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Well Testing Handouts

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Well testing is used to evaluate reservoir characteristics and well productivity. Pressure transient analysis can determine properties like permeability and identify boundaries.

Well testing is used to evaluate short and long term well productivity, determine reservoir extent, estimate fluid volumes, and evaluate stimulation treatments.

Exploration, delineation, and development wells are tested with different objectives like fluid identification, pressure measurement, and estimating reservoir parameters.

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Lecture 05
Previous class learnings: You know!

Constituents of hydrocarbons
Alkane, alkene, alkynes, asphaltene, aromatics, resins, etc.
Types of reservoir fluids
COMPLETION Volatile oil
Gas condensate

ANALYSIS Heavy oil, etc.

Dr. Jitendra Sangwai, IIT Madras Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Todays class learnings: Well Test

3 4

Well test analysis is a branch of reservoir engineering.

What is the Well Testing

Testing of oil/gas well plays important role in the form of initial stage to
Need for Well Test matured state of any field.
Conditions for Well test The acquired data is widely used in various situations to evaluate different
reservoir characteristics for reservoir engineering calculations or to know the
Types of well: Exploration, Delineation, productivity/deliverability of well.
Development wells The job is assigned to a big group called Reservoir Data Acquisition group.
The job of the group is to do the testing of wells on regular interval of time and
Flow Behavior interpret the testing results.
Well testing provides a description of the reservoir under dynamic conditions,
Types of Flow
which indicates flow pattern within the reservoir.
It uses the pressures and rates under a standard condition for the determination
of parameters which influences the fluid flow through porous media, e.g.,
permeability, fault, fluid contacts, etc. Measuring the variation in pressure versus
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 time and interpreting them gives data on the reservoir and well.

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Some implications of well test Purpose of well testing

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There are few special pressure transient tests, which can be used to Purpose of well testing
determine the areal extent of a reservoir and to estimate the It serves as one of the primary tools for defining the systems
volumes of fluid in place (for ex., in case of delineation well test approach to well completions and work over jobs
analysis). It provides information about dynamic behavior of the
Delineation well: Drilled at a distance from a discovery well to determine reservoir
physical extent, reserves and likely production rate of a new oil or gas field.
Predict short term well productivity: an evaluation of well
In case of composite systems like in-situ combustion, steam flooding deliverability at the present time under various operating
or polymer flooding, these well tests can accurately predict the conditions
swept zone parameters, enabling the engineers to determine the Predict long term well productivity: a description of the
efficacy of the EOR processes. decline curve which may be expected from the well over a
period of several years.
Pressure measurements can also be interpreted to yield quantitative
Static well pressure: it is a measurement of the stage of
estimation of the well condition, so the efficacy of stimulation
depletion of a reservoir
treatments on well productivity can be evaluated.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Conditions for well tests Exploration Wells

7 8

The objective of well testing will obviously depend Exploration Wells

considerably on the stage of the development of One needs to know whether a porous zone, identified
the field in which the well is drilled, and are on logs, is a productive hydrocarbon bearing reservoir.
generally two fold : Hence fluid identification through sampling is the main
Identification of the nature of reservoir fluids through objective.
sampling, and,
The other objective is to measure initial reservoir
Estimation of well performance and reservoir pressure and get rough estimates of reservoir
characteristics by analyzing the pressure and rate
behavior during the test, as the field goes from permeability which can be obtained from the analysis
exploration through delineation to the development of the bottom hole pressure recordings.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Delineation wells Development wells

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Delineation wells: Development wells

Wells drilled outward from a successful wildcat well to determine the extent of the Once the structure of the field is better known, a
oil find, the boundaries of the productive formation.
development plan is designed and new wells are
Delineation wells test objectives are: drilled with the objective simply of being good
To test the potential of zone encountered in exploratory wells.

To evaluate thickness and depth of different zones.
producers or if water or gas injection is desired.
To collect and generate any data useful in designing a technological scheme The development plan may be phased, i.e., the drilling
and development plan.
To know the areal extension of the hydrocarbon bearing layers in the vicinity of and location of some new wells will depends on the first
the well. development wells. Thus the first development wells will
To analyze the pressure behavior to detect any boundary effects within the
drainage area of the well during the test. also serve as delineation wells.
To know the extent of damage near the well- bore.
To analyse the damage prone areas in the field by testing different wells.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Development wells Flow behavior: Effect of Geometry of reservoir

11 12

Development wells The shape of a reservoir has a significant effect on

The testing in development wells can be conducted its flow behavior.
for the following objectives: Most reservoirs have irregular boundaries and a
To measure formation damage around the well- bore to rigorous mathematical description of geometry is
design any stimulation job. often possible only with the use of numerical
To measure the flow efficiency of the well / formation to simulators.
design a fracturing job.
To know the flow capacity.
To decide the infill drilling.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Ideal Linear and radial flow Radial flow model

Reservoir deliverability is defined as the gas

production rate achievable from the pr
reservoir at a given bottom hole pressure.
Reservoir deliverability depends on the
following factors:
Reservoir pressure
Pay zone thickness re
Reservoir permeability Radial flow reservoir model
Wellbore radius The actual flow geometry may be
Reservoir fluid properties represented by one of the following
Near well bore conditions flow geometries:
Radial flow
Linear flow
Spherical and hemispherical flow

Flow Regime Characteristics Three possible cases for well test analysis

When well is opened to production from shut-in Infinite reservoir : well is in infinite radial extent
conditions, the pressure disturbances created at the Bounded cylindrical reservoir: well is in centre,
well travels outwards thorough the rock at a velocity
governed by the rock and fluid properties. no flow across external boundary
Various flow conditions are defined with respect to Constant pressure outer boundary: constant
behavior of these pressure disturbances pressure along outer boundary
Types of Flow:
Steady state flow
Unsteady state flow
Pseudo-steady state flow

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Next class:
17 18

Continuity Equation What we learned till now

Diffusivity equation Derivation of Continuity equation (Cartesian coordinate
Single phase and radial coordinate)
Darcys equation for fluid flow through porous media
Basic fluid flow equation (combining Darcys equation
and continuity equation)
Solution of Diffusivity equation for various cases Flow equation for single phase fluid flow
Both Cartesian coordinate and radial coordinate

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Flow Regime Characteristics


What we learned till now When well is opened to production from shut-in
Flow equation for single phase fluid flow conditions, the pressure disturbances created at the
Both Cartesian coordinate and radial coordinate well travels outwards thorough the rock at a
velocity governed by the rock and fluid properties.
Various flow conditions are defined with respect to
Flow equation for multiphase fluid flow (and with final forms behavior of these pressure disturbances
for gas, oil and water Martins Eq.)
Types of reservoir analysis (three types: Infinite, bounded
Types of Flow:
cylindrical, const. pressure outer boundary) Steady state flow
Solution of single phase fluid flow equation for Infinite Unsteady state flow
reservoir case..) Pseudo-steady state flow

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Three possible cases for well test analysis Radial flow equation
21 22

Infinite reservoir : well is in infinite radial extent Radial flow equation

Bounded cylindrical reservoir: well is in centre,
no flow across external boundary
Various assumptions made during developments:
Constant pressure outer boundary: constant
pressure along outer boundary Radial flow opened into well for entire thickness of formation
Homogeneous and isotropic porous media
Uniform thickness of medium
K and are constant
Fluid is of small and constant compressibility and viscosity
Small pressure gradient
Negligible gravity forces

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Solution for infinite reservoir Solution for infinite reservoir

23 24

Pressure at wellbore, Pwf

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Solution of bounded circular reservoir

25 26

Pressure at the wellbore, Pwf, for the cases when re When tDw, is sufficiently large,
>> rw,

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Constant pressure outer boundary Types of flow


The solution for constant pressure outer Steady state flow

Is defined as flow regime where the pressure at any
point in the reservoir remains constant.
The pressure funnel has been propagated to a constant
pressure boundary such as aquifer or water injection
Mathematically; at any point in the reservoir;

The unfamiliarity with Bessel function is not the cause for worry. We will
use some simpler form to calculate the numerical values of Pwf
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Steady State Flow Types of flow

The pressure Unsteady state flow

distribution will remain
Unsteady state flow also referred as transient flow
constant as long as the
radius being drained In this case the radius of the pressure wave
by the well remains propagation has not reached any boundaries of the
constant. reservoir.
In this case, the developing pressure funnel is very small
This condition mainly
being met by the as compared to reservoir size and therefore reservoir
reservoir having re acts like a infinitely large reservoir.
strong water drive,
Mathematically, it is function of both position and time,
where the water influx
rate equals the as;
production rate re = external drainage radius
rw = well radius

Unsteady State Flow Unsteady State Flow

Note that during the time t = 0,
Note that no flow across re to t = t2, the pressure drop is
All production is due to the finally affected throughout the
expansion of fluid in the drainage area of a well.
range <re which is the only During this time, the reservoir is
energy causing fluid flow
said to be infinite acting, as the
The rate increase maximum
at near well bore than to drainage area has not reached.
near re Even in the reservoir systems,
The production rate (q) is that are said to be steady
controlled so that pressure state, the effects of the changes
near the well (Pw) is
constant. in well rates or well pressures at
the well are governed by the
At any point if no pressure
drop is experience, that unsteady state flow equations
means no flow is occurring till the changes are remained
at that point in the for sufficient time to affect the
reservoir. The fluid could entire reservoir, thus reaching
not expand without drop in
the pressure. the steady state condition.

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Types of flow Pseudo-steady State Flow/Semi-steady State

Pseudo-steady state flow In this case the rate at the well,

Pseudo steady state flow is defined as flow regime qw, is held constant, which
results in decrease in pressure
where the pressure at any point in the reservoir drop near the well-bore, Pw.
declines at the same constant rate over the time. At t = 0, the pressure is constant

The pressure funnel in this case is expected to reach at At t = t1, only small portion of
reservoir experience pressure
no-flow boundary conditions. drop resulting in a flow for
radius, r1.
The no flow boundary condition are may be due to
As the flow rate near the well
sealing faults, or boundaries of drainage area of to be kept constant, the
adjacent wells, etc. pressure curve remains in
parallel and decreasing in
magnitude over the period

Pseudo-steady State Flow/Semi-steady State Pseudo-steady State Flow/Semi-steady State

Pseudo-steady state flow Another interesting fact that

occurs in the reservoir after the difference between
it has been produced at reservoir pressure and
constant rate for long period flowing well bore pressure is
of time. constant
Pseudo-steady state flow is
specialized case of unsteady
state flow and is sometimes
refereed to as stabilized
state/quasi steady state.
Most of the reservoir, during
their life, experiences
pseudo steady state flow.

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Flow Equations Well test methods

The solutions of the above equation are
presented for several cases:
Infinite acting
reservoir The oil/gas travels from the
(transient state) reservoir rock to the surface
which is manifested in
Finite acting pressure decrease in the
reservoir /
bounded circular
direction of flow.
reservoir(pseudo- This pressure drop is due to
Flowing bottom hole
steady state) the reservoir fluid and rock pressure

Constant pressure
at outer Reservoir pressure
boundary (steady
state condition)


Inflow PeRformance Curve (IPR curve) Inflow Performance Relationship


Inflow performance or reservoir Shut-in condition, reservoir pressure Production rates at various drawdown pressures are used to
flow capacity construct the IPR curve, which reflects the ability of the
A mathematical tool used in production Absolute Open Flow Potential, AOF reservoir to deliver fluid to the wellbore.
engineering to assess well performance by
plotting the well production rate against Combining this with a curve reflecting the tubing performance
the flowing bottomhole pressure (BHP). identifies the operating point.
The data required to create the IPR are
obtained by measuring the production
rates under various drawdown pressures.
The reservoir fluid composition and
behavior of the fluid phases under flowing
conditions determine the shape of the
IPR curve or reservoir flow capacity curve requires relationship between
flow rate coming into well and the sand-face pressure or flowing bottom
hole pressure (FBHP)!!! Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Well deliverability or Capacity Well deliverability or Capacity

The calculated or measured rate a gas well will IPR Equation: general form C : flow coefficient Empirical constant
produce for a given bottomhole or wellhead pressure. n : exponent
Stabilized flow capacity of any oil/gas field is
required for reservoir management Taking log
Flow capacity must be determined for various FBHP, this
will give indication of change in flow capacity with
average reservoir pressure.
Several test can be carried out for determined oil/gas
In multipoint testing, the well is produced at several Once the value of n
different rates (usually four) and from the data determined from plot, C
obtained, an inflow performance is evaluated. can be calculated as;

Factors affecting inflow performance Factors affecting inflow performance

Once the well has been tested and the inflow Liquid saturation in the gas reservoir:
performance or deliverability equation is As pressure declines due to depletion, the gas expands
established, it is desirable to predict how changes in to keep sg constant, unless retrograde condensation
occurs in which case Sg may change. This effects the
certain parameter affect the IPR curve. permeability of gas, k. for dry gas reservoir, the
The changes due to effect of several parameters change in k with time can be considered negligible.
are due to reservoir depletion, or due to well Formation thickness, h:
workover operations. In most cases this is constant. However this may get
changed if the well is perforated for longer section.
Various factors that affect IPR curve are given
below: Reservoir temperature
T will be constant except for small change near well-

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Factors affecting inflow performance Transient Testing: unsteady tests

Oil or Gas viscosity and compressibility factor Transient test or un-steady tests are useful to obtain
These are sensitive to change in reservoir pressure, PR. information on reservoir properties, such as,
permeability, skin factor, an average reservoir pressure,
The drainage radius, re PR, etc.
This depend largely on well spacing. If the test may continued into pseudo-steady state flow
The well bore radius, rw regime, an estimation of reservoir size can be made
This considered to remain constant. The effective wellbore based on the data obtained from such tests.
radius may be changed due to well stimulation, however this Most common transient tests are Drawdown Test and
change can be taken care by skin factor. Pressure Buildup Test. The same information may be
The skin factor, S obtained from the above two tests, however the choice
of particular test is depend on the field conditions.
This value can be changed due to fracturing or acidizing a
well. The well should be re-tested after fracturing to re- These tests involves change in flow rates during the
evaluate IPR curve parameters course of testing time and hence involves well know
principal called as, principal of superposition

Why Superposition Principal ? Principal of Superposition


During the life time the well will not be produced at This principal states that if
constant flow rate the pressure disturbance is
Some of the pressure analysis techniques, such as crated in the reservoir, the
disturbances continues to
pressure drawdown, or, pressure buildup tests, travel through the reservoir
involves use of pressure date obtained for different even though the source of
t flow rates. disturbance may change or
This principal makes us possible the generation of ceases. This means that in
order to determine the
pressure behavior for several producing rate pressure at a locations as
schedules from the basic constant rate pressure function of time, all of the
solutions. pressure disturbances effects
must be added.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Superposition in Time Superposition in Time

When the flow rate is changed in

At time t1, production rate
the well, the pressure disturbances
is increased by amount q2-
caused by the previous flow rates
continues to affect the reservoir. As The increase in production
an analogy when the source of rate causes an additional
noise is stopped, the sound waves pressure drop as shown.
already emitted do not stop. The pressure behavior from
Consider a case when the flow rate t1 onwards can be
is changed from q1 to q2, if the calculated by adding to the
pressure is desired at some time t2, pressure drop caused by
the effect of both the rate must be rate q1 and additional
considered. pressure drop caused by
This can be represented by rate q2-q1.
adjacent figure.

Superposition in Time Superposition in Time

For examples: Lets consider a case; For examples. Lets consider a

the pressure drop for general case of infinite reservoir, the
condition can be represented by, say, solution for constant rate is given
Therefore, pressure drop till t1, as,

till t1
Pressure drop till t; (ant time after t1)

Therefore, pressure drop till t1t,

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Superposition in Time Superposition in Space

For three flow rates

When more than one well is producing in the reservoir, the
For time till t1
effect of both pressure disturbances must be added to
calculate the total pressure effect at any point in the reservoir.
For time till t2
Superposition in time and space can be applied
simultaneously as per the need.

For time till t3

Note Pressure build up test

55 56

Consider a well in infinite reservoir

We employ two system of units
The equation for pressure at bottom hole (FBHP) is
Darcys unit and oil field units given by,
For derivation, Darcys units
were employed.
So the pressure drop is,
For application to field data we
use system of practical units.
For ex. the quantity,
in Darcy units is in Above equation gives the pressure drop when the
practical unit well is produced for time t and for flow rate q.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Pressure buildup Pressure buildup

57 58

If the well is now closed in for time t, then by principal of This extrapolated values for Log
superposition, we can calculate the pressure drop ( more correctly (t+t)/t should ideally be initial
pressure difference or pressure buildup) as,

Above equation, if we plot

Pws vs. log [(t+t)/t], then
we may obtain a straight line
with slope, m, which, then can
be related to kh as,


or in prectical oilfield units

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Skin factor Skin factor

59 60

Permeability of the formation ner

well bore get reduced due to:
Van Everdingen
Drilling and completion practice
defines pressure
Organic deposits such as waxes, drop due to skin, as,
asphaltene, oil-water emulsions
Dispersion of clays
Presence of cements
High gas saturation around well Ideal curve
Limited perforations Here- s is called the
Plugging of perforation skin.
invasion of drilling fluids, etc Distortion
To calculate the skin caused by
The zone reducing the permeability is called as the skin and factor factor it is necessary wellbore
associated with It called as skin factor to measure the well damage
pressure before and Real curve
The effect of reduction in permeability near well bore can be taken into after closing the
account by addition of pressure drop corresponding to the skin factor well
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Skin factor Skin factor

61 62

After introducing skin equation into, we find well To calculate the skin factor, it is necessary to
pressure after a production time t measure the well pressure both before and after
closing. By combining following equation:
Gives pressure before closing
Comparing the above equation with:
Gives pressure after closing

it is observed that this flowing pressure Pwf is lower by an To get: (approximating as 1 and taking
amount ~ than the pressure in the absence t as 1 hour)
of a skin.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Skin factor equation Skin factor

63 64

The skin factor can be calculated as below The radius rs of the skin zone around
equation, where, P1hrs is a pressure is an
extrapolated pressure at 1 hrs (t = 1 hrs) from the well and permeability ks in this
opening the well. This pressure is observed on zone are related to skin factor as,
ideal curve. One can choose other times to define
this pressure, such as, P2 hrs, P10 hrs, (i.e., t = 2 hrs,
t = 10 hrs, etc.) etc., so accordingly constant
(3.23) in the below equation will change.
General practice is to use P1hr as a reference This mean that if the Ks is small than k, the S will be positive, if
pressure to determine skin factor these are equal, s is zero, and if k is small than ks (as in case of
hydraulic fractured reservoir, acidizing well, etc.) s is negative.
It is not possible to obtain both the factor, ks and rs, from above
equation. One has to define a new term called effective well bore
The pressure Pwf is measured pressure before

closing the well.

radius, rw. The effective well bore radius is defined as the radius
The P1 hrs pressure is obtained from the straight
which makes the calculated pressure drop in an ideal reservoir
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011
line portion of the pressure buildup curve equal to the real reservoirJitendra
skin. IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Effective wellbore radius Flow Efficiency

65 66

The effective well bore radius is defined as the Flow efficiency is defined as the
ratio of actual productivity index
radius which makes the calculated pressure of a well to its productivity index
drop in an ideal reservoir equal to the real if there is no skin. Thus,
reservoir with skin Flow efficiency = Jactual / Jideal
J actual = q / (P* - Pwf)
J ideal = q / (P*-Pwf-Pskin)

Flow efficiency = (P*-Pwf-Pskin)/ (P* - Pwf)

If s is positive, rw is smaller than rw. If s is We have defined skin factor as,
negative, rw is larger than rw. and also slope,
Therefor: Pskin = 0.87 s (m)
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Example Solutions
67 68

A new oil well produced Steps:

400 stb/day for three Plot shut-in BHP,
days; then it was shut-in
Measure the slope m that is equal to lOO psi/cycle.
for a pressure buildup
Formation permeability,
test, during which the
data in Table were
recorded. The other data
Read original reservoir pressure, Pi, at,

From these data, estimate the formation permeability, k,

pi, and skin factor s. Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 rb = reservoir barrale Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Graph for pressure buildup analysis solutions

69 70

Calculate the skin factor s

P1 hr is at (tp+t)/t)= (72+1)/1 = 73

Read original reservoir pressure, Pi = 1960psia

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Pressure Buildup Testing for Gas wells


Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - The test consist of flowing the well at a constant rate, qsc, for
think of it, dream of it, live on idea. Let the brain, period of time, t, and then shutting the well in at t = 0; and
measuring the wellbore pressure increase with shut-in time at
muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full every t.
of that idea, and just leave every other idea This test is developed by Horner and is considered the best
alone. This is the way to success. methods of all others and given by Miller, Dyes and
-- Swami Vivekananda-- Hutchinson, Muskat, etc.
The governing equation is;

The plot of (P)2 vs. Log [(t+ t)/ t] will have slope,
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Pressure Buildup Testing for Gas wells Example

The governing equation is;

The plot of Log (P)2 vs. Log [(t+ t)/ t] will have slope,

The skin factor S is calculated for t = 1 hr and Pi = PR at1hrs;

that Pi is
The equation for known
calculating S is same for for this
pressure drawdown and
pressure buildup testing !
Permeability k is in milidarcys

Solution Here t = 120.5 hrs. Given in the problem statement Solution

The plot of Log(P)2 vs. Log [(t+t)/t] The slope of the graph can be obtained as below
The plot of (Pws)2 vs. Log [(t+t)/t] and used to calculate permeability,

The skin factor is obtained as below, for t = 1

PR2 = 13.92 106 psia2

PR = 3731 psia

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Movement of drainage boundary of well:

effect of well flow rates
77 78

Consider a two well system in a rectangular

Assume that both well are producing with different
flow rate (ratio 1:2) for sufficient time
Each well drains equal volume from the reservoir till
the semi steady state approached
As the semi steady state is approached the
drainage volume for each well become
proportional to the flow rate of each well.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Estimation of reservoir size from two

Actual pressure buildup
pressure buildup test
79 80

The pressure build up test can be

divided in to three different regimes

The pressure build up test are used to understand
Early-time region (ETR). In this region, a about the reservoir size.
pressure transient is moving through the
formation nearest the wellbore.
Middle-time region (MTR). In this region,
the pressure transient has moved away
from the wellbore into the bulk
Late-time region (LTR). In this region, the
pressure transient has reached the
Where, VRes is the reservoir volume (barrels),
drainage boundaries well. Np is the stock - tank barrels of oil produced between
MTR is a the portion of the buildup curve that we must identify and analyze. Analysis of times 1 and 2, and
this portion only will provide reliable reservoir properties of the tested well. PAV1 and PAV2 are the average reservoir pressures
before and after oil production, respectively.
The reason why ETR and LTR are not generally taken for analysis is may be due to the
Ct compressibility
fact that these curve get affected in the pressure build up curves due to variation in
o is the formation volume factor
permeability, well bore storage effect, etc. In LTR, this might be due to the effect of
adjacent wells, reservoir heterogeneity,
Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

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Pressure buildup method for

Example bounded reservoir
81 82

Horner and MBH method

For an infinite-acting
reservoir, an estimate
of pi is obtained by
extrapolating the
straight-line section
Calculate VRes of the Horner plot to
infinite shut-in time.
For finite and
developed reservoirs,
the extrapolated
pressure is not a
Calculate ARes good estimate of pi
and generally has
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011
been called the false Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011
pressure, p*.

Pressure buildup method for bounded

Pressure Drawdown Testing

Horner and MBH method Drawdown means decrease in pressure.

A pressure drawdown test is simply a series of bottom-hole pressure
measurements made during a period of flow at constant production rate.
Usually the well is closed prior to the flow test for a period of time sufficient to
allow the pressure to stabilize throughout the formation, i.e., to reach static
In this test, a well is flowed at constant rate and wellbore pressure is measured
as function of time by lowering a pressure measuring instrument into a wellbore,
which essentially should results in drawdown at near wellbore.
Drawdown test may last for few hours or several days depending upon the kind
Horner plot is used when the pseudo-steady state time, tp is less than tpss. Tpss is defined
of information required
Time for the well test If the constant production rate is not possible to be maintained, then a variable
where tpss is the time to reach pseudo-steady test analysis method is considered (which is also called as multirate test
state analysis)
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011
Single rate and two rate tests are utilized

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Pressure Drawdown Testing Pressure drawdown analysis


When to use pressure drawdown test as against to pressure buildup test ? Odeh and Nabor established that if
Ideally drawdown test would start with a uniform pressure in the reservoir so new wells the time, t, for flow period equals,
are good candidate for having drawdown well test method analysis.
Secondly, if the well is closed for sufficient time for workover operation or recompletion
and if the economic condition support closing the well for sufficient time to buildup the Transient flow
pressure in the well, then drawdown test can be carried out on such wells. conditions are
Thirdly, if there are uncertainties in the pressure build up test data. In such cases, pressure
buildup test followed by pressure drawdwon test affords pressure data which can be 1
3 2
used for comparative analysis. Semi steady state
Extended drwadown test are also called condition established

as reservoir limit test

If the flow is extended to pseudo-steady-state, The interim period between these
the test is referred as Reservoir Limit Test, two times is sometime referred as
which should give information about the reservoir late transient period
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Pressure Drawdown Testing


Reservoir parameters that can be obtained from

these tests includes, skin factor, flow capacity,
turbulence coefficient, reservoir thickness,
permeability, etc.
The test begins from shut-in condition.
A constant flow rate is maintained and pressure is
measured at near-well bore.
The governing equation is given as,

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Pressure drawdown analysis for transient

for transient condition
89 90

This equation indicate that during

Pressure behavior of a well in a the transient flow analysis, a plot
Small non linearity exist at the
infinite reservoir is given by of bottom hole pressure vs Log t is start of the test. This is due to
straight line the early deviation caused by
wellbore effects (skin effects).
This period is usually for short
OR duration of few hours.
At the end of transient flow, i.e.,
at the beginning of late
and transient period when boundary
effect begins, the change in
slope (presure drop) can be
easily recognized.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Pressure drawdown analysis for late transient

for late transient condition
91 92

In the late transient period pressure drop due to The governing equation for this case is
production has been felt at the drainage boundary Reproduced from Pressure
Buildup and flow test in a
of the well. well by Matthew and Russel

The late transient condition resembles the case of Where,

bounded reservoir.
Therefore, the solution for bounded reservoir
developed earlier can be utilized for this region.
Where, average reservoir pressure
Skin factor can be determined from

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Pressure drawdown analysis for Semi-steady

for late transient condition
state condition (Reservoir limit test)
93 94

If pressure drawdown test is run for sufficient time,

then semi-steady state is reached and the
governing equation for this region can be given by
below equation:

Slope of the plot between Pwf vs. t will be given by,

Vp in reservoir barrel,
Volume of
reservoir (pore
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 space)
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Operational consideration in pressure drawdown

Drainage radius test
95 96

During analysis it is expected that the well is flown at constant rate

If the rate of flow changes, multi-rate analysis can be incorporated
The flow rate is sufficient enough to cause pressure drawdown
appearance on the pressure transient data.
Special test equipment may be needed in case of multiphase flow of
water, oil and gas tom monitor the flow rate of each phase (such as
Vx meter)
The pressure sensors need to calibrated for entire range of pressure
before they can be used.
Pressure buildup is operationally simpler than the pressure
drawdown, as it does not require measurement of production rate
during the test.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Pressure Drawdown Testing for gas wells Pressure Drawdown Testing

Procedure: To obtain skin factor, S:

Let at t=1 hr, log(t=1) =0, corresponding pressure, P1, will be used
The test begins from shut-in condition.
A constant flow rate is maintained and pressure is
measured at near-well bore.
The governing equation is given as, Above equation can be reduced for S as below

Where, k is in milidarcies


The slope of line, (P2) vs. Log (t) will have slope, m,

Example Solution

Drawdown test date

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Solution contd.

As m is given by,
Sampling: A Well Testing Operation

Therefore, k can be calculated as

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Typical Well Operation Sampling of reservoir fluids

103 104

Often, a reservoir fluid sample

Separator Gas
Stock tank Gas will be part of a well testing
procedure that immediately
follows the completion of the first
Psep, TSep PROCESSING well in a reservoir. An example
P1, T2 would be a newly discovered field
where development plans may

rely on the early determination of
Stock tank expected reserves and production
PSTC, TSTC Oil (sto)
Sampling rates. In such cases, it is important Sequential Formation Test Tool (SFTT)
for measuring precise formation and
that the new well be cleaned up wellbore-hydrostatic pressure readings,
Recombination collect reservoir fluid samples 2.75-gallon
Sampling before sampling to remove all chambers and optional 1.0, 5.0 and 8.0
traces of drilling fluid from the gallon chambers.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011
OIL/GAS RESERVOIR Reservoir Fluid Sample well and wellbore area. Ref.:

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Sampling of reservoir fluids Sampling procedure design

105 106
When the pressure in an oil reservoir
Purpose of sampling drops below the bubble point, gas
To obtain a representative sample of reservoir comes out of solution and forms a
fluid identical to the initial reservoir fluid. This separate phase. Similarly, when the
condition is absolutely essential because
reservoir engineering studies, which are
pressure in a gas condensate reservoir
performed using PVT analysis data, are always drops below the dew point, liquid
made on the basis of the reservoir at its initial begins to condense in the reservoir. In
conditions. For this reason, sampling operations either case, the minor phase must build
should ideally be conducted on having not yet up to a certain critical saturation within
produced reservoirs or in new wells completed
the reservoir rock before it will begin to
in undepleted zones, containing fluids identical
to the initial reservoir fluids. flow.
Another concern in obtaining a
Nevertheless, if sampling cannot be performed at initial conditions, or if for any special representative sample is the degree of
reason samples have to be taken in a well that has already produced a sizeable amount variation in the original reservoir fluid
of oil, the reservoir and production data should be analysed carefully. If the production throughout the reservoir. Large
fluids are still identical to the initial fluids, the sampling procedure will be very similar to
reservoirs having thick, vertical oil
that of new wells.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 columns have been known to exhibitJitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011
variations in fluid properties with depth.

Producing conditions Some important considerations

107 108

The producing conditions and surface or subsurface If samples of oil and gas are taken at the surface, it is vital that
equipment can be important considerations in the producing rates and gas-oil ratio be accurately determined
in order that the fluids may be recombined in the correct ratios
designing a sampling procedure. The most to formulate a representative sample.
important of these are;
If the well is not producing with stable GORs, or if separation
The type of fluid being sampled facilities are not adequate for accurate measurements, a surface
The stability and accuracy of gas rate, oil rate, and recombination sample should not be considered.
GOR measurements Water production can be troublesome, even in small amounts. If
The proximity of gas-oil or oil-water contacts to the possible, no well that is producing water should be considered
productive interval. for obtaining a representative hydrocarbon sample. If necessary,
a water-producing well may be sampled if precautions are taken
The dimension of downhole equipment.
to obtain the sample from above the oil-water contact in the well
The well location. or separator.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Well conditioning Hydrocarbon Sampling Method

109 110

The objective of well conditioning is to replace the After conditioning the well, samples may be taken
non-representative reservoir fluid located around with a bottom hole sampling device, or individual
the wellbore with original reservoir fluid by samples of oil and gas may be taken at the surface
displacing it into and up the wellbore. and recombined to obtain a representative
reservoir fluid sample.
A flowing oil well is conditioned by producing it at Choice may be due to
successively lower rates until the nonrepresentative The volume of samples required.
oil has been produced. The well is considered to be The type of reservoir fluid to be sampled.
conditioned when further reductions in flow rate The degree of reservoir depletion.
have no effect on the stabilised gas-oil ratio. The surface and subsurface equipment.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Two types of sampling procedure Two types of sampling procedure

111 112

Bottom Hole Sampling Surface Sampling

Bottom hole sampling is the trapping of a volume of fluid in a
pressurized container suspended on wireline inside the well, close Surface sampling involves the taking of samples of
to the productive interval. This method is used when separator oil and gas, along with accurate
Only a small volume of fluid is required.
measurements of their relative rates, and reconstructing
The oil to be sampled is not so viscous that it impairs sampler
operation. a representative sample in the laboratory.
The flowing bottom hole pressure is known to be greater than the This method is often used when
reservoir oil saturationn pressure.
A large volume of both oil and gas are required for
The subsurface equipment will not prevent the sampler from
reaching the appropriate depth or make its retrieval difficult. analysis (as in the case of gas condensate fluids).
The fluid at the bottom of the well is not representative of
Surface Sampling the reservoir fluid (i.e., gas condensate reservoirs and oil
reservoirs producing large quantities of water).
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Which one to choose Checking validity of samples

113 114

Generally, a bottom hole sample is preferred if gas The best and easy way to
and oil surface measurement capabilities are in insure the validity of a sample
is to measure its bubble point
question. However, if they are reliable, the surface pressure and compare it with
sampling technique can give a statistically valid the bubble point pressure
value of GOR measured over a long period of measured on a duplicate
time. Whenever possible, separator liquid and gas sample taken at the same sample
samples should be taken simultaneously in order to conditions.
have the same sampling conditions for both fluids. If sample contains H2S, on site
analysis is recommended, or the Pb or Pd
lab analysis within 24 hrs is
highly required PVT cell
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Well deliverability or Capacity


Stabilized flow capacity of any gas field is

required for gas reservoir management
Flow capacity must be determined for various FBHP,
Methods of well testing this will give indication of change in flow capacity
with average reservoir pressure.
Several test can be carried out for determined gas
In multipoint testing, the well is produced at several
different rates (usually four) and from the data
obtained, an inflow performance is evaluated.
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Well deliverability or Capacity Flow after flow test

IPR Equation: general form C : flow coefficient Empirical constant This test start from shut-in
n : exponent condition
The well is opened for
Taking log particular choke size and
is not disturbed until flow
rate and Pwf are
A well is usually
stabilized in 15-20
At each stabilization, Pwf
and qsc are measure.
Once the value of n
This procedure is
determined from plot, C repeated for some more
can be calculated as; sample points

Isochronal Testing Isochronal Testing: Procedure

The isochronal means equal time test is based on

the theory that at equal flow times, same volume
of reservoir is affected regardless of the flow
This test is useful for tight gas well that requires
long period of time to reach stabilization.
The test is analyzed by plotting (PR Pwf)2 vs. qsc
on log-log paper.

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Isochronal Testing: Procedure Example

Solution Solution


IPR curve

Shut-in condition : Reservoir pressure

Absolute Open Flow Potentila (AOF)

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Types of Tests
125 126

Productivity well tests are conducted to;

Tests on oil and gas wells are performed at various
- Identify produced fluids and determine their respective volume ratios.
stages of drilling, completion and production. - Measure reservoir pressure and temperature.
- Obtain samples suitable for PVT analysis.
The test objectives at each stage range from simple - Determine well deliverability.
identification of produced fluids and determination - Evaluate completion efficiency.
- Characterise well damage.
of reservoir deliverability to the characterization of - Evaluate workover or stimulation treatment.
complex reservoir features.

Descriptive tests seek to;

Most well tests can be grouped either as - Evaluate reservoir parameters.
productivity testing or as descriptive/reservoir - Characterise reservoir heterogenities.
- Assess reservoir extent and geometry.
testing - Determine hydraulic communication between wells.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

Productivity test Descriptive well test

127 128

Productivity well testing, the simplest form of testing, provides: Estimation of the formations flow capacity, characterisation of wellbore
damage and evaluation of a workover or stimulation treatment all require
Identification of productive fluids, a transient test because a stabilised test is unable to provide unique values
the collection of representative samples and determination of reservoir for mobility-thickness and skin.
deliverability Transient tests are performed by introducing abrupt changes in surface
production rates and recording the associated changes in bottomhole
Formation fluid samples are used for PVT analysis pressure.
PVT analysis also provides fluid physical properties required for well test Production changes, carried out during a transient well test, induce pressure
analysis and fluid flow simulation. disturbances in the wellbore and surrounding rock.
Reservoir deliverability requires relating flow rates to drawdown pressures. These pressure disturbances travel into the formation and are affected in
This can be achieved by flowing the well at several flow rates (different choke various ways by rock features. For example, a pressure disturbance will
sizes) and measuring the stabilised bottomhole pressure and temperature prior have difficulty entering a tight reservoir zone, but will pass unhindered
through an area of high permeability.
to changing the choke.
Therefore, a record of wellbore pressure response over time produces a
The plot of flow data verses drawdown pressure is known as the inflow curve whose shape is defined by the reservoirs unique characteristics.
performance relationship (IPR).
Unlocking the information contained in pressure transient curves is the
The IPR is governed by properties of the rock-fluid system and near wellbore fundamental objective of well test interpretation.
conditions. Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Why we need to well testing?




--- Sir W. Churchil
Well tests

10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Distance of investigation , meter

What is Pressure Transient Testing?

Schematic Diagram of a Well Test
input : change in flow rate (input),
output : the bottom hole pressure response (output)
Unknown : Reservoir system
Dynamic reservoir description based on separator gas
To quantify the response we need a mathematical model of the reservoir: Diffusivity Equation. measurement of:
- flow rate (sandface/wellbore)
Input (change in q) Output (change in pressure) - pressure (sandface/wellbore) choke
q Pwf - (temperature)
Reservoir water
time time

matching packer
pressure, temperature gauge
Model input Mathematical Model Model output


JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Test Types Test Types

133 134

Buildup Test (BU)

Drawdown Test (DD) q
rate known, q = 0

difficult to maintain analysis more reliable

constant rate
production lost
analysis unreliable
no lost production
Time Time

Pwf Pwf

Time tp Time

Objectives for Transient Testing Objectives for Transient Testing

135 136

Reservoir Engineers
Production Engineers
Reservoir characterization
Test radius of investigation
Average reservoir pressure Formation permeability (vertical, horizontal)
Productivity index Barriers to flow (sealing or leaky)
Shale bed boundaries
Skin Structural limits (fault, salt dome, pinch out)
Rate dependent skin
Skin components Fluid contacts
Gas cap, aquifer
Post treatment skin after perforating, gravel packing, acid injection, or hydraulic
Injection well swept zone

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Well Near Another Producing Well - pressure profile

Productivity Index

q q
p p p wf
Well near sealing fault

PI dependent upon:
permeability-thickness (kh)
viscosity Well near another producing well
rate (special cases)

Well Near Another Producing Well - pressure profile


Well near sealing fault

Well near another producing well

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

Pressure Derivative Pressure Transient Plots

141 142

Pressure transient curve analysis probably provides more Typical pressure responses that might be observed
information about reservoir characteristics than any other technique. with different formation characteristics are shown
in Figure
Horizontal and vertical permeability, well damage, fracture length, The top curve represents the pressure changes
and interporosity flow coefficient are just a few of the associated with an abrupt production rate
characteristics that can be determined. perturbation, and the bottom curve (termed the
derivative curve) indicates the rate of pressure
In addition pressure transient curves can indicate the reservoirs change with respect to time
extent and boundary details. The bottom curves shows the sensitivity to transient
The shape of the curve, however, is also affected by the reservoirs features resulting from well and reservoir
production history. geometries (which are virtually too subtle to
recognise in the pressure change response) makes
Each change in production rate generates a new pressure transient the derivative curve the single most effective
that passes into the reservoir and merges with previous pressure interpretation tool.
effects. However, it is always viewed together with the
pressure change curve to quantify skin effects that
The observed pressures at the wellbore will be a result of the are not recognised in the derivative response
superposition of all these pressure changes. alone.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

143 144

The pressure derivative is essentially the rate of

change of pressure with respect to the superposition
time function i.e., the slope of the semi-log plot.
So the basic idea of the derivative is to calculate
the slope at each point of the pressure curve on the
semi-log (superposition) plot, and to display it on
the log-log plot.

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

JitendraSangwai,IITM,2011 10/8/2014

145 146

Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011

147 148

When the flow at early time corresponds to pure Thank you.

wellbore storage, pressure and pressure derivative
curves will merge on a unit slope straight line on the
log-log plot. Any questions !!!!
As already seen, in radial flow the derivative stabilises
to a constant value, corresponding to the superposition
slope m.
For most other flow regimes, it will be seen that while
the log-log plot reveals little or no relevant information,
the pressure derivative always displays a characteristic
Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011 Jitendra Sangwai, IITM, 2011


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