Container ship
Date of
27.12.2012 Developed by:
Planned Date of
27.12.2013 Revision 01 - 2013
next Evaluation:
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 3
4 PLANNING ............................................................................................................................................... 4
8.2 EEOI...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
10 REPORTING ....................................................................................................................................... 8
11 GOALS .................................................................................................................................................. 8
ANNEX 1: Ship Specific Measures ............................................................................................................................. 9
ANNEX 2: Long Term Measures .............................................................................................................................. 17
ANNEX 3: Energy saving practice ............................................................................................................................ 19
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
1 Introduction
Regulation 22 of Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78), as amended,
requires each ship to keep on board a ship specific Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
(SEEMP) taking into account guidelines developed by the Organization.
The Purpose of a SEEMP is to establish a mechanism for a company and/ or a ship to improve
the energy efficiency of a ships operation.
This SEEMP is developed according the Guidelines developed by the Organization published
in Resolution MEPC.213 (63), adopted on 2 March 2012.
4 Planning
According MEPC.1 Circ 683 the planning primarily determines both the current status of ship
energy usage and the expected improvement of ship energy efficiency.
The company has formulated in Appendix 1 Ship Energy efficiency measures all measures
are in force with:
Ship Performance
Hull condition
Propeller condition
Trim & draft
Autopilot & rudder
Appendages & technical modifications
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
Fuel Management
During bunkering
Thruster operations
Cargo operations
Ventilation, HVAC, lights
Insulation & energy losses
Water productions
On board training concerning energy efficiency should comprise at least a bi-annual meeting
of entire crew with aim to keep sensibility for this topic on highest level possible.
Each crew member gets information in order to understand specific vessels operations and
interactions with equipment of high potential to waste or save energy.
A key component of vessel familiarization process is a regular discussion on energy
conversation and consumption.
As part of the initial vessel familiarization, each person should have an understanding of the
specific vessel operations and how the crews interactions with that specific piece of
equipment have the potential to waste or save energy.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
Very simple good habits can have the potential to save a lot of electricity. For instance,
switching light, television sets, and forced draft fans off have a great potential for saving
A poster of energy best practices is developed and handed over during familiarization on what
can be done to save energy.
6 Goal Setting
The purpose of goal setting according MEPC. 1 Circ 683 is to serve as a signal which
involved people should be conscious of, to create a good incentive for proper implementation,
and then to increase commitment to the improvement of energy efficiency. Whatever the goal
is, the goal should be measurable and easy to understand.
The company will precise goals for each ship separately in intervals not exceeding 12 months
as reasonable. Our company energy efficiency policy and goals can only be published by the
management by means of formless statement.
Record-keeping for measurements and the control for self-evaluation has to be done with the
form system of SEEMP. If any identified measures cannot be implemented for any reason (s),
the reason (s) should be recorded, too.
The controlling of measures on board is recorded by form EEM measures routine.
The controlling of long term measures planed by company is recorded by form EEM
measures long term.
8 Monitoring / EEOI
8.1 Monitoring
Should be binding and equally applicable to all ships
Should be practical, transparent, fraud-free and easy to administer by authority
Should enable compliance to be demonstrated through proper monitoring
Should ensure certainty and predictability
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
8.2 EEOI
The monitoring of energy efficiency standard in our company is made by EEOI.
The EEOI is calculated by the formula given by the IMO in MEPC.1 /.684
FCj x CFj
mcargo x D
The data will be collected with the Daily Position Report of the Company. The EEOI will be
calculated automatically in the Office by using the collected data from the Daily Position
Ballast voyages, as well as voyages which are not used for transport of cargo, such as voyage
for docking service, to be also included.
Voyages for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea to be excluded.
Reasonable other monitoring tools can be only used if confirmed by the management. In such
case the concept and method of monitoring to be determined in this SEEMP, too.
10 Reporting
The vessel is reporting the relevant data daily by means of sending the daily position report to
the company.
The Company is reporting any discrepancy to the vessel and will ask for explanation and
clarification of this discrepancies and questions which might occur.
The results of the calculation of the EEOI will be sent to the vessel at the end of the year and
in special circumstances also within the year.
11 Goals
The Goals should be achieved by implementing different measures as described in chapter 5.
Measurable goals are the reducing of CO2 emission, measured by calculating the EEOI
(Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator).
The purpose of goal setting according MEPC.1 Circ 683 is to serve as a signal which involved
people should be conscious of, to create a good incentive for proper implementation, and then
to increase commitment to the improvement of energy efficiency.
The company will precise goals for each ship separately in intervals not exceeding 12 months
as reasonable. Our company energy efficiency policy and goals can be only published by the
management by means of formless statement.
The goal setting of all ships and evaluation is part of an annual meeting of the inspectors of
the company.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
Date of
27.12.2012 Developed by:
Planned Date of
27.12.2013 Revision 01 - 2013
next Evaluation:
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
3. Speed Optimisation
Communication and team work between Charterer, Customer, Terminal operator and ship is
standard in our company and significant for savings in energy usage.
Further the speed is optimised when ships estimated arrival is at the same time when the
terminal is ready. So far Manager and Charterers agree a speed adjustment.
By maintaining appropriate speed control in voyage planning, all parties involved ensuring
that the ship arrives at its destination as efficiently as possible.
Best Practice:
Ships have to report economy impacts and choices of voyage orders to office and
Office / Management are to provide the desired ETA at ports to allow the ships crew
to better manage the speed and fuel consumption of the vessel.
4. Optimised Power
Engine Performance:
Performance of main engine and generators are to be kept accurate. The permanent
monitoring is part of fuel saving.
Boiler Performance:
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
In case of using boilers on board when operating this boilers, the engineering staff should
survey and optimize boilers in order to look for inefficiencies.
Significant fuel conservation can be achieved by minimizing overall steam consumption on
board. The correct boiler should be used for the expected demand. When boilers are needed,
the operator should ensure that they are not started too far in advance from the time they are
needed. Vessels should avoid dumping steam to avoid getting alarms. Pipe and valve laggings
are to be maintained in good order to minimize thermal losses.
Best practices:
Minimize steam dumping when possible
Maintain pipe / valve laggings in good order to minimize heat loss
Maintain steam traps in good order
Use steam tracing judiciously
Optimize bunker tank heating
Check the O2 analyzer and the piping system prior to every operation. Most ships do
not clean the sensing/sample line and condensation/dirt in the line prevents good flow
of sample to the analyser and hence the O2 comes down very slowly. This causes a lot
of fuel wastage as engineers increase load on the boiler to produce better O2.
Power Generation:
The generation and consumption of power on board represents an opportunity to save fuel and
minimize running hours on the power generators. Our crew of ships is conscious of the high
electrical consumers and try to reduce their use as much as possible or operate this equipment
when additional generating capacity is required for other uses.
Best practices:
Minimize use of unnecessary machinery e.g. deck hydraulic, fire pumps, engine
room fan
Deck department to communicate better with engine room on ballast and cargo pump
usage avoid rolling pumps unnecessarily for long periods.
Ships to have a meeting to discuss the impacts of running various pieces of machinery
and efficient use
Maximize Aux Engines load when possible to run with one generator only when safe
to do so.
Switch off lights in unused spaces in accommodation
Try to minimize use of washing machine and drier with only one or two items
Ships to have discussion on judicious use of pump room fans, bosun store fans etc.
The accommodations can offer a number of energy saving opportunities. Air conditioning is
one of the major energy consumers. Windows account for nearly 50% of the heat or heat loss
(depending on the season). This in turn places close to 50% of the workload on the air
conditioning system or heating system. Untreated windows will allow about 29 times more
heat into a space than an equal amount of insulated wall space. Personnel on board can limit
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
the consumption by keeping the blinds closed when sun light is not needed or the space is
Regular inspections of the entire refrigerant systems on board shall reduce leaks and improve
system efficiency.
The use of R22 shall be prohibited from January 1st 2015. New alternatives for refrigeration
and air conditioning equipment will have to be sourced after that date.
The vessel should be familiar with the safe and correct sailing draft and trim of their vessel. A
Ballast Exchange plan is to be developed in advance of each voyage and updated as needed.
This plan is to show the planned ballast movements during the voyage to keep the ship at or
near the optimum trim and draft as fuel oil is consumed.
At no time shall the plan exceed the allowable bending moment and shear force for the hull
girder, or allow the propeller immersion to be reduced to the point that the propeller cavitates
or causes significant vibrations.
6. Optimum Ballast
The optimum amount of Ballast Water is not stringently the lowest amount of Ballast Water.
When calculating how much ballast water has to be carried it should be carefully taken into
consideration all relevant stability criteria. Sometimes it might be necessary to carry a high
amount of ballast water compared to the cargo on board due to the moments appearing. But
after all consideration make sure that NO UNNECESSARY ballast water is carried !!!
The settings of the heading control system must be checked regularly and changed if the
weather situation requires such changes.
Best practices:
Avoid big course alterations in short time
Avoid big rudder and counter rudder angels as far as practicable
Check the settings of the track control system regularly
Best practices:
If breaks of more than 1 hour occur, both cranes completely to be switched off and the
Auxiliaries to be reduced as far as practicable.
Even during night time the engineers must be forced to stop and start the auxiliary
engines as necessary. It is not practicable to keep the second auxiliary engine running
without need.
Communication between cargo planner and vessel is most important in order to be
informed about changes in the loading plan in time to avoid misunderstandings and
If reefer containers to be carried, the necessity of additional auxiliary engine is to be
calculated carefully. Not always a second auxiliary engine must be switched on.
9. Bunker Quality
Managing Bunkers is important in improving reliability and reducing the chances of
incompatible fuel related incidences. Our crew is familiar with specification of fuel and
bunker routines to prevent such incidents.
Best practices:
Vessels should carry the most economical amount of bunker in inventory
All fuels are purchased on internationally recognized standard known as ISO 8217
Every precaution should be made to try to avoid comingling of parcels of fuel.
Incompatible fuel is the most common problem with the incompatible fuel leading to
clogged filters and in the worst case scenario, engine shut down.
Fuel should be consumed in a first in, first out fashion. Avoid carrying fuel that is over
a few months old. The longer fuel is kept on board, the longer the solids in the fuel are
likely to drop out, and the more potential for reliability problems the ship is likely to
face in terms of filter clogging and other problems. Fuel that cannot be used for any
reason should be de-bunkered off the ship as soon as possible.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
Bunker should be heated in most economical way. The bunker temperature has to be kept in
optimize limit for engine consumption and to be limited under safety aspects according
voyage plan.
In order to reduce fuel consumption and reduce heating costs, a voyage-specific heating
procedures should be developed. The following should be considered:
Vessel tank configuration
Number of heating coils and surface area
Auxiliary and composite boiler specificatioins
Cloud point, viscosity and wax content
Weather en route including ambient air temperatures
Sea water tenmperatures, wind force, sea and swell
Estimated heat loss and drop in temperatures
Estimated daily heating hours and consumption
Best practices:
Avoid heating during adverse weather period
Closely monitor and analyse bunker heating
Verify the effectiveness of heating progress
Do not heat for short frequent periods
Follow the recommended condensate temperature
Bunker should be heated as economically as possible and planned soon after departure
Second, a ship waiting to enter a port could have sailed slower if it had been informed about
port congestion in advance.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
2012-09 Date: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Distance (naut Miles)
2 Weather routeing
2.1 Weather f orecast part of Voyage Plan v
6. Optim um ballast
6.1 Ballasting for optimum trim and steering conditions v
6.2 Ballast f ree
10 Bunke r Quality
Control of delivered bunker quality v
11 Stay in port
Use of shore side electricity in ports v
Signed by C/E (end of month) Signed by Master (end of month) Signed by Company Insepctor
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
Date of
27.12.2012 Developed by:
Planned Date of
27.12.2013 Revision 01 - 2013
next Evaluation:
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
Long Termn measures are implemented by the Company for each single vessel according the
specific trading profile. The measures to be implemented will be decided after a data
collecting period from 6 months. Within this time the data from the vessel is collected and
according to the calculated EEOI the long term measures will be implemented.
Energy Efficiency Measures Comments
AE 2 ov erhauling
AE 2 overhauling
AE 2 overhauling
AE 2 ov erhauling
Better utilisation of fleet capacity and use of best practise.
Cargo handling matched to ship and port requirements.
Im proved Ene rgy Managem ent
Rev iew of energy usage such as electrical and HVAC
Switch off the light when you leave the room/ cabin Turn down the heater when you leave the room
or cabin.