraction. ornamental hedge and can also be used as
Ornamental hedges should have attractive protective hedge. It is planted 15-20 cm
foliage and/or flowers, should be dense in apart in double rows spaced at same
growth habit and stand regular clipping. distance.
ix. Duranta: It forms a good ornamental as
The ornamental hedges are generally low
well as a protective hedge. The variegated
in height and they do not obstruct the view
variety looks very ornamental. It is
completely since the other portion is visible
over the hedge. planted 30-40 cm apart and can be kept
quite low by trimming.
Selection of suitable plants: There is a wide variety of
x. Eranthemum: Several species (see page 144)
trees, shrubs and other plant which can be formed into
are used as ornamental hedge. Cuttings
hedges. Some trees form good tall hedges. A list is
provided below for a general guidance. are planted 15 cm apart in double rows.
xi. Hamelia patens: A beautiful shrub which
(A) Palms as Hedge: Areca lutescens, Ptychosperma stands trimming and attains a height of 75-
macarthurii, Rhapis escelsa 90 cm. It is planted 30 cm apart.
(B) Trees as Hedge: Acacia farnesiana, Erythrina, xii. Hibiscus: Different types especially H. rosa-
Grevillea robusta, Inga dulcis, Parkinsonia aculeate, sinensis are grown as hedge mainly for
Polyalthia longifolia, Pongamia glabra, Putrajniva ornamental purposes. It is frequently
roxburghii, Thevetia nerifolia. pruned to keep a height of 75 to 90 cm.
xiii. Lantana: Different species of this genus are
(C) Conifers as Hedge: Casuarina equisetifolia, used as hedge and these stand trimming
Cryptomeria japonica, Thuja and pruning very well.
i. Trees are generally planted 60-90 cm apart in a xiv. Murraya exotica: It also forms a good atall
hedge. attractive hedge when properly trimmed.
xv. Plumbago capensis: It forms a pretty
(D) Shrubs for Hedges: ornamental hedge. Cuttings are put in
i. Acalypha, A. tricolor, A hamiltoniana, A. double rows, 15-20 cm apart.
wilkesiana var. musaica and other small- xvi. Punica granatum: It forms a tall hedge, 1.5
leaved species can be trimmed regularly to to 2m high. It is drought-resistant.
form ornamental hedges. The tall species xvii. Poinsettia pulcherrima: It can be used as a
can be used as protective hedge also. beautiful ornamental hedge.
Cuttings are planted 25-30 cm apart.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
xviii. Rosa: Some species such as R. multiflora Edging may be formal, made of stone,
can make a good spiny hedge. bricks, tiles, etc.,
xix. Sesbaia aegyptica (Syn. Aeschynomene sesban):
Informal edges consisting of living plants.
It grows to a height of 2m within 2-3
months and is a popular hedge in the drier There are certain plants which are very
parts of India. suitable for edging purposes and these are
xx. Strobilanthes anisophyllus: A shade-loving known as edge plants.
ornamental hedge.
Edge plants, unlike hedges, should grow
xxi. Tecoma stans: It forms an attractive tall (1
very low as the purpose is not for
to 3m) hedge within a span of two years.
screening but to provide a lining only, for
the purpose of decoration or demarcation.
(E) Cactus, succulents, and others as hedge
i. Agave Americana: This and other tall growing (A) Foliage Plants for Edging
agaves are used as barriers to cattle.
ii. Bambusa: Some dwarf species such as dwarf 1. Alternanthera, A. amabilis, A. amoenga, A.
Chinese bamboo (B. nana) make untidy hedge. bettzichiana var. spathulata, and A. versicolor.
Bamboo hedge may harbour snakes, if kept The last tows are very colourful, shaded red,
untidy. bronze, and pink. Cuttings are planted 3-5 cm
iii. Euphorbia antiquorum: A spiny succulent shrub apart in double rows spaced at 5 to 10cm in
which makes a tall hedge up to 3m. situ.
iv. E. bojeri: With its pretty scarlet flowers this 2. Acalyphas or similar shrubs in shrubberies.
forms a good hedge, 45-60cm high. 3. Coleus: Family: L Labiate. Some dwarf coleus
v. E. splendens: It is similar to above but stems and (20-45 cm high) can also form edging to
spines are stouter. ornamental shrubs.
vi. E.tetragona: It is used to form a tall spiny hedge. 4. Pilea muscosa (Syn. P microphylla)
vii. E. tirucalli: It is a spineless succulent tree,
branches slender, brush-like and cylindrical. (B) Flowering Plants Used of Edging
viii. Furcraea selloa: A plant like agave with spines Many of the flowering annuals and some
can be used as cattle-proof hedge. perennials are used for edging. The most important
ix. Optmtia: Many species of Opuntia, belonging to among these are Alyssum, Amaryllis, Brachycome,
Cactaceae, form into thorny hedges. Gerbera, Torenia, Zephyranthes different types, pansy
x. Pandanus: The screw pine is a thorny plant and and perennial verbena. Many cultivars of miniature
should not be used as hedge in a small garden. roses are also used for edging.
It is used as hedge in large commercial farms
growing food crops. The plant bears scented ARCHES
flowers. Because of its thick growth, the plant
is a good hiding place for snakes. A garden may need some arches for
xi. Pedilanthus tithymaloides (Syn.Euphoribia
training climbers or ramblers.
canaliculata): A spineless plant belonging to
Euphorbiaceae is commonly used as Arches are generally constructed near the
ornamental hedge. Cuttings are planted 10-15 gate or over paths in the garden.
cm apart in double rows spaced 15cm from
An arch should be at least 2 to 2.5m high,
each other.
so that the branches of creepers hanging
xii. Cactus (Cereus, Opuntia) when used as hedge
down should not interfere with access.
outgrows in size and should not be used in
home gardens. The breadth depends upon the path over
which it is constructed but should not be
EDGING less than 1m.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
Suitable place of construction of arbor is
preferably highest part of the garden so Bonsai is a tree or simply a plant
that visitors can see overall structure and cultivated in a pot or container,
beauty of garden. resembling a fully grown tree on a
Materials: For pillars: Wooden poles, miniature scale.
metal pipes, brick pillars, concrete pillars.
Bonsai first appeared in China over a
Roofing materials: Metal rods, wooden
thousand years ago on a very basic
flats GI mesh or tiles.
scale, known as pun-sai.
Construction procedure similar to pergola.
The word is derived from Chinese
16. GARDEN BRIDGES Penjing and In Japanese Bon means,
Shallow pan/pot and Sai means
Bridges are necessity item in a garden to Plant, it is literally called as Tray
cross the stream or pond. planting.
This should be developed harmoniously Bonsai is an art of growing trees,
with landscape. plants proportionately in smaller
containers occasionally in
The shape, size and material of the bridge
combination with rocks of many
depend upon the type of water barrier it is
forms, by treating them with certain
to transverse.
technique in order to reproduce in
In pictures are garden designs, rustic miniature appearances found in
looking materials is more appropriate nature.
than the formal one. They are made up of
Bonsai comprises a tree or shrub
stone, wood or concrete materials.
planted for developing as a miniature
plant showing the general appearance
17. LAWN:
of that plant species found in nature
Lawn is defined as a piece of land thickly for many years.
covered with uniformly green soft grass.
It is the art of dwarfing trees or plants
It is also called as Green carpet
and developing them into an
It is like a cushion, velvet carpet giving aesthetically appealing shape by
pleasure both to sight and feeling. growing, pruning and training those
in containers according to prescribed
Lawn is an art of any garden.
It is a center peace around which all
Overall, bonsai is a great interest,
garden elements are placed in subordinate
hobby or even profession to
order like the royal court where the kind
occupied the central position surrounded
by his courtiers. A bonsai is not a genetically dwarfed
plant and is not kept small by cruelty
Lawn was introduced by Englishmens,
in any way.
since then it has continued to stay as the
most important feature in our garden. It is also common belief that bonsai
are only a few centimeters tall.
Selection of grasses:
Most are over 05 centimeters (2II) tall
A good grass is one, which should
and max upto 1 meter (3.33 ft).
put-up fair growth of uniform texture
and greater tolerance to abuse. This is what is meant by the
expression "heaven and earth in one
Common grasses
a. Calcutta doob b. Mexican grass
c. Korean grass d. Kentukey blue grass
e. Zade velvet f. Bermeda g. St. Augustian
grass h. Green gem i. Polypogium
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225
Production Technology of Ornamental Crops and Landscape Gardening; HRT.202; 1+1 II B.Sc. (Agri.), II Semester 2013 -14
BONSAI STYLES: 10. Twisted trunk style: The trunk diminishes size
toward the top and gives the appearance of
There are many styles in bonsai, which have twisting in upon itself; the branches break out in
been developing over the ages. The following are the all directions.
principal classical bonsai styles developer over the
11. On the rock: The piece of rock is places
appropriately in the container to be embraced
1. Formal upright style (Chokkan): In this style eventually by the roots of the bonsai. This
branches grow symmetrically and horizontally however sinks into the soil below. Once the little
around the upright straight trunk. tree starts growing and putting new roots in to
small cavities in the rock, one can get so called
2. Winding or Kyokkum/Curved trunk style
(Moyogi): In this style plants retains a very rock planting.
natural appearance with the help of curving 12. Memo bonsai/Mini bonsai/Disc bonsai: The
nature of the trunk. The branches get smaller in plants are often not more than 8 15cm high (3
size towards the top growing also in the edge of 6 inches) and grow in containers after no bigger
the curves. than a thumble.
3. Oblique/Leaning trunk style (Shakakn): The
trunk leans to one side; braches are positioned
@@@@@The End@@@@@
horizontally, shooting out in all directions. The
surface roots clearly visible in the side opposite
to the lean.
4. Windswept style (Fukinagashi): This differs
from previous style that branches grow on one
side of the trunk only. This gives the impression
of the blowing continually from the direction.
5. Broom style (Hokidachi): This style having the
similarity in appearance to unturned broom. It
spreads the branches in the shape of a fan, may
occupy half the total height of the tree. The trunk
is upright.
6. Cascade style (Kengai): The branches grow out
over the edge of the container chosed for this
style is high enough to show off cascade effect to
best advantage.
7. Multiple trunks style or Clump shaped
(Kadudaki): Trunks are allowed to grow a single
root, which has put several shoots. The result of
this is a little group of trees. Generally, they
should make up an odd number but if only
trunks appear, they should of different sizes.
8. Raft style (Ikuabuchi): This style creates an
effect of fallen trunk, which has put out roots
downward, and branches upward. The final
impression, which is quite original, is one of the
groups of individual plants all spring from a
horizontal trunk.
9. Woodland (Yose ue): In this fascinating style, in
a single container a number of all individual
plants of the same species are laid out in a
correctly proportioned manner.
Prepared by Dr. B. Hemla Naik, Professor & Head (Hort.) cum Coordinator (PPMC), UAHS, Shimoga; ; 94488 62225