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Learning and Working With Generalized Functions Can Be Fun: F. Farassat NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia

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Learning and Working

With Generalized
Functions Can Be Fun
F. Farassat
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
Talk Presented at
Penn State Engineering Seminar
April 10, 2006

NASA Langley Research Center 1 of 11

F. Farassat
Outline of the Talk
What is an ordinary function?
What is a generalized function (GF)?
How do we extend the definition of a
A brief definition of GFs
Differentiation of GFs
Some applications of GFs
Concluding remarks

F. Farassat 2 of 11
What is an Ordinary Function (OF)?
We think of an ordinary function such
as sin x or ex as a table of ordered
pairs of numbers (x, sin x) or (x, ex).
This means that we think as ordinary
functions pointwise. A graph is a way
is illustrating this pointwise view of a
The functions engineers learn in
calculus are all ordinary functions.
These functions are not enough for
what the engineers need later

F. Farassat 3 of 11
What is a Generalized Function (GF)?

The British physicist Dirac in his work

on quantum mechanics in 1926
introduced a function called delta
function with the property

( x ) ( x ) dx = ( 0 )

We can show that there is no ordinary
function with this property. However,
this function is so important in
mathematics that mathematicians had
to find a way to define it rigorously. It
took about 25 years to do this!

F. Farassat 4 of 11
How Do We Extend the
Definition of a Function?
We must change the way we think of
functions from pointwise (ordered pair
of numbers) to one that allows new
objects or functions. This process of
extension of the definition of ordinary
functions is difficult and most
mathematicians never have to do this.

People involved: Sobolev,

Schwartz, Mikusinski

F. Farassat 5 of 11
How Do We Extend the Definition
of a Function? (Contd)
When we extend the definition of a
function, we require two things:
All ordinary functions must be
included in the extension
All the operations on ordinary
functions must also apply to the new
The most important thing to know
about extension of ordinary functions
to GFs is that we can solve new
problems of engineering and science.

F. Farassat 6 of 11
A Brief Definition of GFs
We take some well-behaved functions
which we call test functions (TFs). For an
OF f ( x ) , we define the following mapping
(functional) of TFs to real numbers

F [] = f ( x ) ( x ) dx , ( x ) is a TF

This mapping is linear:
F [ 1 + 2 ] = F [ 1 ] + F [ 2 ]

and continuous: F [ n ] 0 if n 0

F. Farassat 7 of 11
Models of Functions
Old (Conventional) Model: We think of a
function as a table of ordered pairs (x, f(x))
where for each x, f(x) is unique. This table (xo, f(xo))
can be graphed as shown and usually has an
uncountable number of ordered pairs.
xo x

New Model: We think of a function f by its

action (functional values) on a given space of Ordinary Test
functions functions
ordinary functions called test function space. f(x) (x)
This action for ordinary functions is defined by
F [ ] = f ( x ) ( x ) dx . The function f is now F[] = f(x) (x) dx

defined (identified, thought of) by the new table

{F[], is in the test function space}. This view of
ordinary functions now allows us to incorporate
(x) into mathematics rigorously.
9 of 95, September 1996
F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
A Familiar Example of Thinking About Functions by
New Model
Consider space of periodic functions with period 2. Take the test function space
to be the space formed by functions n = exp ( inx ) , n = 0, 1, 2, . Let f be
periodic with period 2. The Fourier coefficients of f can be viewed as
functionals on test function space by the relation
1 2 inx
F [ n ] = ------ f ( x )e dx
2 0
From the theory of Fourier analysis, we know that the following table of Fourier
coefficients (i.e., functional values of f on test function space) contains the same
information as f (x):
{ F [ n ], n = 0, 1, 2, }
Note that if f ( x ) g ( x ) , where g (x) is another periodic function with period 2,
1 2 inx
F [ n ] G [ n ] = - g ( x )e dx
2 0
for some n, i.e., the new table uniquely defines functions.
10 of 95, September 1996
F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
A Brief Definition of GFs (Contd)
We define GFs as all the continuous
linear functionals on some TF space.
All ordinary functions are GFs
Example: Dirac delta function
Define this GF by the functional [ ] = ( 0 )
which can be shown to be linear and
continuous. Now we introduce a symbolic
function ( x ) (i.e., looking like an OF but is not
an OF) where [ ] = ( 0 ) is written as
( x ) ( x ) dx . Now work with ( x ) like an OF!

F. Farassat 8 of 11
Definition of Generalized Functions (Contd)
It is inconvenient to work with functional notation in mathematical
manipulations. For this reason, we introduce the notation of symbolic
functions for those generalized functions which are not ordinary functions.
Ordinary functions are called regular generalized functions. Other generalized
functions are called singular generalized functions. For singular generalized
function F[], we define the symbolic function f(x) so that
f ( x ) ( x ) dx F [ ] for D. It is important to recognize that the integral on
the left is just a symbol standing for F[] and one should not treat it as an
ordinary integral.

D' This is the picture of the space of

Singular gen. fns. generalized functions D we
gen. fns.
f(x) D should have in mind.
G[] = g(x) (x) dx
g(x) symbolic fn.
F[] = fdx
f ord. fn.
Real or comp.
F[] G[] numbers

17 of 95, September 1996

F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
A Brief Definition of GFs (Contd)
We extend all the operations on OFs
to GFs and work with the notation of
OFs mostly.
Examples: addition and multiplication
of functions, translation, scaling,
differentiation, integration, Fourier
transformation, etc.

( x ) ( x x ) dx = ( x ) ,
0 0

( x ) ( x ) dx = (0)
----------- , e 2ix ( x ) = 1

F. Farassat 9 of 11
Differentiation of Generalized Functions
All test functions are in D.
f(x) ordinary function, differentiable, F [ ] = f dx , we must identify F [ ]
with f dx . But F [ ] f dx = f dx = F [ ] since D .
Therefore, we use the relation:
F [ ] = F [ ]
as the definition of derivative of any generalized function F[]. Similarly
F ( n ) [ ] = ( 1 ) n F [ ( n ) ] , i.e., generalized functions have derivatives of all
i) [ ] = [ ] = ( 0 ) or ( x ) ( x ) dx = ( 0 )
ii) [ ] = ( 1 ) 2 [ ] = ( 0 ) or ( x ) ( x ) dx = ( 0 )
Note: If an ordinary function is differentiable on real line, then f gen. = f .
However, generalized derivative of an ordinary function can be a singular
generalized function.
20 of 95, September 1996
F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
Differentiation of Generalized Functions (Contd)
Notation: For ordinary (regular G.F.s) functions, we use f ( x ) or ------ for

f gen. to distinguish generalized from ordinary derivative. dx

Example: Generalized derivative of an ordinary

function with a jump.
Jump: f = f(xo+) f(xo-)
F [] = f dx, D
F [ ] = F [ ] = f dx

x 0-
= + f dx = f dx + f ( x 0 )
x 0+

or symbolically
f ( x ) = f ( x ) + f ( x x 0 )

21 of 95, September 1996

F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
Differentiation of Generalized Functions (Contd)
Example: Generalized derivative of Heaviside function
1 x>0.
h( x) =
0 x<0
h ( x ) = ( x ) since h ( x ) = 0 on ( 0, ) ( , 0 ) .
Note: Even at this level of exposition, we can do a lot we could not do by using
ordinary functions. We can discuss Greens function of an O.D.E., for example.

22 of 95, September 1996

F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
Some applications of GFs
Finding Greens functions and solutions
of ODEs and PDEs
Deriving transport theorems of fluid
mechanics, thermodynamics, etc.
Deriving jump conditions across
discontinuities from conservation laws
Deriving mathematical results, e.g.,
Leibniz rule of differentiation under
integral sign, Kirchhoff formula, etc.
Deriving conservation laws
The real Power of GFs theory is revealed
in multidimensional problems

F. Farassat 10 of 11
Generalized Functions in Multidimensions (Contd)
Generalized functions in n dimensions are continuous linear functionals on n
dimensional test function space D.
i) ( x ) ( x ) dx = (0)

ii) ------- ( x ) ( x ) dx = ------- ( 0 )
x i x i

From our point of view, the most important generalized functions are delta
functions whose supports are on open or closed surfaces, e.g., (f). We need to
interpret integrals of the form
I1 = ( f ) ( x ) dx and I 2 = ( f ) ( x ) dx .

30 of 95, September 1996

F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
How Does ( f) Appear in Applications?

Assume g ( x ) is discontinuous across the surface u3 u2

f ( x ) = 0 with the jump u1

g = g ( f = 0+ ) g ( f = 0 ) f(x) = 0

Set up coordinate system ( u 1, u 2 ) on f = 0 and extend these coordinates to the

vicinity of f = 0 along local normals. Take u 3 = f as third local variable. Then
(assuming g is continuous in u 1, u 2 )
g g g g
-------- = -------- i = 1, 2 and --------- = --------- + g ( u 3 )
u i u i u 3 u 3
g g u i g u i u 3 g u 3
-------- = -------- -------- = -------- -------- + g --------- ( u ) = -------- + g --------- ( u 3 )
x j u i x j u i x j x j x j x j

Since u 3 = f , we have g = g + gf ( f ) .

g = g + g f ( f )
g = g + g f ( f )
31 of 95, September 1996
F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
The Integration of (f) and (f)
We assume f ( x ) is defined such that f = 1 on the surface f = 0. This can
always be done. This means df = dn = du3
Parametrize the space in vicinity of surface f = 0 by variables (u1, u2, u3) as
shown. Then

u2 (u1, u2, u3)

I1 = ( x ) ( f ) dx u1

dx = g ( 3 ) du 1 du 2 du 3 (u1, u2, 0) f=0

u3 distance
from f = 0
= g ( 2 ) ( u 1, u 2, u 3 ) du 1 du 2 du 3

I1 = ( x ) ( u 3 ) g ( 2 ) du 1 du 2 du 3 = [ ( x ) ]u3 = 0 g ( 2 ) du 1 du 2

I1 = ( x ) ( f ) dx = ( x ) ds
f =0

48 of 95, September 1996

F. Farassat, Aeroacoustics Branch
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
Concluding Remarks
GFs are generalization of ordinary
functions with very nice properties
GFs are very useful in many
problems of engineering
Many new problems can be solved
which cannot be solved using OFs
Learning GFs is easy even for
multidimensions if abstractions are
kept to minimum and operational
properties are emphasized. It can
actually be fun!

F. Farassat 11 of 11

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