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Sir Lyman Duff and The Hong Kong Inquiry - Dalhousie Review, Volume 52, Number 2, 1972 Pages 203 - 211

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Edward F.



I .

In October 1941, at a dark hour in her fortunes, embattled Britain asked

Canada for whatever reinforcements she could spare for the Hong Kong gar~
rison. The island colony off the Chinese coast must certainly stand in the
full tide of Japanese onslaught should the worsening relations with the Far
Eastern power result in war. Canada responded; on 27th October two bat~
talions, the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnpeg Grenadiers, sailed from
Vancouver aboard the troopship Awatea, bound on the most ill-fated and
disastrous military venture in Canadian history. Less than two months later,
the British outpost, bereft of both naval and air defence, fell to Japanese
forces. The Canadians, those who survived the siege and assault, passed into
Japanese captivity, along with two British units (the 1st Middlesex battalion,
2nd Royal Scots), the 2/4th Punjab battalion, the 5j7th Rajputani Rifles, and
last but not ]east, the Hong Kong Volunteers. .
Understandably indeed shocked amazement swept Canada, for never
before had Canadian troops suffered such a catastrophe. Who was responsible?
Were the two Canadian units properly trained and equipped? Should they
have been dispatched at all on so hopeless a mission? It was not surprising,
therefore, that the King government shortly came under Opposition fire.
Colonel George Drew, redoubtable veteran of the First World War, then
Conservative member for Simcoe East in the Ontario legislature, laid the
responsibility for the disaster squarely on the shoulders of Canada's wartime
Prime Minister, the wily Mackenzie King. King first considered that a par~
liamentary inquiry would serve to defend his government against Drew's
charges, reflecting as they did on the cabinet's competence and collective
responsibility, but then decided that nothing short of a full scale Royal Com-
mission would suffice to dear his government and satisfy the nation.

The Prime Minister's choice at this critical moment fell naturally upon
Canada's most eminent jurist, Sir Lyman Poore Duff, now in his seventy-
eighth year; Duff had sat on the bench of the Supreme Court of Canada since
1906, and for the last ten years as Chid Justice. In the course of his distin-
guished career he had participated in no fewer than 1,840 Supreme Court
decisions, and had won renown in the legal profession for his work on three
well-publicized Royal Commissions-on Shell Contracts in 1916, Railways and
Transportation in 1932, and the inflammatory I'm Alone incident, involving
the sinking on the high seas of a rum-runner under Canadian registry by an
American Coastguard cutter in 1929. Duff's reputation as an eminent and
gifted jurist had spread far beyond the borders of his native Canada; indeed,
as far back as 1919 he had been appointed a member of the Judicial Com-
mittee of the Privy Council, one of the few Canadians surely to be accorded
the distinction. Certainly Duff stood very high in King's estimate, for the
Prime Minister recorded in his diary, following the death of Lord Tweeds-
muir in office, that Duff would have been the first choice for Rideau Hall if
only he had had a wife to act as hostess and consort. 1 As it was, Duff served
on several occasions as Administrator, and in 1931 had the honour of being
the first Canadian to open Parliament. 2 It is hardly surprising, therefore, that
King's choice should fall, in his hour or trial, upon the Meaford-born son of
a Congregationalist minister, whose law career had begun nearly a half century
before in the sleepy little farming town of Fergus, Ontario.
Fortunately for the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice accepted the charge
after considerable hesitation, considering his advancing years. Accordingly
he was appointed a one-man Royal Commission, under Order-in-Council, 12th
February 1942, with broad terms of reference: responsibility for approval of
the expedition in the first instance, for the selection of the two battalions
which composed it, the means by which the two units were brought up to
strength, and the general organization and supply of the force. 3 The hearings
extended throughout the month of March, in which civilians and the military
of all ranks were called to testify.
On the basic point of the inquiry, government responsibility for dis-
patching the expedition on what the critics rightly termed a hopeless and fatal
mission, Duff entirely exonerated the government, as indeed he did on all the
other counts, save one. Duff's Report contended that Canada had no con-
tacts in the Orient, and so was utterly dependent on British intelligence, from
which no forewarnings had come concerning the imminence of war in the
Far East. This defence really amounted, in essence, to laying the blame at

Britain's door, on the premise that the colony was indefensible. ". : . . .
And so indeed had no less a personage than Winston Churchill con
sidered it before the war; indeed, he had favoured a reduction of the garrison
in the exposed colony. He was then persuaded by ill-informed advisers that
the addition of two or three battalions would enable the colony to withstand
a siege for several months, which would encourage the embattled Chinese on
the mainland; indeed, perhaps assistance might be antic ipated from that
quarter. Overdrawn herself, having barely survived the threat of German
invasion, with no troops to spare, Britain turned to Canada. The Canadiao
Government, under the dire circumstances of the time, could not refuse
Britain's plea. Particularly was this the case considering that in October 1941
Canadian troops had yet to meet the enemy, whereas Australian forces had
been heavily committed in the see-saw battles of the Western Desert, New
Zealanders had taken part in the vain if heroic defence of Crete, and South
Africans had engaged in the Ethiopian campaign. According to Duff's find-
ings, to be so savagely attacked by George Drew soon afterwards, General
Grasset, former Commander-in-Chief, China Command, in passing through
Ottawa on his way home, had told General Crerar that the timely addition of
"two or more battalions" would make all the difference to Hong Kong's de-
fence. Grasset, who had just been replaced at Hong Kong, believed that such
reinforcement would enable the colony to withstand an extended siege.
According to Crerar, the War Office and Chiefs of Staff in London had been
so informed. 4 The inference of this testimony of course was that since the
British with their considerable experience over several centuries of defending
outposts of Empire could be so self-deceived, was it any wonder that the
Canadian authorities should have followed suit!
Drew, in a letter circulated to the leaders of the Opposition Parties and
eventually published after the war, stated that on the contrary, the Canadian
Government had received two dispatches from London on the 18th and the
24th October (the latter three days before the expedition sailed) that as a result
of the change of government in Japan, war was imminent. Therefore, charged
Drew, King and his ministers were fully aware of what they were doing.
ln Duff's Report, however, a General Stuart was quoted "there were no wires
received by us during that period from the United Kingdom that indicated
any change in the situation". To this Drew replied in his open letter:
Having regard to the. messages which were placed before him, the finding
of the commissioner is utterly incomprehensible. . . .
The impression is conveyed that the British Government did not com-
' !


municate any warning to the Government of Canada. That is not so..
The Royal Commission Report quoted Colonel C. G. Power, then acting
Minister of Defence, as saying, "if war broke out with Japan the Canadian
forces in Hong Kong would be in a very difficult position". 6 Drew charged
that Duff had quoted only part of Power's statement; the Minister foresaw
himself the likelihood of war with Japan: ' '
I felt, perhaps, without any sound basis except having read these dis-
patches, that there was a very good chance of war breaking out with Japan, and
in such a case our men would be in a very difficult position.7

On the premise, then, that the Canadian authorities were aware of the im-
minence of war, could they honourably have withheld their assistance,
turned a deaf ear on Britain's request rather than risk two Canadian battalions
on a forlorn mission? This is a political, rather than a military question. In
the introduction to his Report, Sir Lyman touches on this point in relation to
his principal critic:
It was urged by Mr. Drew that the change of Government in Japan on
October 16, by which a cabinet notoriously sympathetic with the Axis powers
came into office, ought to have led the Canadian Government to re-examine
the question of policy raised by the invitation of the United Kingdom ...8

The inference is dearly that Canada had no choice morally but to honour her
commitment to Britain, whatever the cost.
Assuming the obligation to send two battalions to Hong Kong, was
the selection made a happy one? Sir Lyman's Report deals exhaustively with
this aspect of the expedition, although his arguments have not recommended
themselves to posterity. Both units had been engaged in the sedentary func-
tion of garrison duty, the Royal Rifles of Canada, a Quebec City unit, in New-
foundland, and the Winnipeg Grenadier~ in the West Indies. It was alleged
by critics of the government that some of their reinforcements had not com-
pleted their basic training. In this section of his Report, in which he justifies
the selection of these two units for dispatch to Hong Kong (where after all
they would again be engaged on garrison duty), the Chief Justice's reasoning,
on at least some points, will appeal more to the civilian than to the soldier.
Although Duff was an avid student of military history, he had undergone no
military training, and so was not closely familiar with the technicalities of the
soldiers' trade. At one point in the hearings, it transpired that one or other
of the units had never trained with live grenades, hut with dummies. The

Commissioner did not attach too much significance to this, reasoning no doubt
that the transition to live ammunition would not be too difficult a one. A
man who has never thrown a live grenade might well reason thus; in any
case, there would be plenty of time to make up for this deficiency on arrival
at Hong Kong. Both units had completed basic rifle training only, and so
had had no experience with such sophisticated weaponry as Bren guns, anti~
tank rifles and grenade launchers. 9 Duff's Report quoted General A. G. L.
McNaughton to the effect that both units were "of proven efficiency".10 To
this Drew rejoined that McNaughton "was only answering hypothetical ques-
tions and that he knew nothing whatever about the state of training of these
units". 11 The prime responsibility for the selection of the Royal Rifles and
the Winnipeg Grenadiers, however, lay with General Crerar, the Chief of the
General Staff, whose memorandum to the Minister of Defence of the 30th
September 1941, justified the decision with the observation that the garrison
duties the troops would face in Hong Kong were not unlike what they had
already experienced in Newfoundland and the West Indies. 12 Obviously this
was written on the premise that Hong Kong was not in danger of attack.
The only point on which Duff found fault with the organization of the
expeditionary force concerned the Q uartermaster Gene ral's Branch, whose lack
of initiative and foresight condemned the expedition to departure without their
mechanical transport. The Awatea, the only transport available in late October,
a converted passenger liner, had but a third of the cargo space required for
the loading of the vehicles assigned to the force. Hence, on 15th October, a
little under a fortnight from the scheduled departure, the Transport Controller
stopped shipment of this equipment to Vancouver, resulting in the Arvatea
sailing for Hong Kong with two holds empty. Shortly thereafter the Amer-
ican transport San Jose was made available to the Canadian authorities. She
sailed with the Canadian vehicles on 4th November for Hong Kong, but was
diverted by the exigencies of the American operations, first to Honolulu, then
to Manila, where she docked on 12th December-in good time for MacArthur's
Phillipine debacle, but manifestly too late for doomed Hong Kong, already
under siege. 13 Duff faulted the authorities for not foreseeing these difficulties,
and so at least ensuring that the Awatea sailed with full holds. " .r
D rew's open letter made a great deal of this dispatch of the ill-starred
expedition without its mechanical transport, particularly as regards gun car-
riers and water carriers. The Chief Justice observed that gun carriers were
not offensive weapons in the sense that tanks were, hence that this deficiency
constituted a handicap rather than a serious deficiency. Again, this argument
' ~ '

may have appealed more to the civilian than to the soldier. Drew charged
that with the destruction of the water mains under Japanese bombardment,
{ '

the lack of water carriers inflicted untold suffering on the hard-pressed troops,
heavily engaged in tropical heat. Drew further stated that the Canadian
authorities had received three cables from Hong Kong, giving terse but terrible
testimony to the sufferings of the hard-pressed defenders and their lack of trans-
port.14 Duff found, however, that the troops did not suffer from the lack
of these vehicles, which in any case were likely, for want of evidence to the
contrary, supplied by the British in Hong Kong.H'
Summing up the Introduction to his Report, submitted on 4th June 1942,
the Chief Justice wrote:

In October, 1941, the Canadian military authorities undertook a task of

considerable difficulty . . . Canada sent forward, in response to the British
request, an expedition that was well trained and (subject as aforesaid, in so far
as the shipping facilities allowed) well provided with equipment. In spite of
the disaster which overtook it soon after its arrival in Hong Kong, it was an
expedition of which Canada can and should be proud. 16

On 4th June, the very day that the Report came out, King confided to
his diary the relief he felt at the outcome:

Its wording really made me rejoice. It contains a first-rate crack at Drew,

the implication being that once there was a possibility of fighting due to change
of government in Japan, the Government should have reconsidered the force ....
There could not have been a finer vindication of the Government's whole attitude
in undertaking the expedition and the manner in which it was handled. I
phoned Ralston after reading the Report and told him of its contents. I could
feel the joy in his heart and his sense of relief which, in his case, I know, is
particularly greatP

The publication of Duff's R~port was the signal for a concerted attack
on the King administration, and upon the Chief Justice, whose findings had
supported the action of the government throughout. Never perhaps in our
history have the findings of a Royal Commission come under such fire as
have those of Sir Lyman Duff on the ill-fated Hong Kong expedition. The
chorus of criticism was as damaging to the Chief Justice's integrity as to the
competence of the government he had defended. Drew's charges were pub-
licized on 13th July; the following day King visited Duff. The Prime Minister
wrote in his diary that he had found Sir Lyman very upset, speaking of the
"whole procedure as being a plot in Toronto to try and oust me", 18 King's

reaction to Drew's charges was one of outrage: "a perfectly appalling com-
munication attacking the Chief Justice, ... I have never read a more extreme
or dangerous type of letter" .19
A full dress debate in the House followed on 27th Ju ly, the Government
being sustained the following day by a vote of 130-34. That night King re-
I confess I felt a sense of inner rejoicing and would have rejoiced outwardly
as well had I not been so greatly fatigued . . . .20
And there for the time the issue rested. It was fanned to life again how-
ever, in 1948, through the publication in England of Major-General Maltby's
account of the fall of Hong Kong in the London Gazette: Maltby had been
in command at Hong Kong at the time of its falL The leader of the Opposi-
tion, John Bracken, demanded a tabling of the evidence in the House. The
cabinet was divided on the wisdom of this course. King consulted Duff, now
in retiremenr, who replied that he had nothing to hide. Only the infamous
Drew letter should be withheld.
It was undoubtedly a pity that the Chief Justice was fated to be en-
meshed in this maelstrom of an issue so very near the end of his illustrious
career. He complained to the Prime Minister that the Toronto Globe & Mail
and C.B.C. Radio had cast reflections on his integrity, a radio commentator
having observed that it looked as if Drew had been right after all. 21 On the
night of 24th February 1948, having read the Government's statement to the
House, Mackenzie King wrote finis to the contentious issue with yet another
entry in the faithfully-kept diary:
. Was immensely relieved to find that there was nothing in all the corres-
pondence that would in any way reflect on either myself or run counter to the
judgment of Chief Justice Duff. There is, of course, much that would indicate
that our men were sent far coo quickly, insufficiently trained, etc., but there is
enough in the telegrams from the United Kingdom to make dear there was no
reason to expect they would be involved in any engagements as soon as they were.
It really has been a waste of an entire day, having to go over all this mate-
rial which belongs to six years ago but which comes up now in ways to occasion
It is this sort of thing which makes one increasingly weary of public life. 22
And again the following night:
' Nothing exhausts me more than contention over a matter like Hong Kong,
where one realizes that it is only adding to the problems of the day to be dis-
cussing Hong Kong and that the whole purpose of the Opposition is political.28
1 I


In the first of the above excerpts, the Prime Minister admitted at least
some of the very charges which Duff's Report had dismissed. On the pub-
lication of Drew's bombshell of 1942 in the Ottawa Evening Citizen o 1st
March 1948, King asserted in the House that the Opposition's purpose in
resurrecting the issue was to provoke a battle between Drew (now Premier of
Ontario) and the retired Chief Justice, in order to make King himself the
scapegoat for the disaster.
There but for the treatment of future historians, the Hong Kong issue,
and Duff's Report thereon, rests. It is doubtful, in retrospect, whether Canada
under any circumstances, could have welched on her obligations at that
juncture. Once undertaken, with inferior units, in a manner of speaking, one
damned thing led to another. Historians and biographers of the future may
disagree on their interpretation of Duff's Report, some seeing him as a pliant
tool of government, others as a conscientious jurist who interpreted the facts
as he found them to the best of his ability. It was charged by his critics that
much evidence was withheld; if so, this does not necessarily implicate Duff.
In any case, future historians will not find their task of sifting through the Hong
Kong Report an easy one. But for the selected evidence and testimony appear-
ing in the published Report, fully 300 exhibits and 2,288 pages of testimony
have vanished into limbo, a circumstance yet to be explained.24
In December 1943 Sir Lyman stepped down from the Bench. Before
he did so he received this testimonial from Mackenzie King:

Before you retire from the high office of Chief Justice, may I, on behalf
of my colleagues in the Government, and on my own behalf, express to you our
deepest appreciation of your devotion to the public welfare, and thank you most
sincerely for the help you have given to the administration in office in your
position as a member of the Supreme Court and Chief Justice, and particularly
in helping to meet the demands of war-time emergencies. 25
There is no reason to doubt the Prime Minister's sincerity.
Sir Lyman Duff's long career, spanning a half century, came to its end
on 26th April 1955 in Ottawa, in his ninety-first year. Undoubtedly as a
jurist he was without a peer in Canada, and the esteem in which he was held
in his profession was eloquently expressed by Chief Justice Kerwin:

It is as a jurist that we will particularly remember him. . . . He made

his presence felt year after year on Her Majesty's Privy Council in London,
England, taking part in a number of constitutional appeals and a~ain, in many
cases, writing the judgments of Their Lordships... , It is impossible adequately

to express in a short statement the debt that the legal profession and all Canadians
owe to h is industry, ability and brilliance. 26
Perhaps so it is that he will be remembered in the histories of the future. The
tangled and contentious Hong Kong inquiry was the one blot on an otherwise
brilliant career; nonetheless, government responsibility for the dispatch of half-
trained troops, and evasiveness thereafter in its justification, merit as much
criticism as the effort of the Chief Justice, if such it was, to defend its conduct.
l. J. W. Pickersgill, The Mackmzie King Record, Vol. 1, (Toronto; University
of Toronto Press) p. 74. Duff lost his wife in 1926 and remained a widower
the rest of his ilfe.
2. Canadian Directory of Parliament, ed. ]. K. Johnson, (Ottawa: Public Archives
of Canada, 1968), p. 728.
3. Lyman Poore Duff, Report on the Canadian Expeditionary Force to the
C1oum Colony of Hong Kong, (Ottawa: King's Printer, 1942), pp. 3-7, passim.
4. Ibid., p. 14.
5. Ottawa Citiez n, 1 March 1948, reprint of Drew letter of 1942.
6. Duff, op. cit., p. 16.
7. Ottawa Citizen, March 1948.
8. Duff, op. cit., p. 4.
9. Ottawa Citizen, 1 March 1948.
I 0. Duff, op. cit., p. 21.
11. Ottawa Citizen , 1 March 1948. !'
12. Duff, op. cit., p. 20.
13. Ibid., pp. 51-2. ! .
14. Ottawa Citizm, 1 March 1948.
15. Duff, op. cit., p. 8.
16. Ibid.
; .
17. Pickersgill, op. cit., pp. 403-4.
18. Ibid., p. 404.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid., p. 407.
21. Pickersgill, J. W. & Foster, D. F., The Mackenzie King Record, Vol. IV, pp.
239-42. ;,
22. Pickersgill, op. cit., pp. 242-3. .. i,
23. Ibid., pp. 243-4. , '
24. Henderson, George Fletcher, Federal Royal Commissions in Canada 1867-1966:
A Checklist, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967), p. 141.
25. Public Archives of Canada, MG30 E 46, Duff Papers, Vol. 3, King to Duff,
26. Ibid., Vol. 6, file 4, tribute Chief Justice Kerwin.

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