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Lessons from Marine
Accident Reports

is an



Lessons from Marine Accident Reports

No 1/2006

is an


Department for Transport

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Printed in Great Britain. Text printed on material containing 100% post-consumer waste.
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April 2006

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) is an independent part of the Department for
Transport, the Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents being responsible directly to the Secretary of
State for Transport. The offices of the Branch are located at Carlton House, Carlton Place,
Southampton, SO15 2DZ.
This Safety Digest draws the attention of the marine community to some of the lessons arising
from investigations into recent accidents and incidents. It contains facts which have been
determined up to the time of issue.
This information is published to inform the shipping and fishing industries, the pleasure craft
community and the public of the general circumstances of marine accidents and to draw out the
lessons to be learned. The sole purpose of the Safety Digest is to prevent similar accidents
happening again. The content must necessarily be regarded as tentative and subject to alteration
or correction if additional evidence becomes available. The articles do not assign fault or blame
nor do they determine liability. The lessons often extend beyond the events of the incidents
themselves to ensure the maximum value can be achieved.
Extracts can be published without specific permission providing the source is duly
The Editor, Jan Hawes, welcomes any comments or suggestions regarding this issue.
The Safety Digest and other MAIB publications can be obtained by applying to the MAIB.

If you wish to report an accident or incident

please call our 24 hour reporting line
023 8023 2527

The telephone number for general use is 023 8039 5500.

The Branch fax number is 023 8023 2459.
The e-mail address is
Summaries (pre 1997), and Safety Digests are available on the Internet:

Crown copyright 2006


The role of the MAIB is to contribute to safety at sea by determining the causes and
circumstances of marine accidents, and working with others to reduce the likelihood of
such causes and circumstances recurring in the future.

Extract from
The Merchant Shipping
(Accident Reporting and Investigation)
Regulations 2005 Regulation 5:
The sole objective of the investigation of an accident under the Merchant Shipping (Accident
Reporting and Investigation) Regulations 2005 shall be the prevention of future accidents
through the ascertainment of its causes and circumstances. It shall not be the purpose of an
investigation to determine liability nor, except so far as is necessary to achieve its objective, to
apportion blame.




1. Insist On Cargo Trimming It Can Save Lives


2. Grounding on a Soft Bottom


3. Timber Deck Cargo Shift Leads to Dangerous List in Heavy Weather


4. Lets Not Get Carried Away


5. Bring Back the Budgie


6. Wrong Place Wrong Time


7. Lifting Equipment Exceeding the Safe Working Load = Danger


8. Face The Danger


9. A Turn for the Worse


10. Fatigue Nearly Leads to Disaster


11. When Safety Maintenance = Hazardous Incident


12. From What Height Can a Lifeboat be Safely Released?




13. Poor Stability and Hull Defects Lead to Fatal Accident


14. The One That Got Away!


15. A Fire Detection System Can Help Save Your Vessel


16. Didnt Feel a Thing




17. Double Tragedy


18. A Tragic End to the First Trip of the Season


19. Alcohol Ends a Weekend Pleasure Trip


20. Ouch! One Very Badly Cracked RIB


21. A Lovely Day Ends in Tragedy


22. Fire: Put It Out and Keep It Out


23. Perilous Propellers


24. Rafted Canoe Exercise Ends in That Sinking Feeling


25. Grounding in Perfect Weather




Appendix A

Preliminary examinations and investigations started in

the period 01/11/05 29/02/06


Appendix B

Reports issued in 2005


Appendix C Reports issued in 2006


Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations


Able Seaman


Breathing Apparatus


Carbon Dioxide


International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea


Estimated Time of Arrival


Global Positioning System


Gross Registered Tonnes




International Maritime Organization


The international distress signal (spoken)


Maritime and Coastguard Agency


Marine Guidance Note


Oil Bulk Ore


Officer of the Watch


Rigid Inflatable Boat


Royal National Lifeboat Institution


Royal Yachting Association


Safe Working Load


Very High Frequency


Vessel Traffic Services

The diverse and growing readership of the Safety Digest is indicative of the wide range of
accidents and incidents we report. This edition has a particularly broad span of cases. Sadly,
we have fewer than normal good news tales, and many more with tragic consequences,
particularly in leisure craft. I deal with this more fully in my introduction to the leisure craft
I will not try to prcis the lessons from the accidents in this edition or offer a homily on the
wisdom of risk assessment or the danger of complacency. I will leave it to each case to make
its own impact.
Nearly every accident is a tragedy whether it be through death, injury, loss of career or
some other effect. It is difficult for MAIB inspectors to deal with these tragedies on a daily
basis, and to know that the accidents could all have been avoided . . .

Stephen Meyer
Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents
April 2006

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

Part 1 Merchant Vessels

Master. At the same time, the Master is not
allowed to forget that he works for an owner
that expects the ship to be profitable, so he is
then tasked with balancing matters of safety
against the requirements of making a
successful commercial voyage.

I feel pleased to have been given the

opportunity to write an introduction to this
edition of the Safety Digest as this, in effect,
serves as my personal endorsement of the
valuable contribution to the seafaring
community carried out by the MAIB.
In my career at sea, spanning just over 47
years, I have seen the use of the word safety
increase year by year, and now there is hardly a
nautical publication that does not include the
word. In particular, there is the Code of Safe
Working Practices for Merchant Seamen.
The Code of Safe Working Practices for
Merchant Seamen clearly states our
responsibilities towards safety. Of particular
note is that the Code makes the Master
responsible to ensure that safety is enforced.
The importance of the Masters responsibility
is highlighted by the fact that non compliance
is a punishable offence. There are very few
professions that make their senior staff
accountable to such a severe degree.
Accordingly, it is of paramount importance that
officers embrace the culture of safety very early
in their career, and have a clear understanding
of the associated legal accountabilities of the

This takes us into the realms of risk

management. Probably the best piece of risk
advice I ever received was given to me shortly
after I obtained my Second Mates Certificate in
1961. My first trip as a Third Mate was on a
very small ship called the Palaccio of the
MacAndrew Line. Once or twice a week, we
used to round Cape St Vincente. As we
approached the Cape, the Captain would
come on the bridge and take charge of the
ship. He would alter the course so that we
passed less than half a mile from the coast, so
one could easily see people in the monastery
that was built on the edge of the high cliff. It
was quite a fascinating manoeuvre, and it was
one that I visually enjoyed.
However, there was some risk because
periodically we would meet another ship doing
the same thing from the opposite direction,
and often we would not see it until we had
rounded the Cape. After enjoying this
experience for several months, an older, more
experienced Captain took over command, and
immediately introduced an order saying that all
coastal navigation courses had to be plotted 3
miles off the land in the daytime, and 5 miles off
at night. Needless to say, this rule made a 4 hour
spell on watch far less interesting. After a few
weeks, curiosity and frustration got the better
of me, and I plucked up courage to question
the Captain about his rule. To question the
Master in those days was unheard of, so I was
emotionally prepared to receive some harsh
words in reply. Instead, the Captain quietly said
son, you do not get any extra pay for taking
unnecessary risks, and he turned away. To this
day, I have never forgotten those words.
On our Atlantic crossings, one of the most
frequently asked questions by passengers is

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

about the Titanic. Some Captains I know feel

that it is taboo to discuss the subject, but I
have always felt to the contrary. The sinking of
the Titanic was a tragedy, but out of that
tragedy came some good. For instance, the
International Ice Patrol was introduced, and
new and improved safety regulations were put
in place. However, we should not rely on
accidents to improve safety, but instead should
be pro-active and do everything we can to
avoid them. Notwithstanding, accidents

continue to occur, so it is important that we

take advantage of the MAIB cases discussed in
this, and previous editions, of the Safety
Digest to remind ourselves and our seafaring
colleagues of the dire consequences of putting
safety on the back burner.

Commodore Warwick
Commodore Warwick commenced his sea-going career at the age of 15 as a cadet at the pre-sea training
ship HMS Conway in North Wales. After obtaining his Second Mates Certificate in 1961, he spent the next
several years sailing with various companies to gain experience on different types of ships. In 1970, he
joined the Cunard Line, where he served in many ships before taking his first command, Cunard Princess.
Commodore Warwick first took command of the Queen Elizabeth 2 in July 1990, and in June 1996 was
appointed to the position of Marine Superintendent of the Cunard Line fleet. On 4 July 2002, at the keel
laying of Queen Mary 2, he was appointed Master Designate, taking command of the new ship when she
was handed over to Cunard on 22 December 2003.
In 2004, Commodore Warwick received the Shipmaster of the Year award from the Nautical Institute and
Lloyds List, and was presented with the Silver Riband Award by the Ocean Liner Council of the South Street
Seaport Museum for his lifetime achievement in the maritime industry. In 2005 he was made an Officer of
the British Empire in the Queens Birthday Honours, received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the
University of Liverpool, and was awarded the Merchant Navy Medal. He is an Honorary Fellow of the
Institute of Transport Administration, a member of the Admiralty Circle of the Maritime Museum of the
Atlantic, a Younger Brother of Trinity House, a member of the court of the Honourable Company of Master
Mariners, a founder member and Fellow of the Nautical Institute, Governor of the Marine Society, he is
Patron of the Cunard Steamship Society, President of the Queen Mary Association and Vice President of the
Bristol Ship Society. The Commodore holds the rank of Honorary Captain in the British Royal Naval
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Insist On Cargo Trimming It

Can Save Lives

Photographs courtesy of Smit

Tragedy ensued after a recently-built, 161m
state-of the-art bulk carrier carrying 23,243
tonnes of gravel and stone, hit rocks which
ripped a hole in her side. Within seconds, the
vessel heeled over and capsized. Many of her
30 crew members were trapped inside, and a
valiant rescue attempt, involving cutting a hole
through the vessels hull, was hampered by
freezing temperatures, darkness and the
vessels slippery hull. Eighteen seafarers lost
their lives.
A court case, aimed at establishing the cause of
the accident, reviewed the reliability of sea
charts mapping the seabed where the vessel is
believed to have run aground. However, the
reason why this modern, state-of-the-art vessel


capsized so quickly remained unclear.

A technical working group was therefore
commissioned to assess the vessels stability
and to help prevent a recurrence of the
The working group discovered that, when the
cargo was loaded into the vessels single hold,
the cargo was not trimmed (there was not a
flat cargo surface) in accordance with current
regulations. Without trimming, the sides of the
piles of cargo took up an angle of repose of
between 32 and 38.
The working group identified the very serious
effects resulting from the consequent shift of
cargo, and produced the following lessons to
help prevent a similar accident in the future.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


The Lessons
1. Had the cargo been trimmed during
loading, the vessel could have sustained
angles of heel of over 30 during her
voyage, before the cargo would have
begun to shift. This would possibly have
given the crew more time to abandon
ship safely.
2. It was calculated that, after the
grounding, the ingress of seawater into
the vessel through the hole in her side,
would have eventually led to her
capsizing. However, the time taken to
capsize was considerably reduced due to
the shift of cargo as the vessel heeled

3. Many types of cargo will shift: in

another accident, untrimmed bulk
cement, loaded into a large open hold,
resulted in the loss of a vessel, together
with all her crew. The vessel had not
grounded, nor had she collided with
another vessel, but she was operating in
heavy seas. It is therefore essential that
bulk cargoes are loaded and trimmed in
accordance with the requirements of the
IMO BC Code1.

1 IMO 260 C ( c ) Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Grounding on a Soft Bottom

A vessel was making an approach to a pilot
station for the purpose of embarking a pilot to
proceed upriver and berth. While embarking
the pilot, the vessel ran aground. Luckily, the
seabed was soft mud and no environmental or
physical damage resulted.

The vessel, a 23,000 tonne double hull
chemical/oil tanker, was carrying 16,300 tonnes
of lower sulphur fuel oil. The vessel arrived at
the estuary early and proceeded to anchor in a
designated deep-water anchorage. The master
was informed by his agent that the pilot was
booked for 1315 the following day; the master
made arrangements accordingly. The time of
1315 allowed a 30 minute delay factor, after
which berthing would have to be postponed.
Although the master was familiar with the
estuary, it had been nearly 10 months since his
last visit. Previously, the vessel had always
entered close to high water; this time entry
took place 1 hour before low water. The key

resultant difference was that, on previous

occasions the tidal stream had been setting to
the south-west, whereas on this occasion it
was setting north-easterly.
The distance from the anchorage to the pilot
embarkation point was just over 10 miles. With
the anchor aweigh at 1235, and a maximum
speed of 14 knots, allowing time for
acceleration and deceleration the vessel was
never going to achieve the programmed ETA for
the pilot of 1315. The prevailing force 6 westerly
wind, and the north-east tidal stream, were
both unfavourable. Pressing on at full speed,
the vessels progress was being monitored by
the local vessel traffic services (VTS). There
were no other vessels in the vicinity. The entry
course had been planned as 262 and the initial
request from VTS was for the pilot ladder to be
rigged on the starboard side. The prevailing
wind was virtually right ahead, and the
designated pilot embarkation point provided
sufficient sea room to port and starboard for a
vessel to alter course and provide an adequate
lee. In this case, however, the combination of
ship speed and tidal stream meant that the
vessel overshot the designated boarding point,
and entered the channel close to a shoal area.
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


With the vessel now 20 minutes behind

schedule, the pilot boat became aware of the
high speed on approach, and called the vessel
to slow down and swing to starboard to
provide a lee for boarding. Communication
between the pilot launch coxswain and the
vessel became confused, and this led to
further delays. Throughout this process, the
vessel was being set to the north of her
planned track and no allowance had been
made to counteract the tidal stream.
With the OOW now on deck to meet the pilot,
the master was unable to effectively monitor

The Lessons
1. Poor planning considerations caused the
delay in weighing anchor, which in turn
required a high speed approach to the
pilot boarding area. Always allow
sufficient time to properly execute the
passage plan. All too often, attention to
detail becomes blurred against the
perceived need to regain lost time.
2. The bridge team did not appreciate the
strength, direction and effect of the tidal
stream. Before starting to weigh anchor,
it would have been prudent to conduct a
short briefing between the key members
of the bridge team. This would have
ensured that everyone was familiar with
all aspects of the passage plan. It would
also have given the master an
opportunity to study the standard of
chart preparations, and revise the plan if
he was not content.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

the vessels position, and when asked by the

pilot to turn to starboard he did so without
fully appreciating the very close proximity of
the shoal patch. As soon as the pilot had
boarded, the master swung the vessel back to
port, but by the time the helm had been put
over, and the vessel started to swing back, it
was already too late the vessel had grounded.
Lying on a soft mud and shingle bottom, the
consequences were not detrimental to the
environment, and by using the vessels engines
alone, she was successfully refloated 2 hours
later, without sustaining damage.

3. The vessels approach to the pilot

embarkation area was being monitored
by VTS. On this occasion, there was
opportunity for VTS to be more
proactive in their monitoring and, if
necessary, advise the master of his close
proximity to navigational dangers.
Notwithstanding the earlier difficulties
in communications, the request by the
pilot vessel, for a swing to starboard to
provide a lee, was inappropriate given the
dangers close by. This was an excellent
opportunity for both VTS and pilot to
co-ordinate their individual
responsibilities, each advising the other,
and collectively both advising the vessel
on the prevailing circumstances and
dangers to navigation.



Timber Deck Cargo Shift Leads to

Dangerous List in Heavy Weather

A general cargo vessel carrying 210m3 of
packaged timber cargo on deck encountered a
very large wave on her starboard beam. The
wave caused some of the webbing lashings and
package banding to part and the cargo to shift.
The vessel was passing close to the coast in
strong south-westerly gale conditions, and it
was winter. Although the conditions were not
good, just prior to the accident the vessel had
been making a steady 7.5 knots with only
moderate pitching and rolling. The general
poor weather conditions during the voyage

from the loading port had already required the

vessel to seek shelter on two occasions. The
master had also taken the precaution of
staying within the lee of an island, and hugging
the coastline where possible.
During the early morning, and while still dark,
the vessel left the protection of the island and
set course in open sea conditions. Four hours
later, the master, who was on watch, noticed a
very large wave on the starboard side. The
wave hit the vessel just forward of the bridge.
The vessel heeled to port, to an angle
estimated at more than 50, before returning to
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


about 35. A brief blackout occurred when the

shaft generator stopped for several seconds
and the emergency generator started, but the
main engine continued to run. The subsequent
investigation discovered that the vessels track
had taken her just downwind of a shallow
patch, and it is thought that this is where the
exceptionally large wave was generated.
The master rang emergency stations before
attempting to slowly bring the vessel around to
head north and put the weather on the port
side. It was estimated that about 40 or 50 of
the original 300 packs on deck had been lost,
and about half of the lashings had failed. The
remaining timber packages had moved to port,
but were prevented from falling overboard by
structure, at the ships side, which was
designed for the carriage of containers, and

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

which caused the loose timber to jam between

it and the hatch. Crew members were assigned
to cut the remaining lashings in an attempt to
jettison the rest of the packages and reduce
the list. However, this was mostly unsuccessful.
The master attempted to wash away the loose
timber overhanging the port side, but the list
increased to over 40. As a result of this, the
coastguard issued a distress message on behalf
of the vessel, and an RNLI lifeboat and two
helicopters were tasked to the scene.
The vessel managed to make her way to a safe
anchorage, where the deck cargo could be
removed and complete packages eventually restowed. Fortunately, no injuries to the crew or
serious structural damage to the vessel



The Lessons
1. The passage planning for the final leg of
the voyage did not consider the possible
effect of the shallower water downwind
of which the vessel was to travel. The
combination of strong south-westerly
conditions, producing beam seas and
shallower water, almost certainly caused
the large wave encountered by the vessel.
Given the prevailing weather and sea
conditions, this was predictable.
2. Webbing or synthetic lashings have
become more prevalent for securing deck
cargoes in recent years, but are not
mentioned in the IMO Code of Practice.
They are quick and easy to use, they do
not rot and are easy to store. They are,
however, vulnerable to abrasion and are
not suitable for really heavy-duty work.
Regular and close inspection of the
webbing material should be carried out,
and worn lashings replaced.
Consideration should also be given to
using additional, alternative types of
lashing to supplement the webbing


lashings during winter or if heavy

weather is predicted.
3. Due to the low value of the timber cargo,
plastic wrappings or tarpaulins were not
used on this vessel. The use of protective
coverings would have assisted in reducing
the amount of water absorption in the
timber and consequent reduction in
stability. It might also have reduced the
possibility of packages being broken or
distorted as a result of wave impact or
heavy rolling.
4. The hatch covers were of smooth painted
steel. This is not an effective non-slip
coating, and when wet it has a
particularly low coefficient of friction.
One of the easiest methods to help
prevent movement of a deck cargo, is to
ensure that hatch tops are painted with a
high friction coating. This reduces the
effective loading on the lashing
arrangement and reduces the possibility
of lashing failure.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Lets Not Get Carried Away

At 2230, a 20000grt bulk carrier anchored 3nm
to the south-west of a pilot embarkation point
in anticipation of entering port the following
afternoon. The master left night orders for the
main engines to be at standby, and to start
weighing anchor at 1315. During the night, the
second officer prepared the passage plan to
the pilot embarkation point, which, from the
anchorage position, was a single track of 030.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

At 1245, the master arrived on the bridge and

saw that an 8000grt tanker, carrying petroleum
products, had anchored 8 cables to the northeast, and was lying on the planned track to the
pilot embarkation point. Accordingly, the
master decided to leave the anchorage on a
northerly course and pass to the west of the
tanker. He was aware that the predicted tidal
stream was easterly at 3 knots, but considered
that his intended course would result in his
ship passing clear. A course to steer to make



good a track of 000 was not calculated, and

the master did not observe the actual rate of
tidal stream, which was shown on the ships
electromagnetic speed log.
As the ship weighed anchor, she was heading
directly into the tidal stream, and the engine
was put to dead slow ahead to take the weight
off the anchor cable. An AB helmsman, and the
second officer, who was on the engine controls,
accompanied the master on the bridge. The
anchor was away at 1325, and 10 of starboard
helm was used to alter course to the north.
The ship steadied on 000 at 1330, and by that
time her speed was 5 knots. The master was
aware of the close proximity of the tanker, but

The Lessons
1. Providing there is sufficient sea room, it
is safer, and in the spirit of good
seamanship, to pass astern of a ship at
anchor. Passing close ahead of a ship at
anchor is potentially perilous, but if it is
unavoidable, the effects of the tidal
stream, wind and a ships
manoeuvrability need to be taken into
2. Tidal stream is an extremely influential
factor in navigation, and cannot be
ignored. The slower a ships speed, the
greater its effect will be. When planning
a passage, no matter how short, if the
effects of tidal stream are not taken into
account by the calculation of courses to
steer in order to make good intended

did not monitor her bearing, either visually

using an azimuth gyro repeater, or by radar. At
1335, the master realised that the ship was
being set down onto the tanker, and increased
speed to slow ahead. At this point, the second
officer plotted a fix on the paper chart. At 1336,
speed was increased further to half ahead.
Seconds later, the engine was put to full ahead,
and the helm put hard to port to avoid the
tanker. Once the bulk carriers bow had passed
the bow of the tanker, the helm was reversed
to try and swing the stern clear. This action was
unsuccessful, and at 1337 the starboard quarter
of the bulk carrier struck the tankers bow.
Both vessels were holed, but fortunately there
was no pollution and nobody was injured.
ground tracks, the value and usefulness
of the passage plan is diminished. The
time or effort taken to calculate and
apply a tidal stream vector during the
planning of a passage, can save a lot of
anxiety during its execution.
3. When navigating in close proximity to
navigational dangers, including other
ships, it is important that bridge teams
are effectively managed, to ensure that
tasks are prioritised according to the
nearest and most immediate dangers. It
is equally important that full use is
made of the equipment available, in
order to obtain as much warning as
possible of potentially dangerous
situations or conditions.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Bring Back the Budgie

A 22000grt general cargo vessel had recently
arrived in port. Shortly after her arrival, she
landed ashore all her BA sets and oxygen test
meters for service and calibration retaining
none on board for use in an emergency. The
ships chief engineer and electrician worked
late into the night on the emergency
switchboard. The chief engineer left the
electrician to complete the repairs, and went
to his cabin to shower. While in the shower,
the chief engineer heard the fire alarm sound,
and received a report over the VHF of heavy
smoke in the engine room.
The second engineer made his way to the
engine control room, which he found in order.
The engine room, however, quickly filled with
dense smoke. The second engineer was
instructed to leave the control room and, with
heavy smoke now issuing from the engine
room, the master and chief engineer
considered it unsafe to enter. Further, they had
no BA sets on board to assist in any attempt to
do so.
The master decided it would be necessary to
operate the engine room CO2 system to
extinguish the fire. The crew were mustered
and accounted for. The engine room
ventilation was stopped and all machinery
space vents closed. All emergency stops were
operated, however the main generator
continued to run. The CO2 flooding system
was released into the engine room.
Shortly after the release of the CO2, the shore
fire brigade boarded the vessel, having been
alerted by the master through the port
authority. The chief engineer entered the
engine room at the upper level, without BA, to
guide the fire brigade. He had considered it
unnecessary to use any form of respiratory aid,
or check the oxygen level in the engine room
prior to entry in contravention of company
procedures for entry into enclosed spaces
which may contain a dangerous atmosphere.
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

While the engine room remained full of

smoke, there was no sign of heating up of the
bulkheads or any of the surrounding areas.
The fire brigade entered the engine room,
with heat sensing equipment, and determined
that the fire was extinguished. They left the
vessel 312 hours after the initial alarm. About 5
hours after the fire brigade had left, having
given no guidance as to the time span for safe
entry, the chief engineer went into the upper
levels of the engine room to see if it was clear
for entry. Again, he wore no BA, nor did he
check oxygen levels prior to entry.
Following full ventilation, all engine room
spaces were checked for satisfactory oxygen
content, after a replacement meter had been
obtained from ashore, and after having been
confirmed as being free of CO2. Main power
was restored 15 hours after the initial alarm.
Subsequent investigation revealed that there
was no trace of fire, and that the source of
smoke was, in fact, a short circuit on the electric
heater for the lubricating oil purifier, probably
resulting from loose electrical connections.
This is thought to have resulted in overheating
and over pressurisation of the oil heater,
leading to vaporisation of the lubricating oil
through the heater relief valve. The high
temperature alarm of the purifier system had
not operated as the wiring had fused together,
possibly as a result of the short circuit.
Examination of the vessels CO2 smothering
system, after discharge, revealed that 7 out of a
total of 91 bottles had not discharged, and the
operating devices remained in the closed
position. The CO2 system had been serviced by
an approved service agent 12 months
previously, and the next annual service had, in
fact, been arranged at the port of incident.
Nevertheless, 7 bottles failed to operate.
Examination revealed that the bottles in
question were of an older style than the
remainder of the system, and that the
operating devices of some of them were


severely corroded. All bottles were removed

ashore, following the incident, for service and
Investigation of the running on of the
generator revealed that the fuel supply quick
closing valve had not operated, leaving the fuel
supply open. The quick closing valves were

The Lessons
1. The importance of correct maintenance
and calibration of essential safety
equipment, such as breathing apparatus
and oxygen measuring equipment, cannot
be overstressed. However, before landing
for service or repair, it should be
positively ascertained that sufficient
equipment is retained on board, or
requested from ashore, to deal with any
likely emergency which may arise while
the equipment is away from the vessel
undergoing service.
2. A vessels safety management system
should include procedures for entry into
hazardous spaces. Crews should be
drilled, at regular intervals, to enhance
their awareness of such procedures,
which should include entry into spaces
which may have a depleted oxygen
content (eg following the discharge of
CO2 smothering into machinery, or
associated spaces).
3. CO2 fire smothering systems are
essential for the ultimate safety of a
vessel. Despite the annual service and
certification of such systems, planned
maintenance schedules should include
the routine examination of all associated


operated by an air cylinder from outside the

engine room. Air supply to the quick closing
valves came from a small tank which had a
capacity to operate all valves together. When
tested individually, all valves operated.
However, when operated together, minor air
leakage on the valve in question prevented it
from operating.

equipment at regular intervals. In the

event of any doubt as to the systems
operational condition, advice should be
sought from the makers service agent,
without delay, to ensure that the system
remains in good operating condition
between service intervals.
4. During an emergency situation, crews
must be confident that remote fuel
isolation and remote stops will operate
effectively; it may not be possible to
enter a space to operate these locally.
Routine testing of such essential
equipment should replicate, as near as
possible, the likely scenarios which may
arise. In this case, routine testing of the
fuel quick closing valves, individually,
revealed no cause for concern. However,
when operated in unison, minor air
leakages resulted in insufficient air
pressure to operate all the valves.
5. To ensure security, switchboard and
terminal box electrical connections
should be examined periodically under a
planned maintenance routine. Such
checks may be enhanced by the use of
thermal imaging cameras.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Wrong Place Wrong Time

A feeder container vessel was discharging
cargo at one of her regular UK ports, using the
shore cranes. On deck, an unsupervised AB
was using a long pole to unlock the twist locks,
and the discharge of the deck load was nearing
completion. The last stack of containers to be
discharged comprised 6 metre units loaded 2
high, spanning the well between the aft end of
the hatch and the forward edge of the
accommodation. Cell guides were fixed to the
front of the accommodation, and strengthened
pads supported the after corners of the
containers. On the centreline, a ladder was
also fixed to the front of the accommodation
to provide access to the top of the containers,
and serve as an escape route from the
The vessel was moored starboard side to, and
the discharge of this final stack started from
the port side. It was not possible to fit twist
locks on the aft corners of these containers
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

because they rested in the cell guides on the

accommodation front. Once the upper
container had been discharged, the twist
locks had to be removed from the lower
container before the crane could lift it. The
AB was standing by to do this and was
standing at the bottom of the ladder at the
front of the accommodation. He was
preparing to use the ladder to gain access to
the top of the lower container to remove the
twist locks.
The final inboard containers on the port side
were being discharged when one of the twist
locks at the forward end failed to release. The
combined weight of the two containers was
not enough to set off the crane overload
alarm; the crane continued to lift. This partially
lifted the lower container by its forward end,
and pitched the after end into the well. The
top after edge of the container struck the AB,
crushing him between the container and the
ladder. The paramedics were called, but the AB
was pronounced dead at the scene.



AB stood here

The Lessons
1. This is a hazardous operation,
particularly in the feeder trade, where
lean manning does not allow constant
supervision. It is essential that people are
routinely briefed on safety issues.
2. The company safety posters state that,
when removing twist locks, crew should
stand at least one container away from
the one being worked. This tragic
accident clearly demonstrates why.


3. There were no written instructions

available for cargo work. Instruction
relied on briefing and on-the-job
training. The AB had been working on
this ship for 6 years, and his work
pattern was well established. It is
possible that his perception of the risk
had reduced, and that this unsafe
shortcut had become his normal routine.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Lifting Equipment Exceeding

the Safe Working Load = Danger

Figure 1: Parted fabric strop

Engineering ratings of a foreign flagged ferry
were preparing to move an air conditioning
compressor from the auxiliary engine room to
the engineers workshop, for maintenance
purposes. The weather was moderate and
there was a 1m swell running.
The compressor/bedplate fastenings were
removed and preparations made to lift the
1.1 tonne compressor from the bedplate.
A single fabric strop was passed through
2 eyebolts on the compressor, and connected
to a chain block with a Safe Working Load
(SWL) of 2 tonnes. The strop had a recorded
SWL of 1 tonne force. The strop was tested in
December 2003, well inside the statutory
5 year testing requirement.
As the compressor was being lifted, the fabric
strop parted (Figure 1), and the compressor
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

fell against the compressor oil filter, fracturing

the inlet and outlet pipes (Figure 2). The
compressor then fell to the floor plates and
bounced onto a nearby rating. The rating
suffered an open fracture of the leg, and had
to be evacuated by helicopter to a nearby UK
Those involved in slinging the compressor did
not seek advice from a competent person. Had
they done so, it would have been clear that the
SWL of the single strop was less than the
weight of the compressor, and that it was
incapable of taking the load. In addition, the
strop was being chaffed by sharp edges on the
compressor, making failure of the strop almost
The rating involved in this case, suffered only a
fracture. The accident would have been far
more serious if he had been under the
compressor at the point of failure.


Figure 2: Damage to the inlet and outlet pipes

The Lessons
With luck on his side, the engineering rating
escaped serious injury. The failure of the
strop could so easily have resulted in a
fatality. Safe Working Loads are recorded on
all items of lifting equipment, and it is clear
that these must be greater than the loads
being lifted.
Statutory Instrument 1988 No 1639 states
that no person shall operate any lifting
plant unless he is trained and competent to
do so and has been authorised by a
responsible ships officer.

The Code of Safe Working Practices for

Merchant Seamen Chapter 21 also
provides advice regarding lifting plant. This
advice includes:
1. Lifting equipment should always be in
date for survey or test before it is used.
2. The line of lift should be directly under
the lifting equipment, whenever possible,
in order to reduce stresses.
3. No attempt should be made to lift loads
in excess of the certified lifting plant
Safe Working Load.
4. A competent person should supervise the


MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Face The Danger

Unfortunately the tug was not paying out slack
at a controlled speed and, feeling the strain of
the jerking motion, the drum end seaman
attempted to apply more turns to the
whipping drum. During this process, the
messenger rope snapped back, and the
whiplash of the working part connected with,
and broke, the drum end seamans arm.

A deckhand suffered multiple fractures to his

arm during a routine un-mooring operation
while connecting a tugs towing wire.

The tugs tow rope messenger was led through
a Panama lead, around the bits at a 100 angle
and on to the winch end whipping drum. The
drum end seaman was standing with his back
to the working part of the rope and the
supervisor, as he hauled on the rope.

The supervisor, who was standing in the

precarious position of the bight of the rope,
escaped injury. Had the rope come clear of the
bits, the outcome for him could have been
extremely serious.


1 - supervisor
2 - casualty
3 - AB
4 - AB
5 - winch controller

Drum end


Panama lead



(not to scale)

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Position of

Position of

Messenger rope arrangement

The Lessons
1. Stand facing the danger: always put the
winch between the operative and the
potential danger zone. This, in itself,
creates a safety barrier, allows full visual
contact with the mooring team and
surroundings, allows controlled surging
on the drum end and keeps the operative
clear of the working part.
2. Be aware of the dangers of sharp nips
these cause excess strain on machinery,
fittings and ropes and use fair leads
wherever possible.


3. During our first day at sea, most of us

were made aware of the dangers of
standing in bights of rope; a brief lapse of
attention to this ordinary practice can so
easily cause grief.
4. Watch out for shipmates and their work
practices. Ships operate on efficient
team-working, part of which involves
looking out for our shipmates and
recognising potential dangers to them. It
is so much easier to stop bad habits than
to patch up broken bodies.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


A Turn for the Worse

A 2500grt dry cargo ship sailed from port at
1710 carrying a cargo of grain. A harbour pilot
accompanied the master on the bridge until
disembarking around 1845. It was dark, and
visibility was moderate, but occasionally
decreased to poor in snow showers. At about
1900, when the ship was still transiting a narrow
buoyed channel (Figure), the master changed
to auto from manual steering, shut down one of
the two steering motors that were running, and
increased speed from 6 knots to 10.5 knots. At
about this time, the master was joined on the
bridge by an AB to act as a lookout.
When the ship exited the buoyed channel at
1915, the master adjusted the course on the
autopilot from 112 to 065, to close a
waypoint marked on the paper chart. This
waypoint was part of a passage plan used when

leaving an adjacent port. A passage plan for the

departure for the port had been compiled and
drawn on the charts in use up to the end of
the buoyed channel, but not thereafter. The
master then switched one of the two radar
displays fitted to standby before leaving the
bridge to go to the deck below.
The master was absent from the bridge for
about 2 minutes. On his return, he plotted a fix
on the chart at 1930 using a radar range and
bearing of a nearby fairway buoy. Course was
adjusted to 053. Several minutes later, another
fairway buoy fitted with a Racon was detected
at a range of 6nm fine on his starboard bow. As
the master intended to leave this buoy to port,
the course set on the autopilot was adjusted to
057 to put the buoy fine on the port bow. On
this course, the ship was still within 7 cables of
adjacent hidden dangers, which had not been
highlighted on the paper chart.






Position of










Red buoy
Autopilot engaged
Steering motor shut down
Speed increased

Planned track
Estimated actual track

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Shortly after, the master noticed that the ships

heading was drifting to port. He saw that the
heading by gyro was now 040. A large
alteration to starboard was applied using the
autopilot, but the ship kept turning. Breaking
waves were then seen directly ahead. The
master put the engine to stop, started the
second steering motor, changed to hand
steering, and applied maximum starboard
helm. He then put the engine to full astern,

The Lessons
1. An OOW is responsible for the safety of
his ship. If he is not on the bridge, from
where he can monitor navigation and
communications, and react to, and
control on board emergencies, he cannot
fulfil this vital duty. Leaving the bridge,
albeit briefly, is not only a violation of
regulation, but it also endangers a ship
and her crew. On the occasions when an
OOW finds it absolutely necessary to
leave the bridge, it is in everyones
interest that he arranges a relief before
doing so.
2. When in restricted waters with a pilot
embarked, it is normal practice to have
sufficient machinery and equipment,
such as steering motors and radars,
operating to provide optimum
manoeuvrability and redundancy in the
event of a breakdown. When in
restricted waters without a pilot, the
need for manoeuvrability and
redundancy remains unaltered. It is the
proximity to dangers and environmental
conditions which should determine a
ships equipment readiness, not the
presence of a pilot.
3. A passage plan is a navigational risk
assessment and, as such, is crucial to the
safety of a ship during a voyage. If it is
incomplete, or more than one plan is in


but the vessel was felt to ground moments

later on a gyro heading of 330. The ship
suffered substantial damage to her rudder.
It is not certain if the autopilot failed. It was
fitted with an off course alarm, but this did not
activate. Subsequent investigation revealed
several defects with the equipment, but none
were related to the activation of the off course

use, a lack of appreciation of the

navigational dangers, and uncertainty,
will inevitably result. Comprehensive
and considered planning takes time, but
it pays dividends.
4. Navigational buoys provide a good
indication of a ships position, and their
use in this respect requires little effort.
However, sole dependency on them is
fraught with danger. The benefit of
cross-checking positions using
alternative methods has long been
recognised, and with the availability of
GPS this is simple to achieve. GPS also
frequently has the benefit of cross-track
error indication and alarm which, if used
effectively, can provide early warning of
a ship deviating from the intended track.
5. The use of autopilots is widespread, and
is indeed essential on ships with limited
crew. But they are fallible, and do
occasionally malfunction. In open water,
such a malfunction is likely to be
detected and dealt with without any
adverse consequences. However, when in
close proximity to navigational dangers,
or other shipping, the time available to
react is far more limited and the potential
outcome is therefore more serious.
Manual steering is the safer option in
many situations.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Fatigue Nearly Leads to Disaster

Figure 1

A 58-metre coastal cargo vessel (Figure 1) was
steaming south in the early hours of a February
morning. The mate was on watch as the ship
approached the area off the mouth of the river
Humber and there was no lookout on the
bridge. It was dark, but the first signs of daylight
were starting to appear. Visibility was good and
the wind was from the north-west force 7.
The mate had been working excessive hours,
sharing a 6 hours on/6 hours off bridge watch
with the master. The master had been on
board the vessel for about a week, working as a
relief for the regular master who was on leave.
He undertook only bridge watches, leaving all
the cargo work to the mate. The senior seaman
had served on the vessel for about 18 months
and had taken no leave of absence during that
time. The junior seaman had only been at sea a
few days. A cook was also on board.
The mate was not fully supported by the
master. The senior seaman was probably not at
his best after such a long period of duty, and
the junior seaman was of limited value as he
was very inexperienced. The mate tried to
keep the ship running in these difficult
circumstances, but as a result he was very tired
on the morning of the incident.
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

The mate looked out for vessels ahead when

about an hours steaming from the Humber
deep water anchorage. Using his radar and a
visual lookout, he ascertained four ships to be
there; all were at anchor. His intended track
passed through the anchorage between the
About 30 minutes before the incident, a large
oil bulk ore (OBO) vessel (Figure 2) raised her
anchor and began to move in preparation for
picking up a pilot. The vessels movement was
disguised by two other vessels, which had their
deck lights on.
About 15 minutes before the incident, the
mate left the bridge unattended, and went
below to call the master for his watch. He
returned to the bridge a couple of minutes
later, but it took another minute for his night
vision to return. When the mate looked out
again, he thought that the situation ahead
might be changing. As the two vessels closed,
the mate should have given way, but he
couldnt understand what was happening
ahead. He could not clearly discern the OBOs
steaming lights against the backdrop of the
bright deck lights of the other two vessels
behind. His radar would have given him a
better understanding of the situation, but he
didnt pay sufficient attention to it.


Figure 2

The OBO started to take avoiding action when

the other vessel did not appear to be giving
way. However, the mate on the small coastal
vessel slowed down to give himself more time

The Lessons
1. The mates inability to adequately
interpret the situation is consistent with
fatigue. Fatigue is an insidious problem,
and it can make the sufferer indecisive. It
is very important that crew members are
able to recognise the symptoms of fatigue,
and that they take positive action to
address it. Dont be afraid to say that you
are tired!
2. This vessel met the requirements of the
regulations, even so, a crew of five is
considered to be barely sufficient. With a
bare minimum crew it is very important
that all of them are fully qualified and
that they have frequent periods of leave.
In addition, all crew members need to do
their fair share of the work; this was
patently not the case here.

to try to perceive what was ahead. He could

still not understand what was happening, even
when the vessels were only metres apart.
A collision was very narrowly avoided.

4. The regulations require a lookout to be

posted during the hours of darkness. In
this case a lookout would have also been
required in daylight, due to the proximity
of navigational hazards. A bridge should
never be left unattended, let alone when
approaching an anchorage. Had one been
present, the lookout could have called
the master. The lookout would also have
been able to assist with the navigational
watch, and should have been able to alert
the mate to the fact that he was
becoming seriously debilitated by fatigue.
5. This vessel was using a well-established
passage plan. Such passage plans should
be reviewed periodically to see if they are
still safe. The area off the river Humber
has got very much busier in recent years.
This passage plan should have been
changed to pass outside the Humber deep
water anchorage.

3. Shipping companies should have

contingencies for dealing with fatigue,
such as the option to spend time at a
layover berth until the crew is properly
rested. Such a facility should be used
when necessary.


MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


When Safety Maintenance =

Hazardous Incident
A chief engineer was conducting routine
monthly checks on the engine room fixed CO2
fire-fighting system. Although the maintenance
instructions were a little unclear, he felt he
knew enough about the system to do the job.
He first checked the control box alarms, and
then closed two system isolating valves,
although it is not known which ones he
Assuming the system to be safe, the chief
engineer opened the pilot CO2 bottle pressure
gauge isolating valve, to confirm the bottle
pressure was satisfactory. As he did this, he was

Figure 1

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

surprised to hear gas escaping in the adjacent

CO2 bottle storage room. He went to the
compartment and saw gas escaping from one
of the gas bottle neck seals (Figure 1). He also
noticed, from a gauge, that the system had
become pressurised.
Believing he might have made a mistake in the
procedure, he returned to the control box
compartment. There, he found the CO2 pilot
bottle isolating valve which controlled the
gas supply to the main bottle activators
partially open. It appears that the chief
engineers coat sleeve might have
inadvertently become caught on the isolating
valve, causing the system to activate.

CO2 storage bottle neck seal



The Lessons
CO2 extinguishes fires by reducing the
oxygen content in the protected
compartment. It is extremely dangerous to be
in a compartment into which gas is being
discharged; several fatalities have occurred
where this has happened. Fortunately, in this
case, the main system isolating valve was
closed, and this prevented gas discharging
into the engine room. Had it been open, and
had someone been in the space, the outcome
could have been very different.

2. Those involved in maintenance and

operation should be familiar with the
systems and equipment, and should
always refer to authorised documentation
to ensure they are clear on procedures.
3. In the case of a CO2 gas discharge,
planned or otherwise, the compartment
must be thoroughly ventilated, and the
atmosphere oxygen concentration proven
before personnel are allowed to enter
without the support of breathing

1. Maintenance instructions and valve

identification should be clear and
unambiguous in order to provide a safe
system of work.


MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


From What Height Can a Lifeboat

be Safely Released?

Figure 1

A large multi-role vessel was alongside a lay-by
berth toward the end of an annual refit. As part
of the refit work, the eight, davit-launched,
fully enclosed lifeboats had been overhauled
ashore (Figure 1) and refitted on board. The
work on the lifeboats included overhauling the
on load release gear, including load testing in a
test rig.
An experienced Flag Administration surveyor
had requested that the vessel lifeboat crew
carry out two lifeboat operations, including
releasing the on load gear with the lifeboat
suspended just above the water to simulate
failure of the hydrostatic release mechanism.
On the day of the incident, the surveyor was
involved in a fatal accident investigation on
board another vessel, and had to delay the
planned lifeboat operations.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

When the surveyor eventually arrived, the

lifeboat crew mustered and carried out a safety
briefing. During this time, the surveyor was
distracted by mobile telephone calls about the
fatal accident investigation. As a result, he was
unaware that the crew had not carried out a
practical drill to demonstrate the use of the on
load release gear, and he did not tell them that
he was to act only as an observer, and would
play no part in the command and control of
the operation.
The five lifeboat crew, the second officer and
the surveyor embarked the lifeboat and
harnessed themselves in. The water was calm.
The engine was started, and lowering began
immediately. After two brake tests were
successfully carried out, the surveyor was
asked if the height above the water was
suitable for operating the on load gear.
Although unwilling to take charge of the
exercise, the surveyor looked out of the side



Coxswain seal

Main release handle

Interlock lever

Figure 2


hatch briefly and told the crew to lower it

further. This was done, and the surveyors
advice was requested again. The surveyor
remained unwilling to be directly involved in
the conduct of the drill.

was co-ordinated and the lifeboat was released

from its falls (Figure 2).

Several times, the crew attempted to operate

the on load release gear before the operation
of the interlock lever and main release handle

The lifeboat suffered several fractures to its

internal structure.

The lifeboat plummeted about 1.2m on to the

calm water, injuring several crew members.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


The Lessons
1. How many readers would consider
raising an objection to releasing a lifeboat
from its falls when it is only 1.2m
(4 feet) above calm water? It doesnt
sound very high, does it, yet expert
advice indicates that the impact forces
from such a drop could be as much as
20g (gravity). Forces of this magnitude
are capable of causing spinal injuries
even to someone sitting in the correct,
upright position. If it is felt necessary to
test the operation of the on load gear, the
guidelines provided by the IMO should
be followed:
Position the lifeboat partially into the
water such that the mass of the boat is
substantially supported by the falls,
and the hydrostatic interlock system,
where fitted, is not triggered;
Additionally, it is also advisable to keep
the number of crew members on board
the lifeboat to a minimum during the
2. What is evident about this accident is
that no-one was in overall control of the
lifeboat. Communications had been poor.
The surveyor was attending purely as an
observer, but because the crew had not
carried out the operation before, they
expected him to provide guidance. The
lifeboat crew did not clearly understand
the surveyors role, and the surveyor, by
accepting the initial request for guidance
on the height of the lifeboat release,
reinforced the misconception. Whether
or not a Flag State surveyor is present at
a lifeboat drill, it is the ships staff, or the
shipyards staff, who remain in charge of,
and responsible for, the operation.

The surveyor failed to find out if the

crew had carried out the operation
before, or whether they had an
adequate, risk assessed procedure for
The vessels officers failed to inform
the surveyor that the crew had no
experience and no procedure for the
The surveyor allowed himself to
become distracted during the safety
briefing, and missed an opportunity to
clarify his role and make himself
aware of the crews planned
Although some of the crew were a
little anxious before the lifeboat was
released, no one raised their concerns
or stopped the operation.
Everyone involved in operations like this
should be encouraged to voice any safety
concerns that they may have.
4. Lifeboats and their launching systems are
dangerous items of equipment, and must
be maintained and operated by suitably
qualified and experienced crew members.
5. In 2001, concerned about the high
number of lifeboat accidents that had
occurred, the MAIB published a safety
study entitled, Review of Lifeboat and
Launching Systems Accidents. The
study can be found at

3. Communications broke down on a

number of levels and played a part in this

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Part 2 Fishing Vessels

crew member going over the side with a rope
around his leg? Good working practices can
help to avoid this; and how often have boats
been pulled under because the gear has been
snagged and the winchman has kept on
Most of these sorts of accidents can be avoided
with good risk assessment and good training.

Lessons can be learned from every accident,

and most of us can relate to at least some of
the problems that have occurred in the
following pages. In spite of all the
improvements in vessel safety, fishing still
remains the most dangerous industry of all,
and within that industry, my own sector,
potting, is probably the most dangerous.
Most of the dangers, though, can be alleviated
with common sense and good risk assessment.
How often have we heard of boats capsizing
because they have been modified, so that
more pots can be carried, but without the
necessary stability checks being done? Change
the centre of gravity and the boat may well
become unstable. How often have we read (or
had the frightening experience ourselves) of a


Yet there are accidents occurring in spite of

everyones best efforts to reduce them. As
fishermen, we see more and more regulations
(not just fishing regulations) being heaped
upon an already struggling industry. All these
different regulations and controls have forced
skippers to cut back on both maintenance and
crew, and often to put to sea in conditions in
which they would not normally do so. There
can be no doubt that some of these extra
pressures have contributed to some of the
accidents. The Authorities need to be very
careful about making fishing more and more
costly and less and less profitable.
A typical result of increased regulations has
been the move of more fishermen to single
handed working particularly the smaller
inshore potter. The increased safety risks have
not been fully appreciated, and are not being
addressed in the safety courses we all have to
do. How, for example, do you get back on
board if you have the misfortune to go
overboard? Should a personal safety device be
carried and a Confidential Positioning
Reporting System be installed? Is there a
suitable hard wearing lifejacket (buckle and
toggle free) available for constant wear? What
extra safety equipment for watchkeeping,
water ingress etc is required? Is there such a
thing as a dead mans cut out? etc.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

There is so much that we as skippers/owners

(no matter what the size of boat) can do
without having yet more regulations forced
upon us. Let us have education, not regulation
and use the MCA Pre-Sailing Checklist every
time we put to sea, along with a check of all
likely water ingress points like sea cocks and
stern glands.

We are never too old or too experienced to

learn, and the following reports offer us all a
salutary lesson in sea safety. Dont become
another statistic!

No matter how careful we are, though,

accidents do happen, but it is up to all of us to
do our very best to lessen the possibilities and
to be in a position to counter them should we
be unfortunate enough to be involved.

After 11 years in the Army, reaching the rank of captain in the Brigade of Gurkhas, Chris returned to his
home village of Torcross in South Devon where he was brought up among the crab fishing communities of
Start Bay. He achieved his boyhood ambition in 1978 when he bought his first commercial crabber, and still
runs a small 32ft inshore crabber and operates a 15ft bass beach boat. He has been the Hon Sec of the
South Devon and Channel Shellfishermen since 1989, is Chairman of Devon Sea Fisheries Committee,
Chairman of the Crustacea Committee of SAGB and a board member of the Sea Fish Industry Authority.
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Poor Stability and Hull Defects

Lead to Fatal Accident

Figure 1: Salvage

An under 10m fishing vessel left her home port
early in the morning to fish the prawn grounds
off the north-east coast. The weather was
pleasant with a light westerly breeze and a
slight swell. The vessel had been fishing
successfully and the skipper and his brother, as
the only crew, looked forward to another good
days catch.
During the morning, the weather worsened.
A westerly force 6-7 developed and the sea
became very confused. Unworried, the
brothers hauled in their catch and began
steaming back to port. Just before midday, the
skipper spoke to his wife by mobile telephone
to tell her he was making his way home. Soon
afterwards, the trawler was sighted, for the last
time, by another local fishing vessel.

Late afternoon, the families of the two men,

and local fishermen, became concerned that
there was no sign of the vessel. The coastguard
was informed and an air and sea search
conducted, assisted by 15 local fishing vessels.
Unfortunately there was no sign of the trawler,
or of her crew.
Subsequent events included a search for the
wreck. The wreck was located, and an
underwater survey was carried out, during
which the liferaft was found on the seabed and
damage to the radar dome noted. The trawler
was salvaged (Figure 1) to enable a more
detailed structural survey, metallurgical
examination of the hull plating and stability
tests to be conducted. Neither of the brothers
bodies was found on board.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Figure 2: A frame supporting frame to deck split

The investigation found the vessel to be in a

poor structural condition. There were splits
and holes to her upper deck, hull shell plating
and steering gear compartment forward
watertight bulkhead (Figures 2, 3 and 4). In
addition, the rudder stock gland was leaking,
the engine room high level bilge alarm float
switch had been disconnected, and one of her
bilge pumps was not operational. It was also
found that the vessels inherent stability was
marginal, making her unsuitable for offshore
fishing; this was a major factor in her loss.
Understandably, the skipper/owner purchased
the vessel believing it to be suitable to cope
with the rigours of offshore fishing. Proud of

his vessel, he sought to improve her by adding

a winch and deck shelter. Unfortunately, in
doing so, this additional top weight decreased
the vessels stability.
All the evidence indicates that the trawler
began to take water in her steering
compartment and her engine room, further
reducing her limited stability. The flooding
went undetected until the latter stages, when
it is believed an attempt was made to pump
out the bilges. During the process, the vessel
was swamped by seas, downflooding occurred
through the open steering gear compartment
hatch and she sank rapidly by the stern. There
was no time to transmit a Mayday.

Figure 3: Vee split in hull

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Figure 4: Steering compartment forward bulkhead hole

The Lessons
1. The purchase of a fishing vessel is a
major undertaking, and sometimes a
clean and shiny appearance can cloud
good judgment. Skippers/owners are
urged to seek expert advice when
considering purchasing a vessel, to
ensure that it is fit for the purpose
intended. This advice also extends to
changes to structure, to ensure that
stability, and therefore safety, is not
2. Structural maintenance is an essential
element in ensuring a vessels watertight
integrity. Although expensive, it is of
comparatively little cost for a potentially
great return: preventing the possible loss
of a vessel. Hull repairs should be given
the highest priority if downflooding and
internal flooding is to be prevented.


3. Bilge level automatic alarms, operational

bilge pumps and effective discharge nonreturn valves are part of the skippers
armoury to deal with flooding. It is
essential that they are kept in good
working order. Unfortunately, far too
many vessels are lost because high-level
bilge warning alarms and pumping
systems are defective.
4. This vessel carried a liferaft, despite not
being required by regulations to do so.
Sadly, in this case, it failed to fully
deploy, probably because it became
trapped under the radar dome, causing
the casing to flood and thus it lost
positive buoyancy. Skippers are strongly
advised to check stowage positions of
liferafts to ensure that they are free from
overhead obstructions such as radar
domes, fishing gear and mast stays.
Further comprehensive advice is
provided in MGN 267(F).

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


The One That Got Away!

The skipper and crewman of a fairly new,
under 10 metre trawler completed hauling
their afternoon tow and were making ready to
shoot away again. The weather conditions
were good with a slight swell running.
The skipper went into the wheelhouse to
manoeuvre the boat for shooting, and spotted
water washing about down below in the
accommodation area. Dashing below, he found
water overflowing from the toilet and welling
up from drainage holes in the toilet floor. He
opened the engine room door and found
water almost covering the engine. The skipper
immediately notified his crewman of the
situation and sent out a distress call. On
re-entering the engine room, the skipper
attempted to shut off the sea inlets but,
unfortunately, by that time they were too
deeply submerged.
The men donned their lifejackets and made
preparations to abandon the vessel. Another
trawler fishing nearby came immediately to

their rescue and, after attaching a towline, took

both men on board. Both were unharmed. The
rescuing vessel set off towards the beach,
which was fairly close, with the sinking vessel
under tow. She was successfully beached in
shallow water just as she finally foundered.
At low tide, the skipper rowed out in a dinghy
and went aboard the boat with a salvage
pump. As much water as possible was removed
from her engine room, and a search was
carried out for the cause of ingress. Sea water
could be seen welling up through the hull at
one point and, upon investigation, the skipper
pulled on a sea inlet pipe to find that the
sanitary supply line was adrift from the hull at
a point below the shut off valve. The skipper
probed in the water with a broom handle and
could see that at times he was reducing the
surge. He shaped the end of the handle into a
plug and, after locating the ingress point,
drove the broom handle into the sheared inlet
hole, thus preventing further ingress. The
vessel was then pumped dry, and at high tide
she was refloated and towed to port for
inspection and repair.

Sheared fitting after accident

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


The vessel sustained no damage to her hull
when she beached, but she did suffer serious
water damage to machinery and electrics.
Subsequent inspection showed various
contributory factors to the flooding: the
sheared sea inlet was threaded into a pad on
the boats side; the inlet fitting was unduly

long and set at a convenient height for

standing on; the vessel did not have nonreturn valves in her overboard discharges; no
bilge alarm was fitted; holes were bored in the
watertight toilet deck into the engine room to
assist drainage when cleaning.

Similar sea water inlet before accident

The Lessons
1. The vessel had no bilge alarm fitted.
Decked vessels should be fitted with
effective bilge alarms to give earliest
possible warning of water ingress.
Owners may also wish to consider the
benefits of an extension klaxon and/or a
strobe light to give warning when the
wheelhouse is unattended.
2. Frequently, overboard discharge lines are
fitted with non-return valves to reduce
the risk of backflooding. Had this been
the case in this instance, the speed of
flooding would have been greatly
3. The skippers action in plugging the
water entry point with a simple broom
handle shows the effectiveness and
benefit of carrying a selection of
different size plugs to drive into holes or

sheared pipework. Had he received early

warning, by a bilge alarm, the hole might
have been plugged even earlier and
prevented the distress situation.
4. Fittings are greatly weakened by
threading; sea inlets of the stub pipe and
flange type have been found to be
superior. They are best positioned where
they are not convenient to be stood on,
and the supporting of associated
pipework reduces leverage and vibration.
5. Many vessels have foundered due to
water being able to flow between
compartments. During this incident,
watertight integrity was compromised by
someone boring drain holes in the floor,
again speeding up the flooding process as
water flowed back up through these

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


A Fire Detection System Can Help

Save Your Vessel

In darkness, while on passage from one port to
another, the deck lights of a potting fishing
vessel suddenly lit up. Taken by surprise, the
skipper/owner turned the wheelhouse switch
to the off position, but the lights remained on.
He then tried, unsuccessfully, to switch on the
galley lights.
Because the fuse boxes were in the forward
auxiliary generator hold, the skipper went out
on deck and opened the access hatch to the
space. He was met by thick black acrid smoke.
He quickly closed the hatch and returned to
the wheelhouse, where he alerted the
coastguard that he had a fire on board.
The skipper switched on the cabin lights and
called the two deckhands, who were sleeping.
But the lights would not illuminate. He then
returned to the forward hatch and, on opening
it, saw flames in the hold.
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

He went back to the wheelhouse and tried to

call the coastguard again, but found that the
VHF radio would not transmit or receive. He
looked in the compartment under the
wheelhouse deck where the emergency
batteries were fitted, and saw smoke
emanating from it. He then tried to use the
hand-held VHF set, but the battery was flat.
One of the deckhands went to the forward
hatch and touched it with the back of his
hand. It was hot. He took the continuously
running deck wash hose and cooled the hatch
with seawater. Once it was sufficiently cool, he
was able to open the hatch and direct the
water into the hold. But this had little effect, so
he closed the hatch and sealed it to restrict the
supply of oxygen to the fire.
In the meantime, following the initial call from
the fishing vessel, the coastguard had alerted
other vessels in the vicinity of the casualty. The
nearest, which was 4 miles away, was a large


ferry, which then diverted from her passage

towards the reported position of the casualty.
Using searchlights, the ferry found the fishing
vessel, created a lee for the casualty and
illuminated the scene. Soon after arriving on
scene, the ferrys staff could see flames on the
fishing vessels deck. The RNLI lifeboat soon


arrived on scene, took the three crew

members off the fishing vessel and returned to
her station.
The fishing vessel remained afloat and on fire
until later that afternoon, at which time the
fuel tanks exploded and the vessel foundered.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


The Lessons
1. The fishing vessel was not fitted with a
fire detection system in either her
forward auxiliary generator hold or her
engine room. Had one been fitted, this
would have alerted the crew at a much
earlier stage and would have given them
a chance to fight the fire before it had
time to take hold.
2. The electrical fault, which was probably
the cause of the fire, also affected the
charging of the emergency batteries and,

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

in turn, the power to the radio sets.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that
backup hand-held VHF sets are fully
charged at all times.
3. The crew member who attempted to
extinguish the fire used correct firefighting techniques, such as touching hot
spots with the back of his hand and
sealing a space which is on fire to starve
it of oxygen. He clearly demonstrated the
value of having attended a fire-fighting



Didnt Feel a Thing

Damage to fishing vessel

On completion of a 2-week refit, a fishing
vessel sailed for the fishing grounds. During
the departure, the skipper realised that the
buoys and navigational tracks had been
removed from the chart plotter, which had
recently been upgraded. These were
re-installed as the passage progressed. The
navigational watch was then handed over to a
deckhand, and the skipper went to the engine
room to conduct several routine checks before
going to bed.
Forty five minutes later, during the early hours
of the morning, the fishing vessel collided with
the port quarter of an 86,000grt ore carrier,
which was anchored in a designated area.
The skipper was woken by the boat
manoeuvring. He went to the wheelhouse
from where he saw the ore carrier directly
astern. The deckhand on watch admitted that
he had nodded off but stated that there had
been no collision. As the deckhand was

obviously tired, the skipper woke another

deckhand to take the watch. The skipper then
returned to bed. The vessel was fitted with a
watch alarm, but this had been disabled during
the refit.
The ore carrier reported the collision to the
local port authority, which relayed the
information to the coastguard. The coastguard
then contacted the fishing vessel via VHF radio
to check that she was OK. The deckhand on
watch confirmed this to be the case. The
previous watchkeeper had admitted to him
that he had bumped the boat, but did not
amplify further.
When the crew mustered for work about
3 hours after the collision, the skipper was
informed of the call made by the coastguard.
He immediately turned on the deck working
lights and saw that a davit arm was damaged.
As this meant the vessel was unable to fish, the
skipper decided to return to harbour.
Fortunately, the damage to neither vessel was
serious (Figures).
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Shell plating damage on ore carrier

The Lessons
1. After extended periods alongside, it is
prudent to make sure that all systems are
working correctly before sailing. This is
sometimes easier said than done,
particularly during the latter stages of a
refit or maintenance period, when there
is a rush to complete work outstanding,
and masters and skippers are frequently
under pressure to sail as soon as possible.
However, the time and effort invested in
testing equipment alongside can save
serious embarrassment at sea.
2. Numerous accidents at sea result from
lone bridge and wheelhouse
watchkeepers falling asleep, particularly
during the early hours of the morning.
Fatigue is a persistent problem, which
can only be properly overcome by
ensuring watchkeepers are well rested,
and that their body clocks have adapted
to working unusual hours. Where this is
not possible, by ensuring that
watchkeepers are not left alone, and that
watch alarms are fitted and used, at least
they can be prevented from falling asleep
for extended periods during which
dangerous situations can develop.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

3. A ship can only operate safely if the

relationships among her crew are open
and honest. Every person is likely to
make an error or lapse at some stage.
When a mistake is made, or something is
seen which is not as it should be, it is
extremely important that it is reported as
soon as possible. If it is not, valuable
time is lost in investigating resultant
problems, and the taking of remedial
action. Honesty is the best policy.
4. The occasions on which a master or
skipper is required to be called, varies
considerably between companies and the
individuals concerned. There are no hard
and fast rules. However, when a master
or skipper does not formalise the
occasions he wishes to be called, through
written orders, a heavy reliance is placed
on the judgment of a watchkeeper. In
this respect, many masters and skippers
have been disappointed, embarrassed,
and probably furious.


Part 3 Leisure Craft


Aficionados of the Safety Digest will recognize

that there are dramatically more cases in this
leisure craft section than ever before. This is
not by chance.

to identify trends, and so make our pastime

safer. Please report accidents to the MAIB: it
only takes a few minutes, and your report is in
total confidence.

Most of you will know that accidents/incidents

in leisure craft (not including commercially
operated leisure craft) do not need to be
reported to the MAIB. All other accidents in UK
waters, and to UK registered vessels worldwide,
must be reported. The result of this is that most
MAIB investigations are of accidents/incidents
involving merchant ships or fishing vessels.
However, by July 2005, there were five full
investigations of leisure craft accidents
underway in the MAIB, more than half of those
started in the year. This made us take a look at
what was happening in the leisure world.
For the 2 months 8 August 10 October, we
compiled a register of leisure craft accidents
and incidents in UK waters, using the criteria
against which merchant ships and fishing
vessels report to the MAIB. With little effort,
we identified an astonishing 1162 leisure craft
accidents/incidents in UK waters. By the end of
2005, we were aware of 23 deaths in leisure
craft accidents in the UK.

Alcohol has played a major part in four of the

deaths we investigated in 2005. Sadly, the MAIB
has heard from people who have bought a
boat because they could not use their car to
pub crawl; after accidents we have taken
evidence from people who have stated that
they would not have dreamt of driving a car in
the state they were in, and we have heard
arguments from apparently intelligent people
that it cant be that dangerous or the
government would have done something
about it. Any sane person knows that boating
of any form is hazardous, and that you need
your wits about you. Alcohol lessens
inhibitions, clouds judgment, impairs your
senses, slows your thought processes and
reactions, and reduces your physical ability to
survive in the water. In two accident
investigation reports, published in February
and March 2006, the MAIB has recommended
that early legislation be introduced to establish
limits on the amount of alcohol which may be
consumed by operators of leisure craft.

We all know that statistics can be misleading,

particularly when we are dealing with relatively
small numbers, but better statistics would help

Please take time to read all the cases in this

section, and think how you can ensure that
such things could not happen to you.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Double Tragedy

Figure 1: Owners lifejacket

When on a short coastal passage, a 4m sailing
dinghy capsized 7 cables from the nearest
point of land. On board were its owner, an
adult crewman and two children. All were
dressed in shorts and T shirts. The owner was
wearing a lifejacket, and the remainder of the
crew wore buoyancy aids. Following capsize,
two attempts were made to right the dinghy,
which had fully inverted. Despite the wind
being between force 5 and 6, and waves at a
height of about 1.5m, the boat was rotated to
an upright position on both occasions, but
quickly capsized and inverted again.
Following the attempts to right the dinghy, it
was noticed that the dinghys owner had not
been able to inflate his lifejacket.
Consequently, the adult crewman located and
pulled the toggle fitted to his lifejacket
(Figure), which then inflated. However, the
lifejacket did not appear to be fitted correctly,
and the owner struggled to keep his mouth
clear of the water. He died from a combination
of hypothermia and drowning about 10
minutes after the initial capsize.

The remaining crew held onto the upturned

hull, until they were seen by a passing charter
fishing vessel, and recovered on board. They
had spent at least 112 hours in the water. Both
children were taken to hospital by helicopter,
but the youngest child was pronounced dead
on arrival; he died from hypothermia. The
dinghy was towed to the shore and beached in
its inverted condition. The flares carried inside
the dinghys cabin were found to be out of date.
The dinghy was purchased at a boat show 4
months before the accident. Its crew was very
inexperienced, and was not aware of the
predicted wind or sea conditions. Affixed to
the boat was a builders plate which indicated
that its maximum occupancy was three
persons, and that the dinghy conformed to the
stability and buoyancy requirements of the
Recreational Craft Directive for a boat of
Design Category C (Inshore Waters). However,
tests conducted after the accident (see figures)
showed that the dinghy did not meet these
requirements. Although a generic manual
relating to maintenance was provided with the
boat, information specific to the operation of
the dinghy was not.
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Test report photograph dinghy being capsized

Test report photograph cockpit fully swamped

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


The Lessons
1. Although the conditions might appear to
be benign when taking to the water, it is
wise to bear in mind that they can
change very quickly. Many boat owners
have been caught out in this respect.
Before putting to sea, where adverse
conditions threaten the safety of many
small boats, the checking of the local
inshore weather forecasts, via the radio,
internet, local newspapers, or coast radio
stations, is a simple and cost free
precaution to take.
2. When putting on a lifejacket, take a few
seconds to ensure it is worn correctly. If
it is not, the jacket will tend to ride up
when inflated, and will be more of a
hindrance than assistance. This will
decrease, rather than increase, an
individuals chances of survival.
3. Even in the summer, when the
temperature of the sea around the UK is
about 16C, its debilitating effects
should not be under-estimated. This is
still 20C below body temperature, and
well below the temperature of most
swimming pools. When in boats such as
sailing dinghies, where the danger of
capsize is ever present, and when in
remote areas where assistance is not
readily at hand, the effects of cold water
immersion must not be ignored when
deciding what clothes to wear.


4. Flares need to be accessible and in date if

they are to be of use when needed.
5. Experience cannot be taught, however
many of the dangers associated with
sailing and power-boating, along with the
tips of the trade, can be learned through
various levels of RYA training courses.
The completion of such courses provides
a sound foundation from which to start,
and to increase proficiency in these
6. The maximum loading of a boat should
be shown on the builders plate affixed to
its hull, and in the owners manual
provided by its manufacturer. The risk of
capsize and swamping is increased when
this is exceeded.
7. When buying a boat, it is important that
the purchaser is fully aware of its
limitations. For new under 24m
recreational craft, purchased within the
EU, this information should be available
on: the affixed builders plate; the
owners manual provided by the
manufacturer specific to the boat model;
and the manufacturers declaration of
conformity with the Recreational Craft
Directive. It is worth taking the time to
check this information, and where such
information is incomplete, or contains
anomalies that cannot be reconciled by
the vendor, further investigation is
probably warranted before completing
the purchase.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


A Tragic End to the First Trip of

the Season

Figure 1

The owner of a high powered, rigid inflatable
boat (RIB) was well known to have been a
keen and competent yachtsman. He always
made a point of wearing his lifejacket, and
ensured that his yacht was properly equipped
to cope with emergencies. In sum, he was
considered to be very safety conscious.
About 2 years before the accident, he had
moved into the faster paced RIB craft arena.
He enjoyed the excitement of driving his boat,
and decided to replace it with a larger, more
powerful, 6.4 metre RIB with a 150
horsepower engine, providing a top speed of
about 50 knots (Figure 1). It was very doubtful
if the boat was subjected to regular
maintenance or a professional survey prior to
purchase, but the outward appearance was of a
smart, well presented craft.
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

The owner was pleased with the RIBs

performance, but as the weather deteriorated
during the latter part of the year, he decided
to lay up the boat for the winter. As the
weather improved, during the early part of the
New Year, he took the opportunity to take the
RIB on its first run of the season. As a treat, he
also decided to take his two teenage
daughters on the trip. Although clear and
bright, it was a chilly day, the wind was force 4,
the air and water temperatures were at 5C
and 3C respectively, so the group wore warm
Once at the slipway, the owner realised that he
had left the three lifejackets at home, but not
wishing to disappoint the girls he decided to
go ahead with the trip. Also contrary to his
normal practice, he had no VHF radio or flares
on board, with which to raise the alarm if
anything untoward happened.

During the early part of the trip, the elder
daughter took the wheel. She found steering
the RIB rather difficult, and soon after, her
father took over. He was sitting on the most
forward seat, with his younger daughter on the
seat behind and with her sister standing beside
her. After a period of weaving the RIB about, the
owner steadied on a course and set the throttle
at full ahead. The RIB then unexpectedly
lurched to port, throwing the father and his
younger daughter into the cold water.
Because the engine kill cord had not been
connected, the RIB continued at high speed
until the elder daughter was able to scramble
to the steering console and reduce the engine
power. Despite the haphazard steering, she
managed to drive the RIB back towards her
father and sister. Without a VHF radio or flares,
she could not raise the alarm, but on the way,

she raised an arm to try to alert a passing

cruiser to her predicament. Unfortunately,
they mistook this to be a greeting and
continued on their way.
Once close to her family, the elder daughter
jumped into the water in an attempt to rescue
her sister. The cold water was too much to
bear and, despite her very brave rescue
attempts, she had to climb back into the RIB.
Tragically, without the support of lifejackets,
her father and sister disappeared from view.
The elder daughter then drove the RIB
towards two fishermen in a boat, told them of
the situation and they raised the alarm by
mobile telephone.
Despite long and rigorous searches, the father
and his younger daughter were not seen again.

Figure 2: Steering system


MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Figure 3

The Lessons
All the evidence points towards a mechanical
failure of the RIBs steering system (Figure
2) causing it to lurch uncontrollably. It was
found that the system had non-standard
components fitted, and that the hydraulic oil
level was low, due to oil leakage from the
helm/shaft pump boss (Figure 3). This
allowed air and moisture to enter the system,
causing intermittent steering control, and
water ingress causing corrosion to internal
It is tragic that a number of contributory
factors to this accident have also been causal
in other fatal leisure craft accidents. Most
are obvious, and include:
1. Good preparation cannot be over
emphasised the use of lifejackets,
carriage of flares and a VHF radio will
greatly improve your chances of survival
you owe it to yourself and your
passengers to carry them on board.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

2. Do take the opportunity to regularly

maintain your equipment in accordance
with the manufacturers instructions.
3. Always investigate fluid leaks and do not
delay rectification your life may depend
upon it. Pools of fluid are obvious signs of
leakage, but also look for staining and
paint detachment on components as
possible indicators of problems. It is
important to do this during, and following,
lay up because systems can develop leaks
as seals can become dry and brittle
through under use.
4. Always connect your engine kill cord
remember your boat may be the only
lifeboat available you do not want to
see it disappear from view.
5. Make sure that those on board are aware
of the internationally recognised method
of signalling distress: raising and
lowering of the arms outstretched at each
side of the body.



Alcohol Ends a Weekend Pleasure

Four married couples set out from a marina for
a weekend trip on board an 8 metre long, fast
motor boat. Their destination was a popular
small harbour, where they intended to stay
overnight in a hotel.
The couples were in high spirits, and they had
brought with them alcohol and food for the
trip. During the passage, one of the men water
skied behind the motor boat, and they
stopped at a landing stage and had lunch in a
waterside hotel. Later in the afternoon, they
anchored the boat in a bay, and two of the
wives went swimming. Alcohol was consumed
throughout the passage and at the hotel.
The owner of the boat had taken the helm for
most of the day, but, as they approached their

destination, one of the other husbands took

over. They entered the harbour, and the boat
was made fast to one of the pontoons. The
couples went ashore and enjoyed an evening
of singing, dancing, eating and consuming
more alcohol.
At 12.30am, three of the couples took the boat
out again, to visit a prominent tourist feature
about 2 miles away. They reached the feature
and then began their return to the harbour.
The owner was sitting in the port cockpit
chair, with the other man sitting in the
starboard chair and in control of the steering
and the engine throttle control. One of the
wives was standing between them. It became
cold during the return passage, so the other
two wives and one of the husbands moved
forward and stood behind the chairs to take
shelter behind the windscreen. The boat
Engine throttle control

A view looking forward from the stern of the cockpit area


MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Damage to starboard forefoot and bow forward

turned into the outer harbour, which

funnelled down to a narrow entrance to the
inner harbour. As the boat approached the
entrance, it made a sharp turn to starboard
and crashed into an unlit low cliff.
A yachtsman had seen the navigational lights
of the motor boat travelling at speed and
approaching the harbour. The boat
disappeared from view and he heard a loud
Realising something had happened to the
boat, the yachtsman called the emergency
services immediately. He and his crew headed
for the stricken motor boat. When they
reached it, they found it lying heavily in the
water, with only one man and one woman still
conscious. They took them on board the yacht
and, concerned that the motor boat was in
danger of sinking, the yacht towed the motor
boat to a slipway on the other side of the
harbour where medics and ambulances were

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

Three of the boats occupants were killed

during the accident; the other three sustained
serious injuries.
The survivors cannot remember the events at
or around the time of the accident, so it is not
known why the motor boat turned suddenly to
Post accident investigations found:
The three fatalities resulted from severe
chest injuries, which were caused by being
thrown against the forward part of the
cockpit at the time of the impact with the
low cliff.
The severe damage to the motor boat, and
the spread of debris field on the low cliff,
showed that it must have been travelling at
high speed when it approached the narrow



The toxicology tests at the post mortem

examinations showed that those who lost
their lives had levels of alcohol in their
bloodstreams which were more than twice
the legal limit for driving a car.

There were no mechanical faults with the


There were no other vessels moving either

in the outer harbour, or the inner harbour,
and the navigational light at the entrance to
the inner harbour was clear and

The owner and the helmsman had many

years of experience on motor boats and
yachts, and held RYA Powerboat Level 2

The Lessons
1. Dont drink and drive on land and
2. Travelling in restricted waters, in
darkness and at high speed, requires good
vision, good judgment and quick reaction
times. Alcohol causes reduced vigilance,
lower inhibitions, poor night vision,
affected perception and deterioration of
judgment: all of which played a large part
in this accident.


The weather was fine and calm, and the

visibility was good.

3. Even experienced and qualified people,

travelling on well founded vessels, can
make fundamental mistakes when
adversely affected by alcohol.
4. It is wise to gradually reduce a boats
speed when approaching a narrow
entrance, where manoeuvrability is
restricted. This gives those in control
more time to assess the situation and the
hazards to navigation.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Ouch! One Very Badly Cracked RIB

Figure 1: Broad on, port perspective

It was another very pleasant, balmy summers
day in a popular seaside resort; just the sort of
day to take the family out for a short,
exhilarating, boat trip. Indeed, what better way
to round off a holiday than to do this onboard
a high speed, 12 passenger, 9 metre, Rigid
Inflatable Boat (RIB) (Figure 1).
Full of expectations and a little trepidation,
12 passengers, 6 of whom were children, were
given a rudimentary safety briefing by the
fiance of the RIBs skipper. She had no
marine experience. The briefing only covered
the use of the lifejackets, and emphasised that
the red manual inflation toggle should not
be pulled while in the RIB. Unfortunately, the
passengers were not told when the toggle
should be pulled. With the passengers now
safely on board, the skipper and his fiance
took up their positions at the steering console.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

The skipper rounded off the safety briefing by

instructing his passengers to raise a hand
should they become concerned at any time
during the trip.
The skipper connected his engine kill cord to
the steering console, started the engines and
left the harbour entrance, while the
passengers settled down for their big treat.
They were not disappointed. With the wave
height at about 0.5 metre, the skipper
conducted a number of exhilarating, high
speed manoeuvres before reversing his course
to pass the nearby headland and into more
open seas.
By now, the wave height had increased to
about 1 metre. The passengers, now a little
more nervous, were being bumped about their
seats as they passed a nearby, small, single
handed fishing vessel at about 25 knots, but
none raised a hand to indicate concern. After



Figure 2: Front bench

Figure 3: Hull lifted to expose split

manoeuvring off a nearby beach, the skipper

set his course to return to the harbour. Soon
after, the RIB drove into the back of a wave in
the following sea.

Luckily, the two children in the water were

quickly recovered by their father, who had
dived into the sea to rescue them. The
skipper of the fishing vessel saw the RIB in
difficulties and immediately hauled in his lines
and made his way towards the RIB. Lifeguards
from the nearby beach also sped to the scene
on a jet ski as the emergency services were

The skipper felt the RIBs handling

characteristics change. The deck heaved
slightly, there was a loud crack and the forward
part of the hull momentarily adopted an angle
of about 45 degrees from the horizontal. The
front bench seat was torn from its deck
mountings, plunging two of the children into
the water (Figure 2). One female passenger
also trapped her legs between the split
sections of the marine ply deck before being
pulled back by her husband. In the meantime,
the skipper ran forward, the engines stopped
as the kill cord was activated, and he dropped
both his anchors and launched the lifeboat,
although he was unsure how to do this. The
RIB, although still afloat, had its bow section
fully open to the sea, with port and starboard
splits to the hull extending to over half the
RIBs length (Figure 3).

The passengers were transferred to the fishing

vessel, a jet ski, and the inshore lifeboat, and
were landed at the harbour shortly afterwards.
Surprisingly, none suffered serious injury.
The subsequent investigation found that the
RIB was supposedly built to the European
Craft Directives standards, but there was no
documentation to support this claim. In
particular, there was no specification for the
hull structure or its construction to justify its
designation to cope with 4 metre seas, the
structure lacked longitudinal stiffness and was
of extremely light construction (Figure 4). As

Figure 4: Construction


MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

this vessel was used for commercial purposes,
it was subjected to detailed examination under
the auspices of the MCA. However, in common
with many other RIBs, there was no access to
the under deck areas, so it was very difficult to
assess the true condition of the hull.
It was also found that the operating company
had conducted no risk assessments of their
operation, and neither was it aware of the

The Lessons
The owner of the RIB operating company
identified a niche in the leisure market for
high speed boat rides. He purchased the
RIB, and operated it in good faith, believing
that it had been built to the European
Recreational Craft Directive (RCD)
standards (which came into force in 1996
for recreational craft between 2.5 and 24
metres). As such, the craft should therefore
have been able to withstand the loads
expected for its intended operation. This
assumption was further reinforced because
the RIB had been examined for commercial
Fee paying passengers should expect to be
carried in a safe manner, in a seaworthy
vessel capable of coping with the predicted in
service loads. Equally, they should expect
that the operation has been assessed as being
safe, part of which includes the skipper being
fully trained and qualified for his role in
order that he can competently deal with
emergency situations.
In this case, the crew and passengers were
very lucky to escape serious injury.
This accident has highlighted the following
lessons appropriate to operators of small,
high speed leisure craft, especially for those
in commercial use:

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

need to do so. The skipper lacked some of the

mandatory qualifications and endorsements,
and the local harbourmaster was unaware of
the qualifications required for the RIBs
operation, despite having endorsed the
venture. Although the RIB had been examined
for commercial use, the required certification
had not been issued. While this had no impact
on the accident, the vessel was, nevertheless,
ineligible to carry fee paying passengers.

1. If you are considering buying a boat that

has been built since 1996, ensure that it
carries a CE identifying plate confirming
it has been built to the RCD standards.
2. Purchasing a new build vessel is a major
financial undertaking check with the
builder that he holds a comprehensive
Technical File supporting his build
process. This should contain the
necessary calculations proving the hull
strength is suitable for the intended
3. If considering buying a re-sale boat, you
will wish to check the condition of the
hull structure. This is often difficult
with a GRP RIB as under deck access is
frequently impossible. If this is the case,
the builder may well have a set of
photographs taken during build. These,
coupled with the information in the
Technical File, will aid you and your
surveyor to determine the suitability of
the vessels construction for your needs.
It is also wise to check the vessels
history for any major hull repairs.
4. Are you aware of the qualifications and
endorsements required to skipper a
commercial craft, and of the need for
risk assessments? These are laid out in
the MCAs Marine Guidance Note
280(M) colloquially known as the
Harmonised Code.



A Lovely Day Ends in Tragedy

On a pleasant summers day, the helmsman of
a 6.55m cabin cruiser spent the day with
various friends, cruising between near-by
harbours, visiting the local public houses as
they went. A local harbourmaster had
particular reason to note the vessel that day, as
it had twice sped out of his harbour,
generating excessive wash.
Just after sunset, the cabin cruiser, with its
helmsman and three passengers, completed
the short 10-15 minute crossing to a small
harbour for a drink. Thirty five minutes later,
and being aware it was getting dark, the
helmsman decided to head back to the main
harbour. The vessels navigation lights
consisted solely of a combined side light (the
pole mounted all-round white light being
broken), however it was doubtful that the
helmsman turned this on.


Earlier in the evening, a 4.4m dory, with three

people on board, had travelled from the small
harbour to the main harbour for an evening
out. After several drinks, again as it was getting
dark, the helmsman decided to head home.
The dory had no navigation lights.
The dory and the cabin cruiser, both unlit,
sped towards each other at a combined speed
of over 45 knots. At the last moment, the
helmsman of the dory saw the bow wave of the
cabin cruiser. But it was too late to avoid a
collision. The helmsman of the cabin cruiser
saw nothing ahead, and only felt his vessel
jump up as it hit and flew over the dory, and
then stop as it landed back in the water.
No-one in the cabin cruiser was injured, and
they were now able to see the vessel they had
hit, also stopped in the water. They could see a
person in the water, but could not render
assistance as the stern drive of their own vessel

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


was badly damaged. However, using a mobile

phone they raised the alarm. Neither vessel
had a VHF radio, flares or other lifesaving
On board the dory, one occupant was
knocked unconscious and another was thrown
into the water. Fortunately, he remained

The Lessons
1. Using a leisure craft while under the
influence of alcohol is dangerous and
puts your and others lives unnecessarily
at risk. Alcohol will lead to:
deterioration of night vision

conscious and managed to swim back to the

boat. Tragically, the helmsman was killed in
the collision.
The lifeboat arrived quickly and evacuated the
injured. After the accident, it was found that
both helmsmen were over twice the alcohol
limit permitted for driving a car on UK roads.

3. Adjust your speed to suit the conditions,

especially at night. Travelling at a slower
speed will provide more time to react and
lessen the damage resulting from any
impact. Be aware that your night vision
will not be good just after leaving a lit
area, and remember other craft may be
hidden by background light from the

deterioration of peripheral vision

increased reaction times
greater risk taking as judgment
becomes impaired.
To be safe, employ the same practices as
you would on the road, and ensure an
experienced helmsman stays sober.
2. Navigation lights form a vital role on the
water after sunset. They make you
visible at night, give information on your
vessels aspect, provide an indication as
to what sort of craft you are and the
danger you may present. Having no
navigation lights is inherently unsafe and
will lead to a far greater risk of having a
collision in the dark. The COLREGS2
detail what navigation lights you must

4. Associated with speed is wash

generation. Once a modern powerboat is
fully planing, its wash may be
insignificant. However, as a boat is
climbing on to the plane, the wash
generated can be considerable and can
represent a real hazard to swimmers and
small craft. Ensure you keep your wash
to a minimum, and show some
consideration to other water users in
confined and busy areas of water.
5. The requirements to travel at a safe
speed and to show navigation lights are
both detailed in the COLREGS. A good
awareness and understanding of these
essential rules of the road is vital when
travelling on the sea, and you ignore
them at your peril. There are plenty of
publications available which explain the
COLREGS quite simply, and the RYA
teaches the basics on its numerous
training courses.

2 The International Rules for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Fire: Put It Out and Keep It Out

The owner and his wife were half way through
a four week holiday, cruising the Western Isles
of Scotland when fire gutted their 12.5m steel
hulled yacht, forcing them to abandon ship.
Fortunately no-one was hurt, but the yacht was
burnt out.
The yacht was on a daytime passage between
two ports. On sailing, the weather had been
clear, but around midday the wind had
dropped and visibility reduced to less than
1 mile, so they were motor-sailing. About 112
hours later, the crew noticed smoke coming
up the companionway, and the skipper went to
investigate. On lifting the companionway
steps, the skipper saw flames on the starboard
side of the engine in the vicinity of the wiring
loom. He fetched a fire extinguisher from the
forepeak and with 3-4 blasts put the fire out.
The engine had remained running throughout.
There was a lot of smoke below, so the skipper
went on deck for some fresh air before


inspecting the damage. While on deck, he

noticed that the instruments were no longer
working, so assumed the fire had damaged the
cables. He decided not to dampen down the
fire area or stop the engine as he might have
trouble re-starting it, and there was insufficient
wind to sail out of any trouble. However, he
was unable to commence repairs due to
residual smoke in the engine space, so he left
the hatches open to try and clear it.
Fifteen minutes later, the skipper had gone
below and forward to collect tools to begin
repairs when he heard a shout from his crew,
alerting him to black smoke emitting from the
engine space and the wet locker area. As he
left the cabin, he saw flames coming from the
vicinity of the wet locker, and within minutes
of his arriving in the cockpit, flames were rising
through the companionway. At that point, the
skipper decided to abandon ship and he and
his wife, both wearing lifejackets, inflated and
boarded their dinghy safely. Without a portable
VHF in the liferaft, the skipper alerted the
coastguard using his mobile phone.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


The skipper and his wife were rescued by a

nearby motorboat, and the local RNLI lifeboat
fought the fire before taking the yacht in tow.
Unfortunately, the extent of damage below was
so great that it was not possible to determine

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

the exact cause of the original fire, nor

whether the second fire was a re-ignition of
the first, or another fire caused by heat transfer
into the wet locker.



The Lessons
1. Never assume a fire is out. To burn, a
fire needs 3 ingredients: combustible
material, oxygen and a source of ignition.
Depriving the fire of any of these will
put it out, temporarily. Fire-fighting
must always be followed by action to
permanently deprive the fire scene of at
least one of the 3 key ingredients.
2. If you do suffer a fire on board, always
check adjacent compartments and spaces
for hot spots and secondary fires. If
possible, dampen down hot spots, but at
least monitor the area until any residual
heat has dissipated.


3. Review your fire-fighting appliances.

Have you enough? Are they the right
type? Are they in date? Are they
positioned sensibly? Do you and your
crew know how to use them?
4. Finally, review and, if possible practice
your abandon ship drill. Check you
know the contents of the liferaft and, if
necessary, use a grab bag to hold
supplementary kit such as a handheld
VHF and GPS.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Perilous Propellers

A 12 metre long, twin screw charter boat was
hired by a team of divers for 2 days of diving.
This vessel had been used by one of the team
on a previous occasion, with good results. It
was known to some of the others by
reputation and was operated under the
Maritime and Coastguard Agencys Code of
Practice; it was a Coded boat.
The boats skipper met with the team the
evening before the first dives and discussed
buddy arrangements and dive sites.
The following morning all met at the boat,
which then headed for the area of the first
dive. This was just off an area of rocks where
seals were common. Once at the site, the
boats skipper gave the dive team a briefing.
This included details of the underwater terrain,
an area of possible strong tidal streams, the
use of delayed surface marker buoys and
procedures to be followed after surfacing.
Water depth was between 20 and 24 metres.
Four pairs of divers entered the water. Surface
conditions were reasonable, with only a slight
swell and breeze. After about 30 minutes, they
began to surface close to the rocks. The swell
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

had increased noticeably, as had the wind,

which was tending to blow the boat towards
the rocks; a lee shore. As instructed in the
briefing, they swam towards the boat, and the
first pair of divers boarded without incident.
One of the second pair to surface had difficulty
getting on the boarding ladder. On the first
attempt, he slipped off, largely because of the
boats movement in the swell. He again swam
towards the boat for a second attempt.
However, the skipper was concerned that his
boat was being pushed too close to the rocks.
Thinking the diver was still on the ladder,
having not seen him slip off, he put his engines
in reverse gear to move away from the rocks.
The diver quickly found himself beneath the
boat, with his regulator knocked out. He tried
to lose buoyancy, to get clear of the boat, but
before he could do so his legs became caught
in one of the propellers. He lost one leg and
seriously injured the other.
Another, much faster boat in the area
recovered the injured man and his buddy, and
landed them ashore. During this short trip, the
coastguard was alerted by VHF radio and
arranged for both an ambulance and an air
ambulance to attend.


The Lessons
1. The Maritime and Coastguard Agencys
Code does not cover the safety of
recreational diving operations; it is
concerned primarily with the safety of
the boat and those on board. A boats
compliance with the Code does not
automatically indicate its suitability for


2. Many Coded boats still operate with just

a skipper; he may have no second
crewman. A skipper working alone may
not always be able to take steps to ensure
his boats safety, and at the same time
monitor divers at the surface or coming
to the surface. If possible, any of the dive
party already on the boat should act as a
second pair of eyes for the skipper,
monitoring divers at or near the surface
and making the skipper aware of their

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Rafted Canoe Exercise Ends in

That Sinking Feeling

Figure 1: Rafted canoe arrangement

A group of 8 middle managers were taking part
in a corporate team-building course, part of
which involved a harbour crossing of about 1.6
miles using two rafted canoes provided by an
outdoor activities centre. The canoes were
accompanied by a small 4-man capacity safety
boat. None of the group had any waterborne
experience. The course was managed by a
separate, third party specialist company, but the
outdoor centre provided the training facilities
and some specialist instructors. In this case, it
included the safety instructor for the harbour
crossing exercise. The instructor had previously
been involved in the crossing, but he had never
led this exercise before. Safety had always
received high priority, and the centre had a
comprehensive safety policy. However, they
had not conducted a specific risk assessment
covering the rafted canoeing exercise.
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

The evening before the exercise, a team

briefing was held, during which an alternative
exercise to the crossing was briefly discussed.
However, the young instructor interpreted that
the managing company wanted the crossing to
be completed despite the forecasted southwesterly wind force 4-5, increasing to force 5-6.
The next day got off to a bad start. A wheel fell
off the trailer carrying the safety boat, and while
towing the two canoes to the start point, one of
them capsized. This caused further frustrating
delays to the already tight programme. To make
matters worse, the weather had deteriorated
and there was the additional pressure from the
course manager to recover the programme. To
make up lost up time, extra instructors were
sent to help the course members build the
rafted arrangement using spars and ropes, and
one extra instructor embarked in the safety
boat with the safety instructor (Figures 1 and 2).





Safety boat
towing bridle
Bowlines allowed to travel along
the safety boat towing bridle and
canoe tensioning rope

Canoe stem
tensioning rope

Bowline free to travel along

safety boat towing bridle
Fixed towing point on
canoe towing bridle

connecting spar

Figure 2

Despite the worsening conditions and heavy

chop to the surface of the sea, the instructor
did not consider cancelling the exercise
although this had been done on previous
occasions. Lifejackets were issued, and
paddling and steering instruction was given as
the group started off across the open water.
Following a review of earlier canoeing risk
assessments, the centre had decided that the
exercise should be conducted within 250
metres of the shore, instead of the previous
limitation of 400 metres. However, the
instructors were not made aware of this and

the group continued with the open water

crossing About 30 minutes later, the group
became very tired, and made little headway,
having lost the lee of the land. It was decided
to take them in tow, although no thought had
been given to the best towing method. The
canoes yawed badly and became quickly
swamped (Figure 2).
Unperturbed, the instructors attempted to
release the spars and empty the canoes, the
course members clung on, or floated nearby.
When the crews attempted to climb back into
the canoes, the canoes were swamped again,

Figure 3: Safety boat


MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

plunging everyone back into the cold water.
Using his mobile telephone, the instructor
advised the outdoor centre of the situation
but, despite the worsening situation, the
emergency services were not alerted and the
canoes and course members drifted towards a
deep channel.

In an effort to warm up the course members,

the instructors decided to put the entire group
into the 4-man capacity safety boat (Figure 3).
As the last person was pulled on board, the
safety boat became swamped and all 10 people
were, once again, plunged back into the cold
water. The boat capsized.

The safety boat carried no flares, nor was a

VHF radio carried to raise the alarm.
Fortunately, soon after, an oilrig supply vessel
appeared nearby and the instructors managed
to catch the crews attention. The vessel
informed the coastguard of the situation.

Luckily the supply vessel arrived quickly and

recovered those in the water. They were
then transferred to a lifeboat and
subsequently to hospital for check-ups; all
were later released and the canoes and safety
boat recovered.

The Lessons
The course members were extremely
fortunate that the oilrig supply vessel was in
the vicinity to make a speedy recovery,
especially as the group were drifting quickly
towards deep water, and the cold was rapidly
sapping their strength. The appropriate
control measures were not in place to
minimise the risks, because the risk of rafted
canoes becoming swamped had never been
properly assessed. Had they been, it is
probable that an alternative exercise would
have been conducted.
This accident has highlighted the following
lessons appropriate to the outdoor activity
1. Risk assessments need to be thorough,
and must consider every element of the
activity. Hybrid activities, such as the
rafted canoe exercise, warrant their own
risk assessment.
2. Although rafted canoes provide a stable
platform, they are less able to ride
with the sea conditions than a single
canoe, and are therefore more susceptible
to swamping.

4. It is always prudent to validate risk

assessments by scenario-based training.
By doing so, other risks and appropriate
rescue actions are often identified. In
this case, the best method of towing
would probably have been identified.
5. Outdoor centres should ensure that they
are fully involved in exercise
programming and planning when third
party managers are conducting training.
6. Instructors should be fully conversant
with any limitations (wind force, sea
state, visibility) imposed on an exercise,
and should never be reluctant to cancel
exercises if there is a risk to personal
safety. The importance of having an
agreed alternative plan should be fully
7. It is essential for instructors to recognize
when a normal recovery situation
turns into an emergency situation.
8. Emergency services should be alerted
early when people are getting into
serious difficulty.

3. Changes to risk assessments should be

promulgated to staff as soon as possible.

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Grounding in Perfect Weather

A 48m luxury yacht grounded in good weather
on a well charted reef. The vessel was badly
holed and sank to a semi-submerged position.
Two days later, the vessel slipped off the reef
and disappeared below the surface.
The yacht had been cruising for 2 days with its
passengers on board and had anchored in a
bay overnight. The chief officer, who had
joined the vessel 4 months previously, was up
early as usual, assisting the crew and weighing
anchor. He then went to the bridge to take
over the watch from the master, and was
informed by him of their days destination.
The weather was excellent, with good visibility
and only a light breeze, and the plan was to
make for a bay some 2-3 hours steaming down
the coast.
The chief officer was responsible for
navigation, and he drew a planned track on the
small scale chart. He also made use of some

waypoints of key headlands that he had

previously programmed into the GPS. The
course chosen was close to the shoreline to
ensure a good view for the passengers, and
they cruised at 10 knots. During this time, the
master was never far away, but there were no
positive handovers of watch between the
master and the chief officer. On nearing their
destination, the switch was made to a larger
scale chart. Only 2 fixes were made on this
chart, about 30 minutes apart, each time using
a single radar range and bearing from a
headland, backed up with a GPS check.
About the time of the second fix, the master
studied the shore and decided to head to
another bay slightly further down the coast.
Between their position and the intended bay
was a charted, but unmarked, reef, a small part
of which was visible above the sea surface.
Both officers were aware of the hazard, and
the master asked the chief officer whether
they were clear of the reef. The chief officer
replied that they were and, after glancing at
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


the radar, the master was happy to continue.

The master watched as the depth on the echo
sounder decreased, as he expected, believing
that his vessel would cross a plateau to
starboard of the shallowest part of the reef.
The vessel then shuddered to a halt. The
officers rushed to the port bridge wing and
were able to see over the side the rock they
had grounded on.
The master went into the engine room and
saw flood water rising in the bilges. He

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

returned to the bridge and alerted the

coastguard. The chief engineer stopped the
main engines and started the bilge pumps, but
they did not stem the inflow of water. The
chief officer then mustered the passengers and
crew, the vessels own two craft were lowered
to the water, and the passengers were
evacuated very calmly. Four of the crew stayed
on board and rigged an emergency pump, but
it had little effect and shortly before the
weather deck immersed, the remaining crew
abandoned ship.



The Lessons
Sadly, the lessons learnt from this accident
are not new and are common to many
accidents investigated by the MAIB.
1. Passage planning is not an optional extra.
It is vital, if you are to avoid grounding
on clearly charted obstructions, as is the
case in this accident. There may have to
be a great deal of flexibility in where a
vessel goes, but this is no excuse for not
conducting proper passage planning

3. Make sure the officer responsible for

navigation is provided with sufficient
time to complete a passage plan. Once on
passage, it is too late, and local
knowledge is not always reliable.
4. Ensure your vessels management has an
external review. Relying solely on the
master to effectively manage and
command a vessel may mean unsafe and
sloppy practices creep in unnoticed and

2. Ensure you use all the tools available to

monitor your position. When working
close inshore:
fix regularly
do not rely on a single bearing and
range for position fixing
use clearing bearings
use parallel indexes on your radar.
All of the above are aids to keeping your
vessel safe.


MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


Preliminary examinations started in the period 01/11/05 29/02/06

A preliminary examination identifies the causes and circumstances of an accident to see if it meets the criteria required to
warrant an investigation, which will culminate in a publicly available report.
Date of

Name of Vessel

Type of Vessel


Size (grt)

Type of Accident


Sammi Superstars

Bulk carrier



Mach. failure


George Lyras

Bulk carrier





Arctic Ocean
Marie Af Hovrik

Dry cargo container

Fishing vessel





Golden Bells II

Fishing vessel
General cargo






Dry cargo container



Acc to person (fatal)


Solent Fisher

Product tanker



Hazardous incident


Lisa Leanne

Scallop dredger



Fire/explosion (fatal)



Fishing vessel




Dublin Viking

Ro-ro passenger





St Georgij

Bulk carrier





Black Friars

Oil tanker






Bulk carrier



Acc to person (fatal)


Mounts Bay

Naval support RFA



Mach. failure


Linda Kosan

Oil/chemical tanker
LPG carrier

Isle of Man


Haz. Incident


P&O Nedlloyd Genoa

Dry cargo container



Heavy weather damage


Pamela S

Fishing vessel



Acc to person (fatal)


Pride of Calais

Ro-ro passenger



Machinery failure


Stena Leader

Ro-ro passenger




Investigations started in the period 01/11/05 29/02/06

Date of

Name of Vessel

Type of Vessel


Size (grt)

Type of Accident



Pair trawler
Offshore supply






Ro-ro passenger




Arctic Ocean
Maritime Lady

Dry cargo cont.

General cargo




CP Valour

Dry cargo cont.






Beam trawler



Capsize (fatal x 3)



General cargo





Emerald Star

Beam trawler





Green Hill

Fishing vessel



(fatal x 2)



General cargo




MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Reports issued in 2005

Albatros accident on board the commercial
sailing vessel, Thames Estuary on 22 August
2004, resulting in one fatality
Published 8 April 2005
Amenity/Tor Dania collision between
vessels, south of Grimsby Middle, River
Humber, UK on 23 January 2006
Published 7 November 2005
Attilio Ievoli grounding of the Italian
registered chemical tanker on Lymington
Banks in the west Solent, south coast of
England on 3 June 2004
Published 7 February 2005
Balmoral grounding of passenger vessel,
Gower Peninsula on 18 October 2004
Published 29 July 2005
Brenda Prior/Beatrice collision, Lambeth
Pier, River Thames on 17 December 2004
Published 11 August 2005
Brenscombe Brenscombe Outdoor Centre
canoe swamping accident in Poole Harbour,
Dorset on 6 April 2005
Published 2 December 2005
British Enterprise grounding in Ahirkapi
Anchorage Area, Istanbul, Turkey on
11 December 2004
Published 30 December 2005


- Emerald Dawn capsize and foundering,
with the loss of one life on 10 November
Published 5 August 2005
- Jann Denise II foundering 5 miles SSE of
the River Tyne on 17 November 2004 with
the loss of two crew
Published 5 August 2005
- Kathryn Jane foundering 4.6nm west of
Skye on, or about, 28 July 2004 with the loss
of the skipper and one possible crew
Published 5 August 2005
Hyundai Dominion/Sky Hope collision in
the East China Sea on 21 June 2004
Published 30 August 2005
Isle of Mull contact between two vessels,
and the subsequent contact with Oban Railway
Pier, Oban Bay on 29 December 2004
Published 22 July 2005
Jackie Moon grounding, Dunoon
Breakwater, Firth of Clyde, Scotland on
1 September 2004
Published 23 March 2005

Cepheus J and Ileksa collision in the

Kattegat on 22 November 2004
Published 20 July 2005

Loch Lomond RIB two people being

thrown from a high-speed rigid inflatable boat
in Milarrochy Bay, Loch Lomond, with the loss
of their lives on 13 March 2005
Published 21 December 2005

Coral Acropora escape of vinyl chloride

monomer, Runcorn, Manchester Ship Canal on
10 August 2004
Published 8 March 2005

Nordstrand fatal accident at Agencia

Maritima Portillo, Seville, Spain on
20 September 2004
Published 15 April 2005

Daggri contact made by the UK registered

ro-ro ferry with the breakwater at Ulsta,
Shetland Islands on 30 July 2004
Published 5 April 2005

Orade collision of general cargo vessel with

the Apex Beacon, River Ouse on 1 March 2005
Published 14 December 2005

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006


RFA Fort Victoria investigation of the

lifeboat release gear test, which caused injuries
to two people at Falmouth ship repair yard on
10 September 2004
Published 18 May 2005
Sardinia Vera grounding of the passenger
ro-ro ferry, off Newhaven on 11 January 2005
Published 21 September 2005
Scot Explorer and Dorthe Dalsoe
collision, Route T in the Kattegat, Scandinavia
on 2 November 2004
Published 10 June 2005

Swan capsize of the passenger launch on

the River Avon, Bath on 14 October 2004
Published 15 July 2005
Waverley grounding of the passenger
vessel, south of Sanda Island, west coast of
Scotland on 20 June 2004
Published 1 February 2005
Recommendations Annual Report 2004
Published July 2005
Annual Report 2004 Published May 2005
Safety Digest 1/2005 Published April 2005

Star Clipper failure of a mooring bollard

from the Class V passenger vessel, resulting in
a fatal accident at St Katharines Pier, River
Thames, London on 2 May 2005
Published 18 February 2005
Stolt Aspiration/Thorngarth collision
between vessels, River Mersey, Liverpool on
13 April 2005
Published 28 November 2005

Safety Digest 2/2005 Published August 2005

Safety Digest 3/2005 Published December
A full list of all publications available from the
MAIB can be found on our website at

Stolt Tern grounding, Holyhead, Wales on

1 December 2004
Published 9 September 2005

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006



Reports issued in 2006

Abersoch RIB a serious injury sustained
when falling overboard on 7 August 2005
Published 3 February 2006

Lykes Voyager/Washington Senator

collision in Taiwan Strait on 8 April 2005
Published 10 February 2006

Auriga loss of fishing vessel off Portavogie,

Northern Ireland on 30 June 2005
Published 3 February 2006

Mollyanna capsize of sailing dinghy, off

Puffin Island, North Wales, resulting in two
fatalities on 2 July 2005
Published March 2006

Big Yellow hull failure of RIB, Porthmeor

Beach, St Ives Bay, Cornwall on 26 August 2005
Published March 2006
Blue Sinata foundering in Weymouth Bay
on 8 September 2005, with the loss of one life
Published 2 March 2006
Border Heather explosion and fire in
Grangemouth, Firth of Forth, Scotland on
31 October 2004
Published 16 February 2006


Portland Powerboats collision during a

junior racing event at Portland Harbour,
1 serious injury, on 19 June 2005
Published March 2006
Savannah Express engine failure and
subsequent contact with a linkspan at
Southampton Docks on 19 July 2005
Published 7 March 2006

Bounty capsize and loss 4 miles off Berry

Head, South Devon on 23 May 2005
Published 2 February 2006

Sea Snake grounding at high speed of

leisure powerboat near the entrance to Tarbert
harbour, Loch Fyne on 10 July 2005, with the
loss of three lives
Published March 2006

Carrie Kate/Kets collision near Castle

Point, St Mawes, Cornwall resulting in one
fatality on 16 July 2005
Published 24 February 2006

Solway Harvester capsize and sinking of

fishing vessel 11 miles east of the Isle of Man
on 11 January 2000 with the loss of 7 lives
Published 20 January 2006

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2006

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