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TSR 9164 - OA1 - Swords of The Daimyo

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Official Game Adventure

5wnrds nf thc DaImyn

by DavId "Zcb Cnnk
Advcnturc Bnnk nf MIyama
Tab!c nf Cnntcnts
Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Adventure 1: Over the Waves We Will Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Adventure 2: Riders of the Black Temple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Adventure 3: Lord of the Black Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Timeline of Kozakura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
New Creatures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Player Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Kozakuran Provinces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Shoen Map of Miyama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Tamanokuni Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Mura Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Monastery/Temple Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Shoen Residence of a Jito or Zussho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Small Town House of a Samurai/Commoners Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Adventures: Zeb Cook and Kelley Foote
Editing: Mike Breault
with Anne Gray McCready
and Karen Martin
Interior Art: Jeff Easley
Cartography: David C. Sutherland III
Dennis Kauth
Marsha Kauth
Typography: Linda Bakk
Keylining: Colleen OMalley
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by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Random
House of Canada Ltd. Distributed to the toy and
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the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
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Thi s advent ure i s prot ect ed under t he copyri ght
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1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

TSR Inc. TSR UK Ltd.
POB 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road
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ISBN 0-88038-273-2
This book contains three adventures for
use with the AD&D

Oriental Adventures
rules. Each adventure is set in the Koza-
kuran province of Miyama, described in
the accompanying Province Book. Also
included is a color map of Miyama Prov-
ince. On the inside of the adventure cover
is the Ocean Voyage Map for use with
Adventure 1. The remaining maps and
tables for the adventures are found in the
back of this book.
The adventures given here are
designed for use with a complete Oriental
Adventures campaign. With the exception
of Adventure 1 (Over the Waves We Will
Go), they are meant to be played in the
order listed. Characters are expected to
rise in level as they play. The level range
for each adventure is listed at its start.
Adventures of your own design (or other
TSR adventures) can be used between
the different adventures listed in this book-
let. The adventures given here do not
need to be played uninterrupted, but they
should be played in the order listed. By the
time you have finished with these adven-
tures, most player characters in your cam-
paign should have from five to seven
levels of experience.
Before playing these adventures, you
should read the Province Book up to the
Gazetteer section. You may also read the
Gazetteer if you wish, but it is not neces-
sary at this time.. You are now ready to
read the first adventure. While reading it,
you should also read any Gazetteer
descriptions of locations mentioned in the
adventure. Once you have read every-
thing thoroughly, you are ready to play the
adventure. At the end of this book (on
page 20) are some beginning characters
for use in an Oriental campaign. These
include character statistics, physical
descriptions, personalities, backgrounds,
ancestries, and families.
Adventure 1 (Over the Waves We Will
Go) is a special adventure that enables
you to introduce gajin characters to the
Oriental world. Play it first if you wish to
take non-Oriental AD&D characters from
your campaign into the world of Oriental
There is more to Swords of the Daimyo
than the adventures it contains. A number
of the maps at the end of this booklet are
not used in the adventures. Some of these
maps are keyed to one or more places on
the Province Map. You can use these and
the other maps for your own adventures.
Furthermore, the Gazetteer section of the
Province Book describes many locations
that are ideal for mystery and adventure.
These should provide you with campaign
activities for a long time to come.
This adventure should be used only if you
are introducing characters from a normal

campaign into an AD&D Oriental

Adventures campaign. No pregenerated
characters are supplied for this adventure.
The characters either come from your own
AD&D campaign, or they are created for
this adventure. Since nearly all of this
adventure occurs at sea, it is strongly rec-
ommended that player characters be at
least 6th level, although characters of 10th
level or greater may not find the adventure
It is essential to this adventure that the
player characters be enticed to undertake
the dangerous sea journey to Kozakura. It
is more fun if the player characters do not
have a clear idea of where they are going.
If you are using this adventure in your own
campaign, decide on the most appropriate
way to introduce the information. Listed
below are several suggestions.
* The player characters find the scraps
of an old map. In scrawled notes are
vague statements about what direction to
sail, about how long it will take, the dan-
gers encountered, and the riches availa-
ble. Of course, about half of this
information is dead wrong or greatly exag-
gerated. You can make a map on a torn
scrap of paper.
* The player characters meet a crazed
seaman. He may be young or old, but he is
definitely not in his right mind. He babbles
out the information about the voyage
how wonderful and terrible it was. He is
obviously poor and wretched, but shows
the player characters a marvelous trea-
sure (a giant pearl) he swears is from that
foreign shore.
* There is a fabulous stranger frequent-
ing the inns and taverns on the waterfront.
He is different from all others in appear-
ance, dress, speech, and behavior. No
one has ever seen anyone quite like him.
He claims to come from across the ocean
(clearly impossible!) and tells wild stories
about his homeland. The stranger can
either be rich or poor. If he is rich, he is
attempting to hire a ship to return him to
his native lands. If he is poor, he offers his
services as a navigator, promising riches
and wonders from across the ocean.
* Rumors abound of a fabulous treasure
armada. It arrived in a nearby port, where
it is said to have unloaded its cargo of silk,
spices, gold, silver, exotic art objects, and
a few powerful magic items. Supposedly
this armada makes a single voyage every
year to some place far across the ocean.
The captain and the navigator keep their
destination a close secret. For years no
one knew where they sailed. Now, how-
ever, a rival captain claims to know their
port of call.
* There are rumors of a fabulous trea-
sure galleon that sails somewhere out in
the ocean. Several captains claim to have
sighted it (although their testimony is
hardly reliable) and one says he captured
its cargo, only to lose it later to pirates. The
crew is said to be human but of some dif-
ferent and far distant land. The PCs must
talk to the captains to gain the information
Other methods of intriguing the PCs can
be devised as appropriate for your cam-
paign. All of the preceding methods yield
the following information:
1. The journey is long, taking at least
one month with good weather and longer if
the winds are bad.
2. Sail west! Follow the setting sun to
reach the lands of the East.
3. Be prepared for dangersstorms,
sea monsters, and terrible terrors.
4. The land you sail to is different. Your
welcome may not be what you expect. It is
a deadly land for the unwise.
Thc 5hIp
If the player characters have a ship of
their own, allow them to use it. If they also
have a loyal and hand-picked crew, you
can ignore this section.
Upon investigating the port, the player
characters find they have three choices
for captains who will either sail for hire or
take the player characters on as seamen
or passengers. Looking at their ships tells
the player characters nothing. All seem to
be in good repair and seaworthy. The
characters can meet the captains, if they
want to.
Alonso de Bartuella (Fighter, 12th level;
hp 68; AC 4; MV 12; #AT 3/2; THAC0 9;
Damage 1d8 + 2; AL N; magical +1 long
sword+ 1 chainmail): Alonso is a portly,
middle-aged man. A bristling mustache
and beard hides most of his drink-flushed
face. He dresses in shabby clothes and
swears continuously while he talks.
Alonso meets the characters over a
meal, where he displays outrageous table
mannersslurping, belching, spitting,
throwing scraps on the floor, and wiping
greasy fingers through his hair. He
demands the most exorbitant price possi-
ble for his ship or passage (whichever is
desired). Furthermore, he tells the charac-
ters they will have the pleasure of dining
with him on the trip. Alonso is, however, a
good captain and navigator. His crew is
dependable and competent. He begins
with a Mutiny Rating of 10.
Iyawaei of Konghani (Barbarian, 8th
level; hp 38; AC 5; MV 12; #AT 3/2;
THAC0 14; Damage 1d8 + 1; SA see Bar-
barian in Oriental Adventures book; AL N):
Iyawaei is a wiry, black man of unknown
age. His face is weather-lined and cracked
but when he smiles, which is often, it
breaks into a happy, youthful glow. He
speech is thickly accented, almost incom-
prehensible at first. Sprinkled liberally
throughout his conversation are foreign
words and phrases that he never explains.
In addition to the sword carried at his
side, he has a dirk strapped to his left fore-
arm. His clothes are a hodge-podge of
styles and tastes, none of which match.
Although good humored, he has a very
quick temper and rules his ship with a sav-
age, occasionally cruel, discipline. Flog-
gings and irons are not unknown to his
crew, and he has ordered the hanging of
at least two mutineers in the past. His crew
fears and respects him. He begins the
game with a Mutiny Rating of 12.
Rupert Brock (Fighter, 9th level; hp 52;
AC 7; MV 12; #AT 3/2; THAC0 9; Dam-
age 1d8 + 3; AL N; magical + 2 long
sword; potion of extra-healing): Brock is a
healthy warrior in his early thirties. He is
neat in appearance. His clothes are sim-
ple and clean. His hair and beard, while
long, are clean and groomed. He is gener-
ally well-mannered, although he is not
above using highly colorful language or
flailing away in a bar-room brawl.
For all his easy outward appearance, he
is a savage taskmaster. Once at sea, he is
seldom seen without a crop in his hand to
spur his sailors on. He is only a fair naviga-
tor. He cares little for the needs of his crew,
seldom stocking adequate or nourishing
supplies for them. Disease is common
below decks. Good sailors seldom sign on
with him, and his crews often consist of cut-
throats and hard-luck men. He begins the
game with a Mutiny Rating of 20.
If the PCs need to gather a crew, deter-
mine the crews Mutiny Rating as follows.
If the characters do not need a captain or
navigator, but still need a crew, roll 1d10
and add eight. Add four to the die roll if the
player characters openly announce their
goal. Add two to the die roll if the player
characters do not announce any destina-
tion. Subtract two from the die roll if the
player characters announce they are pick-
ing the best sailors. Subtract two if good
pay is given or a bonus is promised. Sub-
tract one for every day spent gathering a
crew. The final result is the Mutiny Rating
for the crew.
If the player characters screen every
crewmember taken on (through spells or
other powers), and only select the abso-
lutely trustworthy sailors, the crew has a
Mutiny Rating of 4. The player characters
cannot charm crew members, as such
sailors are sluggish and lack the initiative
needed for sailing. The player characters
have no difficulty raising a crew, even
within a single day.
The Ocean Voyage Map (found on the
inside of the color cover) shows the coast-
line of a continent where the characters
begin their voyage, as well as the coast-
lines of Kara-Tur. Between the two are a
number of Encounter Areas. Ships sail from
one Encounter Area to any other adjacent
Encounter Area. Ships cannot move diag-
onally from area to area (i.e., where only
the corners of two spaces touch).
The player characters begin their voy-
age at one of the three ports on the east-
ern edge of the map. The only exit from the
map is on the island of Kozakura (at Miy-
ama Province). When the player charac-
ters sail out of a port, they must announce
their direction of travel in one of eight com-
pass directionsnorth, northeast, east,
southeast, south, southwest, west, or
northwest. From the current position of the
player characters, select the adjacent
encounter area that is closest to their
desired direction. The characters sail in
that direction into the next Encounter
Area. Once in an area, any encounters are
resolved and then the players choose a
new area to enter.
In most cases, the amount of time
needed to travel from one Encounter Area
to another is two days. Some areas, how-
ever, have arrows indicating the direction
of a major current. When a ship is sailing
with the current (in the direction of the
arrow), the time is normal, as given above.
When a ship is sailing against the current
(in the opposite direction from the arrow),
the sailing time is four days for every area
Thc MutIny RatIng
During the dangerous sea journey,
there is a chance that the crew mutinies
each six-day period at sea. At the begin-
ning of each period, the Mutiny Rating is
adjusted as follows, and a check is made
to see if a mutiny occurs.
+ 2 if the period was spent entirely at sea
+ 4 if the ship left a favorable island
(friendly natives, ample food, etc.)
+ 4 for harsh treatment during period
+ 2 if in doldrums
+ 2 if passed through storm
+ 1 for every point of hull damage
+ 1 for every crew member lost to
+ 2 for every officer lost to monsters
+ 8 for every officer or PC slain in
previous mutiny
+ 4 for inadequate rations during period
-2 for every mutineer slain in previous
-10 if previous mutiny failed
-1 for good treatment during the period
-6 if sailing east
Add all appropriate adjustments to the
previous periods Mutiny Rating to get the
current rating. A percentile dice roll is
made and the result is compared to the
adjusted Mutiny Rating. If the dice roll is
equal to or less than the rating, a mutiny
When a mutiny occurs, not all the crew
rise up in arms. Naturally, the captain is
not among the mutineers. There is only a
10% chance that any of the other officers
join the mutiny. Of the remaining crew,
61% to 80% (1d20 + 60) take up arms
against the captain. The mutineers do not
have weapons better than knives and cut-
lasses. There is only a 5% chance of any-
one in the group having a magical item.
The mutineers attack at the least
expected moment, hoping to surprise the
officers. They fight at least until the situa-
tion looks hopeless and, if assured of a
gruesome fate otherwise, fight until they
are slain. Captured mutineers can hope at
best to finish the voyage in irons (only if
they are needed to crew the ship), and are
far more likely to be keelhauled, beaten to
death, or hanged.
The following statistics can be used for
the crew: AC 9; MV 12; 1st-3d level; #AT
1; Damage by weapon type; AL various.
Occan Encnuntcr Arcas
Doldrums: In the center of the map are
the doldrums, areas of extremely calm
waters. No winds or currents are present
to aid navigation. The effect of the dol-
drums is built into the size of the areas.
When these are entered, you can inform
your players that the wind has died down
and the ship sits on still quiet waters. It is
like this day after day, with only a little
progress made. If the ship is fitted with
oars or magic is used to create a constant
regular wind, the amount of time required
to cross a doldrum area is halved.
Icebergs: The sea gradually becomes
choked with floating masses of ice and the
weather becomes more and more
unpleasant. The ice becomes so thick and
frequent that forward movement becomes
impossible. The ship must turn back or be
trapped in the ice and slowly crushed. For
every two days spent in the area, there is a
20% chance the ship runs aground on an
iceberg. If this happens, 10-100% (1d10 x
10) of the ships hull points are lost in the
Storms: When a ship enters. a storm
Encounter Area, it has been caught in a
fierce, raging gale. True navigation is
impossible. The crew can barely keep the
ship from capsizing. Secretly roll 1d6 to
determine the number of areas the ship is
blown off course. Then roll again to deter-
mine the direction: 1 = Northeast, 2 =
East, 3 = Southeast, 4 = Southwest, 5 =
West, 6 = Northwest. If no Encounter
Areas exist in that direction, roll again.
Unless the characters are able to magi-
cally lessen the strength of the storm, they
will move in that direction for the number
of areas indicated by the first die roll. Any
encounters in the new areas entered are
ignored. Do not inform the players of their
new location.
While running before the storm, there is
a 20% chance per eight-hour period that
the ship suffers 1d6 points of damage to
its hull. Such damage may result in broken
rudders, fallen masts, or even staved
hulls. Any damage taken cannot be
repaired until the storm is over.
Lcttcrcd Encnuntcr Arcas
A: Leaping through the waves at the
bow of your ship is a school of dolphins.
They splash playfully through the water.
An old salt pauses to look over the rail and
then beams a wry grin at the PCs, Tis a
sign o good fortune tave the little darlings
dance for ye ship! With a wink he turns
and stomps away.
The dolphins are indeed a sign of for-
tune. The next leg of the voyage (until the
ship reaches a new Encounter Area) has
favorable winds and requires half the nor-
mal travel time. The crews morale
improves, reducing their Mutiny Rating by
B: A barely sunken atoll presents a haz-
ard to navigation. Roll 1d10. On a 1-5 the
encounter occurs during the day. On a 6-
10 the encounter occurs after dark. During
the day, the sea shows signs of a roiling
surf where there is no land. Anyone foolish
enough to sail into this obvious danger
runs the ship aground. At night, the look-
out hears the sound of crashing surf
somewhere. Unless specific efforts are
made to sail on with great caution, there is
a 70% chance the ship strikes a reef. If
precautions are taken (more lookouts on
duty, depth soundings, etc.), the chance of
running aground is reduced to 20%.
If the ship runs aground, it suffers 2d10
points of hull damage. Furthermore, it is
stranded on the reef. It takes all the crew
and 1d4 days to tow the ship free.
C: A confluence of small currents has
created a dangerous, spinning flow capa-
ble of drawing even large ships into its
depths. Even worse, the whirlpool comes
and goes with the vagaries of the current.
When the ship enters this Encounter Area,
roll 1d10. On a result of 1-4, the vortex
begins to appear 10d10 yards from the
ship. It expands quickly, 10 yards per
round, up to a maximum of 100 yards
across. One check is made to escape the
whirlpool as soon as it appears. Roll per-
centile dice and if the result is equal to or
less than the distance (in yards) the whirl-
pool appeared from the ship, the ship
escapes and can sail away unharmed. If
the ship is captured by the whirlpool, it has
a 20% chance of sinking. Should it avoid
this fate, the ship suffers 2d6 points of hull
damage before escaping the vortex.
D: These Encounter Areas are filled
with tangled, floating masses of ocean
kelp. In areas of current, these seas are
formed by eddies in the current. In other
areas, stagnant water allows the kelp to
collect. These seas are dangerous, for a
foolish sea captain may become hope-
lessly mired in the weeds. The PCs ship is
able to cross these areas without becom-
ing trapped. However, 2d3 days of effort
are needed to cross. During this time,
there is an additional + 2 applied to the
Mutiny Rating of the crew. (The DM may
also create encounters with monsters and
humanoids living among the sargasso, if
E: Roll 1d10 to determine if the
encounter occurs during the daytime (1-4)
or night (5-10). During the day, the lookout
spots a ship on the horizon (a large mer-
chant ship). It is flying tattered sails. The
player characters may attempt to outrun
the ship. This is successful if they are sail-
ing in a faster vessel. At night, the ship
appears 10d6 yards off the bow.
Next roll 1d6. On a 1-5, the ship is a der-
elict vessel and nothing more. The crew
may have been slain by sahuagin or other
monsters or may simply have disap-
peared. On a die roll of 6, the ship is
manned by fearsome undead. The captain
is a lich and the first mate is a spectre who
lurks below decks by day with five ghoul
officers. Twenty skeletons serve as crew.
They try to board any ship they catch
and slay all they find. In the hold of their
ship is 2,000 sp, 3,000 ep, and 5,000 gp.
The ghost ship is rotted and cannot be
taken as a prize. Indeed, it has only three
hull points and a fierce boarding action
may cause enough damage to sink it.
Lich Captain AC 0; MV 6; HD 13; hp
68; #AT 1; Damage 1d10; SA spells, para-
lyzation, cause fear; SD + 1 weapon to hit,
immune to charm, sleep, enfeeblement,
hold, cold, polymorph, electricity, insanity,
and death; AL NE
Magic User Spells per level
(select any desired spells)
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# of Spells 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 1
Spectre Mate AC 2; MV 15/30; HD
7 + 3; hp 39; #AT 1; Damage 1d8; SA 2-
level drain; SD + 1 weapons to hit,
immune to sleep, charm, hold, and cold;
Ghoul Officers AC 6; MV 9; HD 2;
#AT 3; Damage 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA Paralyza-
tion; SD immune to sleep and charm; AL
Skeleton Crew AC 7; MV 12; HD 1;
#AT 1; Damage 1d6; SD edged weapons
do half damage, immune to sleep, charm,
hold, and cold; AL N
F: The lookout sights land just a small,
verdant island, but it appears to have to
good harbor. As the ship comes closer, it is
seen that the island offers fresh water and
fruit trees. Indeed the island is just what it
seems. It is uninhabited and is covered
with lush growth.
If the island is bypassed without land-
ing, add six to the crews Mutiny Rating. If
the ships lands, the crews Mutiny Rating
immediately drops by two. However, after
the first week spent on an island, the
Mutiny Rating of the crew is increased by
one point every week. Some of the men
begin to grumble about returning home,
while others grumble at the thought of
leaving the island.
G: This island appears fair and lush,
covered with green plants and ample fresh
water. But this island is populated by hos-
tile natives. If the ship bypasses the
island, the Mutiny Rating of the crew is
increased by four. If the ship lands, the
natives hide in the jungle until the crew is
ashore. Then they try to attack with sur-
prise. They keep attacking until at least
200 natives are killed or the ship leaves.
The Mutiny Rating of the crew is increased
by one for every crew member killed.
Tribesmen AC 7; MV 12; HD 1; #AT 1;
Damage 1d6. The tribesmen attack in
waves of 70 men. The following leaders
can be seen in the background, urging
their men on:
1 5th-level fighter, 34 hp
2 4th-level fighters, 33 & 23 hp
7 3d-level fighters, 14 hp each
1 6th-level druid, 20 hp
Crcaturc Encnuntcrs
The remaining Encounter Areas are all
areas of possible encounters with crea-
tures The information for each is pre-
sented on the following table.
Creature No.
Hai nu 2 2
Wako 130
Ningyo 6
Giant Octopus 1
Giant Sea Snake 3
Pteranodon 6
Vampiric Ixitxachitl 1
Sahuagin War Party 50
7 6//15 1d4 1 1d6
* 1 1 by wpn
7 //18 4 1 1d6
7 3//12 8 7 1d4x6/2d6
5 12 8 2 1d6/3d6
7 3/15 3+ 3 1 2d4
6 12 1+1 1 3d4
5 12//24 2+2 1 1d6
Table Notes
Hai nu: immune to water-based attacks
want to trade with ship
65 men with hara-ate-gawa & sword
13 men with sword & bow
20 men with do-maru & sword
13 men with kote & spear
6 men with kote, domaru, sword, & bow
13 men with haramaki, sword, spear,
& bow
Wako leaders:
1 10th-level samurai captain, AC 3,
hp 55, katana + 1 halberd + 1
+ 1, + 2 vs. larger than man-sized,
potion of growth
2 7th-level barbarians, AC 6, hp 47 & 36
2 6th-level bushi, AC 3, hp 33 & 24,
+ 1 splint armor, + 1 tetsubo
4 5th-level bushi, AC 3, hp 29 each,
potion of super-heroism,
philter of love
The magical items are divided between
the leaders of the same level.
Ningyo: Spells as 4th-level shukenja and
wu jen
Giant Octopus: Constriction attack,
pinning, ink
Pteranodon: Lands on deck, tired and
Vampiric Ixitxachitl: Spells as 3d-level
cleric, energy drain, regeneration
Sahuagin: Led by 4+4 HD chieftain and
four 3+3 HD aides
ArrIvIng In Knzakura
When the ship reaches the island of
Kozakura, select from two possible end-
ings provided with this scenario (or you
may create your own). The first ending,
Shipwreck!, can be used if you wish to
begin an Oriental Adventures campaign
using the material provided here. This way
the player characters are trapped in Koza-
kura and have no choice but to take part in
Oriental-setting adventures. However, this
ending has drawbacks.
The Shipwreck! ending requires that
the player characters lose their ship and
are beached on a strange shore. Little can
be done to prevent this result. They may
also lose a large number of their posses-
sions and treasure in the process. Some
players might become angry and upset
with this treatment. This is not an unrea-
sonable feeling on their part. You should
consider your friends (the players) care-
fully before using this ending; be sure that
they are not likely to remain unhappy for-
ever. The second ending, Port of Call,
can be used if you do not want to strand
the player characters in Kozakura or if you
do not want to anger your players with the
Shipwreck! ending. This ending is best
used if you wish to introduce the worlds of
Kozakura into your own campaign. Since
it leaves the player characters with a ship
and the knowledge that there is a port
across the ocean, they can travel back
and forth between the two worlds when
they desire.
For several days the crew have been
seeing signs of land. Flocks of shorebirds
pass overhead. Branches with green
leaves, fruits, and flowers are occasionally
pulled from the sea. The crew is eager to
see land. They have even been bathing
and washing their clothes!
Now, however, it is night. All day the sky
has been gray and looming. The captain
has passed word to his officers to be alert
for anything. The weather could change at
any time.
Around ten oclock at night, the wind
begins to rise. The swells of the ocean
slam against the ship. Water washes
across the deck. A light rain slashes
through the rigging. Everything is soaked.
By midnight, a full-strength gale has
arisen. Every hand is called to deck and
still the storm increases. By the light of
morning, the player characters find them-
selves in the rending coils of a major
If nothing is done to escape the storm,
the ship is suddenly heaved up on a great
wave. It rises ten, twenty, thirty, then forty
feet out of the water, which suddenly under-
goes a transformation. The cascading
water becomes the shimmering scales,
and the froth the hoary whiskers, of a great
dragon-like serpent. With a hiss, it bellows
in a foreign language, Defilers of my
sacred home! I, Lord of the Sea, curse
Suddenly the wave, only seconds
before stretched 50 feet above the sea,
collapses! It almost seems the great ship
could sail through the sky. And then the
wild waves leap upward. Planking and
beams scream as they twist and split. Jag-
ged splinters, smashed casks, and
screaming men wash astern on a ram of
foam. The bow disintegrates against the
sea as if dropped on a giants anvil. A fist
of water smashes through the lower
decks, gutting the hull. And above all the
screams of the men and shrieks of wood is
the throaty laughter from under the waves.
The wreck of the ship is a violent and
dangerous event. All characters standing
on deck have one round in which to act
before the ship hits the water and disinte-
grates. When the ship hits, all characters
must make a saving throw vs. death with a
-4 adjustment to the roll. No magical
bonuses apply. For characters on deck, if
the saving throw is failed, they are
slammed into a convenient beam and
knocked unconscious. They also suffer
2d10 points of damage. Characters who
make the saving throw slam into a beam
and suffer 2d6 points of damage, but they
do not fall unconscious. Characters who
are below decks automatically suffer 3d10
points of damage. If the saving throw is
failed, they too are knocked unconscious.
Two rounds after this, what remains of the
ship sinks.
Unless weighed down with heavy armor
or equipment, both conscious and uncon-
scious characters float to the surface of
the ocean. There is ample wreckage to
cling to. Quick-thinking characters can
also save those who otherwise would sink.
After a few rounds of drifting at sea, a
group of ningyo surface around the char-
acters, signaling their friendly intentions.
They fix ropes to the characters and begin
towing the characters to shore. After 12
grueling hours, the characters land on a
white sand beach. All but the most hardy
are utterly exhausted. (If the players argue
with this, point out the immense physical
strain all of this entails.) The ningyo also
rescue unconscious characters (they
regain consciousness midway through the
journey to shore).
Pnrt nf Ca!!
Should the characters either survive the
storm or not suffer its effects at all, they
eventually arrive at Kozakura. Sighting
first the mountains, then the long coast-
line, the characters do not know whether
they have found an island or a major conti-
nent. As they sail closer, they can begin
inspecting the coast for a suitable landing
point. Choose a hex on the southern
coastline of the Miyama Province Map and
follow the coast from there in the direction
the characters sail. Use the Province Map
to describe what they see. Many towns on
the coast can provide the ship with suffic-
ient shelter to drop anchor.
Upon arriving in port, the ship is greeted
by a fleet of fishing boats. The boats,
sailed and rowed by peasants, are filled
with curious fishermen and wary warriors.
If the town has a resident jito or zussho, he
is present along with the samurai and
bushi he commands. Speaking Koza-
kuran, he demands that his men be
allowed on board and that all weapons be
seized. Any attempts to resist are met with
violence, although an attempt is made to
take a few prisoners for questioning.
If the characters cooperate, they are
allowed ashore, but only under constant
guard. Everyone is questioned, if at all
possiblewhere do they come from, who
do they serve, what kind of ship is this,
why are they here, etc. Characters who
look like commoners or who foolishly state
that they have no lord are stripped of all
weapons and locked up under heavy
guard. Characters who look wealthy or
noble or who claim to serve a powerful for-
eign lord are given quarters in the house of
the jito or zussho. They remain under a
watchful guard. Any attempt to escape is
stopped with whatever force is necessary.
Once the characters are in the hands of
an official (not the peasantry), they are
carefully secluded and questioned. Their
presence is not revealed to anyone but the
officials lord. He in turn keeps this infor-
mation secret until he has determined
what threat or usefulness the characters
present. During this time, the characters
either languish in prison or are gradually
introduced to Kozakuran culture.
If it is ultimately determined the charac-
ters pose no threat, they are allowed
greater freedom of movement. However,
the player characters, unless they escape,
are never free of their escorts. They are
always watched and supervised. They
become the responsibility of the lord, who
treats them as oddities, greater than peas-
ants but less than samurai. It is likely that
he will find some use for the characters,
given their different abilities and unusual
natures. High-level player characters may
eventually reach a level of acceptance
similar to that of a samurai.
As the player characters adventure in
Kotakura, it is likely that one or more will
be permanently slain. When this occurs,
you should allow the player to generate a
new character. This character should be a
Kozakuran, from the classes given in the
Oriental Adventures rule book. The new
character may be one of the guards
accompanying the other player charac-
ters, a samurai who has become intrigued
with the foreigners, or even a wu jen who
hopes to learn something new from the
strangers. Gradually, more and more
western player characters will be replaced
by Kozakurans. Eventually you will have
introduced your players to the rules and
world of Oriental Adventures.
This is the first adventure you should run if
your players are all using Oriental charac-
ters. (If your players are using characters
from the other AD&D

rule books, first play

Over the Waves We Will Go, which
brings them to Kozakura and introduces
them to the Oriental world.) Player charac-
ters in this adventure should be first level.
This adventure presents a raid on a
small mura (not far from the village of
Tosa) by the sohei of the evil Black Temple.
Several weeks ago, couriers from the
Black Temple arrived in the mura with a
message. The message demanded a por-
tion of the coming harvest as rent payment
to the Black Temple. The myoshu of the
mura, knowing nothing of this temple,
refused to make the payment. His village,
he pointed out, already paid rent to the
proper shoen officials. The messenger
left, threatening retribution.
The myoshu sent a message to the jito
of this shoen (located at Tosa), but the jito
has done nothing. Now a force of sohei
have appeared, intent upon destroying the
village and all within it in revenge. If the
pregenerated player characters are used,
they have gathered in this town for their
various purposes. It is their first stop on
their journeys into Miyama. If non-Oriental
player characters are used, they just hap-
pen to be passing through this mura when
the attack occurs. If Oriental characters of
the players own design are used, find
some method of gathering the players all
in one place.
For this adventure, you will need the
Mura Map (on page 29 of this book). The
descriptions below are used with the map.
Mura Descriptions
Most of the buildings are minka, homes
of the families of the community. While
each is different in detail, the general con-
struction of each minka is the same. The
roof is made of a thick layer of rice straw
thatch. The walls are wood lattice or, in
some cases, rough-hewn planks. The
main area of the floor is bare earth with an
open hearth in the center. Around this area
are wooden-floored platforms. The minka
serves as a home, a workshop, and occa-
sionally a barn for the familys livestock.
In this mura, each minka contains 1d6
+ 2 peasants of all ages (to a maximum of
79 people in the village). However, there
are only eight men capable of fighting
(bushi, 1st level). They are unarmored and
armed with spears. They do not fight as a
unit, each attacking individually and with-
out plan. However, if brought under the
command of a strong leader (by scoring
85% or greater on an encounter reaction
check) they will follow simple commands
issued by him. However, this leader must
remain with them at all times and must be
at the front of any fight. Any sign of weak-
ness from their leader and they will break
and run.
Choose one minka to be the myushos
house. Although slightly larger than all the
others, it is similar in appearance and con-
struction. It is the minka of Gobo (AC 10;
MV 12; HD 1-1; hp 4; #AT 1; Damage 1d6;
AL LG), the myusho or leader of the mura.
To outsiders of wealth or power he is obse-
quious and fawning, to all others he is
stern and inhospitable. Since the mura
has no inn, he offers the use of his home to
persons of rank while he sleeps in the sta-
ble. If the important person is a stranger,
Gobo does not offer any more than this. If
the person is a local official or greater,
Gobo produces his finest foods (which are
not much) and sees that the traveler has
rice to eat every day. If the stay is a short
one, he puts up with this expense. How-
ever, if the visit is protracted, he begins to
grumble and secretly complain. He
becomes less cooperative, hiding food-
stuffs while protesting poverty. He is by
nature stingy and manipulative.
The buildings shaded on the map are
the godown (storehouses) of the wealthier
peasants. Each has a stone foundation
and plaster walls. Normal godown have
only thatched roofs, but these have tiled
roofs. These buildings are actually stouter
and more fire-proof than the minka since
they hold all the treasures of each family.
Each godown is partially filled with bales
of rice straw, bags of rice and millet, jars of
beer and sake, lumber, and other farm
goods. The godown are sturdy buildings.
Holes can be knocked in the walls for
arrow slits and other improvisations can
transform these into reasonable defensive
Thc 5cqucncc nf Evcnts
The Player Characters Arrive: Have
the player characters come into the mura
by whatever means you prefer. They may
enter as a single group, arrive in small
groups, or saunter in alone. If the pregen-
erated characters are used, it is likely that
Etsu-no-kami-Makoto and Saisho enter as
one group, Annen and Akirakeiko as
another, Kanari Taro and Penri as the
third, with Roben and Kani each entering
alone. Samurai player characters (and
those pretending to be samurai) who act in
the appropriate lordly manner are housed
in Gobos house at no charge. All others
must find sleeping space with the other
families in the village, paying only a few
The Warning: Allow the player charac-
ters to get settled in the village. Charac-
ters can introduce themselves to each
other (if they entered separately),
although they do not have to. If any char-
acter inquires about local affairs, tell the
player about the demands of the Black
Temple messengers. Do not offer any indi-
cation that the mura may be attacked.
After this minor business is done, a
peasant boy, about 15 years old, runs into
the village. He does not say anything, but
is obviously upset. He runs to the minka of
his father, tugs at the mans sleeve and
points excitedly across the fields. The
player characters are too far away to hear
what is said and may not notice this scene
at all. The father in turn runs to the myusho
and repeats the scene. If the myusho is
with any of the player characters, the
father draws him to the side and whispers
in his ear. A look of distress comes across
his face. He leaves hastily, runs to the cen-
ter of the village and begins pounding the
alarm block (a piece of wood he hammers
with a large mallet). Heads pop out of win-
dows and doors slide wide. Screaming
and crying, the villagers rush into the
streets, whirling about in panic, finally
clustering at the dusty base of the alarm
mound. Many of their faces tear-streaked,
they shout and scream at the myoshu.
Over their voices, the myoshu bellows,
Family! Riders are coming! They are
These words only increase the utter
panic of the villagers. A chorus of screams
erupts from the older women and several
of the weaker-willed men fall to their
knees, sobbing. The outer fringes of the
crowd begin to run away. Some take shel-
ter in their homes, others hastily prepare
to leave the mura. Only a few run for their
spears, determined to fight. The women
claw at and cling to these, pleading with
them not to die foolishly.
There is very little time before the attack
comes. The myoshu knows no more than
he has said. If the player characters can
quickly find the boy (by demanding that he
be brought to them), they can learn more.
The riders were armed and armored.
There were about 20 or more of them.
They were coming from the east. They
were very close by and were riding fast.
The player characters can also attempt to
organize a defense with the eight bushi of
the village, if they act quickly. They have
just enough time to gather these men and
get them into simple positions.
The Attack: Suddenly, 26 mounted
sohei sweep down the main road. Their
forms are barely visible in the dusk, out-
lined by the fading sun and the torches
they carry. Galloping into the mura, they
mercilessly cut down any who foolishly get
in their way. Shouting and screaming; they
order the peasants into the center of the
mura. All who resist are attacked. One
rider, wearing better armor than the oth-
ers, demands to see the myusho and
know which is his house. He is quickly dis-
covered, since the others in the mura
make no attempt to protect him.
The leader of the sohei makes a quick
speech. You ungrateful curs have
refused to pay rent to the Black Temple!
For this, your rent is doubled! And this will
be your punishment, should you refuse
again! With these words, he orders his
men to burn the myoshus house and exe-
cute Gobo. This is done without hesita-
tion. After this, the riders pillage the
remaining houses and godown, and col-
lect the rent, which leaves the villagers
barely enough to survive on.
Leader of the Black Riders: 4th-level
sohei (AC 5; MV 12/18 mtd.; hp 23; #AT
1; THAC0 16; Damage 1d8 + 2)
He is wearing do-maru, kote, and sune-
ate (-1 to Dexterity) and is armed with a +1
trident. He also has a pearl of protection
from fire in an earring. He rides a medium
warhorse. He carries 2d10 yuan.
15 Black Riders: 1st-level sohei (AC 7;
MV 12/24 mtd.; hp 5; #AT 1; THAC0 19;
Damage 1d6 + 1)
Each rider is armed with a spear and is
wearing hara-ate and haidate. None of
them have magical items. Each carries
1d10 fen. All are riding light warhorses.
The Player Characters: Exactly what
the player characters do during this
engagement is entirely up to them. They
are in no way required to stay and fight.
Indeed, you may want to encourage them
to flee at a convenient moment. The Black
Riders are tired from their day of travel and
have no desire to pursue what they con-
sider to be fleeing peasants. If the player
characters choose to stand and fight, their
best chance is to retreat to one of the
godown (with a tile roof) and make a stand.
If several sohei are slain without hurting
the player characters, the riders surround
the godown while they collect taxes from
the rest of the mura. They will then leave.
They do not wish to be drawn into a pro-
tracted battle.
The Aftermath: Once the riders have
left, the player characters have several
options. They can ignore the plight of the
villagers and leave. The raid did not con-
cern them and is not their problem. They
can take the noble course and seek to
avenge the villagers. The villagers can
hire the player characters (although for
meager wages).
The adventure can continue as follows:
The morning after the raid, a group of 10
soldiers enter the mura, led by a mounted
samurai (Sato Masako, 8th level). He care-
fully surveys the damage and hears the
complaints of the villagers. Hearing of the
actions of the player characters, he
demands their presence. He questions
them closely. If the characters fought to
defend the mura, he respects them, realiz-
ing they are more intelligent and percep-
tive than the villagers. At the end of the
questioning, he makes the following offer
to the PCs.
The Black Riders are new to me, but
they have no rights to this shoen. It is
owned by the Niwa family whom I serve. I
must go and present a report of this to my
lord, but he will task me for my inactivity. I
must show him that I am doing something.
You can do me a great service and I will be
under obligation to you. Defend this vil-
lage and learn what you can of these Black
Riders. In several weeks I will return.
Report to me at the village of Tosa then.
He acts as if the player characters are
expected to automatically accept this
offer. If they protest, use whatever persua-
sive arguments seem appropriate
payment, honor, his friendship, or threats
of dire consequences.
If the player characters showed coward-
ice during the recent attack, he still
instructs them to learn what has hap-
pened. As coercion, he threatens them
with punishment and exposure of their
shameful behavior to the shugo-matadai
of the region.
This adventure is for a party of 4-8 charac-
ters of 3d to 5th levels. It continues the
story of the Black Temple begun in the sec-
ond adventure. It is assumed that some
time has passed between that adventure
and this, allowing the player characters to
reach the proper levels. During this time,
the player characters may have other
adventures of your own creation or may
simply have spent the time searching for
clues and information about the Black
Information the player characters can
gain in the course of the adventure
includes the following:
The name of the sohei commander who
attacked the mura
The names of other mura that have
been forced to pay the Black Temple
A history of the practices of the temple
The general location of the temple
Armed with one or all of these bits of
information, the player characters should
eventually be led to the mura of Myudo.
This rests in one of the secluded valleys
that reaches up into the Kurisammyaku.
As referee, you should decide the exact
hex location.
Thc Rnad tn Myudn
All morning, the trail you have been fol-
lowing has been winding through a
thick grove. The weather has been
pleasantly cool and the flowers of the
wood have added soothing bursts of
color to the dark green background.
Several times you have seen signs of
previous travelerschurned earth,
droppings, broken branches, and dis-
carded bits of gear. They are a fairly
large group and do not seem to be mak-
ing any effort to hide their movement. It
is unlikely they are bandits or malevo-
lent creatures.
Following the trail along a young
stand of bamboo, the situation
changes. Broken bamboo lays across
the trail, the stalks spattered with blood
and slashed by sword cuts. An opening
of crushed and cut plants plunges into
the dark grove. In the shadows at the
end is an unmoving form, standing with
his back to you.
Hung up in the broken stalks of bam-
boo is a dead swordsman. He is
pitched forward into the bamboo, his
sleeves tangled in the sharp stalks. His
shoulders sag and his legs are limp
under him. Thick blood soaks the back
of his slashed shirt.
The swordsman is quite dead and
obviously has been robbed. Investigat-
ing the area shows many signs of a
small battleslashed bamboo, blood,
and another dead body, also picked
clean of anything valuable. The bodies
are still slightly warm, so the attack
could not have occurred too long ago.
The trail leads out through the bamboo
and disappears across a patch of rocky
Pressing on a little farther, you see a
traveler on the road ahead of you. He is
headed in your direction. He is about
40 yards away, and you can tell by his
dress he is wealthy. As the traveler
approaches, it is obvious that he has
been in a recent battle. He is wounded
and weak.
If the characters attack he begs for
mercy, unwilling to put up any resistance.
He introduces himself as a trader, Kuda
no Nito. But it is his sorrow to report that
he was set upon and robbed by bandits.
They took all his goods and slew his two
assistants. It is only by great fortune that
he escaped. But unfortunately, all his
goods were stolen. He was carrying a load
of weapons and suspects that the peas-
ants of one of the nearby mura may have
arranged the raid.
He then asks the characters if they
would recover his goods. If they seem hes-
itant, he offers them a reward of 10 chien.
If the characters take him up on his offer,
he tells them where the mura (Myudo) is
and warns them that the peasants might
be well-armed now. After all, he points out,
they did steal weapons from him.
Nito: AC 10; MV 12; 0th level; hp 4; #AT
1; Damage 1d8; carrying 100 tael
When they arrive at the mura, the play-
ers notice that it is a poor and backward
village. The minka are in sad repair and
the villagers are particularly thin and
hungry-looking. Several of the buildings
are nothing but burned-out shells. A few
animals are nosing around the corners of
buildings. It is getting dark.
Myudo is a mura of 98 inhabitants of all
ages. There are 38 large minka or similar
buildings; ten of these on the outskirts of
the mura have been burned or crushed.
There are only 12 effective warriors in the
mura (all 1st-level bushi). The myoshu of
the mura is Ochio, a middle-aged and
quite worn-down man. His responsibilities
are great, and this does not sit well with
him, since he is by nature indecisive. His
lot is made even worse by his shrewish
and nagging wife. Although she is out-
wardly meek and obedient, in private
moments she is loud and domineering.
Not all of Ochios problems stem from
his personality or his family, however.
Myudo is currently under a woeful oppres-
sion that is taxing the resources of all in
the mura.
As the player characters enter the mura,
they are the objects of suspicious stares.
There seem to be no friendly faces here.
Suddenly the muras alarm gong sounds,
ringing through the village. The peasants
run from their huts toward the west end of
the village.
A poorly dressed old man strides from
the minka nearest the characters. With
barely a nod in their directions he shouts,
Hurry, you must flee before the dai-oni
sees you, hurry! He then turns and runs
after the other villagers. If the player char-
acters chase, follow, or talk to this peasant
or any others, run The Ritual encounter.
If the characters leave the village or hide
somewhere nearby, go to the Dai-Oni
Thc RItua!
Quickly you follow the small stream of
villagers. In small clumps and knots
they gather at a circle of packed dirt. In
the center is a large stone slab topped
with a huge drum. An old man, perhaps
the village elder, climbs up to the drum
and begins beating it with slow, rhyth-
mic strokes. Between each beat he
chants praises to the dai-oni (great
oni). The villagers slowly begin to shuf-
fle in and out, ignoring you while they
perform their ritual dance. With each
verse of his chant, they give a shout,
punctuating the ritual. Finally, on an
outward turn of the dance, a pretty
peasant maiden turns to you with her
head bowed and says, Please, honor-
able strangers, leave so our village will
be spared.
The first two peasants the characters
attempt to question refuse to say anything
useful. The first is evasive, trying to avoid
saying anything. The second refuses out-
right to talk to the player characters. If
pressed, he becomes hysterical, demand-
ing they leave and claiming that this is all
their fault. If the characters find the old
man they saw in the village, he is willing to
talk, but also quite fearful of something.
He tells the player characters to meet him
in his hut later that night.
As the villagers perform their ritual,
there suddenly comes a loud voice
booming over the heads of the crowd.
Instantly the villagers fall silent. The old
and the cowardly drop to their knees,
shivering. Kneel! cries the echoing
voice. Looking upward, you see a huge
common oni standing on the hill over-
looking the west side of the village.
After the dai-oni speaks, three men
in armor and two in robes come down
the hill toward the stone slab. As the
men approach, the dai-oni again
speaks. Now, insects, what tribute
have you brought for the Black Tem-
ple? Approach and present it! Three
of the village women approach the altar
with wicker backpacks. At the stone
slab, they empty their backpacks,
unloading an assortment of weapons.
Player characters recognize the weap-
ons from the merchant Nitos descriptions.
If the player characters are among the
crowd and do not kneel, one of the men
without armor brusquely orders them to
kneel. If the player characters refuse or
are slow to react, he imperiously strides
over and knocks them into the dirt. Seeing
them close up, he realizes they are not
from this village. If the player characters
do not resist, he orders his men to take the
player characters and bind them.
If the player characters attack the men
or resist them, a melee erupts. The vil-
lagers flee in panic, some screaming
curses at the player characters. As soon
as a fight starts, the dai-oni turns and
strides away over the hill, disappearing
from sight. If the player characters man-
age to reach the dai-oni before it disap-
pears, they discover it is only a costume.
Inside is a puppeteer on short stilts. He is a
wu jen/ninja.
Two rounds after the dai-oni disappears,
the wu jen/ninja appears at the top of the
hill to help in the fight. He attacks the char-
acters from a safe distance. If things look
bad he drinks a potion of invisibility and
makes his escape, reporting what has
transpired to the Black Temple. If he
escapes, the PCs meet him again in the
Tengu Discovered encounter.
The five men fight until either their
leader (the kensai, see NPC statistics fol-
lowing) falls or they lose three men.
Should either of these events occur, the
men attempt to flee, crossing the hill and
disappearing into the woods.
If the player characters kneel with the
villagers, it may appear as if they are going
to escape safely. The men come down to
the slab and admire the weapons, loading
them into baskets. At this point, a scruffy
peasant not far from the player characters
starts toward the men. His actions and
intentions are obvious to any watchful
player character (i.e., anyone who is spe-
cifically watching the entire crowd, not just
the men). Unless restrained by subtle
arguments, such as the gentle pressure of
a knife in his back, the peasant runs for-
ward to the men and flings himself at their
feet. Pleading mercy for himself, his fam-
ily, and his village, he turns the player
characters in. The men then attempt to
capture the player characters as
described above.
If the player characters manage to avoid
detection, the men gather the weapons
and go back up the hill. The dai-oni roars
out, This time you have pleased me! My
blessing and my protection is over you. On
the next moon I will return. With that, the
entire group turns and strides away.
Darkness prevents any immediate
attempts to track the group. In the morn-
ing, however, it is easy to find the trail. The
footprints of the dai-oni go a short distance
into the woods on the other side of the trail
and then disappear. However, the tracks of
the men remain and are easy to follow.
Wu Jen/Ninja: AC 7; MV 12, 4th/2d
level; hp 14; #AT 1; Damage 1d8 + 1; S
15; I 16; W 12; D 17; C 16; Ch 15; AL LE
Know History
Elemental Burst
Enchanted Blade
Magical Items: + 1 short sword, potion of
Kensai Leader: AC 6; MV 12; 4th level;
hp 36; #AT 3/2; Damage 1d6 + 2; S 17; I 9;
W 16; D 17; C 15; Ch 10; AL LE; chosen
weapon is a three-piece rod
Equipment: quality jitte
Armored Bushi (x3): AC 5; MV 12; 3d
level; hp 27, 16, 21; #AT 3/2; Damage
1d10 + 3; AL NE; all have double speciali-
zation with katana. Each wears do-maru,
haidate, kote, and sune-ate.
Yakuza: AC 6; MV 12; 3d level; hp 12;
#AT 1; Damage 1d8 + 1; S 16; I 15; W 10;
D 16; C 12; Ch 17; AL LE
MIdnIght McctIng
This encounter occurs if the player char-
acters meet the old man at the pre-
arranged midnight meeting. His house is
clean and modest in size. Standing in the
shadows inside the doorway, he greets the
player characters with a motion to be silent.
Ushering them inside, he takes them to the
main room, shooing out his aged wife and a
young woman. A man, possibly his son,
remains in the room with him.
Welcome most respected sirs. I am
Myudo Ichiro. This is the husband of my
daughter. I am sorry you had to arrive at
such a bad time. We are being punished
for evils of our other lives. All the sutras we
chant cannot save us from our sins. For
what we may have done, the gods have
sent a monster into our lands. Six moons
ago, just before the harvest time, it arrived
and proclaimed itself the master of the
Black Temple. Rent was demanded of us.
At first we refused. We are not foolish or
traitorouswe know who our true lord is.
But the monster has troops and the shu-
gos men have ignored our little village.
Once we refused, but only once. We
are not warriors. For our refusal, the hot-
headed sons of several families were slain
and their houses were fired. Those are the
burnt-out hulks you see outside.
Every moon his followers come and
collect a monthly rent. Already we have
become unable to pay in rice. Last moon,
we were forced to pay with our best crafts-
men and daughters chosen by lot. For this
rent, in desperation we set upon a mer-
chant and took his goods. It was a shame-
ful act, but otherwise we would have to
draw lots for our daughters again.
We are dustnothing. We have
shamed ourselves and our families. In a
few days I will leave this village and go to
Tamanokuni. There I will present myself to
the court and plead mercy for my small vil-
lage. They will kill me, I am sure. I will be
executed for my village. Knowing this, I
will go and die. I beg you to destroy the
Black Temple. Avenge the death of an old
man. Avenge me for what they have done
to my village. I am old and I am already
dead. I am a presumptuous old fool who
offends his guests. I will die with some
small honor.
His face pale as aspen bark, he wipes a
trickle of tears from his cheek and bows
forward, exposing his neck to the touch of
the swordblade. Aiieee! wails his son in
sorrow and agony. The cry is echoed by
the women in the room beyond, their
voices ending in choked and wracking
Thc VI!!agc In RuIns
After following the trail of the dai-onis
men for five hours, you arrive at
another small mura nestled at the base
of the mountains. The village is a well of
sorrow. The buildings are decrepit, the
thatch rotting on some. Garbage is cast
aside in small piles near side doors.
Small children throw stones at each
other and young men in rags lounge in
doorways. Bony dogs sprawl under
shady trees. Monkeys clamber through
the branches above them. No one
seems happy or cheerful.
As the characters enter town, they are
greeted by a little man who introduces
himself as Hoseki. Bobbing obsequiously
to the characters, he tugs at their sleeves
and tells them he has most pleasant and
wonderful accommodations for travelers.
If questioned about the dai-oni or his men,
Hoseki feigns fear and caution. Pulling the
player characters into a shadowy corner,
he says the men passed through the vil-
lage this morning and went up into the
mountains. He attempts to learn what the
player characters are doing in his town
and what they intend to do next.
If asked about the dai-oni, he goes into a
horrible tale of what has become of the vil-
lage. This story is very much like that told
in the previous village. However, Hoseki
freely embellishes the story with tales of
dire magical powers, huge bands of men,
and terrible events. Any information
gained from him is generally overstated or
misleading. As an agent of the dai-oni, his
task is to learn as much as possible while
revealing as little as possible.
Once finished with his story, he again
presses the player characters to stay at
his house. If they accept, go to A Night at
Hosekis. If the characters refuse, he is
greatly disappointed. No other building in
the mura offers them shelter. Unless they
return to his house, they are forced to
spend a night in the open air. In this case,
run the Chill of the Night encounter.
A NIght at HnsckI's
That night the player characters are
given rooms in Hosekis household. His
large minka is fairly barren. Gathering
himself a simple comforter, he apologizes
for the disarray. He is a widower and has
little talent for housekeeping. With no chil-
dren, he has a girl come in a few times a
week and see to his needs. Tonight he
sleeps in the kura (storehouse) while the
honorable strangers use his house. After a
simple dinner of a very small bowl of rice
and pickled radishes, Hoseki lays out
comforters and headblocks for everyone
in the party. As a finish to the dinner, he
goes outside and brings back a basket of
fruit and a jar of hot sake. He apologizes
for his meager fare. With this he says
If the player characters have told Hoseki
what they are doing, asked about the
Black Temple, inquired about other stran-
gers, or have shown an unnatural interest
in temples of the area, the fruit and sake
are drugged. Wait about five minutes of
real time and then require a saving throw
versus poison for every character who ate
or drank the drugged substances. If a
character only had one drink or a few
bites, he is allowed a +2 on the saving
throw. For every additional drink or piece
of fruit, the saving throw is reduced by -4.
If the character fails his save, he falls into
a deep sleep. Otherwise, aside from a mild
case of indigestion, the character does not
notice any effect.
If all of the characters succumb to the
drug they awake the next morning with ter-
rible headaches. Not only that, but all their
personal possessions (including their
clothes) are gone. Indeed the only clothes
in the minka are several womens robes! A
search reveals that Hoseki is nowhere to
be found.
If some or all of the characters are not
drugged, but all are asleep, roll percentile
dice. If there is an undrugged barbarian,
ninja, or yakuza with the party, add 10 to
the die roll. If the result is 70 or less, the
characters are robbed as described
above. If the die roll is greater, one or more
of the undrugged player characters
awaken during the robbery. Randomly
determine which and how many charac-
ters awaken.
Robbing them are six men dressed in
black clothing and carrying weapons.
When discovered, their first objective is to
silence those awake before they can
spread the alarm. They do not care how
they accomplish this, as long as they are
silent. They are all ninjas and are
equipped with a number of weapons and
devices. Secondly, they wish to finish the
task they came here to do. Finally, they
naturally wish to avoid unmasking. If the
leader is unmasked, the player characters
discover the whereabouts of their genial
host, Hoseki.
If the player characters keep a watch,
the ninja attempt to dispatch the guard
silently before commencing with the rob-
bery. To accomplish this, Hoseki enters
the minka through the upper story. Moving
silently, he attempts to backstab the guard
from behind with his drug-coated ninja-to.
If successful, allow the player characters a
percentile die roll as described above.
This may result in one or more characters
awakening. Drugged characters never
awaken before dawn.
If the ninjas lose Hoseki or half of their
party, the survivors attempt to run away by
jumping through the open windows and
into the darkness.
If any ninja is captured, he steadfastly
refuses to answer any questions. Indeed,
he goes to any extreme to avoid answer-
ing questions. So long as the player char-
acters hold the ninja prisoner, they are the
target of further ninja ambushes. These
ambushes have the express purpose of
killing the party members quickly. As such
the attacks are sudden and deadly.
Hoseki (sohei/ninja): AC 6; MV 12; 5th/
3d level; hp 28; #AT 1; Damage 1d6 + 3; S
17; I 15; W 15; D 16; C 15; Ch 11; AL LE
Equipment: +2 kusari-gama, ninja-to
coated with sleeping drug (save vs. poison
with +2), three dust grenades, shukenja
scroll of calm and cure critical wounds,
Bushi/Ninja (x5): AC 8; MV 12; 1st/1st
level; hp 6,6,4,3,2; #AT 3/2; Damage 1d8
+ 2; AL LE; all specialize in wakizashi
Equipment: wakizashi, dust grenade,
leather armor
ChI!! nf thc NIght
If the player characters spend the night
outdoors, they do not have any combat
encounters. However, if the guards are
watchful, they notice a figure moving in
the shadows. Player characters able to
move silently and hide in shadows are able
to follow this figure. Other player charac-
ters are only able to tell that the figure is
stealthily slipping out of the mura.
If the figure is successfully followed, he
leads the characters a short way into the
woods. At a particularly large willow tree
he takes a scroll from under his robes and
tucks it in a large hole. With this he turns
and slips back into the village, returning to
the house of Hoseki.
Ten minutes after the message is
dropped off, another figure appears at the
tree and disappears into the woods.
Again, characters able to move silently
and hide in shadows can attempt to follow.
The figure darts quickly to an old, standing
trunk. Rummaging a large stick from
under the leaves, he beats the trunk in
rhythmic strokes. It echoes like a reverber-
ating drum. After several seconds he
pauses and waits, his head cocked. Thirty
seconds pass with no sound. He repeats
the performance. This time a faint echoing
thump floats through the forest. He tosses
the stick aside and returns to the edge of
the village. There he hides himself care-
Thirty minutes later, four men dressed in
black robes join him. After a few whis-
pered words, one cups his hands to his
mouth and imitates the hoot of the night
owl. Three times he hoots, then pauses
and calls once more. In 10 minutes, the
bushes rustle and a sixth figure joins the
group. With a few abrupt hand signals, the
group spreads out in a line and stealthily
enters the village.
The men are Hoseki and his bushi/ninja
companions. They are searching for the
player characters, whom they intend to
slay. They attempt to approach the player
characters undetected. If this is not possi-
ble, they use their grenades to create con-
fusion in the midst of the party and then
attack from what they think is the least
likely direction. They fight until half or
more of the player characters are slain,
half their number are fallen, or until Hoseki
falls. Their statistics appear at the end of
the previous encounter.
Ncxt MnrnIng
If the player characters were attacked
and survived, they can attempt to follow
the trail of their attackers (provided some-
one has tracking skill). If successful, this
trail leads to the Tengu Discovered
encounter. If unsuccessful or if the charac-
ters are unable to follow a trail, they have
to return to the mura for more clues.
Talking to the adult villagers gains the
player characters nothing. It is painfully
clear that no one wants to talk to them,
that they are not even wanted here. The
villagers are terrified of the dai-oni and his
men and are fearful of retribution if they
assist the player characters at all.
However, the children of the mura are
not as oppressed as their elders. If any of
the player characters has the presence of
mind to talk to them, the characters gain
information. The children describe a horri-
ble monster who lives in the cleft of a cliff
not far from the village. Once they used to
play there secretly, but the monster came
and now they are afraid to go there. They
can give the player characters precise
directions to the cleft.
Tcngu DIscnvcrcd
Striking off through the woods, the char-
acters travel for 30 minutes and finally top
a low rise. Ahead they can see a cleft in a
low cliff. As they move out, the sounds of
battle reach their ears.
At the base of the cliff just ahead is a
huge oni, fighting a group of four men. It
has them cornered, and it seems fairly cer-
tain to win the fight. Upon sighting the
party, the men begin to scream for help
while the oni bellows in rage.
If the characters attack, the oni con-
tinues to attack the four men during the
first two rounds of the fight. After this, it
attacks whichever character seems to
present the greatest danger. If given a
chance the men try to flee.
The men are members of the gang that
has been terrorizing the neighboring
mura. Through clever deceptions, they
have convinced everyone that the gang is
led by a dangerous and fearsome oni. This
is not the case. The oni intends to kill the
men in revenge for their vile trickery. It is
not that the oni minds being viewed as a
terror of the countryside, it is just that it
does not want the blame for these things.
Now men are hunting it because of evil it
has not done.
When the player characters arrive, the
men begin to scream and shout that the
dai-oni is attacking them. The dai-oni in
turn also begins to shout its side of the
story. If the men escape (through the aid of
the player characters), the oni still
attempts to make peace with the player
characters. If this is impossible, it flies into
a fury and attacks relentlessly, fighting to
the death.
If the oni makes peace with the player
characters, it explains the complete situa-
tion to them. Should the player characters
reveal they intend to destroy the dai-oni
and his men, this oni volunteers to accom-
pany them. It is bent on vengeance and is
willing to work with humans (and others) if
that will help. It is quite rash, however, not
given to subtlety. Upon reaching the
enemy camp, its only desire is to attack
the false dai-oni. It becomes quite uncon-
trollable at this point.
If the player characters slay the oni and
the men are still around, they look at each
other in a quick panic. Then the cleverest
of the group suddenly falls to his knees in
false gratitude. O honorable and valiant
warriors, it is a great deed you have done!
You have slain the dai-oni and freed the
land from his evil grip! The others hastily
follow suit, heaping praises upon the
player characters. They do everything
they can to convince the player characters
that the mission has been accomplished.
Surely now the onis evil followers will be
forced to flee. They want to take the
player characters back to the mura to
announce their great deed and honor
If the player characters insist on push-
ing forward into the cleft, the men ask if
they can go along to help. If the characters
refuse, the men leave the party and then
trail behind to join in the ambush into
which the player characters are sure to
One of the men is a yakuza. He and the
yakuza encountered in the first mura are
both members of the same kumi. Hidden
on his upper arms are tattoos identical to
those worn by the other yakuza. If any
character is particularly observant during
the fight, he sees these tattoos. If the
player characters have seen the tattoos on
the other yakuza, they know the designs
are identical. What conclusions are drawn
from this is up to the players.
Oni: AC 4; MV 9; HD 8; hp 39; #AT 2;
Damage 1d8 + 2/1d8 + 2; SA polymorph
self, fly, become invisible, cloud trapeze;
has a carved ivory snuff box hung from a
jeweled silken cord worth 1,000 tael
Yakuza: AC 8: MV 10: 2d level: hp 10:
#AT 1; Damage 1d8; AL LE; standard
Sohei(x3): AC 7; MV 12; 3d level; hp 7,
17, 18; #AT 1; Damage 1d8 + 1; armed
with naginata and wearing hara-ate-gawa,
sode, and sune-ate
The cleft the characters must travel
down is a narrow, rocky gorge. At the far
end of the cleft is a small valley, nestled
into the rocky walls. At the far side is a
modest-sized temple.
As the player characters study this
scene, roll for surprise, subtracting one
from the die roll. While the group stands at
the bottom of the cleft, four bushi armed
with daikyu attack. They are stationed at
the top of the cleft. From their vantage
point they rain down arrows on the player
characters, hoping to kill or pin them
down. Since the men are stationed on
both sides of the cleft, it is impossible for
the player characters to find total cover. At
best the PCs can get 100% cover from two
attackers and 25% cover from the remain-
ing two. The bushi in turn have 25% cover
from all missile attacks by the player char-
The cliffs to either side of the player
characters are 50 feet high and can only
be scaled with ropes or by those with
climbing skill. During the climb, the
climber is exposed in full view of the bushi
on the opposite side and has no Dexterity
adjustments to Armor Class. Likewise,
climbing characters are not able to use
shields. The characters are attacked at
the point where the cleft opens into the
valley. One hundred yards from their posi-
tion is the entrance to the temple. How-
ever, the ground between is open and
If the NPCs from the previous encounter
are following the player characters, they
join the bushi in the attack. The bushi rec-
ognize the men and do not fire upon them.
These men attempt to gang up on some
characters while the bowmen keep the
rest of the party pinned down.
Two rounds after the ambush begins,
the occupants of the temple are aware that
intruders are in the valley. They begin to
organize a defense. On the fifth round of
the fight, the first of the reinforcements
arrive. As referee, you should decide how
many reinforcements are needed and in
what order they arrive. The tengu never
becomes involved in this battle.
Bushi (x4): AC 6; MV 9; 2d level; hp15,
15, 14, 14; #AT 2; Damage by weapon
type; AL LE; all specialize in daikyu
Equipment: daikyu, 15 normal arrows,
two armor piercers, three leaf heads, waki-
zashi, brigandine armor
Tcngu Rcvca!cd
For this encounter use the Monastery/
Temple Map in this book. If the player
characters managed to quickly silence the
bushi guards from the previous encounter,
all the NPCs in this encounter are attend-
ing a convocation in the back (meditation)
hall of the temple. If the player characters
have caused an alarm, they encounter
several different groups within the temple.
Use the sections, below, that best match
the situation.
A. Party Undiscovered
As the characters enter the temple, they
see the halls are empty. The building is old
and somewhat run-down. However, there
are clear signs that someone or some-
thing is living here. They do not seem to be
overly neat. From the distance come the
faint sounds of voices.
In the meditation hall are all the NPCs
listed in this encounterthe humanoid
tengu, 10 sohei, and two yakuza. In addi-
tion, if the wu jen/ninja of the first
encounter or Hoseki have survived, they
are also here.
By the time the player characters reach
the meditation hall, they know people are
present there. The sound of voices chant-
ing makes this perfectly clear. Peering into
the hall, they see a man dressed in black
and orange robes standing in front of the
broken statue of a goddess. He is looking
out over a group of hooded men. The man
before the statue is actually a humanoid
tengu polymorphed into human form. He
is the leader of the Black Temple and the
organizer of the sohei raiders.
If the characters watch the ceremony,
they can tell it is a quasi-religious service.
In part, the tengu intones chants to the dei-
ties of the Black Temple. After a little of
this, however, the tengu starts into a ser-
mon for his faithful. In it he attempts to
rouse them to fanatical action against a
group of strangers who are threatening
the very survival of the temple. He
describes the horrible punishments these
strangers will receive for their impiety. He
then details a plan to increase the tem-
ples power and lay claim to the local
Characters who listen to this realize that
the dai-oni is nothing but a hoax. It is clear
that it was nothing but trickery on the part
of the tengua clever costume,stilts, and
proper staging were all it took to convince
the local peasants. Now for the next part of
his plan, the tengu explains that the dai-
oni must be replaced by something more
believable and useful. With these words,
he concludes his sermon and the meeting
begins to break up.
If the player characters are hidden
somewhere near the exits, there is a 50%
chance they are noticed by one of the fol-
lowers. As soon as he sees the PCs, he
shouts a warning to all others and they
attack en masse. In this situation, the con-
gregation cannot be surprised. However, if
the player characters attack the congrega-
tion before the sermon is over, they sur-
prise the followers on a 1-3. If the oni is
present with the player characters, it
immediately attacks upon spotting the
robed men, not waiting to listen to any-
During the fight, the tengu attempts to
duck behind the statue and revert to his
true form. He then flies to the top of the
hall and attacks with his spells. If the fight
goes badly, he flees.
B. Party Detected
If the alarm has been raised by the bushi
guards, the followers in the temple take up
positions in several places attempting to
ambush the player characters as they
poke around.
Main Gate: In the guardroom to the side
of the gate are three sohei armed with
naginata. At the same time, there are two
more in the outer courtyard, standing at
the entrance to the main hall. They have
daikyu and standard arrows. Their task is
to pin the characters in the gateway while
the other sohei strike them from the
Main Temple Hall: If the player charac-
ters attempt to pass through this hall, the
two yakuza hear them coming and take up
positions behind the various statues in the
hall. When the player characters reach the
center of the room the yakuza attack. One
of them carries a biwa of calm (proficiency
15) and a spear + 1, + 2 vs. smaller than
man-sized. He is stationed behind a group
of statues toward the center of the room.
As the characters approach, he attempts
to calm them with his music. Meanwhile,
his partner, armed with a + 1 short bow of
distance, takes advantage of their hesita-
tion to rush out and gently disarm the char-
acters. He has prepared for the music by
stuffing wax in his ears. He is able to dis-
arm up to two calmed characters per
round. Once this is done, he and his part-
her attack. Of course, if they are attacked
first, they fight back.
If the player characters bypass the main
hall, the two yakuza happily take advan-
tage of this to escape.
Meditation Hall: In this hall are the
remaining charactersfive sohei and the
tengu. The sohei fight with fanatical fury
while the tengu acts as described above.
Searching The Temple: Searching the
temple, the characters find nothing of
trick to play on the humans.
One of the cells is particularly interest-
ing. It contains the costume of a giant hor-
rible creature (the dai-oni), a pair of stilts,
three flashpowder grenades, three sets of
ninja garb, and a ninja-to.
Also hidden in the floor of this room is a
set of spell scrolls such as a wu jen would
use. The book contains the following
spells know history, accuracy, elemental
burst, hail of stone, enchanted blade,
apparition, and rope trick.
The player characters find the weapons
lost by the merchant on the bodies of the
various sohei.
Humanoid Tengu: AC 4; MV 12/15;
HD 7; hp 40; #AT 2; Damage 1d10 +2; SA
knows karate with Feint, Circle Kick, and
Iron Fist; SD invisible at will
Spells: cure light wounds (x2), bless,
deflection, aid, hold person, withdraw,
castigate, dream vision
Yakuza (x2): AC 6; MV 12; 3d level; hp
16, 15; #AT 1; Damage 1d8; AL LE
Magical Items: Biwa of calm; spear +1,
+ 2 vs. smaller than man-sized; + 1 short
bow of distance
Sohei (x10): AC 6; MV 12; 2d level; hp
12 each; #AT 1; Damage 1d8; AL LE
value in the front half of the structure.
However, scattered throughout the
monks cells are many personal belong-
ings, obviously the property of the sohei
and others who operated out of the tem-
ple. Going through all these goods takes
some time and the player characters can
spend up to 10 hours searching before
they find everything. Each hour spent
searchinggoing through chests, pulling
up mats, etc.gains the PCs 500 fen and
50 tael.
Imprisoned in a number of the monks
cells are five men and eight women. The
men are burning for vengeance against
their oppressors. The women are horrified
with shame and want nothing more to do
with this world.
In addition to these items, there is a
beautifully done sutra scroll in the library
worth 500 tael to the Konjo Temple. How-
ever, only characters with religion profi-
ciency are able to identify the true value of
this scroll. There are also two other
scrolls, one telling the history of this tem-
ple and the other telling the activities and
plans of the tengu. Reading this, it
becomes apparent that the tengu, under-
took this scheme because he thought the
whole idea was some type of grand cos-
mic joke. Apparently, he really had no
burning desire to rulehe only thought
the whole thing was a cruelly humorous
There were several semi-mythical eras
before the written Timeline of Kozakura
began. The first of these eras, called the
Age of the Gods, begins with the creation
of Shinkoku and the settlement of Koza-
kura. Legend maintains that this era
lasted over 10,000 years. Next came the
Reign of the Earth Spirit Emperors. These
demi-gods supposedly received their titles
from the Heavenly Deities. Many colorful
legends of Kozakura come from this
timethe War of the Oni Kings, the Stone-
Bearing Empress, and the deeds of Naka
no Moriya. The tales of this time combine
fiction and fact, embellishing and exag-
gerating known events. Those of later
ages call the rulers of this age emperors,
in an effort to legitimize their own imperial
lines. Only after these two ages did the
rise of the human emperors occur.
In the following timeline, the names of
emperors and empresses are listed in
capital letters next to the dates when they
ascended to the throne. The Kozakuran
calendar groups years into cycles rather
than centuries. Each cycle is 60 years
long. The calender begins with the ascen-
sion of Mori, the first human emperor, to
the throne. The year in which an, event
occurred is given in terms of the cycle
(preceding the slash), the year within the
cycle (following the slash), and the cumu-
lative number of years since Year 1 (in
TImc!Inc nf Knzakura
1/1 (1): MORI
2/19 (79): ITONIN
2/34 (94): Prince Miki begins his cam-
paigns to subjugate the northern
2/45 (105): The northern korobokuru
overwhelm Todaijo, the stronghold
of Prince Miki. He and all his fol-
lowers are slain. The korobokuru
chieftain Inoyep begins to recover
lands lost to Prince Miki.
2/47 (107): Emperor Itonin leads an army
against the northern korobokuru. In
the midst of the campaign, Inoyep is
treacherously assassinated by
Akarweop, one of his sub-chiefs.
Itonin accepts Akarweops peace
offer. At the peace council, Akar-
Leadership of the northern korobo- empress. Prince Sagi, half-brother
kuru is destroyed. of Emperor Toakimi, was persuaded
2/52 (112): DAIGEN by the Nagato family to rebel when
3/13 (133): Chiro no Maasate establishes the Honda family supported Prin-
a Kozakuran colony on Tenmei. cess Kodaiku after the death of her
3/30 (150): TENSHO childless husband, Toakimi. The
4/5 (185): OKURI northern rebels name their own
5/28 (288): KOSHU emperor and establish a separate
6/13 (313): The last resistance of the capital at Senita. The northern court
northern korobokuru is overcome. survives for 68 years. During this
The northern provinces are formally time three emperors are proclaimed
declared part of the imperial lands. by the rebels: Sagi (11/54; 654),
6/22 (322): The first envoys from the Gosagi (12/46; 706), and Ouizu (12/
Shou Lung court arrive at the impe- 59; 719).
rial capital of Fukama. Shou Lung 12/41 (701): The Kanchai school of the
histories record this as the discov- Way of Enlightenment is founded.
ery of Kozakura. 12/52 (712): Suffering from the political
7/10 (370): SENTAI and financial strain of the Zakura
7/25 (385): The korobokuru hero, Poiy- Insurrection, Empress Kodaiku is
opepoen, leads the remainder of his compelled to name Honda no
people in a great migration to Ten- Okumi as regent for her young son,
mei. There they settle in the deep Bidamu. The Honda control of the
woods, hidden well away from the imperial court is now complete.
small human settlements. 12/53 (713): BIDAMU
7/46 (406): Under the guidance of Prince 13/2 (722): The last stronghold of the
Sanetomo, the Prime Minister, Zakura Insurrection is captured.
Emperor Sentai begins the Great The war is officially ended and the
Land Reforms. Much property is rebel court is destroyed.
redistributed and the status of koro- 14/58 (838): SUREI
bokuru and hengeyokai is formally 15/19 (859): The Konjo school is intro-
defined as outside the Kozakuran duced to Kozakura.
government. The action sparks 15/38 (878): Ichiro the Swordsman fights
many fierce uprisings. The end his first duel at the age of ten. In the
result is the strengthening of Prince next 83 years, he becomes the fore-
Sanetomos family, the Honda. most swordsman of Kozakura. Leg-
8/26 (446): SHOTOKEN end maintains he was the finest
8/42 (462): The Way of Enlightenment is swordsman who ever lived or ever
introduced to Kozakura. will live. Living the life of a wastrel
9/23 (503): JUMEI (Empress) and vagabond, he is never beaten in
9/24 (504): Empress Jumei begins the a duel. Shortly before his death, it is
construction of a new capital at said he achieved his ultimate goal,
Dojyu. making the perfect weapon, infus-
10/23 (563): SANOE ing it with the very essence of his
10/38 (578): The Black Castle is founded life. It is the Breath-Floating-Sword.
by Aga (Miyama). The weapon has never been found.
11/10 (610): The Black Castle is destroyed 16/16 (916): KOKAN
by Kinusake no Yori. 17/9 (969): SUKO
11/23 (623): The village of Kuda is
founded as the provincial capital of
Miyama by Kinusake no Yoris
11/31 (631): TOAKIMI
11/53 (653): KODAIKU (Empress)
11/54 (654): The Zakura Insurrection
weop and his allied chiefs are slain. begins in the north against the
17/24 (984): An invasion fleet from Wa
commanded by Hidegari Iegusa
lands on the southwestern tip of
Shinkoku, conquering several prov-
inces. The shogunate organizes a
counterattack, but the effort is ham-
pered by the defection of several
powerful southern lords. After the
initial battles, both sides are unable
to make further progress. Raiding
along the borders of the occupied
provinces becomes a common prac-
tice of the Kozakuran families in the
17/35 (995): Hidegari Iegusa attempts to
break the deadlock in the Southern
War by invading the Dai plain from
the sea. The regent, Honda no
Mototsune, launches a force onto
the Inland Sea. In the midst of a
fierce storm raised by Mototsunes
sorcerers, the two armies meet. For
two days a fierce hand-to-hand bat-
tle rages across the decks of over
300 ships. In the end, his ship
ablaze and most of his men dead,
Iegusa refuses to surrender or leave
his ship. With Iegusa dead and his
army broken, Mototsune begins the
recapture of the occupied southern
17/36 (998): The Great Hunt begins in the
southern provinces. As the survi-
vors of Iegusas naval expedition
return to their conquered territories,
fell creatures and oppressed peas-
ants exact a horrible revenge on the
stragglers. Many villages overthrow
their oppressors and proclaim their
freedom. As Mototsunes army
arrives, many of these communities
refuse to give up their indepen-
dence. Mototsune savagel y
destroys these rebellious hyakusho,
leaving a wake of devastation
behind him.
17/44 (1004): Honda Mototsune com-
pletes the reconquest of the south-
ern provinces.
18/1 (1021): Dorumiji Monastery built
18/4 (1024): Konjo Monastery built (Miy-
18/38 (1056): KIMAYAKU
18/42 (1062): SOYOKU (Empress)
18/48 (1068): MURAKAKU
19/28 (1108): Prompted by the weakness
of the imperial court, the Hojo family
precipitates the Tennu War. The
country splits between supporters of
the emperor, under the control of the
Honda family, and the Hojo cause.
19/30 (1110): SAGO
19/32 (1112): Hojo forces win the Battle of
Kurisammyaku, conquering Miy-
ama. During the campaign in the
province, a great fire sweeps Kuda.
Niwa Ozuchi sacrifices his life to
save the family charters. The
emperor Sago is assassinated.
19/33 (1113): SHOWAJI
19/39 (1119): Under the authority of the
puppet emperor Showaji, the Hojo
family assumes the title shogun.
Although fighting continues off and
on for many years, the Tennu War is
considered to have ended. The
power of the Honda family is broken.
Most of its members are exiled or
executed. The few that remain have
their power carefully restricted.
19/40 (1120): The Bakufu is officially
declared at Gifu. Most of the lords of
Kozakura come to present them-
selves to the Hojo shogun. Those
who do not come are considered
enemies of the shogunate.
19/56 (1136): GOTENSHO
20/1 (1141): GOSOYOKU (Empress)
20/3 (1143): With the arrival of its first
shugo, the provincial capital of Miy-
ama is moved from Kuda to Tamano-
20/4 (1144): KAMEDAI
20/15 (1155): GOSUKO
20/18 (1158): Gizu Hanashi is appointed
shugo of Toyaki. All provinces are
now directly or indirectly under Hojo
command. The country is unified
under a shogun.
20/23 (1163): NIJO
20/50 (1190): GOITONIN
20/52 (1192): SHUJO
20/56 (1196): KAMMU
21/15 (1215): The wu jen Chu Tei Zao and
Goboro the Lame engage in a mur-
derous duel of sorcery. So great are
their powers that one stands atop
Mount Kaza and the other on the
neighboring peak of Dagorayama.
For an entire night the sky in the area
is changed to a horrid violet-green.
The villages, fields, and forest
between the two are burned to cin-
ders. The 237-year-old feud appar-
ently ends with the climactic
explosion of the peak of Mount Kaza.
The site is now called Broken-Dish-
Mountain for the shape of the
remaining mount. No bodies are
found, so it is difficult to say if the
feud has ended or is postponed.
21/28 (1228): TOKURA
21/42 (1242): IJO
21/44 (1244): GODAIGEN
21/49 (1249): GOMORI
22/7 (1267): The career of Ichi the High-
wayman ends in his death.
22/19 (1279): The mines at the Mountain
of Iron are closed (Miyama).
22/25 (1285): ENCHIGO
22/38 (1298): GOSAGO
22/42 (1302): FUKAKUJI
22/47 (1307): Dorumiji Monastery is
destroyed by hostile sohei (Miy-
22/52 1312): GOFUKAKUJI
22/59 1319): SUTOPEI
23/23 1343): Takenaka family is founded.
23/27 1347): GOIJO
23/44 1364): GOKIMAYAKU (Empress)
23/52 1372): REIJO
24/18 1398): The Hori family is founded.
24/19 1399): GOBIDAMU
24/21 (1401): Shrine of the River Dragon
is built in Miyama.
24/26 1406): GOKAMMU
24/35 1415): The Hojo War begins.
24/41 (1421): The Battle of Norinoshima
ends the Hojo War with the defeat of
the Hojo forces.
24/42 (1422): Hojo Kawakubo is named
24/43 (1423): Niwa appointed shugo-
daimyo of Miyama.
24/45 (1425): GONIJO; Village of Anan
burned by troops of the shugo-
daimyo (Miyama).
24/48 (1428): Construction begun on
Atarashijo (Miyama).
24/50 (1430): The beginning of the PCs
Following are a number of creatures that
are peculiar to the islands of Kozakura and
Wa. None of these monsters are featured
in the short adventures given in this book,
allowing you to introduce them when you
want; for example, after your players think
they have discovered all there is to know
about Miyama and its dangers.
MOVE: 12
% IN LAIR: Nil
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d4/by weapon type
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
The rokuro-kubi are humanoid crea-
tures that are indistinguishable from
humans, under most circumstances. They
can, however, can stretch their necks in a
snake-like manner to the prodigious
length of 20 feet. In addition, their mouths
are filled with sharp fangs, allowing them
to bite for 1d4 points of damage. In combat
they fight adjacent opponents with their
weapon, stretching their necks to attack
those behind or to the side of them. In
addition, instead of biting, they can
attempt to constrict a victim. On a suc-
cessful to hit roll, the snake-like neck
wraps around the victim and squeezes for
1d6 points of damage per round. While
constricting, the rokuro-kubi can only
attack the constricted victim. The victim
can escape the constriction by making a
successful bend bars/lift gates die roll or
by slaying the rokuro-kubi.
Rokuro-kubi are sly and cunning by nat-
ure. To avoid suspicion, they seldom have
a fixed home, preferring to wander from
village to village. They delight in the suffer-
ing they cause and sometimes befriend a
group of travelers or a peasant family, only
to slay them one at a time in secret. A
common practice for them is to disguise
themselves as travelers and, upon meet-
ing another traveler on the road, suddenly
lengthen their necks and attack.
MOVE: 3/18 (MC: B)
% IN LAIR: Nil
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Surprised only
on a 1
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III/105 + 3/hp
The utoyasukata is a brightly colored
bird found in the coastal areas of temper-
ate lands. Its flesh is greatly prized as a
delicacy by nobles and wealthy mer-
chants, who are willing to pay good sums
for the bird. The bird is extremely difficult
to catch as it is very wary and flees at the
slightest sign of danger. Likewise its nest
is virtually impossible to find. It is hidden
so well that the utoyasukata cannot
remember where it is and must call to its
young to find the nest. Alas, this leads to
its undoing, for hunters have learned to
imitate these calls, luring the utoyasukata
within range of their nets and weapons.
Still, the hunting is dangerous since the
blood of the bird is a deadly poison. Any-
time a successful hit is scored with a
melee weapon, the wielder must make a
successful saving throw versus poison
( + 2 on the die roll) or die. Once the bird is
slain. care must still be taken in the han-
dling of the carcass for the poison remains
deadly for up to one hour after the crea-
tures death. Placing the carcass in a bag
is insufficient, as the poison rapidly soaks
through several layers of cloth. Utoyasu-
kata have even been known to prick them-
selves with their beak and shake a few
drops loose in an attempt to defeat
Even eating the utoyasukata is danger-
ous, a situation that actually enhances its
reputation as a delicacy. It can be properly
prepared only by a skilled cook (who must
check against his proficiency for success).
If prepared unsuccessfully, or by an
untrained person, all who eat it must make
a saving throw versus poison. Those who
make the saving throw have enjoyed a
meal of great delicacy. Those who fail the
saving throw suffer intense illness (or
death if the saving throw result is a 1). The
onset of the illness occurs 1d6 hours after
eating and lasts for 1d8 hours. During this
time the character is afflicted by severe
stomach cramps and weakness, prevent-
ing him from doing all but the simplest
FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 12
% IN LAIR: 85%
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/XP VALUE: VII/1, 175 + 10/hp
Similar in appearance to graceful young
maidens with long, black hair, yuki-on-na
can be identified by their snowy white
robes and pale blue skin. Yuki-on-na dwell
in sub-arctic forests and wintry mountain
forests, particularly in the northern parts of
Kozakura. They virtually never appear out-
side of these regions.
The yuki-on-na is malicious and cruel,
but has been known to live in harmony
with other intelligent creatures within its
domain, ignoring the presence of beings
such as solitary hengeyokai. However, it is
possessed with a fanatical hatred of all
things human and anything or anyone
associated with them. It invariably
attempts to kill lone human travelers fool-
ish enough to enter its territory.
The yuki-on-na always attempts to
attack in the midst of snowstorms or in
snowy conditions. Its white robe makes it
virtually impossible to spot at a distance.
As such, it surprises on a 1-3 and the
encounter distance is always 10d3 feet. It
is a dangerously seductive creature, and
any who meet its gaze (up to one person
per round) must make a saving throw vs.
paralyzation with a -2 modifier. Those who
successfully save are unaffected by the
creature. Those who fail their saving throw
are hypnotically paralyzed for 2d4 rounds
by its striking appearance. It can use dis-
guise, know history, comprehend lan-
guages, and ESP at will, one per round.
Once per day it can use lose the path
(reversed find the path). In combat the
yuki-on-na attacks with its icy touch, caus-
ing 1d10 points of damage. It is immune to
all cold-based attacks, but suffers an extra
point of damage per die from fire-based
(Makoto of Etsu)
1st-Level Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai
Alignment: Lawful Good
Hit Points: 7
Family Honor: 51
Personal Honor: 52
Birth: 4th Rank
NPC React Mod: 70%
Birthright: Three horses (one sold)
Proficiencies: Katana, horsemanship (18),
calligraphy (18)
Starting Money: None, owes 2 tael to
Background: You are the son of Etsu-
no-kami-Yasutoki, a minor samurai of Miy-
ama Province. Your mother was a graceful
nature spirit of a great willow in the forest.
For years your father held a small shoen
near Kuda. However, a plot at the provin-
cial capital in Tamanokuni disgraced your
father and ruined the fortunes of your fam-
ily. The shugo-daimyo was forced to ban-
ish your family and strip your father of the
charter to his shoen. The shugo-daimyo
reassigned the shoen to Inoue Kanemori,
a retainer of the Igi household. You do not
know if the Igi or someone else was
behind the plot. Now your father is dead
and it is up to you to restore his name. Fur-
thermore (just to make matters worse), the
grove of your lifeforce is located on your
familys old shoen. With your meager
resources and your friend Saisho (whom
you owe money), you have secretly re-
entered Miyama from neighboring Shi-
zume Province.
1st-level Human Kensal
Alignment: Lawful Good
Hit Points: 6
Family Honor: 29
Personal Honor: 39
Birth: Upper Class
NPC React Mod: 35%
Birthright: None
Proficiencies: Naginata, daikyu,
navigator (12)
Starting Money: 3 tael, 17 yuan
Equipment: Naginata, wicker backpack,
tobacco pipe, one lb. of tobacco, tent
(small), lacquered chopsticks, tinder box
(flint and steel), iron pot, one lb. of tea, one
weeks ricecake, hooded lantern
Background: Born the son of a ship-
ping merchant, you have lived a good life
up to now, indulging in most harmless
pleasures. But this has proven unsatis-
fying. So, by your own mental discipline
and the training of an old man in your vil-
lage, you have entered on the path of the
kensai. You have a natural talent for it. But
now, having learned to meditate and the
basics of handling your weapon, your old
master has taught you all he knows. It is
time to seek a new teacher. Stories have
been told of a master of the naginata
somewhere in Miyama and you have
come searching for him.
1st-Level Human Wu Jen/Ninja
Alignment: Neutral
Hit Points: 5
Family Honor: 15
Personal Honor: 25
Proficiencies: Bo stick, herbalist (17),
animal handling (14), dagger,
reading/writing ancient Kozakuran,
ninja-to, kusari-gama
Starting Money: 2 yuan, 57 fen
Equipment: Bo stick, ninja-to, kusari-
gama, dagger, mino (straw raincape), light
warhorse, riding saddle, bit and bridle,
large saddle bags, saddle blanket, one
week of ricecake, one jar sake, cord (10
feet), 10 tallow candles, three sticks of
incense, flashpowder eggshell grenade,
dust eggshell grenade, iron pot
Background: You are the life-long
friend of Etsu-no-kami-Makoto. Perhaps it
was his supernatural heritage that drew
him to you, for you were always a wild
youth. Your family died when you were a
child and a kindly uncle adopted you. He
took you to his village and raised you.
He was a talented wu jen who lived
amidst a village of ninjas. From him you
learned sorcerous skills; from the myusho
of the village you learned ninja skills. Your
days were long and hard, devoted entirely
to study and exercise. Then, one day, a
message came from the capital. Your
childhood friend had been banished! Sud-
denly ninjo (human compassion) over-
came your giri (obligations). Quietly you
left your uncle, leaving all you had with
him, and set out to find your friend.
Since that time you have led a wander-
ing life. Only recently have you found
Etsu-no-kami-Makoto, just as he was pre-
paring to return to Miyama. Your uncle has
sent you messages saying you might be
forgiven. Now you are returning to your
home to learn your fate.
1st-level Crab Hengeyokai Bushi
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hit Points: 6
Personal Honor: 20
Proficiencies: Spear specialization,
heraldry, gaming
Starting Money: 3 yuan, 94 fen
Equipment: Spear, buckler, wicker back-
pack, coarse blanket, one lb. spices
Background: You have lived most of
your life on the lonely and barren sea-
shore. Until recently, you were content to
watch the fishing boats of the humans and
mind your own business. But now you are
dissatisfied and curious. You have tired of
the tricks of your friends, Rabbit and
Tanuki. So, shouldering your meager pos-
sessions, you have set out to learn about
the world of men.
1st-Level Human Shukenja
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Hit Points: 4
Personal Honor: 29
Proficiencies: Tetsubo, gunsen, religion,
calligraphy, reading/writing Shou Lung
Starting Money: 6 yuan, 46 fen
Equipment: Tetsubo, jingasa, prayer
beads, small bell, 10 sticks of incense, 20
paper prayer strips
Background: You are a follower of the
Konjo school of the Way of Enlightenment.
For most of your adult life, you have
stayed at the provincial Konjo temple of
Miyama, studying sutras and perfecting
your mind. However, your master decided
that these activities, while worthy, are
insufficient to prepare you. Thus, he
ordered you out of the temple to seek
enlightenment by your own path.
Suddenly thrust outside the peaceful
walls of the temple with no guidance but
your own spiritual instincts, you are con-
fused and perhaps a little frightened. For-
tunately, you have made a friend of
Akirakeiko, a sohei. Still, you must seek
enlightenment, but how? What will you
do? Where will you go? Now your true
training as a shukenja begins.
1st-Level Human Sohei
Alignment: Lawful good
Hit Points: 5
Personal Honor: 24
Proficiencies: Spear, fishing, sailing
craft, swimming
Starting Money: 1 yuan
Equipment: Spear, jar of sake
Background: You were once a sohei of
the Konjo school in Shizume where you
guarded and protected the temple from
your fierce rivals of the Kanchai school.
The two temples had been feuding for
years. Neither gained the upper hand or
made progress against the other. Most
activities were confined to small raids.
Then, the Kanchai followers suddenly out-
maneuvered your temple. Gaining the
support of the shugo-daimyo of Shizume,
they launched a full-scale assault on the
Konjo temple. You were away, at an iso-
lated outpost, when this happened. By the
time you learned what had happened, it
was too late. Now the shugo-daimyo,
swayed by those of the Kanchai school,
has made it impossible for you to remain in
Shizume. So, nearly empty handed, you
have come to Miyama. You still consider
yourself a Konjo sohei and were traveling
to a Konjo temple in Miyama to offer your
services. Now, on your journey, you have
found a Konjo shukenja, Annen, who
looks like he could use your protection.
KanarI Tarn
1st-Level Korobokuru Yakuza
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hit Points: 4
Family Honor: 5
Personal Honor: 17
Birth: Lower Middle Class
NPC React Mod: 15%
Proficiencies: Gaming, long sword,
iaijutsu, chu-ko-nu
Starting Money: 10 yuan
Equipment: Long sword, wicker back-
pack, one week of ricecake, five jars of
beer, hara-ate-gawa
Background: You are a rare thing
indeeda korobokuru living and dealing
with the humans! You have never known
who your real father was. As a child, you
were a street urchin, tough and wild. While
still a youth, you were adopted by a
yakuza kumi of one of the northern prov-
inces. You lived among them for several
years. Your unusual appearance and
small size made you both the butt of jokes
and an asset. Finally, you formally joined
their kumi. But shortly after, in a wild rage,
you slew a yakuza of a rival kumi who
insulted you.
For your own safety, your oyabun has
ordered to travel far away for several
years. You have become a matatabi, a
wandering and homeless yakuza. Your
oyabun has advised you to travel to Miy-
ama, where you can find shelter with the
oyabun Ebi. You are guaranteed his hospi-
tality, but in return you must serve him,
faithfully executing his wishes. If you are
faithful to him, he may adopt you into his
kumi for as long as you wish to stay.
1st-Level Korobokuru Barbarian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
STRENGTH 18 (74)
Hit Points: 14
Proficiences: Spear, shortbow, short
sword, animal handling, survival, sound
Starting Money: 13 yuan
Equipment: Spear, leather armor, buckler
Background: You are the son of an ordi-
nary tribesman from the Bear Clan of the
northern lands. For years your people
have been at war with the humans of
Kozakura, a war your clan has been stead-
ily losing. Now, your people have been
overwhelmed by the more populous
humans and have been forced deep into
the mountainous and snowy forests. It is
no longer an issue of continuing the war
against the humans, now your tribe simply
struggles to survive. In desperation you
have been sent out to search for allies and
to help others of your race in need. They
do not expect you to return, but perhaps
you will found a new branch of the Bear
Clan, far from the troubles of the north.
Your journey has brought you southward
to the province of Miyama.

1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

1 - Kagochi 30 - Shizume
2 - Toyaki 31 - Horosawa
3 - Miko 32 - Tsuko
4 - Nakaido 33 - Waya
5 - Sogai 34 - Shogitsu
6 - Naredo 35 - Hira
7 - Iwari 36 - Wakinasga
8 - Ike 37 - Hochi
9 - Dosaki 38 - Takako
10 - Gizan 39 - Maeshi
11 - Kumaike 40 - Kanahanto
12 - Naga-ido 41 - Ashi
13 - Fukudo 42 - Yokozu
14 - Chibana 43 - Migri
15 - Tochiko 44 - Haso
16 - Okiga 45 - Kyotoge
17 - Sanyo 46 - Ishinuma
18 - Futesama 47 - Senike
19 - Oie 48 - Watsu
20 - Kodo (Imperial Capital) 49 - Eiga
50 - Akime 21 - Sudai
22 - Yama-no-Taichi 51 - Kumachi
23 - Azuma 52 - Sai
24 - Tairayama 53 - Niie
25 - Unetgeso 54 - Gumi
26 - Moro 55 - Ibasuido
27 - Doku 56 - Mito
28 - Okane 57 - Tenmei
29 - Miyama
1 hex = 40 miles (approx.)

1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

Official Game Adventure
5wnrds nf thc DaImyn
by DavId "Zcb Cnnk
PrnvIncc Bnnk nf MIyama
Tab!c nf Cnntcnts
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Kozakura Geography and Climate
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Politics of Kozakura
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Miyama Province. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Geography and Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Provincial Government
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The Armies of Miyama
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Religions of Miyama
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
The Estates of Miyama
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The Social Order of Miyama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The Gazetteer of Miyama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Empty Province Hexes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Gazetteer of Hex Locations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
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Swords of the Daimyo is a campaign set-
ting and a series of adventures for use
with the AD&D

Oriental Adventures
rules. Obviously, you need the Oriental
Adventures rules and the Dungeon Mas-
ters Guide. In addition, it is helpful to have
the Monster Manual handy for easy refer-
This module includes a small color map
of the continent of Kara-Tur, a larger map
of Miyama Province on the island of Koza-
kura, a book of adventures and maps, as
well as the book of background informa-
tion that you are now holding. This book,
the Province Book, has information about
the island of Kozakura and the province of
Miyama. Most of this book deals with Miy-
ama, the starting point for your adventures
in the mystical Orient.
Before describing Miyama Province, it
is necessary to know something about
Kozakura. Thus this book begins with
some general information about the geog-
raphy, climate, government, and politics of
the island of Kozakura.
After laying this foundation, the Prov-
ince Book focuses on Miyama Province.
Information about Miyama includes its
geography, resources, history, govern-
ment, politics, towns, castles, monas-
teries, temples, landholders, monsters,
notable NPCs, and a gazetteer that gives
detailed information on many of the hexes
on the Miyama Province Map. Thus Miy-
ama Province can be the starting point
and center of your Oriental campaign.
Read this book before starting the
adventures in the Adventure Book. This
book enables you to provide your players
with the necessary background they need
for the various adventures. As you read,
feel free to highlight important sections of
text, make notes in the margins, or change
descriptions as you see fit. Miyama Prov-
ince is your campaign world and you are
free to shape it to your purposes.
The lands of Kara-Tur are inspired by
historical time periods of the Orient, using
the culture and way of life of those times.
Miyama Province is inspired by the Japa-
nese culture of the Kamakura through
Sengoku periods. This time of Japans his-
tory was marked by civil war and the rise of
the independent daimyos, each struggling
to gain and keep the title of shogun, the
supreme ruler of Japan.
Oriental Adventures is a fantasy game,
however, and the information here is not
historically exact. Furthermore, the for-
eign words (and their translations) are
meant to convey the flavor of the Orient
and are not necessarily exact Japanese
Gcngraphy and C!Imatc
Kozakura is west of Kara-Tur, the isle
that separates the Celestial and Eastern
Seas. Kozakura consists of the islands of
Shinkoku, Tenmei, Mikedono and Hino-
moto. Of these, Shinkoku is the largest,
forming a sweeping arc 1,400 miles in
length. On the northern side lies Tenmei,
separated from Shinkoku by the Inner
Sea. On the southern side are Hinomoto
and Mikedono. Between them runs Ama-
kaikyo, the Straits of Ama.
The islands of Kozakura rise from the
ocean abruptly, extensions of the moun-
tain ranges reaching down from the north-
ern peninsula. A mountain range runs the
length of Shinkokus inside arc. The range
was formed by volcanic action and several
of the peaks are still active, erupting at
infrequent intervals. While extremely
rough, the mountains are low and only a
few reach above the permanent snow line.
The sides are usually steep and heavily
forested, poorly suited to rice farming.
Narrow valleys of fertile land wind
through the lesser ranges, the slopes ris-
ing abruptly along the mountainsides.
Streams and rivers cascade down these
slopes, fed by natural springs, melting
snows, and the seasonal rains. These pro-
vide water for the rice paddies in the val-
Life in these small valleys is hard and
lonely, unappealing to the majority of
Kozakuras people. Most of the population
lives on one of three large plains. These
areas, although not perfectly flat, provide
broad expanses of fertile agricultural land.
The largest of these plains is centered
around the imperial capital. Rich in rice
production, the Dai Plain has been the
object of political struggle for centuries.
Whoever controls the Dai Plain controls
the heart of Kozakura.
The second great plain is located on the
northern end of the island. This, the Jodo
Plain, is the second largest in size and food
production. Although far from the imperial
center and somewhat isolated, it has proved
a useful power base for rising warlords.
The third area of plains is a small group
of river valleys in Miyama Province.
Although not large in land area or food
production, these plains rest astride the
narrow neck of land connecting the north-
ern and southern halves of Shinkoku. He
who rules Miyama Province controls the
movement of trade, messages, and troops
to both ends of the island.
The land of Kozakura contains much
farmland and forest. The farmland is
divided into two types. Where the rains fall
heavily or mountain streams are diverted
to the fields, the farmers grow rice. The
fields are divided into small squares and
rectangles, crisscrossed by many dikes
and irrigation ditches, for the growing of
rice requires water. Each spring the pad-
dies become flooded, muddy pools, the
dikes narrow paths. As the rice grows the
fields are drained and become passable
again. The farmland that cannot be irri-
gated properly is given to the growing of
other cropsvegetables and millet.
Forest covers most of the islands of
Kozakura. Those who have the resources
and money gradually work on reclaiming
farmland from the woods. It is difficult and
expensive work. The forests are thick with
bamboo and trees and the ground is rug-
ged and broken.
Still, even in its wild state, the forest
holds a bounty of resources. Workers go
out every day and cut bamboo. Hunters
search for game. Loggers take trees for
lumber. Peasants gather mushrooms and
other exotic growths for food and medi-
cine. It is also a place of refuge for humans
and nonhumans alike. Bandits and
escaped prisoners hide in the mountains.
Korobokuru and hengeyokai live in remote
valleys, safely away from intruders.
Dragons haunt lakes and swamps.
Although located well north of the equa-
tor, the weather of Kozakura is generally
mild. The great length of the island allows
a wide range of climates, from semi-
tropical lands in the south to frigid winters
in the north. Warm ocean currents give
most of the island mild, wet winters and
hot, humid summers. The northern half of
Shinkoku receives heavy snowfall during
the winters. Spring is the monsoon sea-
son, when it rains virtually every day.
P!acc Namcs
Part of creating a campaign world is to
give places authentic-sounding names.
Normally this is not too difficult. The world
of Oriental Adventures, however, is unfa-
miliar to most DMs and players. Look at a
good map of Japan and note the styles of
names used. You can use these names or
you can create new names that have the
sound and feel of Oriental names.
You can also use the list of suffixes
below to help create proper meanings for
your Oriental place names. Simply add
syllables to the start of the proper suffix to
create an appropriate-sounding name. A
mountain could be named Ujoyama, using
the -yama (mountain) suffix. A river could
be named Furagawa, again using one of
the suffixes given below.
Bay . . . . . . . . . . . -wan
Beach . . . . . . . . -bama
. . . . . . . -hama
Channel . . . . . . -suido
Gulf . . . . . . . . . . . -umi
. . . . . . . . . -kaiwan
Harbor . . . . . . . . . . -ko
Inlet . . . . . . . . . . . . -tsu
. . . . . . . . . . . . . -ura
Island . . . . . . . . .-jima
. . . . . . . . . . -to
. . . . . . . . .-shima
Island chain . . . . . -retto
Islet . . . . . . . -koshima
. . . . . . . -kojima
Lake . . . . . . . . . . -ko
. . . . . . . . -umi
Mountain . . . . . . . . -dake
. . . . . . -take
. . . . . . -mine
. . . . . . . -san
. . . . . . -yama
. . . . . -zan
Mountain Pass . . -toge
Mountain Range . . . . -
Peninsula . . . . . -hanto
Point . . . . . . . . . -bana
. . . . . . . . -hana
. . . . . . . . . . -kubi
. . . . . . . -misaki
. . . . . . . . . -saki
. . . . . . . . -zaki
Pond . . . . . . . . . . . . -ike
Reef . . . . . . . . . . . . -se
. . . . . . . . . . -ze
River . . . . . . . . . -gawa
. . . . . . . . . -kawa
Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . -ne
Sea . . . . . . . . . . -nada
Strait . . . . . . . . -kaikyo
. . . . . . . . . . -seto
Swamp. . . . . . . . . -numa
The deities presented in the following his-
tory are created specially to provide back-
ground for the campaign. DMs who are
familiar with Japanese mythology or who
have already created a mythology for their
campaign may want to substitute this for
what is provided.
No one knows when the first humans
arrived in the islands of Kozakura. The
korobokuru, who had inhabited the
islands for ages, keep no written records.
Their oral tales are filled with stories of
their heroes battling foreign chiefs and
gaining wondrous and rare gifts. The koro-
bokuru themselves maintain that the
humans came from over the sea. Humans
have no recorded history of this migration.
According to the chronicles of various
temples and monasteries, the islands of
Kozakura were the creations of one or
more gods, of which Shinkoku was first.
There is no agreement on which gods
were responsible, but a general consen-
sus maintains that it was Heavenly
Brother and Heavenly Sister. The korobo-
kuru believe the world (and thus the
islands of Kozakura) were created by one
of the Animal Spiritspossibly the Bear
God or the Eagle Goddess.
All agree that Shinkoku has been the
home of the gods for untold millennia.
Gradually, the other islands came into
being. Tenmei was created when Heav-
enly Sister was banished from Shinkoku
by Fierce Wind Son. Hinomoto was cre-
ated when Heavenly Brother declared his
retirement and Mikedono was created
accidentally in the war between Fire Bright
and Fierce Wind Son.
The korobokuru were the first settlers of
the islands and their stories tell how the
islands were given to Poinpeyuan, a great
hero of their race, as a gift from the gods.
The korobokuru could keep the islands so
long as they paid proper reverence to the
gods and obeyed special taboos. Later
stories tell how the korobokuru people
broke these taboos and the humans came
to take the islands away.
Recorded human history begins with
the accounts of several powerful family
tribes. Each tribe controlled a small por-
tion of Shinkoku and constantly struggled
with the other tribes and the korobokuru
for more territory. Then, the Akimatsu tribe
presented the claim that its tribal chief,
Mori, had been chosen by the gods to lead
all the peoples of Shinkoku. Several
miraculous events occurred that helped
substantiate his title as emperor.
The way Kozakura is governed and the
politics that control it seem strange to
many outsiders. To understand how the
politics of Kozakura work, it is helpful to
know a little of their background.
The politics begin with the Akimatsu
clan and the Emperor Mori. The rise of the
Akimatsu family was accomplished by
skillful use of military might and diplo-
macy, primarily marriage alliances.
Through these marriages, the Akimatsu
wed their daughters to the powerful
nobles of other clans. From there, they
maneuvered and worked to see that chil-
dren of these marriages assumed control
of the other clans. Such maneuvers gave
the Akimatsu huge influence.
However, the Akimatsu family was
never able to put together a strong tradi-
tion of imperial authority. Too much of their
control relied on the cooperation of allied
families, who had to be rewarded with
titles, offices, and land. Alone, the Aki-
matsu lacked the might to defeat their
To maintain the position of emperor, the
Akimatsu quickly dominated the Dai Plain.
There they gave lands to branches of their
own family, cadet families (lesser families
related to their line), and allies. Over time,
their daughters married into more outside
families, cementing the bonds of further
alliances. Lastly, the Akimatsu launched a
series of campaigns against the korobo-
kuru who still held large portions of the
various islands. The land captured in
these campaigns was dispensed to loyal
families or added to their own territories.
In time, the policies of the Akimatsu
worked against them. After the first sev-
eral decades, the family became quite
large and split into several branches.
Although only those from the main family
could become emperors, the other
branches sought to control the emperor.
Most often this was done through marriage,
wedding a daughter to the emperor or his
sons. A child of such a marriage could be
named emperor and the grandfather of the
child could effectively control the court.
Naturally, with such a system, the reign-
ing emperor was often too young to actu-
ally govern. This task was done by a
regent (sessho), almost always the child-
emperors grandfather from his mothers
side. This was the most powerful position
in the imperial court. The sessho con-
trolled most appointments, grants of land,
and tax immunities.
Furthermore, the old emperor had to
retire, since there could not be two emper-
ors at the same time. But the retired
emperor was not necessarily eager to give
up what little power he had. For several
reigns, the old emperor was forced into
retirement after a difficult power struggle.
With time, this retirement became a tra-
dition and the Office of the Retired Emperor
was established. The retired emperor
became a force to be dealt with. Usually
retiring in their twenties or thirties, retired
emperors controlled many of the functions
of the court. Indeed, at times there were
two retired emperors, the father and grand-
father of the current emperor. In such
cases, the senior retired emperor (In) held
the greater power of the two.
Thus there were sometimes three main
factions in the imperial courtthe regent
(sessho), the retired emperor, and the
emperor. Each held some degree of power
and influence, the regent having the most
and the actual emperor the least. At the
same time, other groups and families were
also striving to gather power.
The politics of the capital were compli-
cated and demanded all the attention of
the nobles. Indeed, to be forced to travel
more than 20 or 30 miles from the capital
was a terrible banishment. The provinces
were the home of the uncultured and infe-
rior and very little attention was paid to the
families in the provinces.
Forced more and more to manage without
assistance from the capital, provincial fami-
lies grew in armed strength and landhold-
ings. Temples also grew in power as they
were granted lands by emperors, regents,
retired emperors, and other nobles. They
attracted and trained sohei and often
engaged in skirmishes and wars with rival
temples. They allied themselves with those
nobles who would advance their cause (or
enrich their coffers). They sometimes
entered the capital in force, threatening dire
curses unless their demands were met.
The power of the Akimatsu and the
other nobles of the court eventually weak-
ened. They lacked both the trained troops
to win battles and the landholdings to
finance their enterprises. More and more
they called upon provincial families
related to their line. These families, in
return for more land and rights, provided
military muscle.
Blind to the danger, the noble families
kept courting their own destruction. Even-
tually, the provincial families, their ranks
swelled with samurai, were stronger than
the nobles. Seeing that the imperial court
was weak and in disarray, one family, the
Hojo, forced the emperor to grant their
family head the title of shogun. The sho-
gun became the supreme military com-
mander of the land.
Although of a lower position than the
emperor and the sessho, the shogun had
a great advantagemilitary might. The
shogun was the real ruler of Kozakura.
However, a careful pretense was main-
tained that the shogun obeyed the will of
the emperor. This was necessary since the
common folk believed the emperor was
descended from the gods (and indeed was
a god himself).
A daimyo could not just proclaim him-
self shogun. Only those of the proper fam-
ily line (one related to the emperor,
however distantly) could be shogun. He
also had to receive his title from the
emperor. While this was a mere formality,
it meant only those who controlled the
emperor could become the shogun.
Still, Kozakura was quite large and even
the shogun could not control all of it. His
power base was the same as that of the
early emperorsa collection of families.
These included the main family line, vari-
ous branch families, cadet families, and
allies. None of these alone were sufficient
to maintain control or defeat the others.
Retaining real power was a careful balanc-
ing act. Very soon the title of shogun
became hereditary, passing from father to
son or grandson. With this came all the ills
and maneuvering that haunted the impe-
rial succession. Other families used mar-
riage politics to dominate the shogun.
Children too young to govern were given
the title, resulting in shogunal regents
(shikken). The position of shogun was on
its way to becoming what the emperor had
fallen toan empty title.
Currently the off ices of the imperial gov-
ernment of Kozakura are:
In Order of Power In Order of Prestige
Shikken Emperor
Retired Emperor Retired Emperor
Takenaka Okawa (NPC), male, age 42
The Takenaka family is currently the
most powerful in Kozakura. A southern
branch of the Hojo family, it gained the posi-
tion of shikken nine years ago when the
current shogun was named. The current
shikken is Takenaka Okawa, head of the
family and grandfather of Hojo Kawakubo,
the current shogun.
The position of the Takenaka family is
not yet secure. The family reached the
position of shikken through a favorable
marriage with the Hojo family and alli-
ances. These alliances range from quite
strong to extremely tenuous. In general,
the cadet families of the Takenaka and the
lesser branch families of the Hojo line are
strong supporters of the Takenaka. The
main Hojo line and the other imperial
branches are less loyal allies of the
Takenaka. Given the opportunity, these
families would seize power from the
The Takenaka family was founded 87
years ago as a branch of the Hojo family.
At that time, the family held a small castle
and landholdings in southern Shinkoku.
For the next 72 years, the Takenaka
expanded their territorial base and sup-
ported the cause of the Hojo line.
When Hojo Kikutake died prematurely,
his son and grandson became candidates
for the title of shogun. Neither was of legal
age (18) and a power struggle ensued
within the Hojo clan for the position of
shikken. Support was divided between the
son and grandson and the Hojo War was
the result.
During this war, Takenaka Sugawara,
half-brother of Okawa, distinguished him-
self in support of the grandsons claim.
Thi s cul mi nated i n the battl e of
Norinoshima, where the forces of
Takenaka Sugawara were arrayed against
the armies of the Hojo alliance. In the
dawn just before the battle commenced,
the Hojo general Nikken Yamashita,
defected with his forces to the Takenaka
side, guaranteeing the defeat of the Hojo
alliance. With Hojo Kikutakes son ban-
ished and the grandson named shogun,
the Takenaka claim to shikken was
However, Takenaka Sugawara, having
no direct blood tie to the shogun, could not
become shikken. Thus the responsibility
fell to his half-brother Takenaka Okawa.
The Takenaka clan has been left in a diffi-
cult position. Takenaka Sugawara, an able
and competent leader, has been forced
aside by his brother. Although united
against their enemies, the situation threat-
ens to split the Takenaka family.
Hojo Kawakubo (NPC), male, age 17
Hojo Kawakubo is the titular military ruler
of Kozakura. However he controls little
power. The grandson of Hojo Kikutake, the
current shogun was given his title at the
age of eight. Since that time he has been
carefully controlled by his mother and his
grandfather, Takenaka Okawa. He is now
close to coming of age and realizes his
future is bleak. His grandfather is not likely
to give up control. The choices for Hojo
Kawakubos future are early retirement or
sudden death. He cares for neither.
The shoguns only real hope is to some-
how break the power of the Takenaka.
Obviously, he has allied to him the main
line of the Hojo family. In addition, a num-
ber of once-powerful families are allied to
the Hojo cause.
Before the Takenaka regency, these
families were strong allies of the Hojo,
receiving grants of land and gifts accord-
ingly. Since the defeat of the Hojo, they
have been stripped of lands and weak-
ened in power as much as possible. They
have no love of the Takenaka, but cur-
rently have little power to act. Both Hojo
Kawakubo and his allies await some
appropriate event to act.
Retired Emperor
Gokammu (NPC), male, age 36
Gokammu is the current retired
emperor and head of the Office of the
Retired Emperor. Thus he wields signifi-
cant power within imperial circles. By tra-
dition, he has the power to grant the
governorship of some (but not all prov-
inces), grant tax exemptions for lands,
become the protector of lands, and
approve and disapprove of imperial
appointments (within limits). Since the rise
of the shogunate, the power of the retired
emperor has decreased significantly.
Although the office is still revered and
treated with respect, previous retired
emperors have found it convenient to with-
draw to temples or monasteries, taking up
a religious life.
Gokammu has no intention of disappear-
ing quietly. He has ambition of regaining the
title of emperor (retirement does not neces-
sarily prevent this) and restoring imperial
power. Although a grand dream, such a res-
toration is highly unlikely It would require
the defeat of not only the shogun, but of all
the lords who would have any hope of
becoming the shogun or the shikken.
Still, Gokammu has support from some
of the families, particularly the old noble
families whose fortunes have collapsed
with the rise of the samurai. He has also
been courting those families slighted by
the Takenaka, promising them land and
position. Some have responded favorably,
though each plans to betray Gokammus
dream in the end.
Currently Gokammu is playing a waiting
game. The division between the Hojo and
the Takenaka is to his advantage, as is the
growing rift between the Takenaka brothers.
He is carefully cultivating an image of neu-
Gonijo (NPC), male, age 15
The emperor Gonijo is hardly a factor in
the current power struggle. His life has
been very carefully directed by Hojo and
Takenaka counselors. Treated with great
respect, his few tasks in life have been to
unquestioningly approve the edicts of his
advisors and perform the appropriate rit-
uals to ensure the welfare of the state.
Gonijo has little interest in the affairs of
state and has already indicated he would
gladly retire to a temple if allowed. How-
ever, as yet he still has no male child to
continue the imperial dynasty.
TIt!cs and Ranks
In thc ImpcrIa! Cnurt
Following is a list of titles, offices, and
ranks that are assigned in the Imperial
Court of Kozakura. You can use these
titles when you need to create an
important-sounding NPC or give a reward
to a player character. No explanations are
given of these titles. In most cases the
function of the office is clear, but often the
title was little more than an empty honor.
The true power of the office depended
more upon the resources of the holder.
Titles marked * should be available
only to powerful NPCs or extremely powerful
player characters. Titles marked ** are
inherited titles, passed from father to son.
Ajari* Head holy teacher
Chi-daijokanji* Acting great minister of
the council of state
Chue-taisho* General of the middle
imperial guards
Chunagon Middle counselor
Dai-ajari* Great holy teacher
Daijin* Great minister
Daijo-daijin* Great minister of the
council of state
Dainagon* Major counselor
Gon-dainagon Provisional major coun-
Konoe-jisho Assistant head of the inner
palace guards
Konoe no shogen Lieutenant of the
inner palace guards
Kotaigo** Empress dowager
Kurodo no ben* Controller of the
emperors off ice
Minbu-kyo* Minister of peoples affairs
Nagon Counselor
Naidaijin* Minister of the center
Nairan Imperial examiner
Naishi no kami Chief of the palace
Nakatsukasa-kyo* Minister of central
Okura no sho Junior assistant minister
of the treasury
Sachuben Middle controller of the left
Sadaiben Major controller of the left
Saemon no kami Capt. of the left, outer
palace guards
Sakyo no daibu Master of the left
division of the capital
Sama no kami Director of the Bureau of
Horses, left division
Sangi Imperial adviser
Sataisho* General of the left
Shikibu-kyo Minister of ceremonies
Shinno** Imperial prince
Shonagon Minor counselor
Shuri no daibu Master of palace repairs
Sojo* High priest
So-tsuibushi* Chief of the military
Taisho* General of the inner palace
Tandai* Shogunal deputy
Udaijin* Minister of the right
Uemon no kami Capt. of the right, outer
palace guards
Uhyo no kami Capt. of the right, military
Ukon no chusho* Middle general of the
Ukyo no gon-daibu Provisional master
of the capital, right division
Utaisho* General of the right
Zasu* Chief priest
Miyama Province is located in the very
center of Kozakura. It is the strategic key
to controlling Shinkoku and Kozakura.
The province is divided into two main
sectionsthe Northern Plain and the
Southern Plain. Running through the mid-
dle of the province are the wooded peaks
and ridges of the Kurisammyaku (Chest-
nut Mountains). Twisting through the hills
and mountains, fast-rushing streams have
cut narrow valleys. Most of these valleys
are choked with the forests that carpet the
mountain slopes. Some slopes have been
cleared for farming.
Of the two plains, the Southern Plain is
the larger. Located on the shores of Miumi
(Gulf of Mi), the plain is divided into two
fertile regions by a branch of the Kurisam-
myaku. To the east is the plain formed by
the Tara-gawa Basin. The other area is
watered by the run-off of a number of small
streams that rush out of the mountains.
Both of these areas are heavily irrigated
for rice crops.
In the hills between the two areas are
Nora-ko and Uji-ko, two freshwater lakes.
The larger of these, Nora-ko, is extremely
deep. Indeed, in its lowest depths it con-
nects with a vast network of subterranean
rivers and seas. Horrific and monstrous
things have been known to rise from the
depths of Nora-ko. Understandably, the lake
has an evil reputation and the local peasants
do not venture out onto it for any reason.
The Northern Plain is smaller and more
isolated. Most of the fertile land is close to
the coast, where the mountains descend
suddenly into the sea. The main growing
region is formed by the joining of several
stream valleys. Jutting out from this plain
is a rugged cape covered with forests and
marshy reeds. The end of this cape breaks
into a number of smaller islands, equally
unsuitable for habitation.
The weather of Miyama, although vary-
ing with the seasons, is generally temper-
ate. Springtime gradually warms the land
from winters below-freezing tempera-
tures to an average of 60 degrees F by the
end of spring. With the coming of summer,
the rainy season begins. The weather
becomes quite humid and oppressive.
There is little wind and much rain. Things
are continuously damp and mildewed. As
summer continues, the rain relents and
the temperature rises, becoming quite hot
(95 to 100 degrees F at times). The air
remains stiflingly humid in the lower val-
leys. In late summer, typhoons sometimes
strike the coast. These vicious storms can
bring 12 or more inches of rain in a single
storm. Huge tidal waves batter the coast
along with winds of gale force or worse.
The typhoon season marks the end of
summer. The weather once again becomes
cooler and more tolerable with the advent of
fall. The humidity drops and the lower slopes
and valleys are pleasant. The autumn foli-
age changes into its colorful array. As the
days grow shorter, heavy frosts come.
Almost at the end of the year, the first snows
of winter fall. Sweeping in from the Celestial
Sea, the cold winds bring heavy snows to
the highland regions of the province. As win-
ter progresses, a rare snowfall may cover
the province, lighter on the lower plains and
quite heavy in the mountains. The tempera-
ture drops below freezing and the lakes and
streams ice over.
The following table can be used to deter-
mine the weather at any time in Miyama. To
determine the weather, find the proper
month on the table. Note the average tem-
perature for that month. Then roll 1d10 to
determine if that temperature is adjusted
up or down. Roll 1d6 and add or subtract
that number of degrees from the average
temperature. Each day of the adventure,
Kao II
Av. Min. Max.
Temp Temp Temp
35 10 60
40 20 62
55 75
60 35 80
68 45 90
72 55 100
72 55 105
68 45 95
60 30 85
50 25 70
40 15 55
5% (1)
5% (1)
10% (1-2)
10% (1-2)
10% (1-2)
10% (1-3)
10% (1-3)
10% (1-3)
15% (1-8)
10% (1-8)
5% (1-2)
5% (1)
you can adjust the previous days temper-
ature (up or down) using the same
method. The temperature should never be
lower than the minimum listed for the
month or higher than the maximum listed.
The percentage listed under the Precip
column is the chance of rain per day during
that month. The number in parentheses is
the number of inches that fall. Rains last for
2d6 hours. If the temperature is below
freezing, snow falls instead of rain. The
number of inches of snow is triple that listed
for rain. Snow remains on the ground until
the temperature rises above freezing, so
several snowfalls can accumulate. For
every two days the temperature is above
freezing, one inch of snow melts. In addi-
tion, every 10 degrees above freezing
melts an additional inch of snow per day.
The principal source of income in Miy-
ama, as in all other provinces of Kozakura,
is rice. It is used to pay the land tax, the
harvest tax, and sometimes even the labor
tax. It is used to pay for other foods, fin-
ished goods, animals, and servants.
Consequently, one of the principal
resources of every peasant or lord is the
rice he can produce himself or collect from
others. Peasants work hard to grow as
much rice as possible. Some even have
secret rice fields in the mountains, hidden
away from the tax collectors.
Nobles, officials, and temples gather
rice by collecting rents and taxes from the
peasants. They also fund massive projects
to reclaim land, transforming the new terri-
tory into usable rice fields. Such efforts are
not easy. Forests must be cleared, bogs
filled in, irrigation ditches dug, mountain-
sides terraced, streams diverted, and fields
builtall by hand. The rewards of more rice
production and more rent money make
such projects worthwhile.
Rice is not the only resource of Miyama.
Tea is rapidly becoming an important com-
modity. Recently introduced to Kozakura,
tea has quickly become highly fashionable
with the samurai and noble classes. It is
grown on the warm slopes of the mountains.
Currently the production is not large, but
more and more of the suitable mountain
land is being converted to this crop.
The third natural resource of Miyama is
lumber. Taken from the mountains and the
wooded valleys, most of this wood is used
within the province. Enough is harvested
to send some by ship to other provinces,
particularly the capital. Lumber is some-
times demanded as payment for taxes,
especially after fire has struck the capital
or a daimyos palace.
Of finished goods, Miyama produces
virtually every typecloth, woodworks,
paper, baskets, and pottery. This merely
allows the people to be self-sufficient, as
are most of the provinces of Kozakura.
However, Miyama does support a small
but famous pottery industry. Several small
families around Hiwasa Village (hex 0121)
produce a noted style of pottery. It is
renowned for its ashen blue cracked
glazes and textured surfaces. Well-made
pieces are found in the households of
samurai and daimyos.
Resource Production Range
1 tan* of good 1-3 koku of rice
rice land annually
1 tan* of poor 1-2 koku of rice
rice land annually
1 tan* of tea 1-6 koku of rice
equivalent annually
1 day of lumbering 1 tree or 20 poles of
1 potter family 10 pieces per week
* A tan is 1/10 of an acre, 4,356 square feet.
Like the imperial government, the govern-
ment of Miyama is a confusing, factional
affair. The power struggles at the top
between the shikken, shogun, and imperial
line are reflected in the official posts and
appointments made in Miyama. Each fac-
tion has some representative within the
The top two positions in Miyama are the
shugo-daimyo and the kokushu, or provin-
cial governor. The shugo-daimyo is
appointed to the province by the shogunal
authorities. The kokushu is the imperial rep-
resentative. Each of these has a number of
minor officials under him. In addition, there
are the samurai jito of the many estates
(shoen) found throughout the province.
Niwa Hirotada (NPC), male, age 38
Niwa Hirotada is the shugo-daimyo of
Miyama Province. Appointed by the
shikken as a reward for assistance in the
struggles with the Hojo, Niwa is a loyal
supporter of the the Takenaka cause. He
and his family have been retainers of the
Takenaka for several decades.
Niwa is a small, wiry man of keen intelli-
gence and cunning wit. He is normally
quite straightforward and honest, although
he seldom reveals any unnecessary details
in conversation. He is extraordinarily
patient and has developed a long-sighted
view of affairs. Although concerned about
the immediate effects of his actions, his
main goal is to strengthen and maneuver
his family into a dominant position. To this
end, he is building a base of power in the
province. He sees that the factions of the
court and bakufu (shogunate) are slowly
destroying each other. The time is coming
when he will have to rule the province of
Miyama without outside assistance.
He is married and quite devoted to his
eight-year-old son, Yukiie. His wife, the
daughter of Takenaka Sugawara, is also
expecting another child. His loyalty to the
head of the Takenaka family and his wifes
relationship to Takenaka Sugawara place
Niwa in a difficult political position. Cur-
rently, he is attempting to remain neutral in
any family rivalries.
Kokushu (Provincial Governor)
Tsu Gonsuke (NPC), male, age 42
Miyama is a gift province of the retired
emperor. He can give the governorship of
Miyama to any he desires, normally as a
reward for service. The position has very
few required duties and allows the
kokushu to collect a salary of rice from the
taxes on the province. Currently the posi-
tion is held by the Tsu family. This family is
nonaligned in the developing power strug-
gle in the capital. The retired emperor is
both courting the Tsu family and building a
power base in Miyama:
Tsu Gonsuke, head of one of the larger
noble families, is a particularly gruff man,
little given to artistic pursuits. Extreme
arthritis does little to lighten his personality.
The Tsu family has a long history of
involvement in imperial affairs. Indeed,
Tsu Gonsukes ancestors were one of the
original supporters of the imperial cause.
Since that time, the family has fallen on
hard fortune, losing its prominent position
in imperial favor to more vigorous families.
During this decline, the family was
forced to focus its attention on provincial
affairs, much to its ultimate advantage.
While other noble families gradually weak-
ened and collapsed, the Tsu strengthened
their military might and political influence
in the harsh provinces.
Tsu Gonsuke, like all kokushu, spends
nearly all his time in the capital. The actual
governing of the province is handled by the
mokudai (governors deputy) at the rusudo-
koro (provincial office of the governor). This
office is located in Tamanokuni of Miyama.
Mokudai (Deputy Governor)
Igi Tajima (NPC), male, age 55
The Igi family is a branch of the Tsu line.
Originally a warrior family of the prov-
inces, the Igi managed to make a favor-
able marriage of a son to a daughter of the
Tsu family. The arrangement has worked
to the advantage of both. The Tsu have
gained military power while the Igi have
gained the mantle of respectability.
Igi Tajima has been given the position of
mokudai, deputy governor of Miyama. He
actually lives in the province. Officially his
duties are to handle the civil government
of the province, particularly of the public
lands. However, most of these functions
have been usurped by the shugo-daimyo.
Still, the mokudai retains enough power
that the shugo-daimyo must consult him
on some affairs. In return for his work, the
mokudai receives a portion of the taxes
from the province.
Igi Tajima is well aware of the declining
power of his position and the growing
power of the shugo-daimyo. He has no illu-
sions about the likely outcome of any
struggle between him and the shugo-
daimyo. Therefore, he is working to gather
as much power as possible, in the form of
land and followers. When the time comes,
he is prepared to defy all authority and
establish himself as a powerful daimyo in
his own right. Ambition has made Igi
Tajima sly, venal, two-faced, and corrupt.
Outwardly he is very pleasant and trust-
worthy. Inwardly, he will do anything to
reach his goals.
OrganIzatInn nf Lnca! Gnvcrnmcnt
In addition to the officials listed previ-
ously, each has a number of lesser offi-
cials to handle the everyday management
of the province. The following diagram
lists these lesser officials and the chain of
command to the kokushu or shugo-
daimyo. If a location is listed in parenthe-
ses after the title, it indicates that official
does not reside in the province.
The shugo-daimyo is the samurai mili-
tary governor of a province. Most of the
territory in the province is held by his fam-
ily or related families (hence the title
daimyo). As shugo, his family was
appointed to its post by the shogun of
Kozakura. Now the position passes from
father to son almost automatically. The
shogun could step in and reassign the title
of shugo, but seldom does. Such a punish-
ment is reserved for families that threaten
the shogun, either through treachery or
The shugo-daimyo spends nearly all his
time in the capital of the shogun, keeping
himself at the center of the political scene.
One or more samurai (usually of the
same family as the shugo-daimyo) are
appointed shugodai, or deputy shugo.
These men split their time between the
capital of the shogun and the province.
Each is responsible for a province or a dis-
trict of a province. They are appointed to
their position by the shugo-daimyo and
are accountable to him. The shugodai
handle most of the administration of the
province and carries reports to the shugo-
daimyo in the capital. Immediately under
him are a number of offices, boards, and
councils that handle the necessary affairs
of the province.
The shugo-matadai is the lowest level of
shugo, the sub-deputy shugo. Player
character samurai are sometimes given a
shugo post at this level. Shugo-matadai
usually belong to the main family, or a
branch family, of the shugo-daimyo. In
some cases, the position of shugo-
matadai is given as a reward for loyal serv-
ice. The shugo-matadai is responsible for
the administration of a district within a
Daikan are often samurai, the local
agents of the shugo-matadai. They collect
the taxes and oversee the public lands.
Their duties are similar to those of the jito.
Unlike the jito, daikan are not bound to a
single estate.
The jito are samurai representatives of
the shugo-daimyo to each estate, whether
the land is owned by the shugo or some-
one else. They oversee the collection of
taxes and the implementation of edicts.
They are often in conflict with the civil offi-
cials and nonshugo landowners.
The civil governor (kokushu) has virtu-
ally no power in the province and thus
spends all his time in the capital. Nearly all
his duties have been assumed by the
shugo-daimyo. However, as governor, he
is entitled to a certain amount of the taxes
from all public lands, provided that the
shugo-daimyo can be convinced to give
up this tax money.
The deputy governor (mokudar) actually
lives in the province. There he exerts what
little authority the civil governor has. While
theoretically in control of all public lands,
these are more often managed by the jito
of the shugo-daimyo. The mokudai is sup-
posed to protect the interests of the gover-
nor, emperor and the people. However,
with no authority, he can do little more
than file formal protests and rubber stamp
documents. Indeed, his main purpose is to
give official approval to the actions of the
shugo-daimyo for the sake of appear-
Seal bearers assist the deputy governor
in the details of administration. The posi-
tion has no power and very few duties. As
such, it is given as a reward to local men in
the province, especially those not favored
by the shugo-daimyo.
As military governor and principal land-
owner of Miyama, it is the shugo-daimyos
responsibility to keep the peace in Miyama
and protect it in times of war. In addition,
the shugo-daimyo must also be ready to
field troops at the command of the sho-
gun. The numbers and types of troops the
shugo-daimyo has available or can raise
are listed below.
On Constant Duty
50 Mounted samurai (2d or 3d level)
150 Samurai (1st level)
100 Bushi (1st level)
Troops Available in Province*
3,800 Bushi (1st level)
800 Mounted samurai (1st level and
370 Foot samurai (1st level and com-
135 Marines (1st-level bushi)
9 Warships
2,000 Bushi (1st level)
200 Mounted samurai (1st level and
200 Foot samurai (1st level and com-
400 Bushi (1st level)
30 Samurai (1st level and commanders)
360 Sohei from shrines and temples
(1st level and commanders)
* These numbers are approximations of
the forces available from the various
estates held by the shugo-daimyo.
In addition to these troops, the various
other estates and temples of the province
maintain their own troops. Depending on
the situation, the shugo-daimyo may be
able to use them in times of emergency.
Many of these troops are given under the
specific listings for each estate or temple.
Finally, the shugo-daimyo can raise a levy
of 1,000 additional bushi (1st level) and
5,000 poorly trained soldiers in times of
In Miyama, as in all of Kozakura, there
are two principal religionsthe Way of
Enlightenment, and the Eight Million
Gods. The Way of Enlightenment is
divided into several schools while the
Eight Million Gods is split into many sepa-
rate shrines. While different schools (or
shrines) may hold essentially similar
beliefs, the exact methods of worship, dei-
ties, and outward manifestations may be
radically different.
Within each school or shrine, there are
two groups of worshipers. The first group
is more or less devoted to that particular
school or shrine. This includes the priests,
monks, shukenja, sohei, and devout wor-
shipers of the group. These people do not
entertain or practice the beliefs of other
schools or shrines. In other lands, such
devoted worshipers are very common; in
Kozakura, they are somewhat rare.
The second group of worshipers, those
who practice the rituals of more than one
school or shrine, are far more common.
This group includes the majority of the
common people. They make offerings to
one or more of the Eight Million Gods at
planting time, pray for their departed
according to the rituals of the Way of
Enlightenment, and make donations and
offerings to temples of both religions.
Of the two religions, the Eight Million
Gods is by far the older. Indeed, it is not
really a religion as such, but rather a col-
lection of rituals and beliefs that relate to
various gods and goddesses of nature.
There is no great teacher or book for the
Eight Million Gods; there are no set prac-
tices, either. The observances and
rewards vary from shrine to shrine and
deity to deity.
Most often the shrines are associated
with some site of natural beauty or legend-
ary significance. Thus there are shrines
on the slopes of major mountains, along
the banks of rivers, by the ocean, or hid-
den away in forests. There are also impor-
tant shrines to the sun goddess and the
emperor (who is assumed to be of divine
Normal worship at these shrines is fairly
simpleritual purification, offerings of
food, donations of money, and prayers. At
least once during each year major shrines
have more elaborate festivals, involving
sacred dances, bonfires, and processions
through the streets. These festivals,
intended to entertain the deity, can
become quite rowdy.
Within Miyama there are several differ-
ent shrines devoted to the Eight Million
Gods. Unlike the temples of the Way of
Enlightenment, each shrine of the Eight
Million Gods is independent, unrelated to
the others. Although the practices are
generally similar, each shrine has its own
unique features and beliefs.
The other major religion is the Way of
Enlightenment. This religion was intro-
duced from the mainland of Kara-Tur cen-
turies in the past (see the Timeline in the
Adventure Book). After initial resistance,
the Way of Enlightenment has become the
religion of the ruling class and has been
accepted by the majority of the Kozakuran
Unlike the Eight Million Gods, the Way of
Enlightenment is a well-organized religion.
Drawing lessons from the life and speeches
of its great teacher, the Way of Enlighten-
ment guides men to spiritual perfection.
Over time, however, this religion has
divided into several different schools. Cur-
rently there are three main schools active
in the Way of Enlightenment. The most
popular school (Toro-dai) simply requires
the repeating of a single verse over and
over. It is very popular with the common
folk, since it is very easy to follow.
The next school (Kanchai) reveals to its
followers an elaborate structure of invisi-
ble spirit creatures, some good and some
evil. These creatures seek to help or harm
according to their natures. Worshipers
hope to gain the favor of good spirits and
avoid the wrath of evil spirits.
The Kanchai school freely uses many
ideas and beliefs of the Eight Million
Godsdeities, spirits, and fantastic crea-
Finally, there is the highly esoteric
school of Konjo. This school uses the strict
methods of meditation and contemplation
to show that material things are only pass-
ing illusions that will change and decay.
What matters is the strength of the per-
sons spirit.
This school of the Way of Enlightenment
is very popular with samurai and the ruling
lords. Much of their thinking is affected by
the Konjo school. Of all the schools, it is
the most difficult and most true to the origi-
nal intention of the Way of Enlightenment.
There are many shrines and temples
throughout Miyama. The shrines are usu-
ally associated with the Eight Million Gods
and are divided into First Shrines and nor-
mal shrines.
First Shrines have been officially recog-
nized and supported by the Emperor and
other nobles for centuries. They are often
located in the old district and provincial
capitals. The First Shrines are larger and
more powerful than other shrines. Outside
of Miyama Province, many First Shrines
establish branches throughout other prov-
inces to promote their particular beliefs
(and get more money). This has never
happened in Miyama.
Normal shrines are often built and sup-
ported by the local peasantry. These
shrines may commemorate past events,
ensure good harvests, ward off evil influ-
ences, or even appease powerful evil
beings. Local nobility also support
shrines, particularly in towns or villages
near their home. Most often the site of
both First Shrines and normal shrines
have some special meaningthe place
where one of the Eight Million Gods
washed his hands, the slopes of the moun-
tain spirits home, etc.
The temples are associated with the
Way of Enlightenment: Temples are built
to venerate a specific deity or group of dei-
ties. Sometimes the site of the temple has
a special meaningthe village of a
famous holy man of the school or a place
where the deity manifested itself to
humans. In almost all circumstances, the
temple is connected with a particular
school. If the same site has meaning to
several schools, there will be several dif-
ferent temples clustered around it. It is
possible for the same deity to appear in
two different temples, sponsored by differ-
ent schools of the Way of Enlightenment.
The sponsorship of temples allows the
various schools of the Way of Enlighten-
ment to be far more organized than the
local shrines. Each school is a nationwide
organization. In or near the imperial capi-
tal is the main or original temple of the
Provinces contain a provincial temple
and subscription temples. The provincial
temple is a branch of the main temple and
part of the taxes it collects are sent to the
main temple. In return, the main temple
acts as a protector of the provincial tem-
ples property and rights.
The provincial temple in turn sponsors
subscriber temples. These have an
arrangement similar to that of the main
temple and the provincial temple. The
subscriber temple makes donations and
obeys the commands of the provincial
temple. In return, the provincial temple
protects the interests of its subscribers
within the province and acts as their
spokesman to the main temple.
The arrangement has enormous advan-
tages for all. The main temple, located
near the capital, ensures that the school is
always represented in the affairs of the
court. The provincial temples give the
main temple a broad power base. The
subscriber temples receive political pro-
tection they could not otherwise get. The
various payments guarantee enough
money for construction and adventurism,
and the network of temples allows the
school to quickly raise a large force of
sohei in times of trouble. The main temple
simply calls upon its provinces (who in
turn call upon the subscribers) and they
provide the troops.
The power of the temples has not been
overlooked by the powerful families of
Kozakura. Many noble families have gen-
erously endowed the temples with money,
land, and special privileges. With these
gifts, they hope to sway the temples to
their side. But it takes more than just gifts
and money; the nobles must also have a
commitment to the school and its beliefs.
All this does not guarantee the support
of the temple; several noble families have
collapsed into ruin through the stubborn-
ness or treachery of a temple ally. To pre-
vent this, powerful nobles and samurai
(particularly of the imperial line) some-
times retire to temples and monasteries
and rise within their ranks. This allows the
family to control the temple from the
inside. Many temples have thus become
associated with particular families.
This domination by family factions and,
to a lesser extent, the natural differences
in religious beliefs have led to long-
standing feuds between different temples.
Normally these feuds take the form of
political maneuvering. When such politi-
cal dealing fails, however, direct action in
the form of raids and temple-burning is the
frequent result. The sohei of each temple
are necessary to actively protect the tem-
ple from attackers.
Also associated with each school are
monasteries. Generally built on secluded
mountain slopes or other places well away
from cities, monasteries are centers of
training and religious instruction for those
within their walls. Because of these quiet
and peaceful surroundings, emperors,
nobles, and samurai find it fashionable to
retire to monasteries when they grow tired
of the physical world. This retirement is
often permanent, but many a retired war-
rior or statesman has returned to the world
when needed by his family, emperor, or
Many monasteries are no more than
meditative centers, while others incorpo-
rate harsh training in the martial arts.
Those coming from such monasteries
compose the monk character class. These
monks are zealots, fiercely dedicated to
their cause.
In addition to the shrines, temples, and
monasteries, there are also a number of
hermits or religious recluses in the forests
and mountains of Miyama. These men
have cut themselves off from the rest of
the world and do their utmost to avoid dis-
covery. In their lonely mountain huts and
caves, they put themselves through gruel-
ing trials to purify their minds and bodies.
Their lives are difficult and extreme.
Many live on simple diets of nuts, roots,
bark, berries, and water. They live unshel-
tered through freezing cold and pouring
rain. They sit under waterfalls, enduring
the battering torrent. They fast for days,
meditate for hours, and generally put
themselves through extreme hardships.
These hardships cleanse their minds,
enabling them to rise above pain and
After long periods of such cleansing,
hermits may reach an enlightened state.
Of the few who reach this state, some
come down from the mountains to found
new schools or shrines that are based on
the enlightenment they have received.
They may also bring new styles of martial
arts as part of their teachings. Hermits are
rare and hard to find, but sometimes take
pupils to train in their esoteric beliefs.
The farmland of Miyama is divided into
publicly owned land and private estates
(shoen). The public land is owned not by
peasant farmers or local nobles, but rather
by the emperor who then gives charters
for the land to lesser nobles. These lesser
nobles hold the right to use the land and
collect the harvest from it. The actual work
is done by the peasants, who pay taxes to
the emperor through the noble who holds
the charter.
Most of the nobles who hold charters to
public land are related to the imperial line.
Thus the emperor, his family, and his
branch families control the majority of the
public land under a system similar to that
used for the shoen lands.
Most of the farmland of Miyama is under
the control of the shoen (estate) system.
This, technically, is also public land. How-
ever, the estate owners have gained spe-
cial tax exemptions and rights, effectively
making the shoen land private property.
As is normal with affairs in Kozakura, the
ownership and management of shoen is a
complicated business.
There are three different forms of shoen
land ownership. The simplest occurs
when a samurai or daimyo holds the entire
charter to the land. The samurai or daimyo
oversees the peasants on the shoen, col-
lecting rent from them and paying any
taxes the emperor (or shogun) requires.
The samurai or noble either lives in the
province or has close ties to the region.
His family may have risen to power in the
area or he may have conquered the terri-
tory from an opposing daimyo.
The second type of ownership is for a
noble to hold the charter to the shoen but
The noble usually has a local represent-
ative on the estate to handle the actual
work. If the property is under the control of
the shugo-daimyo, this representative is
the jito. If not, the representative is the
zussho (who is normally a samurai). In the
latter case, the shugo-daimyo of the prov-
ince appoints a jito to keep an eye on the
shoen too (just to make sure there are no
secret threats to his power). The zussho or
jito has powers very similar to that of a sim-
ple owner. As representative, he is allowed
to keep a portion of the rent before send-
ing the remainder to the manager. The
manager, in turn, must pay whatever taxes
are due on the shoen.
not directly control it or live there. This
noble has managerial rights to the shoen.
He collects a portion of the crop as rent in
return for providing the necessary admini-
stration for the shoen.
The third type of shoen owner is the pro-
tector. This person is an extremely high-
ranking noblethe dowager empress,
emperor, or retired emperor are not
uncommon protectors. The protector
holds the charter to the shoen, but does
not become involved in the actual man-
agement of the property. Instead, he uses
his influence to secure special privileges
for the shoen (tax exemptions, etc.) and
supports any legal claims involving the
shoen. In return, the protector receives a
share of the rent.
A protected shoen has a manager (who
usually does not live on the shoen) and a
local representative. These two are also
allowed a share of the rent.
The original intentions of the land-
ownership system have become cloudy. It
is possible for the zussho or jito to defy his
lord, keeping all the rent. In such cases,
there is little the manager or protector can
do unless he has the might or connections
to force payment. Indeed, many now-
powerful samurai and families rose in
wealth this way.
The entire estate system is currently in
turmoil. Complicated legal claims, weak-
ening imperial authority, and conflicting
loyalties have made shambles of the once-
orderly system. Some shoen in Miyama
are still run by the old system of protector,
manager, and representative. Others have
been taken over by jito of the shugo-
daimyo, ignoring the complicated old sys-
tem of ownership. This turmoil allows
adventurous player characters ample
opportunity to rise in power and wealth.
It is also possible for a person to hold
more than one position. Thus a samurai
might be the local representative of one
estate and the manager of several others.
A shugo-daimyo might be jito of one
shoen, the manager of 13 others, and the
protector of 23 more. The only limit to the
number of shoen a person can hold is
given by his power and influence.
Because land rights and land ownership
matters are so complicated, proper char-
ters and papers are vitally important. Each
type of ownership has its own set of
papers recording the rights of the family.
Some of these papers are centuries old.
Without these papers, a family has no
legal claim to any estate.
If a fire were to destroy the charters of a
shoen then, although a family might have
managed the shoen for decades, it sud-
denly has no legal proof of its rights. The
emperor, shogun, or even shugo-daimyo
can suddenly take the property and give it
to another family.
Thus the safety of its charters is the
paramount concern of a family. To protect
them is one of the primary duties of a true
samurai. A vivid example of this is that of
the samurai Niwa Ozuchi who forfeited his
own life to save the charters of the Niwa
family when a disastrous fire swept their
castle compound. For this valorous deed,
he is a revered ancestor of the Niwa family
and is still consulted (via speak with dead
spells) on critical policy decisions of the
Niwa family.
In part because of Niwa Ozuchis
actions, the majority of shoen in Miyama
are held by the Niwa family or its branch
families. The Hiro family, staunch allies of
the Niwa, have the second largest hold-
ings. The rest of the arable land is divided
between various temples of the province,
the emperor, the governor, and various
other nobles who have holdings in the
province. The Shoen Map (in the Adven-
ture Book) shows the location of major
holdings within Miyama.
Kozakura is a land where social class is
of importance. The differences between
nobles, peasants, craftsmen, and warriors
are found throughout the land, both in cus-
toms and laws. Listed below are the levels
of social importance within Miyama. At the
top of the scale are a few powerful families
who hold the ruling power within the prov-
ince. Below these families are general
groups of people organized by occupa-
Thc NIwa FamI!y
As noted before, the Niwa hold most of the
land, the position of shugo-daimyo, and
several of the shugodai posts. In addition,
a number of the lesser family members
hold jito positions on the largest shoen in
Miyama. The Niwa family is the most pow-
erful in Miyama. Its efforts are aimed at
retaining that power and perhaps some
day conquering their neighbors.
Thc HnrI FamI!y
The Hori are a branch of the Niwa fam-
ily, founded 32 years ago. The Hori hold
posts of shugodai and shugo-matadai
within Miyama. They control Hori Castle
on the Northern Plain. They have less
property than the Niwa, but act as jito on
many Niwa shoen. Today, all members of
the Hori family are distantly related to the
Niwa. Thus the Hori are part of the Niwa
family council, advising on major family
decisions. The fate of the Hori is closely
connected to that of the Niwa. The Hori
hope to someday acquire control of the
Niwa family, either through marriage or
might of arms.
Thc IgI FamI!y
As mokudai, the Igi have managed to
gain control over several shoen of public
(imperial) land. The Igi have been espe-
cially lax in making the payments to the
emperor and the distant nobles who hold
manager and protector rights. Although
these nobles have filed many complaints
with the shogun, little action has been
taken. The Igi make certain the shogun
and the shugo-dai both receive their
proper payments, perhaps ensuring their
neutrality in the matter of property rights.
The Igi are working hard to convert public
land into private shoen, installing their
own zussho wherever possible. In the
future, the Niwa may be forced to deal with
the Igi, but currently they are blind to the
Thc Tsu FamI!y
Once a powerful court family, the Tsu
now retain only a limited presence in Miy-
ama. Although they hold the title of
kokushu, the Tsu have left most affairs in
the hands of the Igi. Once they were
greater and more powerful than the Igi;
now the situation is reversed. The Tsu are
now considered an ally family of the Igi.
They have only a few possessions in Miy-
ama and these are carefully controlled by
the Igi.
The Tsu would dearly like to see a return
to the days of imperial authority, since they
could then regain their old power. They
know, however, that the chances for this
are slim. They are dedicated to preserving
their declining power within the province.
Thc 5amuraI FamI!Ics
In addition to the four principal families
listed above, there are a number of
smaller samurai households. Most of
these are retainers of one of the four listed
above. They are either unrelated to the
main family or only very distantly related.
Those in the service of one of the main
families are listed below. Player character
samurai can choose to belong to one of
these families or they can create one of
their own.
Niwa Hori Igi Tsu
Matsue Daidoji Inoue Kato
Ishii Kadokawa Ebisawa Sakai
Naoki Fukuda Koda Ikeda
Kishimoto Ooka Nogami
Sato Kuroda
Mushakoji Maeda
Thc C!crgy
Ranking below the ruling samurai are
the various clergy of the shrines and tem-
ples. At some of the shrines, the position
of priest or caretaker has been in the same
family for centuries. It is the occupation of
that family. Such families include the
Wajo, Mizuno, and Takeuchi. Some of the
temples are dominated by the Niwa and
Tsu families who control the political
power of that temple. In most temples,
however, people from all ranks of life are
Within the ranks of the clergy may be
found retired samurai, peasant sons, and
even widows. Monks and shukenja also
belong to this social group.
Thc Pcasants (Hyakushn)
The hyakusho are the peasants of Koza-
kura. They form the bulk of the population.
They are divided into several groups,
listed below:
Farmers: The farmers of Miyama are the
backbone of the province. Miyama is an
agricultural province and the farmers are
responsible for its production. As farmers,
they are more important than craftsmen or
merchants, both of which are relatively
small groups.
Farmers, like all other groups in Miy-
ama, are organized into families. Most
families are quite large and include very
distant relations. The head of the family
group is the myoshu. He is responsible for
the collection of rent and taxes and is con-
sidered the cultivator of the land. Player
characters may be the sons or daughters
of farmers, particularly if they are bushi,
monks, or wu jen.
Craftsmen: The social status of craftsmen
depend on their craft and skill. Workers in
common crafts (carpentry, silk production,
etc.) seldom rise to great heights or
achieve great notice. Those involved in
more artistic crafts can sometimes
achieve great fame if they possess nota-
ble skill. Still, while such fame increases
their wealth and acceptability, it does not
alter their social level. The children of a
famous craftsman are still craftsmen,
regardless of how high the father rises.
Merchants: Since Miyama is mainly an
agricultural province, it has little need for
merchants. Indeed, this class is treated
with a touch of contempt by all. These are
the people who make a profit from the
effort of others.
This social group also includes the
moneylenders and financiers. These in
particular are in an awkward situation.
Even the powerful samurai houses find it
necessary to borrow money from these
merchants. However, due to the difference
in social class, the merchant often finds it
impossible to recover his investment, let
alone collect any interest, unless he has
extraordinary resources.
Entertainers: Of all the common people,
entertainers are by far the lowest in social
status. These include actors, singers,
musicians, and other groups. They are
simultaneously favored for their skills and
despised for their tawdry occupation.
The higher classes find the entertainers
seductively attractive. The entertainers
live by imitating the life of the nobles, but
are free of the social restrictions that sur-
round and restrict the higher classes.
They often dress in garish imitations of the
powerful and wealthy. Indeed, they often
set the styles that are later copied by the
samurai families.
Yakuza often come from and live among
this social group. The town of Tamanokuni
is the only major center of artistic life in
Outcasts (Eta): Below all other social
groups are the outcasts. They are the low-
est of the low. Indeed, in most instances,
they are literally nonpeople. All other
classes despise them. Marriages are not
permitted with outcasts and even contact
with outcasts is undesirable. The outcasts
exist primarily to fill occupations unthink-
able to the other classes, occupations that
are ritually unclean or forbidden by the
various religions. These include execu-
tioners, butchers, tanners, and morti-
cians. Yakuza sometimes come from this
This section lists specific information
about places of interest within Miyama
Province. This information can be used to
create adventures and provide the basis
for an Oriental campaign.
The type of information given for an
entry varies depending on the nature of
the site. Thus the entry for a hermits cave
describes the surroundings and gives
details on the hermit, while that of a town
describes the factions, major establish-
ments, and notable NPCs who reside
there. A castle description lists its military
forces. An ancient ruin may be populated
with creatures suitable for an adventure.
Entries in the gazetteer are arranged
according to the hex number found on the
color province map. Lower-numbered
hexes are listed before higher-numbered
ones. Not all hexes have an entry; only
those hexes that contain one or more
notable features are listed. In some cases,
a hex has more than one featurea town
with a castle overlooking it, etc. Each is
described separately under the listing for
that hex number. Proper names of loca-
tions, structures, and people are also
listed in the index for your convenience.
Not all hexes on the Miyama Province
Map are listed in the gazetteer. Such
hexes lack notable sites that are shown on
the map. This does not mean the hex is a
blank void, however. Many of these hexes
contain small features, such as mura
(small villages), tiny shrines, beautiful
glades, or even skeletons. To see if there
is a minor feature, roll 1d10 and use the
table that matches the terrain of the hex
(or the terrain the characters are in).
1-5: Fields The landscape is criss-
crossed by a rectangular pattern of rice
paddies. Irrigation ditches and dikes mark
the boundaries of each field. Water flow is
carefully controlled by a series of sluice
gates and run-off channels. There are
always peasant workers in the fields dur-
ing the daytime.
6: Small Shrine Located in the center
of the fields or along the roadside is a
small, dilapidated shrine. This can be a
row of statues, a tiny pagoda, or a small
bamboo hut. The shrine is dedicated to
one of the deities of the fields or a protec-
tor of travelers. There may be a small,
carved plaque dedicating the shrine in the
memory of some person or local event (the
spirit of a virtuous villager or the defeat of
an evil monster).
7-9: Mura A mura is a small village
community, the home of the local farmers.
Each mura contains 10-100 (1d10x10) vil-
lagers of all ages. The village has one
minka (peasant house) for every 10 vil-
lagers, plus another 1d10 minka. These
vary in quality and size from impoverished
to small (i.e., no samurai mansions or
houses of wealthy merchants).
Each mura has a myoshu, or village
head, who represents the mura when
dealing with the landowner or other offi-
cials. In the center of the mura is a gather-
ing place, often with an alarm (a wooden
block and mallet) for summoning the peo-
ple of the village.
The services available vary from mura
to mura, but are generally quite limited.
There is always food and shelter (usually
of simple or poor quality). Other possible
services include a mill, a drinking house,
smithy, carpenter, fishermen (always
present on the coast), boatbuilder (on the
coast only), and possibly even a wise old
man (who always lives on the edge of the
mura or in the nearby forest). Villagers of a
mura can be hired for simple tasks
porters, servants, groomsalthough only
a few are willing to leave the area of their
10: Deserted Building Located in an
out-of-the-way place, deserted buildings
may be the remains of a destroyed village,
the former abode of a hermit, or even the
remains of a temple. Most often they are
dilapidated, in sad repair. However, some-
times they are occupied by hungry bake-
mono or other hideous creatures who
keep the building in reasonable repair.
They do so in hope of tricking the unwary
traveler into staying the night. Naturally,
they do not intend to offer kind hospitality
to their guests.
1-6: Forest The area is ordinary
forestbamboo thickets, cryptomeria,
cypress, pines, and other trees. Sunlight
filters through the overhanging branches
to dapple the leaf-strewn ground. Mush-
rooms and fungi grow around the bases of
trees and over fallen logs. Rivulets wind
through small channels.
7: Deserted Building This is the same
as for Agricultural/Fertile terrain.
8: Hermit The small bamboo shack of a
hermit is tucked away on the edge of a
clearing. The shack is in good repair. The
hermit, usually an old man with long,
white, stringy hair and beard, has retired
from the world to contemplate the mys-
teries of the cosmos and seek his own
path to enlightenment. Hermits are sel-
dom evil or malicious, although a few may
be possessed by evil spirits or may be evil
spirit creatures in disguise. Hermits nor-
mally welcome strangers and offer to
share their simple fareboiled nuts,
buds, bark, roots, berries, and mush-
rooms. Many hermits are quite adept at
martial arts.
9: Hengeyokai Abode Located deep in
the woods is the well-made home of an
NPC hengeyokai. Such houses are in the
style of samurai or nobleshengeyokai
do not dwell in common minka. The hen-
geyokai has prepared defenses against
intruders to the best of its ability (taking
into account its character class). If the
hengeyokai is good, it extends hospitality
to nonhostile visitors and may even
reward visitors who show exceptional
grace or kindness. If neutral, the hengey-
okai gives shelter to characters overnight,
most likely without revealing its hengey-
okai powers. If the creature is evil, it
attempts to deceive the characters about
its true intent, which is to destroy them
through trickery or ambush.
10: Creature Lair The characters come
across the den of some wild animal or the
tracks of a creature (which lead to its lair).
Such creatures are seldom intelligent,
although they may be quite fantastic. If
cornered in its lair, the creature attacks
with ferocity, especially if it is female and
has young.
1-8: Rugged Ground The ground is
very rough off the paths and trails. The
slopes are thickly wooded (with bamboo at
the lower elevations and various trees
higher up). The ground is broken by
ravines, bluffs, and boulders.
9: Hermit This result is the same as that
for Forested terrain.
10: Creature Lair This result is the
same as that for Forested terrain.
1-9: Reed Plain The area is a marshy
flat, with reedy thickets four to seven feet
high. The ground is boggy and characters
may often sink three to four feet into the
muddy water. Narrow, barely discernible,
channels wend through the reeds. Flat-
bottom boats can travel these channels.
Out of the channels, however, characters
must pull their craft through the mud,
struggling through waist to shoulder deep
mud. Movement on foot through the flats
is virtually impossible. Characters will
progress 900-1900 (2-12 x 100 + 700)
yards per day! Movement by boats allows
the characters to move at their normal rate
of travel, provided the characters have a
guide. Without a guide, boat movement is
half normal.
10: Hut Built on stilts in the midst of the
reedy plain is a small thatched hut. The
hut may be deserted or occupied by an old
crone, hermit, hengeyokai, spirit creature,
sage, or even a banished samurai. If good
or lawful, the occupant welcomes visitors
(although evil occupants attempt to cause
harm later during the visit). Otherwise, the
reaction depends on the type of occupant.
Banished samurai often refuse visitors out
of shame at their condition.

Hiwasa village: Located slightly inland

from the beach of Miumi, Hiwasa is one of
the major fishing villages of Miyama. The
village has 300 buildings, mostly minka
and godown (storehouses). The majority
of the 1042 people live by fishing and
farming. There are also a number of
skilled craftsmen present in the town.
Services present in the town include an
inn, several shipwrights, salt makers, two
smiths, several potters, a family of weav-
ers, numerous carpenters, a freight mer-
chant, sake makers, three tofu makers,
two teahouses, and a small theater.
The villagers also gain a small income
from pearl diving. The divers are always
women, who have a greater talent for it
than men. The pearls are only found at
great depths and the divers must be able
swim deeply into dark and chilling waters.
Aside from the normal dangers of diving to
great depths, pearl diving in the area has
additional risks. The prime oyster beds are
occasionally visited by a clan of undersea
creatures who wreak death on those who
pillage the treasures of the sea. Many a
pearl diver has disappeared, only to have
her body found in the village center with
the break of dawn.
The village is also the managerial base
for the Niwa estate on which it is located.
Living in a walled compound on the edge
of town is the jito of the estate, Hiro Koji.
He keeps 10 samurai and 90 bushi as
retainers and employs an armorer and
bowyer. In addition, he has a score of
household servantsgrooms, maids,
cooks, washing women, etc. Hiro Koji (of
the Hiro family) is loyal to the Niwa (and
Takenaka) cause. He keeps careful tabs
on the movement of strangers through the
estate and within the town.

Shrine of Obun the Traveler: Branch-

ing off from the Great Road is a weedy
track that winds into a small grove of trees.
Set back among these trees, on the bank
of a marshy pond, is the shrine of Obun
the Traveler. The shrine is maintained by
Kiro, an aged shukenja (6th level, CG), a
follower of the Eight Million Gods. He is
quite cheerful and talkative, although
somewhat infirm from old age. The shrine
is a small and simple affair. The building is
a single main hall with a personal room for
Kiro in the back. Surrounding the building
is a wide porch and an immaculately main-
tained garden.
According to legend, Obun arrived in
the district several centuries past when a
great serpent was terrorizing the the peas-
ants in the area of this pond. At that time
the district was ruled by a wicked lord,
Nosaki, who took no action against the
serpent. Indeed, he seemed to enjoy the
terror and suffering it caused. Upon learn-
ing of this situation, Obun spent the night
on the banks of the pond. During the night
the serpent arose from the waters and
attacked him. The two fought a fierce bat-
tle, but in the end Obun prevailed. In the
morning the peasants found him col-
lapsed from exhaustion next to the corpse
of the wicked lord.
Obun was so shocked and ashamed
that he had struck down a lord that he
immediately had his head shaved and
became a follower of the Eight Million
Gods. Through the donations of the grate-
ful peasants the shrine was built and Obun
remained there for the rest of his days.
Since this time, the shrine has been
extremely popular with the local villagers.
It is said that the descendants of the
wicked Nosaki still live and that their blood
is tainted by his evil deeds.
Raven Wood Castle: Located on the
highest ridge of this thumb of Kurisam-
myaku, Raven Wood Castle can only be
reached by a tortuously twisting trail. The
structure is not really a castle, but a single
walled tower. It is used to garrison troops
and also as a final fortification in case of
invasion. From the top of the four-story
tower, one has a clear view of the Tara-
gawa Basin and the Great Road as it
comes out of the hills.
On the uppermost story is an unlit signal
fire. In the event of invasion, this fire can
be used as the first link of a chain that
eventually stretches to the capital of the
province. Thus alarms can be raised with-
out magical means. The outpost was built
and maintained by the Niwa family.
During times of peace, a garrison of six
samurai and 50 bushi man the tower. Dur-
ing war, the garrison is increased as
needed. If the Niwa are defeated on the
plain, they will use this tower or one of the
others they have built as a last stand. Thus
the tower has been built in an inaccessible
place, making it difficult to approach and
attack. The head of the garrison at the cas-
tle is currently Saito Nobunga (samurai,
8th level), a retainer of the Niwa family.
Gomen Village: Gomen is the largest
fishing village in the Tara-gawa Basin. The
village is built in terraces on the steeply
sloping shore of Miumi. It overlooks a
small harbor that can provide anchorage
for ocean-going ships. Although it has the
facilities of a major port, Gomen is usually
bypassed in favor of Tamanokuni.
Gomen is a center of activity for the
local population. The village has 1621
people and 300 assorted buildings
minka and godown, primarily. The major
industries of the town are fishing and boat-
building. The majority of each days catch
is dried and salted for shipment else-
where, providing a lucrative income to the
fishermen. The shipwrights of Gomen are
renowned for their skill and are often
employed to build seaworthy vessels for
rich merchants and lords of the province.
In addition to these industries, the vil-
lage supports two smithies, an armorer, a
sake brewer, two inns, a gambling house,
two temples, one shrine, one weaver, and
numerous carpenters. One merchant
makes a modest living maintaining a small
warehouse and shipping concern of three
ships. Most of his runs carry crops from
the surrounding countryside to Tamano-
kuni or Kuda.
Gomen is located on the borders of two
shoen, one owned by the Hori and the
other belonging to the Tsu family. Both
families would like to control the town
since it produces a healthy income. But
the town has recently received a special
charter from the shugo-daimyo, exempt-
ing it from the control of these two estates
in return for tax payments directly to the
shugo-daimyo. Thus the town is currently
under the control of the the Niwa family.
The overseer of the town is Matsue Fusu
(samurai, 9th level). He has a small garri-
son force of five samurai and 15 bushi.
Iyo Village: Iyo is a minor farming com-
munity of 737 people. The majority of the
population are cultivators of the Tsu estate
where the village is located. Within the
town are only a few craftsmenmostly
carpenters who maintain the 100 build-
ings of the village and the home of the zus-
sho of the shoen. This zussho is Otsabe
Kanchi, a samurai (5th level). He has at his
service two samurai retainers and 10
bushi. These men are loyal to him, not the
Tsu family.
Otsabe is an ambitious man. Although
technically part of the Tsu household, he
feels little affection or attachment to them.
They are too distant, too removed from the
affairs of the province. Otsabe would very
much like to become part of the shugo-
daimyos household, so that he would feel
part of a closer-knit family. Anyone on inti-
mate terms with the Niwa household is
given preferential treatment when visiting
Because of his ambitions, Otsabe is
quite negligent in ensuring the estate rent
reaches the Tsu family. Although this dis-
pleases the Tsu house, they can do little
as Otsabe is protected by the shugo-
daimyo, who prefers that Otsabe remain
where he is.
Fox God Shrine: Located in the heart of
the farming plain, this shrine is dedicated
to the Fox God. The Fox God has many
roles, but here he is honored as a protec-
tor of the rice crop. The shrine is a small
temple, run by four shukenja and two
monks. These men are followers of the
Kanchai school. Most of their days are
spent maintaining the temple, providing
instruction to pupils, settling disputes,
overseeing the harvest, and tending to the
hyakusho (peasantry).
The elder priest of the shrine (shukenja,
7th level) memorizes spells that are bene-
ficial to crops and weather. The hyakusho
look to the shukenja of the shrine for the
blessings they feel are necessary for a
good harvest. At the end of the harvest,
the shukenja and the hyakusho hold a fes-
tival honoring the Fox God. During this
festival, traveling actors put on perform-
ances and there is generally much drink-
ing and revelry. The highlight of the
festival is the torchlight procession of the
Fox God, in which his portable shrine is
carried from the Fox God Shrine to
Tamanokuni. Like the rest of the festival,
this is a loud and boisterous affair.
Toro-dai-be: This village is an oddity
within the province of Miyama. Located
within the boundaries of a Toro-dai shoen,
the villagers of Toro-dai-be are all devout
followers of the Toro-dai school. Indeed,
they are quite fanatical about their reli-
gion, willing to go to any extreme in its
name. A 10th-level shukenja acts as the
leader of the 326 people of the village and
manager of the shoen.
Within the village are 68 buildings
including minka, godown, a mill, and a
Toro-dai temple. Unlike most villages,
Toro-dai-be is protected by a rude stock-
ade and a series of irrigation ditches and
moats. Although the village has no samu-
rai or bushi, the 127 able-bodied men and
boys all have arms (spear and naginata)
and act as a militia for the village in times
of need. Furthermore, in times of trouble
(war or during the frequent bandit raids)
and at harvest time, the provincial temple
of the Toro-dai school dispatches 20 sohei
to aid the villagers and protect the rent
Kuroijo: Located on the island of Kuroi-
joshima are the remains of Kuroijo, or the
Black Castle. This was once the site of a
large and fantastic fortress, raised by the
sorcerous powers of its master, the wu jen
Aga. He was said to be a master of the sea
and earth, commanding great and hid-
eous forces. According to legend, he
appeared 800 years ago. At first there was
no more than an odd, glistening black
stone on the island, but the stone grew
forming buildings, walls, and towers.
When all was done an oily black castle
stood on the site.
From Kuroijo Aga terrorized the main-
land. He made no attempt to rule. Instead
he bent others to his will, demanding spe-
cial privileges and immunities. He capri-
ciously brought destruction and death.
Finally, aided by the wu jen Omo, general
Kinusake no Yori led a force against the
wicked might of Aga. In the final battle,
Yori landed his army on the island and
assaulted the fortress. The battle that fol-
lowed was tremendous and horrific.
Aga called upon every minion and
unclean servant at his command, drawing
hideous things from the the bowels of the
earth. It is said that as the assault suc-
ceeded the fortress itself gave out a howl
of rage and despair. Although the castle
was taken, Kinusake was brought down by
a horde of goblin creatures and Aga was
never found among the bodies that were
counted. Nonetheless, he never reap-
peared and the castle was pulled down
and the stones (if it was made of stone)
were broken up.
Now only the ruins of the foundation
remain on the island. The rest of the island
is covered by marshy reeds. According to
local legend, tunnels under the castle lead
to some place where Aga (or his spirit) still
lives, Every year on the anniversary of the
battle, strange shapes are seen and howls
are heard coming from the island.
Wajo Shrine: This small shrine is main-
tained by the Wajo family and is dedicated
to the spirit of a nearby grotto. According
to legend, this grotto is the site where O-
Sukii, once a consort to the emperor, died
in banishment from the capital. Later
events indicated that she was falsely
accused by the scheming Prime Minister,
who wanted her out of the way. Although
she suffered terrible hardship and embar-
rassment, she never spoke against those
who hurt her and raised her children with
Only after death was her devotion
rewarded as her son eventually suc-
ceeded to the title of emperor. In her mem-
ory, this shrine was erected and cared for
by the Wajo family, a distant branch of the
imperial line. She has been elevated to the
status of Protector of Children. The shrine
is a very popular place for local pilgrim-
ages, especially among mothers seeking
success for their children. Currently the
shrine is managed by three priests and
four nuns (all shukenja). All but one are
members of the Wajo family, one of the
nuns being a former imperial consort.
Kan-oji Village: This dilapidated and
sleepy fishing village was once a minor
port, shipping produce from the surround-
ing estates to Kuda. However, times have
gone against the village. The river rushing
down from the mountains has silted up the
harbor, rendering it nearly useless. The
completion of the Great Road has diverted
most of the trade away from the town.
Fishing is difficult and poor. Extensive
mud flats appear with every low tide. The
town has a population of 202 people and
there are 100 buildings, over half of which
are deserted and collapsing. Only the
presence of the jito of the Niwa shoen
keeps this village from totally disappear-
Lately thingsbakemono, evil hengey-
okai, goblin rats, and onihave been slip-
ping down out of the mountains into
Kan-oji. Their movements have been very
secretive. Several of the deserted build-
ings of the town have become the meeting
places and strongholds of these crea-
tures. They remain inactive during the
day, venturing out at night to stalk victims.
So far they have been very careful and
there. have been no witnesses or evidence
of their activities. The jito, Kishimoto
Endai (samurai, 7th level), and the vil-
lagers have begun to suspect something,
although no one has any proof. Kishimoto
is not an effective manager and spends
too much time with emergencies for his
three samurai retainers or his 10 bushi to
investigate the matter. He is not much
loved by the hyakusho.
Dorumiji: Dorumiji is the remains of a
temple of the Konjo sect. Built 409 years
ago, the temple was burned 123 years ago
by sohei of the Tore-dai temple at Tamano-
kuni. What remains today is the main tem-
ple hall. Protected from the blaze by
magical means, the hall was the final
defense of the Dorumiji sohei. Unable to
burn them out, the Toro-dai followers took
the building by storm. None of the
Dorumiji sohei survived.
All attempts to destroy the main hall
failed. Convinced that the building was
accursed, the Toro-dai men left it to rot.
The building is doing just that, the veranda
rotting through and the roof beginning to
collapse. The old building is a popular
meeting place for bandits, fugitives, ninja,
burglars, and lovers.
Tengu Lair: Located on the lower
slopes of the mountain near an old burial
mound is the simple hut of five humanoid
tengu (AC 4; MV 12/15; HD 5,5,7,8,9;
hp 18,14,35,34,53; # AT 2; Damage 1d6/
1d6; SA spells; SD Invisible; Al CN). These
tengu are the nemeses of nearby Tosa.
They take great delight in playing pranks
on the villagersespecially if they
encounter a lone victim.
Their pranks, though seldom deadly, are
insidious and comical. They particularly
love jokes that publicly embarrass their vic-
tim, exposing some secret or character
flaw. They will play upon a persons greed,
vanity, pompousness, etc. The villagers
feel powerless to stop the tengu, especially
since they do not know the exact location of
the tengu hut.
Buried under the floor of the hut are sev-
eral jars filled with 4,000 yuan and one
Tosa Village: Located on the banks of
the Furo-gawa, a small tributary of the
Tara-gawa, Tosa is the center of the Niwa
estate on which it stands. The village is
small, only 259 people and 49 buildings.
The largest of these is the dwelling of the
jito Sato Masako (samurai, 8th level) and
his retainersthree samurai and 12
bushi. Sato Masakos greatest problem at
the moment are the tengu living some-
where in the hills. Being somewhat obese,
he has been the object of many of their
pranks. As manager of the estate, Sato
has little time to settle the matter with the
tengu. Furthermore, wounding or killing
them is likely to only make the matter
worseenraging the tengu and whatever
allies they may have in the hills. Thus the
villagers continue to live in fear of the
deeds of the tengu.
Posthouse: Located in a mura that
straddles the Great Road is an imperial
posthouse. The posthouse is maintained
by the shugo-daimyo and is one of his
responsibilities to the province. The post-
house is used by messengers of the
emperor, shogun, and shugo-daimyo, pro-
viding fresh horses, messengers, and
The posthouse consists of a small walled
compound with living quarters and stables.
Only those on official business (or bearing
the shogunal seal) can use the posthouse.
This particular station is manned by Kyo
Enoki (kensai, 5th level), three bushi, a
groom, and two servants. Two fresh horses
are always kept in the stable.
The Reed-Grass Mound: Rising above
the reedy plain is large, oval barrow cov-
ered with thick grasses. Although every-
one knows the mound is the ancient grave
of some important personage, no one
knows who was buried in the mound. All
attempts to learn the identity of the occu-
pant have failed.
Some maintain the mound is the grave
of Emperor Okuri, who was banished from
the imperial court after he retired. Another
story says it is the resting place of the leg-
endary Thousand-Spear-Brother, the last
of the Earth Spirit emperors. With his
passing, the imperial title passed into
human hands. Further claims are made
that the mound is not a grave at all, that it
was built by Naka no Moriya to imprison
the spirit of a terrible, cruel oni who had
discovered the secret of immortality.
Kabe Village: This fishing village is
located on the shores of Kobawan (Bay of
Koba) where a small stream pours into the
bay. The shoreline is a steep bluff that rises
immediately behind the white sand beach.
The village is located at the top of this bluff.
Fishing boats are dragged up on the beach
and moored to posts set in the sand. During
the highest tides, the beach is entirely cov-
ered with water. Villagers reach the beach
by either a winding trail or a staircase they
have built at great expense.
Aside from its fishing industry, this vil-
lage of 348 people (93 buildings) has two
other important features. First, it is the
managerial headquarters of the Niwa
estate it stands on. Maintaining a house
here is Niwa Sutai (samurai, 7th level),
nephew of Niwa Hirotada and great-great-
grandson of Niwa Ozuchi, who saved the
charters of the Niwa line. Niwa Sutai has
four samurai and 10 bushi under his com-
As a sign of respect to Sutais ancestor
and his rank within the family, Sutai also
has command of two warships. The natu-
ral harbor and the location of Kabe at the
mouth of Kobawan make this village a
strategic naval position. Each ship is
manned by 10 sailors and 15 bushi (acting
as marines). Generally one ship is con-
stantly on patrol, protecting shipping from
pirate attacks while the other remains in
port. Each ship is commanded by a 4th-
level samurai captain.
While all this attention to their village
ensures their safety from the normal dan-
gers of bandits, the people of Kabe are still
displeased with their lot. They are
required to support not only Niwa Sutai
and his samurai, but also the seamen and
bushi under his command. This greatly
strains their resources and so, unlike most
other fishing villages, the people here are
always on the brink of abject poverty.
Imperial Posthouse: This posthouse,
like nearly all others, is located in a small
mura of 50 hyakusho. The posthouse itself
consists of a main building, stables, and
godown surrounded by a walled com-
pound. The posthouse provides fresh
mounts and riders for official messengers
and shelter for important travelers.
This posthouse, maintained by funds
from the shugo-daimyo, is located in the
heart of an imperial shoen and has been
caught up in the struggle for power
between the two factions. The posthouse
is commanded by Watanabe Kanzo
(samurai, 12th level), a man who has dem-
onstrated his strong loyalty to the Niwa
cause. Under his command are 20 samu-
rai and 100 bushi. This is far more than
needed to run the posthouse. The shugo-
daimyo has used the posthouse as an
excuse to station a large force within the
boundaries of this imperial shoen.
The Shrine of the War God or Monage
Yukates Shrine: Located alongside the
road, this shrine is dedicated to the God of
War. The shrine is only a single small
buildinga hall with a statue of the God of
War inside. There is no one minding the
shrine, but the local peasants take respon-
sibility for keeping it clean and repaired.
The shrine is built on the site of the Bat-
tle of Kurisammyaku during the Tennu
War. This war, fought between the forces
of the Hojo family and the followers of the
emperor, established the power of the
Hojo as shoguns of Kozakura. The battle
occured when the Hojo troops forced the
passage out of the Kurisammyku to the
east and entered the plain. There they
were met by the arrayed troops of the
Monage and Tsu clans, supporters of the
imperial cause.
In the battle, the imperial forces were
soundly defeated. The Monage clan was
destroyed and its properties confiscated.
The Tsu clan suffered severely, but sur-
vived the battle. The shrine was built to
honor the victory of the Hojo, but in time
the true legendary hero of the battle has
become Monage Yukate, the defeated
general. Although crushed, beaten, and
finally forced to his ultimate end, his tragic
and sad fate has raised him to the position
of a great and legendary hero in the popu-
lar imagination. Many stories, plays, and
songs have been composed about his life
and exploits, particularly his tragic end.
The shrine is now a popular stopping
place for travelers, who pray for protection
from bandits before entering the moun-
Atarashijo: Located at the southern
entrance to the pass between the plain
and Nora-ko is the outpost known as
Atarashijo (New Castle). The structure is a
simple three-story tower surrounded by
earthworks. The work was begun only two
years ago and is still underway on the
outer walls and buildings. The castle is
being built in response to increased bandit
activity in the area. Without the castle as a
base of operations, the shugo-daimyo
could not maintain a force in the mountain-
ous country long enough to hunt down and
destroy the bandits. In addition, the fin-
ished tower will control movement through
the pass, increasing the shugo-daimyos
grip over the province.
The castle workers have built a small vil-
lage around the base of the hill where the
castle stands. Currently there are 590
workers at the site. The village (called
Atarashi-mura) has 80 buildings, mostly
simple minka. Among the workers there
are a number of skilled artisansmostly
carpenters and stonemasons. The con-
struction is supervised by the commander
of the castle, Hori Chomin (samurai, 14th
level), brother to the head of the Hori clan.
Under his command are 20 samurai and
100 bushi (who also double as laborers).
Gobo Village: This sleepy little village
of 549 (78 buildings) is noted for the
exceptionally fine landscape in which it is
set. Consequently the town is popular with
travelers, poets, artists, and nobles. The
village maintains a fine inn and services
for these visitors. In addition, the village
has a mill and active fishing industry.
The village is headquarters and occa-
sional home of the samurai Fukada Shiro
(9th level), who holds the shoen surround-
ing the village. Fukada holds the title to the
property and directly manages affairs, but
he is often called to the castle of the Hiro
family. When he is gone, his son Takauji
handles the business of the shoen. The
Fukada family, a minor family allied with
the Hiro, has 36 samurai and 60 bushi
available at its disposal.
Miki Village: This large fishing village of
1398 people has grown steadily through
the years. As the Tara-gawa becomes
more silted over and treacherous to navi-
gate, more and more shipping is diverted
to Miki. From here it is transported
upstream by barges to the Great Road and
then shipped overland throughout the
province. Naturally goods are also being
sent downstream to load on the empty
Thus merchants formerly based only in
Tamanokuni are finding it expedient to
maintain warehouses in Miki. Currently
there are 347 buildings in the village,
including five major warehouses. Two of
these belong to merchants of Tamano-
kuni, another two are the property of a
merchant monopoly from the imperial cap-
itol, and the last is owned by a shipping
concern based at the bakufu (shogunal
headquarters). Other buildings of impor-
tance within Miki include the salt-making
house, two sake breweries, a temple of the
Toro-dai school, another of the Konjo
school, and a shrine to the Lord of the Sea.
Most importantly, the headquarters of the
Niwa shoen is just outside the village.
Miki is thus quite a bustling village. The
growth has left the jito of the shoen some-
what unprepared. This jito, Mushakoji
Nariakira (samurai, 8th level), normally
has at his disposal 10 samurai and 30
bushi, barely enough to manage the rest
of the shoen. Because of the growth of
Miki, he has recruited a police force of 15
bushi to patrol the village. These men are
not enough to oversee a population of
1300. Thus most of the peacekeeping
duties have fallen upon a newly arrived
kumi (a yakuza family). These fellows, 37
strong, have set themselves up as the
local law and order. Their oyabun is known
only as Miki-san (yakuza, 12th level). They
currently aid the peasants, protecting
them from outsiders, seamen, and greedy
merchantsfor a price, of course. They
also run a small gambling house that
caters mainly to seamen and visiting mer-
chants, although a few samurai have been
known to slip down for a game. So far
there have been only a few confrontations
between the police and the kumi. These
have ended in unofficial agreements
between the two groups.
Tamanokuni: Tamanokuni is the largest
town of Miyama and the capital of the
province. It contains the local residence of
the Niwa family, the site of the First Shrine
of Miyama, and the Provincial Temple of
the Kanchai school. It is also the major
shipping port on the southern coast of the
The town has a population of 10,997
people and is divided into eight wards in
addition to the shugo-daiymos residence
and the samurai district. The eight wards
are divided between three districtsthe
Bridge District, the Temple District, and
the Castle District. In addition, there is an
eta (outcast) community outside the town.
As far as others are concerned, these out-
casts are invisiblethey do not exist. The
main features of each district are
described below.
In recent years the port of Tamanokuni
has undergone several troubles. There
have been a number of damaging fires to
the principal warehouses of the city, possi-
bly caused by competition between
unscrupulous merchants.
More serious is the gradual silting-up of
the Tara-gawas delta. The channels
downstream of Tamanokuni have become
narrower and narrower over the years,
making it difficult for sea-going vessels to
reach the port. Several attempts have
been made to dredge portions of the chan-
nel, but the shugo-daimyo and the prov-
ince lack the resources for a full-fledged
engineering effort. One of the goals of the
current shugo-daimyo is to obtain the sho-
gunal financing needed for the task, with-
out giving too much to the shogun in
Bridge District: This district, located on
the waterfront, is the main business center
of the town. It consists of four wards, each
containing between eight and 18 blocks.
Branching off the Tara-gawa are numer-
ous canals built to allow barges access to
the various warehouses of the shipping
merchants. The district gets its name from
the high-arched wooden bridges that span
these canals. During the daytime this dis-
trict is bustling with activity as cargoes are
loaded and unloaded from ships. Every 2d
and 7th day (of a 10-day cycle) is market
day when the open markets are set up to
sell goods.
Within the Bridge District are two
yakuza kumi, vying with each other for
control. The larger of these kumi is
headed by the oyabun Ebi (yakuza, 19th
level) and has has 340 members. The
other kumi is headed by the oyabun Musu-
kosan no Hashi (yakuza, 15th level). There
are 286 yakuza in his organization.
Ebis organization has been operating
in the town for several decades. They
derive a lot of their profit from several
gambling houses. Most of these are very
close to the docks and attract many sailors
from the merchant ships. There is also a
fairly prestigious gambling house
attached to one of the prominent tea-
houses close to the samurai district.
Very little of this kumis income comes
from protection money. Ebi maintains the
very proper public persona of a successful
shipping merchant. His gang has become
an integral part of the community and is
tolerated (indeed almost supported) by
Niwas samurai. The two groups have an
unofficial understanding. The officials do
not harrass the gambling operations,
unless they become excessive. The Ebi
gang, in turn, restricts its operations to
gambling houses, running an honest
game, and preventing any samurai or per-
sons of position from ruining themselves
(with excessive debt).
The Ebi gang has recently been getting
competition from the Hashi gang. This
group set up its operations about three
years ago. Initially very small, it has
attracted the rougher and more violent
types. The Hashi run several gambling
operations, all but one being quite low
class. The main source of Hashi income
comes from shaking down the local mer-
chants and shippers. The Hashi normally
demand payments from every ship that
arrives in the port. While not excessive, if
these payments are refused, the Hashi will
try to prevent the unloading (or loading) of
any shipment. Their tactics are simple and
violentbeating sailors, destroying
goods, and terrorizing stevedores. The
Ebi gang has met the Hashi several times
in fierce battles on the waterfront. Things
must soon come to a head, for only one of
the two gangs can survive.
Temple District: This district, composed
of two six-block wards, is centered around
the First Shrine of Miyama, which sits on a
small rise overlooking the river. The First
Shrine is also known as the Emperors
Shrine, since it is dedicated to the imperial
cult. It is staffed by 20 shukenja and also
maintains a small monastery that trains
monks and shukenja in the beliefs of the
There is also a major temple and mon-
astery of the Toro-dai school which is the
provincial temple of the school in Miyama.
From here they supervise the manage-
ment of all their shoen. The monastery
trains monks of the Toro-dai school. The
majority of the pupils come from the
hyakusho classes. There are also temples
of the Kanchai and Konjo schools. The
former is popular with the merchant ship-
pers and seamen, while the latter is
patronized almost exclusively by the
samurai and upper classes. The temple of
the Konjo school is located not far from the
samurai district.
There are also numerous shrines
throughout the district, dedicated to the
Fire God, the Sun Goddess, the Goddess
of Disease, the Gods of Luck and Fortune,
and the Goddess of Mercy. There are two
shrines that serve as memorials: one to
the emperor defeated at the Battle of Kuri-
sammyaku, and another to the samurai
family Massatsu, who founded the town
and later were instrumental in saving it
from a disastrous fire which swept the city.
Aside from the temples, a great number
of artisans and craftsmen live in this dis-
trict, doing work for either the temples or
residents of the Samurai and Castle Dis-
tricts. There are no established yakuza
gangs in the district, but the Ebi gang does
extend its power unchallenged over the
area. Yakuza activities within the district
are more subdued than those in the
Bridge District, as they would incur the
wrath of the Niwa overlords.
Castle District: This district has grown
up along the bank of the Tara-gawa
upstream from the Bridge District. Nor-
mally one must pass through the Castle
District to reach Niwa Castle, which is on
the island in the center of the river. The dis-
trict consists of two wards, one of five
blocks and the other of 13 blocks.
The majority of the people living in this
district are low-rank samurai, upper class
nonsamurai, and the attendants of both
groups. Even the poorest of the samurai in
this district attempts to maintain a lavish
house herea walled compound enclos-
ing a garden and several buildings is com-
mon. Some of wealthiest merchants in
town keep splendid homes here, enclos-
ing an acre or more of property. Although
they cannot maintain any samurai, they do
hire ronin and bushi as special guards.
Thus within a single household may live
100 or more people.
The most powerful of all those living
within the Castle District is Yukio the Rice
Merchant. His home is a fortified com-
pound. Within its walls are his house with
a separate wing for his wife, three godown
stocked with rice and other supplies, a
family shrine, a garden complete with
pond and stream, a business office, sta-
bles, barracks for his guards, and an
armory. Aside from his family, which totals
20, he employs 30 servants in various
occupations, six business clerks, and an
overseer to mind them ail. For protection,
he has 250 bushi (1st - 3d level) com-
manded by 10 ronin (4th - 9th level). Fur-
thermore, he sponsors the school of the
kensai Oshio (10th level, spear expertise)
and his five students, which is located on
the grounds. indeed, Yukios own son
trains under Oshio.
Few live as Yukio does. It is quite com-
mon for the lower rank samurai to be seri-
ously in debt to the moneylenders and
yakuza of the town. Many of the homes,
although large and outwardly lavish, are
sadly in need of repair on the inside. Many
a servant has been let go by a master
unable to support his staff.
Although most of the ward is the domain
of the wealthy and powerful, the area
bounded by the river and the Bridge District
is home of many unsavory and disreput-
able characters. These peopleactors,
singers, geishas, puppeteers and the
likeare concentrated into an area of a
few blocks filled with diverse entertain-
ments for the commoner and wealthy
alike. Here one can find popular plays, sto-
rytellers, puppet theaters, geisha houses,
teahouses, gambling dens, balladeers,
and wandering actors. The samurai of the
town, the wealthy merchants, and the
hard-working commoners all come and
mingle here for the entertainments.
The people of the district are colorful
and flamboyant. Some are widely popular
and famous for their skills. Others are
scruffy strangers, perhaps short-tem-
pered ronin, who come to town with only a
sword. The unpredictability and low-life
activities of the area make it all the more
attractive to the upper classes, allowing
them to go slumming. Nonetheless, as
famous as an actor may be for his perform-
ances, he is still of the lowest class. They
are revered and praised for their skill while
at the same time shunned for their social
Within these few blocks is a flourishing
yakuza kumi, simply known as the Actors
Gang. The organization is headed by the
oyabun Emonsaku and is 218 strong. The
gang fiercely controls all gambling and
illegal activities within the area. Several
times the Ebi and Hashi gangs have
attempted to make inroads into the area
only to be savagely driven off by the
Actors. The authorities are very tolerant of
this violence, feeling that so long as inno-
cents are not involved, the matter is best
ignored. Furthermore, the Actors Gang at
least ensures relative harmony in this dan-
gerous and wild part of town.
Samurai District: Located across the
river from the rest of the town is the area
known informally as the Samurai District.
This is not a proper district of Tamanokuni,
but is gradually being absorbed into the
town. The area is fined with the homes of
important and powerful samurai who
attend upon the shugo-daimyo. Although
the master of the household is usually
present for only part of the year, these
homes are always occupied and main-
tained. Like those of the wealthy of Castle
District, most homes here are walled com-
pounds, equipped with heavy gates, guard
towers, and complements of armed men.
The area is reserved for samurai and
nobles, commoners are almost never
seen on the streets unless they are in the
service of some lord. There are homes for
the Hori, Tsu, Igi, and all their retainers.
Many samurai build their homes here so
they can be at the center of power. Some
are shugo-matadai and must live in or
near the capital. Others are forced to do so
by the shugo-daimyo, who holds their
families hostage.
This area is both very rich and very dan-
gerous. Commoners run the risk of insult-
ing or offending samurai at every turn.
Accidental meetings of gangs of feuding
samurai can erupt into bloody fights. Ninja
occasionally prowl the streets, destined
for some secret rendezvous. Twisting
intrigues simmer below the surface of this
districts life.
Niwa Castle: Located on an island in the
Tara-gawa between the Samurai District
and Tamanokuni is the castle of the Niwa
clan. The entire island has been claimed
as a Niwa stronghold. On the island are
both fortifications and the palace of the
Niwa family. The island is divided by sev-
eral moats and walls that separate the dif-
ferent palaces.
The Outer Court (San-no-maru) houses
the barracks of the garrisona force of
500 samurai and 2,000 bushi, ail drawn
from the retainer families of the Niwa clan.
The Middle Court (Ni-no-maru) holds
storehouses and the palaces of the shugo-
dai and the uncles, nephews, and close
cousins of Niwa. Thus both Hiro and Niwa
have homes on this part of the island. The
Inner Court (Maru) is divided into the pal-
ace groundshome of Niwa Hirotada
when he is in the provinceand the
tenshu-kaku, or main tower of the castle.
This tower is five stories high.
Each court is surrounded by walls and
moats connecting to the river. Entry is only
possible through the masugata, special
gates designed to slow down attackers. In
addition to the garrison, walls, and towers,
the Niwa family also keeps seven war-
ships at quays built on the upstream end
of the island. Crews for these ships are
always present along with 15 bushi per
ship, to prevent any attempts to blockade
or starve out the occupants of the castle.
Shrine of Taro the Poet: On the side of
the road is a simple building of carved
wood and thatch. it is only a shrine to the
Rice God, unexceptional except for the
splendid cherry trees that grow around it.
The shrine and ifs cherry trees were
immortalized in one of the most famous
works of the poet Taro, a master of classi-
cal poetry. In spring the blossoming
branches are festooned with prayer strips
hung among the buds by travelers and
peasants. The shrine is now a popular pil-
grimage for other poets who arrive to see
the blossoms on the trees. Indeed, the
expression to have visited Taros shrine
means to have traveled greatly for the
sake of ones art.
Posthouse: This posthouse, part of a
mura of 35 peasants, is a simple minka
and godown surrounded by a wooden
stockade. Close as it is to Tamanokuni, its
services are seldom needed. Currently the
posthouse is manned by Daidoji Tadako
(samurai, 9th level) and three bushi.
Daidoji Tadako is a old man who has seen
many hard years. He has been stationed
at this quiet and restful posthouse in honor
of his faithful service. Here he is still able
to perform valuable service for his lord and
enjoy a peaceful old age. Once a month he
is visited by his son Daidoji Kiyotomo
(samurai, 8th level) who lives in Tamano-
kuni. The elder Daidoji knows many of the
old stories and legends of the province.
Ekawashi Village: Nothing is unusual
in this village of 309 people and 93 build-
ings. It is the perfect example of the sleepy
but industrious peasant village. Although
the largest community in this Niwa shoen,
the jito of the shoen has found it more
pleasant and desirable to make his base
of operations in Kuda, only a short dis-
tance away. Thus the peasants life is little
disturbed by powerful samurai lords. This
also makes the village a very popular stop-
ping place for disreputable travelers and
noblemen incognito, since there is little
chance of trouble.
O-Suzuki Shrine: This lonely shrine
commemorates the site where the Prin-
cess O-Suzuki died with her son, who was
to be emperor, when escaping the forces
of the Honda army during the Zakura
insurrection. The death of this pair was
instrumental in the failure of the Honda
faction to seize the imperial line. However,
the deaths are not remembered for what
they accomplished, but rather for their
pathos and tragedy. Kozakurans believe
that the deaths were fated to occur and the
outcome was inescapable.
The sad tragedy of the mother and child
has become a popular story and Princess
O-Suzuki and her son have become heroic
figures. During their lives they performed
no notable deeds, and both eventually
froze in a blinding snowstorm, but these
things only add to their greatness. Thus
the shrine of O-Suzuki is known through-
out Kozakura and is popular in stories and
plays. The princess is said to sometimes
appear to travelers, rewarding them for
their virtue or providing them with wise
and maternal advice to help them through
some difficult crisis. Although nothing
more than an unoccupied and decaying
building, the shrine is a popular overnight
stop for travelers. Indeed, the shrine radi-
ates protection from evil enclosing all
within its walls.
The Cave of Gobo the Hermit: Hidden
among the trees on the slopes of a moun-
tain is a small cave, the home of a religious
hermit named Gobo (shukenja, 7th level).
Gobo lives an austere and simple life while
searching for true enlightenment. He is a
kindly but intense man of middle age.
Before withdrawing from the world he had
been a successful and talented carpenter.
Gobo is not a follower of any religion,
but is attempting to find his own path to
understanding the cosmic forces and bal-
ance of the world. Perhaps he is close;
who can say? Perhaps he will never find
what he seeks. Indeed, even if he does
find enlightenment, he may be content to
remain here the rest of his life, telling no
one what he has done. But he may also
come out of the hills, taking pupils and
instructing them to follow his path. They
would then spread his word to others and
his way would grow throughout Miyama.
This is speculation, however, for Gobos
enlightenment has yet to occur.
Niiashima-jo: Situated on the island
formed by the ox-bow of the Tara-gawa is
the main Niwa outpost for eastern Miy-
ama. The Niwa Island Castle is not a mag-
nificent structure like other castles in the
province, but it is an extremely effective
The island is reached by crossing one of
three high-arched bridges, two of wood
and one of stone. Once on the island, an
attacker must surmount an earthwork
embankment topped by a wooden stock-
ade, cross a moat, clamber over a second
revetment, wade a second moat, batter
through a stone wall, and seize the main
tower (tenshu-kaku), which is built on a 30-
foot-high foundation.
Of course, any assault would be made
more difficult by the garrison of 100 samu-
rai and 500 bushi maintained on the
island. In addition, there is a fleet of 10
river boats docked on the island at all
times. The garrison is led by Nogami Sado
(samurai, 8th level), a trusted retainer of
the Niwa family. He is a battle-scarred vet-
eran of several campaigns against the
bandits, having lost his left eye in one bat-
tle. He is considered a martinet and task-
master by the troops under him. He is,
however, a canny and bold tactician.
Awa Village: With a population of 408,
this village is thriving community. It has a
total of 127 buildings, including several
warehouses of the Niwa family. The village
sits at the junction of the Tara-gawa and
Furo-gawa. Most of the produce of the
upland shoen, which is destined for mar-
ket or collected as rent and taxes, is
brought to Awa for shipment downstream.
This shipping business is maintained as a
monopoly of the Niwa family. Thus,
although the shoen of Awa is managed
from Tamanokuni, the Niwa maintain a
force of 10 samurai and 30 bushi at Awa.
They are under the command of Kuroda
Saga (samurai, 4th level).
Toro-dai Temple: This temple is part of a
mura of 90 people. Staffed by five priests,
three nuns, and one monk (4th level), it is a
subscriber temple of the Toro-dai school.
Currently there are two shukenja staying at
the temple (4th and 6th levels). Also resid-
ing at the temple are 50 sohei, led by a
sohei commander (10th level), who is rest-
less and irritated with the small size of his
command. The temple serves as the head-
quarters of this Toro-dai shoen. The sohei
of this shoen and the nearby Kanchai
shoen are fierce rivals and there is much
bitterness between them.
Originally the Kanchai shoen bordered
the Toro-dai lands and there was constant
raiding between the two. However, 10
years ago, the shugo-daimyo was pres-
sured by the Toro-dai into partitioning the
Kanchai shoen. A large section was taken
by the Niwa family and a smaller section
was given to the Ishii family, retainers of
the Niwa. Only a small section was kept by
the Kanchai school. This, of course,
increased the bitterness between the two
schools, but did provide a buffer between
them. Because of this deed, the Kanchai
have no great love of the shugo-daimyo,
whom they accuse of attempting to break
their power.
Kuda: Kuda is the second largest town in
Miyama. Kuda was formerly the provincial
capital under imperial rule. With the rise of
the shogunate, the capital has been moved
to Tamanokuni. Kuda has gradually declined
in prestige and size since that time. Cur-
rently it is a town of 7,386 inhabitants. The
town is divided into five wards in two dis-
tricts: the Old District and the New District.
The Old District: This district consists of
three wards of five to 10 blocks each. It is
indeed an old district: some of the build-
ings have stood for more than 700 years.
Located on the waterfront, the Old District
is the shipping and trade center of Kuda.
Of the three wards, one is almost entirely
devoted to the homes of several shipping
merchants, as well as their warehouses
and employees homes. Stored in these
warehouses are rice, lumber, and some
pottery. The warehouses also contain
much pig iron, tea, silk, paper, fine sake,
and other goods imported and domestic.
A reminder of better times is the busi-
ness of the merchant Joei the Aged (wu
jen, 11th level). This eccentric old man
runs a small but profitable importing busi-
ness under license from the emperor and
shogun. He specializes in rare and exotic
items from distant lands. He often disap-
pears for months, sometimes years, at a
time pursuing these wares. Invariably he
returns with his ship laden with exotic trea-
sures and unfamiliar magical devices.
Even when he is home, his activities are a
mystery. His small business employs only
one clerk, Lu, a foreigner from Shou Lung
(wu jen, 6th level). Lu is a small, dark, and
mysterious fellow, given to speaking in
one-word sentences.
Joei is also known to have three perma-
nent guards: two giant men, also
foreigners (barbarians, 7th level) and a
small wiry Kozakuran (bushi/ninja, 6th/5th
levels) called Saigo. Saigo appears very
open and friendly, often drinking and gam-
bling with other workers on the waterfront.
Still, for all his companions, Saigo never
talks about his employer while learning
much about everyone else. These four
men are Joeis only known employees.
Numerous, stories are whispered about
Joei. It is said that his warehouse is filled
with devious traps and unspeakable guard-
ians. Although a few brave thieves have
entered the warehouse only one or two
have ever come out. They are reported to
have died within hours of their exploit, and
their ill-gotten goods vanished.
Apparently shipments are unloaded by
Joei himself or the work is done in secret
through unknown agencies. It is said his
clerk Lu always knows in advance when
his master will return and can consult him
for advice even if he has been gone for a
year. Competitors and enemies of Joei are
said to be fated with bad luck and acci-
dents, many crippling or lethal to their
businesses and lives. Such is his reputa-
tion that none in town challenges him on
the quality of his goods or their origin. It is
even rumored that he holds his licenses
for unnatural services rendered to the
emperor and shogun.
Also within the Old District is the yakuza
kumi of Ishi the Hairy (yakuza oyabun,
16th level). His organization has 129
members. They operate the usual yakuza
activitiesgambling and protection rack-
ets. They have a standing rule, rigidly
enforced, that they never bother the activi-
ties of Joei the Aged. It is not known if this
is due to fear, bribery, or common sense.
The New District: The New District is that
part of Kuda that was rebuilt after a disas-
trous fire destroyed almost a third of the
town during the Tennu War. This district is
only new when compared to the Old Dis-
trict, as most of the buildings are several
hundred years old. Located on the gentle
slopes away from the shore, the New Dis-
trict consists of two wards of nine blocks
each. The streets wind through the ter-
raced slopes, easily confusing strangers.
Prominent in the district is the Shrine of
Niwa Ozuchi, ancestral hero of the Niwa
family. During the burning of Kuda, it was
he who saved the charters of the Niwa
family at the expense of his own life. This
shrine is staffed by three members of the
Mizuno family (shukenja, 3d, 5th, and 8th
level), a position given their family as an
honor. As a further honor, the shrine is
allowed to maintain a special fire-brigade
of 100 sohei who organize the population
in the event of fire. The shrine also does a
good business selling magical and non-
magical charms intended to protect
against fires. Worshipers at the shrine
generally seek safety from fires or pray for
the same loyalty and devotion to duty as
was shown by Ozuchi. Attached to the
shrine is a small monastery where monks
are trained. It is headed by Roben (monk,
14th level), a quiet man who generally
tries to find peaceful solutions rather than
use his martial skills. Under him are 20
monks of various levels.
In the heart of the New District is the
household of the local administrator, the
shugodai Niwa Onshi (samurai, 14th
level). Often referred to as Niwa ni Kuda,
Onshis branch of the Niwa family is begin-
ning to break away from the direct control
of the head of the Niwa family, Niwa Hiro-
tada. But Niwa Onshi still spends much of
his time in Tamanokuni or the bakufu, con-
sulting with his cousin.
When Onshi is absent, his work is han-
dled by the shugo-matadai, Hiro Masaru
(samurai, 10th level), who lives year-round
in Kuda. Hiro Masaru is efficient, but
bored with his duty. He would be very
happy if a war or rebellion were to break
out, so he could command troops in the
field. Stationed throughout the town are
300 samurai and 1,000 bushi retainers of
the Niwa household.
Kuda is also the home of Junyu, a
swordsman turned priest (dual-class
human kensai/shukenja, 14th/16th levels)
and his rising pupil Miyoshi (river spirit folk
kensai, 8th level). Junyu is famous
throughout Kozakura as a skilled swords-
man who has fought many duels. As his
skill and fame grew, however, he saw the
folly of pointless fighting. His near-
religious approach to swordsmanship has
made it easy and natural for him to enter
the ranks of the priesthood.
He has now given himself over to a life
of austerity and meditation in the Konjo
school. He still accepts and entertains a
few kensai pupils, but his training now
stresses the mental and religious aspects
of his swordcraft. Still, dedicated kensai
avidly seek him out to train their spirits in
the true way. His training is hard and dan-
gerous. Pupils are forced to sit unflinching
under ice-cold waterfalls, fast rigorously,
and fight seemingly impossible matches
(sword against fan, sword against oar,
sword against scarf, etc.). Many a pupil
fails or gives up on the training.
Junyus current pupil is Miyoshi, a
strange youth with no known past (at least
none that he will speak of). Miyoshi has
proven to be a brilliant fighter, but has a
wild and fiery temperament. It is clear to
Junyu that the boy will never master his
teachings, but he is reluctant to send his
handsome and charming pupil away. Thus
Junyu indulges Miyoshi to some extent,
hoping he will yet prove himself.
% %
Mihara Village: Little remains of this
fishing village, only a few minka stand after
the disastrous fire that recently swept
through the community. Before the fire, this
was a peaceful community of 389 people
and 138 buildings. By the end of the blaze,
only 17 buildings remained standing and
147 people had died. Most of the survivors
are now homeless and have lost their for-
tunes and means of livelihood. There are
many orphans, widows, and parents griev-
ing for the dead. The jito of this Niwa shoen
cannot afford to provide relief. Currently a
delegation is preparing to travel to Tamano-
kuni to appeal to the officials of the prov-
ince for aid. The people are a sad and
dispirited group, sorely in need of aid,
financial, physical, and spiritual.
Muroto Village: This village and the
shoen on which it stands was a gift from
Niwa Hirotada to the Ebisawa family, in an
attempt to bind them closer to the Niwa
family (drawing them away from the Igi fam-
ily). The transfer of the title occurred only
recently and Muroto (population 320 with
79 buildings) has not yet felt the effects of
this change. The new owner has not had
time to install his administration, although
this is expected very soon. It has been
announced that the jito will be establishing
a residence in the village and workers have
already begun building his manor. In gen-
eral, the town is busily preparing to greet its
new overseer, hoping to establish a good
relationship from the start.
Posthouse: This posthouse consists of
a single minka and attached stable, with-
out a walled compound. It is built on a
marshy stretch of ground around which
flow several streams. The air here is par-
ticularly unhealthy and infested by mos-
quitoes. This is not a very popular post
and is often assigned to those out of favor.
Currently the posthouse is run by Koda
Yoshiuji (samurai, 6th level), a fanatical
supporter of the Igi family. He has only two
servants to assist him in his duties.
Shrine of the Dark Ones: At the end of
a secret trail is a gloomy old shrine in a
thick grove of bamboo. The doorway is
flanked by two statues of hideous oni.
Inside is a towering statue to the God of
the Dead. Caring for the shrine is a
hunched and sly-looking old man with
long, matted hair and a wild beard. He is
simply called the Unwanted One (henge-
yokai badger wu jen, 9th level). Some
think that he is a hengeyokai and others
believe him to be an eta (outcast). The
shrine has an evil reputation and all hon-
est travelers and peasants shun it.
Although no one has ever seen any wor-
shipers at the shrine, it is said that ninja
and hideous creatures gather there to per-
form forbidden services.
Bamboo Gorge Tower: A simple
wooden watchtower sits on the edge of a
cliff overlooking the place where the trail
below runs through a thick grove of bam-
boo. This structure is a single crows nest
built atop a 40-foot-high wooden frame-
work. The top is reached by a basket
raised or lowered by ropes. The top of the
tower allows a clear view of the country-
side for miles around; Kuda is faintly visi-
ble in the distance. In the tower is a large
brazier filled with wood for a signal fire.
The tower is manned by one samurai,
Ooka Kanetomo (3d level), a slovenly fel-
low, and two bushi (both 1st level).
Posthouse: Because it is located in the
heart of a Niwa shoen, this posthouse is
quite a sleepy place. Built in a mura of 37
people, the posthouse consists of a simple
yet elegant building and a stable. It is
more lavish than most posthouses, since it
is a frequent stopping place of Niwa samu-
rai when touring the shoen or traveling
from Tamanokuni to Kuda. Thus the man-
agement of this posthouse is a more
important role than most and the job is
given to honored retainers.
The current head of the posthouse is
Hori Gutsu (samurai, 5th level). He is
assisted by Kadokawa Yori (samurai, 3d
level), who acts as his chamberlain. Under
their command are 10 samurai (all retain-
ers of the Hori household), 30 bushi, and 20
assorted servants. Hori Gutsu is extremely
proud of his position and strives to be wor-
thy of it. Should any flaw in the perform-
ance of the posthouse be noted, he is
personally shamed. Furthermore, if a flaw
is maliciously claimed, he will instantly
seek revenge (through personal combat)
against the slanderer, regardless of level.
Shrine of the Monkey God: Located in
the fields is this small shrine to the Mon-
key God. Currently residing at the shrine is
a monkey hengeyokai shukenja (6th level)
posing as a human. As the master of the
shrine, he carefully plays his role and
attends to the needs of the local peasants.
However, at night he changes into monkey
form and roams the countryside, playing
tricks on others. His tricks cause great
harm and woe to those who are secretly
corrupt and evil, and thus he helps the
oppressed and downtrodden.
Posthouse: This waystation, located on
a Niwa shoen, is far from the centers of
power or control. Situated in a cool and
shaded hollow, the posthouse is run by
Kate Kenkichi (samurai, 5th level). Kate is
a retainer of the Tsu family and has
received this appointment through special
favors. He bears no love of the Niwa family
and secretly allows the posthouse to be
used by bandits and other opponents of
the Niwa family. In this he is assisted by
his brother Akiie (samurai, 3d level) and
the 10 bushi of the posthouse.
Yoshiie the Bandits Stronghold:
Tucked away in this secluded valley is the
stronghold of the bandit Yoshiie (bushi,
20th level). He has gathered a force of dis-
affected, homeless, and evil warriors. His
band is as follows:
Foot Ronin, 1st level 30
Mounted Ronin, 1st level 20
Foot Ronin, 2d level 10
Mounted Ronin, 2d level 15
Mounted Ronin, 3d level 10
Foot Bushi, 1st level 180
Foot Bushi, 2d level 30
Foot Bushi, 3d level 10
Korobokuru Barbarians 20
(all 1st level)
The korobokuru have joined Yoshiies
band to strike back at the hated samurai
who stole their homelands.
Yoshiie has a 10th-level kensai sub-
commander and three 5th-level bushi lieu-
tenants. Furthermore, he has the services
of a 7th-level wu jen. Occasionally shu-
kenja enter the camp, offering their serv-
ices to those in need.
The stronghold is a wooden stockade
built out from the face of a cliff. A waterfall
tumbles from the top of the cliff face and
flows out through a grating in the front of
the stockade. A narrow and twisting trail
climbs the cliff, providing an emergency
escape route. Well in advance of the
stockade are several hidden guardposts
that watch the entrance to the valley. If all
goes according to Yoshiies plans, these
guardposts will be able to warn the main
stockade of any intruders before they
reach the stockade.
Within the stockade are several rude
buildings that serve as barracks, stables,
and storehouses. The bandits are armed
and armored with a ragtag collection of
equipment, some brought with them and
much more scavenged from their raids.
Most of their equipment is in very poor
repair, although usually quite decorative.
They are a savage group who neither expect
nor grant mercy. They have no illusions
about their fate if captured. The standard
punishment for bandits if captured is humili-
ating and painful public execution, normally
beheading or cruxifiction. Thus they will fight
to the death rather than surrender.
Yoshiie himself is a tough character. He
has not reached his position by being a
nice fellow. He rules this bandit gang
through force, brains, and fear. His disci-
pline is iron tough and unforgiving. At the
same time, he treats the members of his
band as his children. He is protective and
kind, yet harsh and stern. The members of
his band respect him and often refer to
him as their chichi (father).
Yoshiie has no intention of remaining at
this hideout forever. Currently it suits his
needs, since he receives support and
information from Kato Kenkichi, the samu-
rai of the posthouse in hex 0812. Sooner
or later, his band will separate, each mem-
ber taking his loot and going his own way.
Shrine of the River Dragon: Built on
the banks of the Nora-gawa is a small
shrine dedicated to the dragon-spirit of the
river. The shrine was built 29 years ago
after a disastrous flood swept away all the
inhabitants of a small mura that stood on
this site. Thereafter, many incidents of
hauntings by the drowned spirits of the vil-
lagers were reported. Many attempts were
made to appease these spirits, all without
success. Finally, upon the advice of a wan-
dering shukenja, the peasants built a
small shrine to the river dragon. The
shrine seems to have had the desired
effect, since the hauntings have all but
ceased. Still, it is said the village reap-
pears in ghostly fashion each year on the
anniversary of the flood. A common ghost
story told by mothers to their children tells
of the terrors faced by a samurai traveler
who stopped for the night at this village on
the anniversary of the flood.
Fuchu Village: Built on part of the
shoen of the shikken of Kozakura, this vil-
lage of 347 enjoys the special privilege of
being exempt from taxation. The village
earned this special status for the valiant
stand it took during the Hojo War. At that
time, the shoen belonged to the Hojo fam-
ily. Defying their rule, the jito of the shoen
inspired the villagers to declare for the
shikken. The attempt was hopeless and
the village was destroyed and nearly all
the villagers were put to the sword. How-
ever, with the end of the war, the shikken
rewarded the survivors by exempting
them and their descendants from taxation.
Consequently, although the village is only
a small fishing community, its people are
thriving and prosperous.
Posthouse: This waystation is more than
a posthouse, it is also the home of the jito
Osamu Muraoka (samurai, 16th level). He is
a loyal supporter of the shikken and has little
love for the Niwa family. Upon orders from
the shikken, Osamu maintains a large
household30 samurai and 400 bushi. This
shoen controls the strategic entrance to the
pass through the Kurisammyaku and the
shikken intentionally maintains a strong
force here. This shoen is also a thorn in the
side of the shugo-daiymo, for it is a visible
presence of the shikken in his lands.
Anan: These ruins are what is left of the
village of Anan. It was burned to the
ground five years ago by the soldiers of
the shugo-daimyo. It was a small and
peaceful farming village until the day a
farmers son struck down and killed the jito
of this shoen. He fled to the house of his
father, an evil thing for a good son to do.
But even worse, his mother and father
foolishly gave him shelter.
When the officers of the shugo-daimyo
arrived, the parents claimed they did not
know where their son was, nor did anyone
else in the town. But the criminal was
found when the village was searched. As
punishment for the terrible crime of con-
cealing him, the entire community was put
to the sword and all the buildings were
burned. The fields were reassigned to
farmers of nearby mura and all records of
Anan were destroyed. The ruins of Anan
are left as an example to all others of
where their true duty lies.
Shrine of the Sun Goddess:This impos-
ing structure is built on the site where the
Sun Goddess was supposed to have placed
the Spear of the Sun which spanned the gap
between the Land of the Gods and
Shinkoku. The shrine is quite lavish and
consists of a walled compound enclosing a
main hall and several smaller buildings. Liv-
ing at the shrine are 50 priests and 300 sohei
under the command of a 15th-level sohei. In
addition, there are normally 2d6 shukenja of
various levels visiting this shrine at any
given time. The shrine is managed by the
Takeuchi family, who have supplied priests
to the shrine for many centuries.
The shrine stands in the heart of an
imperial shoen, and the priests of the
shrine are strong supporters of the
emperor. It is by his leave that the shrine
maintains a strong force of sohei. These
soldiers, ostensibly warriors of the shrine,
are often employed by the zussho of the
imperial shoen for various duties. Their
presence has been one of the major fac-
tors in keeping this shoen intact and
ensuring that its rent money reaches the
imperial courts. Naturally, the shikken and
shugo-daimyo would both like to find a
way to break the power of this shrine, but
none has come to light yet.
Goblin Spider Lair: Located deep in
the tangled woods is the lair of two goblin
spiders (AC 4; MV 18; HD 7; hp 23, 43;
#AT 2; Damage 1d8/1d8; SA surprise,
grasp; SD + 1 weapons to hit; MR 20%;
AL NE). These creatures have been living
in a complex of tunnels for decades, prey-
ing on game and the few unwary travelers
who come their way. Littering the floor of
their main chamber, among the bones of
their victims, are 4,000 yuan and a jade
statuette worth 20 chien.
The Stone and Moss Field: Scattered
throughout a small area of boggy ground
is a tumbled collection of rough-hewn
stones. The area is not a natural boulder
field, so it is obvious that these stones
were brought here from the mountains.
Furthermore, they show signs of having
been worked with tools, although very
crudely. Now they are covered by large
patches of moss and lichen. The
hyakusho of the area have no idea what
the stones were for or how they got there.
Some believe they were mystically
brought there by a powerful wu jen. Others
think it was the work of the korobokuru.
The most popular belief is that it was some
structure of the gods from the time that
they lived on Shinkoku.

Korobokuru Castle: Covered by wild

grasses are the remains of the last strong-
hold of the korobokuru who once lived in this
area. Now all that remain are the rounded
outlines of the earthworks that formed the
walls. From this stronghold the korobokuru
made their final stand before being driven
from the lowlands of the province. Korobo-
kuru still make pilgrimages to this site to
leave offerings to the ancestors who
defended this place. They are not loved by
the locals and hence most of the offerings
appear mysteriously during the night.
Shrine of the Spring: This shrine is
built to a local nature spirit, said to inhabit
the spring that bubbles up through the
ground. The shrine is a simple, well-
tended building, surrounded by an elabo-
rate garden of stones and a protective
wall. At the far end of the compound is a
separate building, built for Nado Tori (sea
spirit folk ronin, 10th level). Although a fol-
lower of the Konjo school, Nado Tori has
valiantly protected and generously
endowed this shrine in the past. Now, with
the family line of his lord extinguished,
Nado has retired to the peacefulness of
the shrine.
In consideration of his virtue, the priests
and shukenja of the shrine have prepared
him a modest dwelling in the shrine. Nado
has built the graceful rock garden (a fea-
ture of many Konjo temples) and quietly
practices his Konjo beliefs. He also assists
the commander (6th-level sohei) of the
shrines small sohei force (10 sohei) in
training the men. Nado is still in his prime
and could easily find service with some
other lord. This he will not do, since enter-
ing the service of another would be a
betrayal of his duty to his dead lord.
The spring around which the shrine is
based is inhabited by a charming and
graceful nature spirit. She has become
attracted to Nado Toris dedication and
character. Of late she has been appearing
at the shrine as a woman of refined char-
acter and intelligence. From these visits,
she has become quite smitten with the
exceptional Nado, and he, likewise, has
been charmed by her grace. The head of
the temple suspects the true identity of the
woman, but, feeling it is not his place, has
not spoken against this romance.
The Korobokuru Shrine: Standing
atop a hummock overlooking the local rice
paddies is a simple thatched minka. Out-
side the entrance are several carefully
planted cryptomeria trees and carved
wooden posts. The entire building is
ringed by a crude wooden fence of woven
branches. The local villagers treat the
building and its occupant with great
respect, presenting offerings during the
planting and harvest times.
This humble abode is the home of
Raven, a korobokuru spirit god. When the
korobokuru were first driven from this
area, Ravens house was destroyed. For
this, bad luck constantly plagued the local
settlers. Finally a wandering shukenja
determined that Raven was angry and
should be appeased. The minka was
rebuilt and a korobokuru of power was
invited to become the caretaker of Rav-
ens house. Since that time the villagers
luck has improved.
Living in the minka is the korobokuru
Kim-un-guru (wu jen, 6th level), a stocky lit-
tle man with bushy black hair. His teeth are
quite bad and his voice is loud and boister-
ous. He is quite given to drinking, singing
the old songs, and dancing. He super-
vises this special shrine to Raven. Aware
that he is considered a barbaric outsider, he
plays the role. His behaviour is intentionally
outrageous and insulting, violating the
unspoken but strict social rules of the Koza-
kurans. Among other things, he openly
voices his opinions, is unashamed if others
laugh at him, wanders through the streets
loudly drunk, and (worst of all) gleefully
embarrasses others in public. Although he
is offensive and occasionally quite rude, he
is a popular figure with the locals, as he is
able to do and say the things they secretly
wish they could.
Kurisammyaku Shrine: Located at the
entrance to the valley through the Kuri-
sammyaku, this shrine is a required stop-
ping point for travelers using the trail to the
north. Here they stop and pray for a safe
journey through the mountains.
The shrine, enriched by the donations of
travelers, is a large and well-fortified struc-
ture. It consists of an outer wall pierced by
the main gate and two lesser side gates,
an outer prayer hall where travelers offer
their prayers, an inner main hall (actually a
fortified tower), and the quarters of the
priests, monks, shukenja, and sohei of the
shrine. Outside the boundaries of all
shoen, the shrine can easily maintain its
standing force of 250 sohei. These troops
are often called upon by the shugo-daimyo
to suppress bandit activity in the area. Of
course, there is always a price the shugo-
daimyo must pay for this service.
In addition to the sohei, the shrine also
boasts a monastery. The leader of this
monastery is Zomyo (monk, 17th level).
Under him are 50 monks of various levels.
This monastery is considered one of the
major centers of the martial arts within
There are always 2d4 shukenja staying
at the shrine at any time, resting for a few
days before beginning their wanderings
on the road.
Konjo Provincial Monastery: Set in a
rocky hillside, facing west towards Nora-
ko, is the largest monastery of the prov-
ince. In this secluded shoen, the priests,
monks, and sohei of the Konjo school
meditate and train. The monastery was
established 406 years ago, when a band
of Konjo hermits established a small com-
munity here. Gradually they cleared the
land and attracted hyakusho, since the
lands were exempt from taxation. In time,
a temple and monastery were built at the
site of the hermit community. Finally, with
the burning of the Konjo temple in Kuda,
this temple was given the status of provin-
cial temple for Miyama.
The temple and monastery are divided
into two separate areas. At the core is the
secret monastery. This is a walled com-
pound only entered by the Konjo monks.
Although it does not manage the Konjo
shoen, all actions of the priests must meet
with the approval of the Grandmaster of
Flowers who resides therein. Within the
walls are 250 monks, training and sharp-
ening their skills. Frequently one or more
will leave to travel, returning with practical
Surrounding the secret monastery is the
open monastery. This is a place of contem-
plation and refuge for those who wish to
remove themselves from the world. These
people are not priests, shukenja, or
character-class monks. They are normal
people who have taken up a religious life.
Often a samurai of rank will come here to
purify his spirit, or the wife of a samurai will
make a retreat here to protest injustices
on the part of her husband.
Currently Igi Saturo (samurai, 16th
level) is staying here. Formerly the head of
the Igi clan, he has officially retired, pass-
ing his duties on to his son. Of course, he
still has influence and is consulted on mat-
ters of great importance. Although retired
to the religious life, he still has three ser-
vants who attend to his needs, as is fitting.
Attached to the open monastery, but
independent of it, is the Konjo temple.
This small temple is staffed by 10 priests
of various families. In addition, there are
1d4 wandering shukenja present at ail
times. The temple handles the manage-
ment of the shoen. The commander of the
Konjo sohei, Ichi (sohei, 14th level),
reports on the activities of his 420 men to
the temple authorities. The myoshu pay
their rent to the temple authorities. The
temple provides for most of the religious
needs of the people around Nora-ko.
Stone-Icicle-World: At the base of the
mountains, hidden in the deep woods, is a
narrow, rubble-clogged cave mouth. This
is the entrance to a vast series of caverns
that underlie all of Miyama Province and
more. Although the exact location of the
entrance is unknown to the general popu-
lation, there are a few hengeyokai and
korobokuru who can guide one to the site.
According to local legend, Stone-Icicle
World is the place where O-Miyama-no-
mikoto, a local deity, entered into the
Realms of the Dead to visit his mother. The
caverns are believed to extend for hun-
dreds, perhaps thousands of miles
beneath the earth, magically reaching
even into other planes and dimensions. It
is also said that the caverns are filled with
all manner of horrible creatures, although
this is somewhat uncertain as few tell tales
of this subterranean region.
Watchtower of the Kurisammyaku
Shrine: Set on top of a ridge several miles
from the Kurisammyaku Shrine is this
small watchtower. Built by the sohei of the
shrine, it is a stone pagoda five stories tail.
Originally the pagoda was part of one of the
first Toro-dai temples built in Kozakura by
missionaries from Shou Lung. Thus the
temple was modeled after Shou Lung
building styles. Later the temple was
attacked and ail but this tower was
destroyed. The stone construction of the
pagoda has proven useful as a stronghold.
The standard garrison of the tower is 10
sohei, commanded by Yosai (sohei, 7th
level). He is quite clever and thoughtful, but
is bored and irritated by his current duties.
Susa Village: Isolation at the upper end of
a narrow valley suits the villagers of Susa
just fine, since they are far from normal
peasants. The entire population of Susa
(176 people) are either ninja, the family of
ninja, or involved with the ninja in some way.
With only a few exceptions, the entire village
is a single clan. Furthermore, the ninja of
Susa consider themselves Niwa ninja; that
is, they work and serve the shugo-daimyo of
the province almost exclusively. Because of
their abilities and services, the shugo-
daimyo has bound them to him and has
given them special privileges. The leader of
the village, Yonin (bushi/ninja, 16th/14th
levels), is also the zussho of the shoen. Niwa
Hirotada has not assigned a jito to the
shoen. Furthermore, Yonin is the son-in-law
of Niwa Hirotada, married to the daughter of
Niwa Hirotada and one of his consorts. This
gives the Niwa family a familial tie to the
ninja of Susa.
Outward appearances suggest that
Susa is a normal peasant village, the truth
could hardly be more different. Through-
out the village and its approaches are
traps, bolt holes, alarms, and hidden
The village is located in the woods away
from the fields tended by the villagers. The
trails to the village are especially narrow
and twisting and always pass through the
densest part of the woods. Hidden short-
cuts allow the villagers to reach any point
on the trail ahead of their enemies. One
watcher is hidden along each trail to warn
of intruders. Unless the special signal is
given, the watcher gives a bird call as a
warning to the village. At the end of each
trail are a series of traps, easily avoided by
those in the know. Some are pits with
spikes, others are snares.
Within the village are more traps, again
easily avoided once pointed out. There are
spirit chasers, spikes, pits, and snares.
Each house has a secret escape tunnel
that connects with a series of tunnels and
exits in and around the town. Thus inhabit-
ants can disappear instantly and reappear
with reinforcements in unexpected loca-
tions. Most of the houses are fitted with
secret caches of weapons and hiding
holes. Most of the floors are uguisi-bari
(nightingale floors), which squeak when
walked upon. Several large open areas,
looking like nothing more than public
lawns, are actually practice and training
grounds for archery, martial arts, and the
stealthy ninja arts. The villagers maintain
a disguise as hyakusho, ready to dress
and act like them at any time.
On rare occasions when the secret of the
village is discovered, the ninjas have two
options. Most often they instantly track down
and remove the person. On rare occasions,
the intended victim actually hires the ninja
for some mission. If this is done, they natu-
rally do not kill him, but threaten to implicate
him in whatever deed he asked done should
he reveal their secret.
When strangers arrive in the town, the
ninja are polite and friendly, suspending
all secret activities for the moment. Should
the stranger foolishly decide to remain in
the village for any length of time, the ninja
will efficiently remove him. Since they con-
trol the town, they have no reason to be
secretive or discreet. Indeed, such remov-
als are often assigned to younger mem-
bers needing practice.

Ibara Village: This village of 289 is

located not far from the shores of Nora-ko.
Nonetheless, it is a farming not a fishing vil-
lage. Nora-kos evil reputation is such that
only the bravest or most foolish of the vil-
lagers venture upon it. Effectively pre-
vented from rapid communications with
other parts of the lake, Ibara has become a
sleepy backwater. The sleepy attitude suits
the myoshu, Gobo, since he is actually a
cat hengeyokai (wu jen, 4th level). This is
suspected by the other villagers, but they
are not openly hostile since he holds a
great deal of power over their lives. He is
tyrannical and impulsive, demanding much
from the hyakusho under him. Fear of his
strange powers keep the others in line. The
villagers would like to see him out of the
way, but are afraid to do the job them-
selves. Meanwhile, he is trying to learn the
secrets held in the depths of Nora-ko.

Norijo: Close to the shore of this island

is a strange ruin. From a distance, Norijo
appears to be a twisted mass of blackened
plants. As one gets closer the mass
assumes a form and structure vaguely like
that of a building. However, it is like no other
structure ever built. Close examination
shows that it is formed out of crystalline
seaweed, woven and braced together. The
geometry and styles are almost completely
alien to the homes of a normal Kozakuran.
According to local stories, Norijo began
to appear shortly after the Sun Goddess
threw a flaming coal into Nora-ko. After
this, creatures, neither human nor fish and
not quite anything in between, appeared
on the shore of the island and began build-
ing Norijo. Quite naturally, the locals were
terrified of these creatures and kept a safe
distance. Indeed, it is not known whether
the structure is completed or if the crea-
tures are still there. They have not been
sighted in many years, so the Norijo is now
considered a ruin by the locals.
Jishin Mushi Lair: Located in the
swampy ground at the bottom of a draw is
the nest of a jishin mushi (AC 3; MV 9/3;
HD 5 + 4; hp 29; #AT 1; Damage 2d8; SA
tremor). The nest is made of reeds and
bent saplings cemented together with the
beasts spittle. These form a gloomy tun-
nel through the overgrowth to the egg
chamber. Hanging from the walls of this
chamber are four egg cases, nearly ready
to hatch. When they do, each case will
release hundreds of baby jishin mushi
who will swarm over the countryside.
Although far back in the hills, the nest
was seen by a lost traveler who came
across it accidentally. Curiosity prompt-
ing him to enter, he saw the horror that lay
inside and fled in panic. Eventually he
returned to civilization and told what he
had seen. Having been lost, he only has
the most general idea of the nests loca-
tion. The reports have reached the shugo-
matadai for the area and he has offered a
reward to any who can guide his soldiers
to the nest or destroy the eggs and crea-
ture before the hatching occurs.
The Rowboat Shrine: Located on the
shore of Nora-ko, this shrine is a simple
stone memorial built by the peasants of
Ibara. The stone marks the spot where two
lovers allegedly held secret trysts. One
night, during a terrible storm, the man dis-
appeared while trying to reach his love.
The broken remains of the boat washed
ashore where she was waiting. After this,
she wasted away and died in sorrow. Now
their spirits are sometimes seen, he in his
rowboat and her on shore, separated from
each other by the lapping waves. It is said
the sandpipers of the area have a unique
cry like the sorrowful crying of his name.
Itsuki Village: This village of 210 rests
exactly on the boundary between a Konjo
shoen and the shoen of the samurai Sakai
Kazuhiko. The zussho of the Konjo shoen,
Tu-shun (sohei, 12th level), and Sakai
Kazuhiko (samurai, 9th level) have been
locked in a dispute over ownership of the
village for years. Each shoen is an armed
camp and Itsuki is the battleground.
Each side has captured one end of the
village. Holding a fortified house on the
east side is Tu-shun with 75 1st-level sohei
and two 6th-level sohei aides. At the west-
ern end of the village, in his manor house,
is Sakai Kazuhiko with 10 1st-level samu-
rai, 50 1st-level bushi, and three 5th-level
samurai aides. Between the two are the
helpless villagers of Itsuki. Periodically
Tu-shun or Sakai leads a foray against the
other side and then beats a hastily retreat.
Were it not for the deadly earnestness of
these raids, the whole affair would be
utterly comical. A typical raid begins with a
wild and noisy charge up the street toward
the opposing camp. This is met by an
equally noisy charge from the defenders.
There is more noise than action as both
sides hurl more invectives at each other
than blows. Finally a few build up their
courage, rush at each other, exchange a
few frenzied blows until one falls. As if on
signal, the losers grab their wounded and
rush back to the safety of their fort.
It is fortunate for both sides that neither
Tu-shun nor Sakai are brilliant com-
manders. Indeed, from their perform-
ances, both are barely competent to
command the men they lead. The situa-
tion in the village is a carefully balanced
scale. Even the smallest new element
could cause a drastic change in the bal-
ance of power. But unknown to both Tu-
shun and Sakai, there is a third element in
this battlethe villagers. They are actively
seeking a savior from the incessant war-
fare that is destroying their homes.
Tani Shrine: This small valley shrine
was built by the farmers of a village that no
longer stands. The shrine is still main-
tained by an old shukenja (9th level) who
has come to this place. He has decided to
end his days here, since it is a good place.
Lately he has become intrigued by the fate
of the villagers. The old records of the
shrine tell of a village nearby, but he has
not been able to find any sign of it. Some
mysterious and powerful magic has swept
them away. The aura does show that a
malevolent force was at work here.
Divine Empress Shrine: About 2,000
years ago, according to legend, the Divine
Empress was traveling through the lands of
Shinkoku raising an army to battle the Oni
Kings. Three times during the journey the
child she carried cried out that it was ready
to be born and three times she bade it wait.
Finally, when she reached this spot the
birth could no longer be delayed and she
gave birth to a stone. Angered at her childs
impiety for assuming such an appearance,
she ordered her soldiers to break the stone
apart. With the fall of the first blow the stone
shattered and out leaped her full-grown
son, Stone-Storm-Wind.
There is no proof that this event ever
occurred or that this is the site. There are
five other shrines to the Stone-Bearing-
Empress throughout Kozakura, all of them
more popular than this one.
The shrine was once a large compound,
but it now suffers from neglect and decay.
Many of the outer buildings are semi-
collapsed and the compound wall has
tumbled in many places. In the heart of the
compound is the main worship hall, built
around a huge split boulder. The roof on
this building leaks badly and the red pillars
are sadly in need of a new coat of paint.
The shrine is managed by three old men,
once fairly adept shukenja now weakened
in their powers (4th, 3d, and 2d levels).
The first is nearly totally deaf, the second
is almost blind, and the third mostly sits
about, fondly remembering the old
days. They are quite friendly and want to
be helpful, but are not accustomed to visi-
tors. Thus they have a hard time adapting
to the needs of strangers and remember-
ing the proper behavior when others are
around. Of late that have been bothered
by raiding parties of bakemono (from the
lair at 1720) and would accept assitance, if
they can make themselves understood.
Bakemono Lair: Standing in an area of
partially cleared forest, amid fields now
falling into decay, is a small and ill-kept
mura. Once it was the home of a band of
peasants who had fled the reach of the
shugo-daimyo. Here they were going to
make a better life for their community.
Unfortunately they discovered the reason
so few peasants leave the protection of the
shugo-daimyo. Quickly and viciously,
bakemono overran the village, putting the
men to the sword and enslaving the
women and children. Five years have
passed since this occurred. The bake-
mono have driven the game from the area
and are now forced to range further afield
(the shrine at hex 1521 has been the sub-
ject of several minor forays).
Normally, the bakemono mura houses
62 bakemono and several leaders. The
creatures are organized into houses, one
to each compass point. Each house is
responsible for the security of the village
in that direction, thus the North House
defends the north, etc. The bakemono are
equipped as follows:
3 with katana
12 with naginata and short sword
25 with spear
6 with tetsubo and short sword
6 with short sword and shortbow
3 with chain and shuriken
7 with kurasi-gama and trident
(AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; #AT 1; Damage by
weapon type)
The bakemono are led by a common oni
(AC 4; MV 9; HD 8; hp 24; #AT 2; Damage
3-10/3-10; SA spells) who also carries a
+ 1 kumade he took off an unfortunate
ninja. The oni is aided by four bakemono
lieutenants (HD 2; AC 4; Damage 1d8),
one for each house. These live in the cen-
tral building of the mura. They are waited
upon by six slaves, peasant women they
captured. when the village was overrun.
The oni has a special bodyguard of 12
human children (AC 10; MV 12; HD 1-1;
#AT 1; Damage 1d6). Captured when they
were five to six years old, these children
have been reared by the bakemono and
the oni. Their lives have been hard and
they are almost totally wild and savage.
They are armed with spears but are not
allowed armor. Knowing no other life, they
are almost perfectly loyal to the oni.
The oni holds the treasure of the group,
keeping it buried under his throne. The
treasure is 2,000 fen and two scrolls
(which none of the creatures can use). All
other treasure the band has found has
been in the form of rice, which the group
either eats or lets rot.
Ichis Camp: Not far from the trail are
the remains of the last stronghold of Ichi
the Highwayman, a folk hero of Miyama.
Ichi, who lived 162 years ago, was loved
by the commoners and despised by the
ruling class. Although in real life he was no
more noble than most, he made his living
at the expense of the rich, powerful, and
pompous. Many a wealthy merchant,
deceitful bonze (a wandering priest), and
avaricious samurai was the victim of Ichis
justice. He never maintained a large band
of men, relying on spies in the towns and
the friendliness of the peasants for his
information and support. Neither was he
miserly, spending his ill-gotten gains freely
and generously, further cementing his
support among the down-trodden.
Naturally, such a free spirit and per-
verter of the social order could not be
allowed to remain free. Many efforts were
made to capture and punish Ichi, but he
had an amazing ability to slip through the
nets of the shugo-daimyo. At last he was
cornered and driven to this stronghold
with a small group of men (including the
monk Benzai). This small stockaded hut
was put to the torch and Ichi and all with
him perished.
Now many stories are told of Ichi and his
exploits. With each retelling, his reputa-
tion becomes greater. He is described as a
clever rogue, slippery as a fish, a defender
of the common peasant, a clown, and the
peasants Harlequin to the daimyos
Guignot. There is even a story that he
escaped the fire of his last hideout and,
under a new identity, married the daughter
of a powerful samurai. He is a popular sub-
ject of puppet plays and singers, although
not when performed for the nobility.
The ruin of Ichis last stand is now noth-
ing but a small grass-covered mound sur-
rounded by fire-scarred trees.
Camp of Tan-zao the Gajin: Hidden in
this valley is a large camp of 390 bandits.
They are led by Tan-zao (barbarian, 15th
level) originally from the Plain of Horses
on the mainland of Kara-Tur. A brave trav-
eler and explorer, he and his bodyguard
were shipwrecked on the shores of Koza-
kura 10 years ago. After escaping capture
by a neighboring shugo-daimyo, Tan-zao
rallied a group of malcontents and ex-
soldiers to form this bandit camp.
For all his courage and cleverness,
Tan-zao is also a totally vindictive and
unreformed criminal. Raised in truly sav-
age lands, he understands only death and
plunder. His savageness has increased
his reputation such that the north-south
trail through Miyama is traveled at ones
peril. Still, he is intelligent enough to
recognize his own weaknesses.
Several expeditions sent by the shugo-
daimyo have burned the camps of Tan-
zao and occasionally fought with his
rearguard, but he has always chosen to
retreat before greater strength. To date he
has never been caught.
Tan-zaos camp is located in a rocky
gorge. Three sides are protected by large
boulders and a wooden wall closes off the
front. His forces (and their commanders)
consist of the following:
40 light horsemen with spear and
brigandine (Tan-zao)
80 light horsemen with sword, composite
shortbow, and padded armor (Huai &
150 footmen with spear and hara-ate-
gawa (Ukaru, Gyogi, & Kiro)
40 footmen with naginata and hara-ate
40 unarmored footmen with daikyu (Futaii)
40 footmen with katana and hara-ate-
gawa (Soga Mikemono)
Tan-zao, having a very military mind,
has combined the tactics of his homeland
with those of Kozakura. His cavalry is con-
stantly drilled and well-trained. The men
are divided into units of 40 to 50 strong
and are commanded by the following:
Huaibarbarian, 7th level
Hanazofox hengeyokai bushi, 8th level
Ukarukorobokuru bushi, 7th level
Gyogikensai, 5th level
Kirobushi, 6th level
Wariunekurukorobokuru barbarian,
10th level
Futaiibushi, 6th level
Soga Mikemonospirit folk samurai, 5th
In addition to his commanders, Tan-
zao has a bodyguard of 10 3d-level barbar-
ians, all survivors of the shipwreck which
brought him here. Since they are for-
eigners to Kozakura, they are utterly loyal
to him. Also among Tan-zaos entourage
is an old man, known only as Aged One
(wu jen, 10th level, specializes in earth
Deserted Graveyard: Once there was a
small temple and mura in this vicinity. Both
have long since vanished. The only sign of
human habitation is the remains of a
graveyard. This place has an evil reputa-
tion and no local will approach it at night.

Bandit Camp: This camp is a second-

ary base of Tan-zao (1808)part of his
preparations for any eventuality. The
camp is a wooden stockade set just below
the crest of a forested hill overlooking the
trail. Currently the camp is garrisoned by
10 1st-level bushi, led by Onagata (bushi,
8th level). Their duty is simply to protect
the camp and maintain the buildings. As a
group the bushi are lazy and have no love
of Onagata, who is a vicious martinet.
Konjo Subscriber Temple: This small
temple is built on a rocky outcropping and
has a magnificent view of the distant sea.
The temple is a branch of the provincial
temple to the south. It has only recently
been established (seven years ago) by
Godokyo (shukenja, 8th level), who has
decided it is time to settle down. The tem-
ple has no monastery and only has a staff
of 18 priests. It also maintains a force of 29
sohei. Although adjacent to a Konjo
shoen, the manager of that estate has
refused to move his headquarters to the
temple. This has led to minor squabbling
and feuding between those of the temple
and those of the estate. Each maintains a
watchful eye on the moves of the other.
Takeo Village: This village has 288 peo-
ple of all ages. It is a peaceful place, the
headquarters of the Niwa shoen on which
it stands. The shoen, though large, is a
quiet estate with many sites of natural
beauty. Consequently, the jito position of
the shoen is often given as a reward to
older and distinguished samurai.
The current jito of the estate is Daidoji
Razan (samurai, 9th level), an aged man
of 80 years. He is hardly a doddering old
fool, however. Although well past his phys-
ical prime, he is still able to lead an army
on campaign, break a horse, swim a river,
and wield a sword with the best of them.
He does not tolerate comments on his age
and supposed feebleness, considering
them insults.
Arita Village: This village has a popula-
tion of 396 people of all ages (83 build-
ings). In the past it was a happy and quiet
farming village, the gathering point for the
local peasants who send their goods
downstream and the merchants who
come from Okahira.
Recently, however, Arita has come
under the sway of the hu hsien who
occupy the outpost at 2208. Shortly after
seizing control of the tower, the hu hsien
sent one of their kind to the village.
Through trickery he slew the myoshu and
took his place. Now he and the hu hsien of
the tower are pillaging the village and the
surrounding area under the guise of
proper authority. The villagers still believe
that the hu hsien are their proper overlords
and have submitted to these injustices
for now. However, the situation is a pow-
derkeg. The hu hsien are becoming more
and more avaricious but are finding less
and less, while the villagers are only await-
ing a strong leader to inspire and lead
Tower of the Hu Hsien: This fortified
tower was an outpost of the Niwa clan,
built to keep watch over the northern end
of the Kurisammyaku Pass. A few weeks
ago, however, a band of eight hu hsien (AC
7; MV 15; HD 6; #AT 1; Damage 1d8; SA
spells; SD +3 weapons or better to hit,
regeneration; MR 50%) seized the tower,
slaughtering all the occupants. The crea-
tures then assumed the forms of the com-
mander of the garrison, Maeda Kori, and
his lieutenants. One of them also slew and
assumed the role of the myoshu of Arita.
Since the garrison is seldom visited and
reports are still being sent out, no one at
Okahira has yet realized the vile decep-
tion. In the meantime, the hu hsien have
been requisitioning all foodstuffs and
goods in the area and further fortifying
their outpost. They hope to be able to hold
off any attackers once they are discov-
ered. Finally, they feel that if they fail, they
can always assume fox form and slip away
during the confusion.
The tower itself is a three-story wooden
structure surrounded by an earthwork
embankment. In front of the embankment
is a ditch 20 feet wide and seven feet
deep. On the floor of the ditch are abatis of
bamboo and wood.
The Mountain of Iron: This region of
Miyama once produced a modest quantity
of low-quality iron ore. In most places it
was never profitable or possible to extract
sufficent ore to warrant the effort. In this
area, however, large quantities of ore were
near the surface, and the Mountain of Iron
(as it was known) was mined heavily. How-
ever, 150 years ago the quantities of ore
dwindled as the veins slowly tapped out.
Gradually the miners and the towns they
built disappeared and the mining ceased
altogether. Now all that is left are the crum-
bling ruins of their homes and the collaps-
ing mine shafts.
Mysteriously, some of these shafts now
go to greater depths than the miners ever
reached. Something, some unknown
agency, has been extending themgoing
deeper and longerslowly spreading
them like a net under the Kurisammyaku.
Fell creatures have been sighted in the
area of the old shafts. If given evidence of
the activity in the area, the shugo-daimyo
will order troops to build a watchtower
overlooking the Mountain of Iron as a pre-
Chitu Village: Once the main village of
the miners who worked the Mountain of
Iron, Chizu is now a decaying village of
134 souls. Since the collapse of the min-
ing industry, more and more people have
been leaving the village. Visitors now see
a village of squalor and poverty. The outly-
ing buildings have been long aban-
donedtheir roof beams sag and their
thatch rots. Closer to the center, more of
the buildings are occupied. Ragged and
dirty-faced women peer from behind sag-
ging shutters and naked brats occasion-
ally dart across the street. The men of the
village look sad and broken, their dreams
and hopes shattered as they toil to eke out
a miserable existence. These are people
who have had the spirit ground out of them
by hard fate and cruel taskmasters.
Furthermore, the people of the village
lack the will to resist the new arrivals in the
village. Bakemono and goblin rats openly
occupy the houses on the edge of the vil-
lage. Some came from the mines under
the Kurisammyaku, others gravitated here
from the wooded hills. Word has spread
through their communities of the fatalism
of the Chizu villagers, attracting the
unwholesome like a plague.
The situation is made no better by the
incompetence and venality of the jito of
this Hori shoen, Fukuda Sueji (samurai,
7th level). He has absolutely no interest or
compassion for the peasants of his shoen,
concerned only with his own luxuries and
personal advancement.
The Bakemono Shrine: A little way off
this seldom-traveled path is an old and
stately temple. Originally a subscriber tem-
ple of the Kanchai sect, the place was
neglected by its superiors with the decline
of the Mountain of Iron. Now it is looked
after by a middle-aged shukenja (12th
level) who is quite blind. This has not, how-
ever, impaired his abilities, rather it has
sharpened his spiritual perception. He
arrived at this temple nearly a year ago and
sensed that it was a worthy place to rest
from his travels. Since taking up residence,
he has engaged in teaching the precepts of
his faith to the few who come by.
Currently he has only a handful of stu-
dents, and most peculiar ones at that. Two
arrive each morning bringing gifts of fruit
and sake. They patiently recite sutras and
copy various holy books for the blind shu-
kenja. These students are not human,
they are monkeystwo lesser nature spir-
its of the world of animals. The shukenja is
aware that his students are different,
though he does not realize just how differ-
ent. The two monkey spirits are faithfully
devoted to their master, for whom they
hold great affection.
Nighttime brings the shukenjas second
group of students, a small band of 16
bakemono from the nearby hills. Originally
they came to torment the shukenja but,
impressed by his holiness, now receive
instruction at his feet. The shukenja is well
aware that these students are creatures of
the other world, but does not refuse them.
His choice is risky. The bakemono are
favorably inclined to him but are not pre-
dictable in their behavior.
The Great Cave: Yawning open in the
mountainside is a huge cave mouth. The
ground outside is scattered with broken
trees and crushed bones. The cave reeks
of a foul stench. Living here is a humanoid
gargantua (AC 4; MV 21; HD 35; hp 152;
#AT 2; Damage 4d10/4d10; SA trample;
SD regeneration). The beast has lived
here for almost a century. The villagers
know of it through rumor as the Mon-
sta!; none have ever seen it (not that they
ever want to). It seldom causes much
damage, being far from civilization and
peacefully inclined by nature.
Bingo Village: This village, set in the
shadow of Pine Tree Mountain, has a pop-
ulation of 470. Located at the base of a
major farming valley, it is a collection point
for the rent and taxes collected farther up
in the mountains. Built to handle these
goods are two large godown, constantly
watched by a sentry. These godown are
loaded primarily with rice, but other goods
include cloth, tea, iron ore, and even some
gold and silver ore. It is rumored among
the underworld and outcasts that even
greater treasures are hidden in these
Bingo is also the headquarters for the
Niwa shoen on which it stands. Living in a
fine home, attended by 20 servants, is
Naoki Katasube (samurai, 7th level). He is
an indolent and spendthrift fellow, prefer-
ring to live in great luxury rather than risk
his life against various dangers.
He has also run up a huge debt with the
moneylenders and yakuza of Okahira. To
reveal his debt would bring an end to his
good living and shame him before his lord,
so he has resorted to doctoring the
accounts of all shipments entering the
Niwa godown here (for which he is respon-
sible). Even with goods stolen from these
rents and taxes, he is only managing to go
further into debt.
Naoki Katasube has at his command
one samurai (2d level) and 30 bushi (1st
level). None of them are aware of his ille-
gal activities.
Ruins of Hayashiro village: Once
standing on this spot was the small but
prosperous village of Hayashiro. Now ail
that remains are a few scorched buildings
and the blackened stumps of others. Two
years ago the village was attacked by
creatures coming down out of the moun-
tains. In a bloody night raid, they slaugh-
tered all the occupants, looted the
buildings and set the village afire. Only the
fortunate timing of a midnight rainstorm
saved the few remaining buildings.
Although the village was destroyed,
there were two survivors: a small boy and
a young man who had been gone for the
night. Each has adopted the other and
they now live in one of the charred houses.
The young man, Nichu, thirsts for venge-
ance. He is desperate to become a pupil of
a kensai or other warrior to learn the fight-
ing arts. He will attempt to convince any
adventurers that they should eradicate the
monsters who destroyed his village. Of
course, he has nothing to offer. The seven-
year-old boy with him, known only as Little
Child, is unnaturally quiet, no longer
engaging in the boisterous play of little
The Temple of Purification: The town
of Okahira is one of the famous sites of the
Kanchai religion. Here it was that the
founder of the school spent many years in
contemplation. It has become a popular
goal for Kanchai pilgrims. These pilgrims
must ritually purify themselves before
entering the town, so as not to sully the
holy ground where their founder walked.
Built well away from town, the temple is
where the pilgrims stop and complete their
The temple is manned by a staff of 16
caretakers, all followers of the Kanchai
school. During the summer months, there
are also 2d10 shukenja and 10d6 pilgrims
present. In the winter, there are 1d6 shu-
kenja and 2d8 pilgrims. The temple is
headed by Ninkai, a serious-minded
elderly sea spirit folk. He has a natural bril-
liance for oratory and rhetoric and delivers
most of the sermons.
Pilgrims come to the temple for purifica-
tion before entering Okahira. This act con-
sists of fasting, hot and cold baths, and
meditation. The process takes two days.
At the end of this time, the pilgrim is given
a yellow robe to wear into the town, show-
ing his mission. The robes are to be
returned when the pilgrim leaves Okahira.
Pilgrims are expected to make a donation
to the temple in return for these services.
Huts of the Shan Sao: Deep in the
thickest part of this valley forest is a small
clearing. Built around the edges are 17
bamboo huts. Although quite primitive in
design, what is more exceptional about
them is their tiny size. These are the huts
of 27 shan sao. The local farmers and
hunters know of the presence of shan sao
in this valley and carefully avoid them, par-
tially out of respect but mainly out of fear.
In turn, the shan sao secretly aid the peas-
ants of the area: they lure game into traps
or drive it before hunters, keep animals
out of the fields, etc. The two groups, the
shan sao and the peasants, have a deli-
cately balanced relationship. On the rare
occasions when a peasant offends the shan
sao, they withdraw their aid and support,
much to the dismay of all the peasants.
Scattered throughout their huts, the shan
sao have 3,000 fen, 3,000 yuan, and two
gold and jade statuettes (three chien each).
These have been left by the villagers as
offerings to the shan sao.
Okahira: Okahira is the largest town on
the northern coast of Miyama province,
with a population of 6,732 people of all
ages and races. The town is divided into
three wards: the Seafront Ward, the High-
way Ward, and the Nobles Ward. Okahira
is ruled by Hiro Yoshitoki (samurai, 15th
level), the shugodai of the area. A drab
and colorless fellow, he is rarely in attend-
ance, spending most of his time at the
bakufu capitol.
In Hire Yoshitokis absence, the town is
governed by a council headed by Kado-
kawa Shigetada (samurai, 12th level), the
shugo-matadai of the town. Of late, Kado-
kawa has fallen under the influence of a
gajin wu jen, Hu Chien (14th level).
Through Kadokawa, Hu Chien has been
introducing many foreign ideas, much to
the consternation of the local peasants
and nobles. Ideas he has introduced
include new taxes, restrictions on dress
and weaponry, new titles used when
addressing the shugo-matadai, and more.
Others are convinced there is some terri-
ble evil being plotted with these regula-
tions, but have not been able to see
through Hu Chiens plan.
Kadokawa is completely enamored with
Hu Chien and his ideas, so much so that
he will not even hear the slightest criticism
of Hu Chien. To make matters worse, garri-
soned in the town are 1,038 bushi and 123
samurai of various levels, all under the
command of Kadokawa. With these, he
has been able to enforce his new ideas,
reigning by terror and the sword.
Indeed, the only effective protector of
the common people left in Okahira is
Naifus yakuza kumi. This is the only
yakuza group in town, having long since
driven out all competition. The kumi num-
bers 420 yakuza of all levels and is led by
the oyabun Naifu. The gang has never had
any love of the shugo-daimyos troops and
now has new reasons to hate them. Sev-
eral attempts were made to destroy the
Naifu kumi, none successful. As a result,
the Naifu yakuza are working to spread
more dissent among the common folk,
becoming the de facto leaders of the grow-
ing rebellion. For both sides, the situation
is ready to explode.
Seafront Ward: This ward of 19 blocks is
the strongest center of Hu Chiens reforms.
He has been able to establish a power base
among the foreign merchants and sailors
living in here. Many of the foreigners
arrived at his request and rely on Kadoka-
was protection. Local merchants hate
these foreigners because they steal busi-
ness and receive special tax privileges.
Unfortunately there is little they can do
about the situation. At first they attempted
to protest to Kadokawa. He arrested and
executed the spokesmen of the protest
and fined the remaining merchants heav-
ily. Since then, their activity has been lim-
ited to secret support of the Naifu yakuza.
In this area the yakuza attempt to destroy
the goods of foreign merchants and keep
laborers away from their doors. Their tac-
tics include arson, beatings, illegal gam-
bling games, extortions, and occasionally
murder. In retaliation, the shugo-matadai
has declared a strict curfew and issued
passes that are necessary to enter or
leave the Seafront Ward. Those found in
violation are bound to pilings in the harbor
during the low tide.
Unknown to Kadokawa, Hu Chien is
building a secret garrison in the Seafront
Ward. Entering under the guise of sailors,
soldiers of the Shou Lung empire are sta-
tioned in the warehouses of foreign mer-
chants in league with Hu Chien. Currently
there are 800 Shou Lung soldiers (1st-
level bushi) in the ward. Every week 10d6
more enter via the merchant traffic.
The Highway Ward: This ward, enclos-
ing 15 small blocks, is the heart of the
Naifu kumi, the area of the city where the
yakuza are the most powerful and best
supported. During the day, the streets are
ruled by the forces of the shugo-matadai;
at night, the yakuza openly run their gam-
bling games and swagger through the
lanes. Here they have the strong support
of the locals, especially the merchants
squeezed by the new regulations of Kado-
kawa. Most importantly, the merchants
shelter the yakuza from the sweeps of the
soldiery. Naifus headquarters is located in
this ward. The name Naifu is known to all
as the oyabun of the kumi, but only a few
know who he really is. Lately the kumi has
become suspicious of certain sailors in the
Seafront Ward and is watching them for
more information.
The shugo-matadai has created many
rules in an attempt to destroy the yakuza
kumi. First and foremost, no one other than
samurai and the soldiers of the shugo-
daimyo are authorized to carry swords or
similar weapons. Violators are subject to
imprisonment. The ward is under a strict
sundown curfew and passes are required
to leave any given block. The merchants of
the ward, none of them foreign, are subject
to special taxes and restrictions. They are
not allowed to stock certain merchandise
tea, pearls, gold, silver, or silk. All such
goods are handled by the foreign traders.
They cannot load or unload goods from
ships without special licenses. They cannot
ship goods out of Okahira without special
licenses. All these permissions and
licenses cost money, enriching the coffers
of Kadokawa and Hu Chien.
The Noble Ward: This small ward of four
blocks houses most of the towns nobility.
Included in this ward are the homes of
Kadokawa and his retainers, the Hiro
household (normally run by the chamber-
lain), and the home of Hu Chien. This
home, not far from Kadokawas, is a small
but richly embellished affair. Within the
walls of Hu Chiens compound is his per-
sonal guard10 barbarians (6th level)
and 200 bushi (1st level). Hu Chien is very
secretive about this bodyguard, even
though Kadokawa is well aware of it. What
is not known to Kadokawa is that Hu Chien
is secretly bringing troops into the Sea-
front Ward. Once he has gathered enough
men (2,000 or more), he will attempt a
coup, overthrowing Kadokawa and install-
ing himself as ruler. At the same time, he
will attempt to seize Hiro Castle by sur-
prise. Failing that, he will cut its communi-
cation with the south and attempt to
reinforce his small army with troops from
overseas. Unknown to all but Hu Chien is
that these actions are the orders of the
Great Emperor Chin of Shou Lung.
Sumomo-jo: Located at the base of
Sumomo-yama are the remains of
Sumomo Castle. Built by the militarily
incompetent governor Tsu Miiya, this
impressive-looking castle was never an
effective fortification. There were several
flaws with the castles location. It stood on
the valley floor instead of the end of
Sumono-yama. It was too far back from
the two streams that bracket it, rendering
them ineffective in its defense. It was too
far from Okahira for the garrison to aid in
the defense of the town and it did not block
movement on the trails in the area.
Given all its flaws, it is surprising that it
was able to resist at all! Taken for the Niwa
family when they were consolidating their
grip on the province, the Hiro family led
the assault and were rewarded with per-
mission to supervise and maintain a fortifi-
cation in the Okahira area (Hiro Castle).
Much of the stone of Hiro Castle was taken
from the Sumono-jo. All that remains of
the castle are the foundations and some
as-yet-undiscovered cellars.
Hiro Castle: Built with the permission of
the Niwa family, this castle is garrisoned
and maintained by their close ally, the Hiro
family. Situated on the slopes of Shiroi-ni-
Kaiga-yama, the castle has a fine view of
Okahira and its harbor. Central to the for-
tress is the white-washed four-story tower,
the main building of the castle. Connected
to this are three smaller towers enclosed
by a 40-foot-high wall. Outside this wall
are two more walls and a dry moat
spanned by an arched stone bridge.
Although the Hiro family maintains a com-
pound in Okahira, the bulk of the family
and its retainers reside in this castle.
Garrisoning the structure are 800 bushi
and 200 samurai (most of 1st level). The
commander of the garrison is the highest
ranking Hiro family member in attend-
ance. Under most circumstances, this is
Hiro Ieyuki (samurai, 10th level). He is the
half-brother of the head of the Hiro family
and is entrusted with the responsibility for
the castle. Hiro Ieyuki is loyal to his family
and generally quite responsible. Lately, he
has been approached by emissaries of Hu
Chien (hex 2708, Okahira), who is trying to
find a weakness in the castle defense.
Hiro Ieyuki, who has no love for what is
happening in Okahira, is leading Hu Chien
along, trying to learn more information.
Shrine of the Setting Sun: Built on pil-
ings in the area of shore between high and
low tide is a large two-story shrine. This
shrine is aligned so its main entrance
faces due west, in the direction of the set-
ting sun. Set further out in the waves is the
red-painted torii (gate arch), built so the
evening sun shines directly through it.
The shrine was built to honor the pass-
ing of the Heavenly Sun Goddess for
another day. The shrine is hard to get to
and it does not have a great number of vis-
itors, though most of those who do visit are
hardy Kanchai pilgrims who are stopping
at Okahira. Thus the caretakers, an old
man and his wife, lead a quiet, rustic life.
Also staying at the shrine for an indefinite
period of time is Pien-Hung (shukenja, 7th
level). Wan and sickly when he arrived, he
says he came for the sea air and peaceful
surroundings. These seem to have agreed
with him, for he is now in quite robust
health. Quiet and respectful, Pien-Hung
radiates an aura of cheer and good nature.
Kanchai Temple: The temple is one of
the first founded by the Kanchai school.
Because it is outside the imperial capital,
the temple is not the seat of the Kanchai
religion. It is, however, the provincial tem-
ple of Miyama Province. The temple is
located in the wooded groves near the
heart of this Kanchai shoen. The founder
of the Kanchai school spent his final years
There are separate managements for
the temple, shoen, and monastery. The
temple is headed by Goryu (shukenja,
20th level), who has chosen this place to
retire after many years of traveling. He
handles the administration of temple
buildings and grounds, copying of holy
texts, instruction of young pupils, religious
needs of the peasantry, accommodation
of pilgrims, preparations for holy days,
and delivery of sermons. To assist him, he
has a staff of 25 shukenja of various levels
and 10 servants. Much to his dismay, his
retirement has become more work than
his wandering life of poverty ever was. He
is now obliged to continue his work, hav-
ing willingly accepted the position.
The shoen is managed by the com-
mander of the sohei, Toragawa (sohei,
16th level). As both the commander of a
troop of 500 sohei and the manager of a
sizable estate, he has little time for either.
Preferring to retain a strong control over
his men, he delegates most of the shoen
management to his lieutenants. Most of
his time is spent in drilling his men and
defending the wilderness borders.
The monastery is divided into a monas-
tery and a nunnery. Both provide instruc-
tion in the mental and physical secrets of
the Kanchai school to a limited number of
pupils. The selection of pupils is normally
done once a year when eager applicants
arrive to be tested. Standards are strict and
only a few are accepted. Applicants are
considered at other times, but they must
have exceptional promise to be accepted.
Currently there are 17 monks (various
levels) and nine nuns (monks, various
levels). The monastery section is headed
by Kazan (monk, 17th level). His counter-
part in the nunnery is Kitashi (monk, 16th
level). Each supervises the training of
those of lesser rank. Kazan has only
recently become the head of the monas-
tery, while Kitashi has held her post for
many years. There is a cooperative but
lively rivalry between the two. This feeling
affects their students, making the training
sessions both fun and intense.
Kanchai Tomb: At the end of this nar-
row valley is a small monument hidden
among the rice paddies. This marks the
tomb of the founder of the Kanchai school.
The tomb is virtually unmarked, bearing
only a short poem describing the beauty of
the fields. Only a few pilgrims learn of its
whereabouts and come to pay a respectful
visit to their master. Two to four times a
year, a group from the Kanchai Temple
comes to repair any damage. The site is
deserted otherwise. This is the way the
founder wanted things and his wishes
have been obeyed for centuries.
Cave of the Kuei: This cave was once
the camp of Zaku the Bandit, a wicked and
horribly cruel highwayman. Using this as a
base of operations, he raided the Northern
Plain and other nearby provinces. Now
haunting the cave is the kuei of one of his
unfortunate victimsa young woman who
was about to be married (AC -4; MV 18;
HD 4; hp 18; #AT 1; Damage 1d8; SA pos-
session; SD spells; MR 10%; AL LG).
As a kuei this woman is compelled to
possess the body of another woman, so
that she can complete her marriage oath.
Having died centuries ago, her intended is
no longer alive. If she marries into his fam-
ily, however, her oath will be fulfilled.
To aid her in this task, she knows the
location of Zakus treasure cache of gold
and silver objects worth 500 chien. This
she will reveal only to her intended, whom
she knows lives in Okahira. Upon seeing
any character possessed by her spirit, this
young man falls in love with her. His par-
ents, impressed by her wealth and grace,
consent to the marriage. Once married,
the kuei remains in possession for one
year. Then, its oath fulfilled, it departs in
peace forever.
To help you add color and detail to your
Kozakuran campaign, the following glos-
sary of words and terms is provided. Some
of these are used in the province and
adventure books and are defined here for
your convenience.
Bakufu The headquarters and capital
of the shoguns government
Benkan A jeweled headpiece of the
Byobu A folding screen
Chichi Father
Chodai A curtained sleeping platform
Dotaku A bronze bell
Emakimono A picture scroll
Fusuma A sliding wall
Geisha A courtesan trained in the arts
and accorded high prestige
Godown Storehouse, particularly for
rice or other grains
Haka Burial mound
Hi no goza The raised platform of the
Hoden A treasure house
Hon-maru The innermost castle court-
Hyakkan Court officials
Hyakusho The nonsamurai classes:
farmers, artisans, merchants, entertain-
ers, etc.
Ishiotoshi Chutes built on castle para-
pets for dropping stones on the enemy
Inkan A personal seal for documents
and letters
Izumi-dono A water pavilion, a small
building built over the water of a garden
pond for entertaining
Jo Ward, a section of a city
Kakemono A vertical picture scroll
Kamidana A household shrine
Kanshofu A charter granting a sho
Koburi A headdress reserved for those
of 5th Birth Rank and above
Kodo The porch section of a temple
Kofun A burial mound
Kongo rikishi Guardian figures at the
entrance to a temple
Kotatsu A small brazier found in many
homes used for warming the sleeping
Kugyo High Court Nobles, those of 1st
through 3d Birth Ranks
Kura A fireproof storehouse
Makimono A horizontal picture scroll
Maru A castle courtyard
Masugata A double gate; the outer gate
is small and set at a right angle to
Oriental characters usually have many
different names that depend on their age,
their profession, their family, etc. (see
page 141 in the Oriental Adventures
Given below are several lists of names
suitable for use in Kozakura. The names
are organized into family, male, female,
religious, and artistic groupings. All the
names are historical and you might find
that you recognize some of them.
the larger inner gate, slowing the
advance of attackers.
Minka A traditional peasant house
Mura A small village community
Ni-no-maru The second or middle
courtyard of a castle
Nishiki-e A colored woodcut
Ote-mon The main gate of a castle
Pagoda A multi-storied tower of wood
or stone, dedicated to a deity
Sakadono A special temple building for
brewing sake used in ceremonies
Sake Rice wine
San-no-maru The third or outer court-
yard of a castle
Sento A public bathhouse
Shoen An estate or fief
Shoji Sliding doors covered with paper
in a latticed wooden frame
Sutra Religious scriptures, usually as
short sayings or dialogues
Takuhatsu The life of poverty adopted
by some shukenja
Tamon A roofed building set atop the
castle wall and used as a barracks or
Tatami A three foot by six foot woven
mat used as flooring in houses. Rooms
are normally measured by the number
of tatami mats they contain.
Tenno Emperor
Tenshu-kaku The main tower of a cas-
Tofu A staple food made from the con-
gealed protein of soybeans
Torii The pillared red gate-arch at the
entrance to a shrine
Uguisi-bari Nightingale floor, made
with boards that creak or squeak when
stepped on
Uji no choja The head of a family or
Akiyama, Nobuo & Carol. Japanese at a
Arnesen, Peter Judd. The Medieval Japa-
nese Daimyo: The Ouchi Familys Rule
of Suo and Nagato
Baedekers Japan
Batchelor, Rev. John. The Ainu of Japan
Buruma, Ian. Behind the Mask
Hall, John Whitney. Government and
Local Power in Japan
Kitabatake Chikafusa (H. Paul Varley,
tran.). A Chronicle of Gods and Sover-
Schmorleitz, Morton S. Castles in Japan
Wurman, Richard Saul. Tokyo Access

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