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CN2 - Conan The Mercenary

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The passage provides background information on an adventure involving mercenaries exploring underground ruins and encountering magical creatures.

The Forgotten Grove is a location north of town mentioned in a note, and seems to be important to the story.

The underground labyrinth is a complex underground network the mercenaries have been exploring for 10 days.


Official Game Adventure by K i m Eastland

Editor: Anne Gray McCready Table of Contents
Cover Art: Larry Elmore
Interior Art: Jeff Butler INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Cartographer: Dave "Diesel" LaForce How to Use This Booklet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Typographer: Kim N. Lindau How to Use the Map and Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Map Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Map Key Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1985 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.

PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION and the TSR logo are GENERAL BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
trademarks of TSR Inc. Adventure Theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1985 Conan Properties. Inc. All Rights Reserved. Adventure Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Conan and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of Sweet Dreams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Conan Properties, Inc.
The Baronial Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random The Forgotten Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Into the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distribut-
ers. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.

This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the

THE UNDERGROUND LABYRINTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
United States of America. Any reproduction or other unau- Encounters with the Priests of Jhebbel Sag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
thorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is The Main Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
prohibited without the express written permission of TSR Inc.
The Northern Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The Western Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
TSR, Inc. TSR UK Ltd.
POB 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road INTO MELENA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Lake Geneva, Cambridge CB14AD Random Encounter Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
WI 53147 United Kingdom Traveling to Hanyax's Tomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fixed Encounter Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Non-Player Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
New Monsters and Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Exotic Flora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
TSR, Inc.
Cults and Magical Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION Ruins and Lore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Player Handouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

ISBN 394-54854-XTSR0600
Printed in the U.S.A.
The faces of the mercenaries shone strange Running out of food and water is one thing, mouth and whispered urgently in his ear,
and ghost-like in the dim blue light. Ompter, running out of light in this hell-maze will "Quiet! Listen! I think something is on to our
the strong but dumb Kushite, gazed dully at the doom us." scent again."
source of the glow; a patch of luminescent fun- Fur'r snorted a short, nasal laugh. He Off in the darkness they could hear a snuf-
gus they had tied to their last burnt out torch. looked both smug and cynical. fling, scratching sound, as if some large beast
"I wonder if you can eat this." "We were doomed when fatso here lost our was sniffing and clawing at the cavern floor.
"I doubt it," said Larss, the only member of gear two days ago." They heard a human voice over the animal
the group with any lore knowledge. "Could Ompter's whole body shook with rage and sounds. "Sarm, this way. He's picked up a
be lethal." he grabbed the thin, balding thief by the scent."
Ompter grunted, "So is starving." throat. Methinna peered down the tunnel but
Methinna, who had been almost asleep in "Listen weasel," he hissed through could see nothing. "By all that's..," she
the corner, raised her head and shook her hair clenched teeth, "I've put up with your whin- turned to Larss, her eyes wide with fear,
out of her eyes. Normally it was bright, like ing and griping for over a week now, and I'm "They're tracking us in the dark!'
liquid gold. But after ten days of walking and not listening to it anymore. If it were up to me The glow from the blue fungus dimmed
fighting in the underground labyrinth it was I would have saved our packs instead of your and paled. Larss' face could barely be seen,
matted, giving her the appearance of a com- worthless hide from that tentacled thing. But stern and set as if stone.
mon workwoman rather than a member of the Larss wanted you saved, so here we are. But so "Hold your weapons straight out and strike
warrior-nobility to which she belonged. help me, by the many gods of my homeland, at anything you touch in front of us. All we
"Edible or not," she blinked, "we better if you utter one more..." can do is wait."
find more fast. Its beginning to lose its glow. Larss' hand clamped over the huge man's The fungus faded away into darkness while
the animal noise drew near.

How to Use This Booklet

In addition to the detailed adventure ture, but room for creation and change. You characters. The characters from Conan the
theme, this adventure contains instructions are the Judge, and you can alter anything to Buccaneer may be used instead of your play-
on how to combine this adventure with TSR's add mystery, intrigue, the unexpected, and er's usual characters if you are continuing that
Conan The Buccaneer adventure, so a single drama to your game. adventure. If Conan is not currently with your
adventure can turn into an entire campaign. If you do alter or expand the map and/or group you can add him when your characters
A map of the underground labyrinth used by the suggested adventure theme, read the fol- are brought before the Baron or he can inter-
the mysterious Priests of Jhebbel Sag is on the lowing suggestions. vene in their behalf at the Forgotten Grove.
inside cover. It also has a blank section that This adventure theme is compatible with Be careful to balance certain areas. If you
you can develop yourself for future adven- Conan the Buccaneer. If you do not use that add dangerous monsters, traps, or people,
tures. adventure as a prequel, you can relocate this make sure that information or treasure is
But this adventure is not a "dead end." It is adventure to any country you wish. Just make obtainable so that conquering the obstacle is
designed to be just the beginning of your sure you keep the non-player characters, such worthwhile. Even clearing a passage to a new
adventures, or to be easily worked into your as the current Zingaran Brigands, in line with area is an achievement.
present Conan Role-Playing Game. You can their surroundings (such as becoming Kushite Finally, if you greatly alter an area make
use the suggested adventure theme, alter it to Brigands). sure it follows a theme, either the one
fit your game's needs, or add to it. This adventure is designed for use with included or one of your own. Your game will
Conan The Mercenary gives you the best player characters already in your game cam- be much more enjoyable, both to you and
of both worlds; a detailed suggested adven- paign and does not include pre-generated your players, if characters, monsters, villains,
and locations all have a logical purpose.

How to Use the Map and Setting

The map of the underground caverns and circumstances leading up to the party's explor- tures, people, plants, items, and features.
tunnels found on the inside cover is the core of ing the caverns, what can be found in certain Numerical markings either further define
this setting. It is designed so that you can see areas, and their travels through Melena. alphabetical references by indicating the
the entire labyrinth. The markings on this The map references are divided into two number of creatures in the area, or are refer-
large map are for the Judge's reference. This types, alphabetical and numerical. Alphabet- ences that further define an encounter or fea-
booklet contains detailed information on the ical references refer to fixed locations of crea- ture in the area marked.

Map Key

WH refers to a reference found in The E: Ebony Standards, see page Q: Quicksand, see Features.
World of Hyboria booklet that comes with
the CONAN Role Playing Game. 29. R: Roots, see page 28.
F: False Wall/Secret Door, see RH: Roots with Hanging Snakes
Alphabet Key: A letter on the map shows Features. among them, see page 27.
the placement of a creature, plant, hern,
or feature. A letter followed by a period
G: Glowing Fungus, see page S: Swamp Beast, summoned by
and a number indicates that there is more 28. the Jhebbelites to guard the
than a single creature present, for instance, H: Harmless Encounter, see this artifacts, see WH page 39.
RH.3 means that there are 3 Hanging section following. T: Tidal Area, see Features.
Snakes in the ceiling Roots in the area.
I: Iron Hooves, see page 29. U: Undercat, see page 27.
A: Ancient Slaver Chains, see J: Jetton of Asap, see page 29. V: Vines, see page 28.
page 29. K: Kladon, see Features. W: White Mold, see page 28.
B: Bowl of Stats, see page 29. L: Large Bats, see page 26. WE: Web Spinners, see page 27.
C: Crack or Crevice, see Fea- M: Masked One, see page 29. X: Xanthic Mushrooms, see
tures. N: Neo-thog in a Tidal Area, see page 28.
D: Demon, Strangling, sum- page 25. Y: Yawning Snapper, see page
moned by the priests to guard O: Omnivorous Moss, see page 28.
the artifacts, see WH page 28. Z: ZiXit, see page 27.
38. P: Priest of Jhebbel Sag, see
page 29.

Features: False Wall/Secret Door; These cleverly dis- Kladon: Sections of this underground maze
The following natural features are spread guised sections either are hinged like doors were a kladon mine long ago. Kladon is a
throughout the labyrinth. More features may (usually on each end of a shortcut) or large sec- chalk-like substance used in making white-
be explained in other sections of this adven- tions of thin stone used to block an area sel- wash for buildings. It is easily dug from the
ture. dom used (like catacombs). The only way to walls and a fist sized-chunk can be used to
Crack: This marking indicates that there is a spot these is through a successful orange or red mark a line on the walls for 200 feet. Kladon
narrower crevice leading away from the exit Resolution check against an Observation tal- diluted in a pint of liquid can provide enough
marked. It is usually large enough to crawl ent. Tracking talent may also be used if the paint to make a line up to 400 feet. When this
into and can go in any direction, including up person being tracked has used a secret door. mark is shown on the map it means a vein of
or down (Judge's discretion). If a crack leads to Secret doors require a Strength talent of 8 to kladon is found in the walls.
anything useful it will be listed under the open, False Walls require a Strength talent of
numerical references. These are just false leads over 20 to move. These required Strengths can
that abruptly end after 1d10 x 5 feet. If a char- be a combination of many characters. False
acter persists in following them there is a walls do not close by themselves and any that
chance he will get stuck. are opened will remain so unless closed. False
To check if a character gets stuck, find the walls that are broken open or solidly wedged
column on the Resolution Table that matches open will remain so until someone with a
the greater of the character's Climbing or Gen- Structural Engineering or Mining talent
eral Prowess ratings. Then roll the dice and con- repairs it (these are NPC, self-explanatory tal-
sult the Resolution Table. If the result is white, ents.) None of the priests alive know how to
the character is stuck. Any other result indicates do this. It would also take the proper equip-
that he is safe. A stuck character remains so until ment and quite some time.
he rolls a successful check. A check can be made
every 15 minutes thereafter.

Quicksand: Occasionally a sandy under- ble underground rapids that is impossible to dark one, the sudden flaring of a torch or
ground area has mixed with a partial tidal area climb. Downriver, to the west of the map, the lighting of a lamp, or any other light source
to form deadly quicksand. It is always a patch river continues for nine miles before tumbling the characters do not slowly (6 combat turns)
that is 10+1d10 feet in diameter. A over a breathtaking waterfall. Anyone going become used to.
weighted-down character (heavy armor or over these falls will sustain 10 + 1d4 points of Movement: Because the underground areas
large pack) will sink in 3 combat turns if he damage (DR - 35). If a character goes over the are so treacherous, movement is shifted two
does not have anything to grasp, like a rope or falls safely, he will eventually wash out in the columns to the left on the Combat Movement
polearm extended to him by a companion. A Black River. and Travel Tables. This means a Movement
normally attired person or someone removing talent score of 5 allows a person to Crawl at 1 ,
their pack or armor will sink in 12 combat Hidden Dangers Walk at 2 , Jog at 3 , and Sprint at 10 . But the
turns unless they belly-crawl to escape the The dangers adventurers face when travel- light sources provide such a limited range that
mire. This is the only way to safely move ing in subterranean realms are many: getting anyone who sprints could possibly be in dark-
through quicksand. An extremely weighted- lost, dangerous descents and ascents, running ness after one Combat turn. Treat characters
down character (three-quarter armor, carrying out of a light source, starvation, and exotic who collide with a wall while Sprinting in the
lots of loot or a body) will sink immediately. creatures and plants. A Judge should tell a dark as if they fell the same distance. Charac-
Any character who sinks without having a party just what they see within the light radius ters who collide with a wall while Jogging use
rope attached can hold their breath and hope and what they might hear outside of their this same formula, but halve the distance.
to be rescued by his companions. He can hold sight. Light sources are listed below. Remem- Moving in total darkness is disorienting and a
his breath for a number of combat turns equal ber that each square on the map is 10 feet. character can easily wander in different direc-
to 6 plus his Stamina or General Endurance tions if his hand is not touching a wall. A charac-
rating. He receives 1 point of damage for every Homemade Torch: Light Radius of 5 feet; ter moving in the open darkness must roll 1d10
turn beyond his limit that he does not Duration of 20 minutes. The torch can be every combat turn he moves. Keep track of his
breathe. used as a club causing + 1 damage, but has a movement on the map with a pencil.
The quicksand pits are usually 20 feet deep. 50% chance of going out per swing.
Because of the bad lighting underground and Die Roll Direction
dust that covers everything, it is almost impos- Purchased Torch: Light Radius of 15 feet;
sible to detect quicksand before stepping into Duration of 45 minutes. The torch can be 1-2 Left
it. Only by tapping the floor in front of them- used as a club causing + 2 damage. It will not 3-4 Right
selves can a group of adventurers hope to go out if used as a weapon. 5-6 Ahead
detect quicksand traps. 7-8 Circle in Place
Stalactites and Stalagmites: These eerie for- Small Oil Lamp: Light Radius of 10 feet; 9-10 Stumble
mations are often found within the caverns. If Duration of 60 minutes. The lamp can be
they are important, it will be mentioned in comfortably held in one hand and easily set Combat in the Dark: Anyone fighting in
the numerical references. Otherwise use their down. It is prone to blowing out in strong the dark suffers a -6 column modifier and can
foreboding presence and the eerie shadows drafts. It holds one pint of oil. only swing at sounds or where the last attack
they cast when describing an area where noth- came from. If just two people are fighting in
ing else is happening. Large Oil Lamp: Light Radius of 15 feet; the dark, they should move at the slowest
Tidal Area: The tidal areas that lie within Duration of 120 minutes. It can be tiring if character's adjusted walk rate in the same
the caverns are actually smaller tunnels which the lamp is held with only one hand and is direction. Roll a die and consult the move-
connect the cavern area to the nearby under- dangerous if knocked over in combat. It will ment chart above for the characters if they lose
ground river. The tidal area of the Neo-thog not easily blow out. It holds one quart of oil. contact with a wall or identifying surface. If
and the large area south of the river are con- more than two characters engage in melee it
stantly filled with churning water. The others Glowing Fungus: Light Radius of 5 feet; can be very confusing. The Judge must keep
flush up and empty out every five minutes, Duration of 60 Minutes. These statistics are track of everyone's location as any combat will
making the stone there wet and slippery. good for a large amount of fungus wrapped always be between the two closest beings,
Underground River: The subterranean lab- around a sword or mace. You can actually see unless something identifies them to each
yrinth is a combination of natural formations the large patches of growing glowing fungus other such as calling out their names, the
and an old kladon mine which was flooded up to 40 feet away as an eerie blue area. sound of a specific type of armor, the unusual
years after it was abandoned. The flooding sound a creature makes (like a Neo-thog and
which occurred because a surface river When light brighter than glowing fungus is an Undercat).
changed its course, resulted in the main shaft immediately cast on characters who have been The major exception to darkness fighting is
of the mine becoming an underground river- in the dark, any player character or NPC who when attacking someone who is either in a
bed. The river runs west and has a strong cur- is not a priest suffers a -2 penalty for all Reso- light source's radius or backlighted by one. An
rent. The roar in the river tunnel is deafening lution checks for any actions they wish to per- example of the latter would be a party walking
and can even be heard through the walls of form in the next two combat turns as their eyes down a tunnel toward you, holding a lamp,
parallel caverns. begin to adjust. The priests, because of their then pausing while someone scouts ahead
To the east of the map the river continues excellent darksight, suffer a -4 penalty. This without a light. As he comes toward you, he is
for three miles and then runs down an incredi- includes running into a well-lit area from a outlined by the light source directly behind

him. You would still be in the dark and vines that suddenly scurry over the character's show their players the immediate setting.
impossible to see. You can strike at him with feet, or drape over his face. It can also be tricks of
perfect accuracy but he suffers a -6 column the mind; unnatural noises, the feeling that eyes Now make the map and setting more per-
modifier. Firing a ranged weapon into a are following them, or a whisp of air that feels sonalized. The entire cavern network south of
lighted area is more effective because the tar- like a breath. The encounter should always be the river has been left blank for you to do so. If
gets have even less of a chance of knowing harmless to the characters but should not neces- you wish, use the area south of the river to
your range, and exact location. Anyone trying sarily appear so. reroute the course the characters take to
to fire back at the shooting attacker who lies in Melena. Create a new society of creatures, set
darkness has no chance of hitting him. Using 3-D Game Aids: It may be difficult for traps, invent new clues for future adventures.
Undercats do not suffer the full penalty the players to determine exactly where they are You can do this with the areas that are already
since they can see very well in the dark. They on the map. To clarify positions use 3- marked. Also, if you create something new,
attack with a -2 column shift in total darkness. dimensional paper characters, cardboard don't forget to number it on your map and
counters, or miniature metal figures to represent add the corresponding number to your writ-
Harmless Encounters: These encounters can the characters. A plain sheet of paper with die ten description.
be normal bats, rats, lizards, and birds, or a deep approximate walls of the area or obstacles
red fungus, giant purple mushrooms, swaying quickly scrawled on it is a common way Judges

Adventure Theme and the ancient tales of Yama, was persuaded control over the magic in his realm, but grant
by the young thief to tell him of the secret of him immortality as well. In exchange, Yama
This section is for the Judge's benefit and Melena and the Orb of Yama. The thief would be able to enter the Hyborian world
gives a. brief synopsis of the entire adventure learned of its power and yearned to possess it. with ease and once again take up his long
theme. Whether the Judge wishes to use this The aged sage knew of one of the many portals quest to control mankind. Etarti could expand
for a continuation of Conan the Buccaneer or from Earth into the extra-dimensional world his power only if he spread the belief of Yama
as an independent campaign, the suggested of Melena. What he did not know and could to his realm. However, there were curses set
adventure theme is the same. not tell the thief was that many curses that sur- upon the Orb of Yama eons ago by the
rounded the Orb. eldritch gods. These would eventually upset
Once, in another dimension, existed a great The thief crossed into Melena and, by use of the Baron's lust for power.
and glorious civilization called Melena. The ancient artifacts that were always provided at To invoke the curses, the Orb must be
magnificient majesties King Hanyax and Queen the departure site, crossed the trans- stolen from the owner (in this case the Baron).
Visnatia ruled. Their kingdom represented the dimensional gate and made his way safely to Once this occurred, he or his loyal men would
highest ideals, the best to which men on their the Tomb of Hanyax. What occurred in there not be able to ascertain its whereabouts. Neu-
planet could aspire. But into this kingdom of is a mystery, but the thief left the tomb a few tral agents, unaware of the real power the Orb
light and goodness came the King of Demons, hours later with the Orb of Yama in hand. possessed, must be used for this. In such a
Yama. So evil was he that his own demonic fol- Instantly a hot desert wind began to blow manner, the Orb may fall into the hands of
lowers finally drove him from their own world. from the east. On it, in the distance, was the righteous men who could again secure it in the
Yama quickly destroyed Hanyax's empire demon-king Yama. Swiftly he came and Tomb of Hanyax in Melena.
and crumbled the civilization that was so plucked the Orb from the startled mortal's Another aspect of the curse was that until it
grand. Though there was suffering and hand, then tossed the young man into his was returned to its former owner or Yama was
despair everywhere, a few brave men sought fiery maw. While this took place in the land of summoned by its new owner, Yama could not
to prevent Yama from spreading his pestilence Khitai, it would greatly effect the people of cross from his realm into the Hyborian world.
to other worlds. They were able to steal Yama's the Barony of Aldoc in the land of Zingara Since the lore of the Orb was generally known
most powerful artifact, the Orb, and secure it hundreds of years later. to only a few cults, the possibility of Yama's
in Hanyax's tomb. In that location all the The Baron Etarti ruled this land, as did his return was greatly reduced. Once stolen, the
magic that was known to them was woven into forefathers for centuries. But he could pro- magic that was suppressed by the Orb's pres-
a barrier of amazing strength. It became the duce no children himself and soon fell into ence will almost immediately rise again to its
only known location Yama could not enter. despair over the imminent end of his family's former state. If the Orb of Yama was returned
But mortals could. For years Yama worked his lineage. Soon despair turned into despera- to the Tomb of Hanyax, Yama's powers would
wiles and finally was able to influence a tion, which became obsession, and finally continue to diminish until he was no more. If
young, greedy man in the Hyborian age to fanaticism. The Baron turned to the Black the Orb is brought into the Tomb, then taken
take the Orb for him. Arts for a solution and entered into a pact with out again, Yama will instantly know of its
The horror that now besets the lands of the god Yama, "King of the Demons." The presence. He will descend upon the Orb-
Aldoc resulted. Over a century ago an old demon-liege gave the Baron the powerful Orb holder, retrieve his Orb, and thank him by
priest, wise in the knowledge of secret artifacts of Yama, which would not only give Etarti consuming him on the spot.

Etarti began his rise to power by starting the chix, into their subterranean labyrinth. Once have his men search the town for the Orb,
secret order of the Masked Ones. With their in the land of the priests, the Orb-bearer was have proven useless. It is then that he remem-
aid, and the power of the Orb, he began per- shown their most guarded secret, the trans- bers the curse Yama spoke of if the Orb is
secuting all known religions in his realm to dimensional gate into the fabled land of stolen. He realizes that neither he nor his loyal
increase his realm. The more he increased his Melena, now a desert wasteland inhabited forces can detect the Orb, those who stole it,
realm, the more he could spread the word of only by Yama, a few mindless creatures, and or the place where it is hidden. Only an inde-
Yama and could, thus, increase his power. the shades of men who once lived there. pendent force, mercenaries, can find it and
Though he has had possession of the Orb Fanchix, using the "Melena artifacts" pro- claim it for him. Of course he must be careful
for a decade, the Baron has restrained from vided by the Ihebbelites. succeeded in return- what he tells them, lest they discover the true
tolling the virtues of Yama until his strength ing the Orb to the ancient and wondrous nature of the Orb.
among the Zingaran nobleman was Tomb of Hanyax. Inside the tomb, Hanyax, a Now, the Baron needs to send a band of
unmatched. This he could do by marrying statue, spoke to him and told him that instead mercenaries to recover the Orb. As a precau-
Kaletar, a distant cousin of his and heiress of of destroying the Orb as the priests had tion, he will send a few Masked Ones to follow
the vast lands adjoining his. Once Duke instructed, he was to merely place it on a ped- them to ensure they do not discover the truth
Mardy was assassinated, and the Baron inher- estal. Once done, Hanyax instructed Fanchix about the Orb. Once the location is known,
ited the lands, he would begin his mission of not to speak of this to anyone, then returned he need not rely on these mercenaries and can
converting his subjects to the ways of Yama. him through the trans-dimensional gate. kill them, then hire more to do his bidding.
The assassination has not yet taken place, but Fanchix, wishing to obey Hanyax, did not The less those who work for him know about
the suppression of all other religions is neatly tell the Jhebbelites of his conversation, only the Orb, the safer the Baron feels.
complete. that he had destroyed the Orb. But the next The Baroness, having heard nothing from
The last priests to flee, the followers of day, only hours after Fanchix had left the Fanchix or the Jhebbelite priests, has been
Jhebbel Sag, secretly moved into an under- priests, one of them awoke from a dream in eavesdropping on the Baron in hopes of pick-
ground maze of tunnels and caverns near Etar- which the Orb was calling to be rescued. ing up more information. She will smuggle a
ti's capital city of Kaslaer. They later found Immediately the priests knew they had been note to any mercenaries he hires before they
unexpected support from the Baroness Kale- betrayed and sent two of their Undercats to leave.
tar, herself a Jhebbelite who was secretly detain Fanchix for questioning. Fanchix, hav- The Priests of Jhebbel Sag trust no one and
shocked by her husband's persecutions. There ing had an altercation with a Neo-thog (in want to make sure that no emissary of the
they have lived over the years, waning in which he lost the Jetton of Asap), was now on Baron crosses over into Melena. Conversely
power and influence, yet waiting for the day his way out of the caverns. He was caught just they cannot cross over themselves and need
when the power of the Baron might be in as he entered the last cavern that led to the someone to go and destroy the Orb.
jeopardy and they could help topple him. Forgotten Grove. Frightened and bewildered, The mercenaries have just arrived in Kaslaer
Recently, good fortune has smiled upon the he attacked the Undercats and was slain by and are looking for work. Instead they find
enemies of the Baron. The Baron carelessly them. The priesthood has not notified the trouble.
left the Orb unprotected and Kaletar stole it. Baroness because they are no longer sure they Give the players the the notes and belt illus-
Upon the advice of the Priests of Jhebbel Sag, can trust her. tration on page 31 when they gain the infor-
she sent it with her trusted man-at-arms, Fan- Meanwhile, the Baron's first instincts, to mation.

Adventure Introduction The land sighted is Zingara, just north of tia along with any information that will help
the Black River. They can see a medium-sized his family. If Martina is still alive and with
1. If you use this adventure with the Conan
the Buccaneer adventure, read the following.
town which Antony believes is the port of Kas- them, the entire party can agree to send her
laer. While all may want to sail to Argos, the back to her family. Antony may stay with his
If not, read 2.
ship has large leaks and could not possibly go new friends and try to raise enough money for
After completing the mission on Atothar, the further. Just after she has been unloaded, the a new boat. Xystus will find Zingara boring,
survivors set sail for Messantia and home. If they sound of groaning, then splintering timber, so he will stay with the others.
are shipwrecked on Atothar, a Zingaran vessel shakes the wharf and she quickly sinks. The weary travelers will now most likely
blown off course by a storm spots them and picks On the docks, one of Mennifir's colleagues want an inn. The Empty Barrel is located a few
them up. During the return voyage, however, a will recognize her and greets her with a smile. blocks away. Go to 3.
terrible storm from the south sweeps the vessel Aware of the terrible storm, the Nemedian
2. If you are using this adventure on its own,
north. After two days of battering, the storm Chroniclers have been searching the coast for a
read the following.
abates and the skies clear. Fortunately, land can be possible emergency beaching of the expedi-
seen to the northeast. But the storm was savage tion's ship. Mennifir may fulfill all of her obli- The Judge decides how the player characters
and all equipment or gear that was not specifically gations (and receive rewards as described in arrive at Kaslaer in Zingara. This gentle sea-
stated as being battened down is lost. Worse yet, Conan the Buccaneer) right there on the side town, dominated by the massive Castle
of die members of Antony's crew (NPCs) who docks. Neither Conan nor Jayapakash are Etarti, is the starting place of the adventure.
had survived the island, only half survived the known or wanted in Zingara. Antony sends The characters should have arrived recently
storm. The others were swept overboard. any remaining crew members back to Messan- after a long journey and be weary. There are a

number of ways in which you can entice your erful individual. Rumors of sudden bloody nately, expansion has overtaxed the local inns,
players to send their characters to Zingara: purges have reached the outside world. The of which there are few. The Empty Barrel is
A. Design a small adventure in which the extermination of magic also worries many the only place left with a room. There are sol-
party is hired as mercenaries to guard a travel- people. The group is sent to investigate the diers everywhere and the Baron's grip on his
ing merchant. Devise some short encounters massacres under the guise of wandering mer- barony is tight.
for the journey to Zingara. Upon reaching cenaries. Although Conan doesn't care much Use the Tavern Map on page 32 of the Conan
Kaslaer, the merchant becomes ill and must for magic or religions, he despises government Game Rule Book for the tavern section of the inn.
be confined for months. The characters are persecutions of any type. Go to 3. When the characters enter for a drink and some-
paid enough to support them for a while, and 3. A Quiet Night at the Tavern. Kaslaer is a thing to eat, there are nine local people inside in
are now out of a job. addition to the innkeeper. Place the NPCs where
medium-sized port with a reputation for bore-
B. The characters flee to Zingara because you wish, except at the middle diagonal table
dom and frequent, savage pirate raids. The
they are wanted by a government, cult, reli- under the words "table and benches." That is the
gion, or private powerful individual for past
Castle Etarti is unusually large and grand for
only clean or empty table in the place. During the
such a small barony. Recently Kaslaer has
offenses. The Judge could bring about retri- undergone an amazing economic rejuvena- course of their meal it will be obvious that the
bution for past adventures in which the player patrons are drinking quite a bit and something is
tion under the Baron Etarti. It is now a grow-
characters have offended somebody. ing commercial hub and has the potential to
wrong in town. If any of the characters try to listen
C. The characters are sent into Zingara as in on the conversations, they will catch important
become a future major trade center. Unfortu-
spies by a government, cult, religion, or pow- phrases now and then, including:

"Don't know what they're looking for but sneakthieves in Kaslaer. This can quickly esca- ters huddle in the middle, the brawlers cut the
they've gone into every home, store, or stall in late into a brawl. rope, dropping the chandelier on the players.
town on the Baron's command." "Alfanso If the player characters ask no questions and Each player in the middle receives 3 points of
says he saw a demon last night (general laugh- get up to leave, one of the drunker patrons damage and is incapacitated for one combat
ter). Says it came out of one of the castle win- accidentally bumps into them and a fight turn. The brawlers are also fond of throwing
dows (sudden silence)." "Wish Etarti would starts as a result. their clubs, which does no damage but can
fall out of one of the windows himself, the The bar brawl is almost inevitable. See Bar distract the mercenaries for one combat turn.
wretched blasphemer." "Be quiet man, are Brawlers on page 25 for statistics. No more All of the brawlers carry three clubs and they
y a ' daft?" In a quiet voice. "Ya' know there than six locals get involved unless there are six often will distract the first character who takes
are ears everywhere." "...good thing about player characters in the tavern. Then the other offense by this throw, while one or two more
him is his choice in wives," followed by a three PCs will join in. These NPCs are accus- slide behind him and grab him.
heartfelt "Aye" from all. "Not the man his tomed to handling "foreigners" and each The innkeeper remains uninvolved, but
father was. Cruel!" "...der what they're fights with two short, club-like saps in the will eventually call for the soldiers. The fight
lookin' for? Sure must be important." Zingara Fighting tradition. Unfortunately either ends with the soldiers arriving after the
they are drunk and so have a -2 penalty to any player characters throw out the locals, all of
These comments are made so quickly that Fighting or Agility talent they try to use. Since the characters being beaten by the locals, or by
the characters can say nothing. There is a they are also brawlers they may abandon their a mutual truce enforced by intervening sol-
pause when one of the men leaves for the clubs for chairs, tables, or mugs if the player diers. After their food, ale, and fight, the
night. If any of the party asks any questions player characters may retire for the night.
characters use edged weapons.
about what was said or if the character is obvi- The brawlers circle the PCs and try to herd Nothing is disturbed in their rooms when they
ously eavesdropping, one of the locals states them to the middle of the room, underneath a return upstairs.
rudely that they don't take to spies and huge wooden chandelier. If the player charac-

Sweet Dreams
2. You dream of sailing on a silver ship and valley you see a man standing before huge
The following dreams appear to the player gliding over smooth waters. But your doors set into a cliff. Noble of visage and
characters tonight and tomorrow night, or, if heart is not light. It is heavy with grief dressed for war, he is sobbing. Suddenly he
there are only a few player characters, over the as you gaze upon the coffin on the draws his sword and screams something
next few nights. Depending on the number of ship's deck. It is golden with inlaid toward the heavens. The glint of sunlight
characters, some might have numerous pearls and a sea motif. You feel that it from the sword snaps you out of your
dreams. It is important that all of the dreams holds someone dear to you. You think dream.
be read. Take each player away from the group to yourself, "When she lies within, I
to read their character's dream to them. The shall face the demon-spawn." Startled
dreams are vivid so you may repeat the dream by this thought, you leap up fully
or the player may take notes. The players may awake. 4. Your dreams tonight are terrifying and
decide what the player characters tell each you wake suddenly, your body soaked
other. Part of the challenge of this adventure with sweat. You remember fighting
is for the characters to share information and some awesome evil in a battle. You
work as a team trying to work out the mean- 3. Tonight your dreams are strange. You seemed to know your cause was
ings of their dreams. see a desert as if you were an eagle fly- doomed from the start but you had to
ing far overhead. In the distance you try to defeat the foe. Spears raining
spot a beautiful city and head in its
down on you from the night heavens
1. You see an incredibly beautiful woman direction. As the sun rises you realize persists in your thoughts. When you
in your dreams. She seems to be dying. you are flying east over the city, deco- finally drive that fearsome image away
She lies on a bed of gold inlaid with rated in black, as if in mourning. On another takes its place; a gallant cavalry
pearls and designed in a sea motif. She the eastern outskirts of the city, next to charge against something abnormally
has the features of a Kshatriyas but the a wide ribbon of river, you see an army large, then sheets of fire sweeping over
clothes and setting seem to be different assembling, as if to make war with the desert and destroying horses and
from the current inhabitants of Ven- some foe that threatens the city. But men alike. Above all, the image of an
dya. Her breathing is labored and she you see no foe. You continue flying east Orb in a taloned hand haunts you.
looks at you with sad eyes, trying to say across the wide river toward the valleys
something. She lifts her hand toward beyond. A spot of black catches your
you, then drops it abruptly as she shud- attention and you swoop lower. It is a
Read this dream the second night to the
ders with her last breath. funeral procession winding its way back
character who has already dreamt number 2.
from the valleys to the river. Back in the

Arturus is here to discuss last night's tavern
5. You dream, tonight, of sailing on a shin- chains, a bell's gong, then some- fight and apologize for the city's rudeness
ing silver ship gliding over smooth thing heavy thudding into muffled toward strangers. He has an invitation to noon
waters. But your heart is not light. It is ground like tentpoles in sand. dinner from Baron Etarti, but the "offer"
heavy with grief as you gaze upon the sounds more like a command. His politeness
coffin on the ship's deck. It is silver seems genuine and he leaves only when the
with inlaid pearls and is carved in a sea party agrees to meet the Baron. While his atti-
motif. You feel that it holds royalty. 10. Your dreams are being interrupted by tude continues to be polite he can become
You think to yourself, "when they both far away whispers: quite insistent about noon dinner if the play-
lie within, the demon-spawn shall "Dust on tomes and carven frieze; ers balk. He even hints at some type of
reign." This last thought is so terrible A noble summoning within his lair. "employment" to persuade the characters.
that you wake up screaming. When a desperate man on If the player characters wish to spend the
trembling knees morning trying to gather information about
Calls on forgotten gods, beware!" Aldoc, the Baron and Baroness, or any Lore
from their dreams, various things will come to
6. Tonight you sleep fitfully, feeling as light.
though someone were standing over
you. Finally you roll over and open your 11. This entire night your dreams are 1. General information about Baron Etarti can
eyes. A man is watching you, tall and haunted by the feeling that you are in a be gleaned (statistics, fame, claustrophobia,
olive-skinned, with long black hair and dying city. People and items are crum- and an abbreviated history except for any-
deep brown eyes. There is something bling to dust around you. Even the thing in regard to religion or the Masked
commanding and reassuring about him walls and spires, when you touch them, Ones).
that stops you from calling out. "I come crashing down killing scores of
guard the Orb. Trust no one else, but people. A sad voice entones, "Melena's 2. Non-religious information about the Bar-
keep your dreams among your friends, doom is set and sealed." You awake in a oness Kaletar can be gleaned (statistics, fame,
as your true intentions. Yama. threatens cold sweat. and an abbreviated history).
all," he says. He grasps your shoulder in
friendship and is gone. 3. The Baron and Baroness seem to have a
strained relationship. The Baroness is liked by
12. A cold female voice, from what sounds almost everyone.
Read this the second night to the character like a great distance away, chants all
who has dreamt number 6. night long, "Beware those who use you 4. There are either demons or men possessing
for their own sake. Trust friends only. great talents who disguise themselves as
7. The same feeling of being watched has You are in an evil land, but must go to demons about. Some believe they may be in
pervaded your dreams and you hear the one that is worse to destroy the evil." league with Baron Etarti because they have
same firm voice that spoke to you the been seen in the castle vicinity more than any-
night before. "Sell or give away noth- where else. Some believe they are agents of
ing you find, for they may be parts of If the party has an odd number of characters other Zingaran nobles sent to assassinate the
the great puzzle. Keep the treasure, or if you have a large number of players in this Baron. Some even believe they are conjured
open the crypt, and touch nothing." adventure you may want to repeat some up by the survivors of the religious purge to
Again his hand touches your shoulder, dreams to different players (especially 8 and exact vengeance. There is no documented or
but you awake to find no one there. 9). factual proof for any of this.
The Baronial Audience. Read the players 5. No religious others, priests, temples, or
the following after their dreams have been shrines exist anywhere in the city. Everyone
8. A man's voice, deep and resonant, whis- discussed. knows that the Baron Etarti persecuted all reli-
pers in your ear during the night, "Go gious beliefs and clergy a decade ago. No one
below, use the belt, find the wards, knows why or what beliefs the Baron or Baron-
read the frieze, use the bridge, use the The next morning you all feel on edge and
exhausted. You have just dressed when ess may hold.
wards, avoid the walls, cross the water,
open the doors, wait for me." someone knocks on the door. A deep base
voice on the other side answers that he is 6. Sometimes strange animals can be seen at
Arturus of the Baron's elite guard and night with message containers strapped to
wishes to talk to you. If anyone glances out them. It is believed the elite guard uses them.
9. In your dreams tonight you hear a mysti-
the window they notice that there are a
cal voice, "What are the dreams of number of soldiers in front. The possibility 7. The Baron is a dictator, but during his
Helena now?" This is followed by the reign, the Barony of Aldoc has flourished. He
sounds of horse's hoofs, clanking of escape is thin at best.
is the last of the Etarti family who have ruled
this land as long as anyone can remember. His

marriage to Kaletar will eventually extend his Baroness have not been getting along of late, Jhebbal Sag at one time.) In the middle of the
rule over much of Zingara. Everyone is sur- and everyone becomes silent if anything is grove are the remains of the temple. This area
prised that she is not yet pregnant with the said of demons (they have all seen them on the is best described as a Stonehenge-type struc-
heir, as that is the main reason nobles marry. grounds). ture but in far worse shape. Most of the stones
When the interviews are over the Baron have fallen and are broken. The center is still
8. The local Loremaster knows of no Orbs, but returns and, as way of advance payment and clear, though, and the charred earth shows
does know of the Lore listed on page 30 to show his good intentions, offers the charac- where many campfires have burned in the
including the poem. ters the hospitality of his storerooms so they past. To the right of the main circle, set farther
may stock themselves for a mission. They are into the trees but still reachable by an animal
9. The most powerful religion before the cur- each allowed to take up to two pieces of armor, path, is a large statue. It has eroded over the
rent Baron came to power was that of Jhebbel a new weapon of their choice, a horse and sad- centuries and its face is no longer distinguish-
Sag. No one knows what has happened to his dle, a packmule for carrying their supplies, able. The statue appears to be a humanoid
priests. one week of rations, and their choice of rope, male of a non-threatening nature. There is an
torches or lamps for night searches, arrows or eerie silence that surrounds the area.
10. The last few days the Baron's soldiers have bolts, or water skins. Surrounding the grove are overgrown
been turning the town upside down looking The characters can spend the rest of the day heather fields providing perfect cover for
for something, but no one knows what it is. It asking questions around town. When they all game birds, small animals, and awaiting assas-
is smaller than a skull judging by the places meet at the inn that night they discover that sins. 'To the west of the grove and fields, a
they were looking. one of the male characters has had a note small but strong river flows to the south. If
slipped into his pouch or pack without know- anyone tries to follow the river south it even-
11. Soldiers have been seeking mercenaries in ing it. This could have been done any time tually flows into a large crevice in the hillside
the last day or two. No one knows why. Per- during the day (it was slipped in there by one and disappears from view. To the south of the
haps the Baron is going to war. of the castle wenches who secretly serves the grove and fields is a steep hillside. An animal
Baroness). Hand the players the appropriate path leads from the grove to a small opening
12. The Baroness has shut herself away the last note at this time. in the hill (large enough for a man in armor to
few days. crawl through).

The noon dinner with the Baron is a good If you value your life and hate evil meet me at The Judge should arrange it so that the
chance for the Judge to develop his acting moonrise tomorrow night north of town in the party of adventurers do not arrive until early
skills. The Baron is pompous, confident, rich, Forgotten Grove. Tell no one. The Baron is a dan- evening, just before dusk. A thunderstorm
egotistical, and vain, but needs a small com- gerous man. will prove useful to delay them for a while.
pany of mercenaries to do a job for him. He You might even want to add a short adventure
says that the castle has been entered and of your own at a roadside farm or inn.
something has been taken; an Orb that his Make sure that the characters know it is too When the characters arrive, there will be
wife gave to him as a wedding present. She has late to leave town tonight; soldiers are every- time to set up camp before moonrise. If they
shut herself away and is angry with him, where . If a character asks a local resident about search the area around the statue they find the
declaring she will not speak to him again until the Forgotten Grove, they will think for a body of one of the wenches who they ques-
he recovers the Orb. He seems to be quite moment, then direct the characters to an area tioned at the castle yesterday. She left in the
embarrassed about this and will explain that about a day's ride north of town. Once they middle of the night to make sure she was here
he does not want the information to leak out. cross over a small bridge there will be a stand in time. She has been dead for about five
His soldiers have already done what they can of trees to the right and a large hillside hours and died of a crushing blow to the skull.
and he does not want to lose their respect by beyond. Within the grove there is a faceless Anyone with a Medicine or Animal Handling
having them look further for a purloined wed- statue. No one can remember who the statue talent has a chance of having seen this type of
ding present. is or why it is therehence the Forgotten wound before. A successful Resolution check
It is worth quite a sum of money to him Grove. Once the characters are asleep, read using either of these talents results in the char-
(Judge's discretion) to have his domestic mat- the remaining dreams. acter recognizing a killing blow from a bear
ters settled. Rewards of positions in his service claw. The bear is far away by now and stum-
may also be available for successful characters. The Forgotten Grove. On the outside of the bled onto her quite accidentally. Before they
If the players seem hesitant he reminds them adventure cover is a full-color map of the For- have a chance to search her, the Zingaran Bri-
that they are in his lands and subject to his gotten Grove. The characters can reach the gands attack.
will. He even conducts them on a tour of his grove from the town of Kaslaer by the North The five brigands are at these locations: one
lavish castle, ending in the dungeons. Road. After riding a full day by horse, the near the statue, two in the heather just west of
The Baron will have the castle staff assem- road turns east over a bridge before it con- the grove, and two in the heather south of the
bled for questioning by the characters. Some tinues to the north. Just across the bridge, on grove. When one is discovered or if the girl is dis-
of the staff wenches are quite friendly, putting the south side of the toad, is a grove of trees covered, they all attack at once, rushing toward
their arms around the male characters in jest. nestled against the side of a hill. the main concentration of player characters. The
Only a few facts become evident: no one The grove is ancient and no one remembers brigands believe the characters are special sol-
knows anything about the Orb, the Baron and to whom it was devoted. (It was a shrine to diers sent by the Baron to hunt them down. This

is obvious to any character listening to the bri- 15 feet. The first thing of note is the over- The note was from the Baroness Kaletar to
gands as they are screaming "assassins," "soldier whelming smell of rotting flesh within. After her man-at-arms (and lover) Fanchix directing
scum," "whatever Etarti paid you to kill us you'll crawling inside for about 15 feet the tunnel him on the mission that would bring the Orb
find this brigand band will make you earn it," opens up into a cavern that gradually slopes to the priests of Jhebbel Sag and take it into
and "where is your precious Arturus and your down and stretches far back into the hill. Melena. The Baroness always instructs by mes-
fine uniforms, dogs?" After the party has advanced into the cave sage, never in person. The belt's holes have
If this confusion can be cleared up before about 20 feet they find the body of a soldier been punched in a strange pattern.
the brigands are killed, they may either make who wears different livery than that of Baron Hand the players the illustration of the belt
an alliance with the characters or apologize Etarti's men. If a Zingaran Brigand is with and the note found on the body from page 31.
and leave them alone, hither way, they have them he is able to identify it as one of the The belt's holes are a guide through the twist-
no desire to extend the combat once the truth Baroness's household guards. The soldier has ing caverns below to the trans-dimensional
is known. If, for some reason, the brigands are been dead for a few days and it is evident that gate. It is read by facing the buckle away from
getting the best of the player characters, the the killer was some kind of clawed animal or the character. The buckle is the opening at the
three Masked Ones who have been trailing the monster. A successful Resolution check using back of this cavern that leads far below to the
party since they left the Empty Barrel, sneak a Medicine or Animal Handling talent deter- subterranean labyrinth. A hole has been
up on the brigands and quickly eliminate at mines that the animal was a large feline and punched for every time a decision on direction
least three of them, then slip away into the the animal is not related to whatever killed the had to be made in the twisting maze. A hole
night. It is to their advantage to keep the char- girl in the grove. A bastard sword lies next to on the right means turn right, left means turn
acters alive until they find the Orb's departure the body and has dried blood on it. left, centered means go straight, and a wide
point. A quick search of the body reveals a large slash means search for and go through the
A search of the girl reveals a hand-written supply sack full of xanthic mushrooms, a dirk, secret door in an upcoming area. The Judge
note in the same hand as the one slipped to flint and tinder, a small metal lamp, and a should go through the belt guide before the
the party yesterday. Hand the players the small container of oil which miraculously was game so he can see how it was made. Some-
appropriate note at this time. not broken in the fight. The body was also times, because of the misperceptions of the
equipped with a buckler, a barbutte, one belt maker, a straight hole may mean taking a
splint arm guard, a small horn message con- passage that is slightly right of exact center,
The Baron is an evil man who wishes to enslave tainer, and a strange belt worn over the body's and other such deviations. The belt is a puzzle
the world, He worships demons but has now lost shoulder and of no obvious purpose. Inside which can help the players if they figure it out.
some of his power. Destroy the Orb if you find it. the message container is a note in the same The Judge should not assist the players in fig-
For the truth, go below. handwriting as the two previous notes men- uring out the guide.
tioned in the text. If the cavern is studied very closely, numer-
ous animal tracks with claws similar to the
That night, while the characters sleep, they ones that slashed the dead soldier's body, can
all dream of a man with olive-colored skin and Fanchix, be found going back and forth through the
long black hair walking among them and The Orb must be secured from the unbeliever. cavern. One end of the path is the small open-
laughing gently. He walks down the south ani- Follow the guide-belt to its destination. Ask ing into the grove area. The other end of the
mal path right into the hill where the small those who guard what should be done. If then so path is a large crevice at the back of the cave.
opening is. Upon awakening the next morn- desire, cross the silver bridge into Melena. On This crevice is in the floor and opens into a
ing all of the player characters feel an incredi- your return trip leave the warded items within descending shaft about 10 feet wide and over
ble urge to explore the south path from the the tunnels for future expeditions. Do not allow 60 feet deep. There are claw marks within this
clearing. There, at the end of the path, is a the Jetton of Asap to come to harm. It is all that shaft; apparently the animals who made those
small opening in the hill, as if a wolf or bear stands between you and the "little ones." Your tracks can climb solid rock. No other trace of
made its den there. mission is sacred and the destruction of evil animal tracks or lair leavings can be found in
depends on it. That which consumes must be the cavern except those of the soldier's, both
Into the Earth. When a character looks tamed." following the path to the back of the cave and
through the small opening in the hill, he sees K. returning to the opening, where he was killed.
a tunnel that goes into the hillside for at least There are suitable places to tie a rope at the
crevice opening. See page 13 of the Conan
Game Rule Book for notes on climbing
assisted and unassisted. This shaft is a difficult
climb and cannot be done safely without
assistance. Most of the crevices listed on the
map are unassisted climbs for anyone with the
Climbing talent. Any difficult climbs requir-
ing assistance will be noted. The urge that
brought the characters into the hill can still be
felt, albeit much slighter. It is now a persuad-
ing feeling that they should enter the crevice.

The caverns are divided into three main then escort them through the large chamber have moved into position (see 1-3) the Under-
networks north of the underground river: with the ZiXit (thus negating the ZiXit's ani- cat returns to his lair, location 13.
main, north, and west. The main network is mation). Before sending the characters over
mostly used by the Priests of Jhebbel Sag as the bridge, the priests give them a copy of the 6. To reach location 6 a character must go
back-up food sources, animal lairs, and as a Dreams of Melena to help guide them. through the tidal area. This is a 10-foot sec-
security system that must be bypassed to get to If the characters have been friendly, the tion of water that pumps in and out every five
the other two networks. They travel through it priests fill their skins from the fountain in area minutes. If the character tries crossing it when
more frequently than the north but far less 29 and give them xanthic mushrooms and full, he has a 40% chance of falling into the
than the west. It is their main access to the roots, which will not spoil in the desert heat. tidal hole itself. The character immediately
world above. They also tell the characters what lore they submerges, soaking everything carried or
The northern network is a single passage- know concerning Melena, including the Orb worn. Once in the hole, there is a 15 % chance
way to the trans-dimcnsional gate. It also con- of Yama, the Trans-Dimensional Gate, that the water suddenly siphons out, sucking
tains shrines, storage areas, further security Hanyax, and that the Baroness Kaletar sent the character with it. If this happens, the char-
areas, and additional meditation chambers. It them the Orb for disposal. The priests really acter emerges in the underground river exactly
is the least used of the networks but most do not know how the "Melena artifacts" are south of this location.
important. used or from what they protect the users. Fur-
The western network features the living and thermore, they are forbidden from asking. 7. The area south of location 7 and north of
working quarters of the Priests of Jhebbel Sag. If the characters bypass the priests and go the river is the lair of the Swamp Beast. It can
It is separated from the other networks and through the gate on their own, the ZiXit react see anyone coming down the long, diagonal
can only be reached by the treacherous under- as explained in their description. If they have tunnel because they are outlined by the large
ground river. This is where most of the priests found some or all of the "Melena artifacts" glowing wall behind them. It attacks anyone
work, eat, and sleep. they have a chance at success. If they do not entering this tunnel who is not a priest. The
have the artifacts with them, the mission is Swamp Beast was summoned to guard, to his
Encounters with the Priests of Jhebbel Sag probably doomed. death, the first of the artifacts. To the west of
Eventually the adventurers encounter the the beast's location is a reserve xanthic mush-
Priests of Jhebbel Sag. The reaction of the The Main Network room farm. On the floor of this farm is the
priests depends on the actions of the adven- first of the "Melena artifacts," the ancient
turers. If the characters attack immediately, The following descriptions coincide with slaver chains. A character must enter the side
the priests will know they are enemies and try numbers on the map and are for the purposes cavern to see them.
to stop them. If the characters talk to the of further clarification of encounters or fea-
priests and produce the notes from Kaletar tures in the numbered areas. 8. This 10-foot section is actually a 30-foot
they have been given or found to prove that vertical drop into this cavern. Anyone with
they are on a mission, the priests try to con- 1-3. Once the party has descended into the Climbing talent can make an unassisted climb
vince them that the Orb is evil and must be maze and has spent at least 12 hours here, the up the shaft. Otherwise it must be an assisted
destroyed and the Baron should be deposed. Masked Ones who have been following them climb.
The priests need someone to cross the trans- will also descend. After they have looked
dimensional gate, go to the tomb of Hanyax, around for a minute they will realize that this 9. This large farm area is quiet and peaceful
and destroy the Orb. They are still suspicious is the beginning of the pathway to the depar- except for chirping crickets. It smells of pro-
after Fanchix's deception but they must make ture point where the Orb left the Hyborian duce. The area is protected by a Yawning
sure the Orb is destroyed. Because they test world. They decide that the player characters Snapper behind a wall of vines. Anyone step-
anyone they send into Melena first, they give are now expendable and hide in locations 1,2, ping through here is immediately attacked by
the characters directions to the general areas and 3. When the player characters return, the the Yawning Snapper, but it appears that the
where the four "Melena artifacts" are hidden. Masked Ones are still waiting at these loca- vines are attacking. The priests have a semi-
The priests tell them that they need the items tions and jump the party in the junction just narcotic powder they toss into the snapper
to travel in Yama's world. The characters then north of location 2. which allows them to pass freely. There are
must return to the priests with the items. No both xanthic mushrooms and roots growing
mention of traps or animals is made, though a 4. This small cavern is covered with xanthic here. Deep within the tangle of roots, two
clay symbol of Jhebbel Sag is lent to them for mushrooms. It is one of the newer "farms" hanging snakes have recently taken up resi-
the item gathering. It provides protection that the priests have cultivated far afield. Any dence.
against the large Bats and Undercats, who light introduced into the area that is stronger
allow passage to a character showing this sign. than glowing fungus attracts the large Bat in 10. This 10-foot section is actually a 30-foot
Once the characters return with the items, the side channel. vertical rise out of the cavern. The area
the priests provide them with lodging for the between locations 8 and 10 is 30 feet lower
night and feed them wondrous herbs and 5. This smaller channel is another beginning than the average level of the maze. It is identi-
broths. In the morning, all the characters' farm operation. An Undercat here guards cal in difficulty to location 8. The adventurers
damage is healed, as are normal wounds (sev- against any harmless animals that feed on the must either use a grapple and hope it catches a
ered limbs cannot be replaced). The priests young mushrooms. When the Masked Ones firm hold or have someone with Climbing tal-

ent risk the climb unassisted, then attach the pit or chasm, the Judge should decide ran- stars here and summoned a Strangling Demon
grapple. Use the following chart when using a domly how far the character was across the to guard it. As the party enters this area they
grapple. A character without Climbing talent space before the grapple slipped. That is how hear a panting sound, as if a large dog were
must first roll to see how well he throws the far the character falls or swings below the here. This is the sound of the demon "tast-
grapple. There is a 75 % chance that the grap- anchor lip. Take half that height and figure ing" the air. Then there is utter silence. The
ple does not go where the character aims it. falling damage for the climber if the chasm is demon slipped in through a crack in the wall
No check is required for a character with deeper than the distance the character crossed. and cannot be seen until the characters enter
Climbing talent. For example, Larss has thrown a grapple across the chamber. Then he pounces on the nearest
The distance of the throw depends on con- a 30-foot-wide pit and caught some rocks on character. His orders are to guard this cham-
ditions surrounding the thrower (room the other side. He is 20 feet across when the ber, so he does not stray more than 10 feet
enough to swing the rope, angle of throw, hook slips and he swings down into the pit. If from it, even if someone grabs the bowl and
etc.) and is at the discretion of the Judge. the pit is deeper than 30 feet, he swings runs.
Also, the stronger the character, the longer the against the side, hitting hard. Falling damage
throw. There is at least one player character in is as half that height, or the same as falling 10 16. This is a secret passageway used by the
this adventure who has the strength to make feet. If the pit was shallower than 30 feet, he priests to bypass the Neo-thog in the tidal area
all the throws. The Judge should roll on the would have hit the bottom, so he would take to the south. Anyone entering here sees many
following chart for every grapple that is the damage of a 20-foot fall. footprints, as if this was a much-used passage.
thrown and makes it past the preceding
stages. 11. This is a waste disposal area used by the 17. The lair of the Neo-thog at first appears to
priests for materials they cannot throw in the be a normal tidal area, but is not. In addition
Roll Results river, such as certain foods and broken items, to the Neo-thog and some glowing fungus,
for fear of them surfacing downstream and there are two important alcoves here. The first
01-10 The grapple misses the target giving their location away. Glowing fungus is directly south where Fanchix's Jetton of
entirely. If a vertical throw was being grows here along with a thick bed of moss that Asap was hurled by the Neo-thog after rip-
attempted the grapple returns looks like it might be used as a sleeping sur- ping it off his neck. The second alcove is loca-
harmlessly to the ground. face. tion 18.
11-20 The grapple strikes a rock outcrop-
ping, just missing the target area. It 12. These four web spinners are situated over 18. In the past decade many have found their
ricochets off the rock in an unpre- the junction and attack the last person walk- way down here. None have returned to tell of
dictable manner. If a vertical throw ing past them. They recognize the Priests of their adventures. One of them, a famous
was being attempted there is a 10% Jhebbel Sag who feed them small tidbits to thief, sought refuge down here and was
chance that the grapple hits some- keep them here. They serve as part of their trapped in this alcove by the Neo-thog. His
one below (Judge's discretion). security system. remains are in this alcove, hidden by the
Damage range should be 1-4 points. vines. Among his remains lie some pitons, a
21-35 The grapple appears to be holding, 13. This is an Undercat lair. Xanthic mush- small hammer, and a rotted pouch. Inside the
but once a character climbs up the rooms grow in the back of the lair. The priests pouch is a red spider about six inches long. It
rope the grapple gives way. In a ver- have taught the Undercats how to push their is made of wood and used by the thief to draw
tical climb the height obtained meal remains through the vines into the attention away from himself. There is also an
before falling is never more than quicksand so the lair stays clean. The third opal (worth 15 GL) in the pouch. Unless a
half the height of the climb and Undercat who belongs here is normally on character has seen an opal in his adventures,
should be rolled randomly by the duty in location 5. If the Masked Ones are he will not knew the true value. Just tell any-
Judge. Falling damage is taken by deployed, he joins the others here. Faced with one looking at it that it is a small, smooth rock
the character who was climbing. a fierce foe, the Undercats jump through the with scintillating colors in it.
Again, there is a 10% chance the vines, apparently in retreat. But they actually
grapple falls on someone below.* cling to the rock walls on each side of the 19. This is a highly polished 20-foot rock slide
36-00 The grapple is firmly entrenched quicksand and the floor beyond if the third rising to the north. It is used for sliding bas-
and there is no chance of it slipping Undercat is here. They defend themselves kets of food down from the upper farm cavern
as long as only one character at a from the walls, with just one claw or bite, to the north. Crawling up is difficult unless a
time uses it. There is a 20% accu- while trying to draw the invaders into the character uses the handholds cleverly hidden
mulative chance per character of the quicksand. in the walls (requires an Observation talent
grapple slipping on the rope at the check to find them). Coming back down this
same time. For example, three char- 14. This 10-foot section is actually a 90-foot slide is hazardous unless the character sits
acters on the rope at the same time x vertical drop into a cavern. It is a dangerous down. Otherwise there is a 50% chance of
20% is a 60% chance that the grap- climb down for anyone. falling and taking 1 point of damage.
ple will slip per combat turn.
15. Since the "deception" of Fanchix, the
* When characters cross horizontally over a Priests of Jhebbel Sag have hidden the bowl of

20. This is a rich farm cavern, 45 feet taller people. It is used to transport large quantities Baron Etarti's persecution began are buried.
than the normal caverns. Huge mushrooms of food down river to the priest's chambers. It The atmosphere is unnerving and a horrid
and roots grow everywhere. In the northeast seems to be newly made of woven vines cover- smell permeates the air.
corner of the cave is a cluster of four Hanging ing inflated animal skins. Three planks of
Snakes, all in a single 10-foot area. In the drift wood are also in here, for use as rudders 31. This 10-foot section is actually a 40-foot
northwest corner or the cave, behind some or paddles. Ropes are fed through metal rings vertical descent ramp leading down into a
hanging roots, is a passage used by the priests. woven into the raft, to prevent the raft from small chamber. This ramp is not polished and
being swept away. Anyone with a Sailing tal- the climb is difficult, but not dangerous. At
21. Area 21 (between and including the two ent can immediately recognize the raft as a the base of the ramp are passageways to the
numbers) is a security area. Between the two type of small river barge. left and right; either one takes the characters
areas is a pit 10 feet wide, 30 feet long, and 30 to the same small chamber. Hanging from the
feet deep. The bottom of the pit is quicksand. 25. This 10-foot section is actually a 100-foot ceiling in the middle of the chamber is a 3-
A character who has a Climbing talent can vertical ascent shaft opening up above into foot-wide hall of glowing fungus. It is a
take his chances on the walls but there will be chambers 26 and 27. This is a dangerous climb strange plant that the glowing fungus has
two Climbing checks made for this horizontal because it is impossible to throw a grapple up slowly covered. Touching the ball causes it to
climb. A character with no Climbing talent the shaft. explode. The explosion covers anyone in the
cannot cross without a tope. A character cross- chamber with sticky glowing fungus. Every-
ing the pit on a rope has an 80% chance of 26. In this lair of four large Bats is a strong one in the room will glow in the dark until
making it across without slipping. This is draft that will extinguish homemade torches, they can wash their clothes, equipment, and
modified by -5 % for every large piece of metal has a 75% chance of putting out a small oil themselves. The explosion also causes the
or heavy weight he is carrying (shield, sword, lamp, a 40 % chance of putting out well-made release of millions of tiny spores which act as a
helm). It is further modified by adding a per- torches, and a 10% chance of putting out a gas cloud for 5 combat turns. No one can see
centage equal to the character's Strength (STR large oil lamp. Once the large bats have been anything in the chamber during that time.
10 = 10% bonus). It is possible to tightly vanquished, the characters can find a wide When the characters enter the room they
pack heavy equipment and pull it across by crevice in the southeast corner of this room. will not see the four web spinners in the
itself. This crevice is only big enough for an unar- shadows unless they specifically mention that
The appearance of the pit does not give a mored human to crawl into. It ascends in a they are looking for them. When the charac-
clue to its quicksand bottom. Only by tossing corkscrew fashion for over 100 feet and then ters are in the area, one of the web spinners
something in or falling in do the characters opens onto a hilltop. fires at the ball while the other three fire webs
realize what it is. Priests who come this way at the characters. If the web spinners miss the
usually bring a wooden plank with them. 27. This is a waste disposal center used by the characters, they won't know they were
priests for materials they cannot throw in the attacked. The web spinner shooting at the ball
22. The cavern to the north is completely river for fear of them surfacing downstream will not miss. After the spores clear, any web
lined with glowing fungus and is the brightest and revealing their location. Glowing fungus spinner who did not hit a character before fires
natural site in the maze. Some of the priest's grows in here, in addition to a thick bed of his web again. Meanwhile, those web spinners
rites are conducted here. moss that looks like it might be used as a who have successfully webbed a target run
sleeping surface. The chamber looks like down the line and spit acid at close range,
23. This area includes the chambers to the someone's personal sleeping quarters. then run back up again and prepare another
north and west. The numerous crevices in this web.
area eventually run to the outside or to the 28. The 20-foot area south of here is solidly
river. The crossdraft is very strong and a torch filled with vines which grow to the floor. 32. A strange network of small holes in here,
or small oil lamp will go out immediately When pushing or hacking through, the char- because of the churning air and water, give off
upon entering this area, but they can be relit acters cannot see where they will step next; a horrible monster-like sound. To reach loca-
in the west chamber. The west chamber is hid- into a wall, open air, or quicksand. tion 32, a character must go through the tidal
den behind vines. It is a small farm area with area. This is a 10-foot section of water that
one hanging snake for protection. The north- 29. This hidden and protected alcove has a pumps in and out. If the character tries to
ern chamber contains three large Bats who small fountain. There are many strange runes cross it when full, there is a 40% chance of
attack any non-priest. Review the combat in chiseled around the chamber giving it a highly falling into the tidal hole itself. The character
darkness section on page 4. Each of these magical appearance. The water is magically immediately submerges, soaking everything
caverns is 25 feet high; keep in mind that purified. Anyone drinking this water gains on him or carried. Once in the hole there is a
glowing fungus only has a radius of 5 feet. The back 1 point of damage lost. The maximum 15% chance that the water will suddenly
shadows and sounds in this area are especially anyone can gain in 24 hours is 3 points of siphon out, sucking the character with it. If
eerie. In the northern chamber are the ebony damage from the first three drinks. this happens the character surfaces in the
standards needed to safely venture into underground river exactly south of this loca-
Melena. 30. This area is kept secret by false walls that tion.
block the entrances. It is a catacombs where
24. A plant-raft located here can carry five the Priests of Jhebbel Sag who have died since 33. The area north of location 33 is a large

farm that is normally guarded by an Under- 36. This small docking area has metal rings Jhebbel Sag can read. Before Fanchix was
cat, Yawning Snapper, and large Bat. But hammered into the wall and a coil of rope that here, the bowl of stars was kept in this cham-
because the priests have moved the last of the reaches to the dock entering into the western ber.
"Melena artifacts," the iron hooves, into a network (350 feet). It is guarded by a single
side channel here, they have increased secu- large Bat whose orders are to notify the priests 40. Old chains are fastened to the wall in this
rity. There is now a giant beetle in the tunnel. it any strangers enter this area. Fifteen min- chamber, but they have been occasionally
This man-sized insect wandered across the utes after this large Bat flutters away, three cleaned. They look like the ancient slaver
trans-dimensional gate some time ago and the priests come paddling up the river to this dock chains artifacts. This is where the priests keep
priests kept it for a guard. It is so wide that it to investigate. their prisoners; anyone who has entered their
can block the corridor and only two characters domain and cannot be allowed to leave. The
can fight it at any one time. If the characters 37. This area is identical to area 36 except chains have not been used for a few years but
use much light when battling the beetle, it there is no rope here and the dock is for the the remains of an old prisoner still hang here.
attracts the attention of the Undercat and northern cavern network. Five minutes after Two large Bats have made their home here
large Bat. They enter the fray at once. The this large Bat flutters away three priests, each also.
large Bat flies overhead and the Undercat with a large Bat, come paddling up the river to
crawls up on the walk and attacks with just this dock from the west network to investi- 41. Two priests returning from a religious rite
one claw or bite. All three monsters concen- gate. walk down the hallway. They have been medi-
trate their attack on the two characters in tating and both are silent. They cannot be
front. The Northern Network heard above the distant chanting. The glow-
ing fungus in the corridors allows them to see.
34. The vines in this area form a wall across the When the player characters first enter this Only a character with a Danger Sense or Ani-
tunnel. Behind the vines is a small opening in network they will hear a muttering sound mal Sense talent may attempt a Resolution
the floor where someone fell through the thin down the passage. As they proceed along the check to see if they detect these priests. Other-
rock a few months ago. Ever since then, harm- passageway the muttering increases to quiet wise the priests notice the party and sneak
less animals have been falling into it and talking (near location 39), then it can be heard away. They summon their brethren back down
breaking away the hole a little more each as chanting (near location 49), which will the hallway.
time. Inside is a very rare form of insect life, grow louder (near location 53) and louder
the Cavern Ant. The Cavern Ant is com- until the characters are not able to hear each 42. This alcove has two horizontal slots carved
pletely dormant until food is within a few feet other speak (near location 57 on cast). into its walls. Before Fanchix, the ancient
of it, or drops into its nest, then it instantly Though there are only a few priests in the slaver chains were kept here.
comes alive. trans-dimensional gate room, the strange
Anyone who walks up to the vines will acoustics amplify their voices. Their chant is a 43. The entire stretch of wall on both sides of
break through the floor into the ants' pit. The ward preventing Yama's crossing from this channel, 115 feet long and 15 feet high, is
pit is 15 feet deep, 10 feet long, and 10 feet Melena. Its lyrics and rhythm are bizarre and covered with a mosaic. It was started when the
wide. To burn all of these ants requires two should cause concern among the characters. priests first came here so that their story could
quarts of oil or seven torches. In the bottom of There are even passages of silence within the be told if they all died. The right side shows
the pit, under the ants, are the few non-edible chant where the appropriate hand gestures are how they were purged by the Baron and
items the prior victim was carrying: an ivory to be made. Therefore, the noise will sud- forced underground. The left side is a dream
ring (10 GL) and an unusual metal flask. denly stop, then slowly start again a few that came to the now-deceased priest who
Inside the flask is golden lotus extract, a rare moments later. It is up to the Judge to convey completed this mural. It shows huge sheets of
and expensive elixir that cures any kind of this impression of sound and silence to the flame sweeping across a desert, destroying a
madness (even the Baron Etarti's fanaticism). players. huge army led by an olive-skinned, black-
The amount of gold lunas paid to a character haired man. Any of the characters who look at
for selling the elixir depends on where he sells 38. Another Strangling Demon guards this this mozaic will instantly recognize this as the
it, what the conditions are, and the present passageway. He is perched high in the ceiling man in the dreams.
balance of the campaign amid the hundreds of huge stalactites. He is to
attack anyone not wearing priest's garments 44. This central channel has an entire wall that
35. This small system of passages and cham- who passes north or south of this area, unless is a bas-relief of Jhebbel Sag surrounded by all
bers between two secret doors is a shortcut they are accompanied by a priest. He may con- types of animals.
used by the priests. It connects the main net- tinue in either direction until he catches and
work with the northern network that contains slays them. Then he must return to his perch. 45. This shrine is full of small statues of
the shrines of Jhebbel Sag and the trans- The only way to see him is to stand directly former leaders of the Priesthood of Jhebbel
dimensional gate. Within area 35 is an Under- beneath and look up. Sag. There are slow-burning torches alight in
cat lair, a channel filled with omnivorous here at all times. The party does not recognize
moss, and a small root farm. In the middle of 39. In the back wall of this small chamber is a any of the images.
the root farm are five Hanging Snakes. Not semi-circular depression neatly cut out. It is
even the Undercats know they are here. surrounded by runes which only a Priest of 46. The importance of this shrine is denoted

by the two Undercats that always guard it. It is 50. This is a vestment chamber where the Roll Result
a tomb-like chamber with golden braziers ornate vestments are kept that the Jhebbelites
burning brightly. Inside are two ivory use on special holidays. They are sealed in 01-10 Falls and tumbles 1d10 x 10 feet.
columns, each one about 20 feet high and 4 trunks. Any character trying to disguise him- 11-20 Trips and tumbles 1d10 x 5 feet.
feet wide. They have ornate carvings worked self as a priest in these vestments is identified 21-30 Slips and tumbles 1d10 x 2 feet.
into them with an artistry none of the charac- immediately by the priests, though not by 31-45 Loses footing. No movement or
ters have ever seen. One is accompanied by Undercats, large Bats, or the Strangling attack allowed.
the poem, The Dreams of Melena. The other Demon in location 38. 46-75 Off-balance. No attack allowed.
shows two vast panoramic views, one of a 76-00 Normal combat.
remarkable city, alien in architecture but 51. There are four square depressions carved
beautiful nonetheless, the other of a king and in the walls, each about the size of a one-foot 56. This appears to be a vine-covered cul-de-
queen in a tomb that is overflowing with cube. These once held the iron hooves of the sac. The northest branch houses another
riches. Below the first scene are the words, "Melena artifacts." guard priest who, like the one in area 55, is
"Melena, City of the Blessed." Over the sec- fighting from a vantage point. If he does not
ond scene are the words, "The Lost Tomb of 52. The 40-foot passageway to the north of think he can take all of the intruders he will
Hanyax." If any of the player characters get a this area is actually a stairway leading 40 feet run down to area 58 and send the large Bat
chance to ask the priests about these columns down. See the Steep Stairway Combat Table messengers for help. The stairway continues
they will reply that the columns were brought in location 55. through the vines to area 57.
from the ruins of Melena into the Hyborian
world ages past. 53. The 20-foot passageway to the south of 57. This is the end of the stairway. The passage
this number is actually a stairway leading 20 east of here narrows to five feet for a distance
47. This long chamber was once a massive feet down. Its steepness presents an unstable of 20 feet. If the priest in area 56 has decided
treasure room, but most of the priesthood's fighting surface. to warn the priesthood of intruders, he sends
wealth has been sorely depleted. There are two large Bats to summon help from the west-
five rotting chests, one trunk in good condi- 54. These two priests are scrubbing the inside ern network, sends the other four large Bats
tion, two long planks that the priests use to of this cavern as a penance for breaking their into battle, and guards the passage himself
cross small pits and quicksand, a metal lock fast. They can hear any loud voices or unusual where no more than one character at a time
box, and a puzzle chest. noises from area 53 to area 56. They are can fight him.
There is nothing in the rotting chests and armed, as are all the priests, and investigate.
they simply fall apart when touched. The 58. Any unescorted non-priests who pass
trunk has a "theft-proof lock" that will snap 55. The area from 55 to 57 is a stairway that under this glowing fungus are attacked by six
out a long needle with poison on it if touched descends 100 feet at a treacherous angle. The large Bats.
(the poison is old3 / 2 / 3 hrs). There is a 60 % same dangerous fighting conditions exist on
chance of tripping the trap by just touching this stretch of stairway as exist on the others in 59. This massive chamber was hewn out of liv-
the lock. The actual entrance into the trunk is this network. When fighting on steep stair- ing rock eons ago. It is 60 feet high and has no
beneath, through a sliding door. Nothing is in ways use the following Steep Stairway Combat stalactites or stalagmites in it. It acts as a natu-
the trunk except an old written account of Table. Notice the large crevice just to the east ral sound amplifier. The chanting is now so
how the priesthood was started in Zingara. and north of area 55. A single defender can loud that it is almost unbearable. There are
This is of some value to the Nemedian Chron- block the opening of the crevice and no more twelve small stone men in here and four
iclers. The small metal box is empty except for than one character can fight him at a time. priests. The statues are the ZiXit and animate
its key. The puzzle chest is six feet high and While the attacker has a level footing, anyone after the player characters cross through the
made of ironwood. It is equipped with five fighting on the stairway must consult the fol- trans-dimensional gate unless the characters
levers, four buttons, three keyholes, and two lowing table every combat turn. There is a are protected by the Jetton of Asap or have
sliding door sections. To open it, all four legs priest on guard duty in the crevice at all times. been given permission by the Priests of Jheb-
must be turned counter-clockwise, until it col- bel Sag. If the six large Bats outside of this
lapses. There is a small sack of sapphires inside Steep Stairway Combat Table chamber enter into combat, one of the four
worth 120 GL. Add a percentage bonus equal to the charac- priests in here will know and automatically
ter's Acrobatic talent. retreat to the area just outside of the vines in
48. This small alcove has vertical grooves If a character has an ACR-10 then he receives a the southeast corner and waits. He is not
carved into its walls. The ebony standards + 10 on the following roll. allowed to leave the chamber and does not
were kept here before Fanchix's deception. If a character tumbles, figure the damage as a immediately attack any player characters.
fall for the area tumbled, then halve it. If player characters enter the large chamber,
49. This priest is just exiting area 50 as the the three remaining priests continue chanting
characters approach. If he is not successfully but rise and draw their weapons. When ready
grabbed at once he escapes to location 54 to (only 1 combat turn) their chanting stops for a
get help.

moment and the priest by the vines cries out.
"Touch nothing in the tomb, except the Orbs.
Destroy those!" The priests demand that the
intruders identify themselves and surrender
their arms. If the characters try to pass, the
priests stop them by force, if necessary. At
least one priest quietly continues the chant-
ing, as if its importance is paramount.
If the player characters and priests engage
in melee, the priest by the vines whirls and
leaps through the great vine curtain, swinging
over the quicksand on the other side with a
rope. There is a short bow and 100 arrows
hanging in this alcove. The priest has SHORT
BOW-30 ability. A natural rock barricade in
the alcove protects the priest if he kneels
down. The rocks give his head a protection of
3. He shoots anyone who moves through the
vines. Firing arrows through the vines either
way causes a -3 column shift.
Anyone t r y i n g to charge through the vines
hits the qucksand on the other side as the
priest removes the rope when he lands safely.
if anyone tries to set the vines on fire, they dis-
cover that the vines do not burn without oil,
and even then they do not burn very well. The
priest must save himself so he can identify
those who might cross over the trans-
dimensional gate. When help arrives from the
western network he is able to give an accurate
account of what each character looked like
who entered the room and attacked the

60. A strange stone ramp here rises about 5

feet along its 10-feet length. A character who
walks up the ramp looks as though he is walk-
ing straight into the wall. But as he tops the
ramp/bridge the wall shimmers, then fades
away and the dimensional world of Melena
can be seen on the other side. The first notice-
able feature is that the ramp has turned into a
silver bridge. From the bridge you can see
nothing but empty desert to the north, west,
and south. Far to the east the remains of a city
can be seen, though it is impossible to predict
how many hours it would take to walk from
the bridge to the city. To the east, behind the
city, mountains line the horizon.
The Priests of Jhebbel Sag are forbidden to
enter Melena or even walk upon the trans-
dimensional gate. But, by gathering all the
priests together and following an ancient rit-
ual set down by Jhebbel Sag. they can ward off
the passage of any creature from M e l e n a try-
ing to enter their world through the gate.

The Western Network 65. The chamber to the southeast of area 65 is not hunting or defending the western net-
the new season's crop of foodstuffs. The two work. The stench here is overpowering. A
The first thing the player characters will Hanging Snakes within the side alcoves are large hole in the east wall of the chamber leads
note when they enter this network, is the over- pets that the priests use to keep rodents under to the maze-like tunnels that the Giant Mole
powering odor. Many things can be identified control. The priest at the opening of the has burrowed deep into the earth. They are
in the odor: vegetation (mushrooms), and the cavern is checking for insect infestation in the angled every which way, and any player char-
stale smell of people living in close, unaired xanthic mushrooms. He is not looking down acter who does not break his neck in them
quarters. But the strongest odor is the perva- the corridor toward area 62. almost certainly gets lost. The cave has some
sive smell of many animals living together. human bones in it from the mole's last meal.
Constantly reinforce that heavy smells per- 66. This huge cavern is the living/sleeping The characters can find in the debris a jewel-
meate this network. At this time read the chambers of the priesthood. There are dozens led man's necklace (popular in Argos) worth
description of the Giant Mole again to com- of thick mats on the floor made from vines 100 GL and a magical jetton that allows the
pletely understand its attack mode. woven into bags that hold dead vegetation. wearer complete control over any horse he
The six priests here are sleeping, as are four of mounts.
61. This is a well-maintained dock which has their pet large Bats hanging from the ceiling.
three vine rafts tied to it. It is the only There is a large fireplace in the middle of this 71. All of the chambers and alcoves marked as
entrance into the personal cavern network of room. It is made from a natural crevice that area 71 are private areas for priests to read,
the Priests of Jhebbel Sag. runs out into the underground river. By the play an instrument, do some work, or to be
time the river opens into the surface world, alone. Each has a bench or stool and a table
62. This guard post is manned by a well- the smoke is completely dissipated. Dead veg- carved into it.
trained large Bat and a priest. If any unes- etation and hardened kladon are burned in
corted non-priest enters here, the large Bat the fireplaces. 72. This is a 20-foot sloping incline up to
flutters to the main diagonal chamber and chamber 73. It has a rope bannister strung
rings a cocked bell hung in the ceiling. All the 67. This long, diagonal chamber is the meet- along the west wall for easier ascent.
priests know that when the bell has been ing hall, dining quarters, and kitchen of the
sounded invaders are present. They freeze in priesthood. Along the north wall are tables 73. This is the armory chamber and work
place while the Giant Mole digs its way to the and benches carved into the rock. An elabo- room. Currently two priests are in here put-
intruders. Any priest encountered before the rate bas-relief frieze also runs along that wall ting an edge on the katars. There are 16 katars
mole strikes defends himself but freezes and and depicts most of the animals found in the in here, two short bows, and 200 arrows in
calls out to the mole, identifying himself forests of the surface world. In the center of cases. There are also many different types of
when the mole breaks the surface. the north wall is a massive river-channeled work tools, including a number of hammers
fireplace that doubles as an oven. All around and chisels. Stone workbenches line most of
63. This large cavern is a farm area where three it are metal and stone pots and ladles. the walls but this is the only location where
priests are currently collecting the last of the characters see wooden benches. There is a
declining season's root crops. In addition to 68. Behind the vines and Yawning Snapper river-channeled fireplace in here that doubles
their normal katars they also have halberds lies this secret alcove where the priesthood's as a small forge when need be.
that they use for cutting down the roots from sacred scrolls are kept. They are worthless to
the ceiling. These priests have HAL-10 ability. anyone except the Nemedian Chroniclers,
who won't pay much for them. Within their
64. This is the storage room where the gath- thousands of lines can be traced the history of
ered roots, xanthic mushrooms, and water the order and the ways of Jhebbel Sag. They
barrels are kept. Behind the vines are 15-foot- are kept in beautifully carved bone cylinders.
deep storage crevices with handholds chiseled
into the walls so the priests can descend into 69. This is actually a 40-foot ascending shaft
them. It is cool and damp in here, like a cellar, to area 70. It is a difficult climb but handholds
and perfect for storing food. The three priests are carved into the rock. The animal smell is
in this location are currently cleaning the strong here.
crops for storage. Also kept in this room are
small terra cotta oil lamps and larger metal oil 70. This area is completely vine-covered. A
lamps, extra wicks, and jars of oil. If a fire Giant Mole makes his lair here in a soft area.
should break out in here the entire area This is where the Giant Mole stays when he is
between locations 66 and 62 would be charred
within an hour.

INTO MELENA Random Encounter weakness, the base chance for the first day is
Explanations now 3%.
Once the characters cross through the trans- Anyone striking at Yama is frozen until he
dimensional gate, the adventure takes an leaves. Yama does not harm the party in any
Sandstorm: Sandstorms are quite common in
entirely different flavor. This is a sweltering way. It is to his advantage to have them
Melena. They drop the visibility to a few feet.
hot desert world and things the characters may The characters must cover their eyes, noses, retrieve the Orb. If there is some lore or infor-
have once taken for granted, like food, water, and mouths or risk being blinded or suffo- mation concerning this world that the charac-
and the weight of armor, can no longer be ters have not yet gleaned, they do so now.
cated. The Judge determines the actual risk. If
ignored. A map is not necessary as the only
features on this dimension are the city and
a player character blatantly ignores the Judge's Traveling to Hanyax's Tomb
warnings about a coming sandstorm, then
mountains to the east. The trip to Hanyax's Tomb is a 5 to 6 day
drop the amount of damage he can take for
If the player characters insist on going march. In addition to the random encounters,
north, west, or south they will either travel for the next few hours by 2 because of difficulty in
breathing. Anyone trying to make his way
there are other occurrences along the way.
a while and then return to the bridge or east- These fixed encounters are found in the
across the desert during a sandstorm can
ern route, be eaten by monsters, or run out of become completely lost. Characters who are of
poem, Dreams of Melena and can be pre-
water and die. The amount of water they need vented or controlled by the "Melena artifi-
desert-dwelling peoples, like the Zuagirs of
is twice the normal allotment. Unless they cats."
Shem, certain Kushites, Stygians, or Turani-
carry a number of waterskins, they discover
ans, can help other player characters avoid the
after the first day that they should return to hazards of a sandstorm. A typical Melenese
Fixed Encounter
their world for more water.
Remember, if the characters have come into
sandstorm can be 1d10 x 20 minutes long. Explanations
Melena without the help of the priests, they
Black-Taloned Vultures: These birds of prey Ghostly hooves in the brooding night,
are prevented from returning. At the top of attack nearly anything they see struggling
the bridge they strike an invisible wall. They Beat the bowl of the velvet stars:
across the desert below. They are bold because
can see the ZiXit cavern, but it is blurred. The
they are hungry. They prefer to attack a lone
priests can talk to them through this barrier This encounter occurs during the first eve-
figure and might feign an attack to divide the
and if they are lucky they can persuade the ning, as the player characters are preparing to
priests to let them back through. camp. The characters hear rumbling in the
The daytime temperatures in Melena hover south, like a horse stampede. After a few min-
Giant Beetle: This creature will always come
around 100 degrees. Any metal worn or car- utes a cavalry charge appears, yet no dust
from beneath. It has complete surprise and a
ried gets very hot and can burn flesh if not arises from behind them. These are the ghosts
free attack before the adventurers can
properly insulated. At night the temperatures respond. If it successfully kills one character, it of Melena's last cavalry and they attack anyone
plummet and any character not suitably passing this way. If the characters have the iron
drags it into its lair, an undersand cavern, and
dressed can freeze and become seriously ill. hooves and bowl of stars in their possession,
eats it, ignoring the other adventurers. There
Other considerations such as sun stroke are they must strike the bowl with the hooves, as
is a 15 % chance that any time a giant beetle or
left to the Judge. If the characters go straight the poem says. This completely dissipates the
a giant scorpion surfaces, the other is nearby
east, these factors should not come into play. ghostly riders for the night.
and they attack each other. The two monsters
Remember that the ZiXit will follow and completely ignore the characters and fight to If the riders are not driven away, each char-
attack anyone not escorted by the priests or acter is attacked until struck by ghostly lances
the death.
wearing the Jetton of Asap. The Judge should 10 times. Each time the ghosts hit a character,
make a random encounter check in the morn- make a Magic Resistance Resolution check (see
Giant Scorpion: This creature also comes from
ing, afternoon, and evening. No creatures go beneath. It does not have complete surprise page 18 of the Conan Game Rule Book). The
out at night. These random encounters are in "spell rating" for the ghostly lancers is 7. Each
and, if it kills a character, tries to drag it away
addition to the fixed encounters that may be successful hit from a lance does 1 point of
and feed on it in the open.
offset by the "Melena artifacts" and are rolled damage. After the charge, the ghosts disap-
on the table below. Any rolled random pear.
Yama: This encounter occurs when Yama flies
encounters during the same time when track- As the party dreams that night the Judge
overhead and spots the party. The Judge
ing ZiXit are attacking should be ignored. should describe the "king of demons" as a should reread the various dreams to different
being whose appearance changes occasionally. players. As before, this should be done in pri-
Melena Encounter Table vate.
It amuses Yama to see humans struggling
across his devastated world and he will land to
Roll Encounter Shadows of spears when the moon is white
talk to them. Once he lands, any character
01-40 No Encounters who looks straight at him and listens to him Cross the sands with ebony bars:
41-50 Sandstorm can add LORE-10 to his talents and a modi-
51-65 3 to 7 Black-Taloned Vultures fied form of Madness to his weaknesses. This This encounter takes place during the after-
66-80 1 Giant Beetle Madness will always stay at a 2% chance of noon of the second day, when a white moon
81-95 1 Giant Scorpion going into a fit per day (see the Madness weak- rises in the east. The sky suddenly darkens as
96-00 Yama (only once, then ignore 96-00) ness). If the character already has Madness as a

rain begins to fall. But as it falls, the "rain- the characters can drink the water. There is door and bring the Orb outside. He could
drops" become spears. Yama used the "rain" nothing at all to indicate there is any other life transport it for them. Once the door is open
on Hanyax's army with devastating effects. He within the city. the adventurers may enter the tomb of
left it intact to discourage explorers. The char- As the poem hints, anyone touching a wall, Hanyax.
acters have time to bring out the ebony stand- building, or spire will bring it down on them- Before the characters enter the tomb, the
ards, if they have them. Crossing the selves for 3 points of damage. Each building Judge should consider the members of the
standards, as instructed in the poem, turns will crumble if touched, and anyone who party. If there is an NPC with the characters (a
the spears back into rain. Failing to do this, walks through it will be struck and killed Zingaran Brigand or other NPC), this charac-
the spears fall and cover the sand as far as the before they reach the other side. The streets ter has a serious weakness that has not been
eye can see. Each character should treat this as are narrow and twisting, with collapsed build- mentioned up to now: extreme, but clever
four spear attacks on themselves by someone ings covering the roads. The best way to sur- greed. This character has not wasted his ener-
with SPEAR-30 ability. After the spears have vive this city is to avoid it entirely. It takes gies on lesser treasures. He is waiting to find
fallen they dissolve. twelve hours to walk around this huge city. the Orb of Yama.

But not the shadows that brood her fall Silver chains 'neath a silken sail, What are the dreams of Melena now?
May check the sweep of a desert fire: Sapphire eyes in a fearsome prow:
When the tomb doors open, there is a hiss,
A massive sheet of flames appears in the Eight hours east of the city is a wide river. As as if this vault has been empty for centuries.
north on the evening of the third day. This is the characters approach the waters they see a The air is stale, but breathable inside. No dust
the attack Yama used to destroy both Hanyax beautiful silver ship setting sail from the has collected, and not even a spider-web has
and his army. It is now part of his natural opposite shore. No one appears to be aboard. been woven. Whoever may have been here
defense system. There is no defense against it The ship crosses the river and rests about 20 before did not stay long and did not visibly
except disbelief. feet offshore from the characters. It moves disturb anything.
To disbelieve the attack, subtract either the only when they move, otherwise it rests peace- This chamber is breathtaking. It is about
General Knowledge, General Perception, or fully in place. If the characters swim out to the 100 feet long and 80 feet wide. The walls and
General Insight rating of the target (which- ship, a rope ladder drops down for them. The floor are pink marble veined with purple and
ever is highest) from 8. This determines the heroes need to take out the ancient slavers inlayed with gold and silver. The ceiling rises
column consulted on the Resolution Table. chains, if they have them, and lay them on the fifty feet above and is painted with a beautiful
Roll the dice and check the result. A white ship's deck. They alone allow the ship to be mural. Most of the scenes are similar to ones
result means the character fully believes the sailed. It sails across the river and docks at an the characters have seen in their dreams or in
fire and receives 8 points of damage. A green old stone pier at the mouth of a valley. the underground labyrinth's murals. Some
result means the character partly believes the If the characters do not have the slaver scenes, not noted before, are pastoral and tell
fire and receives 6 points of damage. A yellow chains they may try to swim across the river, of an idyllic life for the common man under
result means the character has doubts about but they must have a Swimming talent to the reign of Hanyax.
the fire's validity and suffers only 4 points of swim the entire river. The water rating for this Coffers and piles of coins and jewels lie
damage. An orange result means the character river is 5. everywhere. A massive obsidian sarcophagus,
has serious doubts about the flame's reality shaped like a bed, is against the far wall.
and suffers only 2 points of damage. A red Sculpted into the headboard are the figures of
Tomb doors crack with the stars own wail: a sleeping Hanyax and his queen. Against the
result indicates the character completely dis-
believes the flame and suffers no damage. right wall is a giant gray marble statue of
Once across the river, the characters find a Hanyax. To the left and right of it are identical
The players have 4 combat turns before the footpath leading from the pier into the valley.
fire sweeps over them. The first player to alabaster pedestals. Each with an Orb on it.
After walking an hour, the heroes discover a One is crystalline with a miniature snake in it
express doubt that the flame is real, gains a set of mammoth stone doors carved into the
+ 25 to his disbelief roll. The second player to (Orb of Grief), the other is ebony (Orb of
mountainside. No one can physically open Yama).
announce his disbelief will receive a + 20, the these doors. As the poem indicates, the bowl
third a +15, and so on. Once the horrible Against the left wall is furniture made from
of stars must be brought out again and struck gilted iron. A large mahogany chest contains
flames have lapped over them, they fade away. for the doors to open. The doors slowly creak many bone scroll cases. In each case is a scroll
open a few feet after the echoes of the bowl that tells one of the many incredible deeds of
Nor dead men lift a crumbling wall, die away. This is the only way to enter the Hanyax (each is worth 150 GL to the Neme-
Nor magiks steady a falling spire: tomb. dian Chroniclers). On a silver stand to the
If the characters had the bowl and lost it in right of the cabinet is a carved ivory scroll case.
In late afternoon of the fourth day the the desert because of a battle or a disaster, It holds the Scroll of Timon. Another bureau
adventurers reach the ancient, crumbling city then the Judge might want to transport it holds Hanyax's golden armor and weapons.
of Melena. They first notice the small wing of here, but place it on a 75 foot precipice or in a The armor is purely ornamental but worth ten
black-taloned vultures which are taking flight narrow chasm. Give the players a chance to times that of a normal set (Judge's discretion
from a small well located on the western edge regain the bowl, but make them work for it. as to what pieces are here). The weapons are a
of the city. Miraculously, this well is pure and Yama would certainly like them to open the

set of matched bastard swords and a set of ters. He is caught up in his greed and does not gard for the world's woes, he is instantly
dirks. Each is so finely made and has been really know what he is doing. inflicted with the Madness weakness (as
sharpened to such an edge that it has an addi- If the characters do not heed the various described in the Conan Game) and will find
tional weapons bonus when using it ( + 1 for warnings and start looting the place, Hanyax's himself at the foot of the silver bridge.
the dirks, + 2 for the swords). shade animates the 12-foot-tall statue of him- If the character does not know how bad
When the NPC with the terrible greed sees self and speaks to the characters. He asks why Yama is or what dangers the Orb presents,
the treasure, he immediately grabs one of the the characters have entered his tomb. If any- Hanyax will inform him. If asked why Fanchix
Orbs. It is an even chance that he will grab one says, "To serve Yama" or "To steal the left the Orb undestroyed, Hanyax says he
either one, thinking it is the Orb of Yama. If Orb of Yama," he asks them if they know what instructed him to do so for the purposes of
he does grab the Orb of Yama he immediately evil with which they are threatening the drawing out into the open any of Yama's
runs for the door, ignoring the other charac- world. If the character's answer shows disre- agents that were capable of entering here.

Then Hanyax could destroy them. into that world. If the player characters have take one item from his treasure. He warns
If the player characters or an NPC tries to been instrumental in returning the Orb to them about the Orb of Grief. The Judge
attack the statue or grab the Orb and run, the Yama, not only will Hanyax return them to should grant them one item of magic or worth
animated statue will reach the doors in a few the silver bridge with reduced Damage Endur- each. It should reflect their accomplishments
steps and close on them. The statue cannot be ances but he will also command them to find and weigh against how long it took them to
destroyed. It can, however, punch at the char- the Orb in their lifetimes and return it to him. conquer this entire adventure, what was lost
acters with its fists (BRAWL-50 causing 5 This could be the beginning of a great quest along die way, their individual contributions,
points of damage when it hits, two swings per designed by the Judge. and the mistakes they might have made. The
combat turn). When the characters finally If the heroes reply that they have come to rewards should not completely unbalance the
want to stop, Hanyax informs them of Yama's destroy the Orb, Hanyax decides to end the game but they should be just. The worth of
true goal. If the characters are still stubborn or world's potential woes and point out the the item, and any magical powers it might
combative, Hanyax punishes them by return- ebony Orb, telling them it must be struck in have, are at the discretion of the Judge.
ing them to the silver bridge and permanently the tomb. One hit causes the Orb to disappear Once the items have been chosen, the char-
lowering their Damage Endurance by 2. in a puff of black smoke. The adventurers are acters find themselves at the foot of the silver
If, somehow, the Orb is taken out of the able to hear Yama's cries from outside as he is bridge along with any of their comrades who
tomb, Yama will swoop down in 5 combat consumed by his own hate. Hanyax explains have fallen valiantly in Melena. They are all
turns and snatch up the Orb and Orb-bearer. that the Orb contained the life essence of alive and well again. They will then hear
The first he will keep, the latter he will eat. He Yama and that they have just destroyed him. Hanyax's voice telling them to cross back over
will later decide the Orb should not be If the characters have shown valor and to their world. Once across the bridge, the
returned to the reckless Baron Etarti, but helped Hanyax to accomplish the destruction trans-dimensional gate will disappear and the
should go to someone else who summons him of the Orb of Yama, he allows the characters to way to Melena will be sealed forever.

Once you read the entire adventure you can attempt to exact revenge against the characters characters returning him to his senses might
see how it can easily be expanded into a large only after he escapes the revenge of the various be quite handsome.
campaign, possibly even an epic quest. With cults and religions he has wronged. The The south network of tunnels and the
the blank cavern networks to the south of the Priests of Jhebbel Sag will move against him underground river are also sources of future
underground river, an entirely new aspect can almost at once; talking his army's horses into adventures. The separation of the south net-
be added to this theme. If this adventure is a being uncooperative, calling the animals of work from the other tunnel systems is quite
continuation of Conan the Buccaneer it could the forests to their side, and generally making natural and an entirely new culture could exist
take months for the players to finish their vari- the Baron a prisoner in his own castle. there. The remnants of the Zingaran Brigands
ous missions. If you wish, you can start Conan Another good future adventure might be to might have their secret lair there. Another
the Buccaneer at the end of this adventure. have the priests hire the party to seek out and magical cult could have had the same idea as
One of the treasures found in the caves or destroy the Masked Ones. The Jhebbelites will the Priests of Jhebbel Sag and can be in hid-
given to the party by the priests could be the not want to or be able to rule Zingara themsel- ing. The Masked Ones may be starting a cult
information Mennifir has that begins the ves. They only want a return of the old status of their own, separate from the Baron, now
adventure to Atothar. You can even stretch quo. Ultimately, Kaletar's father could cross that his power is waning. In each of these cases
out the time element in this adventure theme the river and restore order, punishing the they will not know of the existence of the
to cover weeks of intrigue in Zingara instead Baron for his wickedness. Priests of Jhebbel Sag in the networks to the
of days. You can create your own adventure One of the best answers to the character's north. The underground river could be the
based on the pursuit of the Baron, or the Bar- problems, once they have discovered the Bar- lair of some ghastly monster that is scouring
on's last stand. It's all up to you, the Judge. on's evil, is to take the elixir of the golden the countryside. A Giant Snake, Swamp
There is no reason to allow the return of the lotus found within the game and trick the Beast family, and the like would be typical
Orb of Yama into your campaign world, Baron into drinking it. He will no longer inhabitants. Remember, the creature must be
unless you want to start the party on a quest. It desire the Orb and will even assist them in large to withstand the river current.
is too powerful an evil. The Baron will finding and destroying it. His reward for the

Non-Player Characters
The following people from this adventure may be used by the intended to be player characters.
Judge in further adventures or a campaign. None of them are

Baron Etarti
5 6 4 8 5 3
MAUL-12 LORE- 30

Fame: Etarti is famous for leading the Zingaran sea forces in battle Etarti the Orb of Yama which not only dampens all other magics in
against pirates and Argossean sea forces. He is also known to have suc- the lands that he ruled but allowed Yama easy access into the world.
cessfully led his family's forces against rival families. His rugged good As long as the Orb of Yama remained in Etarti's possession he would
looks and friendly manner have added to his renown. be immortal. The price he paid for this was the life of the only person
he loved, his first wife Elsbeth.
Language: Yamish is a cult language used and comprehended only by Etarti has now purged all other religions and cults from Aldoc and
the members of the Masked Ones. is planning on the expansion of his empire. He began by marrying
Kaletar, the only child of Duke Mardy, ruler of the lands across the
Weaknesses: FANATICISM, CLAUSTROPHOBIA Black River. When Mardy dies, Etarti will rule all Zingaran land west
The Baron is fanatical in his beliefs that someday Yama will rule all of the Thunder River and can easily depose the Zingaran king. With
of Hyboria through him. This may be one of the reasons for his per- the Orb negating all the other noble's magic and supporting reli-
sonal magnetism. gions, Etarti will be uncontested head of Zingara. Next Etarti will
The Baron has an abnormal fear of narrow or closed spaces. His cas- march against Argos. In two years time he will have the Argossean
tle is massive with rooms the size of stables. He cannot enter the tun- crown on his head and then, with a strengthened treaty with the
nels and caverns where the Jhebbelites are hidden. Picts, will start marching against Aquilonia. All of this is possible
The Baron Etarti is the last member of an ancient and honorable with the Orb of Yama.
family who has ruled this section of Zingara. It is his infertility that However, the Orb has recently been stolen. Because Etarti's forces
drove him to the worship of Yama. Because he could not produce an cannot locate it he suspects it has been transported to another dimen-
heir, he decided he would simply not die and began searching the sion. It is necessary that the Baron tricks an independent force into
world for the black magics which would help him in his quest for looking for the location. The Masked Ones will shadow the indepen-
immortality. He found what he desired in the hidden kingdom of dents and, when the location has been discovered, kill them.
Meru, a religion dedicated to Yama, the "King of Demons." The Baron wears clothing and armor befitting his station. His bat-
Over many years he studied the teachings and scrolls of Yama's tledress is usually a three-quarter suit and he is one of the few men
priests until he could speak with Yama himself. The demon gave who has mastered Zingaran Fighting in this cumbersome armor.

Zingaran Brigands
2 1 2 2 1 1
Language: The Thieves Cant is a special jargon used by professional them as they have been forced out of the towns by the Masked Ones.
brigands, pick pockets, and cut purses. It sounds very nonsensical to They hold no love for either the current government or the Masked
one who does not know it. There is no written equivalent to this fast, Ones. They currently camp in the Forgotten Grove. Mistaking the
sing-song slang, mercenary band for one of special soldiers hired to hunt them down,
the brigands will attack to defend themselves. Once their error has
been discovered they can be quite amiable and might even be per-
The Zingaran Brigands are a loose brotherhood of various types of suaded to join the mercenaries. There are five brigands located here
thieves. The reign of Baron Etarti has proven very disquieting for and all wear jacks and studded skirts.

Baroness Kaletar
1 1 3 8 5 3
KNIFE- 10 STA-6 ZING-25 HAN-15 MAG-30
ARGO-15 FAME- 12
Fame: The Baroness Kaletar is famous for her diplomatic skills, her loving parents. She received a better education than her brothers and
beauty, and her patronage of the arts and sciences. She is also known sisters and is one of the most educated nobles in the Hyborian World
to have killed a would-be assassin of her father with a throwing knife. (her statistics only reflect talents of remarkable nature). It was natural
She travels extensively, acting as the Baron's ambassador and repre- therefore that she would wed a nobleman of Zingara and rule equally
sentative to the royal court. with him. But her marriage to Etarti is a sham; now she must accept
that he only married her to advance his position.
During her youth she discovered the followers of Jhebbel Sag and
The Baroness has an irresistable urge to steal, especially in the
secretly joined them. She has kept in contact with them through the
absence of economic need. She has always been rich but every so often
animals they use as messengers. When she recently discovered Etarti's
she steals something for no apparent reason. Sometimes she does not evil plans and the stolen Orb of Yama, she contacted the priesthood
even realize she has stolen an item until she finds it in her pocket. It is
and eventually sent them the Orb. She has not yet received word from
through this mild sickness that she accidentally acquired the Jetton of
Asap (from her father) and the Orb of Yama (when Etarti had care-
her aide, Fanchix, if the Orb has been banished. She will secretly
eavesdrop on the Baron's conversation with the mercenaries and send
lessly left it lying about).
Kaletar grew up in a wonderful household with many siblings and
them an anonymous note to warn them.

Bat Brawlers
1 1 1 1 0 0
MOV-5 BRAWL- 5 DAM-6 Varied- 10 Varied-5 DAN
SIR- 10 CLUB-5 STA-5 SEN-5
Weakness: DRINK
These are dock workers, unemployed workers, and sailors who
hang around in this tavern. Of the nine present only six initially enter
a fight.

New Monsters and Creatures

Neo-thog retreat. It can only tit two tentacles through a tidal hole at any one
time. The Neo-thog is not related to the dreaded Thog.
PRO FIGHT END The Neo-thog has been commanded by the priests to collect any-
4 2 4 thing left in its area. This is how the priests get rid of their waste. If a
STR-30 TENTACLE-20 DAM-30 character enters this area, the Neo-thog will raise two of its tentacles 3
MOV-10 MAG-12 combat turns after its area is entered. Once attacked it will not stop
destroying anyone in its area. If a character falls in the tidal area, the
Tentacle: + 3 Damage
monster will drag it through the tidal hole. The Neo-thog will not
The Neo-thog is the result of breeding of a tentacled fresh-water grab a character as long as anyone moves about within 40 feet of it.
life form by the followers of Jhebbel Sag. The priests called one to
their underground lair and have been trying to find another. A Neo- Strangling Demon: Found on page 38 of the World of Hyboria book-
thog will strike into a waterless area but does not completely crawl out let in the CONAN Role-Playing Game.
of the water. The damage reflected above is from each of its 30-foot -
Swamp Beast: Found on page 39 of the World of Hyboria booklet in
long tentacles, which will be the only pan the player characters can
the CONAN Role-Playing Game.
strike. Once two of its four tentacles are severed, the Neo-thog will

Black-Taloned Vulture Swords in size and statistics). Neither beetle shield nor sword will rust
or crack with age. The Giant Beetle is the only natural enemy of the
PRO FIGHT END Giant Scorpion.
3 1 1
MOVE TALONS-10 DAM-5 Giant Mole
FLY-30 POI-5
Power dives: + 1 damage 4 3 5
The Black-Taloned Vulture is not purely a scavenger but a bird of (DIG MOVE-15) BITE-15 POI-20
prey as well, swooping down to attack live creatures and dead with its STR-25
extremely sharp talons. Its beak cannot be used as a weapon because it
DIG: Can move underground at a movement rate of 15 feet/turn
is designed to scissor off small pieces of meat, not tear and shred large
hunks like the normal vulture. Once the Orb of Yama was stolen from the Baron Etarti, the Priests
It hunts in a "wing" of three to seven birds, all swooping from dif- of Jhebbel Sag could again practice their magic. In answer to their call
ferent angles. The damage bonus comes from its high velocity dives a Giant Mole came from the depths and now lives with them, though
which cannot occur more than once every third combat round. Usu- he does leave to find foodusually large mammals or reptiles. The
ally a wing of black-taloned vultures will all attack a lone figure dur- mole is 15 feet long, but can fit into all the networks' passages except
ing the same combat turn, while they will harrass larger targets, like a those that are only five feet wide. It is totally blind, but can sense
group of humans, in rotation. If a wing is reduced to a single bird, he movement hundreds of feet away.
will fly off. There is a 15 % chance that he will return a half hour later When the intruder alarm is sounded in the western network, all
with more vultures, with an additional 10% cumulative chance of the priests freeze in place. The Giant Mole then burrows beneath the
returning for every target that is bleeding. Black-Taloned Vultures are rocks toward the source of the movement. The mole's claws are so
generally found on veldts and deserts. sharp that it can dig through most of these cavern's rock foundations.
It suddenly bursts forth from beneath the intruding party and attacks
Cave Ants them. All the priests know the simple magic that is required for them
to communicate with the Giant Mole.
1 1 1 Giant Scorpion
Cave Ants are about one inch long. They swarm together in dark 2 3 3
places. When dropping into a pit of them, their collective biting MOVE-5 PINCERS-15 DAM-20
causes 2 points of damage per combat turn. If the unfortunate charac- STR-20 TAIL-15 POI-15
ter escapes the pit he will still be covered with Cave Ants and will take
Tail: + 1 Damage, Armor: 1 point of protection over entire body
an additional 1 point of damage every third combat turn until they
are washed or knocked off of him. It is nearly impossible to kill them In this adventure, the Giant Scorpion is found in the Melena des-
when massed unless you pour oil on them and burn them, flood and ert. The body is four feet long with an eight-foot tail that can arc over
drown them, or lead them into an omnivorous moss, where they will its body and strike a target standing a few feet in front of it. It burrows
feed on it while it feeds on them. They will follow a trail of blood and into the sand and waits for prey, but does not automatically surprise
can crawl on most surfaces. its prey like the Giant Beetle. It can fight with both its pincers and its
tail during the same combat turn giving it three attacks, but only with
Giant Beetle its different weapons. The Giant Scorpion is not poisonous like its
smaller cousins, but uses its bludgeon-like tail to attack. The Giant
PRO FIGHT END Scorpion is the only natural enemy of the Giant Beetle.
4 1 3
MOVE-10 MANDIBLE-10 DAM-25 Large Bats
STR-30 POI-5
Mandibles: + 3 Damage 1 1
These terrifying six-foot-long insects are usually found in the des- MOVE BITE-8 DAM-5
ert, though one found its way into the priest's underground lair from FLY-15 CLAWS-2 POI-5
Melena. These creatures are the color of sand and their shells have a LAND-1
grainy texture. They burrow beneath the desert dunes and lie in wait
for a passing meal. Their camouflage is so perfectly matched to their These large Bats have been bred and raised by the priests to be
environment that they always surprise their prey and attack first. watchdogs, companions, and an emergency food supply. They fly by
Once the giant beetle is killed, its carapace can be cut into shields and sonar and do not rely on light to see. Anyone not wearing flowing
its two mandibles can be made into swords (identical to Bastard robes is immediately identified by the bats as hostile and is attacked.

Hanging Snakes Web Spinners
3 3 1 0 2 1
STR-20 BITE-30 DAM-10 STR-1 SPIT-15 DAM-5
Bite: + 2 Damage Spit: +1 Damage
Web Strands take 5 points of damage before they snap
One of the more dangerous creatures found in these caverns is the
rare Hanging Snake. Over a great period of time these snakes tunnel
Web Spinners are an unusual form of insect life that resemble a
below the surface until they break through into a natural cavern. The
cross between a silkworm and a praying mantis. They are always
Hanging Snakes found here have evolved so that it is very difficult to
found in groups of four and can climb and adhere to nearly any sur-
distinguish them from the hanging roots. Their pigmentation and face. Amazingly fearless for their small size. Web Spinners usually
texture are similar to the roots. They can hang completely motionless attack a lone creature or the last member of a group of animals that
for up to an hour. They have a fearsome bite and, once attached to a passes. They have been known to trap and kill humans. Their web
victim, anchor themselves to the ceiling with the equivalency of a
looks like a small cord but has astonishing tensile strength.
Wrestling rating of 3. Whenever the priests pass through an area of For every web that strikes, roll on the Random Hit Location Table
hanging roots they call out to the animals first in the tongue of Jheb-
found in the Reference Guide. One strike on a limb means it is ham-
bel Sag and warn them of the consequences if they attack.
pered and must be freed before complete use is regained. Two strikes
on a limb will immobilize it completely. It requires three strikes to the
Undercat gut or chest to severely hamper general body movement. All four
PRO FIGHT END strikes on the chest or gut will prevent any movement but arm swing-
3 3 2 ing or kicking. A head strike has a 25% chance of blinding the vic-
STR-10 BITE-15 DAM-10 tim. This is cumulative for each head strike. At four strikes to the
MOV-10 CLAW-15 POI-5 head not only will the victim be totally blinded but will also smother.
AN. REF-15 MAG-5 The Web Spinners' usual mode of attack is to perch high on a wall
or ceiling and shoot four shots that will strike from four different
Claws and Bite: + 1 Damage
directions. The round following the webbing, the Weh Spinners spit
The Priests of Jhebbel Sag have domesticated these cavern-dwelling acid if the victim has been partially immobilized (struck by three
wildcats. Their eyesight in the dark is incredible and they suffer no webs). It takes them three turns before they can fire another web or
combat penalty in the dark but can also fight in normal light. Their spit any more acid. The bite is primarily used for eating purposes.
claws are remarkably sharp and they can climb sheer rock walls. In addi-
tion to keeping the caverns clean of unwanted rodents, the Jhebbelites
use Undercats to carry messages back and forth to the outside.

2 2 2 2 2 2
STR-5 SLING- 15 DAM-6 SURV-10 TRACK- 10 AN SEN- 10
Armor: 1 point protection for the entire body of attack is to encircle the offenders and use a concentrated slinging of
stones to cut them down. Only when the characters scatter will they
The ZiXit were natives of the Melena desert before they were
attack separately.
enchanted and placed on the Hyborian side of the trans-dimensional
If the ZiXit are all destroyed they lay about for six hours, then rise
gate. They look like small stone statues ( 3 1 / 2 feet tall) of hideously
up like zombies and slowly return to the cavern on the other side of
ugly men garbed only in their spears, sling-belts, and slingstone
the trans-dimensional gate. If the ZiXit destroy the characters, they
sacks. If a character crossing the bridge does not have the Jetton of
have a victory dance and then return to the cavern along with the
Asap or the mystic sign of Jhebbel Sag tattooed on the back of his left
fallen characters, all in a zombie-like state. Once across the trans-
hand, some of the figures come to life. They only animate after the
dimensional gate the ZiXit resume their statued existence and any
characters have crossed the bridge into Melena. Then three statues for
zombie-characters line the walls of the cavern and turn to stone. ZiXit
every character who crossed will come to life, though they are still
completely ignore anyone wearing the Jetton of Asap, even if that
grayish and have an armored quality to their skin.
person is attacking them. A character with the tattooed mystic sign
The ZiXit wait for a while, then begin tracking the characters.
will not activate the ZiXit by himself but, if in the company of non-
They attack after an hourlong enough to assure that no surviving
protected characters, will be considered an enemy by the ZiXit and
character can make it back to the bridge to safety. Their primary mode
will also be attacked.

Exotic Flora harvest as their main food supply. Usually the thick brown-red roots
grow down into the air and hang five feet above the floor, but they are
The former leader of the Priests of Jhebbel Sag had extensive magic easy to brush aside and do not slow movement. They do limit vision
capabilities and flora and fauna lore knowledge. Most of the plants to a few feet, though, and can be dangerous when growing around
listed were either created by him or carefully transplanted and nur- quicksand or crevices. The roots house many small forms of insect life
tured by him. Though he has been dead for two years at the time of and provide a hidden nesting place for Hanging Snakes, who have
this adventure, his plants thrive in their subterranean world and the evolved to resemble the roots.
name Grynthem has become synonymous with the ability to make
plants flourish. Vines: The vines found in these caverns are dense and often wet. They
are a sickly brown color and are quite slimy. They always grow on a
Glowing Fungus: This fungus grows on moist surfaces and gives off wall so when they are indicated on the map the Judge must remember
an eerie green glow that is one-third the brightness of a torch. A gath- that they are either covering the wall or archway, never on the floor or
ered patch of glowing fungus wrapped around a gutted torch or hanging in the open. The vines provide material for simple baskets,
mace-sized weapon lasts about an hour and will provide light in a 5- tools, and clothes for the priests. Some of the animals also forage on
foot radius. Fungus-covered walls will show their features clearly but them.
not provide any light source more than 10 feet away.
White Mold: This grayish-white mold grows in the subterranean
Omnivorous Moss: This moss-like plant is usually found where a dead darkness. It never covers an area larger than a hand span and is so thin
animal or plant was located. It can move very slowly, a foot an hour, that it must be scraped off with a sharp instrument. Three ounces of
and consume almost any organic substance it touches. It is sensitive to white mold powder may be collected from a single patch. Each ounce
heat and motion, usually dropping from the ceiling onto an animal serves as a strong healing agent and anesthetic. When an ounce is
that is moving slowly or sleeping. The acid in the plant works with stirred into liquid and a character consumes it, up to 5 points of dam-
thousands of tiny boring tendrils to quickly break up and cat away age inflicted on the character in the last 24 hours will be healed. A
food. The penetration time for some substances are listed below. character consuming more than three ounces during a 24 hour period
will fall comatose for three days. The white mold powder has no taste
Substance Size Penetration and no smell. A character can recognize the mold by completing a
Time successful Resolution check if he or she has the talents of Medicine,
Plants 1 foot diameter 10 seconds Herbalism, or Lore.
Exposed flesh Variable 20 seconds
Hair Variable 45 seconds Xanthic Mushrooms: This thick, bright yellow mushroom grows in
Exposed food 1 in. thick 1 minute shingles on the cave walls, somewhat like forest mushrooms on rotted
Cloth, rope in. thick 2 minutes wood. It is highly nutritional and tastes like acorn squash. The xan-
Thick cloth, hides -l in. thick 5 minutes thic mushroom lasts longer than the hanging roots after being picked
Leather, treated hide -l in. thick 10 minutes and is perfect for travel rations. Only the priests know of its edibility
Treated leather 1-2 in. thick 20 minutes so others will have to discover its properties themselves.
Exposed human bone Up to 1 in. thick 40 minutes
Exposed animal bone Up to 1 in. thick 1 hour Yawning Snapper: The yawning snapper looks like a cross between a
cactus, a venus flytrap, and a ground-dwelling vine. This carnivorous
The omnivorous moss does not consume glowing fungus, burrow- plant spreads itself over solid rock and covers a ten-foot circle. It at
ing roots, or xanthic mold. If ripped from the walls, this fungus can first appears to be nothing but vines growing horizontally along the
still survive but will not move or "eat" for at least an hour. Since it is a floor. But underneath, cleverly hidden by its own vines, are large,
luxuriant deep green and extremely thick and cushiony, it is some- thick, leathery leaves. Once stepped on or fallen into, these leaves
times mistaken for harmless moss; indeed a special plant talent or automatically snap shut and this action releases hundreds of sharp
experience with the plant would be needed to recognize it. This can needles inside. There are five traps per plant causing 2 points of dam-
be an extremely dangerous plant as creatures have been known to age per trap. The trap leaves require 2 points of damage before they
make a bed out of it only to wake later finding their rations, their can be cut open, otherwise they will stay closed and absorb the blood
clothes, and sometimes themselves, being consumed. A character of their victim. Humans have died in these plants when unfortu-
sleeping on an omnivorous moss will not be attacked until his outer nately falling on all five traps at once.
covering, if any, has been consumed. An unprotected character, or The chance for hitting a trap once a character has entered the area is
one who has had his protection eaten away, will lose one-quarter of 50%. If a character falls into an area covered by the yawning snapper
his Damage talent points before he wakes up in pain. there is a 30% chance for each of the traps to be triggered. After dis-
covering how many leaves have snapped shut, roll on the Random Hit
Roots: These roots that occasionally break through a tunnel or Location Table to see what they caught. Since these plants often grow
cavern's ceiling are boring roots from plant life far above on the sur- on the floor beneath normal wall vines it is very difficult for the uni-
face. They form "hanging fields" which the Priests of Jhebbel Sag nitiated to detect the danger in time.

Cults and Magical Items Orb of Grief: This magic item was created to be a trap for any thief
Ancient Slaver Chains: These are the first of the "Melena Artifacts," a who would loot the possessor's abode. It appears as a six-inch diame-
collection of magically warded items that help those who cross over ter crystalline orb with a miniature snake inside. When a character
into the extra-dimensional lands of Melena. They appear to be two picks up the Orb the snake will immediately burrow into the charac-
rusty chains with wrist and ankle cuffs on each end. However, the rust ter's hand, no matter what covers the hand. Every three combat turns
flakes off and reveals ornate silverwork laid into the iron. The Ancient the snake will burrow three inches farther up the character's arm.
Slaver Chains will magically imprison the winds of Melena for a short The fastest way to stop the snake is to immediately lop off the
time, thus propelling a ship across the Dead River to the Tomb of entered hand. The character will lose his hand but save his arm. If a
Hanyax. torch is applied to the hand or arm in an effort to drive the snake out
it speeds its movement up to three inches every two combat turns. If a
Bowl of Stars: This is the second of the "Melena Artifacts." It is a .bowl character has a Medicine talent he or she will have one chance at a Res-
of unknown night-blue metal studded with stars of gold. When held olution check when the snake is in the hand. If the check is successful,
in the center, like a bowl, and tapped it makes a pleasant ringing they will have killed the snake but only after it has damaged the
sound. The Bowl of Stars is used to open the Tomb of Hanyax by ring- hand. The character will never be able to perform any dextrous feats
ing it like a bell, thus unlocking the huge doors. with that hand again, including using a weapon.
If the snake is not stopped, it will eat itself to death by the time it
Ebony Standards: This is the third of the "Melena Artifacts." They reaches the shoulder. The entire arm will be useless and will eventu-
are three black obsidian rods, six feet long, with strange runes ally rot. It will have to be cut off within a weekbefore the rotting
inscribed on them and fists carved upon the top of each. Any player affects the healthy skin of the shoulder. This snake, while magically
character who has seen the Aquilonian army will recognize these as a held alive in the crystal Orb, is quite real. Therefore it is not consid-
form of standard the army uses to organize its ranks. The Ebony ered a magical attack and Magical Endurance is not to be considered.
Standards are used as a defense against the shadow spears of Melena's The only method of fighting this terrible fate is through magic.
desert. The Scroll of Timon, also found within the tomb, can help. A Natu-
ral Magic spell of moderate level, Animal Commanding, can be used
Iron Hooves: The fourth of the "Melena Artifacts" is a collection of to order the snake to the skin's surface and it can then be destroyed by
four hooves made of iron. When the Iron Hooves are held up before one successful hit by anything. A Summoning talent could be used to
the shades of the Melena raiders, the ghostly riders and mounts will summon a creature who could magically withdraw the snake. Or the
sink into the sands. Judge, if he feels this item is too harsh for his campaign, can deter-
mine that the snake will only paralyze the victim's arm for a week. He
Jetton of Asap: This magical medallion was created cons ago by one can also create a potion to restore mobility to the character's arm.
of the Ancient Ones, Asap. It is a powerful jetton used to protect the
Orb-carrier from the ZiXit. It was lost in a battle with the Neo-thog Orb of Yama: This ebony Orb is an incredibly powerful magical item
and is in that area still. It completely protects the wearer from the and is not intended for character use in the game. Yama himself gave
ZiXit (they ignore the wearer). it to the Baron. It has three different powers:
1. It serves to dampen all of the magics in the possessor's lands except
Language: All the Masked Ones speak the common Zingaran lan- those demonically related.
guage. Varnish is a cult language used and comprehended only by the 2. It serves as an easy accessway by which Yama can enter and exit the
Masked Ones. Hyborian World.
3. It grants the mortal possessor immortality as long as it is in his pos-
Masked Ones: A secret religious / political assassination cult dedicated session.
to the god Yama (see page 42, The World of Hyboria booklet). The The Orb originally came in a special pouch that allowed anyone to
founder and leader of the cult is the Baron Etarti, who rules the bar- pick it up. When it was placed in Hanyax's Tomb it was rolled out of
ony of Aldoc, north of the Black River in Zingara. All of the Masked the bag onto a pedestal. No one realizes that this makes the Orb vul-
Ones are Zingarans and have the following statistics as shown on the nerable and increases its danger. Anyone but Yama who touches the
table below: Orb without the special pouch suffers a horrible death. The pouch
has been lost in the desert sands of Melena.
Weaknesses: FANATICISM
The Masked Ones are fanatical in their beliefs and have unswerving Priests of Jhebbel Sag: This is a secret remnant of a once-powerful
loyalty to their deity and the Baron. They will attempt to carry out any priesthood in the west that was devoted to Jhebbel Sag (see pg. 42,
order assigned to them by the Baron, even unto their own destruction. The World of Hyboria booklet). Though declining in membership


4 4 3 3 4 2

and popularity for many generations, it was Baton Etarti who so fero- Jhebbel Sag now knows how to ward off any who would enter Earth
ciously persecuted them that they were forced to go into hiding. from Melena and are always on guard. Yama is trapped in Melena, a
Jhebbelites, as the followers of Jhebbel Sag are called, know of the dead world, by this warding and so has turned his attention else-
Masked Ones and Baron Etarti's plans but have been powerless to where. Not believing anyone would wish to enter Melena, Yama does
intervene. not guard the gateway on his side; there are enough curses and shades
With the banishment of the Orb of Yama, however, Etarti's power throughout the lands to take care of any large raiding party.
has been jeopardized. Therefore, the Jhebbelites want to ensure that
no one who sympathizes with the Baron's cause crosses into Melena to Ruins and Lore
retrieves the Orb of Yama. Their main source of information is the
Hanyax: The name Hanyax can be found in lore. He was reputed to
Baroness Kaletar, a secret Jhebbelite herself who sent them the Orb
for banishment. Now the Priests of Jhebbel Sag are slowly, regaining be a great king and general of an ancient land, thought to be either
Tothra or Melena. It is said that his armies were so vast that they
their full powers.
All priests are equipped with katars and are so proficient with them
stretched from one horizon to the other when on the march. How
that they can attack twice per combat turn with no combat penalties. Hanyax met his end is not precisely known. One famous account
records that a demon-god invaded Hanyax's kingdom, spreading a
They wear dark gray robes, shave their heads, but not their faces, and
have a tattoo of Jhebbel Sag's mystic sign on the back of their left
great plague that killed his wife and decimated him and his armies
hand. The priests are extremely pale and may be mistaken for ghouls with magical fire. It is always noted that Hanyax's tomb, said to be
when first encountered. Their eyesight is good when they are under- the richest of the ancient kings, has never been found. It is suppos-
ground or in dim light but they cannot see well in very bright light edly shared by his wife and so thoroughly guarded by Hanyax's shade
(bonfire, daylight, four torches within a 20-foot area). The caverns and an array of deadly artifacts that even Yama fears to enter it.
provide all of the food and water the priests need and other items
have been supplied by Baroness Kaletar. The average priest's statistics Melena: Melena has been mentioned in Hyborian lore as a land or a
city either in this world or in a magical place. The chief reference to
are as follows:
Melena is an ancient poem handed down over the ages. Any character
PROWESS FIGHT END KNOW PER IN with Lore talent should add + 10 to his ranking for the purpose of
2 2 4 2 2 3 making a successful Resolution check to remember the poem. If suc-
MOV-10 WILL-10 MED-10 NAT MAG-10
cessful, the Judge should give the player the poem on page 31. The
SWIM-5 MAG-25 OBSESS-10 poem is also listed below for the Judge's reference.
The Dreams of Melena
Language: All Priests of Jhebbel Sag speak and read Zingaran. Fur-
thermore, they can communicate with each other and with animals Silver bridge in a broken sky,
through the magical animal speech. Golden fruit on a withered bough,
Red-lipped slaves that the ancients buy,
Weaknesses: DISTRUSTED
This weakness is because of the Baron's propoganda and the pub- Where is the glory of Melena now?
lic's fear of the magical arts. Ghostly hooves in the brooding night,
Beat the bowl of the velvet stars,
Magic: The priests can once again perform all of the Natural Magic
spells listed on page 6 of the Reference Guide. Shadows of spears when the moon is white
Cross the sands with ebony bars.
Scroll of Timon: This ancient scroll is found within the carved ivory
But not the shadows that brood her fall
scroll case located in the tomb of Hanyax. It is written in a simple
form of an arcane language. Any character who has an Arcane Lan- May check the sweep of a desert fire,
guages talent must make a Resolution check with +15 because the Nor dead men lift a crumbling wall,
scroll is so simple. Any result except white is successful and the char- Nor magiks steady a falling spire.
acter can immediately see that the scroll is of great worth. It can be
read aloud one time only and then will dissolve. The scroll is of a Yama flies through the desert shy
medicinal nature and can restore life to a character slain within the Where the armies of Hanyax reeled;
last 24 hours, cure all the wounds and damage a character has sus- And though her people still mourn and cry,
tained, including any by poison or magic (including the Orb of Helena's doom is set and sealed.
Grief), or return the ability to hear, see, or speak to a deaf, blind, or
mute person. The reader must indicate aloud which option is chosen Silver chains 'neath a silken sail,
and which character is to be healed. Sapphire eyes in a fearsome prow,
Trans-Dimensional Gate: The trans-dimensional gate is a bridge to Tomb doors crack with the stars own wail,
another dimension that exists in both worlds. It is from this dimen- What are the dreams of Melena now?
sion that many evil things have invaded the Hyborian World, includ-
ing Yama. No one knows how to close the gate but the Priesthood of

Note slipped to player character

If you value your life and hate evil meet me at moonrise The Dreams of Melena
tomorrow night north of town in the Forgotten Grove.
Tell no one. The Baron is a dangerous man. Silver bridge in a broken sky,
Golden fruit on a withered bough,
Red-lipped slaves that the ancients buy,
Note from slain girl in grove.
Where is the glory of Melena now?

The Baron is an evil man who wishes to enslave the Ghostly hooves in the brooding night,
world. He worships demons but has now lost some of his Beat the bowl of the velvet stars,
power. Destroy the Orb if you find it. For the truth, go Shadows of spears when the moon is white
below. Cross the sands with ebony bars.

But not the shadows that brood her fall

Note found on dead soldier May check the sweep of a desert fire,
Nor dead men lift a crumbling wall,
Nor Magiks steady a falling spire.
The orb must be secured from the unbeliever. Follow Yama flies through the desert sky
the guide-belt to its destination. Ask those who guard Where the armies of Hanyax reeled;
what should be done. If they so desire, cross the silver And though her people stilI mourn and cry,
bridge into Melena. On your return trip leave the warded MaIena's doom is set and sealed.
items within the tunnel for future expeditions. Do not
allow the Jetton or Asap to come to harm, it is all that Silver chains 'neath a silken sail,
stands between you and the 'little ones.' Your mission is Sapphire eyes in a fearsome prow,
sacred and the destruction of evil depends on it. That Tomb doors crack with the stars own wail,
which consumes must be tamed. What are the dreams of Melena now?

(Belt continued on next page)


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