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Drilling & CHP applications
Gas turbine generator sets


The legendary KG2 gas turbine was first installed sions. The product has proven itself in many instal-
in 1972. Since then, close to 1,000 units have lations, clocking more than 25 million operating
been installed in 62 countries worldwide, onshore hours with 99% availability. Some engines have
and offshore, in continuous duty operations in all been running more than 245,000 hours of con-
types of environments. The versatile gas turbine tinuous duty and achieved a lifetime of more than
generator sets are used for a variety of base load 30 years of run time.
and emergency power generation applications
from fixed and floating installations offshore, to
onshore oil fields, on rooftops, and integrated into
buildings for simple cycle and combined heat and
power (CHP) duties.

With the acquisition of Kongsberg Dresser Power

in 1985, Dresser-Rand became the original equip-
ment manufacturer (OEM) of the well-proven and
highly reliable KG2 product family. Since 1972,
Dresser-Rand Norway Operations has developed
and implemented a number of improvements
and changes for the KG2 gas turbine. These im-
provements have increased its power output and KG2 gas turbine generator set at the Trans-Tunisian
efficiency, as well as help control and lower emis- pipeline station in Korba, Tunisia.

Two KG2 gas turbine generator sets installed on the Dutch Unocal Helm platform.

2 2013 Dresser-Rand. All rights reserved.

Gas turbine generator sets


The newly released KG2-3G gas turbine is the third single-stage radial compressor and turbine wheel),
generation of this legendary product. It is based Dresser-Rand has refined the design and materi-
upon the same architecture as its earlier ratings, als. With significant improvements in the air-foil
but is equipped with advanced fuel efficiency and design, the efficiency of the KG2-3G gas turbine
dry-low emission (DLE) combustion technologies has increased by 50% compared to the previous
to meet todays evermore demanding emission KG2 rating. This represents the highest efficiency
regulations. available for comparably sized gas turbine genera-
tor sets. The KG2-3G turbines four DLE combus-
While the turbine is still composed of the same tors allow for operation below 24 ppm NOx and CO,
proven engine parts (a compact rotor and a without any catalytic exhaust remediation.

The KG2-3G gas turbine is designed to meet future efficiency and emissions requirements.

We maintained the simplicity of the earlier KG2 The compressor and turbine sections are mounted
models, while adding state-of-the-art turbine ma- back-to-back. The rotor assembly is cantilevered
terials and combustion technology. This allows so that both rotor bearings are located in the cold
KG2 gas turbine users to operate their equipment end of the gas turbine. As there are no hot bear-
with minimum maintenance and high availability. ings in the KG2-3G gas turbine, the bearings are
Maintenance intervals for the KG2-3G gas turbine effectively designed without life limitation. The
are 8,000 hours between inspections and 40,000 speed-reduction gearbox is an integral part of the
hours between major overhauls. gas turbine and reduces the output speed of the
gas turbine to match the generator, while driving
the lubrication system and liquid fuel pumps.

2013 Dresser-Rand. All rights reserved. 3

Gas turbine generator sets



KG2 users benefit from the turbines capability to Additional operating benefits include the
accept a wide variety of fuels, ranging from pipe- following:
line quality natural gas to low heating value gas
(e.g., well head or synthetic gas fuel with signifi- Requires a low fuel gas supply pressure of
cant hydrogen content). With the capability of ac- 12 bar for operation (and even lower pressure
cepting fuel gas with 1.5% H2S as standard (high- at start-up)
er levels are subject to review), the KG2-3G gas Allows for major load changes of up to 100%
turbine offers a reliable source of electrical power with insignificant change in generator
from associated gas otherwise flared at the well frequency
head. Able to operate with a heat recovery unit to
produce more than 6 tons of steam at 12 bar;
operating the installation in CHP mode, overall
efficiency may exceed 90%.

KG2-3G gas turbine

Technical data Metric Imperial Metric Imperial
ISO (15C/59F) 2,000 kW Emission NOx (15% O2) less than 24 ppm
shaft output CO (15% O2) 10 ppm
Output shaft speed 1,500/1,800 rpm Fuel gas inlet pressure 12 barg 174 psig
Fuel type Natural gas Generators 400 V to 13.8 kV
Fuel rate 14,118 kj/kWh 13,381 btu/kWh Weight, gas turbine/gear 1,800 kg 3,968 lbs
Exhaust gas 577.3C 1,071F Typical package weight 16,000 kg 35,300 lbs
Exhaust mas flow 9.4 kg/sec 20.7 lb/sec Package dimensions 13.7 x 4.5 x 6.9 m 40 x 8.6 x 8
(L x W x H) - approx.

The new KG2-3G gas turbine features highly competitive technical data.

SFC specific fuel consumption EGT exhaust gas temperature

Note for operation below -40C (-40F), additional inlet and package heating is required.

4 2013 Dresser-Rand. All rights reserved.

Gas turbine generator sets



With its compact design and low weight, the

KG2-3G gas turbine is ideally suited for both on-
shore and offshore drilling applications. KG2 gas
turbines have an excellent block load capability,
which means they can tolerate considerable load
changes without having to go offline. This was ex-
amined and proven by Essos Odin study in 1984;
thereafter, the KG2 gas turbine was chosen for
several drilling projects.

The KG2-3G gas turbine has good weight to power

ratio, and can operate on wellhead or flare gas
which offers significant fuel cost savings to the
operator. The turbines dual fuel capability with
seamless changeover under load ensures con-
tinuous operation in the event of gas fuel curtail-

Thanks to its small footprint, a KG2-3G genera-

tor set can be easily integrated into an existing
rig to cover additional power or heating demand.
The package can be shipped without load permit
which facilitates transport and handling. Our rug-
ged package can also withstand transport along
A view of Essos Odin platform, where three KG2 gas turbine
rough oilfield roads. generator packages are installed. These gas turbines were
selected in part for their excellent block load capability.

Three KG2 gas turbine generator sets are running on dual Four KG2 gas turbine generator sets deliver power to a
fuel on the Doyon onshore drilling site in Alaska. Dubai Petroleum Company platform.

2013 Dresser-Rand. All rights reserved. 5

Gas turbine generator sets



Cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP)

is another suitable application for the versatile
KG2-3G gas turbine. CHP systems facilitate elec-
tricity production and provide useful heat at very
high efficiency. By locating a power generation
system at the heart of a facility or process it is
possible to capture the heat (usually a wasted by-
product of electricity generation). The KG2 cogen-
eration system combines the KG2-3G gas turbine
with a pre-engineered steam heat recovery pack-
age. The system provides a continuous base load
supply of both electricity and steam, while lower-
ing energy costs and CO2 emissions. With a wide The KG2 gas turbines at the McKittrick enhanced oil recov-
range of steam pressure configurations, this sys- ery site in California, USA, generate steam that is injected
into the oil well to facilitate the oil flow.
tem can be matched to almost any process need.

CHP 2000 system output Metric Imperial

Energy consumers demand high efficiency and re-
Electric output 1,950 kWe 2,615 hp
liability in order to minimize operating costs and
maximize uptime. KG2-3G CHP systems are sup-
Electric generator frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
plied as comprehensive, factory-tested packages
CHP output choices:
that can be easily integrated into existing site op-
Steam output at 10 bar 7.5 t/h 16.5 klb/hr
(145 psi) erations. Items such as synchronizing switchgear,
Chilling at 37/30C 5.5 MW 7,375 hp heat recovery equipment, emissions treatment,
(98.6/86F) attenuation, and lube oil systems are included
Hot water from 10-80C 16kg/sec 35 lbs/sec within the box. This dramatically reduces the
(50-176F) risk of cost overruns and performance issues as-
sociated with traditional site-built systems.
Packaged CHP systems deliver the maximum pos-
sible energy cost savings when deployed in appli-
cations where the electrical and thermal outputs CHP 2000 package data
of the system can be consumed at all times by LTHW flow temperature 82.2C/180F
the host facility. The standard CHP 2000 system LTHW return temperature 71.1C/160F
delivers high-quality steam for heating purposes. Noise dB(A) at 25 <75
Alternatively, the exhaust energy can be used for GPM of hot water (20F delta T) 520
chilling and delivers approximately 5.5 MW of
chilling power. A balance of both is also possible,
as well as the possibility of extracting hot water CHP 2000 dimension data Metric Imperial
from the lubricant oil cooler. Length 12.192 m 40 ft
Height 2.438 m 8 ft
Adding a steam condenser can boost the total ef- Height 2.591 m 8 ft 6 in
ficiency of the gas turbine to the mid-90% range. Weight 17.2 t 38,000 lbs
Dresser-Rand CHP systems can be designed to
meet a wide range of application-specific require-
6 2013 Dresser-Rand. All rights reserved.
Gas turbine generator sets



Dresser-Rands long standing experience with

installations for a large variety of applications,
combined with the KG2-3G gas turbines compet-
itive technical features, make these gas turbine
packages an ideal solution for the oil and gas
and energy markets.

Dresser-Rands KG2-3G gas turbine

offers an upgraded version of the well-proven

KG2 gas turbine.
operates on gaseous and liquid fuels.
accepts a wide fuel range which includes well-
head gas and sour gas with a significant
H2S content.
is an excellent solution for recovering flare gas
for energy production.
has a dry low emission combustion system for
NOx and CO to 24 ppmv at 15% O2 over a
wide operating range. With its rugged steel base frame design, its compact
dimensions and low weight, the KG2 gas turbine generator
allows for excellent heat recovery in CHP set allows for easy on-site maintenance, as well as simple
applications. transport to other locations.
can operate at extremely low temperatures
(as low as -60C/-76F).
is designed to operate for 40,000 hours
between major overhauls (and one annual
visual inspection).
is designed for easy maintenance at low
ambient temperatures.
is small and light-weight, built for non-permit
shipping loads.
allows for local and remote monitoring and op-
eration, and is also suitable for installations
with limited access.

Dresser-Rands KG2-3G gas turbine generator

packages are delivered completely factory tested.
We offer OEM service for operation and mainte-
nance for all our KG2 installations.

Three KG2 gas turbine packages installed on Shell Malay-

sias SSB drilling platform.

2013 Dresser-Rand. All rights reserved. 7

Dresser-Rand Norway AS
P.O. Box 1010
N-3601 Kongsberg
Tel: (Intl +47 322-87070
Fax: (Intl +47 322-87080

West8 Tower Suite 1000
10205 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77042, USA
Tel: (Intl +1) 713 345 6100
Fax: (Intl +1) 713 345 6110

112, Avenue Kleber
Cedex 16
Paris 75784, France
Tel: (Intl +33) 156 26 71 71
Fax: (Intl +33) 156 26 71 72

This document comprises a general overview of the products described herein. It is solely for informational purposes, does not
represent a warranty or guarantee of the information contained herein, and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or a solicita-
tion to buy. Contact Dresser-Rand for detailed design and engineering information suitable to your specific applications. Dresser-
Rand reserves the right to modify its products and related product information at any time without prior notice.

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