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Well Logging Equipment

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The key takeaways are that well logging is a technique used to record data about rock formations and boreholes as a function of depth, and involves using specialized equipment to lower measurement tools into boreholes to collect this data.

The main purposes of well logging are to determine the characteristics of rock formations and parameters of boreholes or wells, in order to evaluate hydrocarbon production potential of reservoirs and provide complementary data for seismic analysis.

The main steps involved in a well logging operation are cleaning and preparing the borehole, assembling and lowering the tool string, recording measurements while pulling the tools back up, and processing and storing the collected data at the surface.

Well logging equipment

and operation
edited by G. Pethő & P. Vass
Well logging or borehole logging
The general meaning of the term logging is making a record
of something.
Several types of logging are applied by the geoscientists
e.g. fieldwork logging, core logging, cuttings logging,
petrophysical logging, geophysical borehole or well logging.
Well logging or borehole logging is a geophysical data
acquisition technique applied in boreholes and wells. The
borehole geophysics is based on this technique, and
contributes to its development, as well.
Well logging or borehole logging
A short definition of well logging:
a measurement technique which is used for recording data of
physical quantities, primarily as a function of depth.
The main objectives of its application is to determine the
characteristics of rock formations and some parameters of
the boreholes or wells.
A well logging operation is performed in a borehole or a well
and it requires special equipment with measurement devices.
Borehole logging was initially developed for the hydrocarbon
exploration by Conrad et Marcel Schlumberger (1927,
In the beginning the French name carottage électrique
(electric coring) was used for it.
Well logging or borehole logging
Some important developments in well logging
1927 first resistivity survey in a wellbore (in France)
1931 first SP log, first sidewall core gun
1932 first deviation survey, first bullet perforator
1933 first commercial temperature log
1938 first gamma ray log, first neutron log
1941 first caliper log
1945 first commercial neutron log
1947 first resistivity dipmeter, first induction log described
1948 first microlog, first shaped charge perforator
1949 first laterolog
1952 first microlaterolog
1956 first commercial induction log, nuclear magnetic log described
1957 first sonic log, first density log
1960 first sidewall neutron log (scaled in porosity units)
1960 first thermal decay time log
1961 first digitized dipmeter log
1962 first compensated density log (scaled in density/porosity units)
1964 first measurement while drilling logs described
1965 first commercial digital recording of log data
1966 first compensated neutron log
1969 first experimental PE curve on density log
1977 first computerized logging truck
1985 first resistivity microscanner
Some proposed literature
Darwin V. Ellis, Julian M. Singer: Well logging for Earth
O. Serra: Fundamentals of well-log interpretation
Malcolm Rider: The geological interpretation of well logs
Toby Darling: Well logging and formation evaluation
Crain's Petrophysical Handbook:
Well logging

The meaning of well logging is not uniform for the experts of

different specialities.
A geologist usually thinks that it is a mapping technique for
exploring the subsurface.
According to a petrophysicist, it is a tool for evaluating the
hydrocarbon production potential of a reservoir.
A geophysicist considers it as a source of complementary
data for surface seismic analysis.
The opinion of a reservoir engineer is that it is a service,
which provides useful data for a reservoir simulation and
production development.
Well logging
In the beginning, well logging was only used for correlating
similar patterns of measured electrical resistivity from one
well to another. The aims of this qualitative analysis of well
logs were to identify the reservoirs for each well and to
delimit them both horizontally and vertically for the oilfield.
Later, the improvement of existing methods and the
development of newer methods supported the evolution of
quantitative well log analysis (empirical methods for the
estimation of shale volume, porosity, water saturation and
permeability etc.).
Several empirical relations have been found between the
measured quantities and the reservoir parameters. But most
of them are only applicable to sedimentary rocks with
intergranular porosity.
Well logging
In these days, two versions of the well logging are used in the oil
industry (from the perspective of technical implementation):
• wireline logging (traditional way of well logging),
• measured while drilling (MWD) technique.
For wireline logging the data acquisition is implemented after the
drilling string has been run out of the borehole.
During the operation a logging tool (or a logging tool string) is lowered
into a borehole (or a well) by means of a logging cable (wireline) and a
The logging tool typically measures the value of some physical
The position of the tool along the hole can be changed by lowering or
hoisting up the logging cable.
In most cases, the measured data is recorded as a function of depth.
The printed or displayed form of the measured data is the log curve
which visually represents the variations of the physical quantity.
Wireline logging
Logging while drilling (LWD)

Logging While Drilling is a modern logging technique.

It was developed to continuously collect drilling and
geophysical data from the vicinity of drill bit during the drilling
The downhole measuring instruments (logging tools) are
integrated into the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) of the
drilling string.
So, the drilling rig acts as a hoisting equipment to raise and
lower the instruments.
LWD derives from the measurement while drilling (MWD),
technique which was introduced earlier (in 1979, in the North
Sea) to provide (real-time) directional data during the drilling
Logging while drilling (LWD)
Wireline logging
Wireline logging operations can be divided into two main groups:
• open hole logging,
• cased hole logging.

An open hole logging operation is performed in a portion of a well

after it has been drilled, cleaned, stabilized and the drilling string
has been extracted from the well.
Then the logging tool is being moved along the bare rock sides of
the formation.
The borehole is filled with drilling mud during the logging operation.
The main objectives of open-hole logging are the following:
• lithological identification of the formations,
• determination of the bed boundaries and the reservoir zones,
• estimation of the reservoir parameters such as shale volume,
porosity, water saturation and permeability.
Wireline logging
A cased-hole logging operation is executed in a portion of a well
after its casing string has been run in and cemented.
In that case, the logging tool is isolated from the rock formations by
the casing string and the cement sheath.
Cased-hole logging is used to provide additional information from a
well or reservoir that has already been completed.
The set of logging methods used in completed production wells is
called production well logging (PWL).
It can help determine what hampers the flow in a well.
In some cases, a decision must be made to plug and abandon the
well or recomplete it, and the log can help us to identify what lies
beyond the casing of the well.
Cased-hole logging can also be used to evaluate the formation and
its fluid content beyond the casing, as well as to determine the
quality of the cement bond, the casing (corrosion) and the
Wireline logging

The main components of a wireline logging system (from the

borehole to the surface):
• logging tool (or probe) which is able to measure the value
of some physical quantity,
• armoured logging cable by which the measuring devices
are lowered and retrieved from the borehole,
• data acquisition system (on the surface) generally
mounted on a logging truck, and collects the measured
data transmitted along the shielded insulated wires of the
logging cable.
Wireline logging system

Surface logging unit

with the data
acquisition system Armoured cable

Logging tool

Schlumberger 1989
Logging tool or probe
A logging tool is actually a measurement device applied in
borehole environments.
Several types of logging tools are used in the practice of
wireline logging in order to measure different physical
quantities as a function of depth (and/or time).
Some of them are passive measurement devices, which
means that they can only measure the effects of natural
physical or physicochemical processes (spontaneous
phenomena) taking place under the surface.
Others are active devices because they exert some influence
on the borehole environment by generating some kind of
physical phenomena (eg. electric current, EM field, gamma
ray or elastic waves etc.), and measure the response of the
subsurface medium to the induced effect.
Logging tool or probe
An important component of a logging tool is the sensor which is
able to detect some physical effect and convert it into electric
voltage signal.
There is an unambiguous relationship between the value of electric
voltage and the magnitude of the detected quantity for each
logging tool.
The measured voltage signal is usually amplified, filtered, digitized
and stored in the tool memory or transmitted to the surface along
the logging cable.
Different terms are used for the sensor depending on the
measurement method:
method designation of the sensor
electric potential electrode
electromagnetic receiver coil
radioactive or nuclear detector
sonic or acoustic receiver
Logging tool or probe
Beside the sensors, the active measurement devices contain one
or more exciting units by which some physical influence can be
exerted on the environment of the logging tool in a controlled way.
The type of influence depends on the applied measurement

method influence name of the

exiting unit
electric electric current current electrode
electromagnetic EM field transmitter coil
radioactive or gamma radiation gamma ray source
nuclear neutron radiation neutron source
sonic or acoustic elastic waves transmitter
Logging tool or probe

All the internal component parts of a logging tool (sensors,

exiting units, electric circuits and other electro-mechanical
parts) are encapsulated in an antimagnetic stainless steel
case called housing.
The housing isolates the internal parts of the tool from the
borehole and bears the pressure burden.
The housing is generally cylindriform with an outside
diameter of about 4 in. (~ 10 cm) or less.
Due to this relatively small cross-sectional size, logging tools
can pass through boreholes as small as 6 in. in diameter.
Their lengths are very different, and depend on the number of
sensors, exiting units, the spacing between them and the
complexity of required electronics.
Logging tools
Centralized logging tools
Some of the logging tools are designed for operating in a
centralized position in the borehole.
This position can be provided by attaching bow-spring
centralizers to the housing of the tool.
Sensor pad
Other measurements require the direct contact of the logging
tool with the formation through the borehole wall.
The sensor(s) and exiting unit(s) are placed on pads or skid
Mechanically actuated steel arms (2, 4 or 6 or a single back-
up arm provide the direct contact between the pads or the
skid plate and the borehole wall.
These arms are built in the tool, and can be moved by means
of DC electric motors.
While the tool is being lowered, its arms are in closed
positions (so as not to stick in the borehole).
When the tool has reached the bottom of the depth interval to
be logged, the operator extends the arms by means of a
remote control system (the control signals are transmitted
along the logging cable).
Sensor pads

Darwin V. Ellis, Julian M. Singer: Well logging for Earth Scientists

Hexapod diplog tool (HDT)
Litho density logging tool (LDLT) with a
skid plate and a back-up arm
Logging tool or probe

A logging tool which is pressed to the borehole wall by a

single back-up arm is in a decentered position inside the
borehole during the measurement.

Each type of logging tool has a measure point.

Its position along the tool axis depends on the arrangement
of the sensor(s) and exciting unit(s), but its known for each
type of logging tools.
The measured value is assigned to the actual position of the
measure point in the borehole.
As the tool is moving in a borehole, the depth level of its
measure point is also changing.
So, the values measured in different positions are assigned
to different depth levels.
Logging tool string
In practice, logging tools are generally not used alone.
They are usually connected in suitable combinations (each probe
has a male threaded ends by which it can be driven into the female
end of another one).
This connected combination of logging tools is called logging tool
string. A tool string can be as long as 100 ft (~ 30.5 m).
The most significant advantages of using logging tool strings are
the following:
• saving the rig time (because more physical quantities can be
measured simultaneously)
• improved depth correlation of all measured quantities (there is a
common depth reference for all the recorded logging curves)
• facilitation of decision-making at well site (when a quick decision
is needed to make on the further operations).
Logging tool string

The components of some commonly used tool strings are the

SP – GR – CNL – CDL – (ZDL) – CAL
SP: spontaneous potential, DLL: dual laterolog
GR: natural gamma ray, MLL: micro laterolog
ML: micro log (or mini log), CAL: borehole caliper
ATL: acoustic travel-time log, DVL: deviation log
AZL: azimuth log, CNL: compensated neutron log
CDL: compensated density log, ZDL: Z density log (or litho-
density log)
Logging tool string
Logging tool string
But a long and solid tool string can easily get stuck in a wellbore
which is not vertical or full of caverns or wash-outs.
In order to reduce the risk of getting stuck, additional elements can
be built in a tool string.
A knuckle joint allows an angular offset between adjacent
instruments, and a swivel provides independent rotation for the
adjoining portions of a tool string.

Baker Hughes: Wireline Services Catalog

Logging tool string
Each logging tool string has its own reference point.
The reference point of a logging tool string acts as a zero point of a
one dimensional system of reference defined for the logging tool
Before a tool string is being lowered into the hole, its reference
point is aligned with the level of the drill floor.
In this position the depth measurement system is set to zero.
So, the system measures the position of the reference point along
the borehole.
Since the distance between the reference point of a logging tool
string and the measure point of each built-in logging tool is a
known constant, the measured values of the different tools can be
assigned to their own depth values by means of depth shifting.
Since a borehole is not necessarily vertical, the depth determined
by this way is called Measured Depth (MD).
It is not necessarily the same as the True Vertical Depth
Logging cable
The term wireline refers to the armoured cable which is primarily
used for lowering and pulling up the measurement devices in the
borehole or well.
The logging cable provides a mechanical support for the tool and a
communication channel for data transmission.

The cable is wrapped with a two-

layered, galvanized (protection
from corrosion) steel armour.
Both of these layers are formed
by twisted steel wires.

O. & L. Serra 2004: Well Logging Data Acquisition and Applications

Logging cable

The wires in the two layers are twisted in opposite directions

to prevent the wires from getting loose.
The steel armour has enough strength to bear the tool weight
and provides some more strength to pull on the tool in case
of sticking in the borehole.
The interior of the cable contains one or more shielded (for
electrical noise reduction) insulated wires (teflon is used for
These copper conductors provide electrical connection
between the downhole logging tools and the computerized
data acquisition system located on the surface.
The core of the logging cable may also contain an optical
fiber cable, which provides much higher rate of data
Logging cable
The communication between the surface equipment and the
downhole devices is duplex:
• the voltage signals of measured data are transmitted from the
tools to the surface,
• electrical power as well as control signals are transmitted from
the surface logging unit to the measurement devices.
For open hole logging
operations, seven-conductor
cables (heptacables) are
generally used (but there are
three- and four-conductor cables
as well).
Single-conductor cables (or
monocables) with smaller
diameter are applied to cased
hole measurements.
Cable head
A logging tool string is connected to the logging cable by means of
a cable head.
A cable head provides both electrical and mechanical contacts
between the cable and the tool string.
A cable head used in open hole logging (left side).

A cable head used in cased hole logging (right side).
rd-cable-head technology/wireline-cable-heads
Cable head
The lower end of the logging cable is pulled into the cable head and fixed
to it. A built-in weak point is formed in this part of the logging cable (inside
the cable head). This point has the lowest breaking strength along the
cable. The breaking strength of the weak point is a known value.
The weak point allows the cable to be released from the cable head if the
tool string accidentally gets stuck in the borehole and the cable are pulled
too strongly.
This solution provides a controlled way of breaking the cable, and saving
the whole cable from the borehole.
In order to save the jammed logging tool string,
a standard fishing tool must be latched onto the
cable head. This special clamping tool can be
connected to the end of a drill pipe and
conveyed by running a drill pipe string into the
borehole. After tightly fitting the fishing tool to
the cable head, the logging tool string can be
removed from the hole by running out the drill
The logging cable with the logging tool string is moved by means
of a motorized winch on the surface.
The winch is attached to a (winding-)drum and the logging cable is
wound around the drum.
So, the cable is stored on a drum.

The cable can be lowered or pulled

up by controlling the angular speed
and direction of rotation of the
A full drum generally carries a cable of a few thousand meters
(generally more than 2000 m).
A winch-man operates the winch by means of a control panel, and
the winch is driven by a motor (generally a hydraulic motor).
The direction of the logging cable is changed at two points
between the winch and the borehole by means of two sheaves.
A shave is a grooved wheel inside a pulley. The logging cable fits
into the groove.
Both sheaves are fixed to the drilling rig.
While the upper sheave is hanged on the rotary hook, the lower
one is fastened to the rotary table.
A logging system set up to a drilling rig
Surface equipment
The surface equipment of a wireline logging system is the so-
called surface logging unit.
Since it is often required to be transported from one wellsite to
another, it is enclosed into a rugged and transportable cabin.
The cabin is separated into two parts:
• the drawworks area contains the winch assembly,
• the operator’s cab or logging cab houses the control panels of
the winch and other downhole instruments, as well as the
computerized data acquisition and processing system.
The surface logging unit is sometimes called mobile laboratory,
because it can be considered as a laboratory where the results of
the well logging operations are produced.
Surface equipment
The surface logging unit is mounted on a heavy-duty truck or a
While the first construction is used for logging onshore wells, skid
units are designed for offshore application.
Surface equipment
Some of the logging units are equipped with two drums (dual
drum) for storing different types of cables.
The main winch has a seven-conductor logging cable, and the
smaller winch at the rear generally bears a slim monoconductor
cable for cased hole logging operations.

Log Interpretation Principles/Application, Schlumberger 1989

Surface equipment
Other logging units have a single drum or a split drum. On a split
drum two different cables are spooled separately.
The engine of the logging truck drives the winch by means of a
power take-off system (PTO).
The logging truck also carries the logging tools in its storage bay
during the transportation.
Surface equipment
A logging truck provides AC power for the surface instruments,
computers and auxiliary devices by means of a built-in petrol
The surface logging unit provides DC power for the downhole
The computerized data acquisition system is installed inside the
logging cab.
It receives, preprocesses and stores the raw measured data
coming from the logging tools.
By means of its interactive software environment, the whole
logging operation can be controlled.
In the case of modern wireline logging systems, the signal
transmission is digital.
It means that the measured voltage signal of a sensor is digitized
inside the logging tool, and the digitized signal is transmitted.
Surface equipment
A telemetry unit placed in the upper part of each tool string collects
the signals (digitally encoded data) from the tools and transmits
them to the surface equipment.
By means of the monitors connected to the computerized system,
the measured data can be displayed and quality controlled
Surface equipment
From the continuous recording of measured data, a so-called well
log is produced.
It can be printed on a roll of logging paper by a field printer.
Cable tension
In order to observe a problem with the movement of a logging
tool string, monitoring the cable tension is continuously
required during the logging operation.
If a logging tool string gets stuck or cannot pass at a point of
the borehole the value of cable tension suddenly changes.
So, the measurement of the cable tension helps in
recognizing the problematic situations.

A load cell is a sensor which is able to

measure the effect of load or force acting
on it and convert the measured effect into
an electronic signal.
The sensor is generally covered by a
stainless steel weatherproof housing.
Cable tension
The cable tension measurement device with the load cell can be
inserted between one of the sheave-wheel and the rotary hook or the
drill floor.

There is another type

of cable tension
measurement device
which is combined
with the depth
measuring assembly.
This construction is
placed before the
drum, and the cable is
threaded through it.
Cable tension
The electronic signal coming from the output of tension device is
transmitted to the winch control panel (located in the logging cab) by
means of a cable.
The weight indicator of the panel displays the value of actual tensional
force loading the wireline cable at the point of the load cell during a
logging operation (in kN or lbf).
The measured cable tension is not only displayed but also recorded
by the surface data acquisition and processing system.
When a tool string is lowered in a borehole, the measured cable
tension is the resultant of the following forces:
• the weight of the logging tool string,
• the weight of the cable lowered into the well,
• frictional forces (which arise as the cable and the downhole tool are
being pulled along the borehole),
• and a buoyant force (lifting force) coming from the drilling mud
column under the tool string (it compensates some part of the
tensional forces).
Stuck logging tools
It is very important to continuously watch the cable tension
during the logging operation, because a sudden and
significant change in the value of cable tension indicates a
problem with the movement of the logging tool string.
Such kind of problems often occur in bad hole conditions.
Mostly the following effects may cause problems:
holding up, differential sticking and key seating.
As a logging tool string is being lowered into a well, the
weight indicator displays a gradually increasing tensional
force normally (because of increasing weight of cable).
A sudden and significant decrease in the cable tension
indicates that the logging tool string has been held up.
Holding up means that the tool string cannot pass a certain
point or interval of a borehole.
Stuck logging tools
It normally occurs, when the tool string has just reached the
bottom of the hole (which is generally the lowest point of the
interval to be logged).
Therefore, a winch-man always has to lower the logging tool
string very slowly and carefully near the bottom of the hole.
But, holding up may also occur when a constriction, a
blockage, a dog leg, or a ledge (of a harder rock) can be
found in the borehole.
The usual practice in such a situation is pulling up the tool
string and rebuilding the tool in some way (e g. reducing the
length of the tool string or inserting an additional knuckle
Stuck logging tools
As a logging tool string is being pulled up, the weight
indicator displays a gradually decreasing tensional force in
normal circumstances (because the weight of cable in the
borehole is gradually decreasing as the cable is being
spooled on the drum).
A sudden and significant increase in cable tension indicates
that the tool string has probably got stuck in the hole.
Such a situation may occur when either the cable or the
logging tool string gets in contact with the borehole wall and
becomes embedded.
The differential pressure between the mud column above this
point and the formation keeps the logging tool string in place .
This effect is called differential sticking.
Stuck logging tools
The usual procedure in such a case (differential sticking) is
alternately pulling and slacking the logging cable by means of
the winch.
The cable is permitted to pull up to 90 % of the breaking
strength of the weak point (it is a known value).
By applying this procedure steadily, the tool string is often
managed to rescue.
Stuck logging tools
Another effect which may cause sticking during the upward
movement is the so-called key seating.
Key seating occurs when a groove is cut into the borehole
wall during the drilling process, and it is parallel to the axis of
the hole.
If a logging tool string gets in this small hole (groove) next to
the full-gauge hole, it can easily get stuck.

The formation of a groove in the

borehole wall by the rotation of drill
string with a side force acting on it.
Stuck logging tools
In such a case, the tool string may effectively be blocked at a
certain depth.
Unfortunately, this type of sticking often leads to the break of
the logging cable at its weak point.
In such a case, the tool string may remain in its frozen
position or fall down the bottom of the hole and a saving
action has to be tried to recover it.
Fishing out logging tools
Once, a logging tool string has got stuck, and cannot be recovered by
means of steadily pulling and slacking the cable, one of the following
two options can be selected:
• applying the cut-and-thread technique,
• or breaking the cable at the weak-point (in the cable head).
When the cut-and-thread technique is applied, the cable is cut on the
surface, and threaded through the series of drill pipes which are run
into the borehole.
There is a special fishing head called overshot at the bottom end of the
drill string which enables the drill string to latch on the cable head of
the logging tool string.
After the physical connection between the cable head and the drill
string has been made, the cable is intentionally broken at the weak-
point by using the drilling rig to pull the cable.
Then the logging cable is pulled up from the hole, and the logging tool
string can be recovered by running the drill string out of the hole.
Fishing out logging tools

When the other option is selected, the weak point of the cable
has to be broken by means of the winch.
Then the cable is pulled up and also a drill string with an
overshot (or fishing tool) is run into the borehole.
But in this case, finding the cable head of the logging tool
string is more difficult because the cable does not lead the
drill string towards the cable head.
So the chance of a successful engagement is less.
Fishing out a logging tool string can be an expensive and time
consuming procedure.
When the saving process is very difficult, a sidetrack is drilled
around the unrecovered tools or the given interval is
completely redrilled rather than wasting time and money for
the logging tool string.
Depth measurement
For the well log curves, the reference axis of the coordinate
system is the measured depth.
This is the reason why the depth measurement has a very
important role in a logging operation.
In order to determine the depth of a logging tool string, a
calibrated dual-wheel depth measurement device is used.
Depth measurement
The cable is straddled by two measuring wheels.
The movement of the cable revolves the wheels
The measuring wheels are coupled to an encoder which generates
an electric impulse each time after the wheels have been turned a
definite angle.
The length of the cable movement between two impulses
corresponds to the value of the arc length belonging to the
selected angle.
The induced electric impulses are transmitted to the logging data
acquisition computer, which counts them.
Depending on the direction of rotation the value of the arc length is
added to or subtracted from the previous value of the measured
depth after each impulse.
The computer records and displays the actual value of the
measured depth in a digital form.
Depth measurement
In fact, not a vertical depth, but the length of the wireline moving to
and from the borehole is measured in such a way.
The result of the depth measurement is called measured depth (MD)
which is generally different from the true vertical depth (TVD).
Measured depth is displayed on the winch control panel and the
monitor of the logging computer, as well.
For the verification and correction of the depth value measured by the
wheels, magnetic markers are placed at regular intervals (e.g. 25 m or
50 m) along the logging cables.
An additional sensor connected to the depth measurement device is
used to detect the magnetic markers. Its impulses are also collected
by the computer. So, two independent measurements are
implemented simultaneously.
At each impulse coming from the magnetic markers the measured
depth values are compared. The small difference (generally < 50 cm)
is distributed to the magnetic marker spacing and a correction is made
to the depth values of this interval.
Depth measurement
Additional improvement of the accuracy of measured depth
can be reached by correcting the effects of elastic cable
stretch and temperature.
The admissible difference between the measured and exact
depth values is 1 m or less over a 1000 m depth interval of
the hole.
Logging tool measurements are discontinuously recorded at
some fixed depth increment (e g. 0.100 meters or 6 inches =
0.1524 meters).
High resolution data can be recorded 10 or 20 times more
frequently than the standard sampling rate.
The cable speed measurement can be derived from the
depth measurement (depth change per unit of time).
Cable speed is also recorded as a function of depth during
the logging operations.
Depth measurement
The depth measurement device (or head) is mounted on the
arm of spooling system.
The spooling arm can be moved from one side of the drum to
another (horizontally) while the cable is being spooled.
In such a way, the cable can be guided between the drum
and the lower sheave.
Depth measurement
Logging speed
Most of the logging tool measurements are performed as the tool
string is being pulled up slowly toward the surface.
The advantages of logging in the upward direction are
• a taut cable
• and better depth control.
Logging speed is the speed of cable movement during the logging
The selection of logging speed depends on the measurement
method and the type of device.
Logging tools which measure statistical processes (nuclear
interactions and gamma radiation) or require mechanical contact
between the sensor and the formation have to be pulled up very
slowly: between 3 m/min and 10 m/min.
Some acoustic and electrical devices can be raised at much
greater speeds during the measurement (15 – 25 m/min).
Logging speed
Recommended maximum logging speeds for some frequently used

measurement maximum logging speed (m/min)

spontaneous potential 30
induction log 25
acoustic travel time 18
laterolog 15
microlaterolog 10
microlog 10
neutron logging 9
natural gamma ray 6
density logging 4.5
borehole wall imaging 4.5
Data transmission

The maximum data rate of conventional logging cables is

about 80 kbits/second in the case of analogue transmission.
The change from analogue to digital telemetry (in the 90s)
increased the data rate of conventional 7-conductor wireline
from 80 to 660 kbits/second.
That improvement in data transmission enabled the
development of a newer generation of array and imaging
tools which requires much higher data rate than the previous
generation of logging tools (conventional tools).
By using additional data-compression techniques, as high
data rate can be achieved over a 7-conductor wireline as 5
Data transmission
A logging cable which includes an optical fiber cable is able to
provide data rates above 10 Mbits/sec.
In such a cable, an optical fiber is used to transmit the data and
electrical conductors are used to transmit power and control
The disadvantages of fiber-optic cables are the following:
• high cost,
• lower cable strength (sensitive to bending),
• splicing cable (joining two fiber optic cables together) in the field
is problematic.
These problems limited its application to measurements requiring
large bandwidth (e.g. borehole television, borehole seismic etc.)
For the sake of comparison, the typical bandwidth values of LAN
technologies are 10 Mbits/sec, 100 Mbits/sec, 1000 Mbits/sec.
In borehole circumstances, such high data rates have not
implemented yet.
Conveyance methods
Conveyance methods
Conveyance techniques used for wireline logging:
• conventional wireline,
• pipe-conveyed logging (PCL) (the tool string is moved by the
drill pipe string),
• coiled Tubing (CT) logging (a wireline cable is threaded through
the inside of tube),
• tractor conveyed logging (a downhole tractor is placed to push
or pull the logging tool string).

Conventional wireline
• cost-effective
• fast
• gravity dependent (cannot be used in high-angle [deviation >
65°] or horizontal wellbores)
• it has load limitation
Conveyance methods
Pipe-conveyed logging (PLC)
• highly successful
• independent of environment (depth, deviation, extreme borehole

• slow, uses rig time  expensive
• requires a rig, drill pipes and associated personnel

Coiled Tubing (CT)

• high success rate
• it can be used in high-angle and horizontal wellbores
• rig not required
• protects the cable from damages
Conveyance methods
Coiled Tubing (CT)
• CT logging unit must be mobilized
• requires extra personnel for CT operation
• primarily used in cased-hole logging
• depth measurement can be inaccurate because of stretching

Tractor conveyed logging

it can be used along extended horizontal sections
deviation can even exceed 90°
standard field crew

• used primarily for cased-hole operation
• not suited for every well
Well log and log curves
Log curve (or simply curve):
a displayed or printed form of a recorded quantity measured by a
logging tool as a function of depth.
Sometimes the measurement is made in fixed positions as a
function of time. In such cases, the index variable of a curve is the
time (not the depth).
A simple log curve assigns only one measured value to each index
An array type log curve, however, assign a one or two dimensional
array of measured values to a single index value. (Typically,
borehole imaging tools and full-waveform acoustic tools record
array type curves.)
Well log (or simply log): a displayed or printed form of several log
curves and data belonging to a logging operation. The visual
components and alphanumeric data are arranged in a well
structured format.
Log files
Log file: is the basic unit of digital storage and interchange of well
log data.

Most frequently used log file formats in the practice:

Log ASCII Standard (LAS) format was developed by the Canadian

Well Logging Society ( for storing log data
of a single well.
A LAS file contains minimal header information pertaining to the
well and the log curves. The data sets of log curves are arranged
in columns.
Due to the ASCII encoding, the content of a LAS file can be viewed
by means of a simple text editor.
LAS file
Log files
Digital Log Interchange Standard (DLIS) was introduced by the
American Petroleum Institute.
DLIS is a binary encoded format which separates the different
types of data into different abstract layers.
The layers represents different levels of the abstraction by which
measured data can be organized into logical records (data
structure). The logical records, in turn, can be mapped into
physical records of a storage device (mostly a hard disk drive).
By using DLIS format, data sets of several wells can be stored in a
single file.

WellLogML is an XML based, ASCII encoded format which was

designed for exchanging well log data over networks (Internet and
The information content of a WellLogML file is organized
hierarchically into sections.
Definitions of some terms
Job: means a well logging activity which begins when the service
company arrives at the well site and finishes when it leaves.
Since the whole drilling process of a well is divided into drilling
different portions and well logging measurements are required
after drilling each portion of a well, more than one job is carried
out. For a given well the jobs are identified by their job numbers
(job 1, job 2, …).
Run: means a well logging activity which is connected to a given
type of measurements or measurement combinations (a type of
logging services) within a job.
The run number identifies each application of a given type of
logging services in the sequence of jobs belonging to the same
So, each type of logging services has an independent numbering
of runs, and the run number is increased when the given logging
service is applied within another job.
Definitions of some terms
For example, the resistivity logging within job 1 is identified by run
1 and run 2 is assigned to the resistivity logging within job 2.
If the radioactive logging is applied first within job 2 (so it was not
used within job 1), the run of that logging service is identified by
run 1. The next run of the radioactive logging (run 2) will be
performed during a later job (probably during job 3).

Trip: means the logging activities which begins when a logging tool
or tool string is inserted into the borehole and finishes when it is
removed from the borehole.
Normally, a single trip is enough to implement a given logging
service (that is a run of a logging service within a job).
When some technical problem occurs with the logging tool string
during the measurement, an additional trip may be required for
producing correct logging curves.
A trip belongs to a run and is identified by a trip number.
Definitions of some terms
Pass: means a continuous data recording process during a trip. It
begins when data recording is started and finishes when it is
stopped. So, the pass is the unit of the effective measuring
operation, which does not include the movement of the downhole
tools without data recording in the well or borehole.
A pass is defined within a trip and identified by a pass number.
Regularly, two different passes are completed during the same trip.
Main pass is the data recording process of the entire interval to be
logged. The log curves recorded during a main pass are displayed
in the main section of the well log.
Repeat pass is an additional data recording process which covers
not the entire but some part of the interval to be logged. The log
curves recorded during a repeat pass are displayed in the repeat
section of the well log.
Definitions of some terms
Since the logging curves of the main and repeat passes have
common depth interval (but not the same), the main and repeat
versions of the logging curves can be compared to each other.
In fact, the repeat pass is aimed at quality controlling the result of
the main pass.
Well fitting log curves of the main and repeat sections indicate that
the results are correct.
The minimal logging interval of a repeat section is 50 m within the
interval of a main section. Generally, the lower or the upper part of
the main section is repeated.
Well name: Well 1
First interval to be logged: 0 - 500 m
Job 1
Run 1: DLL-DVL-AZL-GR-SP-MLL-CAL (resistivity tool string)
Trip 1:
Pass 1: (450 - 500 m) repeat pass
Pass 2: (0 - 500 m) main pass

Second interval to be logged: 450 – 1400 m

Job 2
Run 2: DLL-DVL-AZL-GR-SP-MLL-CAL (resistivity tool string )
Trip 1:
Pass 1: (1350 -1400 m) repeat pass
Pass 2: (450 -1400 m) main pass
Run 1: CDL-CNL-CAL-GR (radioactive tool string)
Trip 1:
Pass 1: (1350-1400 m) tool failure
Trip 2:
Pass 1: (1350 -1400 m) repeat pass
Pass 2: (450 -1400 m) main pass
The structure of a printed well log
Log sections most frequently used in a well log:
• header (contains data about the well and the
logging operation)
• tool string configuration (a sketch and data
about the tool string)
• upper scale (the scales of log curves)
• log section for presenting the main pass in a
lower depth resolution (e.g. 1:1000)
• lower scale (the same as the upper scale)
• miscellaneous
• log section for presenting the main pass in a
higher depth resolution (e.g. 1:200)
• log section for presenting the repeat pass in
a higher depth resolution (e.g. 1:200)
• trailer
Depth scales used for printed logs

US Metric

1 : 1200  1" = 100 ft 1:2000  1 cm = 20 m

1 : 600  1" = 50 ft 1:1000  1 cm = 10 m
1 : 240  1" = 12 ft for correlation and overview
1 : 120  1” = 10 ft
1:500  1 cm = 5 m
1 : 48  1" = 4 ft
1:200  1 cm = 2 m
1 : 24  1" = 2 ft
for a detailed presentation
1:100  1 cm = 1 m
Different depth scales 1:50  1 cm = 50 cm
provide the presentation of
log curves with different
depth resolutions on the well
A typical (well) log header

Malcolm Rider: The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs

Standard formats of a log section
The log section of most field logs contains three parallel tracks.
A track is a long rectangular area with a grid. A track is the place of
displaying one or more log curves.
An additional narrow column containing the divisions of depth is also
inserted between track 1 and track 2. Tracks 2 and 3 are adjoining.
The vertical division of the grid lines depends on the depth scale, but it is
always linear.
The horizontal division of the grid in a track can be linear or logarithmic
with 4 cycles (represents 4 orders of magnitude). The scales of the log
curves are fitted to the horizontal divisions.
Track 1 always has a linear grid with 10 divisions along the horizontal
Tracks 2 and 3 may have
• a common logarithmic grid,
• a common linear grid with 20 divisions along the horizontal direction,
• or a hybrid of logarithmic grid in track 2 and linear grid in track 3.
Standard formats of a log section

Malcolm Rider: The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs

Standard formats of a log section

Darwin V. Ellis, Julian M. Singer: Well logging for Earth Scientists

Standard formats of a log section

Darwin V. Ellis, Julian M. Singer: Well logging for Earth Scientists

Standard formats of a log section

Darwin V. Ellis, Julian M. Singer: Well logging for Earth Scientists

Summary of a well logging operation (1)
Before starting a wireline logging job, the drilled portion of a
borehole must be cleaned, stabilized and the drill string must be
Next the wireline logging system is set up to a drilling rig
Then the first logging tool string is assembled, attached to the
logging cable head and checked.
The depth measurement system is set to zero when the reference
point of the tool string is positioned at the level of the drill floor.
The tool string is lowered into the hole to the bottom depth of the
interval to be logged (in most cases, the bottom of the drilled
Most of the logging tool measurements are recorded while the tool
string is being pulled upwards.
The logging cable attached to the tool string provides a mechanical
support for the tool and a two-way communication channel for data
Summary of a well logging operation (2)
The cable is wound around a motorized drum and it is guided
manually during a logging process (by using a spooling system).
The typical pulling speed varies between 180 m/h (~590,6 ft/min)
and 1500 m/h (4921,3 ft/h). Its actual value depends on the type of
The surface data acquisition and processing system not only
receives but also pre-processes (e.g. depth-matches) and stores
the readings of logging tools built in the tool string.
Well depths are measured with a calibrated measuring wheel
system. Cable speed and cable tension are also recorded and
checked during the whole operation.
While a logging job with a simple logging program may take only a
few hours, performing a wider range of open-hole logging
operations may require 2 or 3 days (logging with each tool string
takes a few hours to complete).
Summary of a well logging operation (3)
Before and after each trip of a logging tool string, a field calibration
process is performed on the logging tools.
During the calibration the influence of the environment on a logging
device is controlled by means of a suitable calibration standard
(calibrator). The value of the physical quantity represented by a
calibrator is precisely known.
The applied calibration standard depends on the type of
measurement. It can be another measurement device of known
accuracy, a device generating the quantity to be measured (e.g. a
voltage for electric measurements), or a physical artefact (e.g.
steel rings with known diameters for borehole caliper
The value measured by the logging device under the test and the
known value of the calibrator are compared.
If no significant difference is observed between these values, the
logging tool can be considered as reliable.
Summary of a well logging operation (4)
If the logging tool does not measure the expected value of the
calibration standard within a specified margin of error, the tool
cannot be used for the measurement, or its recorded logging curve
cannot be accepted.
The measured logging curves and other data are real-time
displayed on a monitor.
A well log is edited from the continuous recording of the data, and
paper prints are made in the field.
After the last logging tool string has been pulled up to the surface,
the wireline logging system is taken down and the logging crew
leaves the drill site.
The drilling program, in turn, continues with the next step.

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