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Chapter 6

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Estimate the change in enthalpy and entropy when liquid ammonia at 270 K is compressed
from its saturation pressure of 381 kPa to 1,200 kPa. For saturated liquid ammonia at 270 K,
Vl = 1.551 x 10-3 m3 kg -1, and β= 2.095 x 10-3 K-1 .
6.8. Liquid isobutane is throttled through a valve from an initial state of 360 K and 4,000 kPa to
a final pressure of 2,000 kPa. Estimate the temperature change and the entropy change of
isobutane. The specific heat of liquid isobutane at 360 K is 2.78 J g -1 oC-1. Estimates of V and
β may be found from Eq. (3.72).
6.9. One kilogram of water (V1 = 1,003 cm3 kg-1 ) in a piston/cylinder device at 25 oC and 1 bar is
compressed in a mechanically reversible, isothermal process to 1,500 bar. Determine Q, W,
∆U, ∆H, and ∆S given that β = 250 x 10-6 K-1 and κ = 45 x 10-6 bar -1. A satisfactory
assumption is that V is constant at its arithmetic average value.
6.10. Liquid water at 25oC and 1 bar fills a rigid vessel. If heat is added to the water until its
temperature reaches 50oC, what pressure is developed? The average value of β between
25 and 50oC is 4.42 x 10-5 bar-1, and may be assumed independent of P. The specific
volume of liquid water at 25oC is 1.0030cm3 g-1.
6.17. Estimate the entropy change of vaporization of benzene at 50oC. The vapor pressure of
benzene is given by the equation:

lnPsat 2,788.51
kPa t
+ 220.79

(a) Use Eq. (6.72) with an estimated value of ∆Vlv.

(b) Use the Clausius/Clapeyron equation of Ex. 6.5.
6.20. Very pure liquid water can be subcooled at atmospheric pressure to temperatures well
below 0oC. Assume that 1 kg has been cooled as liquid to -6oC. A small ice crystal (of
negligible mass) is added to “seed” the subcooled liquid. If the subsequent change occurs
adiabatically at atmospheric pressure, what fraction of the system freezes and what is the
final temperature? What is ∆Stotal for the process, and what is its irreversible feature? The
latent heat of fusion of water at 0oC is 333.14 J g -1 , and the specific heat of subcooled
liquid water is 4.226 J g -1oC-1.
6.50. Propane gas at 1 bar and 35oC is compressed to a final state of 135 bar and 195oC.
Estimate the molar volume of propane in the final state and the enthalpy and entropy
changes for the process. In its initial state, propane may be assumed an ideal gas.
6.51. Propane at 70oC and 101.33 kPa is compressed isothermally to 1,500 kPa. Estimate ∆H
and ∆S for the process by suitable generalized correlations.
6.58. Propane gas at 100oC is compressed isothermally from an initial pressure of 1 bar to a final
pressure of 10 bar. Estimate ∆H and ∆S.
6.59. Hydrogen sulfide gas is compressed from an initial state of 400 K and 5 bar to a final state
of 600 K and 25 bar. Estimate ∆H and ∆S.
6.60. Carbon dioxide expands at constant enthalpy (as in throttling process) from 1,600 kPa and
45oC to 101.33 kPa. Estimate ∆S for the process.
6.61. A stream of ethylene gas at 250oC and 3,800 kPa expands isentropically in a turbine to 120
kPa. Determine the temperature of the expanded gas and the work produced if the
properties of ethylene are calculated by:

(a) Equations for an ideal gas; (b) Appropriate generalized correlations.

6.62. A steam of ethane gas at 220oC and 30 bar expands isentropically in a turbine to 2.6 bar.
Determine the temperature of the expanded gas and work produced if the properties of
ethane are calculated by:

a) Equations for an ideal gas; (b) Appropriate generalized correlations.

6.63. Estimate the final temperature and the work required when 1 mol of n-butane is
compressed isentropically in a steady- flow process from 1 bar and 50 oC to 7.8 bar.
6.68. An inventor has developed a complicated process for making heat continuously available
at an elevated temperature. Saturated steam at 100oC is the only source of energy.
Assuming that there is plenty of cooling water available at 0oC, what is the maximum
temperature level at which heat in the amount of 2,000 kJ can be made available for each
kilogram of steam flowing through the process?
6.80. A stream of air at 12 bar and 900 K is mixed with another stream of air at 2 bar and 400 K
with 2.5 times the mass flowrate. If this process were accomplished reversibly and
adiabatically, what would be the temperature and pressure of the resulting air stream?
Assume air to be an ideal gas for which Cp = (7/2) R.
6.81. Hot nitrogen gas at 750(oF) and atmospheric pressure flows into a waste-heat boiler at the
rate of 40(lbm)(s)-1, and transfers heat to water boiling at 1(atm). The water feed to the
boiler is saturated liquid at 1(atm), and it leaves the boiler as superheated steam at
1(atm) and 300(oF). If the nitrogen is cooled to 325(oF) and if heat is lost to the
surroundings at a rate of 60(Btu) for each (lbm) of steam generated, what is the steam-
generation rate? If the surroundings are at 70(oF), what is ṠG for the process? Assume
nitrogen to be an ideal gas for which Cp = (7/2) R.
6.96. The critical coordinates for tetrafluoroethane (refrigerant HFC- 134a) are given in Table
B.1 and Table 9.1 (p.319) shows saturation properties for the same refrigerant. From
these data determine the acentric factor ω for HFC-134a, and compare it with the value
given in table B.1.

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