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Seaplane Design and Configuration

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Seaplane Design and Configuration

Alan Canamar1
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, G12 8QQ

Dr. Ing. Ladislav Smrcek 2
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, G12 8QQ

The seaplane industry expanded widely between the periods of World War I and World
War II. Seaplanes were commonly used by military water rescue missions, reconnaissance
and anti-submarine warfare7. However, with the introduction of the helicopter, the use of the
seaplane declined. No new advanced designs have been made, and most seaplanes existing
these days are approaching its final operating life. The purpose of this proposal paper is to
introduce a new design concept of a seaplane, based on the market needs. To reduce costs
and regulations, existing aircrafts presented in table 1 will be configured into a seaplane by
adding a floating device. Conceptual advanced ideas such as the use of retractable floats,
catamaran floats and even a hydrogen engine, among other as explained in the Proposal
section Part B. Research theory was conducted with primary basic design books based on
Marcus Langley Seaplane Float and Hull Design2 and Daniel Raymer Conceptual
Design5. Final results will be approached and calculated, by maximizing as much payload
weight and reducing as much aerodynamic drag increased by the extra weight of the floats
or boat hull. Seaplanes are bad boats; therefore, hydrodynamics of the stability and control
of the seaplane will be perfected and analyzed to obtain desire values.

B = Buoyant Force
f = density of the fluid
V = Volume of the displaced body
g = gravitational acceleration
MTOW = Maximum Total Operating Weight of the aircraft
Wf = Weight of one Float
MTOWs = Maximum Total Operating Weight of the Seaplane
MTOWl = Maximum Total Operating Weight of the Landplane
n = number of floats
Wb = Weight of the boat hull
WLG = Weight of the Landing Gear
CD = Coefficient of Drag
CDP = Coefficient of Parasite Drag
CDI = Coefficient of Induced Drag
CDc = Coefficient of Compressibility Drag
CDs = Coefficient of Drag of the Seaplane
CDPf = Coefficient of Parasite Drag of the Floats
CDPh = Coefficient of Parasite Drag of the Boat Hull
Prod = Productivity
WP = Payload Weight
WE = Empty Weight
Wf = Fuel Weight

MSc Student, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow.
Design and Structures Group, Dep of Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow, PhD CEng FRAeS AFAIAA

University of Glasgow
I. Introduction

S eaplanes have been in the market for over 80 years. However, advance modifications or new designs have not
been created since the 1950s7. Why it is that seaplane designs had not been developed over the years? The
answer is that seaplanes do not have a wide market as land planes do. The main use of seaplanes is in the private
sector, and most of these designs are small landplanes, such as the Cessna 185, which is just adapted with floats, to
become a seaplane. The creation of new concepts is expensive and industry is not interested due that market is not
very reliable. However, with the increase of tourism around the world, a new opportunity for seaplanes had arisen.
People around the world are now focusing on nature tourism, which is based on natural attractions of an area.
Therefore, some natural tourist places are inaccessible to arrive by other means of transportation such as cars, buses,
trains and even landplanes. So the solution to this problem is seaplanes. Islands in the Pacific Ocean are now one of
the main tourist attractions in the world, but are not large enough to construct airports for aircraft, so the only way to
arrive is by boat or a seaplane. Not only tourism benefits from seaplanes. In North America, especially in Canada,
the large number of bodies of water and the remoteness of many important locations has relied on seaplanes4.
Another important used for seaplanes is to combat fires. Seaplanes are adapted as water bombers to carry up to
12,000 liters of fluid, such as the Beriev Be-200, and combat forest fires15. United States, Canada, Greece, Portugal,
and Russia are some countries that rely on water bombers for fire-fighting. In Europe, however, the seaplane market
is not well developed as in North America. Most seaplanes are own privately, and some are used as water bombers.
Seaplane Airlines are scarce, and they have to compete against other types of transportations, such as ferries and
Therefore, for this paper proposal, new concept design and ideas will be analyze, with a concept that will be
accepted in the market, that will optimize water and flight performance and will reduce costs, in manufacturing and
in maintenance programmes. An important concept that might make a seaplane more reliable with better
sustainability in the market is to reduce drag due to floats or boat hulls, increase the payload weight due that is
reduce as the floats or hull take up weight and the combine Thrust to Weight ratio to maximize this value.
In this report paper it will be shown some seaplanes and flying boats that are in the market as a comparison and
for literature review. A market analysis will also be discussed to show the actual point in which seaplanes stand in
todays world market. Then, it will be presented the update ideas for this project, how is this project going to be
approached, and the theory and equations used for calculations to obtain optimize values. All possibilities and ideas
will be discussed and analyzed in order to obtain a better, reliable and least expensive seaplane for the market today,
and in a near future.

A. Trade Study
There are many examples in the market of seaplanes and flying boats that have had a great impact in the aeronautic
society. Some seaplanes are used for private used, while others are used in the airline business. Another used for
seaplanes is water bombers, used to combat fires.
The following is a list of seaplanes and flying boats still used today:
1) Cessna 1854
This is a light utility high wing configuration aircraft mostly used in the private sector. This aircraft can
take up to 5 passengers, has a Total Gross Weight of 1,406kg and a maximum speed of 135 knots. It uses a
single propeller engine that produces 300hp. The Cessna 185 is mainly used in Canada and Alaska.
2) De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter7
The De Havilland DHC-6 is one of the most popular seaplanes in the seaplane airlines. It can carry up to 20
passengers, with a range of 920nm, a Total Gross Weight of 5,670 kg and cruise speed of 143 knots. It uses
two Pratt and Whitney PT6A-27 turboprop engines that produce 662hp. This plane does not have the
capacity to land in water with wives higher than 30 cm. This aircraft, as well as the Cessna 185, struggles
with icing in the floats, adding extra weight to the aircraft.
3) Grumman Albatross7
This is a high wing amphibian aircraft, designed in 1946 for military search and rescue missions. It uses
two radial piston engines and has the capacity for 10 passengers. It has a Total Gross Weight of 17,045 kg,
a range of 2,478 nm, and a maximum speed of 205 knots (380km/h).
4) Bombardier CL-415T7
The Bombardier CL-415 is the seaplane most widely used for fire fighting. This aircraft is an amphibious
plane, with a boat hull and small floats for water stability. This aircraft is designed for high maneuverability
at low altitudes and low speeds. It is powered by two Pratt and Whitney turboprop engines. It can carry

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more than 5,000 liters of fluid, with a total range of 1,318nm, a Total Gross Weight from land of 19890 kg,
and a maximum speed of 195 knots (359 km/h).
5) Beriev Be-20015
This aircraft is a Russian, amphibious jet aircraft, mainly used as a water bomber. It can be used to carry
passengers (up to 72), search and rescue missions, and as cargo aircraft. It is powered by two turbofan
engines mounted high and towards the rear of the fuselage to keep away of spray. This amphibious aircraft
was constructed with corrosion-protected material and treatments. It can carry up to 12,000 liters of fluid,
with a range of 1,318 nm, a Total Gross Weight from land of 19,890kg, and a maximum speed of 1,134
knots (700km/h).

B. Market Analysis
Global economy refers to the economies of all worlds countries. This means that all economies depend on each
country around the world. This has derived in the expansion of better ways of communications, technology and
transportation. For this case, transportation has been one of the keys of global economy expansion. Better means of
transportation are created each day, that will get people fast and safe to farther places. This is the same case for the
United Kingdom. Figure 1 shows a graph of the average percentage growth of travel in the UK in the last 10 years19.

Figure 1. Average Percentage Growth of Travel in the UK19

Figure 1 shows the rapidly increase in air transportation compared to railways, buses, or cars. However, this is
not the case for seaplane. Even though airplanes are a major attraction of transportation, it is not the same for
seaplanes. Seaplanes have to face with different aviation regulations that landplanes have. Also, seaplanes have to
rely on water regulations when operating as a boat. Some of these regulations are not well established in Europe,
especially in Europe. Seaports are another main issue. Suitable seaports will require extra fund and costs either by
the government or the private sector in which they are not reliable to pay, because seaplanes are not a mayor
investment in the transportation sector. Since the 1950s seaplanes declined and were used mainly for aerial
firefighting and bush aircraft7.
Therefore, it must be realized on the strengths that a seaplane can afford. The most common used of seaplanes is
for private and commercial purposes. Most seaplanes are just small, short takeoff and landing (STOL) landplanes
that have been fitted with floats. Most commercial seaplanes carry a small amount of passengers (<20), and are
powered by propeller or turboprop engines. Some seaplanes are also used as air sea search, rescue missions, and fire
bombers4. Seaplanes can afford point to point connections, to places inaccessible to other type of transportations.
Based on a research made by Cronin Millar Consulting Engineers to Harbour Air Ireland1, and the US army Corps
of Engineers18, seaplanes have a very low environmental impact. Seaplanes are versatile, safe, and efficient in
surveillance for inaccessible locations. Finally, the main attraction is for tourism.
Finally, a market research will be done in order to determine the most reasonable design that will be cheap and
will take less time to build. Since the seaplane market has been stagnate for the last 60 years, a growth for new

University of Glasgow
designs will be taken into account in the next years. The main idea it to convert an existing landplane designs into a
seaplane configuration. This will involve just adding to the original design a way to make the plane float in the
water, either using floats, a boat hull, or both. The seaplane conversion will be cheap to repair due that they share all
the parts of its landplanes counterparts, except for the floating devices that will be used, and the extra maintenance
that is taken into account with corrosion. Therefore, the main purpose of this project is to create a seaplane that will
be accepted in the market, and that it will acquire all the definitions of a sustainable machine.

II. Proposal
The following paper is a proposal of the ideas on how to design a sustainable seaplane, that reduces construction
cost, will be accepted in the market, and that its maintenance and operations will have the maximum effectiveness.
Then, the main idea is to use existing aircrafts, especially landplanes, and convert them into a seaplane
configuration. In this case, the conceptual design is just to add a floating device, such as floats, a boat hull or both,
that will make a landplane to a seaplane configuration.

A. Aircraft Configuration

Some examples of landplanes that are taken into account are the following. All aircraft specifications are shown
in table 1:
1) Antonov AN-28
The Antonov AN-28 is a high wing aircraft with a 2-engined Turboprop and it is used as short-range
airliner. It uses a conventional design and has a notable feature that will not stall due to its automatic slots9.
2) LET-410
The LET-410 is a high wing, twin turboprop engine used mainly as a short-range transport aircraft10.
3) Dornier Do 228
Dornier Do 228 has a high wing configuration, with 2 turboprop engines. The Do 228 is used mainly as a
transport aircraft carrying between 15-19 passenger11.
4) Britten Norman BN-2
The BN-2 Islander is a British light, regional airliner and cargo aircraft. It has a high wing configuration
with 2 piston propeller engines; however, the BN-2T Turbine Islander is designed with 2 turboprop
5) BAe 146
The BAe 146 is a British, high wing, 2 turbofan engine aircraft used mainly as a cargo and mid-size
passenger airplane. This aircraft has a very quiet operation and has the characteristic of Short Takeoff and
Landing operations (STOL) 13.
6) Antonov AN-72
The Antonov AN-72 was design with many advanced features intended to maximize short takeoff and
landing (STOL). It has two turbofan engines that are located above and forward of the high mounted wing.
This will keep the water spray away from the turbofan engines. It has a combined triple slotted flaps and
other high lift features to reduce runaway distance14.

MTOW Length Height Speed Range
Aircraft (kg) (m) (m) (km/h) (km) Passenger Power Plant
Antonov AN-28 6,100 12.98 4.6 355 510 18 2 Turboprop
LET-410 6,400 14.42 5.83 380 1,380 19 2 Turboprop
Dornier 228 6,600 16.56 4.86 433 1,111 19 2 Turboprop
Britten Norman BN-2 6,600 10.86 4.18 273 1,400 9 2 Piston Prop
BAe 146 42,184 28.6 8.59 801 2,909 80 4 Turbofan
Antonov AN-72 34,500 28.07 8.65 700 4,325 52 2 Turbofan
Table 1. Aircraft Specifications.

University of Glasgow
The information explained from each aircraft and also shown from table 1 reveals common similarities between
these 6 examples. They all have a high wing configuration; use both turboprop or turbofan engines, that gives the
aircrafts Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) capability. Therefore, the main purpose of this design is to create better
designs than the ones explained in the trade study of the Introduction section. This design will create a seaplane that
will have the ability to carry mid-size passenger capacity, or that it could carry as much water for used as water
bomber. High wing configuration gives the aircraft a greater visibility, no ground effect, it uses light structure, it has
a greater wing and propeller clearance, and it is convenient for boarding. Short Takeoff and landing will give the
aircraft more options where to land, especially in bodies of water that are short such as lakes or ponds. These
aircrafts also reveal their passenger or cargo capability. They will all be calculated to obtain the maximum payload
capacity, reduce as much drag, and have an excellent water static and dynamic stability.
Some issues that must be taken into account, is the corrosion that this aircraft will suffer as they will be in
contact with water, especially salt water. Anticorrosion material must be considered or the use of anticorrosion
coatings in places where the aircrafts will be more affected to water. Since no actual changes will be made to the
aircrafts, (or maybe only the landing gears will be removed), changing the material will not be a solution, so a
coating will be the best solution for corrosion. Another issue is the placement of the engines. Engines must be as far
away from water spray, since this may affect the performance of the engine. As said before, changes will not be
made to the aircrafts, however, if it is necessary, it will be considered to move the location of the engines. Although
this will generate an extra cost, all possibilities will be taken into account. A balance of cost vs. performance will
also be analyzed.
Then, rather than just changing the aircraft material or adding an anticorrosion coating, removing the landing
gear and changing the location of the engines, the basic aircraft design will remain the same. The main design
parameter will be to convert this aircrafts to a seaplane. Another important advantage for choosing these existing
designs will be aviation regulations. All this aircraft have all aviation regulations necessary to operate. In that
instance, the only regulations that might be taken into account are the water regulations. Thus, this will reduce the
time of research, especially looking at the FAR 23 regulations required and for the aircrafts that applied for FAR 25.

B. Conceptual Design and Ideas

The main concept of this proposal paper is to give a concept design on how to improve a seaplane. As said
before, to reduce cost, a landplane will be configured to a seaplane. First, a floating device should be added to the
aircrafts, either floats, a boat hull or both. Since the addition of the floating device will cause the aircraft to increase
its weight and drag, new calculations of weight and drag will be made. However, it is essential to get the most
optimized values, without having to reduce too much payload weight, or adding too much drag that will increase
thrust consumption.
An idea of how to reduce aerodynamic drag is to add retractable floats. The floats will retract into the fuselage
and it will create an embody figure that will be aerodynamically fitted, to reduce parasite drag, as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. Example sketch of Retractable Floats, and a Boat Hull of a Seaplane

University of Glasgow
Some other ideas, is to add both a boat hull, and floats, given the seaplane more static and dynamic stability,
shown in figure 2. One issue seaplanes have is that they are not good boats. Some seaplanes cannot operate on water
zones where waves are too large. Extend research on hydrodynamics will be made to find to most optimum values
for the floating device that will be design. This floating device will give the seaplane static and dynamic stability, it
will be able to handle high wave parameters, and finally be capable of high speed maneuver in water.
Another type of an idea is to add catamaran floats. Catamaran floats is a type of multihull boat consisted of two
hulls joined by some structure16. Catamaran floats have an advantage over monohulls, in which they have a higher
speed than those of a monohull of the same size, reducing hydrodynamic drag. Catamarans are also more stable than
Finally, some other ideas will be adding inflatable floats, water thrusters, retractable wings and better navigation
aids. Inflatable floats will give the advantage of reducing aerodynamic drag; however the main concern of inflatable
floats will be stability and control of the seaplane in the water. Water thrusters can be used to aid the seaplane
maneuvering in water when taxi in the seaport, but water thrusters may increase payload weight and they will
become useless once the seaplane is in the air. Retractable wings can be used when the seaplane is operating on
water to reduce clearance space and have a better access to seaports and maintenance hubs. But retractable wings
can add weight, and reduce structure support. Navigation aids will be useful for a seaplane to operate in many types
of weather conditions, in which the pilots can aid on instrumentation, and the seaplane will have an optimum
operating condition, but then, the excess of too many instruments will also increase payload. All of these ideas will
be carefully analyze and final results will be given in order to find the optimum values.
Last, an alternative type of engine can also be investigated. Boeing has been making some tests on aircraft that
have been powered by hydrogen fuel cells, called a Cryoplane17. Airlines and aircraft manufactures are working on
finding alternative fuel engines that are not reliable on hydrocarbons. Michael J Sefain, from Cranfield University,
made an extend research on Hydrogen Aircraft concepts, in which he explains a conceptual design of a medium
range aircraft design6. An extend literature review will be analyze to look for a possibility of a hydrogen engine.

III. Theory
The main concept of this research will be to create a seaplane from a landplane existing in the market, like the
ones shown in table 1. For that instance, the only change to the original design will be to add floats, a boat hull or
both, as explained in section B of the Proposal section. Using Archimedes Principle, the buoyancy force will be first
calculated based on the total takeoff weight of the aircraft. So from Archimedes Principle, the following equation
was derived:

 =   (1)

Since the net force of the object must be zero, then the sum of the buoyant force and the weight of the object,
based on Newtons second Law will give the following:

= 0 =    (2)

Arranging equation (2), the volume necessary for the object to float is given as follows:

 = (3)

With the total volume calculated, the boat hull and float dimensions will be calculated. The design of the boat
hulls and floats will be done with the assistance of Marcus Langley, Seaplane Float and Hull Design book2.
Langley gives empirical formulas, mostly based on streamlines of floats and hulls designed in 1935. Langley
explained basic principles on floats, boat hulls, water stability and other parameters necessary for the design of a
seaplane that will be essential for the design of this project. Langley calculates the weight of a float based on the
Total Gross Weight of the Aircraft (MTOW), using a comparative curve of area and streamline forms3. The
following equation was derived:

 = 0.0365 + 43.5 (4)

University of Glasgow
Based on the existence of a small biplane from 1935 (MTOW=1,300lb) that had been converted to a seaplane by
adding floats, he proved his equation in which the total calculated weight of the floats was 182lb with the 193lb of
the actual weight of the floats.
With the boat hull and floats dimensions calculated, the optimum values for stability, and water maneuvering
will be calculated using Langleys Seaplane Float and Hull Design, or modern naval architecture knowledge.
Therefore, for the purpose of this proposal paper, further study of this book will be done in order to decide if the
formulas are relevant for the design of this project.
Then, a structure analysis of the floats, and boat hull should be done. Since the floats will be retractable, the
material should be strong enough to withstand impact on water landing. Structure analysis will be done using FEMA
software. Theoretical analysis using basic structure equations will be done as well to support the FEMA analysis.
Next to the hull and floats structure analysis, the weight of the aircraft must be recalculated, as well for the
aerodynamics and the thrust performance. As we know, the weight will increase, decreasing the payload weight.
However for an optimum result, it is desired to maintain the payload weight from the original aircraft design. Drag
will also increase, reducing the thrust performance and therefore minimizing mission parameters. However, the drag
will also be taken into account by lowering as much as parasite drag by adding an aerodynamic hull and retractable
floats. New aerodynamic values will be recalculated using Daniel P. Raymers Aircraft Design Approach5. Based on
the thrust requirements the engines can produced, it will be analyzed if the engines should produced more thrust in
order to accomplish the new increase drag, or just maintaining the same engines.
With the use of Langleys book, a new calculation of the Total Gross Weight of the seaplane can be done, adding
the Floats or Boat Hull and eliminating the landing gear. Based on the following, the following equation will be

 =  + ! + " #$ (5)

Equation (5) calculates the total Gross weight of the Seaplane, by adding the weight of the floats, the boat hull
and subtracting the landing gear to the original Gross Weight of the Aircraft.
So as being said before, since a boat hull or floats will be added, drag force will increase on the seaplane.
Equation (6) shows a breakdown of a calculation of the coefficient of drag8:

%& = %&' + %&( + %&) (6)

From equation (6) it resulted in the addition of Parasite, Induced and Compressibility Drag. The coefficient of
drag that will suffer more changes in its value from that of the original aircraft design will be parasite drag, since the
addition of floats or boat hull will occurred on more components to interfere with the air. Induced drag may vary
since it is depend of Lift. However this may not have a wide variation since the same wing configuration will be
used. Compressibility drag will not have a great impact since the aircrafts shown in table 1 do not have speeds of
over Mach of 0.8 (M>0.8), therefore no big variations will be made. Then assuming induced drag and
compressibility drag are the same, only the parasite drag added by the floats and boat hull must be calculated. The
following equation is then derived:

%&* = %&+ + %&' + %&', (7)

Equation (7) states that the coefficient of drag for the seaplane is the addition of the actual coefficient of drag of
the original aircraft design plus the parasite drag of the floats and hull. The parasite drag of the boat hull and floats
can be measured by the equivalent flat plate drag area.
Finally, after the drag values have been measured, recalculations of the weight breakdown of the seaplane must
be done. Since the weight of the seaplane may increase from that of the original design, therefore payload weight
may decrease. This will also drive to reducing the mission parameters of the aircrafts, unless fuel is increased. Since
the mission requirements (range, rate of climb, speed, etc) is dependant of the thrust generated by the engines, these
values will then decrease, unless new engines are installed, but this will generate extra cost.
Finally, in order to maximize the payload weight, a productivity curve will done using the following equation:
-./0 = (8)
1 2

University of Glasgow
From equation (8) it is seen that productivity depends on the payload weight, divided by the empty weight plus
the fuel weight. Since the empty weight of the seaplane will increase, and probably the payload will decrease,
productivity will decrease. However, maximizing this productivity will be the main challenge of this project, since
the main concern is to find the most optimum payload weight without decreasing it as much as that from the original
aircraft designs.
Equations (1) (8) are just some of the main equations that will be considered in the elaboration of this project.
Extend research on hydrodynamics will be conducted to calculated stability and control of the seaplane in the water.
Aerodynamic calculations will also be conducted as well. Therefore more calculations and equations will be added
to the final report.
All of these calculations will be made by using an iterative method using computer software called MATLAB.
Figure 3 shows a graph on how this computer code will work to calculate all dimensions.
Finally, with the optimum values obtained, a CAD model using SOLIDWORKS will be presented to show 3D
picture of the new designs.

Figure 3. Flowchart of the Design and Optimization Architecture using MATLAB

University of Glasgow
IV. Conclusions
In the end, the aircrafts from table 1 will have a seaplane aspect. The following pictures (figures 4-6) show a
representation on how the aircrafts could look after the final results are calculated.

Figure 4. Future representation of a LET L-410 as a seaplane configuration20

Figure 4 shows a picture of the LET L-410. It is clearly shown it has some sort of floats, or floating device.
However, the landing gear was maintained, but for simplicity, the landing gear may be removed. These pictures
show how the final results of the project must look like, maintaining most the original aircraft design, but adding a
floating device. Figure 5 is an image of an Antonov AN-28, while figure 6 is an image of a BAe 146.
A comparison between the existent seaplanes will be made with the seaplanes created in this project to compare
the specifications and parameters that were obtained. The main idea is to overcome those parameters from the
existent seaplanes in the market. For example, the Beriev BE-200 can carry up to 12,000 liters of fluid; this project
will calculate an aircraft that could carry more capacity than the Beriev Be-200, but maintaining low costs for
operations, maintenance, and production. Some seaplane will have the capacity to carry passengers, with better
mission parameters, such as longer ranges, or faster speeds, while other seaplanes will be useful as cargo aircraft.
Finally, one or two aircrafts can have the ability as a passenger, cargo and even water bombers. The final results will
be presented with graphs, tables and values of the new design project.

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Figure 5. Future representation of the Antonov AN-28 as a seaplane configuration20

Figure 6. Future representation of a BAe 146 as a seaplane configuration20

University of Glasgow
Since this project is in its preliminary design face, more extend research, calculations and work will be done.
First a theoretical approach should be done, obtaining calculated values. However the main purpose is to conduct
practical tests in wind tunnels and in the field as well. Hopefully, this project may attract the attention of industry to
conduct some field tests and required funds to conduct the project.
Final conclusions will also be to comment on future long term ideas. Advance new seaplane designs could be
made, based on the increase of the market. Amphibian aircraft will also be considered, since the ability of landing on
land makes an aircraft more reliable and have a better acceptance in the market. Investment in new technologies and
material should be done as well. Larger seaplanes with better ranges should also be considered. Efficient, safe and
comfortable seaports and docking facilities should also be analyzed to improve seaplane market. Finally more
unified seaplane regulations should exist, especially in Europe; this will help the seaplane market be more practical
and have a better acceptance in the aircraft society.

Alan Canamar will like to thank Dr. Eng. Ladislav Smrcek for all his collaboration to this project. Also, will like
to thanks the University of Glasgow for the support on equipment and facilities provided in order to conduct this
MSc Project. I will like to thank the especial collaboration of Mr. Ludovit Jedlicka, Under Graduate student of
VSVU Bratislava (Slovakia) for elaborating the futuristic images of the LET L-410, the Antonov AN-28, and the
BAe 146.

Cronin Millar Consulting Engineers, Seaplane Environmental Impact Information Report, The Mews Cobh Co. Cork, 21
Dec 2009
Langley, Marcus, Seaplane Float and Hull Design, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, LTD, London, UK, 1935
Langley, Marcus, Seaplane Float and Hull Design, Chapter IV Float Design, page 65, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, LTD,
London, UK, 1935
MacGregor Garcia,, G. K., Future Seaplane Traffic, Dept of Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow, 2009.
Raymer, D. P., Aircraft Design, A Conceptual Approach, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.,
Washington D.C., USA, 1992
Sefain, Michael J., Hydrogen Aircraft Concepts & Ground Support, Cranfield University
Syed, Huda, Amphibian Aircraft Concept Design Study, Dept of Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow, 2009.
Wells, Valana,Review of Aircraft Aerodynamics, Course Notes, Dept of Aerospace Engineering, Arizona State
University, 2008
Antonov AN-28 2011; [Cited Jan 26, 2011]
LET-410 2011; [Cited Jan 26, 2011]
Dornier Do 228 2011; [Cited Jan 26, 2011]
Britten Norman BN 2 2011; [Cited Jan 26, 2011]
BAe 146 2011; [Cited Jan 26, 2011]
Antonov AN-72 2011; [Cited Feb 2,
Beriev BE-200 2011; [Cited Jan 26, 2011]
Catamaran Floats 2011; [Cited Feb 3, 2011]
Hydrogen Powered Engine 2011; [Cited Feb 3, 2011]
Seaplane Environmental Impact 2011; [Cited Feb 3, 2011]
Transportation in UK 2011; [Cited Feb 10, 2011]
Mr. Ludovit Jedlicka, UG student of VSVU Bratislava (Slovakia)

University of Glasgow
1. Kaplan, Leon, The Hydrofoil and Float Combination, 2008
2. Labouchere, James, Definition of new aircraft to achieve FUSETRA objectives, Centaur Seaplane, 2010
3. Shevell, Richard S. AA241 A, B, C: Introduction to Aerospace Systems Synthesis and Analysis. Course notes. Stanford
University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1979.
4. Shevell, Richard S. Fundamentals of Flight. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983.
5. Tomaszewski, K. M., Hydrodynamic Design of Seaplane Floats, Aeronautical Research Council, 1950
6. Wragg, Daniel W., The boats of the air, 1984
7. Catamaran Design 2011 ; [Cited Feb 3, 2011]

University of Glasgow

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