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Quants 1.infosys

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Part I

1) In what ratio metal A at Rs.68 per kg be mixed with another metal at Rs.96 per kg so that cost of alloy (mixture)
is Rs.78 per kg?
(a) 5:8 (b)4:7 (c)3:7 (d)9:5

2) Gold is 19 times as heavy as water and copper is 9 times as heavy as water. In what ratio should these be mixed to
get an alloy 15 times as heavy as water?
(a)1:1 (b)2:3 (c)1:2 (d)3:2

3) Pinku, Rinku and Tinku divide an amount of Rs 4,200 amongst themselves in the ratio of 7 : 8 : 6 respectively. If
an amount of Rs 200 is added to each of their shares, what will be the new respective ratio of their shares of
(a)8:9:6 (b)7:9:5 (c)7:8:6 (d)8:9:6

4) If a : b = 8 :15, b: c = 5:8 and c : d = 4 : 5, then find a : d.

(a)8:5 (b)5:8 (c)15:4 (d)4:15

5) 1040 litres of milk is divided in two parts having ratio x : 21. If the first part is 200 litres, find x.
(a)5 (b)4 (c)10 (d)8

6) A bag contains Rs. 102 in the form of 1 rupee, 50 paise and 10 paise coins in the ratio 3 : 4 : 10. What is the number
of 10 paise coins?
(a)170 (b)175 (c)140 (d)165

7) In what proportion must a grocer mix one kind of tea at Rs. 45 per kg with another at Rs. 40 per kg so that the final
mixture costs him Rs. 41.50 per kg
(a)3:7 (b)3:5 (c)2:9 (d)2:7

8) How many kg of tea selling at Rs. 10.40 per kg should be mixed with tea selling at Rs. 8.80 per kg to obtain a
mixture of 15 kg at Rs. 146.40?
(a)4 (b)6 (c)5 (d)9

9) In what proportion must sugar costing Rs. 14 per kg and Rs. 17 per kg be mixed so that 20% profit is earned by
selling the mixture at Rs. 18 per kg?
(a)3:1 (b)2:3 (c)2:1 (d)3:4

10) In two alloys, the ratio of zinc to tin are 3 : 2 and 2 : 3. If 7 kg of the first alloy and 21 kg of the second alloy are
mixed together to form a new alloy, then what will be the ratio of zinc and tin in the new alloy?
(a)9:10 (b)9:11 (c)9:8 (d)8:11

11) In an examination, a student scores 4 marks for every correct answer and loses 1 mark for every wrong answer. A
student attempts all the 100 questions and scores 210 marks. What is the number of questions that he answered
(a)60 (b)58 (c)50 (d)62

12) The average weight of 25 students in class 8 of a school is 42 kg. Two new students, each of whom weighed 52
kg and 68 kg respectively were admitted in the class. Find the new average weight of the students in the class.
(a)43 (b)42 (c)41 (d)44
13) The average weight of 25 students in class 8th of a school is 42 kg. Later it was realized that the teacher had
wrongly calibrated the weight of one of the students to be 52 kg as against the 77 kg of the original weight. What will
be the new average?
(a)34 (b)72 (c)43 (d)45

14) The ratio of three numbers is 3 : 4: 5 and the sum of their squares is 1250. The sum of the numbers is
(a)30 (b)50 (c)60 (d)90

15) There are two containers: The first contains 500 ml of alcohol, while the second contains 500 ml of water. Three
cups of alcohol from the first container is removed and mixed well in the second container. Then three cups of this
mixture is removed and is mixed in the first container. Let A denote the proportion of water in the first container and
B denote the proportion of alcohol in the second container. Then,
(a)A>B (b)A<B (c)A=B (d)Cannot be determined

16) There are seven consecutive natural numbers such that the average of first five is n. Then average of all seven
numbers will be
(a)n (b)n+(2/7) (c)n +1 (d)n+3

17) In a government parking area, the fare collected for parking a twowheeler is Rs. 5 and three-wheeler is Rs.8.
Three 2-wheelers can be parked in the area where one 3-wheeler can be parked. To maximize the profit, the parking
in-charge is sending in maximum number of 2-wheelers. If the total number of handle bars is 30 and tyres is 73, find
the number of 3-wheelers.
(a)16 (b)13 (c)17 (d)21

18) Harvind, a mason decided to build a small house. For constructing the house he had to mix gravel, sand and
cement in the ratio 7:5:3. If the cement costs Rs.250 a bag which contains 10 kg of cement. He has spent Rs.4500/-
to buy cement. How much will he have to spend for sand which costs Rs.70/- for a 20 kg bag?
(a)Rs.1050 (b) Rs.2050 (c) Rs.1075 (d) Rs.2000

19) If a and b are mixed in 3:5 ratio and b, c are mixed in 8:5 ratio and if the final mixture is 35 litres. Find the
amount of b in the mixture.
(a)15.73 (b)14.73 (c)15.24 (d)14.24

20) A bag contains certain number of two rupee and five rupee coins. The total number of coins is 20 and the total
amount is Rs.61. Find the number of two rupee coins.
(a) 7 (b)14 (c) 13 (d) 6

Part II

1. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 24, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working together, they will complete
the same work in:
(1) 1/24 day (2) 7/24 day (3) 3(3/7) days (4) 4 days
2. A man can do a piece of work in 5 days, but with the help of his son, he can do it in 3 days. In what time can the
son do it alone?
(1) 6(1/2) days (2) 7 days (3) 7(1/2) days (4) 8 days
3. A can lay a railway track between two given stations in 16 days and B can do the same job in 12 days. With the
help of C, they did the job in 4 days only. Then , C alone can do the job in:
(1) 9(1/5) days (2) 9(2/5) days (3) 9(3/5) days (4) 10 days
4. P can complete a work in 12 days working 8 hours a day. Q can complete the same work in 8 days working 10
hours a day. If both P and Q work together, working 8 hours a day, in how many days can they complete the work?
(1) 5(5/11) (2) 5(6/11) (3) 6(5/11) (4) 6(6/11)
5. A can do a piece of work in 4 hours; B and C together can do it in 3 hours, while A and C together can do it in 2
hours. How long will B alone take do it?
(1) 8 hours (2) 10 hours (3) 12 hours (4) 24 hours
6. X and Y can do a piece of work in 20 days and 12 days respectively. X started the work alone and then after 4
days Y joined him till the completion of the work. How long did the work last?
(1) 6 days (2) 10 days (3) 15 days (4) 20 days
7. A and B can together finish a work in 30 days. They worked together for 20 days and then B left. After another 20
days, A finished the remaining work. In how many days a alone can finish the job?
(1) 40 (2) 50 (3) 54 (4) 60
8. A and B can do a piece of work in 45 days and 40 days respectively. They began to do the work together but A
leaves after some days and then B completed the remaining work in 23 days. The number of days after which A
left the work was:
(1) 6 (2) 8 (3) 9 (4) 12
9. A Pipe A can fill a tank in 20 minutes and pipe B can fill the same tank in 30 minutes. Pipe C can empty the same
tank in 40 minutes. Find the time taken to fill the tank, if the tank is empty and all the three pipes are kept open
(1) 17 1/7 (2) 8 (3) 20 (4) 12
10. Thirty men take 20 days to complete the job working 10 hours a day. How many hours a day the men will have to
work if the same job has to be completed is 20 days by 40 men?
(1) 8 hrs (2) 7 hrs (3) 7 hrs (4) 9 hrs

11. A man walking at the rate of 5 km/hr crosses a bridge in 15 minutes. The length of the bridge is:

(1) 600 (2) 750 (3) 1000 (4) 1250

12. A sales man travels a distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in 1(1/3) hours, he
must travel at a speed of:
(1) 300 kmph (2) 360 kmph (3) 600 kmph (4) 720 kmph
13. A person has to cover a distance of 6 km in 45 min. If he covers one-half of the distance in two-thirds of the total
time; to cover the remaining distance in the remaining time , his speed must be:
(1) 6 kmph (2) 8 kmph (3) 12 kmph (4) 15 kmph
14. A person travels from P to Q at a speed of 40 kmph and returns by increasing his speed by 50%. What is his
average speed for both the trips?
(1) 36 kmph (2) 45 kmph (3) 48 kmph (4) 50 kmph
15. In a 100 m race, A can give B 10 m and C 28 m. In the same race b can give C:

(1) 18 m (2) 20 m (3) 27 m (4) 9 m

16. A train 90 m long is travelling at the rate of 40 kmph. A man is running at a speed of 5 kmph in a direction opposite
to the motion of the train. The time taken by the train to cross the man is
(1) 7.2 sec (2) 92 sec (3) 2 sec (4) 66 sec
17. A train travelling at 25 kmph leaves Delhi at 9 am and another train travelling at 35 kmph starts at 11 am in the
same direction. How many km from Delhi are they together?
(1) 180 km (2) 160 km (3) 175 km (4) 350 km
18. The speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hr and the rate of flow is 3 km/hr. the distance travelled downstream in
12 minutes is:
(1) 3.6 km (2) 2.4 km (3) 1.2 km (4) 1.8 km
19. In a 100 metres race, a can beat B by 25 metres and B can beat C by 4 metres. In the same race. A can beat C by:

(1) 29 metres (2) 21 metres (3) 28 metres (4) 26 metres

20. A distance is covered at a certain speed in a certain time. If the double of this distance is covered in four times the
time, then what is the ratio of two speeds?

(1) 1.5 : 0.7 (2) 1 : 1.9 (3) 2:1 (4) 6: 1

21. Hitesh is 40 years old and Rani is 60 years old. How many years ago was the ratio of their ages 3:5?

(1) 5 yrs (2) 10 yrs (3) 20 yrs (4) 37 yrs

22. The difference between the ages of 2 persons is 10 years. 15 years ago the elder one was twice as old as the younger
one. The present age of the elder person is,

(1) 25 yrs (2) 35 yrs (3) 45 yrs (4) 55 yrs

23. Mittu was thrice as old as Kittu 6 years ago. Mittu will be 9/7 times as old as Kittu 6 years hence. How old is Mittu
(1) 10 years (2)11 years (3) 12 years (4) 13 years

24. The age of Arvinds father is 4 times his present age. If 5 years ago his father was 7 times as old as Arvind, what
is the present age of Arvind s father?

(1) 35 (2) 40 (3) 75 (4) 25

25. The age of Ritus mother is 6 times that of Ritus age. After 6 years, her age will be 3 times that of Ritus age.
What is Ritus present age?

(1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 10 (4) 12

26. If 2 years is added to 4/5th of the age of Amudha, it will be 9/10th of her present age. What is her present age?

(1) 25 yrs (2) 30 yrs (3) 20 yrs (4) 24 yrs

27. Ten years ago A was half of Bs Age. If ratio of their present ages is 3:4 then what is the total of their present
(1) 8 (2) 20 (3) 30 (4) 35

28. The ratio of the present ages of a person and his son is 9:4. Fifteen years hence it will be 12: 7. Find the present
age of the father in years?

(1) 40 (2) 36 (3) 45 (4) 54

29. Atuls age is 8 years more than thrice the sum of the ages of his 2 grandsons who are twins. After 8 years Atuls
will be 10 years more than twice the sum of the ages of his grandsons. What was the age of Atul when his grandsons
were born?

(1) 75 (2) 70 (3) 73 (4) 72

30. Eighteen years ago, a father was three times as old as his son. Now the father is only twice as old as his son. Then
the sum of present age of the son is:

(1) 54 (2)72 (3) 105 (4) 108

31. Mr and Mrs. Sunith have three children alpha , beta and gamma. 7years ago Mr.Suniths age was twice the sum of
the ages of the 3 children. Now the combined age of Mr and Mrs Sunith is equal to twice the sum of the ages of
their 3 children. If beta is 2 years elder to gamma and 3 years younger to alpha what is the age of Mrs.Sunith?

(1) 28 yrs (2) 35 yrs (3) 36 yrs (4) cannot be determined

32. The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 60 years. Six years ago, fathers age was five times the age
of the son. After 6 years, sons age will be?
(1) 12 years (2)14 years (3) 18 years (4) 20 years
33. Ayeshas father was 38 years of age when she born while her mother was 36 years old when her brother four years
younger to her was born. What is the difference between the ages of her parents?
(1) 2 years (2) 4 years (3) 6 years (4) 8 years
34. The Ratio between the present ages of A and B is 5:3 respectively. The ratio between As age 4 years ago and Bs
age 4 years hence is 1:1. What is the ratio between As age 4 years hence and Bs age 4 years ago?
(1) 1:3 (2) 2:1 (3) 3:1 (4) 4:1
35. The sum of the ages of a father and son is 45 years. 5 years ago the product of their ages was 34. The ages of the
son and father are?

(1) 6,39 (2) 7,38 (3) 9,36 (4) 11,34

36. One year ago Vimala was 4 times as old as her daughter Sakshi. 6 years hence Vimalas age will exceed her
daughters age by 9 years. Find the ratio of present age Vimala and her daughter.

(1) 13:4 (2) 12:7 (3) 19:10 (4) 12:5 (5) none of these

37. Four years ago the average age of A and B was 19 years. With C joining them now the average becomes 22 years.
How old is C now?

(1) 20 (2) 25 (3) 28 (4) 30 (5)

38. A person has a son. His sons age is five times his daughters age. His wifes age is 5 times his sons age. His age
is twice his wifes age. The total of all these ages is equal to his sons grandmas age, who celebrated her 81st
birthday this year. What is his sons age?

(1) 20 yrs (2) 25 yrs (3) 24 yrs (4) 18 yrs (5)

39. A person has one boy & two daughters. The product of these childrens age is 72. The sum of their ages gives the
door number of the person which is 13. Boy is the elder of the three. Can you tell me the ages of all the three?

(1) 20 yrs (2) 25 yrs (3) 24 yrs (4) 18 yrs (5)

40. Ten years before, one is seven times more than the half the age of the other. Now, the brides age is 30 years.
And also one is nine-tenths the age of the other. What is the grooms present age?

(1) 75 (2) 70 (3) 73 (4) 72 (5) 86

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