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Nist-Srm 930e

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The document describes glass neutral density filters that are certified as a primary transfer standard for use in spectrophotometer calibration. It provides certified transmittance density and transmittance values along with uncertainties at various wavelengths.

Certified transmittance density values and uncertainties are provided for three glass neutral density filters at five wavelengths in the visible spectrum to allow verification of spectrophotometer absorbance and transmittance scales.

The transmittance of the filters can be affected by factors like stray light, temperature, positioning of the filter, surface conditions, aging of the glass, exposure to harmful atmospheres, and careless handling.

National Institute of Standards & Technology

Standard Reference Material 930e
Glass Filters for Spectrophotometry
This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is a primary transfer standard certified using a national reference
spectrophotometer at NIST [1-3]. It is intended for use in the verification of the transmittance and absorbance scales
of spectrophotometers in the visible spectral region. SRM 930e is a set consisting of three individual glass neutral
density filters in separate metal holders and one empty filter holder. The exposed surface of the glass is
approximately 29 mm x 8 mm, measuring from a point 1.5 mm above the base of the filter holder (see Figure 1). The
filter holders are provided with shutters that protect the glass filters when not in use. Each filter-containing holder
bears an identification number for the set and individual filter numbers (10, 20 or 30), which correspond to the
nominal percent transmittance (100 x transmittance) of each filter.

Certified Values of Transmittance Density and Transmittance: Certified transmittance density values
independently determined for each filter at 22 °C ± 1 °C and at five wavelengths in the visible portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum are given in Table 1a. These values are calculated from measured transmittances (T) as
-log10 T and should be indicated by the absorbance (A) scale of the spectrophotometer, if the filters are measured
relative to air. The corresponding certified transmittance values are given in Table 1b. The expanded uncertainties
for the certified transmittance density values of Table 1a are calculated from uncertainty components given in Tables
2, 3, and 4 (see Determination of Expanded Uncertainties). The expanded uncertainties for the transmittance values
of Table 1b are calculated from the transmittance density uncertainties. The expanded uncertainties allow for
possible changes due to slight surface contamination and fundamental materials effects over the two-year period of
certification. Spectral bandpass values indicated in parentheses beside the wavelengths of certification in Tables 1a
and 1b are the maximum values for which the certified values are valid.

Expiration of Certification: This certification is valid, within the measurement uncertainties specified, for two
years from the date of certification for this set in Tables 1a and 1b, provided the SRM is handled and stored in
accordance with the instructions given in this certificate. However, the certification will be nullified if the SRM is
altered, contaminated, or damaged. The set may be returned to NIST for cleaning and recertification at two-year
intervals. Recertification can be arranged by contacting the NIST Optical Filters Program at (301) 975-4115.

The overall direction and coordination of technical measurements leading to certification were performed by
J.C. Travis and G.W. Kramer of the NIST Analytical Chemistry Division.

Transmittance measurements were performed by M.V. Smith of the NIST Analytical Chemistry Division.
Statistical support was provided by K.R. Eberhardt and H-k Liu of the NIST Statistical Engineering Division.
The support aspects involved in the preparation, certification, and issuance of this SRM were coordinated through
the NIST Standard Reference Materials Program by J.W.L. Thomas.

Willie E. May, Chief

Analytical Chemistry Division

Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Nancy M. Trahey, Chief

Certificate Issue Date: 16 May 2000 Standard Reference Materials Program
See Certificate Revision History on Page 4

SRM 930e Page 1 of 6

Instructions for Use: The transmittance of the filters depends upon the intrinsic properties of the material and the
wavelength, spectral bandpass, and geometry of the optical beam. It can be affected by other factors such as stray
light, temperature, and the positioning of the filter. Changes in the transmittance may be caused by changes in
surface conditions, aging of the glass, exposure to a harmful atmosphere, or careless handling as indicated (see
Storage and Handling) [1,4-6]. The measurement wavelengths indicated in Tables 1a and 1b should not be in error
by more than 1 nm, and the maximum spectral bandpass values should not be exceeded. The wavelength axis of the
instrument may be calibrated using NIST SRM 2034 Holmium Oxide Solution Wavelength Standard.

Instrument verification should be performed at an ambient temperature between 20 °C and 24 °C [4]. The empty
filter holder provided is to be used in the reference beam of the spectrophotometer so that approximately equivalent
conditions of stray radiation are achieved for both beams. The shutters provided with each filter must be removed at
the time of measurement and be replaced after the measurements have been completed. Measurements performed
outside of these specified conditions or the optical geometry used for certification (see Determination of
Transmittances) could produce transmittance values that differ from the certified values.

To demonstrate that a user’s measurements are traceable within acceptable limits to the accuracy defined by SRM
930e, the user must first determine the required tolerances or acceptable uncertainty for the application in question. It
is recommended that a number of replicate measurements be made for each filter and wavelength, with removal and
replacement of the filter between replicate measurements. The user should then compare each mean value and the
user-defined tolerance with the NIST-certified value and expanded uncertainty (Table la or 1b). An acceptable level
of agreement between a user’s measurements and the certified value is assured if any part of the range defined by the
NIST certified value and its expanded uncertainty overlaps any part of the user’s tolerance band defined by the
measured mean and the user-defined level of acceptable uncertainty [7].

Storage and Handling: Each SRM 930e set is stored in a black anodized aluminum container to minimize
contamination of the glass filter surfaces with particulate matter due to static charge. Each filter is placed in a
cylindrical cavity to prevent any contact between the filter face and the walls of the storage container. Each filter
holder is provided with a flat leaf spring that is inserted into the cylindrical cavity of the unit for transportation.
These springs should be removed during use. Improper storage or handling of the filters may cause changes in
the transmittance [4]. It is recommended that the filter in the holder be handled only by the edges with soft,
powder-free, plastic (polyethylene) gloves and optical lens tissue. When not in use it should be stored in the
container. Extended exposure to laboratory atmosphere and dusty surroundings should be avoided. If the surface of
the glass filter becomes contaminated, no attempt should be made to clean it. However, dust may be removed by
using a rubber-bulb air puffer without contacting the surface of the filter. The SRM set should be returned to NIST
for recertification.

Instrument Dependence Warning: Instruments for which wavelength dispersion occurs after the light has
passed through the filter are particularly susceptible to minor deviations in the optical beam by the SRM unit.
If such effects are detected or suspected, the user should contact J.C. Travis, NIST Analytical Chemistry
Division at (301) 975-4117, for assistance and instructions.

Source and Preparation of Material: The neutral filters were produced by either Starna Cells, Inc. of Atascadero,
CA or Schott Glass Technologies, Inc. of Duryea, PA, from samples of Schott NG-4 and NG-5 glass, selected for
best homogeneity and minimal inclusions and striae1. The filters were ground and polished to the appropriate
thicknesses to achieve the nominal transmittances of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 [1,4,5]. SRM 930e has been polished to a
flatness of one wavelength of the helium-neon laser 633 nm line over the central 5 mm × 20 mm filter area and to a
parallelism of 0.1 mrad (20 ") or better. Prior to certification measurements, the glass filters were aged at NIST for
at least six months, and each filter was examined for surface defects and thoroughly cleaned [4].

Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this certificate in order to adequately specify
the experimental procedure. Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the

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Determination of Transmittances: The transmittance measurements were made relative to air (an empty filter
holder) at an ambient temperature of 22 °C ± 1 °C using a high-accuracy spectrophotometer designed and built in the
NIST Analytical Chemistry Division [3]. This instrument represents a primary transmittance standard; its
transmittance accuracy is established using the double-aperture method of linearity testing [3,4,6,8]. The effective
spectral bandpass used to determine the certified values was 0.8 nm. The transmittance measurements were made by
projecting the vertical image of the slit (approximately 6 mm x 1 mm) onto the middle of the entrance face of the
glass filter using 1:1 imaging and a convergent beam geometry with an aperture ratio of f/10. The filter is mounted
in a multiple filter carriage in the spectrophotometer. Each transmittance value reported in Table 1b is the average of
three transmittance values over the several minute time period required for three carriage cycles. The filters were
measured in the spectrophotometer in a position perpendicular to the incident light beam as shown in Figure 1. Each
transmittance value was calculated from a measurement of the intensity transmitted through the filter and bracketing
measurements of the intensity transmitted through an empty filter holder with a settling time of approximately 5 s
followed by a signal integrating time of approximately 2 s. Transmittance was determined in this way several times
during an aging period of at least six months. Only the final measurements were are used as the basis of the certified

Uniformity: The transmittance uniformity of each SRM 930e filter was tested at 546 nm (with a 30 nm effective
spectral bandpass) using a commercial spectrophotometer to compare the transmittance density measured at the
center of each filter with that measured 7 mm below the center. Filters were rejected if the relative difference of the
two readings exceeded the allowable limit of 0.0013 absorbance units with a statistical confidence of 95 %. This
limit is reflected in Table 4 and was established experimentally for prior filters of this type by sampling 1 mm x 4 mm
areas over a region 5 mm wide by 20 mm long and located symmetrically about the center face of each filter [9].

Determination of Overall Uncertainties: The expanded uncertainties (U) of the certified transmittance density
values of Table 1a, reported in Table 2, are determined from combined standard uncertainties (i.e., estimated
standard deviations) of component uncertainties reported in Tables 3 and 4 and a coverage factor k = 2 based on the
t-distribution for more than 30 degrees of freedom [10]. This uncertainty includes “Type A” uncertainties, which are
evaluated by statistical methods, and “Type B” uncertainties, which are determined by other means. The standard
uncertainties are combined by the root-sum-of-squares method. The expanded uncertainty defines an interval within
which the unknown value of the transmittance density can be asserted to lie with a level of confidence of
approximately 95 %.

The Type A standard uncertainty component for each level (Table 3) was determined from the results of a statistical
analysis of two replicate measurements taken on different days at five (5) wavelengths for eight (8) filters at each of
the three levels (filter numbers 10, 20, and 30). The pooled standard deviation of replicates, sp, was computed and
reported as the standard uncertainty for each level. The degrees of freedom, DF, for the pooled standard deviation
was computed by multiplying the degrees of freedom for each set of replicates times the number of filters at each
level by the number of wavelengths for each level and filter: DF =1× 8 × 5 = 40.

The Type B uncertainty components of Table 4 were estimated from studies described in NIST Special Publication
260-116 [4]. The Type B uncertainty components are derived from an estimate of the range, ± ai, with the
assumption that the uncertainty is uniformly distributed. The resulting standard uncertainty component is then
approximated as ai ÷ 3 [10].

SRM 930e Page 3 of 6


[1] Collected Papers from NBS Conference on Accuracy in Spectrophotometry and Luminescence
Measurements, NBS Journal of Research 76A, No. 5, pp. 375-510, (1972).
[2] Burke, R.W. and Mavrodineanu, R., Accuracy in Analytical Spectrophotometry, NBS Spec. Pub. 260-81,
[3] Mavrodineanu, R., An Accurate Spectrophotometer for Measuring the Transmittance of Solid and Liquid
Materials, NBS Journal of Research 76A, No. 5, pp. 405-425, (1972).
[4] Mavrodineanu, R., et al., Glass Filters as a Standard Reference Material for Spectrophotometry - Selection,
Preparation, Certification, and Use, SRM 930 and SRM 1930, NIST Spec. Pub. 260-116, (1994).
[5] Mavrodineanu, R., Solid Materials to Check the Photometric Scale of Spectrophotometers, NBS Tech. Note
544, Menis, O., and Shultz, J.I., eds., pp. 6-17, (Sept. 1970); ibid, NBS Tech. Note 584, pp. 2-21, (Dec.
[6] Gibson, K.S., Spectrophotometry, NBS Circ. 484, (Sept. 1949).
[7] Becker, D., Christensen, R., Currie, L., Diamondstone, B., Eberhardt, K., Gills, T., Hertz, H., Klouda, G.,
Moody, J., Parris, R., Schaffer, R., Steel, E., Taylor, J., Watters, R., and Zeisler, R., Use of NIST Standard
Reference Materials for Decisions on Performance of Analytical Chemical Methods and Laboratories, NIST
Spec. Pub. 829, (1992).
[8] Mielenz, K.D., and Eckerle, K.L., Spectrophotometer Linearity Testing Using the Double-Aperture
Method, Appl. Optics 11, pp. 2294-2303, (1972).
[9] Travis, J.C., Winchester, N.K., and Smith, M.V., Determination of the Transmittance Uniformity of Optical
Filter Standard Reference Materials, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 100, p. 241, (1995).
[10] Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, ISBN 92-67-10188-9, 1st Ed. ISO, Geneva,
Switzerland, (1993); see also Taylor, B.N. and Kuyatt, C.E., “Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the
Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results,” NIST Technical Note 1297, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington DC, (1994); available at

Figure 1. SRM 930e Filter Holder

Certificate Revision History: 16 May 2000 (Technical changes due to new instrumentation); 4 February 1971 (Original certificate date).

Users of this SRM should ensure that the certificate in their possession is current. This can be accomplished by
contacting the SRM Program at: telephone (301) 975-6776; fax (301) 926-4751; e-mail; or via
the internet

SRM 930e Page 4 of 6

Table 1a. Certified Transmittance Density Values for SRM 930e, Set Number

Wavelength, nm Transmittance Density (-log10T)

(Maximum Spectral
Bandpass, nm) Filter Number - Set Identification

10- 20- 30-

440.0 (2.2) ± 0.0024 ± 0.0023 ± 0.0023

465.0 (2.7) ± 0.0024 ± 0.0023 ± 0.0023
546.1 (6.5) ± 0.0024 ± 0.0023 ± 0.0023
590.0 (5.4) ± 0.0024 ± 0.0023 ± 0.0023
635.0 (6.0) ± 0.0024 ± 0.0023 ± 0.0023

Table 1b. Certified Transmittance Values for SRM 930e, Set Number

Wavelength, nm Transmittance (T)

(Maximum Spectral
Bandpass, nm) Filter Number - Set Identification

10- 20- 30-

440.0 (2.2)

465.0 (2.7)

546.1 (6.5)

590.0 (5.4)

635.0 (6.0)

Date of Certification:

SRM 930e Page 5 of 6

Table 2. Transmittance Density Uncertainty for SRM 930e

Uncertainty Type Transmittance Density Uncertainty

Filter Number

10 20 30

Combined Type A 0.00043 0.00026 0.00030

Combined Type B 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011

Combined Uncertainty, uc 0.0012 0.0011 0.0011

Expanded Uncertainty, U 0.0024 0.0023 0.0023

(coverage factor k = 2)

Table 3. Type A Components of Transmittance Density Uncertainty for SRM 930e

Source Filter Standard Uncertainty DF

10 0.00043 110
Replicate Measurements
20 0.00026 110

30 0.00030 110

Table 4. Type B Components of Transmittance Density Uncertainty for SRM 930e

Applies to all filters (10, 20, 30).

Source Standard Uncertainty DF

Homogeneity 0.00075

Transmittance Stability 0.00061

Temperature 0.00050

Linearity/Geometry 0.00025

Combined Type B Uncertainty 0.0011

Effective Degrees of Freedom > 30

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